—We learn from a letter In the B!coltlyn Eagte that comptiny m Colonel . Jour vian's Begiment,Empi.re Bri gade, celebrated the success of the Democracy with mu sic and bonfiresoind held an election, the result being 86 votes fot . Seymour - to one for Wadsworth. ' That's the way the soldiers vote. • —Ashley, an Abolition Congresiman elect, from 0- hio, declares that "if the President recedes one step from his anti-slavery posi tion,there, will be a counter revolution in the North." —The Chenango Union -published a t Norwich, Cho nango CR4-New-York,states that at the time of the late election, there was a negro in jail there for rape upon - a lady seventy years of age. was baited out• •by the - republicans to .enable him to vote for ;Wads Worth, and he did so! -It is stated that the faSt steamer youglas, : hith erto running between - Liv erpool and the Isle of Man, has been-sold for the pur pose of runniati, the block ade. proposition - , of , any kind for peace,. or an armis-. tice,.have_ been made by the Rebels to the government, as has been alleged, Dorval' any be considered save they first lay down their I arms and return to their alle giance. —Two and a half Millions dellars in unsigned 1 . cer tificates indebtedness have been stolen _from the desk of the U: S. Treasurer at Washington._ —k.steimer (name not stated,) is reported to have recently left Liverpool du ring a dense fog, Lavine , on board 600 tons of arms, &c., fo the col federates. —A good many people _raise a cry about the linion and Constitution, as if the two were identical ; but the truth is it is The Constitu tion that has been the found ation and father of our troub les.=lies. HentV3l7.-Berch-r. —Our soldiers should be paid .promply. The fact that hundreds of thousands of our 'best troops are often five orsix months without pay is disgraceful government,• —On Saturday last a Se riniiilfire occurred at Lock Haven, Pa., which destroy ed the Clinton Hotise, banic, post office, and aboni sixty , stoles, offices and dwellings Thesestimated loss is *lin), (MN taostly-covcied by in snrance. is officially stated a Washington that the Freud government had no inten tion. in the propogition .inedi ;tion, of anything Virtf ther than an armistice. No )iropo - Aitiou . s from the, insur gents in any quarter. have -been received by President '.Lincoln or any of his c:diinet. heard an.ofticer the regular army remark; not long • . since . that ` he "wonti L rather - die - serving under, _McClellan than live under any other::cominan- der." That is stating the ease rather strongl; but it -shows how the soldiers feel. —Gnatemala pfotests gainst.• the colonization of - American negtoes within her borders, and the Um gress. of Costa . ltiea has passed . a bill. prohibiting the coloniiation ofsueb persons. --Qf the, one hundred million loan authorizet by the ailt 'of last February, only. twenty-three millions and .three quarters have Jnen, iaken._ —lt is understood that the commissioners ,to re viie and codify the ; State Revenue laws, will ,make report recommending the - reduction of the tar - on real estate to one mill on the .dollar. The commissioners tre Messrs: - Wm. McClellan, • - ef fehambersburg, Robeit B.'McComb, of Lawrence, :and M. Russell Thayer lof Wriladelphia. •• • While-we are overrun in , this country with shin plasters, and•gold and silver bite - entirely - "diSappeared from circulation, the. people of Canada are sorelt troub, Icd at the excess .of silver - change in all the depart niejiti of trade:— -' ~- - It •is 'refatel of Presi, dent Lineolo,. b.Y• a Wash ington correspondent ofthe 'Springfield Republican; that, after reading sevral.papers (which a friendkindly sent him) containnig;seiere ,strictures .upon his. course - and poliey, he timneci"9) a genticman - who Was present :and inquired with . some em -phasis, "am I a man, or a ;do i g.r —The following has been .added to the oath. which ,State prisoners are required to take before their telease ,is grantitd: " And ';that will not at any 'future time .cornmeune, or - anise tiny ac tion.or. suit against the oil-. .cers of any loyal State;Or of , the United Btate,i, for cuns sinng arreitt, 14. imprison , ;meat: "- '; —Whilst our iorernmeut, lb! its agent, the ltev : 'XT. .14 reach, the Coiruzia*oner :of —Contrabands; At Port Rem], is expend i iog about .00`,000 a day for the support ,of idle negroectinur siok and molded aoldi.ens are suffer ing terribly, in Sktby hospi . from' we* of proper treatment, and dying from negle4 and tip entire lack aneoesswies foi tbqir pon. . . /44 0 * • - BUREART - OF 711 E wiauragra. • . • c --On Sunday of 'last week's-severe fight• occurred at Cratt,•ford's Prairie, Arkansaa, in which we wen i vigtory The. enemy, 24,000 strong, [f]Aeptirateitineo fair div.l isione; having fla4ed - GO. - Bliint's eiiiititm at Cave HillOnade a sudden attack on Gni Herron to prevent his uniting' with Gen,, Blunt. Herron's force .numbered front 6,500 to 7,000 with 24 pieces of artillery. The battle lasted (rein ten a. m. until dark and resulted in a Complete - route of the enemy after most ;desperate fighting. Gen Blunt attacked the enemy's rear with 50- 00 Crops at 4 otekt r ck,. which contributed not a little to the ictory.• Our loss was 600, the rebels Was.looo including several field' officers. . • - • —A battle has aken Owe between our -advanced forces in Tennes'e.and Morgan's guerrillas, resulting in the capture of one of our brigades. I Our loss was sixty kil'd amtwounded, allfieft, on the - field. • —A gunboat .sfiled up New river, bet ween Beaufort aid , Wilmington, N. C.,on 91e_'0th and destroyed a large amount of Ow arms and attires at Jacksonville, the Capital a .Onsloat. county. After return-- lug to the mouth) of the river 'and encoun tering a number - of masked batteries, she got aground, when, it was'ilioughtbest to ,cleserther and.** her up. =On Friday the three grand ' divisions, of Burnside's ar ty were across the Rap pahannock at Fredericksburg. At early hour the division] of Stunner led the way and Hooker folloWed. Three miles below, Fratildiu•Succeeded iikerossing, and•after noon the whole army was concentrated, ready for adieu.] At nine Octet* cannon ading wag - begun: ou..the rebels, and kept up-half an hour lett they replied with lit tle spirit. PrePl4,atiorts, for the great battle apparently so imminent, were made with untiring efforts,dnd the soldiers were look ingior the moment of action with great enthusiasiii. :During these movements-of our army,the enemy had concentrated ell his ibreus about Fredericksburg, within his line of defence one mile from the city. Some details oft he passage of the river and the construction of pontoon bridges, on Thursday have construction { by telegraph. The night of Wednekday was one of preP.-ira toinfaud-the 'eaily hours of Thursday wit nessed the first ilank placed on the first pontoon. The siglial guns of the etwiny - Were fired, and the inusketry - •,fialowed al- . ong the rebel liries. 'Darkness favored us, arel by daylightlthe first bridge was two thirds across the river. The fire then be came very sever'e, and the enginee'rs were delayed in theiriettorts. Our artillery re plied to the rebels. with terrible earnest ness and vigor.; ,I.By ten o'clock the two bridges were completed, and Franklin's division began tO cross. In the afternoon the right bridgd was thrownzacross, and one corps.passeAl over into Fredericsburg. The 71. ii Michilem crossed •in 'pontoon boats, and ftredliao the rebels is-a det achment-attic poth - N. T. were liniShing the bridges amilist a galling fire frond the enemy. • The lain dispatches state that no general battle had begun, but the meaty wereconcentraline-. On Friday afternoon the rebels opened, firefrom all their guns onthe first ridge of billsolirectiiii; it on the troops who had crossed over the two lower brid g es, just below the city. Their shells didhut little damage. Gen.illayard's cavalry lost fire men while attpiptiug to• ascertain the enemy's position. The troops who eros'd farther below slept ontheir arnis at night, the advance heis t ; within threeitiartsrs of a telle.of Massapomax Creek, on the other side a wilich the enemy is posted in force. Tweet y-five of our troops were killed in thekreets of Fredericksburg, on ThurSday night, while driving the enemy before them. Nearly every house in the city has been injured more or less by the bombardment. „ ' -on,Saturday the' general battle com menced. Soin:l random firing took place during the fogy krenoon. Towards noon it was thought_ necessary to storm the rebel works behind:the first ridge of hills in rear of the city, and, Gen. French's di vision was'ordered` forward by Sumner. They advanced at a brisk rim, but had - too • 'hot a recePtion and retired. Being rein forced, they advanced and tried to take the re4el works at the Nint, of the bayo net. They wermtmet by - so destructive fire they broke i in contusion. aild.disorder, but were afterwards rallied,. 'and a brisk firing continued until dark. Gen. Franklin who-cominanded, , the lent fought.liard altday and drove' the rebels back a mile. they once attackedAini,but he repulsed them with great - losg and took 40-prisoners. Oar troopis Slept on their arms,-and were able to remove, _a part of the killed. OUr loss is heavy in officer?, •Gen..Tackson Of the Pa. Reserves and Gn. Bayard are killed and Geus.. Vinton, Gib bons, Kindialljand Caldwell wounded.— Same firing but no battle on &Adak. The rebels are. extending -and- ,stre,ngthening their defences.. The reports are: not very encouraging, but the result is doubtful.— Directoky of the Hospitals: The SanitariConimiission have estab lished in office of' information in regard s to_ patients in'the hos:pit:di - of the District of COluinbia,',aud of Frederick • Xity, Mary land.. Bjr.a reference tolxioks, which are corrected daily, an answer can, tinder or dinary circumitanies, lie given by, return mail to the following itt6itions: ; , Ist. Is— [giving name and re-- giment] at present in -the ' hospitals of the District or of Frederick city ? • 2. If so, what is proper address ?, n. What is - the . Surgebd or Chaplain of the hospital? .1 • • 4. If not in hospital at ptesent, has. he recently been in hospital ? • 5. If so, did he die-in 11Pspital, and at what date? • • • . 6. If recently discharged !from hospital, 'was be discharged from serTice ? 7. If uot, what were his orders, on leav ing? The; Conitnission — is alSo .prepared to' furni l sh more specific Plfurm4tiotras to the Condition:of anrpatient id the District . hospitals; within twenty-fotir .hours after a request - to do soi , .from an officer of any of its corresponding societies. I The office o(the Directory will .be open daily' from 8' o'clock a. • o'clock p. m., and accessible in urgent cases at any hour of the night. , • .1 ; The number of, patients in those hospi tals 'about 25;000.. If fodnd to be prat. pule; the duti here undertaken locally by the .C - ornmissicin will 'bp extended to include all the 'general liotipit.als in - the country. F6.64:4 Law Otarsxx,e, General Secretary. • Adami House, 244 kr streee, • Washington, D. J., Novi Novl9, 1862. IFLEPigim • - subakTgatus• To Enftknd,*land and Scotland: • A. SWUM' i 0.141 DR4011. 1 , Illint4of IX pound and op' nth mole Ip 4ll the AnaciPal towns of England , reli,pd itodi Sopuang t for sale by. WM:gi cp9M,it Ilaiszu. r . Jo 110—‘8 . 1 • ' - goalipoc, Fy Binghamton- oo4ege. Yeiing men who desian to attend de Binghimton Commercial College, • woidd hear something of practical value, by calling upon'•or addressing, the "editor of thii paper. Those wishing to attend any similar institution, may save Money' its abovei z• • SINGER A<CO.'S • * LETTO `.`A" FAM SEWING WITH ALL, ,pplitiymixttrar . Is thetnst and cheipestand Moat beautiful of all Sewing Michides. This machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarletan to the making of an Over coat,-ahythirtg frotn Pilot or Beaver 'Cloth down to the softest Ottuxe or Gossamer Tissue,and.le ever ready to du its work to perfection: It fell.hembind,gather,tuck, quilt.add has a capacity L ftwatgroint variety of ornamental work. (This is not the only machine that can roll. - Item. bind. &video forth, but it Qiii do so better thalami other machitic. The Letter Al• Family Sewing Machine may be hatißlL a groat variety of cabinet cases. The Folding - Case. which latterly incoming so popular, Is as its name Implicit, one that can be folded into a box or.eute. which when (10@ned,makm , a beattilfal,substantial,and spaciohs table t4r the work to reel upon. Thu canes. are of every inaginible design—Plain as the Wood grew in its native forest, erns elaborately finished as art can make - then. The branch offices tare all well supplied with silk, twist, threadif needles. oil, etc., of the very best quality. Sendlor a copy of -SINUEII GAErilli!" I. X. SINGERA - CO., 459 Broadway, N. Y. t-TrPhiladelphla Oflice.Slo Chestnut street. - ' REND, WATROUS.r. FOSTER, Agentsin Montrose. • n • rket,a6xt.p.x.a.c6azus, Dec, 9th, 1862, by A.-A. Hall, Esq., Mr. Exokat 11,,tur; of New Milford; and Miss notiANDA. RICHiIIDSON, of thirfol4. InlNew Milford, by Iter. A. 3filler, on the itth inst., Mr: WititAst AttikAz. - oRn. -and Ducois.. MEM Ammo= I Jessuii,,Nov. -20th I'M,. Jauss E..totoT,ln-the . 48th year of his age. l'br nearly five rears he had been trot': bledl with encepahroid tumor on his right limb, which of late assumed so serious a charaCter that the limb had to be :impute ted,which was.done Nov."Bth, by Dr. D. A. tathrcrp; but the disease had so dif, fased itSelf through his entire system, that the best medical . aid _could not save him. Broier Faurot was an .honest i upright mag„ and for nineteen years_ a worthy mereber of the M. E. Church. He died in the Lord, and rests from his labors. In this removal, society haS lost offe of its best . members, and his family bare wet With an irreparable,loss. - Servant of God, well done; •di Thy, glorious wartit re's past; The battle's.foso ,- ht the race is won, And thou arr erownld.at last. Y. lii Forest take, Nov. 30, 18G, in the hope of a glorious resurrection, ANNA, with' Of Nathan _H. Nestor., in the 20th year of her age. • ' ' ; E xecutors' Notice. T ErIIF.RS Testamentary'to the Estate of 11ENRY JUItENDRICESON. deed. late of Great Bend township hasiftrt been _ranted to the undersigned, all persons In- - debtd to said lodate are requested. to make immediate pays ent. and those having , demands against the same to pre4ut thena to .101 IN NF.RRIFIELD, - ISAAC BECKNOW, Gri.at Bend, Pa., December rth, • I HER Dation PRESEN TS!! I nhrifirr i hml j ustr a tur ed from NNork. T t pilnrencaiiztbe.ti ouof their friqiids in tli . eir ael.9rtment of Watches, Jewelry. Silver Ware & Fancy Goods, :: • . , iximpri , iin grill the new styles of,goods in market, which will be stild,a.i heretofore. at the lowest mall prices. A large stuck of Gold and Silver English, American and Swills Watejtes, botli hunting and Open Face, wpr ranted good Ilni t ekeer CIA, y EPA]'& .iii..i.gst., . _ • :: ILVER WARE, Table, dessert, tea. ingar, Pali, 'cream. prc.erve, berry, anditnurtard Spoonn. Table, dessert and pickle Forks. fintpr. pie, and fruit kniirer. ropti v napkin rings. chil dren's vein in Carer, coup and gravy Mien. sugar filters. andkardcanen—trarrantrd pure a. - roin, (Engraved free]. FINE GOLD JEWELRY ! .ksplendid stock of Ear-rings and Pins of •the newest p . itt;erns : finger rings of all styles; bracelets, armlets, Lockets: guard, neck and ehatelaino chains: thimbles. sledvt: buttons. Studs, belt buckles, slides. snaps. epecta c.;'ea; llicarst plain rings. etc. Evaxs.& Au.r.x. Eilated Ware...-The largest variety of silver plated ; knifes, forks. spooas. , mstnro, hatter dlshes.cake ha ..kets sapirdlslies. trays, cups. salts. toa sets:_ and extra tea poly, butter and pie knives, etc.,ever kept in tble market. (lottery.—Pocket aud.pen kuives, scissors, shears, (a good nrtivie,llor sale by . r ANS t Aura. NCediCS.—Best quality of sewing; crochet, netting. and knitting needles. - • - Bruallsea.-Lltair. tonOt and nail brushes. Pnotcigraph Albums.—A very nice lot. hinese - and - Japaned goods. very pretty variety of cups, saucers, wisps fans, &v. 33-vo..eL..ivf3 Ammo - inv . , .11inghaurtton, Dec.lBo. N 0.2 _ . . , . ,1 ' • 4- -. ; tt• . ../ .‘,,... .„ 0644s:it , ;,, , ,..t.5..3. ~ ~.szogsuggasutsuttet tetel; ad , ;; . . , • !, , - The_ New Commercial Buildings are Located 1; opposite the Court House, corner, of . , Court mid Chenango Streets. Ibis College iiin no way counm:ted;with any other laitttution. . • the energies of the entire-Faculty aro, exclusively de*Med to this. • The design of this Institution taro afford Tonag Ilea • niUportunitr. for 'acquiring a Thewough, firttikai go ..E4c7ca. — tiox. Oar ilooks and Forms are carefully arranetd by pructi- I easecountanta, expressly for this. Inetitutom, and the coarse of Instruction Is such as to oumbine Theory and Practice . - • - * -OcaLlogjEtte , • (Darssraste. • Ills course aranitekeßook•Keeping ire depa mente, Penmanship,. Cumnieiviai-Adifinietic. , linamets mdirespondtmce. Commercial law, Polltical Economy, l'qtarnerciai &tact. Partucrehip Seidel:malts, Deteming conaterfetted and altered hank notes, etc. The Sjumeeritto system of pennitmehlp Is taught In all itti'varletles, by the most ekilifulm itten. of the art. Tile Ik.k-Keeping department it under the. opecial tn: peFrison tuldinstruttlorrof the Principal. 1.i.1%%, LOWELL. , ' • 46roma.eorsirl, Izi4tilos-a33.4441103m. A tudtiats'an enter at anY Nca o vacation . t.niti tl eto complete the course. fromill I* weeks. ..Aseds , mace rendePed to graduates in promtring Eltnations. Oradnatea are' presented with an elegantly en: raved the' X6r catalone of I'd pages, epeelment of peanum ' ship, dre., miclutot two letter stamps. and addrrts LOWELL WARNER. • iktia Atelhe • Elm..drunput, N. Y. Weit:o . a4/04.6 NA' Tin% COMMERCIAL .COLLEGE; 1, • 4. S. E. corner 7th & Omit/mamas, 1";ECX.X.a.49.3::/thEM.W 1 .13C1C.4%., Pax. ri'hle fe one of the TEN College* ,conetitutiol , the Na tiOnal Clllllll. located In 'Philadelphia., ICew York Cite. BrPoklYn. Albany, .T.ruy, Danl., Cleveland, Dotroft, Chicago, and SL Louie. . , liebolanshipa bound by any one of theseCollogea arc gcfoctleman unllmlti'd time. , , . .. The, Collegiet 0 Course, Einbraces Book-keeping tor °pea tengiety of busitwss. in ItN most adproved - Torms.—Peumanship. the celebrated S 'enceriaa systena.—Cotrunerelai GiculationS.Commen. c "I Law. Bnsiness correspondence, Aritlimetle,Lecturce. • ase Institution" poSsess a national reputation, and ntee greater facilities do preparaing young men for. fhh duties of the 'counting boast!, and btoduees generally, Win any-other similar icitoola - intho country. . - • The Phitad.2lplua . College, )las been recently enlarged end redttodahedbi a supe rior Manner , and is now the largest and most prosperous COmmercial luatitution. 1p- the State_ its well known thorough course oftustanctlou , the long practical expert eitce of the Prlncipals,tind superior acco mmodati on s.offe r unequalled Luslacempteto young mem who , witta to ac (intro the beat pae . ratiOu, and the beet Introductionto 80-business worl d.. • piplortuta awarded. and graduates rngtm mended to baguet* men. TexT littoga.—Bryant Stmdton's Book 'Beeping, three eclltions,—Common school, prick 416 - school, SIM, and Counting Bola/ie.—Bryant and stratten!s Chi:limpets!, Arithmetic, 11 A—Bryant ,t B's Commercial Lew, $2,150.' Any of these books stint by mail. on receipt °Cypriot.; •. • • r lir - Send for oar catalogue. containing NB particular*. atilltiotp carefully the Ten apottni actranCilgtr flqr-ff Colleges over all others. Address - • praATTOII, BIWA-W . 7' ft CO.. • ideelFira% Pilliadriphia, Par ALND. To ALL WANTING r 4.1 ans. New Settlementof: Vineland: f A REMEDY FOR 'HARD TIMES. A Urn Opportunity in thteßeirt Market, sad . • Delightful and Healthful Climate in the • ion." Only thirty miles south of Mails delphia. on a• railroad ; , being a - rich heavy soil, and 'highly • ' s productiye wheatilind; Amongst , • the but inthb Garden et liewJersey, " TT tie (AVM= acre* of GOOD land, divided • 1. to farms of different sizes to suit tha parebaser—fro '21.1 acres and npwerds—and la sold at the rate of from fit teen to twentat dollen(' per acre for the fern 4land, pare• ble one•fourth Mishand the balance by quarter-yearly en stnliments, with legal interest, within the tbrra of four ir3ECZEI fEIeZiZZa . lA, Ingreat part,a rich clay loarmsultable ferititteM,Gress and Po(nene.e—alno dark and rich sandy loam, suitable for corn. sweet-potatoes, tobacco, all kiwis of vegetables and root crops: andtha great Safety' of fruit, • such as grapes.pears: peaches, apricots, Nectarines.,blackber ries, melons and other fruit... hest adapted to he] Phila defphin and New York markets. In respect to the soil d Incrops there can be no nilstak pttcled t e.s visitors can eiam e both. and none are exo bus before so doing. and tinditut these statements correct—under these Mr enursta nese. unless these statements were correct. there would be no use in their being made. It is considered The Beet Fruit Soil in the Union.. 4e (lieu report of Solon !MIA uson. Esq., of the New York Tribune, tmdthe well known agricalturist. William Par ry. of Clutuunitnion, Sew Jersey,which will be hunished inquirers.) '11atrA.R.33.79 1 1 1 . • By looking over amap the reader wilt perceive Malt.' enjoys the bat market in the rialon. and has direct cum-. munlcation with New York and Philadelphia twine day, , being only thirtyAwo miles from the latter. ' Produce In this market, brings double theprice that it does in loca tions distant from the cities. Tn this location It ten be! put, into the market the same morning It is gat here& and for What the farmer sells he gej.* the highmit.price ; whilst groteries and other articles the purchases be gets nt the lowest price. In the West.'what he sells brings him a pittance, bat for, what he bays he pays two prices. In locating herethe settler beam:lay other ildvantaees. Is within a few hours, by railroad of all the great cities of New England and the Middle States. • Ile is near. his 'old friends and asseiciatlons. Ile has school fur, his chit: area; divine service ' and all the advantages of civilize iron, end he is near a large city.. TWICE: cfmaxiseE:a.trilt • • Is delightful; the winters 'being salubrious and open, whilst the summers are no Wanner than-in (be North.— ' The loeatiouts upon the line of latitude with northern Virginia. PEIINONX WANTING A CIIANOR or CthIATEPORIILALTIR. would ha much benefitt eel in Vineland. TheMildnoss.of theellmate and its bracing influence, makes it ex,cellent for all petitionary affectimut, apepepsia, or genera/ deeili ly. Visitors will notice edifference in a fe* days. , Vita* mutterers 'are unknntrn. . • Conveniencesfat Hand. Building material is plenty. 'Fish aruti. oysters v an plenti in I and cheap. Visitors must expect,- however, to see a new place. Whj - the Property haw not Been Settled Be• fore, • Thin question the reader naturally aping. It in because It lute beeu -held In large tract! , by families not disposed. to sell, and being without railroad facilities they had few inducements. The railruad has }tint been opened thru' the.property this season, for the first time. V inhere are ehown over the land inn carriage, free, of expenne. and nflorded time and oppurtunity for thorotigh investigation. !Man w ocome with a view to' settle, should bring money to hi .cure their •purchasee, an luta ii tns are nut held upon Mini. - THE SA /*EST THING IN AILD - TIME. where people have been thrown out of employment or but Wens, and port on!, some. little means or email incont en, is tostart Mem , *dies a home. They can buy a piece el land at a than price, and earn more than wages In improving it, mid when it is done it in a certain Independence and ny. lune. A few acren in trait trees will insure a comfortable lin ing. The land is put don nto herd-time prices. end all improvements can be made at a cheaper rate than most ear other time. • ~• the whole tract. with elx melee front on therailrond, la being laid tat with tine and spacious a veuucia. nith 'a' town in the cent re—fiv e acre lots In the town sell nt front $l5O to $200; two and a-half aerelots, nt Irons t,t,i•Olu #l2 l l and town lots 50 feet front-by Hill feet deep.at #lW—pay able one.half cash anti the balance within a year. it le. only upon fame of twenty nerve, or more, that fottryears time in given. TO MANUFACTURERS, the town affcirds a fine open ing for the SHOE manufacturing buninesn, and other ar tielen, being near Philadelphia, and the surrounding country ban a large 'population, which ufforde a good 1 market. . ~ Attic settlement, in the course of several years, will ho one of the most beautiful place; lathe country, and moat agreeable for a residence. It is intended to make it a Vine and Fruit grnWing country, af title ellitare It the most profitable and the --beet - adapted to the market. Every advantage and cot venience for the net Hein will be int rodnced,which will in nure the prosperity orate plane.' The hard °tunes alto'. out the country will be an ndvantnee to ills yettiement as It compels people to Tenon" to ngrinulture for a liv ing. Large number! of peopienre purchasing. and 'potpie who dunire the beat location ehouldvinit the place at once. ` Improved Land is abet for note. • TIM llER.—Land can he bought with or without Am -her. The Timber at mnrket valuat lon. The Title in indinpntable. Warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance. when the Illolley in paid. Boarding cans eniencen at hand. Letters pro - minty answered, and reports of Solon Pub neon and Wm. Parry sent, together with the "Vineland 'Rural." . Route to the Inn,' :—Leave Walnut nat•et wharf, Phila delphia. at it o'clock. A. .M.. end 4 P. M.. Melees thi-re should be a change of hours) for Vineland. un the Glass how, and Millvflieltallrond. .When you lease the care -at Vineland Station. just opeped. Inquire for .. CHAS. Fl'- , LAND IS. Postmaster, I . _ Founder oftheColouY, VINELAND P. O. Cumberland County N. J. • - ~. P. S.—There is a chance of cars at GlansbOrg'. Ain, ~ beware of sharpprs on the earn from New York and Phi'- ' ntielphin to Vineland.inqu • hi r ug your buninens, death -' Hon. &C. ~. _ January fl, 1862.—m9 , GOLD RULES THE DAY! - And with a. plentiful supply we hare purchased a large rtoek , • STAPLE iind PAKCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, HATS A VI) CAPS. • BOOTS AND SHOES. WALL PAPER.- WOODEN WARE, COAL OIL, and LAMPS, TAY KEE -NOTIONS • . SKELETON SK I RR. SALT, FISH, : PAINTS A N . " I) 0 JLS, • . n IMO I other art ides too n =crows to mention,whlch will he sold at prices that will Defy Competition. Dealt Forget The Place. But If you Inquire of your neighbor,. for ° • • The Cheap Store, They Invariably direct you to HAYDEN BROTHERS, THE PAOPLE'S -AT THE ORIGINAL ONE PRICE" STORE! STAND BY YOUR GUNS! DAVIS ! WITH..4O,OIOIOIIIOCKERS Armed 11 'Briel+sl wrrm7sr 4 mp)rni.. MARCH WASHINGTO.N! AND %,3:1r323111 4 T 33FLC:0199 fill ND NTH GOODS, IAVE A:Vt.RIVT4D et&BAT VMOVUSION. PROD UCE taken in Exchange for Goods._ • Csk Paid raj- Puks. HAYDEN, BROTHERS. NEW 11ILFORD, November ISGI • • 100 000. • . • T•• T AiKES 100,000 stacheg to make ap a Coal, and e - etioch.loust be &Wally driven hornet() make ;t hned job at-it. • • •Think of that, Illusier Brook." One undred thousand atitches. and every atiteb a sige "On ! flatter myself that I hare acquired, froutiougex perienee at the badness, a akin requlpite to 'give any manor boy a neat and comfortable At, either in cost, wester pante, always in the LATEST STYLES. IfllfCfuLlThis dole with. tegpatch. and in wtrnettonegtven how to pat together—Terme atoll down 'V Try me, one d9Or west of Searle Hotel. .. liton!fotc,,Oct. 29, 1869. JOHN onovg.s., • 13.MITZIC:01V111111; WOE Painters' nee,--Atabstitate for turpem9 ne. and} J. *Ana Phie pncti So! We try ADEL TIMELL. . ''. ERIE:R '1 • •,, AIL.,,WAY .. CINIANOR OF LIOURS, eommearing)ltoMlay; Nat, 111, 186/. Trkluvoraiiiivo) Omat . Bend ar,, , about thelti• lank! g hotMt, via,:' ;.. .. i -.. '-• t^ . WESTWitRD BOUNI).]: EiSTilAiltn '13017:fr4: No. I, %Oslo E.i. 8:011p.m.; No.. 2 ,NAt•ExPrestil tin :Ner.ll„Night. Ex, 3:4 4 a.m. NO. 4, Night•spreagiam to No. 6, Ma ll: at 4:Zip.m,„ . No. 6.Bteumboat " & 35 Witt No.ll. WayFrel3.l:)p.to. No.lll),Ward,lB3o 0,,,01 ' No.34Aeofa'd'n,lo:27 a.m. 1 • ~_•' ._ . . . 'Nos. 3 and 4 run every day.. NO, ' 6 rinni . Stin4sys, bat does not rim Monday... No. Bof Saturdays,, runs thin' to Buffalo. but does tot . run to Dunkirk. • No. 8 movalps over night at Elmira. '9HA'S MINOT, Cle.a.RlLltt , Administrator's -. - Notice' . A LL'pe Ina Indetkted to the estate 0t,7013 CELaughtazt A.Mvtate of ea.:wham na Depot born, dootesod,Vo -here by requeg to make Immediate payment ,and an porous biting claims agalnat sad OP LIM) Will present them Meth ic Ith to • I ' s- , NARY O'LAAJ . GIILAN: Suncea llSpot;.octobei.4llll, IEXI. --, - Ades. Administratrix. Notibe.. • NNOTKIEIs hereby Oren to *Hoarsens hasinadeitiatids against the estate of William Powler,late of Franklin township, deemed, that the same mad be presented to the undersigned for ~ e ttlement, and all persons indebted to raidestate aro requested opiate lanstallata Mama& Franklin; Aug.4,18n2. JANE POWI.EI y Ad'4. ,Notice of 'Dissolution. lirt. J. B. OUTTIMBNItti has , this day withdriiwn .01 from our firm. Thobusines will be retried by' the ruhArrlhere, who continue the Wetness under the drm tutnora - Gri - resngtta, ftOsENIIAUJI; CQ. .New York. July Nth, • THE OFFICIAL Witßmax:, -1 Hazards Rail..fload and Military Map Of • the Southern Stales. - q 1 FROII the mod authentic inurece, and the Coast Sir , . vey, eng ra ved In the Flneet.Btyre of Map Makin. It gives en recent and sneh valuable facts concerning An the Rnllroads. thatthe War Department immediately author, - feed Its publication. and - distributed 1000 copka seating the Generals and Colonels of the Army, • As It le the ONLY* IdAP that is authorized' MI QOM . It is the most Reliable endluthentle, and from its large slie-4.1by,55 inches—ebods at a glance the rrintiple Places andel] Strategic Pointe. -Gen. McClellan. Mau• keowledgon the great Importance ofit tO almost:menu. • Ileaulfelly COLuItICD, Price onlyll,lo eompeteerith inferior-mans. In cloth case illp t lllaseeted alei , ted on muslin. g2,5d. ,Mounted on Meelle,"xltliMnilers and Varnished, a 13,50. Sent free by milli on, receipt of price. . WILLIS PAIAZAItD. 1 - No. 731 Cheettint Streetyblisdelphle. " rDPAe every intelligent man Weide the BEST, dnil on ly OFFICIAL BIA.r, Agente esainake itioncyrapliliylor ycUleg this. „ myi am, ° CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N.E. corner. oflth & OliestAut Sis, pipLADzothe.' This Institution, whith was establlsted In 1844, and is now consequently in the eighteenth year of its exist ence. numbers among • its •gracirtates • hundreds Of the most successful Merchants and Business Men of our Country. The object of tte Institution is solely to afford voting men facilities (or tborough.preparation for businesti.. l The beanches taught are,4loolt-keeping, as applicable to the various departments of trade Penmanship:. both plain and-ornamental; Commercial Law, Mathentatics, Navigation, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, ond Modern Languages:' The System of iustractionl pectiliar nomlasrelnrset lessons are made useof, but each student is taught ;- Judi , vidnally, so that he may commence fit anylimo, alid:at tend at whatever hanni-are most convenient.: Catalogues are liSned annually after the 15th of .iftpril,' 'containing namet ofthe stridgnia for the year,-.ofd toll particulars of terms. dm.. and may be obtained - It any time by addressing the Principal, • • In i.xtene , lve accommodation. wide-spread reputation, end the lengthy experience of am Principal. this Ihstitu . thin offers facilities superior,to any ot her. n the cdontr,v , , for young men wishing to prepare for buslness.and to oti min mt the came time! a Diplema. which trill prove a recommendation for them tummy Mercantile Hooke. Series of Treatises on Doolirkeep- Intinow more widelyeirculatcd than any.othcr•work on tbu subject, are tot wile at the l'ollege. • • S. DODOES CRITTE'NDEN, Attorney-13144w, PUINCIPAL. . THE NEW-YORK' VEEELYI JOURNAL OF' COMMERCE. A CONSERVA TI VE FAMILY .4-VD D4' SS PAPER. c • • Thu cheapest and hest Weakly la dinerita: CONTAINS NEWS from all parts of the World. the beet report. , ,of the Produce, Grain, aud,Cattle ?Trade, Dry Goode and 310ney markets. - The Foe to Die Organizers, North and The Supporter of the Union, • • 1. • The Constitution and Laws. I TERMS FOR ONR TEAR Twenty copies or npwards. $1 each. Thirteen 'copies. Ehtht Four copies. SG. Three copies, $.5. Under three copies, $2 each. Clubs or thirteen or more will be imitation one address.: An extra copy to any one sending a club of 20, lith the money. Tilt Daily Journal of C6narnerco Junior, IssuedlNT the country. $5 a year in advance, :sr - Sopecimen copie,s . gratis: PRIME-STONE. BALE tIIALLOeK, Editor* and Proprietors, 91 Wag etmet, New-York. ' MANHOOD • I OW LOST, - HOW RESTORED, - Just Published, fa a Paled Envelop', Price Six OW*. LECTURE on the nature. treatment and Minitel cure 'ofspermatorrltrea or Sect:dual weakness. tnvolut tary, .einissions, sexual debility, and impediments to mittriage generally, nervononeas, ceonsumption, epilepsy mid ; mental end phvel&Al tionapacity. resulting from selfahnse, .tra--Bv NAST, .1. C \ ERATELL, 11. D: anther of tho 'Green gook, fie. The world-renownedauthor; in this admirable:lecture clearly proves from his own experiencolhat thti awful couseimerieZt of telfabuse maybe effattnallv remov'ed without medicine. and without daMmrous surgical oPer at k/11S, boogie*, inatrumente,Tiugs, or cordials,pointing outs mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, rib matter what his condition =vim: wwl core himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Inc. tube will prove a boon to thoosandsand thousandi... Sent antler seal. In a plain envelope, to any address, on Ihe receipt. olslx cents,- or 'two postage stamps: by ad dressing. Du. CIIAS. J. C. lil,INE,r, novinreqj 17.7 Bowery; hr. Y., Post Office 80x,4586 • • The Confess!lonsandlexperfenee of i n n In. NUM.—Published for the benellt and as a warning ands rand 011-to younlimen who suffer from Nervottatk•bilitY, premature Decay, ke.: *applying at the same theme:ma of S6ll-Cure. By ono who has cured biraticif, after being pot to gnitt expense through medical imposition and .inarkery. fly eneintLitezu port pald,addreA.ed envelope Oingle corrit, may be laid of the author. ,NATILANIF.I; MAYFAIR, Esq.. Bedford, Kinzs Co. N. Y. [rnhl9lyv ] ' 33,..c).3.1c,03km 'set i • DANDELION COFFEE. Till Preparation. made from the best Java Coffee. to recommended by PhrolCialln no n superior Nutritions bevermze. for Genemlßeitility, Dyspepsia, and alt bilious disorders.. Thousands who have bectrcannelled to aban don the use of coffee will use this without tujuriotan effect One can contains the etreni* of two pounds of ordinary ; coffee. Price %Scouts. • • " ' For: sale in Montrose by Abel Turrell. IEOLLOCK'S - LEVAiIi,, 1 The purest BAKING POWDER known; formakinglieht, sweet and nutritious Bread and cakes. • Pike IS tents.l 1 - Manufactured 1 M: IL KOLLOCK. Cherrlint. i COrner of ad and:Chentnut-ate, Philndelphin.i Sold by all lets aueltarocers. - , mh6l;yjc cei,... ; .4 Auditor's - Notice.: , . fa the matter of the distributionof the fund in-th ; e hands lathe Administrator of James W. Truesdell. decd THE undersigned having been appointedly ilia Orph, anr Court of the county of Sulkilictiaaama apt' auditor todlotrianteeald find will met tbapertlea Intefestal Im the same, at hie oftlea in ..11iintrore on - Battirdiy ,the day arJennary. 18413. at i o'clock p. tn.; at which time and place all perrons haring claims upon said fund will present them or be folever debarred. "dec2 I w J. 11. McCOLLUM, Atiditor. . . • Notice:Auditor's . • • ' F. WlllkPLk; }ln the Courtpf Cottalints Yn.; .Busquehanna County.. J II Scott and AlbertCaprbn• N 0.206; April Turin, )159. 116 anditiw appointed by the Court. to repott a dlos I . trihation of the fond arising from the Sheriff's safe. in the aliove entitled ease. miff` attend the duties of his appointment on auturday, the Ilth day of - Decetn i per. at one trcloek. p. in.. at his office In Montrose, t which time all persons interested - will preseut .or be forever debarred trout coming In upon read:did. nn ; , .;Wra. J.TURRELL;AtkIitor • ; .A.aditoes • Notice. J. II; Rain, a ') In Common neat of Raka Co. Sheriff's sale of personal property H. Kntnen. )of defendant. , THE onderaigaet, an audtfOr'aPpobted,tri dtatrilmte the Money (deo' Courtin thin ease; will boar allmerromr interertal In the fund at his onleeiln Montroie, on Satur. dal. December 20th, 1802, at one o'clock p. to. WI per , cons mast prevent theircbdutsat that time and lure, or be debarred from said fund. W. 11. .110; UP, uortfj A dttor. ' Autiitor's Notice. Ix the matter of the eettlement ofriche Orphaiis Coari the estate ofGerrad ntone.deed, of Suaqteaßounty, Benjamin Glidden. No.lllAum T. BBL Exceptions to the aceounc'of the Administrator, Ace. /VIM aadtttir in thn ahOrieCase. mill hear thesparties X Interested at ids omen In Montrose. on Friday, the lint; day of Beeember, MU, 4110 o'clock kk rgrertoon.. 'nos . 2s 4w Wm. 3, VIRRELL, Anditoti. Adiministraters' NOtie. • xr.o:ricz is 'hereby given to el praoris hashig db roan& spinet the ef tate of JAMES TRUESDELL, deed. late of Liberty township, that the - samentart be presented to the untietitgood for estskin e nt ;litu hi per sons indebted, to said estate ate requested to tp• mediate payment. WILLARD TRURiSDELI,,, it Oct 7E, /5 62 , vitrzslagtx. m °' 18- . • GOOD - .NEWSI •GREAT . CopX4KM; DitY-.1'36700i15; 10 .A. 7:1 1 JOHN IBULL Threatens WAR UNCLE SfiiiANDS Th tlie i SO DOE; TUE Mit estattilbtrg, Tosettlaum; TEMCHAMAIN ilaSkl, DO . MESTICKS, haiput. us nn our itiard.and wsterrelatelylitldtu a bug( Welt, which enables to to otrer to our customers. coat on equally as good terms as tormerly.consicleting the lat e AT TILE STORES OP. (snttrubtrg, AT • Xontrose, Snag's, County, Pa.; flew-York Susquehanna Depot, Pa. OUR FALL AND WINTER' STOCK Lei Complete,: . determcued not to be outdone, either in price;.:,or qiiitttles,—autl the. will endeavor to give our =stonier' allpossibleeatiefactlon. CLOTHINGtI . . iln this branch our stock is complete, did will be a dd lower. and more tastefully finished than any one-6411m establishment, or any four-horse concern this aide 011114. York - city, is able to offer or produce. We can assurethe ,publlc that we constantly employ Abe beat cutters and workmento make up our stock. ; u . a"Gatments made to order _ ; . per On the shortest notice. Pir - A Good Fit warranted of no wale. ' FURNISHING -GOODS ..k451 refit Stock contantly kept, and told lower than',th Itotent 6ntreuberg,' 4 lostubanm C0!.5 Montrose. January lrt, • ABEL TTJRRELL Now offers tor sale one of the largest and 'lest selections of .Ever offered in Stiaquehanna'qounty, and probably comprising the greatest 'VA, ILIETY or moat different articles of airy Store in . the NOrtheru party' f Pennsylva nia, and perhaps of the .entire State. • n assortment is kept in about. thirty differ: ant of trade, and 'the selections are made from about forty of the best Honses in New t York, and more thantlif ti Dealers and :Manufacturers out of New 'York. A large proportion of the Gqids arebro ugh t direct fro/ n the Manufacturers, thus insuring' genuine articles. Custrarir .ers on , efiteringthe Store must not expect ev'elthing in sight,but nearly ;ev ery article wanted will „beproducedihry ingnirv. Some' idea ortheStock may !be . forrineadiy the.fb 'lowing general outliae, bat, entimOatfoiqiiiiirpracticable: . . DRUG'S AND . MEDICINES, PAINTS AND . OILS, is ' ' DYE STUFFS GROCERIES, . LIQUORS, GLASS=WARE, - : • ' ' ' ' WALL and WINDOW PAP R, JEWELRY, :i SILVER-WARE, ' • ' I • ; PERFUMERY, FANCY .GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRWIENTS, • .• • BRUSITES iilisvadAy.Pogidr-KAUNAS,i iTABLE CrITtNRY ''SILVER PLATED WAP E LiurPs,iX 4 4TERIALS fAr, LIGHTS, !HARD WARE, - - AND CORDS, - • BR Y ,G 0 CDS, :WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, • LITHOG.RAPHS, :1 YARNISBES,:._ 'BIRD CAGES, SPECTACLES, l• JVIIIPSi•tb.LASHES ) BROQ#S GUNS; • PISTOL - Si 'Altm.vcsivrtAvyal . IMPOSL.OO.O, MEDICAL Instre'muritts, SALT, • - • SOAP, POTASH, 40.,," UMBEEILLAS. PORCELAIN TEE H, In shott, nearly everything; to restore the sick; td please tlio taste, to delight the -tO gratify the fancy; and also to cond lea to the real : aud sabitantial 'eomforts of, ire. The attention of the public is reap ,t -fuliy invieed to my stock of Goods; bon lit exclusively for CASH nowx, and wil be `sold' oil the same principle for low pries, • ' ‘ABEL TURRELL • Montrose, - April 'lst, 1802. . . . . . • :ABEL VURRELL i : 1101rAti for We, Metallic alt, Wi ll ' IS:ona m l i tlifikt . 111M_Clock & Watch M ettles Pa i n's Extr i a l et. ad a' -91'. 1, e Zr i tgrlitgle e , Ztvelt,''Pffla. and fiaatala, *a% Aalosirvarietrof,PateraMe4taltmi: - - - ) 1,, • • AZZI — :-N!MI . OIL _ D 3 . w. 0086 haying been appolifted a mitt.is to the army, his accounts *telt* with the sodas part ter settasment. peraous tudetaFat willplease nail and, settk without delay. • - cwt.. Montrose, OspL 9, lfiet. , . • L' ' • ---- . -NEW-TFIRAI_ 'SAID:W.IN: :& .:....A4.1.143 ' ALLEN, DUNS & CO, , . llnder Mcintroso Democrat Once; ARE RECEIVING . • ' A Fresh Ground Western FLOUR • . may SO days, which we mimed Soglausathlsetion, ,as any in mar k et; If not good rstaruad at ant expense. Feed, and Buckwheat 1 . Flout, • SALT. AND PORK I __• .By yits. - WA)..),.' BARREL crit POIRin HAMS, [Sugar Cured) Dried Beet • • Smoked Halibut s - . Drips and Syrup.,. Molassel and , Sagan, TEAS,.• .00FgAlic SPICES,, , ROO.lfS, NAM.% .• Which we over fur rule at Law Pri . seo, fat iIiADY PAT. ONLY. Iltorktrm, half . f. 18611. 331:rx_ax.i Don't, t.egiu with ttrol. at Jilt "MDT PAT OREST: NEW GOODS. gni d YOUNG, RILTRend POOR, GAY ruißinsltrill, are hourly, seen rushing onward to the', • • . HEAD Or NAVDIAIIOII, AM Mom tp be oupplled from the choice and imMaidoe selection to be found , • - • AT TYLER'S. STORE. Ills amortment of 32/3r3irC coda brafiNal all, awl ni for chute') anttlf.et du or, *T. Ripe, Coffee. and Tohereo. irordo and inadeguate.—they aro TIP. It ill umlemtollllllD. dun. the Two thousand - .t tWeAltige of which a fall supply In kept conetuntly nt the WWI store towfi. A eon thwation of eulle le eantoetly deetred. - and If therr'aee•' any ett unfortunate m not to horeffiesd Ina jefffivi 70112 friend and. neighbor will tell ydu the . FIRST STORE iltiOW JARRELL'S HOTEL, and op'ijosite ,the KEYSTONE, ere 50 percent. has cased to .We are bound lob% V t e:lde vu—uud 11 re. Bring aloud yen Butter Zak Oath, Rye. Cd.h. r,orn, and tndat writhing epos psi d want, and get value received ; ; AT • TYLER'S . STORIL. • . •INi-B. Please do,n't heve the above-mentliMed `at home: for our role•won't permit us to wait - "affiCro come up wale." . - Shakers-4k. new lot of white and colored, Mg ITs• just opened. • • • ',Ai/P.56f ull kinds, and fixings for burning Kerosene now ready and rery cheap. BestTwrosenc, cheaper this daylight: also Fresh Ilumfmt Fluid, Camphene, Sperm, Adammi;loc and Tallow Candlet,kept troystantly on hea d • an new supply of HATS and CAPS,. BOOTS anti SHOES, Stone and Wooden Ware. Brooms, and Brushes of all sorts. Yankee Notions of altyttileties, Ferthnsery. and Toilet Soap, Olt:oleo( Roses for chapped hand.,-bes t thing in use.ets.. all of which will be fold4Or the . pay down, as the thins demand, by • re• - • W. 4). iritlgilait.•• To I):4fIrY.IIEN.—I am forwarding BUTTER tbL York. on tenni of commission that will snit you. Ca •and inquire. nod 10Am my dry wlt, in sacks of all st. - res. a » co.! ak cop he• fund in Winn. Montrose, May ltith". lIENRY_. STULL • BOYD & WOODRUFF, • CARIZ:I: ON THE NEXT:BELOW .B . EAltLeti HOTEL. I LSO ) • The CARPENTERING Bueniese . SEAR- THE. METUODIST E kera . conotintlr'on hand a general assortment GC e _ I tenni; BurrilerdAardnare IclitAtrirl appro vedP"Ted yII _ Farmers' Tools of AU Hinds. Brass Were, Porcelain Ware, Jay4nned and MiNi Tts. • Ware of the bbit material.' Paints, Oils,, Glass; Putty, ..and Sash Pumps, Lead Pipe. Lampe. Bird Cage a, etc., Also,. a Good Buggy for Salo. . Terms Dernember:the place, Gall fa fie sl. non," 1 BOYD it WOODHUIPIP. P. A. wuo Fr, ( • Montivte, July V& PEACE APPROACHING. Large Lines cif PRICES Conqueted'and" "Reducid! - H. - 431:73FLEFLITT• . • 'XXIV is receiving, for Spring supplies, new and largo data of • CHOICE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, • . CROCIiEHI. f'! HARDWARE,: .• STOVES, IRON,— 'STEEL. NAILS. PAINTS, LAMP, AND -. LLVSEED : . , BE:.IZOLE, CARPETINGS, - FLOOR OIL.CLOtFIIS, W.AJ.I, Paper, Window SHADES,. HATS and CAPS, - BOOTS and SHOES,' cLOCES, Including, es namely varietiee a the moor styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, _ • ••. • . . BONNETS,-RDIONS, FLOWERS, • &C.; - *bleb to will tell on' the favoraMo firm, lbe• - PRODUCE * • CROCKEIff, - PROMPT TIME. BUYERS.. .• Flo constantly on hand STONE WARE AmProtype aziel , Pherepldo Ar#o4.ll4olitroOs . ITTPletureo taken tq 14)114,445.pc . 4140,R, li th e bat, style at tho.4.rt.. • • oche ERUORII UNIVBRITY. I.E cent Terce of this in/Witutlon will commence Inc Wednesday. Septem b et,lid. The sexxind term V Wednesday December : and the third term, Welb neaday,fcbenary Pith. liyjy,r , INI....IrtaPICIATO92IIIIIII.I 'l'UfTlON,—Conntion -Ilninchea, Including Yuma alb fat; le .. . . s Philitsolsby . , Chemistry ; Phyilologi -aid 1 Ree 4 1 1 , • • ..... - Algebra, tGeometryand Ancient Languages, ... ~. . • , rrench, Muldoon Piano, until the War is 0yer,,....,„ A Nom mnt, . Erpens r oi Recitation room ... . bedsteadits:me:s furnished with • coobteg • . end table. - lux-nations eminence ilit I. tetnlLon Monday, sad,- d i t s ,e for the week at nnon' on tbe • The evening exercises are the ARow 3tondarevening, debate in the AneleUese /stem. Wednesday. tipeakingind Clesanosiiitin. Thursday. r.ecture, with eapetiliblal is ;1441001,W loenphy and Chemistry. Friday, fteusral Debate. - The Institution is thiniebed with an apparatus to Ohm ' trate she fuinciplea ot ) (MAW Phltoeophy sadCh mei stv. t awl alikcielafi 04 Mips 0 aid In lb. sted)i et raliA, Warlord, Ai *I, OUCCES9O4B TO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers