-....--..--------..-- ------ -- __-- - ---..... —...-.. -..........mr-r-. • • - . . . . . s . r,i4. . .. . : ' . 01. ' •: t , ... i. l . ,:... a ...... , I k'l. , • / _ ... . . , - • :: E- -...•... ... ..•........ .....:._ .. ~,, ..z......,..1......_...:_i..!,:::,..,..:.,, . • ...,• .. .......... .i• _.. t:, ..., •.. :... ....._........_.. .._ _ . ~. _.. .......„.3...,.•:•,... ....•..., . ..... ~..•........,.., ....i:,..i. ..... ''.ll. ''. , !". , C , ', - ' . R -.....-.•.;:, ~t-,....-1,-,-:., ::: •f-,..,....:•,--;.-- i .. , -_.,•• . - •,. ~. .- ; ',' - 7 .• • '' • ' 1 . •.' ' ' ' ' -.• . . . . • . ~. . • _ -.--...-....1----1.............. _.— .-,--- . r - ---"--"*. -----.•'--- r7.----..t._--.-_-...-:-.7-r-r- - 7:-. - .. - , , A. J. GERRITSON, Publisher. BU.SUCESS CARDS. Ex ECVTIVE ' EPARTMR.IO, . - - .. ,_ A1.11, 1 4N - Y, April 24, .1863. 1 . r To th.f &nide :. : " I return. without my sit nature the bill entitled "An act to Secure - the,elective - 1 franchise to the qualified voters of the ar- A .lATHROP; ' ' - 11 . c. TYLER , 4. r. w: R ILEY ' my and navy of the State of New York." . . , , . ' -LATHROP, TYLER & RILEY, . .. ! ' It is so clearly in Violation of the Con omtus in Dry Goods., Groceries. Hardware, Rc si sily ~ .• • • Smution, in, the judgment .of men of all J. /Made Clothie., Bouts & Shoos, Rats & l, ~ Wood & Willow Ware. Iron, Nails. Sole & Upper Leath- ' -parties, that it is needless to dwell upon 4r, Fish, Flour and Salt, all of which they offer at the _, _ t objection to the bill. While it only very i tim GlTXacriocremsat 3Pri1c0c 45 ....a1l L. rectivedin the Assembly the number of I-vamps Brick Building, Montrose, Fa. 4 votes necessary -to its 'passage, same of April 6, 1863. y. . • - r those who•voted for openly stated their EV A N .T ENE IN S, I , . • - . 'objections to the measure. After its pas , , Z...lacoxkistact- •Agb-'l2.ati.corLc'er. j . snge, that branch of the Legislature, with FOR SUSQ,UpiANNA couNTy... . ;'sweat' unanimity', and Without reoaird to [Post Office addresa. Dmulaff, orctionth - Gibson, Sueil'a • e p County, Penn al- I ; political difference, adopted the 'resolution By the 59th sicetioL of the net of congress of,JuVl. ! ter nn' amendment-to the Constitution, to IStiY., it la provided, •• That any person exercising the business of auctioneei, wanont aing. ont a license ' ,. Or • secure the objects of this bill in'areord- Oast purpose, at required by said act, shall lot each and ' ' : am.s3 with the recommendations. 01 the r, err each offence, fornt a penalty equal to three times . the kM.Atut of such license, otf•4 , half to the United States ' ; tnestage which. - I lately sent. to die Legis-. and the other •Isslf to the person giving' information of ' lature on this - subject. - I. do not doubt the fact. whereby Bald Corti:Mire was incuritd." rel. .3. I 3 II -lyio - 1 that the Senate *ill also pass the 'res , , . ----'-----•—:-----•• I olutions with the -- same - unanitnity, • ~ w Y, ut:scrrists coolest, 11ESICY vtimstcn._ i. W .. .. M.. 11. COOPER & CO., 1, ; and then the whole sUbject will be dispos - ed. a with the assent and approbation of ~N 73 R'ERS.-Motitrose, Pa. Successors to Post .Cooper ./..11:1 - ()nice. Lathrops'new building_ ,Tu - rnplke-st. • all, and in a mode free front all doubts - -...!._ p , w.. ,,„ m t. , and uncertainties._ J. a. secomx it. , , . -?- • ' ..11.i.42OLLUM. S 7, SEARIX, ' 1 This Lill' is not only tincOonstitutional; A TTORNEY.' androum s - ;i syllort Law,-*Slontrose, Pa. but it also extremely defective and highly t.l. Office in I.:ilinotis* lime huildlng, over the Batik. 1 objection - able: •• , ~ . . • - I Ti tn • ie time yet remaining of the present session will - not uermit, Inc to state all the objeatious to- its , details. It ddes not re -4 quire the proxy of the *soldier to be pro-v -before .. . . , .., . .1011 N SAUTTEI';, !en the rep' e, , entativit of the state, - 10 SIIIONADI.E. TAILOR.-Montrose. Pa. Shop but give the power only to field officers eyer t. N.', IlfillnrsTs G rorery. on Ma in-it rect. I of- regiments wha i have been recently rani:tll for past fivoris, hu eullcits a euntimmuce . I '' b roug h t ..1..h• tl • - t ftl• • b" w 1 in. It. opeia kw o it, ar 1- --el, , lzie; himself to do all work satisfactorily. Cut• tine dent Oil short notice, and warranted to lit. ' - '' i= trary rules .of military. government ; it :NI 011 tr*, Pa : . : lnf: • _3lt h. 1 Avr. -Ill._ - ------ --lir, 1 does not permit the soldier to choose tile i, P. LINES, . . . friend in whom he would most confide as' 1,•11,1t1N AMY. TA11.013.--M N. ontfuse. . sliny his proxy, but .requires. liini to select one .t.' in Ph•.enis: Illtwk, o'er store of Lead, \t /limns . 3 , ni,•ter. Ail work w.irranted, 84 to lit and finish. , . from the clan's of freeholders who are not c.itilt; Otte on short notice, in he-t style. ]au . 6 1 .) recognized by our Constitution as entitled . .TWIN GIIOVES. ', to special privileges; it subjects the per -ViASSIION.ABLE TAILOII,-Montrose, Pa. Shop ' . Wit appointed (though . i hisLi u.., L 0 t con- rear the, TtaptietMeetinu llou.e, - cm Turuptke trcet. All imlery tilled promptly.. in brat-rate idyle, 1 , . ! sent) as a proxy to the penalties of a crim rwtint: clone ont.short notice, and warranted to Et. _ Quid offence, fine and imprisimment, for jr--- i fusing or negleeting t(t deposit the vote ho receives, though he may believe it is not gennine; it provides the Meats& of 1 .4 N 1 : verifying at tlic pulls the authenticity of - ... proxies; it requires the inspectors to de- W.M. W. S'AIITII Sr, CO, posi -- . t inthe ballot box, ,under the penaI i.I.BINF.T AND trliAlli. 11A7.il.:FACTURERS -root , , „ ~ u• Main street, Montrose, Pa. - , - ring kr . ties ot a criminal offense, the ballots re- C. ' - O. FORM • _ , ---- • dw• h•lnv - - • T ‘At ( e ked it . proxl ,however much tea . - son therein:Ay : be to doubt its autnentici; a ANUFACTI RER of BOOTS (E SIMES. `Montrose, . .. Jil Ps. Situp over Dewitt's store. MI kinds of wark • ty ;', it allows proxies and ballobi to.,be made to order, and repairing done -neatly, jel y ! ' i sent by mail or otherwise, which permits -------•----- -- --- A.BF ' L 11:1111ELL, . .. , a messenger to be selected by other per . - TT Ai In Drugs, Medicines. elivuitals, Dye , 'sons than the voter.; it does -not, require ity stun, Glass 11 are. Paints„ Oils. N nrislsh, Win- ' the messenger to ' be - sworn ;it does' not down lain, Groceries, Fancy Gouda. Jewelry I'erib- . ' . him to deliver the•kroxies gal. men-, fkc.-Age.nt•for all the moil. popular PATENT _ I.require mEiriClNES.—Muiltro,c, Pa. . Rug tr lots to the persons named as proxies, but DAVID C. NET, M. D., - permits him to dekroy or change the - I r AVING located pnrmanently at I NCW Milford, Tn. proxies and ballots 'ord . eliver them to any 1.-1...4-iinttUnd prom?tly to nil calla wibh which .he may . unsworn and unaulhoriied person he may he favored. Ottice at r - r,,,bis• lintel. ,• , i 7, pz ua . . ' select; it dOes-not make the change Or N..e. , Miiford,Jnly . ' destruction of then ballots, except by the . MEDICAL CARD. _i pei•son appointed proxy . ,a oyimiraloffense, . .1 •or punish such au act in any" manner it DR: E. PATRICK 84, DR. E. L..GARDNLR . • .. 1 ... , tails to - protect the secrecy of • the ballot; ATP. GRADL'ATEiif the MEDICAL DEPARTMEN. T :amid requires the person- named as proxy xi or vAt.g. efiLLE(ili, have formed a rip:lnnen-i , for the practice of Medicine and Surg&r,Fmnasre prepared to deposit n the ballot box the ballots de to attend t, sit busilief , s faithfully and punctnally,that liverertO him with a proxy, by - an un via+ he intruatetL to their care, on terms commeusniate , with the times. . • I known person, although they may be dif - Discuss and deformities of the EYE. surgical opera- ; ferentliroM thbse he .knows were sent b Mins, awl all i.xureic diseases, particularlrattended to. : , .. • y, talr -, 31117e over Wehb's Store. Office hours from Ba. the voter. , This brief statement will be in. to it p. m ..111 sorts of country produce taken _in pay- , . ~, . .went, at the hien.•ut. value, and CASII SOT 11ETUSED. SUIIII.I • eut to - satisfy. all of the many oppor , 31outrose, i Pii.. May 711.18 hilt- affords for gross 62.-tpf , _j. • turlities this - frauds ____ _,_ _ ---__ upon - ' I uthe• electors in the arm) and upon TAKE - NOTICE '-the ballot-bax at home. The - deposit of a na,45113. Paid rcez- NJ cheep Pelts, Not, Miuk, Muskrat, and all. kinds ot , - " J- 4 42 " 91 ' ballotfinal - and irrevocable act, and Fail. A votl assortnieut of Leather and Boots and the people will never permit ballots to he Snows constantly 00 hlllll. UMCF, T:1111101, & bhop 011 . receii.eci unitis with Main Street.al) mi n ant guarantees Mositro.e. Fek..6th. A. P. if. L. - C, KEEhER . . that tl • • beyond they are,. doubt, the free act _ . ' of the electors. 4: • . ~ . H. GARRATT , , " VaEIT.F.R In ?Ion:, Feed, and Meal, Darrell ima Dalry• Salt., Timothy and Clover Seed, Grocerliii.; Provia- Jong, Fruit, flab, roroeum or, Nepotien at 3tune Ware, Yankee Notions. Ita.lta. ' FitrOpytAte 'Unread Depot., ;Sew Milford" . P.a. • Mcb 1.4, It4i.-Iy. 1)11,1i. SON, • 'DEN TT STS.—Mon t roge, 4l t 17.3 Mc in Llttlkni.p.' new lnill(linr„ ovvr , ill I. 71413:.. All Dent a l operativis will be 46 1 i-di-a p,rtorrat.din t T uDd stsie and warranted. _ . . L. E. :ISBELL, . • . . - 11 E , , ft, A rI n e: s t icl,,,'t7ck,•'';,t'ild-g:,::tlree.al'.:ot'ndajleewt.e-r7:l : t t :A h .l . l I.:wt . warranted. Situp lit Chandler and .leegtni'o et orr,-M,niTravir, Fa. - 0t:23 tf - FIRE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, , : AT .PHILADELPHIA, PA., Has E-stablished.anApney in Montrose. The Oldest Insurance Co. in. the Union. CAST! CAPITAL PAID IS ASSETS uVEIt, n% rates are :talon as t.hoite of any go#d company in J. New York, br 91rornernzaud,ita Direclars are among the limt for honor and Integrity., . . sney. AuTurli G..o4*FlN , .Prer. Montrose, Julyls, '6'2. 1311.:LINGS STRUT: D, Ag't. irc) - rts_ •mi lASURANCE COMPANY, Cif ISTavcriwlrcoi-ls.. T.ASH CAPITAL, ONE MILLION POLLARS. ammo Ist. 3nly' 1860; $1,481,819.27. LIABILITIES. •, " 43,068.68. 1. Milton Smith; Scey. Chu!. J. 'Makin, President' : John McGee, ALet A. F. Wilntnrtii, Vice " 70lieies termed and renewed. by the nndersigne Pt ids b oq in.the Brick Block. Montroset.ra. 4 0T99 •y • BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. 11.MMIXITuratIbMITCYMirb To England, Ireland and Scotland. 4 ER %mot BEiuszmusinti.FTs. in tsn. Of one p•Jautl and upwards, payable 3n nil -itc principal .tovens of England. Ireland AndSoorland,turi sale . <LA WX..11. COOPER, S; BANNLIee. Not ot only have sortie 'thus been reward ed for going beyond the bounds of inilita ., . .. t vv propriety, bat others' . and subrdiriate _:. , , , I._ . , N:, ,).p fivers have been punished and degr , aded . ..1 - ''B RAZIETO - '... - - :„.. -- !--for the fair and independent , ,exercisii of Amslorstype sisA TbOtOgraphic 7 Aeir political rights, at their homes and ..- ArtistMontrose. Pa. , iin the performance of their civil duties. I ° -—-• '— - -'- -' I Call the at . tm.iOn. - ..Or ; Ae„Leg,islature and of in all tintle.otweather, lathe be e the t0.).1e of the t.rt, .., .. • coup . publie to the following - order : ,GOV., S . E4DIOITIVS lIESSIiGE. i . .. • The; bill ,is in conflict with the vital. principles of elecioral purity and indepen dence. - It - is : well sahrby Dr: - Lieber, in his work on "Civil Liberty and Self-Gov ernment," that .".allelections must be•su perintcn•ded by election . judges and - ofi= eers, independent of the executive or any 1 other organized or unorganized power of I the go,fernmeit. .The indecency as 'well. as the absurd ty and immorality' of the, government recommending what is to 'be I voted ought never to be permitted." . 1 • This bill not only fails to guard against abuses and and temptation it offers every in ducement and temptation to,perpetrate . thern,.by those who are under the imme diate and particular Control of the general government. That iovernment .has.not. liesitated;th interfere directly with the lo cal elections by, permitting officers of high rank to engage in them in states of which they are not citizens. In marked instan ces high and profitable military commis sions have been given to those'who have `never_ rendered, one day of. military dtity; who have tieiei been upon abattle field, but who haVe , :been.rin - the receipt of .military...pay' and Military' honors, to sup port them ii4..their.interference, in behalf of the -administration,.. with the elective franebiScs. of different sovereign and loyal states. - I ' . . . 4 500 • t 1,200,5, • MONTROSE, TA., TUESDAY, MAY 5, -1863: - „ • - WAR DEPARTMENT, • ' . • .' ADJUTAN'T GENERAL'S °PPM; WASIIINGTOE, 318/13h .13,1863: . Special Orders; No. `'ll9. (EstractF) * -'• * * * _34. By direction, of the President: the following. officers ure hereby 'dismissed.' from the service of the 'United States. * .* • * * . .*- Lieut. A..J.,Edgerly,'„ , 4th New Itamp 7. _ shire Volunteers, for circulating. copper head tickets, and doing all in his power to promoke . the success of 'the rebel- cause in his State. By order of 'the Secretary of War.'" THOMAS, - Adjutant 'General. To the' Governor of New , Hampshire.. - * '* • I regret to say. that I have ample evi-, deuce - that this order was issued in the terms above recited.' • . This order s unjust and unworthy in its purposes and mostoilensive-in its terms, punishes a citizen and a soldier. for sup porting a candidate for the office of Gov ernor in his own State who received many thousand more of the. votes ofitii electors than any other -candidate for the station, including the one. who .represented more particulirly the views and purposes'of the national administration. 'Such acts are more' disastrous to•the Cause of our Union than the losS'of battles. Such violent imeatiires of partizanship weaken, divide and distract the people - of the N orth, at Ithe very. moment they are called upon without distinction of party to make vast sacrifices of blotid and treasure to uphold the government: _ NotwithStanding• the , notoriety of these acts; the WTI return I throws no guard. around the independence lof our soldiers in the field. _ An amend. ment designed to protect thentt gainst co ercion and. 'frank was rejected in one branch of the Legislature. ' • I devil it my duty' not oily to state these objections to the bill as reasons why I cannot aian it,_but also to protest in be half a the people of this State, against the wrongs of which I have spoken,- and forthe further- purpose, of securing such ' discussion in regard to them,, when the Constitution: is ru .nended in . pursuance of the recommendations I have: submitted, that the legislation which may be hereaf ter had,sliall be calculated to secure the rights of our citizens and soldiers, and to punish every- attempt• to invade • their ri,ghts by - force or by fraud. •• ROICI,TIO SEYMOUR. • • Tit casoY Is M.k.ss.kcticsErrs in credible that'the.people of Boston allow in'their city. the weekly publication . of such infamous .utterances as the following,. from the Libercitor of• April 24tH r NO act of ours do woregard with more conscientious ap,pfoval or higher satisfac tion, none do we submit more confidently to the tribunal of Heaven and the moral verdict of mankind, than when, several yearsago, on the 4th of July, in the pres ence of a gre s assembly, ws . committed to the• flames the Constitution of the U nited - States,. because .(in the. language of John Quincy : Adams). "the bargain be tween Freedom and Slavery contained in it Was morally and politically vicious, in-. consistent with the principles on which' lone our Revolution can 'be liistified, hnd . cruel and oppressive by riveting the chains of the Oppressed,,and pledging the faithof fret am to maintain and perpetuate the tyranny of the Master. And .should. the present bloody struggle end in any com promise. with the South, or in recognizing 'any constitutional obligations to,slavehol ders or slave-hunterain , the bOrder!States, we shall.again give that instrument to. the consuming fire; and renew Our vote it a gainst it as " a covenant with death and an agreement with hell." .- • * * * * . . In - the court of conscience and before God, it Matters. nothing what - siairehOlding - greenients or compromises finny be fOund in the Constitution or out of it, they are all inhuman, unjust' and inimoral, and therefore null and:void ; and if a man can retain office, or be a Voter under the.gov erninent;only on condition of sustaining , such compromises ' then it is - tertain, if he I would not d'o*vil that good maYtome, he must relinquish office-holding,, and refuse to cast.n. vote stained with human blood. liiii motto is, and must be, as one loyal to right and duty, "No UN/ON WITH SLAVE HOLDERS r: "Man - is inore•than Constitutions-better rot beneath the' sod - Thatk.be true to Chureh and State whilst we are .doubly . fahie to-Godr Perhaps we err in saying that it is . in credible. Within the vast two yeari" Loy alty" has -beennle a - word - of ',purely arbi trary sicrnifteatian in the mOutba •of the men wh o use it:foram time. A 'small rebellion occurred in Antioch College,l), Last Week, caused by the in troduction of a negro student from• Obe rlin. Two. • classes withdrew,' en Inoue, but the' faculty compromised by: making a uew classification, with other ettideute, 'so as tcravoid" the, offensive 'association. Prenticelaught at the heading" Astonn-. dipg Robberx,'".w hielifrequently appears in conneetion with some fraud , ou:.the Government. A little honesty: would , be astoundingi but fraud,: he !say* * no ,longer "Joint Zoologons trim, The sine of bki niostseleimili deelare' tin the people -_ , • no country of this State are . , unalterably:opposed aily division of the Union, and Will persis - • ~ The -following •,. resolutions upon the 1 , • h • • , state, of the country, which passed the t e n exert tit whOre intitien '-e• :- - ind r under the Constitu tion ~.._ . . . 4. tO'in t alitini ' House of Representatives on the 13th Ir w inst., will be found to'embody all the a- )!' Twelfth That the laws of this' Ste.te, mentheeras to the originaldraft as revis- gust be ' • •• --- t• -„A •- .A ue maintained and etoorc,-.., •an‘. ed 'and adopted at, the late session of the , g hat it i p•- • Legislature: : • - ,ts the duty of the; rear stituted• . • thonties of•the State to see to it thnt,:by Resolved :—By, the Senate lied House all Constitutional means, this end , shall be of Retifesentatives, of the Commonwealth' •• - 7 of Pennsylvania, in General Ass Assembly i - Obtained. • • i --' ' • Thirteenth: That the soldiers Conipos met, =That as our institutions are assailed big our armies merit the Wartnest,t by an armed rebellion . on one side, which hanks is being met by the" sword, ma on the of the nation. - Their country called, :. and nobly did they, respond. - Living, they other br unconstitutional aCtssef Cong- Anil know a nation's gratitude -, wound i-ss an startling usurpations 'of power by the Executive ; which we have seen by ed, a nation's care; and dying - , they shall experiment can he corrected by live in our memories, and • mainutnents the hal - ishallbe raised to teach posterity to honor lot-box, Polley as well as principle re - . the patriota and heroes who' offered their trim that our people shall await the pro- -lives at their - country's altar. - Their widl. coat of- reform,- which is slow but sure, ; lives and orphans shall be adopted-by'the and refrain from all unlawful and uncon-• nation, •to be watched over and cared.f or stitutional acts, Which have already' .as objects truly•worthy a 'nation's - ginirdi broutyht terrible erlamities upon the coun- unship. - , • ---. • , try, Z‘thilst they invoke the aid of all pat- Fourteenth. That copietiOf, these retio riotic men to assist in averting the evils that threaten our free institutions:- !talons be forwarded•to the Preident Of ' the ljuited'States,lo tbeGbvertiors of the Second. That this General, Asseinbly; several States; and. "to - our : - Senators'and declares that this State hag ever been, is Represen tat i v e s, in Congress. now, and will remain in future, devotedly " • t rue to' the Constitution of the United States and to the federal Government, es -tablished by it, and is deterinined to main tain them with herntmost power against both foreign and domestic toes, and to, this end we declare that all possible- 1 '41:4' 1, stitutional efforts should be made to sup,. press the present rebellion. .. . Third. That this General Assembly rec-, oguizes a manifest differende betweeu the ' Administration Of the government and the Government itself.' The one is trans itory, limited in duration to that period of time for which the officers elected bit the people are charged With the conduct of the same; the t other is•permanent, in tended by its founding to'endrire forever! Fourth. That this General AsiemblY, in the exercise of its right to differ with the Federal Executive; enters its solein protest egainst 'the prociamation, of t e President of the Uniteclifitates, dated t e first day of January, onkthousand eig t hundred -and silty. three , _ by which e assumes to emancipate slaves in it States, holding the same to be unwise, unconstitutional, and void. '- - ', I D Fifth. That this General Assembly, behalf-of- the people of this Common wealtn, declares its determined opposi tion to a system of 'emancipation by :the States opto ur re n as co ury mpe o n f s t a t t e ior i i in to ited lie m sth ad te e s. at .„; 'burdensome upon the people, unjust it its very nature, and wholly without, w r rant of the Constitution. Sixth. , That this.GeneralAssembly e• Glares that the power, which has recen ly been assumed by-the'President of United - States' wherebyoinder the ga ve of military necessity, he has' ,proclaimed and extended martial law over. States where war did not exist, and has suspend ed the writ of habeas .corpna, is unwarraut• ed by the Constitution, and. its tendency is to subordinate civil to military lad or ity, and to subvert our system of free ;government. ' - . ,_ ni , --, 'Seven t h. That this GenerW ,Asst lily deems it proper further to declare tha it, together •with all the truly loyal pe pie ;at of the State, would bail with pleasure 4 delight any manifestation of a desire 'on the part of the seceded States to re urn to their allegiance to the' Governmeetof the Union, and would, in such an iv t, cordially cci-oPerate , with them in the res c .toration of peace, and the procureme t of such proper guarantees as would giv se curity to all their interests and rights, • Eighth. 'That Pennsylvania willt ad here to the Constitution and the Uni n as the best, it may the last,-hope of po ular )1 freedom, and for all wrongs which : nay have been comtnited,,or evils which- may I exist, will seek redress under the C nsti tution, and - within the •Union, b the Union, by the peaceful but powerful gee- cy of the suffrage of a free people. ..,,, Ninth. That this General As bly hails with pleasure and hope the manifes tations of conservative sentiment among the people of the Northern Stateditr their late elections, and regards the same.as an earnest of a good purpose upon their part to co-operate with all other loyal' citizens in giving .security to the rights of.:every section; and maintaining the Union and the Ccinstittition as they were Ordained 11 , the fathers of.the Republic. -, , ' . Tenth. That in the' judgment uf this General Assembly, WherieVer it becomes practicable to obtain a, Coniterition Of all or three fourths of tice Stiltesonich' bod y should be convened for 'the purpose'of pro 'posing such ametidfnents to the COTIStitU• 1 .tiork as experience ' hs proved ' accessary - to maintain that instrurrient in 'the grant . , and meaning intended by ittrfonnders, and to providenpinsilifture convulsions and wars.' - - • . -- ' .. , , EleVenth. That while this' - General Aa sembly condemns nnd:defionneee the faults of the idoilnistratioi and the -encroach ments of the ahafitiOnisis,'lt dOei :also most'thoroughlY condemn and' denounce the heresy of leCeSik4 as unwamintedby the authority-of the Constitution, and de' ritruetivialike of the sco4city had•PerPOP 'ity of the , goveritOseiit,i4a - of the rice i and lberty, of the p 441,000. it de's. tiere . * * :LllllSraaAascirnent o r thei:War, - . The. New. Yoric..Sco,up, to the last . l °M. , . . ~,.. , _ . . a failliful- - snppott. of the•Atirninistrattoa„ hits the nadon the head when l it,•disposes Outs of theAdminiStration, the .;:c"oogres sional War .COMMittee; and the; stnP.id ery ,of " unconditional loyalty ,'.'. of. the . ..J . 14- Cobin.Leagues;7-7 -:.: . • -- . ,-:. ...., . , '. • " It-now seems ; gnite • likely ;that the American people :may. soon be - obliged :1.0: resolve themselves into a cominitto,oftlic Whole on the ,conduct .9f the iwan , that, will arrive, at Very different J...MiclusiottS from those advanced try, the lloti• J33ilia min Wade, of Ohio.:, It' is uselesS:to.9on ceal.the fact-that serious alarm begins -to peivadethe public; mind .at the threaten mg aspect olmilitary alfsits,_i ••• - -,,.. - 7...• 4 There is uofortutiately' on] y•tooitinelt • ground,. for these .•• apprehensions. .o.u:r. artniek.are,.ahnost every viliere, , inv1i,74.•11 . in an apparently. ineitrimble• ..eolt. :. They : arc reduced to th!,..firensive.at nearly,:all .point.s, . In this condition it is .tirne...to in-', quire .whO „is:, responsible, .:Qur: -people have hitlierto:•bein too `tolerant, -.-of .blun ders, and it. is now no, longer -patriotic-,to encourage, the tribe of greenbackparasite.s. . that fatten npor,stur -reverses -and, grow I rich' by applauding-the 91lieLslIltebecility' t, - thatis ruining the. nation- . •:-..;• ,•`.).: c. • Li . ".,The Amenea4 people. have: a -deeper': 3 _stake in the perpottuty.olthe Iblion. than. , -any Set. of-officials or;any , clique -91, gene.' .rals, and have aright to demand: that. the 'President .shall•. no...longer -' tolerate i, the men whose cottusels have driven. Victory: e sfrom our standards. .i.j'en..llalleelt's rep , utation foe : strategy, and eonibination has utterly failed to. be tipported by perform atiees.,-- He has ouiXecceetied.iu--reinov-, iug every..general whose fame -,and fieisi: ces COulcioutshine 'his' . Corinth •-•pe4or!, mances, and ug.w,eitiployelliniself,...in,-.Z.;x ercising : a mysterious -,supremacy-:that seems to. paralyze our armies everywhere. • " What the people need is-uncondition al sudcess. • 64 tincendional. loyalty .',!• de mands this, though the ".-Loyal.Leagues.',' cannot' see it. • We --want ~ victoey--isuc cess. . Let .the...P,resident call: men, to.. his Counsels who cant. accomplish this, ; cr . , re- . quite it of - those uremia - him, 'entthe • :will theu..take away all' .occasion- for' the•orgati-, ization:by his tylversaries of; Leagaes , for the support of kinconditional,wronee•: , - ,,These are . the opinions .of • .jOurnals ,: on -•-- Which the AdMinistration, has., heretofore relied for support.. ~ Theyateiloyal„l hut not ,stupidly and: unconditionally; Ato,iv't,ht out thouglit.or reason without , : eausu,,or: reflection, following: .i ttle• .Administration' as -a•dog follows. his master.; • Sttielr..,"; iin conditional loYaltyl.."..can only be-demand ed of brtites .. ' .in. human -Wings it,- ,implies. a degree .of self-degradation.•wiliclorould' disgrace :even: the subjects: of an: absolute .monarchy. Well may the National -1144.11- igencer say . : 7 - ,; .. -.: - • .- ... ' . • 1 . ••• - !, - -; . i •,,-• .: , . " We Cite them (the above extracts). as serving to show that men of all'PaitieS, in' giiing•totheAdMinistration their earnest: co-operation; do not ',pledge tlremselves • to. that; unquestioning supportlwhiCh ...place men•andip.amsites•niaytind : it.- profitable. 'or congenial' to kivi. - They will judge the Administravien by its fruits:" '7'7: ! - , • .--• •__:.. .. s . • . . ~ How to CartfElectiOns , -; , The feet that-theWin' f - ints ration s ent as. Ciany Itepubliclan "voters Si it'- enilld - find' i in ii tinaimy and hospititlic home' to. vote ,whii N e T l y Hainpshire - and': CeMieetiefit, eineeratio soldiers Were' kepi (61 • •,--- dO the fi ghting, was'notori6us. This wiis ' ' "-' ' ' ' ----4"l*-' , permitted; too; in' diSregS6f*kringent.ll*.r.T-41TnL.T'TTI-;c•i-......(' )i ' :: * • I‘Ci. - 61. "" nr'' ''''' ' • G " EltN. order --iirtirist;les4eof , absen - ed 'lO - nn y ..li-•;;,,i,t-i ~: :149" c ; 9 5 5 V ad': (-% ' party ihrough tame, iind when oar forties ''Were . , threat- , tria„-ii,srf„t-!,,?:;,1,AHL6., I s ,PlL:aged7trtat) to the : eited by the'eneirny in North Cayoliiiii4fid. 4 wil,„Tr;,:::;;„„,1-:,*-i,',.1. 4.;',..;?,,F0,i1ie,a1"pai,.ty.i ' s'ever - Vi ,,__,, ... ~ 4 r . '.,,,,..; ..,,,,, , , lirliop bY to:161110 . 1 1 -6 peoph.% that the Truii: rgin.y-ic :. A ~civeminott, s a- s : ...„ . • , - - ,•, ~.,..- ..,-..,n.i.-!.i. st4cliii!,,..; the seeds °fa& The nuioner. of-soldiers wybdriiv.lifrOC - 1, l' ion ,ti it '16.1 i - 'f c 'f, -' .' . ,the:field.tof the Csoapeotieut ole4ip-n. w a s , Ve,ai.e. tiri l 'tle,f,- IP obe dl ' ell.P4. ' th .' dtl/I4L .net,lesii than ,i::160 .. „, - The It&rtford Tin -. 1 Whiehig if ei : '-",, •9!**s6ll)e.now ga,vericilPnt ~114Taiyisr,:iitah4atti:,_bet o i ,. etuCi .n e, 4 on e r ig t .k,lreptor.e:t4; 'tr:eiti)iitillS.lll: i ., i i %!o' , , v ili l i t li e : l 6 . t ut r i b i:t, :t e o d. 3, B 6 l. T i li c : e b T O u T s i t l i g _ TiraVed.:th, 3 ? oo l o% l e,retilitiS ' us:',l, ' ."'d B l c,rtb : b4 - il ''' t illit ' l ' lt'-"q " c;ii lhe, Yii"tiuht ,thli does,rldt inel„a,i iivi,,se,wh- c l. -;:: . ! 1 9 trill etc ,'• f• c, , ~p1„9i. i . 1 'll4t. is vortidiiht tile Statelystecnib4i;f - 1,-ts - lue-Int° ,• g., ,t;....:11,:1.!'•••?... II nevi - , 'i-Jiit urian . lof , whom the o-3 was 8 4 1 / ‘ ‘reisCli4lll -h11:141i- ntY(l,9:l.lslll:tSl4W.gt.tiCc.il.e'kfni6C-Tl94l4''vard'A'j i '? , tl3-ittli. notP I Ose,,itriford fiia sorwich' sic -- -, --.on ..tr(l'i:O''''tNl'.,‘ll'..r.';'l4l4, ':,)i,,eet), vli4,w,iir -.- -' . - - . itIRF,.:6-; ~....; .41,- ~i ' rR° 4.01". .. -- ' .14 - ' ' - .......-, - ~.-, ~, , ~,.! & ..4 - :...!„, ,'• .... • ; '..,'-'• 'fr - , ' • iv.7:o*J - i - t t'tl tli::-',:;:i;,)tiM'3;,rf4*8.i , • Ai.e ,I ilriisllei n Janua' r . ' y-. as •tile state- - lkeriot 4i% Bier, . ' exlisino'llie;:l,iarti4t - , .---"- V,33=pf `the att erupts .M..ce' fly7siinon' ea r ra- ' .C!rell :414' 11 1 s party - frienas to hrilie..s4ine - .P-i.:riiierati,c,nienilie'r o f th.e.)c&isliiinte to: - vote ft:ir lihn Iw./.7....5.50tatef. ' Ili', pub= ,liC:Aten : Was y.ert . i . io under el - itlr Vetere an I . iiestiditini c r, ceramitype, ; Aylieserepart W.Q. E hi I ...C L A - WoNV'eelqi,.:igo,''tliinking - snme , ofille6.Yid Mice lido-lit . it . iterest, : Mir reqtha's )ve, copy: the .- ..„.i ..ThsTi4o2il- pq? IV 31,.... ..N . . - 4. , orrr.tEn., . Alf: Potteiger. being -duly. sworiksaid ; • ;Preside in. li.erks County-, and. am ;fhern- . -b.er of the'llouse. On the 24th .of. Pee. last, I seas in. iteading; - - - at. the Keystone . Aiensec 31.. - ., Waf.-. - I.srobst::asked .me to . :accotippany him and have a- emiv ersation'.; ..- ',.aftdr..sornolalkile.sairFlia desired:to - talk I ,to.rne,if 1. wolfhttrot. betray -Idna ;- I told ..,,, -Lim-that *depended upon. *hat lie: dtsit'ed ' l ' , :to' coniontiricate; , that if I Could honorably - -and consistentlx:do so, -lwrotild .keepids conlidencel he then. said,welll know you ' . !- -won't -b.e.tray inc.: Ile Alien asked-who we . • intended to. support, for .Seirator; - and -my, .reply 3was,:l.r..r.Joues. :.l.le.#Sked....Oar .2d . elioier; and 1 7 replied 3We . had nonce:- He , said that Jones' ellance amounted - . to, no,- thing-and thlq.he -. , ,Natite(l . ,:nte to v6tefor ;Sitnori..Canieren,--and that,.li,y ay.. doing,l eu.tild•makie au - 'itidependent , -. fortune ; he remarked : that- it . - I,vas.iccanist ent, 3- that. I . tr.igliti, suppors.:.:\lr....l ones, in caucus F•anil. „ow thitt. suNe.ct, then standiir.be from the euticua:porniti l ee,' anclat.the election vote - riot .k:;a,l lie On ; 3 Ile, said '..itr .1n a d - e . ; no differ- Once; thatriceuld,y.Otefat:ter.-thai With:tur ,part,yaon.ali whet pee:A:dons. :: Ile : : said -, .-.Catneroui had alWa..ysi.beeti...n,..Derntierat . -and wpultl soon he,.elie - again ;-= if he could _ get .140;the,:.36,:.:nate-he!. Would be the. great ellu? . .talktx-ei: ued 3 wetild :elm nge.- tire ...policy ° l i ef 01 ead minisl&ation ill regard- to :this war. I He. said I fluid :better let Stir party,.:: go- to Vr i pe ile.vil..altd-Make:tlils inoney-. 4 : "3-..11e de ; sired me to fr..,.;11Q ti. ira 1 - On v - Itiell lie-could l',bring ~Sititoplc:An*rOti ite,.V.Arte.-litmks,'-co., 1. and :-nialte ajiaal. bargain:, . w Well krefus ed . - t 0c.t..(19i and:told hint I .Ju ust- UOW ,g(.03101116, Lbut,,lie...eould :see me I .when. . rea:ched liar,- risherg, 4 ' ~... f.; . -.. , ... ;,. ~. : • . .; ~. :,..,.„ • . i • ~„ 4Vitr-.,l'..t.), , e,iiitig I-la rtiabtirg, - -Alr.. P. . was. P..grOhillltl,l,ly.-I.)lnacd:by.-. Ca I Ile roil's . , a.2... - ent '. With : Ngeo..;ts. for:a ...pri.Y.tite-intetview, but . : not*.wil,'s granwil. :•13roist linall y:told l'.. : he conl43.ll.o,Vei•Aeoq in :hand. and-an: olliee. ..,,:wortit,..s4o;oo.,C l -nial f limiste , :l .. en .-- gorng,to. - .. : Ciiiierplt".s.. louse, to. cidse 3 - .the -bargain.. .Vetteiger, -says; - 1.,. then. i,i.lid. .I,itn I- v.:Mild .laot - Ai...itir-antl.tll4 l . leadniade ttp.rny.tnitid _tgAaVe nethinglterdo. - „with the ease at. all ! 7-thrit-I w.o.uld-.. - tube. in) Morley, and multi I)*4;l)9.iight..lA);:no'nlonoy ; he then said we . will - - say i npoitore fabent it . and we par..ed.. .':I-,forgot to:state- that when at. Ilvidin ~, ,in.,DC.4iber, b're!l),it said -to mel.bat: - .1. .could, i° Make ;,.42.0;e00,-., and that they had, fone.otliennen, among thet a .l)r. Boy p,..of,Qlearilield,•but. that , they .warited a Wore,q,eliable' wan!: . -3-. : . ..- .:- .. aliimoAtimaoN BRipERV -04 Sp; 1'B:3111i osv" UY cei -- N . RATt . fIRA twin . . foritltat fieniy • 'Thomas:of I larri * S " - t--i;Ofa tri him . two weeks - i•efore the s,dsSion:,tfiat- ~and See hinti its scion ss he "re and thite . ivlieSti 'll6' &int! near. the Capitol aild • invited him to hisitoilse . i • he - itcr ent ; d to econ e* armin • -thO . Sinne•liight; ftitilirl%'etit - ... -Other persons ri , ;, vue lir - 6;01f, - udii w ai - ;11 1-titioth&Deinberiftie - iiiernher ..*fi . .om • same'' conrty. Thonmj tOok'tilralier into. pri- I viite -- rdcim 7 and if he . ebitid do tiriythit tirid hint tlio:-tvaA , Sorry he'd - lad s6 , ..pobe iti'opinion of thaf..he' n'Dettidiq - ai' atid"coutil 'tides' die -Dplnoerittit °yet? * control o' eta ti - eililierV' ; Wlier can male $l5: ,ffe 1%'•;6111 . (1" - " &ire . vthe :whole • C'oneern, niul iind gb,if • ' he tr Si - Set - 1111°r . 'one' vote' ?Ghiher - said, • Solt Hive Irno , Nytt tile • tor' years andau , ght not-to e•4iec , ,t-aiOtliiii , 4'•of this kind of me, Thomas tlren asked Orifbe'r to make his 'il‘ill - fi%4nr es if ' cold?' .do •anYthitiLt, anti aiabek•ttilifhilii_he ivoitld du rlotliing•;,110 'then asked" Graber'.t . o kee . i!' the eonversa seeiet: Aft - er this Thoinas.tooTi . 3fr. 1. Kern t!..info' a lir ate consult:itton t- On 'tife:satile snlieet,•lint-gaining ` 1-lteitrigetr-theinite.y r.:a 'with, hint to• see - 111. r. 10aindrcin,:*:hicli'thef repeatedl)t '_refused'- -VO'dO.:liind- li-h - 6n . th'py .iyetYr6iii to fg,o' 'hOrnela' rici:igestond fit the dogs and Thbnias iug:4_e( . l tliat9 '.tlt6y . :sliotitil•tido to . tit . lkl: j geit,,aeiinainied with' hiuy, they refits - qt - 1i to su• • ' h; m.r.`atStt ...s-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers