HOSTETTER'S - STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors sod tnanufacture z rs. of lIPS-. TETTEICii CELEIiII.ITED STO)IACII MT- - TEBS can appear with perfect et;ntidenca to. physicians and eitiztne generally of the United etes, 'because the article has attained a rein iation--heretefore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more .powerfuDy than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning pnffery. The.hossutnption of lloste:ter's Stomach Bit tern ~.• for tke lest year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its-manifest steady. increase in times past, it. is evident that during the earning year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never hare been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in there/ars!: dim, and - the sanction of the inset protoinen physicians in those sections of the countr where the article is best known, who not onl iecontreend the Bitters. to their patients, bu Sao at all times to give testimonials to it efficacy in all eases of stomachic. derangement: ' end the diseases resulting therefrom. !rid. is idt a temporary popularity, obtained ty..eitro.ddinary efforto in the way of Inim-:, r ,,in g the letalitioa of the. Bitters. but a solid. ~,linli, • rt of an inTaltbable medicine, which is 4e...tw0.] to be se enduring as time itsalf. Il,,,etieter'e Stomach. Bitters •haveAroved a ti';dsetel to regioem where fever affVoguit and verlens _other'. bilious - complainti hive - eenatei •their victims- by hundreds. . To be tilde to etaeo,confidently that the "Sitters"' are a 'elide cure for the Dyspepeis and like diseases, es to the proprietors a eenrce of un alloyed pleasure. It removes matter from the' stonmelt, purifies the blond; tied imparts reaewedvitality to the nervilusslyatem, giving it that : tone and energy. indispeTable Mr the restoration of health'. It "Operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly hut powerfully, and soon restores them. to e condi' ion essential to the healthy discharge of 'the fund ions of iduce. • -, ~,. - • Elderl e'persene may use the Allies daily as per directions tot the bottle, ti' ' they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly nd ed to comfort declining y•ears, le , it is please' t to the palate, f Invigorating to the bowels. excellent at a tonic,' endrejuvennting generally. Nto have the evi dence of thouseudS of aged men and women who have ex p erienced the henefit of tieing this preperationiwhile suffering from stonuteli de- rangements and general debility; Acting tinder the advice of physicians; they hove aboutletted alt .- deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits_of this article.. , A few wor`ds to the gentler sex: There are eerie.* periods when their cares are so haras , ing that many of them sink under 1 hetriel. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in,ber extreme anxiety for her infant. Sleuth' the period of maternity arrive during the-summer season. the weer of body and mind is generally aggravated. here, . thee, is a necessity for A stimulant to recup‘i rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to hear up under her exhausting trials • and responsibilities. Nursing In - others gene rally- prefecehe Litters to 'ttll other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, lventise it-is agreeable to•the taste as well as certain to give a permantnt increase of bodily strength. ~ • ' All thos e Ira clue. to whom we have pngtien lolly referred above, to. wit: sufferers from 'fever and ague, enu-ed by malaria, dinelto:a, •dvsenteiy, indigestion, loes of appetite, end nil diseases or deeetteemente of the as h superstaii4aLea invalids, persons of setlentery occupatiOri, end nothing mothers, will consult their" own physical welfare IS giving to Hose 'Letter's Celebrated Ste maelr Bitters n trial. ' fAUTlVN.—We'cilkiii?a:he-publio ague' Ist using any of the many imitations pr eounter -fella, but ask for l e los-roitin's Cnidiunorun &Afoot!!! BITTIaUi. S.C•C that ea'lLbnitle I:a9 the trords - .‘,DriJ.llo9. tetter'A Stomaeli Itillto!s" blown on the ride of the t•ottle. and et.!!!!pcd. .on the metidlic cap_mcering, the cork.' and observe that our autograph signature is on the AL.:, Prepared and told by 110STT,TTFP !SMITH. Pittsburgh. Pa., and sold .14y alt 'druggists, grocers, and dealers general:l , throiathout the United States, Soutb Ame rica. and lidcrinanz. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Coughs, Colds, Coughs, diughs, Colds, Coughs, ran Whooping Cough, Croup, Whooping Cough, Croup, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consnmption, cad a/2 like diseases, find an'emfailing antidote, a ready relief, and a sure and speedy cure, in that anti universally appvcned remedy, Wittar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The Rev. Jacob Sechier, rra and rerpectni &Tent tie G ClMill peps- lgiia thi, cavlry, mate tki,fullomirtg itatentatirr Llse 6cm:ft q( the effiactuL 'n.csorce, TA., Feb, 16, 16504 Meirem„ll. IF. rowLE & Co., , ltoreon,—Dearßids filavint realized in my family important benefits film the use of your valuable preparation, WIETA.IOB* 134- wile inv WILD CIIIIIRT, it &Mt& me pleasure :to • recommend it Otlie public. Some eight years age mo— at my daughters ,seemed to be in a decline, and little hope. of her recovery were entertained. I then pro. mired a bottle of your excellent Tin:SEM, and berate ehe bad taken the whole of the eonter,ts of the bottle there wet a great improvement in her health. I baie„ in my tedivelual ease. Mad, frequent ace of your valuable seedielne, and have always been benefited by it. '1 wo.dd, harmer, tuition Inc public crake import:Gam, be resat there ix • Irood deal urpuricrus Maze, Batrank Wad Clkirry OW throughout dr country. . _ SRrgnfa Testimony. Cereficas from MR. - NOXISORNT: NORTCC, if 4 ZzcieciLer Office, Richnout lticulao.ND,'"Vi... Fah. M, 1860. i years."... W. Fait' zr. linsion, Gentlemen: 1 with pleasure testify - to the great merit of you in. valuable lung medicine, Dr. WISTAVA BALSA* Or WILD euguar, which-Is liketvize *lay valved by many of our esteemed citizens, who have batted its, virtues by trial. . I first made use of this Salaam sumo three year■ sines far a violent and distressing tough which heeled the skill -of physicians, and, to my jl, aipeiksneni 'such gratifying relief as to ideuce mete persevere in its ital. • 1 always keep it by me, andever lind it to LIS Unfail ing In its effects. Io medicine that L. have ever !pea has given such speedy tel 'Yours truly, \4-,Dirti. OTT' - ~. ~....;_...... t c-:-...t...-...D • . , A. O I i;11•1111):111, 1 ate R r .. /Th ill-ri. . : ••._, . 1 :. --.---.. t •-mr0,....-- A , - nr.e....4 5, nt ;and- stomachic- preparadoi of 12.017 .- 'pne.ll , fliof Oxygen and Carbon by com buq:onin,llydrolen, of riga medical author- Itr . and [etre. Irdinau eff.C327 in each of the fu inwlne contila;nt , . air.: ' - DEarr . !. NtR, IT.VOUS AFFECTIONS. =A- ) CIAT N. DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA.. COESTL FA'l S!,'3 - IFULA.. SALT RHIUM-SCURVY, JAUNDICE LIVML COMPLAINTS' .NHEUNA -1[5511 XERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER. lIITTENT FEVERS. NEURALGIA. CHRONIC NESDACRIES.: FEMALE- WEAKNESS: NIS , IdENSTRUATIOIf. WHIM'S, CHIA/ROSTS, vtr... PIPITIMI ,* - , TILE FACE,- ROUGHNESS OF Isi ISZ[N. ctt. , . . • The IRON- lkiiiem . absorbe.d by the blood,:and. thus iroulatins throush the Whole system, no' part Of the body of thetruly wonder ful in.dnance. - , • - .. ThelexperieWee ethousands daily proves that no preparation of Trait can for a moment be' coMpared with it. Impurities of the blood, di pressieu of vital euergy, palls and otherwise sickly' cenipl' - iloas indicate its necessity -in al. • moat verye cax.. ' In all cases of fornale,tletrOity (deer albesolblorosts, etc.), its , "-nett are diLlfhtittily-renoVating: No remedy bar e erheen:diecovered, in the te]e:lsle history 'of medicine, Which exerts earl} prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. good aprtite, com , pletejdigestoe, rap'l ,acquisition of strong*, A , BOSTON: ! w:th an nuns* disposition fort active and SOLD DT - ch-‘o 'el erercie ' immediately follow its use. . - • A. a, , ,grand. stOmachie and general restorative ..s ettryloca , 1 it,bni no superior and no substitute.. • I Pat Op Itutaut flat metal bates tootalataic -, 50 y1t1..., wire all.eshts per box Dais bests, ..40; our davit. iMMIL a 4 00. Per s ia], by . - 1 1 ) ,13 13. 1 . 1 ; la'amilly..-Will be scut 11,re to IjEltsONS OUT OF ItcSINUSS, pui wanting chesty: ,ruy Sibltatien neretptsif Me price. All Lat. _ farm. , ', see udttrth.t lam.: of 1 .r.olsuti in 5a.A.6.1 , I. tern,! ortb , riotta.., Mum:A be - addressed to toltuuu.' •.• ' • ' - • . '' I. ' ' R. B. LOC KE' & CO., - • :- - .General Agents.. ,• , :33.1 BROKICIeWiI.Y. , *-Te P.--ibe .T.bove . is a 01.11sedle of the lot. *sob Our. • ' - NORBORNE NORTON Props Jesse Saab. Prasiant of he Muria could], Bind, and ids is Ira! ;MIMI anal mid, esteemed tinyughost : yew Ann. NORILISTO*N; N. J., Jan: 9,1860 Iries,ri. S. IV, Yorrti & CO.,— Dyar Sint r flaring utied lh. %%IstAn'a Ilat.sam OF WLt.D China! for _ about fifteen )ears, and having. mallard Lite beneficial 'resulte in my (amily, it,affords me Wee hlelieurn to recommending it to thiiitiblic as a... Z ralliable remedy be cosi afresh Isere, colds. c!ntraa, 'remedy which I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be Win With perfect safety by ilia theft della/U.o 4 th health; Yammerer) . rtepeettally . ,. JESSE Eggs. • Beware p Irr tia and tro rthies, cianterfi its i Th e only canine, „Purr, and,.lle&eiaal &Ws 11111 the name of "I. WEIS," written with s pen, and the printed name of the proprietors, u S. W. FOWLE in C 0.," on the outer wrapp er , • Ad trio suffer with ratiy di ease of tke Throat, ImpsHl,lw: Chow, caw OIrk;01.0. : v - r,,h'ef by using Wistar's Xma of Willi Cherry, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. PIMPAILED B 7 • • S. W., FOWLE & CO., j No:18 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. Drkgsists, Dealers, and lferchan itl ad city Vin. the Nadi HEAVY MESS PORE, By.* Barrel, by Baldwin I: Allen. ' - 14 - t 7 l • Filt l Q, , ' E . .A .. \ fi, ii,•.,i-HodiLA.N.D , s ! . vt. %%th MED rti - 1 ai -.. le.rps f ,,,- oxvi 11 . 4. 1 , .4G-11.11: A T . . . STANDARD REDIEDIE§ of . tho ',moat Lars noquiryd.tho:r great Twyn!aril only throudo ea lof ttiaL Upbonudni cotistadioa ivr udrtful by Ilitta In all cares. • OOFLA.'DTD'.S• GERMAN BITTERS Lir'or ezolyntinti Dritrersta, Jul:nape, Narrow' 1)e - Whir, Die 16C3 oL ine Eadnera, • anti an froth a dimordered livar or wear IXSI‘ of Iht. SIMMS,OI end Ingot itre Omni. AGM Tattre FEVER, Fee our Aimuuse Ilolalid' tottfits, Colas,. or Elosleneas, Breathitt". /and:m u ' " croup.Pnagrawaiar,,lncipletd Ocunactoptaua,' and h. itertuell utt netenuthing cured ma Itzetiret 1 et colcipinmED As a Diartheita Cordial i; unequalled. Iltit;,'ls 1' . ire bottle.. 1190FLANDIS GERMAN Wu; v,ll ittiotert (4;074;110ot I?trOpyr and An:reties, steed! no corntuendrdien Th:i.g tire tmiely Tegetableotro prepareenitir great exartnees. and ere 'Argar.eonted.' better Otritiiiin pill nun Grand.r,ta, pet bay: `Thee; mediehrett ;re irrepared by Dr:C. X rltemon tit Co. Philerielibra . , t 0.. and Lote. Mo., and are drnzpste and atm lere tnettiein ell every tchete,_ Tb. nature - e( C. ;ti. Jictrink %nal bo ou Oro onreitlit a each' bottle nr box:. I notir Ereesflee!2' r .41erandr," yttblielred antlnally, yen viil dud testb:l ,, comm - mkt:lmq . tv.tirea from4ll ram ed the I 11.-an drut.uars aro given away by . . TILE CELERUATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR • 'i,T,SP_EPSIit s • . DISE4,SE4F THE KIDNEYS, I.I.TICIO.IIPILA-121T, WE. OF .ANY KIND, FEVER { AND AGUE, , . Alai the varlons a ff ections coasequent upon . a dleorderod STOIVIACII OR LITER - , .... y wr h no Tiarrig,stion, A tglity of the Stornach:Colicky Pains, foil thorn. r leis. of Al , petit,e, llerpoodeocy, Castivetteps, Blind sod Igee , ling ifles. In all ISerroualtheuntatir, and Neural„ is IClTeclicaa, it, haP In numenitte list:met% proved .hp„:103: lienvhdal, and in ono!" elTecttat Si deaided rue. - .Tits: ttsk rlurely tw.7.elittlo outtrprand. prepared on grietti, .izienlifta prieris4m after the manner of the celebrated '„llvliatitg.grittesaw. Korhave. 'lts repodationitt home No; '' . 44*al:it" intr./auction Item, the demend crinnenclea• with those efi ts4; - . , Scattered ores tie face of this twi,,tde iw ri Irv: mend of etifont 'brtmeld with there ml 4 w l' tr 001.41 Aron- the trwiltion of Ito 'alp% Jr is.notooffered to the America.* ful , h - e,. Inowino flint its fray amtda-fia/ ,„edi,iooleirfiaes niv , i i0,t,,,,,,b,,t w d, . . . . It , o, ion t,inilpriv receinewt!,l to three pereons ',hope comet:sotto. 4,y fare tewn I:prated by the contintunie ore. of.arlent .pit it". or iitlie'r f- sineof di..ipltion. Generally itoitoOtatii,,ll., ho otr,,t. it finds its way ilirr.ctly to the mat i , ,f hi,. thrill N .: .i. - . 1 iinia;exiin, Pret): nerve, raining up the &roping epirit, awl, to fait, hit :sing new' health and vigor in the -y.tow ' . !,‘ la 1,•t.,_•,vh..: vi, i0tp,..1, Pawl thin et beverage will to doeippointeat--I.utio the at . svq , and haw - spirited. It will pr., e.:l grli.,,daioniatte eindwil, riusavased.of singular remedial pr' i.ergo,. _ .. • . ' , READ: CAREFLP—LY!. • r n . i1,, n ,i,i,. I„ g toy mw ,, ntrwerd iberitwre'e friend - nitterx in pot op In half-pint hot Ore 11,115. cud rPtAilml at ore U.,,, ‘.., le f,',.. ~to boWee f v Free rmu.... The grivttNi.,nruiri in. iii, trldy eglet,rated Medicine has induced rat, imitation, a h'.:h the public Should guard against porciirwing., gat- Beware of Impwition. fee ;that our name is on the label of every I, , ttle s it u toy. ~ 'as - 'Sold Fy Itig-gist.c. It can be forwarded by Exiress to molt pou t s. . 'BENJAMIN PACE, Jltt } :& CO. 1 , 1 , 1 PIVF•CTt EINO '': _ phaimarculists and (prmists. .1 PITTSBURGH, "P 4. r e , . - 1 se A: AcURE ( 4 1# INBad4 o llil -,CUB e Nervousileadache ,4 h - CURE liinaS i, , Real__ e ghe __.."... _, _______. .g"Te.f 44 REA - OSED BEST • JACOB ELCHLEII. 1/4 I=l its ner llottle. Cordial MIXMMXISW= SANFORD'S LIVER INVIZORATOR, • icEVEIL ratilitrrATEs., ... ~ - 11L5z,i,nr.,&:..1,11,17.1M1,1".11i=1ar„ ,, 1 ...„ appeesect lec •ii •thett : ,:. liinvr II rfl it, sod is WM' -,11. Aborted to with couT.lloaee to all I....d:aealea for erkith tr. in recnametided, It bos c-tred tho.snilii lelthln ' the jest tree row wan Ind: t4ll n%} 41101 4 tepe(. . the nuanelotis 131.,MheiteNit6(414CAtta IA mlly i pC,l4,ll.lollShOtr, The do..e snug Le sui.ntai, , •1 tli• troticroment of the . Irdividual WM": it, and tts.j id in haat quounow in Ia -• art trendy on tbehotrela. I let the dletates of 'our: ~. nee of the LiVER.:III-1 - till core - Ulcer 'Coint t.. , hfo DYP.I w Wq ,I bunt heir Co in -1 , I , ry, I,ropcy, Sonel Coot I v encl., rill01`; a ro:ilorbni,Ctiolcro4 truer, Jaundice,l Ell, WS twrixt - noNi we. _,.., '2fFamily Dlcdl. pi Al E IL irA Eli E ., ,.gtui twenty toinnicO, If opoonfulti ara talc-, isusek. ' - . 1 A ,i who use Itore s Ilion tai ur. , . ' Ijr4gratetrtle yea liter VIGOItATOR. are it plaints,.ll.lllous at.. Chronic Ike rrhora, lyleleti ' ,flyserale. Stomach, flathead., -' ltri Cholera, Chole•2 liatarittlm,Strqh•••. jreniale Weakares , !morally am eu Ordlear • c lelske.ltwilteare 21114:K. thertants ere testify.) In . I two or three•Teae en al cesonacreeruert et .giving their litearrioe7 1E MOU'firWlTill ASO SWALLOW AVATER },41 , kur. rxvisouvri*, yarn .TOGETIIER: Pilco One Dopler per nettle. sANr,ortu , s • 'FA' ILY C AT HARtft Pace 'Vegetable iCairactip, and ITC all In • GL.V.OI CASES. Alilllght. *tory/111 keep' in any elimate. • .. The FatullY Ca-' ' el• tint . itelrre Cathartic eaci in hie practice • The consPattly htereeilog : barelone need the PULL' ail exess in recant to thei them w ith the roach of all. r ]be Croreaahn won ktare , on different poritone or the The F'..131111.Y with due reference to t,eu compounded tram 011 ,4 Extracts, which act ..amcnury canal. and ,are es where a Cathartic I. ranactrientel Of • I itea 4 . • Pans! In the • Costlyeitess4 Pal the whole: body, imiceatly, It neglected. nee, Lost of Appc- Cation of cold over nee.. Headache. or all lit flant maticry Children or Adult's, R ' trifler of th e Blood is hole. too amen= meat. Dose. PRI tn 3. CE T IC The Liver. Inclio , thalrille Pllll are read aolaabaccale by the Trade! S. T. W. SA,' 1 6 .... , . lhartloPTVl. Sups. ' pi• wbleb .the t pretreat has .. 2 thantwenty years. _ 14 demand froth thaw what .3 endttbe unearth* wbirh : 111 usabasindured ntatopLion , t i tbst differed Catberitheael bnwele. , 111ARTIC PILL • - thin well established tack • ri, variety or. the purest Veg. . , ,w.,Lit dike on eery pert et the, Pa good and info In all ear . ,H needed. . aueh as De. St °mac 4,, Steepio, Dark • and Loma. W . ,• B 47trenk VA' end in a long meth 0 Yet l e f i l i t ,c e l t: ercciantaen. : • Weight D. Ittiratid: Disrases Worma bi I~Rhea maidens.* WA .. and many inseam In wbielli' V to mention In ittleaderthef - • insta ntines. .. Family .ea tor and, Faly Ca tibel by fircentets toattaS7. ad totn all the large ;owns. . L 4 ll, tWOrtn, IC D..' . Ilan ufseurer and Ethylene. , hy, hew York. - - .._- ' ,N r •I - ° 33 proadw MIRE NEW A RRANAMEN IS GREAT ATTRACTIONS _ _ AT T FOOT Or Mang STREET. Elextensive Furniture- KstabiiAment of 61' S.M.TII tinontEns having been . rntittnd and greatly :improved, the ,proprietojslreSpoetfully announc4 to the citizens of Montrose'and ity that they are constantly making f and keep'on 'hand th t i LARGEST and HEST assortment of FURNITURE • To ibe I d ie. the Country. We g,i , ve the follotvipg lit4..pf4otne of thd nr tides - which we' will sell at 'Ready. reduced priees. - f6r CASIIWr O.EADY PA7I - : . . . . , Burealis,, Walnut-dr 31ahoiketly, with glass. .. , , hem . 1 31 to $35. . . Aldienits with marble of heorntelle i top.., from ellti ;41 4'24. A a :large o assortment:from B'l. I f ikt 610:1,2.14: to -,. • ~... - - - 7.." .. - • - W44hStandii ar Starti,Cornerand Square Stands -4 all•variethis and prices,frem 76 cnts .. to ten Stands,- , • . lie+lNl Diraus .Towel Racks, Footstools - Otto. .: . - mans, Lounzi.s, &c. . ... . - C.',' , ntrb, Card.' Pier, toilet, 'Dining. Kitchen. and Exti•nsion 'fables. . .', , . ~ Clauri—Cane and Wood Seats, '.Roricers-- - Cane, lag, and Wet. d Seats - , of every variety and std.. . • s/Kis i tete a •tetes furnished at short notic at New York. -rWices. -.: I. - . N. -It. ftvady, ramie coffins on hand or fur ni..b..d., t "short n-titice.—ilea.:ses always in r?adine s when desqrecl. , 1 3, _ Wc' Pjaidoy non & hat CAtEruL-rind F;XPERI - to do nur WnTu WELL, find sett it as Low as it can be afforded I - I KpYSTONE HOTEL, At Vinritrryle,,,Ponr... ' Mai IL- - ZIA I PC/I, -Proprietor , - piuttt . 1 c,,,,,,..1,011. Hotel situate .1 on Pubiie Avenue. near :the Court lier.lse,ancl ~ early in the centre of, the business p. !. rtion' 01 lentrose, is now fu 4y completed and furnisbed, - ar.d wa•l opened on, Monday. the - 37th 4ay of Septemher, 485 , 1. for the accommodation of the'pu lie and travelers,. The Proprietor feels conflie t that he is now prepared to eelertsin guests in a manner that cannot tail to give . • drripleto Satisfaction. . The otel and Ftirniture are new, and ho ii p (Gsp, as beim spared to render it equal. if not superlot to any similar establiihment in this part albs . hate. it is i well supplied with all the re •ent-improvertienta and eortiforts, and obliging Wliter.: will always be 'reiukyto respOnd to the call of lit:itomeri. . _, i The Stables connecte d with this House are '' owand Convenient tli The . koprietor respectfully soliCits thepatron ' tge of h is old friendr,And tile !Kubik. generally. • WM. K BATCH. GOOllO. I E G Av 0 • •G'OODS. 0 _ ! EARDIiW. & CO'S,. . , IOLSO T DEPOT. BERAL DISCOUNT, MADE, TO A a - {9, ' AND EADY-PAY CUSTOMERS. - I====l are deterthined AO; to be, out-done the way of •• ' - - 'LOW.' - I spgpsicT PRODU CE Taken in Zzehonge for . G 0 co:o . 3:j D ; L. itzurinrikra: & Co. rERS' COMPOUND EXT . AACT OF MOCK ROSE. .fitett Remedy for Indigastion. Billions fu,4 eamplaiiiws, arid all dlammos of the Blond.lor at wholesale add retail;by ABEL TITRE/J.. • P I MA ' , ' V L tolttse x4ll ands ettip. ABEL TUTSULL • , , fll /, )/jOtv . , '` t , 'wwc-G- ' COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. located owur ibilliaaquehanaa Valley Iltipk. B IN Cit-{,AIVITON : 1), W. LOWELL, Principal, Professet,of the' SetOce:, of Accounts, Practical Acjountant. Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Ilocik•Krep. I Aug, Diagrams illustrating the same. I J OHN Raiiitte; Commercial. Accountant4yrrifee'r of Boa Keeping and Practical Slat4vnistics. J. CURTIS, Assistant Protessor'in the Book Keeping Depeitment. ' . A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practical! and'Or. nameotal. Penmanship, Commercial iCalcutu, tions and Correspondence. • lion. Daniel S. Dickicson, LeCturer on Commer Mal Law and Political Economy. ; 'Ransoni ' Saleom, Lt;eturer on Contrails Promissory Nntegiand Bilk of Exehenget. Rey. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Cornmercial - Ethics. , • I • Hon. Sherman Phelps, Wm. ft.'o4Mrn. Tracy R. Morgan; El. ' i .- 1 The 41. ct of this College is ton afford to all an opportunif.y of, obtaining a thorough Iliosinto.a Education, .. . • 1 The Boolt4 and Forma are carefullylarrangill by practical ''accoUtitatitm exprenily fiir thin It stitution and embrace all the recent ilinprove. -merits. , • , : , . The course of 'instruction cotnpri4.B every department of.husiness. The learneir will he thoroughly 'taught the . seience_and practice of Double Entry' Bookaceping as applipd to the following kinds of businehs, viz: General -Mer chandising, Manufacturing, flanking, Commis sion, Stearnboating. Railroading, FOrwarding Freightin g , Foreign Shipping,lte. i . - YOUNG lEN i- ; Can qualify themeelves in a- short time. at this. Institu G 3 00. to all iMportant and lucrative Pitman,' e.- Ample references can be given wheto gradnatee of 1 ' are now filling desirable eituations with salaries nom to $lOOO per annum. . 11 Tkerroprietor. are In poesession'of teetire on late from some of the amt. Commercial houses in the State. to whom thev have furnished book-keepers, rliowing !their entire wirteraction and confldeneeln the ability of the graduates of this Institution. i. . . .• '. 'TENMANSUIP In all jts branchea, taught by the mod skill* and thor ough masters of the art. 'No College in thujcountry en joys a higher reputation in this department. 1 Loll& De part meat entirely sepantte storn that of the lentlemen. St udents can eater College at any time.' N . vacations, • Time to complete the course, from 8 to 10- weeke. Stu dents passing the reOnisite examination are presented with the most elaborate and elegant engrared Diploma -Issued by any Commercial or Classical lotion In the unicin. Assistance rendered to graduates ii procuring situations. , • 'or term; of tuition, price of hoard. testimonials of g (Mates tilling posttiOns.&e, address the pioprietors for ei Mars containing full particulars. , • • " LOWELL & WARNER, Propri...tore Binghamton Commercial College. - or. 8,. '6o.—y Dinghautten, N. T. Steel Pens SnperSeded D . 17 S. DE WOLFS . PENS . WWARRANTED not to corrode :in any irijc. Each pen • ea attrahle as a doren - steernena.. Ast they do not corrode, they will not get ;harp and edlcklin till paper likn .41,1 pens; tint 1011 glide over the paper unetithly liken gold pen t . I hive appointed _ TunnELL, Sole Agent, • fertile salal6f these pent in Snennebanna (Jennie . . Yrice, $l.OO perizio-50 centg. per dozen-5 ce.n t ie each. Sent .be hail, pre-pald be the spent. on receipt n ;price and one phrtago stamp. The trade onpplied nt a zittenuable dib coma. All orders for thee.. non.corrogec 'ens muet he addrei.ed to ABEL TURRELL. Ilentrnee,, Yu. ~who will furnish them at the lowest prices. " • I • July 8, ttv 2.. S. DE WOLF. - LI a U - S • . . . .. . • . 4)A Different kinds of W Ines and Lignoe,s. eomprbdne ol,‘J nearly every kind-In any market. warranted pure. For sale as osnal by -•- ABEL 'run RELL. k Dissolution. FriE.Sgs n Wint' r :M.h en " r 4VJAN!l rJS, t inz \ 1 " twe " 4 1/ " Montro.c. Jul, 9. `.l 2, 1==!I - Gold. Medi:l,l ,'Salerwt,us •.- A ND als,o; her of the best In 14r1Tt. for oak by • "ABELITIIIRELL. • LitBRICATING - OtL, F OB All Midi of Michlnery, for ' , nit, by - ABEL TUBRBLL GROVER & BAKER CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHIINE,S, TON FAMILY AND" MANINALTII:p7G 495 Broadway, NowtYork. .Agericies in all the principal peer and • I 4 GQODS. The Grover'& Baker 5..11.1C0. beg to call the atteniiihrof the public to their iecently introdu. ced NOISELESSIAMILY AND MANUFACTURING SBWllf4'%' ggaelitiatath, MAKING TILE 8 lIVITLIC OR LOC! K These machines combine all the latest' useful improve ments in sewing zurrchinerY, andarehighly recommended for their Simplicity of Construition ; SOPielemncoo_t - Capacity atl kinds of work, Ana neanty and liegaarity of stitch. 'Various styles ot these miichines adnilted to the house or workshop will be sound at the illfferedt agencies settle company throughout the United States.. I Their new. • " SHUTTLE . MACHINE FOR TAILORS' USE, .titc tate . stirldmpbofthe sewing machin l e art—noiseless. rapid, and easily operated—will'eominend itself to those who use such nuteldhes for manufacturing clothing. • . -.. .. , ' so mei es • _-. . ~ . _ . • Grover .84 Baker. • Machines, • , •:: , ....1-. -,. -MAILING ' Tilif. I , ' , '' i; " .' I . , - , GROPER- k BAKER STITCH. - These Justly4elebrated inaeldnes,..'a4pted I t.O' all the wants of, the. household and, manufactory. 'continue to maintain the . pre-e nenee which the silmoat universal: verdlct ofthe pub a awarded them. iThe will.knOwn • . . , 1 - . STRENGTH, LASTICITY* 84 IGURABILITY,- 0 L i of the Grover & Baker Stitch *III always insure these machines the preference for fam4v use , ll'or the manufac- ' 'tore of such gouda as are Intend for W ear—tor use anti not for show. I • - - tom"' Wherever the Grover & BakeriStitch Machines have exhibited 'and fairly judnad in OnnMetition with - the iesdiurr, Sewinx - Machines in the Market. includlng the ,Wheeler di Wilson; they have invariably borne off the first premium. ' " This assertionds confirmed by thallecl4 ol i . of the corn' =laces of the State Fairs of MIX CM recently held. Wei awarded the fret Orate, et IteltrXectiten eterstrothr LEcTunEns: u c.on:',nu , ql at the PltiMand by AI,I:EN Totems in the United States. VIM Kill premium to ISt to cotnpetiths TUE kOLLUItiIUG I:I4IDONSEILEN 1S OF CEPIIALIC PIUS, : WILL 'o6l"iirl NeE ALL': WII - 0 • SI/ F FEU 031 11 1 F4 ' A D ACRE. TLIAT A SPEEDY .AND; RIJIIR,CIJ, RE IS WITHIN. As these-testimonials were unsolicited , by Mr. they afford unquestionable-. roof i f the efficacy of this truly , teienlifte discovery.-, NAgoarna.x, CO 11., Fcb.S, . , - . Me. Brntanne. • ; :. • . . . ' ate: I tried your Cephalic:Mlle, Alltil lib! fltem so n - dl Abet I want you to aeud me S3-worth rude.. , -.. ' - p art o rthe il e t ie fotthe nehthhone;tow!umlygni•na few out ofthe Arehlboi' I got front ion. . — • Send the l'llls,by uta4, Ana obtige . • , .. •, • Your obl. verv't.: ' • ---`• • Jne,; , K.ENNEDY. : • iliseerford, Ps.,lfeb. b. • - • • • • EL C. Spalding: • - Sir :, • • . I wish con to send me one more box of your Cephalic Pills hses-racetrad °great Jest of benAtrifronl them. • Tours, respectfully, " AN 8T011:1101:S.E. Spruce 6r4Ok,'llantingclon Co.; FV,Jiti. 18. 11. Spalding'. _ _Ton evil! plea.e seed me two boleti of yonrrille: 'Send them Immediately. , • Rcepectfully yonre; -sNo. n. stmoNs. P. 8.-11.0r4 wed one bee your; ceiilf..and And Uteri. Belle I - croon, Ohio, Jan, Henry C. Spaldlnz, Pleape plot encloeed twenty-Ate eents, for which vend the another box of your Ceplialid - Mlle.,' They are truly the boot pills I have ever tried. •-• • Direct A. STOVER. P. M. Belle:Vernon. Wyandot coonty, Ohio. Bert. rly.Vata..lnii. It C. Spalding, rim. . 1 wimh for acme circular. , or large 'show billx, to 'brine' hour Pill more particularly, before my envt omen.. If you ave anything of the kind, oleioie mend them to me. one of my ertmtomer., Who b. mulled to a severe mirk heatilache, imotally lamtina two days). 'coo cared, of an at lackin an /lour by your PM , . 10irit I Kent her. • • Rempectftilly - W. B. WlLhltfi. Renoldrbarg, frauklin do., Ohio. January 9. f Ilenry C. Spalding, N 0.48 Cedar etreet, N. Y. Dear Sir . ' Incloard llnd twenty-five cents. (L%.) ar which send me box of "cephalic pills." Direct to Rev. Wm. Finer. at Itevnoid■bnrg, Franklin county: Ohlo. Your Pills wort like a charm-care Headache almost instanter. • Truly yours, Mr. Spa ldinlb Idr. . Not long alUce I Rent to con for a Nis. of Cephalic Piila 'for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Covtiveiiero.. , and recelVed. the taane.'ad Mete had se. OW au trial I WWI induced to send for more. Ineazslnendby return mail. Direct to • A:lt. 'WHEELER, - . Ypsilanti; Mich: Firm the Examiner. 2Vorfolk. Cephalicllefternmplish the object fnr whfch they '.ere .made, viz.:. cure of headache iu all its kgms 7 • I • Fe , on the Examir'er. • ' Ther bare been tested in tune; than atrionaatulcat4; with entire 6IIeCCBB, From .the Democr , it, , . If yon are. or hare: breli troubled with th'c'headarht. Fend for a box of cephalic pale ; eo that,. you -.mar:bate ' them ID ca:Ac of an attack. Front the Adeeriiser. Prondenre, I? I. The Cephalic Villa arc Paid t- be a remarkably effective remedy fur the headache. and nui, .rthe very .bret for that very fregijent complaint wit ch has. , ever been dis covered. - From the Wertern R. B: Chicago We heartily endorte Mr. Spalding, audle unrivalled Ceptudic Pint. - • the rtilry Slur. K(//117 11' are that suffering with the headache, .'ho try th,m, hill stick to than. p c t;,,, i 1 .I'ath. Pe, ter..Xele Orlcan.v. La. Try them! you that are afflicted, and we are sure that Your testimony min tie added to the already numerour lint that has received bettellia that no other medicine can produce. • • Frn-m. the St. Lotti.v De)Terai. 'The Immense demand for the article cpialic pills) is rapidly increasing. Frinn the Gazette, Davenport, loka. Mr. Spalding would not connect hi+ name with an 'ar ide he Sid nut know to poorte..i real merit. • Frbni the . Proviridlee. R The testimony in their favor IlLetreng, from the most respectable quarters. From She Doily iVe ex,2l7emport: Ceptutlie Pills are taking the tilace otall kinds. ' By the nee of these Pills the pi:Acidic at tack c of Yirrous or Sick Headache may be prel.ented; and if Calton at the rommenevment.of an attack; immediate relief from pain and sicknelia Will be obtained. - They celdom fail in retrieving theNattatit and TriaddiAB to which females are co ' , abject." - They act gently upon the bOW ele.•=4mitoving Coetiveneta. Pot Literary Men, Student#, Females, and all persons of tedentary hails. they orb valuable as a laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and-vigor tone dlges,s live organs, and restoring the natural elasticity - and strength of the whole !patent. • 1 The CEPHALIC PILLS arothe.result of long invectk, gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been, in nee many yeare.daring'which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating it} the nervous cystem or from a deranged state of the xromath. They are entirely vegetable In their composi tion.•and aymbe taken at alltirnei with-perfect safety without mak ing apy change of diet, and ; Theidusence of any iltragrataqa luta rendenit easy to administer cldldren. Beware of Coutiterfeits. The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. finalding oneAch Sold by Druggists old other Deniers :in ltedtelnpi: • A box will he nent by mail prepaid on rere e iPt ef the Whricle, 2Z3 Chpositss. All ertiens should be nddressed to . • - 11 ENltl64r a 141r,4 L DING, . rovl2 v rieb 4 8 Cedar Strnet,•New York.. rarAislnglebpttle of SPALDISG'S•PREPABED (Ala will save ten tltries Its eon SPALDING!S PREPARED GLUE! gPALDING'S=PREVARED GLUE! SPALDING'S.PRF,PARELIGLITE! SAVE TIIE PIECESI ECOMOMY STITTII IN TINE SAVE!! As accidents will happen, even In well regulated rand. lles. It Is very desirable toluwe some cheap and cotiv . lin, lent wry rorrepairiag Inn:aura, toys,, crockey,,, SPALDING'S PREPA,IiED.GLI7E • Insets all such ementencies, and no fioiniebold can arrord to he Without It. It is always ready, and orrto the stick. log point. . 7 -uszprz IV EVERY ROUSE" N. h. --.4 .Brush accompanies coal Binds. Price ' 23 cents. Address, HE..17,11" C. SP.A.LIHNO. .1 ' No. 48, Cedar Strect,-New-York. • CAUTION. . • • As certain nnprlnelplrd persons are attempting to palm otf on the nnauatteeting',chile. imitations of Prrpared Olue.l would caution all persona to examine - before pur, - chaiing, and ace that the tall name, - . r4i-SPALDING'S PREPARP.D• •i Is the Outolde.wripßer all others see swindling coon-. terfelta. - , . . ABEL. TURRELL , . S now ; prepared , to cure - ever, moot SCROFULA in Ithe Country, andle has a Remedy 'for neerty; every ll to',*(e.• C4ll.llltithe:_,__L • ' : GREAT MEDICINE EMPORIUM et ABEL TURRELL,astyI be availed of the benefits (Us. permed.. • Montrose, July 17, MCI. . - • lILIF3t 0 %E.N la IL 11 LI% Aepiewiletatmortm.itin.t recedire...Clalmnl es, shades humeri, wicks. etc., at Terrell's. CIONPRS,4IONiI and EV'EItIENCB of SUPPEILF e It %.9 Put - dished ass warnir.g, and for the centrist beetle of Young Ilea. and those who toffs+ V 4 ;tilt :r crtaos Debit 10, jinn ofliornory, Premature Decay, Are,. hj on whdhas cured himself by dimple means, after being pu to gram expetiso sad inconvenience, through - the nee o worthless Inedireprescrlntd by,lenrood Doctor Silk: glocontestnoy bad of the authorchy enclosing a post paid addreeeed envelope to HAS. ,A. LAIIDERT, Creennolot, tonelatand, - Km 'jot% ' Ill:PORT , OEk SOLON.II.OBIIO O I . , ! - °Pt 4ENEw YORK 'PRIDLTNEJ . . bros. -rata , • II . I VINIL LAIN]) SET'fLEJIENT , •il. f Iz9" The fallowing is an ex mitt from the- report o Are ycn iik,k, feebuoind cam- ;...4 eluu Robinson.' P.5q...; published In the l'ica' York Tri . :pbd o l ut o A re t ou , Ati tor o rde r _,e .. ,ti!n, in retertinet to N r ipelanyl. . All persons ears Me erttik your spore deep,rized, it d ,tritei report %cal , utercst. , met feelings uncomfortable; - :; Advantages 04 iariningnear Itetne—Vinelata — Ell. These symptoms are often the i . miud ,,,,,d omi nthb,,,. somo I , ;narks 16On'idari — boil, its great. Tertility — The fit oPelektiese Is creeping open ' Vallee of Fe4ility. — AMOcint of CrOps I . todueed - r Ltand should be averted by a i Prictical Ev dance. . . lyuse of the right remedy. ' it is certainly 'ne of the nio-4 .extetsiv ' e fertile tracts. TAkt. Areea Tills, and cleanse' ~ luau alMost icy's I push lou, and milt:tide cottudion rot ' Lathe ' l ' eedeeellilemere-- V" - ileasaitt insulin , Mad w r know td (hilt of the west • rify the blood,'atid let the fluids l era ywairies:: ‘l., foinat .onte'of kite oldest faints apita• lintere on tol ownicted lidiaaitli r ttt. jii 4as pi Middy . productive fit , when area cleated again. They stimulate [heretic.. ' t . • e „ . , he a .(3 y a rn ~,i,,,,,. ! oforept 3. or u ft - thins of the body into-vigorous ' ' -The geologist I would soon - discover the Canso of Oita 'activity, putify the ayalem front.. : 'continued fertility. The whole country Is a marine de• the obstructions '•wldat make , „ , posit, and all thilouglif the soil we found evidences of cal. 'disease.i....noes 4.-..i e°l4 "tatiet,.."mr -' - ,1 re ,Id, hubgant vs - . generally in -the form- Of Induint4 d - --- -- ri en-e ""'" ee ' l •'• e .,,,imareotta marl allowing tawny distinct forine of anckut Its natural functions.; These, If net relieved, react upon -, thenmeirea and the Surroun ding organs, producinz gm- , hells, of the ter tar' format len :and title warty substance - Ti AC-tittered all !trough the soil, in a very comminuted mill naggsasatioo, s l oyerit.,and disease.; While in this . 'rendition, opprellawt tit tte derangements, take Ayer's form mid ln the, react condition Most easily ass inallatell, n "el plants L. thit farmer desire,. to cult tem e. rlllsi end - ate:bow directly .they restore the natural au-.„ . - Lion of the -system, and with it the buoyant feeling of* Y 4a u rl!impli It forrus had been used to fertilise CfCiii.P la . health again. Mud IA trith rind Panp ` petreat in this telt id • anti &minion complaint, la elan true in Many.of the dints. , i . !li s. „I i hl, ',' lt . tatt !manure, that can be dug and cant d ', 'En o . ' " i i " l n t , . ri rre l u e l a ' ,l t' (i l n e i r e ni 4 it t u ‘ y rl a e , marl oc'.u l l i ' t i-e d d i ab by counted the lh O n b b tt.s .: Seined anti dangerous distempers. The patee•purgative . ,',' " 3 -,.., over 'effect expel?, them. paused byltimliar obstructions and ! lsii ...lireli , " , 1 t • found nireedv-mixed through thv reir i 'derangements orthel natural functions of the hotly , they .t lewd b,W te ... . where new tart cies will tie ttlPlititi tip and exposi2). cud are rupiah-, And many of them aurely, curcil,by thrlantlO ~ I , ,• . sec. ever -,,,, he ,, t y e the. menuir.• Sona.who k,ntoW thevirtues of these Ms, wilt tranotornie, to ,ite ow • ner s y 1.1 R' . 'I earth. , , negleet to employ them when afillifting from the (deur- • . - I !dist...they cure.' 1 - - 1 ilayttig theu . •atislied our minda With - the - atom's.. they Statement* from leading' physichma, to somo of the- w ill . iit he Axetted with wander 'at seeing inninhitable e5n,,,,, n ,,,,, ! nienee of fertility of a soil wilichin Our situations. bay • r ieel P el elllee • ma 4 ih lgn ° tiler well knu r l r etille -' --. Ling Go:Amite general etunatteriytks oral lysistolitm eau; - • ces. is entire!) tiore'm nueretive eicept *a Ha preducttee tfrvn n - Yerproriffog: . /fe . rClmat of ,St. Unit, Feb. 4, ISM._ .: ne4,l iv, promoted by artificial (vita liaation; ! 'Dn. AVER: Tour Pala are the . paragnin of .alt that Is ',. - A. few words ',about the qOal ity and value of tide hind' great In medicine. Thby have' curedany little daughter' forcuttivationlr which We hare some strung proof. or itterroun Korot upon itephandiand feet that had proved { -Our tiro Nisi was to,. _William .11. N 3 iltuu. Prat-kiln. „. hieneablatfor year& lire mother hen been lon,l.grler- ! township, Glint • •ster county, who parches, d eu.nn• tight ; onsly nfilleted with blotches and Pielpliss on her skin nod s miles north Of iti defile, about three yearn ago, tot the it her /Mir. After our child was. cured, abe,alsu tried nuipiise of csta*ishing a steam tam. to w ar: up the thrt- - your Pills, sad they have cured bee, . ib ei ,„ ‘ t y 1,,,,i, t i , I t , acne ed by the new railroad, a. weir . I • ASA MORCIItIDGE.. seetlk drewood Ind coal. for m Web- he bath a track a -: mil.: and a luilli feting. lie tlne (Wretched sixteen miles , of the:road whitllities. and had no- doubt made tlie mill' profitable, tholgb his mein objekt an to open a faint, 4.. ! , having hectimil mut - hired that the Si 11 was valeat he for . l cultic:llion. lii this he has fiat _been diesppi , d. a• ! 'some or his crnite pros e.. ror instance. the revona time' of cropping. adribushltis of potatoes un one tore, lentiti no emits I. hu•li bathe dell. TinA year., sin en acres,' menet: without . produced 11:•11 littsitels of oats. - in one field, the ilrat el op was trotatoM., ilinnted mum g 'the' roots• and y lidded 75 Michels. The potatoes were deg.- :owl wheat swain. and yielded ire Module : and rho la üblle. turned nutter ted sow it lit iniekwli aat m filch )!eldest 35% .busliels; and Helen Go:ground was sown to clover sod' timothy,,,v. hielf gay.: as a II rstcrop `Pi; tons per at re. ' The fertilizers: mulled to thlise crops were fonts retry from cleariugsit second-223 mambas of sitperpliosi hate' of Hine ; third Italti pounds 'Perwelun guano ; then rAil,r-h- ' j in ittwiirAitykiiiii,l t• hap been Thread thou tlir 'clot er elate- ' It wan mowed, and turned in forhat we. ' Mr: Wilson' . growing crops. And the wheA stul ble of the pre:mit syasint. all indicate hisland aitiproduct hie as - any' part ..1 01 State: . At Mary BA e.ow's. an old style Jersey women .frrmer, seceral miles stouts of Mr. Wilson's-3Y eWCre no Perth-a lai-1y -traek with Ihe tine amicardnets of a fluid of, en n,t hat we stopped to:''tiquire or the hired man how it w ar pro duced. yr-, fi, nal that t!b land had been the hut - i t 11110 before in I heat. so y. n c lila • eloverfand I Ills . cut pm sAistitt• atoll:is ,print; plowed Mice, wkb one • - pnur old nag." and plaifteu wit It viols. •• . - ' - ye, tel yestilutteured high. ice Anppese t'' WC.Paid iu • terrogat i vel . i. ,ii,111.1 got his rellif';:-- - -W aa l, you ' •le.e...ave coaltlit't done that: 'rause we hadn't hat flitify nine her-e londs . nitogether. for 28 acres. and we %Valli the tans; tart for Ito...truck. - Thetnick ei lit: sled 14 . 11 Vet!!. iarrot•, eslittze, n urum• bars. hit•llittlsith: t•.. and a very patch or Lima' hmum, ::,.., mho noirketing. S.! we w ere Isht 1,1.1:d ttlf.t . the soil was hilt in tart ilea even intaitimibv clover. with le had fell brie aide. Inn:Anse-0 t.- "W el; patch" Intl not been carrel et. twillittollteet• in cnltiviit lot, twig entit.,2l, t o o t,: , . iterate all seitits of the fore-ft. • - - , . • Oar mixt vi•llt. was to the lar , !,. farm of A nrlrtitr Sharp. five miles mirth of Milleille. from half to a mile east ut the rallinnid. ithdhistabout in tit,,.ean.tre of Vineland.— 31r. Sharp continental work ha I y: n DeCelniier, I tit,,, II p• on 2:0 acres. Oil it•,-•. ;flan tilrytt, yellTr, he has 1 .:..1 t:'4.tere- clearhl hint in crops this ,ieason.all we i ti n, hoed a nd hi videh Wt. s everal (1,4'..., Is ill C 4 111, tail or liiiir • rellee : i 1.1 ., built a t‘i,,, , ,ry (Iwt•lliiw,. a bout tihrt y•slz 4.r furl; foci. and h tonal! e i it oust for f.t fru :ah, owe, ant. a challis sad ;:ralaary and -stone other, On (hull& egs. Coitsiderahle part 411 . :11C !MIA Oa! cleared I ' M' the plow _ a 1 i,j a„ , , , ,,c, 4. i,,,,,, an d ,a, ~ , me of it hi, fir s t cup ~a, bur.: - a with :iit it'il-brb itu itowili r per m re.— Thi. crib; mall he put in t r o ut trill , ' lab to Goth . and 3 iVitt. from twenty to 11l !Tty bli.M..lrper:l , re. harvested in NOV ..III,)Vr , WPC:II . IOe land lieinf• sowed with 150 pounds of ' Pernviaitgoafid and seedinl„ with rye. yielded 12 t o 15 la st f teltriirearm:el ten dollar= worth'. of straw. " The - ~ ' r.n.•t tfhble til ,neti..aP,er tiniwking lii stiarge growih of ' teakminims. di tire.eed :ig-tie With %MAIM :slid ~., e ll.•ii _ w to 6,llheat, ;,, , a , i •13 or Ili basin-Is, Th.• crop which he was T thi 111 , 4 , u - 1i le we Were tiler ,. IMltiliOev• mute, of a Tory plant p grain:Vl the straw is vary It, ary, , - WY tepid oler the stahnh , nail - fished t he clover and,.. timothy. quilt seed sowed lasittprint.,•. on the wheat with , ~,,, t sa r ia ,. t ip , 1,ot:ow as se ellits w.• es er ..111V it Ilpiili -. 1 tug old CliititralCii fann. and with :a little a Oil: dime in . CM w inter tdlclear 'li, ~iiiiir, h iot; ,ant rotten, Cite , and ...tulle: : l akes to petit: permanet•it oniss. we veal pc able t.i, cat tiit• atop tit NT year a fait It Itii•WitaT. IlitiChiii., • 8114 even lll_ii•l • ratitctetW o tons pee acre, if he will give . the iteerphite f itoverruns the e•airnate. Part of tinkand wa. planted with pottitoth• for - a era crop,. which lilehled oat: hundred :bid twymy bu s h e l, p,.. r at re, It wasjthen limed w nth 111, ;,a,liet- Pet acte• and - ,voted with 4s heat mai clover. yielding on as eragc or : arc 13 hushals per acre, and - tile clover now.looks beau t ind. 11 , .. other portions hive been planted whit roan a- - a first erup„whielt yielded tlt irt v MIAMI, of yellow hint corn; ~ and the second crop fartylinshels.,and. the third crop, ! treated 1:0 Miunth. of nine, weary sure yo one %bad e,ti mate 1,.•16w forY 1,11••11 , 4- fieraCre, - . (The reader wilt recollect that the writer in new speak imz ot laml- , .'perf.Tilv new. 3intwhich can scarcely be eon .idered in vim! ~milde eosidii loil.—ED.) . ... i • fit (Hirer rai-e, the corn ea•olioriaSt' year wan followed c ith leas-44h. •neal-oti. nut yet threshed. hit w ill averages prohab/3•,fort,y to ulty • bushels. !awe,' -. 3 ,,,t a to es , 1,,,,,,,,, noTaitt, mot in an ve,taide, sat veh its . 20,,r1g purrs atirrother frolt trei4-pilaged this year; r bew vet,' p:.6111.2.,: Wm ;Ith• lont;ategh-eled tract of :buil should Ct. - - • 1.4 al n ...v.nultittier. - itud bier,- is 1101 c It n' rap!! prlMMlAntif, t il,ll !I AVM Mill: for under, the litibtiltaa• of Mr. latudis. I,t will busby - hied iutu sinalllots, with roads located to Sc. . ctimmodate 611—thi, surveyor !snow busy at this work --Seed nil pinichtisers will lie required to billed neat - con, fOrtable honSes, and eittier fence their lots ha uniformity, or agree to live without fencm which would It prefera-. Idle, by which means a good popalatlon will he tecured •u-le, will establish clutichea. schools . , stores. mills, ma- - chine eh ups and homes—homes of Aine,riean farmer/A, cur remulect by gardens, orchards, fields and comforts of clv• ilized life., - - - i If .anylnoel front anyderaneement of Vastness:it desir .'oni of ellion4ng hie lawsuits for lift; (WWII° Is fruit any cause desirous to :hula new location .and cheap home in the roan try 'cid who may read and believe whit we.have tinily stated." IP Will di, well to gel and see forhiniselfichaf nifty be seen:. . itnln a two hours ride of Pitilitdcbthia.• •' • ••,ri • SOLON 1{0111311 , 03:. . . faer 1911,4 nre tlu prince of pur,tes: Their excellent surpnra any. enthartlc we posses.;. They nrc wil,l,bot very certain and effectual In theltnition on the I,4 wehi, Which makes them invaluable to us la time daily trentinina ordbwri4e. ' ' - • Ilea.lathe; Slcls Ileiadache; Foul Stomach. Franr nr.iDbriird Ilny 1, lfaliiatnre.• 11.1.11 Sno.'Atmti I eannot„mumer you what cont. pl milS I Rame rurril, wi th yofii. better thou to .rny ill that :re errr trent trittrn purgatire fardiefne. I place great depeudenne ou Mk effectual catlmrtie In my daily control with ilisrate;a:td bcllevlug no I do that your Pills uffentua the beat we have, I of course value theta highly. Thrt - rsnutta, Pa., .3tey , 'nit. J. C. Arrtt. Sir:l bnre bnt: repnatraty rtire , l of tin• i[o[4t &int hr Ijvy lxnly caul:are, Ly n down nr two of roar •JA sivunk to &rine froth afoul ntouluelt, rlworse I~t oiler. . , YourA rink glints [expect,. - P.D. W. Intr.111:1•:; Clerk of Sle,inter Clartva. Eilljous Dioot•ders . —Ltver Compinints. i Front Pr. 774orThre Bett;iff York City. , . , Not mitre= your ,Pills nfludrahly adapted to their put , profo as au nperieut, bat 1 rind their beneficial effeets upon the 'Liver very in:irked ludevil.".lltcy have in toy Iw:so t-Irv' proved more. eirertual for the cure of bilious corn , pbtints ti t an tiny ouq remedy I can mention.' I sincerely rejoice that WO have fit length:A purgative nutlet. I. war: 111ythe Founded= of the profession and tint wept', /WW. ItT3II;NT(W VIZ bittfitton, •. . . IVashitigtoir, 11.C:',7111 Feb., 15•5 , ... SIR: I have need your Misfit! my general and hospital practiee ever slime you made them, awl do not ill,ll;ttv to savAiwy fire the best rntilnrtie we employ. Their rgu. action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they arc an'afinfirable remedy for derangements , or that organ..- Indeed, Ilia= pelrloillyound a cai• of billifni diAeose so obstinnte that It slid norreatitly ski) to them: Frat=nally yatirS, ALONZOARAI.I, ' M. D., r.busidan of the.Mar44elluvilitC • .. . . . ~, -- ....- ~ Dysentery, Dlarrhour, Itelax,lvorms.s . Wm FILLER. Tlnilakti, Jan. 24 From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago, - tour Pills !ince had a link: trial 'wine prailiee, and hold them la Oideem as one'or the best - nivel - halt." I hare ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver 1ii14.11 them an eiirellent 'roulette, when given in small 110. es roc bitifnis rty*entery mid' thamber.a. Their migar.eenting makes them very ilocrptable and convenient ter the use of Nrintion and elillaren. . - Frem Rer. J. V. Rims; Prilatorvirdslrent Church, Boston. tort.AT Fitt IA have need *our lillaarlth extraordinary, .ancoess In my fluullyand among.lll4o VII enlia{ to clam in ',clientele, mmt,, late 'the ormitni-of ,111,4,stiOn and ~ putify the blood, theyare thetrery,beet. remedy. I have ever known; and. I:can oontidently recommend them to my Parade:- Yottra,.. ; V.itll3l}lB. . -, -IrAmaNtlf,„.Virromlng C. 0., Oct. 21, 1F.11.5. p,r..ttiStu:Tatunaing - your Cathartic Villa lu my prac tice, and ilud them an excellent purptice to cleanse the ayatern audpUrifif the rOUllictillai tlyr Id ood. 30113: C. MEACII Alf, 3f.D. .Coriatlriation, - „Coatlviertese, Suppress tin, ltheturtattsna Gent,. rieuralg/ta,, Dropsy,. Paralysis, Flts t 'etc, From Dr. J. P. raoghng.3Tontreal, ourthe TOO much cannot be Patriot')'f OF cure o f. eostireniss. If others of our Itaternity have [mind theta RA efficacious as I have, they slionld join me in pro'claim inisit for the hen'eflt of the multitudes who . Huffer front that complaint, which, although bad enough in ittwlf, is the nriim. miter of wirers • that are worer. •11 believe ens, tii•eurs.: to originate In tint liver, but your Pills affect that organ mid cure the klisease. Prom kr:. E. SltiarkPAysiciiin and 21Ildolte, Bostmt. I find ate or two large"dosea Of your lll's, taken at fife proper time, are excellent prOmothes of :the. maitre( secrelret when wholly or partiallv stqressed and also artssaxe somfara na exph worms.. They are 40 much the hest physic we have that I recom mend no other to toy patients. • Pmm the Lee. Dr. lhockes, of the Milhodisf Ellis. Church. Prl-ASKT llousv,'Saymniab, (la., Jan. et, Isll 110KORRI) SIR: I, should be ungrateful for the relief your RUB has brought me if I d 1 not report my ease td you. A cold settlisi In my limbs and . brought on ex orneladng scum/oh:pains, tiltielt ended - In chronic rit:ts: manna. • Notwithstanding I hail the beet of the Ilisease grew wore, anti Worse, until by tiM vtee of your exeelleut agent. in :Baltimore, Dr. Mackeitzie,4 tried your Pula. Their effects were slow, but Pule. Ity per. Severing In the use of them, I am now entirely wesl. SEXATZ„,Clittsitiett, Baton R0uge,1.a.,5 Dtt Anat.: I bare been entirely eared, by - your fills 'of.fehermuttledoitt-a-paLuful disease that lout afflicted one for yeara. . VINCENT SLIDELL. I)iBPAT~ n ! Ate' irS' CATHARTIC PILLS. A• a. Vainlly Physic; From CartaTight,,ticio.Oriorns Dkaliptila,':luipnirity of the - owl 3lost of the rills!- in market- contain 31erctity, which, although n valuable remedy is Rkllful hands, Is dangerous in a public pill,trom the dreadfulconsequences thnt rmjuently follow its h‘pantious use. These contain ne mercury or mineral substance whatever., • ecre.2s - cents per Box, or 'S Boxes for 51. • rrapsra, by. Dr: J. C. AYEII, dt. Cd., zowen,ifiss: .r Aut., noel '1 urrull;.Noutiol-e: CUorti. 1 . 1,11. n DOndair ; t. 4. wi.lier. Auburn ('Loire. n 1.4 1 dtnlers and.Aruggistp evorsujicre. , ocB7 cw 1 1 1 XXX:f: 4rt.EBT 4V.AfL:t7E33I3 ur - RUNE/ IT' MISERY Juit PuUlehed in a ed 1;:nrelope; J'rice • A . 1,",14 - 11Y DILICCISERWKI.L I •on the Oilisti And care of , Spertnn tor Thom, Constnimtion, Mental acid Physten llebiltty. Net, eusnesS, EpilepsY ed Nutiition of the body: fineeltufte ; Weakness, of the limbs and the-hack; indisposition; loss of meniorv: aversion to societv ;love of solitude : timidity : self-dis trust : headache : ;dim:thins (tithe eyei plm- Idea on the Bice ; InvOlnittary - entissions.,and sexual in canaelt v tonsegnences of youthful indiscrct g-. 5 .-t h i. admirable lecture:clearly proves that the above ennnnierated. often self-afilieted. evils Inas he re moved without mi , ilicine And wlfoottrsureleal operatio ns and should be rend by, oveiy youth and every maa in the land. Sent tinder sent o any Add ress.ln n plain sealed en vel hue_ on the receipt of six cents. or two no-race, Qtamps, by addressing DR. C 11.0; f. C.. gLINB. , 121' Bowery New York. Plistlinx..4sS4l. srpiIINOER'S 6 00 4 , \, 6 , 4 6 ' 6 %.1 0 ° /VMS Delicious Tonic Stimulant. Espectally dcitgued for the nse of the Medical Profession and the Family. burin! µpereeded" the to culled ••Clitts,'."?‘ Aromatic." '• 31..tlicated," " Schnapps," etc., is now en horsed by nil the prominent physicians, chemists null eon. I.o7,lll , bt:Urd, as Pi/KM!i•killg nil lilo*4 INTRINaIC Medicinal qqunlitien ttonic and diuretic) which betty% to an OLD and PURE tlpi." Pitt wart bottles and sold by all Drug. ghat und Oreeers,e.te. M. 1.111`.:1 :SUE [Established la 1118.1 ' Sole Proprietors.. oc No:19 Broad Street. N. Far ratio at-Turret:l'a Drug Store. ]luutrbse, IT. - A k ; INiS TAR AND WO3O NAPTHA PLiTSVIDAt.AIt, Ie lhe best 3Tediefne in Me world for the creqf Conghs and Colds * Croup, 'Bran - Otitis. Asthma,.Difficalt Breathing, t Palpitation of the Heart. Irm• the retie oppatiente in'adnaented elopes of Consumption together with allAiseasee of the Thrclot and Chestann which predispose to Consumption. It alloeka 4,,1e root of, dietam-and inakeJ theft,' destroyer succumb to iteinituence. ltal.oprndu ceis fret e)piitoration, h indureehralthy action L, theregard 3fuonne Membrane and lissuean It i pee6lis'y ada s pted *tithe radical e-re of A-411MA. - One time eats in. - nbtala Sr trril Om airra flue andronae4nentlyeleep, which the porticrdnr • nalnee of the dit,ao denim.- It ie-trypteneant • to the 14 , (e.and prompt in ite rfte , ... Try it if be conrinced that it to inraluable in the cure of Etr es S. ffeel firm.% hire Prepared only by .7)r. A. ik9P—VIVRI.V. and *4lO , w e n , C0.,Y.. tr, corner tlfb. and POPLAR streetk, .PhilatTa. lti. rem unit in Noninve eldiZi _Oho) AREG TUR BELL Itrumiii, . 3EC.eircHsen.e. v .. '-.- TE Best I Sinarliet, esnitantirOn bind: and at al low a price so It can be obtained of any Dealer fienterober • • Tr rettr, Ding: Mote. .. t .1• _ :tTst,ablitted. in Pi tttburih in 1840 `Cotlege• iu the Maim, C0w,b4.14. by 44 Prai:tieal Mel'ehont • riven 0600 Student. , hive attended . ft front .Thirty different States.. Four Sliver - licOls have teen warded Systvni of Book Keeping . ; and the new eirmilarjusti'4lll.(l itolltaltl 4 llitter, from etudent,plu Phil-. adelphnt, Baltimore. St Lout.. Clueinontkete.,.Prov tog it to he the he,t known. NINE Fired Prentittni..Were re cently awd :tied the 'Penmanship of Wm.II. DUFF, who with his :0,.-ociate - Profceaor; C. C.-Cochran; art:undoubt edly t he Poet penmen in ittrpte. Edition of Duffs Book Keeping pott paid, V. 70 Doff and Bitrkan's Gems of Petunnneldn. . • , 5.1 ,0 Doff and Duncan's New School Copy Borikp, 6 No's. 64 For +runoff eof Duff Coehritif Itustnet. mul Ornamen tal Penanat with the new circularof 61pages.Inclope • ,f.l 1-ehrte inl:vtamps to nov 43 7 k• - ND • p politur.irE - FARM - lA:cps Fmk • tiALFtlwenty-ewo tnifes,Sonth of .Philadelphlit. in, the t;:interll State_ of he F.Jl4t Beat climate nod location, for tnarket,li In the Union. - fSeevolvilrtieement of Vineland.) !, • •- - Unquestionably the heSt Sustained Work of the. kind in the Wozid." • M ____ • • h• NEW MONT'iILY MAGAZINE. The voliMie* hound ettitelit me of ihenteolves a llsrary of atiecelliueone rood ing :t eannot he fonial In the. 'lame eiintintes lit any other.pubileation that boo come an ,tor our tioefee.- : ;(lh,itiin coo ri or. The'i nfk polialatZlottlbly tin the world.--(N. Y.• Ob.. ' We mai refer interior nt etiliigy to lite WAIF tone apd _ variedtrihrlletiven of 11.;thikrf s 3ImiNZINE—tr journal, wftli a mai:1011r eirtailattoti of Mutat , 1711,000,topier—ID who,: let,4la , are to be ram of the atoioo,,,it light anti general reading .or flit. day ; :We 'Teak Cotthlt. w ork :t>• nu eettlitnee of the American People; and {lie popular hue aelptired : Eath :Number enotalita - rally 144 pi ic4iis or reatlitii; mart or, appropriately ilititra; I ' 4 with ;40 0 1 1 Wood-ewe; and it combiner in it.eit rice nuotthly tool tlin more- phflurtgthtrnl 9. l nrterty.„ blended riiitit the , beet fenturtie of the ditib i loorrint- • It % lot. gre:4 fakeer lit the dl- , etilluittitot of we of puru litoratureir-TiteliNert's Guide to Antertean Lltetill tire, - No'Matfiteitit• iu Europe or America i, nu Well known; louto hal. quit:iv many redden.: mid e may- eat', ly etty, noire hae itieleetr aolarytt rt'll'lhtl!tt or whiltration from the fW?Ivl red ehtesee, dint aellor in a healthy. fliVer.l- 11V11. Inca periodical likratinG ll Itt the fOremoot MaimeittiOr the day. - 'rho ttre , itle never hint it more de lightful Nimpantart: nor the - taltlion more enterprising frainti,hif 3t .tu Harper's i g a2tim,Uterhodixt Protestant. • -• - . - - ii l'i It 1 S . ," ''.- ... ~ The 3lnimnilioniay benignity(' (ifilookselliirs, Period. len nuimit. or trout the Publisher's. at Traits; Dot.t.ann at year, nr T NO:TV-FIVE l'i:stx a Nuinher: The rend.annn -0 y o lurril, . nweonip).4.eit,i neatly humid in, cloth. • ore avid „ t Two Dollars each' niul niuslln'rovers are Mim i-bed- to • k.hmc who wish their back slumbers uniformly bound. nii.g:i cents each.- , Tu enty.three VollitheS are - now read y hound in cloth. and also In hnIT enir. ' - The IM fishers will stipple ilpeelnien Nambein' gran R - onny to gentit and Pont masters. and u makelll liberal il l, nerangem lite with them Ric circulating thy 3ingazine.— They wllfidno supply Clubs ol To o Per,nil sat Fl ye. DO , . tort a yea;r:nr Five Persons at . Ten Tiollarss.. Clergyman. and 'Pereltpre supplied at Two thulium n year. , Harper** aganue rind Harper's Weekly. one year. $4. The itisgashie weighs over ‘syven.. rind not over eight ounces, Tile postage on Mich number, n hich Must he paid quarterly, in advance rat the office where thellaga zing is retnved, rt Three Cents. . lIAIIPEIt .k niconiti us. ' il . . Franklin Squire, Ni . t. York. I: , Administrators! Not Joe. AyQT,ICIP.Is hereby plreete all persona hushed deminds nen hot the - est:dent Michael Kane. late ef Chorontd. ternttehtp: deeen4ed;-that the same must he presented to lite uUde.rshmed for settlement, and a I reersone. i Miehted . Vasniad ellatE aro requested to make Immedlatetayment. Cheeenut,.A et , . 4, 'CZ. rtamr Xs wr,. Ihn. - F. DUFF k SON'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers