PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. • 1 , F 1i„1 , ,,,- : f iz,.p., ,f 110 • Semite mud- limso: .-,1 lerp,,v , nt rtim ,, : — Si;ice ..p)ur last 1 tunitia assetithiim..., nnuther se r o f ! w idth :ant limailitlit litti.v:4l't lia.i past- ; and Wyk. it; has a .1-I.le.ise,l2ht: A:mi.:ivy fo liktts.tei with Ow return ..f pe:Me, we wan hat. prem.' mt. gaideil hV the Itesilighet4., witty givt. us, tilts; lag tti.t: iii 'H w_g is ua oti,kl tiro . atd wise way all wiil yet be wril, .• ' ‘ min FoRNIGN •RELATIoNs! - , The corrt , sl)oiidepee a~f lire, w:tich ' has t;ikell. vtavir thiring tli last Par; iN herewith inonitted, in virtu . the cnikure_of cortiaml cotton:Meets,. and 1 al colllpthinct. wilt a request to that eflec : which s itliclutle's a part of Virginia, part of; made by the • House 1,1 I epreseill like : Tennessee, all Of Kentucky, oiii,l n di a n a ,•l near the close ( . 0! the last session Of not : Michigan, Wisconsin, Llinois,. Missouri, 1 gress. If the condition of our ridatiotni 'Kansas, loara, Minnesota, and the, terri wit h other nations is less !trritifyiOg thatt tories of liaeottili,. - Nebraska and part of . iv h as ns ua l v . le e n at former' periOds,-il is Colorado, already has about ten minima I certainly utor,•:,oi-shio,ry than - al nation of people, and. will have fitty millions So utiliapini distrac;ed'as wc art might , within fitty year*, if not preveoted by any reas.nialny•i:re ;IpprehNided: I ; political telly .or . mistake: It contains lii the month of .Tyre lsst there .were ; more than-one-third Of the country own s,-ott, grooutis:o trx.p?rt t hat the timitiiiii •ed b 2 .,: 'tlie :United Stiles, eeitab i ly m o r e p owers ‘chicii, ai the begining of hur do; i than a million of square mites., One-half uestic dif fi culties, so unwisely mi t • ; :ts i ,opithis.. • MassachuSetts 'already is, necessarily, as we thick, recognize the int -,ii would have more than - seventy-five mil 7 surgents as a helligerent - i3ower, would Pions "of people. A glance at :the mapl -soon recede from that position, which haS l shows.that, territorily speaking, it is the proved only less injurious to thetuselvek ; great body of the republic.' 'The other than to our country ,: .. , I - I parts are but marginal borders to the mag- But the temporary reverSes whiih after. i nificent region sloping , west frotn the ward befel.the National arths, anti which] Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, being the 'Were exaggerated- by our owe Idisleial , deepest and also the richest in undevehip. citizens abroad, have hitherto ;delayed led resources; ':. ~• . - that act of simple justice. The •ciktil war, 1 In the prOductions of provisions; grain; which has so radically changed, lfor the. !grasses and all which proceed from them, moment, the occupations and habits of the !this'grcat interior region is tiatufa y one American peopleJnis necossarily diStorbed !,er - the most. important in the would. A the social cotulitioh, :OA affected fiver • ' glance at the statistics of the small propor deeply the prosperity of the nations [wit i ', tion of the region *which has yet been which we have carried Ott 'a cotniaerce. 'f.brought into cultivation, also the large that has been steadily inert:asing thrtingli-! and rapidly increasing amount of its pro-- out a period of half a century. It has - at 1 ductS,-. will OverWhelni us with the magui -the saute time excited political . a rations. ' tude of the prospect presented. And yet and apprehension:-which have p odueed : this - -re.gion .has no sea-coast— isle .no a protoutol agitation through tue ririliieo oce:ur any Where. As part of one nation world. In ilits untisnalagitationiwttiliave ; its people new find and may lerever .find forborne f,-oni taking pail, in acv I 00:141 . 6- i their way to.Europe,bY New York; ti! $. versy between foceign States and lmt,Woen ; Aiuerica and Africa by -New Orle:taii,'and parties or factions ill sushi Stateiii I__ k ito Asia by San Francisco; but separate • .We have'attetnpted no propa4andistri, and acknowledged no revolution 7, but w have 'eft to every nation the exultt~ite enrol et and nianagerntalt of its ;own- af fairs. - -Our strug-gle hos been, of contk , e eon to:111)1:0(A Lv fureign isatitifis %lib refer ence (Iwo merits than ,tnii posetl and often exaggerated .01;frts unit 1 1 1 • t • wary-egnenet%4 1 , 10z.10Z to t lose! o thetti.etv.t. Nevertheless, entnpitunt nit 1 1 1" part or (hit: Government, ttven - ifit were jutd,,w‘gild certainly be tin ; • Paetrttatvwith Great lint - ail' I for the stppreA:not tie Stace. ! rade 1/4:e1) pu into i,i,e:atiisll with .1 pr4c-et tif complete smov- , ..i. flll -tit•CW:1011 of Spve,/11 p te37 , llre :whim whttige that ibe execution of it .on the park of itek Alajoi!- ty's Gioveniment, has been ,narked with jealona respect. for The authority of tke United Siatealuid the right#Oftheir tn(A.: al and 10. ut citizens. The cotiven,Oon with .HPlnovi.ti, for the `vied of the SCitit duts, has been.pai'• tied into rtfeet under . the :tut of- Congt eat.; for that purpose. .• • I - I.NADEQNATZ REMEDY. , On the '.2tl, day (,:f September last, 'a Ai rocaania.toil was - issued by the !EXeedi,- tive, :t copy ill ttZilch Is : Herdvita sidunit tte i. The ace,SlNiallt.l. wlLit the -pinps,se expressed w the set:mot:it:in/graph of the riper, Ino .v respectfully recall your at ten .0 to I may be ealkd "; Coin % peu-o.ted Entat ei;a I. n.„ A nation m.y ue . s.u,l V. tgrratiry, its. petrwe and. its !arcs. Tint •i territory , is.the tnq rail which ht of - eet- ; tai.. " One generation passe* away, and ttuotlier generation !coined), bootie earth atii.leth tOrever." It is of the first imp o rtance to duly consider and estimate this ever-enduring, part. That portion' Of the eartifsurfittie whicit- i s owned mill inhatiiied by tfie people of the United ritates' is well adapt ed to be the home of one initialed family, . and it is not well adapted for i!wolor more. It- , vast eXit.:ll,, au.i its variety of clfinate and prodac: i toio. ale of ad vantagli in this age for ore poo;t1e, t;itaterer night have i,e.v in :ureter ages. • 'pi earn, telegraidis and intelligence bait: brought these to be 'an' advailtagettint combination for ! one united peOple. ! In the inaugural address I .brielly i pointed out the toal inadequacy. of Disunion as'a 'remedy for the : differences . bet Ween the people of the two. sections. I did, so in language which I daunt 'improve, and therefore, I beg to repeat : " tine section of our country believ'es slayery is riOt and ought to be extended : uiffile the other believes it is wrong, aOd .otrit not to be extended. This is. the only. substantial dispute. Tbe.!!fugitive slaV4 - clause tit the ! Constitution and the law for the suppression of the foreign slave trade, are each as well!enforce!!, perhaps„ its any lairs eau ever; be in a •community where the moral- sense of the people imperfectly supports the law itself. The great body of the ,people abide by the dry Fegal obligation in both cases, and a few litral ci,•er - in YilCh. - ' Till's, I - think ' th"lr 'YOrl moment. ufuhil'af cc or pi Atilit., . 3 _Jai .:. ; Staten. ' Contiot be. perteetl y i . cured,. and it would ~ _ •..'. ; • "Give us a rebel victory, let our arm!, i , le worse in both eases after the serra- Disci:its - Los OF 'ME ABOLITION SCHEME. he destroyed;' Maryland oemitiereil,Wash- 1 .1 tun) •of the' seething then diefOr . e. The 1 ' ''' •] • ' ! ington captured, the President-exiled, and ' 1 begiudelgenee to diseitss these itre' for o• slave' , trade, now • idiperfectly I:the Government destroyed; give us these eie." d articles at some lentrth Without .f• Fu tvouldlise .nitintateiy i reviVed P °se i- . . • =., ' - .!,and any other calamities that can•resnit w o e j slavery for abolitionists] the rebellion ne- • without restrictioni in one section, from defeat). arid:ruin, Sooner than arvicto: • : - ..21f/RRORS, sir- t v•r . weuld have existed, without slaver' fugitiv • slaves,. now' only partially ry with MCClellao as General." - WEV.Z) 0 fir , ./1 E'D PICTURE G. it could noteontinue. . . - ' s-endered, would not ..1)e surrepered • 4it 2 { or: arTie s i . After thtf .utterance of Allis .damnable' k • , I • Among the friends of the 'l.7nion the LITHOGRAPHS, .; all by the other. Physically; pea 11 g, ;. . • • -, treason, Lila ehief.editor continues to hold - ' • .is great diversity of sentiment and polie --I VARNIS HES, • BIRD-- we cannot sejtarate. We canniti remove :. - a fat - office iinder-Liecoln ! ' • ' in regand, to shivery and the lAfriean „rail- - - . . - SPECTACLES,' our respectite sections Pont earn other, i ~ c • B. : amongst-res. .. Some .would . ITrpetttate slit- WHIPS, if; LASHES, ;'• - B nor build ittilia...atihle walls liettei..eit thein. .. -NoneL but-abolitionists are considered very ;, some. would abolish it, suddenlY, I • _. A husbaaol emd .wif• may- lie idivorei4 to be trulyjloyal by this' administration or - : GUNS, P15T.0,.. .1 and r , „,„ .01 the I. „. e ,, e ,, i i, ey , ( ,o ll .:.and ii'ithout compensation ,sonie,.• world , ' •ri--• -- - K•aufheCY of General 'Dickson. - - 1 its piny. But a inajoritv of the people' . the reach•Lif eseh: other, but the 1 different '4'l'h it gradually, and With . eompeu - , , Said the old' here to a friend at the filet- .. : despiseihial test and its authors, and-have A.IIIIC 'e s .l,T 10 -i i 1 tiim ; ‘ some , rertiove the treed people frit n parts ofour .country c:inot do . this• They'a preference for,the constitutional basis. ~ .• . • ~, , us, and saintwould retain them with us, , tuitage, a short time before his death : . TOIINCCO. kannot but, reinttin since to face,' and in- - ' and there are •et other miner diversities oTi hI; ;‘; ,steroourse--ei!liet amicable or I hostile- 1 -• 3 . • r.' 1' ' - 1 " 2 -"iit•-•n Oart,'. is n disloyal org, •.- I. have bat one word more, my friends, , - • •lIIRDICAL é SURGICAL huierumenk. * it ,-,-,,,,.. i Because of these diversities V.' w•ege anizatiim. -It! pretended lore fOrfreedoin to say : it, Is• to advise. you, while your - 'lkar I • ; t - moat eontintie b2'4ween them. , . .cans nothing: more nor less than civil soldieni .. -' '' - BA L7' "'" moth strength in atriugglec amon g our- ' tr 'Notc - of DiSsolution. •- , - - . 'd . - Hibielhell,.to makes that natereAturse Mitre': selves. By mutual tstpees. non we sh. 'war and ili4solution of - -the-trnion• - Ibin.. .ttild i 'l. f i L j tei e a Ur G t.... urril -- , . T " he iT tata fta ine b4l o will be ll li een v I wi edt il tre . ls ~ • :Avant: ••• •ons or wore Sat iSlat..-Crry after ; that the war 14 prottecuted for . its troper UhrBRELLA S. . I ,i . -hurinonize• and act' This'ewould : est • men• of 4,11.-tarties should ; t'epurittlion then before? ea/ obeits muse - . together., .1 14 . .I . . uni t e to ex- objee' ts-tbe preservatiop•Of tits ' Union , Inbacrlbers. wha continue the business under the firm , be clanprotrose, but it: 'would .be among pose their intentions and arie. , t their Pio:, and the Constitutinti, and the maintenance 1 La :Te e s:tett, July t sft' l a.t il ssr .--isy ßca ! rril ' ium• "°' ''' ' POR CEL A I.1r; ESTI!, tre:Lli••l3 easier then:fitiendui,'. Can make ' iiiiihroily . the friends . and not 'with the enemies of gross,. [They 'are ,] . • 'l ' 1 • • ~ " . ' . . , i . • , . . ~.. t a l tik ri g g i ,:t 6 a o il ti p f ; y l n e e t i ca l r v tl! Y t fi l t :' e i e:t , e y ri r (t .n e t ;i l i t i no:ie to i f o r i . 11 : 4 l e of tore r n e e 4 e i t y i b e e e e , laws'? can treaties he more, tof your nationality - . and your rig its as ! • - C „f,,,,,..,1 1 ,,,, „„,,,,, a km. ea ilws , i i i the Uililin. These artieles are intetnied i Time has proven, that the old ' veteran lumens !-Alc(f/d/urt's SpereVat Tqnten. . TEE OFFICIAL *WAR MAP. I • _ artumg" Suplwav you go to war. • than 1. . . ', to embody . a p i l s a la n n w o in f l a r t i l le ch ad m i n q i i . t u t a 4l l , c i .t i n i t s e n e4.;- ,,! ai kn m e u w t. pretty clearly what .he was talking 1 ---_ - 1---- - - ---- --- "ig" - ' . • ' , ,'. • ' H i p 4 ii i i il ii, d 1 Arr - ' 1; - - 1- . Thomas, Je ff erson ' s D og uto. , . tar - • 'f' , t.'n' -" it"ry M o p tp fis e re'al and sninuantial conithrts of life. You cannot t4tlit always. and *hen, after ions.. If tite . ~ , • w „i.l, 1„,,•,„ 4 ,„ t„,,.1, sitte , , and im i•• gain na umed,thaconiitteipation would follow, sit , . —._:......., _____' _, , . • ..1 fit Southern staters. • . . ; -The -attni ion of the public fistres )ect fti,,V ior de.. to my stock of Geoldsi bought l tither, yLa i v:we fighting, the' idtntibil ' least. in several of thegtates. " Fteodoin of itelicsitet - Freedoni of the ! :1' er4rThe white paper we nisi tide, week I nest. a r o pregAona of Person . und‘r pro- , 11' ney,. engraved iniae Finest style-sauna maninsT it - . . . s satue.anulmnt •of ; t eet ion of the • tire* nu recent and ouch valuable tecteconcerning afilhe exclusively • for CAR.. now'!)',' . Al , . - ` • • i Ail tO the first sirtiele,' ihe 1113111 TIOIIIIB ' ~_ 0 1 4 1 ques t t oo to lo t erupt or ittkervoirse.are 2 .him the r• H'ih'"'" 4 : ! ‘"P 4 ''s And Trial hi1 . . 1 . Ratimuuts. that the war Dep..rtment temonstetsauther- ,' ' ' , . an'T will -e 9, togoctspteoissag ~ gold no the R 7111113 principle for lOtiv mines. •AII3EL- TURRELL. a.....i....., us. • are-first the• eulancipation ; secondly, , coat $ 5 • 6 • 0 ilu'ri',.. l . ~ .. 'I, 'I R . t e ' o lh' o f time fit ? 091..41m1nat jug , it, ; a' better article, a short time Fiore.The '1 j.ur9 Spain iinPiiili"). selec e l s ed .ies:te T da h t " i . ,s t i :t:• P e r • i n ti m ei t: ' , . I. : e4 a H l - t i t, t ts t . r. n .t , b r; : e t ic4' l): l :77 i ir jrn m d s ea F• th ribi sti w4 ssus - th'fitres ss bfiletel. I ' .. .. i• L MU tinnenue gum Colonels atm.+ Annv ntrFicut„T.tss or sge,i,a. ATT ,,,, T . .. : I 2- ... , RELL , . iturl y nievtlt years, and thirdly; ' the coal- , dealer of whom 'we bon . glit thiityr,..!e ns a •Ii )1 ". 11 flinn . t P" 11 . 1 7' - ' llll- • . .Mt crone, t on re - IN :in Cl- gal a,. d mu , hotrod: l. l ..,. i .. ~ ...iyhie and Authentic. and 'from itn large c - •. '' week after afire was pwi.ilflize•l* itol wore •-,' - '''' . „ I nize-t2 ti, .1., incren--,lionri at ii &nee the Principle lAtont.rost. Aril Ist uttl* .. il , There is tit• line, .t!"711 }II i.ri .. 1• ,,i - ,l i 01 ' •)-11:40.1".tt , , : .. (, . • J . . ' "4-, 1. ' `" i •-itrt ) ttkt till! tl,_, , tt Of 'n- aid I:it:lama. ! }lace,. and all'Stritteglc Pointe-. .Geni McClellan .iii•iitc• ' •• • -''' - .. hen flarK •I•co that it was then w wt.' • -11 '1 - -T . 1 '-- , ,1 A "-j tall. -41 C• , U/ 4,110 M fit ' our 8. 30"' 4 3 ' 1 ' °IC ;,. "Lit."';: i : d tlit t i rd ly th e l Orrli t k i r Il la rtre 6e ert h ly il it t r t h o il tU m nii ° e 3 'e e t m e P ti u 'l l it .'-. --------7.-- 1--- 5348 1 ) 1 e 14 a triti••. - 111 l. , :i_i:rld..Y',. insui The e mancipation will be unhatisfact•Jty A: l 3;EL TUB which t‘t ilikille. Irace throti.cli fovea ;,,, tt,e advocateN,ol rrpetual shivery . , lui , .." hi g h' - e*,:. p . r;e: ., .. - non „ . .‘,-- , • tn:.• d,led cpr ' blood ad' wig heroc.silc•ve la•en devoted to ' infcrior maps, in citithereie $1.51) Pi;svat ' asi - 1 , bare •. . 3 .- 1 , . - n . ' li - i -tel on ner,4ln. the .itr an nitnd nn :• rs ts rer'..ll•,. Itrtalllc. OIL for _,..11, orl I't . n 1 Do our ' their -at . ... 0 inier0 . .. ,. ...icy . ci•011 • ! b it tilt!, and V 9 rniiitie•U.g.2,so.,... , Sent f p., t. yrn tit o n rat;elnt. tif ~ .1 - I.Chwer It l'itch -03. red sir. alianTmc f ,744. bi .g. east !''' vr lsl - Ill"! the li'll -, I . i'oi. l'•'"'ll-st 1 10 the 11e41.11 Of tione should greatly mitigate, • • - • - r.,...!,, annl ~,. 1 :0,,. ewinitv. :vet we ~ 1 1., 1 , ~..,, ~. . , . ...... L. , • „ r' "'' "" ' eir disca•ictst. ion. The nine .sees 9 bu i lt ~, . creed: ot uqr.p011t.11.34/ filth,. the text of", , Frs.... , NIILLN P. nAzAizp,' , - I , ,nvt,n .hroi , yd I ,, rilidot.'"'Elfri El(91 . 1 ,an 4 s' it loch- 'more .1 hat) one.t bird it,„ length 'ate - tace6 'l'ronithe evil* . of Fit )dernm, , e' - , readers suppos.e that with ss.,. in :r weelr-•01-• • Air yp - or szo. - 1.34 Cbe*tnut Street'. Piallndelpliti. i Tarieir.4r4ll: - 4 . 4 ay.., P it in othd mom ,. ai ' ) ' d .„, otellipnt man went., the UST ended. evtions et iit:itv of P trait idadini ni p.a. ~i riVers e:lsy to be ero=sed, aninopwate.l. ' nom.. in' latti fr;on - ' the iteLieSsity or. ally did -to our weekly outlay it) the sitigle. i t e m t i i ` i ' il , v , in i l t , "' . " 4 ; L : .. ii ",,!'" ti'''''ll2lll.}lB'`'ne' by wi . ,' ieh i ; ,1y MICA!, 41% or 'cp . make moue ripidlk es, ii. , in - o. t,mse ii' trim.- •ri - * -- 1 ' - • • ,• 1 ' .i • .-' YsP !I I 1 .1, e 14' T . I : . ii : .1 rr vi ''1r C0 4:1111 1111na7,,,..7 , .!7 , 7,..,, ' , ' or soon to be populated. thickly upon ( I, 72 "; : figeom ni; t ibile Moat or tho - re V. of p t ite,r; see can aend 't them =s tt . paper nt ft .,. s ° hifi l ild a --- :. ' ia --- 1. - 11 - 4 4 ....r from tinln:in . lll ' oi ' ilel;n: ' se * niug thk. •' . ~,. - -, both shies; 'While nearly all its teinaletng; jit44 ;l l course o f Jtotorlit'will be disturb4d f 1 t•• f * ' ' i BAKER'S'COMPOUND '' , D •- • len.rtli are merely surveyor's lilies, lines '1 s•-•••;t11'. - - 'll'l►av ' passed airily 'Ow price on Credit•? .. ‘ NO . hittger; 'gents; . o alarm,.e , us hasten loTet : raue , (Aril:steps ~ . - , •ij . 4.,,meaore, wi i e• a , you must pay - $1.50 in tulTance-;-or snow :. and to -re, 44 , s 4 tin • the , rultd,:*litch o nlone le•i11111 ,• ~. .. - theatior, lily accurintil arc lei With thy' over Which people may: Walk .back and before itis eoheerainatien . They will hes, • - L. -- • s , 1 - foruttioneilt..,. All perique indebted w ill A l f . .: , , . .1 to P.,..wee ~tbcrty, sta,l.Safet),' i A ~—wirof,Dp4atur, for del nanai by: , estuswithent aday, : • , ... _ : , ~ forth without' any aoasepy4sneiive their e 7 e el/ h, • • • ~ :I after Jsuitisry lot. • ~- - - • I•••isProtra. ,, t worm% w..9,t05t, • u• - I . t ' t.. .-., , .- . , ... - ~ , . _. . its place.- Bet" there. is . anot her difficulty: i .. •Atiethei class Will , hail Iligr'frospetit'of- .: ir-*Z 7 ':4 J I tO I ) PF; 4 - 0 .k 4. t '. 49 !4rktglkr9. l o; 7. !.. pr..seneo. ..g,o pet of . this line can be : emancipatitni,lint will deprecate the lengih tired froth poi*m, in-the hospital at" Alex. „ . . . made any atore : Aifrwilit hi, pass hy writing 'of time. They' will feel ,that it, •gireii - tul andria, last • SVeek. Among-Ahem, we're it demo-on paper or .parchnient as a na 7 , little to the now liV:illg stases:. ' Mit rehlly three sant:tot George • G a t eta , Of Dimock—' tional hMitolary. -.•- -.• . ~ - •,, tif gives them much. It, Ares them, froM 4 . T .., .••'.. • 1 , . • • „norwin,..o4etson, and Albert. • 140. partieu- The f u n pf separation, if it comes, givka , the va4rint destitution which must biro.-- •- r. up,on -the part. of -the. seeeding . . sect 49 Iv attend immediate emancipation 'filmed._ lare of-the sad alf, the fugitive' slave - slanse alOng with :ill ities where their.nlimbers are very great,' other Constitutional obligations.upon see- ' audit gives the inspiring assniance that .iir. , • = , • •:: tioits seceded from, While I should, expect : their'po4erity shall be, tt o:...tliyulmiou would ever be made to take' - The grJat interior reigiOn, bounded east by:the-Alleghenies, north by the British jj tn i v in t is: west by ',the lioeky 'Noun tan:A, and titolth by the line along which our common country into two nations as designated hy"the present rebellion, mid any "Man 'of this great ffiterior region is thereby cut off from some one or more of the outlets, not by a - physical barrier, but by emh:frra,ling, and oneromt trade regu lations, and this is true wherever advan tage 4 bon - 11(1aq line may be fixed. - Illade it between the now free and slave country, or phute ii south of Kent ucky,tir . .... n,ir 1 lfl;K:f,lA. !1. i . kainlall, a iG. ill. Nicholscui, S. S. Bin' aliamton College. north of Oh i o, .ind still tht, truth remains.. winc hi n g ,. ,,, 1 ,-, ‘,..,,. . .„ , . -, .. tz , C. /I. ~11KMati, r..-q s, ittiti that none south of it 'thin - trade to ally •f deli others, fl•oni Luzern'', Cotraty will be pros ' Y I"'" ''''" " e " ho g n t o att e ell the p )11 or place tit kr:11 of i it, except , nista magrhaoluntiLoinmervial (74,11e , rt!, would terns_ dictated by:: goVerilment foreign • emit on the occasion.l • ' - ! heal. of something of itratuibals . :valtie, by to th em. . These, ()inlets; toist, west -and i A full attendance from the Democrats - calling upon or arldr&sing the editor of south, are hidispeusable to the weq - beillt; ' .of this county is desired, and a ti )Vii is this paper. .iTh , ise.wiShing to attend any, of the p;tople' inhabittlig and to. inhabit • this vast interior region. No'heli of, the : , i expected . in the evf' „i.e... Able and el,. similar institutior„ may: save , money as' titres . my , be•the beat is no peoper Ties- , q 1) , i .. . • iient.s eakers Will Iddreas the meeting, above. : . 4w don; - all are better than either, and ad ,of ' and a . "good time" 10 anticipated. :There I itarlf aa j, make. a aeria a a ton a l , i n right belong . to that people and to their .- should be a turn outs from each township , . , supportin g that when ge . nend . trade. i sact it . successors forever. ' frue to themselv • they will not ask f s where a line oefiata etsi A Word . to Ottr Subscribing . - . • I 'tit less prtifitable-toadvertise,tban during i ' tion shut!, a t e -,. but w I ill vow rather that The he a vy a n d eo t'tia tte d increase in th e a prevalent nosh of httsinepti. Theexpe- . , there, shalt be tiosin-li line. Nor are the 1. cost °fa ll printing it aterials renders some - rienee which seems to - colarm such an o. marginal regioni less interested in the' dec i ded IV_ nog pinion, has eonte from the attempt to lima rellirmationitraces - sary. . e communication to rind through - them to . the adverustay. by the trade. When busi , the _rent outsides . They, too, amid make the following announcement of the , .nets fills off throughout. the market,those each of ;hem mm it :base access to tins E. subseription rates it be observed. Mai/ ' will) take that oppomunity to increase Opt of the west, Without paying toll fOr the first of January gait: - 'their advertising always secure; by this the erossiter of 3llV nal 10141 .61t1.1liry 1 ," 11 Ser. 1 1 . : li 4 rli , ill advance., $1.50 , Inean. 4 , more than their lortiiira r yp:cy. r- AugNmilisTs To THE CONSTITUTION Pao-, • 4. not • p lid - , ri ad vance,„:s2 00 tit the public patronage; •while those Those indebted fi - O. t . e or imire years, MO -it afraid th:u it will too pay, are left to surges thel consequent loss through such .efo who settle is re .litnitary Ist, and pay a n eglect. • ' year:ia - ..i , lva - ice--t,llllll. I+t 18131 , will he . ..7 - I pt RD. n Ohr imionalnira. springs not . front onr_ pr•r i n ane nt pa..t; h film' the land we in- . habit, Inn from tYlIk lo wiliest end. The re poik-11.1- NV% erinu: rho, ;mt. tranhi multiply and not .-tnitivite !tubing Its. -In all its 'adaptation and attitudes, it demands Union and abhors separation; in • fol. it would ere long entbree ie-Anion • however .much of blood and treasure the 'separation may hate Bost. Our strait) per- • tains to ourselves—to the passing genera lion . tion of 'den and it CAP; wit hunt conenl ').ion,,be crushed forever,wtth the passing of one,genenstion. In this view I recorn. • mend the ailoption of the following mso--. _ • lutions; and. articles, amendatory to the the O: nun ifittion of the United St at es: • ResOlved, By the Satiate .and Bonn - of 'Reprenenta , • tie.e of the ruited States of Atn - enica in Con p.m, a.• nembled.two-third. of both. Hun nee coneurrine. that the t.llowing articles be: prnpoeed to the Legislature or I Conventions, of the several Staten. an ameedmeutii to the Conntitntion of the United Statue. all or any of-which articles. 'when ratified by three.tourthe of the Leginla tom or Conventions, to be voted as pert or parts of said t'onetitution. Ant le —. Every State wherein slavery now exints, , which all a abolish the same litany time or times before the nest day. of January, In -the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred. ' , hall receive compensation, from the United States as follows, to Wit:: I The President o(the United States shall deliver to ev.. cry stictiState bonda.of the United States, bearing int erest et the rate of dollar(' for race 'slave • "hewn to have been therein by the eighth trIISUP of United Ste. ' said bonds to be delivered to each State by instalments or In one parcel, at the completion of the. aboliehment, accordingly an the name *hall have been gradual. or at i one time. within suchlitate ; and interest Shall begin to run npatittny such bond, Only from the proper time of ;• its delivery as aforesaid. Any State 'having received I bonds an afcreessid, and afterwards - reintroducing or tel -1 eroding slavery Iberia. shall refund to the United States ; the bonds so received, or the value there f and interest paid thereon. ' Ankle All slaves whit shalt have enjoyed actual ' freedom by the chances of theevar e st any time before the end of the'rebellion, shall be forever free. but all owners ; of *net who guilt not have.heen disloyal. ehall be coin : pensated for them at the same rate rate en is provided. for States adopting the abollehment of elavcry, but in. *itch a way that no slave shall be twice acconnted for. Article —,`Congrenn May appropriate money and other wine provide for colonlegg free colored pettmes, with' - ----•-. - place - places without the U. Ventrost ptmotrat. d. .r.•GETtitITSON, - Editor. C4 '' ‘e&re47, boa;, 1r1;56 2 THE UNION AS IT WAS; Before abolition. secession, etc:, disturbed its hammy THE CONSTITUTION AS IT IS; Enforced and respected •In sections of the co tn try. A DEMOCRATIC JUBILEE AND. MASS MEETING,: . . THE DENI . OOHATS 14, Susquehanna and I:4erne Countieti Willeelebrate the tinitni, victories, in this ilistliet and elsewhere, at ,Montrose, on Friday,,Deeeniber 26th, '62. Dinner will be • oared at the lie-ystone _ Hotel, at three n'elook, in the afternoon.; and a mass ineetini will be held at the Court house in the ,4%,-ening, eniumeneing at half iiast..six trelnek... How. Cn.tRLFS 1:/ENISON, Member of o.tigress cb Hoq. - C. Wiight, Sanderson, E. 'Chase, ;T. 8..,51 ark, and I). R• " Q i. "7 4 L "' ''' " il-kr y.. - Thom. who { _owe for more than ‘ne year can 02.. , between settlitig wi h us, or with a legal gentleman who will iexactthe extra 50'cts a year, mileage, etc.i,etv., etc. His work to eottunnice . with ..t, unary. , Frites after January Ist, will he!reghlated as all.other branches of - trade afe--bythe necessities of the time. Ratelilire upward]. The aboye'rates intuit 'be enforCed, in t we eantinot deviatel therefrom without 11 loss, Of course, ali our friends—those who really desire tolsuppOrt it Democratic Press; will comply with our terms. ialr Our readers: will remember that Congresslnot long ago, and after secession had done its work, 'unanimously "Evolved, That neither' the Congress Of the Vatted States, nor the people or governments of the tion•elave ho'lding States have the Censtitutional right to legislate upon. or Interfere with. slavery In any of the slave-hold ins States in the Union."Sharman's resolution, passed Feb. 11th, 1861. Will the same men now sre-affirm this important fact ? • Let us see. Grow is death on old resolutions and may call this one -up • tar - Evans & Allen, at Binghamton, are receiving their linliday Goods—choice jewelry, gold and silvar ware, etc. That is the plane to buy,i , as they have no real rival in that region Give them a Read theirne* ruic, nett week. ; It is announced that,poor Lincoln, is determined to make-an arbitrary test among the employees of the government. Absolute endOriement of al/ his political notions is to be enforced. Of course be will bave:a rush of cravencreatures who will swallow anything if wrapped - .well in greenbacks, but tli people ' will impatient ly .awalt another, chatted :to vote against the . executive that ,fetailti cheap jokes and afkilition chimeras.' • - . IllanaohuketU Puritanic 11lusaaehusett s always boast ed of her superior virtue, and, the DOM forts of heicdrumon people—especially „,„ ver the piior thAiased_southern•folks.. Let us see about the facts, . Troia the seism tables Of 1850 we find that 31assachusett s with.% population Of 994414; had • 15,777 paupers, and 7,250 erioilnala - per year.--,' .MississippL(wilere delpdedPuritatts are taught to believe that poor, ...depraved, with a-p6Pulation of 006,520, had but 200 paupers, and only 51 critiiinals in a year! Massachusetts hits a pauper to every 83 persons ;,.MitPlissippi has one to ev ery- 2,333 persons -- or pau pers are 37 tunes More numerous, in pro portion to the - vihole numberrof. inhabi tants iu the great state of freedom than where slavery prevails! 'Massachusetts has a erigiinal to every_ 137 persons; Miss. has a criminal to every 41,893 ; - showing that crimitialii :ire proportionately 87 times more: numerOus_in "Virtuous New Eng land," than in the "wicked region" where darkies' work; .but do not vote. Tribune *copy and hoWl. - * .* VEg7Sitice the breaking out of the we'offere'd to donate the greater patt of the pay for all official printing that might be given to this paper, for the relief of our sicK.4m 3 wounded' soldiers. - In sPite of—perl i tps in consequence of— this offer, more than usual pains are taken by. our intenselyllov al and patriotic officials, both enmity and . federnh to withhold every item from us-even to the appeals. from assess- Meets, and election proclamation. What beautiful`' no-party" times One hundred bushels - of Buckwheat and Oats wanted within two weeks, on account, at this (office. Those. owing us on old accounts, notes, or judgments,. can semi us square top and,paT for the Democrat a year in adVance, and thus save a harder way of settleinent. .1 • err AN— - Half Notes for Change, The prj,ijce of entti.., Mod, Notes in having 'become common, the tollpwine letter, in reply to inquiries, may be interestitoz.: IPrrrs.roy, Nov. 15th, 1862. 11, C. TTRER., Esq —DEAR SIR : Your favor of the 12111 just. rec'd. We will re-; deem our one dollar notes, matched or unmatched ; nothing,",hoWever, leSs than halfnotes. ;Respectfully yours, T. F. ATHERTON, Cashier. MantanOs.—The . Arabia, off cape Race,' isa• the important intelli gence than England England • declines .to unite with France in the -offer of mediation in the American war, and that Russia .has also declitied,to be a party to such oiler. —The President. has made a proclama tion against! swearing. We would res pectfully stiggost in behalf of frsil human ity that elm rulers gite us less occasion fork n future.—Su says an abolition jour nal. - -There are many complaints that the pay of soldiers is kept back from them.— Some haie three to six months' pay dtie; .while other have been paid nothing since enlisting. Incapacity, iaefficiencMishon esty. Pay and .rations are drawn by the managers for.thousands who are dead or discharged,lYet they don't pay all who are in service.lThe money is stolen and kept for speculation. • - lar"The Chicago Tnbune, a Lincoltqn‘ olition organ some time before, the battle . ' Antictini, declared 13.'0_00 REBELS, AIMED . 'SPittslottn-t..b, NbV. 29.=—General Blunt,`with 5,i)00 Federal soldiers, attack. ed slid routed 'B'ooo rebels under Gen,. Martuadulte f at `Cone on' the .20th inst. - • . •." - . Sixty rebels' were. killettin.. the engage: ment, and - the balance driven itome. twelve miles. Gen. Vint tlegraphs - that the 'rebels badly whipped; and will not probably yen turn. north of the Boston tiorintaltuf again this winter„and as they have ,coastuned all the- subsistence iu the Valley 4. the ArliatisaS, they. must 800 U retreat into. . . • NEW Tiitss,.: Nov. 28.—The. Deina crate to4lay. lace carried their Aicket at our charter election bpa;:average ruajori -ty of 500. . - - —The Calveston News - of the .'ith infant tiays Houston wade a secession spec cb in Brenham, Texas, lately. - -The Georgia. Leghslatitra passed a law. recently forL.obstructing.- all the navigable stream in .the state, appropriat. ing tire' hundred-theuiand.dollars for that purpose. ' . ,•-.•. •• . SINGER & CO.'S LETTER' "A" FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, • WITH ALL THE Azawrzlicrsovmarzs,.. As the beat and cheapest and most Scintilla-ern Sewing" Machines. This machine will sew. from the running. of s. fuck in Tarletsu to the maidng of PM Over coat—anything from Pilot or Beam Cloth'down to the softent Gansu or Gossamer Tianne.and in ever ready to do work to perfection. it cad fell;hem. bind. gather,tnck, quilradd haa's tuipacity for a gr.teit variety of ornamental work. Thin in 'not the only machine that can fell, hem. bind, and too forth, but it x3ll do'sn.better than any other machine. The Letter ”A" Family Sewing Machine may he bad Ina greatrariety of cabinet cases. The Folding Cane, which is now becoming 40 popular. Is wits name implies, one that can be folded into a box or vise. which When opeded,makes a beautiful, substantiaLand spacious table for the work to rent upon, The case, areof every imaginable design—plain as the wood grew in Its nstlye forest., oral elaborately finished as art can make thein. . The branch offices are all well supplied with silk, twist, thread. needle,: oil. etc.. of the very bentekality ; Send for, a coyly rf"SINOXR.& C0..11 GAZ IMT C.' • t I. M. SIN fIE & CO.; Broadway, Vlr•Phllad'elphia Office. Aln Chestnut:street. READ, WATROCS £ FOSTER, Agents Ir &tenth:int. ~:AR.RIgGU~~. In •Soutli - Bridgewnter, Nor. 26th; by Rev. J. F. Deans, Mi. JosiitrA.-PErns and Miss TZUPEIthiCE !FAscuk:ri, both cif Bridgewater. aaszas. . . In North Bridgewater, _Sepf. Emu D. KRATOR.,' daughter of Peter and Lucy Neater', deceased, in the 11th year of her age. • . Also,. in the same pinee, Pct. 12th, CLA RISSA 31 KEATOR, of Peter and Lucy Kent or, aged 14 yeari and 3 n v - Also, in the same place, Mr. 'lmam Scum uncle mid . guardian of the above named children, m the 59th year af' his .age. On the 25th of Augio last, the three persons here named, all of (11*f:tini ly, Were wi m lling, 'usual health.. How Adfor eible tbeonition,_ Boot not thqsigkt of tomiorronr; for thaw knOweist noivhat Irdny nuir bring forth." . Prov. 27; • Auditor's Notice. F. WIIIPPLE, I In the Coact of,Com.Pleita ' - Sosbnehanna County. II Scott and Albert Capron No: April Term,. lufn. FrLIE auditor appointed by the Court, to report at. J. train:km of. tue fa tl ariiinit from the Stteritre In the above entitled tube. will attend the dated of his appointment 9n tiatorday. the oath dee of December. 'SU, at oae..A;iork, p. nt die office in ifoutruee,-at'which time all personelaterested will present taeir claims, or be lower debarred froaa eumi og in.upon aald fund. nor.IS 4w . Win. J. TUIIIIIILL, Auditor. Auditor B 9 Notice. , • , J. 11. Rasa, . /.. in Comtann;Pleaa of Stiiefa Co. vs.., iberilPaoa a Of personal proporty . A. B: lininsi. . or den:ado:at.' /ITC undo:Mined an nailitch ap p oint e d to dinribote IL ELe inoney in Court In this case. wi El hear ad peroons ' - Intera,ted la the-fond at iiir afficii in Llontrore.ouS.ttor ' ha; Qazesalier 40th, 13 , 12, Ai _VILS tei6ttiLU :Xi... Ai/Jet; bt, debarred Boit' iniiinuad. , W. Li:JD:it:4UP. ' nov2s .ta , - Auditor. • • - Attiitor's Notice. • t• Is the matter of the settlement of I . ln the Orphans Court the e•tate of OerratiStone.decd; •of lauscpie Couhty. Henjam in Glidden, Admini.r. r. n.3l.Mig. T. INJ. Exceptions to the account of the Administrator, &c. . firtHE auditor in the above. case. will hear the parties interested at tun office iu Montrose. on•Priday, the 11th d...y utDecember, apt at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. n0v2.1 4w TCREELL, Auditor. Auditor's . Notice. • In the matter of the distribution of the fund in the 'hands of the Administrator of James W. Truesdell,dec'd.-- AB undersigned having been appointed by the Orplac an* Court of the county of Susquehanna. au-auditor to di.tribute "aid fond, will meet the parties interested in the same, at his office in Montrose on Saturday the 4th day of January, 1863, at 1 o'clock V. m.; at which time and place all persons having clainunpon said fund will present them or be forever debarred. dad 1w J. B. 3fcCOLLIIM, Auditor. ERIE RAILWAY. CHANGE Or 1101111S,"commeneing Monday. Nov. 17; UNA • Trail:m*lll 'elan Great Bezel at admit the fol. lowing hours, 4; a.: wEstwiliztot'Nit. I No. 1. Buffalo Ex. 3.00 p.m. No. 8. 1:41 sm. No. L. Mail at 4:Vi N 0.17. Vita•Frert, 1:90p.M. N0..21,.1103Md'n.1017 Moe. 9 and 4 run everrday. No.i 6 runs Sunday., but does not run Monday.: No. 3 of Eatardars. rune thro' to Burrito. bat does nut run to Dankirk. 'So. 5 remains over night it Elmira. CRAB MINOT. Gen. Supt. • 1 2 1,31121.1CI"INVALWC1101111 To England, kolalid and Scotland. • A 'MADAM HEWS SON'S DRAFTS. In sums' of one pound and uliarsiras, payable :in all the principal towns otEngland. Ireland and Scotland,for sale by W 31.11. COOPER...A Co.. Romans, Co.. Montrose, Ea. • Administrator!' Notici. - NOTICE is herebY given to all persons having de mends airalnet the estate of .l/OttEli TRITESDELL, deed. late of Llbeity townthtp, that the came rdnet be presented to the nodereigned for 'ettlement.'anet all per dons indebted to said estate are reqnested to =Aye AM• mediate payment. WILLARD TRUESiSELL, 1. - Oct 2s , 1862. R. A. TRUESDELL, I'l m ri• Adminisirator's .Noti r ce. -A LL persons Indebted to the eittAeofJohn O'finghlan Jail late of.Rusquehanrut Depot boil:), deceased, are here by requested to make Immediate payment.rnd all persons hatin: claims against said asta te will present them forth with to MARY O'LADIMILAN, Susq's Depot, October 2lst, Mm's: ~idministratrix Notice. 100TICEr1s hereby . givento sill:onions hawing demands 1.11 against the taste of William Apwley;late of Franklin township. deceased, that the same must be presented to the undersigned for settlement. agd all persontehidehted to said rAtate are requested to make:lmmediate pa'irnent. Franklin, Atte4,16412, JAISX POW LEY, Ad't. GREAT. COIIIIIIOTIOIN DRY GOODS, sr . JOHN -BULL Threatens -WAR UNCLE WHIMS FM 0311,ittUberg . ,110SCRWOI.k.61 DOATCSciaI:CS; has pot ns uSinni_guain.and we have)ately laid in a larks *tone. which anatite• as to offer, to nor contention.. coot . on equally an good tams as bluntly, considering titian rise.. o.3lttlentierg,- 'll6teuinuil ktit._, • ' AT Montrose, Susi:fa - County, Pa:, . Elmira . New-York; . • .• Susquehanna Depot,. Pa.' • OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK We ore determined no, to he outdone, eltberinmrices or qiialitiv , .—and we- will endeavor to gist, our 'Cnakenierr ail postale eatisfaction. • .l- CLOTHING: • Ih thie branch onr st °chip complete, nrd will be Aold lower. and, more lametbily antelled than any rone,boree toitainklunent.'orany tour•burre concern this; aide of-1N...] To* City. Is able to offer orproduce. We am inure the paNle *eon constantly rap:97 the best cetten and workmen to Make up otir stock. IWO/meats made to order fI.• • On Onteneront notice, 1121rA Cloctilt vranAntedoi ao Niels, F-URNISHING - GOODS. A Great Steele ixnatantlgkt•pf, aid sold,loorr:patn the loft e,t nt 6nitrnb. Itembanut Cto's Muntrost. January Ist. 18.414. I PITA Now offers one,of the laist: 6, and best selectipAs td" • • • •" : Ever offered- in Suspielianna_Conil y, and 1 EltTY'ori=tr'llillertni ;irtre: b. .it Store hi the NOrtliern 'part .of itsylva. Dia, and perliapf the entire Stti e. Au assortmentis kept in about thin differ ent branches of trade, and the selections are inacle_from abolit, forty of the -hest Mouses in Neil- York, and*.more han fif ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New. Yotk. large proportion of the, • Good are brbught direct from thaManufaeturerei, thus insuring-genuine articles. custom `ere on entering the Store twist ns, expect to find everythingin sight, but ne. rly ev cry article wanted will be'prod. cadby - Sgme Idea oFtlie Stock ay be. formed by the following general but enumeration DR UZ'S . .AND .11 - EDICKNES.;: _ , PAINTS AND 01, • DYE S OR OCERIES, F.ASTWAIM BOUND. 2.N.Y.Exprealtog No. 4,;Night'apresa3:o2 a.m No. o,Steamboat 6 ' 8:05-p.m No 20 Way Freight,2:llo GLASS-WARE, ' WALL and WINDOW APER, JEWELRY , . • - ' • . SILVER-.WARE, - • -PERFUMERY:, FANCY GOODS, • ir JrusleAL INSTRUMENTS, . - • - - ,BIaISRES AMERICAN POCKET KNIkES, ,2'ABLE CUTLERY: anJ SIL irEll PLATED. LAMPS,,MrfrA'RIALS for LI fIARDWARN,* -* BRP.caltris, H • ~ • D - RY .00 ' PDS; - D "tlcie SO DOES 1 4 11 E. FIRli OY Tut CERTAIN• RISE;i LIQUORS, • CROC NEW FIRM. BA:LD*IrI & 'MJLEN SUCCF4.4OI:O TO BP.A'T , ' .. gr CO it, , - Vndar Montrose Democrat G,Sce, IZE itEcuvrNo - .Fresh Vireatornraurt svcry &CP - d3r...%h1c , y vritrn, t evp sat UM RS ilia 111 Ullititet; RI act gtruareliirami.: at uar . Foed, and Buckiriteat SALT AN D P-OR K BY -VIII: LOAD; - .lL,utram (, 4 1-vuND. BAxs,-(su g ur . Curd] Dried Boot', • - . . . - Smolrod Drips and SyitipS,%. Molasses and . TEAS, COPE.6I:, SPICES, . - 0 0 VS: S,. whlch vie orcr formed ja L L::xr, far ITEADT t/NAT. Ja:y 33ETIaL. s, Dost't tter. tie. it:sr a: • Id "REACT ill Sitli, NEW Ou:van:l To.u.s . c. sw,lroo it; 4A.Tithd Fust“e, arc bpurly seen ras:voi.i.alaratt t. 4 ths -HEAD. QF NAVIGATION, - AS inir to be.plipontal fhien the ' , ..tnlce Ind eI4CMIIiTS ealecuun to be found IT TYLER'S . STORE: e...,t ..ment Qf Tz•ry ckp•Cogass beat 'yr al:, u.i.dar for . • Vlz.: A ruldlOc Skint, f 7', rt .. .1 , •e, Cotta, and Tobacco,-; WOrd.filre 011,11,1[71111te.-1,114 ire Tak ;It rr .1, Ugh the two thousand Jt:Gne thin:psuf e. fag supply 1, kept cup,tahtly at ihq town. t tinuation tall% ea:;,e-t!v th:AN•cl. and If there r.•:, , 5 any so 01l nthrtnnAto, 111/' 1:111V.!:/,,:inj Tut place, you: friend mighbur vr:ti 32• A tot • FIRST STORE BELOW TAKEELL'S HOTEL, . . fl e. 9 na pppoeite 'th . 7t here STI per eel?. haz br. We are l!ott.d Vo*,et o1,:e live—and live. your Latt , :r (ist+,llye Cott,. Corn, aod mO6l avill:litg WilGt. ma . ge : . AT: TYLER'S . STORM. . ti. B. Plealse do is't lresro the aht se metsti , :ned at homy. for our role won't ht to ,"• till s come up &Valls." Shakers--A - new lay: white anu. rolored, just_opmed.; LAMAS of all kirida. 3nd Evinzs forq , rainz I.7. , :rr•oirtte COW rr':uly and tery eh. :sp. -' Bo! hen ..r dayilgnt: alt. rn..h lin/1,1114FM - S;•rr.r, Aistnanttue audT:lll,ivr d t C.1.91tr!)0 . y up • {^A no* ikepplv of o r • CAPS: 1i TS sti , ,Efi.Stutot and \Voodon Trrnow.,. and lira..l Y.nlignn Notion -A. Per:anie • as,d . Toilet Oixtin ur CA:'111...di1.t1 . ': 4 ,-1. • thiug• tp nye, ,tt 4 . ! of . ) , 11. I,iuydOwu, as the • nom"_` F.l to . 7 0 /5 .1 il? trt: Tar:, on term.. and ingtilr... ro:11 1:04e. Poi C.l/1 ilr Moia.roec t ac ° - ! u f BOYD & WO(YDRITP TiN&SPEEI-IfifiliSii rgermt.coff O di°92bFFLw24o The. CARPEWIT:WI% Basin " =AZ r3E =Tatra= IY 'tire lonv_rotrt,tv::*? en tad geze:tl es:son:sem ct iIISMCM - Zll3 of tbt most approdpat• toms; 5t0t14.:.-101Lorcisrazu st all lands. Vanier/1' Tadl9 cc Lin Mads. 11;111, Preen Ware, laysaned zc, Placa Dn Wra-I:4,:ths best lacteriaL raintg! Offs, GISI£3; t 2 1:"..:7i • 67:d 'Se«, Pturg. Lead. Pipe:Lompit, Bird Cie:, uc.. ctt, • lii,, a Csi. , oi Basil; fur Lzie. C:wither the piece. Ccl e;.l cc.c r e t 1O•21) de WriOntRVFIP. !.!-24 • 4 Terrea S. A. r0G:..1.LT.:71.. PIKE 3 E E PEES I rr:Ptio -- L= LaTco Lines of MC I'S Conquered and Reduced! . • • • .NE % t it.Al4 LORD, is reteising, for Spring supplies, new arrSidrge stocks of • CHOICE. . DRY GOODS, GItOCERWS, • CLLOQKERY, • HARDWARE, STOVES; I la:::Kr LE NAILS, PAINTS, 'LAMP, AND - LINS.EF.D OILS, BEN2OLE, • *-• CAR,PETIIs.7IGS, - • ; FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, • - WALL Paper,-Wintiow'SHADES; • lIATS and CAPS,. BOOTS,stnd SHOES, • 'CLOCKS, - &C., 1;C: Inolneling, as Usual, full varterltsf of the most' pojicase - . . LADIES' DRESS GOODS, • SHAWLS, " • BONNETS, RIBONS, FLOWERS,' C., &C., &C., • • which he will cell an' the roost issirible fent& for CASH, PR.ODC:CE, 'S, IUFFS • • .or to • • . PROMPT TIME . BITTEIIS •- k Elfintei Salt; eqnstaiitig on hatd WARE, t HTS, r4OES, 'looms Is;: J. , 8. HAZLETON,. ilmbrotkpa and Photoiraphic 'Artist, Montrose, Pa. - Irirri , tli•cP tnkas t ell kl . nds, In the beet etile of the Art. uctlo HUHU UNIVERSITY, THE wilt TRIMS of thfil Instittition Win earamem , e OR Wedneade)'. September . ..d. The errand term cn - Wecinmeirie,tec h. Tieenteber ;id; /nd the third tenet , of Wed < rmidnr.lirattuary tech. 1..13. . . . . TLITIO.V.--Cornmon Sratebca, tachldlng Vocalism.- c ,00 Nat#relPhlleaechi,Cheills ll 7- Phiatalogy and 1....,k -I't4SVISOZ- • ~"4,00. Altetiis,Geometryrad Anclare-ntrill; b CO• rieneh.4 6,00 Mualc en Flino. iintli the War!, neer,,o* itut;in 1,..Pt. ' 1,63 .. Evr•u?e. 'fo C. , .itntlxt toot - . I ; Rood Ire teem • t. e tr' , ,rf.or..l is (am Imbed. with.x. icokirgstOle, hu1.,..q41....... had t.l.lkir. . . . 11..;:it. it.on. remmenre st t• reel;tek en Monday, am.l. c i.i.t far tho wook It flOOl on Etttr.443Py. . . . . Tr., ~ ...•I.tPX OtCrUiliellll.7o, the felicm:Ttpt ,!,,n;!;;;: everitng. !Awe It; the ,s:.ttet:Cll . TGC.M. , I,Vedr).,1 , li. Sie' , AktllZ Shit Comecs!tt7m. . T,:t,:rtv. 1. , ..-:-tr, •vittt a z TpCrt=leMti to VillU.'4l Tb:. • io.p:,,,na . C - e.em i.trt. .. Friday, (;anew.:L;tl - :, fle " " - • ' Thu. 'ant ill.tflia lo tan:1;10e with an.apperatne in 11:ter' tote the ne nci plea of Vetiral•Philesophy sod Ch , natt !TT. and aikelttea and laps to ald to the atudy . of PLYI/4 ,2 a. .- _ • .-- -. . - ittarltxrd, 4114. St, ‘7•61:3; onrce6n fn raler fere rd roll) and . COBB. ert 11311 ry 3.:lll,acre rJr.7l.N.ivt t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers