The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 17, 1863, Image 1
- - ._._.------2. .., i , -`. ~.•.' '.-"--, ~ , - •,:/..-., ..'„:,,.. ---,,, -:,I ; 4 -......,... ..• .4".; •!..; :-:-.... x.:.. - ,.... ' ~ .. -- ' - ":"`'i''; ~' f - •. ' _ . . , . ,• . .. -.. .; • , , ~ ~ .., , . . . , - --.- . . .. . -, - ..• . . . . , . . . , • "'''. ' ... . ~ .. - ..„.._ .• • • . ,-, , : . - • - or" . .. . . . pp• : . ~,j... ... „,....., ... .. .. .... .. . ..._ ... - ' ... _ i . : • -. , • .• i - . 0 . .. . • . . , • . M - , i ~_ - • . . •- . • - .•. • ••- ' ' ,-...... _ .. '.•_ • : . . .._'- . , . - -.- - . ,• , ..: • • - . 1 , ~ :. .. :::, -'.• ' . -.. : :. :. - .'' - H - - - .. ' :' . , ' ''' '' T J . ... ._ ~ ~411..... l V . . . . ~ . . . . . •,. . .. , • 1 . . . . . ... , ~, 3' 7 ',.: , .. ' .'.' - - •- :' ' .. . - . - . , • • i A. 3. G.ERR.TSON, PublishTF BUSINESS CARDS: EVAN JENKINS, ...111.1a.cticaIese.e3x-, FOR SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY ipost 01hie a4dress. Countun Ddnfi, or south Gibson, Suscesi. y, Pan'a.] Aly the 59th section of the act of" Con&c:ss of July 1, 1862. it itk , proyhlea. " That any person cxcrci•ing tfie ImAine , s of auctioneer, without Inking out a liciao-e for 'that purpose, airoguireti by raid act; shall for each and every such offence, forfeit's penalty equal to three times the amount of such license, one half to the United t.. l tates and the - other half to the person _ giving Information of the fact, whereby said forfeiture was incurred." Feb; 3t 1863.-131,3 . HENRY C. TYLER, . PBALER in Dry Good.. a rocerles. U.nihrellae, tanker! Notions. Boots :end-Shoes, Shovels and Fnrks,, I , tone Ware. Wooden Ware and Brooms. Ilead'of Nail .gaLion. Public Avenne. -., . - Montrose, l'a., May 13, 1862.-1 y . . . - 111.71;TTIT) COOPEA • " DERBY 1 W3l. H. COOPER & CO., , BA! , 7KERS.--MontroF , e , Pa. Sn ccFssors to Pqst;Cooper ect. Otllce, Lathrops'ucrqmilding,, Turnpike-st. J. 11. X'COLLUM p. W. SF.A.RLE. AIec,OLLITM (V, SEARLE, TTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, 7 -31ontrose, Pa Once in Lathrops' bdilding, over the Bank, • DR. 11. S - .11.1TII Sr, SON, • , v r.:RGEON DENTVATS.—MontroSe, Pa. ' 17.30fTice in Lathrop.' new buildin:...., over . A . 2,,,, the Bank. All Dental operaifons - uill be, Ili if e al ic a performed in good .tyle au4 warraut ed. , • . JOHN SAUTTER, • "ElASlTlON'3llth*TAlLoll.—Moilrose.' Pa, Shop .1: over 1. N. Bidlard's Groctlry, in] Main , ttrect. Thankftd , for past favors. he sulicitß a dons inuancei L —pledging liiinseirlo do all work :litisfactorily. Cut ting done on short notice, and ,warminted to a.t... . Montrose. Pa„ J ark '20;4 SGO.—tf. • ' P. LINES, ASMON.ABLE TAlLOR.—Afontroge. Pa. Shop in Phirnix Block., over store of Stead, NVatrons Foster. All work warranted; as to lit and finish. I Catlin; done on short notice, la beet Stile. j:m ' JOH N .GROVES, • • • VASITION.kBLE TAlLOlL—Montrose, Pa. Shop JC neat the Ttflptir,OTeetinit lion , e, on Turnpike trcet. All orders 114 prompilv. in firsi-rate-style, cjitting done on Fhort'notice. and warranted to lit. L. B, ISBELL,- EPSTRS Clucks, Watches,. and Jen'etry at the shortest notice. arid on.reasonable terms. ' A l .l work warranted. She in Chandk,r and d st.ore, Nortilmre. Pa. • o t f •• & CO., • • OABINTsi. 'AND 'CHAIR MANUFACTURERS,,-1 7 44 .Montrose, pa, aug . tf - C. 0. - FORDIIA3I, - rANTTACTi:RED of r 0.0 TS & SHOES. Montrose,. Shop•over Tyler's store. All kinds pf work wade to order, .and repairing done neatly. je:. ABEL THRRELL, irtEALER in Druzs, 3ledicincsr Chemicals, bre .1 , Stuffs. Glass Ware, Painit, Varalth, Wiii dow Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry Perfu- mere, &r.—Agent for all the Int,t. popular PATENT NlEitlClNES,—.Montrose, Pa, ang if DAVID C. ANEY, M. D., DlFAVlNCilocated permanently at 7 , .Zew - Milford, Pa, attend 'promptly tb all calls with which he may ,e faccired. Office at Toads' llotel. •' New Milford, July, 11%Sri]. MEDICAL CARD. DR. - E.- PATRICK, & DR. E. L. GA -RDNER T - ATE GR&DITA:TE of the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 1.41 OF YALE COLLEGE, have formed-a eopartnerehip for the practice of Medicine and Surzery.and are prepared to all bnit a faithfully and punctually, that • may be intrusted to their care, on terms commensurate wish the.times. Discloses and deformities of the EYE, surgical opera ttona, and'all surgical diseases, particularly atte . nded to. OrOftice over Wehb's Store. °Mee hours from .5 it. tW to 9 p.m. AU sorts of country produce taken in Pay ment, at the highest value, and cAsii Nor REFUSED. .11ontros. TAKE NOTICE rta.esla. Paid for. 131.ctc'es, 1 ..-1 Sheep Pelts,. Fox.,Mlnk...3lttskrai, and all kinds of Furs. , A gothl tessortrliF.nt of Leather and Milthz and Shries constantly on hand. OM ee, Tannery,, & Shop , on .Main - Street. Montrose, Feb.6th FIRE , - IN SVRA.NCE. THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA,;. AT PHILADELPHIA, PA., Has Establishod anAgencyhiPlontrose. The. Oldest Insurance Co'. in the rlnion. I== CASA ,CAPITAL PAID IN, ASSETS OVER, • Ttlll rates are allow as those of any good company New York. or elsewhere. and its Directors are among the first for honor and integrity_ 6mstißL.,krr; Seer. ART/11.71: G. COFT/N, Montrose, 3nly fr, '62. BILLINGS STROUD,AgV 33;10 3!A INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Wervcr•lretsrls.: CASH CAPITAL, ONE= MILLION COLLARS. AI3SETTS Ist 2tay'lBBo, $1,181,819 27 .. ' reriatr47 t Eg.." ;" . 43,068.68. 3. Milton Smith. Sce'r: - Wan IteGie;'l437t " Pollcies tamed and renewed, by the undersigne at hlcaMce;lllMe litletiMock. Montrose, nelysii-r) Ii:ISINIAMOS:ESTROVD, Agent. .1 minazzarixida. _TilligAiiiid.;lrOland and Scotland. iittpeLt,l3l3o:s"S DRAFTS. in intneof one vnicir="'"iiiiitiarwards, - payable in All the pritielpe4 tEnglaiitifelandand Seoiland.iertale by ~ )a 33-:*63 OE N. COOPER.A Co,,BaNaratt; • ontrove, Pa. .A. P. cf.; L. C. KE'ELER .SSOOOOC V ,WO,OOO .Chas. J. Martin ; President F. Wilinarth, Vice'" Vtactical. Tell Him I - Love Him vet. 1 (N. P. Willis 'says t t The following exquisite little Out; was written-by the author of Lillian. It was'set to music by the lady who was kind enoug4 to coPy-it_ from t' manuscript, for the New York Mirror, and for whose voice it was expressly,writtcni The music is most -touching and beautiful. t Moore, he poet, td whom it was sung..set no IncasUre to his praise of,both - words and Music. Of the words) indeed, there can be but one opinion_ • Tell him I love him yet As. in that joyous lime! Tell him I neer forget— Though memory non• be Crime! Tell himwhen fades the light Upon the earth tend sea, • • ' I dream of him by night---. -• Ile ruustliot dream of me! ‘ • • Tell hint to go wlrel.ei'ame Looks proudly Un the brave,' t And wi . n a glor [ tens name 1 By d e eds on land and wave. Green, green nylon his brow' • , The laurel Wreath Oa he-; - Although thai laurel riow' - • - Must: not be sharedlwith v ! • Tell him to smile again In pleasure's daziLllng throng- To wearnnother;ictrain-:- ~ • To praise my:other's song! ' Before theAveliest there 1'd.13n4 him bend the knee, • AndArenthe to her the' prayer • Ife - nsid t- hreathelo me l a. Tell him! that. day by day. , ' C Life lobks to me more dim . I falter when-spray. Although,l.pray for him. . - And lird'him when I die • , Crime to our l'av'rite tree •;- Ishalt,not hear him v sigh- ".• Then 1 ethim sigh, for me! ` EDUCATIS NAL. . , , . T ALL. COMITIMCATIc&S DESI 4 . b. 70it THIS COL SIicYCLI) '3IP. ADDRESSED. TO A. .!.. 1 .11.1. , .1...LAUD,- *OISTROSE, ~,U.QtrEFEI.V.s— N A CAVNTy, PENIC.I. ' . - . 7; : ,4inkrovo th'kE"rfiOitt. - :•• I; It i tnust• be the duty of all alike to im ptov 'the', prVent, but especially the yOuniz, for the: past can boxer-bp recalled and the,fUthre we. hAve no assurance Of. The young Shwild see to it that they well improve _ the . present, - in storing their . tninds , With' yAluable knowledge; ' and forming..characters that . will shine with brightness in any society they may min w cale with in futnre . years. • • pNever whine over may sup posep to be lost opportunities, but be sure -you use your ptesent• advantages for a good . purpose. Young' men -should re member that a great many have had good learly oPpornmitiesovithout ; learning but . wery little,' and-they Should kemember ni si.) that every one May- secure an educa ; non:that Wishes to. It is the determined 'will to improve the present that . niakeS the. way. M l / 4 my a servant who had no : ',Opportunities to learn .while young; and j who . wanted knowledge, haS listene4 I while his, employer's children were , say ing their letters, and putting them togeth -1 er to form easy words,has thus caught the j first- cleinent§ of spelling: 31any corn ( mencing in that way haVe_become thor-. 1 ouglily educated. men. If .A young rpaq, 1 has a - strong.thitst for knowledge, and will to improve his present opportunities, «e care not where he •is phked, he' will become an educatedman.l The first-,step 1 toward self-imp"roveruent, is to leave 'off 1 whining over the past, and ipfact all oth -let apparent obstacles. Let the past go, i and he114,,..1 every energy to the improve, ment of the present. That is the ..only age w;ay : : - . • ! • . '.. . •• "it is not what I might have been, : But, what, Ilet Inv be." . . 1 .„ .. - ....DO we retit !.oftea.spend - inere of rtitrie tkan w-Ushould'in Vain i:egrets, about: .youth wasted in idleneSS, and years spent in misdirected efforts or in folly, murmur-, ing about our '.negleet. of opportunities; and our want of forethoUght? 'lloiv•rna ny seem to - .think that there is • but .one period. in life really worth improving, and out one opportunity worth embracing. Thus we. ate. continually. mourning over. ;the folliesof the past,. and fait to redeem r itss we 0,4, by faithfully improving, the present Never . to. old to - learn'. ( use-' ful good things) is a, saying. that all reniember. • If WO desire to" live tseful and influen tial lives, in the - decline of which ,we can b":rok hack- with satisfaction, we must work perseveringly and eoascientionsly in the living Present.:;lf we wish to enjoy the greatest possible .amount of happiness in this life, and, in the life fO,Cetne, we.should seize the present as, the only - rroper ,time to improve t and cultiirate'" all tour . nobler MONTROSE, PA., TUESDAY, and God-given faculties: " Now _is the ae cepted time, and now the day of saivation,7 the,day and tinie to save and make good use of wasted and misspent -energies in times that are past. My young friends , see to it that you seize the them bless y& they be -Rem, to us fn Cant an( may be, their to How should] laborin ures on., instruc9A • By taus eat tV.past may beredeemed,' and a brill, Lay<future lie:opened. before us. "To him who works, and only.him, The past returns again." SuP'T. What is Education? It was a remarkable fact, that no other creature in the world, was so apt to lose his way as man.: No, other required so much showing,, and no other; unshown, was so -apt to fall.- Vhe lion.- comes to lionhood . by instinct. Birds from their _commencement aim at the very thing they were intended kr. Even the bee and-the - ant carries its Wholeself ,with it from the very. beginning.. Growing 'is all 'that- is 'necessary for the plant. But training is needed; for man. . - -The animal creationmay be ranked ac cording to their..suseepthility to. educa tion. •Those : :farthest, yom their edtica, tion at the beginning are the highest. The babe, which is to. be' at manhood a little lower than the angels, is at zero at the beginning of its life, and has a long journey to reach-its object and end. He, carries with him a regiment of faculties, the, training. of cm:hand all 'of which to its,highest standard. constitutes true nian hood. lie who - is not thuS drawn. out is' not a man any more than a barrelyf seeds is a_gard.en„ • .- Education is the , ability. -to use with power all the elements of power will& God has put in us. A man's power lies in the : combined action of allhis powers. One finger has4sorae power, another has ahother use, 'but when we wish to grasp in- earnest we take the whole hand. The. quality of force is not cultivated enough. in our? tray,. for fear of strengthening im petuosity or passionate energy, which. may produceevil results. Yet it is what good men need to make progress in. It is only bfusing every - part of the mind that great results can be obtained. Men ate, apt to s make their happiness de pend on one Air two faculties, and if these are blocked up, they are deprived of pleas- . ure.: Education should-make it possible for a man to.retreat -trom one faculty,to an other, till he has . gdhe through the whole mind. There-are tunes ofjoy to be played on the top of the scale when all the loWer mites are destroyed.- • lititai. Letter from Hon. C. R. Buckalew. The followin'g is a letter' of the Hon. C. - R. Buckales,- to the Central.Domocratia Club, on - the_celebration,of Washington's Birthday- . . To'''. 'Mc CV/ L's§r Clen of Committee, DEAR Sin response to " your friendly invitation; Piave. to express some views upon public topics, which may be submitted to your meeting. on the 23d inst. And Ido this ,-ery :cheerfully, al though I cannot know that any words of mine will deepen popular conviction upon the necessity of changing otir rulers and . overthrowing their policy,or,quicken pe-P -ular zeal for the accomplishment, of the important objects. .keeevietien,tlat . the . country is mis governed, the . waemismanaged, and lib; erty itself in peril, is: growing up in the public mind, andthousands are alert,,, in quisitive, and critical, who gave to go-. eminent uncalculating and enthusiastic, support; _f founded upon complete confi dence; tWelve , mo i ntits -ago. The . day of blind, headlong passion; and of confident, unquestionutle-,trust , in our -rulers: . has passed, and the .eleotoral,duties of the .cit izens Williow:be discharged with a more. intelligent compieWnsion than was pos sible . in the - earlier months of Abe , war. surg;:teSu it Of "this * ill tie, to perfect the: political revolution. in the Iliol•tb and- West„hegun by-. the late ,electionS,.oxia try exchi4e the- republican ,party, with its sentionntpaisian,- its finatiaste, : cor ruptioniAnd4.:itis tettvitty, - perpapo t ly , from power. But can t be ''accomplished -in time 1 to save th- ~ ountry ? to preserve its unity and libe , 'Y ? . And - if these vital objects can b' :secnied; 'either. sooner or later, by th estoration of the Dernocratic party 1),014r, upon what,polie'y shall that par ty act in their: attainment These (Ines.: -tions are timely and important-enough to , occupyrtli4 space and leisure now: ' at, my, costnimnd. 'Complete control in the State government can be secured -to our party in October ne,x.l. - .Contiol of the Federal government can be obtained . by - it a" year later; in the - election otYresident; assum ing that the renovation of congress, now begun, shall go on and be consummated' bythat time. . . Thetiine here mentioned must 'elapse before power cart be completely lodged in Sate hands; I.)efOre the work of reconstruct ing the tnionpand thoroughly 'reforming the government call be performed. • In . the meantime how much 'of calamity, Must we undergo ?" To -what measures .of evil milt we be subjected? • The public 'debt will be swollen.' enormonsly ; a financial Crash may come .sweeping . away private fortiMes; and' crippling public-credit and power ; and it is not impossible thatin an hour of desperation bur riders. May 'phae; th • e war,l f and 'place' the 'birrierfOf a bad. treaty, or the impertinence of a for - - eign Mediatihn, in, the Way of Unquestionably, there are great .dangers inathe inimediateifuture, and apprehension of evil is timely,ancl juStifiedby the events of thc•past two years.. But durin this period of danger, of trial, - of peril — this in . teival which separates us from the day of relief and SOM.trity--what shalllethe 'atti tude of our ,party toward the adminiitra.: tion and 'the _war This -question{ may reasonably be aoedhYthe thousands in this State,. and by: thotiiands ' in other' States who are - willing to join and assist iu thi_t redeMption of the country. • The question may be answered, in,.part, by 'referring: to the past: The Object of the' war was announced in the outset by a. resolution of COngress, which went `oat - worth and Sotitli,and to. foreign countries, thi4latferie of the government' in its prosecUtiOnj That resolution' announced the 'object Of the war to be,, the defense and maintenance of the supremacy of the Constitution and the preseriation of the Union, with all thl dignity, equality and 'lights of the several States unimpaired, and explicitly denied i that it ,was waged in any spirit of oppression, or for any pur pose of conquest.or subjugatiOn', or pur pose of overthrowing- or interfering with the rights or established institutions of the Southern States: This elearand emphatic resolution 'was accepted and approved by theDemcicracy, by the Border States, and by 4Onseriative men generally, and thereupoiiall the•rnag nificent resources of the country in .men and money 'were pat at the dispdsal of the adininiStration, for the prosecatiOnof the war - in accordance therewith, and . it hits had command of those • resource§ -un opposed and almost unquestioned down to this -hour. But the time cane when this ground of a contest for the supremacy Of the Con stitution and the preservation of the 'Un ion, became, in the policy of the adminis tration, connected with, if,not subordina ted to, another, and different object; The tinsel i rhetoric of Sumner, the dictatorial utterences of Greeley, and, the rabid_ vio lence of.Philips and Garrison, - became of more consequence atWashing,ton than the viewspf the great majority of the people and the pledged „faith of the nation. A policy of ',emancipation was announced, •involving enormous 'expense, denbling the difficulties of the contest, and ;in flat contradiction of the • solemn declaration upon the ohject-',of the wai, just, recited, And this was done by Presideliti4decree —the fiat of a single. man—without au thority, ,and at the instance of men who would= ie among the very, last seleeted by the American people to advise their ru lers. To this and to all like departuresfrom the Constitution and iron' good flab: and sound policy, we are, and Must remain, unalterably _opposed.' T say tike dep4rtgre 4t, for the pretence of military ,necessity upon whieli,einancitialion'has been auricunced, hat, been exten4ed other subjects he sideWthe status of the'negro, as , the ,de bates of the day abundantly testify The, seizure orcitizenshi;Stat-es untouched , by. revolt,-,and their incarceration in distant prisoris, remote from Witnesses whO,T*ht testify .in their fivor,, and frOM_fit,ends who might intercede for theta ;.:is ci . p.9 , pi: the nieq prominen . t,a these,iniidesers!eil all the 'condemnation it:is receiying 'from the pepplo. , - . . TheFat,heT , PfthisVountry, anniYvr.. saYY,9l:*4 o , 643 . l l;4olT3t9liagetcbratei bad no conception of a 'JoAnne of military neces- 1.7, 1863. ' sity as-a _ substitute for the "Constitution and laviS of tht , land .; nor off - those unde fined, unlimited powers % flow Inserted to. exist in the:President as Commander-in- Chief of tin' ariny and navy of the-United States and of the militia of the State when called into actual service, nor can We re cognize them except 'as baseless. preten sions, put down with strong .public disapprobation at. he earliest possible MO ment. Washington's views of Military jurisdiction and conduct in a time of insur rection, were given - to the army . sent by him to quell the revolt in Western, Penn sylvania in 17.94, whenr he admonishld them; " that every officer arid. soldier Will' constantly bear in Mind that he comes to support the laws, and. that it would be peculiarly unbecoming in him to be in any way the, infraector of them; that the, es-aen tial principle' of a flee government Confine the province of the 'military when called. forth on such occasions, to these two ob jects ; dirst,:to Combat and Subdue all who may be' found in arms in,opposition to the national will mid, authority;; - secondly;; to aid and-support the civil magistrates-in bringing °Anders to justice. The dispen sation of this justice belongs to .the magistrates,. and let it ever be' our pride and oar .glory to leave the 'sacred depOsit there inviolate." " In thei spirit ofthis - admonition, and of the constitutional doctrine- that 0. the-mili tary shall, in all cases, andal all times, he in strict subordination to the "civil power," we must stand opposed to. the abuse of the military power in applying it to oth er purposes than those appointed and reg ulated by law ;as the seizure of private property Pf non-combatants ntit legally li • able to confiscations the seizure_ of hordes of negroes; and their support, instruction; transportation, drill and ,payment, ' as' al lies ; the seizure and 'imprisonment .: of ncirthern freernen,without law and against it ; the suppreasionof newspapers, or the clOsing of mails-against them, and the en croachment upon the State jurisdiction by the appointment..Of sundry police '. offi cials to exercise powers iindefinedhy and unknown to the law's. What is asked is that the poWerahall be`appliell and confined to its , appropriate uses ; that there shall be no invasion upon liberty by it ; in• short, that it shall be subjected to the domination of established laws. 'And we are peifeetly persuaded that govern ment will be all the stronger, all themore successful, by following, this policy and sternly refusing to yield to the tempta tions which-assail those entrusted with authority in revolutionary times, ' Let our rulers carefully- imitate - the example of Washington, who exercised military . powers in the 'Revolution with constant respect for the laws and the - nuthority of the Continental 'Congress, unsettled 'as the times were; and fruitful -of pretexts for departure from regular and legitimate . action. .• In addition,-' to the signal Advantages which ke secured to our-cause by, re versing the policy of the adniinistration— by establishing other and truer doctrines thasthosejlist,examined—theDemocrney can take into account as one of the agen cies-for restoringthe Union,. the powerful and invaluable aid of,allies in the border and Confederate States—men who have gone into revolt reluctantly, or who now standw,ith divided inclinations, uncertain of the position they shall assume. The issue' Of the War 'has always depended as much upon the determination - and union of the Confederate States as upon the magnitude of the efforts ptiefOrth -by us against them. Manifestly, -therefore, our true tine of poliey has been to divide them; to conciliate_ a part of their population,and dampen the* ardor of 'the ,revolutionary spirit by - subjecting it td conseiVatiVe op position in 'the; very communities where it arose. The subjugation_ of the South by the mere exertion pf,,pbysical force against it, AsSuming . 4 to be really .united and in earnest; is a work *Of extreme diffi culty, and requires an animint . o.f• wisdom and vigor which lour administration. has failed to exhibit... a 'war of :Invasion upon the Sootk. most formidable. !natural otistaclos are,to be encountered; and also the poweriref the•eneinhand oar strength Must .be, or be resde - te be, adequate - to overcome both. In' s hot; is this case, allies in. the epemies ocruntry,. were nes:ma sa/ft° certain or prempt:Aueoess,.and -to secure Ahern all the artis of policy , and all the means of Coriciliatithin Oar er should have been -exerted: • ' .--• But what'is the' lioy of Mir 'rulers' ?; Is - it not written in the history of lie Ciit tenden:CoMprOtnisesnd of the PestetrCon .ferenee ,resoltei , aamerats.snd.Presidentialproohrmaticina eanelliation4+but: only sheer force to „compel . porrirgetcaubmis. Pion"! This rift*, at o9ce recalculating MBE ivoLtriti xx. and iMpaasioi3ed, was persisted in , until , repeated disasters came to exhi bit , its' • folly and impotency. Yes ! the necessity' of allies, utterly scouted in the outset:,!be came demonstrated on the plains Of Ma nassas and in the swamps of the Chicka hominy.; The Course of events taught US that 'assistance would be useful, if not in ditipensible, to the-great work of subdu ing rebellion anti restoring the p integrity • of the. Union'. • - • Recognizing this trutb,the men in pow er-have turned their attention to the ne groes—the subject race of the South—and propose to arm and employ thew.; as al lies in the war. :Thiti expenment - is like ly to 'be carried out, to be freely tested and. to produce results which; to 'say •Ae least, will be instructive to future times. In - marked contrast to this desperate experiinent, conservative men look for alliance and aid to', , the white race--;our own stock and kindred—and propane to ,secure their co-operatiOn in restoring' the Union by a policy ofeonciliation, and by the example of a return by our own gov- • ernment to a true constitutional rule, nn influenced by fanatical kassions and re gardful of all State and individual sights asostablinhed by our fathers. In their " , , policy, the consarvative elements along the border and in the South is to - bes en couraged and developed,. not repelled, spurned and insulted. ' Great-allowance is doubtless to be =ido l , for an administratibn charged with the' conduct-of a great. war, and particularly a civil war. • The lifficultlea to be sur mounted are great, and often • the .course to be pursued is but a cboice between , evils. At such a time a' generous mind will not seek occasion of offense, and can overlook small points of objection in _re viewing public affairs. • But the subject now brought . into de bate by the'policy of government are fun- . damental and vital ; it' is impossible to, be, indifferent to them. Frank, full,open de bate upon them,ivill. lead to. useful con clusions, and give dun direction to our efforts as citizens of a brOken and afflicted country. , _ ft results Trsitn what has been said; that. the administration now in power- May•ex pect fronithe great mass of those politi-s sally opposed', acquiescence in , a" le gitimate exercise, - of the powers with which it is invested, whether relating to' the war or to internal administration.— But they iwili claim and exercise the right of discussing the wisdotri and constitu tionality of its policy, and will_ resist, by • all lawfulnionfis, any attempt te:ipervert' the war front its true object, or to use the war power is an instrument - for intro-:: clueing arbitrary , rule amongst us: And they, will labor to prepare the way for the complete re-union • of the States, upon their accesssion to power; or, if (in' contradiction of their Tears) such re-moon • should previously be achieved , 'by arms, then to confirm it and render it real, cor _ dial and perpetual. . Let it be distinctly- miderstoOd that the grent,mass of the Demociatieiparty and of the conservative menof the country have agreed, do not now agree,and have no intention of agreeing , in " future, to' a diisolution of the .Arnencan Union found— ed by Washingtortnnd hig coinpatriots, and that they will not Cease their efforts: for its complete restoration in its original; pristine vtgor. But .to accomplish ;this. purpose, purpose, they, unlike their, opponents, will' use all legitimate , ' means of restoration, and not physical force_, alone. This may be boldly and openly-- announced, eyery-•, where, and otight to be , accepted every-- , *here, as the only reasonable and pntn ode ground upon' which a party can stand that deitirea and' intends. to- save the .country. . - - . The administration bas deliberately " 'cast awuralillitans otratoraticiii, except physical force, and has called into exis tence great and Unnecessary obstacles to sueeess ? Until, - notwithstanding . the imme. - diatedifferene,e of apparent str ength be the parties to the' war, its' issue' hangs trembling in the balance. But -let us not despair ofA k ibiLfuture, " Out of this nettle, linger" ; We may: yet "pluck, the flower, iiafety." We may hope that; tbe remaining mouths of Mr. Lincoln'is 1 . term Will be got past without complete ,'= exhaustion, and the point of time arrived at t, when a vigorous: and truly-groat par r ty, Clear-handed from the pa"4.4 9ToTig h,„ , ly ' at Priotici. ana. have, will rissume'possessi4Of the paw. ers of government. And then, 'this Tar ty, with an ' old history identified with ee the rie& of the .count 7 binding jt siMpatliy-and 'affection in every (punier with no selfishOocal oifariatical y pa*Ous,.: to well eii , e,r-Mislead it; Viittiligeneroni; even-handed, impartial, timetned era& - conformed to the Constittition, _and NUMBER 11.