IL' VOIVIACH BITTERS, •' • .he pitiprktors rind manufseturers or liana-. TF:Trk.iCti STU)1A1:11 TEM appeA with perfect eauth;enee to physicimuttind tot,generally of the t vinsi Staltektgettanse the article has attained It rept.- ' 'mien heretolbie unknown. A his tams upon Phis' point will speak more pow...Kully than volumes of bare assertion or 1.1..5. ening puffery. The. eoninimption of llosteticr's. :Stomach Lit ters for, the WA year amounted to twee.* heir edition battiest, and Trent its umnitest steady Increase in tittles past, it is evident that daring the coming year the consumption will reach. Men antlibillit , ll bottles. This itumettscinnome. could never have been sold but for_Vlte_rare -ntedieinid 'properties contained in the prepare-. tien t . and the sanction of the moat prominent .ithysiciana t tn. those sections of the century - where the article is best known, who not only' recommend the •Ifitters to their patients, but are rrildint all times 'Ochre testin.onials to its tab.:icy in :disease... of stomachic derangetoents hod the disc ises resulting therefrom. This is outs temporary popularity: obtained estrnordinary efforts in the way of trum psiingt6dqualities of the flitter,, but a solid estimation of tin invaluable medicine, which, is destined to be tttl enduriug,as time itself. liosictter's' Stomach bitters have , proved a .(7.sisend ,to.regious where fever end ague sod vicious 'other bilious 'complaints have • c......tt5d their victims by hundreds. To be side to;itate. confidently, that the ABitters" area villain cure for the Dyspepsia and like. dinsows, is to the proprietors a source of un-, plessuro. It removes all morititl matter from 11.0 stomach, pinifies the blood, and it parts renewed vitality to the nervous system, y Ong it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health.. It operates upon the *ninetieth * liver * end other digestive organs, • etild'l, but powerfully, and soon restores them . toafonditioneisential to the healthy discharge of glut functions of nature. • Elderly perilous may use the titters tinily as per directions on the bottle, and they will Lind in it atlimulain peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it in pleasant to the palate, Invigorating to the bowels, iscelleet as a tome, and-trwhivenating generally. WC have the evi , dotes of thousands of age 4 mu' and wotiletr who itereesperieneed . ,the benefit of using this preposition whits suffering front stomach de eangsmonis and general debility: acting under - -t he'edrice of physicians; they !fare abandoned salt Alsinterious drugs_ and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few swords to the gentler sex, There are certain periods when , their Bares area° harnsiting that-many of them sins Under the trial. The relation of mother end child is so' absorbingly tender, that the mother. especially it he be young, is aid to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety: for'her infant; .alittuld the perioti of maternity arrive during the summer setmon, the wear of Moly and mind is generally aggravated.' litre, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe. Pius the energies of the system, and enahte the mother to hear up under her exhausting, trials and reoponsibilitim Nursing .ntuilters gebe , rally prefer the Bitters to all other ineigot *- tom lust receive Ate; endorsement of physi rams, beettlise it le agreeable Id the taste as .wells certain to give a perm:went increase Isality strength. ' *All those pet sons. to-whom we have part ien. 1. , 51y 'erected above, to wit; suircrem from love and ague, awned by malat in. diarrhies, _ilyikotery. indigestion, loss 'of appetite, nod ell diseases or:dersnOinent s of the sttimitelt„ stipinuateAl invalids , persons of .tedentoty orcupaiion, anti nuesinginothers, will eolootlt rt.* 'Own ph Beal welfare by,giving ht lies-, letter's l'elebritted Stomach Bitters a 11.14 . UrioN s —W e caution the , pultlioa-gitired . using any of the tatiti3 intiiiitieus Or j eolytiet , feits, l.ut ask fdr t...t mri tr. it ST , ' tin thrTriat. and see-that end, ho tie he, the words .•11r.J.litilLtrti c e s Sietaaell brown on the side of the hoThe. nod stsalp e si the metallic cap covering the cork. spa 01*.crtte shut our nuiograph signature is the tarel., cr• Prepared and sold by FIGSTETTEP 61.11T11, Pittsburgh. Pa., and sold by an eliuggista. grocers, and derlers generally throughout the United Status, South Ain° . and Germany. • Wistart Balsam of Wild, Cherry. —Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherr y. Congbi, Colds, 03011, Combo, Colds, Coughs,. Asthma, Bronchitis, bareness, Bronchitis, Asihnm, Bronchitis, Boammush Bran'Ws. • Whooping Cough, pup, Whooping Cough, Croup, . Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, 'cavi al/ Me direasa fi sk as Ss:tailing aAtidOcela rex* rdief, aod a sire cad spealy aro, in!thal great and wriversay approval rawly, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Whim.% Balsam of Wild Cherry. Ern.lasob Sealer; W.¢ boon art aucenumtui smug go Gomm mu tation oftlio mob% ma* tho foilaMir statoses;stfor tie etho apatod. HA3CI - 121, PA., P&L 16, 183. him= ti W. 'OWL' tc Co,, &Italy Deu Having main= my tufily important benefits rem. the Int of yoar valuable nreparation, WISTAWSt .,- h eam or WILD Chummy, it Wards me pleasure - women= it to the public. some eight yams as' one of my daughters seemed to be In..e'lleeline, end linte Dopes of her recovery were =terminal. I then pro eumd a bout' of your =reheat Balm* and before aim had taut the whaled the Calltents at the bottle there was a great ingeovemeart in bet health. I have,in my individual mum, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have always •been benefited by it. / mould, Uraer, amnion tea peelie itgeneatimicuitiee, be calm teen a goad teal of rproMer Wictir's ZiaLaailt of Clem igibutriresithart Mreesamy. JACOB EZCJILER. .• °mobil fres litoszolurs Norms; of Os ahlMiMir QOM, Ma= AIL EACTIROM), VA., Mi. M. ISM Nana lOC Peoria at Co., Boace„ l —GoatMom: "NA *Mom tom* to tbe put Mein at your le. astable tams melds% Dr. Winona Eat M o► wria, Cum; 'deb Y IJkowite highly valved by may et oat mtmeset titlmme, Who ham Wed be virtue! by tdel. Met tomb its of Ude Naitiat moo tbniyeas sloes to a vitdeat sad dienedas ewer which WWI the d Mplekao, lad, to s► Joy; etpodeiteed melt andifyiag Mid as to Idea me to wan= a It, are. shreyobee It by as, - pal met dad it to le tmtail. lofts ft Woe*. No melichm that L bane teen aged Me Om tea speedy Met. Irogro tidy, NOWIRNE NORTON. Preis lan Smith, aq, . "mime e w Sorb Opssay Bask, sail :is is *in istawit . arl soyinuit therseiest Ate Jowl. . , lialiturtoirx, N.J., Jan. 9,1800 Ileem&S.W. ?Om.* & Dear Site: Haslet used ila. Wtrra&V Elmisist or ?Amu CHERRY far Mom, Uwe yeen, and having realizedju beneficial elsolta la ay !badly, k affords me mat pleasure -in eseceeteisiseg Woe the as a valuable remedy ie vaatmetaisait hiuya, oh% sell, !, 4%4 and tuned) WWI I meek* to be entirely binoiumt, and may be Velma miabpattect safety by the rum delicate le health. Yearn may teefeettullyi . JESSE 8312171. Qom' BsraaM 4P +Be aisd rorthlear coiaterfeifs Thos ask O'suisol, sad /lama has It* aim of 'L BUttS," written . with a pen, .an the prhYted asme of The pr4 r i e t ors , 8. W. POWiE & CO," ele the ceder wrapper. 411 felio . affer.ri* &seam of th e Most, Law" pe Cliest r am i&kiallike kefligusisg Wistaria Damn of Wild Cherry, 11,plielis of Wild Cherry, PZ , ZPARED Di S. W. FOWLE & CO., 18 TREXORT STREET, BOST% BOLD DY Dnigifitts, De kr s, and Menitau t isevai Amick! is tis 17iited gip, lopsticsingsmorroF Busrsmts, s„ and wasting cheap farms, anal adviatdsodund. of Vim: WA ba another column. HEAVY MESS By tie Btirret, 6y Egil4-rin 4 ,Alicn ^ tITE "D e-141-14 HOOFLA:NDI 0 T:IEA STANDARD REMEDIES of. the prawn ago, hare aerpehttil . their Fred windmill only thruagtryears or triaL freehanded antdactiott • le iennaml by Inca to aU auks. • 1100FLANDIEG CERMAN ' BITTERS • Mkt Peerrtent ern ' .zaver complete% Dyspepsia, Jelmaitte. Ninon Dv ialty. Diseases of the Yld.nerk V all discard. luidag from a disortrei liter or yak oom of the etomieb and Edgest.lte.Orpna. S !ED 1111.1.4062AT1TA is UNI - iLWM MU, twin FM, Ott RVD An not our M,umac for proof 75 mate per irettio'L lloolland'sliaLsamie Cordial IFILL PotormgLi MU • Coughs. Colds, or Noirseisss. Brno/gds. iolltions‘ Croup, Pavia:mix, The*ion!, Cazisuroptias, mud kw, Nrforomf the zzolot neteinlahlOi orrra ever IaKnOO. CONFIRMED cossunpvioar. As a ihuThosi:Curdisi L b unogitalled. MG% ill wolf pLr bottle. . HOOFLAND'S .11ERMAIC being well known ifinsagbout Europe and Adteriea; rittethi no commendation here. They kre purely seneutble, are Ptepared with great exactness. and are magar-calted. Ns Letter Cathartic Pill can to found. Met. 23 els. perbox Thee, medicines Fut prepared by Dr. C. IH. JAMMU ON. Philadelphia, Pa:land Pt. Lad', Mt sad tuts sold by druggist" nod J0%10111'41 inedieinaieverywhera, The notate ..f Jeetted will be on the outside of Nab la s t tie • • I it our -Ercrideries Almanac,': pnblished an madly, god wtU dud tectintony and commendatory asotiera from all ian aof the notutry. Thao.thaztasses eta giros stragity I,ll.l[N:cut. BCERHAVVS HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND RESIEDT tOR • DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE or THE - KIDNEYS, • tucea. von.FLAirrr, IWEAKNESB 111 71 ANY 'KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ann the *anon. affections consequent Nem a slandered tifir OMAC 111 og LIVER, Stick w lodise-41ov, Aridity of the Stomach, Colicky Pala, Ileutburn. Low of Appetite, Despondency, Cosiireilesnt lilted end Bleeding Pike.' In all Norma, Risonniatie, and Neuralgic Affections It has In mamma instrinres pretest highly beneficial. and In others sleeted a decided can This is it purely vegottiLle entopound,ppemped nijmiptly Wientlfic principles, atter the manner of the celebrated Ihdlnhd Professor, Dreher.- Ito reputation at home pre discririts intrwluction hem, the demand commencing with taw ig the Fatherland seatMied owe the faos of this Mighty nountiT. many of - whombroughtsiith them awl banded loan the trwiltkin 'of BS ratite. It is wow nirerhl hi American public, buncinp Oat el truly wonekriut erefseineil 1.41101 MIMI] 1< erie4Phegre It hi.tartlenlisrly recommended th throe persons whew; constitutions may bare been Impaired he the nintionnas nes of iwdeut spirlte, or other, forms of. dliiipation. Generally Inwantsnoeue in effect, It fluda its way directly to the mesa - of tit, thrilling and quickening every nerve, rasing np the *der,iiping spirit, and, in fan, Infinam new health and vigor In the system NoiCE.—Abuser experts to rind Ala a bevenas Wl.l he disappointed: but to the sick, weak lied low spirited. It will proves grateful aromatis audio], cowered of slugniar ramsllal propertke. READ CAREFULLY! Cleifoine highly .conetentrated Beericare's ILIUM Bitters I. pin tip in haiSpint bottles only, and retailed at t'lsr. Dem.. per bottle, or eta to for Ftss Musa. The .ireet 4emorid for this truly celetwitisi Medici), has tortured ' minty imitations, which the pgiblic should guard &gala& pmehesinn. 41— t, of 4oyswition. Fee, that tar tame Is on the lelsl of qrery bottle you tray.. Sold by Druggists iyensrally. It eta be forwarded by Exprcu to most points, . FOLK PLOPRIRSORS. BENJAMIN PAGE, J11...78z CO. 13=1 Vhannaceutiits and Chemists PITTSEPURGfi, PA. . elieh ' ll O i jit LURE' CURE 'Xo NervousHeadaehe Realache L , E AL , O IS- ' `-4'4 RES 0011! - Tkaltivate An - aperient and stomachic piepantion et IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by coin. bustiell in HYdrsgess, of high' medical author. icy and erzaordinaryl efficacy iti each of the following complaints, vis.: _ ( • DEBILITY. NERVOUS AMMONS. RE& CtS.TION, • DYSPEPSIA..I)ILERHEX CONSTL PATTON. SCROFULA, UI,TIOLEMf i r im6 IRFT, .TAtnome. LIVER COXPLAINTS ,TISN. MERCURIAL CONSEQIIHRM, INTER XITTENT FEVERS. NEURALGIA. CONIC HEADACHES, YR/AALE INZANNEIII UNSTRUATION. WHITES, MMUS, rte., TH PESTLES ON THILIACE, ROU GHN E SS OF E um, etc. " The LEON being absorbed by the blood. and thus circulating through the while system, no part of the body can escape their truly wonder- ful influence.. _ ' The experienconfihmisande daily prone that no preparation of Iron can fors moment be compared with it. Impurities of the bean, do. Ocssion of vital energy, pale Ind otberwin sickly complexions indicate its necessity in el. most every conokinble ease. Li all cases of female debility (fluor albite, Wares* etc.), its !Scow are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever-bean diosovered, in the whole history of medicine. which exerts such prompt, happy. 'and fully restorative eirectt Good appetite, eon: pieta digestion rapid atquisition of strength, with an untiiinal disposition for actin earl cheerful exercise, inmendlately Callow its use. Al a grand stom achic and psocarel reiterative if bag no superior and no entwtitute. . Put up to neat Sat Banal boxes watoialatt ~71 pill., prka 50 orwts per two: te a hazes. pd 5 0 ; one dozen homes. N 00.1 Par alas by Dreoptlats warmed'''. VII= be Man' free tar" soy othlreas w, roottpt ot the plea. agli leer ters, oftlers,-etr., should be litldroilarG to it CO., . ..General. Agents. . 330 EstoADOV Alf. U Y. N.B.—The above la It butr4mße of too .mtkl on tech boa. siAispiinzpt LIVER INfIGORATOR I NSVER ZIKOILITATES. , T 11 compounded entirely /men Gana*, antl I koabbetruto an esbabtidllS,•slatiftriXoncla,,kuowsl Ana - spored b 7 all I- _ o,l'l a,ll U. obi Ii tbnr -sorted in mitibbouadebso ' It Us . eenui thoupuile vim bee germ up ell hopes uneellekoksertitleater le re; ree dew utuelbeadepol Indlektuel Lek kernlt, ae4, pe arl truth on the Unerelul Let . the diodes of lour use et the 10- will eon Liver Cott leeks, Dyspepsl , Onnimer Co* , TT. Dropsy.' Saar Costlvenese„ Cltol• rallterbus,Dbotsle teem; Jeanette es. awl my be mid • iby /Amit' Medi. IttEADACIIIt, ts twenty minutes, r spoonfels ars tall-. laWk. A irks it ate to Its favor. • _ _ PIM WATER lIN THE ROUTH WITH THE INVIGORATOR, AND MOTH TUGETII/Ili. Petite Vise Dollar per Bottle. LeratrortDis FAMILY CATHARTIC - PILLS, ciittri or PRot " * Pure Vegetable *itraete. and put tut In GLANS CASKS, Ali-Tight, and brill keep In.any climate. f The Fatally Cso. • Ile bat anti* Cathay* toedln We pmetles mote The emmintly tramitai - latehertualthePlLLet 113 all maims to remelt° the(lr ..-. them MOM Unraveling' all: gl • The Peahen/on trellknetw en dlthenetom et the tee T aw rAM=All i : be; t been eaMpoUtlded Cams saber gums& sbbh sit elesentry mu& and 2 . when, . Cedar* arangenterota et nee., Palau In the Coutpreneee • raj et the whole body, timmeally, If itiremesel. ref, Lona at Apple. tbs body, welightla ilt::::Aatrrg• In ioSudan= dMRrhR OW to Mani= In dd. Murtha. 'RILE DIMI4III. •rator and Family Ca. OKI 1.1 Deurtia, Merslty and In all tb• haw tarns. 1), M. D., Mane...Um awl a.l'. r/ a :iv Ynr 'giblets Wes Wm. Headache. .1* 111/ Indians atatatir Valdivia or Adutta, Portlier olrft Blot flesh la trip, Inotumor**. meet. Doom. I tat 0 ' PRICE The V.lver theeile PU Is are real meld wbulaudo by U. Traoe & T. W. WC •2311 fireside., MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS REAT ATTRACTIONS .\ 4T THE - rooT or THIN gSBF, . THE• Fur niture Fur niture Estaidiiiinient of . ItlrLi..Telt v reHißs having been refitted and greatly improved. the proprietors respoetfully Announce to the citizens of Montrose and vicin. i,ty that they am constantly making and keep on handAhe LARGEST and BEST assortment of FERN-NITRE To be found In the CoOnite:y. We , give the following diet of some of the ar ticles which we will sell at greatly reduced :Iraces, for CASH or itEADY PAY: . Bureaus, Walnut 'cpr Mahogany, with glass, rom glq to (05. { Humane with marble or brocatello tops, from tiB to $24. And a large assortment, from $B, Ith 12, 14, to:$18 Wash Stands, Card Stands,Corneraid•Square• Stands, of all varieties and pricoakfromls cents to tot dollars. ± • Desks, Divans ,Towel Racks, Footatools,Ottco roans, Lounges, &e.i 'I Centre, Card, Pidr, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen, and Extension Trdes. • Chaire—Cano 'end Wood Beata, Rockers— cane, Flag; and Wood Seate, of every variety Ind style. • Sofas, tote a tetei furnished at - short notic 4t New York pricesk N. B. Ready made coffins on hand or for tiished at short nfitice.—hearses always in readiness when desired. •- We employ none but CartEnt. and Eirrsat. isms WORKMEN, We intend to do our Woitx WELL, and sell it a 4 Low an it Can bq afforded W • W. SMITH, ,1 A. SMITH, JR., , - ' E., H. SDI -ITM' -Montrose, Jan. liith.lB6o.—tf. KEYSTONE HOTEL At Montrose, Penn. WM., H. HATCH, Propriettor THIS now and ttoaimodious Hotel situated, 4. on Public Avenue , near the Court llo.use,snu . nearly in tho Centre of the husingss portion of Montrose, is now fully completed and furnished, and was opened on; Monday, the 27ttr day of September, 1858, 1:or the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that he i now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give Complete Sat'isfitetion. The Hotel and Firnisttre are new, agd no ex. pense has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part 'of the State. It well supplied with all the recent impro vements and comforts; and obliging Waiters will always . ; be readyto respond to the call of customers. 11 The Stables copieeted with this •He.use are • New and Convenient. 'The Proprietrir reapectfully solicits the patron. ago of his old friends, and.the public generally. -'W bid. HATCH, NEW N • E (-11. 0 NEW ' 0 D S! NEW .11ARli : INO. & CO'S, NICIIO i iSON DEPOT. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, MADE TO Pt : • ..orz 10 : .I - 9 - ,AND READY-PAT CUSTOMERS. • We are determined not to be outdone in the way of LOW ‘, ALL RINDS OF . PRODUCE Taken In Kuthange'for II ar G C:IQC)COMPriaI. L. ILAILDING &co. • • • ILITERS 6nipotr*D EXTRACT OF Rom STORE, Am the Great Rouirdy for rodigootton, 13111 Sons Borotuloo!9.:unplatoto,'. and all dloosser ot the - Blood. to t solo, at, wWiftalo and retell, 7 ABEL TURWILL. N l X)lerrr) raPtalia, oandlet, lamp off, Sc, %du - ALL indehted. plooc call and ncitld • Alin TICIOI.gLi. tt'edYeisw'l w 1 ehu nthln do lad two It . iets of relief. as the utunctous t wormlike, deo. lo the temperstrost of Ibe cd In such guncotton as Id Attend guide yen In the ~ VIGIgIIidATO.R, sod II plaints, lallloas At!. Chronic Diarrhoea, plaint.,' Dyseinte. Shimaeh,l/lahltual to, Cholera, Chide* Inlhatma. Plato- Female Weakness. - • yam an ordlna clot. ItoilleurelliCK thousands eau teddy.) In two or three Tia. len si estomeoesomun of • • FACULTY: D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Profes s o r of the sci,pnce of Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Book• Keep. - tug, Diagrams illustrating the same. Jolla Commercial Accountant, Prufeer of Book Keeping and Practical Mathematics. J. J. Curtis,- Assistant Processor in the Book - _ Keeping Department. ' • • A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practical and Or. min:lents! Penmanship, Commercial Calculi• Lions and Correspondence. !giving, tbeir Istamany LECTURERS: Hon:Dantel H. Dickinson, Lecturer on Commor cis! Law and Politkal &gooney. . Hon. Ransom Bolcom, Lecturer on Contracts Promiaaori.Notea and Bills of gxchange.. Rev. Dr. E. Andrewa, Lecturer on Copmercia Ethice: w EXAMINING COMMITTEE 3 .thorite PILL barn whleb the wawa/we ban than (Verity your. demand from thaw who and the satiaraetion which ate( has Induced ma lo plan that Militant Cailisnien act boarish, iTIiIIARTICI PILL Art well eramilhea misty of the pared Taco. alike en imeryia of m et a geed aid nail! Wall ea& e needed. Oath as De. Storms h e !ter l itiSlorti ' neat o t from sodden sat arnich fad Ito 4,1001 cotawn of Fo• 141 tie, a r - -elin tog ten• Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. R. Osborn, Esqi Tracy R. Morgan,Esq. The object of this College is to at to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Businees Education. The Books and Forms are carefully arranged by 'practical accountants expressly for this la siltation and embrace 'all the recent improve. mentse The course of Instruction comprises every department of business, The lclrner will bo thoroughly:taught the scicncetand praitice of Do - üble Entry Book. Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz: General Mer chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis eon, Steamboaling, Railroading, Forwarding Freighting, Foreign Shipping. &c. ' • Can qualify themnelvercin a short time, at this Insets. lion, to fill important and lucrative situations. * Ample references can be given where graduates of INOO 'are now tilling desirable situations with salaries trout 000 to $lOOO per annum. The Proprietors are in possession of testimonials from some of the first Commerciat Houses In the State, to whom they hive furnished book-keepers, showing their entire satisfaction and confidence in the ability °filo) graduates of this Institution. In snits branches, taught by the most skillful and thar 'ough musters of the art. No College in the country en joys a higher reputation in-this department. Ladles' Do. partment entirely separate from that of thegentlemen. , Students can enter College at anytime. No vacations. Time to complete the course, from 8 to 10 weeks. Stu dents passing the requisite examination are presented with the meet elaborate and,eleganl engraved Diploma issueftby any Commercial or Classical Institution in the Union. Assistance'inndered to graduates in . procuring ettnettone. • • vor terms of tuition, price of hoard. testimonials of r dtudes Illlinc positions.&c, address the proprietors for 0 • Wars( containing fait partsculani. - LOWELL & WARNE R. Proprietors Binghamton Commercial College, or. 8, Binghamton, N. Y. Steel Pens Superseded • COPPER ERRODIUM PENS, ILVARRANTED not to corrode in any ink. Each pen vTas dnrable as a dozen steel perk As they do not corrode, they will not get sharp and stick to the paper like steel pens, but will glide over the paper smoothly liken gold pen. I have appointed ABEL 11. 1 111tELL, Sole Agent, for the sale pf these pens in Susquehanna county. Price. 84.00 pes—tie-cents ages dozen-5 cents each. Beta by mail, prepaid be the t. on receipt of price and one postage stamp. 'the trade supplied at a reasonable die eount. . All orders for these non-corrosive . Pena most be addressed to ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Pa., who will furnish them at the lowest peel, July 8, 1862. L . IQUOitS , ,r 1 Dificrent kin& oPWlnes and Lim:tors. comprising nearly every kind In any :market. warranted pure. For sale as usual by ABEL TERRELL. Dissolution: T " eo.parrnership heretofore ex IM if n¢ hetween Allen Deans &, Co. is this day dismlyed be limitation. ALLEN, DEANS & CO. Montrose, only - 9,18Q. The business will be continued at the old stand by - BALDWIN & ALLEN. . - 'Gold MedalSalentus: AND alsootber kinds, critic best in market, for sale by ABEL TURRELL LUBRICATING OIL, F OR All Kinds of Machinery, for onle by ABEL VURR4L GOOD 6 SEWING MACHINES: pon.E . ,ULLLY AND SIANTJFACTUBISG USE, GOODS Agencies in all Me principal Cities and GOODS. The Grover & Baker S. M. Co. beg to canthe attentive of the_pabLle to their locally hared n eed NOISELESS FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING Salingilte MAKING Tint seuTrix OIL LOCK Frifell• These machines cow eine all the last useful impniee , melte In aewlugmachlnam endive highly eanonttnende4 for their aluirollefti of Conetructien Nolaeleaences ; Rapidity; Rase or Rauagerueugl And /lemur Capacity for all kluge or work & ant Regularity of aliteb. Workshop will these machines dapted to the holtee or be found at the different agencies Ogle Company throughout the United States. Their new SHUTTLE . MACHINE FOR TAILORS' USE, . The latent triumph orate sewing machine art—nolselara. eser, and (many operated—will commend itself (ellipse IteePooh =Warms tor manufacturing C lot hing. ' Grover ".Ir. Baker Blaehines, mARING mfr. GROVER & BAKER STITCH. - These J u etly : celebrated-machines. adapted to aB the wants of the household and manufactory. continue to maintain the ,pre-ominence which the almost univereal Verdict of the-public haa awarded them. The wall-known STRENGTH, ELASTICITY ; it DURABILITY,' of the Grover & Baker Stitch milt always Insure these machines the preference for family use, for the tuanufac. tore of ouch goods as-are Intended for wear—for use and ndt for 'show,. Pir' Wherever the Grover •& Baker Stitch Machines have exhibited and fairly Judged In cconpetition with the leading Sewing 3 tarataas In the market.' the Wheeler & Wilton , they have invagiably bOn 3 O of the Ant premium. This awirtion Is ennfirmed by thodocistod of iha with . adttaes of the State -ratty o f ILLIN • . . OVA, - OHIO -and • • - 111.1C8I0A.NI, •, , ,,It l y-bod, which awes - lied the Dret premium to th Gruvg Baiter ALic4inc over all Others in compeNtitl Tnrrell'o COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located ever theSaagnebannaV cyßank. BINOHAMTON N. Y. YOUNG MEN PENIUNSIIiP BY 8. DR WOLF'S ‘-GROVER,Fx. BAKER CELEBRATED - NOISELESS 495 Broadway, iliew-York. Towns in the United Shift:. TILE I+OLLOW/Z4ll ESDiIkiLiZSLENTIi UL aiPMEBRAI) CEPHALIC PILLS, wru. comscs 41. z. Wyo SUPPER /MOM HEAP ' ACHE,. SPEEDY 4ND SURE CU RE - IS TWEIR REACH. As tOss testimonials were unsolicited by Mr. - .Spalditig e they afford unvieirticniabie proof of the efficacy of this truly • • scientific discovery. ' • Ya Sraanoro. dta Ihave tried your Cephalic Pill 4 and 1 flb then to tail that 1 want you to send me $2 worth mote. - Part of there are for the neighbors; to wboin Ivrea few out of the that Ito: 1 got - from you. Scud the Pills by ump, and, obllga Your oh% serv't. JAB. KERN/ZRY: 11, C. Spalding. Sir . . ;wish yon to lend tug one more hoz- of your Cephalic PIAt; !have rucked a grata deal of &meting% me m .:•Youre, respectfully ' • • AN .STOIIOIOI7BE. 11. Spaldin .Spence Creek, Ibintbigdon co., Pa., Jim. 18.. Slr: Yon will please send me two boxes et yone.Pllls. Bend them Immediately. Ikrpeetlblly yonny, P. 13.—/ hair sad one bo your alts, and /lad JNO. B. SIMONS. Item males& Bac Vernon. Ma, Jan. E. Hen C. SPaldlng, Zig; Please se And enclosed tenty-dre . cents; for which send me another Nei of your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best pills 1 have over tried.• Direct • A. STOVIIR, P. M. Belle Vernon, Wyaudot =czar, *Wm - • . Bends, Nam, Dre.-9, • C. Spalding. Sttj. I wish for some circulars or large dhow bins. to brine your Pills more particularly before my customer*. If you hare anything of the kind. please send them to me. One of my customers, who is subject fo rs severe-lick headache, (usually lasting two days) I was eared of an pt. Odin an hour by your Ma, which sent her. • Respectfully „pure, W. B. WILkBS. • Ilem7 C. Spalding, No. 4fi Cedar street, N. Y, Dear St r ; • Inclosed fi nd twenty-five cents, (45.) tar which *end me box of •• eeplial le pills." Direct to Rev. Wm. Filler, at Reinoldslitirg, Franklin county, Ohio. Your Pltta• wort like a, Main-curt Ifeculache absiost instanter. Mr. Spalding. Sir long since I lent to you dor a box of Ceptialle for the cure of the Herron, Headache and*Costiveness. mid received the same. and Meg Aad so good an did I was induced eo rendjor more. Pleasleend by return mail. Direct td A. E. WHEELER, • Ypsilanti. WA. 'From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cephalic pi& accomplfsh-the object for which they were made, viz.:-cure of headache In &Mita I.: From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va.• They have been tested in more than a thouvand eases with entire sumo& From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If yon are , or have been troubled with the - hea - daelle, Fend fora box of c!pballe pills, an tlutt you may haie them in'case of an attack. From the Advertiser,. Prtmidenee, R. I. The Cephalic Pills &timid to be a remarkably effective remit*, for the headache, and one °Me very heat for that very frequent complaint which has over been din. covered. 8, DE WOLF From the Western' R. R. ,Gezette, Chicago. We heartily tplorae Sir. Spalding, and hie unrivalled Cephalic Pills. From the Valley Star,. Kanawha...Va. Wenre snre that persons suffering with the headache who try them, will stick to them. From the Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try them! ion 'that are afflicted. and we are sure that year tertiniony can he added to the already nunu•roua list that has received benelite that nu other medicine can produce. - • _ 'From the St. Louie Democrat. The Immenne demand for the article (cephalic pills) 15 rapidly increasing. - - • From the Gazette,.Davenport, lowa. Mr. Spalding would not connect his name with en ar Uric he did not {wain to posfees real merit. Franz the Advertiser, Providence, R. L The testimony in their favor is strong, from the most resp f eetable quarters. 'Front t4e Doily Yews, Newport, R. I. Cephalic Pills are taking the place otall kinds. - - By the use of these Fills the perlodicattacks of Nervous or Sick Meador-lie may be prevented,. and If taken at the commencement of an attack, limme relict from pain and sickness will be obtained. 'They seldom fail In removing the Wdese and Headache to which females are so sullied. They act gently upon the bowels.—removing Gintieeness. For Li o terary Men, Students, Delicate FemalT, and all . persons fleck/Vary/MLitt, they are valuable as faxaftra, huprovlng the appetite, giving tone amivigor to the diges tive or^a,„ us, and - restoring the - natural elasticity and egrength of the whole system. -- • , The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long . invest'. gatron and carefully conducted experiments, having been In use many purse, daring which time they have prevented and relieved a vast, amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating In the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomas-4. They are entirely vegetable fin their composition. and aytebe taken at alltimes with perfect safety without mak ing any change of diet, (maths ahameeVan., dist:maa taste renders it eery to administer them to • . Beware of Cotuiterfeite. The genuine have dye signatures of Henry C. Spalding oneach box. Sold by Bret:gist/1i and other Dealers In Medicines. A box will be sent hymen prepaid on receipt of the Wl4rloo fie Clossias. An seders sleek' be addressed to , • • • HENRY G. SPALDING, twit rah 48 Color Sas* New York. garA single bottle et SPALDING — % PitERARED a a wit' save ten Uttlei lu coat 11111111inpati SPALDENG'S PREPARED GLUE!. . SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUEY SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! Ecomimir &erects Trist Saves Nitric" Al accidents will happen, even In well regulated ram. Iles, It Is very desirable to have, mane cheapen convent lent-way for repairing furniture, ' toys, crockery, dm, • SPALDING'S PREPARED 'CLUB meets MI such entergencles,:and - no household can afford to be without it. It hi alwayaready, and np to the stick ing pdint. RPUL•]NRPB'BY•Novsg"• N. 8.-4 Brush acconoles each Bottle. Price 96 cats. Addresa, NEWBY C. SPALDING, 48., Cedar Btreet„ New• York. • • CAUTION. • 4a certain Imptinelpled persona are attempting to palm °ion the unsuspecting public, Imitations ormrPre;kircif Glee: I would eantion all persona to examine beforepur chaskig. and Bee that the ftill name, BP,ALD/190'8 PII.IIPARkD:OZ,Vicap' is on We ontalde wrapper; all °there are swindling coon. terfeits. ABEL TURRELL, Is new prepared to care every Casa of SCROPULA yin zhepountry, and he bars Remedy for neuly every II to which 'flesh fa heir. Call At the' • - GREAT mEDICINEEMPORIt p of ABM TURBEI ! L, sad be *vaned of the benehti Pelised• Itontrose,daly It 1861.. * KZ It 0 MOM LA,111.1 2 4 .ffiplend Id assortment Just teeedive. eiNstuuleit a. burners, wicks, ete., at ell's:. nONFESSIONS.ta zepzimaks at • strimuert, Published as &warning.. end for at especbil b ooo t of Young Men,had those Who suffer with NervouiDetak ft!, Loss.of hierooyy, Premature Decay, rte., be by on who has eared himself by atmplo Imps, after being pct is zreat evponseaud inconvenience, thtongh the use o wort bless medleineepreserihed by learned Doctors: . Sin pt: copies may be had of the author,. by.euelosing a post paid addressed envelope to - - - MIAS: A. LAitILLTIT, GtccDpoifit, Long Island, New Yore THAT A Masositaza, Cyr►., PO. 5, Ilavertord. AL, Feb. 6; . , Iteroldsixng. Franklin en.. Ohio, January V. f Trulyams, • Wm FILLER. • 'fps(LIMO, N 74.. Jan.SL SAVE TEE PIECES -, 1 Are Yekithik, freble, and cow planing/ Are yoUout of order, with row system deranged and your thelbo • uneennforablo? These sym pto ms are often the prelude to serious illness., Some Mt of sickness is creeping upon ou, and houel bo averted by it timely use of t h e right remedy. Take Ayer's rills, and cleanse outthe disordered humors—pu rity the blood, and let the Heide move on unobstructed In health Vain. They stimulate thefune ns of the t ry into 'Agora," activity, pert the system from the Metre es which . make „ disease. A Cold settles - some. - where to the body,snd obstructs .- 4. These If not relieved, react upon. the i Vrt i r ‘ cinrroundlug organs, producing end ration, spffering, anti disease. While in his eon oppreascd by the derangements, take Aytr's. Pills, and sod how dbettty they restore the lion of the !latent, and.iwith tt the buoyant feelingfpf health ligaha, What le tine and so apparent in this trivhd and common 0=011,11)41a also truelu many of the deep. fated and dangerous thatempers. The same purgative effect CIOCIS them. Caused by similar obstructions and - derangements of the natural MMotes of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by-ths same means. 4hone who' know the-virtues of these Pills, will . iiegled. to employ them when su ff ering from the Weer. dem they cure. Stat, p gents fro m leading physiehins in some of the pried and from other well known public per sons. Frees a kortsardjng Merchant of Se. Zonis, Feb. 4, MO. Dn. At Ent YoUr Tills are the pars on a all 'dint la great in ~ .medidinet • They have cured my little daughter, •ssfatrxrdna 110M11 upon her hands and feet that had proved Instable for years. ' lien mother has been long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and hu her ludr. After our child was -cured, she also tried , your Pills, aad they hare au _red her. .ABA MORGRIDGE. •• m A i da Family Physic. ' 11". Cartwright, New Cleternis, • tour qille ere the mince of purges. Theta' excellent qualities! surpass:rimy cathartic we possess. Whey are mild, but yen/certain and effectual in their action on the bowel, which mikes them invaluable to us in the daily itremtmeat annualise,. _ Slek Headache, Peal Itexasellt. 1 Prom Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. DEAR Aiutt: I cannot answer you what com plaints ];have eared with your Pills better than to say alt Mal we ever tired with aputratire mai/eine. I place grad dependence on an effectual cathartic In,my daily contest with diem*, and believing as I do that your Pills word tuilthe best we have, Loft:course value them highly. , Prertiatlito, Pa., May OKI& Du. J. P. ATER. Sir : I have been repeatedly cured of the worst /undache any body can have; by &dose or two of your Pine. It -seems to arise from a foul stomach, • which they eicanie at once. Yours with great respect, 'F.D. W. rftEnty, • • .! Clerk of Stararrr Chelan. allidus Dasorders Coamplalatil • Theodore Bell, of New York City. Not or:ivarc yMir Pills admirably adapted to their par , Por as aperient, but I l adesir beneficial effecta upon the Livet* very marked Inde. They have In my...prat,- ?Joe proVed more effectual for the cure of bilious min pleilds than any one remedy Imn mention. I sincerely rejoice that we have at length a purgative which Is wor thy the cimildentre oftheprofeasion and the people. DkPARTUF.-Tr OF THE Irrg:ntorr, ! Washington, D. C.; 7th Feb., FM: Ilhavedrai4 your Pine In my general/gad hospital practke ever shwa yon made them, and do not !levitte to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regn 'pring action on the liver Is quick and decided, Conse quently they are en admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a arse of bilious direcue se.pbatilude that $t did not readily yield to them. )I).km/illy yours ALONZO (t LL, 31. rhigicianof Ote Atth.ine Hospital. Dienhery; Dlarrhcea, Relax, Worms., Alm Dr. J. 6: Green, of Chicago. Totalling have had a long trial In my practice, and' I hold their In esteem as one of the best aperients I have. ever found.- Their alterative effect upon the liver makes, them an imoeUent remedy when given in small doges for Mena dysentery and diarrhea.. Their sugar.mating makes them very acceptable and convenient for the nse Of women and children. Dylpetpita, Impurity or. Abe Bloods Firma Rein J. V. Hinter,P . astor of Advent Church, Rode^. Da. Ation : I hare used your Pills with extraordinary 'Boccie in my family and among those I am called to visit In distrees. 'fo regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they am the very test remedy I have ever knciwn, and ,I can confidently recommend them to my Mends. , Yours, , J. V. HIMES. WARSAW, Wianing Co., IL Y., Oct. 21, 1/455.• . Dean Sin: I ant usin your Cathartic fills in my prac. Um, and:find them an excellent purgative to cleanse-the system and yurffytheibuntaisas of the brood. . . • _ rr JOHN 0. MEACHAM, 'lf. 'D. Constipation, Coativeneai, *oppression, Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Dropsy, . Paralysis, rts, etc,' , Pim; Dr. I f. P. Vaughn, Afoutreal, Canada. Too moth cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of co'nvene's. If others of our fraternity have found them as efficacious as Lhave, they should Join me In proclaim; Mg it for the benefit of the multitudes who surer from that complaint, which, although bad_enough ift itself, la the progenitor of others that are worse. I believe ter tfreneisto originate in the Liver, but your Pills affeetthat organ and cure the disease. From ire& E SButrf, Physteimi and .tralttire, Roaroi,' I find One or two large dusts of your Pills, taken nt the proper time, are excellent promotlqs of the untural accretioii when Wholly or partially suppressed, anO also very effeetyal to)cleanse the stomach, and erpti worms. They are no much the best physic wehaut that, I recom mend no other to; my patients. Prom t 4 - Rev. Dri r Mules, of the Metifidist. Rpis. Church. iPULASKt HOUSE, Savannah, Ga...lan. 0,185 d. HONORED Sntk 1 should be ungrateful for the relief your skill boa brought me if I did net report my case to you. IA cold settled in my limbs and brought on ex cruciating neoratgic pans, which ended in chronic rhea. Notwithstandin,.. I had the IWptof physisiana, the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice or your'eseellent agent in Baltimore, DI. Mackenzie, 1-tr ied your Pills. Their effects were plow, but Pure. BY per severing the v ie of thou, lam now entirely well. IBEN;Vri: CfrAiNIIIER, Baton 11mige,14.,5 Dec., 1E4.5. Dn. At nit :.fl,ave been entirely cured, by your of Aesiaotio Gunt—a parotid disease that:had afflicted me for yt•ars. , ' VINCENT SLIDELL, efts 3Timt of the PIM in nihrket contain Mercury, which, although kt valuable remedy In skilful hands, Id 41.111;:erufis inn miblie 1,111, from the dreadful consequences that freOently NUM,' #.4 Incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral imbalance whatever. Pried, 25 cents per Box , ar 5 Boxes for St . ~_,. . . . Prepazefk, by Di. J. C. AVER & CO., Unroll, Wan. For 'ale byAbei Turroll, Montrose; Chnrrb A Thlnn Dundaff i Waltman & Swisher. Auburn Centre,and by dialers and dem:ties everywhere: oc, 8 7 CW i • 'IMECIELZ Ckitia:aor cf.a:craszo HUMAN MISERY itita P4AlLithed in a sealed Britt/ape ; Price 25 coots.. r; AI I .LECTURE BY DR.. CULVERWELL 'LILT 11i on the canoe and core of Sperntator rho*. Conruniptiob, 3lentat and Physica Debility, Nervout neve. Epilepey Impair ed Nutrition of the body: Lasvitude ; Weakneett of. the limbo and the hack; Indivpovition ; lots of memory; aversion' to society ; love of trust; diaziness ; headache: affect follt , of the eyea,:' pim ples on the face; involuntary emissions, arqvexual capacity!! the commenences of youthful Indiscretion, ,te.. M — 'This admirable lecture clearly proves that ::..the above enhamerated. often self.affileted, evils nay be re moved withont medicine and without vurgiCal operations and should be read by every youth and every nun in they land. • Sent under seat to any addretta. in a plain added envell. cope, on the receipt of six centa; nr two pa/shire Meows, by addreWng - DR. CHAS.. d . C. ELTNE. _jn3o—'94l 127 Bowery New York, Petit Box, 45813. • . li' -tti .; • ESERWEIIAPS TAR PI AN C D WOOD NAPTHA • L1F0.21 . . /it& but Atedicine in As snorbtfat Ms anvil/ Cotighs aad Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of thelleart. • - For the retilf tzf PClfielaa adranessi stages of Consumption together with all Diseases . of the Throat and Chest anti which • • predispose to Consumption: it attacks the root of dieseue. and mites thefett destroyer succumb tolls trVuene.s. arroprwitr us /rut ezpertoratlen, huinees ittaithv actimi • in uicilissutell )(wow Jtembrane and aims. It is paell a / a :ly tagged tothe radical f ctre of AIITHISA. • • One dose at pHs innaluabte srnuperte. goiti ewe and conoquanay Rem trAtcathe partkular netew^eqf the disease cles It is tysyggasani to the awe. and prompt in its greets. Try U be cons:incest Mat it is invaluable infihs now ryi - Airorienini Affeetions. Price, 50 ftlifit yet 4 Prepared only ,by . Pr. ERRAWittlf; Artseuvisi;-' '• J, Co., Tir. corner 9th and, POPLAR stivett, PatfricPa. .Nbr sale in rilontrogrby sahl9 .7 v•ing . ADEL TURREZI, .A.udoist • . • . .. .. X :4 4. 2 ,1 . 004 111111 ft E 11C4 in.4rket, tonvtantly e ne dat as taw A i u ni m c e e elk it can be obtained of oennvhil .and at town -- " !serf; taber • . ' Turrdr .prnr store. REPORT 'or BOIXIN ROBINSON OrTiUE.NEWYOkTRIHIINE, - - mos all , • TIN - ELAND S I ,ETTLEMENT. sW"' The following is an extract from the repott o Solon Robinson . MetLoPobilitted in the New York; Tri' ben.. relerence - ta Ylifelaad. All persona can read 'this report with ILlterest. - Advantages of IParmlng goo —Vlndand—Ea mats upon , gnat; mtility—tbo Caresser Fatilitt—Anuint 'Mops, Pfoduced— Proof:teal Evidence. s. J It Is certainly °scathe coast extensive fertile trans ban almost level position, ond suitable condition for id u aaant fanning that we knOw ofthis side of the west ern prairies. We found some of the oldest farms swig rently just as Profitably prodoctive as when tlrst cleared of forest fifty or e hundred ydere ago. The geologiet would soon I discover the cause of • this continued fertility, The wbblecuuntry lea marine de - . posit, and all through the soli we found evidence' , of raj. cartons athetances, generally In the form of in d led calcareous marl. showing men dietinet forma of ancient 'elites, of the tertiary foraaatiOn :and this marly subs!/1111V, IM•ertattered ill through the sca, in a very comminett fceem, and in the exactcondition most easily assimilat ed by suchplants as the fanneridesiree to cultivate. Marl, in all its form - s has beenamed tofertilize crepe in • Ruffian& fromituo time It ergs occupied by the Romans;' and in 'France and Germany marl bed is counted On as a valuable bed of manure, that can be dug and carted and spread over the'field. How much more valuable then It must be when found already mixed through the soil, where new particles will balurned up and_orpossa. sod' traneformed to thoowner's e 'every time be airs the earth. 'laving hen satisfied our rands with the ease, they will not be excited with whaler at teeing indatd table ev Ideate of fertility of a soil-which n our al testi 0110. Tory log the came general clutracterf.rtice or at leaet :tumor:ln Cell, is entirely unre.munerative except as Its pro active nets is promoted by artificiafertilization. • A few words about the quality and value of this land for caltivation, of which vie have some strong proof. • Our first visit was to William D. Wilson, Franklin townshlNGloucester county4who purchased some tilt miles north of abomlihree years ago, for t p u rpose of establishing& steam mill, to work up the 11 ber into lember, to send off by the new railroad, as well ae thefirewood and coal, for Whleb he built a track a mile and a half long. lie aletifurnished sixteen miles of theroad *Nth tier,-and bed into 'doubt made the mill profitable,: though his main °Alecto - tie to opena- farm,* having beCome convinced that the soil war valuable for cultivation. In this beints not hemp disappointed, as some or hie crops prove. For instance, the second time of cropping,M6bushels of potatoes ea One 'acre, worth 60 cents • bushel in the field. This Year, seven acre,, without manure, produced NW bushels of este. In one field, the fret crop was -potatoes._pliotted among- the Toots, andjielded 75 bushels.l The - potatoes were dog.' and wheat/own, and yielded ; and the stubble turned Under and sown to bakwheat which yielded XIX bushels; and Ikea the groaad was sown to clover and timothy, whiCh gave tut a dreg crop 21( tons per • Ye. The fertlliaers 'piffled to thee. cyops were first; Ashes fr o m o est ih re •lend, mfa, Ima nds of superphosphate of ; third. 400 fiends Peruvian guano ; then 50 bash etc of slacked lime es been sp read upon the clover since It wag mowed , and tuned in orwheat. • - Mr. Wilson's growing crop oind the wheat stubble of the prevent season, all indicatebiased as productive a* antpart a the State. At diary Barrow'', an old eto Jersey woman fanner. several mite-south of Mr. Wsim's, we were so particu larly-I,track with the eneappeeraece eta field ofeorn,that we stopped to inquire of the hired man how it was pro dated. We found that tare land bad been the year but one beforc3u wheat; sown with clover, and this cut one season, and lan spring plowed once, with one "peat old -nag." and plantedrh corn. . ' Yes, but you ma tired high, we suppose," we raid In terrogatively, and - got his reply ; •!Wial, you see, we couldn't done that • 'cause we hadn't but forty-one horse loads altogether f or 53 an, 'and we wanted the most on't,for the truck." • The truck consisted of beck., carton', cabbage, cucum. hers, mellone, &c., and a very productive patch of Lima beans. grown for marketing, I 13.• we were Battened that the soil woo not infertile, even unaided by cover, which had fed the corn, because the !Inch patch" had not been deemed, end had been in coltivation longenou gis So oh literate allars of the forest:! Our neat sit was to the large farm of Andrew Skimp, Ave miles 'north of 51111alle, front half to a mile s east of the railroad, and Just abont la the centre of Vineland.— Mr. Sharp commenced work tine in December, less, up. On 271.) acres. In lees than three -years be lets got 233 acres cleared and in crops th le season, all well int toyed and divided Into several neldS. with cedar rail er pole fence ; has built a two-story dwelling, sheet thirty-six or for t y feet, and a smaller hotita for farm laborers, and a stable and'granary and some Other outbuildings. Conelderable part of the land was cleared for the plow at fa dollare an acre, and on stone alit the first crop was buckwheat. limed with 50 bashele In powder per acre.— This crop may be put In from July 4th to2oth. and t kids from-tea:2hr td thirty bushel", per sere. hare eotedin Nov ember, when the land being enured with 150 pounds of, Peruvian gnaw; and seeded vrith rye; yielded 12 to 15 bnehelo per acre and ten dollars worth-of straw. The . rye stubble turned. after knocking off a large Growth of , oak sproutcand drench scab" with gyetuo and seeded. to wheat, gave IS orlsbnobelit. The crop which he was' threshing while we were there , promises more, of a very. plump grail, and the !pawls v ery heavy. We went over theatubhie and found the clover and timothy, from seed sowed Mal spring. on the wheat with- - out harrowing, lookingas well as we Ever caw it upon any old cultivated farm, and With • little work done in the winter to clear off sonic pmts . and rotten stumps, and settingstakes tomark p e rmanent ones, we will he able to cut the crop next year, with a marine machine - and we will , guarantee two toes per acre, it he will give the overphis If it overruns Oil estimate. ' . rt Pa•of the land was plante With potatoes for a trot trop, Which yielded one hundred and twenty bash e/sper acre. It was then limed with fay hnsheLeper acrit, and seeded with wheat sod clovi4, yielding lit average of - . over 15 - tanshela per acre, and the clovernow looks ,bean tifal. , • Other pertions haw been planted with mint as a fret crop, which yielded thirty buShels of yellow flint rota,' and the second_ crop forty bushels, and the third crop, treated - 150 pounds of enano,We are sure no. tine would estiniate below forty lin.lielomer acre. (The reader will recollect that the writer Firnow speak ing of lands perfectly new, and whichean scarcely beton sidered in good amble condition.= v Enj - • • In other cases the corn crep;oflast year vras followed with oats this season, not vet thieshed, atierage probably forty to fifty bushZilai - Sweet 'poLanses, heen-1 • mellows, and in fact. all vegetable*. as well as your ;, peach and other fruit trees planted this - year, show very • plainly that this longneglected tract of land should - ntiln ao tin longer, and there'd now a et meg probabil it y that it will not ; for under the fauspinveL:Mr. Landis. It • will be divided into small lots. with roads !mated. to n - *contmodate surveyor:is now busy -at tide, work —and all purchasers will be required to build neat roar- fortable honees, and either fence their lots in uniformity, or agree to live without fence, which would he prefers hle,ley which means a good -population will be secured who will establish churches, schools, stores, mills, ma chine shops and homes—homes of American fanners, cu r rounded by garden., orchards, fields:and comforts of civ ilized life. . If any one, from any derangement Of business, I s desir- - one of changing his pursnits for life, or who Is iron any canoe do-INT' to find a new location and cheep home in , the countr[y], and who may read and believe what we have truly statM, be will do well toget and see for himself what - may be seen within a pro hours ride of Philadelphia, - SOLON ROBINSON. - AYER'S CATHARTIC FILLS. Established in Pittsbergh 1,1840,e The Only CoMmercial . College en the Union, Conducted by a Practical • • Merchanl. - 0 6000 Student* have attended It from Thirt y 5..." different States. Four sumer' Medals IAA:: been • twartimlDuffe Spam:not' Book Keeping; and the new cireularjust lamed contains letters from students in Phil- . adelphia, Baltimore, St Lotthi. Cincinnati, etc; proving it to be the beat known. NINE First - Premiums were re cently awdrded the Pettmaniftdo of Wm li. DUFF, Who with his mwociateTrofessor,C. C. Cochran, are undoubt ecitrthe beet penmen id &males. Ites Edition of Dugs Botik Keeping poste O, #1,711 and Duncan's' Gems of Penmanship,. Duff and Dunean's New Copy 8001t5,.6 No's, 54 For samples of Duff &Cuchran's Business and Ornamen tal Penmanship, with the, now circularoffki pages,indora 25 cent. in stamps to nor 4 y Wen 'AND PRODUCTIVE FARM LANDS FOR SALE, twenty-twit miles South of Philadelphia; in the Garden State of the Raw - Lint:climate and location for markets in the Union. • :•• • • ree advertisement of Vineland.] • • Ilnqueitionahly thibest Midsized:Work of-thii, kind in thi:World." • • • 3ECBI4I.I2ELIER7IIIII. NEW, BIONTBLT 111AGALUNE. • The volumes bound constitute.of themselves • library, of miscellaneous reading such u cannot be found In the • same compass in any ether publication that has comma-. der our notice.—[Boston Courier. The most popular Monthly In thejworld.—N..Y. Ott-. server. • -We must refdr Informs ot eulOgy_to thri' high tone and • titled excelletets of- Nassau's Miosents—a Journal - with a montbit circulation of about 170.000 coplec—ln wflose pages are 'to he found sonic of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak of this work its an evldence of the American People: sad the popular- • It yit has' acquired is vomited. Each Nutnbrr contabgli._ • fullyPageSof reading matter, anitroPlittely Mesta - ted With good wood-cuts; and It combines In lief/I lite racy monthly and the more pbilosophood quarterly,.. blended with the best features of the dally_kurnal— I haa.a groat power in the dissestinetlon of a' Wr` e of pure- literature.—Tuumrsn's (;aide to American Litersture • No Magazine in Europe or America Is so well know n;, none has halfas many readers ; and we mu safely say, noun has received acillnrge tr ibute of admiration front the eulttuted classes,.that delight in a healthy, divers!, fled, elevating periodical literature. It is the foremost Magazine of the day. The fireside never had a more de. lightfui eitropenion. nor the million a more enterprising, Mond, than Marper's Magaslne.-4etikidiSfs.PrOlasktni.. • The Ithattalna may be Obtillad of Bookseller. rerlott feel agents, or from the Doteass year, or TaVrrt-FIVRCIDITS a Number. The semi-annu al Vole:nee. as completed. neatly boated In cloth, are sold at Two Dollars each •, and muslin coven are turn.' ii,he c t to those who wish their back numbers uniformly hound, at 25 cents each., Twenty-three Volumes ant 'now readY. hound in cloth, end also Ia half calf, • The Putillshers wilt supply Specimen Numbers greta. itously to'Agents and - Postmaaters, and will mike liberal arrangements with them for•circuntlag the Xagszine.-•• They will she supply. Clubs of Two Persons at Irlye Dol lars a year, or Five Persons et-Ten Dollar". Clergymen and Tambora supplied at Two Dollars a year. Harper's Ogg:ulna and Harper's Weekly, one year, ea, The Ife%ne weighs over Fenn, 110 sot OYEt 8104 Ounces- 'Waage on each windier, wide!' nut be paid gamier Y. InAdvalleo at the Oleo altars the Maga-. k lino is recelVod. to Three Cent', • ; - HARPER & BAOTHIRS, : • e • Franklin *Aare, Pion York. stratoin 2 . NetiOe. . . A,TOTIck la hanky given to laavingdemandn against the 'estate of Michael Kane, late of ebecoont township, deceased, . that the nixie most be presented to theonderatned for settlement, and all persons Indebted tp Mid estate ays requested to make immediate iaymen I . .IRnivenr KAMP, • , • AMU eigitOkat, AFg. 4,'6:, /ILEX •Tiusz. 40 r, " C lan , ,q,, f } • P. DUET di SON TIRMS.,4