000,C-,POtrtr4t,: ** ‘fi t^.l "A H. ;_Z / *.,. i ce TE N.l ‘4. ..00.44.57/71177 , 0 7 :" • ,c:,4 p, 4 4 - k., if t • A. J. GERLITSON, - Editor: via. 4, 02 1 frd 74'/ . TIETE ENIEON,AS IT WAS; Before abolition; gceession, etc.; ,clieturbcd itltartuony., AS IT. IS; Enforced and respectel in all ,tions of t.lic country • • • . a Mr Yonne . , men desirtne•to attend a Commercial Col lege It Bingluunton; Pittsburgh ; or nt Philadelphia ; Neu• York, - ere:, can obtain information of practical pecunkiry value bfcalling upon or addresaing the editor of• this paptr.,..l ,_ : tn's . PubliCation of. Sherlffs' Sales,. AN'. ACT • Relating - to Sheriffs' Saies'in .the county za _of Luzerne,' • -- • •1 ios 1. ]'e it enacted hy . the Senate : aniiHogie V.R4iresentotives of tlie Comnian, wealth of Pennsylvania in ileneriil-.Assenibly mekand it is hereby_enacted by authority (VI the same, That f'roin -and. .after. the pass - - age of this act, in ail eases' of -sheriff's 1 sales of real estate in the county of- I zerne, the,publication of notices . of •siiid sales:shall• be made in any two newspa- - - perspiblished at the county seat of -s.aril coun:ty, and may be directedby the fluor= ney fir-party issuing, or having .charge- of the writs, upon which direction • shall 'be indoOed.on..the.preeipo to the .prothono , , tary, and:by hint indorsed ,on — the writ ; .and tomuch . of•any law as is inconsistent hei.ewiih, is hereby repealed, so 'fat.- as re? lates. - to said counts% ---" Approved April:lBt ; h, lsql: - . j by YOlunteering.' Colored patriotisim has •- AN - AC'T- - -. .1 been fotinti to by at a.Wofal disdount, and :Relating to Sheriff's Sales in Siisquehan. I will be bereafto drafted 'under the con -spa county: - ..; • I scriptionact. : -'_ - . • Sithros 1. 'Be it enae^i by tiie Senate l It •is ukierstood i that every person . ." 4 -4" 1 "/-'a of Riliresera'fi° 63 ri the Corn= I heieafter arrested for exPressinn• disloyal 'nzonivealth of Penpigivania in General •‘" 1- I qeintiments and who' refuses to take the ; sent biy ; ne t, an d ‘'t is hereby enacted by . 'av- 1 - ` . ' • ,-- thorit:y of tliecrin - e, That the Provisions of oath'of Allegiance y is to be sent , witnin the -1 an act •entf.led "An act relating to Sheik.. l• enemy's linps:l - . . if's Sties in Luzerne count.," appreYed j- A Charleston, S. C., paper : claims • that, 1 the iWI day of April, 'anno domini, one ; ~ , . notAtithstandinc; the 'blockade that _that, 7 'thousand eight huirdred and sixty 2 oue,The I is enjOying.a . h;ger . direct foreign trade 1- aid the sanie.are hereby extended to the county of . SuSquebanna. Provided, ril,.- it Ithan'she ever•had before. • - said . selection Jliall tr. 1 5 ',..-- - -;• t f •,„:1 ..,- I . .-,,,,-- - v,„,v:::::',,,,, ,!-..,,......1-2,-,-.2,-.7-1.:-:...., ..,_..„,,,.._.,.,_, R .,,.. e, At_ e Num :e , s.eati i Inntrfary report of the Maryland cam pait7,7ll Via - the said 'notices .mar 11 ,-, -' . - dil'eete( l to I last - 'surnmer. Ile says thatHarpees Ferry belniblished in any papers in• the .comity, 1 might haKe 'been s'ed 'to- ns had. the anything'in the act to which.this l's a sup plement, to the contrary notwithstandin,r-'! 'Washington authorities taken his advice _ . and'if no stibli directions be givon by tFie , l.while there was yet time. , . party •or his Ettorney,' then the Sheriff !)..... - ,shallimake the publication as lieretofone. -M""Thc communication signed " - - - simian" will be inserted in our next. - Democrat° Associations:. - It ninst be apparent t 9 every observer i of passing events, that the abolitioniSts - afe making ,vigorous preparations all over the country to retain the powerthey have so grossly mis Used for- the last two or threeyears. The elections last -fall, and the late - municipal elections, 'show that they are going to the wall. Hence their fright. They have not robbed the Gov- • ernment enotvaii:yet, and want a chance to rob and plunder as long as there is •a,dol• :ar left. To check their infernal scheines -- - their • "loyal leagne" tricks: 2 —it-will be I I • proper for Democrats to forth Assoeia- Aion - sin every township of the : county.--: 7 •••'F.Very Delnodat should, and . we doubt not will be fully . awalle -to the importance i : of presenting 'a bold and united front to the "leagued" abolitionists who are driv ing our._-country to ruin. The baleful infln. ence of. the .alMlition . Party must be: they .• - and defeatoad'at; the polls. jarlntellii,Yence conies from Pott oy al that Lieut.-Col. Gardiner, of the Sevea teenth' Connecticut Yolunteers, has been ordered into arrest for obtainingthe sig nature of a number of men' . in his regiment to peace- resolutions, " in Order to 'affect .the electron - at home." ThEs,lietter than anything else hat could have *beer done, choirs the farcical character of. the so much 'paraded resolutions sent hothe front_ regiments in the field, iii favor.of ,the ad • . ministration policy. It appears . :that the men are allowed to ex.presS or just such sentiments:as please the administration;, if thefattettipt, to 'AdOpt different regula iiiOna - 60 are ordered into arrest! • - Pieti(gt Rhode' Island has resulted in a trintrylf-of the abolitionists. - Particulars of the t ghtat Someriet, :El) 6* that iti;conduet reflects great .credit pn bur arms:.'; The- pnemv, under Pegrath, • • • - • . nunibpring . "2,600; Were ' attacked four .miles north of Soinerset ~ by 1,206 of our troops,, • Under Gen. 'Gillmore. -.After a ba-'.itle of five, hours the rebels fled, pur sued by :our cavalrye to the river.: -They_ - managed to cross; leaving 400. cat de.= :Their. loss-was fifty killed and about 4pb prisoners, including twenty commissioned 011icers. \te sulfe:red le the :extent of ten killed and tWelityfive : wounded, and IGen. Gil - more puts' Our 1.0 - sS at lesS : than this, and augments that of the enemy 200. - There is no news direct. from. \ricks burg:" The reports front Memphis cthitlicting. The Argus says the Sunflower expedition is a fhilure, and .the troops return to Yeung's while th*Bifiletin Sayi. Gen: Sherman is, • in poseSsion , of Haines's Buff.' -Cltike's guerrillas have been completely dispersed. = lientuck.3 • is again free from the - -presonea-of arined7foes. - . A Cfiirp:dispn6ll announce the punish ment .of the guerrillas who lately attacked a train near Moscow, Tenn. Col. Loomis whipp4 l . them ozirtonday with oneltund red men: They. lost thirty men. I Soon after a, fight was had with five hUndred -- rebels under 'Richardson, iu Which thirty - five were killed *id large''utiMbsr Wound ed and captured. Col4Loomis lost' in _this fortr. • . _ Ili the recent attack . Polnti-neasant, ransacked many •, houses and itbreS,• and - burned 7,000 bushels of co ro-Afloliging, l 4.9 the - United States - (-overnn e t nt. Volunteer aid ar rived f'd.re Gall Olio,- , yolis , ; and the rebels i-ere C't4en 17lick• with -loss. No more tiegro regiments to be raised - , fommunicationss. - Letter from the Army. Camp Mansfield, Va., M'ch 23 Dear Brother:-H--I received your letter, and---I assure you that I was . Very glad to hear frOm ypu and the lilies at home.. „you mv-think I will get-tired of Tending about home.- But if you do you are mistake') ; for . the 'reading of the last letter only increases my desire-for the reading of another. Every new letter ex cites withitti me new-love--Tfor those you know iree very dear to me. - When alone, as-I happen to be at, the' present writing, Iny,mincl is continually going -back to the pleasures I -enjoyed in the' home of ; my. childhood. If there ever was real enjoy ment, it is .in else society of those loved 'ones, and yet when we - areliith them coil tinnally, we dO not a r ppreciaid them, as we Should. ~ - ' ! ,',, Tl6-thought occurs to me, ;what a tiles sing it would be to our country if the' love and reverence which Ite poor slcliers feel for - our h'omes could be.felt by our rulers for the country tley so basely misgovern. If such could be i le case, and they would. t -- govern their thoughts and actions by it., they might be of some service 'to their country; by calming the develish spirit--of ate noW so.prei 7- alent. _ ... Although a•soldier, and bound - to obey' orders - and - stand by the'old flag at all haz ards, I cannot forget my rights and Obli- I gations as - acitizen. In this view; I,ask,, - 1 is the administration-directing the - War .power properly to ring back the,rebell ions states? - . Sine, rely believe it is not. ' - faith' That the seceded states have . brotten their (faith' is-seertairi. That they should be brought back, by all iieasonable n'.'reans, to I the•old - bond of UniOn r admits 'Of no doubt. But,is it right, js it eipedient;lo,,cl9se ev i-ery aVenne . and loop-hole.that -leads to a reconciliation ? • Yet this is just What the, administration is doing, Is it:right for 'the- President and Congress to trample the Constitution underlfoot in prosecu ting the . war.? .Por . opei, I - believe that, instead ;t,f,eriiiiiing . lo - rebellion, they are ertishipg..tke liberpis of the people:. These -are plain words.- - ' Itut I ' delight to speak . . plainly. It is my birthright as a free A merican citizen. -.. -• Truly ourg, O.:LEwis.l From the 177th P. EL DAvxb's MILL, iMarch 21, 1863. . . 'Dear'=----.: We have a . very good place here, and we ail like it very. well. I don't-think'we .will ever see .a-battle,4ill. -onr-titne is out, ts - -wb--are doing nothing but guarding diflbrent points. ~ In reading tl ki , Montrose Amocraf, -da ted March , lOth'lsi.K! the ladies of Mont: , rose have setit - trai?t.Rogers a barrel con- i taining several.artfcles Which we all tho't was for the ; company, 'its there were a ; number of thieni sie c k at the .time,; but not 1 a.man In the comp. ny got the first thing: ' H eltao)e'en living , etwshigh of Ohent ev- 1 -I \l 'et. since- he-got, the 1-, tilt at length he got siekood I believe n - thing mime him steal _ .• i.but the niWthingt_-* 1 that barrel.- , • 'Capt. Bogers'is 'very unpopular' with his -company. Not a man:in it but hates him. At firsfi thought-he wits honest an&Lve ry-retigions, as Ire tfsed-to - take his testa -moot and- Pray for 115 every morning. But; this w•as only when in -HarrisbUrg. . After he came,•to Virginia, he either lost the tes, i lament or forgot to prdy.. I -think lic is a backslider, as you call 'them.- ',--- . I. think it would be -snore' charitable for the ladies of Montrose to give suclrtilino•s_ L io tile-poor-W,idtms and orphans - nt•home.- 'Thew need' them- more, than we-do. ' • Mr. A. wanted to what opinion of . the, wa.r. It is just what I always thought, acrd what tilou.ands of others think, arwar for the - d—d niverl I , sometimes have to help tie them, as there are hundred: Of them here, and they steal eveuthink they can Conic across. • We have, had A great snow.storrn here; for .this country. The slim is about'-one foot on the grono now.. M.• roil THE .R.EISLOCRAT. What Homy Clay thought of the Subju gat,ion of South Carolina in 1833. • • Frinti the N. Y: Tribune, July, Prr ' There Is ,an'effor-t. noii'inaking to compromise the tariff question. Henry Clay took the lead in corn ' protfusing the tariff question then pending.- He was Int l- pelted to this, we doubt. not, by the bolted motlyes that stn sway' he heart 44 - a patriot and philanthropist. lie saw that Gen'. Jackson was madly bent on crubhing and slamperifig - the nullifiers for resisting the protective tahff. A triumphant. furious party were ready to do whatever their idol required. It stemed to Mr. Clay that the subjugation of South Carolina. under f.uch circum stances. %rind(' insole a Ino.t. wanton -butchely and-de -1 vastation. Ile therefore stepped between-the parties as a mediator, saved what he could of the protective system I —andprevented the outpoiring•of 'rivers "of fraternal blood , ' Alas!- that the days are past when a,! man could bp_accounted a "patriot" and not thirst. for the "butchery" -of - the . ' people :of 4110-' South ! Alas! that . the - time has gone by, wh6)----a - man could be ,called a "philanthropist," and yet not d-cligli6in* beholding the southern states given ol , fer to the " devastatip7.!,..,r7E. wi tit-stir roW stead lajiv upon the slaughter of hlis: fel low-ben the south, is.called a syin patbizer with rebelriont—a secessionist! ' Was Flenry Clay a . ..sympathizer with .nul lification ? Was he a nullifier? Not by any means, but a "mediator." llis.desire to- avert_ the calamities of civil war and bloodshed W . as attllibuted to the "holiest motives that Can sway the heart-of man." . Z l / 4. :0w, such desires are called wicked—_-and the man _who cherishes them lit only for a l -- dungeon in some lonely fortress. For dar ing to advocate the principles-otHenry Lday; hundreds have - been'drazged. front their 10 - mes i and immured for months in. loathsome prisons. Did - Geri. , Jackson thrust Henry• Clay into peison, and thus. set an example for tyrants to follow? Read history and see. -He. was President of the United States, and 'had as .much au thority to putt people in dungeons as any others President since. But you cannet find any account_that,says " Gen. Jackson, lielievtn the speeches of Henry Clay in favor of conciliating the nullifiers are giv ing aid and comfort to the rebellious peo pie of South Carolina, had him arrested at midnight,.and sent to Fort Lafayette." How would such -a record . as tint read now ? Abrahain Lincoln has put just good men in prison as Henry clay., He: Was called a patriot. Men of his princi ples-are nos called " traitors." - He was "Ailantbropist." .Men of his principles are now called " copperheadS"—only fit to be'druShed under the heels' of the aboli tiOnists, the very men whom .Henry- Clay often declared would yet drench this land in blood. A true prophet as well as pat riot' was Henry Clay. " COPPERHEADS" AND COPPER BREA , .PINS.—The Democratic - party is:" a vervi mORTRatr kiliCt SCHOOL : 4funny party, and seems to cherish very 6dd names, such as , hunker, barnburner, U1)1 ' , UL I hardshells, &c. The .Exprem twenty-five . ' Will open in Montrose, April 13,1803. ''- years ago nicknavied them " loco-focos,"? . . ' 1 1'. D. HUDTT,,Principal. after the then coming into fashion loco- . Iffiss . JESSIE BISSELL, Assistant • foco matches, and the rascals adopted iL No pains will be spared to make thMSchool worthy of ant:Unlade it rather pOplilar; and whipped ; patrunnae i, ' At will be conducted upon the Normal Sys reilygdt.lio,se, 4Milifying them the Whigs,out upon it. • The namd'ofDe- I Ye,'T.'es No jel t e c h r i7 ,P ca " ll mocracv Was once a nickname, thO ` : diYis- I '` , TEEMS Elt QUAiiTga OF 11 WEEKs. ions of.parties under 21. fr Jeffersonl being • $1,,,00 to $s:00 s ~_._„. , k. - 4,00 Republicans (Denocrats) all() - Pederasts. ''s I Nato al Sciences, oillig,her MathematicS: , .5,00 1 r: ( rig ni a r n , fl i c r p a rtitg Branches..,... t - The FederalistS nicknamed the 114 bl' 1 . 3—tf . -. .- - cans Democrats, and thehaine. of 11.em0i...- ) - -• ' - - •- - F. B. HUNT, Prin4al. - racy from 1806.0 n to 1828 . rulei l ikhe calm _ . u i 'l atarch3l- 186: '' - • try, and from-1832 on to 1840;• and from 1844 on, to Fillmore's day= , ivith- -- a fresii start, from 1854 on to our daY.i., .No'h',the • Abolitionists ,on all sides are nicknaming the Democrats q copperheads," ttic.,while the Denied:its are putting ' copper cents undei• powerful e l ating'machines, andl cutting out the hends of liberty and ma- I hinv . ,* breastpins of t i hese }leash, in Mice=! imtekery' of the. people who _gave Ahem this name.—New York E.ti•re'sizf.. . . • .1 THE Nkw Post6.l. LAvi—CongrAss, at lastitssession-, .passed :.some impdrtant amendments to theliostal law; which it is necessary for_the public to beat., in,mind in their transactions.with the tPost- t office. , The ant, w 1,41 1. incindci s tbese 'men ts, g,oes into circa- on the 3011_ of hue Pcistmasters .- .whot;e - salaries are over 1000 are ;Ippoin tqd. by the-PreSi&nt, i. the others by the . 'Postinaster-c3eneral,-- No mail matter is to be . delirQred the-postage is' paid, and 1.16. k rent nuisrbe paid- One quarter in advanei , ..':Postage Imust be prepaid by stamps :on- ,domestics t letters of all kinds, and on ail printedtr:Msient maim, except - newspaper, , , .plaid for by the quarter. "~~'~."a'LcT_S. -~-~ . l• In Bridge wat or,' Feb. 28., 1 ;'3G:I, GonnoN Dilfocic. - san of - Norton \V. and Ann Scott, ao-ed 2 yearia and months. -.• • 4. II,e,MPVe. the empty cradle , • his el4lcing put awn,-; And all his-Little' playthings . . With yOur choicest treasures lay ; Strive not to check the tear-drops - - That fall like.slumner rain, For the sun or Ilope•shines: tliro' them, -Ye shall see Li taco O (Link where rests your darling' .Not in hiS cradle Not in. the distant grave-yaril, • With the still and mould'ring delM; Mt in a bea.venly mansion Upon the Saviour's breast, With his loving arms'about him, • lle takes his sainted rest r? BUTTER ! BUTTER d to fortrard Butter to dew York on T, darin g • coati na srrjon. We will furnishpdils tree as tis . nal, anti pledge oar,ei yes to make prompt returns.and v, ill compare nots . with any firm in I own as to prfees and nett retnins.after dedlicting expemdeF:. We will advance money on eon sianineni if wanted. ottO hold mirselvrereSponsible for all Butter and Pails owned hy-Alieynwp simt by as. We have Jnst received, the 230 1b..140 lb., and 50 lb. SackAs•of Dairy Silt. 1, ril q. tf. • Administrator's Sale. uuderA ued, adm'r d bovi, the estate of j- N. W. WALDUO decd. vi , frre - of authority contained in-the last. Rill anal Teitaminit of paid doge, dent. will expose to Pal die Sale by V endue, at the Store of 11. Id. Blanding, in !Milord township. ou Satto , day the 2 11(1 'lffy nj ilfayimrt, atone o'clock in the aftOrnoon. all that !ot of land late the-estate of N. - W. Waldron. deed. known ay the —Lake Lot. — situate in !aid township of Ilarcord, containing ahont 114 Ilexes, with aboutacres improved - . and lying oitthe roadtcadina.from Harlon' Villagcs. to Ira Curven teep.- Terms inadel;!wwn on day of' .tale. - P. CARPI:STEIL adtu'r do honis Kstatc oL.N. W. -Waldron. dee'd.: Iltnrc:h :n, 1F63 Administrator's. Notice. LL pt.n.ons indt:htetlio the et of Sihei F. 7,l'hltme, 4 latt• of Ilarloooy. tired, are hereby ri.outpleti, to In: ke thtylient.: nil nil persons ha yin illl5 agaillzt NCHI preen t ?hm Cart h 0 ith to . C.. L. Ill:ZOWN,,lciminitorntor, 1 Montro:ie. .A.pri; A PROBLEM FOR THE LADIES, Sent wee of Charge. Acltitt::s PROTII.E3I," .•. Los 943 P. 0., Philadelphia, Pa A pril A. LATIIIIOP, 11. C. TYLEEL. • J. W. INLET. LATlrnor, TYLER & RILEY , in s EALERS n Dry Goods. Grocrrie?. Hardware, Ready Made l'lorhintr. Boot!4 Ilats & Capa. w oo d Ware.•lrfi„ Nailiz. Sole S; Fpper Leath : er.- Flour and Salt, all of which they o:rer • (it the very • 1 ._ ' • • M''M.icvvv•oiest • Lathrop r! Brick. Building. Mont ruse; Pa. y. TO DAIRYMEN. • • • • y made urrangementta with. CoMmis , ion mon in New-York to semi theimßiqter, and will turn- WI alt Dairymen nith Pain, free, typo Walla to Send their Batter to . s'ev; York. they raying fretaht comm 9iClll. which k Only 2 etmer lb. I will guarantee them the highest market price for their Butter, and lUICK. SALES & PROMPT RETURNS, So dies - s will zet the money for their flutter as fast as it ie meld. Also Avid advance money' heferc told;. if %ranted. Dalrytnen will tee at once that this arrange ment greatly lotheir advantage. it gives them the same chance at the - . • Highest Market Prices, • ns it (toes the 'contractor who makes large pcafits on his Miter contracted. and yon also get nit the money your Butter Fens for niter paying- freight end commission, which i. only '2 GIP. per Br., and Tot cts. as some have paid. Equs.l rights and no monopoly, is my motto.— Call and sei ma at 'ol742)l,3co'ssi tore,.. , - and will satisfy you that what rhave proposed Si relia ble and to your advantage PERRY BARNIIART. Montrose, Mardi 30,1563.7—tt . . J... HAZLETON, Ainbrotypa and photographic -Artist, IltontKose, m7-Plrtnres taken in all kind, of Inthe bee Pt)le of titu-Art. _ - oetlo HUNT.I3RQS!,&:BLAIR, 2Elj2 28 . D ve-e: .14t 2,,, 2 - • • . - • ‘ , :i.::3F".a.: (::) lIkg" ~- - - , ~ STEEL, :\ IL S, , DU IDERT,_.,HARDWARE. HUE L'.111?, (7017.171::"P-STIY7i7 ,e: 7' !MIL ATIICES'. 11.-111,R OA D o:7_ 11:1:1'1.V0 SVPPLI,ES., C,lRra . .4c;E sii le I,fr; .s. . A•XLES,• Sh" ELY ' S AX P BOXES, BOLTS, -h . I. 7 7'S' am: 11"..i.57/ER4 '. ' l' I, A7' ED .11i X n...:. .Y/...1);Lr . . 1)./ Lk •.- ..rn oxs, II ruts - . - si , o A - 1. - w. - FELLOE-7S SEAT 4 , 1'11.V.D1,L,'- . 5, BOBS, ex. • - AN V }Ls , VICES, STO - CKS...dral 7 )I$8: ,BELLOWS, • 11.01Mtizsz!‘ SLEDGES. FILES, .5:c.,p.t. CIRCULAR. . N NI) AM!. s:AIV:.-7, BRO'l:' ,. ;!:;. I , AuKI:\IG, TACKLE . 11te..)c!CS. PLASTEri j'AltiS • ' CEMEXT, IJAIk ..c:. 01 - INL,T6NtS: 1 FRENCH WINDOW 0T.A5:4..1.1;;AT11E.8. ( t.... FIN&INGS. I Scranton, :Nlartli ti. 1S:13: • 1y . ,_ , ~ - BALDWIN Sr, ALLEN 4=l xat..44•7 !irg a.MT ZP tr, , . WI:o'er:11c & Itetail Dealers in PATENT •MEDICINES ! effort. vva.: , made to maize n Lit of 'Patent Metre J. vine , for tekie at Ttirrell's Dru. 4 StOre. 'ont it W;L.4 found too teveztliv for ptl.lien don. it will "he aittlielent to Fay. t!alt nearly every I:Ind in any in r:, ;t. or advert i.fed in New•op4perr.:, May Lc. found . at Kw Drug and Variety Steve of 'IL IntELL:. ?dontroiu, Nlareit !4. ISGI. . . . H. GAR - li,ATT, . i ..., IA E .7,17.Tt lit Vtrri. Fned. and 7'4,111. 'Darrell 'and. Dairy 1 LI S tlt. Tiatatlty and Clover Sad. Orneeriva. , Provr4- I Van , . Frui.t.: Ft-it. Petroletun Oil, Wootti.t.n aunt _ Stant. t Ware": YatilzeeNothats , : &e. se... : . .c''''Op;',usit t Ittfilruad - , Deptlt, New Mtiford, Pa. . Mai •.:.1.1! , :n:',.—1y. t i ONE . CENT REWARD.! A 101 N -.way from the. shb,:crilter.- on the t;! -t ult.. a ltlae4 Izsit I by the name of PRISCILLA STEWART. per , cms'ilarltOring or trmlita her.:or tru her on nt'Faccount, as C will y 118 debt sof her contracting. - - Joirx .noLLEs. THE NATIONAL CLAIM AGENCY, Harvey: Collins - . -66 Brace,:._ GQverninent A;jenis and .i.Lornips . .W 14 Branell jou Sur.rineiniu Counly. conducted by L. F: Montrose. *A ?am.. rrc•rntrflartit prcieceriectivimi! if of riairn: , ' and the 1/epaitment , . P,A.TENTS. I'EN SIONS.,IIOI:NTI ES and .IItREAIS of RAY SEC:I:RED and (ZIA. I. ECT El 1. • The 'bow. LICENSEI) by the GOV-t EIZNNIENViithzi a ,, ovintL d with I hi,. vgcne vat ‘t ash inf.rt.p for tlo- purpo , f,I tr.li=ine;;;;') will at teilft promptly toll Ibislioe of lob.inetz,:. Tutor mat iob rota:. nod No (11.kilra: L. F. FITTS'. SEEDS. LARGE; et - -ME -' 1.11-Pi .- &. TIMOTHY - SEED FOE SALE BY. • • • -XX. ."1C7,1-2-MILX 1 1"70: . New Miif,rl. 7.ll!teelt 17. ISizi. • Kainsgr &STUN GOODS. v 71: 119 v e the plcasn're of informing you that V. are 'll' - --ii6w pn.par,1 , 156 watt'. nt oar ohl Fraud. N 05.103 105 A: 107, North Second Street, rhilad , a, a well selected :luck i,l :\ iilinecy'hild ;CI raw Goods. in every v2irit•tyl. of the hilt e,t hophrtatiou.i, and of the new. e,t and moat fashion4le. t.tyles. :.- . . - - _ o£'R iii".n..l 11" DEPJ. R TMENT - will compri,e every variety of Bonner-. llatt , and Trina minms to belhand in that line, of the latest and most...ap proved shapes ami s , yles. Soliciting an-early call, I re main Nolir t , . respvetfully, _ 11. WARD. - Maid) 17, 1F41:... 4w ' • _ License Petitions. XTOTICC is hereby 14iven. that in pursuance or 'an act 1. 1 1 of assembly, the icillowin4 named pen ous have filed their petitions with. the Clerk , of the Uonrt of gigirter Sessions of the Pedre for the County of Sustinehanna.to keep Taverns in said Cohuty, for which they .will.apply at April Sessionr; 1s68; . , Auburn. Jclsepli Carlini, E. L. Adenis.,—Choconut. Ja cob Kirobk—Dinmek, George W. LeNei:s.P. S..tabcock. Dundatr. Arthur Aercs.—Forest Lnk.e.Judzon tid. Great Bend: David Thomae. Ow.. J. Smith. Baxter Jew ell.—Gihson, Silas Dowell, H. S.Brnhdage. M. W. Chem herlin.--rllerriek. A. Tilden. John. M. 11 - yers.—Jeekeon;- C. C. Pa - enc.—Lathrop, David Wilmarth. 7 4.6nox, Snow: .:Montrose, Leonard•Searle. S, Tarbell.=New Milhird, It. C. Veil,- Dhilander - Phitiney.--ItnA, E. 31. Day. W. If. Sherwood:George Snyden—Silver. Lekc. IJ 0. Minkler, D. P.Thelan.—Spriugeille, Julien Lathrop, Spencer Ilickos.—Sik'a Depot; Thos. Cunneen. C. .W. Moran, Peter N. Tillman—llarrnrd. John F. Ziegler— Friendleille, Edwin Blies.—Bruoklyn, j. O. Ballard.— Cliford,. Edward Orem. , TO SELL MY THE,MEASURE. - Apolecon—Cornelies,Donelly. March 1-1; 1F63. ' • E. M. TURNER., Clerk. • CLOVER • alo es L.:.1.1?G,E • ..I.I.IMDFORD. ollio 41Ebru.41. • . .• • atilyA. SEED WHEAT.' • SEED CORN; PEAS, • . and a general assartmcntql Garden — Seeds. CASIT PAID FOR '• • •.; D uring the month of March: - . - • • • .BA,I,DIVIN.,t, ALLEN,' • Moutroso, March 116113. T . iIE Bald, in market, cohatantly on hand. and at ailpyr a price as it can be °brat Itcti of any Dealeeln•tharn. • • Irg . ",'Remembor • . .• - Turtt..llyr prtig : Storp„: ' GOODI,::.NEWS:t '. , - • '.f • - i:::. •• • •1: - 1 GREAT--COMMOTION I ;- ix Tar JET 'l%l %.oy. itur _O, 'Where ran are inreorgetting the. worth,of - youmon , at the _ 90 1 C)1E:t.M -ClaD" , Ottit tub o osto Ht. ti!E Ci•'lt7;lT\ lusE pUt US on onr gna rd. mill *a luive‘Tateti faidin a I arr • stri::.k, which -en al Aes ns to oflen to oar preftomen: gntx it on 'equally as gou'd terms as Nrirrly, considering the-late AT THE STORES - Or 6 . P.t.t ob ei;g,T ... 105(10141A ' t.. Qil--,ct.',-, Montrose, Susq'as County, Pa l Newlork, Susquehanna Depot, FALL AND WINTER STOCK .. .. - ' 2r.0 ' - '4 oo o 33al:oletel . We are:determined not to be outdone. either In price'. of qn.alitie , F..--nuti we will endcuyor to'give our- customers' —.u....—...“...--::-...1,..ncrtort. - 1 - - . . _ .. . €I4.‘tTHIN . G:, - , In this branch our stock.l; rompletc;.and sold lower. antr More tastefully tinisficd than any ansi-horso .cstablishment, or any four-horse concern this Klee of-N.. York City. able to otTer or pro4m; We caul:assure tho public that we constantly employ:_the beet cutters- and 'workmen to make up our stock. _ • i;;;:fr - Carrnents made to order " On the shorteSt notice. , 7"A Good Fit warranted or no sale. ' Ia ordor to close ont coil' stock of i• TV 7a r I I =.:'4 . '" led .; 10 linFet eiNi e will Eell Lit a small adV,l4lcc . . ii?cwe - cost, FURNISHING GOODS: • A Great Stock tontantly kept, grid ;old: lower !hail the ldiirest sit. tivellbitti, o ren balm o nt . • t Montrose; Jannary ist. : • • d i c.„..,) .... STH STREET, ' PITTSBRRG. FL FOUNDED IN 1E40: / Incorporated by Leg:lmitative Charter. Being the only CO . KMEBCIAL COLLEGE in-the Union conducted by - A PrtA(.:T . ICAL .31.ERBITA2T. -- OYEZ SIX 1 4 110IISAND STUDENTS Have been educated in the Prari ice gran the details of a httstuesi education from DUFF'S qt-' -tem of. , , ' ' •' ' ' - , '• - Id EIICANTII,47 ROOK-KEEPING; . • -, A‘intilecßiFolir Silver Metials, and the ganetion of the highest Mereantile . Authprities in tho colutry. Also. DnR a' ' STEANBOAT BOOK-KEEPING. A - perfect system for such' hooks and accounts." Al . so Dates new gy:Aem of . ' . .. . , i ' • PAIL-1 OD - ROOK-KEEPING, . . After the Gornto' of the Pennsylvania Railtnad. Also,, Dohs new i•y6tettt of - . :,- , PRIATE BANK 11001 - •FFP,ING , The only one in'tise bill° city. The above systeins of accounts are taught under the daily' stinerrisien of the author,nnA. it IP believed,-to a degree of perfection net. or attained elsewhere. s • TWELVE' FIRST PREMIUMS,- • for Vest Busine6s atid.Ornatuimtal Pennianehii) awarded onr present Penniartby - thei tiniteti•State's Filifatt Cincinnati . l'earta.'Stat,e. Pair at - Wyoming SGAtern Pon na._Pair , at tgbuig,h - Western Virginia Fair atWheeting...... and the Ohio' State Val-rat Clev'elatid.: 411 of . which are - exhibitedat opr offices- Duff % New Engraved - School(' opy Books. Flue cap, ii-V,Pagez each, 90 bents per dozen—the cheap. • - - eel Copy Book in use. ;' ; • • • Basin ess and or:lemma:o Penmaoship,, with new plates and Seaters' by.Wlll. ..DUFF, Blest riftinz all-the elements ot the Petiman's Art, the • Most, complete. instruoter known. Elegantly . bound. . crown quarto. Price 115, postpaid:' ihwper's Enlarged ;Edition - of Duff 's Book•keephii., Price .$1,50.; Sold by Booksellers generally. • For full particulars iind for ele.,:ant new,Cirentar,. pp. ss, and samples our Penman's Businetse and Qrusmentil Writing, enclosing dents. to •• ; ; r • P. - D V? ib SON, Principals. - I St rangois will- please inquire our reputation In the city, where we are best known. - Jan.; 101308.-bute YER:4:CoMINWND EXTRACT OF : ROCK ROSE, the (treat, Remedy for Indigestion. 131111ous anti Serofulona Corrplatrits, and al) illiteoes of the Blood:10 sale; et wheletale aad roteU by.. , .ABEL TURRELL: ..1800.