The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 10, 1863, Image 3

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    L L GERansur, • - Editor;
cr"fidr 4 , drete /orb;
THE esioit is . IT 7 1 1:;
Defoe 01011636, wevelost. 'tr., diotl! Its buisony
TEE cepilicrietvirim ET zi;
Enforced and respected in all eel:Mons of the-count:7
Tog Earn desiring to attend a Commercial Col.
lege at Binghamton. Pittellurgtwor at Philadelphia, Neer
York, etc., cut obtalainformation of practical pecuniary
'aloe by calling upon or addressing the editor of thin
paper, .we
rirAll private Letters intended for the
editor of this paper should, until farther
notice, be addressed to
House of Representatives, .
Harrisburg, Pa.
Jan. 13.
latrOur thanks are duo - Hon. H. B.
Wright and Hon. Wm. J. Turrell, for re
peated favors. -
/25 - Mr. Boileau,,proprietor of the Phil
adelphia Evening Journal, whose Arrest
we noticed last week, has been.set at lib
tTbe negro soldier bill has passed
'the House'by a vote of 83 to 54—five Re
p:Agleam voting with the Democrats a
gainst it. The bill will undoubtedly pass
the Senate, receive the signature of the
President, and then what ? We fear a
trepetition ofthe disgraceful scenes which
'lately took place on the f ßlackwater, N.
C., whem:.aregimbnt, ;ilisgusted.with .a
vitiegro-war, reifi e d to advance.
FIRE house - riceupied by Mrs.
Crocker, about 2f miles south of this
(lage; was entirely destroyed by 'fire on .
• Thintiiday nightt . last,- dur i ng the severe
!Storm. The roof was all in a blaze . before
"the fire was. discovered; . the occupants
barely escaping with
.their lives. We have
mot learned the extent o damage, or how
the fire originated.
far MyrOn_M. Mott, of Bridgewater,
las been appointed Revenue Commission.
.ers . for this Judicial District, by the Judi
‘4. The Commissioners meet every three
Solt- Lo equalize the valuation of proper
-17 in O h h counties, and fix the amount of
Suite ‘a.t. They meet at Harrisburg . on
I.he 17th..
Ar'We prim. County Statement
:this week, from trhia\ our readers can get
.anjdes. of" dc4 e with,the money."
We also copy the notiee for appeals.
llg'The' Montrose Dellocrat will• be.
-enlarged as soon as our prevent stock of
paper _is used up. We . shah do every
thing for our friende.thatlhey enable
ms to; and as our efforts to do what is ex
pected must be. limited by the means ex
-tended to us by our pairods, all our pat-
Tons will see the necessity of prompt settle
ment of all accounts, an early renewal of
subscriptions, and the addition of -new
names to our list. Our cash receipts for
the month of January amount to $265
And' for the last week in December, com
mencing with our Democratic Jubilee, the
coh receipts were about $2517. These
Igures are highly encouraging; but as
,oar friends are aware. that:we have had
rather dull times for the list year or. so,
and that a large amountt, is still due us on
old accounts, they will, we trust,' see that
theta is still kept rolling. The Democ
racy are arousing! -Let every one,put his
shoulder to the wheel, and victory awaits
.lculson Holcomb, a clerk in the
State Treasurer's office, has been remov
ed; his offence being that of having hon
estly followed the ,aditica of his late
:nds who do the buncombe talking for
e abolition party. Their advice , was to
_ ore party, and , go
.in for the Union ;- 7
e' did so, and aided the People's Union
orrackization to elect - Mr. Tracy to Coil
gress, but is now removed thertfOr. It is
a nice thing for Dentaarats to siOinitcp
party; hilt what aliepabitcau Aces so
on movment i he is
taltitor:' , ht those *hose advise
- .3 took., col t Allen McKean, a clerk at
Washington; his been removed for like
course. The "no party", raOminisaation
fail to see the political rain they are draw
hig down upon tbemselvis: r. Holcomb
ie suctod•biE. cnoliaugh, a Wil
mot manfrom Brrldfoid. JThe Harrisburg
Telegrag,. Cameion'ofiatt speaking of
Coolbaugh's appointment, 'plays it was
made to pleas Laporteithiineinber from
Bradford whobolted Caniernn and voted
for Kelly for Senator, and dds: "We
shoUld like' to knowwhat Laporte has
cently done to deServe this accommoda
tion." This? as indication nf the mutual
enmity that la felt by ' the, 'Cantercurt, and
Wilmqvion - to wards eacbotber. -
-4 , 1 C A PITOL HILL,FE* £th, 1863.
The bill quoted in our lasi relating to
the State debt was so , an-fended in the
Senate, and' concurred in by the House, as
to allow banks to circulate twice the
apouut of their capital stock.
The two brinclies - have,:agreed upon a
series of rbsolutiens demanding the re
turn of our,sick and wounded soldiers to
ouir State hospitaW; and it hoped that
the war departme4 Will yield to so just a
,An act has beeolpassea amending the
road laws in Lenox' townShiP; a copy of
which we l enclose for publication.
An act has pasSecr the Senate-author
izing Alinon and aaroline Sweet of Gib
son, to Sell real estate, heretofore
conveyed by deed'of. 'trust to John H.
The time of the
,Legislature has thus
far been largely oeWpied in l offering bills,
petitions, ctc., and in preparing- for the
active business Of the session. After a
couple of weeks orl so, the public can be
gin to see more of ,the practical opera
tions. It is thought that a"finai adjourn-.
ment will take place 'theta' the last of
Mitch. We shall) be able_; in future to
devote more time to noting the business
in both Houses, and keeping the readers
of the Democrat Posted in' reference to
what transpires here, '
Mr. Rex,' of Montgomery.; has-offered a•
bill to-secure to,the people of the State
freedom of e i peech
TheTreamble of the bill l'ecites the dif
ferent Articles Of; the Constitution of the
United States, guaranteeing protection in
liberty &Speech and the enjoyment of pri
vate property, citing also the privileges
guaranteed to every citizen when arrested,
for crime.
Section first proCides that from 'and' af
ter the passage of !this_ act, if any civil or
military officer of this State or of the Uni
ted States shall arreator attempt to arrest
any private citizen bf- this State ,with the
intention of carrying him out ofthe State
with r out a leg al hearing or trial, in the
manner or form provided by , the Constitu
tion of the State or of the United States,
he or they so offending shall be deemed
guilty of a high crime, and Upon Convic
tion in any Court j of Quarter Sessions Of
this Cominonwealth, shall be fined not• less
than five thousand dollars and in addi
tion be imprisoned for notless than five
years at hard labor.
Section second provides that if any such
officer shall suppr , ess or attempt to sup-
press the publication of any newspaper by
force, or prevent its circulatiOn, or shill
in any way interfei.e With the freedom of
speech or of the press, illegally, as recited
in the preamble,
shall upon conviction be
fined not - less than ' five hundred 'dollars or
more than one thousand dollars, or be
imprisoned' in the ;State Penitehtiary for
not less than one year, or both a ,at the dis
cretionlof the court.
'Section third requires every - sheriff, po
lice officer km constable to arrest,the per
son so 'Offending, and bring bite before the
neareatjustice or aldermanafapd if the ev
idence-shall be deemed sufficient, the per-.
son socharged shall be cottimitted to the
CountyJaiiuntil the neat ensuing; Court
of. Q uarter Session's.
Section fourth makes it tl e duty of the
Governor, immediately after the passage
of this act, to issue his pi oclamation warn
ing all civil and military.' officers of the
penalty for violating this act, and his de
•terthination to enforce the same; and-noti
fying sheriffs, pollee officers and constables
of their duty in this connection, extending
to such officers, wbearesisted, such aid as
the emergency may require.l '
The bill was referred to the 'Committee
on Judiciary,General. iII
Mr. Raise, of Fayette, has alio intro
duced a bill to pre,vent illegal arrests.—
This bill provides that the removal of. arry
person beyond the limits of OielStatelor of
the lJnited St . ates.for offenses committed
in t the Stite, 7s to!be deisiated a Misde
meanor; aid tbst, -aey. pinion *rho obeli
seine, or 4411 in err maenet aid ir.iscch
semi' re or atteinPt'at.Beiturei,oeiriTilball
actually remove or attempt t o reale eisaid
person so committing offenseo,, shill be
guilty of high Misidemeanor, and, on*m•
vietion, shill be .ieutenced to 'a line: et
exceeding one thonsand dolly Spain
imprisonmentOn solitary confirtiMentt for
any period not exceeding ten years, both
or either at the discretion of the Court---
and that upon , the trial of any ,peffon
charged with the offences above recited,
the fact that each seizure, confinement - -Or.
removal was,* order.of the, President ,:or
the United States, or- of any trietoMr.44
the. Cabinet or other officer of the General .
GOvernment, Shull constitute no- legal de
fence. • !
The eonimittee, to i n v est i gate sa SU
jeet of the election of the State Treasi*
have elected C. G, Williams, of Tioit,as
their Clerk. This will be pleasing news to
Chulay n Unieroll4 friends-
The Senate bas passed an act extemiingi
the:Lenox. Road Law of 1847, to the
to , iltship of Franklin. It will pass the
House. A. J. G.
'Mr. Beebe, of the Oowego firazetlq,uses
the following apt and truthfUl language,
im.speaking-of the sectional party which
his dragged our country to the verge of
rdin •
I " Was-our country ever before so cure=
ed with small men in high places? Thro'
the whole list of Republican office-holders
frem the President down, scarcely is
there a man to lie fouild of 'ability, integ
rity and intellectual acquirements, ade
,q ate to his station. The State papers
w nch emanate from the executive branch
e of our government bring a blush of
sl ame to the countm i iances of our citizens.
T rough the inismdnagenient of the
Treasury Department our finances are in
a deplorable condition. The War De
vrtment obstructs; more than it aids,. the
operations of ourarmies in the field. Two
ip. three Confedeiate steamers drive our
cOmmerce to foreign bottonny while. the
Niavy Department is spending - untold
millions to little practical advantage. The
respectable old fogy at the j head of the
PiNV Departinenti . losies hiinsell in over
turning a long line of decisions of the Su
pVeme court, to prove that black men are
entitled to the privileges of American
ciizenship, but that white men are not.—
Congress is legislating to, the same end,
te protect and pamper rregreWsT- frr3 l tO
oppress the, Caucasian 'race.; Weakness
and folly characterize the actin!' of all.—
The rebellion games unsupprekted, though
the patriotisni of the people; has nobly
contributed of treasure and ofblood for Its
ppre.ssloil. .
Whence is all this evil PI Whatever
party has heretofore been in I the- ascen
dancy in the Country, its affairs have
allways been managed with ability, and it
has always, in the main, been prosperous.
The old Wlvig party and the Democratic
party have always put statesmen of abil-
it in high places. The self styled Re
p discards all such men, is
stile to broad views, ho f ors narrow
f naticism and sectionalism , i based upon
s' lf-righteousness, prejudice and sectional
h te,-such as cannot actuate a noble mind.
Vence its oivn best men are unpopular
vifithltself, and put aside for Men of sniall
calibre: Its principles are too narrow,
bitsed too much upon- a contracted view,'
itb„policy 100 exclusively a dne,-idea - and
sectional policy, to control a Mighty Union
of States of various interests) and varied
lien' institutions. '-Hence it has not sue
ceeded in administering our public affairs,
aed never can• succeed. The sooner the
people realize thii truth, the sooner will.
obr Country be restored tol prosperity.
News from Tone,
1 ' , Hth . .eicr / t, I Jan. 31.
H. B. M.'s steamer Rinaldo came in
yesterday from Galveston. An extra of
the Houston Telegraph, January 23, gives
an account of the capture off Sabine Pass,
of the United States brig Morning Light,
a d a schooner (name unknown)on the
2 st inst, by an expedition, of a part of
u s d G e e r n. fl tdu eet gru n d n e d r e , r u ' u M th aj e o 4 r ti O )
i . u M st. .
t eM in a s r .
(an nary),.proelaimed the port of Galvest
B ei intercourseissued
a count e r
e a
tashe7l'eenr p led l ta l th
tmation Commodore
.on- the 20th de
cring :Galveston, Sabine Pass, and the
whole coast of Texas to be glider an hc
tUal blockade, and warning all vessels
against trading, under penillty of c.spture.
- Acknowledgemen t —At a meeting .of
the Montrose Fire Company, No. 2, Felt.
2, 1863, on motion, voted, that thethanka.
of this Company be tendered, through our
Secretary ina the Montrose papers, to H.
Drinker, Esq., for a present of five dollars.
Also, to the- Girard , Inturanee "Co; for
same amount - presented by' their agent, B.
Administratrix' Notice.
wort= is heretirgivento_ eltmsenuteriegeeemodi
agatnet the estate Ittnee GaZatuttOate of Chino•
ant township, dee% that the setae mat be prweow to
the naderstmed for settlement. aatelleeWne Wattled
eatdellitlleetervemmilee So epaltatit.
MAW! GAZY, j. ••
: tealeenitt. Feb. %Mk • .
•By- Rev. 11.4.1 Kitty, on the morning
of Javii 27th, J. 0..34tr., V. D4:S,nd Miss
Mwetifis C. &storm, all of lironttose.
In Sprligyille, on the sth ioet., by Rev.
.W. H. Gam; Mr. Elszirr Dtrzorortz and
Miss••c.-eoE,_both or-Rush.
Dec. 11 ; Nam, wife :of ties, Steiger;
9fJessup,.aged,-..72 year& - .
• In Washington City, San. 'l6th, 18¢3,
of tYphoid-,lever, A. 'WEST, of
CO. H. 143 d Reg. P. V., aged 13
,years„ 1
month. -
InJe.ssnp, :an. 30th, of scarlet fe*er,
Raids& J& E, daughter. of William and
Parthena $. Bissell, ned 14 years andf3o
days. ,
[Vines omitted for want of room.l
In Raab, Jan.
.22nd, . MATra E w, bus:
Mona, Esq . :, aged 50 years and
_9 months.
Agreeably to his previously exp - ressed
wishes, and-in pursuance of the following
Resolutions, his funeral was attended on
Saturday the . 24th, by a respectable num
ber:pf his'Masonie brethren from adjacent
toWns; as well as by, a very large - con
course b-f his - Mends and neighbors.
kAt a special meeting of Warren Lodge, '
No. 240, A. Y, M., held at the Lodge Hall
in Montrose, on Friday evening Jan. -23,
A. D. 1803 the following was unanimous
Whereas ;; ;. It hatb pleased Althighty
,God to nab our, well beloved , brother,
Matthew Dunmore, from this world to
his eternal rest.
- •;Resolved, That while we deplore our
loss; w,e submit with resignation to the Di
vine will.
That we will attend his funeral in a bo
dy, and, in accordance with his living re
quest, will render our last tribute to, his
tnemory, in conformity, with the an4ient
ceremonies of our order.
That we extend our sincere sympathy
to his: bereaved family and -friends, and
trust that He who doth not fail to notice
even the "fall of a sparrow," will' not fail
to look. 'down, with infinite compassion,
upon them in the hour of their desolation.
Ordered ; That ,the Secretary transmit
&copy of tbe.foregoing to the family of
our deceased brother. -
FRIDAY EVENING Feb.2o, 1863.
'General invitation given.
Administkator's Notice.
woneg is hereby given to all persons. having de
ll mends against the estate of SEWEL CORZITT,
late of Broome county. N.. Y.. deceased, that the same
must be presented to the undersigned for arrangement,
and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment.
Montrose, Feb. 4,1868. C. L. BROWN, Adm.'s'.
Ace. Notice .
• r
ALL persons debted to the estate of MATHEW DUN-
I& MORE, lat of Rush; deceased, are herby requested
to make 'ate payment, end all persons having
claims against said estate, will pasent them forthwith
to the undersipied for svitlement. . -
O. S. 'BEEBE, Bridgewater,
Feb. 10th, 1863.--6 w.
MBE subscriber offers for sale a lot of land in Harford,
containing about 114 acres.'belonging to the estate
of N. W. WALDRON. dec'd, and known as the Lake Lot,
lying on the road leading from Barford In
Carpenter's, and-about one half mile fron.the village.—
About 20 acres improved, and, well adapted to m ak e a
Price and terms of payment can be amertained by calk
lug on the subscriber._ I '
P. CARPENTER, Admen de boats non,
Estate of N. W. Waldron, dec'd.
Feb.: 3. 1863. v4w
Now offera for MIS one of the largest aonestiseiections
GO t CR!
Ever o ff ered in Susquehanna County. and probably com-
Aprising the greatest variety or most di ff erent articles of
ny Store in the Northern part of Pennsylvania, and per-
haps of the entire State. An assortment, is kept, in
about thirty different branches of trade, and the selec-1
tions are made from about forty of the beat Houses in
New York, and more: than fifty Dealers and Manufac
turers out of New York. A large proprrtion of the
Goods are brought direct trots the manufacturers, thous
insuring •genuine articles. -Customers on entering the
Store must not expect-to find everything in sight. but
nearly every article wanted will be pro bread by inquiry.
litinqpea of the Stock may be formed by the following
gens 1 outline. but enumeration is impracticable.
Da gs and Medicines. Paintsand Oils. Dye Stuffs
an:Aeries. Liquors, Crockery, Glass Ware, Joan ant{
Wittilow Paper, Jewelry. 'Silver Ware,Perfumery. Eancy
Goods, Musical Instruments, Brushes, American Pocket
IC__,nities; Table Cutlery_ and Silver Plated Ware. tamps,
Materials for Lights. Hardware, Bed Coids,Stone Were,
Dry Goods. Mirrors, Window Glees; Lithographs. Yu,
Metres, Bird Cages, Spectacles. Whips, and. Lashes.
Bretans. Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Tobacco. Medi
cal and Surgical Instmnents, Salt. Soap, Potash, Um
brellas. Porcelain Teeth, in ahort. nearly everything, to
restore the sick, to please the taste; to delight the-eye,
to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and
*Di:mantisl comforts of life.
The attention of the pltblie !I respectfully invited to
my stock of Goods, bought exclusively for eas/ down.
and wilkbet sold on-the same princi ga.Tl:litHELL.r low Prices
Montraise, Jannaryist.-1801. -
Reinteol7ro7llol3lll3lli. sad
n :
guess, sea ilivertfserstsr. 'ffhteland In lrm tr
GOOD inwsl
.rt. 4E. 3:)
= monsier zaza.s.con
4 rP
,w;:crivissigvorimtlizg 7 1 : 4 4 3 : " lout
.--Arris,oXl.lll .030 '
Oultrubtrg, "gostnintitm, At Ca.
has put us on - our
enables us to offer to OW customers. goot t
On equally as good-tents as formerly, cousiderlmt theists
• •
Gitt,tenlyer.4, - (gastubanm
Montrose, Snag's Connty, Pa l
Elmira, 'New-York,
Susquehanna. Depot, - Pa.:
. ALL .
3pg. 4a.c>l32:zolete,,
We are determined not to be outdone, either in priceP or
qualities,—and ' e V: on ] endeavor to . give our customers
In this branch our stock is complete,, sad wilt, be eol.
lower, and more tastefully finished than any one.horae
establiihment, or any four-horse concern this side of N.
York City, is able to offer or.produce. We can assure the
public that we constantly employ the beat cutters 'and
workmen to Make up our stock. •
larGarmente made to order
tar'On the shortest notice.
larA GOOd Fit, warranted or no sale. .
In order to close ont our stock of
WIN/ 11121 01021E2Y45 9
we will sell at a I=lll advanee above cost. ,
A Great Stock contantly kept, and sold loWer than the
lowest at' . . • • • '
atittlibtrg, %Icistubaui & Co's
Montrose, January let, 1863. " •
t 4,
, //
; - ' e/
. < 1
FOUNDED is,ie,to
Incorporated by Leitsßave Charter..
Being the only COMMERCIAL COLLEGE In tbiUnion
conducted by -
nave been educated in the Principles and Practice Mall
the details of a business education from- DUFF'S sys
tem or ,
mEncArriu Bc•os•smc,.zo
Awarded Four Silver Medals, and•the sanction of the
highest Mere.antUe Authorities In the , country. - Also.
- " A perfeet system for such books and accounts." Al
so Duff's new system of
• .
After the forma of the Pennsylvania. Railroad. Alsb,
Duff's new evetem of
The only one in use in the city. The .above systems of
accounts are taught under the daily supervision of the
author. and, it is believed, toadegree of perfection ricv'
er attained elsewhere. •
for best Business and Ornamental Penmanship awarded
our present Penman by the -, •
United States Fair atTineinnati in.... . .
Penna. State Fair at Wyoming •
Western PenryoFairat Pittsburgh..
Western Viiiiiiii Fairat Whiarng
and the Ohio State Fair at C1eve1and..,..1666.
All of which are exhibited at our office.‘
Duff , . New Engraved debeeldepy, Books.
Fine eep, s si pages each, Wheat!! per dozett—the cheap
eat Copy Book itime.
Balkiness and ornamental Penmanship, withll6No plates
and scales by WSI. DUFF, illustrating all the elements.
of the Penman's Ali a the most': complete instmotor
known. Elegantly bound. Crown quarto. Price $5,
post paid. .
Harper's Enlarged Edition °Ohara -Book:keeping.
Price $1.50. Sold by Booksellers generally.
For fall pardeulare and for Circular, in.
68_ , and samples. our Penman's Business and Ornamental
.Writing..eneloring.2s dents. to - •
P. DUFF & SON. Prinelpals„
LiStrangers will please inquire our reputation in the
city, where we are best known. . Jan. 1, INA 6m*
S. DI. Pettenell & 130.;
NO._ 8? PARR ROW. New York. and e State Streak;
Boston, are oor agentalor the NotaremAimotratisz
ibosetitlar„ and are antborlsed intake stasettsereetrls
isallanbeertstlene ler ss at emir hrwsst ream.
121 e New Commercial Baildiagi aro tallied
opposite the _Court Holum comer of- ,
Court aad. ChOZIWO fltreoto%
This Cortege le in no. way coUgoct!d :gni War gala .
Inotittaion. I . . .
The enereet of the entire Vanity are . azolasiesty :
devoted to this. . . . -
The design of this Institution is to sifbrd Young Ses -
su opportunity for acquiring a now" if , !tuttosi . ..
Molnar • •
• • Oar lloots=rini are cuthilly tirtengstnilehed-
cal sottouritiults, expresely for this =citation, . end the
codrse of Instruction is such es to . ' combine Theory' !aid :Caine,,
This courser embraces:Book-Keeping lean its depict
atetkU, Penmanship. Commercial Arithmetic; "macaws
correspondence, Commercial Law, PoUtical Economy,
Commercial Ethics, Partnership Settlements. Detecting
counterfeited and altered bank notes, etc.
- Tile Spencer's!' system of Penmanship is Wight In all
its varieties, bythe most skillful masters clew art. •
The fkrok-geeping department is ender the special al,
trerctson and instruction of the Principal, D. W. Limy *
CiFoneereka X2a.forzzays4l.4sXi..
Students can enter at any time. No . vaaitkot. T/snal
time to complete. the course. from 6to la weeks. Assis
tance rendered togradnates in procuring situations.
Graduates are presented - with an elegantly engrain'
D b po r me.
For catalogue of IS pages, specimens or penman=
a p, &c., enclose two letter stamps; and address . .
Binghamton. N. T.
ixtl3 02 ly
Large Lines of PRIORS Couquered arid
• 'Reduced I
11. 301:31ELPLIWT,.
- 'NEW MILORD, PA., - •
receiving, f Spring finlngleo, now sod largo skettfig,
WALL. Paper, Windnw,SHADES,.
CLOCKS, &C., &C.
Including, as usnal;full varieties °tabs asost'pogalar
styles pi t • .
&C., &0., &C.,
whirl kw will sell on ille,giost favorath 01 1 110, tic
or to
Flour & Salt; constantly on_ hand
Under Montrose Democrat Office,
11. Fres h Ground Western FLOUR
every 80 days, which we *arrant to glvelietisfaction
as any in - market; if not good returned atour expense.
Feed, and Buckwheat _ Flour, .
,[Sugar dio4d]
- Dried' Beef,
Smoked Halibut,
Drips and„Syrups,
Molasses and Sugars,
which we offer for 'sale at Low Prices, for READY PAT
ONLY. , Montrose, Joly 1862.
kcgisreattoiroiroof the l : a r ta l aa t
terns i l tildens` Hardware "
Farmers' ToOls ofAll lands.
Braes Ware, Porc.elaift Ware, Jipanned and Plain Tla
Ware of the beat material. • • ,
Paints, Oils, - Glass, • Putty, and Sash.
Pumps. Lead Pipe, I..amPealird Cages, etc, MC. •
Also, a Good Buggy for Sale.
Terms right. Remember the place. Callaud 146 am
wx. BOYD lc WOODRITTIF t . •
IL A. WOODRUM f MOBtrOeC, July 22d, 1862.
Executors 7 NoticO.
NOIYCE le hereby given to allpersoits having_ de.
mends against the Estate a HENNAED KEENAN.
late of- Middletown, deceased, that the same must be
presented to the ,undersigned for arrangement, and all
persons indebted to said estate Are requested to make
MICHAEL NOLAN, Arlacon, /Be n i.
‘• r JAMES TREDON, 31f iletomn.
Jan. 21, 1863. - 6m,
Administrator's Notice.
A& LL persons indebted-to the estateof Isle
or Bridgewater, deceased, Are hereby :coastal to
make tramediats payment,rnd all Personshsn. g Oda,
against said estate will present them forthwith to
ALFRED BALDWIN. Administrator.
BridgeirateroJan. 27, .
Administrators' Notice.
'OTICE is hereby Myatt° all peFsona having damazdt
e wa vtli , agh e. : eattfboot2l4lolrai
samo 11 . .21 „ ti r at e of 11la t t
the narigued for aetnemayit. And all Parma indebted
le said esteeue ?equated to make inuediatap_ajmegt.
Itnih, ha. 10, 'it. - • AthateallratOrp,