:2 - 1 - We Must no longer boast in this country of an ininmnityfrom , arrest , and all the petty and".humiliating tyrannies known to the nufortumite people of 'Ven itie, llMwary and POland.l. They have been faithfully reproduced upon this soil by our Butlers, - Schenks'. and Milroys. - 7 -: Vhotographs have been seized, private citizens compelled to buy new flags and repair old' ones, the colors .on women% dresses have been strangely- objected tn, arr4.sts _have been Made upon. 'then-lost fri - volous charges, and from the basest.mo, ,The latest instance of 'administral dive folly is the arrest of certain people in . the :West because, and only becatiSe, 'they. were guilty of. Wearing. it breast-pin made of copper representing a .bead of liberty. .But does it not make one,rub his eyes and ask himself "Is this really free.AMerica?" when he reads au instance like the following, which - we clip front au Illinois paper : , 44 A . prominent citizen of Cairo,was ad wised this morning; confidentially ' - ,l)y_ a friend, to divest himself of a pair of brown can pantaloons. which he had on, for - fear . he might offend - some one who knew that the same.materml was worn in the south ern confederacy. The gentleman replied -that he had worn Suchgoods since he was a boy in New Jersey, and he did not think he would cease to do So now." ADMIZ , FISTRATIO X NOT GOVERNMENT: The Constitution provides that Lincoln, Chase, and the 'whole clan which now compose, or at any time shall compose the administration, may be, impeached, ex pefied-*om office and disqualified. When ail this is done, does any one suppose the G - Overnment is impeached? Can you ira- - agine suck a thing as the Government be ing arraigned before the Senate—expelled from office-- . and - disqualified from holding any office? Even the supposition is non sensical.-, Lincoln, Chase'ikCo. Might all be hung as high as John 'Brown, and still the Government would endure, and prob-. ably suffer very little detriment in conse quence. OFhcr .and better men . would take the Places they- had, happily left va cant, and the. Government. wouldgo on, just as if nothing had happened. All this is so clear—so self-evident—that it humil iates us to offer the arguments to an intel ligent and enlightened people. :Vet there are persons who say " the administration is:the Government."- , --B/a irsville Record. =Mlll=2 A Loyal Abolition Thief. - A legislative committee of investigation recently proved by the clerks in the Hap, yisbufg City Postofrice, that the abolition Postmaster wa.4 in the habit of charging a largo amount of stamps to the State, with, which to pay the postage on matter sent off by the legislature, andthen stealing a considerable portion of them . l'he fact was so clearly proven that no denial was .attempted. This Postmaster is the pub iislier,of the Lincoln organ at Harrisburg, and holds his office by direct appointment of Father Abraham, and= takes occasion each day to assail the loyalty. of all who do not join the " Union League" and vote the Republican ticket. People can now see whether Lincoln 'disapproves of. stealing, even as a matter of policy. If he makes a pretence of hon sestyhe,,will turn I3ergnef out.. Never fear. Three weeks have paned and the organ praiseS Abe and howls at the Democracy, .so he is safe'. There will be no change unle:;:s Bergner should be promoted to soma office where .stealings are abundant. • ZIPF-roin ; - tlie returns of the spring elections Iv Illinois, we judge the noble Democracy_ of that State are gaining strength daily. The republicans of Peo ria.tried tp.prevent the election of Demo crats by nt. - Ob . .violence, and fora time sus pended the yoting, but still the Demo crats elected their ticket two to one, tho' a large number of votes (several hundred) were kept rout by the delay and rioting. This is abolition freedom ! The .negro loving, christian party !—Crisis. Lopirt-y to the 'government, and at the same time hostility to the . adminis' 7 tration of it, are so entirely compatible ' that we feel loth to impress it upon the at tent ion 'of our readers. Who ever heard, until the Republican party obtained con-- trot of the government, that oppoSition to the measures of an administration was treason to the State ? BLACK SNAK LS.—The Franklin (N:- Y.) Gazette - says not inappropriately, if a Dem ocrat, suspected' of disloyalty to the er - chithent, 'is called a "copper-head," the term "1)1110c-snake" seems a sufficiently mild and rather graphic tiame for the "Re publican" niali rant who WOuld rather (re , stroy the Union ‘ than noddestroy slavery. Ekcne.,tsl.: OF EitfCEATto.—One of the signs of tilt , times is an extraordinary, in crease of emigration within the last couple of months. Since January , first more than 17,000 emigrants have landed in N York, aid of these some 0,000 arrived within a week, and alLthe ships due from thither side are croi-d'ed with _ emigrant* ,At is. expected, than C 9.111 pared° with the same period last year, four 'times the.number of emigrants will land at that port, up to the first of July. Sanmel . G. Howe of,Boston, Col. James McKay of New York, and Robert Dale Owen of Indiana, have been appointed r a " Freedman's Commissioeto inquire into the condition and prospects of the contrabands at ouryarions•roilitary pogts 4 No committee has vet been chosen to look after the suffering :families of vol unteers atlhe North. No; they're white. • . • It is now generally conceded that the fellow who goes in for " the last Mau and-the last dollar," doesn't intend to go himself, and. calculatesto steal seventy live cents out of the dollar. - .Etre*fr*Vaitissle f i At a meeting o tine Pre dman s relief association' socie ty): held. is Washington, D. oi i 4 . 3 n the eyelling of the 10th inst.',,Rett. Dri ;; Cliiinning ad dressed the meeting. Inllid,oourse of his remarks he _said : ,It.feir -years we shall live together,•black*and 'white, with out any diStpction of coltriv' r the •coloted - regibents of tbe'Softtlif proper ly handled, - WolildlAW'iliik-With white they . shall have white " °Wm": ‘rllf the war. cOntinues a year, we:: eintllieje - regiments conimanded colored / otli4r*: I would like to see the . preeedent, set- a, few days ago, of appointing a (....olnieifiairgionjolz lowed, -and- wont(' lilorto..peedw_col O red, jud 4 ge upon the bench.frc _ r • Senator Pomeroy of -'linnsas was the next: speakeh -- - pgt, Veit identified liknieirvi§:tche li redid not belie NT, iiiAlid'lliftirlorifY • ot i leedi,' On' . the contrary' "lietliat, L God . had made Now,tve hay objeetion4, vJiatever, Ito the itev. Dr. olianmng Tliving. with :e negro, if his taster inclines' .inc-Aliiit=dire:o tiou. istar-would we object fo ills llon. Senator poineiii id entifYing hirnielt with the n'egro: But what. Avonlathe negroes say to such -associationsT They may pos siblyobject, for surely eVerylionsible gro Would_ despise the White man,: wheth er a D. D. or an Hon. Senator, whil would so debase himielf..;Theie men, we repeat, have &right to .chose their own associates. They, know; better than-any others;where they NVIII find their proper lecVer If it is Titi the negro let thent go... The white racee - will lose nothing by the self-transfer which these gentlemen' may rnake,--and the' negroes will - make as little as the whites will lose. ~,Tiker*Ft; ~,wonid say, "Waywar&bretfiren to/Ilia-cc." Abolitiox-Slave:Tradera. ' - The reilitary cottuniiiiii4otwhich Gen. M'Dowell the.b*„:l4l4lWhinitbits'been investigating into the charges of tot-ton speculations thadengitinat Gen Curtis and other Weslern officersi,i is making some rare. developmen the:ltipn char, ges-against Cthtis Co„, alleges - that, ite gro slaves had been' takeit from owners upon the plea of giving them freedom tin der the President's emancipation, and ea changed or sold for 44404:if. raturne'd tO-slavery., The charge is sustained by the testimo -ny... The 2 principal• Offender. Wan Colonel Hovey, but other ofiieer• participated in thd profits. ''hest Were 'Republican offi cials, who 114 dinne4'the ear of the peo, pie with their demands for, thp.freedom of the Slives, but _went to' stealinc4{.and selling them. Howconsistenti - . . . • . 'WANTEn.—". Prominent' Dernberats,'' to address somatic& _Union • Leaues. If not prominent already,: the Abolitionists *ill try to make thenr,so,- if theywill Only consent to - he usefif, A tine opportunity iS presented tO men of easy - k consciences and loose potiticat'''principles to make a ten strike In - the-way of notoriety, and perhaps of morepaubatantial ,, ,rowa,i4 ,for a year 'Or' two: - WI& 'idgpbat the . want? , - The Binghamton .Republican,saya,. and the Abolitionists everywhere embody the words inaction:. ..• _ • , " We suggest that a trnipri Mass Meet: ing beheld at,,Bitighamfolibieh some prominent,Union Democratti froin abroad be invited to address, -and a. League' be -formed in this place. Preparations for the Meeting should be made , as spon as The old republicans -4“ repno, are of no 'account in this pressing exigurc.y.. Thekare worn :ult vessels, fit only to, be,c,ondemned ,and east aside. Newer materiql.is wanted to galvanize the pntrifyinet carcass of Aboli tion Republicanism into'. life.:,-But. it is too far,' gonealready and neither :salt., nor mortal_power can sae it, nor le:ist: 'of all can convenithii - self-iVekiiirri*liticians —Syracuse Jouriil. Mr Rev. P. H. Burkhart,- e hAplain _ to the first regiment IT. S. Dragoonit, has been _disnaissed fronf,the. tem-ice:- by the Pre ident, 'for having; In `W . 'sgee j - e'h - With old congregation at Schenectady, an which he :described the danners thei had.-passed through, b y . praised McClellan referring to his, "high military tpaalitiek" " - Query—lf Lincoln Icieks °Teem pat of the army for liking Mcelellan,,.. won't the rule be good in eaSeofpFivtes tnt,hat alt friends of "Little Mac will be free from the drafty _ ' ' Ans.-0, no: Lincoln willgo on rim). vinglicefellin! officers „to Inaktirpcon for abolitien'thieves,_hut to 1 drafting;*ebtO Pght ot.ttyitirti what .is now an alkolitiop war „the....3feclgil s ak men wilLbe , ireeaDy:natbed. t".l 54 • • .'SP.'4TORIAL Ez Qtrizrcx.--Jim Lane of Kansas- delivene(Lafspe* at a ",Union League eueeting.inWashington recently. Wei makC the following_ " elegant ex traot ",:trom,:;hisl - etrutrks:. "I like t to live =longg tencito to see*eerfwhite man in Septh:CarOlina)in, hell,-and the tiegrei occupying 7terti - n the White men or South': CarOlina go to the warm country he Unmes,'Latuyinll '44:l3Pre to see theta „there mile wishes-.• Si&aptc.forr Disctostmir..7.The ,irnio;, a G,erman Abolition'' paper boldly. says,: " From a reliable ourli w''' l oleceive the news that certain high - and influential German officers of the Army of the *O man are-teady ? ,- in , case they ,tilkotild be needed; assist witlitheir troops in an anti-slavery . etaqindirtfi g ione of them has declared that Union andlAbertY can be preservd only by inch a coup ikkat and by the .temporary_ diCtattkriklt ,of radical anti-slavery man?? 44togrA.trn,u,s4. PI.4.)AP-FcTOl - 41100 iota.. I riot of: this., St`4o, :0 4 3. buds peach, and nectarine trees are dead , or, moreprecisely,'''tlit4etribry6 blossoms are dead iwthe buds. The !prospect for other fruit - 14 very fine roildt:nstheseason is concerned; but u large proportion of the orchards Mast have over-Wine - lust year; and therefoie a - full'crOp cannot he looked for. The spring opened late, but has pro gressedwith ,steadiiressned.rapiditylod der ofalt-kiii'da is dear;"but the:-prospect, ' of ehrlY pestureia 80.p-off:And sOnear.et handttliat..-the anxiety. The-hay crop may, in the fall, be worth more than_ the cotton crop; but: it - is Wont to ".co m e out at the little end of the horela the, stiOng. The, farmers, are id a. terrible iirry l ,. !abet. 'scarce end wages high ; - inure than ordinary profits are hoped for 'this year, and the unusual. exactions of the season;the labor ers, and the governnient, are submitted to:. with - unprecedented i cheerflibiess.7- ghee:li ate, worth; three; t inies • 060 usual; price. A Largeil•pco9'n 'or the ,flocls' are high grade inerines,....yieliiiiiffibur to sic pounds to the fleece. ,Woollirings cash before what is harvested, and - a ; little imagination,snffices, to give the pockets a present sense "ofinflation. There.is some, anxiety, however, about the lambs; be cause for two season's past they have not done as,.well as could be expected...—N. T. Journal 0f" ..- .Croinriaeiei. : Bittino . ,t Bi. 4 icacssAitit's other_ night a vemonotis "blacksnake" indulged . in_some insolent remarks to a young IliejnoCititiOr rstiortii4 a 4-4 J C-OPper head" lareinitpin, denounced him as - a trai tor,. andundertook to remove the offen sive embleni from his shirt-bosom, The result was that the impudent "blacksntske gOt his head and fat:o bruised, and would hnvev been stiil.worp §everlyehastised hr.d he not initdntlynntisided'aud teat a histy retreat. " Copperheads" are , not to *be intiMidated- ancrtrod upon With impunity, and never inflict a sting without leaving their mark.-=-IforisOrg Patriot. C=C:3 PROPHESY, ON GENERAL - JACKSON.- Said' the old hero to a friend at the Her mitage, a short time before his death : The. Abolition party is'a - disloyal organ:: ization. Its pretended - - love of freedom means-nothing more . por less than a dis solution of the Union. Honest men. of all parties should unite'to expose their in - - tentions and arrest their • .. • - : V_WeW 2 .l* ..-,., NATIONAL COMMERCIAL . COLLEgE 9 1913._foIrster7th tk Chearisps ,Sossigs t Z t° 32,--Xl4-49LE311111AX : MCCA:ii 3Pifs. This is one Of the_ TEN Colleges enriAltntinv the Na tional Chain, •located Philadelphia,- New- tork City Brooklyn.'e.Alhauj; Ckveland; Detroit Chicago, and St. Unlit , . -Schnlatehips issued. bf,any fmc,of these Colleges are good - for utrunlinzitett time. • The Collegiate Coarse, Embraces BOOSkeel)ingloiNevery variety of business, in its most adproycd forms,—Penmanship, the celebrated Speneettan systen4—Commertial Oalenlations,Counner .cud Lute.linsiners.oprrerpoudenceAritbm,etteilkettires. Theeeinstitutions possers a national reputatidn, and t=ltee greater facilitimifur preparaing young men for : n ities attic: counting honre, and business enerally, than#4,,,olimilFgh,ools)u theeountry. , Therhiitedelphia-College- Hai been recently -enlarged and re-furnished in a supe rior manner, and is now the largest andmost prosperous ornmeeclailnrtitution in' the ;State: Its *ell known thorbugh course of instruction, the long practical experi ence of the Principals,andruperioraccommodatlfuls.offer unequalled inducements .to young men who WiSh-to ac quire %behest preparatio . n,,Attthe best' .intrcidttction to the business world. . ; Diplomas awarded, and graduate's reccoMmended to biners men. Puecricat; TEXT Booss.—Bryant St Stratton's Book- Keeping. three editions,—Common school, price 75 etc, lligh school, $1..75, and Counting lkinse.—.Bryant and Stratton's 'Comae! cial Arithmetic. sl.2.S—Bryant k S' s Commercial Law, $.2.51k: 1 4u, of these books sent by mail, on reeeiptof pricir t Or - Send for our ea.tiilAirm,contairling full particulars, and note carefully the': non slack! rufrantittet•of these Collegelrovcr all others.. 'Address STRATTON, BRYANT-41'M. declylm•Ao • ••• Philadelphia; Pa. , DEL, 1. WISTERI B. R. . The" , ,r asaeager Trans,t of this Ccilityttayrinn to andfrotirliiitgbAcutatt asfo we: -; L EA TE.VAG/ 1 4 31 T9?-44,; 4 44. 4 1 4 el*e44illg at ; , CRA.ltiTuzi wi th the` Laeka\ranni4 Ulotrinalnirg Rail Road fOr flittatOnins, Valle% - Alniraton and Wilkes-Barte ; TTOPE, vdttiAlie..l34ridat4Datitwariißallroad for Phi, Upelpurg, Trenton and Philadelpta.oanot TUNCTIO,c; isittl trjirad:aii thal dentralltsiliesd of N. Jerseystbr'Elitabetti;"Newark,,and Iteitlforß. Also for Easton; Bethlehem, 4lienfown;llAttekellunk. Reading and Rarrisbdig ; arriyhairat 'ATEW Yolk . Il;P>♦Slddraß lU : anallaCrlebnrCt~pf,p m. . . . RAVE NEVOZORlLicsitorCoTirtirnd-st,itikile a.m.; Philad'a, tootist**mtiet, at 6 I.*, connenlipg at OCRANTON. with Lackaionna & Bloomsbu R. R. for Pittston,. Wyonsggliry. Kingston and.Wil rg kesbarre and arrive -13 dm 7:10p. In., connecting with Night,Express est on the Erie Railway, and trains leavinr,Binghamton next mandril; for Coals:J - 441P' • iner and Ilyracnee. • - ' ' Or This Road Tosses thr:O' the Lackawanna Coal Field, and the Celebrated beldware,Water Gaol' AN ACCONUNODATION:TRAIN Leaves Berke : an toe tireat ilend'it4to ronnectinE at that place with Day Express West on the ERIE aucLtiuus forming , Aliteet, connection with. Trains pn the Bikothanitotiallyratrose Railroad; Returning leaves - Great Bend at 2:10 p. tn., and arrives at r!ffierantouslciy; On.! t.> - . ;Ofl Ittsßri,finiietittteltitetic. R. A. HENRI'', den. Ticket .Azt.. [Bconton, '• • A Lecture To lifosing .21Zost; . • • Just Puldi.thed, in a Seated Envelop: PAPJ Six Cats. .LCTUREOn kieitukure , lnsitmentandyadleal cure ja. or ...mist...lke: orseEntilid *esknessiinvolot tary emis&nO, stoma debility, andimpedimentsto marriage generally, nervousness, consfumption.. epilepsy. and Fte ; mental and ph voicalincapacity. resulting from selfabuse, R0'111`..14 CULNMHWEI..I,, M. D. author of the Green nook. _ 'world-renowned author, in thia admirsibieleetnre kearlY proves from his oWn experlence.that the awful consequences of self-abuse may, te offactuallif reznoved without medicine. and without dangerous surgical oper ations. beagles, instruments, rings, or eordiala t pointing out a mode of cure at encecertainandeffectaal, by which every sufferer. no matter what his condition may be. can cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This loc. tare will prove a boon to thousands and-thousands,,, • Sentyriderneselto a plate envelope; to Miro/dress, on theses-WM, arida cook,- op two , postagwatampre; by ad dressing. CHAS. C. HUNS CO. novls lycqj 127 BOwery, N. Y., Poet Office 80X,45811 • • U 0-R 14 - 343Pireekwitgalrnongtncmoteag . ever, .'leatraa pate. Pot bale as coma by ..IWL , TPAUMLT,. STAND BY YOUR GUNS! .T=Ww , WITH 40,011 RODIOCKERS Armed 'With Brick-Bats! wrrniX 4 xoliyus:xAncn OF AND mc.a.lrsizrzw 33FILC) ES ' WINTER GOODS, naves AMU-Ivies, eataar Aerustexi GOLDRIUSHE DAY! " And witlin pientlfal supply vrellave parelunied a large stock • • STAPLE arid. FANCY" - DRY" GO VD, GROCERIES te. PROVISIONS; ,HATS A ATP CAPS, BOOTS AND -SHOES. WALL 'PAPER, WOO.DEY WARE, COAL. OIL, and LAMPS, TANKER NOTION • SKELETON SKIRTS, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, NAIL, PAINTS .AND. cats, . . , . . , And 50,000 other irtieleitoonntnerons to inentlon,which will he Mold at pricer that will . Defy Competition. ,Don't Forget Tho Place. •Ifut if yuninquircilyunr neighbors fur . . .• • The Cheap Stitoie, They will 1nm:1AI/direct you to • • HAYDEN BROTH E RS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, -AT THE- - ORIGINAL a ONE PRICE " STORE! PROD UCE token in Exchange for Goods Cash Paid For Fors: HAYDEN BROTHERS. NEW mit:rout,. NicGinber 25th. 1861. PERE ilitiffiCE PRICES! PEACE APPROACHING. Large Lines of PRICES Conquered and Reduced! iErtrrti z ti v Arr, • • NEw.: - 3nr.oßD, PA., receiving. for Sprieg supplies, new andlarilk . ,theica o f . . CHOICE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES*, CROCKERY, HAR D W A RE, STOVES, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, PAINTS, LAMP, Am? • .LINSEED OILS, BEN2OLE,', •:: CARPETINGS, • : : FLOOR OIL=CLOTHS, WALL Paper, NV HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, • CLOCKS, &C., &C. '4014111, as usual, full -varieties. of the =Oat' popular • • • • *plea of . . LADIES' DRESS GOODS, • - ' ,SRAWLS, • i . BONNETS, RIBONS, FLOWERS,„ &C., 4,0„ &C.,' which he will Olt on the most favorable . torma, for 'CASH,. PRODUCE, • • , of. to ')- , • - PROMPT vniE 'BUYERS. - l'Aqw4F.S4#, constantly on hand - 'A i Mummy • - • • CLASSICAL & NORMAL S. S. HARTWELL, B.A. Principal. - ; ASSISTED BY Compfretantlustnlct?rs. ' day,, March 2nd, 1863. ' TUITION PER TERM OF 11 'WEEKS. English, front. $9 to 6 00 Latin, Greek and Gorman,. each 4 00' Prone* • • • - •• • , ...3 00 Englisborith ono language 7 60: —No bill for the above studies shill exceed ..... ...9 00 Millie on the Piano 8 00 thiesfinstrumont.:- • -•-- • 200 . diultistion for itbeeit - ce oieept in cases of protracted tilstiligreeritfut. • Board elm he obtained from $2.00 to $2,50 per week.' Unpilr• wishing' to hoard themselves. can and good roottokmt moderato charge.. Por further particulars ad- ' dram§ the Principal, at Montrose. Po., - WM. T/P3SUP. Pres't. . C. F. REMA, See l ry. Feb. 11, 4882. a • • LACKAWANNA &BLOOMSBURG . ia..491.XXaMt.C90191.3:9". INN and after Dee. 11 th;1862, Passenger Trains will Xi „run as foliews : NOVING SOUTH. . . ' • Passenger. Aceom. • Leave Scranton, at , 7.00 a. In. moo a. tn. ••' - '.Kingston, at . • 8.40 - Arrive -- 5.40 p. m. 4 ', " s Repast, at 11.00 7.20. " • . ',' r- Danville, at 11.48 A. in. . 8.20 •• Mitre' at Northumberland, 19.20 9.20 " . , , MOVING NORTH_ - Leave Northiunbe_rland - 5.20 p. M. 6.45 Danville, 6.00 1 11.00 "' ' Rupert, • - : 6.35 , 4 '9.30 -o. Kingston, 8.45 - 1.45 Arrive at Scranton, • 10.00 p.m. 3.40 A passenger train also leaves Kingston at 8.20 a. eq. for Scranton to connect with train for 4ew York. Return ing, leaves Scranton on: arrival of triartfrom New York, 'at 4.15,p. m. • . .- ..- • , . - - The"latekawanna and Bloomshurg-Railroad eonnecti with the Delaware, Latkarianna and Wvetent-Ridlend at Scranton, for New York'and intermediate points east. ' ''At .Rapert it sonnets. with. Catawissa Railroad for 'volute - both east and west,--arriving - sit Philadelphia at • 'COO p. m, ‘ • • A t Northumberl and it connects with the PhilAdelphia and Erie, and Northern Central Railroad, - forpoluts west mid senth-Paseengers arriving at Harrisburg at 4.501. i n. . • . . . John :P..I.L.SLEY. finget. J. C. - 147E1A8, Ge. Wi cket Agent. - Nlio!ttaP ire ARK 'ROW, - New York. and 6 State Street, those cities: nndVe I g iat s rigd tb t e ot t a ' 'lce ad e v=se ot to 'aadisubscrlgitions for as at oar loweit rates. - ' . . • • I 11TIMICA.TING : Q , . Fb 'AU toxce;i:rt*icl } l;l F Y, for sale tri • • • • • • ADEL TURRELL. • ' - wag 44 gunniEgi THOE. The Great "iinifricali Reale die ES," - Kaown.. as GENUINE PREPARATIONS Viv • 'IUII4'I)CtLD'A: EXTRACT " BUC1117;" • .*, • -6.4115 A PAPILLA, IMPROVED ROSE RELIEBOLD?BiGENITI,NE .PREPtiRATION‘ . . Ilighly,ConOntrated , ` Coinpound =:„tx'.4443t. • 3aazoia.**,,, poidive and' apecilic Iteinedy for diseases of the Bfaddg' r‘rtititio .- s - Oriivel anti_ bio . 3s i Sweilina4; • • • This' Medicine Increases thenower of diti.estion, l en& ezeiten the absorbents Anto benithy action. by which the • watery or enleeroua depositiona; and all unnatural en larlteuienta are reduced, as well as pain and inilutuation,' `and is good for men, women or :children. • • • HELMBRLD'S EXTRACT NCO • • • • • • ron Arising frinn ;Exnesses,..llitiiits -of I)igsilnl - tion; Early •Inciiseretion, t,l ---13nse, Attended with the following Mytilptrinin : • litdlspoattion to Zxertion. Loll/. of Power. - Lots of Memory,. . Irifilvity of Breathing, Weak Nerves, ' • Trem4l Horrot.orDisease, • Wayetuiness. , Ditnness of Vision, • Pup in-the . Universal lassitude of the• Flnelting of the Body,- Muscular Sygtem, - EreptiOns on the Face. I Countenance, Dryness of the BMA. ' •• • - These symptoms. 11-allowed to no on, which this icine Invariably removes, soon follow • IMPOTENCY, raturry,. EPILECTIC TITS, In one of which the patient - may expire. Who that theY , are, not frequently folltiwed by thuee ••• direful diseitivs, . Insanity and Consyniaption, . . . Many are *ware of the *cause of their suffering. :but none *lli confess. The recur& of the insane asyinma and the melancliolly deaths by Con turn bear am ple witneas to the truth of the assertion. . ~ . . Tile i- COnstittltion, once 'afreued with oi l_ 1 • game wealaless,•.- Requires the Aid of medicine to strengthen snd invig6r ate the sykem, which lIKLISIBUL.Irti. 'ExTRAer invariably does. A trial will cOuvince the mulet. skeptical. ` Females;'Females, Female, , 011 oi• young;single, married, or eootem platiOg marriage, • • In many affections peettliai to Fentalt , s the Extract En chit' ie uneltialled by any other remedy, as in clatirost Uritetrntiv4, Irregularity, Painfulness. or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations, tleera ted or bithirioun yibite of the Eternal. Lencliorrhea or Wilitec, and lot rill coniplahes incident to the ses„ whcbier arm ins from Indiscretion. Habits of Dlisiron, or in the DECLINE OR CILLI INE , I.lt/Pl3. - Br.r. AE,OVE.' NO FAMILY S,1101.11) kE WITHULT 1T . . - 1 • • • r. ..„ Ttke nu Thitirim, Mercury, or nupleae , m4 medicine; for uttplazant anci:dlugcruus2dinaEcs. 1 R,ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHLi H CCRES SECRET DiSEA:74.S . 4 ' • /I!, all their stages ;it little 4..xpenre; littic_or no clangs in diet, nu inconyenienee.. f • AND - NO 1:X1 05.1.7111 g. - 3t enures frequent. derirc. and gives, strength to Urin ate, thereby rvutoetng olrrtructioul.:preveuting and Cu ringlitricenter of the Ural hrs. allayipg lath, a n t i i l; fi ml ,.. triation, PO frequent in this ela!As of direarcs, nfati cxpell idg Poisouuns, direared, and worn-out matter.. Thout , ands °you Thousands • . . • 1 WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF t . c;rcrac•s. And who have paid HEAVY VEES - to be eared in a short time, have ((uld they were sleeeived, nod that the ". Poi eon ,:* has, by the- tine gf" Powertal 'Astriugauts." been dried up in the .r.,p...tezu, tn.bralk Lint in zu aggravate i fro, and k. 'PERII.A.PI3 AFTER 8i..-1111tIAG.R. • - 7 - -- - . - . - C T SE • . • HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU iror all Affections and Diseases Of • .. • • The Urinary-Organs. 'Whether existing in MALE OR FEMULE,front aoatoyer cause, originating, and no matter - OF HOW LONG STANDING.. Diseases of these Organs require the aid . of a Diuretic. HELMBOLIYS EXTRIICT BUCHU • IS TILE GREAT DIURETYE And it to certain to have the deeired yffect in all Tiid caeca, for which it im recornmendtd. - . . BLOOD! BLOO-D! BLOOD! lielmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla . . This is an affection of the Blood. and attacks the Sete nal organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Threat, Wind pipe.and Other linens Surfaces, making its appearance ju the forniof Ulcers. Ifelinhold's Extract Sarsaparril la purifies the Biwa and removes all Sealy Eruptions of the Skin giving., to the Compleziop a:Clear and 11 ea lthY 1 1 Color. It 'being prepared expressly for this class Gi COM. 1111ftiral. its Bloot-Purifying Properties era preserved -to a, nomter, extent. thau soy other preparation of Sarsapa irilia. .- • - Kelmbold's Rose Wish. lAnexcelLent Lotion for Diseases of a Syntliitic Nature. and as an injection in Diseases. •of tha I:Yinary 'Organs. arising front habits of disipation, nsed-': - .in connection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such die cases as recommended. • . Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompan y the. medicines. • ' CERTIFICA.V.B OF CUBES. • • Frets eight to-twenty ycarii standing, . with ;names knortn to kcience and fame. - • For Medical:Properties of.BUCILE,see Disticiasatory of the United Statesi_ l _ - See Profcsstit.DEWEES! valuable work on the Prat ' lice of Physic , . . See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC ' • ofl'hiladelphia. ' • See remarks made by ,Dr. EPHRAIM SICINO WELL, a celebrated Physician, and Member oftliS Royal College 'of iurgeous; Ireland, and published in-the Transactions of the KIM: and Queen's Journal., ,• See Medico-Cirurgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers, Fellow of the Itoyal College of iinrgotour. See most of MO' late Stindard wOrics on "Medicine. ET-I - PACT BWCIIII,I - $1 00 VT& BOTTLE, OIL SIT tor $5 00 SAitsertßlLL43 00 Isirovvrs•Rosn'Wasn; 2 56 Or half a dozen of each fur 412 00, wlOll will be. sal- Cleat to cure the most abitinate cases - ,if directions are , . adhered to'. • - • : • rir - Describeeymptomittn - all*ffinniunicitioe. Cures guaranteed. Advice trt•ji,. .. . . . •.. AFFIDAVIT. Pcmopalir appeaibefore mean Alderman - of the city, otfielmbold;Who, being duly sworn doth say, his• Preparations contain no narcotic, no iner- Cary, or other injurbus drugs, but are purely vegetable. • -• • ; • 11. T. lIELIAIBOLD. .Sworn and subscribed bsforc me . thts 22d day of Nov.' Mt • ' ••' • • W3l. P. 11111111111). Alderman, Ninth-strect, above Race, Phila. Address Letters for information in confidence, 31". T. IifELMBOLD; Chemist. F Depot 1041*th. Tcptiestrect, below Chestnut, PIMA. SPURS tai POUNTERFEITS AND imprusmircEn DEALERS, ' Who endeavorto dispose ••, of, their own " and other articles on•therepatation attained by • Genuine Preparations, • • ", " Extract •• Sarsaparilla - ' Inf Proved Dose Wash. SOld , by-all Druggists evetywhere., AME I'ORNEIMBOLO'I3 - ' TAKE NO OVECEB,r Cut tint the fidiiirtiseniciii - ; and send for it; and avolii imposition•and exposure. MarthlUth,l663--1y: . - Watches, Jettrelry,: axt.d Silver Nkrate . TI3F,, uni i er„ w wd.:t'on ) d Your attention to hin well t.elerted 'ntock of Floe z , 1 1 Goldand hillverlW'ATOllES..Flue Gold .TEWEL . ItY, of every kind and variety of etylen7.-cont.. - pr P ng all of the newent and tnont beautiful desierinc' meo, Solid Silver.Ware,,etpial coin—end the bent make of Silver Plated Ware. Each article Is warranted to be as roPr.e# 4 44, ;mt., : . .„ . ; vw - Witchesionil Jetielry !Mien; Tiv repaired and intro fictiottglinrapte.- • JACt)lft .(Buceensor to Stauffer et , llnrlepj No, e.'.2 Market - litreet, Philadelphia. "- March 4th. 1803. - Ins,t3utt. ..„ DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE Af._imi,mt - x . .m.1.1 • . , • - • THE • . • •,.;„ , ,_ i • ' . •'''' . , dREAT .. REMEDY FOR NIINUMAPISAL NIWWALO7.4• LEWI34OO, GoUT. SWF, NECK 4. - A711.101N215, • SPRAINS, ftRUISE,S. • OLT.p. il= PILES; • - - ' IP'• 'ACNE. , • , , _" AND ALL IarECNATIO AND NERVOUSTIS OPEL'S • For all of %chichit la a spOedy and certain remedy . , sad ; never fall.: This Linstuent is prepertc frian the recipe 1 of Dr, Stephen. ti%veet. of Connect ieutt. the.femons bete setter. and Min been aped in bit practice fur more than a t:l years with the moet'estonishing success.- ' • AS AN ALLEVIATOR'OF PAIN, It is unrivalled by 1. any preparation- before - the public. of which- the men skeptical may he . convinfil by it single Irbil. , ; ThheLinitnent will cure rapidly and radielilly; It te , matte Disorders of every kind,' and in, thuusentls of cs. whir° it has been used it has never "'b een known t o fail. , - FOR TEURAOA. it will afford •immediate relief IS every however distressing, • • a • „ - It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in_thres minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also it will euici..stantl72, • FOR NERVOUS DEELLIIY AND OENT.RAL - LASSITUDE, art:4l4l.4mm imprndence iv excess. thi e ,I.iniment is a mosthappyand unfailing remedy. Acting . 7 dis e elly upon the nervous tissues, it. etrengthens. aud revivifies die system, and restores to ele!itieity and vigor. FOR rlvEs.—Ae an external remedy, we Oaitti is the beg known, and we challenge the world to d acepr an- equal. Every victim of this distreesing comple'lsit should give it a trial, fur it will not fail to afford itetesel , ate relief, a.td itia majority of cases will effect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT nre Fortieth:tits trernely inailg.tynnt and dangerona. but a timely applict• tion_of this Ininuent VIM never rail to cure. r -- 7SPRAIIi3 are sometimes very obstinate, and (Thou. meat of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. Ti rm worst ease may be,. conquered ty thieltniment in tau cr three days. - BRUISES,' CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, lIICEIB,, BURNS . AND SCALDS, 'yield readily to the wondertril healing properties at DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLY. LINIMENT. when used according to direction,- Alin.. CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, , AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. 1 - Dr, Ztephen Sweet of gotieticutr thy Great 'Natural rtone Setter. Stephen Sweet of Connecticut,- 11 known all over the liffite;lStates. Stephen Sweet of Connecti cut, _ 11 the author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Llnfmnti" Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment . Curee liyeuniatieT and riever faile. Dr. Sweet's, InfallNe .Liniment Is a c'ert,i4 remedy fpr Senradgia. • _ Dr . .Sweets Infallible - Linimett CureaMl* and deed; immediately. - Dr. Sweet's ratallible Liniment' -Ia ;he beet known remedy , for sprains . and hrnieta: . 1 . Dr, Sweet's Liniment Headache ininwillattily and wag non, t'r karrst to Dr.: Sweet's Infallible Liniment Agordr imniv jut e. tulle!. and r2::4 to inte. • DR. S\VEET'S Infallible LINIMENT Careo tvottiache in oneningte, ,• ‘, - DR. S\VEET'S Infallible LINIMENT ai s Cure ,. .. cuts wound itamecliutely autf . leavcs no era.' 1'; DR. SNWEET' ' :Infallible..L . lNllENT ''r- .• Is the best re •t ty for sores in the LltionT world. DR. SWEET'S Infallible LINIMENT ''..'-:: -llas bceu uKed byraure titan tintilliou people:, and I!: praise it, - - DR. SWEET'S• Infallible LLVIMENT Taken internally citretscolic, cholera morbui-und cliu:ett DR. SWEET'S Infallible:LlNlMENT / 9 Irniv "friend in need;" and every family slieult have it at hand. SWEET'S LINDIENT la: for :ale by all Druggiatv. Price 25 sutd;io cults. A Friend in ' Try it. . . Dr, - sweet's Ififallible Liftiment . " - _ 4 , .. . A,.sn external remedy, Is without s rival, and will ate- -,, -v bite pain more speedily than any other preparation. 'Yr 41! all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders It is truly intallibie and as Or turative for sore.s, wounds, sprain!, lrnioet. ac r,, itA soothing, licaling,undliowerltil strengthening pro; f, erties,,,exerte the jutd Wonder and ristonishment of:. who have ever given it a trial, ~ Over ane_tlionsand mull -,.., elites . of remarkable eures.performed by it within O de; ,:- , two ye ars. !Meat tie fact. TO HORSE OWNERS . . . - • , 4f- Dr. .51.ve.ceg Infollible..Linintept . for floral i • _ • 7 .-..1. . if, unrivalled by any, and to all cases of lameness tiring; ,Af . from sprains, liriti9eei or wrenching. its effect i 6 witrici...:',.:l•' and cartaitt. Ilarness of saddle galls; icratches.‘maare, ...yi etc., it will also - cure 1. 1 p e ell fly . -Ringbone and spin •„:... may crOilY;be prevented a.ndeuredlu their indigents:l.. ...;,..ii ges, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of 1 ;..-.;:.:' i radical care,. :S . 6 cane of the trill& however, la so 4tlpt• t. - . 4;: : .:. rate or hopeless bat it rant. be alleviated by this lisneay. r,„!j,.:. *lndite faith/O . :application will always remove he lame nem andJuo.blu the horera ,to travel \vita cnAikarata 7 . , -::,:. . .. ',ease. , .. -.-,. • .:..... Every Horse Owner „ . abonld hin.e tbiartunedv at hand. for ills tirntlY ”" 11113 ... first etmearanee. of latilL;nept, wille,letnally - preventibea, ."' -formidable diseases. to•which all horses are liable, sr: --.,' which rentler so ninny. otherwise 'valuable horses 'Ng:7 .. .... . . , wor t t,hless. •• , • • , - . ' , . TO It . %IV FA Vice INPALIBLE LINIMENT is tU SOLDIEN 7 FRIEND And filar:sands have found IL truly - A - FRIEND. IN NEED' _ . .. . - .. .0 4..1i3T10% %.- . , ii- ~, -,- To a void iroposition, ()Venue the Sifnature and tilora4l` , , of Dr.- Stephen Sweet on every 'tube add also t'4 6` Stepbo Sweet's Infallible Linimunt";blown ' in the liaraof cut fV bottle, without which none arc genuine. - • • t,.: 2 . RICIIMADSOIs; & co, t4s.l.pyrlp_r_ketors, Np, l 7rieb. ' _ `' '' ‘ 1161 GAN &ALLEN ; Gene ntl Agents. Et .. , : dee: v r •ANYY '43 Cliff itrcat, NewYori:' ti-. .''.: glr ttl byll3lttilre cierywiere. , .., t t. A . . . . . . .t..._.._...L i ,.. ' KEYSTONE . HOTEL, • At 'Montrose, Wiwi. It.. HATCH ' Proprieto r. , • ~ , • ,• T. new rind commodlotitsllOtel 15E1111:toted on rapt 'IL. Avenue. nor the Court Uotiset'. and nearly In court of the lutsinpw . portioh of Montrose; Thu Proprietor' confident thatjte is prepared to entertain &ems In 414 that can 'lot fail I o give ENTINE SATISFACTION. The•llotei and Furniture are new - sill no expenset o been spared to render it - equal I rtrat . FTeperf or to any t 2 this part of the State. 'lt la well.suppiled with all recoil- Improvements and cornforte, and obligin walte.rs wil alwayshe readyj:o respond to the call of, asthma); The Stablea-eourieCted with this haus , - • . aTc• . new * convenient. The Proprietof TettrU . nf PO , Citi the.patrotiage .e his old:frier:lU; travellers, and the publiegenerally. junta tf - • - W. 31 - X. I/ ATM-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers