The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 24, 1863, Image 3

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• —The season of Lent ebtammeifeed
yesierday, f.ksh :Wednesday.)
The latekt accounts fir -Vicksburg
state that the:new Monitor . gunboat In
dianola ran thit rebel batteries in safety
last Fridal night.
—SenatOr 'McDOngall : dragged the
foreign - War question into' the debate on
theylili. On the bill to authorize the
- President to issue letters of marque and
-reprisal, and declared :that ere. Cong'res's
met again we should be involved in war
With some-foreign power.
_ '.--The contraband traffic between the
rebels in Maryland and Virginia, which
• fora long time hai-been going on, knd by
'Which large quantities of • goods have
found their way across the Potomac,, near.
the peninsula extremity, between the
Potomat. and Rappahannock,to Richmond,
has been broken up. -
—The amendment kncmvn as the Willey
inserted by Congress, in tne
'neNV constitlittioti ,of the new State .of
West:Virgh4a, - was - Unanimously ratified
to-day by the Q o nstitntional ConVention.
There is ::no doubt that it will be over
whelmingly ratified. The amendment
provides for gradual emancipation, com
'mehcing July 4th. next.
—The annual State Election • Will: be
held in New Hampshire: on the second
Tuesday in March ; and in COnnecticut
on the first Monday in April.. A GOvern-'
,or, Members of Congress, and Members
of the respective State Legislatures,. are 1
to be chosen in each State. The results `i
willsbe looked' for with intense interest
' thoroughout 'the country. •
—t-Rear-Abiuiraf Porter writes to the
Navy Department:that the rebel steamer
Vicksburg was so badly injured that she
is kept afloat by a :coal barge d being
tached to her, and the rebels are taking'
the machinery out of her. :This is the
largest of the five rebel steamers destroyed
by our fleet. „
Beauregard has issued :a pro
clamation of the people to Charleston and,
SaVannab; calling upon all persons unable
to'fight to withdraw from• those cities, as
the movements of the federal forces indi
cate an early land and naval attack on the
said cities. It is miderstood the 20th
was fixed upon as the time for the attack.
A - dispatch from
_Boston-reports that
the brig Chastelaine, or that city, was
burnt b?the Alabama on the 27th ult., off
Altevela Rock, near St. Poniingo. Eight
hundred bollars in , zold Were on. board.—
The crew were landed at St. Domingo
City. The, Alabama' also captured and
burnt on the 26th ult., oirCapt Zebinn,
~the bark Golden Rule, from New York
• fir AspinWali. The schooper, sliaitover,
from :Boston for. Aux Cayes,. was captured
by a privateer—supposed -to be the
Retribution—.on the 31st ult., ofFElayti.---L
The crew were safely landed:
• •L-Herrick-Allen's Gold Medal Saleratui
is as healthy as the purest flour; will prove
a great saving in that article ;is peculiarly
adapted ,to benefit weak stomachs and
dyn3eptii; persons; is much more healthy
and.econmical than baking powders, and
greatly preferred to soda to use with cream
tartar. Grocers may say they have as
good. They are mistaken. It is the best
in - the world. • Try it. Most of the Gro.
cars have it. Have the :Gold Medal pr
—Report's= from the interior of Ken
tucicy state that Morgan, at the head of a
large force, is returning, with the detertni
'nation of reaching the Ohio river. Gen.
Granger, who arrived: at Cincinnati on,
Monday .from Louisville, credits_ -the re
port that he is coming, but expresses,con
fidence in the ability of the federal. troops
to drive him back.
—General Grant- has issued an order
from his headquarters requiring all the
bars on-all the boats in the government
service in his department so be cloied,
and no spiritous, vineous or Malt liquors
will be allowed to be sold on the boats'or
in the camps: Card playing and gaming
is also4strictly_probibited.
• —The Connecticut Democratic State
Convention ' met, at Hartford recently,
and nominated Hon. Thomas H. Seymour
for govern6r. Mr. Seymour was , our
-minister to Russia during President
Pierg,e's administration, and was an nn
• successful candidate for governor of-Con
,nectictlt two years since. His opponent
is Gov. Buckingham, the present incum
- . —The Illinois Legislature finally ad
journed SatUrday. The Democratic peace
resolutions passed • the Ilouse,r - but were
prevented from passing the Senate by the
witlaarawal,of enough Republicansto de
prive' the Senate of a quorum ; so that
when this body came to take' action upon ,
them 'there were not sufficient members I
present to constitute a legal body.
—William'Dormony 'and Charles Clark
of Battery- H, First Pennsylvania- Artil
lery; now at Fortress Monroe, have been
found guilty, by court-martial, bfmuader,
in haling killed., near, Yotktown,-.Kezekiah
Stoker, of York county, Va., last summer.
The of the Court has. been up:
proved by the PA•esident, and they mill be
hung at such time. and place as ma l y be
selected by Gen. Dix. AT,
. .
_The = National thirrenCf.Bill. •
t The "act to e ana povi 'a t• tonal currency,
to provide for the circulation and re-.
demption•thereof,",which passed the Sen
ate Februaryl2, providesfor the estab:
lishment of a. separate bureau in the
Treasury Departhaent -charged with• the
execution of this and all laws appertain
ing to a 'national; currency secured by
United States bonds, the head of which
shall be known as the Comptroller of the
Associations for narrying' on the; busi
ness of banking may be f•Fmed by any
number 'of persons,'—not less; in any case;
than five. The capital stock ofeach shall
not, be lesa than $50,000, and in cities
NhOse popillation ' is over ( ten thousand
pqri3ons, • not less than $10,0`,000. At least
thirty percent= of the capital stock shill
be paid in it the time of the commence
ment of the association's banking busi.
mess, and the remainder in itistallments,O
ten per centum eachon .the whole amount
at the end of very ten { months succeding.
The association being formed, May retain
its namesfor twenty years, increasing - its
capital from time to time, and regulatin
its ; own affairs throughout, subject to the
-approval of the Comptroller of the Cur-1
rency. The shares of all associations
formed under the act shall be deemed per
sonal property, each shareholdef:being li
able to the whole aniount, at their par
value, of the shares held by him in addi
tion to the amount invested in such shares.
Everpassociation, after having compli
ed with the- preliminary provisions of the
act, shall transfer and deliver to the, U.
S. bqnds,learniOnterest to' an amount
not less than one-third of the capital
stoclepaid in, in return for ' Mel the as
sociation shall be- entitled to deceive front
the oniptrollerbf- the Treasury circulat
ingi dies cif different deno inations in
brank, - equali to ninety perce - turn Of the
ccgre i nt , matket value of •st e bonds so
t )
transferred, but not exceed ng the par.(,
value there f, if bearing interest at the
rate of six er centum, or f equivalent I f
Ignited Stat s - bonds bearing less rate Of
interest., The entire amount f circulating
notes to be issue&under the ct shalli s not
exceed threehundred millions of dollars, 1
to be- apportioned to associations in the
States, )istrict of 'Columbia, and the-ter
ritories,, I
according to repreie tative pope- 1
lation, banking, c i Apital, reson ces and int- 1
- siness. Thu notes -used will e -newly en-l i
'graved, of the denomination of five, ten,
twenty, fift4!, one 'hundred, ve hundred,
and one tho asand dollars, an shall express
on their face that they are s .eured by U
nited States bonds, and also the promise
of the ass cil i ttion receivin, and issuing '
them to pa on demand. defray the
expenses, i curred in executipg the movie
ions of the ctevery associatton orgabized .
under it is eqnired to pay oUe per gent.
on 'the am unt of 'circulatinet notes rOeiv
ed semi-an ually.
Banking ,associations not., rganized nn
der, the fo egoing provisions may issue
notes: sign i d as usual, on ''apndition that
they Imake a true and accurate semi
annual return to the-Comptroller of the
amount and condition of notes issued by
it, in default, cif-which, such association
shall pay to the United States a penalty
of 'two per centum upOn its entire capital
stocky f
Since the abbve was put in type, the
bill has also passed the House.,
The Vicksburg Cut-Oft , 1
- By the Tigress winch arrived from be- -
low this Morning, we have advices fro
Vicksburg to monday afternoon. T
wort: on the canal ,is still in progress,
and the hope is - indulged that it will be
deepened - and cutout so as to be made pf
practical utility': Large dredges *plat
1 ,
Louisville were soon expected thereto s
sist ;in the digging. Another' inlet r
Mouth is-being cut -directly in a line wi a
tilie current ofThe river, and the whole ca
real widened anddeepened. Active, op:
perations are not likely to be commenced -
for Some time. It
. is supposed that the
depthis tot, m e the -anal of
deptbtO allow o the passage of gunboats
and transports t rough, when the battery
at ViCksburg; mmanding the mouth of
-the cans), will - b silenced, and the whole
fleet proceed- toco-opOrate with Banks
in the attack) upon Port Hudson which
it is belieYedicani. be easily carried by an
attack from the north. 1 The combined
forces will then attack Vicksburg, land
ing the troops at a pint 'south of the
.city;. cutting off their 2counication with
Jackson, and attacking them in nearly '
,an opposite ' direction from that made by
Gen. Sherman. The ram Queen of, the
West wasstill at the food,
of the canal.
It will be recollected, that. the Queen failed
to make the attempti to go past -Port-Hud
son only because she was afraid her fuel.
I would give out.. Since then our forces
have succeeded in-running down a barge
of coal past the batteries, Bich will ena-
I ble the Queen to move herever she
pleases. - .
' The sickness of the troops was- princi
pally confined to those whd were in the
former expedition up the yazoo: . Their
health is much improved, ind altogether
affairs are wearing a niore flattering as
pect-. Tie fleet of transports is still at
Youngs Point. 7 —Memy/4.1 ißulletin. Feb
ruin l'
J.. R. ddings:oairowly
burned toj death 14t week.
virraaos ix -Bataysoas.—Rev. - aohn
H. Dashiellrof.Baltimore; Was arrested on
Sunda,Yander - circumstances.. that reflect
nal credit on Gen.Schenck or his provost
marshal Maj. W. S. Flab,: Mr Dashiell
is a school teacher in Baltimore, and the
roam in tvlriOjie.holds his school is used
for religious worship-ta Sundays by .a
Methodist Episcopal congregatiOn. Last"
Saturday night some persons' fastened o
ver the door leading to the room aynited
States flag, and secured \it to a window
above so that the latter could not be ci.
pen ed. About 9 o'clock Sunday morning
Mr. Daahiell went to the room, and notic
ing the flag,.remoVed it, as he had a right
to do, it having been placed On his prem
ises without his consent. In some way
the matter was neised abroad, and. Mr.
Dashiell was promptly arrested, with or
ders to allow no ode to-communicate With
him. The question for Gen. Schenek's
decision is a very simple one, viz, whether
a person is liable to arrest for removing
from his owa house any flag or other-em
blem that irresponsible persons may see
fit to place upon it. - .
—One of -the results' or ouiMurfrees
boro! victory was the ovtureoflthe con
federate tannery in that city, embracing
.a vast amount of hides and partly tanned
leather, sheep
. pelts,.. etc, amounting to
some 700,1)00 pitices and worth niore than
Donation.—The friends of Eld. H.
Kingsbury and Lady, recently made them
a -visit, is which they manifested their
kindness by leaving in • their possession a
nice sum of money and various articles,
for which they desire to express their
thanks. . • ,
.voi, prepares the mind for- study, anti v
doors the school foom,with some of i
most delightful associations: -
XTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, an
i IA Auditor appointed by the Orphan's!Court ol'Suscine•
' henna County to make distribution of the fends in the
hands of the Administraor of Samuel Benjamin decd,
will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday,
the 20th day of M•wch next, at his office in Montrose, at
'onc o'clock in the afternoon; at which time and place
an persons interested will present their claims or he fur
, ever debarred from coming in.upon said fund .
Speech of Henry Olak of Kentuck3 - - F. 11: STRIGII7I2, Auditor.
• Feb. 14. 1 / 3 63. •
f '
- •
Delivered in the United States genate, Febrnary rvi Auditor's Notice. s
47--- NOTICE ie hereby given that the undersigned an And-
HE DECLARES THE 'LIBERTY- OF THE NNikit itor appointed by the court of Common Pleas to
make diatrilmtion of the fundatn the hands of the Sher-
IN THE UNITED STATES INCOMPATIIL in; krising from the sale of the real estate of Patrick .
Smullin, will attend to-the duties of his appointment at
WITH WHAT OF THE WHITES. - the °Mee of F. B. Streeter, Esq., in Montrose. on Fri
day -the 20th day of March; 1863, at 1 o'clock , P. M. at
wiith tune and place all Persons interested will present
the claims or be forever debarred from cording in upon
said fund. . A. 0. WARREN, 'Auditor.
Montrose, Feb. 16, 1863.
- D 4 - •
In Jessup, Feb. 18tb, 1863,11 r. Eld. H.
11. Gray, Mr. .Amos B. KENT, of Bridge-
water, and MARY C. STUART, of Jessup.
In Bridgewater, Jan. 4th. of congestion
Wthe. lungs, GEQRGE . MAHLONi son of
illiam-and Susan Fancher, aged b years
and 4 Months.-
Dearest Mahlon, thou bast left us,
And your loss we deeply feel;
But 'tis God that bath bereft us—
He can all our sorrows heal. [Com.
In Gibson; Feb. 9th., HsTr= 0. young
est child of Edwin F. and Olive S. Clin
ton, aged 1 year and 8 months.
Death has been here and borne - away,
. A loved one from our side;
Just in the morning of her day,
Our little Hattie died.
When spring-time comes with bird and
And we view that little grave,
There's still one lingering tho't to cheer,
She's gone to God who gave.
"She came a visitant to earth,
A cherub child of mortal birth,
But angels called her home again.
• And stricken hearts have sobbed—
Amen. [Com.
Morrnose, Faa. 20th, 1863.
WE would respectfully once more ask our friends
•TV and customers to come forward ind settle with us,
as we have got tired sending letters to them. We must
have pay for the_ Goods we have sold over three months
ago, ai we cannot purchase Goods without cash in band
now. Those who will not take notice , of this request,
must not think 'hard if we Make them cost. We will re
' wive -Grain of those who have no money; and if no
Grain, we will take Notes..with interest. & settlement
ive, must have, either in the Store or before a 'Justice.—
We are in earnest. -
VWOULD heieby inform my Many business . friends
and the general public—who have so generously stir
tained and patronised me for the last three years, that.on
Thursday. Friday arid Saturday, the 26th. 27th and 18th
of the present month, my - place of business at theold
stand," Read of Navigation," will be closed, Preparato
-7713 removing to the Large and Splendid Brick Store,
now occupied by Mr. J. R. DeWitt, one door from the
Banking house of Wm.. 11. Cooper rt Co. ; where on thi
2nd • day of March, I shaß be ready and most happyto
serve them as heretofore: With sincere and heartfelt
thankslor the many past favors, and hoping for a confin
write of the same, I am most resrieetfutiv,
'Mr O. TYLER has specified interests with us,
1,X11.. the same as with our predecessors, MOONEY,
ccniu; k co..3lEtaxviwata-co d! ChuLtis
1.3r3s pester', anti would be happy to see hie old
friends, or receive their orders, which we will execute in
the very best manner in his absenee.
23 Park Row, N.Y.
Jaz. let, 1868.
Grateful for past favors. the subscriber wotild most
respectfully esillhe attention of all prompt . paging Mer
chants and Traders, to the above notice. Orden, 'for
Hardware' will - be received here, and forwirded ap--
provedy) except during the months of April. May, Sept.
and Oct. During those months he will be most happy to
ees - ttis friends andnerinlikental. A lllPartritow. 11.
Moats; e e, lreb,1 epoeitan ; len. yi C. TYLER.
Tlh '
eeaped being
AL •CAL3FI.7a.
N - CoT.ICM.
11118Q 9 8 oonsmr
S. S. HARTIVELLiB.A. Pridcipal,
Experienced IC . Oompetent Instructors.
The Winter , Term commences on Mon-
day, March' 2nd, 18.68.
English, trim =ft to 600
Latin, Greek and (ierman, , each " 400
Frenc 3 h! "
English, with one is 6 00 0
bill for the aboTridies shag sawed .9 00
Mode on the Piano 8 00
Use of Instrument. •
2 00
No deduction for absence except in cues of protracted.
illness. or by special agreement. '
Board can be obtained from OA to 112,50 per week."
Pupils wishing to board themselves can find gbird
rooms at moderate charges. rorfhrther pazte*Tll
dressthe Principal. &Montrose, Pa.
WM, JESSUP. Prison:
e. F. READ; Seery. •
Feb. 17, 1862. • tf • '
T sirine of an order of the Orphan's Court of Starve-
Jur henna County, I will expose to sale - on the prenthr
es. In Franklin township, in said county, on
Tuesday, the.l.oth day oTMarch s 1863 ,
at 1 o'clock. P. Bt.. the following reel estate, (late of Wm,
Powley, dec'd) situate in the township and county afore
said: 'Beginning at a stake on the north line of lot No.
137 owned by Titus Smith, 736' west, Routh 28 elmine
and 24 link, to ,a stake; thence north 69X• west, 17
chains and 25.1 inks to a stake on the .west - lineiof said
lot;. North 36' east 21 chains and 51 links to a Stake in
the brook placed there fur a corner; thence south 893'6'
east 5 chains 41 links to a small birch tree ; thence north
X• east, 7 chains and 43 links to a stake in the highwaY:
thence south 89)C east 14 chains and 59 links, to the
place of beginning; containing 50 seree r more orless,
with the appurtenances.
TERMS.—S2S on the day of sale ; one half the balance
en final confirmation ; end the remainder In one year
thereafter, with interest. ,
Franklin, Feb. 17,1861. JANE POWLET,
Auditor's Notice.
Courts -of Appeal.
'PILE COMMISSIONERS of Susquehanna County have'
Axed upon the following days and dates respectively
for hearing Appeals from the Assessm ent
_ for 1863, at the
Commissioners' Office in Montrose, t 6 wit :
Monday, February 23d. 1603. for Apolaeoa . Choconut,
Briendle. Forest Lake, Little Meadows and Middle
Tuesday, Feb. 54th. for Franklin, Liberty andallver
Wednesday, Feb. 25th, for Auburn, Jessup and Rush.
Thursday, Feb. Nth, for Maack, Lathrop and Spring
Friday, Feb. 27th. for Great Bend and Borough, New
Milford and Borough.
Monday, March 211, for Harmony, Oakland and Susq'a
Tuesday, March 3d, for Ararat, Jackson and Thomson.
Wednesday, March 4th, for Clifford, Dundaff 1 Lenox.
Thursday. March sth, for Gibso'n, Harford and Herrick.
Friday, March 6th, for Montrose, Bridgewater and
Brooklyn. .
By order of the Commissioners...
a .
Wht ,A. CROSSMON. Clerk.
Criers Office, Mdutrose, Feb. 5,1865. • 4t
. • •
Administrator's Notice.'
NOTICE is hereby given to all pees Ons having de.
wands against the estate of SE'WEL CORBITT,
late of Broome county. N. Y., deceased, that the same
must be presented to the undersigned for arrangement,
and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment.
Montrose, Feb. 4, 1863. C. L. BROWN, Adm'r.
Administrators' Notice.
LL persons indebted to thc estate of MATHEW DUN.
A. MORE, late of Rush, deceased, are herby requested
to make immediate payment, and all persons having
claims against said estate, will present *Min forthwith
to the undersigned for settlement.
• SARAH 'DUNMORE, Rush,' t Administrators.
0. S. BEEBE, Bridgewater,
Feb. 10th,.1863.-4w.
FARM Foil sit ", .
HE subscriber offers for sale slot of land in Harford.
containing about 114 acres, belonging to the estate
of N. W. WALDRON. dec'd, and known as the Lake Lot.
lying on the road leading from Rarford Village to Ira
Carpenter's, and about one half mile from the
About 20 acres improved. and well adapted to m,aeli
good farm._
Price and terms of payment can be ascertained by call
ing on the subscriber. •
P. CARPENTER, Adm'r, de bouts non.
Estate of N. W. Waldron; dec'd.
Feb. 3,. e4w
Now offers for baleen. of the largest mil bestselections
Bveroffered in Susquehanna County, and probably corn
-prising the greatest variety or most different articles of
Any Store in the Northern part of Pennsylvania, and per
'haps. of the entire State. An assortment is kept in
about thirty different branehes of trade, and the selec
tions are made from about forty of the best Houses in
New York, and more than -fifty Dealers and Manufac
turers out of New York. A' large proportion of the
Goods are brought direct from the manufacturers, thus
insuring genuine articles. Customeri on entering the
Store must not expect to find everything in eight, but
nearly every article wanted will be proinced by Inquiry.
Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the following
general outline t butenumeration is impracticable,
Drigs and Medicines, Paints and Oils. Dye Stuffs.
Groceries. Liquors, 'Crockery, Glass Ware, ' Wall . and
Window Paper. Jewelry, Silver Ware,Perhuiery, Eancy
Goods, Musical Instruments, Brushes, American Pocket
Knives, Table Cutlery and. Silver Plated Ware, Lamps
Materials for Lights, Hardware, Bed Cords,Stone Were,
Dry Goods. Mirrors, Window Glass. Lithographs. Var
nishes, Bird Cages, Spectacles. •Whips, and Lashes,
Brooms. Guns. Pistols,Ammunition, Tobacco', Medi
cal and Surgical Inattnnents, Salt, Soap. Potash Um
brellas, Porcelain Teeth , in short. nearly everything, to
restore the sick, to please the.taste, to delight the eye.
to gratify the fancy. and also tpeonduee to the real and
substantial comforts of 11)
The attention of pub iiirespietfully invited' to
nty meek of Goods, beat .eretasirsdy for cash down.
andwill be Sold do the Nips prlselple far le. tl M
2iiontrese, January 19M M.. '
000p:,..xEws:.t -
IN Tag
To Purchase
Whets you aro aura of getting the worth of your mon at-the , • - • • : . .
6utteubgrg, 'gostitbitupt, • 01,11.
has put our guard, andwe have latelylagin lain
stock, which enables us to offer to our custombra, goal
on equally as good termasaformerly,consideringtholate
6utttitilerg, Ilcistubanm
Montrose, Snag's County, Pa 4
Elmira, New-York,
Susquehanna Depot,_ Pa.
Is 1 C.:0332.101etek, •
We are detershined notto be outdone, either in priees or
qualitiek—and.we will endeavor to give our customers
all possible satisfaction. •
In this branch our stocria complete, and will be sold
lower, and more tastefully finished than:any one-horse
establishment. or any four-horse concern this sidevot N.
York City, is able to offer orproduce. We can assnrethe
public that we constantly employ the best mitten and
workmen to make up our stock.
liarGerments made to order • •
- • Eir - On the shortoet notice.
PI TA Good Fit warranted or nuaale.
In order to close oat our stock of
VIIIMMII3 010,1111112V460
we wUI sell at s mean edvatice above• cost:
A Great Stock contently kept; and WA loirer than the
lowest at •
Montrose, January. lit, 1863.
ti 16 , a
'lncorporated by Legislative Charter. •
Being the only COMMERCIAL COLLEGE in the 'Quinn
conducted by •
Haye.been educated in the Principles and Practice of all
the details of a ,business- education from purrs eye.
tem of •
Awarded Four Silver Medals, and the unction of the
highest - Mercantile Authorities in the country. Also,
Dan -
" A perfect . system for ench books and accounts." Al
so Doft's new , system of , •
After the forme of the. Pennsylvania Railroad. Also,
Dab's new system of •
The only one In nse in the city.- The ibove systems of
accounts are taught under the daily , supervision of the
author, and, it is belleved,-to a degree of perfection nev
er attained - elsewhere. -
for best Business and Ornamental Penmanship awarded
our present Penman by the-
United States Fair at Cincinnati in
Penna. State Fair at Wyoming., '
Western Penna. Fair at Pittsburgh
Western VirginiaTair at Wheeling
and the Ohio State Fair at Cleveland
All'ut which are exhibited at our Office,
Duff'. Nevi Igngraved School Copy Books.
Fine cap, 24 pages each, 90 bents per dozen—the cheap.
eetCopy Book in nee.
Business and ornamental Penmanship, with new plates
and scales by WM. DUFF, illustrating all the elements
'ot the Penmen's. Art, the most cogiplete instruotor
known. Elegantly bound. Crown quarto. Price 216,
poitpaid. N
Harper's "Enlarged Edition of Duff 's Book.kespitrg.
Price $1.50... Sold by BookseUers generally.
For full particular, and for elegant new Circular, pp.
68, and samples our Penman's Business and Ornamental
Writing. endosieg 26 dente. to
• P. DUFF it SOS, Principals. -
-Strangers'will please inquire oar the
city, where we are best known. Zan. 1,1868. 6ms
F oam et Mahler', lbr 'sale
The Now Commercial. Buildings are Lousiest
' mufti tau Court, nous*, cozier Of
Cart and ghsiango ditrests.
- This OoDeakin in .09 . connedad &fifth 4 31 7 Ohne
Institution. -
The •enetes As entire Pan arie .ezeltudvel 7 .
devoted to s. - • •
The design of this institution is to" aftoill'Tonng
an iopwtonity for acquiring ; a 27101wilfek.-Yrucrical
Beefasss Education. • •
Onr Books andPottas are carefully arranged by-practk. •
cal accountants, expressly for this institution t :and the
wane Of Instruction is tuck as to combine Wenn and '
Practice. ' • , .
• • • , r: 1 • •
Chollairiebte• • Cicruaratie., -
This course s embraces ,BoOk•Keeping in all It. dithart- ..•
meats, PenmanehipCommercial Arithmetic. Busiaem
correspondence, Co . mmerdal Law. -Political Economy.
Commercial Ethics,' Partnership Settlements, Detecting '
counterfeited mid altered bank notes, etc. .
The Spencerian system of penmanship is tatight to ea' -
Ito's varieties, by the most &UM masters of the art. r
-The Book-Keeping department is =Outfit) special sa
pervison ancnstructiop of the Principal, D. W. Lowma..
Guru?. . X.ritcormaLaticiaa..
Students can enter at any. tittle. No vacation. Ustud
'time to complete the course. from 6to 12 weeks.. Ass*
tenets rendered to graduates in procuring situations.
Graduates are presented with an elegantly engraved
D! Loma
—• • .
,For catalogue of 10 pages, specimens of penman. -
s p, &c., enclose two letter stamps, and address -
Binghamton, N. T: •
octlB IN Iylsc
Large Linei of PRICES Conquered and
Reduced I -
receiving, for Spring supplies, new and large sticks K '
WALL Paper, Window SHADES,
'CLOCKS, &C., &C.
Including, as usual; full-styl miettes of the moerpopelar
• es of
_ &C., &C:, &C.,: '
which he will . sell on the• most favorable terra; fit. •
, or to • -
Flour & Salt, .constantly on band
Under Montrose Democrat Office,
AFresh Ground WestemFLOlTit
every 80 days, which we warrant to give satistaitle•
as any in warkst.; if not good returned scour expeme.
Feed, and itnckwheit Flour,
BY Trua Log), BARREL.os POUND.
RAMS, [Sugar Cured]
'Dried Beef,
. • Smoked-Hallbut,:v„l
- Drips and Syrups,
Molasses and Sugars,
which we offer for sale at Low Prices,; for READY PAY
'ONLY. _ Montrose, July 9, nal.
• 4
• Notice.
Admin istratrix'
NoncE is hereby given to *Ryerson' having demean,.
against the estate of Michael Gallaher, late of Chow--
nut township, dec'd, that the same must be presented to
the undersigned for settlement, and allpersons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate payraene.
Ohoeonut, Feb. 3,1861 -
•Mr..collc•camvis , .
THIS Preparation, made from tbe - st Java Coffee, is
recommended by Physicians as a superlo7 Nutritious
beverage, for GentuaiDebflfty, Dyspepsia, and an Milani
disorders. Thousands who have been Compelled to aim-.
don the use of coffee will use this without injurious effect
One cantontains the strength of two pounds-ofordinary
coffee. Price 25 cents. , •
Foi sale in Montroie by Abel Turrell.
The purest BAKING POWDER known, for making light,
sweet and nutritious Bread and cakes. Price 15 mtg.
Manufactured by M. H. HOLLOCH. Chemist.
Corner of Broad and Chestnut-eta, Philadelphia.
Bold by all Druggists and Grocers. • mh6lyjcoo
. .
E A.. •
Ex Notice:: -
iv OTICE is hereby given to alljereons harinede
/I mends against the Estate of B E RNAP.D EELNAPf.
late of Middletown, deceased, that the same mast be. •
presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and all
persons indebted to'said estate iirerequested to was
immediate payment.
JAMES TENDON, Middletown, - -
Jan. 21, 1868, 6W
• : .. .
A" - lersonsindebt:d Lc; tkenst sto of ttirani &Ott '
of ridgewater, d e
snot :l4 l r hereby req u ested se,
Make Illuntate pa
tthPek-mshs 7el s"'
against said seta e
_mast' forthwith o
ALIPRED BALDWIR, Adzoirdstrsim
Bridiewater, Jan. 27,418...4w,
Adusixdstra - torelliotita,
NOTICE is hereby glvirp to all persons baying demand
&mind the esta=rafm Itobins o late el lank
towns p, deceased, that e wee most be presented to
the „ amm o' f ar t, sad aIX persons indebted
lonia settars totpasalled tb ealawaset
Rusli;Jan.lo t I&