The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 07, 1863, Image 1

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A. I. GERRITSON, Publisher.i
Ilavinvemoved frdra the old stand near the Conit,hoest
may now be found'in Lathrop's brick bioelC, in the drat
et I.A.TIIROP, TYLER RILEY. • All illy old frlenda
end customers are invited to c. 41 at the New Storj.
March 10, 1803., 11. C: TYLER.
Licoss t eselci.
(Post °face address, bundaff, arstiuth Gibson,Siiq'a
Comity,• renn'a..l
fly -the 59th section of the act or Congress of July 3,
Inf.!, It la provided. " That any person -exercising the
husineas of auctioneer. withiint taking out a licethie for
tkat purpose, as required by said act, shall for each and
every such Offence. forfeit a penalty eqtutl to three timk,s
the amount of such lieen.e, Q/le half to thetnited States
and the other half to-the persOn giving informatio_n ,of
the fact; whereby said forfeiture was incurred."
'Yeb..3. 1863. —1 yf
wx. lICNTTINti coorrn
C 0. ,•
WM. 11. COOPER & O - • • .
WNlERS.—Mlontrose,Pa. Suetessorolo POF t.Couper
Co. Utlise, 4otltrcipb7new building, Turnpike-st.i
~...4. S. 31 • C,01.1.t.7)1 D W.SWALL.
31iiCOI:LUM. ct:;;SEA . R.LIE,
. i ,
TTORNF.YS and Counsellor . at Law,—lfontoso, Pa
Lt. Office in Lathrop' a,ew building, over then:lnk. • .
Dlt. H. S..lirrit & SON,• -
. .
L 4 1:11GEON ENTNTS,—Montrose. Pa. - ..,...- —.
‘ L. I.4rops . .nevihnildiug, over i :7".._
the! Bank.' A 1 'Dental operations will be *alli - il - hii i, a
performed ill Bona a tyle and wArranted. . .
~ .
"Li ASTRO:CABLE TAlLoll.—Montrose, Pa. Shop
ov..r 'T. ti. Bullard's Grocery, on Main-strect.
Tninktul for past favors, he eolleits a eontinnance
—pledging himself to do all work satlMVetorlly. Ctit
tint,• done on short notice, and Nr.irtantod to tit.
:ilontrok, '2th,.lS6o.—tf. •
irlAsmosAnT.F.; TAILOR.--Ifontrffse, Pvt. Shop
in Plicenix Mock, ot"tr store of Its..A. Watrous
vt•Fo+ter. AU work wattra titvvd, as to fit and finiati.
enttitiv.: dont on shurt,inkfcit, to hest jan
, ~. .
,„„.... JOHN GROVES,
TN, ASITIONABLE T.tiz.ore..—Montrose. J'a. Shop
.11." i near the, Baptist Meeting' Brise. on 'l'll6lolre
tieet, All oiders fill Y 1 promptly. in first-rate st i le,
Clittiniz done on short notice, .mtl warranted to fit.
-L. B. Iglit:LI„ -
.-I.3l g s T h ' , A )rtcr S t n C t l itTrl ic :::l V* ly - l i n tC n b r e fFa . , 4 Bl l l ll; l d e e l l . : l n r i v l: t . t 1 '4 1 % 1 171 ,jl- 0 F
'wail w arrinted. Sh(iu'in Clutpdletr and .It,.. , utin. ' IF .
-tore, Nom-most. Pa. 0e.25 if silt..
\‘' . l. W. SMITTIA,- CO., -
11`1A1Iti1 1. :k ND tAI MANITACTURRS.—Poot
\tor 'MAW Nbilitrune, atm tf
ItIf.kIiTFACTILPR of poor.; SITOF:. 4 7.fStontrii*e,
.v Ha. Shoji over Dowlit'9 -fore. MI kinds M work
Lindy to order, and repairing done neatlfi. jt:2 yt
. .
g..11.F.R in Drn?e, Medicines. Che2nicale, Dye
j „IP sthly*; glia,: ! i•NVare. Itiulr, Oaf.. Varhixh,
I tiises,tiroccrie, - .. Fancy t;onels. aewelry•Perfu
geeey, sm.—Agent for all the Lover popular PATE:NI,'
IfttIfICINF:::;,-31oLLroee: Pa. an tf
Tirtv_nici located permanently at New Milford. Pa,
orotorttlyto all calls with vihicb, he may
km favored.. Office at T.o.bit•
New Milford, duly, 17, IStri
11 - 0 4-TE RA DrAT Eof the 11F.DI CA I: DEPARTMENT
lar YALE COLLEGE, h.:Lye formed a copartnerbblp
for the practice t,f Medicine and Su rgery.aud are prepared
to attend:to:3,ll business Faithfully and punetually.that
may be intrusted to their care, on terms commensurate
with the times.
• Diseases and deformities of the EYE, surgical opera-
Lions. and all surgical diseases, particularly attended to.
rtr"Ottice over •Webb's Store. Gfdre hours from Sa.
M. to 9p. m. All sorts of country produce taken in pay
ment, at the highest value. and croot Nor V.EFIStr.D.
MoutrOse, Pa., May 71.11,1,93'2.—tpf • •
Parkicl fox- maricteim,
Sheep Fox., Mink. Muskrat, slid all kind!" of
Pura. A :load asaorinicut of Leatlieriand Thw?. and
constantly uu hand. Office, Tainted, & Shop on
Main Street.
Montrue , e, Feb . h
Bas Established inAgeney in Montrose.
The Oldest Insurance Co. in the
TlIE: rates are as low as those of any . good company in
New York. ur elsewhere, and its Directors are among
the first fur honor and integrity.
:Mow ruhe, July 13; .BILLINGS STROITD, Ag't.
Or rze-vcr.,rcorag..
Asszrrs Ist July , las% $1,481.819.27.
41LBILITIE8, " 43,088.68.
1. 'Milton Smith, Sec'y. Chas. d 'Murtin. President
''John McGee, - As't •' A. F. Witmart.h, Tice ".
Policies lisracd and "re.iiewe(l, by the underelgne at
ikis a•fice, in the Brick Block, lilontrore, Pa.
T Englan.d, Ireland and Seotland i ':
ioeL -p
wllavid and ur= d flel t rae ol t ti llt fe 4 t r iz l :r4nci pal
vir*. n. OOPPI. & Bericteic -
lA—'!! - Itintross, PL.
A. P. .E . L. C. FEELER
~ .$:500,00f..
.. ;$4,200,0001
' I Fru:skint; March 28th, 1883.
3fn. following stanzas, written by Miss'
Czczals. Franklln-, late deceased, were pub
lished in the Antaateliko!.. March , 1862. ' Many of her
ftlendemishAhem republished in your paper. By s 9 do=
ing you, will confer a favor upotkmany. of pita subicri
hers. , ' Yours truly, 0. M. BALI,
-- ' ,
. I stoplibehide a Fountain,
. - Wlitose waters clear and bright, -
Burst forth from `neath theta - mint:dn.
Into the silvery light ; •
• A rainbow tint was paintod •
' 1 Upon coat dewy spray, •
And it murmured sweet music,
• dud luistened on its.way.
• -40 ..„..
' It passed onithrcalgh.the Meadow.
A laughing: bubbling rill,
Bid, left a shatie.oUladueall • •
. In my heart that lingers still,
Methinks I Kilmer] a lesson
Fronithlit fotint so, bright and frock
Then listen while Itell yort •
V" - hat the fountain said to mo. •
' -
/ Voice WilltStrtrinid Silent,
• Yet to my soul spake plaint
ho' ;I'm a tiny brooklet,
Was not made in vain;
"TA, for I'm alWays
-I've work enough to do,
• I feed-ths lowering poplar,
• And blue-eyed violet too.
• "I im parta .1 •- o vl iWr beauty •
To many tiny flower, •
Ana the proud oak of thefortat
Is subject to my pOwer.
Betirries - I turn the u - heel f.
Of the ever -useful mill,
Ter nerer pl. Use or linger—
I'm moving onward still.
_ On; laughing through the meadow,
On. dancing, tVer the plain,
SW gilding through the wad•wood,
Then onward ye)..egain ;
L Soon other .Qtreay,letb join me.
I grow more deep and strong,
Till Leboidi)(pon any boot
The steametfloatbalong. 1
" Sip coUrsc ie toward the occatt-d'.
'cannot turn Beide—
For each stream upon the earth
Tltither.bball eut,cly
The-is l e law of \atnro,
A law Atvttarast and eure— •
In the ocean, bright and Par!.
•• For Ile who ruler the waters,
Leads every brooklet home,
Nor suffers ohe to tarry
Foisakep, or'alone.
r All Fhall anally be gathered, •
All shall hear the dater
tong shall wander from the, port 4,
No r -turn , aside from eloice..,
" Frail mortal." quoth the brooklet,
And its 'voice grew Strangely clear,
• "Suffer not the things Tye taught thee,
.• Froth thy heart to disappear.
.; • . Know ye that like the vtreamlet,
When each earthly task is o'er.
Ye are nearer to the entrance
+ of the celeatial door—
"Of that bright—shining oesaft
Of encllessjoyabove,
Where every soul fihull mingle
, harmiwtv and love.
Then doubt not f.k the future.
Bud° thy duty here,
/laid he who leads the brooklet,-
Shall make thy Pathway clear."
Mate of tilt 6ointirl!,
Letter from Hon. Win. Hopkins.
The following' letter from. Ron. Wm.
Hopkins, containing his :withdrawal from
the contest for •the Gubernatorial nomiu
ationbefore.the convention in June, will
he-read with interest by his friends, and!
its sentiments approved by every' sincere
lover of Our Comnionwealtb.-
Mr. Hopkins 'haring made tip his mind
mitAo.go into the contest, presents his
views.,as to the character and qualil4l-
tions . of a suitable nominee for the partP;
and in his modest and explicit declination
'gtves.utteranceto opinions at once so dis
interested: and_ Koper that they cannot
fail to cotitmend,themselves to the public:
ilanTtis.Butto, March 22, 1136:1.
'To the editors of the Patriot & Union:
Gentlemen :-=-llaving received'many as- •
surances from 'different parts orthe State.
ihat I Nonlil be supported for the nomin
ation. for Governor at the :approaching
Convention; and - having made up my mind
not to go into theieontest, I deein it dno
to ilidse who have - Oda indicated their
preference, to pla6e before them, and. the
public, some of the: reasons which have
influenced me in Coining to this decisiOn.
I have
.always regarded the positien of
Governor . as ~one that ought not to he .
sought after, •and,aciing upon this idea, I,
have. never, personalty, solicited a vote- in
my notwithstanding my name has
been used inthat connection on former oc;
. casiona. This, having,tieri my rule of ac
tion heletefore,2 T see no ladeeerneet. for
, .
MONTROSE, TUES.I4Ic;. -- iPhltl, 1863,
parting from it now. Indeed, if there or- ,is a. Mere drop in, the . bneket of 016 great
er was a time when .the selection of,a can- i national, questiOn. • it 'is thefts ' just as
didata should be, left to, the voluntary I nukuft as•ciurs.: I maintain on the principles .
judgment of . the - people; wholly tininflu- Of all;,: that Abraham Lincoln has po right
: eneed by the importunities of aspirants; to a'soldierin Fort Sumter.
i that gine is the, pre - sent. if we los* fa- . 1 But the questien comes secondly, "Sup
-1 broad'overeur bleeding country, the'pa . .pose we had a right to interfere, what is
riot is horrified at the dark, a the good of it ? • You may punish South
impenetrable :
cloud `which • overshadoWs - our ',political Carolina for going out of the Unior,
I horizon.: All huMan'forecaSt is baffled in ;.`That doesnot bring heir in. You may
attempting to solve the - problem of our 1 sulxitte her by:hundreds of thobsands• of
future, either as a State ora nation: We armies, hut, that does not . make her a
arc in the. midst or a crisis) - such, as the iStii n t ci e t . h . in T g l t e i t t . i e t i b s o i N t , o ,s i r o A n a g y e! .a - Union: It
world has seldom if ever seen: The whale 1 is Mr. Jefferson'
. fabric of oor government seems to I;e.tot- f Davis is migry aha Mr. Abiaham- Lineoln I
terhig to its very base, and :pone but He I is mad, I.ind'they agree to fight.' One, two'
- who holds in ttis hands the, destinies of Isor three years hence, if the ' newS of the,
- nations, - and of men, ,ean tell what is robe i afteinoon is correct, We shall have gone I
our fate. Thetiviponsibilities that•will de- i threugh a *in.,. Spent millions, required 1
Volve on the next 'Governor - of Pennsyl-'1 the - death of a hundred thousand nien,and,
vania *ill be appalling beyond prepedent. I be• exactly thCn where *0 are now—two,
That there should, at:,stich a ,time, be 4 I natlons adittle'more angry, I,little pooret
scramble for the nomination, is most tna- and a great deal wiser.; and that will ,be
zing. .To my own mind it is dear that the.only difference., We'may just as well
.those :who really comprehend the mogul- settle it now as then.
tittle orthe diflictilties that enviran us, You cannot go through Massachusetts
should be the last to seek-the position.— and recruit meu to bombard Charleiton 01.
Here perhaps I might to stop.: But when Ne* Orleans. •The Northern mind will
I contemplate the vast interests - at stake,l not bear it. Y - ou never can make such a'
I feel constrained to venture atuggestion i war popular.. The first onset' may be
-or-tiro in regard to the qualities' which, I borne. The telegraph may bring us news
think, - ourleandidate should-possess. This that you may rejoice to hear. But the
I' trust I May ,he allowed to do, not being second thought ofMassachusetts will be
one myself. Among these rwill mention 1 " wasteful, ,° unchristian, guilty 1" ' The.
• that; in my opinion, the candidate should , North.never. will endorSe such a war. tu
be :}.min of experience; jnagment, 1 stead of conquering Charleston, - you ere
and unquestioned administrative abilities. 'ate.a Charleston iii New England. • You
tie shoukLbe a man of the Most indornita- i stirrup sympathy fur the South:
ble courage, and fit•mitesi •such'as would Theitfbre it seems to me that the inang
enable him to interpose a manly resist- I . uration of war is not only a - violation of
once to all infractions of ihe'ConstitAtion, principle, but itiis a..violation of olpedi
and encroachments upon the sovereignty J eni -; iv. , •
of the State, and the rights and liberties 1 - to he for disunion in Boston is to be
of-her citizens. Ito: shonittbe A
man of 1 :in abolitionist. To be against di union
unfaltering fidelity tc.)-the-Constitution of is'to be an abolitionist to day in the
' the United States and the Union, as they I streets •of Charlesston. NoW that very
Were founded, by Washington. Ile
,should 1 state of things ,show that.the civilizations
be not only untrammeled by corporate iof the two cities are utterly , antagonistic.
power, but • entirely beyond such'influen- 1 What is the use of trying to join them ?
COS.. - Upon this point too muelLeare can- Is,A•braham Lincoln • capable . of Making
m j
not he taken, for it'ust beaPpa I
reot to fireand , powder lied - myn- togethet in
4 that this i intinence has; already, made 1 peace.?.. If he can, let hitasend 7 his army]
t' el strides.. ttar t irds um i kru l i j ii jr tl i 4 to Fort -Sumter and occupy ft, I
IA 01 t: i f,. ‘.• it a =:,
.. ,...1 ... 1.. v.... - ....._ 4..,..4;3...
tmembered that-within the past five , years . ,l Union exactr.ras 3' 05, a-o,u' tee lot.ljr°7-7-.-
soma' twenty milliOns oldollarshar 6 beenf This is my propesition : -go out,- gen3.le
t:dien from the treasTu'y•rfor the'berrefit of men ; yen are. Welcome to your empire',
two_corporations, and that too bithe no- take it." ' Leethem• - try - the experiment
torkats use of corrupt Means, the qhostioti . of cheating with 09 hand and idleness
may welt,be asked,' •Is there no iminin- with the other. ' I know that God has
ent . peril:to' be apprehended from this•l written " bankruptcy" over sncb an (4 ,
quarter in the future?" But above-all, periment. If yoncannenade South Caro
the candidate should be a nian of ineor- 1 rine, yon cannonade her , into the sytnini-
rnptible integrity, whose private charac
ter is invulnerablb, and whose
; public re
cord in the pa,4t *ill be a.sudieient: guar
anteci. that his future will bring no re
proach ttpcm„ our glorious ohl Cornin.Dn
weah h. With such a stanlard-bearer we
would go befolle the people witha. cer
tainty-of siiccesS. ' • . • •
In conclusion; desire to teniler to all
who have deemed nie worthy. of so exalt
ed a Dosition, my profound gratitude,with
the assurance that I shall cherish, with'
the fondest recollection,..thesQ indications
of confidence anti. regard as tong as I shall
I am, very reF,ipectfully and) truly,
Your friend, Wm, lloitaXs.
Wendell Phillips on the:Crisis.
4 Thk-noted,abolitionist Who for the past ;
two years has become so popular with the
LineOn - Tarty, made a speech at Newßed- -
ford,"Mat4s., on- the 9th . of' April, 1861,
tttlticit: is t'oittly of notice. He
The telegraph is said to report to-night
that the gals are tiring either out ofFort
Sumter or into itthat to-morrow's
breeze whenit sweeps from. the North
will bringto us the echo of the lirst Lex
ington battle of the new' revolution.—
Web; what. shall \-kie say of such an ?
My own feelings is -a double one. is
like the triumph of. sadness—rejoicing
'and sorrQw. I cannot indeed congratulate
you enough. en the sublira .speetacle
to being willing'tbat their idolized Union
should - -ric a battle,should risk dissolution
in order at any risk to put down this re
hellion of slave States.
Bet I ani sorry that a' gnu should' be
, flred fronrit this reason. 'The Admin
istration at Washingtoir does not knovi
its time., Mere are a - Series •of States
•dling the gulf who think that theik'pecul,
jar 'institutions require that they should
have a separate Government: l'heybave
a right •to .deeide :that question • without .
appealing* to you or me.' A large - - biidy,of
people stifEeleot to make 'a nation, ilive
come to the conclusion that they
a Government of certain form.. Who . de
, oiesthere the kightT- %Standing With' the
prmeiplee of "la bland us, who', can deny
th'ern" the right?' *hat is ainatter •of a
w tuillicrna of dollars or 4.Nw, forts' ?-4..t
. ,
thy - I do' not . knoW' now
hat what there is a majority on MY'side ;
but I know this, that - if the telegraph
spehks the truth to might, ;that the duns
are echoing arontid Fort' Sumter—that
a majority is aglifist iii,for it will convert
every man into a secessionist. Besides,
there is atiother fearful clement in the
problem. There is another terrible con=
Nideration. - We no longer extend' to
the black race nt the South our best F.Y . 111-
pathy and our best aid. •
We mud to-night atAlie beginning of
an epoch which may thaire the peace or the
ruin of a generation in its bosom,
urate war, we know'. not .where it will'
end. We arciii no aonditiou to fight.--
The South is pOor and we are - rich. 'The
poor can do tivice the injury to the rich
man that the rich'can cro to the . poor,
You wealth rides safely.on the. bosom of
the ocean, AU NeWEngland has its
m p
ions afloat. The north whitens every sea
with its Wealth. The-South. has. no com
merce, but she can buy the privateers of
every 'race to prey on yours. 'lt iS.a, clan
gerons strife when wealth i l ua r rels with
Driven to dcsnair, the SouthOn States
may be poor and bankrupt; bait the pOor
eq man can be a pirate,. ane as Icrn g as
New England's tonnage i / s/a.third of that
of the civilized world, the. South can pun
ish New England more than - New Eng
landea.o punish het, We, proyoked
strite in which we )tre defenceless. If, on
the' con-t Tory we/hold, ourselves to the
strife of ideas,itiwo manifest that strength
which despises insult and bides ,its • hour,
we've sure/to comfuer in the 'end. „
I (ligtr)t those guns'ai,.. 'Fort; Sumter.
Ido not believe that Abraham Lincoln
means/war. I dOn'tbelievoin the madness
of the . Cahinet. Nothing lint madness
•cat{provoke war with the Gulf States.—
* suspicion is that, the Administration
/ dares not compromise. It trembles be
fore the five hundred thousend readers of
the New York
• But there is a-Safe way, to compromise.
NOW Thrk commerce is palo with bank
ruptey, The affrighted -seaboard sees
grass growing in the streets. h cill - start
up 'every man whoseliveiihml amiss
t onAt2de, intensifying him Into a icomprO=
L tnise. Those guni fired at Fort Sumter,
are only,to frighten the North into a com
promise. -
If the Administration 'provokes blood
shed, it is a:trick ; nothing else. Lis the
;masterly-cunning of that deVil of eonipro
•mise, the Secretary of State. ,Ho is not
mad enbugh . to let these States rush into
r battle. He knows that, the age of bullets
I is.over. If a gun is fired in Southern wa-
I ters, it is fired at the wharves of New
Yorlogat the bank Vaults of Boston, at
the money of the North. , It. is meant- to
alarm. .Its. policy, not sincerity: It
means concesston,• and in twelve • months
ryou will see this Union reconstructed
with constitution like that of Montgom
,ery. . •
New Englandimay indeed never be co-.
treed into a - slave. Confederacy. But,
when the battles of Abraham Lincoln are
ended and the Compromises worse than
Crittenden's are adopted, New -England
may claim the right to secede: And as
sure as a g . un is fired to night at Fort
Sumter, within three years from ,to-day
you will see these thirty . States •gathered
under a Constitutiob twice as.damuable
as that framed,in 17.87. The only hope of
liberty is in fidelity to . principle, fidelity
'to peacerand fidelity to the slave. Out of
that God gives us nothing but hope and
brightness. In blood there is certainly
sure to be ruin !" ' • •
The Administration Aidhig the Rebell-
- The coriservatiVe mass of the people,
called theDetnocracy,-for the sake 'of their
• principles,as well, as for the purpose of dis
tinguishing them from the revolutionary
radicals who are organized as the
ditional ''suppoiters. of the Adrainistra
tion, are accused of being against the war
to' ut down rebellion, because they' op
pose- certain war Measures 'of the Admin
istrationfor the very reason that the Ad
ministration has done more to defeat the.
only legitimate - ends of the war. Had
the war been -steadily prosecuted for the
purpo.gds :for which it whs . , at first pro
fessedly made--that is, the vindication of
the Constitution and the laws and the
North united, •nnd the contest •would
probably have. been .ended Satisfactorily
months 'agO.. ut ',the Abolition party
chose use the opportunity of tbiadeplo
rabic, conflict to realize, if possible, their
one idea, and hence the war has ever
since been so . .conducted. as to subordi
nate the reconstruction of the Union and
tire maintenance .of the Constitution,.. to
the : emancipation, of the Soethern - negroei.'
The-natural ressuli of such a policy has
been, to strengthen the rebellion by weak
ening resistanceto it,- and the war has
filled of its just purposes butyl because it
was perverted to an. unjust and irnpradti
cable end. We, therefore, assert that.
Mr. Lineotn• and his party 'have really
been the only, or at least. the - most 'effi-,
cient, opponents Of the...war—the most
formidable- obstacle •te its suecess---,-and
hence, if opposition to the war is treason,.
the Administration and its partisans are
the chief traitors. The have' giv
en liberally of Men and money . to crush
the' rebellion. But !the President , and
his party:have Misapplied both and have:
made the rebellion stronger to-day thin
it was in the beginning. A just cause is
weakened by .every unrighteous means
used to promote it: ..A war, waged in the
name and interest Of , , political justice, is
dishonored and .defeated by every bellig
erent .measure adopted in violation etthit .
principle. ‘,'A war tolpreserie social or
order can never be rendered success
ful by acts and mpedierrta which are in- -
consistent .with the fundamental; organic
laws of the Commonwealth, and common
sense should have taught the-Administra
that any effort to conquer a rebellion
against the.Constitution'of the nationican,
never subceed unless it is made in a Consti,
tu-tional manner and`' by Constitutional
means.; , . . • • .:
The Administration has undoubtedly
lost the confidence of the people of the
loyal States.. 44 this is - pot to be,attrib
nted to anything' the people have done
against the Government ;but to what the
Administration has done against it and the
people. The people have :been more loyal
and trite •to the
.Government, than the .
President and Congress have been. "
deed, the most violent, censure that has
ygt.betn spoken or- written
condemnatory the Execu
tive, is not half so severely condemnatory
- of him as is his own weak, dishonest, and
arbitary conduet, 'mid the most eloquent
.arguments against - the.Adininistratien arc
its own acts.
:grllen generally Put a greater value
upon the favors they Bestow, than upon
those the,ys:edelve. • -
Ourßasiet of EnttOrnuts.
The golden days . of D emomey are
gone, and behold the,greenback: days of
Abolitionistn are upon us. -
" The. Ox khoweth- and the Ass his
master's crib;" so it is with those who
declare in, favor of Lieoln'ti aboliton pol.:
Patrick Henry said :" Give me liberty
or give death 1" - Tbe Ab , o-lish say : -
'.slsre us the Free Atnericans of African
descent or give ns death.".
The drifting bill , recently passed by the
United States Congress , grants etemption
te all those who pay 300 dollars cash; just
tho price '-'efe tugger. Thus it - appears
that he who buys a nigger is excused
from dying.for one.
Gold is at a premium ..of.fifty-sit- . per
dent. It is,equaled only by the premmm
on Butternuts. _
At the rate muslin is advincink in price
how long. will it,be till the people will be
compelled to fall back on the fig leaf sys-.
tem of Adam and Eve .
The Butternuts are willing to fight for
uncle Sam, but they are not iodine(' to do
as- much for uncle Sambo.
Mr. Cot, of Ohio, says he can see: no
difference between _Republicanism that
sustains emancipation proclamations, and
the real old genuine, Congo Abolitionism.
They are links of the same sausage
made out of the same dog-j.Tuniats Dem.
The Dover, N. IL, Gazette touches the
point about the "No Peace" cry 'of
Radicals, accurately
" Suddenly there is concert. of voicea
in' the Radical ranks, crying ant lustily -
against the very idea of peace. For what
ilid we go to war, -then, save to establish
a firm and permanent peice 2 Even ,
President Lincoln said is his inatigural •
address—'lfyou go to wet. you cannot
fight always.', o pertainly,not. its A n ex. ,
change well remarks, a war that excludes
from its, objOts all , considerations of
peace, brings infamy upon those who,
wage it. The sole object of every just
war is peace : else it cannot and ought
wonderful concert, taken,-up at the same
time by all the Republican pfesses, largo
and' small, means something more than
stimulus forAhe _w,ar alone. It, means, it
we mistake not;that every voice and vote •
of resistance to Government- usurpation
and falsity be suddeply entitled out ; 'that{
there shall be no. such thing as opposition
in this time of war ' -that. we may' not so
much as demand Of those whom we have
entrusted with power, that they shill obey
Constitution .principles; and, Above all,
that by raising up a system`okterreiism,
such as they hope to do, by their secret
airests t dragging 'off to• prison, slang
about, traitors, 'dislo - yelty,* icoppez•heads
and the like,'people will be cowed into so
profound a submission that they will non
dare oppose either their management ~of
the war or their plans to secure Eipartisan
triumph in the next Presidential election. ,
The reflecting masses are- able,' however,
to see through these thins."
A corrrespondent , in the Taztio ekpedi:
tion, in speaking of their progress, says.:
"- . WS have moved through a region tbg,
seems to have known nothing of, war be- N,
fore, and to have had no . - apprehensiouit
that the 'dreadful sconige would ever_ be
brought to its own midst. We have seen,
what .I - have noticed ne.where else in the
South, plantations teeming nith lif e and -
labor ; the planter, with - his family, sit--
foxing the quiet of his own detnestie..
hearth, with his Colony of blacks industri;
ously 'engaged planting and etiltivating
his fields . N'one -hive fled,. as.boss to
other regions. have fled, to leave their
homes a prey' to pillaging soldiers. We
have had a f ai r peep at. _the South sit
was. -Andlmust say the view has been .
a charming one. The sun has shone !Int
gloriously,revealing orehardsin fall bloom; .'
vegetation in its most splendid green appa
rel,'; fields in process of tillage for the
early summer's crops; peace ,and happi
ness on 'every band, with their conecni
tantS of labor, and apparent prosperity, .'
while war au its ravages were tuv
OHow did you . like your visit:,to
your sweet heart ? Qh,:i don't like the
footing with 'Which 14as-received by the
father.. ,
tar There is &chap out West With hair
so red - that when ho, goes-out befo,ro day
light he is taken for sanriseouid nods
begin'to crow.
A picture of Peace.