The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 21, 1863, Image 2

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    States. 'he proof of this is so abundant •
that -hardly who reads the testi
mony herewith. submitted will call it in
question'. ~ I t is seenin the anxiety which
was manifested on the part- ; of .General .
Cameron, as brought to light -in the_
Statement of 3f.r. Penneinau, to ascertain •
whether:he could or could not secure the
vote of Mr. Nelson, a Democratic mem
ber from Wayne. It is - seeni moreover,in
the-repeated interviews which General
•Camerom helOith Dr: Boyer, as . - stated .
by 3163srs:Brobst and Patterson, in order I
to. secure the vote. of
.Boyer. . True,
we are told by Air.iP-a4eison tlnit Gene,
Cameron said to. him, in their accideii;
tal interview at - the , post office, that lie
- Was not a candidate; but he also. testifies I
that General: Cameron told him_ on the I.
- following - morning .that ha Would be
thankilil to him" for anything he could do_
for him. - -. Accordingly Mr. Patterson itn
inediotely. commenced his &Dots, - and
continued - them 'the latest bout,. to se
curofor , General Cameron - the 'rote of Dr.
Boyer.'- • . . •
Such is a brief outline offacts and cir
-ctimstancei3 which were, brought to light
the course of the investigation. Your
committee are theiefore Of the opinion
that the teStimony beforer them, justifies
:the following.cenclusion ,
\ That unlawful means were employed to I
secure the election of Simon Cameron to
the 'Senate of the United StateS in last
*January. .
Your committe otter the following yes-,
&Won .
Resolved, ,That they . beiiischarge4 from.
the further consideration of • the subject.
- -S. WAKEFIELD, Chairmen - . •
• ' . D.KAINE,
. .
7 • Acquittal of Judge Constable.
The-recentnrrest ofJudge . CTIAMES H.
.C r omrrani.a,,--of the .Fourth .JUdiciat
• • cuit of Illinois', by the military authorities
!. • *as the most high-handed and flagrant
abuse of power with which this adminis
-1 tratien has insulted the people who vim -A
:.witted to them the care of their liberties.]
It only needed. that the-case should come
befor a court of law for it: to stand reveal=
• ed as such an outrage. More fortunate
than many, Judge CONSTAALE has had a
speedy trial, before Judge T,IiIEAT, of the
Illinois United States District Court, has
• been triumphantly acquitted and discharg ;
•ed from arrest. •
• The men who took Judge CoxsrAntz
into custody did not belong to Illinois,
but:to-Indiana.' They had no - authority
. - for- their acts but the authority: of military
power. They . knew nothing of the facts,
and admit now. that they knew
ing of them, on which they made the ar
• rest, The .Court was dissolved by a
threat of force. -The Judge was. seized
upon the bench, conveyed by
another:state, restrained of his liberty for
weeks; and now upon A. trial before's - 8u- •
_ .paior court 'it appears : that there was
not the, slightest ground for his ',arrest
-. that.he had not. violated any latv of the .
-United States. .
Those who caused his arrest have vio
- fated laws, and not - Merely laws, but the.
Constitution -Which is the supreme law,
and the personal rights and liberties
which it is the object of all laws and . all'
- .
governments .to preserVe to the citizen.
The outrage lacked no
. flagrancy which
the of its committal could give it.
Judge•CoxsTintE . the innocent Las been
tried. - When will these, the guilty ones,,
be ?—ahere n.ed be no impatience a
.; Anong the people, "One can afford to
wait for tthat- which ris inevitable:"—
The New York Press on the Charleston
• c Expedition.
-The opinions of New-Tork journalists
on ;the reconnoissance" at; Charleston.
. are curious. The N. Y. Herald lays the
whole blame of the repulse upon the
President, and says it has " reason to' be
lieve that in entering into this unequal
.contest, not a single officer of our,squad—
.ren-entertained a hope of success, but
that the enterprise, against the positive
information obtained - on The spot by our
officers, was peremptorily ordered by our
supreme military authorities at Washing
ten.' -The N. Y. ,Tribuni is laconic. It,
plainly terms the affair a failure, and , its'
Charleston correspondent makes out a
hopeless case for. the. iron-clads: As he
ivas. on Dupont's flagship, perhaps he
- 'speaks by . authority. The New' York
Jouinal Coinnzerle believe " Charleston
-if taken at all, must be taken by a coast
balding and a judicious use of spades and
shovels. We must try gigging our way
. ii 3 ;7 l -1 4 0e N. Y. Tines, in view of the
awful concentric fire wich rained upon
our fleet, thinks -( 4 , we have greater reason
to rejoice over the escape than to grieie
over the failure." It draws comfort,
however, from the fact that . though t° it
may be settled ` that CharlestOn - Cannot be,
taken atpresent, theimportancepf taking
it will be Vastly diminished by'effectually
cutting off all communication of the outer
world with it." Ths N. Y. Work( calls
it a - bad- failure. The N. Y. Post hati a.
little =more "eminent authority" to give
nrofound opinions from. The Commerctai
and r .E.ipresss'are - riot loquakious.. •
Isess-niAntsm:—Early in the evening
of SatUrdayliast the barn of Mr.Treserved
• Iliad's on the Apalachin. Creek, Was set
oleft4, but being.discovered before the
*e had :made much progress, it was
- eititiguished ;. after which Mr.
! Bia s - turned out- tyro - Cows that were in
the stable; t aid = retired, not supposing
that the miscreants would hnve sufficient
. I . retinit and renew the attempt
"but; later In the night they'. did return;
l and after'drlving the cows , back into the
sta 3 ble again - set the barn it ire, and - it
so* - 13ttwed thoi:FrOlnadinlth - all its
„1„; ontnist ginnotrat.
L. 3, GE
2ja, -
e'w/ay ,
Before abolition, acceselon, etc., dieturbedtts liantony
. „
THE corgsircr.v.T4oN rr IS;
Enforced and reapeeted. Ili all "Pectiona the country
_ _
IWSeyeral . soldiers" letters ;and "coin
munications are crowded out; this_week
, - -
From Harrisburg -
- The Leoislatitreantliiinineirtin.Wedne
day last at'E.P tn. . A . 4,l_UStl4l, the
; last three orfonfanys of the session;...there
was iome'confqsiop,Atitiitietit't.:6
of bisinesi postponed to4ho,lost.
The §etiate confitmed s. " tht appoints
Ciarles R. ,Qohtirn, of BrAOrd.ooun-
ty, as Superintendent of ConunonSeliools,
and F. 13. Penniman,` of Wayne, and J.
FL Briggs and J. , Bombeiger 'Of Dauphin
as Trustees of the State:: Lunatic Asylum.
",Inincordbe" message from.-. G o -v. Cur
tin, ' announcing:that an. - finiiortant.:p . osi
Lion had been tendered
dent of the United States, and his deteriu
ination to retire. at theT, conclusion. of. his
term'of office.
.:SPeaker Lairrenee deli
ered his . :valedictoiy, - - I Niben on motion Of
Mr. Mott, the Senate' . , - irOceeded to the,
election of Speaker,: aSfollOws ilolm P.
Penney_ -had 19 i yotes . --Iliester _Clymer
had 13 votes. Mr. Penney rettirned
thauks forilie honor conferred upon him
in a brief addresS, after • which`ilie Senate
adjourned, without day. .••
In. the HOUS - d, the Senate amendment to
the bill f
incorporating : the Scranton liank,
1 (organizing it, under the free bankinci. law i )
1 was concurred in and the bill passed final-
.• : .
Th\C Senate amcnament to the _House
• bill, for the .payment of. the .State ?Militia,
called into service to•tepel.inasiOn',;.(pro
, : •
viding ,ouly fifteen:days'i . pay, together
with subsistence, and that7if the United
Statesipaid the .monty within six'monthi
it shall be accepted lieu,) Was taken np
and. passed This bill glyea• to eacli of
our militiamen only . f3o,soand:subSisterice,
for their services last fall,' This w:p.sjii.4t
ly denounced by.Democratic.members as
a "niggardly" pittance 'forrtlfebraVe•de
fenders of ourtate. • •::
gold-headedisMiCwas pre
sented to Speaker cessna by[ t hs,officers.
of the HOuthq who 'responded briefly in •a•
fdretvell addrec.s. The star-spangled
banner" waS!--then sung by the members,
and the House adjourned, without
We will publish a resume-of the.acts
pasSed, at “uture day:. .f 4
Firel-4n alarm of Fire again Startled'
our :irillaiers on Wednesday evening
The fire was discovered to pui3.9l.
the stalls of Hatch's stables, in the rebr of
The, fire *as' speedily -extth
girishe'd w4hout. anaterhil injiirj- to the
harn ; but aAiorse hitched in the bin icing
.411, belonging to Mr: Jesse
xiery badlyburned._ We know of but one,
!Clue to the origin _cif this fireand, that is
the execrable habit of takinga lighted CT
- -
gar or pipe into a barn. • 1-,
This t spirited Democratic . daily,'..lately
established in Philadelphia, promises, to
be a complete success. - Its editorials have
the ring of true metal--candid,- truthful;
able and independent. - ,.The
tors, 4essrs, Glossbrenner, : Welsh:4,llo- .
grund; - are well.known.. through Out the
state as life-long Democrats, true as. Old
Hickory to :the Jeifersonian faith, and sub=
stantial business nieri. :.Aye
neatly printed, published in the morning,
and lias thus far been very regular iu the!
mails. In the presenT juncture
this paper seems to'be exactly , theone`
needed at the cominOcial metropolis`
our state, and :cheerfully; commend.
the patronage of our. friends.
A ftmilt insuranui-Compny
It always gives us'pleasure to annoince'i
facts relating .to, the promptcand generous
conduct of ,either individuals or corpora
tions. The
. North America. Inio
ranee company, of 'Philadelphia; Mime
made a .noble response to ilitcseveidoss
of. Sayre Brothers, in - this village. -- They
were insured in said company,
mount pf $2,500. In lest :than ten ftlays
thelaniount was fully paid; without any'
discounts or -abatements whatever, - althn'
the tompany was eatltlecl. to:Go Asys,,
without interest, for pap:tient: it must
be gratifying to all persons •who.are.insur
ed each a : company ; , -ktiow that-if
The Age y,
paradise. pm
...,....... ~. .. , .
they meet with a:Severe loss, then puh- ,
..- o t . t .....,__ .
, War, of .1812 The Federidiste de- I veer. f • (\dine - ot• ' like Raman who was i They,ltave thus guarded, the
same ,g, , yon__ 1.. I . flash ' before facestire.
. ' Ming, onA! te 'same gallows he had prepared -chased fer . nib) , thi: wiioitiitoiii fathers,
• .. .
:iciekwill :be•ProMptly paid ;I and we.feel it, I Th.
to ! he due - said cotnpany - and . to: the CoYn-* 1 ClarooppositionAo aura; not treaeoa. for .11, lerdecai t , ytn'..will :be•lmog on the 'and naur::::that the ietienty . has... Stolen. 'in,
:-- 'The •great historian, - 'S. G. Goodrich, illows have :re :tired! fbr the and attempted tb.-destroy •it, • let thent
Atimiity 'at •!:large. to commend to the Jittb-.1: their flatting sword
lia:a•company thns..prtimptly meetin g ,its I. w h o w " a son o f , o n e o f th e i n ent heri,„fi D .
. einocrlis. ,- ", ' i,. ' - • . .
feder•ile%ts hid of truth, and hiss into their. ears.the burn
lihbilities: Billings. Stroud, Esq.,. of Mont- 1 the liartford Convention, in hiS Work - ea- ' 1
' . .5.3r. cll . odrich /741,,5, the.... ... •, . - - . • fre e
.. „.
ro9io; is agent far caul company, and is al
, 1 titled " Recollections of a lire-time," has ; a sPfe-ini.'ll•cui! . i s,
Wit" Denineraity, which had in. , principles of : our goyernment un
.. _
wet .on -. hand, not only hi - taking risks:l the following a - et:mint. Orthelast war with . °PI" • - •. :
i • rin . n . e d : w i t h, J e ty erot o • Ti llt 4sp e .. I tit, they.shall ilee from their : • presence as
but in ease of loss,,tO assist in liquidating G reat fl r i ta i n: . .. . . cial dread" NW not .li.ft the -: . to this day. 1 face of a serpent indised. Then
. ' 1. ' - I I They I►'l 11• r s tAlle•irrht Of it I)enmenit. las "Rome was saved by the eackling of
About' mid-summer in .1 81 2, the news 1 8 li r t " '' i *r .
saidolainas. We are insured in this - com-,1 „
'rel reliable •I
P? y, and•believe.iti to be anti y ,
,;.,,_. ,
~,, eame that Com,rress, With the. sanction of I I - 1 , • ,
. Titer' dreaded .Icflerson. all his lifetinityl,g.e•eset" Anity Mir Ante,lean Ri•pta.lid be •
1 they dread -I to • itelr . .save - (1. - hr - 1116 hissin rs• :otiseri'ent ..''. Aftd. as
•'!,-.-' r ' ' •" --- "'' 4 "-' 4 `!" ---------- •'' !- -' I tit. P•I . i '' had •11-• s 1 - •-• ' •••• • ' 't, ..""`' " ° WI " is 'l et " ' -----r - '' "I Moses -• • . 4 -: • I - - - -
, (~ 1 esti en ,•i i.A., loci nar ag,ams
I his doctrines • even - whispered - ithittl., raised :a_ trazen - serpent •upon a
Vhclietkit Oonlit3t Arrest - • ' . - - 1
, ..„ • (-A•eat Britain. Sagacions.• men bad lbre-4„ ,
__, . -' ~ is
---- ----- ---- - ' ---.
• -.-- • - l'' '' ' • ' ' I '- ' i mid frei.sdom Or •t•bitseient.sts," :those boast
7...•..,The.Tarrest. of certain- citizens- of "Berke -•i-, 4e - (4i -.., thi4 . tivo i t .-- .l ; li t , it
ttitii. . ti . ..,i.iiii,.,0,1„,t,.!„..n.i.i5.5.,..,4,470110,in
inset - tont; or• press' pole, Ahatithe--Hebre wa mirsitt leak itiknt it
and be healed-W*oe bite of real. : lierpents in
'limo. "-hnirrhts
comity on the eltargeof.. ~ . ~ l.of thepeople at the. North like a thinider- !, , ..., ; ,
41 . 4 ~..,- . , .
L. _
i. eu• Anier ti n v es t „. l. n7 , ti l t i i t t: .l . i e i i k te e i•son gat i• Its, ,11 1
. •_.: -. I the Wilderness, let a britzen copperhe a d . .
Of the Gorden Cirele,"? has. crellted
.sonie - ! bolt; ''' The doetrin s '"teas •11•40 . announced rt
stile , df a se orpi..! be colledat mind _out libut %-polo., .is a
.;:' • that when w•tr ii 4 •Ts dechired opnos;itiot words ,,, 13 imagine•' ,
', , , ,••- ' i , i on, ' '.l :ley, , ,
~, . .. .,-; , - •• . ,•. ~., I must cense; duoetritte wittetris mote ht I •
oxcitemenf,' in this,regioni• ;It is amu s ing , • .
~ • ,
. -. ..- - • ,• ••• • arc a ettre-forthe poison ~ it• re(reralii4o 4 , the
to. read'tbe namino• heat]. 'tettei•a• .111 1,111,
,for . . serpent r whenevey they retteli their-eau. ~, • ...- •
they hear the -/i4s or a I symbol. that the prineiphisi..iir Democrdey
- the slaves of de'spotisto than' a free . '. ,
, • '
I real .serpent or client) , or.. the:liberties of
- ,:- :-
P,res:4, and . the., COlumn-,.inuA
.a 'etre-Ironed the followers. of
,cole: _lt lis.simied as d principle that ..'1"-"1 they ." . .- • li• 1-T1 r •• 'l' r •.1
• . . . J e tr et ; son -ti c o m, er h ea d s ,” •, 'lli cso .-his i s. i•inan int . AC 4....lriami .o Moats eras a..
• • '
half of fine type, including .!the eritlence..l opposition iva treason. Nov., tw o.: t hi r d s .. , ~,_ ~.. ...1.' , . .•. A.
the • I ' ' IN'pe 'or tlie, seilv\ttion• of our' world
I ing ,soundS, have have, so„oltqurbed w ,
befot•e- Commissioner iSsioner wi, az i e tt. Aft e r all iof the iultabitants throngliont-New Eng' ,
)c - itee , ,
abil'iliev' lave 1 ii,:it So`iffeir,!tiing 1 -- from the - evils or sin, :So let a Serpelit
the display of - capS".and dagg•ers,..tncii. Is . ...
. •-: •, ....,, .... „land were volitieidly ..ollposeti to the a'd- 1I - . i• ••:i• - • •,- •• .. •'•,•'•I 1 . • . TA .•li ' • •'.• . •C• lvalinll or oar
I • I rqm ph tm 1 allt (Alai ... e tin. 111110 f ti11...:1
' !Vita remorse ot conscience in . ~ ..
-i : ministration Of Madison. Tltey Wei.e , aill i • ~•- 1, - „,. : ~_ . , ..: I•'i is ile_evils of tederilisin and
• rit VI i'. , " I ► (.• • •
,notoing„in•;t... acts-nm tin, pioNen.-- • 1 .'- 1 1 j'on tituVacre:ts itaines, so sametitu,,,e,:er-•1 eouttury , ftiim • t
.. : ..
Federalists; told wOre for-111C' ' , 1.0 •• . ,
' ()(1 ' .(l '" l
tate it, n ) lan „..
, : ta
~ they i .
~ -
All . theacOnsed hut One are jet .off on their 1- wa y-i n po li t i es and reliolon.- -. Theyhait'a I sm ." s eei on
' • , .t ' tl sl'.l . neiisitt enemies Or fr 1 1 •
r, red..a few Ationths-ngo - to •externiiiiate the 1 3 . tit - I Ck , , '
.. ,
Is re- i'specill 'dreg(' of llein •r• • • i' 1 ieh hod
'- i own recognizances,; an , that _i . ~.. . . oe. „te), v t ' •
I.whiilit. Col }, e r:iiiis: -' l'lti•V..eatiglit I of opinion and freedoitAbl•vonsetencei„and
.leased - on bail:: ..-,. . . . • ' ' orirrinated with Jeffet•son., Th 4 did itot!l i i,
. •.••• • - - - k let 11 t i record it L.
isr eat i 1 iiiibersoind.shut them ititott.dar -, i so • I S 9 y. -: -•• •
.:- The pro secittioif ivashiStittited, and ih e .tbelieve tlc war nec..essat), and oppositiot s?
ron' C:'‘ges,' Surrointeled - liv•stone 'Walls, 1- - • „ . ••
„ . , „ .
,► . -• , , ... .. . . ...'. . .t 6 the war was, not billy their right, but 1... '}'
~..-..- -.- ..i l'• A ; -4•11• •O• t.l - i''‘'' • The Intolerance :Of the ,llnhin League, -
alTeStS:•were Made; ,onithe evidence of', ai • ;•tl . 11 • - '• - - , . -., , , out tas . t•I Allll
. SC t 111, , A ni,, a, Au - • •
. "I 1 .their e° "" et 10 " s ' w " their tint' - I 11 . 1.1 '-lil . 'Witt those' drittled siiiito(ls '.<''. ' . 2 -' , •:-and , !fleet. It. , •: .- ••• -
111- - Olincr spy. or ~the administration,. who . ITo hare Subitaited sto the . ..doctrine that ' A ' ' e ' 15 • 1 . c l ' . - . '''•• •' ' 'Leanne "' .• • -
. • that, the - reptibliemlS' talked stroinilY ofrl . The tition of this•city - senis to •
.concealeds,ltimself, ituder..sonie ,ltay, or • opposition Was.-treakin l Wl/1114 ; 11:1VC. made I-, ... • • i• : . • ':'•...:' •' L' which I- ''.
-tt tiring a map inits put in opetittion, ,hare been formeditot only to promote '
straw,...iit• the barn- ill whielt the • accuSed I them ""w (w t h Y• t h e " - "'"e °I . free!"e"*" !.- was invented in„Ft mice, and s'O'corist - rife- •• i . :, iAI olit'onirn A with •A vi s •
..., •, .. .. . . .ani propri z ,.l .e ; l. .. t ,
~, •
• -
With others Met ! : ILOW far the evidence . ' -nw ea " we * hel p bo 'i l l.g "stimishe d "" tea' that' it Woultl,take i,,fr tiller heitihi• i
1 .4 Nto• the elect imisof an: 'Abolition .:„President •
of 1
lc i a num can e relic upon, we leave . .
, perusine , the above extract; at • beholding 1 one stroke:: ' -Gen:' - 'llurnSide!'liettril :t. re- :
. o eat t).prosialit 1911,11 ofl
t ill 18 94, but t! • • • - 1 . - t• -•it ' 11
. , ! 1 the yery party men who once so violently 1, public:in in Wasliiii4On : i4iv lie . wanted
the reader to indite. _' .. - .. . , . 1 .11 'r •l•f• • •-••• 1 r Tr , ' tS' . 1
- "the Wa •S• 11 1 C,,--I , O(AA ,
.. i.1,10 . ,t •ari ,
opposed d doctrine which th e y . iirononneed Ito sc•e'ti thousand henili'it day' 1 r l•
roll -it-'thi , ' 1 coninto•Cial. '-: •• 11• !t 1 - r - Lo•• rt • •sz VII
:meta V.,.. it 4 14,1", 11 i
. • The•truth of the matter.nlost ,
• probably !to te more fit for rite slave's if t;• c• 1 - s • • T • - • is • • 'tin.: . •
.) i e.spo is' 1 mactime. he : men m ..• ranee, ,nmst .pharisaical• •O - inplacenev,. and With 'an
. - ,-- ~. , • i . , , e
Is,. butt the people oi sperKs - county, 'be- !, than • 'rep people, •ettforeing,- by threat:; , ex . pertin its'l'isisf were nanteil Robistipierre .1 s • of
,- 1 assut piton patriotic
~ • :, - • i . .
of ins wisonntem, and the g'illows ! ; thlt. .I)antoti
-anti .ILirat, and !there is A Man' 1 t i.l inn. to thos , c Who know them, haVe
•nevino . tue.conscription "act to be uncoil- !
~..,QII :-... I ..., . . .
•. ' • ver . " 6l trim' upon fret.' people; oharg - .greatlV thoiorllt'ediOrioter - the republicans; li, ''k - .. ' 44 "• i 1 f." 1 - . 1 1 -
stittitionitl,' , hold - meetings ,or purpose •• • - - .••.• wen. • ton n ~to cut .o i ite.ll4 U.•l to
-1 mg the manic of treason upon 'all who do : w ho... seems ~..v vi y wn y ' ivi i t lith, ( l . f. o . h:i'lf/lii.. 11111011 fo -fie Dimmer atii.' Religionsly,
A • • ' • 1
of .evising.meaus.'to test. Itill the -courts`i not sill:port a war,' whiell they .think as' I f t h• .! .'.l •• • 1: ••-• • rush' rif f .- 1 -- •' ' - , •
c lii.y:,, Hoe in so, exteimls s A l:1 . a tiler •vote• to expel from "tire • 0 lure :es
1 . -
'nisi' tiler have the - undoubted minces:L:lll-v as the party, in poti• - ei• thought
. . manner, that a thousand lantds:4l,4lty. Wbich they attend such•clerarinet as do
ri,..+Tht tb•do.•; , --:' . .': '- " • ~ the'la4..war. with Great ' Britain - to be.-- 7
1 wonicildrop'btf without 'tiring - him ill the. -• '•'.. .1 '1.7 MI 7 • 101 ,), ,• ,iii ~er ti red .mid..
. :not pi eat 1 a w. a )
.The federalists" would have been minor- . i .'•••• t :.. : I 1 , 1 • --
Verv, probably. they believe rite war. es- - -. • • I was , ;:till ti Is no datigei-4 his vote ont.jof,ollice such vesti•ymen - its . .410 .
• - thy the. ~lame of. freemen, had they sub- . sensibilities - beittL. slto •)- s . '"; t• t 1 • -*id! t ' • i • •ft' ••►1 I •t f Alma,
''til A le Sir.) I not• ein oise t he o eht , eont ii. o
-pc . . .. • :con ducted by the present im- milted to the doctri s that oppositionto I
ty- . the conperb;nl 14.inglholmlit to bee the 1
amn.„Linc,:lit and .111 t, coarederat es in. (Tittle
I..iecile and.intionons Administration tau a w ' t • " 1 • they-Holt'• •11 I• • ' • • • `• • --.
_ 7 Air us treason"-and -am yet ea
, ' - • ... "same "'roes. as 11. "Per 1 :, 11 "wil_ hi - the aaainst the • i.',lonstitutiOn ; tiontinert . 4:lllV,
never save, bittinnst,•ifpersisted in, fur-.;,every man a, traitor who - ex4 i •I•CISC .t e I
h - !south IIS irenel - , - and Ile leari,c,i to hitmlle • t i - te L ea -,;•ners' have eotibiited to depi:eciate -
• lit of •t ft-coital . ' to speak asr•iimit, the , ,
ererdestrby the trtiton,'and believe that , - right • • • ••• ,• • and torture ;hem WllilC' ill Nl"'W''9llP:fliS trecuriticii oti;:red by bettioerafr ;- they
War into which the 'Republican or Feder- ..,,. the ~ -1 it. ;
enough of oar citizens have already been - t.. . a•_.M.r.:11..011 ' and :applause ~,E. 1,;-.; i• q i - 1 - .• 1 . 1) - •t. ;tins ,..- 1 ..
reinse to ien nit 1.- emoera s
• ' 'al Partr has -so needlessly; a s t hey heneve . Al t end' a t rite" north., lint. " dthou -II - •
7 1 .'''" t t •CI lartre • 111 their* serytee eiiiployeei:', Who
slaughtered for nothing-.wore than noth•••• i ..,
p utkeel our fbrmer happy -coturtry. • Do I
1 - Iteads!a ilay,"lthey..sAA . l art 9 -I ; ('‘'tfillilig lip; 11.4117 7 7! to yottr tlic Abolitient ticket, :into •
illo'l •If this be their belief, we must say titoY, intend to compel - the ,Denmerats •fo 1 ..... 14 • - I 1 - of - reptiles . ,•-• • i
,„ , AI 011 7 ' on l y :
. I 917.114.; 11, la 'III 70 77 -erV nosainia. to Abraham. - • - .' -
it is'a very rational belief, :We-entertain: submit to be the slaves that they seorned I i n th e i, - state of
.NeW B.'Ork alone in, tlle I Even 1. - tailrodd, llititkinr - r, - Insurance and
. • . • ..• l 1 1 . • ' •
:it ourselves - , . . to -be t Itemsel ves : 1 'nee lows
, )ears, end ot'a whole. vein , . And then a thoti.dit 1, 1 • • • 1 .1 1 I
~ • •ol ler cot poi :mons, itt u. in A:1. Le Learners .
. while Madison Was liu,iiting, an•ainst our -•• .1 . -• • hate • • •-, t • -
Even .the Abolitionists AVIIC ate for tilt • • • , ma) aso et oss«1„ the•it• intilds Or. the I have t h e power , exerc is e thi s , spirit; o f h i .•
•-111'111sh toes, . these .f( ' ' - tieralists "PiTsed tragie":ll fate of 'Robespierre, . who after.' 1 - • ••t1 • • s 1 ' . ••4 • • Irl
ItO eratice-a!) . anist iei! 1_11111.0)i( • . , .115 0
war believe this. If they did not believe _him, .tind !aided by speeeli and- the press,..c ti iti n „. o ty 1
t.lOit'sailik or he:idsliv this Ma- I soine .. ex t eat against others. - . Outs- hail
that.. , i•••.. ,
the •waris disunion, they it ...nbt i the enemy W- i
tis AVlli(th he :1 was bravely . •eltitte, had to lav hinthint.o...wit head in to .
'1 5 •-• road: Cempanv, to c o n knowledere, has.
be favorable' to it,- -Disunion:has . been wolcodirg• He conquered Great Britaill h e c hl tipp ed_ o w I, ‘ • some o r t h e r: ,_.y r tam, .disclorged :, statien agi:nt s,:_r vottiliti•ton,,
- e not only .without, t heir did, hut against all 1 1 : ' ' 1
firer MAO: " Nornion 'With slarehold- w,tos names he lead is lit telt 1 . 70 W i i aS lile. &Wine - Cr: 4 , :ilia 01.11e - f , i'itiiiii . )i•vet , avowedly
.. , • their inaliee and their sneel l s, andnot a.
era"' ." The .ConstitutiOn of the :United next 6-lo4t'theirs. , 'Th ey . h ar il iherefore I be:NOISe t !lei -- ware Den:M:l%lls 'Mid .it-i: ,
iiMn in all the - LTA:lied states was in ' - Isled, ••1 • 1 ' .•' •'' -- - • • • • sl• 'L • -
'States is a. leagllC With Death anti' vire, e d, by his authority, in the exercise of all, • •
, ... • . soldiers return .11• o - the war, •
and.-m the broker.s. ot,,tlifs• city, 'Who hive'• rtjecte:l
mut! with Ilell !" '!'lase _leave. ever '.been the rights, of - freemen.. . And • w hat did : meantime to fill 'their minds. ' With Snell first' • ' • 1 ' • '•l' - 1
class Al:maws .:imp y i n 111! Itlol
their war-cries, ••ind. would
_they favor . the.
se Federalists then claim as the rights . . - • -
horrorof that species •rf the sesi•pentine•
-I • IrTOllllll. • There can noloterer be la di
•lof a freepeoplei. . Mr. Goodrich says, oh. •- •
a Way to sayethe I,Tnion? . race,.ill'atwhile their " isitiolS.•' , . "tl •-r
All 111,
, -e) I th a t. the I. nion . 1 - ,earte or - . this .eity,
• ‘'..llow the.Cortnectlcut Mirpoi• in tM.! hilli7ls' .11 i' IV "'.
While the old line Abolitionistc'•• w • 1, - a upon And exterminate eVery one - i Operatitn.s; thromdilts'instriietedinenibers,
, ,with of cheothiti: Dwight, did - east its arrows .1 •i •
. i 'l% ci1(. 7! 1 t i lt refibblienost ottly'siitgli; .out. tb I.' laborinti• sedillouslv, and systematically
o aw.
great consistency, go , for the tear on •ats- -- Lright and left at the war and its pilot
-union ground,- their co-Workers favor-it khors. And 'whenever the forces of Mad
a . • ..ismt- were defeat"d by the Britl'all th e
source - of pluntirr and.power,
-and ' will Federalists, when - eyer . they met the' . l ' )etn=
' acks L.4trats,.woulo_put finger to nose, and erv,
continue to;fart'it 10ng.. - aS grcenl
we told you so!: Pocir - Jim Madison
are . vorth, ten Outs. on the dollar. T .
Administration -believe, as: -we do, that - i. Poor Granny .I)earbortt!"--aild inany•
this; war-la retideri'fik , the -restoration of I-Democratic - ear tingled with the jibe; Boston•
Gazette laid,'" Is: theiv
the Union impossible, 'an& they know k
- „ . _ . . • patriot in Americaiwho conceives it his
aliat the people - Mast - In this
duty to shed his blood 'for Mailison,, for
, . 1 Jefferson, and that - host of rnfihms
in Cun
. Hence their desire - to intimidate•and gross who have set their forces against us
-keep down the people, lest they rise' and fOr years?. Not one." Bev. Mrl,Gardin
,puta, stop - to the and the plundering, I er l ()!7Bustal'l i`-hisd •• . "
- con snlerations, toy brethren, deter you at.
of the public by the friends of the war.— all tnt
; I
est • oepecratingthe present war.
Hence theirpimp..was • set , to - watch the As. Mr. Madison hai begun the war, lk
men -of-Berks - bounty .. mid cause. their 3.1 t: -Madison eat: - .y it on!"
rest. But, on - exaniination, it turns-out a 1 Tliee arc what they-called-being qor
fizzle,and. the Administration is - if - possible, 1 t
p thy.the' name of freemen, to - Say nothing
more ridiculous now, .than betore.:
aresent of the " blue -lights," and the.
leader.. • - "Hartford Convention." But 131 r. Matli
, •
s=on and the Peinocratic,ptirty completed
our British foes, and'compoljed th em ev
er thereafter to respect, our rights . , and
these same - Old FetleraliSfS and theitl'de
scendants have enjoyed 'their-freedom •for
the last fifty years, rat -the expense of the
,and treasure of • the 'very peoPle .
they are now so wiekedly . persecuting.
The Boston Gazeiie " any man
1--Who lends tnoney• - to the government will
be called infamous, and - will forfeit "all
claims of cammoncourtesy.among - ull true
friet:d4 of the country. They prosc6bed
alt who gate aid - to a . Demeeratie
dent then,- and prchiefibe aN . Pcmoerats
- who will:not aid their federal:or black
inthlican:Ptesid en t iiow ,'Then; all 4 trite',
friends Of the country" opposed the
now, all who oppose the war are enemies
rifthe-cotintry. - . Mt. Goodrich Stiys" the
federalists were oppoSed to the fi admitils
• %VP "
Court ,Pro cqedings.
Coinn` lon wealth 3fese's Swift, indict
ed' for --stealing. - :The - :defendant plied
guilty, and. was s3tenetkl to one year and
three - - - mouths iniPri4onineht,'in the l'eni• ,
teutiary; and, pay a fine of ten collars and
costs or coiirt: .
Cony: 'vs. Sisifa Boivoll, indicted for far
coliy.A.aron prOseontor. Yerdivt,-
guilty. Sant3OficedtO.thepetiitentiarv. for one year,'itniTpity a.An& .of fifty do:gars
and costs:
Cont. vs. George Welch; inflicted for •
larceny ; Geo. S. Young prosCCuter.l Ver.
diet, guilty,: and . , sentenced" to
nietit -for 'one year 'finit'six - tnontlis,
pay a fine of ten doliars-aud costs. • •
Coin. vs. JblinSetSer; indicted for arson.
Joint ',Urtt;:prosecuter.-, 'Verdia; 'not gull
• Com."'Vs*.4ainesllaley;inaiCted. tor
prosecutor. -
in • the:
peaitetitiary fot,lhe 'term :of,. four : . 3 eat
arialliay a filiCel : tsoo; :mcl Costs: .
I:Dailit - Rolierti.. is. J - Ohn - _Young and'
11t.:e;." agree.
"Wm. TraTis; 'Orirnal'l3roNVn; -Ver
- oiinfiyance.
At 00'. hlte ii-ession of the Cooference,
held. at sus4'a Dr:pot,. the. follow ing pp- I
poiatilidn for flid.ll7yhtusing di§tnet
viTrg . ,r -
Presidipg--13 E1d,e1.7-
Montrose; A, Tr. SeliobilinaherrOoklyi4
A.C. Sperrjr—Lo treek
D. WestfalLL-Tuukhannock,.'
L Peck-Skiikaer's "Rddy, • Brooks-'--
Meheoioanb.F: l l.lllriaii-t-INidliOltion, Lh
bar:-Wyaluein; -(Vaeiiirt)HLittle Medd
o*s, 'JO). Warreo--Rdrne; A. F. Hard-
G B.' `Hair-=l:itclifielc 'P:
G. Bridgetiian--;Windriarii;' J. L. - Legg. '
Iq the - other - . distrioti3, Mr: ran Vhiken
bark :goes*titßerksbii.e,'Tiokit do:- Mr.
; Bartlett to 'Npv :
Milford, Mr: Pick-to CarbOndale. •
antintr'Of .is-on. he atiministration
orLineobt is now, the " gorminn en t," anti .
to"hc` disl4al to' the governtheht•Of , the
Kniteti States is to be ...a ti ntotc. With
shameleSs Autiscik,' ,- they: claint'iln4;
hain.Lineoln an'd 'his cabinet are' the fror= ,
ernmenti while James Madison.„ - antibiti
cabinet_ were the MminiStrators' or : thq
croVernment, Litieeln is' - a
DentOttrat .are - hOW -eOnintaint 2
.ed on - pain of death. to yiela uncondttiOnr ,
al loyalty. .31 - adisid . . was - ,nothillf.t.bOr
I)o4)o6ra:tie . I.. ) resiticnt Wheat. itteletieral-,
Listilnight abuse at their t)lettAtire.l,‘..Tiot..k
Were inaugurtitedlh the Qapititi of;
out t.itt;•. -
titin-L44h were Seated in .the.Presideti
rtial chair—both irao.ed a war:. tie edicts,
'antic Were laugh ed •to - F - cot'nr,•-Ahe• edicts
of the 'Other ,to be ,obeye4 or su(ler pond
110- . of
ties:' -One iSotTa Joeindei.4t.
can -be Aefig ' 4,ltllo 01,41* . the ant.het.:
ity;'itit . autocrat,
Sion 61 . sht v es. the
Ltri iii :L',l)thuoilfiiiie, and.; a - 13hiek
tioits 'lead the histtirk:of . *a . r.:_wi'th:
Mexico under .I,atneill(; . Pelk; Now; has=;
ten )te : thick - ,repithlidan i old;ft decal
.des ;
p ot s,; and gather up all' the 4150004:Of the : ,
United States . , and barnAbeni . in the fire
before yen go intieh farthei °your ea-.
the' as :havibg. that'a Mid phrase,
" freedoni Speed]," flip; their . ears: Ills
tory [says, "tire copperlfead 'never attacks,
.Selr-defebee." . taltce: warn-
In?' now, • ye blac!i . republiCah tyrants
Self=llef('tiet of cOpperhAdsmay . require
yOuti exterminatiow from the tite:e . of the
earth:.• The: :progettitorsc , fthese copper
heads' fought
. ..with the '.‘.British Lion,"
and i drove hint from' our nad they
ean i •ent4innter'anV tleastl' with
(ull courage aml,sitecess, In the Mugu:tie
of an ancient Writer,' we WOnld . s4 to
these reptiblicans,, ." be ye as' ser
pent s,'l - and .if you, are von certainly .
let thenoalette . • , '
Two - -thirds 'of peopld'of NetV Eng,
faint were- federalists,. ad . had . tispeeial
dread;-of. Jefferson. And_well the'' might.
Those who were ; federalksts
were puritans in. Jetrersol-told
the puritans they had no
rio[ier - Williams: Mid . the Quitkei from
their' itiiiony on a6cOun s t heir ieligiOn,
Ile ti lld'ihe Pin itaiWpf-' (;otine . etient . Oat
it Was a disg , race . to 'humanity AO send .
miiiistet!s-to pa ison'tlii - Pre:tehing contrary
to,tlar:" staufThig 4 4 10 , yll e to ld, i lk,
whglele4eral paity . that.t4ey 'made laws
that o d diSgraCe I lie laW-malaas of the
barbaiotis ages, -a i tld that (o: put men in
Jail for speaking, Writ kg. printing', 'any- .
thing agaiiu;t .their adininitrat ion, was an
act'" unworthy the Nuae fl'eenien,! :ma
with sword hand' he declared . those.
laWs (Mn
ie:tied the battled for
liberty should' be ffhight lover-again. It
was bvitis mi ghi yefrorts and these ciflqattl
iSon, •that'thoSe odious . laws Werii plotted
. our, - statute, books, told them
that every Inittiati* being was entille4 . to .
freedoni . of 'opinia - 4.and 'freedom. to, qieitk
opiitionk; 4nowink
that, the feder4lists,were tyraitts•,:ii, : heart
• ''T ifillt;v'evet''got i6me kr-
vi l Ve filch':9 : olioi aii(t.scaltioitl:l\q., :60
pia; av'ery 'aria in o:iscill ylin:•Aixed fo o
pii their inontin4 . : agniniit thelif/ hi anit
siiidiSon . .ile.‘'l4;il'....o,filini„•lo 4)!Otaat -' fhb
i(ii!lii 0t,'tha11,7464 B(2ps Ogainst. their
4.lOtistit i i4nil:'ulittitOl.: : :nt O l niendinatitto :
the.omi:4 it It troll ' fi"iiiiiidding; o.o.ligt•p'ss 'tn..
f )
sii iin - Sehtl;.'itgains . tliti.e - rty : orsiiqi:liii,"4
. o: . lktess.': Being illns 'l :00 Otrip-tha :
s Oil; ilia : 4Sa . t.itt) :: tha . i)laO,.,os Otht. Os tlia.r
g t - the . toWaty Oval': the pani.)le.ngiiin,.t : liOt,
ti ey . WO.6litickr no obiightion" : lo obey : the
In tvs' id 'Nit i'- . .tiiiie,. tithentzh't.hey-:sOloonly
s - . ,0 . reNiboilieiiqd' to i4 ... oo4)l.titittiOt._ Anil .
I: ws" or oiii.:ol - nitypy . itiloot ~:,tyillg. - tii)y;.,
thing iibOiit - ' ; pol:ee'bi' wat'...• ' 9nr :fittli : ers
1 )1
tea ght: iv 1 . 14.11::w0ui4:1ii,1,.b.6iiii4 '-.147, - Ali
o - eh to •nbey t 1,10:1AWs. whieh 1 the} toOk :so
n''teli iiititni:. : to in:1140101k ~:p6itgeticoj:,!':if
litiqrifeis;l - Aut•liiiiiilo:l4oV'44'.y: 60 4:0.i.1. 7
', ke,
t it: upon - the
ter ewe' tuatle.
obey /nib'as_otber
• .--
iiarniag.2sweo:: - Theid.en.o,4 l 4i6e.-of. the
beea - . gitar#ol We,
petnotqitts .e'Ver eißee . it was framed. -7-
Is -
to introdn'ee I he exercise - of its • it:Minable
intoleranCe and I ma,N
~,ty 'into every der rk
, part 'tient of-
, seeipt, ~: Very 'Calling, • every
profession. anil walk: of life.. .
.J47.vety- - day
furnishes neuridence that , :slit-kis the
faet ; almost ' Vt tyl)einveratean instance_
eame•OPeuriencti in pr4•Cif. 4f; t , This
wretched' bigotry is set 0. and heart t*er4-.
...It whis . rersits wickedness in the.
busy mart ;it scowls. on the face Of the
pedestrian in. the street ;it is Ironed coil : a serpent around the Bible- - on- the
sacred desk&;anti thin , -.1. , s . its it':•seS •wi h
the TrayerS and. Ministrations of the.
preaelier ;it darts forth its forked and
fiery longue in the4)eial,i - eirele . ; it even
• • ~'
spits its-ye:nolo among innocent children' -•
'at their play. , 1; .
• Now, when it is 4 tinsidpred, , that_ 011 -
. Ijs4.nocrats party of' I ennSylvania, if not.-
of 'Pint:A6olin, -comprises 'a Majority • of,.
the people.- this . syStematio.--attempt 1n
0i.:14 'out DentOcrath-: ...tiPpears:
. yery - _rid
iculouslyet it , shows-what..the AtolitiCa •
patriots 'would do, and - what they are'_
doing. : They. would compel every :man
in the land to adopt, •.their -)iotiotis , of
political propriety: - • -Their Tolleyreminds
us of that -pursued by - . their prons.`progen
.itots.of Massachusetts'. Bay, .Who .Wt,ul4
not alio - W. BaptiSts, Quakers, or any who
I rejected the Mayflower catechism, to
,d well with . them.-_ SOine , they hung;
some they Whipped -, at the Part's tail,, and
others theyhanished "• for:the -Ohne of
differing from them ..: in „opinion.' Our ,
Union League
"patriots . :would, if they had
-the poWei, th tm treat al 'the .:Defmxitati- ,
iii the, country. ; Indeed, they.doThreuten
. to•han 4 men, some-of -these days.l • The
The spirit now cultiiating at the ' League
-House - in this city, if Kt - excised : 7 to the 'ex
tent.of its inalignant desire, would inutile,.
every ,man, woman" And child in the laud
for , - 4`fiugrepitte *it h,',.; the , 'Leaguers 'iii
Jxrlitir~l, sent intent:.jit fact., they, do most
heartily endorse .Lineolleti ',infernal 'plat)
for butchering tire women andehildren of
the South thieugh,thetii,i'etid.lif .
ed,..blltek:savages, , They Applauded. she :
Atrocious sentiinente of. that..l4Pocritical.
sicoundrel, « the. Rev. .3.A. • Gilbert,"'
when . liedeolared . - -- lhat . in .4C:certain Con
tingency, he would see every woman - and
child iii-the; Send!. the - .luindii of
the Allegro '...shAVIN, • end:. there Carle
doubt-:;"tltitt, these .•liions' mid ;:-patriOtic
- Leaguers - would be_ Al el ighted to ice every
male; *than and 2 :child • throughout . the
(went:Ty, not agreeing. With. theinl4.
sekitiniqii!.,' A)2101*!1:4
The 'safe.tir. - trtlio Detniierlits. consists •In
the coitardider And: "Weakiter4
the co►igiarktiv.eiy :petty inteleraiiee' :that
is behig,l film 10ested, soi)set?.. and
busineg.s ekreles of t city. - voting'
Joitrut.. . •
frotitFortress Monroe an- •
npurws GekleralTpitor,has,, beim re 4
lieved;.n number J - 4:tiCktips anti :ntlier
plies having supeeeded in gettitigitiraugh
tho, blockatie and - reaching him. Suffolk
is Still . invested.
,: 3~~!