The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 17, 1863, Image 2

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    etiitigintnantrally frotni its principles -
this party, thus qualigd to speak to, the
whole, and Act be heard with "affection'and
reverence,_On and Will command these
wild waves of human passion - to be still,
sad, refcci•ing alike thelanaticistn of Boa.
ton and of Charleston, will rebind these
great States together, in 'enduring bonds
of interest and "sympathy. !
-- I am, dear sir, ,very truly yours. -
- 11Lociusitnno, Feb. 20, 1,863. •
giontr.ost gitmocrat.
A. 3. GERRITSON, - - Editor.
drae.azy, OlLich°' /7 4frf,' 6.9
Before abol4ion„octsaion, ctc., dieturbed ite bartabny
Enforced and , respected in 'an vections of the country
rirYount men deArinu to attend a Commerdial Col-.
lege at Binghamton. Pittsburgh. or at Philadelphia, New
York. etc.. can obtain information of practical pecuniary
',slue by calling upon Or addressing, the editor of this
paper.. . •
WAR private Letters intended for the
editOr of this paper should, until Smiler
notice, he addressedto '
A. J. Gitturrsox,
Ilionse of Representatives,
Harrisburg, Ta:.
The Democratic citizens of Snscinehan - -
na 7 County arc invited to t meet in Mass
Convention at:the'COnrti-bouse, in Mont-
TOtle, on Monday evening April Gtb,
to appoint . . Delcgates . 1.41 oar State Con
vention, for the .nomina(ion of State•Offi- .
sere,-&c: E. M. GERE,
. • - Ch'n Co. Corn.
Montros, March 16, 1863.
. Latest: News.
',A 'special despatch to the Cincinnattt
Gasette'reports a fight • on- the YazoO
rtheer,'in which 7,0)0 prisoliers 'and eight .
transPorts . felt into 'our: hands. We .are
left' to
. conjecture, whethpr this vie:tory -
WA3 won by the, Yazoo, Pass expedition .
.under a r en.ltoss;,. on its Way . ldOwn th6‘
oybr Gen. Grant on his waYnp.,
A was - reported..dy Cairo on Thursday
that Forts Doneison and lleury had been
seized, by the rebels. .- •
From Utah we have Alm thrilling item
that - Brigham Young has been arrested
for bighrnv. „
. I •
13'"Dr. F. C. Denison, formerly.-of
birnock, has been assigned a position as
Surgeon in the 141 st P. V.
"fifligt-In the official list pf of:fleets absent
without leave,.pUblished b:ythe,. war depart- ,
tient; we obierve' . 'the folloWitig
‘.itsais s tant Snr..e, on J. W. Cobb, 134th
- Pennsylvania. Alisetit Without leaVe sinceOin
• Deher - Ittb,.lB,bi'" . • `, •; •
. . .
r 11147" Col. . Van Wyck, L ike republican
. ,
member of Congress from . the Orange .
trict, -who has sustained • the adniinistra
tion 'in ever.i.,-thing—bothln the field. an d'
in CopgreSs. 7 -in speaking. of ielabatiort
thieves-who Autroun4..llli7:. ,Li . coin, says :.
" - 141 . ;liave injured' the= Iteptiblie,more
th.ia the: South in artns."- I: ..: .. .
------- 4 :!:10.-0-----, . -
'Lincoln has irsned another procla
mation, dated garch loth, calling opon
all absentees fronitheanny'3FithOut leave
to return by. the 'lst they
be, i deserterE r and caufioniug
erjWy 'tot to interfere with the: corn
log:draft. • •
ItairThe iderciiiisiration has been in ter-
roc 1)11 - 1:,bable result of the election
in - New Hampshire. ILlA:order to vert de
feat, about . re. humired, trOops 'of th e 2nd
regiment have been sent - . home to Tote, as•
thq arc largelyrquiblican,; but
t44 i ctki . reginmni r lia.f..urokbonori
is batt:Jea,'and been reduce& to
Isere tliele:Pcin, are denied the privifegi of
going borne tie use the 4.liment
ocratli jrlioletio deg y- that this is ape:
waripi,Nitut44 . ,.to pet!
BeliiMw inikelow's -Lettei.
Wo earnestly' _desire that the 'letter
from flun.ChailOst. Backalew, address.
ed to the.- Philadelphhi Club, which we
Copy on-the first i page, shall bezread'hy
every;_ freenian in Susquehanna County.—
Conpuent upon it is needless; to praise
•would be supelfinous. Bead it carefully,
and note in particular the last paragraph
but 'one.
Show this Titter to your. Democratic
and Reptiblican , neighbors, and preserre.a
copy for future rpfetence. '
. Igser' Ifariipshiie Elettion.
• The Detnocrats have elected one of,the
; Congressmen, while. the popular. Vote of
the State shon)s - a llandsonle - Demoyrtie
majority for G6Verner,. which 'oras fool
ishly squander4d. upon two .oamocratie .
candidatei, thuS throwing the election in
to the Legislature.' Nevertheless, it is. a
splendid Demoeratiavictory. • -
Never*, have the ,ndininistration, made
such desperate attempts to carry, a state
election:: - Their Motitifiing defeat in all
the great central states made it' doubly
important for then to .mantain zn unbro
ken front in New England, - their great
stronghold. They fought ivith vindictive
fieiperation-al ling the -Majority -"trait-
Orse4: "Copperheads,'L and . threatening
them with hanging, Ilut 'she administra
tion lvis been signally' beaten even, in
New England state, which,
_since 'there
was a Repnblican party,lias never, till
now failed to -elect their. - entire ticket..N.
,Hampshire, which; -in - the 'presidential
election, gave Linceln :majority of. 11,-
638 over Dou g las, now gives: an anti-re
publican majority of nt least, seven thous
and, showing, in that stnall.state, repub
lican "loss. since :1860 of nearly twenty
thoniand rotes. .
The majOvityof the lower branch of the
Legislature is republican\ but' tbat results
from tha-nnequal apportionment .of the
representatives 4incing the population. 4—
The: vote for. goVernorpros that'a largt
majority of the people are Deinocratic.-
-The redemption - orNew,England, $49 nus
picionsly•begun in New .
.11anipsliire, will
be still more cheeringly. e .. uried forward
in Connecticut, next mewl: • •
kr".Sojotirnee us that. in his
communication of. last vieek, the words
trashed in the faith,"
from - bottom,it4honld read "weak in the
faith,." 'There.. were two or three other
typographical err Ors whielt.the intelligent
reader wOuld - readily correct.. • • .
It1 1 14:13;1040:iliati foil* V*ll
CA.rrr9r.," Marc)) -14.
Saturday last waia - nOted., , day in the .
Senate: A resolution.was offered tender
iner ihe ilk of the Chamber to Johnson,
of,Tennesiee, and Wrig,ht,f of Indiana, to
pea l i behalf of Lcineolnism. :An amend
ment was offered; 'inviting the Country's ,
Idol-,-Meelellan2--tp Visit, the capitol:—
This - brought : 9l4 a vicious :tirade from scr-
eral abolition senators. Lowry and oth-
ers (frau- frantic in. defaming the_ General
whom our soldiers.lore ; and in Whom all
have confidence :except those %qi care
more for - abotiti,ouism
. than• for the
Union. Your Senator was' mere moder-
ate in his style.and gesturek than the cra
zy members: on his , side, and . his speech'
was mainly: devoted to an attempt t o prove
that McClellan. was either a traitor or an
imbecile. 'He courteous .enongh. to.
refrain from .the use of the term " traitor,"•
buE he tried - to show tliat , blo for his acts
of needleis• delay. and gross di'Sobedience
of orderis :set er:al 4ql our rererses:wotild'
ha - V . 6 been .triunpli.S..- As neither yottr rea
der's or the soldiers. in the army arc, likely
tl believe al.word: t of this,l Will notocct
pk-space in refutlttiori.'y'' 1
The Petivieratie side met the abolition
ists ,proinptly unflinchingly. The
speeclie# ClPzer, Wallace, Lumberton
and 'others were, timely, eloquent and un
answerable.' As I eantiot begin to &Ps
tice to them' through`this medium, I will
pass Ilion for the ,presenti but will sec
that• your readers have' an opportunity of
perusing some of themat,,an early day.
-After debaing all day, the abolitipn
majority - !ejected the McClellan aniend
t4eqtiaid adopted,the resolution; but it
was then;too late-for tiie.inissionaries to
efloine the *i l ond their, pow-wow wai
beld:.nt the Conrt.hotise. ,
• • Iht:the.lrousit. like'resolution WS of
fertadjblit:a tnajdrilyiiitheDentoeiate re
f ised , t6;:inkpeull.the - mite . iO.:permit the
qqestien to , be debited -sod the btudinee to
belaterropteiV. _ •
'The tonnage tat question was diiposett
of on Wedeeidayiby, tbe adoption of an
amendment to lay a tax on„.all railroads.
This triVial scheme was devised - by the,
railroad, men; as a cover for ;those who,
dared not vote with them direct..against
the res toration of the tax. The opponents
of the read Managers seem to believe that
several mysteriottS Changes on this-ques
tion—enough to adopt thg arnctidinent by
51 to 45 7 —have been, produced by the Use
Olnioney and other corrupt means; but
to prove it !may ho very diffietilt,' even. if
such' be the'fact. Mr. Warner is the on
ly member- from this quarter of the State
that voted with. the road men ; and wilt
he did so I cannot tell,- but will let 'hint
explain . . His vote helps fasten upon, his .
constituents several . thousand dollars a
Year additio n al taxation, for •the benefit of
a rich company" from which his people de,
rive not the least, benefit, " • A. J. G.
" Our Harrisburg Correspondence."
MIL Eorron :• Under the above caption,
the Montrose . ot this Week has
scurrilous letter from here, over the sig
nature of Feather 'Penne." 'This-is his
Second letter ; and lest • any person Might
presume they come front a person entitled
to some credit, 'Will expose the name of
the author,'(L. A. Tiler,) and s something
ofhis conduct here ; and will also take
some notice of his letter. ,„
complainslle because the House au
thorized the selection of an Assistant Post
blister. Now when it-.was first proposed
to pass such - a resolution, lie Was' warinly
in its favor, and asked the Post Master to
. ,
agree to appoint him. Failtnr• in. this he
next invented- an idea to get the House to
elect him ; but as 51 votes were needed
for this purpose,.mid he could not' get 1,
he retired fram.the contest in'disgust,and
denounees the - wi:de smatter as a Scheme
of plundeil .
He-says the Democrats of the Legisla
ture are traitors—are flooding the coun
try withl treasonable matter ;, that they
are robbing the government and people
by the abuse of the franking privilege,and:
that they ought to' be punished for it.—
That these allegations.are wickedly false,
I need not take time to show ; but their
detestible impudence .should be exposed
by a brief statement of well-known .
Ile is always loafing
. .about the: House
picking up till the documents, &c., public
or otherwise; he can get . his clutches on.
To get-these int& the mails he has been
detected in the practice of turtling the
frank of Members to enable- him to save
his postage and rob the State. In this
way7he sends - MI - considerable stuff; and
if it all—leis stationary &c.,
not. begged from the Members, to whom,
judging from- their very frequent com
plaints7he is a frreat annoyance, it must
consist of "stealin!rs,''—to use 4 Legisla
tive phrase, for which the people have td
pay. ne . .has tried to ipass himself 6if as
a "Reporter," but as it has taken him
ten' weekS to manufacture two weak let
tersohat game is about played out.
has, also tried to defraud Railroad Cain
patties into giving him • free passes, on ,
pretence that he is clerk of . the House;
but detected in that he has lately simmer-.
ed dots n to peddlingrahnanacs,and nosing*
abota the - [louse generaliy,disgusting and.'
annoying the members, who have re-.I
peatedly advisel :him, to :-eep out ,lest he
get put oat. Indeed, it is a wonder
he buss not long ago been•expSlled by the
enforcement of the Rules,
.nliSn which lie
is a shameless tresspasser. Too muck
charity ha4cen exhibited to him ; but it
has been because it•was•gene6lly under-.
stood thatlds-nixelleet was mdt !)
for his impudence. -. But - for this his abo
lition carcass would ere • this have been
ejected from,. the floor. Such is the
scamp who libels 'those whose only 'fault
has been to patiently allow the 'loafer to
impose upon them,thus tar With imOunity« .
Yourii,TrulV, . -SCRIBt.
HarrisbiiroOlar'eli 13th.
r •
The Demociatb Party.
We suppotte it Willoot-le control erred
in any intelligent quarter that since • the
organization of the government under the
Constitution.dawn to the election of Mr.
Lincoln; it is the Democratic party that
has maintained the r lionor, extended the
territory, contrelfed the Ipolicy, - , farmed
the raditiprikai4linfle the:_ isti2ry of the.
• country We ask-the men- Who so. hubs,'
trumsty traduce , vernoCratic party
and impute to it treasonable purposes, I to
I consider the fact that it is this party which
1 1 conferred 'on the - Old -Union . the greatness
land glory which gave it' security at - tome
and' consideration 'Abroad: It -was ma-
Aigned when it opposed the Alienind Se
difion laws and, elected JefferSon't It 'was'
v'ehementlyopposed . - when::it "tint-chased
Louisiana . ; it was denounced )vit'en. it
made war with Oreatßritain to maintain
the rights of our cemixteree on the seas ;
an:infuriated outcry was=rhised against it
Whenit annexed' Texas . proseeuted a sup.
coiSful war against Aimee, : and*Might
in'Califotript tuid'Other **able territory.
Btit ittneand the unanimous 80On:ital. of,
the'next gnenerfition 'have, in every in
stapes' vindleatsd the _wisdom of the Don- .
eeratieLparty,',Etery Federal 'senator,
except-pap* y,Oteikagainet the tatifiwi-
. .. . ,
_ .., . ... ..
lion ofJefrqson's Treaty for the purchase of I - .
Louisiami,and the FeleraliSts in the House
: ABS i-
opposed the measures .neee.sSary fdr . iti - ".- LOGE. iSt MEDIUM
execution ; lint who,lin the next genera- ' ' •' '
; uld hare been willing to. ace, that .tiolul & Tun ED •
past-`a . l tntignifieent • territory, which' . , ,
istretehed,from , theMissisitilipi westward, -. . - -., -~ 'Volt SALE By :. , : •
again hi the possession of a tbreign,po wer? •.-.- • . lii.. Mr Critit="2"..
Who was there, ten yeats after the • anet .
•• 'New lifilford, March-17;:113133. 9wo
alien of Texas,thal, you'd have been base 1
enolgh to have williagly -seen it given up?
What old opponent Of the war with Mex
ico wishes California out of the Union ?
The Republican party; it is
,Arne, during
the - whole period orthe struggle hy.whieh
it MSC. to power andfilestroyed the:Union,
was in the -habit ordeclaiming against
, what they called the perversion (W .- the
gOverninenein the acqnisition of territory
on our southern border for-extending the
.:irea of slavery ; lint ihe Republirana dare
not now confess a Wish to see these tic
qnisitions out of the Union. By fighting
to retain what .they !opposed ' the .Denioel
1 racy, in acquiring, they • make a . tacit ad
mission that the Democrats hav always
- heel' In the right and their opponents al
ways been
. The Democratic party, in die face of .vi.'
olent and abusive - opposition, lie!tan
.and .
eondtieted the only two glorious wars we
-hate had under the Constitution ; 'in the
Thee of similar oppOsition jt carried the na
tional flag And extended the national au
thority over territory three times as ex
tensive as teas possessed at the formation
of the government; Lit made the Monroe
doctrine ;the tradition, 'and ." maniteSt
ilestine--io siipremaey on this continent
the-sentiment and hope, of the country.; it
has beeirthe embodiment of that national
. and irrepressible nationa ambition
by Mitch a youngeountry marks out for
L itself :1I k lii,lv career and attains , reatn . ess
and enfpire. The I
qualities. which• have
enabled•the Deinleratie Tarty to make'
, the history *of . ..the country are mainlyl
these two : boldnv;s,.and true national in
stinct. The Iboldness of the party is ethic
ed.'by the fact Oa, all its great measures
have, froth the moment of their :immune
ment, ene.onntere4 a storm of inthriate&
vitnoeration,.Vetbre which it never . for a
moment quailed, but which 'it alWays.met
-With resolute dellimee. The ' correctness
of its national instinct, which has proved'
a-truer guide that the sagacity,of gtates-
men, 'is , establis led hay the fact that"
though its measures have always beeir
ffiriCusly opposed at the-tine, they- have,
been. imi'versally indorsed by the, next;
I generation.- It is, only by these masterl
'qualities of boldOSs and a-- true national
instinct that Our hleeding country can be i
again•restored to l unity and health; which'
is but another form of saying that it can .
be done only by the Democraticpart y.
'The Democratic party instinctively felt;
frtim the beginni ig, that the success of
the abolitionists would destroy the Union,
ivid it has : no contidenee that the policy of
these pseudo-pl ilanthropists, who care
more for the wel mire of the black race than
for the greatness and honorc4 their conn-.
try, will ever 'restore it.. That., is tier
work of thc,Den ocratie party,. 'who will
never consent to the contraCtion of the
onational 4°4nd:tiles which it 'has - always
'been its policy tii extend.—N. Y. World
Feb. Ti, by Rex. IT Riley, Mr. liArditsotiyatt Corr,
of New Milford, and Mie4 A SUNDA F. Mbonn, of Bridge
In South Auburn, on the 7th .of Jan. 14G7. LTiata. A:TN,
only child or Abram and Lucinda Carter, aged 10 yeairs,
11-months and 19 dayr. • • , •
In Forestlake, on the 9th inst., TdONASMninrx, aged
77 years.
In Owego, Dec. 47tb..13(12, Onrun, wife of Ilugh Du- -
gcn, aged 41 years, I T no. and 5 days.
Peacefully lay her down let rest ; _
Place the turf lightly on her breast.
Wel 1)C10 v 4.11 one,
Withihee the foils of life,are done ; ' '
Rest till the trump from the op'tting skies, ' \
Did; thee from! duct to glory arise. . _ (Com.
In South Bridgewater. on the 7th inst,..Devin Coot., of
Co, D. 55th P. VI, in! the ltith year of his age. Daild en
listed at the time his Company was orga nized, and with
his comrade's etteou r ntered tho perils and hardships o,
the noted passage tO Port Royal on board the' Winfield
Scott: as well, as ofher dangers incident to 'a soldier's
life. lie enjoyed good health up to last July, and was
considerCd a gitod.rilid brave, soldier then he was taken
down with fever, Which termlnited in quick consurnp.-
tlOll. Re received Ifs discharge. and:sammed - home So
his brother's house inSouth Bridgewater ten weeks pre
vious to his death, where he received all the kindness
and care necessary to tie bestowed on one so very weak
and emeciata, until death ,released him from his suffer
. I
inv. - • J. F. D.
. .
RAN away from the subscriber: nn the 21st tilt.. it
black airl by the name of PRISCILLA. STEWART.
Thisi:= to forbid all•persons harboring or trusting her,, or
imam , her nu my; account; as I -rill gay no debts of her
soot ratting. I ' • • UN BOLLES.
Didock. March f1th,463. 118 t.
Harvey Collins & Brace r ..•
Government Arens and Atornies, Watitington ; D. C.
• - .
Branch for Susquehanna County , conducted by
'• L;,r: FiT(Otrollo,' ntroso.'
Claims presented andprosecuted before Congress, Court
of Claims and the Departments. 'PATENTS. PEN.
, .
The undersigned.' being tiow"LIOENSED by the. GOV
.Entimpq (and, associated with this. sgehey at Wash
ington for the purpose of expediting . business) trill at
tend promptly total calls in this line of ;bottom. Inior
maim' man. and so manes tinisttranceossi
Noptrose,3l'ch'l2. 11368.-2 m ° ZIP: InTC/f4;
, • -
.WFbase the pliasure of informing you that we arc
;tow - prepared to Offer, at our old stand. Nan. 103
105 dc 107, North - Second Street, Pit Ned's,
ft well *l..lectvil Stock of ,111ilincry and Struts Goods, in
every variety, of the latest importations, and of-the new
est and moat fashionable styles.
• • OUR gTRAW DEPAR ?law r • -
wil l compriseevery variety of Bonnets. Bats and Trim •
mings to be found In that line, of the latest and lost ap
proved shapes and styles.. Soliciting an earls call. 1 re,
Main yours. respectfully, •
.11. %VAUD.
Bleach 17., 1863. 4w •
Lipense Petitioiis.
NOTICE itt hereby given. that in pursuance of an act
of assonibly, the 'following named•per4otishave fled
their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of the Peace for.the County of Susquehanna. to
kelp Taverns in skid County, fur which they twill apply
at April Sessions, 104 .
Autumn. Joseph Carlin, E..L. Adams.,:Cllnconat.
nob Kimble.—Dlonock, George W. Lewis. P. S. Babcock,
Dundaff, Arthur Avres.—Forest Lake, Judson Slone, end.
;Great (tend, David Thomas. Geo. J. Sinlth. 'Baxter Jew
idl.—Gibson. Silas Bowel'. 11. S. Brundage, M. W. Cham
berlin.—Merrick, A. Tilden. John M. Myers.+-Jackson,
C. C. PlWlle.—Lnthrop;David Wilmartb.—Lenox, A. F.
Snow.--Mositrose. Leonard Searle, J. 8. TartelL—New
Milford. R. C. Vail, Philander Phinney.—ltlish. ,, E.. M.
Dar. W. IL Sherwood. George Snyder.—Silver Lake. D.
0. llinkier. I). P. Phelan.—Springville, Julien Lathrop,
'Spencer Diekos.—Suscea Depot, Thos., Conuvan. C: W.
Morgan. Peter N. Tillman—Burford; John F. -Ziegler—
Friendsville, Edwin 'Msg.—Brooklyn, J. 0. Bullard.
Apolacon—Cornelius Dotiell7.
.March 14, 1863. - • E. M. TURNER, Clerk.
Raving removed from the old staird year the Court-hotise
may now be found In Lathron'p , brick bloe/sr fu the-tirm
of LATftliOP. TYLER .t RILEY. All my old Mends .
and customers are Invited to c.ll at the New Store..
March 10, 1663. -_, 11. C. TYLER. •
- 01110 MEDIUM.
ctnd a general agsartmeni If Garden Seeds.
• M il leVtar..aeea
, 7 •
During the month of Mardi.-
Montrose, March 3,1863. 2m
VlTElrecconstantiv on hand a general aeiortment_of
ISIWCO el of the most approved pat
terns ; Builders' Hardware of all kinds.
Farmers' Tools of All Hinds.
Brass Ware. Porcelain Ware, Japanned and Plain Tin
Ware of the best material. • • • •
Paints, .Oils, GlaSs, Putty, and Sash.
Pumps,[l-ead Pipe,'Lamps, Bird. Came, etc.. &c.
Also, a Good Buggy for Sale:
-Termselght. Remember the place. &Band see us
s...a.woonauFr. , Montrose, July 2:41.18,62.
Experienced & Competent Instructora.
The Winter 'Term commences on Mon
day, March 2nd; 1863.
Enr.4llek. from , •$2t0.6 00
Latin, Greek and German, each...... - ". 4 00
French . . 300
i.; rlgll i h . , Frith
.. . . 7GO
=Nob' for the atteve studies shall exbeed 900
tattle on.theflano.... • 8 00'
' se of Inalrnment 2.00
o deduction for absence except In cases of.protracted
In $, or by special agreement.
.Ito I can be Obtained from 0,00 to $2,50 per week.
Pnp a wishing to board themselves can find good
oats moderate cha_mea. For further pacticnlars ad
cab th rinclpial, at Moutroae. Pa. •
W 141.. JESSUP. 'Preset:.
C. 'F. MAD,' Seery. -
Feb. 17; 1814. t
Now offers for saloon° of the largest end best selectlyns
of • • . - , .
V it • - 6.1
j • T., •
everoffered in Susquehanna County. and probe' blvtoin
prising the greatest-variety or mist . different artic les of
any Store in the Northern part of Pen neylvania, and per
haps-of the entire State. An assortment _ ` is kept in
about thirty differentbranches of trade, and the selec
tions are made from about forty of the beet Houses - in
New York, and more than fifty Dealers and Menefee
turers out ~of New York.. A large prop.otion of the
Goods are brought direct from the manufacturers, *thus
I insuring genuine articles. Customers on entering the
State , must noVexpect to find everything: in eight. but
nearly everyarticle wanted will be pro laced bylnquiry;
Some idea of the Stock may be formed by, the following
general awhile, but enumemtion is impracticable;
. . Dings and Medicines; Paints.and (Hir. Tree Stuffs,
Groceries. Liquors,'irockqry. Glass .• Ware. Wall and
• Window Paper. Jewelry. Silver Ware,Perfumeiy. 'Raney
Goods, Musical Instruments, Brushes. AnteritanPiniket
Knives. Table Cutlery and Silver Plated WRIT:, tamps,
Materials for Lights', Ihtiewitre. liqfiCordS.StoneWsre.
Dry Goods'. Mirrors, Window Glass. Lithogranba: Var
ntAties. .llird . Cages. Spectacles. ' Whips. and La s hes*
Swims, Guns: Pistols: - Ammenittoti. Tobacco. Medi.
caland Surgical Instruments. Salt. Sean. Potash. Dm
brefins.Porcelain Teeth, in short. nearly everything, to
restore the sick: to plesto• the taste, to delight' the eye.
' to :ratify the fanny. and alsoto =duet to the real and
,snlistantial comforts of life. . . - • • •
The attention of the 'public is fully invited to
my stookof (1.40da, bought exclasively for
,eitsh dowß f
and will be eoldiati the eame prlaella low prices.
. arpriirtia..4arieari Dd. VOS- °. '.
. ,
. ,
Tm StrifeCTUBERS take ple a s u re lit aoneniiking to
their numeral:shim& read cretistoets;thst !bey are
now ready co:tread's Welt eifistomete in the .
where. they have fitted np the elegant store dirivily op
NWaite POST- - OFFICE. Having just tettwat &front
ew York, they now offer a huge and fall assortment GI
Watches, Clocks Jewelry I Silver
Ware, Plated Goods, Cut- - •
tery and Fancy. Goode.
.flavingnmple-room, they will C.,larg e. their bulginess tei
The full extentiof the watts of this comm Unity Rud e
item their long acquaintance with the taste of , thelr cue.
tomers t fiatter thetas - dreg , that tioy . will be enabled ice
turn their lute dioitster' by fire Into a Malaga benefit. I&
themselves and their customers. t •
WMCCUES-A large stock of Cold and Silver"
English) Ametican and, Swisa WaleMit
both Hunting and Open le,acon;trarranted good time/
keepers. by ' EVANS & ALLEN.
SIEVES iVAIEUL—I L abIe", Desert. Wa. Sugar.
salt, creath;•Preaccve, Berrtand 'Mustard Spoon..
!rabic., DePaert and Pickle korks. ,Butter. Pie and
Flinn Knives. •
Cups. Napkin Rings, Children's Seta in Caeca, Soup
and Gravy Ladrea. Sugar Sisters• and Oard Cities—tear.
raniatas pure as coin, (engraved gratis.? by
Fine Gold Jewelry,
A splendid stunk of Enrilags and .Pint.. of the ?rawest'
-XV patterns; Finger Mugs of all rtyles: Breeelets,,
Armlets. Lockets; Guard, Neck and Chatelaine Chains'
Thimbles. Sleeve Button< Studs. Belt Buckle 4 and
Slides, Snaps, Spectacles 18 carat Plain Rings, &e.
"DILATED' largest Variety of Silver-Ph.
ted Knives, Forks ' Spoons. Castors, Butter Dishes,
Cake Baskets. Sngar Dishes, Trays. Cups. Salle, Tee
Setts and Extra TetkPots,Thttter and_Pie Knives, te.b.c.
ever kept in this market.. EVAICS & ALLEN.
SLEEVE DUTTON'S AND STUDS . , a new lot just to.
euived—some entlrmy nen - pattern', by •
- • • EvaNd c A LUDT:
STEEL AWELIiY.—A nee lot of Steel Barrinct and
Breastpins, by t )6 . 1 , 7 4NS &
hTEA SETS:-11,andeoine Tea Sete. five and.aix pieces,
eavily plated, for eale.bY Evazia Ausx. .
CITTLERY:—Pocket and Pin Kn i ves. and Scissors, (a
, good article.) fdr sale by. Evens ar 1a.1.3,4.
NEEDLES.—The best quality . of Sowing, Crochtt;
Netting and• Knitting Needlet3, '
Ev.atlis /41.13u5.
BllUSITES.—Ualratp . l Tooth Briisheti. -
, , *vAivi * ,A.411x
I •
1)110TOGRAPII ALIIi.I3i 3 :—A very nice lot. by
Court-Streei, cypositetke Pclat•qMes4
BINGHAMTON, March 3, 1803.
. 7.
The New Commercial/Buildings are Located
opposite the' Court HOIISth 'corner - of
, ;Court and Chenango _Streets. •
This College is in +ray connected with any ottier
_ .
The energies of the entire -Faculty ,are exiguslisly
devoted to this.
• 'The design of this 'lnstitution is to . afford Young Men
an opportunity for acquiring _
.a Tlierouglt, Practical
Botiheee Educalfon.
Our Books and Forms are carefully arrangedby pract.l.
cal accountants, expressly for this Institution. - and- 'the
codrsc of Inetraction is such as to combine Theory and
,-• . •
4:7 C. 11.1.3 gitzto C)criarese.
• This course embraces Book-lieepink in all its depart.
ments. Penmanship. Commercial Arithmetic, "Busitese ,
correspondence.' Commercial Lan•, Political F.conoml.
Commercial Ethics.. Partnership Settlernents;Dettpeting
counterfeited and altered bank notes, etc. -
' The Spencerian system of penmanship is taught is al
its varieties, by the most skillful masters of the art.
Tho Book-KZeping department is uuderthe special sa.
pervieon and instruction of the Principal, I). Lawns..
431-ezt.orta,l "lazlormatiosz.
Students can enterat any time. No vacation. Unlit'
time tonoinpletethe conrre. from 6to 12 weeks. Assis
tance rendered togradnates in procuring situations.,
Graduates are presented witfi= an elegantly
Diploma. (
far - For catalogue of In pages, specimens of pestask
ship, Se., enclose two letter vtamps.and address . -
Bingbainton, N. T.
octl3 52 lylsc
it to r s Notice.
IVOTICE is hereby given that theundersigned, an
k Auditor appointed by the Orphan's:Court o[B:ague.
~henna County to make dlittilbution of the *hada ip the
hands of the Adminlstraor of Samiel.Benjamin, deed.,
will nttend to the duties of his appointment on Friday:
the 20th d ty. of M treh rent; at his office In Montrose, at
one o'clock the afternoon ;at - which time-and place
all persons interested will present their claims or he for
ever-debarred from cumin" in upon mid Inn& ;
r 1 4 . B.- STREET-Elt,
Feb. 144180.
Auditor's Notice.
11COTICE h9rehy given' that the undersigned an And :
1.1 'tor appointed by the court of Common Pleas to
make distribinion of the funds in the hands of the Sher
iff, arising ,from the sale of the real estate or Patrtek
Smullin, will attend to the daties of hia appointment at
the office of F. B. Streeter, Esq., in Montrose. on Fri
day the 20th day of March, PM, at I o'clock P. X. at
which timeand place on - persons interested will present
their claims or be forever debarred from coming in upon
raid fund. • ' A. O. WARBAN, Aelitor.
Igontrosc, Feb.l6, 1863- , . -
Administrator's , NOtioe.
NNOTICE Is hereby given le • all persons' having de
mends against' the .e.tate or BEVEL CORBITT,
ilte of Broome county. N, Y.. deteased, that the same '
mutt he presented In the undersigned for. arrangement,
and all persons indebted tri said estate ara.rallteated.lrt ,
inalKtrnmerl la te.payment, " ' • -
Montrese,-Feb. 1, 1808. - • O. L. BROWS, Adger.
Administrators' Notice,
• , _ •
Ll. Persons Indebted to the estate of Mktlll2W DVIC
S. MURK, late of' Rash. deceased. are herby muested
to make immediate payment, and all persons ,kavisg
elaimshgalnst 8414 estate, wilt, present them forthatiU4
to tb.e übderainnot for settlement. .;,.• „,,
sARAII 'DUN stouE, nueb. t Adminionieni.
v. 8. DEEDE,'Bridgewater,
Feb,loth, 1543,-13r. , .
tratrix - •
OT ICH is heiaby gtvelitolll_tterentill*r.Nidetiolvd!
again at the estate of Michael Gallaher, late of Owen,
nut township, ttsedi that the saguiraufg; tireseallidlat).
the undersigned far settlement. and all persons hutellital.
to said estateare requseted to make lam m atergailtyt
1114117 0 ,-.1119t1
trhommilit. ra1t.11134 1 ., - ••
• •