The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1863, Image 2

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    the converts or disciples were first to re
late their experience,or in other words - to
give a reason of their hope professedly - ,and
if approved of the church, the members
of the church were to receive them. See-
ondly, in excluding refractory members.
The churches are directed by the apostle,
is said Paul" I command you in the name
- of the Lord Jesus Christ, to withdraw
from every brother that walketh disorder
ly." (2. This. 5-1--6.)" Itk, cases
,of individual, offence, Jesus ,Chrtst, the
law giver of his church, gave "directions
also in thiS case. (as laid down in Mat
thew 19th ch.);The.offended or aggrieved
brother is directed new to proceed, and in
case he does not succeed in his first ,nor
in his second step of labor ; then " tell it
'to the - church." The church, the mem
bers of the church, are then directed
how to dispose of the case. Again, in
choosing officers % ministers, deacons &c.
He that is great among you let him be
your minister, (said the master.) Now
the. requisite qualifications of both minis
terS and deacons are specified > in the new
testament, and it is'the business of the
members-of the church to 'decide -in 'this
. .
matter, and - even in the distribution of
public charities. The apostle Paul called
the multitude of. the disciples unto him,
and said : look ve out seven men of hon-,
. .
o , st report & - c., whom' we may appoint
over this busineis." (Acts 6 ch.) Again,
it is. the business of the people of the
church also, to appoint and send forth
"thirlisters ". or ",embassadors " into
parts ,far and nearest preach the
, gospel,
ti-td; thus , to be the " servants ' of the
church•Or people for Jesus' sake. (2.Cor.
- Hence Paul said of Titus and Dike,
that - they "chosen of the churches "
to travel with him, that is to assist. him in
,the ministry. : (2. Con "If our
brethren be enquired. of, (said Paul,) they
are the messengers' of the church's:" 'The
' 'churches sent them out. 2. Cor.
sow, Mr. Editor:all this looks very
much - like WebSters description of De
mocracy, that is, " a form of, government
in which the supreme
.power is lodged—in
the hands of the. peopl collectively,"=-" a
goVernment giving the extension of the
right' of suffrage. to all classts of men."—
Moreover we learn from the history. of the
very - nOted7homas Jefferson, that he was
one of the committee who was , . appointed
to draft, a • de4aratiop of independence,
and that he was requested by the others
to draw off the instrument, which he did
(although a'young Man at that time r ), and
his draft was adopted with a very few
valuable amendments ou the 4th of July
.1776. _ This circumstance, Mr. - Editor,,
leads us 'right on the line of our subject,to
notice the following statement, which was
made by Dr„Fishbaek, of Lexington -Ky,
to the editor of "The Baptist guardian,'
Richmond Va., some few years ago:
"The fellowing circumstances which
occurred in the State of Virginia, relatite
to Mr. Jefferson, was detailed to me by
Eld. Andrew Tribble about - six years ago,
who since died when 93 years old. AZ
, drew Tribble Was the. Pastor of a Baptist
church which held its monthly meeting's
a shor t distance from Mr:Jefferson's house,
eight or ten years before -the American
- - Revolution: Mr. Jefferson attended, the
meetings of the Church for several
months in succession, and after one of
them, asked Eld.. Tribble to go home, and
' dine with him; with which he complied.
Mr. Tribble asked Mr. Jefferson how he
was pleased with the church government.
Mr. Jefferson replied, that it -had Struck
- him with great force, and had interested
him much. .That he considered it the only
form of pure democracy that there ex
isted in the world, and had concluded that
it would be the best plan 'of government
for the Arnerican2Colonies." Mr. Editor,
I 'have thus briefly given youlny viewsjof
Democracy, as I trust in harmony WI
newlestament church order, and haVely.
• the, way took the liberty to quote the cor
roborating testimony of Dr. 'Moshiem and
and Thomas Jefferson. However, in- re-
. lation -- to' national Politics, I would re=
mark, I never have been identified with'
any political party. .1 profess to be en
gaged hi business somewhat aside from
those matters, yet as_ -touching the doc
trine of Democracy as laid down in = the
-Books; I heartily concur with those prin
ciples. .Therefore I have no indication to
- burn my Bible. It is my map, my com
pass. and my chart, consequently I cannot
cherish.any fellowship fcir the ancient di
vine,unleishe can give us a bettter reason
for burning his bible. Finally,in- slamming
,np the whole matter with particidar ref
' erence to him .and his "short sermon," I
have pretty much concluded that - he in
tended:to deal in sarcasm , throughout—
, that he designed it for a mere bdrlesque.
• 'Whether that was his design, or not,there
is mischief concealed -in his production
aside from politics which he may not
have Tall y. apprehended. — Perhaps he is
• now a member of a church where some of
his brethren professedly believe in Demo-.
• cratidPrinciples and.hispbject might have .
been to give them a thrust, or if a mem %
ber of some religious,body, be may have
thought this to be a very good way ,to
proselite and draw away.
.diSciples after
him from sortie other religious bodies by
the way of his Political thread, or charita
• bly - to !peak he might have had no worse
design ,than self amusement, with the
- hope of adding to his stock of political
• capital. Be all this ; asit may, it is
• _
• I
hensihle, and. it is dangerous every way for .
any man to make the Bible:and the church.
theatre fir. play , and .sport, or .a scaffold
to stand up n for the put pose of turning in
to ridicule the apprebended,politiaal Orße_
ligious wrongs of -his ; neighbors. The
quotingOf the scripture in a light and -"in
teverent manner can do good, is,
no doubt a very prolific source of much
evil'in the world. " Evil communications
corrnpt good manners," and yet it is to an
alarming extent the " switch 7 of the age.
ThOmas Payne, when be wrote hisl book
of ." Common Sense," was admired,' his
work • bellied- forward: the_ American
Revolution, but when he - began to tamper
-with the Bible and with churches, tern
ing all into ,ridicule ash published in, • hiS
"Age of Reason," (though at first, as, he
said, " all was for sport and-amusement")
alas ! how soon, and hovi. rapidly he sunk
into infamy and - contempt: - The. making
light of the Bible and christianity;rhower
er unsuitingly at first, is the conimon
way that most menandwomen have ta
ken, who afterwards have 'been noted for
crime and infidelity, and finally; the histo
•ry of the present age, goes to show that
some of the most skeptical and heaven
daring, gedless nieni'of our tithes, were
once professed - . machers_ of the gospel,
and for a while *adea conspicuous figure
in the world: The history of 'their fall
commences with. • their making . light •of
some portions of the Bible, - and, elloso the
Churches for their race ground, for sport
and derision. ' •
if the presenting of this ar
ticle to you .fot publication demands-. of
me an apology, the only reasonl hilve to
render for, o doing is that my spbject,be
ing somewhat democratic, I concluded it
would be expedient to have it published .
in your paper if you please.. • SOJOURNER.
leette : ts
FROM Y. 43rwmw.
PELLE Piarsffi, V:i. Feb. 20, 1863.
• FRIEND GARDNER :—Being settled for
a short time, I. hasten to communicate
gone ACAS connected with our journey for
your information.
We left tTnion the'l3th, and when
about half-way to
_Fairfax station, the
middle car, containing all the horses be
longing to the regiment;. (seente - en ' ) was
thrown off the - track and pil i tched down,
the bank. There'were quite a number of
soldiers. on the Op of the car at 'the time,
but as the ear's were moving quite slow,
they all escaped without injury. The car:
ontainin<r' .the librses was' soon torn to
pippes, i and the poor beasts extricated
frota their perilous.situation to take it pn
fooe s .toi Fairfax station, where' they again
were placed On board:' None of them
were injured' materially,; We. arrived-in
Alexandria about dnsk-'=-7inarched to the
camp ground, about' one mile distant, and
there remained all night, 'without shelter.
Saturday - miming we pitched tents, and
the same evening a storm of rain, hail and
snow set in, - which - ceased not until late
Sunday evening. WP left Alexandria , in
transports sunday morning, and every
. animate and inanimate wore the liv
ery (:)f gloom and sadness: We left the
wharf at, i 9 a. in., And in a couple of hours
we were steening by Fort 'Washington
and Mount Vernon, the only plaCes of in-,
terest to my mind' on the trip; and w-hile
the ramparts - of the one - ,were bristling
with i cannon and surrounded wib the par
-aphanalia of 'war, the other-presented
sad and sombre expression .in keeping
with the times and - -the occasion. ,
As. we paSsed the resting place of the
mortal remains of the Founder of the Re
public, a general feeliniv_of dePression and
sorrow seemed to take possession of
minds; I asked myself the - question: can
we succeed in restoring and perpetuating'
the unity and integrityof the government
by running counter to his. maxims of po
litical wisdom ? Does not the present as- ,1 ,
pect of affairs at home and :abroad warn
us of the dangers which we have incurred
by their; rejection ? Do not the millions
of fre.asure and thousands. of lives spent
with no, material_reSult, weaken . our faith
in its stability ? And is there not-anoth
er Washington to rise up . --grasp.the helm
of state, pitch overboard the - malign crew
I.of desperadoes ,Who..aro.trying to Wreck
her on the shoals of abolition fanaticism,
and Pilot her into the-harbor of the Tin
ion A. voice.frem the tomb of the Blasi
txious dead seemed to ansfwer;yes! 'Geo.
B.Xcelellati.must be your Second. deliV
erer. - I told .this 'to Lieut.,-14U6k, who
went up immediateli.and / apostrophized
the. eagle on the wheel-house. Butl must
proceed: . • .
"iLettle dead past bnry the dend,l
Heart within, aad God Werhead."
Longfellow was•_right---so am ,We an
chored at the mouth of Acquia'creek about
5 p. m., remaining there all night. • Morrie
ing came, and_instead of going up the Ac
quia, we were sent on to come up the PO
tonjac creek, on which Belle Plams is sit;
uathd; where tie living buman , eargOeii
were soon disposed, of by-the `vesaels. It
was a beautiful morning.' We formed in
to link after'disembarking, and 'marched
to our present place , o encampment,
about two - miles from. the landing., ,
Never, talk of mud,' Lieat. - -„Tott hive
' ebikCePtiot of the - length height,
. .
tireaath .. or depth of the institution as it,
existsin eastern Virginia today, arid es
pecially.-here. If twas calted, upon to pro
nounce yidgment 15 - ii . 'her merits in this re
spect, I should award her the. belt imme
diately. It is not alone in :quantity that
she excels,-but its quality, and finish as
sures you that it is a local.institution, for
home purposes, , _
.Ve met on our road to'carnp, 12 mules
.attached to an emptywagon. They got
into a slough, and 5 went, eonipletely out
of sight with the exceition
.of their ears.
Going saw with "mud
scows" on and long poles in their handsi
with which they were stirring up the mud.
I inquired what ft was for? and was .an
swered," they bid found a cap there."
I asked no more questions,_but looked to
- see where I stepped. I counted 40 dead
horses by the roadside'.
In.conversation with a cavalry picket.
yesterd4, he told me that while on duty
.not long since, he was accosted by one
from the oppoSite bank of the Rappahan;
flock with the "How does fight
ing Joe get along in -the mud ? Would
he like to come over? Ifhe would, we
will give hinLa ..
!," 9.1 few stepi furth
er brought him insight of an,effigy with
the inlaription, in large letters; "Fighting
Joe Hooker stuck in the mud.." • -'
Corporal Stark comes'in from picket du
ty while L write, having been out 48
hours. He says there -has , been a contin
ued fire kept up with Our pickets.
We have been transferred to the ;Ist
brigade, rend division, and ISt army
The division -is commanded by Gen.
Doubleday, and the corps by Gen. Reyn
olds. We aid on 'the extreme left of
Hooker's forces: Susquehanna is repre
-sented by fan- companns here:: The 143 d
regiment, with; Capt. Morris' company,
tame in yesterday. I saw him dining with
the Majorto:day. The 5.60; 149th,-and
'lSt ra. cavalry, are also here. E. J'. War
ner, -a Montrose, received his"commission
as Captain yesterday, and nobly does he
deserVe it: It is estimated that there are
-180,000 troops here now. Every hilt and
valley, glen and cove, is filled 'with tbeni.,
'We are.B miles from Fredericksburg. ,
Our company, as usual, left '4 or 1.11 ,
116.Spital at Alexandria.. The balande are
well and hearty.,
Yours; 'Truly,
Letter from Chas. R. Bite
_ The Democracy ,of Lock RaVen cele
brated the anniversary of Washington's
birthday on Monday, the •23d. Invita
tions'had been sentto distinguishea
o.crats in different. parts of- the State— r .to
Mr Buckalew among' others—and; dur
ingtbe proceedings, tlte following letter
front, that gentlernan_was read':
C.'S. M' COT:ml6c, Esq., Chairman Dem
beratie StatOng' Committee of Clinton
county:: - • -
have your favor inviting me to
attend yonr meeting on the 23d - inst. I.
shall not be able to be,present, - Init will
not deny myself -the pleasure of writing
a few lines Which you may read to the
meeting if you think proper.
The thorough organization of the Dem- ,
ocratic party at this tithe, and the diScus
sion on its behalf, of public. questions,
thust be regarded as most important to
the public interests.
The failhre of the Republican party in
the management of the war, - -and the
measures of legislation and internal policy
which it has brought forward; are most
convincing proofs ofits incapacity and un
fitness for the possession,of poiver. 'The
land Mourns, and wisdom and
: regard for
the Constitution, seem to haCe departed
froth the halls: of 'Congress and the cham
ber of the Executive : ,
R&store the Democratic party to power
and the future will be hopeful,, for it has
capacity for the duties of government And
is the .only party known - that can unite
the s States together, - "m- firm concord and
preserve to us ,our system of constitution
al rule unimpaired. '
-..• Let our State stand forward to redeem
the country from calamity. Her voice is
potent, and it-may Well be lifted this
yeai for boneSt government, for : the faith
ful observance of censtitational• ditties by
our rulers, and against the fanaticism and , ,
folly in high places which 'are urging us
onward 'to destruction. Your's, : very re
spectfully, C.„R.-13, - cc.KALr.w.
Bloomsburg, Feb. 20, 1863.
Senator'Clymer, who was one of the in
cited, declined to attend ! on account of
"duties in the Senate," qUestions, of grave
importance to the country,- which' might
'at any Balled' up, being before
that body.. . .
—The steamer Delta, at Halifax, from I
St. Thomas 'and Bermuda, reports that
on the 24th February, in lat. 24' deg., long.
65 deg., the pirate Florida captiired. and.
burned the ship Jacob 'Bell, bound from
China for New York with a - cargo of six
teen hundred tons of tea. Her passen
gers and crew were transferred to a Dan
ish Vessel arid landed at Thomas. The
. Alabania (U. S. ) had tone in pursuit of
the Flerida. The Columbia, after rim
take the 'blockade, at Wilmington, had
arrived at St. George:.. A later dispatch
states that the eargo.of the Jacob Bell was ,
i-alued at 1 500 000. The Vanderbilt and
SlAspliOd Knapp also sailed in search, of
140,pirate. ;: , • •
ontrest tmotiat.
cal 4. 04afevr voi 6: 5
'before abolition, secession; etc., Vistinted its harino'ny
Enforced and.,7Fpected tn sections of the country
IrYoung men desiring to attend a Commercial Col
lege at Binghamton, Pittsburgh, or st-Phliadelphia. New
York, etc., can obtain information of . practical pecuniary
value by calling Upon or addressing the editor of this
paper,l tws
• LATEST 'NEWS.-I—' A dispatch dated
Ntishville, March 5, reports a- bad Union
Meat in Tennessee. The rebels tinder
Vogt:torn attacked our fortes', ufiderCol.
killing or capturing four of our
regiments. The fight was a severe one.
Unreliable reports have reached'. Us
within the last few days of the capture of
Savannah, Geo. ijy our gun-boats, and the
evacuation of Vicksburg by the,rebels.
• A terrible' riot occurred at Detroit . on
-Friday last, the mink of an attempt ,to .
summariiy'punish a negro - who Tad com
mitted a fiendish .outrage upon a young
. 411 , 4p cg iri. — Some_l2 or 15 persons were
killed and ailar number injured.
PROMOTED.—We arc Pleased to learn
that Wm. D. Lusk, volunteer frornsGreat
Bend, has:been prOrnoted to the position
of 2d Lie 4. in Co. Cl.:lslst regiment, P.
V: Success to him, and of our
boys. -
We have also learned that Lient Fred.
R. Warner - , from this place,lms beenpro
aoted .tO the responSible post of Ord
nance officer for the Ninth Army Corps,
First Division.
E. R. Warner, lit Lieut. 3d U. S. ar
tillery; has received the breVet of Cap
tain. in his regiineni; to 'date from .May
4th, 1862, for 'Meritorious_ services at:the
siege of Yorktown. . -
farVe notice that J. T. Lloyd, the no
torious swindler, is still-trying, to gull the
public - in his map business, at 164 Broad
way; New York city. Look Gat fol. him.
rti'The abolition organs are publishing
a string of political resolntions purporting
to have been adopted by officers in the ar
my, which _advocate abolitionism and are
laudatory. of Lincoln, Curt 4 & Co: We
know that, in some respects, they do not
represent the sentiments of our brave sol
dierst. but that they 'grossly misrepresent
A majority of them. These things - are
'concocted at the worth, and sent to the
army, and little knots of political officers;
speculators and sharks hold imaginary
meetings, and pretend to -- pass' them "ac=
cdrdin g to order."L-rrhe 'Current of opin
•in the army—always sirong against
abolition, a negro 'war, and itegro
increasing-! in intensity as tlie'ad
,. ministration goes ow-its ruinous policy;
and the day wilt come when all good Men
will mourn that an attempt wasever made
to introduce politics and abolition into
the Union . •
The most important item of- news we
have here is tho Ivelcome intelligende that
Congress adjourned,‘sine die, on the 4th ;
_and although there is much to complain
of during its exitence r we have the con
solation of knowing that the termination
of such regretted existence was strictly
constitutional—the only act'of that kind,
perhaps, „that it (performed. Like many
noted charaeters that have blotted the
page of history, the only great, virtu'ous
act of its life ; was its death.' That its like
may never agam assemble, should be the
heartfelt wish and expressed 'voice and
vote of every freeman._
The " Lenox l ßoad Law" has been 63:-
tended to Franklin township. See pamph
let laws, 1847-, for its details.
A- L ,GERRITSpN, Editor.
' Our readers lare already aware that a
bill has passed the Legislature and been
signed 'by the j.Governor, providipg for
the erection of 'a new county out of- the,
northern townships of Luzerne . county, to
be called Lackawanna. HonS. Wni. Big
ler, Henry S. Mott and Jaines Pollock are.
named in the act as commissioners to run
the lines and locate the
. county seat, In
addition to thel usual , sections providing
for the holding,l of courts, etc., the re
quires an election to 'he held on the 21it
of July next., for the special' purpose. Of
submitting th.' measure directly to-the
people, in accordance with a late amend
-went of the Constitution. The . seounty
Will be comprised 'or the folloWipg towr'.
ships: Carbondale, Fell, Greenfield, Ben:
ton, Abington, Newton, Bansom, Lacka.-
Wanna, Providente,Scott,l3lakely, Jeffer
son, Madison, Covington,'Spring Brook
and Buck'; the 'City of parbondale, and
the ~boroughs of ,Scranton,• Dunmore,
IlYde Park, and Waverly, • . -
A bill is pending for extending to'Sus
quehanna county the proviions of the -I.4u
erne law - in 'reference. to . ,the printing 'of
Sheriff's Sales. It gives attornies thopriv
ilege of selecting any two papers in. the
county in which any certain parcel of real'
estate, over whielf they have' control,
shallbe adVertised. Eighteen members
of the Bar of the County ask for Its_pas
• A remonstrance from 100 eitizeng of our .
county against the pasgage of an act pro
hibiting ,cattle front running 'in the roads,
etc., has been . presented in the House..
'A - petition from 52 citizens of APOlaeon
asking for !the repee,l of the Little Mead
ows Boro'act of 'incorporation, and giv
ing reasons for the site, has . been read ;
and a hill to thdp - Met - has lean reflared
in the House. • •
The restoration
. of the tonnage . tax is
now the great. question; and the friends
of the Pennsylvania railrOad are making.
all possible efforts,tO prevent it. The mat
ter was debated on Wednesday and Thurs.:
day, and the subject was finally Made the
special ardeyjor next WedneSday; *lien
it is hoped the House will adopt the bill
before if; but greenbacks are Plenty, and
: if the bill is not defeated'it Will be becauie
"bills" cannat . doit. - How your member-,
will finally vote I do not positively know
but from what I can see and. hear, I sus
yect that . the railroad, and - not your tax' ,
Papers, Will bet., represented -by him. If
pour late representative were only- here
now, the thing would be promptly oppos
ed, as they should be. Mr. Frazier was
not only an honest man,7(aside from poli-'
tics,).but such, questfons as thiS,under:
stood the rigtts and wishes of his constit-•
tents; and dared maintain theM -in spite
of wire-pullers and purchasing agents.'
Our State Committeef . ,are• call s ed.46'
meet at Philadelphia, Sattirday - pVening,
1 eb.-7.: It is proposed to calr-oifr Con ,
vention at an earlier day than Junel7th.
Reasons,. which, are satisfactory, to , some,
are given for this, but I cannot appreciate
them, and shall oppoSe it, especially at -a
Saturday night meeting... 4. J. G.
The ConseriptiowLaw.
We copy 'below the-material portions
of Conscription act lately passed by
Congress ;
All able-bodied male citizens, and all
persons of foreign birth who shall have
declared on oath. their intention to be-,
come .such, - dr have exercised' the right 'of
suffrage; between the ages of twenty and
forty-live years, constitute the National'
forces - of the 'United Statee; and are liable
to perform Military duty-when called out
by the Pree'dsnt. . -The exempts are those
who are physically or mentally unfit, the
Vice President, heads of executive De- . ,
partments, United-States Judges, Gover
nors of. States, only son of :An
widow or infirm parent, or one sack: son
where there are twoor . mordterbe select--
ed by the parent,nlsa the only brother of
orphan children, under "twelve years i elso
the father of motherless children of the
same . age ; and when two--of a family. are
in service, the remainder of such family,
not exceeding two; shall be-exempt. - No
person , convicted of'felony
rolled or , permitted to serve:. .sTheNa. ,
tionalforces not' now in service are to be
divided into two 'classes, the first class
embracing- All between- 20 and 35 years
of age, and all unmarried mend between
35 anti 45 year's of age. . The second class
embraces all the others and -will not be!
called :into service, until after. the first
class is exhausted." "For convenience of
enrollment, districts are- made to . corres-.
pond with the Congressional districts, in
each of which 'the President appoints a
pi - myna marshal with rank -amid- pay °leap
tain of cavalry, or he may detail an officer
of similar- rank -who shall' haire a Bureau
of the War Department; and shall . make
the needful rules and regulations for car
rying out. theiroviSiOns Of this- acti: - These
Marshals are - to arrest - deserter's, report
treasonable practices; detect spies, &c:
In, each district there is to be a board of
enrollment, consisting - . of - the- .Provost
Marshals and two other persons appointed
by the President; one 'of whom is to - be
a. phy and - surgeon. * This board
shall, divide. the district into convenient,
subdistriets.and perfect -.enrollment - - once
in each,year, reporting the enrolled lists .
by the first of,Aprik each class-to be en-.
rolled seperately. :Persons thus-. enrolled
are subject for two years_to . be called into
service letverforlh*years Awiiaring
the war, on the ,present volunteer's ad.
van ce- pay,;- bounty money, fVe4-included.
When. necessary to- make -a - draft, the-
President shall indibate . the number for
each 'district, taking -into consideration
-the nuinber alreadysfinnished siude tbe l
beginning of the war sO i ds tOlfairly equal.;
ize the burden.; the :enrolling;officer shall
then. make - , the draft with '5O! per 'cent in
addition, and within ten days; serve nOtiCe ,
upon.the drafted men, Substitutes' may
-be furnished or commutation made not to
exceed three . hundred dollarS, .'at the dis -
cretion. of the Secretary
.of dr, Any per
soh drafted !and failing to. repOrt,'onini-:
wish a substitute, or= pay his Con:mutation,
shall be deemed a 'deserter, --and subject
to-immediate arrest. The: bill also pro ,
,videS for the proper surnidat ekanrination
.of . drafted- men,., and the pua . isliment of
surgeons who revere 'bribes.. Wiren the •
drag. is finished; all thoseWlio, are not ta"
ken .are allowed traveling4ay to their
:homes. Those who furnish substitutes
are exempt for the entire time of the
draft; and the substitute.bas . the same pay,,
as--though originally drafted.
. The bill also' provides' that Volunteer*
now inService who ve-enlistfor one year
shall have a bounty of fifty dollars, one.
half paid down ; those who i, enlist for two
years receive $,5 2 5 of the -yegniar $lO6
bounty: 'There are also provisions ;for .
the consolidation of skeleton egiments •:.
alsO that Generals hi the-field may execute.
.antirt martial sentence again St.
serters, mutineers; or murderers, without -
reference to the, _President; - Cburts mar
tial, fnay reduce alisenteei officers .to the
rank's. Clothing, arms, .&b„-shall not. be
sold, pledged or given away, and_rnay
taken "whenever found in ;illegal hands ;*-
persons- wbolentice- soldirsi to .d.eseryor
_harbor IhemV Or, buy their arms or uni-,
forms; 'and. ship•capta ins or Kailroad.',,con
dnetors who knowingly convey' defierters
may be fined $5OO and ifiprisonnrent from
six months to two, yearS. Any person
who resists the (draft or counsels others
to doso, or dissuades them from perform
' ing'military duty, shall_ be summarily ar-• .
rested, -locked up . until after the drat is .
finished, then be tried-bpi civil Cottrt,and
fined $5OO or imprisoned two years 'or
both. The President, on ;the passage.of
this act, shall issue
ing absentees from the ' ft!rrny„ wpa - may;
return Without punishineht withifi- the
.time indicated, - -except the forfeiture of
pay for the time of absence ;`those whO r diy
not, return will be desert*. Officers ab
sent with leave, except fps- sicknesS or
wounds receive half pay officers absent
Without . leave, no . pay all. There are
other provisions, butchiefiy efdetails not
particularly important.- ,
Administtator's Notico.
ALL persons indebted to tile estate of Hiram Scott late
of Brid. ewater, deceased, are 'hereby requested to
make immediate payment,tnd all persons belong claims
against said estate trill prerent them forthwitb to
' ' • ALFRED 'BALDWIN, Administrator.
Bridgewater, Van. in,
Auditor's Notice.
In the , matter of the distribution of thenrA in the hands
of the Administrator of G. C. :Lyman t lllec'd. '
Tundersigned having been appointed by the Orph
_ll.. ans Court or the county of Sulumbanna, :If - auditor
to distribute said fund, will meet the'parties interested iu
the same, at his office iu Moutros'o on Saturday the - ith
day-of March, 1863, at.A. o'clock. ip. tn.; at width time
and place all persons having claims upon said fund will
present them or be forever debarred. ' • -
Feb. 2,1933, J. B. 3TeCOLLTIM; Auditor.
uditoes -, Notice
NOTICE is hereby ~ffiven that the undersigned, 'an.
Auditor mipointed by the Orphan's'eourt bf Susqiit
hanna-Connty to trinke t tlistrihution of the funds in - the
hands of the Administraor of I Samuel Benjamin, deed,
willattend to the duties of his appointment on Friday,
the 20th by of March nest, at his office in 'Montrose, at.
one o'clock in the afternoon: a which time and place
all persons interested will pyeseat their claims or he for
ever debarred front coming in upon said fund
F.B. STR.EETEIt, Auditor.
Feb. 14.1863
Auditor's. Notice.
Ivories is hereby-given that the undersigned an And
-11 itor appointed by thecotirt of Common Pleas to
make distribution cif the funds in the hands of the Sher
iff" arising from the sale of the real estate -of !Patrick
Smullin, will attend to - the duties of his appointment at
the office of F. B. Streeter, Esq., in Montrose, 6. ti Fri
day the pith day of March.- 1863, at
.1 o'clock . P. M. at
whith tune and place all persons interested-will present
their claims or be forever debarred from coming in upon
said fund. • 4. 0. WARREN, Auditor.
Montrose, Feb. 16,1863.
.Adthinisttatot's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given trr all persons baying de
wands against the_estate of SEWEL ' CORBITT,
late of Broome county. N . Y. deceased, that the same
must be presented to tine undersigned for arrangement,
and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment. I .- • : •
CA. BROWN, Adm'r.
Administrators' - Notice".
A LL persons indebted to tile ''estate oflUseffiEW DUN
MORE. late of,Rnsh, deceased, are herby requested
to make immediate payment, and all persons. hiving
claims agaihst said estate, will present them forthwith
to the undersigned for settlement.
BARAD DUNMORE, Rneb - ,lm m i n i t i ti . stor ,
0: S. BEEBE, Bridgewater, ,
Feb 10th, 1863.-.-6 w. , • -
• , Notice.
IVOTICE is hereby given to all persona having - de
ll mands against the Estate of BERNARD KEENAN,
late of Middletown, deceased, that the same mtiatibe
presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and' all
persons indebted to said estate_ are, requested to make
immediate payment. , I •
; • 'MICHAEL NOLAN, Apolaeon
JAMES TREDDN I "Middletown,: Ears.
Jan. 27, 1863. flw , 1
Administratrix' Notice.
v -OTICE hereby given to all persons having demands
1.1 against the estate of Michael Gnilaber, latfof Cheep
nut township, dsc'd, that tho same - Must be presented to
the undersigned for settlement, and all persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate payment.
Chooontit, Feb,. 3;1861 i I
I .41:1T - 0 R S
Ditibtont kinds ofWines anattauors, ,
nyarly. overyklnd In4ny market sanntesjpits.
For sale at nittill by , AHEL
• I • • •