The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 24, 1863, Image 1

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A. J. q•EßßlTS o,:i'uikiiier.l , MONTROSE, PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1863. - IVO,tUME XX. - • Dit - BER 8. -
XacsexLsioect 4&32.criticiaseer,
Molt Office address. Dundaff, of South Gibson, Suiq'a
County, Pena a,]
' By the 59th section of the act of Congress of July I,
1562,1 t to provided, " Ttiat any person exercising the
business of auctioneer, without taking oat a !(cerise for
thatpurPose, as required by said - act, shall for each and
every such od•ence, forfeit a penalty equal to three times
the amount of such license, one half to the trtlitelfStates
and'the other half to the person giving information of
the fact, whereby said forfeiture was „Incurred,"
Feb. 3,1963.--lyfio .
DEItLER in Dry Goods. .Groceries, Urnhrellas,lntskee
Notions, • Boots and Shoe's,- Shovels and Forks.
stone Ware, Wooded Ware and Brooms. Mid of Navi
cation, Public Avenue..
Montrose, Pa., May 13,
wit. strwrrnra coorzu
W.M. 11. COOPER it CO.,
BAI.:KERS.-31ontmse. Pa. Subcesporato Poet , Cooper
& Co. I Mce, Lathiops'new building, Turapike-st..
J. S. at'coura! D. W. 871.03LZ.
A TTORNEYSand Cokinaellora at Law,—Montrose, Pa
1.1. Office In Lathrope* new bhilding, over the Bank.
S •
URGEO'N DENTISTS ,— Montrose;Pa. _ ,-
ottice in Lathrop' new building, over 4 7
the .Bank. AI Dental 'operations. will be .
performed in good style and warranted.
• JOHN SAL - I'7lM,
FASMON.ABLE TAlLOR .— Montrose . Pa. Shop
arr 1. qq..Bullard'a Grocery - , on Main-atreet.
Thankful for pan faconi, he Pollens' a continuance
—pledging ydrnaelf to do allwork satiss.ctorily. Cut-'
tang done on short notice, and warranted to fit.
Montroae, - Pa„ July 2th, IS6o.—tf.
P. LINES, • i .
FASHIONABLE TATlLOlL,Montrose,l'i. Shop
in Phcenix Block, over stotc of Read, Watrons
it Foster. AU work warranted, as to fit and finish.
Cutting done on short notice, in best style. jun 'CO
near the Baptist Meeting House. on Turnpik e"
treet. All orders filled promptly. in first-rate style.
Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to fit.
- - L. B. ISBELL,
. .
REPAIRS Clcielm„,4Vatchea, and Jewelry at the
shortcut notice, and on reasonable terma. AU P'--
wort warranted, Shop in Chandler and Jes.snp`a
Itore;liexTßons, Pa, 0c.`25 tt 4_
Cm:m.lst AND etIATE iLIiNr'gFACTiTRERS,—Foot
°niter' street, Montrose, ' ' - zrag Tt
'C. 0. FORM:IIM,
. •
- AIL Pa. Shop over Tyler's store. All kinds of work
made to order, and repairing don neatly. , jet: y
DEALER in Drugs, Medicines , Dye .
Stuffs, Glass N 1 are, Paints. Oils, Varnish, Win
dow Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jewelry P-erfn
raery &c.„—Agent for all the most popular PATENT
MEPlClN*,—Montrose, Pa. ' att tf
HAVING located permanently at New ;Milford, PR.
\rill attend promptly to all calla wilh Which he may
be rumored. Office at Todds'
New ?tilford, July, 17, 1361 •
OF YALE COLLEGE; have formed a copartnership
tor the practice of Mediciue and Surgery,and are prepared
to attend to all Imsiness faithfull3 , ' and punstually, that
inarbe Intrusted to their care, on terms commensurate.
with the times.
Diseases and deformities of the EYE, surgical opera
tions. and all surgical diseases, particularly attended tc,
rllrOffice orer - Webb's Store. °Ake hours from-13 a.
nt. to 9p. m. All sOrte-of country pMdttee taken in pay
ment, at the highest clans, xnd c.ssa Itor nurusun.
Montrose, Pa., 'May —tpf
!'rash Faid for 32Etc1 osai,
V Sheep . Pelts, Fox. Mink.Maskrat,-and all kinds: of
Pars. A good assortment of. Leather and Boots and
Shoes constantly on hand. 0 tkc, Tannery & A Shop on; '
Main Street.
Montrose, Feb:6th. A. P. & L. C. 4-EKLE4
Ras Established =Agency inlioatToses,4l
The Oldest Insurance Co. in the Union.-
MEE rates are aglow as those of any good eCinipany in
11. New York. or elsewhere, and its .Directors are among
the grit for honor and integrity. •
CstaxassPLarr. Sec'y. ARTHUR G. COFFIN. Pres.
-Niontrose,:laly 15, 111,LLINGS STROUD, Ag' t.
mr co m
Cirr Ivievlrdelrc.xls.
MUTTS Ligt Aar 18:10, $1,481,819.27.
ILABILM2B. " , 43,088.65.
imos Smisa , Bac'T. Chas. J. Martin, President.
- 10 ha XeCiee, Q. F. Wiliaarth, Vice "
Polio* issued and mewed, by the roideisigne
kip ales, in the Brick Block, Montrose, Pa,
awl& 7 BILLINGS STROUD, Agent..
I Verngaritire.43624•o=as
irn England, Ireland and Scotland.
A BR.ANA3f BELL'S SON'S DRAFTS, in surisleislbs
ibotisitand upwards, payable in a ll the prtricipal
towns intEegland. Ireland and Seotlandjor sale by
WX.X. (VOPER. BAnzzar.
801--`63 • , '3.fontrose. Pa. r
it 16, starting to a pathsrsiy,
- ' - ekihkg onward through the year*-1-
. Sovituiseed alone the u)aystde
Where at length the nit appears.
, .
"The human mind is as ground; which is such as it is
made by cultivation.'
I.lerbert Spencer says, 'The suppress
ion of every error is commonly followed
by, a temporary ascendency of the con
trary one; -and it so happened, that after
the ages. when physical deyelopeinent
alone was, -alined at, (there came an age
when the culture of the mind was the, sole
solicitude; * * and the getting of knowl
edge the one thing needful." -
The truth of the above is evident to
every thinking observer; and it needs no
argument to prove- that. the latter is. the
age in which we now live. That the '.ed
ueatien of. the intellect is of great impOr
tance cannot be denied.:.itis 'when eon
ducted without regard. tOlthe -sentiments
and affections in man's nature that it con
tributes to the sours perverseness. While
those philosophers :and philanthropists
'who have labored so assiduously in the
;cause of education, haVe in latter years ac
jeomplished results which entitle them to''
be regarded as benefactors of their race,
their ideas of education seem to have - been
deficient in sonie_particulars, among which
is tHe'affeciionel nature in - man. This.has
been left-eornparatiVely without any spe
cific culture or direction, to remain, tar
ren Or to develope under incidental and
miscellaneous influences, and to blind 49-
pulse while the treat and. almost only
object has been the mere education of' the
intellect, as if this were almost the Only
good to be obtained: 'ldeality, Venera
tion, friendship, fraternal and filial airee
tion receive but a small share of attention
compared with the all-absorbing question
of "disciplining the intellect."' Yet 'this
comparatively neglected 'department of
the_physical man is the most fundamental: -
ly.important of all others. It embraces
the sympathies and loves, and these Con
stitdte the very life. No imaginable
amount of intellect can compensate' for
the dearth in that man's soul who can
contemplate :without erhotion, the many
tender, beautiful and sublime 'aspects of
thought that lie within the sphere' of
his comprehension. There is 14ing
death, when the pulses of life beat tinin
teruptedly, when the body lives likd a'
mere vegetable, and 'soul is enshrOud
ed like selfish darkness ; j reaching out to no
ardent friendship, seeing no sights of beau
ty, feeling no hearii-threb or sympathy,
aspiration, or faith, destitute of charity,
and ini:lifferent to the Welfare of human
ity. _ '
The affections are the controlling pow
ers. - They influence judgment and
stimulate:and direct intellect ; - and if
their intensity they rule misdirected and
perverted. to evil, the life of the man
so far as they have inflUence, be necessari
ly a life of evil, which 'the developeinent
of intelleet can only serve to give
ed potency. , -
The human affections are requisite as a
foundation 'of 'all true developemek--- . i
Without them man •cOuld put forth 'no
special efforts for the attaigment of spe
cial ends; for one thing- would never be
valued above another. ; and all individual
and social. conditions would be the dame.
Hence they asa the piaster faculties,i and
their cultivation and right direetion be-
Comes the highest duty of parent and'
teacher. We sometiznes tamp ourselvei
generous, and,tind, until' we go out into
the world where 'there is need to
temptation and eretcise charity, and then
we find hdw selfish we re; hew - irritable,.
li7o 32. mt la, Malta.?
BT 11/JULIET 19C12(
It it - being, thinkl4'actlig, ,
With tome, purpose, high orlow ;
laarching onward thrbugh the hours.
While the seasons come and g 0.,,
"Whittle liter Oh, weary pilgrim,.
Has thyleart no poser to tell?
Anti:Lon thinking, striving; acting
ea:ncetly, and well?
Many ropy paths are leading
From the etraight and narrow way,,
And the pleutire>seeking
Live and toil but for to-day.
Dnty's path; though dark with shadows,
At 4 golden sate will 'pad,
Opening to a land Of annahlue
Where all joys together blend:
vain and ambitious. .These' temptations
bring out our latent qualities, and Show us
what we_gre. So in training 'Of -- a child;
the qualities or affections of its nature
cannot, berpruned.and directed aright • un
til•brought out -by cultivation and exercise.
Once ascertained, they may be ' =OW,
or 'developed, in the young
- mind, almost at will. But when the spir
itual organism has become knit into the
most sinewy tissue by constant activity
during a -long life, chang e Ind restraint
are diiiicuit,, if not Impossible and it is
is absurd_to suppose that. those"spiritual
affections which- havencier been; exercis
ed, but have lain dement until old age,
can then spiing into dative -exercise, and
subject • the = propensities. Every one
who reflects upon and observes nature,
knows that this is a universal law; all
things, and.all human potVers, from pos
sibilities becozne ultimates by exercise and
We have submitted these'' suggestions,
uie though they are, because we believe
more attention should'be given to the sub
ject in the school, family,and individual
experience. Education to be successful
and complete must .be. every
aptitude ,and every appetite of our 'nature,
(to correct 'or develop;) andf, dontenplate•
the unfolding of the whole ,being : And
thus we shall see all those-distinctive fea
tures disclosing themselves /which go to
constitute Society, binding it together - by
an adherent.cohesive. foree in itself, in all
its-parts,human laws can neither
strengthn or 'relaX,:and .whieh'ldefies all
other force 'to •seyer. • • •• •
Olie fine morning in the summer of 1830,
a handsome, but pcibrly dressed boy called
at the-door of a rich mansion in,
square, in New York - city, and offered
some .basket4 s of stranberrios for 14#1e.—
Havirigt disposed of the -fruit, he was
about to depart, when his attention was
arrested by the. appearance of a beautiful
girl, some twe,tve years old, who Crossed
the hall near tbe door. She was the,ouly
daughter of the gentleman of the house:.
The kind' look which she bestowed on
him struck a chord in, his heart, which tratil
that moment, had never Vibrated.
I" She is very lovely!", he exclaimed,
mentally, but she is the (laughter of a
great millionaire—she can be nothing to
"I am young," he' continued to himself.
"Would-1 Could make myself worthy of
her ;" and his thought,_though it did not
banish the feeling, hushed it.. •
• A week passed ; and. the little.boy again
stood; With palpitating heart, at the -rich
man's door. His fruit was - purchased as
before,.and he received the money from
the white hand-of the fair being, whom
fro& the moment he first saw, be dared to'
love. She spoke kindly -to him and bade
him call again. -
Ile did, not forget the order. 'He called
again, but,the season was advancing, and
the fruit had become a scarcity.
"I shall not be able to bring you any
more," he said one mornilig. - , 'I am sor
ry, for it was a great pleasure for me,, to
call here, but, we may meet hereafter. -
The youngheart that fluttered in, the'
bosom ;of' that young girl was touched at
the musical, though somewhat melancholy
tone in which' this was uttered, and she i
timidly replied that-she-would remember
him. , r - • -
"We shall meet again Miss, when I
promise you shall not be ashamed to ack
nowledge the acquaintance of the pWir
strawberry boy. ' -
Three years elapsed. The tide of spec :
ulation which Vas Then swelling in our
country had not reaced the flood, and the
man of Wealth, with his beautiful -daugh-,
ter, rollea in his, elegant carriage on their
way' to Trinity 'Church. , Charlotte was
just " j sweet sixten," and- the bud• was
changing to the open rose. -- She was fair
indeed. .1 ,
The service had ended--the magnificent
carriage I stood at • the church door; the
elegant caparisoned horses pawed the.
ground uneasily, a liveried footthan - held
the dOor and the Wealthy-wrchant,hand
ed bis daughter to the coach, amid" the
low OheiSapce of her - gay admirers;
' Why doesisbe not observe the. homage
'of her thousand butterfly admirers?
A young but plainly de'sfed straeger
stand qoietly at the _side of the
door, and her gazer a tuementikrivited
on his; fes - ores.,
Vlio• i cault:lliii zi•i) silo eggiiii•ti::ri
thembprt . , s• •
The earriage - rolls slowly toward' the
• -
stately Mansion of the mats of wealth, and
the father discovers au uncommon quiet=
ness iti daUghter'S demeanor.
t) . ? dear Charlotte, are . . you ill ?"
"No, father, no—l am '
. They arrived at the door—the stranger
was there. Tkey Ulight—he
very slight but, respectful. bpur to the
herds, and moves 'on. •
A blush tinges 'that bright' cheek—she
recognizes him. Charlotte retires to. her
chamber; she was unhappl—but surely
the stranger wassliothing to her, or she
to him. -
Time Toned on. It waS the coldest night
of'the nneommon 'cold Winter of 1835,,
and the Memorable 16th of Dectnber. A
fire had broken out in the evening in one
of tho- - principal streets of the business
part 6flhe great comihercial metropolis.
It raged' violently, and at early morning
on the succeeding day a great portion of
the city lay in ashes;
The millionaire was comparatively_ a
beggar; his furniture was sacrificed, his
mansion disposed. of, his splendid horseS
and - carriage passed into other hands, and
even Jesse, Charlotte's coal black tavorite,
was dobmed to pass from them under the
'Poor Jesse!" sighed his mistress, "I
hope he may fall into good hands." _
But nobody wanted Jesse, and he. was,
finally purchased and thrown'a,way on a
stranger.. . • - „
1 ‘ Who didlon say was the purchaser?"
inqiired Charlotte of her father.
"A Mr. 'Manly, I. think;' said her fa
ther. .
Andther year had fled.. Misfortune had'
followed in rapid succession, and_ the
revulsion of 1837 had finally redneed
nian of _wealth to, bankruptcy. The fol
lowing advertisement appeared in;ille pa
per oethe day. _ _
P Will be sold at auction, on Wednes
day nest, on the premises, the right of re
demption to that beautiful cottage, with
about an acre of land adjoining, laid : out
in a garden, well stocked with fruit trees
and- shrubbery, situated on Staten Island,
and mortaged to John Jacob Astor for
the sum of - ten thousand and three dollars,
&e. Sale .positive—title indisputable—
possession to be giveu immediately—terms
- The rich man, that was, in vain appeal
ed to his sunshine friends for'eid. They
must have security—the times were hard
people sometimes would live too fast—
it wasn't their fault—very sorry, but could
not help him.
From bad to worse he succeeded, and
now, reduced to the last extremity, he had
retired to his beautiful retreat, with the
hope that rigid economy anirliresh appli
cation to his "mercantile affairs would re
trieve his rapidly sinking .fortune. put
his star was descending, he had no securi
ty to offer, and the cottage was. sold.
It was a bright day in auttimn—the
iP '
urchasers were few • there was but little
,competition, and the estate passed into
other hands. The purchaser gave notice
that he should take possession forthwith.
And what was to become of the lovely
child? His last home had been taken
froth him, and that fair girl was mother
less. The heart of the fond father mis
gave him when he received information
that the premiies must be immediately
He had been a proud man, but his . pridc
was .now humbled, and calmly he resigned
himself to the last stroke of - affliction.—
He, too, wept—it was a fearful sight to
see that strong man weep !
But his troubles were nearly at an end.
The day following that upon which the
sale occurred had well-nigh past. The
afternoon was bright and balmy, the fa
ther sat with his daughter in the recess of
.one of the c'ottage windows, which look
ed out upon the high road. ' He had re
ceived a note from tiie purchaser. ot the
cottage informing him that he should
upon him in the afternoon, for the purpose
of examining the premises more fully
than he had 'before had an-npportnnity of
doing. They awaited his visit..
"0, father!" shouted Charlotte, for
getting for .the moment her sorrows;
'look, there is my darling Attie Jessie,"
and a knock at the door calleckher at once
to recollection. -
- The door was_ opened by the " once
princely proprietor of the prutieely man
sion in L-,=--'sqtiare.- Before him_stood;
curious looking young man, who inquired
for Mr. -
"114 is my name,' sir, and I have the
honorrt of addressing —a
Mr:Xtmly, sir, now the owner of this
oottage.• I ive just received the deed
from !fty-attorney; and . with your pennis
tion shallb e very-glad to examine the
r' . • ,
" Waikin; eir, yon ere-muster here; and
r shall vacate as soon as , your pleasure
may require it," he continued, as the
stranger entered the parlor. " This is Mr.
Manly, Charlotte,. the purchaser' of our lit=
tie cottage."'
",The person whom you once kneWon-
Iv. aSttiepcor strawberry boy," continued
Manly, as, e took her extended hand.
‘,.‘ My dear Sir," said Manly, addressing
the father,. Afloat the owner' of thitot
tage. Seven
,years.ago had. the lk
ness. to receive from this fairhand a few
shillings in payment of fruit, which I car
ried' td the door of the then affluent3lr._
S—, of I. square; I was but a boy,
sir, 'and & poop boy; bat poor, as
and. wealthy as was this, lady, I dared to
love her.l 'Since then:l:have traveled ma
fly leagues, I have endured many bard
ships with but a single objectin view—
that of making myself worthy-of your
daughter. Fortune has not been niggard
with' me, sir; my endeavors have been
crowned• wit success; and I came here
to-day not to take possession of this love
ly. cottage alone, but to lay,My fortune
at the feet of worth and beauty, and to
offer this fair being a heart which exists
but for herself alone.'
Charlotte loved, and shortly after gave
her:hand to Manly. They remained in
the cottage, which was newly furnished;
and many times afterward did oho mount
her favorite ''Jessie,' - at the side of her
fond and devoted husband, and roam thro'
the_ romantic- scenes which abounded in
that far famed Island.
Puss 1-oomnuarD.
a STORY FOE Tau Tousci.
There, was a very nice looking girl, who
Was called Laurette 41rmand. She was
generous, pleasant and industrions. But
she had, one fault, and that was she want,
OA° have her own way with her brothers,
sisters, and all her young friends. She
carried it to such an extent that they gave
her the name of Miss Lcopsinand.
.She was never satisfied with.anybody
else's ideas;ideas;
but her own she thot',
were always excellent. As she was ilk
genious, and also older than her sister 4
they yielded to her invariably when she
invented new sports for their amusement.
And to one could be kinder to a little
child than - Laurette was to little. Angus
tine, her younger brother. - '
Alphonso, was two years older than
Laurette, a;nd very naturally he did not
want to be governed bilerin-everything.
He went to college, and was a very dilh
gent student, but did not think it beneath
his dignity to enjoy and share in tbe
'amusements of the children. He loved
his brothers and sisters very dearly, but
he very much' vexed at times when
Lahrette always wanted him to subteit to
her will.
'One day Madame Armarid told the chil
dren that they might 'chobse some day
out of the next week to go on an excur
sion into the country. So they all met
together to select the time: that suited all
the ,best. _Caroline said Tuesday would
suit her the best, and Helen saidthat was
the Very best day that could..he taken,„for
she had something fixed for all the rest of
thg week.
Just then Alphonso came in, and the
two girls clapped 'their hands froni glad
ness, ,and said they knew he would' agree.
with therb. But Laurette did,not give
him time to say a word; She said 'that
no' Other day would suit her as well as
Thursday. She had arranged all her plans
for that day, and she.was deternained not'
to alter them.
"I won't go on any other day," she
said in' conclusion
Alphonso said : "But don't you see, Lau
rette, that Tuesday suits us better than
any -other time? I, should think you
would have arranged your matters to suit
us a well as yourself? '
"Yell, Alphonso," she' replied, " If
you are going to make things your own_
way, you can do it-. I won't go at all ;
and with.that she went out and slammed
the door. •
Madame Artnand heard the converse
tions growing quite lona. So she came
down stairs after she heard the noise of
the door - which had been slammed so vio
lently. •
" What is the matter children ?". she
asked: , They all cried: out at. once that
they wanted to go out in the country on
Tuesday, but that Laurette wished to .go
on Thursday. lifo're than this, that she
declared she wouldn't go at ill.
Laurette was inimethately Called down
and 'ter =Aber began talking with tu ber:
I will not tell the,w - hole of the corryersi.
don that pissed between them.' 'But the
Onbfstatiee Waitliat Laurette was inform
ed - by'lladime Animitid-that• she wiltd.
not onlrbii depriyea of going into the
country thecorn'week, mg; but ' th at -e
shoUld iaot, go on the monthly excirsion;
-for four months. • • _
- Laurette's mother . was 'one, of those
women who, when they make a promise,
knew very, well how to keep it.--But the.
Punishinerit was very good for her . dmigh
ter. I.4erette did all she cOuld i to'get rid
Of'her Overbeering '
spirit. Avery day she
eaked..Geribr strength tb4 she-might be
siibinii'sive, and she promised her mother
that she - would:never" command her broth
era and sisters agin. •
So when the four - months had passed
by, and the children left horne for - the '-
country, there was no better. girl who
rode out'of Paris 'that morning,than Lan
`rette Armand. People soon forget, to
call her Miss kcommand; and everybody
knew;her onl,y as the mild and'yentle'Lou.
retie. I ,
_ Byron's Freak at Cambridge;
There amusing amedote of Byron
Current - in the Uniiersity, - Which Ido not
remember -to have seen in print. The
roof of the library I . of Trinity. College is
surmounted by three figures in stone, rep
resenting. Faith, - ; Hope, and Charity.
These, figurksare accessible only from the
window of i'particUlar room in NiVillets- - .
courtcwhich was Occupied by Byron dur
ing his,residence a College. • The a.dvert
tureiafter gettingiont of this window has
to cliinb a perpendiculay_wall, sustaining
himself by a frail, I leaden spout. He bas
then to traverse the sloping roof of i long
rang of buildinge, by-movinggreftilly
on his hands and knees, at the i mminent
risk bf being preeipitated fifty - feet into,
the cionrt, beneathi, When the library is.
gained; a stone parapet has to, be crossed,
a bare glance at which sends .a thrill
through the spectator wbo surveys it
from below. Thts feat Byron-performed
one Simday mording, while •the heads of
the dons and dignitaries' were yet buried'
in their ipillows,l "full of the , foolishest
dreatus." He hail, abstracted three our
plices from the,.. -- collegei chapel, which he .
bore With him alOdg the dangerous route
desc4bed. Wher(the bell at eight o'clock
,ran out its deep-toned . summons to the
ass I triorning,Oci: °Lions, and Itlro , fellnws.
and un4ergraduaties hurried on their way,
to te chapel, they Were startled to be
hol Faith, Hope, and Charity' clad in
surplices which reached in snowy folds to
their feet, while their heads Were Bur- .
mounted, helmd-wise with - bed-chamber
water r ewerS. NI inquiry.Wai instituted
by the indignant, college authorities. A
few,seleet -friends knew, and the rest of
the College guessed,that :Byron-w as rile
author of the outrage, but it was,' nevik
broUght home tci hire.. No undergradro
ate beholds these statues now without a
hearty laugh.- , -gontininta/ :Monthly..., '
- r
A Ohild'el'aith.
In the Highlands ofScotland;-ti2ere is'
a mountain gorge twenty leet in width,
-and two hundred . •feet in 44th.4 Its per- .
pendieular wallsare_bare '6f . vegetation,
save in the crevices', in which grew nu
merous wild flowers of rare beaqty. -.'De
sirous of ohtaining specimens of these
mountain beauties, 'some scientific tour
ists once offered -a Highland bey a'ha.nd
some 'gift if he Would consent' to be km
ered down the riliff - by a rope, and would.
gather a little basket full of tbern... The
boy looked wistfully , at the money, for his
parents were poor, but when he gazed At
the yawning chasm, he shuddered, shrunk
back and declined:` gut filial love - was
strong within him, - and lifter another.,
glance at the gift, - and •at the -terri- .
'ble' fissure, his heart grew strong, - his - eye
flashed, and he said:
" I will go if my FATTIER will hold the
rop le . ," . • , . .
And then with unshrinldng nerves, and
heart firmly strung, he suffered his
father to -put the rope about him, low
er him into thei.wild abyss, and suspend
hi there while' he fi lled his, basket with
th coveted fl owers. It was a daring
de d, bat his faith in - the
,strength of his
.fat e 1
r's arm; - an d the love of- his father's
h rt gave him courage and-power to per.
foe it.
INANCIAL.-By . the annual report of
the Banks and Savings Institutioas of this
Ste, for 1862, we glean that there - is in
thi State ninety-two Banks, eight of
w 'eh are Savings' and Deposit Banks.—
The sources of them all amount to ,sllli.
001,688.86, with a balance in their! favor
beyond liabilities of $615,81124. The
amount of gold and allVer in their iwilts,
at the last report, the sth of November,
was, in the aggregate, $9,467,234.80.
prln the interchilige of iron and lea
den compliments -betitreen soldiers, it is
tbotight moral blessed= to give than 're
. . ,