he has given us on this occasion shall out= live the malice,Of his detractors and form a bright chapter in his unsullied history. (Greaveleering) Ancl recalling what has ii,_!en said in injury: . ef hint and the attacks' :which have. be:en.made Upon our friends fur the part : they have taken in the .Striagi.. g . le of the last few months,and Considert; von of the change in public opinion that is g?)ing on around us, I calf to inind the lan guage of a favorite poet: Though thotglits brood o'er the past, oar oyes With smiling features glisten; For lot our day bursts op !bosky, 'Lela out our souls and listen. • The world rolls freedom's radiant wane. _ Aud'ripens with her sorrow: • , Keep heart, who bear the cross to-day. Shall wear thetrown . to-morrow. , _ • (Great and continued - cheering.) - The elaairman then stepped . forward with a very pretty bduquet in las hand re.; ceived front two young ladies in the audi. enceas patrtotlei. as they were beautiful —and presented it to Governor Seymour, with the remark: - "I ant requested by some young' ladies in the house to tender you this bouqUet in the full and 't dtrfident belief that befdm those flowers fade you will be elected gov, ernor,of Connecticut." (Great cheering.) I,llantrose pentotrat. ~.,, .„?.- * I : . r. • • r... ‘ -•M' ,* , * . • vf_ z...r .4. " --: .I-• Tz -, ''r .'%.- t l r' Z =•1: . t't -- .. A ' '''''' • • ---r---- - • 6- q - •s -. . .• • T s ; "T...Y....., - ,- -, ,:,- -- - - 7 - - ...el .. .1 ' J-,>• v... . ..,-,..'"-. _:±''r•-= - •4 - :. , ' .2',..:A .4 - * \ I T ' ~r- i i .... . , r.•`%, '' ', . t . ..... , .„ A - ~- 1,, ~ ..l 5' ‘ ''.' . . 'IOW 3 '. . k:" , y:, - .,4 - .-: 1,.: _ - ._sre:;- - ..,.• ,74 r.. ' - ~.• ... -..-_- - 4- - - - ,;.to. __l- -,-, -7 ,;',7, • - .... -- V - ' , ..i. ---::.q.-• I ~ tes - .. 5 .5t...-. „ I rk ,r.-_,.„, ,:-.7 ,-- , =4. 1 -- - •''..airwe-- - .. - .. , ..-- ,- 4 „,,a1;,.. Y:,.,' . ~. , r , ..._.•-/ . ~ A. 3. GEARITSON, - - Editor. 2bC6J. THE UNION. AS IT WAS; Before abolition, secession, etc., disturbed its haratony. • - TUE C'ONSTITIUTION AS IT IS; Eatorced and-respected in all Sections of , the country Vlrformet men desirintr to attend a Commercial Col= leze at Binghamton, Pittsbunzh, or at Philadelphia, New Yc rk'. etc., can obtain information of practical pecuniary value by callivg npan•ot. addressing the cthtor of this paper.. _ . .W . All private Letters intended _for.Abe editor of -this paper should, iintil. further, notice, be. addressed to A. J. GERRITSON, - - -House of Representatives, Harrisburg., Pa. Jan. 13. MASS CONVENTION, _ The Democratic citizens of Susquehan na County are invited to meet in . Mass Convention: at the Court-house, in iMont rose, on Monday * evening, April Btll,l 663, to appoint-. Delegates to our State Con vention, for the nomination of State Offi cers, tt.g. -C. M. OEIIE, Ch'n Co. Con]. Montrose; March 16, 1863. C.. 14" "—At theilmuni'cipal election in Frat 7 risbnrg Vriday last, A. L. Roumfort, Democrat, - was elected. Mayor. jrDr. E..?-.llrusb, of Springville, has received a commission as ASsistant Snr- geon in the-army, and starts immediately to join his regiment. - Dr. 13: looks like -a mail who could stand " the tug of war." :Mr - Tlead' - the extracts from old files of Greeley's Tribune, another coluirm:— They show, when compared.with his pre .. . cut - attitude, what fearful plunges and 'ffounderings a ileraagoue . can make when guided . solely by the ' A NEW DONE. The Abolition party r which has chapg ed:its name the as often as there are letters itithe alphabet, knowing that both , the•party andits-principles hae 'become odious in the eyes of - the people s and that numbers of the RepublicAs are leaving . it as rats quit a sinking •ship;.the leaders have hit upon a new; name; and acting • upon. the old plan,as,soon as they sac de- I -feat. overwhelming them, 'they- resort to an alias, change their name, lipping in the diSgaise to blind the people.. It won't do iSitoO flimsy—it is already I seeirthrotigh..., The iniquities ofyourpar- ) ti are too great to be - concealed 'in any I Other say, than .by an owernhehning de- I fean..nitheitext.clection. Your party may swear* members' into the I" League," , but; it*ill.be of no avail % you are still the samkAbolition party that has robbed Owl Gai'erntrient nnildeCeived'the people by false promises and-rank deception. :Yotir dark lanterns and illegal oaths will 'not be' tiandwritingis upon the vnia4 people are .indignant - and. will . . _ hall yon Ciona ppm- DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN NONTROSE • GL E . FOUNDRY BURN -Loss Estimat,ed'at $50000!,: , . About O'clock on Friday morning last the large Iron' F'onndry, and shops of Messrs„...Sayre „Brothers, in this village,. were discovered to be' on fire. When first discovered, - the main building, including the Moulding room,' Machine shop ' and Store room, Smith-Shop; .&c, was all in-a blaze: -Nothing,was saved from this biril ding. AU the buildings being of wood, the names spread rapidly to the - adjoining sheds - and out-houses all of Which were burned, together with the large building known as the Plow shop. There being but little wind, by hard fighting the fire was - confined to the , block on which the Foundry was Situated. • Had there been • • high wind, • such was the headway' of .the .fire when first discovered, some of the sur youndikg•dwelling4loUses must hay-c been destroyed. The firemen. and citizens work-. •ed well, but the oki•story, '", scarcity of water," was a serious:. draw-back. Some stock and: 'tools were saved from the Wood shOp, ,but,the mass of stock,- materials, teas, &c. were destroy ed.: Mr. Osgood, Scale mannfactuctr, in the main banding,lost e - I,7erything.- 'Messrs. Sayre lose some $40,000,. about one-fourth of which, welearn, is :covered by insurance. B. S. Bentley;-Esq. 'loses Z;7,004. Some 50' or :6 - 0 workmen are thrown . - out of employment.-by this . unfor tunate affair. The origin of the fire is un known. ' Public Meeting, At a meeting of the' citizens ,of Mont rose and vicinity, dOnvened•at the Court House Saturday evening,: .March 21st, to devise, ways and means ko assist our fellow .townsmen, Messrs. Sayre:Bro's; for, the immediate erection ,of Buildings and -machinery for the continuing the Found ry and other . Manufaetuiing Business— , lately destroyed by fire ' . . . -.... • The-rneeting"was called to order by S. I Mitchell, Esq. • f - ' On motion, Wm. H. Jes Sup was elected. 1 Chairman, and C.M.. Gene, Seey. . . Remarks-. were - : then made by - B. S; Bentley, F.. 8.•• Streeter, A. Chamberlin, B. S. Bentley Zr„. A..l.athrop., Dr.E. Pat rick ;and Hon. M. C. Tyler: On motion of C. L. Brown— • . ' , Resolved, That this meeting deem it highly important that ways and means be devised to aid our unfortunate,fellow citi zens, Messrs. Sayre Bro's, in the immedi ate -ercetiiirn of buildings and • machinery for the' cMitinuing of the Foindry and manufacturing business, lately destroyed br fire r and that '• this meeting tender thenr sympathy to them, and Mr. Psgood also, a sufferer by the fire. On motion of B. S..ipentley, Esq.--• • Resolved, That—a committee of tirreebe appointed to ascertain the amount of deb.ts owing by Sayi4 , BrOs., , and _the names of their creditor's, to tdekise rt plan to -be 'adopted by all the creditors for die Post :iponement of. their claims, and,to procure -the assent of !the creditors to the Same, and to report at a subsequent meatin . .. Resolved, That said comnlttee consist ofltressrs. A. Lathrop, G: V. Bentley and. M. C. Tyler. I - Resolved, That, a proper subscription paper be prepared by Enid committee to be presented to the citizens of Mentrose and vicinity for their donation; 4ile, • Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be'publiShed, and that the' meet ing adjotirn to meet at the Court House, Tuesday evening; March 31st. OUR HARMSI3IIRWIETTER, CAPITOL ASLL, 113TC1I 1 20. The bill . relatii-e' to the . publickioniof Sheriff's Sales, to .I - referred in thy. letter •of three weeks ago; has passed liPth branches. As it is of some • local impor tance, it.in full. „ . -.• • -AST ACT •• Relating to Sheriff's Sales in Susquehan na county SECTION 1. Ee•it 'eneested • - the . S'inatel and House of Rip•esentativOof the . .Com= monwealth- of Pennsyreania - in• Genfrai As.= . sem* 11/-ei, 'and it is hereby enacted' by au thority of the same, 'Bat the4previsions of.l an, act entitled'" An act relating to Sher iff's Sates in ,Luzerne county," .approved the 16th day of 'April, aririp domun; one thousand eight. hundred and sixty-one, be and the same aro : hereby , extended to. the , county of Susquehatma.. 'Provided, That 1 isaid 'selection Shall not.' be restricted' to l_newspapers published at the cotinty:seat, but the said noticet'lnay be directed to Ite published in any - papers in the Comity; ianything the act to which -this isa sup. rn pleent - to the contrary notw_ithstanding; and if iab such direations be given by the, party - '• or his 4 tttorney, .then the Sheriff' j:shallmake pubrihation as itiFtetaore.'' The'Luzerne Act itChig fotiott AN ACT • - 11elatincr - to Sheriff's Sales in tie county of Luzerne. • SEertoN di Be it enueled Who Senate rind troasegt .R.eptesentatives.of the Common theatt4. of Pennsylvania in General 4ssetably met, lone. it is hereby eurteted by authority of th.e"same, That from and after the .pass - -. age of this act, in all cases -of Sheriff's s.alesof,reaLestate, in • the county of Lu some, the publication of notices .of 'said sales shall be .made in any two newspa pers published at the county 416-at of said county, and may ibe directed by the attor ney or party issuing or basins cliarge of the writs, upon which direction shall be indorsed on the precipe to, the prothono tarY, and by him indorsed .-en .the writ ; and so much of any law as is inconsistent herewith, is hereby repealed, so far as. re- lates4o said county.- • • . • Approved April 18th, 'lB6li_ — An•adt has been passed reviving' the charter of the Jefferson Railroad company. It provides for building • a railroad 'front Hawley, in 'Wayne county, through Honesdale, and thence to connect With the Erie Railway at.the mouth ofStarucea Creek,uearLauesboro. tirbane.Burrowa, John-Smiley, Tra Nichols, J. B. Gregg, and Sarnuelinkenlitiry are among the corporators. The eitYelection comes off here to-day. The abolition party. are using every effort to defeat the Will of the people. About 500 'sbldiers have...been sent away froM here within the past two days,, to prevent i them from 'voting, as!they would mostlyl have -vOted the Democratic ticket. The shameless prostitution of its military pow er to political purposesby the adruinistra: don - is •beginning.,to beyealiied by the people, and a day, of retribution must fol low. . The _House has toted to adjourii from the 27th of March to the:26th. of May. The resolution goes-to the Senate for.con currence. . • A. J. G. ~Ta~~s. —The reason assigned at the Treasury Departmen\t for suspending the -printing of the postal currency, 25 and 60 Cent notes, is that there is already a sufficient amount of such paper in proportion to the other, denoniinations: The fact' that there ire counterfeits -did not influence this afltion.- . f .'' -,-_,A public speaker in :IStew Hampshire recently stated that Mr.. Lincoln stated in. is presence that " the radicals threaten-. ed to place a. Dictator over him if he did not issue the emancipation proclamation." And these radicals are the men who talk about " supporting:the governthent."- 4 -- They would be-ready to oVerth'row the k. • z.o'vernment to morrow if it did not suit them. —White man and black man had a talk in Baltimore. ',White told Black, " this is your war ; you ought to fight." Black retorted,." nigger has nufing. to de<wid dis war.," '"Two do g s fight over a - bone-." " Did you ever so de, Bone :fight ?" —The JudiciaryConamittee of the Penn sylAania House of Representatives has re ported a bill to_prevent the immigration of negrocs'bild mulattoes into the .State. .It prevents any such persons from com ing into Pennsylvania, either temporarily or permanently , ' letter from ..Tybee Island', below Savannah, says : On the :evening . of the 9ht a steamer tame into the harbor, fired two guns, and left again before the guns of the fortification, six in 'number,. could Ibe brought to bear on her.. The ort was in charge of Lieut. Albert F. Miller, with .a detachment of the 4Sth New York. ...It is supp'Osed, that she_ was the ,Alahama,cit the Florida, or a, blockaderunner. —The admirers of thee, immortal bard' claimed for him a foresight as little short of inspired prophecy.: He wrote not for a day, but-for all - time. It would..eertain-. ly seem that when wrote "be who -steals - inn/arse - steals trash," he referred prophetically to .pocket labOks containing postage stamps and shinPlaiters.. ?—We understand that effortshavebeen made not only in - the Depaitment of Gen.. Banks, but. at Newlnirii and other places, to induce the Nine Months ;troops 'to re enlist for the war,. and extra efforts' in. some cases have been. made. - There- are but few who : are - to forege the prospect 'of a Visit to - their,homei at - the end of their term of service, after which, i doubtlesS, a eonsiderablennmber . 'would be willing to rejoin the Union .arrnies . in . the field.--Boston Traveler, • 'A lOng.'letter from ParsenßrownlOW, .dated Nashville!,.March.-Gth ; among other - things says 'told the peeple of the', North, in my speeches . , As thOuSAn . ds :of them will recollect, what how reheat--- .that is to:Say, cqe half Of all the slaves, in the seceded • StAtet- will ICght foi; xheir owiterS, and'fight3olieitetunte the4..own' biidage.: ; -- • . , •••-•* ; telegrAin fretia . Charleston,.in; tyre Richni.OncipapOsof ,the 10th, states ,our signal on Hilton Read wan: recently c.aptured 'en nituiser , by' the rebels. • • Pernadina, receive news indicatityi the force ofl,ooo negr St. Mary's' river on' th it was even, thought ti been captured. Thee, Lion was to supply arm it could incite ,to inSti Rigginson. and. Montioniery comm andad ! the blacki. if taken they and other white officers. were probablY t Shot. : —Washington, 'Mirth .17, 1 8 03.—Maj- Gen-Fremont left for New 17011{ to-night, his interview with the Secretary this morning having proved unsatisfactory. = BefOre ,the adjournment of Congress several leading Republican Senators were assured on:the highest possible authority that he was about to be restored to . active service in a field that would satisfy his friends. - . . . —Much speculatlo is indulged in corr. eerning =the action o 1 the .government re• spooling the affairs of Utah. Private par• ties. have suggested Idifferent courses .of policy. From what has transpired to-day it is probable that Grtiv. Harding and the judges complained of{ by the Mormons will be sustained. - It is sid by gentlemen well - r acquainted with Utah affairs; that the y arrest of Brigham ' ming by Judge Kin nefwas an arrangement. agreed noon be tween the two to, test the constitution ality Of the anti-polygamy, law, and to create the. impression that there is no resistance to judicia process in that ter , rit' -- " T Y'' he hopeful news that we bare been receiving from Vicksburg is somewhat dampened by the last report in regard to the Yfizoe Pass - expedition. 'Yazoo' City still flies the rebel flag, and the, story of the capture of the ebeniy's transports in the' Yazoo River ipronounce.d bosh.— One of onr gunboa was seriously t t sly worst ed last Friday in a encounter with . a rebel battry-at the, junction of the YaV labuSha „and Tallahatchie Rivers : The Lake Providence Olnal _was flnished,:and water was probably let in on the .I.sth inst. , • s • , •_ •::-The Richmond. Whig of the lith says . 'that Admiral Farragiit attacked Port Hudson.at 12 o'clbek on the niglf the f•ith, attempting to run by the, batteries. ruder cover of the darkness. One of his vessels was burned - to the water's edge,' : another ;hot throngli and through- and a third badly crippled. One only succee ded in getting pat; the'rest were driven back. ' - 1 . . i „ - ,- -.A. ' . —The Journal, of Louisville, Icy., is alarmed as to the 4afety , of that city, and recommends that it be immediately made secureby fortifications. .- . —lt is said in 'Vas - liington- ilia a draft Of five hundred :thousand men is soon to he ordered, and that 'arrangements have'been made .4 enforce he conscription without , lifficultyll How is that to be done ? we should like to kndw. " Enforce it with out difEculty.". 'The Union Leagues are prbably depend d' upon for that pqr pose. ~..- ..i. .. A LlVECorrEir,ppev.—A reanlar 'live American eagle - the eagle of crassie fame and the national 'emblem of liberty-=has found its way totthiS• city, and has been purchased. by one of : oiirr prominent citizen - s, for,pres . ntation to the Milwaukee Democratic Cln . The head-of the 'bird is a shining cop .er color, and he measures eight felt from t i p to tip. _ The presenta tion, of which due notice Will be given, is to be accompanied by speeches and other appropriate cermonies.—.lltilwaitkee News. i - - i ,_ - . - . .. Sta Convention. The State Central Coininit tee ot „Pennsylvania, some ,mouthi since met in Reading and fixed the time • for holding the next'State Convention at Har risburg on the fr7th-of June, to nominate :a candidate for Governor , A Judge of, - the Supreme Ulit.. Subsequently some olthe members of - the Committee -who were not in atendance. at Reading, re quested the Chi irthan to call the Commit- tee' together again for the purpose of re- ' conaeriug thformer 'notion. ThePom- mittecrinet on aturday evening the 7th' 1 inst.;..at the .1 dchant's Hotel, . Phila.- t 1 dolphin; -twen y-seven . niembers being present,'.and after a full discussion of the subjeot and interchange lif sentiment, the in °Ow to changelhe day was voted -do wn. The day originally ;fixed Upon' therefore remains, which is 'Wednesday ;he 17th of Ju»e; This gives-. four months far= the caniPaign,. wbchin the present -,nnsettled S cOndition of ti e , countryis ample time for a vigerons cariVhss. , The Democracy. will go into tbe. c4-4iftest with a - determination to , succeed, and their efforts -will be crown ed With succtSs. ~. , CONPESSE Allen's Gold cdal Saleratus is the best article kbown .for making nice light Bread, Biscuit, Pies 'Euddings, &c. Baseless imitators are trying to palm off to the pub lic their mile )°, saying it is Gold Medal, or as good ;. therefore, All who would pre serve their stOmachs and ,health, look and see that the name otHeiTick Allen is on the wrapper-and be 'not. put off with the spurious because the Merchant tells you that it i 4 as good. -Have nothing but the genuine Gohl Medal. Dyspepties can use end it veil} do them good. Try it. . via Port' Royal; we' a:reverse met by I; es which - ascended I 9thOf March, and . . at. it probably Pot of this expedi. Is to all slaves whom rrectiou;'Colonels AT LAST—Tht . Herrick TW_tXXXA.CA.3OI34 , In Porect Lake, March Pith inat..by Nor. It. liakralk enbarg; Mr.. John Braileford, of Forest Lake, and Mies Nairlet Neweomb, of Vestal, Y.' On the 10th inst., by-Eld. J. W. Patter, see.; llr.ll3en jlitedn F. Vonstautine and itise Emma L. reacher, hll of North Bridgewater. • • s**Lairzcsi. In Jessup, March4sth, CnAnizs 'Simms, only non of Ahn . and Lucy Lake, aged 1 year and 15 days. Scariely had these fond parents left the gmve,of their lovely Hat, tie, before they were again called to weep over the loss of their only son. Clouds and datkness seem to gSther about them, "brit Ile who ,doeth all things , well," we trust has ordered A, for their good. In 'Columbus, Ohio. of s i inall pox, Jong 8., son of Jos. E. and SamanthiL Webster, Dec, 14th, Ifiti2, aged 29 years, 2 months and.%) days. 'The subject of this Obituary .en listed in the service of his Country in Septt Idnt. An ap propriate discourse was delivered on the occasion in Liberty, Si:winch/inns 'county; Pa., Jan 12th, by Bid. John Donaldson, from Colossions, Ist chap. 27. „ Feb. 22nd, of consumption, ,Wrixtsx bL, JAcusen, late of Montrose, aged 29 years, 11 months. Mitch I'7; of diptheria, ALBERT W. Cauaan, aged 12 Years and 5 months, , . H. GARRATT I : DEALER in Flour, Fced, and Meal, Darrell and Dairy Stilt, Timothy and Clone -Seed, Groceries. Provis. lone, Fruit, Fish, Petroleum Oil, Wooden and Stone, :‘,Vare,:Nankee Notione, &c. &c. Or Oppositeltailroad Depot, New Milford, Pa. MO 24, 1861-Iy.:, . 9013:32.cbt1iy: Seed.. T URREL.L'S Pore Timothy Seed. for Foie by ABEL TLERELL. Itioxttmge,lttartl.o24, /6113 _ . ONE CENT REWARD!. RAN away trona, the subscriber—on the 21st ult.. a black girl by themaine - of PRISCILLA STEWART. This is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her,. or Itrustinglier on+ray account, as I will-pay no 'debts other JOIIN BOLLES: Dhuock,'March.9th, itd3. 11:1t-) THE NATIONAL CLAIM AG ENCY, • CONDUCTED BY .Harvey & Brace, Government Agents and ;It mrnies, Washington, D. C. Branch for Susquehanna County, conducted by • • L. F. FITCH, Montrose. Claims prclented and prosecutedbefore Congress, Court of %Claims and the Deparimentt. PATENTS. PEN sioNs.-nOtiNTIEs and ARREARS of PAY SECURED and COLLECTED. The undersigned, being now LICENSED - ,l)y the GOV ERNMENT (and associated with this agency at Wash ington fur the purpose of evnediting business,) %TM at tend promptly to nil calls in this line of business.' Infor mation FREE, and !..:11 CUAgGE unless successful. 31ontrom, Welt Li, izza.-31n L. F. FITCU. GLASS SIDS:.. LARGE. & MEDIUM fR & TIMM 'SEW FOR SALE , - New gil for4,lllarch 17, 141 4w* :MiLLIRtiDY & STRAW GOODS. "%ATE bhve the pleanure of informing yint that we are 11V npw prepared to offer, at our old Ptand.lll6*.lo3 104 & 107, Nqrth Second:Street, rhtladls, a u'ell selected. Stock of !Moen , and Straw Goode, in every variety, of the latest importations, and of the new= eat and moat fashionable styles. OUR - STRAW DEPARTMENT 'Avill'coniprise every variety of Bonnets. flats and Trim mings to be found in that line, of the late.ftt and moat ap proved shapes and styles. Soliciting, an early call. I re main yours. respectfully, H. WARD. - 3ia.tch tStr,;. 4w - License Petitions. NOTICE is hereby given,- thatsin pumnance of alt act of as.tembly, the following named persons have flied their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County Susquehanna, to keep Taverns in said-Connty, for-which they will apply at April Sessions, 1563: Auburn, Joseph Carlin, E. L. Adams.,-Chociinuts Ja- Cob Nimble.—Dimock, George IV. Lewis. P. S. Babcock. Dundaff, Arthur Avres.—Forest Lake, Judson Stone.2nd. Great Rend', David Thomas , Geo. .1, Smith. Baxter Jetx ell.—Gibson, Silas Howell, IL S.llrundage,-M. Wtrhain berlin.—llerrick, A. Tilden, John M. ' , AS - yet-IL—Jackson, C. C. Payne.—Lithrop,David. Wilmarth.—Lenox, .A. F. Snow: —Montrose. Leonard Searle, J. S: Tarbell.—New, Milford, R. C. 'Vail„ Philander Phinney.—ltash. N. Day. 11. Sherwood, Gehme Snyder.—Silver Lake. D. 0. Minkler, D. P. Phelan.—Springville, Julien Lathrop, Spencer Ilickos..—Susq'a Depot,l'hos. Conovan, organ. Peter N. Tillmati—Harford, John F. Ziegler—, Friendaville, Edwin Hiles:—Brooklyn, J. 0. Bullard.— Clifford, Edward Gram. TO SELL ,RY TILE DIEA.STIRE. Apolacon—Corneline Donelly„ Mal . ch 14,1563. E. M. TURNER, Clerk. -. CLOVER . & TIMOTHY ,LARGE BRAD - FORD CO._ • OHIO MEDIUM., • ' CHINA"' SEED' WHEAT. SEED CORN, - PEAS, and . a general 'assortment of Garden Seeds. CASII .AID .1"011 Ir il lrEt="l9eeeLp Doting the month of *arch. . • 1 BALDWL'i & ALLEN. 'Montrose, March 3,1%3. 2m Watob.' s Jetkrelry - and Silver .Ware. TrIE, -undersigned would - tespectfully. Incite your attention to his well selected stock of Fine 1/4111# Gold and Silver WATCHES. Flue Gold JEWEL - RY, of every kind and variety of styles-com, prising all of the newest and most , beautiful designs. Also, Solid Silver Ware, equal to coin—and the hest make of Sliver Plated Ware. Each article is warranted to be as.repreleated. : • EV - Watches and Jewelry carefnily repo tred and natll4 faction guaranteed. (TAM RRARLEY. (Sbecessor to Stauffer & linriey,) - • • No. B'4 Market Street, PlailAdelphla. March 4th, 1863. 3withk3rnt. ,)oDifferent kinds of Wines and Liquors. oomprisign nearly ever, kind in any market. warranted are. Vor, sale at usual by ADFJkt TURREL.I4.- ,• • • LUBRICATING OIL, • _ pc a 4ul. El * oi!jitsgibleq,ler bii ta i m i zt • ABM NEW STORE & AEW GOODS! MIRE SIIIISCRIB T ESS take pleasure in annointitig to _IL their nnmeroustriends and customers. that they ant now ready to receive - their customers In the - • "COMMERCIAL BUILDING.", . where they have fitted np the elegant store directly op. posite the POST-OFFICE. Having just return( d from liew. York, they now offers, huge and toll assortment of, Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Silver- Ware, Plated Goods, Cut- - • - 'Cry and Pancy Goods. - • Ilavingample room, they will foliar& their business to' the full extent of the wants of this community: =de. from their long:acquaintance with the taste of their cut: tamers, gatter themselves that they wilt be enabled to' tarn their Mod/matey by fire into a mutual benefit to' 'thempelves and their customers. s AVAIVBES - 1 largo stock of Gpld.6o. Sliver English, Ametican and finiiss.,Watchis' t both ihiling•an4i)pon Faces, warranted good thin. keepects r by EVANS & ALLEN. SILVER WARE. . SILVER WARE.—Table,' Dessert, Tea. Sugar, 1~1 fait . Cream, ?reserve, Berry" and iSitistard Spoons. ; ' Table, Dessert and Pickle Fasts., Butter. Pie and Fruit Knives. • . Cups, Napkin Bin a, Children's Sets in eases, Song • , and Gravy Ladies. Saint' Sitters and Oard Cases—sear.. ranted as pure as coin, (engraved g_raila.) AVANS,A ALLEN. • 1 Old Jewelry:. Fine splendid stock of parrings and Plni. of the newest ISJ patterns; Fini;ec Ripe of all styles: Bracelets, Arnilets, Lot:twat; t, rd, Neck and Chatelaine Chains ; .Thimbles. Sleeve B ttons, Studs, Belt Buckle 4 and Slides, Snaps, Speeta es „18 carat Plain Rings, itc.• ~• • EVANS 4t_ ALLEN: PLATED WARK—The largest -variety of Silver.-P11! ted Naive's, Forks, Spoons. Castors, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, fin,, ,, rir Dishes. Trays.- Cups. Salts; Tea Setts and Extra Tea Pots. Butter and' le Knives, Ae.&.e. ever kept in this market. syANs.& ALLEN. SLEEVE BUTTONS_ AND STUDS, anew lot jun re , ceived—hOnle entirely' new patterne, by - EVANS ilk ALLEN. • QTEEL JEWELRY.—A nice 154.0 t Steel 'Earrins and iJ.Breatqpius, by EVANS AL LEN. TEA. SETS.—Hatideome Tea Seta, five and six pteeee, ' heavily, plated. for'ihle by r Evatts- ALLEN. elITIERY.—Pocket and Pen 'Knives, and Selesori. (a, , ‘ good article,) for eale by Evans Astan. IVEELILES.—The hart quality of Sowing, Crochet, 11 Netting and Knitting, Needier, by • EYANS &'IALLE2g. • , TotlitrStiES.---11alrand Tooth Brashell.f:T* Evaen & AsiArat pHOTOGRAPHALIiUMS.—A very nice lot, by • EVANS & ALLEN, - " CONNERCIAL WILDING." Court-Street, opposite the Pciet-Office.: BINGII.I3ITON, March 3, 1863: . • The 'Nesi Commercial Buildings are Located opposite the Court House, corner of ' Court and Chenango Streets. • , ~ This College ix in no way. connectedwith4n'y other Institution. The energies of the entire Faculty are exelustirely devoted td this. " - ' The design,ofthis - Institidlon-la to afford Young Men an, opportunity for acquiring a ThurtnAg/t, Preaka/ Buhnexii .Educetion. - s' - • , Our Books and Fdrms are carqfnllparranged by practi- Cal accountants,lexpresely for this Institution. and the codrac of Instruction is such aeto combine Theory and , Practice. 1 2 ._ , • • - Cllcorlogilorte ,C7coulrates. • This course embraces Book-Keeping in all its depait meats, Penmanship, Commercial - Arithmetic, Bnsiteis correspondence. Commercial Law, Political , Economy. Commercial Ethics, °Partnership Settlements \,Detedting counterfeited and altered hank notes, etc. The 6pencerian system of penmunship.is taught in all Its varieties, bffhe most skillfulonasters of theurt. The Book-Keeping department Is nudertfic special an pervison and Instruction of the Prlncinal,D. W, Lowns.; ek-eank.esreil Izairoz-maxAticoxiet. • " Students canenter at any time:. No vacation. Usual time to complete the course, from 6to 12 weeks. Assis tance rendered to graduates in procuring situationit. Graduates are presented with an elegantly engravetl Diploma. 'Por catalogue of Apage . s, specimens tt o f . penman fre., enclose two leer stamps.and addr e ss LOWEE4., wmtw,f4t, • octl3 lylsc. ' , ,Blngluunfon, N. T. ABEL 'rURRELL Now offers for sale one of the largest and best selections. of G(,-NA...tz .19 Ever offered in - Susquelorrina,county, and probably coin- ,‘ prising the greatest variety Or most diffe,rent :glides of any. Store in the Northern part of Pennsylvania ; mid per haps of the entire State. An assortrnent is kept in about thirty different branches or trade - , and the selec tions are made (root about forty of the best BouSes New York, and - more than fifty 'Dealers and Ilanufac tuiers out of - New York. A largo propJrtion of the } Goods are brought direct from the manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles. Customers on entering the Store must not expect to find'everything in, sight, but nearly overy.articie wanted will be pro limed by inquiry. - some Idea o the Stock may be formed by the following general outline, butenumeratimris impractlenble, Drugs and Medicines , Paints and Oils. Dye Stuffs, t Groceries. Liquors, ;,•rockery, Glass -Ware. Wall and Window Paper. Jewelry, Silver Ware,Perfamery. Brattr Goods, 'Musical Instruments, Brushes:American Pocket' Knives. Table Cutlery and Silver PlAited Ware. 1 Amps* Materials for Lights, Hardware, Bed Stone WstrA,, , Dry Good+, Mirrors, Window Glue: Lithographs.. Yap: Wakes. Bird -Cages, Spectacles. Whips, and Lashes.= Brooms. Gnns,'Pistols, Ammunition, Tobacco, Medi,: • cal and Surgical' , Instruments. Salt,lSoap, Potash.. Um brellas, Porcelain.Tceth, In short, Beatty ermitdpg,,s9,-, restore the: SICk, to please the taste. to "slated the eye. to gratify the fancy, and skin to conduce to the reid.ant' substantial comforttotlife; • , . , , The attention of the public is respectfully invited to, • my stock of.Goods;bouglitsexelosively•for 4 cash down,: and will be sold on the saute principle for Tow prices. . • .TIIILBELL. - Montrose. 'limitary 15t.18113.. .... • • Adttuttistra,tors s. Notice. A Lime:oohs ladebted• iothe estatO of MATHIM is. MORE, late of Rosh, &ceased, are herby requested. to mako immediate psyment;- end all persons. hetim• elatrosagaliget said estate; will present theli lizthekohf to the audersizned for aottleroest; - • , SABAH DUNISORFt *nab; Ad ,, intstritton O B. liBBI9E Thillgewater; Feb. 10th,.1 . . r • ..ct i - - liter CtkikO eine. tlln. Bastin Inaba, constantly on ttisnit stailte, l l l J. a micas' it nan to obtained ot any DORI lit gr A meatx ;7 7., peretroats4 ~--- ~..z.. a. =MO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers