The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 20, 1863, Image 3

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    In the Senate, the
c omm itteeige: -Federal Relationn Low
ry ; TinancerLlOnnell; Judiciary, Penney;
Erection Dig:riots, Mcdatid;less ; Retrench
meth, and Xeform, Ridgway; Education,
Turret( ;
/ Agriculture and Domestic Mau
.ufalturo>, Reilly ;. Accounts, Sera ;
tates aid Escheats, Robinson ; Pensions
and &iatuities ) . Johnson ; Corporations,
Hiotand ; Banks, Fuller; Canals . and In:
land Navigation, Hamilton . ; Railroads;
chols; Election Districts, SlcCandlesi;
grliti% White; Roads and BridgeS,Afutz
man ; Compare Bills, Kinsey;_ Nice and
Immorality, Graham.; Private. Claims
Wilson ; Library; Bound ;Public Print
ing, Robinson ; Public Builditigi,',BoUglit
er; New Counties and County Seats, Cly
,raer. Turrell,' of Susquehanna, is also on
the Canal and Vice . atid Immorality Corn
The New Mir el States. Senators ';
The Harrisburg Patriot and Unitin,
gives a 'biographical sketc4,_of the - new
Senator front' Pennsylvania,. formerly U
-4. minister to-Eqnador, ,
In Nfr. - Buckalew's career as a publiC
man, he 11:0 shOWn evidence of the high-1
est integrity Ind the. most distinguished
ability. lie has Alw . ays...ban a .steadfast
oponent ot y the fanatical, abolition party,
and a firm supporter of Democracy and
its measures. His parliamentary reputa
tion in 'the , State, is second to that of no
one within its. limits ; and a consistent .
and able politiciatOte stands in the.fore
most, rank. As statesmanOlis_ rising
genius inspires the undivideditorifidenee
of the whole Democratic party in t.the'
State, who_
look to his career with unusu
al interest and expectation...,
Of Wm. A Richardson, Senator - elect
from Illinois, the Deiroit Fiee Press says:
In the war he has supported everyconAit-
Naomi. act of the administration ;but' haS
been unwilling to barter away i the. rights
of white men for the liberty 'of negroes.
"-So loner as 'Mr: Lincohywne•cifits_er_va
tivq, he leaped upon Mr. Richardson,. and
it is-now evident that his great mistake
has been in disregarding the counsels. of
.such - men.
- Mr. RichgrasOn's elevation to the Sen
ate at' this is a peculiarly auspicious
event: • Coninfou sense is sadly needed in.
that -body. '; • • . _
The results of tlielate elections of Sett,
story in ,linrent State Legislatures are
2sfollows:—. • I
M due-7-440t •M. MoiTill*—Republican.
Peunsylvania—Charies P.. Buelcalew`
Michigan 7 —Zacliariali Chandlei*—Re
s. • ,
New Jerse*V—James - W. Wall—Deth:
Delaware—James A. Ba3,,ard*—Demo-
crat.,l . .
In liana—T. N. ll2ndriAs, long term,
Democrat. Mr. Turpic' short _ .
ocrat. .
Maryland —Thomas H i . Hicks, short
term —Democrat. . , ,
'lllinois —William H. i . Richardson,Mem
ocrat. ! , -
*Re-elected. -
The Anderson TrOop.
There is nothinn• can justitY, the con
of those members - of the Anderson
Aboop—five hundred, we believe—who re
fuN to go into battle at Murfreesboro'.
Tthe,e hundred of the regiment; went
into getcn and b'ehaved gallantly. .'Gen.
Stanley %Ils them "his noble three bun,
dred.' 1 :-,der command of the brave
• Majors, Itostwzarteu anti Ward, they 3t
tacked and roked abrivade composed of
-. the •15th South V \ arolina and tw.o Georgia
regiments. 11 - Osbigarten and krard were
.killed in the act of setting ()vein stone
fence, an d Captajn A Nzen, winle lattmpt-.
ing the same feat, reeked six shots in - the•
leg he had got.over,' lieSnre. he. could get
t back. In this enconntet they
. lost elev:
en killed and-a number . itroanded. If
these three-hundred brave fellows could
go into the battle,
and with the arms they
had, rout a rebel brigade, the less the fire
hundred r cowards 'and . mutineers say'a
, bout their want of proper arms and_ WE
-cent the better. Their conduct - was . 43-
graceful, and Gen. Rosencrainq Vile fail
to punish them, will fail in the Oischarge
.of his duty. The Carlisle Herald learns
"that all the - Carlisle members of the An
.derson cavalry. are, safe at Nashville,"-
They are safe there because they refused
to go into the battle. Their . naines=lll
names . of-the Whole five hundred—should
'be published. Among them we should
. probably•-find the eoWardly Abolition 'ras:
.cats who attempted to destroy the After
- iian-Votun leer offiee.—Har. Patriot
SCRANTON, PA.; J.lll-15.
ups, Woak.—The Post .Office at Scran.
ton.vas broken into last night, and its
contents cleared, including. the riaail bags
made up for the- South via the Lehigh
and-Baltimore railread.
The coal miners are resuming, work tq
:grit mi Gov. Seyritoueti ,Itteioaqo
. L
Veit' iii4iiiihttr , Thai 4 '
In accordance . • With .13reviT:tlis lippoint
menti the Teaclie - i of 14130 X ;District as
6RTO,ifea, ,aeLiVoiville, Jan.
The meeting-organized by electing W. Y.
Tingle}, Esq. President.;• S. P;'lline,Seti
retary. - . 1 ,-.,. 1 . , : .-. ~,
Teachers Preient ;10, C. ;Roberts;-Jos. -
Hartley, Cyrus Hartley', -Port-et S.` Hine,
John I Travis., AfisS Tayinf,.ATitiglq,
AI vistrOakley,. Caroline-. ponracc, Iluldali.
Gatdifer; Sophia BelVher.: '. -
-.. toliectOrs prfasent-LIV. i.l : 14 1 / 2 i e lana.
Ambrose B.riindage4' - -:'.--• •-•;. 1..
In accordance .with a pyizi'axiiirte' i adop- .
lied at a former Meeting, thelnsi.itutehwas
conducted in the=` following. -- -Order:,
roll-call of teachers land Direc ors. ~ 4nd,
minutes of Inititute hall in, lenwOod,
Deo. 13th , , 1862, read'and . app yed. sa,
'Miss Belcher excused from rea big an es
say to-day, and hei time' ex.t iided two
week, in - order to piepare one be read
at nest nieetiiik t . 4. )its's Tingley Con
ducted an exercise in Readin g in which
Directors and ottrerSparticipated. 5. An
exercise in - :Written !AritlimetiC conduct' :
ed,,by Mr. Travis. ,6. An exer ise in Ge-'
Ograpliy, 'by' S. P.. Iline.,.,lte,c ss of one
hour. . .-. 4 ‘ I -.' . I .
Afternoon- 86sion.--,-1.: Teachers: and
others proposed to] the Directbrs for' ad
vice and- decision, questions pertaining, to
their. respective sch'9ols. 2.. Messrs. Ting
ley and 'ROO' '.entertained the Institute .
with appropriate reMarks, whih- were re- .ceived 'with gratefUl attention. 3. Mi s s
Colidfieted an• exercise in prain
mar.: 4.' Mr. jamesliartley: etdncted an,
exercise in Orthography. •
The foliOwing. persons were ' appointed'
-to take charge of gasses "at the
. next
stitute-: 0. C. Roberts, of Reading; S.
P. Hine, - of Graminar; •Jas. ilartley, .of
GeOgraphy; Miss-Tiogley,'of Written A
rithmetic; gisait . T,4lor, of Intellect=ual
Arithmetic: , •
-. On Motion, Missrendner wits appoint
to\ prepare an-4say, and Hartley
and John Travis deciaimers atl next meet
ing. The Seeretary was relineSted to fur
bish reports of thi4 meeting fur pal:Aka
• I .
' A vote ofthanks *as tendered toile
.eitzens of tenoxville for the ko4)i!able
manner in Which the members of the
stitute Were kindlyl.entertained. Adjourn
ed to,meet at the Tow - er School Honse"
'on Sattirdaydan. 25th, 1863. The friends
of Education- -are )invited to attend our
next meeting.
IS. P. HINE t , 'Sec'ry.
--,------4- L 41 , -;-'
.-We have daily increasing eiridence That
1 . ;
our Government,. as at present .adoiiiiiiii.
tered, regards a negro as melt bettey than'
marl:a whimarl:,ThO lategt i , illeitration- of
this interesting ladt, is found n its treat
ment. Of "State Prisoners." It is stated
thattwo negroes were put into Fort La
fayette; one of whOm was named Stephen.
. The. prisoners. generally wrote -to the
officials - in Washington`, :irking. what they.
1 .
were confined forilbut they g t no`answer
Stephen wrote among others, and got no
answer.• -it last One of the p isoners - mid
—"Stephen,' w rite; ; tell.. titer , - you are. it .
colored man.". Stephen did • write.; did
say be wa. A colored man,- , —and iii a very
short tirrie' a letter cathe.,.baqk from. the
Judge Advocate Opening ti e doors for
Stephen, the . -cOlOred,"maii. The' negro
was the only pri.4Oner that puld get an
official answer frOm Wasbifraton.—Har t
ford Times. 1 9
I .
. .
THE DEXO-LOCif." .9' ALBANIT.—the piii.
.lie interests' are now suffering from the
squabbles of factiOns - at Albapy. Parties
in the- Assembly being numerically of the
same strength, the -balloting for Spehker
proceeds without! any progress towards a
choice. Every niember adheres persist
ently to the' line marked outs by political
preferences. Th 4 is' unfortunate.
suppose real Ilifficnity is the control
which the officers -of the hOuse will be
likely to have in: - the - matter - Of going into
. -
joint ballot for the.. electing 011ie United
States Senator '' 1 ' A
Do ation friends of Rev.
L. F. POrter will' make donation
Visit. at hif. , 'reFiriOnc,.' in Brooklyn, on Fri
day, Jan.. 30,-afte:rnoon and evening. By
,order of TiusteeA.
Brooklyn, Jan.' 12, 1 Bq3
MCA:Ii I ttIAL . CiaOI9.
In Forest. Lako,.. Jan. 12th'; by Rev. R.
VatiValkenburg,l Mr. _A.. Li, BULLARD, of
Oiiego, N. Y., acid Miss MARY A. MILLER,
of Forest Lake, 1,"a.: - •
In Unlock, or the 7th - inst., by C. C.
Esq., Mr. Eatica L. Bevan and Miss
SABRA. ' YoUNG, al) of Dinioek,
In Binghamton', y., Jan, 10, 1863, of
Bright's`disease - of the kidneys, Tuo*As
Jicasolf ? M. D„ *go .5.17
Dr. Jackson was a native of Pennsylva
nia, born in what ! is now Wyoming coun
ty, April 23, I.9o..).Ele.graduated in me&
acme in Philadelphia, in 1827. In 1.528 ho
came totingharnton and =commenced' the
practice of pramion. 'at once
entered upon and extonsive practice and
rapidly ropein public estimation - and con-
tlem*.-:,:Whik'epritidgoopjw,-retaitied up
to Ate boitt:9oiir dewittri'
In lElpB - 40 - Aeruered.tcillistilseiropi, loci[-
titig a:Wt*rabbtl;Where hilive4 and 044:
riturried* .-tO,the
N_QAtir .-antLestablished . binwse,lt at. Bing
hamton. • Here - "he -remained,
dlligently . pinctieeing . his" profession; and
naa-faithful sentinel guarding - the lives
'and health of this :community: For iiiore
than. thirty years - he has .been thus engag-,
ed, during - -whichtime - titt...entwO
generation has past and . .a new one.
' bas : sneceeded, ntanyef whom (.IrAw'sthei r .
first breath' Una proteiSietial 0* ,
'The death of tsr. JeckSou -will excite
emotions of profound throligl4o.l4
tli'is:: entire doitimUnity. - filled. , nein-.
-significant or ordinary place . -beffire" the.
.public, '.,As a Man and a eitiZeithe steod .
in 'the : form - 9st rank. •To very .. ..Many i
hbuselkildi be was the. "beloved physi
cian." Kind of,hetrt-and of a -- genet-60
nature, his _time and profesSiciital.Skill harms
been-at-the service of every 20:ne,
pecuniary recompense was •to him a see:,
oi3dhry consideration. the discharge
if his professional was goVerned
'bra strong sense of obligatiim;_ not only
to' hose who COunnited . t heir interests .to
- his care, but also to. that - higher power
ich ; had 'end° wed,ititn itli
andgiven him - 'tbe ...opportunity to
serve his feltow men.l l l‘spossiSsed a fine
ly 'cultivated intellect, sound judgment,
and strong common sense.' He was not
tenacious, yet . positive in his.opinions ;
was self-reliant, and having confidence in
himself, he inspired confidence in others.
He was true to his profession, and never
failed to contribute to . what he . regarded
its best interests.
In the circle, or his household. he 'vas
the loved and honored, iineL.and well
might he be, for, there his kind and -affec
tionate nattirelvas constantly rnanifeging
itself. He was - endeared to numerous his (pansies of - lieart, and hiS
social accomplishments ; and respected by
all for his manliness and 'worth. , •
His form, so long familiar,: will no more
be seen among as, but, will be laid away
with those of the generation that here - first
knew and appreciated him. His wcrk is
now done, and iabis- grave, calmly rest
ing timid , the scenes of his former labors,
and his memory green in the.liearts of our
citizens,- he will " sleep
;04 Republican, • • • .
COMPE'FRNT Salesmen to engage in the pale of the
J. S. C. Abbott, author of " Life of Napoleort,'"' History
of the French Revolution," lie..
„Apply immediately to the GeneratAgent.
S. B. PALMER, Searle's Hotel,
- Motif rest; Pa.
--In Wisconsin.
anbsctiher offers for sale the North halfoaf the
well known Tiffany Farm. situated three miles from
Madison City, the Capital of Wisconsin, containing'
80 Acres of Improved Laitd..-
This Farm is wellsilt:deli. end will continue to In
crease in value. Wilt sold very low for cash, pr ex
changed for real estate In this county. Apply to ,
Barton:l, PA., Jan. 2A,180.3. 2m'
TO BE SOLD - at Public Adetion, at 2fontroie. Penn'a'
. on-Saturday. the'3ll4 day of March, 1963, "All that
certain piece or parcel of lani, situate-lying and being in
the townehipiof Sliver Lake. countrefSusquebanna,and
state of Pennsylvania, boanded'and described as follows
-to wit: - Beginning ate post in the road near the Catho
lic Church, tht: northeast corner of James Whalley's lot;
thence east 222 perches to a post, the northwest corner
of-John North's lot; thence by John North's west line,
south 56 perches to a post; thence-by land of T. North,
and- P. Guidith, West 196 perches to a post in said road,
and thence by the same north 18 degrees west 211 perch
es,. and north 22 - deg. west 35 perches, to the place of be
ginning, containing 65 acres, be the saine - mOra or less?'
Timms or Sets.—Cash on delivery of deed. ,Title
', Jan. '20,1 . 863. 2w
CrITANGE of hoar', commenting Monday, Jan. sth,
V 1863. Crain' will leave Great Pend, Pa., at abone the
following hours, viz: -
.1. Buffalo - Express,3:oo p.m 2, N.Y. Express, 12:08
.3. Night Express, 1:45 a.m 4, Night Expres, 3:02 a.m
5, Mail. at 4:43 pm ' 6, Steamboat " 8:15 p..ra
17, Way Freight, FL - Zip:at 20, Way Freight, 10:05 a.m
21, Accomodation A:42 a.m •
Nos. rand 4 run every day
does not run Mondays. No.
to Buffalo, but does not run I
over night at Elmira.
wishing to hear of a pnrchaseOtnay do so by dropp
ing a line, describing premises and mauling price, , lnto
the Montrose Posi office, addressed to
Jas.% 1863. U. CASH.
. Modals' trators' Notice.
NOTICE le hereby given to all persons hiving demand
against the eitate of Ephraim Robins, late of Rush
township. deceased, that the awn, Vanst be presented to
i h e ndenslgned Air settlement, and all pereonthindebted
a Id estate are make Immediate payment,
Rush, Jan. 4, '6l. - Admini. tratoro.
- License Notice.-,
NOTICE is hereby givcu ; that in pursuance of an
act , of _Assembly, the following named persons
have Aled their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace for, the County of &mune.
hannajor Liteuses to keep Taverns in said County, for
which they apply at January Sessions. 1868:
C. R. 4acitson, Priendsvile—Daniel Hoff. Jessup—Rob.
ert Susq'st Depot—Mary Ann Mailuny. suswo
Depot—Silas iVinters, Harmony—Oeo. lloperuft, Rugg's
Depot, to sell by the measure—Chester Stoddard, Thom
-8bn.—.1.. W. Fisk, Springville:—W. K. Hatch. Montrose.
IL IL -TU.KNRI3, _Clerk.
• iifontrose, Jan. 1;1863. _
•To England, Ireland and Scotland.
BRAHAX BELVS.SQH'S DRAFTS. in antatrof one
poand'and ilorarda, payable in all the principal
lawns of England. Ireland and Seotland;fpr sale by
g(XIPAR, Bawazna.
in 30—'69 adontro,•.e, Pa.
CIS : _
- • 'ANE"
- • - • q • :Z P;4:",
Where 'pm ate enie-iif itttiag . the-wOrth 4:4 your:mon
ey, ir at the
C. L. BROWN, Agent
runs Sundays, but
3 fif Saturdays rune thpi!.l
to.Dankirk. •No. b rerrudniri
, 114:8,1111150T, Gen. Supt.
I'S - iiin
g rZEZI 741311311,A7.-X1'491-Cna
To Purchase
mincilooPrhms cows
Gaittubtrg, ortnbaumvh Co.
-''' 'DOAIESTICK'= - .. '
~ • • ,: ,
has put ns,on our guard, and wushavelatelylaidln a lareo.
stock. which enables us to o ff er tolour custidnors,toot s
on equally as good termsaa,COnsldartrigthelstt r e .
rtie. ' . - ,
(64tteuVerg, c'6stublum
Montrose, §usq'a County, Pa.,
lamb* flew-1'61.14
Susquehanna. Depot, Pa.
M . 9C:03:1a1:010te •
IVe aro'determined nottirAie vistas - Or
qualities,—and we will etriltavbr to-giye our al-Mothers
all posilble constitution.
. .
In this branch onrstock is `complete, and will be sold
loker'oand'utore tastefally finished than any cine-horse
estaliltsbmimt, or any foltr-horse concern this side of N.
York City, is able to offer or produce. We can assure the
public that we constantly employ the best cutters ,and
workmen to mane np our stock.
Vir say_ O lk et o 7 o e:t r s it trm w. d rr e ! t o nt :de o -.)
: no
sale.l .
Or On the shortest notice.
In order to close ont our stock of ,
0107"2'2;1 Chi
we will Bell et a mall Advance above cost. • '
A (treat Stock contantlyltept,, and Bold lower than the
lowest at • '
utitobati,llosenbutot & Co's
Montrose, January Ist. 180.
Nowoffers for sale one of th 6 largest and bestseleet lona
(-0_ 41, ~121
Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and probably com
prising the greatest variety or most different articles of
any Store m the Northemyart of Pentieylvania, and per
haps of the entire State. An assortment le kept in
about thirty : different branchee of trade, and the selec
tions ere made from about forty of the best houses in
New York. and more than fifty Dealers and Manufac
turers out of New York. A large prop,olion of the
Goode are brought direct from the tnanufacturers, thus
insuring genuine articles.: Customers on- entering the
Store must.not expect tolind everything in sight. kut
nearly every article wanted will be prwinced by inquiry.
Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the following
gineral.ontline but enumeration is impr acticable,
and Medlcinee, Paints and , le. Dye Stuffs.
'Groceries. Liquors, arockery. 'Glee's' are. Wall and
Window Paper. Jewelry. Silver Ware,Perfbritery. EanCy
Goods, Musical Instruments, Brushes. American Poiket
Knives. Table Cutlery and. Silver Plated Ware, I amps,
Materials for [Agate, llarOware. Bed Cords,Stone Were,
Dry Gootit, Mirrors, Window Glee*. Lithographs. Yer-
Mo s he*. Bird . Cages. ,Spectacles. •Whlps, and Lashes,
Broome, Gime, Pistole. Ammenitsm, Tobacco. Medi
cal and Surgical. Instruments. Salt, Soap, Potash. Urn
brellae.Pbroehtin Teeth,in:short. pearly everything. to
restore the sick, to pleaPP the taste, to delight the eye.
to gratify the fancy. .and ghetto conduce to the real and
, substantial comforts of life.
The attention of the public le reepeethilly invited to
my stock of Goods, bought exclusively for cash down,
and will be; cold on the same principle for low prices.
Montrose, January 15t,.1563.
Register's Notice.
IEIUBLIC NOTICE!, hereby given to all 'persobis - cOn•
cerned In the following estate, to wit :
Estate of Jabez Hyde, late of Rush, decd, Thomas
Johnson. adnfr de tants non,
'That_ the accountants have Fettled theli•secoants In the
Register's °Mee, In and for the county of Susquehanna,
and that he sante will he'presented to the Judges of the
Orphan's Court of said - county, on Ferial• January 30.
11363, for confirmation and allowance. •
. IC. NEWELL, 'Register.
Register's Office, Montrose. Doan. MO- _
- Executors', Notice.„.
LEri'ERS Teitamentary the Estate of HENRY
HENDRICKSON, deed; ;ate of Great Bend township
having been granted to the' undersigned. MI Persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make immediate
payment. and those haring demands against the same to
presept them to JOHN.MERRIIHELD, , i E 11.
erMt Deed. Pa.. Decorah,: 8t,b,113110-43w*
?4419 61 /
16 r
Al% TRW, - Pirraintf*
rottramm &law. " te
P _
.~ ~~.~.-,'3 ~
set:by 7 Eq; Gila iir.^
im,ul g; th e any,copm d c u lAJ...wwt.? , E . fiL , the,I Union
' .-,...
,_:' fp.,iltAgri94' 1 4. E 4 t • - --- -,-- •
‘ v. .-..• . 43/X .
'i,...., ( . 4fitzl i 'i .i . i noxt r•-). ....1:. ;',..'
• . ‘.
t *
Rave been educated in the V. Principles and, Practice o a
the detail* of 'a brisineini':editartiowtom DUFF'S sys. ,
tem of - a • ' . .
71 1 48 P,
Avsidell - Peour'Sltver Dedali, and the *Minton of the.
htgbenyiliffmntlto Anttiorittor in Dtat,imuttrz ypip,!
.i !' - .I3#AIII;tOAT. DOIA-Waittiio. 1 4 . ..1 i...., i l
" A perfect - system for Stith : books ant iiitoutti: 4 44. - !
so Duro new systearof - . • :----
. ItAILAIOAD 11013143 i, . 1 ' : 1
After , ttur forma' of. the ANuramh , anta, DalionadeAlso,
:0.0 '$ new sistem_tof . .::, ;,. :- - - 7..•.-:4. A.'
Ttrie life Wan:laity. "The above syste%a of
ticeontitaataught undir.the da il y impeevjdatii: 9E the
pad; ee it la believed, t9a . degeee 'of liettonn nev
er attained elactVhVre. "
TWEINE Pritciturnfii
An best Dulness and Ornamental Penmanship awarded
' • onr present Penman by the
United States Fair at, Cincinnati in '•
Penna. State Fair sr Wyoming
Western Pennatq?air atPittsburgh " •
Western Virginia Fair at Wheeling
And the Ohio State Fair at Cleveland
, '-
Al! of Which are exhibltedal enrodiee.
Weir , . New Engewared School opi ; Rooks
Fine cap o ki- pages each, 90 bouts .pe; dozed --' the cheap
• -
eft Copy Book in use. •
Pusinessand,orn4mental Penmansbiporlth new'plates
and scales ,by WU'DUFF; illestratlnz r all the gtemente
of the -Pleftmtuf a 'Art, :the ;racist .cerapieta..l.nutrtiottir
known. •:Z i egantly bound.; Crown quarto. Price $5,
post paid. — • • '
HarperYs Enlarged Edition of Du 'e Book-keeping.
• Price $1.50. Sold by BookKaleregenerally. . •
For lull particulars .and for eleiguit new CirCular,„sp. -
6 and sample's our Penmarea Badness and Onuiametat
enclosing 2S dents3o • ' , •
• • 'l'. DUFF dr: SON,-Pririclpali:
—Strangers will-please inquire our reputation in the
'city' 'where we are best known. Jan. 1 ; 1503. Sm•
r{PHISs prepArAiton, 'Made from the best ! lava Coffee is
reccapritehded 1y PhySiclapsas a.snpericailltitrilidua
beverage, for V eneMl tqspepria, arid all billotts
disorders. ,Thousauds,who,haye been pompelled to emit-.
don the use ofeoffee use this withoutlop/Join effects
One can contains the strength of two. p - Outids Of ordinary
coffee. Price 25 cents. - • • -
For , sal e Mcony9seby—Aliel Tqrrell.
jtOtt r Ot r it'S'
Tbc parearDAKIND POWDER knows ; for makirviiiiiti
sweet and nutritious Dread and cakes. Price Weems.
Manufactured by M. ii3OLLOCK,'Chetnist,
Comer Chestrint-sts; Philadelphia.
Sold by all Drutgleits and Onxters. , ..„. 'tatt6 13Jecip
Is the best and cheipeatand Most. beautiful of all Sewing
Madill:les: . This machine will sew toVthing, from the
running oft tucklh Tarietait to the italthig of an Ove r.
from Pilot or Beaver Cloth down to the
softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue,and is ever ready to do
its work to perfection. It can fell,hem. bind, gather,tuck,
- quilLand has a capacityfor a g&at variety - of ornamental
work: This is not the only machine that can fell, hem;
bind, and so forth, but it will do so better than any other
machine. The Letter "A" Family Sewing Machine may
be had inh great variety , of cabinet" casec The Folding
Case, which is now becomingsispOpular, is tuf its name
implies, one that can be folded into a box orhass. which
when opened,makes a beautiful, substantial ;and spacion6
table for the work to rest upon. - The cases ate of eVery
imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in its, native
t forest,nragelaborately finished as art can make them.
The branch offices am all well iiupplied with silk,lirist,
thread, needles. oil, etc., orthe very bestquality. •
Send for a copy of "SINGE° & Co.'s Gazarre."'
T. IC BINDER, &CO., OS Broadway', N.
llM — Philadelphia Office. 81,0 Chestnut street. , •
• READ, WATROVS FOnZß,Ageittsin Montrose.
V 4 26 "-
~~ /
I,i ~j / d~/i
The- Tlevf.Commercial are Losated
opposite the COust Reuse, corner of
Court and Menai*, Streets. • ,
This College is In no way connected, with un"y other
The energies "of the entire Faculty are exclusively
devoted to this. •
The designof this Institution is to a c fford Young Men
an opportunity for acquiring a ,'Thorough, Practical
Itusines* Education. „
Out Books and Forme are carefully arranged by practi
cal. accountants, expressly for this . Institution, and the
codrse of Instruction is suZes to combine Theory and
I 11 4.. 1
eitallegiate Course.
This conree_embraces. BoOk-Keeping hi all its 'depart-
meats, Penmanship.. Commercial Arithmetic, &taffies'
correspertdence, Commercial, Political/Economy,
Commercial Ethics, Partnership Settlements , Detecting
counterfeited and altered banknotes, etc... . . .
The Speueerian system of penmenshiP 111 taught 'nail
its varieties, by the most skillful misstate of - the art.
The Book-Keeping departthent is under the special en
pervlson and instruction oftha Principal, D. W. Lovritui.
t)tudents can enter at any time. No 'vacatioit. renal.
time to complete the course. from 6 t 0,12 :weeks. Mils
tance •rendered to gradnatisln procuring situations. ,
Graduates are preieuted .with • an elegantly engraved
Difl i puk
For catalogue of 70 pages. •speclinent of penman
sh p, dm., enclose two letterstamps. and address • - •
Binghamton, N. Y. '
octl3 62 1315 c
MAK: :DEANS :4 . CO,
Under Montrose .DemoOrat Office,
Fresh'Ground Western FLOUR
every 80 days, which we warrant to give satisfaction
as any in market; if not good returned at our expense.
Feed,. and BuekwAleat . Flour,
ica-ms,, [Sugar 'Cured]
• Dried Beef;
Smoked Halibut )
Drips and Syrapt.
Manisa and SUM%
'whteli ere offer for isle at Low.Prleos, for READY PAT
ONLY. "filigree*. July 9, 1869.
I 1 / 2 '4l I 4
R. I •
: •
S tleria hl eturu
tettlt i lif title
e ea ng t e trent o
I to their fajOit#*_! l #;! ol .;;,'f't.7
WAtelle/W.bire i r3 r 10 4 4YerV i g. &
eolispiis'inirili these* styles of gopdsla Market:which
Win be sold, as heretofore, at the lowest. quill prices..
kluge stock 0tt3014 and - Silver ,
EnS . ,„
_thats 4:lonian:and Witt l eboksi
affon'unatlng and ppari Face;wiirranted Ev keap,
hiP - • • - aro
6111 vAttr, salLetegm, , "erre, berry:
andmustafd So a.' Table:We:A' tied ckle'Vorle.
V.VAter,. PPR Cuptynayk rjngs.; 11-
-- isouipkl...thil
..en r iaifi:ln cases,iloV !lid gra, y_ WEE% r 5,..•
and card case!!t!Veirraqed.pitrs as epWlrngraved reel. •
.• ''..11 '.. .-"::,. jilti
piNEt . it
--•:e... ...--J,... , - ' •
01111 Illf ! ~.
A splendid Slioclioiitai-iingii r aidili;: of the Dewest•
. patterns ; linger tint of. alt 0144; - biitcelets, artnAts,
lockets ; gnagl i nock-aud.e.hatedaine ctudne ; thimbles,
sleeve buttonsultuds;fbeit bite)des, slides;-snaes, specta- •
cles,lBtsrat plain rings,. etc:' I ' ' Evails:dcAt.u.str: ' -
Plated Ware.—.-Tbe largest variety of oilier plated
knives, torks, spoon ccust ors, butter dishes.cake ba -ket I
sugar distiew, trayskcups; salta, , tea A ets,' and4x.tra tea
, pots, kilter an
,p. laic ees, etc., ever kept intbis Vito..
-,iCsitlarr.'--Proilicet and peifitUives, scissiir4;uh , Umixa
good auk ej torsalp by. -; . c 4 , ,Evalls A Au,Es. •
Nepdteih—Beot,qaelity,e / sfigi,c:rucbeti letting,'
and knitting needles. 1 -
... Drualten.,r-Ilaleztoottc 'Oman .brashes, , 1 • , .1.. 7 .
Photog!aph.illtums.:74 yeryaied 161,-..; -. -d-
Chinese ., and'- - Jiipined.(liods.':::
A very pretty variety of cup's, saucers, vales fist, 4te-: .
' 71317.7.416.1V1ES -alb,. AL.TaI.ii3EIIST,
Binghambin;p4:lsra. :• • i No, 2 Odd Bellew& Hall.
- At s :o'6 AC H I NG.
Large thiektif PRICES' Ocinqueiedlied
10311 1 ; '• . •
Im :'Ev.7. 7 744:Airkik:,
.z.-:, NEW MILORD, PA.; _‘:-_.: .•
, ,
receiving, for 4pringiu ,
rpiplies; w indlarge istotke of
• _ CHOICE - •
. • LINSEED . OILS, - •
WALL Paper, indow, SHADES,
CLOCKS, 10.,
Including, as usual, full varieties , of .mostrpopular'
which he sell on the most fatotable teiiite, for
Flour & Salt;ititiotiintly on hand
33111_a_e 14.X7Dit,
li Don t begin s ith tbe at
Rp Pit
after I
I •
fILD aid YOUNG, AlORa in d POOR, GAY and restive,
N./ are hourly *eon rushieg onward to the
._ill eager to be ;implied from the choice. end.exteustre
election tb be found .
I ,
Hist assortment of 3:lr3r Cfroaclies beat 'eta
all, and as for bbolee • -
Viz.: 9 and 10c Sugar, It T, Rice, Coffee, and Tobacco,—
words are inadequate.—tbey are TIP. It , hi useless to men•
Lion the TWO thousand & one things of which a fun supply
is kept constantly at the Onliest store in town. • A con
tinuation otcalls is earnestly-desired. and if there are •
any so unfcirtunattao•not to havefstattf ;Tux place, your
friend and neighbor will tell you the •
and, opposite 110.:,KEYSTONE,
where 50 percent . has emitted to . he",'We iritiontid tbiet4
pepplellve—and live. Bring • along , your Dauer • Eggs 4,
Bags, Oats, Rye, Car. Cm`ri, and mostunything else you
do n't want, arid get,value received • -
_ _
TIELInKS EMME.J . f . - •
X. B. Please-do n't leave the above menfloncd articles
At home, for our role won't penult us to.wait- " tilt you'
come npAgain.". .
Shakers—A new lot of white and celoced,-"Big 'Vol
just opened. -- • , •
LAMPS of all-kinds, and fixing s for-burning Kerosene
now ready and eerycheap. Best Kerosene, cheaper than -
daylight; also -Fresh Burning Fluid, Camphene, Sperm, •
Adamantine and
ndl t e s kept constantlyon hand
rA , newsupplyof lATl•and CAPS, BOOTS and
.510ES,Stone and Wet Ware;
Brooms, and 13ruihes
of all sorts, Yankee nations of all varieties, Perfttmery,
and Toilet Soap, °ladle of Roses for chappedhands.-best
thing in use, etc., &c.; allot which will be sold tor the
pay down, as the times demand, By • ,
. • a. V. 'IPTI.V.W.
' TO DA 'MY-ME:V.—I am forwarding BUTTER to N.
York, on terms of commission that - will snit you. Call
and inquire, and look at my dairy salt, in sacks of all si
zeiM, as good as can be found in town. ,
.ontroie, May 25th. , - HENRY C. TYLER. i ~..
TIN& siliiiliiiiiasmEss
v E teetiina band aertanesognecf isqus o iiet t i n !eappred T a t .
teran; Builders' Hardware ofnil rinds
Fanners , Tools of All Hinds.
tipig Were, Porcelain *Are, japanned and Plain Tin
Ware °tele best material.' - •
Patti% Glass, Putty,
.and -Sash:
/Imps. Lead Pipe, Lampe, Bird Cages. etc.. ac. •
Also,:a Good Buggy . fbr Salm
Terms tight. Remember the place: Canned tee tteq,
8. born, 1 SOTO 41c WOODRVIPIP.,
a. A. WOODWYTT. 211,0Z011390;