. . . . ---- --------,----------- , ii ! . _ , . 1 Leaders' of the Union 'Le - agues. ! The ..TT. S. seeam frairsport•Vsfetit lITEST". .ERO S catßiEsje fl , 1. .In thost, ,- d av i ; - w h en % the most d esper . i QueenV. Capt. - Colima; arrived ...At: .N.ew.: . - I ate efforts are being put forth bY.the lead-'i York: from New Orleans :![stele 2 • 9th and - • ers of the Abolition Administrati4n parti " KeY West;lst Instaitt .. . ;•Sliti.litings - about to organi•ie iltrcluglio`nt.'thewholecotttitry ~ 60 discharged ioldieti front - etlen,;l3 . tinki ' s secret politiCal 4njlitary ;societies tintlerddh•ll4itt., • -Capt. Colling,reports:that While the speeioits nanie of " Unitinl..eagneg,ol :It , Fort •Philip, S,W..Pass, waS• boarded it taa - y iwoteinivresting to 'aseettli ' ll who list thel_T. S. boardin , , pllieer, Avltri rePOrt . and w Union th ee t „i on L eag u e , 'm e n I„ive .ed "-having reeteved atelegram : frOlit N.eW - . Seen and are. „Wit will endeavor, to a's. Orleitits,stating that the rebels intaibegnit sist our re:uleri in the itignit:y.. • They are : to evaen'lt'-' fort Ii" (1: "' °71-' .- - 1.7. - 'i • •• ,•• . • Ciiniti,Essex,Ap,ril 7. •••• the men who haVe declared that " any : .---F ....... ' 11. ° --1!-'''-'"''''''`'''''''-'T . Irt. ! The attack on Charlestini eontineticed I people, al lytybere, : being inelitted awl - Notiee,---The , 'Alit t. :: , .. Society. w il l • meet to-day., Four iron-el:ids out o f seven in ; having the pow4r, itti • ite the rirjlti to rise lip .; T.ilesdnY.eVelling, Apl•jl itti, at :Ole house the Yankee fleet :re attgagetb - govel a imelit : :of .M.r . 5.., 1). It... Lat. hrop.- April, I 4-tkat the ' anti shalle ti III? eisting : 'The lii frmll th e fle e t ana Foils, :mil form a 111.1 . W' one :,Antl; that vny iim , !,house of .ISt:, So: -. :,.Wciotli'qir, :toil Oo.the 1 Stititter and MOultric .aini .llorris Island tion pi' Ducal people that etul, l i my i iv,A lt . 1 , V• VVIIIIII.:::Of the - 2 Ist at I lie, -. P.. t .. A: -1)• ... - . was very heavy.: , • , tionizt. :111i1 10:1•1;ts their . own or so inneli Warren s. - ' -K. I.:. Si;.% ULF, .let: y. . rnelroitsides W:ts hit :mil she nut ashore. or the territory as 1 hey itlllabit -an4l 11161. e '-• -----:t• - •-• 7 --- 1 ' -- 2::::-=-:= 1, •- : :;: 7:-.-1 --- ---- - 7 -- - -'•::::''" --- . so -I and after ?lily lat. ISM: the piitilege of• Ton-. i but sebsequentiy got oil luia . was ulk,i, 11,33- ( ids . , 3 13:64.:0hN0 11l a\' revoltitioniz t• :rt nig th, present 1, kat la r EGA 1. TI. NOE); NOTES . 011 t Of 11110g1:: , ...: .. J • (4? alit( lint (11)55 n the InittoritV Intermingled : INTO . TItE NATIOXA 1. SIX PEE CE.N.'r 1 ovit• a At 2 o'elork . --in the - aft ernonn nitie 31:on - 'Wit 1./ .1 1 . d We ll ing rent . 'them' Who oppose : I'l' A l ll l:t. ii t' , ' , l , l :;i l. l.,.. ' h f: t l i e. ;: i v . , ‘ •l e t n i i i i,` 4 . l;l i Nt • T a w ' rttei twin iitt4 . tlo;refore apply before the, tiro of pt.it'. itors and the IrOnsialt4t• opened a :lire iltesmovettient.7---.-Abr'in Lin c oln 111 Con- t i.. at :I dist:nice of thrt•e thotisand yards . .l7 . gress, Jan. 1:2,. deal`. . ‘; - Nit. 1 1.4 south Third St. Philadelphia. .I. At half Vast 2 ii 7 eld , Ck the tiring on both ' They are those, who declare that there .iff vy• 14 7. : '''• . • .• - 'sides ih•eatite incessant and was kept. '• up is an ` irrepressible conflict bet Ween slave ~ , ,' , 1 , 1 ,,, ; ., : , , , , , ,, r . ,: ; 1 4• (:), .1 - : w r i l . ) ;t:;:uh t - 7-i v .i i+ Fi v i i i i : 7: tin- t r i t ß r i % ;o: .7 r, r i . r , ' i - -I . n i .r a ... t t t. e . it i t t) ., 1 (filth:( o'clock, ' when it gradually 'tlimill- labor slid freelaboe,' ;nit] that Union mar otollipetilie Remade kiimeu •1 4 rielloholtr7 - Extract ' Lilted. ~,,,,.,, .. . .• cattliot continue to ttist part slave and part. naehli. i Lead the Adreitiselpeitt . lii anOther eolionn.and . . pro fi t by It -tli.ea.e:f atabsyniptatosentinteralol.• Tot It 1 The fire of the fleet u - 11s •eoneentmtecl fre r e . ."- 7 -T,ineolti.and tiorat•( . l. ' : • ,„,,,„„,t 1 ,,,,.,„„-„ ii: 1 - „ a in ,,,. „hi i ,„„. - wf.l „l„ e a : . bo i • . may at w 010.,.. itttore'day. '• ff . :2'o'e. herlltli and vi ) zt , r to I on Fort Stunt et'• - .. _ ••-• . - - rliq are the men Who tinder e ert s an t he rr,,,t,r. *ld bloom to the p , ditl nbeek. - • tt . saves i The lrflitsidos and the leokitk N . llOl - •contilll,•ew•ies, ,51‘...1 hl i' iv , lii id. l it , w wi n „. , ~,,,,, 01treri tit ;aid exposure. Bevy:ire of vounterfilts !- I drbw ' fruit: the\ eng.:ltzentent at filtir to " let the Unioit.litle:"---;(4en. .11:1114:S. gn"r"teed' ` - . it'b/c1:, apparent rends' 411s:tilled. ' . • Tiw'y are. the men . who., declare, that " li .%ritlf: of ft E - 310..• it AT :1 ' '. ' , Tilt ell !"C eXel I CHICO t. pre-V:111S in tills tlley 1111V(1 " bcell laboring" nineteen rears - nnAn.sll: , ..with. rum' p:‘rini.sion i wi t h to t a•s to file r , •adet•: , of your paper I liai I Win setae its nu t mail I -Cll V. ..- -• to takenitfeteen states out of tilt- I:tiion." t o n u w ho ~-1 , 41 i t , ( tree.) a Iteeipo. will' - Nu directions Our :gonit ors have just gone out. to Wendell Phillips. - ' for niakiin: and:using a simple Vegetable Bairn. that will take part 111 the li!rliI. • • • itectiNe t ly relooye, in. 10 days. PiittPles„ Volcker, Tan. - They arc the men who declare. that 1 rerta,..r..:ottt , ati ,Impitrties of the... Skin leaviii" . 'the saine -toll. ch.:tr.:la.:nth aild.beaulimul. ' , ' Our casualties are one biby_kined - and they are 01 , po 5 eil to-this union twin. , •re , . . . wit! 111,00 ti1.,11,r,-,,,,,,,, th,,,, having Baia titaitt.ol. li ve Illt. ll liii,liv Wortittlit.il in Fl VII - Saint er....,..unre4 as it was . t lint. they •11'e oPposed nate F.0,,5.,t-htiple, trircctiiitts and inftWutatien thin will $ I IteporlS $l . lllll I.le, other batteries have to any rest.or4iion . or I lie : . r. ni .._ ~...E.s ., enable them . to start a nal grom th -of I.ltxurio:fit !lair, '"' "'`• ' Wlli , li.r , 's * . or'ar - Molntat Ile. ill le?- than 30 sl•tys All •1•1-• not vet come to hainl. . slaN'el-y is ahoil,:hed.- Th a ,,l. Ster c . n l i' l plications ati4ersl.l liyreiarr mail withatzt . c:luirtte. . t : , Resin:et:fully yours. . ,•. - • . _ •C.ll.tl:l.r.y;'l . oN, APri l l 8. 1 speech in Congress. , . . •,TIITY.S. F._ t'IIAI'M.V.C.OIi - tanist. - `eventurre. (01 iroo-cla , ls ant( the Iron - .. • Tlit'v are the - men who declare, that rch- 2'----3'"-• • No. s:11 . -Broad - way, NetriVork. • ,`` siaes are insitiv the hat% -- ' they are In lavor of letting the .tiottillern:. • T.wt•nt v-two bloekatlite* Vessels ':rre (011" stittes ~,-, Illikss they ettn he ijuide free', ' SIN - GE R & CO. 'S c „ , , . the bar. -- slat eg',,. that 1111'y ' are oppose,l • to :Illy , LETTER ` - A"I'FAMILY SEWINGMACHINE , . • ~ , 1 The Keol.:lti: is sank .0, the • (leach o.a . Union' Witri•:".lave hohlers.-, . oraee ace- II C ' WITE: .-LL'I.HE RECENT I.MPAO.VI37.ENTS,-. Morris Islalnl. .. ,Y. i I . .. • - .is the best and Tli capes i ant; most beatit Ifni of ail SewOr • - rht•rt. 1' lit, .11,po , ition on the part of They are , th e iticn \ dm ae, 1.. t .r ',, .., ; , . 4,. ..* ..• • , that , ...ar:ime-.. .'flit nrAch-itie Will ,:eW till thing. • from Ilt7: ths Petlerals to rene s w the - coutli et !• , . ,\ they are" toot in favor i.t . j- e storietz• the •O• rlin ill!.1 oft 111 , 0: ill Tarhitali toa he tivikitnt 4mi Over-- . eoat-ato Can , lona Pilot or li-il %Tr (`toll, liylCll tor the ~, . - . • " 1 ; 1 ,„ l.ollst it lillOll3, l'.g.it. of tLc ,slave holders ~ ,, nest I fAlize ; - $r 0 4), , ,..anieri'i4,te l . .ltiti h• ever r , ni - 1 1 ' .... : The War insTenessee- - `st to , Ihe l'iiii,ll, nor of ' the W:li* i.O 1.11:1t. 'CM'', it..w.,rk r‘olwrf,eliion. to CAll f,ll:ttein. bind. nn t 1.1;T :c r,t;;; ( 1: 0 „ - • y101,411'1 has. a eapacit V (Or A ' , l%.`X! Variety oiornantentll ' . ..N.‘511V11.1.E,Tt%11....A Nil 10. htll. are utterly and forever opposed to work, Thi. it , Ma III,A)1/1V717(IltilliWtil:Ileall fell, tent obiea 1 1: I II: , t i : I toil,o , i r t i orth. hut it will do iw, better-Ili:11i any o . ther . , . V:ko Dorti's Whole titr.4-eatt:laetl Gert• . bot if -Wlt ii ,1•( , (•!:ti'e I bat the true t; ranger to-day at Vra ii kllll.. .‘, ft er - --Ss.- A :rl,-,. 3 1, 11 :1; 1 ..i 5 i•T:- i ,s"" 'Vl: c e ll i i`;',i,; l : - ,, ni .,' tot tiol , lv:ir is to revolutioni7e the ''•••;:i- 'h• t . .. hid if o . :1 •_•;:s ' •i l l .. % : :x t riT•t..; vcre tigl.ll 1b.,: r , it• llv y Inir ,. 111 v rebels ie : , 11411111 Cr ox• viol' eu t., and 111%!t the 41 i rt . .q.•- ll'l4,i:-. . v . h ,l ci::•lii;;',-"Slint' tf iai . g• iTli P t i ,: ii t ni h' lr ‘' i '', 31 L_ I!.l b 'P r i r t r eated,•l4..:l \lag -Own- ( l ea f( oil tile tiel,4 - =. Ito(t „fit eiiic,,i,314.41 14 , 5i4 1 41 . ( , t . t. . t A te .von . ~f, , ,,, „ 1) ,,,,,,L ;11A .k r ,i' t ilealitifill.,lll),4,llliiaL r :ll:ll ' :lJ . Cl()Lit3 ! p1,11..f0r t..11..tv,,ri: to rest upon. ' fee eases ... area:every 1;111: casua l t i es on either a id e aro not. 6t 1' . . '•• -'-•1 -' ' i , 4•• . " ....1 - ' ~ ~it r t . I 4 ., :%5 a: , t t.•: , 1 , ..t11ei .0 V.lt't.',. -..,prech li,l4titt,,ht:de. , l49l--plaitl n. , the M.11911 , ,,.'r0nri1l In.: native ~t* C ilinv:l y , I Z e p . l a cul l w p o t• c o i.. '• fort• . .t . ..oraselithorately trvislied.as lief Cad make them. 1 knoWn. . I .1 . 11, or.pielwlllee-_ ace ail well ,opplied with,ilk. twisl. 11.r..ii..1, IleeilleA.oll, eft., or the very In.,t tot:tilts': Ne:t ‘ r . I..ivetriit - ; to-day 1 paSsen"-er .r r y s ic I . :.-- 1 rain on tl!t. N . :Nl:Ville :thil Clltillanoga Tilev lie I II& mei; who endorse 1 7ii••• sewing acopy of -!Stxtant & Co.'s (I.tzli•rxt::" -,. I. M. SINGES. & Cl). 4:sB - Itrtrolo•AV` N . Y 10iIrtratl was attacked hy :: r e i n !' f o r t .+ ,... , ' 4 " 1 0 111 ( 91 ', • l hal •" the - eonst it in ion tlf Ihe ' r'rftll3,l..lehla omee.stocht • •ollnrst ' reet: ••' - Y . .ItEAD . ,,WATIIOI - 84:, FosTEit. Ai;eut, ini'lloto rose. not le!ts, titan DlO Strong. ywt.lve or M . : . 12'11i1ed Slates is- a 441 . A - en:Mt. -with death . teen of the train guard were killt:ol • :lint and 'a lea g ue . Wiiil I tell." -- . - Il'A''i “:LITi - Ili w 1 : 21 : 1 S-Inr 7- " D8 /'()/tl ' ALE " -A123C ' *GAR ' • wow - wiled. The train , -was destroyed mitt ;or,. . . ' DEN, OP FRITIT: TA.litd.S. Ile' track torn up. 'phey ;Ire .11,e 53 111 e1iii,ers o r c ,„,„.,.(,„. , SUitnltle . , t• Oraties. Peneio- , . Pears. Ilaspherrie: , .-: strwherrirs, Blackberries. Onrrants, .Cr„ of 1, .2.• , ,.:, 5. • It is reported that :t •rchel foree also - 311,1 I 11,141. r 0 ,p,,w4.1.;; w i n , , i .In,orse the seitti. nt orloar:4••• each. tit the rollowitez 'price,: for tile pre,;- !. v . i . t. v ., ii.- . 1...) acre'. for st...m. to !len-, fur:lm iliter . e s tor attaced :t t rain on I lie Lomis-viiie road . ments and doctrines of "I felper ' s ItitPtatti- ,'', . .0. ...., ~,r, ,, fur sto. 1 acre thr $lll. Payatild by one :it'd ran them off the track. . • : . ing, Ci-isis,” whicit says : chtr line is ~- ' l t''' ar '' w "''"• - Als o . szood erlobsrry boats, oittl Nlll9 , zr lot 4 In - Clidt: - - - ,„,- --.). < l . " 4 " .- '- • r -,• '!I 11 al kolish slitverv . anti so-110E Iv, God we ; , r...0. , ,L -...-, hr 1M feet at 'ClOl.'lOl paya b le - fie ou r dollar ' • • ' 37.11-3:Mi1ti11.r...... .. '- we it aliolib l it; ' ' - -No; vooperaiiint. with . w,....k. Ti:',.:,bo,-, I;nal ` astrl fr.rins.i;re sit iint4at , Clern pod NVashitiqbartow is ip Borlinco.ti Totally. New :6 I, 1 !:I:ll,;ehdith..l . s in VOiitieS • llo Mil)WShip With :1 " .r.,:v For In ilo- l i f 11 ' ' s• • r - • -- T11 ( 1 1:i'litIloll 4 ' \\ -- :lig of Apri i i srli, them ill rell , r6ll-110 afliiliat , kil With - '' ;: '''''.' 2f " r " ire r u la r r . •r„ " V r It. ' t n.' • s 'l. T . l 4lFi l , '. 0 1i;) , .. - , the c,illowill..:,.iti reference to) the .sit-' t heta ifi see . .• •` • • • of . Feb. 'i;:' - 1 1 . y , ..:C 6. 'JO CetlaiStr,,,,t, S . :int . York, - , tot , . Ilt).' 1 ettognitton pro- • •*'• - ,t • i tilt 11011 at Chal:lestolt •:-:- ' -- , ' slavery men except, as - rnflijmit, outlaws. - •Ta Coneinniptives. ,: : - 4\31 thowzios :II e now centered upoi: anti. Criminals." i rh;: - ,, •k . ,•rt :, , ,t- 1,.,.vti,.. - ,A,....,, re , t!,r,.,1 11, h.,,,ith i,, 4 . few Charleston• onici . :ll intelii , ence Wit-4111;1.1C - They 'are tlte niett Who oleelat•ethal"anv :mg:, by a Ten- foal& remedy. ' ,n et .. having •sonereo pllblit• eio - Is Yester.l.'ty morning that lire man who prates i - r the Constitution :i.t ' -'vend vent„ t l ~..:,,. .i v t i n i l i ) 1 1 7 4 : u ttv .;:ti , l l t , T i t!:.: n itl;. it; i t i t t: , ll : l li: 7` i i n t o h , : i t i d li r:itl i t ., t, e111 . 11:,' s iron=t:la , l 114• et. hail :e. tempt etl• to \ this (bile, is It traitor."-Ilett NVaile 1% S: fell.;•;v-,:ittreren: the ree.on-- off'are. . . 'l'oo all who desire it..he will ',rid amps of niepre,erlp cross the bar and failed, hat 1:11.01* ill the' Senator. 6 , . . 011 119(q1 (rrri• cif eitarge.l with the dirt etion - 4 for, pre,,;C_• day It w;c: :unnotincl ., l -that the s.2;nithonts 'These - ni•,. - :, the .11101 Who are now ~ .ettite..4 ! int; and e.ititt the tialtle.Nlllll . ll.llloY Avilltlndasureti 7 ltr. and transport izltatl sin - veva ea, lii erossinsT, , mi .) s 4 l . llion ' lA.:wilco." - Secret Politic:lt; tr:',-1,`,..-(;N;;lt',7:,),`;'-',-;-:l‘.7•ri!-;',".....,:ll,.:lll`;;•uil,,T•T;r:•7,'•*rii:rtil,,en 41.1.." ti; ibenelit the :ollieted: i.lin spread Information - ivlllelt he :Mil Were ' :it ' attehor. .011 r iron-clads laN• niilitar rorg-oli2-,iions to pet 1 Lt it.tt t, pow •' ' • ' . .- • c..tilet..e. -, e, , , to lk• Jay:1_11,31 , 1,...,1mi lie popes eVrry t•nrrt'r coin I,etween the f•tris, •4piietly a ivaitino • Ille y' i' in tiß4ir ' hands. • i' • ' ' 1 try hi. r..ntern,•„ as ilw,ii ro.`t them 'notilite!. altd may attack. Further, intelligence is looked ; P:ltriolts, Union loving . Melt of the I, nl- pri, l t..• : . a tt . i t. i.t le!. ,:w lt ici y i . , !: , :l b t:t i c : -‘19.) ,., .1. , . :, N e 1: , 1 ti 1 1 .. , :•;t y tN.... i .r . X . • r ' Is %, tor . ,With ca . gt•t• :AIN it - tr. Ihe -Yankees tell -- . Sfatcs;', isle it kind a •" 1;111011 • • COn.resolo no and In'rperl'ence of nu.. 111 - ,. lii -Ii mole no ;•:eeret of !hell' 5-fist pre , gtr- \I iiilll- von ,( I' t' t 1••• i ! i 1 tar • t " r ''' , ' ‘ ' ‘ ' l'-'st • .U 4 i t • 1 (11 11 • - 'valid.-- Ptti-.11 , 11ed fu , r I II,• t0 , i1,`1 , 1 :11:41 r•‘ a Womb" , much :11 ;OHS tor rot ails! k tp , , , ti Chariest on, :um Not such a Unicm as\ ow', fatll6rs formed, ralltion to Yolvng.ln"" w - 1 00 ' 1 , 41. 'r f"'ln, N''"ffill". -6- cb il! " . • pr.-m:11101 Deray. ;.:1•.: .-.1;.I.1 It: at try; snme tin , Inealls WO-111:11' , WCII al , ll7Ciinil I.' :1 th.!••pt - i - ate con- not 5 . 14.11 a Union as W4shitigton anorovl• t a s,•tr.r.•hrel •Ity "lie wi1.0., rilreittiine•etr. after helinz - ~ . I (bet." ` *. i , l-ati . .fackson , defended. `..\ ot the pat to - ~ .rreat t oo thov::lr Ittedis•al intimAtion anti .(pfarktmy. I'v entl,,,iwza po- , t pald.'neldreerl erVelope • -We have tha Story 1 hat. despatches glorious old - 1 . 117071 as • it- was. Not 5i,,?1i.e:41,t,..-itat.tyllC bad of 111.• author. N.VTITANIEL rd. 1.: 1,i1:14 t .$). N. Y. f.m!,,tatyr 11:1Ve been recei I' eil at. II t° :it:o C Depart- , Snell 1i 1:11 t t011, hilt 1111 Abolition 17 . 11101 , -M-krrAT IL Esq-si"irt) meat, troln England, which look trouble- ;, 8 I. 7 liion - 0 - o f a:ol \ eolo6; and a. eon Those who have Iteretofore de- :4011 , 18tetl I . liittll of - Siatet• - 9 it P•lrow* c9ll- , fetoleil the British Goveruntein, are I,e- : tralized Lioverliment such. as Alexander ' -'' • * • ------.-"------:-- -- --- too inonok.k P i......:\ prll 5t11:1...• the Rev.. IL Kiiieldnity, ~ . . gioning to feel a little wnitliy. . Our i n.,,:.11aini...011 anti Joh!, AiI:IMS were ,'ilin mr. Ar.rann a. 'l' al; .ax, a nt i:Misa *omit 1 1.. l'itxTra , , ! Loth of Dimoek.-. . pie arc not in the Itt • Ood . t - itst. p0,w,10 take favor 'of, 'wherei Ake I'resiacift colnu 1 gcss> .... . anything 1'11;w Lora Jollo I:tiY.sti, which i\ilay• tile-tie:Tot, With full vont rol o f -tile' - - is tut entirely just and polite. pfirse, the sword,' mid- , •with filll powers - • 'rhi s is s s tnNot• littr, , rdsii - r. co. 3arett't:t . ist - ft -, , ir mob ,. ---The public, 'outside of the charmed "Y" the hibt ' llies. 4 Mlle 1016-111- .7 , ria. DAVI] , F. mil:: sun Of .rolut and Aloi;• 111111:hin;, ( irche of mOOl _dved almiitiOiti,:t r s 1,,,.,, 2 _ the Object Of thege " 17111(011 1.0:1.'"IICS. aged 9 years, 1 nionf it hinl V: day Li.. -• ' ' "• . • 1 . ; ',nth , it:IF , ite:iiii,tl.ldttilil , !priyeritllo(!):)rviit._ fir .1.; OUR IRON CLADS ATTAOE FORT _SUM TER. Vtiiirn'Es,:'.llositoE,. April 10. • 'Theil'l,;,i'of yesteiday 11:4 the following highly, exi•iiing' genee: . . bout .4411 ,4 1 lipolt 11,(' 1 :. e onelm,nris i I •.-. Li torl tfl. rit toy .tt , and 0t1.% son '•si. ift A% tozi 0 iii -t .ii ; ti !wet ht.: Ihe I Zeport of the \War•t'ol,l3l,it- Arrpst of Governor Ted. ' 1 (id blod It o (11 him and n) l intik poocr to , it .•,%e . Itini troin - it , fatal i. , rl-1+ lin Conde t !loin- th it pi , tee-11 . i.t, tleit, one onit et was to injure The truckling demagogue 1)a\" 'l, 'lo 4 rent l, in.r IntitiL,;(.o for thr. , lit till' b ppin. -, of ilitir 4 ;&•11. McCIC•I l an be( lll `e be i' 114) t °an : 1110- I)\'name, u lit, fli s the, Z;liberhatorial 2, 1 , 1d ,ci t ,-'h e r• e lAi s c lii ii i n" l e .. "" l) l l .l e i r( l '117( 1 (1 't or liil il l T. litiottist, :1:1011101 1U tickle Secretai st•tn- ell ...irof dile Slate of Oliio, • was arre,ted III , • , h ‘‘ , •.l bI. ' .Itti fn. t i'n ' ...- it 4ttili i s t' that umn their tir a, i t ;t. ( .. for t,d 11 • : r t h t i ti o r i n , ton, bee:lose he is :in nhoirionist (01 the on Frid.iy last by the :Mei IT•of Fairfield l a,l t P l i i i 1 474;1 nillatNe hate i ) : ..l. n 'n i ire " w c .: e al q e.: 4 l :i n C ,t % Demociat le t‘ pc),:ind thir4ll:‘' tti neat the county, r ill that State, on a cluir ,, e of - 1 gr,oil tub oli “m it I ~d In d d i , ..-1,44.1,. ''," (tied 1.):, l'resident witli a 4-wiet kind of coateln Pt, kiddimpping IJr. Edson IL 01c1s, „ii in- I ,;, l 3 `..;:,;;li r ti l lii d its a- rrT.,,, , l" i t i t, - ;es q t1; 1 1 ri,,P.Zr,ll, b ) 7;;:n ( 1 . 4 1 4 m ig - I because they 11-a% e :ibout " got thrAgli dicanient haying been found against lion raid: • `ante-little c,..,1dr0n to tome tam, ino, and forbid. Wit 11 bite ax ftll instrument to accomplish 1,,,. the Grand Jury of Fairfield county.— l itg T in't'ntli tilt .- - nr ntp,i,,,,,;-N . rrt 4 , : . 2 ri'it it otzlitt r of:\ 1%... 0.0 flt tiro-tin Sutton. of .N.LN%•Milford. their patriotic purpose , . The Go% eftior W. 1.. taken befoie judge sit q :leo i'a . aged four : . LI-I,OOLn i s uunths and for• —Our troops hare a second time :dem- Johnson, of the Stip, eine Court, aa a wr i t 1..11 .t t, = ' doned Jacksonville, Florida. This lime of habeas enr i nv, and admitted to bail for they Limited the eh % . his i ' ppearain• . ).(:fore the Court of cool -1 —An alt.( rin the Qiiai tei ina , tei's pe- mon Pleas of aiiiield county in June partment, \Vashingron, furs recently 'ab- next. 1 .coinled with some 4 4..0.,000 of therthlie \\Thy was not the writ of bribilas . ' corpus i=oll.2w-arin'ir''-c0r........_ intended iund-, for the Filth Cox strxperittd in this ease '.' This Tod" \fa.. r po UN 4 r rv , t7- A IP, , . 4 , - 1 1 \7 ''' VII I i,' I 111 LIN. , —On Wedne-dlv Itx , t the 1421)ek on t h e one of lie loudest brawlers for the sus- 1- . Tennessee eaptinecktul hitrit/41 the ..teat.l- pension of the writond thc suppression o f \ l v y( .. .(ave mid( A rii in .:i ment. to r . int ;totter to ;NI erg .I,okeli and Saxonia, Isillin=r and i•ottn- *Pl'eull :Ind the press. Therefore, = earoli ' l? il o C :lVil ' ri n i ! I li ' ii ) i t 1 1 .: ' f ( , '"lltr ILI dnneg the 1 1 olio arc iltip•l her, In i t 1:0 " h to ‘ ll . ' 1 Aulint he i'voultl has e meted out to others ' , roue or doing ett l'r. ‘1 11 ltl It, 10 torso on 41ing several of our Jilt 11. t , a , wi n r f itaranlee thA highest Inel)let prim end pomp, re lIC 110111 . 4 11101 , Obit'et. 10 • endure -himself. (urn. , . We mill uarmic= umiii2. 01, coi ,.i„,,mom, If —News limn Neu hem vitorts•tliaMlll teAL and hold 9ur ehel. r....tionrildh for sli Boger en. Foster uas on the 2.5 th nit. surrotiti- iAN hat is sauce for the goose i., sauce . - o 'AI PA. , on nu/ b•• tannin 0 and s, lit h) -ii for gander" is a trite sa3,ing, which We BALDWIN, ALL.CN k .l, ItARIULVItT 'red 1 1 rebel', and'in api mallows show-I , ltme never seen come into better play "loiarD , .( , Astil awl, 11 4 j Lion. . 1 - —We have news of a . than in this Abolitioultimernar s case. great Dread, riot ~ • 1:11 - MZ7' .. 1 - 1^piv• 1 which took place in riebnionasoli the sill` —The Examinincr Surgeon 1 —The entrance to a woman's heart ts .• inst. Some 3,000 women, aimed with clubs guns and stones, bloke open the' ' Ilti ough her eye orear ; 1)111 a pliihr.soplier Ir m i l ; ;; l „ b ,,TiliCe t" ,":i t a l .TETECirn,Y,4"; AM . I .l .lge ,i, t , o , esti w w l inving ;•, , I , Avin ti rll;.. fi tvr ,, ,„ nti entitled to , overnment and private stores, and help: has said the way to a mall's, heart is down ed themselves to WhateNer the • • N NN ante , e I his throat. Good liouse-wiNes under- prlVelit n eli a fun . t, at IViontrort!, l l'.l ' t it.:;: ' ,, , ,Tit... l . ' cri ' L ' r e 1 .i:,,,,i this, and use Flerriet; Allen's Gold be lo ' nt " A t + e c.: A ril -1 lfif." tf " P ' VIIIICIL 1 in the w•tv of Eli o d and clothes.. - The mil- Medal Saleratns.- If there are any so ___ A '__ _7, itia•were CalledOtie4o disperse the mob, but were unable to do so .—j e lE D AN i , unfortunate as not to have tried it, go NEW MILFORD - 1 . and other highffi Oc i als finally imeitiod ' immediately to your Grocer and get 11 . . . ,4 In , them by promising that they should have PaPt?' r, and Qr word for it, it will make I whatever they needed. , I, 0 hea l a, as 11:041 as adamant, soften and be 2'; ()ET , e ?TO ' - " . j o,thi,:md el•er after will praise the s o. rlllinn,dertnetedhkonld inform titepoihe nut ho gall --Advieerfrom the Yazoo Pass exp (I e - 1 ler of Herrick Alien's Gold Medal tinier. L JL cadtic on tho' Fowl& yto New Milford llorottgh. near • - • • the corner.. i 11,1% 4., on haw', and .= tontumally Minn. alien are to the 30th nit. Fort (green- ,} l - dtus. hvi•rybodv sells it. -Depot 1121.,_. - Lfactormg, , , . - wood was not then taken, nor.was_ th‘ere any-prospect of.its capture. „. .—A very misty.account 'crimes to us from New Orleans of a reported evacua-, - .t1 , :41-91.Port Hudson... Liberty Street, gew York,'... Try it, —Admiral Porter is said to • liaVe re connoitered Maine's Bluff, .and fired shots, which the rebels did not retitru. . Iri/~.L~~2R..~13Cx~~.. ~~~~~~: . n c o. in hi.......1,dum lin. r,enika • ..., ;',l 11, prv,eions limn] jii,Jove had given......, 1 • , And nowt 'the rnski:t montdi34ll;:i t ti ' ~. :,-- ' Tim given is !pa rkii fi1. , . , now in In-ai . ctr.. - In Tirille-,ewnt,:r. April '-.'... St -, As s•.. ivire of 1: 1,04 ,- Nen : comb, tgM il year, and 22 day.l‘,' • ' - • ~ .`,.. !. PioWs and Plow Points CULTIVATORa AO JOB WORK finiebed m•nrtanted to be ~.eteul,acktetialaoilttni: b: . • t . tpr.l 14; •• • -.NEW:, - :'. - VIRAt BALDWIN; ALLEN & BARNHART, V,a§lk s _*lDlk9_l: I e A -.II F-' ,- ItECEIVING 11 rt - Eigai t Arallita . ,i;ii a,iaity in, market; ifnot z m uutl retiedat,our i , „ apetise : Peed', ' , 11 - tfekvaliet • SALT: : AND',POR Zip' Ai IiCrAP, - '01; P9U - N.:1): Dried .It SDI rrdl Beef, : .Dttps'apd Syjtaps,. - : Molapjses - arid :s4gais, b";•1 OFBA'R -SPICES; - • ARO Q s: : A.iti 117,A15, -; —...scart..Aast . *l.• co - 1W; '3 . E4 . 4%,,d;:-. —. 4.' ' . ',. Whot r , ? ll.4 1w . m.iip..,0 - tera . -- ! o ; •: ~.; ~..; - . _.-± i a i .,,, i ,,..,,,, , -.. 4i , itit ott „ ~ Eit7t4 . z.v.mi i f ile ;.1 ruwvito r vL • -•,, - RACr BUCHII- . .. ••L. __l ~.: , , •,:•, , ~YOZ VI:IaaSSISSTS• . '. .• , • .. • ''' .'' '.''''',-'' "• '' ‘liin • 'li 77741 " . ". Arisin ,, frotn .14:sce . sseei Habitat . Oflaissi - • "ps.r . . . . . . , ......- •:, ..- X 11: , 4CLaNT -,, . L'L . . - - , ..,:i '.. L.- 1.:t.i6),...F...a ily ~, Itldis.pretion, cr Abnse, .- sil E EL . - I. ' S - - '-' - - .... Attended with ihelollowing eymytomst: , . a • ' ''' - ...../ ' 41' •-• ~', lodhipoalliontoExcrtion:,.., , Loss of POwet. • , •' I '. i , , i lit.a'or Memory, ~ • • ". : .>-'DiftitilitY Orgrlhinl; : ,t•• i 4 • : -'' .• • !, ,, .f.• • ; . 1 1 Ilotror ci,f-Dit . e.ase.. . ;. ...Wohettilness, - '%..- 10 1 . i 1i T T1VE..., 14 ; - . 4 AIIIOIOIOII T Eli " 4 ‘,:71' 4 ,• • ''. NVeititNerectc. ~ ' .. . ...,- • ttrronihklnti .: . • .: ~ t ' '•': 'BUILD• • . s S , . ,, HARDIVAREur•.:. : • -,.‘., i le..."X,',.„"i'7.; s lertf.‘stililti,of the..,_ n at i ns 6 llng of the body. .. • ' 31:1i,"g.": RAIL. CO UN I:ERBMT/int I' It Al I), 6P.1,K ES .ii ' ' ' l4 ' l 'etildr.SYtitelii A . ' ~." : ,ErtiPt.lons 9 11 .U: 11 ) 2 mi. - '.. • , 110 i limit's." ." ' - ' • :' ~ !Pallid Countenance, ,' i 11.1.141:0F411.,fi ..117-Yo74.Br . P,Pit.(E,tit: ;t , :•: ti Drynesta of the Skin:: :; • • :-. -' - ~, • : ' ../ •.' .' .: • - 6 1! - P 14 • 4141 _, E t 4 P , R iX 9t i "-"PV4" .e ., , 8 : 7 C 17 ,-V B ,. - 4 1- 41 'flustt'symptoms, it alipwed to go on; teth.rch thia made., 1.1: i u...t.'•Y, MILT'S, .A T'fl'S clod TrIL5111:1?8, • : , 1 (rine iiiVariablY it molts:Soon Ptdlotr• • ' • . ' -- T' • - t , ' .. ' 1... - '- ' : 1 i "."nuINOTENCT,' I.VIITI'DIfi - EPTI**.O /In t : . , • ' ''' • - 11e.1,_ 4 4 4 4 1 1/1 - Bk 4PiiICIN -' :. -''': - ' • ' i Its OnSOf icliich the potkitmay,eipite. • 'Who MA Stir ~ px 7, i oxs, RE,:;47 , y l op,apirs, • B 0 ii-s . i f e , 4 -,, , 4 .. i thatlitry. are:not fretitlentiy, followed by those "disefel - 4 diticin..q•" '- • - ••• = • ~ , • • . -- • ... ANV li l ti.• Vlf.'ES, ,ST'OCKS., , ,mid, ,DII.P. , ,IIIiItI.OWS. 4 ~ - ,•' „ , . , • .. , ' " • . ' •-•-• . . ' • : - ...II:.%M3IF,ILS;.SI.EItiiE%,•FILES, &c. ,t;r 4 ... , . i-. -, • •Tns4l.ljty • 4:44l . ccinsunipt ion-. - C lRf.:(5 - I. Alt AND • MILL t , 'AS .- S. BAT ING,C. 4 . ICiI'i:Wt, I ''''Sitin:r. sre. - I`ri-a're of Motorise of Melt sniferflig.• 'bee - ' • " .. T'AcM.F.: I;I.00li:S. PLAOTER - 'PARIS ' AdthiniBtra,toes Notibe•'.. none - will confers- The records of titer insane asylums I . i at dtht.. 'u ls itbo'll;, - .deaths by (:onsunaptlon, - bear.sm., ----- ----- . . ' 7 'ciniENT.i 11 - .1,1Tt & CiNI/STONT.S.•: :'-'-` ' 1 , pi l e niece e s to t :the trulh'of tbe assertion. , . : ...„ ... , . PRENCIitWINDOW dhASt4, likATilEtt ti:ItINDINGS.- 1 i '-, IA . •. • . • v - .. • i • d = w ith er a, I,l.l)er...tins indebted to ihe ebtatenf SII9 AP4 )r Kune. ••:• ' = •- • . 1 " : : I lit. li AN Wel . l s CA,, LES. • - ..... ,' 1... .' -• A. - late of 'ferment. ..dee'4l. • are hereby . :regnested to •4 . .,, . ionize Immediate ti:44crerit.r nd all per-oto tittrittg, clajunV. .. • ' • " - -----__._.L.....::_.' • . Itkinirriti the trio Or ritedlathe fo.`•strengthen Ind-in:tiger :egnitl,l bald e, , t.tte will dre...ent them forthwith tO • ' ' -.• . •'• • '. •',•• • • - :. itte-.the sytetena.", l lthichAELETtOLD'S •PaCTILACT , HU-. : S'lntotott• Marchitlit' !SW. -.,i 5.,. , : „ , - .., -... C•. 1.. IntowN, Adtninistrittur. - ' invariably dues. A. - filal will:tot:mince the most ...Montrose. April t!„ 1.5ti3.,-.-1;w, ~_ - - . . .. ..- I I t- • - ."••• •:' .. ''''. " l' ; ' V' ' 4 - ' '' ' ...I ekeritieei. -:. ~.LI , - , ..i' . : . l• -. , ' •: 7 - • Ni..1, -. - I -4' I_l t rtJ . 1 - ,ii) PLI,4 -, cut ;;;;,)Woffer,4 fur bale one-tit:till: la rget, t . find liet.iselectionti '. . - • • , . , - .. ;,.. • • . , •,. • of •'. ', .• ' ' ':•'• ' - ' : •-'' r L . • • '-' ' ' • ' ' i - . Females Females,Llemales, .... .. .. .:: , . ''''' s'• : . i : • '-. , , ; '''. '., . ~ _old . 0 , 1 , ., 3.ooiig,' iiti,.gle;:n...3arned,..pr contnn2.-:-, •, . ... .. , ; ....•... . • . 1 .., -. • . -.) ... , 1 . . lilating inArriao . e, - ; • .1 Tu maiiiam'tot ions "peculiar to rematee the IC:street Bli• ! -• F.venotfered in Sitsqttelutouti royalty:and p,robhltly coin; 1 chit Its: iniennalled by any Other. remedl, so In ebloweete .' rs ss tc hi tl ten or ., llc t birso erniv til Apr:lC-41w '''. •' s • - -; I'hiladelphin, Pa. , prittiog tlwgreal est; Noriely.or itiost di ff erent ayticles,o",..4 tory Storcia he :Sorifiern part. otl'enneylvanitOnd per : : 4stwonetit : its ktin: -in i • c s l a t t i e e ,o C r i t t i lt e ta_ln x: haps 14' tile entire State,' 'An , or lletent,ion.hregularlty. Painfulness. or Innprebstorr , fli Ili s ~, ILEci.scllfiiii _ i t l::_:;1 1 1 4 C :r, thirty ii ialti.ir4:_t• tram t o .branches ot,t ro, of , r t l l d e e, 4l l ; V i t i l , i i c i .;: i e .x l ci r r i; ,1 line o I r9o r m all ri c i tio li t=l i n o t n s . ir a l i dl t o s t o t r o r l i b e e s gs - ti 0 . a n t , e o t r b i e;, t ts - 0 . . a te ry rd ' ' E s t ?L 'a e c rch t ti len rrb ug' ear -tri Pr lir York. nod more titan fifty .healers and; 7.lofinfac- ,I g ~. . .. . . •,. . ' - • -. ' UUL to of :Sew Y.'`urii.' A large prop.irtion. of Oi l ' ' 'DECLINE oxe V11A1,16111 OF, 18!FIEL , Gootbi arc...lammed direct Item' the manufacturers, thus • - ' " ' Will ripen itt 'Mont roSP, A pril,l 3,„1803. • Insuring genuine articles.. Citstcnnerti on. entering 'the . ~ F. D. , 'HUNT Principal:. .. , . Store' iniii.t•tiot espeet to.flitil eve • rythi rig lit right. but . nearly every-article want ed will ht-pro Weed by in ry ni ry. , Dli* - JESSIE 'BISSELL , Assistaiit. - L; F., ! ,,,c.idenof the Storh.:may.be tanned by the following - general oat Ifue:lt t ennineratUnt lb impractienble. No him. will be ..pared.to make:the lichool worthv of •• , Jirt4!s 'mid- -Medicines, -,i'ailifs,and liiils..;‘,Tive - .Sttiffil. , pit ent i ce. II will be conducted upon the Normal Sp,- (trueericA. Liquors. - ..'ruckery ‘ (cans Wart.. W all and tem, No better opportunity fir I ho..e qualifying thrill- , Window PainT, JoWelry, Ailver War6:Perfunieiy.T.ftite,i, ...Ives tor teaching ran , be Mimed. . -• . .„ .' .' -. I Goods, Musical Instrioninitt,ltrublie< Mueritatit Pocket '. •'X lIIKS.I . ER QVAlirga, or v . Niirx-ga.. - c ,i K,,,,,, , . Table Cutlery and Silver Plated• Ware,. ]'amps. to I pi ) , , Material,. for Liglits.;llardware. 'Bed Cords..StorieVrre; rtint Ll' lh'Prtint.l'l '•-• • ". . ' -., !. -- t o ....,,J Drr (k)oll 4 ..Nlirrorl, Whitlow !hags, ldthogriphs., Vox i 'toll ITI; 111VIIIVilrS .. :.. ...... ............ ' S ' , , 1.,.) .... ~ - ‘,,, nittneA. Bird t'a•itt-A. Arpectieler , .. lililpit. antil.a-lits. nttaratSci encet, or 11i s glier. Mathematic', - _.. ' '''''''''.. Broiling. ( inns.: Pistols , i't inninnit fon; .Tobaccp. 31(411- . ~. i , , .. -- . . • .... - IP, P. li.:CNT,yrncipal : , , ealand,Sitrgical Ingtritinewts. Salt.. Soap; Potash., no ',fa rri ...74 . IS) :—lf . .brokt4.l'oreelsin Teeth: in - ,Burt. nearly everrthingt to • ' --.--.--- ---- I restore the Moir, to please th e ' titl.qe. to 'delight ihe eye. , j ' • 4 ri f iTil ,- riin ; I ; ,: : Rill o p t ill ) 1 - , t . , , ,.. i ... „ ,, x,, ,, , i irri. t i! , , ,, ,,c „ , , r. .., ;;:0 n iia ,1. , ,,0,, 1 con . (19(7...0 1 . 1 . 1 e real and-' 1 ri. 1,41 1 ./ UFJ A lit II II - , , The attention of the - public I,t respertfollz, cash 'teal t 0..., - --.-- - - .-.--' -- .... •,-.. my ..toel: of Ilnixi.;buttght e*.clitsively•for cash dOwo, and will h e - lu l l ern the same, 'prinelplefordOve jirlces.; • , - 1 - , A. avi :Iv rrom the sobscriberon-thel.t day of April „ .ABFL TCRII.FI.I, • • iv hit., litn.,lf.ll'artc-i,,7101 Oppr ' entick. aged Ili, years. • ~i t t : .., . r.' ,,,.;i .' '.. " . . • 'HOS o'o 'nutty ail that I will not pay nny ochre which '''" ll r i ''''''. 4 11 1 7..„"? ..,/ 4 ,.• trt".. , ..„• ~.. _ ,-;•-. ••t. . .. mete Neoittrsitted itv-etid apprentice after this date, and • . - . 4. ~ fortatilny WIC int.( c 1104111,1 011 WY account, ' -.1 4 417 , 11C)1 3 3L7,3E C:jara r• ';•'• . " i tirei fiend.' Aftr(l t. thilll.* - .. „,.. , t . Ai , c...TlCLl.M.:siii.llspg.cified interi•rti• ',with , us,, L.:-.-- ::--- -:--- ---•- --- "-- =-- ---•--.--- /TR . the sll.llle as witli:.4ur predece ' ors. 31 1 )0\F.\', - -- . • . . , . . .• • i TH :NATIONAL. CLAIM. AGENCY: . 1.:„... 3 ,.. Dealers. and minild hethitp y. to 11( . 43. , hit ,'4 411. 7 fria.tsel...., reruivo tilk:sitect#ii.ratWhielt i• Wilt eXOcntalli . , - - the Very ' . hebt_mauner In 1114 ab'tsitve:.. . , .. .: • ' ' ' " T.91,11 - ETtITACIi:', GI7.BERT k co, :' . . -- . • „:,- •:,, • ,-' .!...11•1• . !*rk 11,air, !.C,,. Y.: triltieiftir Linv rcr)trAPY PAY -• • ' • Paid' for Butter.' April - • Adthiiiistr-atbrY§ /VII F. undeNizi eil. roinir de 4fpthe non of 'tho el:tato:or ,e, ...V.s.W. WALDRON,. ilOo'd. ' liy virtoo of autlliiiyity o.iititi.nll- imilio' aiti: iti ‘ Will:old Te.ranitt ' of . fold ',ilO - io- - • aria% will.expi - . , ...ju Publir :ink! 1,2:Voodoo, at lite store Of IL lili illitotliiigi ifillarford WWII i4ii 11. iin. ' Nitlfirddri 'the 2 nil cloy 01: .. • .. at one o'ctoekervisoi.wall.that•!Of of hind lair thu eatatt. of N.W. Walttron.,tiee'd; kiaAttn al the 'Lako Lot:" ritunie iii rai41,t0.51)1.111r) of 'Union]. (3,140114 m; about, 114 acres. with Omit 20 :tete,. finprOVed.eltil lib oil the Mid leatting front • Harlot - 4 Village to Ira Caritelf.• to Cs. Term: tharle' known of rale. I'. CARPENTER. allm delninhi fQn. .Estate pi N. W. Waldron, d0c . 41 March 3)% . • ' . • A PROBLEDITQRZRE LADIES, gent rresi of Charge, A thlrei.3 ." • -- • - '.113 P: 0 =SI .. • . , . . . , Harve7; - Collins':&. Brace, •- • -- . .. • .. . , .. 1an:J.4,180., , , . ~ • '.. F01 . ...i1l vtructliniatihd-Diteases of covetment ,A::•ents and fit orniet:. Nynsbint,:•ton,•l). C. . • . -• . - - ... ,' • . •'• ••-: ., . _ , • • _ • • „ ._ , . • . . Brach for tinsqueltanua Cottitty. Ontliarted by . ' ' .. ' The .' UririAry . . Grateful for istikt-favor's."-thi. "inlio:eriher"Wodlditidst . , ; - - ... Zr is ns - .', ~ .. • , . . _ _ - , , i tept fully call t he . 4ttentiti of all prompt pay. iri g .Mer- 'Whether eistint.: id "liIALL'OTC. ,frota it:AP:vet ' ;- . L.: F. TITOII, lViontrosa. ' i el,-o,,=',,i,(ll'inilety. :to' Mk alitiv.d'netic , L. , Ordets -for 1 . f f •-: : coital, orikinatitigond - po• mat.ter.. - ; ...-... . .' ' • ••• . - . : Hardtrare ,will he .redelvet.i• hen% ttedlOrwarded -tit' ( - bend presented inolproseented Itefeori! Gontress:Gttart: i privia , (l.) ..,:teepCditrifig'it.e . nionthitOrApri r, "niy:'s -- "il a ) Pt t.'' 1 • - ' -,....„ OF 32EOW LONG 13T.eltallift , ~ ' '. • . - • ' _..4 • of et. to nod the Deliartinepo.„ ~ rATRNTs. pEN.. , T o b e t:: patior, , , those months ha will hObuist. happy tit, Dit9ises - of . I.llfSe : Organs': ' dire thenld of It Dltitatte"- S10;:t 110 U NTI ES Mid; Aillir.AltS of PAY SECURED gel bits friands.and ..ervti•llwitrat'23,Parklttiw..N. York.. ' • still tIii.T.F.eTED. "' ' I • • '-'."-'''• : ''' itespeel rally.: '' ', ' ' , .:11:.'i.",:.,TYLErt. • i HELtaili Lii's - 'FiXIIIVet ..:- : , Bli n til* ~ Tiotinierslitned. tieing now LIcENsED by the GOV- : Motitr.tte.V.eb. Vith.lSft•t' -- '. ', ... S' ' .-.: '• : '"_i; -- ' ' '- I • ...• . • EItN7CNT Otnil associated with' . this•ngeney 1W W. 114- : • •,,.••: •.-• ' • .'• ' Ili THE (MEAT Dit:TRETIC., •77 - . • :7' -: '• - le•_!tttor tlw purpose of exdalitint; husinds.v.l will at-' . -. • . ... . . ~. •• ' ' ' ' And , it 'is certain , to hirle, the desired effect Lin,.alltDlS- tend tentntlY to all eallslit thi,. line of lni4ine,za. 'lnter- - • •, '.. . ed.e-. for. which' ft •la'recinnutended. • ' ' mat imance. and tins"tt Amax unless, encerseditl. : -. ' E - 31()V .4i.j.J,.. ' --- - '7: : ' ''' " - - • -• ' ' ' :'-' ' , • '-••• ••• -=-=--` 's - -'" ''' • • • 11 tint, 4 - e. Writ itt, 1%:1.--,:tin ' ''' • 1.. F. FiTtll. . :•,• ' • • ' "".. , . __. , . • • . . . .. . • ' jAA ES II: :DE\ ITT v - M . . B.LOOD!_r, - BLOOD! ,:,BLOOD.-!: ..iitlmitolecsili g iiiy Concentrated Compound -,'.• • . •,; ____ _ ••(1 i lb ASS- SI 4 `FDS , .. _4_, .. • • •-- ••• •-- - - •.• • - ,Flaiii:: • -:Extract .-Sarsaparol4 .- • . . _ . ir TAs min/wed iiitocti,„l,l l fionda• front the. Lathrop .. ..• . • FL . Mt ilding to the store fornterTV occupied -hr• II- t.'„ •''- r :' • 151 . 3r1 : 'I IIEI7-2X1 91 * '. - ''•-"'-. 1 L 'Art GE ' & TAE L DIU M: -- . l'vler, to:11441ot- to .1.1 4 :' Tiirhill'sllotel. "irltel'e lie 4•‘-' ' _ ••• .- • • ~ -t-- 4 • • , • nt.tiily• to sull I.:otitis to his, old -friends wiil the vibliCiat frhili is an affection of the Blood; and attacks the ties i 61.11' . .... his ulell-thilhati • , '' • ' _:. I nal gan4.•Linings of the ,Nose., Bare, Throat, Wind- • CLlfiti 't4 -TilliEffiltl;S , , •.. I I , r,„,_,,,,the 3incits Surfaces,' making its.'appearatice : 1 •, ' - :'' -•' '- . - ...-' ' ' •' ' ' l 'iP ti l i.fOrn ' i of I ..i.licets'.. , - , lieJtubold'eExtract-fiareaPIIITS , . ' ' ': 7 ' •LCTV . PR.IC,'ES - 7 ,- '. ..-. - •" • 5.; ', - . .., . la panties the . Rlood and removes all Scilly Yznplterts of- , : • ' FOIL SALE ItY '' t" ....' : - .. ,t• ' - -, tine Skingi,tialg to . the Complcalop it' Clear and Ilealthy, , . A good titoeir do :lye ori Ittinti,"hoottist big f :'• . -: • I ' ", Color. !Libeling prephred expreeely for thiS clef , * Of corn- • , --- ` 7 e-. '.- .'• ' .C" 331:r3FLIThltirgr. ,-_,. -- •• -." ~.:-. " •„.„...,.- .• -- ..,-, •-.•,... -.....- •• - i'.; plaints. it.i. 1310oe-Pitrifaing Properties ara. preserved tet ''.• .• ... . 7•••••••‘r ?Turd. 3itirch it. is t 13.• •liv* - . -. . . a erec t er feat than - ally other preparlittort •Of „ftlareutplo: .... ' .: - ''' i - s . 1)P 177 - • ' - L ' ' ' - • 4.. - - 1 • ' - • . . . - • -' -7"--- - . , • I ti. 0 1110 nt • r • , , - I .- -• ~- _ , r ..,,, L .-,,,.,- .c ) ,,, 3 _ 7 „,,,,im i a,,, , i _.. llelmbold s Rosa Wash. w.lli •... -slitivtooDs .. r.......„.....,,,..i.„. ~ ‘. -*....,....: .7 i I ~, ,' - t ' i Ati n'rreileld'irtili _ref , pitteattes e atii i dtPN n i n itie . ..gattt i t . . -: , es, ILI ' u.ttOCKEII lorded aninjection. la Dtamisen 1 lim .U. . ri. rg 4 , 1 -':.) .. 0 • ~.-, -, arising -from Imbits ot diaipation,' need ,in connection . .• Ilr E Witte' "pleitsui.4 - .ln ' fOrnlitig SOlt..iitata'filttrt-il N '' "a;''' moils ~,l ~.- .-'• ... -' ' . ;-" - . • . ... -.,1, with the'Ettaaslincliti and - Sarsaparilla , in _snail' ilia- nowt•eparod to odor. at our old stand. Nota.,"l 03 ~ . . , 1 I ron` , ~ . 1 , 4 ., 9; : ' - ± l _ „ 'q. , rd, 7 . aa...7e 1 ' I can't' a 3 xecorathellkd.- • • '.' t• - -•• ' ' ' '• • -•- • - ' A.' .. Pridenen oftliehamstreshonsible and fellable character • 1.05 C. 11, No ritlt'Secosid tiltreeti Aritlindiae , • • .sk-r • ..-4_, i•• ' • •• • • (4' : - -t_ - . dr% •i -• ..''' • w in bie u e d hpi t ny ehd t rit•meloim. .; :• • - !ti • • :._ •'• ; • , a wrilmehlal „lid ock of. Milittery and ttitriiiv, r• da.liti ! • .1N 0. ta On.S .0 aS.a . - uus , • -,, (:1 : ~, - =TIP/CATES a " br a nding; , • •,„: : criory varitl. of , thu Munn I n:portationit,l6.l of the new.-. et•t.and ingta.•llbutuble stylus. e... - • -7 - • :-. '• i c • • • ' -' .' : '. :• 7 g l ih l' 4 5 ,Cta.. ',lkit.;''''•' . `.' '. 'l' .. ,I . l' .. roni.eigilt to".twinity yeere standing; .wittt• naties , i• known to scie.reeendlernet r . -, • •• r. -... ...... . • . .... -•- 'TT ••'TI? .t IV' D.P.P.-IR T3f E.VT .'' ' ': i' - -• . 1 - ; , ~.'-!!' •• . ::. 1, .;,;-, .. - • ••• ; 1 ) -.• • • , bor Mgclitatropertlett of fdli.!ellg;tteepteperteatOrY.9;, 1,..,,, • ill •cn-Inpi exec y .Tarlety,pf Don s utle;f:linte and trim' . All If inqs,aoltl . 'rnd ii , ce, at(: a_.____• Pri cos 'tuken in'e . ae.booLso - i the United Slates: --- • . • rot -'' -, •, . ~„..,.,,,,,,,,,,„---' ' Stat Trobilitior DENIMS' Naluttfhle * . ettth e. - , tilimrs to bbond iu-.111:1t line of lat. st. and most tip- • , • at . ; ; • , , .7.•..: • lat. .1/All . /I ' A., - I t t coo f rhy ,,,,„, . - ... - . , . • py.,6,4 or s , 410.1 , iiVIt.S.. SOlitiiting an early; cell, i re. , •• Ity n e l ett :mil l , tam. ,'i•.: 4 :t • . ... •.-.. • • -.• • • , ' ... • '1 • See minute made '!by thelate celebrat DV...M1:010,r ; main yOurst•spectftilly, ' - ' r i l l :, IV ! Lt RD* : _ ~•.-',.-':-.---t '4-4.4 1 --..-. ;4- --- - 4 ;- ' ' -- • •-; ' ' -"I frith di4 Ida ' ' 3inacli r,"0.3. •hy: • ' .- ; 1 " : , ' ' ' ' ' See remarka. trade by: Ertraiini literiOWlttl; ii . .. . • , - ' ~ . -. . - - •'- • - ceiebtatedPhysiciarand- member of the Itoyeli College ll' V_. ---; - 1 fi / - 1 75 - rn -- ii-NT: -1- I :iffiirmiTtolitEßNl. of surgeons, Irelaud, - and itablished itt the ; .Transactlonk CLOlEivffir:Timui 11l •T . 0 ., II . .•. ~ of th'e 'MI; and Queen's Journal. • ' -'. - - , .".. ..t..t ,: ...; -: . 4 :: ..._,"-i.."." - t :•• ,' ' ' ' . '' '." '- ' ' -': - ' '. • ' ' 7 ' l See:Medico,Cintrglcid•Review.iptibliettedly Bertjazain.. , : ~.' -,:-. • - • . 1 • • 310-tivitosit, . Fiat. 20(11 10m t ...•I lerravere„. Fellow ; cif ,the . Royitl p o ll j e eo . f. §uar d o l t e t i p„ . .1..;, - '7410 - MrM'IL:3O. • : See Master the late IStandartl w le ' Ff tvniii'l•lf 4 Pelf. 4l W•vliefillittc! ask; rittr friewit 1 F . ,.. ex itoy•e ; s mcd e tA , ~ • ed,oo *Ea aorri.s,..tat..4l - yor $5 .00: •:,,,....a and . a-a ono, nk-to comi,fore ard and st. t t it. e. • it h-tw,.l ._ .. sk t ,, A plldilA,loo ,•' . , . : • 6. 00. • L At;E , IIKAPPOIID e tf , ,_: ~... .. ,- :. 1 - , _:._ 4 :1-r , we have 1•:..t tirt:d:tiendinif letters to them:). We itinSt : Ig ur gylgti.Ro g g Wi l kil s . NY!. 1 •-:•I,- :•.` „• ''•‘•- i J; '1,... 56 - , ... .. 2. %, ,', '' hew Valor the (WOK:we %KIVA tititi.OVoC:thllglXlll;ll - 101$ ! O r r. 8 4 07 g gs Afgog (Of sl2,ol4,lYhiPh :will, be , inn*/ . • ''.7 491 '`.• if 161).tirult." -.. 1 i ago, ag we cattnet'pareliese Goias without Wil.il. in ,nand I ere _, . Clf A c. 5 ERD • 10 -70: AT:'. 1 • * • ' - 110 W.• Those • who wilt not: takt. ' I • . . ms,-toot think ha rd. If oteartakeltitput co 4, ,'"!ittalee of thiaireorit - rt,' I a di tere ett d o • . .•,. 17,- ~... •,;:-: t .. i•...- :II ; :,.. .. : ~ :: .7• • •-• • t ttiettre the:West obstinate tattett, - If ,direction! are • We Willi* , i l' - '0" - pt,...ierib - i ityrnptouts in, rat . coraninnicatioils,.Clife ll •• ',S .' S' CORY ' I'EMS, r ' - - ' -",, caie - Grain! tif' t hose who'-otit . .t. nd inbuiY'; and if yid , gnttinfit,ett. ..:Adiice Valli- :• •- ~ • '• '.... .• •.. 1 . .7: '•-..• ....'•• • ; '•• • .• • ' - ' • , ~.g . ,I, . l' Graill.;WC will take. Notes, with interest; . A.settlercent I ~:,, ; • 7''', -; - - - - - :.: . . •.. • . - lute' It. !len 1 ams'ortnientoi (itletlen Oren.". •a e must bare.. Other iti,thu . St ore or iteritre" a justire.-7 i . •• ;•• AFFIDAVIT. . , : •;'JI ' • " ' r i.,As.ii PAID Plitt :' • ;- • • ~, i i Ire are in earliest. -•'• •-' -' ' - - - - :• • • , ::. :1 !, f •-• -t:,....1 ~ ttpi. ,• , . ` ; tiIiTTE.NI,IVII(..L..I,:tiStiIIIIIAI. -7 3,1,-A ' ,cf) .:I . • lerSbnally.ett Pear bCfore not(tt Aldermen' of the efty • 7a.,7r...fwg0p....4, ..._ -.. • i nt'Phlladeria, Ilt T.llelmbold, ntain no creeds; •• no: rn , .. - • -• . . •.. , -:.. - • .. .. • • .l (loth say;.lt _ fepara,ti drags _ , , _,._ two ,. icoet a . ~ Miring the inch tc 'March: , .; .:1; : :7. - . -. .i . i.. HON. C. L. - . VALLANDIGHAM'S• RECORD., r ' nu ' °r ht er.ittjurbus,.DT: Iwu _who, being doly.sworn 1 . If T 11fltattIOLD., ••, - •.-M,DN - A - 1., ,t - A LI.EN ILVIENJI.IIIT. •; • k• , : - ,;Co,AT ~ ' ~• r . .... •,., .t t I . s .'• _._ • r , ib mb e f o rg er i d, Lida 22d day of iov. -, ~ • • Montrthic,..3 l tlt ;1t...V1. -23 d - . ..„ . . _ • •••- ; - • i . Swornautl o*pr:or . . wm . p:mitmotp, •• • . • t : . . . -, • • ..ittb Litieli,': • S.lavery 4 , antli :that PATE.t 1 IVI EDiCI N E - - I iticonddence, . ; S t ' ' .. c, /- 7 ' ~ 7..-...Virart,;7 : :•:. .s; :::..1 . 1 ' ' d• s Leiters r information__ . , , . ~ :Civil' .- • • WI& work lain piessied wilksiton ha-ready; 3ta e ., 04 .„, 1 1-854. . • i'• If: T. BELMBOLD. Chown - PM • • . • - A dies kider.tri f i r . Niliti4trect; abclei:ale44:llllll4 A N elrnri was krif.to - make a List of Patent 31 -di- .1... tain*complete Oil:xi:unite eopteat of 41tr.,Va1001dt...1 • .I..),tspitit,lo•lßwarSouth,auTeu.otvh-:eetorevNnßnmet,,below,Chestn!ttt.„;„P'hil,. .tt:. „LA. nines for Sate ' rant Dreg :Store.. bat. di:. Intl ghatn's principal Specelles oft,the anklet:tit above named: l , , ~,,,,.... ...,,,,, rsrriust i rpt . ED ...be uxim . :; ~. , „:::•,.. _, ..,,,, found too, lengthl i . ebilcation;: - Perhaps it wilt ht- ; Alo.. VW* Of -nem other.-Speecbett; With' lettere: inci-, 1 -‘" n'c . , sufficient to any, t early every,.,ltind In ally 'market. j dentf. , v ot e ". etc. etc. TA° ?I',llrk htrlbilell verefell • edit, wiarendeavor too:MX*6 II of,AbeitOilf..a_Pd, . 'pi b • ef , or n dvort ived in t-Nic. pent play be Mend at the Tiro:: ed end llllWllevol'it•lrefomT•Slin7 nald'eforerf • -i•".•t 3l - 1 1.6 •- ; POf i ar ‘ ti,cies : on th4r i e d ri ti at u atiou l att p ained ra by tlon ,',:iy., - ',. and Varierrtitore e . . 'ABE:. ,TUILItEtA,,, . lineal record andlateitionof.eman. whoett thews . it rt. -• • • :Helm „ . e . n . n ne _. . . Montrose, March-law ....:•... :; tationit-o thecunt.e - - foiirsatiytnaltroubles , andtherig ht , catt.e'-foiiiNational troubles. and flu:tight ,„ : r . i ••••,,,,,,•:,. - „,.:......, , .... . , ; Retract-40We ' ;. A retnetitei Ins. thew, 'are - silt:Vatting 'en extrebrdinsry .4-•: •..• a - , .o. gaespeadiut ' ... .! mount In itttenlioa,,-..• .: _,,, •-• Il' • 1 • .i• . • ...,1!).”---:.. . ea r s ltnprOvotß oo oAFeello ., •-: The- work: lei Int:PoOt Flib'stifiCilf.PAP oi : : - -IF' p a gesi 1 old,by,alkDnnkrgietti everywhe . te.... - ,, .. ~; „. , ~. ,teas 8 ". '''''' ' '"' '. ' ' '-."'''' '^' ' ''` ''.'j T "s j ASK ttit:OLX334s/81Vkr-T4CE*O.,OPEEL:. . ' • 1 itica•;•Paperctwer, ItOnents :.„Cirdb. 44 cent;;, . • Delivered by mail or•exprei•e. - prepaid, oniecdpt i pf ' Hit!rit,itit.iiicitlvirtifi l p . m' cti - f; tind.echd.thi it, wind iivirld thiiie,,i; ~1 , , ~ -, .;-; c i f .. - L T,•ti s ' : / i t:''%: 113 1 11:0ROilltb311 and *xPos tiro' , ilr" '. 7 Startitiloo4lBlll":4Y • t& ' stuid ortterit. wit the nionov enenreAl..t.o vo u r k _ itus,• Olt Ir.,' itildresSed:ta '.1.•11% 11.11.13'.4b ?tit or'to 064. , Bistp,iiirc office of, Tile Clu! ,1 0-1 • 43argli, 0* hi. ilrPec'i• 4 l l . MrEverk newspaper that giresthe above three i tutor t Inns; otetbis notice. and sends stetted topl(tioddketsi; e d, ifx- &ILO?, L'Oluatlnts,„,9hlcp,',' wit I rectu,ve threecap=, le, Ofthe'tkort: - . 4 _ -"' 7.7 - . ' : 11110.33-3 iv , . , - - :•• .., ....' —63 . ~ ~.... 1:1•C - EN•S-E1 kilt TIONEE i t. _•••••. , •• - . 14:-IstpriroN4- —••• l• " , . ittg a ' nont'acezute- for IllulpurinakO., of 6uc le-fl.trinit and 1 ' had eovur4xtrirt-umpOlittln 1 . lit tho buqinonl,Jl o ,.,w ro his fieratfiiv in the 40110- kt tlrdrAtßlteitj'. 4 • 1113 n .gli Licoure,4 Auctiourwr (Ito'. r. a ILA , : ouch.. under a pet 01$60. • tigq Act of CollgreAll. July Ipt '186'2, fi.eeil - 5, ¶ii • . tinclura bp I m,ail •py tly itteudtal_ to. . lirsidence:' - Fritutdvillo Pa... -, ~. - . „31.,C. SUT-T0N..,,' Aprif3l.lll OM; -",' t - - .' - '. ' ' - ' • -TITTMELL'S Pure Ti • ii?ntrolle.ll44ii' 1, • ' - -0 mu Beitin =met, c A.-4 price at .4 c4in o Irtr.4cmcfnbor,-= ; = HITNT - BRoa.* BLAIR- wr , /Joe) y-Secd. firaaln bv • • . • 1-,,AIiEL MIME .ritly On rind, sad at L ' any...Dener* tn I . . . . , ... . . j*L• I Qi U"Olt - g ." , ... .... 4 r,-• : ... I , , Q A Different' Ix mrlopt Wined Ondl,tquors* confprlisign V• . %WIWI oTarT klO4. is our Market. slirriMperid` For, tuoo all nonfat by., , i . • !,_ :413E;1 :RV , Tie. '-, • • erh!iteic,P,let..lBl.Rldfkot9,. =Et ALL SIIITIOLIZZIMSW, Tho q•reat t ,")%332ol*4Remedies, 90 • OENITINE.P.IMPARATIONS Vizi - 11134 , 2414plill'SpriVERA.CTv111701113, 14 . - t ' iMPRONItD -ROM =LitTIOLDit' GtifflNE-PBSPaRATION, ComPolY?4. , I 301%1•14:..;ela=trivgai :231uLaisia,P _'s~ea of the • 011 . 1..C140 . *; ftifidheliS tr.*} . ef, utltl Drovpicali . , . .Titi - .ll9dialtle intreases - the. p 6AV -o.arzeiftlott,....and ta. Itiut t tohettlthy actlOD.lbrwltich watery at. ralcarona depots! ammonia 41 nunstoril ea largenient3 are reduced, a 4 welt awdsaltz tute lutlautation. mid la good Cur, UM, ‘ytxtntri,-er alt drat'., .. ' str, F11'50 , 1'0319 pore. co 1? . ..V1LY . 5110L7L 13 BE *ITHOL•'T iT • • . , , Take no Itakinm, •Ifercitiv. or • unpleasant medftla• foe: nuOtai:Atit and dangerows diseamts, • • v :s MAWS' EXTRACT BUCHU RES SECRET DISEASES' , •In all tbeir,stages :.-at little expense -- ; little•or no 'change hfdiet; tro Inconvenience, • • • • AND. NO EXPOSIUIIE. Ic muses frequent desire, and glvei -strength totili- • ate, therelry removing obstructlons preventing - end en, ring Strictures'oribe Urethra, &Miring pads' and infam mationitso frequent ttithie.elartio disesses,,and °spell. lug. Poisonous', diseased, and worn-out matter. ' Thousa - rids cipori ThOuSands Wit° luvr'nzzit TOE. VICTIM or • • • • And vibe Wive paid RitilVY FEES tobe cured in a short • time. Uiveltiund they were deceived,'and that the " Poi.. son :' 6a, 'by the use, of" Powerfril •Astringents." hien dried tip in the.systeMs te ; toieslc out In an aggravatell form, and • • ' I'ERUArS.AETBRISARRIAGE. • BOLD'S' EXTRACT MICRO HELM 177' . at - cli6ot jeVelty..• arid' T • o Tour attention to hie well aeleeted 'twig= Gold foul tiIiverWATCHES,' rine (lola RY; et overy kind:Arid ?variety et 4tyllitize l oll. l p pg allot the pewee% juid moat beautiful dnal - Put:- Also, Solid Silver Ware, oral eolu- , antl the beat' iniektinitSilVerPlited-Ware... nub article isiticrrintoiL ' to " J • retrVitAili Spa 4 . 0;44 areftilltrieedtpletatii-. tae • guarante.. "• A • JACOti• •-•-• •,. f• ',!' gkleiteleat Stallekt..MlTlON) GS2l;atltet Stiee,crptlaltelOis. 4tb; 'IMF. • • .."•: straktNot; • 11:1 . .. • . • ,L • . , .•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers