The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 24, 1863, Image 4

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    WO 031C1) of 4~lpion.
Theretieerna'to he • iffernce of
opienion inienithe. abolitiori le,aders as
to how.iitichßutkl,ae,can 'ceuntia on
for''saving , the' , Vnien.- _Thaddeui.
Stevensand his confreres of '-the , House
of Representatives, think thakthe negro is
=the last.bope of the ccotintry , ., .They tell
us that the - white people cannotegntilown
this rebellion; - that is 'pit down ii
`the country it lost, anitthe :negro-is the_
only instrumentality by:Which -A, eati__lie
put down.. These, were the argil- .
merits - employed iti , ; , favor_ of the - negro
? . .soldier bill. `T.heKe," will - be no` crilist
meuts in thitNoribi? saidNr. St evens;','
and emiscriptiOn_is - impossible?' There-,
fore weinust calLniien the, negro. _ The
inf.erence Waidiat the passage f his bill
would_Obviate the necessity of raft.-=
13it any.iieli hope *onld be 'd 'Woe.—
. Mr. Sherman, in the Senate, thinks it will
be necessary to look - the white men
after all,: andt'accordingly : advocates
- draft as , propoSed by the bill now before
that'hOdy. 'Ha said in - a debate etrThuii
- .
•".11e, belived that a proper ecinsajp•
- tion law, with ,the necessary, limitations,
tp be the most important law that - this
Congress could pass:. 'lf no such law was
f_passedhe should despair of success., If
Nee allowed the armies to dwindle in con
.' seqUenee of party. disputet and 'quarrels
about generals . , 'we - might as well give up
the contest. Buthe 'did not believe that.
-the people 'ever will give up the Contest
anti' the rebellion is Crushed." _
It is very clear that Mr. Sherman 'does
• not place,4 much in the. Ethiopian's
.to shoulder the Musket as -- Mr.
Stevens does, or in his prowess if he does
• enlist._ 'Notwithstanding, the passage of
the negro soldier. bill; Mr. Sherman says
he w ould "- despair of success" unless
white men are -drafted, From present
appearanCes the bill providing for such
a draft will . pass the Senate. It will be
interesting to watch the'action of the fol
lowers of Stevens in ' the House upon's
bill which contemplates what -they have
already pronounced " an impossibility."
_American. . , -
AnICI.—In • a letter. to • the London
, Times, Captain/ Burton, the well-known
African explorer, says:—,`.` At present
the state of Africa— except in places few
and far between—id'That of 'Europe in
the Hays of Cheops and Cephren. is a
land of semi-starvation; of lenten diet, in
which lean goat, 'fibrous yams, and plan
tains form the menu.' . The family does not
and cannot exist. The home is distant 5
000 miles. The house in the regions be
yond the fortsl,nd settlements'. of James
1. is 'a caricature of the East Indian bung
alow, itself the doice mentoria , Of 4n English
covrhouse ; and to it most men-, 'for saftf
' and - comfort, prefer a hulk. The primeval
forests the impenetrable bush, and the stag
nant swamp still stand triumphant - in the
presence otian undevloped humanity, and
in the wantonness- Of suyeriority reduce
'animated nature t 6 s. 71, inymnik.—Thus will
the things of old endure till the Caucasian
race, the sons ofjaphet, find their way
• into the heart, of Africa and- occupy the
• tents - bf Ham ; not in colonies like those
of Bulama and Sierra Leone, but in pedal
settlemerits'where the severest - and the
most d.angerOns labor will fall upon those
who least merit compassion. When the
the land - :shall have been -prepared for
civilization, when the criminal squatters
can be moved to the northeast, when their
encamptnents'ean be converted into _per
manent centres of improvement, then the
great dayof Africa will begin" -
A United North.
The Albany Evening Journal asks for_
an United North. Let • the 'Administra
tion at Washington answer that• de
tnand: It is too, much to ask of the people
that they should be servile and accept a
despaism. Liberty of speech and of
person, at the Noith ; the superiority
constitutional right over the insolence of
mere " office ; the right of the-people of
R 4917 the troth, of the war ; the pTace, Of
pownr to brave men, not to the sycophant
and thepartisan ;—when the Admunstm
tion shall arise to its place, and give the
people these, there may be one sentiment.
'But the elections of Noveinber, that they
will not accept a Aespotism in place of a
Constitutional Republic. - -
Err Errs or A 3itsEs.—Abrabanallershy
who recently died in Laneaster , county,
Pa:, left personal property. to the amount
of $54; 466 21, all of sibieh was packed
a . wav in boxes,. aad which lie had gathered
with all the industry of a miser. _Among
his effects were found *2B, 884. • 41, in
American gold eoir, consisting of fifty,.
twenty, five, ten dollar and other 'pieces,
all old coinage. The sum of 814, 495 77,
was - found composed of silver coin of
various nation's. The _amount of $3, 028
52 and $B, 069 51 was • found , in buil: notes
certificates of deposit; cfse.; all - concealed
in various places on his premises. die
also,Jeft a fine; farm in - Wegt
. Hempfield,
Pa.,valved at $15,000 sl6,' 000.
Iv yon wan our neig hbors to' ; caoar
" who pin -areT — gice a pelt: and ; ` don't.
invite the folks •".wilo live next dooe,
Pap44pible ***am pit ltsflaßetpii*.p*r :are
Oa theirCin
- •
kolikt*.l+l4HlNG.t l tistp ' pea!, s . ifi)tt
even in sOme "Ora a New' England'the
people are becomite weary of the prac=
tieb_dffolik,*Wtbirtitilpit' into .
ii politi;
caliioittruni,.P.Weliitblierve thattbe . "014
poti g re g atiiintil 50c,igy.,,,'?,.. of New lioston;
altchfel4. eonufy, Conn., where D:. Ly
art , eo fte . so i ngltreac l A - t are ; l
cant ineeiiiA ; Patsed the followina resell'''.
0_ ,
non : ~-.;,. , --7...... . 1 . ..., • 1
! . "That the PoJpit:Cornmittee.of this Soil
cietY are -hefehkinitritcted that ivhene4er
they employ a minisrster of the Gospel to
-preach in their• meeting hotitin s On the gab
bailt,-,they shall filet inform said Ministe.r,
that hkit eriipldyeirto preach the. Gospel
truth according .to the Bible doctrine,
Christ_and-Tlim srucified, and that mili.
That he is stric4- prohibited by a vote
of this. Society from , delivering - any
discourses , of any description, upon the,
`resent war, and that he shall not allude
the matter either in 'Prayer or sermon
-- -
If such a resolution were to pass in eith
er Clieever's or Beephees Church, their
i cinpupation woUld be gone. •
The Truth..
. ,
One truth uttered by; Wendell Phillips,
the great Abolition agitator and orator,
ought to be :stereotyped and .placarded
everyrbere in the free States.. It gives
the'lic direct to all .the Adroinistration
presstays_aboutlthe South being the only
guilty party f in bringing ablitt a - • rupture
of the . Unimvand civil war—it brands the,
loyal professions of the admistration and
its supporters with falsehood,, and bolds
them up to publie gaze as they are, trait
ors to their country, and deceivers of the
people Wendell Pliillipsl said : " The
anti-slavery party had-- , -hoped for the
PLANNED- DISUNION, because -it
certainly • would lead td the develope
ment of mankind and the elevation .f the
black man . ."-i
' - ' '. ....a. ...--..--=-----.- ,
• GEN' . intum4-z!'-t.•—"The Tribune an4,' its
radical chorus- are out for•tbp appointment
of Major-General Fremont to
North_ Carolina: - The plea. now is that
his name . W'olild be ,a tower 'of strength
monk, the slaves, who would, immediate
ly flock -to , his . standard. This - is the
old delusion:. in •a, new form. " f if 'the
South revolts," said the abolitionists, " the
slave* will, immediately :rise," but they
didn't. ";As soon as our arrnieilmarcli
toward the-South theblacks will demand
their freedotn," 'bat they didn't.- ." An
expedition to the -"southern power maga
'zine in South Carolina will start .11 negro
revolution that Will'sweep.orer the South,"
but it didn't.: , "Al proclamation of free
dom,-.,then, -will certainly succeed".': ; but
Fremont, Lane, - THUnter, and Lincoln
all have tried this scheme; • and- . as .yet
there IS no slakre insurrection. But now
it seems Fremont'srpersonal presence is
1 eqn . ired atr,the-SOth to - accomplish this
desirable end. - - Well, let the' expeOnent
be - tried. ' Give liim kcomniand, a • oach
and six, a body guard; a - brass - band, pen,
ink, and paper, and let.himisSiie a p l. ocla
mation 'a week, or: 'oftener if he wrcs„
It . will do very littlebarm to any ndy,
and none at all to the rebels, while it, may
serve to 'quiet the ravings of his lunatic
admirers. • -, : ! - .:-
nr" Mr. Chase's banking bill passed.
the . Senate : on: Thursday, by a vote •of
twenty-three to tivtnty-one. s The bill to
aid the State Of -Missouri in emancipation,
was taken up and debateil. - in e.ttenso. An
amendment Sumner was adapted
to reduce the amount paid - for each slate
emancipated from 8300.t0 SPO. The sub
stitute yeported bystbe4ndielary Commit
ted waS•adopted, and the bill then passed
by a vote of ! 9.3 against 18. At. the even:
ing session 4.1 r.• Lane; of Kansas, introduc
ed•a bilrto•adinit Nevada, Nebraska,-and
1•• - bill to
Colorado as new States. The bill to in
crease generals was pass&l with an•arnend
ment ; .limiting tha l increase to • twenty
major and fifty bigadier generals. • '
Thidays - of fat jobs are not over. The,
New Haven Journal says :
"The Mary ,Benton, a little Connecti
cut - river steaimer, has. been sold to the
Gvvernmentfor $52,000. She cost, when
new, only $30,000, and the Government
'has paid her s $27,000 for the use of
her the last'sik monhts. It would be inte
resting to know hOW the parchasemoney
was dmided." -
of whiskey is .manufactured from a dozen,
grains of corn, the value -of which is too
small be estimated. A pint of this
mixture sells for one shilling, l and if a
good brand, is considered well worth the
money. It is drank in a minute or two
ittires the brain, sharpens the_ appetite,
deranges and weakens the physical sys
tem.. On the same sideboard on which
this delicious ,. beverage is' served, lies a
newspaper. It is covered with half mil
lion of type—it brings intelligence from
the quarters of the globe. The newspa-
Ter costs less than the (glass of grog—the
juice of a few grains of corn k but, it is - no
less strange than true' that th'ere is-a por
tion .of f :the , community 'who think, corn
juice chomp' and the ne*spaper deer. --'
• Senator Chanaler has written a - letter
home announcing the fact that Michigan
will hwie .the honor of sending ,a •negro
oregitrietiffo the - war.
R ,S C ITLE:V - 5...
• • - V•i r -
THE, ' • - • •
GRE i.
• ' CrOLT.i TkF.E! A.1.7,0/Ch AWL) jj a:TA, •
wouNns, p
r i. E LO,
arcEumArle 6 4 VITATIZITOUS D4iORpEZ.4..
. .
~ ,
. -Fortail ofwiticb it is a speedy and certain . remedy, and .
never fails. • Thislinsment is prciiarec froth the ° recipe'
°Mr; Stephen Sweet, of Connecticutt, the famous bone
setter, and bas been used in hisprairtice for more than 20.
years with the Malt atitonishingsshicess. • Y ,
'AsArt,eauvutor. or rej4c l it is unrivalled by.
iinrpreparation before the publtr, of which the most
skeptical convinced by a single trial. ' • -
This Liniment will. cure rapidly, and radically. Mien
matic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands alia
ses where it has been used it has never beed knowii' to
_,____- - '
FOR'NEURAGIA , it will nifOrd immediate relief in
every ease, however distressing: i iti thre
cEI 6 :O
It will relieve the worst cases of. AGB:Ee
minutes and is wdawideittri doili : • , . •
TOOTHACHE also it will cure histantly.
LASSITUDE; arising from imprudence or exce s, • this
Liniment ikquielit happy and unfailing remedy. Acting
directly anon, the, bervons tissues; it strength ns and
revivifies the System, and rector Is it to clasti ity and
vig_or. '• 1
. FOR PILES—AI an external tmedy, we claim that it
is the best known, and we challenge the World to produce
ail equal . Every . victim of this distressing complaint
shonld.give ins trial, for it will not fail to afford .immedi
ate relief, aad a majority of cakes will effect a radical
_AND' SORE THROAT'are sometimes ex
tremely malgnant and _dangerous, brit a timely applica
tion ofthis liniment .wlll never rail to .cnre. - .
SPRAINS' re sometimes very!obstinate, and enlarge
ment of the joints is liable to! ocenr if neglected. The '
worst case may be conquered by this liniment in two or
three days. I
BURNS AND SCALDS, yield r . badily to the wondetful
healing properties of DR. SViRET'S piyALLIBLE
LlN'llil ENT','l6ll4ll. 'Used according to directions. Also,
1- 1 -
-, - .
Dr. Stephen - Sweet of' Con!eticut,
, . .
the Great Natural Done Setter. .' '
. . 1
Steidle!! Sweet of Connecticut,
Is known all over the United States. '
Stephen - Sweet Connecticut,
Is the author oT " Dr. Sweet InfallibleLlniment? ;
Dr; Sweet's. Infallible .1 in'irteAt
Cures Rheumatism and never fails.
Di. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia.
Swet's' Infallible Liniment •
Cures Bunts and scalds ImMediately,
Dr. Sweet's-I nfallible ;Liniment
Is the 'best known etnedylfor sprain s s and bruises.
• *
Dr. Swee is Infallible Liniment
Cured headache immediatly and was never known
to fail:
Steet's Infa lible Liniment
Affords immediate relict for Piles, and seldom fails'
'to cure. ,
DR. SWEET7 4 S Infallible lINLMENT
Cure toothache i n one minute.
Citre cuts w o unds immediately and leavbo no scar.
Is thd beet F erhectifor sors In the known world.
Has been used by more than a million people, and all
praise it..
Taken internally cures colic, cholera morbus and cholera
Is truly a '`friend in need," and every family Should
have it at hand.
Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and r,o cents.
A Friend in Need. Try it.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment,
, •
As aw external remedy. is without n rival, and will alle
viate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For
all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders It istruly infallible
-and as a curativelor sores, wounds. sprains, bruises, &-c.
its soothing, healing and poWerful strengthening prop
erties, excite the just wonder and•astonisbnient 01811
who have ever ,given it a trial.. Over one thousand certifi
cates of remarkable cures,performed by it within the last
two years, attest the tact. •
Dr. Sweet':s Infz llible .Liniment for Horses
is unriialled by any, and in all easeS Of lameness arising
froth sprains, bruises, ,or wrenching, its effect is magical
and certain. Harness or saddle galls. • scratches, - mange,
eta.. it will also cure speedily. Ringborie and epavin
may easily be prevented-and cured in their incipient sta
ges, but confirmed casei - are beyond the' possibility of a
'radical cure. No case of the kind,bowever, is so despe,
rate or hopeless but it May be alleviated by this liniment
and RS faithful application will always remove the lame
ness and enable the horses to travel with comparative
ease. -
. Every Horse Owner -• .
should,have this remedy at hind, for its timely use at the
first appearance of lameness will effctually prevent those
formidable diseases, to which all tomes are liable, and
which render eo many otherwise valuable horses nearly
DR. 141 W BET 9S
And thou found it truly
C A.13191.0N Z.
To a v oidvi impogitloia,obseriethe Sighatnreand,Likeneas
of Dr. Stephen Sweet ou @trery labs and also • Stephen
Sweet's Infallible Liniment" •hlownii} the glue* of each
bottle, without whiehrtone are genuine. . • -
ItICELAIIDSON litevrich,
• • MORGAN ihALLMit...Gerierol Agents.- •
aectioury • . Clirstreat New Yor k .
firl4 old by dealers
.eirsrywhare, .• • •
'• -371 it
.17) :SEN
E .
1t ....i., E ,.., P ., 0n 1 i: ,;E.11, : A. 7:5 A T irit7T1 7 ,131.:4,: 13 th0, : 1 : rt : p 0 rt N .c0r
Yo re rk id tr thi lb s tli reTo' i rt 4 . I
Solon°l- R T a h e e t t nen gl '; p th eiVi ti sti l ,A ed u i p u e t m lie ou N s e enn w
r lil e id f t e ;fi re kai;i nto ll tw esti :l .
o in ix el7:l 2,
g ►
woe' upon !dirt—Solt, its great Fertility—The.
- Canis .ofFertilitt- - -Moonlit of Crops Prodiced—
Itraitiosil , Evidence: . 1 ' • - . •
It is certainly,onoof the.moet extensive , fertile tracts
in an atmo4 leeel position, and 'suitable 'condition for
pleasant farming that we know of this eide of theavett
erit prairies., Ni c e found etane oi the °ldea farms appa
rently just atscrotitably peodnctive as first cleared
of forest it fty . or a huudred years Aso. . •_
The geologist would goon discover the cause of Os
continued fertillty. The whole country: is a Marine de- -
point.aud - all through the foil we fiud teideneeis of cal
careous substances, generally in' the, form of indulated
micarenne marl, showingmany dietinet forms of ancient
shelle,of the teatier,y, formation; aud this marly substance
is scattered all throagh the soil, in a' veer comminuted
ferns,• and in the °sag condition most easily assimilated
by such plugs as the farmer desiree to cultivate.
Atari, in 41 its forins has been used to fertilize crops in
England, form the time it WlltlllCCUpled .t . . 3, the Iloinatis ;
and in Prance and Germany a marl bed is counted on as
e valuable bed-of manute, that can be dug and meted
and spread over the field. llownauch more valuable then
it must be when feitind already mixed through, the boil, •
wherenew particles will be turned up 'and exposed, and
traneformed to the owuer's ines every time he stirs the
Baying then eatisfled otir minds with the cause, they
Will not be excited with, wonder at seeing . iiidtibitable
evidence of fertility of a soli, which in our' situations,
having the same general characteristics, or at least, ap
pearances, is entirely Inn:materials e except as its pro
ductiveness is promoted by its artificial fertilizat toil.
A few words about the quality and value of this land
for cultivation, of which we have RM. Slrollg proof.
Our first vieit was to , William D. Wilson, - in Frauklin
township,, doucester,county, who purchased spine eight
miles north of Millville; about three years ago, for the
purpose of establishing ashram mill, to work up the tim
ber into lumber, to send off by the new railroad, as well
its the fitewood and coal, for which he built a pack one
mile and a half long, Ile also furnished sixteen miles of
the road with tie., and had no doubt made the mill prof-
Balite, though his main object was to open a farm, hav
ing beconie convinced that the soil was very valuable for
cultivation. In this he has not•been disappointed, as
some of his crops prove. For instance, the second time
of cropping, 306 bushels of, potatoes on one a,cre, worth
611 eentsst bushel in the field. This near, seven acres;,
without manure, produced ;Cili bushels Cif 'bets. In one
field,tht first crop tits IlOtatOCS,pianted among the Not.,
and' yielded ',IS bushels. - The potatoes were diag; and
wheat sown, and yielded 16 bushels , ; and the stubble
Don't Forget,The Mace, . . turned under and sown to buckw heat which sieldedVs
_ ~..,..seesesseess• __•,.„ bushels; aniFthen the ground was Isom n to clover and
is tOO late to any good. That:lei-he timothy, which gave ae a first crop eV tons per acre.
Thu fertilizers applied•to these crops were first, ashes
le now-a-days. We are in Siegel's corps. like frOm clearings; ' second, 2•2.1 pounds-of superphosphate
is astonishing to go throug h this coun- ipi of lime ; third. '2OO pounds Peruvian guano; and then 30
-,1, b Ishels of slaked lime has been spread upon the eke, er
and see
,the soldieis that are here to, vn -met it was mowed, and turned in for' wheats
b all indicate his land as productive as
Wilson growing
raid the Capital. It would seem that x th"..,
re are soldiers enough here to flog the yh, alit part or the stile_
5 0 ,. 2 presentseason,
At Mary Barrow's, an old style Jersey woman farmer,
rid. Here you- can see forts as far as 'ail
- several miles south of Alr,'W neon's, tie were so Orme
tut con look or travel' just tp keep this lee tarty-struck with the fine appearance of a field of.corn,
--01 that we stopped to inquire ot the hired man how it was
ye place. The hills are white with tents fie produced. We found that the land had been the year but
one before in wheat, BOOM rail clover, and this cut one
t ifar as you Can see; but I tell you soh- ell season, and • last spring plowed once, with one " poor old
ers are down on this nigger business.— .
ley nag." and planted w ith corn.
i •• Yes. but you manured high. we suppose ?'' we said
ley swear they will never raise a gun to I interrogatlNely,. and got hie reply :
. - , 1 • Wall, sun see we t ouldn't done that; 'cause we
e a nirrger. The white residents here oh
es hadn't but forty-one horse loads altoeether, for 23 acres.
-fa) ut
Ire all skedaddled. You cannot see a
-ft. and we wanted the ast on't for the trunk."
ung Virginian here—they have ' all 0 The'truck consisted of beete carrot.. cabint,,e , e melons
cucumbers, Sc., and a very productive patch 'of Lima' •
me into the. rebel army. It is idle to sa y bean., grown for marketing. So we were eutiefiesi that
. the soil was not nnfertile, even nnahled by clover, which
it to' S th had fed the corn, because the "truck patehr had notheen
C on
_are •110 t Sl____nii,..... --1 . If 41 —„,.....,--- 1.
sTE „lowered, and had been ill cultivation Wig enough to ob
literate all signets!' the forest.
Our next visit waste the large farm of Andrew Sharp.
five mile. north of Millville, , rom half to a mile east of
the raj tread, andjust about isbthecentre cf Vineland.
The Passenger Trains of this CoMpany now run to , Mr. Sharp commenced work re iu December. 185 S, on
and fromsflingheantarn as follows rienancedreea.ndlninlecsrsotoh,anthtleireveenszaz
W he t h w a ttlf Zleroleadcarnesd
LEAVE BINGIINAITON at 0.45 a. in.; counecung at • s i • , rail
,' divided into severe fields, with cedar or pole fence;
, has built a two-story dwelling. about thirty-six or forty
iLI CRANTON with the Leckawanna ,k, Illoomehnre, Rail feet, and a smaller house for farm laborers; guide stable.
1,7 Road for Pittston, Wyoming_Valles, Kingston and . and ~r anary and sale other outbuilding..
Wilkes-Barre ; at , 1 Considerable part of the land was cleared for the plow
lIOPE. with the Belvidere Delawere Itsiilrond for Pllll- at $s an acre. and on some of it the first crop was buck
lipshurg, Trenton aud Philadelphia; end at wheat, limed with 50 letshels in powder'per acre. This
crop may be put in from July 4th to talth. and yields from
'UNCTION, with trains on the Central Railroad of N.
- to 30 per acre, harvested in November - when
el Jersey. for Elizabeth. Newark. and New York. Also - bushels
the land being•sow ed with 150 pounds of Peruviaii-guano
for glisten, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, and seeded .with rye, yielded 12 to 13 bushels Or acre and
Reading,and Harrisburg: arriving at $lO worth of straw: .The rye sthbhle turned, after cutting,
INEW York 5:30, Philad*_a 6:00 and Harrisburg S:O5 p.m. oda large growth, of oak sprouts, and dressed again with
alienband seededio wheat, gave 15 or 16 bushels. The
crop which he was threshing while we were there prom
lees more, of every plump grain, and the straw is very
We went over the stubble 'tied 'found the clever and
timothy, fronlseedsowetl last spring, on the wheat with
out harrowing, looking a well as we ever saw it upon
any old cultivated farm, and with,a little work done in •
the winter to clear off some root. apdrotten etumps, and
setting stekes to hark permanent Once, we will be able
to cut the crop next yiar Wi b a mowing Machine and we
will gut trantee two tons per acre, if he will get e the over
phis if it overrnng the estimate. -
Part of the land was planted with potatoes -for a first'
crop, whiehaieldsal 120 bushels per acre. It was then
limed with fifty bushels per acre; and heeded with wheat
and clover, 'yielding 'an average of over 13 bushels per
acre, and the clover now lonize beautiful.
Other port ions have been planted with corn as a first
crop, which 'yielded 30 bushels of yellow (lint corn, and a
second crop 40 bashele, and a third crop, treated to 150
pounds of guano, we are sure no one would estimate less
than 40 bushels per acre.
the writer
'erhe reader will recollect the 'writer is now speaking
of lands perfectly new, and which can scarcely be con
sidered in good arable condition.] • = ,
In other cases the corn crop of last year was followed
with °Mathis season, not yet threshed, 'hut will average
probably 40 or 50 bushels. Sweet potatoes, beans, mel
ons, and in fact, all vegetable., as well WA young peach
and otherdruit trees planted this year. show very plainly
that this long neglected tract of land should remain so no
longer; and there is now a strong probability that it will'
not; for under the auspices of Mr. Landis, it will be cut'
into small lots, with' roads located to accommodate• elf—
the eurveyor is now busy nt, this work—and all purchasers
will be required to build neat, comfortable housbe, etnd
either fence their lots In uniformity, or auee tolive with
out a fence; which would lie preferable, by which means
a good population will be secured who wilrestablish
churches, scheme”. stores, mills, machine shops,; and
homes—homes of American farmers, surrounded by gar
dens, orchards, fields and comforts of civilized life.
If any one, from a derangerifent of business, desirelt to•
change his purenits foe life,•or who is from any cause
desirous to find a new location and cheap home in the
country, and who may read and believe what we have
truly stated, be will do well to go•and sector himself what
maybe seen within a two bouts *ride of Philadelphia.
Armed With - -;iiiickaatti
. • • • , .-r
33.41:T1C0MN 23XLCOES7
v i va tv
eran4r rasvisetem,
Ana with a plentiful supply We have purchased a largo
stock'of • " , .
• q.a. 0 C ERI E Al PRIO VISION S,
COAL OIL, and . LAMPS, ..
PAINTS AN D 01L5,.._ •
And 50,000 other articles too ntuneroas to meution,Which
will be sold at prices that will •
nffif Competition.
L . . .
EAEW:Yol3ii..fopt of ConitLand-et, at S:00 a.m.;
VE. fi
Pi:lliad's% foet.of Wahaut,st, at t a.m., connecting, at.
'TON. with Lackawanna ..t Bloonisbarg R. R. for
Pit tston..W . yomingValley,,Kitigi4ton anti Wilkesbnrre
add 'arrive at Binghamton 7:20p..m.. connecting with.
Night Exprest3- West on the Erie Railway; and trains
leaving• Binghamton next morning for Cortland, Ho
mer and Synicuse.
O' This Road Passesthro* the Lac:ltasca:ma Coal-Field,
-and the Celebrated Delaware Water Gan!
Leaves Scranton for Great Bend at 9:50 a. m., conneet4 ,
- at that place with Day Express West 'on the ERIE
Railway. and thus forming a direct connection with
• Trains on the.Ding,hamt on &>Syracnie Railroad:
Retnrning leaves great Bend at 2:10.p. m., 110 arrives at
- Scranton 6:30 p. m. • -
JOHN BRISKLY, Superintendent
R. A. TIRNRY, Gen. Ticket Agt. [Scranton, Pa.
CIANGE of hourq, commencing Montay, .Tlin. sth,
IA3. Trains willleave Great Bend, Pi., atabont the
following hours viz :.. , .
. .
'l. Buffalo Express,3:oo pm 2, N.Y. Express. 12.:03 p.m
3, Ni ht Express, 1:45 a.m 4, Night Expres, 3:02 a.m
5. Mail. at 4:43 p.m 6, Steamboat " 8:15 p.m
11, Way Freight, 12:23 p.m 20, Way Freight, 10:05 a.m
'2l, Accomodation, 7:42 a.m
Nos. 3 and 4 run every day;
does not Tun Mondays. No.
to Buffalo, but does not rani
overnight at Elmira. Cl
bAtiMontrose,Pa. -
Wm: IL"HATCH, Proprietor.
THIS new and commodious Hotel is situated on Public ,
Avenue, near the Court 'tense, and nearly in centre
of the business portion of Xontrose. The Proprietor is
confident that he is prepared to ent ertain,g nests in ti way
that cannot fail to. , „ive ENTIRE SATISFACTION.
The Hotel and Furniture am new, and no 'expense hag
been spared tp render It equal if not 6npezior to ttny In
this part oftha State. It is well supplied with all recent
improreme,nta.and comforts', aud-obliging - kmiters will
alWays be ready to respond to the call of customers.
The Stables connected with this house are new aryd
The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patronage of
his old friends, travellers, and the public generally.
jaiii63 tf , • WM. K. HATCH.
. •
. Just'Published, in a Sealed Enteloji ;Price S 4 Cents.
A LECTURE on tne nature, treatment and.radical cure
lik.' of spermatorrlitea or seminal weakness, invoice tarp
emiSsions, sexual debility, and impedfinenis to marriage
generally. nervousness, consumption, epilepsy and rts ;
meptal and physical incapacityy. resnitinarom,selfabuse,
&c.rffy ll,0137:1: CULVERNW..LL.,II. D. author of the
Green 800 , dm. - - ' -, -. • . • t • •
. The worl •renowned author, in this admirable leiture
Icearly Pro es from his own-experience that the awful
consequence's of self-abuse may be iff3ctually removed
without medicine. and without dangerous surgical oper
ations, bungles, instrciments, rings,.or cordlabi s pointlno
out amode of cure, at once certain end effectual, by which
every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be,-ran
cure himself cheapl y , privately, and radically. - This lec
ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.
Sent rimier seal, in a plain envelope, to q i pyaddress. on
the receipt of six cents, or two postage . stamps. by ad-,
dressing. ' - - Dn. CHAS..I , , C, KLINE,. -
_ novllsllcql 124 Ilowery;N. Y., Post Ottloe 80z.4584
tiwaicise:eandlee, larnir 0f14,e.
• • :
. .
No. 6 tuns Sundays, but
- _ - of Saturdays . runs thro'
to Dunkirk;; N0..5 renatni,
11A.'S-.311N0:1', Gen. Supt.
kJN and • after Dec. 11i 1862, PaaEenger Tralne
' run ••as follows i•
. • - 'Passenger. Accom.
Leave Scranton;at 7.00 a. m. .11.00 a. in
• •• Kingston. at 8.40 Arrive 5.40 p,m
" Rupert. at_ll.oo ' 7.RO'
". Panville,ll.4B a. m. 8.20 "
Arrive at liorthumberland, '12.20._ .. 0.20 "
. •
- • . . 'MOVING NORTH.
Leave Northumberland 6.53 p. m.. 0:45
" Danville, • 6.00 • 8.00
npez:t,, • 0.3., 0.30 •
• •" • Ki ngston, - 8.45 1.45
Arrive at Scranton,. : 10.00:p. M. 3.40
A paisenger train alsolcarus Eringston at 8.20 a. m. for
Scranton to connect with train for New York.. . , Retun
ing, ictives Scranton on,arriyal o 1 train from New York;
at 4.15 p. m. • • • - , •
• The Lackalmanna and Bloornsbarg Railroad . connects
with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad
at Scranton, for New York and intended late points east.
'At •Thipert, it connects with Catamissii Railroad. for
& mints both east mid west. 7 -arriving at Philadelphia at
A t Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia
and, and • dorthcrn 'Central -Railroad, for points
west and south—Passengers arriving, at Harrisburg at
4.60 p. m.a ,
D. WELLS, Gen: Ticket Agent. • - •
.. ~.•
• 8.11.. rettinigill . V., Co. - •
NO. 37 PARK ROV4,ltiew York; and 6 State Street,
Bostbn, are our agente,for•the Montrose Democrat in
thode cities, end are antkorized to take &dye:thermal
andisubeeriptions hirue At our lowest rates. ' •
New Settleinent it. Vineland.
Nre Opportunity in the .it Market, and mM
Delightful and ljealthful tlimate in the ita
ion. Only thirty miles south of Phila.
delphias on a railroad; being e,
rich, heal/ soil; and highly '
productive' Wheatland; Amongst
the best in the Garden State of New Jersey.
IT CONSISTS of 20,000 acres of GOOD land, ,dfilded
into barns of different sizes to snit the purchaser
from 20 tiered and upwards—and is -sold at the rate of
from fifteen to twenty-dollars per acre for the farm Lad.
payable one-fourth cash, and the balance by , quarter
yearly installments, — frith legal .interest, within the tern
of four years.
TAE Sialara . . .
IN in great part, a rich clay roam, suitable - for Wheat
Grass and Potatoes—also a dark and rich sand* loam
.suitable for corn, sweet potatoes, tobacco, an kinds of
vegetables and rooteropti, and the great variety of trait, - .
such as; grapes, • pears. peaches, apricots, nectarines
blackberries; melons and olher fruits. best adapted to -
the Philadelphia and 'New•York markets. In res,pettliti
the soil and crops _there can be 11”:1 mistake, as visitors .
can examine both, and none are expected to buy before
go doing, awl finding these statements correct—wide*
these cirennistances, =less these' statements were col.:met,
met, there would be 'no use In their being made. ' It is
considerial •
The beat FinjtSoil in the Union. •
f . Seo rport orSolon Robinson, gag.; of the New York •
Tribune , and the well-knoWn agriculturist, Wittisaa p ar .
ry of Cinnt 'Mason, New .terneY, :which wilt he fan.
, i
inhed Inquirers.] • •
Dy lodking over a map the reader will perceive that , it'
enjoys the best market in.the Union, and has-direct tom
munication with New York and Philadelphia twice a
day, being only thirty-two miles from the latter. Pro
duce in this market bilngs double the . price • that it , •
does in lotations distant from the cities. In this loca
tion it can be put into the market thneame morning it is
gathered, and for what the farmer sena he gets the'high
est pried; whilst groceries and other articles be purchas- •
es he 'gets at the lowest price. In - the west t what he
sellshringti him a pittance, bettor what be buys he pays
two prices. In locating here-the settler has many , otb:
er advantages. Bests within- a few hours, by railroad. ef
all the great eines" of New En„ land 'and the middle ,
states. • Ile is near his old friends and aesociatioalt. He
has school for his children, divine service. and all the
advantages-of civilization, and he is near a large city.
is delightful ; the winters, being salubrious and open,
i Whilst the summers are no warmer than in 'the North.
The location is upon the line of latitude with imethern
Persons wanting a change of climfite for health, would
be much benefitted in Vineland. The mildness of the
climate andlts bracing influence, makes it excellent for
all pulmonary affeetions:dyspeps is, or.general debility
Visitors-will notice a differenco, in a few days.; Chill
and fevers are unknown.
Conveniences at .Sand.
Building. material is plenty.. Fish and oysters an
plentiful and cheap.
Visitors must expect, howeve., to see a new place. ,
Why thO Property has notbeen Settled be.." "‘
This onestion the reader naturally asks.' It le be
rause it has been held in large tracts by families not die
posed to sell. and being , without railroad facilities they.
had Tew inducements. The railroad has just been open- •
ed through the property this season, for the first time,
Visitors are shbwn over the land in a carriage,.'free of
expense, and afforded time and opportunity for thorn'
investigatiOn. Those who colitewith a view to' settle,
should bring money to secure their parchases.r loca
tions are'not held upon refusal.
The safest thing in hard times, where people - Mee been
thrown.. out of employment. or business. and possess
•some little means or,small incomes, is to start them.-
selves a home. They can buy a piece of land 'at IL small
price, and earn more than wages In Improving it, and -
when-it is done It is a certain independence and no ides.
A few acres in fruit trees will secure a comfortable
living. 'The land is put down to hard time lakes, and
all the Improvements can be made at a .cheaper rate
timu most any other time. . • •
The whole tract. 'with six miles front on the railroad,
isbeing laid out with One and spacious neenneeovith a
town in the centre—five acre lots -in the town sell at
from $l5O to $2OO r.tico and a half acre lots. at:from $BO
to - $l2O. and town lots 50-feet front by 150 feet deep. at
sloo—payable one half in cash and the balanee•,within. a •
year.' It' is only upon farms of twenty acres; Or more;
that four years tithe is given. • • •
To Manufactnrers;the town affords A fine opportunity
for the Shoe manufacturing business, and other articles.
being near Philadelphia. and the surrounding country
bassu largo population; which affords a good market.
This settlement, in the courseof sevelal years, will be
one of the most beautiful places , in the country,and most
agreeable for to residence. .
It is intended to make it a Vine and Fruit growing
country, as this culture is the 41post profitable and tlie
best adapted to the market. Every advantage and con.
venience for the settlers will b introduced :which will , '
insure the prosperity of the. lace. The hard times
throughout the country willn advantage to the set
tlement as it compels people , esort to agriculture for
a living., ; • "
. •
. Large numbers of .people aro 'purchasing, and people
who - desire the best location, should visit the place at
Improved,land' is also for sale. • .
TIMBER.—Land can be bought with or without tl,
ber. The timber at market
, valuation. •
The' title" is indisputable. Warrantee deeds given,
clear Of all inctimbrance, when the money is paid. '
Boarding conveniences at hand. •,-
Letters promptly answered,!and reports of Solon Bolt
inson,and \Vm. Parrreent. together with the" Vineland
Route: to the land :—Leave Walnutstreet wharf, Phil&
delphia. at 9 o'clock. A. K., and 4 P, M., (unless there
should be a chanettbf hour;) for Vineland, on the Glass!
born' and Millville Ilnilioad. 'When you-leave the can
at Vineland Atittion)just opened, inquire for
CHAS. K. LANDIS; Postmaster.
Founder Of the Colony. .
VINELANb P. 0,, Cumberland County, N.J.'
P. 5.-4 There is a changeof cars at Glassboro'. Also,
beware of sharpen ow the cars from New York and Phil.
adelphia to Vineland, inquiring your business, destine:
ion, fie. t -
Jan: 1,1863,44 m.
ditto; kvde
S. E. corner 7th Vhestnntiots, -
3P'.1137.1.a..21.73331.0PECE. 9 4 11r. 5y : '
This is one of the TEN Colleges constituting the Na
tional Chain. located :in Philadelphia, New York City,
Brooklyn, ;Albany, Troy; Buffalo, , Cleveland, Detroit.
Chicago. and St. Louie. - ' • •
• Scholarships issued by any one of,tbese Colleges are
good for an unlimited time.. • r
The Collegiate Goatee,
Embraces Book-keeping for every Variety of business, in
its most atlproved forms,—Penmatiship , the celebrated
Spencbrian system, 7 4..'ounnercial Calculations, Cofamer
, cial Law., Business correspondence, Arithmetic,Lectures.
'The - se - Institutions possess & national reputation, and
• guarantee greater facilities for proparaing young men for
the duties of the counting house, and business generally, •
than any other similaraichoOls in the country. •
The Philadelphia College, -
MIS been recently enlarged snare" -tarnished in a ape
rior manner, and is now the largest and most prosperous .
Commercial'lnstitntion in the State. Its well known
thorough course of instruction, the long praoticaLexPeri , '
once of the Prlncipals,itnd superier accommodations,offer •
unequalled inducements to young-men who wish
quire the best preparation, and the best tntioductiottie
the bllBlllCtita world. r.
Diplomas awarded, and graduates rree(MMUlMided
business' men.. • .
TEXT Boole.—Bryant 'Stratton ' s Book,
Keeping, three editions,—Common school, ptt • ce. TS ets:,
High dclkool, $1,15, and Counting liottse,--Dryint and
Stratton Commetcial Arithmetic, SIM--Bryant• & B'4
Cothmercial Law; PAO.' An of these . 'books sent by
mail, on receipt of price.
for our catalogue, con TAT cortienlarsi
and note carefully the -Rt'l_ ar../ of the4s
Colleges over allothers. Ad •
deolYPw2o . • Yr. ' Philadelptda.
_IC Dame, , see advertiortent of Vinland iu SP° ll.l
column: •
, s.