T 46.1,055. of -Fogrntss-MostroE, Jan. cotwer sstion with several officers and men •of the steamer Monitor, I gathered the fol lowing particulars of the - loss of this noble vessel and so .many of 'her crew We left Fortress -Monroe on Monday,. 29th December, in tow of, the steamer Rhode :Island; with the Passaic ttiw,,of the steamer. Stale of Georgia. Passed Cape Henry on Thursday•. afternoon, at five o'clock, With Smooth sea and light winds. The Passaic was a little way The, weather continued fine unlit five 'o'clock ' on Tuesday morning, when it commeneecl to blow:frorn.the With a heavy sea rthining,, making aclean sweep over all. At 9.30 Cape liattras . light bore N. ,N':- distance twenty-miles, •the gale still increasing. The vessel labored very heav ily, the hull -coming down on_ every' sea with fearful violence. Up .to this time the Worthingtondminp and' the bilge in jectors were entirely competent to keep . the vessel free. • At ten o'clock several. seas struck the vessel in'auceession, when word was*-sent from the engine room that the water was galningofi the pumps. Or'ders' were then given to start the Ad:tuts - Centrifugal pump, capable of throwing three thousand "gallons of eater per minute: For a while, • • the•water appeared to be kept under. In a short time, however, word was passed trom the engine room that the water, vas again iraining on the pumps, and was at that time up to the ash pits, stepping in a great.measure the draft. "The water . at this time was standing two feet..deep.upon the ward-rooth floor. All handS were set teivork.witkeverybuckefat hand to .Thd water, Illiwever, kept gaining on the puMpS until.within a foot of the 'fire in the furnaces. A Costar was 'then flashed to call the -attention of the Mode island to our con dition; Af: er, much delay, consequent up on 'the heavy s s running, boat was low-. eredfrou the Rhode. l'lN(cvid and sent to ‘our.a.:;sistantie. After several ,trialS she succeeded in gettiug alongside of us. , • The Rhode bland, :it the same time, in going astern,•catight her launch between her own Side and our vessel, crushing-the boat badly and bringing her 4wn counter heav— ily down upon her side. For a time she could not moxle, her 'engine getting on the centre. She finally started ahead, and the • launch, smashed as she was, succeeded in carrying.,safely to the steamer thirty of the crew of,the Monitor. After the departure of the launch, thos'e remaining on board Worked at the buckets witka wi11... The gale at this* time was • raging furiously, the seas making a clean sweep over the top of the tniret. The water,.at'.this juncture ' had succeeded in 'rising' up to the grate- bar-in the furnace, and was gradually extineiuishing the tire. The stearw , in the boilers c6nsegnentiv run down; 'and the pumps 'could not be work •l:ed for want of h ufficient stem. -_ •At this time three 'Coats tere discover ed coming towards the- vessel. Word was passed that boats:were. at hand- suill= cient.to take all from the vessel. • The Monito,r, Was-now sinking. ,Every pump was now stopped andlier deck —un der water. Several'of the. crew, in' cote: big . off the.turret, • were swept by the WaveS to feeward, and must have pe-righ el; as no assistance could .be rendered them. The boats were then shovcd oT' from i 11... sinking vessel. Although sever al times entreated to come down and get into-the boats, some of the crew, stupefied with fear, remait4d standing upon the tar ret, afraid of being. ssi - ept froni the deck. The boats succeeded. in reaching the f'7?i,ole Island in Safety - , • and all. in them put 'on board. A picked crew, with the gallant officer of the Rhode Island (Mr: lirown) .then - shoved off in tie launtlit to .return - to the 31(mi/or:The Moon, which up to this time lidbeen throwing some light upott, the ,waFes, - was - Shut in by' dent;e masses, of ;black elduds: - At a' qUarter to one a clock in the morn ing the Illoni(pe's light disappeared be -Death 'the iva,es.. The Rhoc7e 'lsland then started' for the spot Where the Monitor wasseen to go down. Costar's 'signals were constantly kept burning., and - a strict 16ok-out kept • up in all parts of the vessel to ketch -a . glimpse, it possible, of the missing boat. At daylight nothing was seen on the. Waves, and, with.a heavy heart, we ran a round the spot, as near. as could he judg ed, where the Monitor _had tlispppeared until latein the afternoon.' • Several steamers and other vessels - were spoken, to learn, if possible, the fate of ' •the missing boat; but none could beliad. Thrturvivors reached POrtress Monroe fast evening in the Rhode Island. -Noth- - . itig whatever was saved, except the appar- . , the officers and 'ere* stood in. , • The. conact of both 'the officers aiid. Men of,the . genitor, on that night, was beyond reproach. No sigh of panic was risible. !Each stoottat hi4ost, confident in his 'commander,- and it was hard to pre . :;ail upon, the men tp get into the boats, each 'Wishing to remain by until the last. Thirty ofthe crew, went with the ill -fated vessel. - Later From Zurfreeaboro. NAsuvaLE,'Jan. 4.—Our 'whole loss during the battle of a Murfreesboro, l 4 in killed. wounded 4nd missing, is not o've'r 'lOOO.. The Rebel loam estimated at from. ,12,00.0 to 15;000.' ':- - -. : :, Dui' army.ia 'kill ciiigilg', the Rehels, - and our re? r. was eight miles beyond Mut,, freesboro yesterday:.; - • . It,is reported that. a Rebel..wagOn train waseiptured* eighteen mileS beyond Mur freesboro yesterday ' TheWbel . -General 'ltaini - was buried here yeSterday. ,No demonstration was allowed. . . • . 1 - --- - .. I. The bollies'of General :Ranson, -apt. Todd, Of the Sixth 3ieti - tu'el•4, and 1 Cap tain 'erguson, of the Louisville- Legion, were brought in to-day. 1 , ; ~ 1 - :Considerable . ijuantitieS Of' . co ntraband goods have beep-captured by. our pibkets. For several days the weather has I been cold, and. the river is ,at a stand. .1. The Mansfield Classical Seminary to be a State Normal 'School: r. 9iliNT01:;e031510 SCILOOL'4,. Halqiitiblirg,Dee. 111862. — l - \ Whereas the Board of Tnistees of the Mansfield Classical Semillry• located at Mansfield in the ctiunty of Thga, res olution, adopted•ut a meeting of the Board on the twenty-fourth day.ofOkober; 1862, on file in this Department; Made' formal application to, the State: Superintendent for the privilege of "..Au Act to !Provide for the training of teachers Tot • the !com mon schools of the State," approved the 20th day of May, 18 ; 57,"and the. Supple , mot th6reto, approved the 'l4th' day. of April, 18.59 ; 9.1)(1 Whereas, lii ipursu- Mice 'of said. application, the State !Super intendent of common schools, together with -Hon. Geo. Smith; of the- county of Delaware ; Hon. L: . llays - of the coun ty of Lancaster ; Sathuel Calvin, esq., of the county of Blair ;,Dr. C. T. !Bliss, of ,the couty of Bi.adford, " competent and disinterested persons,". appointed by him, with'the consent of ;he Governor, :as In, speCtors, and C. R.;-Coburn, Superinten dent of BradfOrd.county ;! , A. Bullard, superintendent of Susquehanna county ; Hughes Castles, superintendent lof ty copina county ; and.H: C. Johnti,!! Super intendent of Tioga county—did; ort Thurs . - day*, the eleventh day-of .pecember; 1862, personally, and at, the same time, Visit and carefully . inspect sail seh,ool, • and .upon thorough eifunination thereof; and of its, by laws, rules and regulations, and of its general ari.aninnent and facilities: fur - :in struction, by Written report, On file in this Department, ,approve the same„ aid find that they fully come up to the_ prei,igion of said Act, and its suppleinen4 and did . certify the stint e to the Departen't of Comnon Schools ; with their .opittion .that said school has lady' complied Nv i all. the provisions of said Act ; and it s,supplement, as far as can he done before going 'into • operation Under r• • Now, TIIEREFOftE, In pursuance of the requirements of the seventh .'section of the Act aforesaid, I do, henoy give pUblic no tice; that I.have officially ._recognized the ' Mansfield Classical Seminary, 'as State Normal School .for . the Fifth 'Normal School District, composed .of the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoniing, livan,ftycoming, and Tioga,,,and that said -School shall hereafter enjoy the privileges and immunities, and be gribject to all the 'liabilities and restrictions confab:led in .aid Act and supplement.. In testimony Whereof, I have here-. ' unto set my hand 'and affixed - the seal of the Depaitment - of ,[5r.u...3 Common Schools, at Harris) burg, this 11th day of Decera , • ber, 1862, THO. H. .BURRO4ES,. Su(/'t Common Schools.. B.—The nest Term will cOmmeneel January 5, 1863. , Ar• Soldiers' , Aid Society—Treis'rs_Reportj, Cash or hand, Oct: 6, '62, I. $lBl 09 1 I Rec'd by donation, • ! .12 4,51 ;from Masonic Chapter, 5 601 -Odd Fellows, 001 "by sale of cake, etc. at rooms, 4 18 " Christmas Festival, ! 154 43 362 Cash paid. for material, . 4#l $92 :4 Total, Li ' work .given out, I 2,63 Deduction to Nurie,ulturalSociity, •for Judges' dinner at hair; 3 50 Expenses onChristtnas Eve,. 56 6 " on one box, • Cash on hand, - 1 • 20-t 96 Total, BaTanee in the Treasury,,l. $204 9' , -Jan.; 7th, '63. - KATE li . . HILL. Fourrt ‘4i boxes have bee.sent :.one to 1e: Ifeberton, Media.—ne to Nev York. v -4 1. 2 to. 3.? ' ss E. Mitchell, ,Georget wn. Notice.— -The- Meeting of the Mite S• tiety Or the relief Of ,Soldier's cumin •! will be held at the house of Airs._. 4. 11 Tyler on Tuesday evening. - 1 K. E.. SEARLE .Secretary.: . . . - , - - • i Binghamton - College, ot rig men who design- to attend t Binghmton Commeroka College, won hear of something of practicaP'value, upon or addressing the editor this paper. Those:Wishing to attend, institatior, mays:save: money a - bovei, ' • 4w -• . li.Obitiwledgerrient The exPeetationa;-of the Igidles' .Ald Society were happily realized itt the 011 attendance at the Festival on Christmas Eve. - The-profits from he Tree and.table amounted, to netir: ly, Or quite, $lOO. The Treas. will repott in full - next week...l - • acknowledi To the donations prev. grate fully add the receipt oil $5,00 from Sept L Mltchell esq., anti also the saqie hnieent from Mr. B. R. ,Lyons. For the unremitting - gener4ify of the lafteriti granting the use. of rooms, fuel 4c., -week after week, a vote bf thanks was passed at tie last meeting of the Society. I E. C. Bi.s:cs - ma's, Cor. See. ;Tannery 1863. . I • . L ATOTICE • The annual tfUetin,g4 the Susiludirlinft cultural Society, will b$ held on Tuesday e:verilpg, the first week of January -C0urt,15,63, at th.i Court House, in Atontrose, Pa.' . • I C. L. Bnowsk, Sec. List of Jurors4—January Term, 183. oryaND JURORS. • . ' • Arfrat, Wm. Gs Blmtham- . Brooklyn, James'Sterllng, Morris Low-Groat Bend. EL S. Fiumell; 0: R. Cham- berlin-Uarford, John Blanding-Harmony, Richard kanniel Buriett..LJticktion, - Martin Washington Gardner, ',John Sherman- Lenox.. Ambrose Drinalaze, ilartlef-Liberty, Chalker, Nathan Fiola 4 -, New Milford, S. R. Bell, toter MoCollurn-Oakland, Bradley Bt;ebe. Wm, Thomson- Silver Lake, James Gage-Springville, Justus Knapp, I.lauryNoriuMi Loomis'Phonason,E.N.l3r-yuut -- • ThavEnsii JURORS-IST. WEEK. • nbufn, t7ornell Low-41.ridgewator,W, E. Babcock, jOhn T.80vd.,91. P. Robins-Brooklyn, Alvin AldrichL- Clioconut:'3lishael „Plehlin-Cliirotil. Benj. :Brownell, Nets m. Coleman-Dirdock.lietirge,Grcen.Lyman Blakes lee. A. Young-Forest Lake. Calvin :D. Wm. Banta-Franklin, Rufus Tuttle. Ephraim SMith-Groat Bend, James Clark. G. B. Trowbridge, G N.J'iwman-Gigson, s!: P. Chandler, Joel Steenliack 'l'm-rick, George Alvdrd, J. B. Walker-Ilarford; David Ellwards, D. W. Titult-Ilarmonv. Luther Barnes, Harry Bedell-;litekson, Henry Pope, N. B. Tucker. B. F. Larrabee, Davied Lamb-Liberty.lt: Neuron jr.. J.trud C. , Decker, J. R. Kiley-Lathrop, Auitin Thomas-MklcKetown. Eliab Buxton, 11.0. Donell,-N, Milford horo. (racy Ilayden, 1-Ilush, It. P. Carter--Stiqq. Depot; S.Brock, J. M. Bald win. J. T. Cameron-=Silver Lake. V. Sullivan, Reuben Meeker-Springville; Henry Inghani-Thumaon, Henry Jlnkius, F. 0. Potter., TrtsvidV ( Jurforts-2sn Auburn, Ezra Algir, Ci W. Col&iwell, Barris Howard. William White C. Lacy-pridgewiter. J. H. Backus. Norton Sciitt, 0. Beebe-4. ilitford,ll. S. Stewart; Ryan Jenkins-Diniock. T BabcockFriendsville, Benj. Glidden-Gil4n; OsearWa*bhurne.Jes'se Holmes - 1 -, Great Bend. Itichatd Stone-Burford. George Leach, Peck- U. Birch iird-Lenox. 'J. S. Boynet-Liberty.. Abraham -Butts- Little Meadow, R. GartialtiLatlirop. E. M. Tewks bury-Middletown, Fredrick Taggart. Charles' White, Lawrence Curley. PlHlo Stierwood-Montroe, Charles`. La throp-,New_. Hiraril ILibhard-Inel.l, Horace Duel, Michael Devitie; Thomas Redding-Sn.q Depot, 0. S. Hlnglaalp-SiNer Lake,. E. H. lluag,-Springvale, A. A. Ruet, Lewis • 11Jt13:RR=AGEfs. • At the Errll;ln Tli use, by Rev. A. O. Warren. Mr Ed w . 4.111 gab* tual Mi . B*Catligrine .S-.Stuith, both of Nirth In Bush. on the 4th. inst., F.phram ; Bobbin.' former'y' ;, rt f Bridgewater, in tlle uStli year of his age, • . , . , . In Brooki/n. the O. of last Nov., Henry 3. Titfany,son rf A. J. Tiffany, 4 , 411 - thitteen years liV( months and otirteen days. i\ told weisay that Henry was-more than 'n .ordinary boy :. we have expressed only what ull who If.nove him will aekhowledge. Be had a business turn of niind.which was remarkable for one of his years ;mid which caused hi? psrents to look to him as. the staff. !upon 'which they lOpeff to-Lean in their jburney down ;the hill of life. In his death they have lost their antici rpated'.upport, and the poor.n sympathizing friehd; one who was•ever ready to gupply their-wants even by fziv ing of the little change whirh NI had Irirtheres) from time to time. But so it is. Coirs Angels not only pluck the sayeet est. but the brightest flowers from the home 'circle, with which to beautify the spt,rit land. May the bereaved friends and only remainhm.son. have grace to. sustain them' in this their hour J 4 anuction: L. F. P. Rev, 0. L. Ilit.t.„lrecently the parson of the B.iptist Churdh. of Selingro!ve, died at his residency, at noon, on , Sabbath last, of Sinall Pox. His body was, interred on 'the night of the !saute day, in the LutheMn,Cemetry. ' wasiVil years of hge7 and a -native of Susquehanna v-. coant. abindlined his pastoral charge iu.Septem ber hist, and - enlisted in Capt. _Davis's company as a private. but was subsequently 4pointed Chaplain - of the 144th Regiment. his commission arriving the night-pre- V ions to-his death., lie came home Sarniclly..wtiek, - to -pay his family a vltilt, previous to joining the regiment, when he was taken Or. wiih that loathsome disease. Small Pox, which lee had contracted at liarrisbnrg, and. after the most - intense suffering, fur t. :e period of one week, death folded him in its sepulchral. coils, and his soul winged it. flight to hint who roe and cherish es it. A wife and threNchildren are left to mourn his uunniti i ,moet i o , :t 7 : l } .. Such is the brief, but sad story. In ha he Wim held in high esteem:, as -he pee. Ee:Fsed thoe , e graces df mind which win the affections:. neroes and confiding heart. A more dutiful and affectionate husband and-father. a truer or kinder neighbor, never Cheered the lionm His was a happy r l isposition, full of life and vivacity. and had a kindly Icasant,word for all: swelling. forth like a . perennial spring of 1-Atit,:t wetters, refreshing, and spafkling. Ills name will ever'linger in the affections .of nisgorroiving friends, and 'while deploring their be." reavement, their grief will be chastened by the fragranbe ewhich his intries hive embalmed. But the home circle. is where this calamity falls with its most crushing Weight. -There Mi was the center, the all. His wife, wipa true womanly courage arid devotimi, kept vigils by hi- sidg.. like an 3;tv.rel of mercy. administering to his fitful and feveri-ll - wants, moisten - lug, his placid and manly features With her sorrowing tears. until the - last sad scene fell upon bur widowed heartand the inexora ble tomb eloscd,lina f r rorn-her sight forever: Truly has" her trusting heart helm riven withst shalt'!— And yet; those who were in the Ifablt of watching his footst, , ps with fire affection of a husband and a father, mourh not withobt hope ; their griefjingens it Is. car ries with it no stitig.: To him. and such as him, death itself, and all ititlterrors; are-dwarfed; and in Slip bright skies above 'they may behold and his 'redeemed and immortal 'slpirit is :whispering _to tbl•ir bruised. `hearts, in the still small voice of undying love: " Be - of good cheer! the e timels hastening when we shall all meet tolpart no inure forever. Grh-ve not. then, my most' noble anti precions wife—for we shall soon Z. e Ims-united by the Greht. ll'a"enly Priest, with indissoluablC bonds. Bear up Older this burden, which for wise but-Inscruta ble pitrposes.-ha Vim cast upon 11 , . and soothlthe deso late hearts of Mir dear little' children with that hope which the ett'caoy of 'our - faith abundantly affords.. Selinvgrove Tirnts. .DuL . . _ • wei.' , Hors. /NI) LOT IN NONTnOSE. Anv one wiThin9 to, hear of a pnrchager may d 0 , ,, 4 . by-drop pin,/ a line, de:-Tribi premi,se, and naming price, Into the 3.1 , ,id rose l'uttt office, addretied to ':Jan. 9, 1'E.13," - CASH. 1362 Administrators' NOt/Ce.. , I ,VOTICE hereby given to all persons having demand against. fhe t.tate of Ephraien Robins,late of Rosh tkiwnstdP, de a'- that the same must be presented to the undersigned forsettletnent, and ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to 'hake immediate payment. WEALTHY - ROBINS, •• HENRY P, ROBINS, • Ratar,Jan. .Administrators. .4, 4 .03. , 11179TICE is' hereby given that in puratiance of an .1.11 act of. Aasembly, -the following.. named percent , have filed their petitions with the Clerk of Abe Court or Quarter Sessions of the' Peace for the C.Outity of Sucque -henna - for LiCCtIETSIO keep Taverns in said County, for which they apply at January Sessions, It 6 . C. 11. Jackson, rriendsvile—Daniel Hoff, Jessup—He& en Nichol. Sustfa Depot—Mary Ann McEllany, Sngq'a Depot—Silas Whitens, Harmony—Geo. Iloperaft. Susq'a Depot, to sell by the measure—Chester Stoddard, Thorn. Springville.—W. K. Hatch,'Mont robe. E. M. TEENER, Clerk. Montrose, Jin. 1, 1§,08..'- • PERSONS OUT OF BUSINESS, and wanting cheap farms, sec ad,i - ertiaement of Vineland in another coiner!' ' . , am= LiCense Notice: GOOD GREAT'CaMOTION DRY -::GOODS., rrimaci 33306. r 1 \ • ?,:i) 'Where poi aro sure of getting - the worth of your man ey,ie at. the cr).utenbOA:„ll - tistil . b . 4.itlit, _lc'..tt. THE CERTAIN ' TN • DONIESrI'ICS has pit us on our g:nard,and'we havelatelylsid In a lark stock: which enables us tozfler to our customers, gobc? on equally as good termini formerly, considering the lalt rise. AT THE STORES OF attello.i, (~10,e.itobloill k. co AT Montrose, Susq'a County,:Pa. Elmira, New-York, Susqueliatna Depot,: Pa, OUR' FAIL AND WINTER STOCK 'Ma 4Caimavolete 9' We aretletc.rmined not to be outdone, either in priees.ur qualitien,—and we will endeavor to give our customers all poseiblesiathauction. • CLOTM . NG : In this branch our stock is complete, and will be sold lower. end More tastefully 'finished than any one-horse establishment. or any forir-horse i"oncera this side of N. Yt.rk City, i 8 able to offer or produce. Wc.can assure the public that we cOnstantly,employ the best' cutters and workmen to make up our acids. , • . . • a9" - Garments made to order . • •,M — On the shortest notice. *ar A dood Fit warranted or no sale. ILL order to close out onr stock or • iff ( p 4, 9 1 ~(04), 0 1470- g rnikp l i pu asS 4 . 40 iime .%04 INN Wi we NViii Sell at a Email advance above cost. • FURNISHING GOODS: A Great Stock contently kept, find eold lower than.the lowe:et at. . i attellb[l, - -n ( 4 4osC.llbilitni il. O ' S ~. Montrose, January let, 181 . 1. ~... , . ABEL ' flu RRELL , . Now offers for sale one of the largest and bestseleetlons D ~ 0 .ai 1 . , Ev•er offered in tinsquehannaCounty, and probably Corns prising the greatest variety or most different articles of Store in the Northern part of Pennsylvania, and per hap4 of the entire State. An assortment is kept in about thirty different branches of trade. and the-selec. bons are made from abcitit forty- of the best Douses in 'New York, and more titan fifty Dealers and Manufac turers out of New York. -A large proportion of the Goods are brought direct from the manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles. Customers on entering the Store must not -expect to find everything In sight ; but nearly every article wanted will be pro lucedbv inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may •be formed 11Y - the 'following general ontlipe, but enumcration is impracticable. Drugs and Medicines. Paints and Oils, D‘e Stuffs.' • Groecrie.. Liquors. ::,rockery. Glass Wnrc. Wall and Windoiv Paper: Jewelry, Silver.WareXerfumery.Eancy Goods, Muocal Instruments, Brushes. , 'Anierican Pocket Knives. Table Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware, t amps, 31:aerials Air Lights. 11:1 . 0 ware, Bed Corda,Stone Wsre, j Drytood.,Mirrors, WindoW Gla4s, Lithographs. Var. nishes. -Bird Cages, Spectacles. Whips, and Lashes, Broinns. Guns. Pistols, Amthunition„ Tobacco. Medi= cal and.Snrgical Instruments. Salt. Soap. Potash. Um brellas, Porcelain Teeth: in short, nearly everything, to ivstore the sick, to please the taste.tor-delight the eye. to gratify the fancy, and also to-conduce to the real and - substantial coniforts of life. The attention of the public is respectfully invited to my stock of goods, bought excluslvety for cash dowd, and Will he sold on the Same principh4or low - prices. ABEL TERRELL. - Montrose, January Ist. 1E63. 'Register's Notice. VLIIMC NOTICE le hereby given, to all persons con- . cerned in the following estate. to wit . • . 'Estate of .Tabez Hyde. late of Titish,'dec'd-, Thomas Johnson. atim'r de bonis non. ' That the accountants have settled their accounts In the Register's Office. in and for the county of Susquehanna. and that the Fame . will be presented to the Judges of the Orphan's Court of mid county, on Friday. Jamtary 30, 1663, for confirmation andallimance. . K. NEWELL, .Register. Register's Office, Montrose, Dec. 23, 1862: • Executors' Notice:.. T ETTERS Testamentary to Ake_ Estate of HENRY ..11.4 nENDRICICSON, deed, late of great Bend township having, been granted to the undersigned, all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make Immediate -payment, and those. having demands against the same-to, present them. o, -, JOHN MERRIFIELD,'} E i n , ISAAC- HECKMAN% l ' ' • i ' Great Bend, Pa., December Bth, 1882-41** • , . • . . • . NEWS IN TIIE- To Panhsee STHITREET,,, PITTSBITAG. TA. POLIIDED I.T 1140, - • • • • Incorporated by Leglidettae Charters • Being thi only COMIERCIAT ! COLLEGp in the Union • . . conducted by. • .• ' . • • A PRACTICAL DLERBHANT., - • 0 1 7.113:5iX THOUSAND STUDENTS .; . Rave been educated in the Pritielples, and Practice oral' the 'details'of a : business education from DUFF'S aye . tem 1. • - MERCANTILIIIOOK-KEEPING. • • *Awarded Four Silver 'Medals; and the sanction of thu highest Mercantile Authorities .in , .The country. 4, Also, Duff s STEAMBOAT 80011-/KEEPIN .. • ! • ~ , pirfeet system for such Woks, and aicosinta." Al ao Dell's new •systeni of " • . • . •.• 10.11,410 AD BOOKJiEEF'DIII, • , After„ the Torino : of The Pennsylvania Duff's new system ~ • 4. • t 1 PRIITATB - MANk BOOK;KEEP,I 4 SO,' The only otie in use !tithe city.' The 4 abc4re systems Of aceounts are,tauht under ton degreeupedisnf the author, and, it i sbelieved, ton of perfection nev er attained elsewhere., ' ' 1' -! • • TWELVE FIRST PFIEIIIiIiFIIIS, foil best Fattiness and Ornamental PenmaAsnip aWarded • our 'present Penman'hY the. United States Fair at Cincinnati in • c Suitol , 'air. at Wyoming., • ' • 1. Western Penna. Fair at Pittsburgh,... Western Virginia Fair at Wheeling • 4. • mid the %io *tate.Fair at Cleveland" ; All of which are exhibited at our Office. • Enet: - New Engraved Soheorecipy Books. Fine cap, '24 pages each, 90 bents" per dozen-the cheap• est CopY . Dook mulish. 1 Business - and ornamental Pctimanald - P,'With new plates and scales by W 91.. DUFF, illustrating all the eletnCuts Qt. the Penman's Art ; the most coukplete ,Instittoter knon n. Elegantly bound. 'Crown quaitof Price. $5, postpaid., -:.• .. • • - Darpqr'S Enlarged Edition of . Duff 's Ptoll-keeping per Price 1 4A. Fold by Booksellers gcnerall,„. For full particulars and for elegant new Circular, PP- M, and samples our Penman's Bueluess and Ornamental Writing, enclosinl? 25 dents; to , I'. DUFF & SOS, Principals, —Strangers twill pleaseinquire par reluttation in the city, wherearibest kriown.. 'Jaw. 1,1843. 61u* lic•alrh.Yo •• DANDELION COFFEE.' r n HIS Preparation, made from the bead: Java Coffee, is recotnmended by Physichuis as a sikprfor Nutritious. beverage, for Geuenil Debility, Dyspepsith.and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to aban don the use of coffee will use this without injurious effect One can contains the strength . of two podnd# of ordinary coffee. Price - 25 cents. .. • . E S For sale in Montrose by Abel Turrell. HOLLOCH.'S LravAlN The purest BASING.POWDERknown, for makingltht, sweet and.nutritious Bread and cahes. .Prise 15 cents. • Manufactured by M. H. KOLLOC, Chemist. Corner of Broad and C.lleafnut-stni Philadelphia. Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. I ml.l6lyje co , . ,SING - ER &--09.'.; LETTER- "A" FAMILY SEWINb MACHINE, I • WITH ALL THE RECENT IIdEPROPEHENTB ' • .1 . la the beet - and cheaPest and most beat:mini of all Sewing filachinea. This machine will sew -an thing, from the running of 3 tuck in Tarletati to the making of an - Over coat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Clotltdown; to the-. softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue,and 14 ever ready to do its work to perfection. It canfelF,hein. bind, gather.tuck... quilt,and hat a capacity fora great var4ty nfornamental work. This is - not tiv only machine that can hem. bind, and so forth, butlt will do so better than any other machine. The letter `!A" Family SemOng, :Adel:line may - be-had in a . gfeat variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case. which, is now becoming so popular, is a 4 its name Implies; one that can be folded into a bits or ease. which when opened makes a beautiful, substatitial,and spacious table for the Work to rest upon. The cases are of every imaginable design-'-plait AS the ivOod grew in its native forest, or as elaborately finished as art Gan -make' them. • The branch offices we all welEsupplidd with. Silk, twist, thread. ,needles, etc.,of the Very best quality ; .• Send for g copy of ',Smartt & Co.'s OAZETTE: ' SINGER &CO., 458 Broadway, N. Y. OrThiladelphia .0111ce. Sid Chestunt.street: . . REAP, WATROES 4 FOSTER, Agents in filontrose. i ' l• ' - .... • • , \N - t%• 4 :A.C 10, , • -- ' .. , .• , r /ma' /• -• ,1 le , i , • The Hew Commercial BuilaiuSs are Located opposite the Court House, ! corner of Court and Chenango S . cots; • . _ . This College is in no Nay ' counectial .with any other Institution. -4 The 'energies' of tho . e ntire Faenliy are I,exclusively devoted to this. , . 1 1 . The design of this Institution is to afford iToung -Men an opportunity for acquiring a noraug4, Practical BuiTioas Education. . i , r - ..... Our Books and Forms are careftilly:arranged by,practi cal accountant)+, expressly' for this, 1u .titutihn,. and- the codrse of instruceiou is such as to. cOmbinti Theori_aud Practice. • e Cl .. 110 gl. . mot® .I_o-• 1 ..- W . • EC- .- :--' .1 • 'This course embraces Book-Keeping in all its depart •ments, Penmanship: f.'oximereial Anthinctic; 13iisiness correspondence, jeorninerchil Law. Political -Economy, Commercial Ethics, Partnership Seqlemeuts, Detectipg counterfeited and altered banknotes, etc. The Spencerian system of peninunthip istaii,glit in all its varieties, by the most skillful 111 , 11ACrS of the art. The Book-Keeping department is 'alder the special su perrison and instruction of the,Princepal,WW. LOWELL. rcizierzt , l. Xxxircitrzsa.a4 - 1.C.23. Students can enter nt any time. ,to Vacation. listta! tirue,to,complete the course. from 6 t wileks. tance rendllred to grpduat es in procuring si titat ions. Graduates are:. presented with an lelegantlY engraved Dt lows' • tv_rifor Moque of 70 pages, spqcimenii of penman ship, &c., enclose two lettetstamps4tud addrvss • LOWELL wAio; Binghamton, N. N. cietl3 62 lylse NEW Fittlk . . BALDWIN .& 1 A_LLEN '. SUCCESSORS T .• ' •, . i AUDI - , DEAN II co . • •. , , Under MOntroSe Democratzol3lce, :. • . ARE RECEIVING . 1 I 1 - ' Fresh Ground WeSterriTLOVß every 80 days, which we warmth to give satisfaction . as any in market ; if s uot good fetu4ed at our expense: Feed,' and Buckwhea *Flour; SALT AND - ipOR K,. By. Tii4 LOAD; BARRFIL oit'POITND. ' HAMS, [Sugar. Cured]l . ) _ . Dried Boef, ' -, SmokedlHalibut, - • • IMO andlSyrups; Molasses and Siwalik i' 1 . • ',., TEAS, i.' , CCFEEE,rk. SPICES, ... BROOMS, ANDINAILS, - ' 1 "Met we offer for sa;e it Low Prima, fo r READY rAY ONLY, • -- Montroee, July 9, Rm. • , rallEE Subscribers having: instretrirnedirOili IL Iroei.s .L take pleasure In calling the attention of their , friends to their assortment of W*Rhes; JOwelty Silv r Wva: & • • • Fancy Goods, complislng all the new styles of goods In market, which will Ife sold, as heretofore, at the lowest ceih prices. 'A large stojtkof (cold' and Silver , English, American and- SWiss Watolioni both hunting and Open Face, warranted good time keelP era, by • Evass A Miss, . SILVER WARE Table, dessert, tea, sugar, salt, creaM preserve, berry, 'and rate:tar& Spoons. , Table, dessert endplate Yorke. Butter; ple„ arid fruit knives. Cups; napkin' ringet__tha l • dren's sets In cases, soup and gravy ladles, sugar entere_ and card caries—trarrantedjurre as chat, [Engraved IMP • TINESOLD : JRS BLitt if A splendid stor.k of Earl'ingasaild Pins of the neVest patternsfinger rings of all - styles.; bracelets ; armlet', lockets ; guarti,,neek and chatelaine. chains ; thitables. - aleeve buttons, stails,.belt buckles, slides, snaps, sped". cies, 18 meat plain rings, etc. ' Evkis ALLEN.. , .sC Plated. Wale.—The largostrariety of sliverplate. knives, lorka, sphons;cahtors, thitter dishcs.cakeba , kets sugar dishes, trays, cups, salts, tea sets, and - extra tee • pots, butter and pie knives, etc., ever kept in this market. Cettleryi- s -Pocket and pen,kuives,scissors - ,ehears, good article,) tor sale by Eveztela ALLIII.. Needles.—Best .quality of sewing, crochet, ,nettirm and knitting needles. • •.1 - . •• ;• • Itroishep.—llair. tooth and naiLbrushes: Photograph Albums.-4 very nice let:. • , • Chinese And Sa'pa;ned ' A very pretty variety of cups, mincers, .vaseifarte, • tiee ' 3EINTAILZTJEC cte 'A-LT.23EIIW. Binghamton, Dec. 1b62. 'No. , g Odd Bellows' MO. 1560. wo .18M AIM PUCE MB PEACE PRICES I PEACE; - APOIOAC - 1 - 11N9 Large Lines of PRICES conquered and Reduced! • S. 33"1.31EL.1trt". ~ N EW - • . •. receiving; for SpringiaHlies, Derr andlarge 5P544131 of CHOICE . .1311-Y GOODS, GROCERIES;I • • CROCKERY, -lIARDWAItt, STOVES„ 111 ON STEEL, NA;Lgi 'PAINTS, , LAMP; AND . • •-• LINSEED OILS, ••- • BEN•ZOLE, ' CARPETLNGS, - . • 'FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, , " WALL Papq, Window SHADES, HATS -and CAPS, BOOTS ,And SHOE% '• • .CLOCKS; • &C., &C. - Including, as mln meal, full varieties of the ostioPW, - • . styles of - . - • LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS; BONNETS; RIBONS, FLOWEES.Si • .. . &C., &C.,! &C:, which be will sell on the most favorable te4ixtl, CASH, PRODUCE, or t s PROMPT TIME BUYERS. Flour & Silt, constantly on ,fia,44 331LTX_IMA . 1F.1.175; Don't begin with thb RUN at THE "RUDY PH NV NEW - GOODS: OLD and YOU NG, RICH and POOR, ; GAY and reitivii are Minty seen noshing onward to t ,the - HEAD OF NAVIGATION, • All eager to be supplied from :the choice and extend . ' To' selection to be found' • AT TYLER'S ST - ORE: , „ Ills assortment of MP xv3r urcococling, beat 'em all; and as for choice , , • Gr3FLCI> 4CMPLIMEit 'Viz.: S. and 10e;sugar, ST, Bice, Coffee, and Tobacco,— worthz are in adequate.—thee are Tyr. It'is useless to Men. ' tion the TWO thousand roue things of which a full supply is.kept constantly at the Onliest store,in tow.tt. A con tinuation oftalls is earnestly desired, and if. there are any so unfortunate as not to have found THE place, tvtLi friend and.neighbor will tell you the ' • 'FIRST STORE BELOW TABELL'S'HOTELi. and opposite _ the KEYSTONE. • - where 50 percent. has ceased to be.. We are boundtolet ,people live—anti live. Bring along your Butter Eggs, Rag - tt, Oats, Rye; Cask, Corn, and most anything elaeyols don't want, .and get value - received' • - • • • AT -TYLER'S STCORZ . 'Nt B. Please do n't leavelhe above mentioned sitides at honle, for our rule won't permit us to wait till ?tti come up again."' Shakers-cA new - lot of•whfte and coiorod r i Big Inks . Just opened.t I - • ' LAMPS of all kinds, and fixings for burning Kertisena now ready•and rei.yelieap.,, Best Kerosene, cheaper Man daylight algo Fresh Burning Flufd; Camphette, Spenn, Adsnniut hie and TalloakCandles,kept constantly on hatd 1." 1 11A new supply of HATS and CAPS, BbOTS - ant SIIOES, Stone and Wooden Ware, Brooms, and Brushes • of all sorts, Y.ankee "Notions of all yarletiel,. and Toilet Soap, Oleute of 105(4 for chapped bands,-beat Oleg in use, etc:, &c.rall of which will he sold for the . pay down, as the times demand, by , • 111. C. TO LAMY:ME:V.—I am forwarding BUTTER to N. York, on terms of commission that Will suit yon.• Can and inquite. and look at my dairy salt, in sacks of all si zes. as good as can he found in town. . . Montrose, May 21;th. . HMIRY.C! -TYLER. • BOYD WOODRUFF, 11N& SHEET-IROM BUSINESS _ NEXT BELOW SEXELE I S-11.0TEL. 1* ALSO The- CARPENTERING Business NEAR TIIE 31E - AMORIST ctfuncir. • , WE keen constantly on hand ,a. general assortinimittof — EirrsSZONTEAS galkalrt.a P Pmaed Pat terns ; Builders ' Hardware uf ade .; • . . . , ,Ffirnieks Tools •of Braes Ware, Porcelain Ware, Japanned atid Plain Tin Ware of the best material.' Paints,. Oils, 'Glass, Putty, and Bak. pampa. Lend pipe, Lamps, Bird Cages, ete., ad, Also, a.Good Buggribraidihr .Terms right. Remember the place: (NIB antrowna wx r" a. ....tio s onaurr. B° lff ir ottee. July 22e 1111". Plat CARRY .420,N THE