Oapt. Swipes and the. Loyal Union League.- Mr. Enrron:—Podunk has spoke. Po (funk is loyul. Likewise she is Union— and to some extent she is League. Last night was, - as the Parson trooly said'on that oecasun, a memorable epoch in the history of,Podunk, and not only of Po dunk, but of the world. Futoor genera= tions will revel© the" day, babies yet tin- born will. have a big time on it; and the almanacs of the futoor will make mention of the occurrence which made it-sellybrat- - ed. Them's the minister's langwige. I went over to tho school house last nite, and _found a smart sprinklin' of a crowd into that edifis. The room was geogeOusly lited with kerosene lamps, and candles 'which the thoughtful liberal-. ity ofit good mane_ folks endoosed 'em to bring along. Aftefr, we'd had time for a general how do-do, Square Dobb called the meeting to order and sea he : ' 'Feller citizens, as the time hayoarrov: on to Organize this meetin', I would move thit our distinguished feller citizen--dis tinguished ekwally for the intelleck he's get inAtini and - for his many . virtoos—l say I'd move that our distinguished feller citizen Capt. Ethan Swipes take the cheer and preside over this . meetin'. - Those in favor sayl ; contrary, by the Same sine. It's carried. -Capt. Swipes, the voice of this assemblage calls you• to preside over its deliberashuns. Ses I, ' She shan't call twict. Lo, hero am and Walked magesticul up to the master's desk, and rappirt - d - n-to it, sea I, Ahem 1--4116 meetin' will come-to or der !' Then I sot down' and loCked dignified 'for, about a minute and a half, and then ses.l-everele, Order, gentlemen, order!' addin' niply, ' Square .Oohed will explain the ob jeci of the meetin.' - The Square got up and ses he : Chairmrn, the call for this moetin' is as follows : ' The loyal citerzen of Podunk and all others in favor of detainiu' this Union and expressiu' this unholy rebelyun, is invited . to meet at the school house this eveuin' for the purpose of forming a Loyal Union League. Rally, freemen of Podnnkl— Your kuutry calls! Shew your colors and give rebelvun'its death-blow ! When Podunk speaks let rebels tremble !' 'Mr. - Chairman; the crisis have arroyo& The eyes of the world is onto us. Tho times demand that every citerzen should show his hand! Our kentry is in+ danger, and there's no way to save it but for us, citerzens of Podunk, in solemn council as; _sembled, to declare in thunder tones that we are loyal. Let us speak in such a way to-night' that Jeff. Davis and his satullites will know that Podunk harbors no tray tura. 'Our • kentry is in danger! troo sons. Let's show her that she's got 'em in Podunk, by formin' a Loyal Union League.. Pd like to Fear ' • from Parson Twitter.' Rem the Square soi, down, and the Par son got up and sqdared hisself fora per ' mon. The minnit ho opened, the folks began to lay back jest as they do on Sun-- days and before he got thrn, there wan't ten wide-awakes in the house. The Par `son closed by readin' the follerin' : Whereas, This is - the hour of our try's - peril, and whereas in these times lie who is not for ;me is agin me, and he that soweth not my clothes, searcheth a board therefore, Resolved, That we, the loyul citerzens of Podunk, whose names are here silted, declare that we are patriots, et rettery, and that those whose names a.te not shied are sympathizers with rebelyun. Resolved,•That for the purpose of tes tifyin' our affection - for this guv ment and hatred for treason, we hereby form our selves into a Loyal Union League, and pledge ourselves to keep on doin' so un til-the last rebel ,is exterminated, and the fast traytur 'dies: of old age. Square Dotted he seconded the resolu shuns, whiel_he sed had the raal, patrio io ring into 'em, and he called for the 9u&- •tion. Jest as I was goin' to put it, a - young, feller in the back part of the room got up and ses he, Mr. Chairthan, - if Tesolushuns wonid I have killed rebels, they'd-a been resolved 'out of e*stence Moen a year ago. We citerzeni of Podlink hey expressed our unalterable-devotion to the Union twenty seven different times, and jest as many times hey warned Jeff. Davis and _his fel , ler trayturs that this unholy rebelyun must be crushed, and.fowl treeson- extur pated—But somehow they • don't seem to mind the reslushuns we pass, nor the speeches we make, and I kinder begin to -suspect that-they've got used ta'em, and we'd better try something else; so I , move to amend the resolutions by adding: And whereas, hat-as' the" rebels air in arms, and . avon't listen to reason, nor take in a rashunal idee u nless you first - make axle in their - zeds for it to get in ;. and whereas, the kentry has got to hev more salgers, therefore, • , Resolved, That the members of this Leao - tie hereby volunteer for' the war.' And on this I call the question. 11 ` I mit the questy nn, • and the- way the boys yelled I' was a sin. So, ses I; 6 I guess tain't worth while to call for tother side ; it seems to be unanermus.' At this, up jumped the Parson and sed the trail of the sarpent was plain 'to be seen.' . - Then Square Dolma he got up, and sed the Emma Sarabs of Jeff Vans was a mong us. He feared ,the Chair wasn't sound—He feared he was a Copperhead, and that this was no place for loyal men. Ile'd withdraw his resolushun, and ~withd raw hisselfiand,invite the trooly loyal to meet at some other time. -So be started fat - the door, follered by about , half the crowd, swifts he went sea I, with. wither in' sarkaatn, ' Square, of Pm a Copperhead iUitm-alinutton led-; I kin bite„, but you i:III ' 6IAV b After he-ind-his friends had gone we 1)8814 the follerin' : Res?!yea, That-this crowd' hain't got no three himdred ollar_sneaks in it, but that well stand our draft,and.chivaree-ev erg man that wont 'go when he's drafted, but crawls out through his puss strings. Then we adjourned,,and I'm in doubt whether a I . ..eague or not,' but certain that rtn Yours, • ' • ' )r Ein s S t IVIPES. A PLAIN EPISTLE TO UN LE. AM, I have a tnessage, Uncle Abe, - For your own private ear, As I can't get to WashingtOn; And as you won't come here, • I'm forced to put it into,type With circumspection meek, As bashful-members often print, A speech- they do not speak. z, head is nigh Ito bursting, r be, ' llfyery 'eye-bias throb, To see what pesky work you make • About that little-job, Which you and Bill, and Horace G. Agreed so nice to do, • In . less than " - sixty days" from date, Some twenty months ago ! We gave you heaps of soldierspAbe, To help you smite the foe.; A string' of warriors that winald reach From.here to Mexico. - • We packed them off:mth'spades to dig And trusty guns to shoot, With haversacks to grace their backs, And fifes and drums to-toot. 1 • Yoursaw these mighty legions, Abe, And heard their manly . tread ; You counted hosts of lirtng-nie3 l , Pray can ion count the dead? Look o'er the broad Potomac, Abe, Virginia's hills along, ' Their wakeful ghOsts are'beck'uing you Two bupdre4, thousand strong ! .We glike you scv:eral . shillings, Abe, To pay your little duns• Enowltto.buy k dozen shirts, And sundry pairs of shoes, - We gave you Cattle, horses, mules, And wagons-4ull n-score ; _ And'several cannon with a voice Loud as. a bull could roar. Now whit I'm after, lincle Abe, . Is simply to find out, What you have done with -all this 'ere, And what you've been about! If unto' Oesir you have given, • • All "that is his concern, • • • - Then Mrs. Caesar wants to know What vouVhave done with kern. I know you're young & handsome, Abe r And funny as your Pol, A peer exalted, great and high, A Ruler seven foot . tall. • You're big enough, if only smart; To manage all the gang, - And tho a little green—you'll rise, When you have got the Hang ! You told us that the Lodos,,Abe, Were rascals to the core, Because they made so free a use Of Uncle Samuel's store. Full sixty milliolts in a year! Now wasn't it sin For Democrats to squander thus The darling people's tin ? - And are you not deserving, Abe, - Both gratitude and. grab, For having stopped this -wicked leak In Uncle Samuel's tub? The-sage who did tha woundrous deed, Is fit for saints to slip; It only costs-two millions more To plug the vessel up. Yon said the Soutliliad ruled Mt, Abe, ' Sorne4Efty years in peace, And that ithe time had fully come, When, their vile reign should cease; That you were bound to take the helm, The sinking ship to save, And put her on another track— ., And--I rather think you have! You're out of luck, entirely, Abe,' The engine's off the track; The boiler's burst, and there 'route, • A squalling on your back! The excise man is at the door, COntractors cry for pelf; You're blind and •stuptd, deafand lame, Nor very well yourself: - Your Cabinet is feeble, Abe, And dull as - any dunce; And if you havo an Once of brains, . You'll ship them off at puce ; Send Stanton to the Feejeasles, GiVeWelles mid Chase the sack, Swap Halleck for a Hottentot, And, send for LITTLE Mac. I know you tell Us, Uncle Ahe, This is. a mighty war; And that the job is rathr more,, Than what you bargained for l' That you haVadone the best you could, • To make the rebels rue it, 'And if you knew what' next to do, You'd go right °Wind do it ! -Now that's the very thing, Abe, That, makes this din and clatter, - You don't appear to "see it," Abe, And that is what's the matter ! The nigger's in the wood-pile, Abe, As shy as any trout; Do You think the Proclatnation, Abe, smoke the out ? ' • Ton want to free the darkies, Abe, - At least I so construe it ;.% _The difficulty seems to be, Tofind out how -to doit. • The way, dear Abe, Li:mighty dark,' And bothersome to see; - I think.you'll have' to give it up, And let' the darky be. I tell you , what it. is, Abe, The folks ;r begin to think, - Tbisnolored sop Is' rather stale, For vietuals or for drink. . Ourmothertiove their abient sous 1 . • I i• • Qui. Isives.theithusbands true,„ But no eine cares bniouldy. fis, • for Cant - ill - a for- you. NOTICE. M• C. TYLER. has specified interests with ru, e the same as with Our predecessors. MOONEY, CORTI. & Ca..3E3Cemecl - ocrevro sib CPaa.t.• 3:4ei - g Dealers, and would be happy to see. his old friends, or receive their orders, which we will execute in the very beet manner in his absenee. LOZDERBACK, GILBERT 8; CO, . 23 Park, Row, N. Y. Jan. Ist, 1863. Grateful , for•past Divers, the subscriber would most respectfully . call the attention of all prompt paying Mer chants aneffraders, to the above notice.' Ordetil ter Hardware will be received here, and forwarded .3if ap proved.) except during . the months of April, - M ay; Sept. and Oct. During those mouths he will he most happy•to see his friends and nerve them at 23 Park Row. N. York. Respectfully.',„ . 31. C. TYLER. Montrose, Feb.17th,t3,63. • . , PATENT IVTEDIOINES' A N effort was made to make a List of: Patent Medi- Jo& eines for sale at TurrelPs Drug Store, but it wile found too lengthy for publication. POrhaps it .will be sufficient to say, that nearly every. kind in any market, or advertised in Newspapers, may he found at the Drug and Variety Store of . ABEL TURRELL. Montrose,.3larch 24, 1863. , . Seed,.Potatoes - -for-Sale. 6 on , bushels of Goodrich's seedlings comprising V the following varletiei. Garnet Chili, Cuzco, Central City, Callao, and Pinkeye Rustycoat. . Also 50 bushels of Early Junes. Price $2.50 per bbl.. delivered at the Pittston depot. The Mil. to, contain as many of the sorts as .you choose. Packages of each sort sent b mail post paid at 2 cts. each,/ Cash to accompany alt orders. Reference given if desired. - P. SUTTON', Ransom, I.u.i. Co.. Pa: . . April 14th, 1803. fiw . - . • • - NEW 'MILFORD THE mideralt,•, , ted would Inform the public that he still ciries on the Foundry'lii New Milford borough, near the corners, I have ou bond, and am continually maim. factoring, • t Plows and Plow 'Points; • CULTIVATORS ... And JOB Woßinniiiha on short notice._ All work warranted to be good material and•finish. J. S. TINOLEY. New Milford, April 11,180 a. 7 . . 1 Watches, '. Jewelry, a n d . CLOVER & . T I 1 OTITY T. SiIver Ware. THE undersigned would respectfully . Invite - - St- MMI TZ).. your atteritiowto his well selected stock-of Fine ,1 Gold and Silver WATCHES. Fine Gold JEWEL. I,ARGE BRADFORD CO. i ? ...' RY, of every kind and.varlety of stvles—com ; prisin g all of the newest and most beautiful designs. ' OHIO MEDIUM., C . i Aldo, Solid Silver Ware. equal to coin—and the best CHINA SEED WHEAT. • I make of !Silver Plated Ware. Each article is warranted - I to be as repreneote.d. —..-- SEED - CORNP EA S,• , .re-Watches and Jewelry carefhtly re t \in iced and sat's , and a general assortn .. litit . of- Garden ,S . eeclx. faction guaranteed., - . JACOB HARLEY. • • • CASH PAID MEL- . 1 . _. N 0 ( S . l 672 e s s i s a o r r k to et r Stauffer oet,s4 l l l a n d r e l i e li v ii ) i ti, : • j . March-9th , 1863. 3ms,k3mf.. ,-,-,---. . • Filaar.-036d1i, . During the month of March.-.• ,4 . ~ •-• , . - BALDWIN, Ji ALLEN BARNHART Montrose„ March 3,1863. 2m • • • NATIONAL 'COMMERCIAL' COLLEGE, 8. E. corner 7th 8 Chestnut -eta, . '3P.ISEIX-NA.3=O.I.T:A= I 3IECX.A., This is one of the TEN-Colleges constltialny the Na. tional Chain, located in Philadelphia, New York City Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit Chicago, and St. Louis. Scholarships issued by any one of these Colleges arc gohd reran unlimited time.. , The Collegiate Couree, • Embraces Book-keeping for every variety of business, in its most adproyed forms,—Pepmanship. 'Abe celebrated fipenceriaa system,—Commercial Calculations, Commer cial Law. Brisibesscorrespondence, Arithnietic,Lectures. These Institutions possess a untlOnal TepUtatipe, and guarantee &rester fac il ities for preparaing young e n for the duties oT the counting house, and business get rally, than any- other similar schools in the country. The Philadelphia College, Has been recently enlarged and re-furnished in a sup& rlor manner, and is noW the largest and most prosperous Commercial Institution in the State. Its well known thorough course of instruction, (belong practical experi ence of Principals,and superior accommodati on s,oll'er uneqnalled inducements to young men wh ., o wish to ac quire the best preparation , and the best introduction to the business world. Diplomas &Warded, and graduates me-commended to business men. - PRACTICAL TEXT BoOxs.—Bryant & Stratton's Book- Keeping. threeiditions,—Cotnmon school, price 75 cts.. High school. $1.75,_ and Counting House.—Brynat and Stratton's Commeicial Arithmetic, 51,25--Tiryant A S's Commercial Law, $2,50. Atti of these books sent by mail.. on receipt of price-. IplSend for our eatalogcte,containingefull particulars, and note awfully the Ten opeeini adrantages of these Colleges over all others. Address ' STRATTON, BRYANT .t.CO.. 1 decly pw2o , Philadelphia; Pa. ami'm;m=stm UIL,I. & ESN 111. The Passenger Trains of this Companynow Kan to - and from Binghamton as follows: • LEAVE' BINGHAMTON at 6:15 a. m.; connecting at SnANTON' with the Lack;wann a,&, Bloomsburg Rail Ih - Jad for Pittston,' Wyoming Valley, Kingston and •' WilkesHarie fat HOPB, with the Belvidere Delaware Railroad for Phil , lipsburg, Trenton and Philadelphia; and at - FUNCTION, with trains on the Central Railroad of N. Jersey, for Elizabeth,•Newark, and New York. Also for Eastern, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Reading and Harrisburg; brriving at •.- N EW York 5:30, Philad'a &DO, and Harrisburg 8:05p.m. LEAVE NEW YORK, foot Of Ofinrtland-st. at 8:00 Philad‘a, foot of Walnut-st, at G a.m., connecting at SCRANTON. with Lackawanna & Bloomsburg IL R. for Pittston, WyomingVallcy, Kingston and Wilkcsbarre and arrive at Binghamton 1:20 pi. m., connecting with Nights Express W es t on thc Erie Railway, and trains leaving Binghamton next'morning for Cortland, Ho mer and Syracuse. PIT This:Road passes Ciro - the Lackawanti a Coal Field, and the celebfaNd Delaware Water Gap: , • • AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Scranton for Great Bend at 9:50 a. m., connecting at that place with Day Express West on the ERIE Railway, and thus forming a direct connection with Trains on the Binghamton & Syracuse Railroad; Returning leaves Great Beud 2:19 p. m., and arrives at ' Scranton 6:30 p. m. _ • OHN . BRISBIN, Superintendent. R. A. REMIT, Gen. - Ticket Agt. [Scranton. Pa. A Lecture To TOW; Men: Just Published, in a Sealed Enteiop ; Pries Six Cents. ALiCTURE, on the natnre, treatment and radical cure of spermatorrhceaoe seminal weakness, hivolut tary enaissipus,,sexctal debility, ami impediments to marriage generally, neryoutaeds. COusninptlon, epilupsyand FM.; mental and physical incap_acity. resulting from selfabuse, ROB'[': J. CIILJiIVELL, N. D. author of the Green Book. itc. . 1 " ) • The world-mow - tied anthor, in this admirable leetnro icearly proves from his own experience that the awful ccmsequences of self.-abuse may be effactutily removed without medicine. and Without dangerous singlesl oper ations, bpugies; imitruments, rings, or cordials,pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, can care himseWqhcaply, privately, and radically. This lec ture will prove a boon ttethousands and thousands. Sent under Seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on the receipt &six cents. or two postage stamps, by ad dressing. - CHAS. d. C KLINE CO. noYIS lyeq] 127 Bowery, ;•;. Y., 80x,4526 /TEO' COMPOUND EXTRACT OF - BOCK gOSE. the:-Great Remedy foe Indigestion. BlIllous• and ficrofolouseomphtlnts, And all diseases of the Blood. for sale, at wholesale and retail, by ABEL-TURRELL. • . • - 30 41 1.11:t X X:o ' , • (1., rapmitene. candlep, lamp oil, se tt - " tinquestionably the best sustained- wink of the kind in the world." HARPER'S ; . • NEW MONTHLY !MAGAZINE Critical Notices of the Press. • The volumes bound constitute of theniseices a library of uilscullaneons reading such as cannot he found In the same - compassiu any other publication that has come under our notice.—ilooton Courier.. The most popular moullily in the xyorld.—lrew York Obsencr. We Must refer lii terms Of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of liarlier's Magazine—a journal with a monthly circulation of about MAO copied—ln whose pages are to be found some of the",ehtileest light and gen eral reading of the,day.- We speak - v(llde work as an ev idence of the American People ; and the popularity it • has acquired is .merited.. Each number contains fullY 144 pages of reading -matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood cuts; anti it combines in itself the racy Monthly and the more philosophic cinaiterly,;,blended with the heat features of the daily journal. It has great s powe.r.in the dissemination ore love.of• pure literature.= Tnurturtell Guile todimeriecra Literature, London. Me Magazine in Europe-or Anierira is so well kupwn ; male has half as many readers ;. and we may safely say. none has received so large a tribute of admiration from the cultivated classes. that delight In a healthy. diversi fied elevating periodical literature. It is the foremosl Magazine of the day. The fireside never bad a more de lightful companion. nor the million a More enterprising friend, than Liarpeea Magazine.—Nethodial Protestant, .(13altimore.) ' • The papers of permanent value which have been pub lished in almost t very number, render a complete set of Harper's Magazine a desirable acquisition teeny public,. or private library. .The Publishers can supply complete sets, or any number from ,the comment! , ment. For. Twenty-live Cents they . will send any number, by 'MAIL , li t ? lint.. A m. ?? l , l ' e ol m n a itio p n o ta st lning six Numbers, bound paid, to"any place withht i 1500 miles of New York. for Two Dollars and Fifty cqfits: {,Complete sets, now comprising .Twenty-five Volumes, will he sent by Express, the freight at the expense of the purchaser, for One Dollar and Eighty-eight Cents per 4 ). olume.i - 1 One Copy for one year. sl. 00; Two Copies for one rear. $.5 00 ; "Harper's Magazine" and " Harper's 'W eekly." one year. $5 00.. Arfd an extra Copy. gratis. for every Club of Teir Subscribers, at $2 20 each k or. 11 icopies for $.25. . . Clergymen and Teachers supplied at $2, 50 a year.— The'Seml-Annual Volumes bound in Cloth. $.2 50 per vol- I. ume.. Muslin Covers. 25cents each. nett When ordered i to he sent by mail, eight cents additional must he re- Imitred for postage. The postage upon Harper's Maga zinritiust be paid at Jim °Mee Where it is received. The Postage Thirty; six Cents a year. or .Nine Cents.forthree months. iixtuTit & BROTIIERS, Ap. `2.8, 3w FEKNELIN SQUARE, NEW. YORE. MCI IN ligE PRICES! PEACE APPROACHING. Large Lines of PRICES Conquered and ReduOed 33T.3151.7Ftriurr. • NEW 3IrLORD, PA:, receiving, for Spring snpplles, new and large Mock* o f • CHOICE . • DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, • - CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES, IRON 4 , STEEL. NAILS, PAINTS; LAMP, AND ' LINSEED - OILS, _ BEN ZOLE, CARPETINGS, ' FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS.. , WALt Paper„ Window SHADES, , HATS afttl CAPS, BOOTS' and SHOES,' . • CLOCKS, &0:V&C. Inclnding, ne usual, f ill a t v ir e e s tf o e f s of the mint - popular LADIES' DRESS GOODS, • . SHAWLS, • . BONNETS ; RIBONS, FLOWERS, .• Which he will sell on the most favorable terms, for,- : CASH, PRODUCE, = . PROMPT TIME BUYERS. Flour & salt, constantly on hand SUSQ'A COUNTY CLASSICAL & NORMAL i5;(31:Lcocol. S. S. HARTW ELL, 8.A.. ' ASSISTED BY ;.- ExperienCed & Competent Instructors. The Winter- Tenn commences on Mon day, March '2nd, TUITION-PEE TEEM OP 11 WEEKS. English, from, • $2 to' 600 Latin. Greek and German, each - 400 French: 8 00 English. with one language 7 50 —No bill for the above studies shall exceed 9 00 :Music °tithe Piano • • • Ese of Instrument • ...2 00 No deduction for absence except in cases of pro — tracted illness, or by special agreement. ' • Board can by obtained from $2,00 to $2,50 per week. Pupils wishing .to board themselves -can find good rooms at moderate charges._ For further particulars ad; dress the Principal: aLslontrosc. Pa. JESSUP, Pres . t. C. F. READ, Beery. t f . Feb. 17, 1862. LACKAWANNA &BLOOMSBURG • ( - )and after Dee..llth, 1862, Passenger Trains will li N rcin as follows: - 'Mc:NINO SOUTII. .. • • Passenger. Mann • rave Scranton, at . 7.00 a. m. ' 11.00 • Kingston, at 8.40 ArriVes.4o ' - Rupert, at 11.00 - 7.20 " Danville. at 11.48 a. m. 8.20 " . Arrive at Northumberland, 12'.20 • 9.19' " . MOVING Nortu. Learn Northumberland 5.20 p . , m. 6.45 , • , Danville, 6.00 --:f 4 4 8.00 I- " Rupert, 6.35 . "or 0.30 All Kingston, • 8.45*. . .1.45 Arrfve at'Scrantm, 10.00p.m. -8.40 A passenger train also le.aves King,ston at 8.90 a. M. for Scrantonlo connect with train for New York. Return- flag: leaves Scranton otearrival of train froin New York, at 4.15p.m. The Lackawanna and Bloomsbnrg Railroad connects • with the Delawarc.l.Ackawanna and Western Railroad at Scranton. for New York and intermediate points east. At Rupert...it connects with Catawissa Railroad for points both cast and west, arriving at Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m, • A tp . m, Connects with the Philadelphia and ,Brie and Mottbern Central Rillrorid, for points west and south—,-Passengers arriving at llarrisburg" at 4.50 p. m. , • John P. 'ILSLRY, J. C.-WELLS;Gen..Tieket Agent. , • . S.- N. Pettenglitli ao. • , . . s . - 1 No ay PARK ROW; Nevi? Yeirk, and 6 State Street, , /I Boston; are oar agents for the "Montrose Democrog,in those cities, and are authorized:to take advertisements andisubseriptions for as at our lowest rates, sungliCATIP.( OIL,• F ort MI Kind* of Machinery, for sale bb ABEL tURRELt. Tuirelr4 'I 4 33II=t3IICEI. TEE, ALL .81117I9IEitiT.TTIRE* The Great "American Remedies,ll Known - am lirelmboldts ttENITINE.IIItP4RATIONS,Itiz: REVABOLTrS EXTRACT "BEClit," • SARSAPARILLA, " INPROVEIT ROSE MELICBOtD'S .GEAIIINE PRItaIIATION, "Efighly,Concentriitcd" COmpound . • Mac:Vs-12ot '33%2.03au p • A positive and Specific Remedy for diseases.of the Bladder, Kidneys, Criafel, and Dropsical . . --Tilts Medicine increases. the slower of dittetotion. and. excites the absorbenti into healthy action. by which the watery or caicerous depositions. anti all unnatnral cn laruements arc reduced. as well ris pain and.inflamation, . and is good for men; women or children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT HUHU • TOR WEAKNESSES . • . . Ammo from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa - teou, Early Ipdiscretion, or Abuse,. - • Attended with the following symptoms: • Indispoaition to Exertion. Luse of Power. Lois of Merriory, ' Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease, Wakefulness. ' Dimness or ViS ion, Pain in the Back, .tiniverSal lassitude of the . Flushing of the Body, Muscular System, Eruptions on the Face, trot Hands, • Pallid Countenance, Dryness of the Thes' symptoms. it allowed.to go on, which this reed.: icine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FAIi";ITY, irILI;CTIC l ITS, In one of which the patient nty_expire.. Who can ray that they are not frequentliv followed by those "direful dieease," Insanity, and Consumption• ?deny are aware of the cause of their-suffering, bht none will conies's. The records cif the insane asylums and the melancholly deaths by Consumption, bear am ple witness to the truth of the asSertion.: The Constitution,.once affected with panic weakness, Reipires, the aid of inedicine to sttenathen find invigor- Ate the systetn, ,vv;,hich ELMBOLITS EXTRACT BU CHU invariably , toes. A trial will convince the most -skeptical. Females, Females, Females, • Old or young, single, innrried, or conteni plating.ntarriage, In many affections - peculiar to Fenn'ley the Extreet Be cbu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chloroeis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations. Ulcerated or Schirtous state of the Merits, Leuchorrhea or :Whites;, Sterility, and tor all complaints incident to the. si.x. whether aris ing from Indiscretion. Habits of Dissipatioit, or in the DECLINE-OR CHANGE OF LIFE. " • *SHE SYMPTOM! ABOVE. " NO FlOl-14, 7 1" - SIIOI.ILD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, 'Jlercury, or unpleasant medicine for ••• • nnpleasant and dangerous, disreases, • HELIUM'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES SECRET DISEASES lan,' their etagei ; at little expellee ; little or ncfellange iu diet; no ineonveuieuce, ' AND! NO EXPOSURE. • It canees frequent- deaire, and gives Ntrengtb to 'Urin ate. thereby remaing .obetrectione. pr.even and ca ring Strictures of tlietrethra, allaying pain and inneni-, mutton, eo frequent in this clean of (been:tee, and expell ing Poisonous, dieeasol, and worn-ouetnatter. - Thousands oi)on . thotimids WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF cycrA.033.19, . And who bare paid HEAVY FEES to be eriredln a abort time, UTIVe touus ViCy Were Cleitml.vor, nna - that fhc •4 rote bon; his, by the no of'! Powerful . Astringents. - been dried up in the eyatem, to break out in Rti aggravatel form, and • PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. " , ' ' it SV. HELMBOLVS EXTRACT BUCHU Foresil sfloctfons and Diseases of The Urinary Organs, - Whether existing in MALE OR FE-11111 2 ,E.from Atialever - cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRVCT. BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it is 'certain tolinve the desired ettect in all Dia easee, for which it aq recommended. BLOOD! BiQoa! BLOOD! Helmbrild'a Highly ?Concentrated Coinpound • Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla This ft Ma uffecticii of the Blood; and attacks the Sex nal,Organs, Linings Of:the 'Nose, Ears, Throat, Wiiid pipe, and other Mucus S'nrfaces. making its appearance in the form of tficeri. Iteltabold's Extract Sarssparril la purifies the Blood and removes alramtly Eruptions of the Skin givin„, ,, to the Cotnplcxiop a Cleat and Healthy Color. .1t bei4gpreparedexpressly,for this class of com plaikts, its Blooe- Purifying Properties are preserved to a greater e ? Vert,t than any other preparation of Sarsupa rillik. , Helmbold's Rage Wash. t - An excellent Lotion for Diseases cif a'Syphliftic Nature, and as au injection in Diseases ofitba. trinirry great's; arising from habits of disipation; tised• in' connection ' rith the Extracts Dacha and Sarsaparilla, in such dis eases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible aid reliable character accontpant i th'medicines: ' CiIiTIFIOATI6/3 OF - CIJILES: From eight to twenty years standing, with names mown to science and fame. , - • For Medical Propurtlet of BUCRE,see Pkepenstitory of the United States. See Professor valuable work on. the{ Prac lice of Physic. , See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr.-PRY -of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. BPIlitAT5f McDOWBBL, a celebrated Physician, and member of the Royal . College of surgeons, Ireland, arid ; published I.b the. Transactions' of the King'and Queen's-Journsl. dee Medico-Cirurgical Review, miblished by, Benjamin Trairers, Fellow of the Royal College .of Snrgeons, , See most of the late Standard works on ETXRAC: $l 00 pen BOTTLE, 04 Sir ror Fts 00 - " SattsaParama,l 00 " • ". 500 Ixroven Itoss.Wasn, 50 " Or halts dozen °reach for $l2 00; Which will be suffi cient tome the'mostobstinaite cases, it' 'directions are adhered _ aympteini is all comminteatiena. Curet guaranteed. Advice gratin. _ •• • .•, • , - 'AFFI - DAVIT. Tersotizilly ippetir before mean Alderman of.'the city , of Philadelphia, IL T. Illeintbold,'Who k being May sworn loth sayi his propitiations contain no narcotic,' no mer cury, ofother injuruus drugs, but aresprtrely.vegetable. IL T. HELMBOLD. . • • . Snwn and subscribed befor'e me, this _Std daY of Nov. nu; .' • ' lIIBBARD. a iderman..ls.lintb•t•treot, above - Rae% Addecis. tters for information:hi `confidence, . T.ILitIiMBOLD; Uhemitt. ,• • Depot 101 South Tenth-street, below Chestnnt,,Phiht, ,'BEtrAII3I or comma/mu A.ND WirIIINCIP34:II PFAIZIIS, 1. • • Who endeavor . . to .diapoae of thetr 4 nwp„" and other articles on,the repntaticin attained by - . , • • , Gettutne - Prefiarattous,. . " FAtract Und", - ;*. " Bareitpurll4 " " .Iroproved.gore Wash. Sold brill Druggists eierywhorn: : - - AtitIPORIIILKIIOLIPE—TAXE*O'CritZEL Cut ont-theadvertiFcment, und Rend Am It, end iiVid Imposition and expronm. i Marchloth, (863—, y. *** DI 3 - W1 E INFALLIBLE lb t•1'o'•1•1/E-jr - T - • THE, - • . • GREAT REMEDT; - • FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. LUMBAGO ; GOUT. 'STIFF NECK AND JOINTS; . • SPRAINS, BRUISES. cliTg, . WOIrNDS, PILES, . . ' DEAD A ORE. . [-AND ALL RILUUMATIC AND-NERVOUS MURDERS Fora)] or - which it-is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fang. This Linenientrjs preparec from the recipe or Dr, Stephen Sweet, or Connectlentil-the ruinous bone getter, atm It is been uee•d in his 'practice for Inure than 22 years with Lae most astonishing sucetge. „ AS AN ALLEVIATOR-OF PAIN, it is unrivalled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. • • - . This Liniment will cure rapidly anti mdica* ily. Rhes.. made Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of ca. sea where R has been used it has never ta,pi known to V._ fait . -• • FOR NEURAGIA. it will afford 'immediate •rellet la WI • t:o every case. however.disiressing. ' •It will relieve the worst eases or HEADACHE in three ' minutes and is warranted lb do it. . : TOOTHACHE also it will cure i..stantly. • • FOR NERVOUS ; DEBILITY ; AND GENERAL "'.; LASSITUDE, arising from imprntlence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and, unfailing remedy, Acting directly upon the •nervons _tissues; it strengthens and revivifies the system,. and restores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.—As an external - remedy, we claim thatit is the best knowff, and we challenge the worid l to produce an equal. Every victimof this distressing complaint should giveit a trial, for it will not fail to afford immedi. ate relief, flail in a majority of case" will effect a radical cure. • - • • QUINSY ANTI SORE THROAT . are sometimes, ex. ;• tremely malignant and dangerousbut a timely applies. tion of this linmeent will never cure. SPRAINS .are sometimes very obst iffate. and enlarge. mentor theloints is liable to • occur if neglected. The worst'case may be conquered by this liniment in two or three days. -BRUISES. CUTS. WOUNDS, 'SORES,. ULCERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily-to thewondertal healing propertieS of DR.. SWEET'S INFAI-LIBLR. LINIMENT, when used aceopling to directions.: Also, • CHILBLAINS, FROSTE FEET, - AND' lihECT BITES AND STINGS. • . Dr, Stephen Sweet of Con'eticut, the Great Natural Bone Setter. • Etephen Sweet of Connecticut, is known all over the United States.. ' Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, la the author of = Dr. Sweet's Infallible .iniment." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism and -never fails. Dr, Sweet.'s Infallible Liniment Ia a Certain remedy fur NTlralgia. Dr .Bweet's'lnfallible Liniment Ctires ‘ Bir.s uaucLticaltle. ituniediati:ly. • Dr. Sweet'd Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for sprains \end bruins. . _ Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Headache ivarnediately and was never kaol to tall. , . • Di. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords. immediate relief for Piles., and aeltlnm tails to cure. DR. SWEET'S Innillible LINIMENT Cures toothache in oneminute. - • DR. --- SWEEI"S, Infallible LINIMENT— Cure-euti wounds immediately and leiires'no sear: LINUIENT • Is the !lest remedy for sores-in the known world. DR. SWEEVS. Irithllible LINIMENT 'Has been tilled by - tuore than a million people, and all praise it. . DR. SWEETS - InfMTible LINIAIEMT Taken. internally cures colic, cliolera morhus and cholas DR. SWEET'S la‘irlilv a !'friend 3n ueed,',' and exi,:xylatuily mbobld havea at hand. DR. SWEET'S Infnilible LINIIIF.NT Id for,Falq by all Druggibti... Anti 50 cekit's • ' • A Friend in Need. Try it. • Div Sweet's Infallible Liniment • Its ariesterrial rctiiecly. is 'without a rival, and will alio viute pain more spieedily than any other preparatibn. For all Rheumatic and Nervotis Disorders It is truly' infalliblo and as a curative for sores, wOunds, sprains. broloes, &c. its soothing, healing and powerful` strengthening prop. erties,"exelte the Just wonder and a'stouislirscrt of all Who have ever given it n trial.• Over one thousand . elites of remarkable eures.performed by it within the last two years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS Dr. Swiet's hrfvlliLle Eininzerit for Horses • is unrivalled by any, and in all cases otlameness arising from sprains., brnise.6,"or.wrenching, its-effect is rna:lcal and curtain , llarncr.s or saddle galls. scratches. mange. ete„ it will also cure speedily. Ringbone and sprain may easily be prevented and cured in their incipient sta ges. but confirmed cases are beyond tbe.posstbditv of a radfccacura. No of the kind, however, is so despe rate or hopeless but it may be alleilated by this#iniment and Ha faithful application will alWays remove the large ness and onable the horses'to travel with comparative ,eaSe. Every Horse Owner should have this remedy at hand. fnr iteUtrielynse at the first appearance of lameness will cifetually prevent those formidable diseases, to which .all horses are liable, and Nitich render so many otherwise valuable horses.:.nearly worthless. n u. %wgrAir9% INFALIBLE LINIMENT SO'LDIER'S FRIEND; And thotistinds hive found it truly A FRIEND _INS NEED Terarolit Imposition.; obierve the Signature tutd Lihoners. of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label ; and also "Stepbcn Sweet'it.inthllible Mit-intent" - blown in the glissiof each boille, without whithiloue are genurne,. „ _ BICUAIt DSO:: ,t CO., . sole lioprietors, Norwich', 'CI: M 4b . • • ' ORGAN ~A EN, General Agents: • e • ' de cptNyy - 4 rfreot,.New York. •CC.r, "8 old by dealers everywhere. • KEYSTONE HOTEL, At .! A Montroag, Pa: ling. , Pro r, Piteto T'S;now and commodious Rota issitated on Public Avonue, near the Court Mouse, and neatly-in centre of the business portion of Montrose. The proprietor is conddentthaChe is prepared to entertain guests Ina way that cannot fall to gi ye ENTIRE SATISFACTION. • The Hotel and Parniture.-are new, and no expense has been spared to render it equal trim' superior to any In thia part of tho State. It is well supplied with recent improvements and bomforts,.and obliging waiters will always be ready to respond to the cap of customete. The Stables connected with this house are new - and convenient. " • The Proprietor respectfully solielta• the patronage of hts old' friends, travellers, and the public generalls. Jau&i tf WM. K. RATES
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