The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 02, 1862, Image 2

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. ~ . . .
A Fine Projett,Spoiledv . .
. 1 - What Stops t.he Anny....
A. - W*lington correspondent. of the f From the artnpneirs we publish this
Worid safe: ,- ' 1 morning it will be e,etin that the only rea- !
, .
"The last - " sensation" In this sensa- ! son for General Burtud4e's long delay op-;
tional, capital is the pretnature• explosion ! posite'Freriericksburd is theitteffteigneyof :
of a very brilliant plot—ti} wirem couttiiv. !the War Departnient tit Washington. I
tii yet remains to. be. seen—for itupt..iiing , .i 'The army supplies are not' for Warded in
the lawful inauguration of Horatio. Set..i season, and General Burnside fled:: it'as
toottras Governor of New York, and for i impossth:e to move as did Gen. McClei
the establishment over the state a prof-it" 1 lan wilier similar cirnmatanees. But how
ional military authoritv.. The pretext on iis it tt:ei.,:ue army can move so rapidly
which tins-grand in{,veinent eras to hinge 1 with hoi, a twentieth part of the , inilita.ry i
was „alleged disceVcryof au elaborate ~reso.irce.i ,that arc at the command of our 1
Petnoeratie" conspiracy against the gov. ! government, may bei asked. • Partly be-1
,ernment at NV.ashington; in the manner„ eanse Generals Lee and Jackson'are in a
and style of that fiiiistrions order the : friendiy country, but Itnainly because the;
"Knights of the Golden Cirele.l! Rirlic- powers at WO:mond have ibrains aad et:-'
Mons as such a story may appear to.your 1 ergy while -these ht Wphington. have
readers, I hay,• ri•ason to bedeVe that the' : 1, ei11 ,,- - liad Gen. Burtthide been prop
project of inakinz it 11 . 1C:basis of an at- , e..iy Supported be ought by this time to
tempt to tratup:e limier fo6t. tiro :State ; havelteached Hanover Stintaion, but the
logs and Constitution of New Ydrk has I utter want of system and foresight which
; .- ea ',!; j , .been entertainc.,i. here by pi o pl e 1 reva.ii:s in the War Department haveik ho
s ought to have known better. , i orou'ght; tun and:his fine army 26a stand.
—.... , ,-..5......--------- j,PI 01 On tili!, rortli hulk of . the Rappatran-
How the Setrets - Leak Out,
pressitt-again cornpiaining, that all
lac ,t..eractits PI or.r army are known to
tht' inmost as s=cion as titer'' are tic
tormirre.i at the Wnr Weil, who
ii to 1)::m . ,o hat the anti the rI-
Itia.shing:ttinl• . don't they
lt!..trf;. i , g keen - sizen ::..ecrtit t 114: 1 InSeireS
Nahhin f,i. them to their triyes
in,4l ria'th-htera anti ti,c sciect cuterit• in
swhie . n tie y That every depart -
nlent Fits rebel snieti and traitors either in_
err:l)l,, , s s - r.n...n: or anjoyingits eontitience,
11;tt; bveea tl•ont beginning; and
while this' continue to be so. the enemy
viii alwarei.e - keet well posted in rettara
tr; op-rati , ms of the army and navy.—
Why is Forne , - : -, .:for instance, -entrusted
wig; sei-rets? It re: I..nt the otl:er,34y
be iniormeii the rebel,: and every nofir cke
movemeia, 1.171 cro, , t4inz thc IZ.appanan-
nock a point t•enne twetav mile - 4
Thia. Ix - Us certainly vnt;ortatit
information. and yet Forney nai not been
,eren censured tor 'a. '
The Government and:lts Generals.
corresponibint of the'
venirpi• in his anxiety to ciear
he f a m e 451 ' 41 pet izetieral, pants the
it awl hissing bri s ulii upon the
brows ofthe i'resident and Uenilral
leek :
'Military here extrcss the
confident opinion that tritimnitantiv sitcAssful before the
conh. which inTfir - es into his ease. lle.
wa‘i removed from comnianii ,ratify
gratify the ropular fueling at the time,
and not. lweause the Pre!.i.iont or General
Iralieck• belleved him_mutitr cif any rais.
So tl-s:n The., President ami General
liallack • femovr -ottieers from high' com
mand not bemse they believe those oe.
oelrstoughi to be =toyed; but simply to
gratify what they Suppose tobe the pope.
lar. feeling! , And these are the men in
whose hands we are asked to leave ,the
nations dearest trust(' the honor of, its
arra and the safety of its array 1— World.
Retaliation Threatened.
"--i7ellerson . Davis has notifieti our author
ides iii Missouri tb,at unless Gen. McNeill
is surrendered LI his governinent, the tirst
ten union cfileers captured hrhis troops
shall beriut to death, in retaliation for
the murder by that commander of ten
"omfederate ettizens" t)f Marion county.
The ciriinnist.ances attending the act of
Gen. 9lt2reili, which has .bronght on this
' result should be generally understood.—
'They were recited in the public press
sometime since, bat failed to command At
tontion, because tier did not etmunand
the beiiei of the lovaipublie. A loyal cit
izen-of Marion Coulty,. Missouri,
peared from his bottle. • He was s u ppos t .l
to have been captured oyntn tiered by .
some guerrillas of that tummy, butlWhat,
actually . became of him rem:tilts o:st
day, far as.. we art , ittibrtned.. a ulz.tter
of uncertainty: b't,:n. on learn (
ing thtr fact that tads citizen itco.tla not bra
found, st•ized ten re-d.ieuts,' of '.l.lari,)n co.,
believed io be gnerrilla , J or sympathizers !
with guerrillas, aud announced that un- 1
less the misting man was produced by- a i
certain day the hostages should be shot.
The mis'sing man, was not produced,
upon the anted day the hostages were
aceoidingly put to death,. • i'liese we
lieve to be .he plain, unvarnished facts of
the es:-,e.
The - Federal Tax.
For the itifurmatiOn of our rertaers we
give a list of-' instrumehts GZ writium re
quiring' stamp; and the antonnt of titi!y - on
tacit. It mint be home in -mind that, the
4,taritp beitin.2:ial; to a particular instru
ment will not 1' rz,-;o:i on any miter in
t-trument aithOugli charged with the saute
amount, of tax.
A stamp Mug -not. be Its'ed 1 • ,, eoria
me under the oenaity.of '*l 000 and Im 7
yrisonnieni, at hard labor, not exceeding
five years,
sunny) duty on a. Prorninisgory rnte
'or draft nut p:i}•ar>ie un remand or at
• .
t 2.0 to $lOO
" 130 "„. 200
"• 200 - " 350 -
'• :••50 " -600
" .5.10 "
" "` /000- ••.
" .I,doo •' /500 • r,
" 1500 " 2500 1 00
" 2300 , 3000 „ 150
EYery tolditional.€l2sno or fraction 100
Bank check or draft at sight 0%4-#204 00
.lort , rage: or Conveyance in trust to be
sold, of any property' or estate, as securi
ty. or bona given as security'for any cer•
tail) itiim of money exceeding .$1045, ain
not exceeding-$5OO, :;604.15.
iCertitleate of stocic • in Incorporated
cornpiniy, , ..o
Marriage and other certificates not Men
.. tioned . above, I 10
Telemraphic liitpatchei not exceeding
20 etsf for first to word., 01
Exeeeditif,• 20 ct 3 for first tenwordsl 03.
Protest of note, • 25,
ig(ar. FYasZEPq ROBlSED.—Serttrai SOS
. ognehanha . township farmers were rObbed
of large quantities of poultry "u &Uneasy
night. 'Whether these Outrages 'were'
committed by soldiers or !'citizens' is not
knOwn... It is -said that Many of theidle
And worthless
a '
And of this city. who
somehOw or other manage to subsist
without work; make nightly foraging ex
peditions to . _ the rttral districts. returning
frith large supplies of poultry and ve,ge,
tables. .ICo doubnitii•li 4)f the plunder
ing attributed . to the soldiers is <pole - by.
this filthy class of our populatiou, tow ra
pidly increasing by daily accessions of
cOntrabands 'from Dixie's .land.--4brris
_ ru:riet.
—Tt is probable that xhirty of tie three
hundred .coudcuulect Minutkot* jodiana
trill be hung.
,1 i: 4_, ..0 .B,' ppt...
n..),.ii', and thave . given the ,rebel all the
tirnel they. needed tobloukotplhe 'new
road to Ririunonti. Let no -bir:blarno
i;en. Burnside tbr a - delay which nt not his
fault,, writ let _those alio - cetisUred Gen.
Meclelian:for his alleged.slownesA renem
her that he had greater eseuses'than his
sucessor.— World. - . -
Plore Blundering.
The government has put its- fOot in it
again. A short titne since, with a. great
flourish of trumpets ; it was announced
that nearly a thousand officers Were to be
dz.smissed from- . the army on as-
count of cowardice, desertion, drunken
in•gs and general inefficiency.- the' first
hat,!h of names : about eighty to al% have
i” , en published, and among them are kr
.erai dead men Who were killed battle,
'while a . number -of others bf a already
been honorably discharged on acnonnt of
w,Amis or Sickness: This shoWs the utter
confusion which }prevails in theimandge
' ment of the war department_ Here are
officers gatetted .cowards or drunkards
w'no were slain* hr battle or incapacitated
hr wourtis from' further. service. It mis,
~lakes of this kind occur in the -ro;1 of otri-
eers, ,
people vrilt, be apt to inquire if t he ree
are,not was. of thousands of titivates on
the:iiay r , )ds who are either aead or dis 7
charged fr" ,, rn tire. arm v. And if so, win.)
tfoeir pay?
rin ISII John Adams wrote_
h let
ter stating te- points of differ
ence lietweqn himself and Thomas Jeffer
son: anki bi's - fourth-point was this—flef
ferson was for liberty and stroirua hair. I
tbilitoht chrled hair' as Reput . ..dicain
.The old Tobn• Adams - men of today
`think 'curled hair the Very Fink of Reputti
cunism f , and they- are following in the
tootrt:eppss'at•Lis reign with Itrtost coat
namlahle patina:4y. - sea • need , net,
enumerate the points cf timfistity. %her
are manifest to every
,eye ssp - eratMg in
the same manner on every heart. And
now, at the very 'first opportun'ty the
people hare_ at tsen in their might,, and
overthrown this curled hair dynasty with
the smite; utter' de4ruction with which
they overthrew that of old John Adams ;
and once more, and we trust forever,
straight hair will reign triumphanE. •
71,10 n. Wm. SaYne,.Goventor of Da
email., and delgate (elect) to Congress
from t lint Territory,arrived in Springfield,
Friday r last having come by way
*?lSt. Paul. 'Gov:Jayne , states .that the,
extent . oft he Indian massact*siiic Minne
sota and Dacotah liar never been fully est
timated. He believes the nuniber of per.
Eons killed, will not fail ftr short of one
thomnd. The massacres extended over
the emmtry between Fort Abercrmithie
and Cm -- ; nortl:ern line .of lowa, a distance
of no; It-44 than two hundred' miles.:
ded bodies of the victims of the massacre
are stii i - beinr , +bund-in the region
Save Rags, Taper Scraps, etc.
Peol should sav• their rags, scraps
I ,„ete., as they are all of value now, and can.
!be sold to advantage. Ifperions through
out the co,kntry were careftil. in the re•
spect. the price of printing paper would
iita measure be kept down. Ploys can
make their holiday iboney by attention to
this-matter.. Old account books, by talc
of the covers, envelopes, 4.t.c.; can be
„sold. This is an important matter.
'lt is remarkable that a - settlement.
ofiQuakers near Mount, Vernon 'has re.
nyneci unmolested during., the entire war,
though - alternately included within -Na ;
ti.inal and rebel lines. :Their semi-weekly.
meetings h: .e been - regularly continued ;
i•Onetimes a'rebel picket pacing in front
oft the building; and perhaps a tnion sen
tinel having tile same beat the next week:
They have remained -tindistut,bed both in
propert2.• and in .person:
jtgr' clergyman, in one of : his set-.
mans exijaimed to his hearers :•" Eterni
tN; ! Why, don't you know the meaning of
that wrrd f•Nor-,1 . eithe;.' 'hardly. it -is
and ever, and five or six everiast
s atop of that. You might pia a row I
of tigr4s* from her to sunset, and it !
wonlden't begin to tell hoW many ages
.Icmg eternity is. Why, my ftiends,•after
n Oitl n s and trillions of years had rolled
away in-eternity. it would be a hundred
ar-1 ,
rears to oreasf:ist time."
. .
$ 05
• 15
A newspaper, in noticini the pre
spntation,of Tsilver cup to a (*temporary
' lie needs, no cup. tie can drink
from any• . vessel that contains liquor,
Ithether the neck of a bottle, the mouth of
i a:demijohn, the spiteof a keg, or the bung
; itail; ofr—barrel.'
d I,
t4r . ~Tohn Jonei has no ,objection to the
her law When-applied !to Jane. Jane
Joiles contends stoutly for - the liquor law,
as applicable to Jelin.. Jane's
. atgurnent
simple and conclusbie. When John
does. liquor, he doei lick her. Therefore,
John can'the won't lick. her—the
_ ,
conclusion she wishes to. reach.
Atir` l If a civil Word- or two will render
4 man happy," asid rrenchman, " he
Must be • • wreteltindeed who will not give.
it. tt, is like lighting another, man's can
dle with Your own, wilich loses none of
its brillianey by whit the other gains.'?•
—lt is a remarkable historical fact,that
the Fugitive Slave I . Aairof 1793—the first
one ever enacted--..wait pesmOci et the in
sinnce of President Washingurn, who, in
Message to Congress, stated' that" the
suggestion was founded on a complaint
frypt the Governinent 45f Permselrania,
ithat a slave had escaped from that State
- into Virifinia—and aliothat it was necessa
, ry to have an act of Congress to give ef
feet to Ithat clause of .the Constitution
whirl) promised 'Such protection, It.pass
ed the rionse'wit,hent - debate, •with only
seven totes against it....two of whom
from thipre StateSt
. —A letter-front- a . correspondent con
tains the following paragraph :—lf the ar
my is not crollingswords•with the enemy
before the ordinary eourse of mail conveys
this letter to ita destiliation, the restion of
the delay will be onlrthat which has
justly given' lien: AleClellin the reputa
tion of iilowness—thefaiiert of person,/ of
ii 7 oshingion to sendfortrard gum thinge
,out which an army. unroof 'mow, ,
Ct.sicmg.vrt, ushers
Nov.ov. 26.—The Pushers
CoUventienveiailnilianapolis• yesterday.
'The press or i tit. Louie, • Chicago,
Loiliavdle, New Albany, Detroit, In
diananglis, were represented.
Resbintions were adopted ,that - an ad
vmlee in the price of newspapers was im
perative, in consequence of the rise in the
price of paper. Aieo, to memorialize Con
°Tess• in relation to certain - ditties which
operate iniarionsly to publishers.
.—ThefCincinpati Enquirer sap that in
all the countie& near the Canada line, to
which encase would be easy, the Deinch
erati have made large gains iu the recent
• • —Hon. Jejui Itut.ehins, member of Con
erre froni die Aidittibula'tliiitriet; Ohro,is
enraged in drafting a' bill, which he in
tends to preient'and support, providing
for-the abrogation of the State . govern
ments of all States in rebellion on the- Ist
of January next. This policy, which 'ap
pears to be a favorite one with;theradicals,
will,_no doubt, occupy a large share - of the
attention of congrees, and-will, probably,
be adopied.
—The °developments" have come to a
stop-imthe matter of the papers forged
upon •tite, Commissary Department, by:
New York •brokers, iii -which 'ease the
alleged criminals' have beensheltered'
from justice, thus screening their official
accomplices, also, froMexposure.
—ln Norwich; Chenango conrity, the
Republicans were hard pushed for votes
at the last election.. There was a • negro •
in jail, charged with rape upon a lady sev
enty years of age.' Ile was bailed
and upon the strength„of a few' acres of
worthless land in Madison county, which ,
he had fallen heir to, swore M his vote for ,
Wadt4orth, Treniain Co. So says the'
Chenango Union; published: at Norwich,',
and the statement is not contradieted..
ll.orrroan, Nov. 24.---The -Democrats
Carried the town election here to-day by
'224 c:ear majority on the first seleettnen; -1
and 400 majority on . collector. The en
tire ticket is elected , for the
first time in the fall t'or over twenty years.
Nortivira.; Nov. the charter
elation to-day the entire Democratic tick
et was elected by, a large majority.
Hatimsnutte., Nov., i 24,
ant-Surgeon, PoliOck 'has been arrested,
charged with issuing fraudulent certiti
! Cates of exemption to drafted men since
he was relieved of nis.duties by Surgeon!
Wilson, appointed for that purpose . by
the qooretary of War.. - .•
—;llbionri, on afnil vete., caste nearly
180,000 ballots ; of these less than 5e,000*
were given to the emancApationiatint the
'meant election, Of the 130,060,wh0 did
not vote or were absent, it is Inseeptible -
, of demonstration that, 100,000 were pro
—The year drawing to's close has been
very trying to newspaper proprietors,- al
though fewer presses have. been suspend
'-e4 than in the year next previous. - When
.the broke out, some thoughtless per
sons-remarked that it would be" a fortune,
to the newspapers ;" but the result heti
shown that it.has required greater sacrifice
of them, without compensation, than of
any other important interest,
—Army shirts are now - given out to sew
ing girls at sixty cents per dozen, and a
smart girl can make only a,dozen per week.
This is too bad'. " ; • •
'—There' is great activity on Governor's '
Island, and stall the fortilicationa in New
York harbor. Immense guns,ammunition,
ece.,lare collected, and preparations are in I
a forward state to meet any probable e.!
merg,ency. • - !
—t.A. telegram from Madison, Wist, an-'
nounced the death of Hon. Luther Han-
chetit, member of Congress, of brain fever.
;The Mississippian is informed that'
" certain arrangements has been effected
between our (rebel) - government and cer
,tain parties of the French, Government
to stlpplY this government und our people
with salt in return for cetton..The French
having secured permission from the Fed
eral authorities at New Orleans to land
the ',salt at Manithae." -
-t-There can be no doubt that the Abo
lition party, which now rules the Presi
dent and the country, is against tlje recon
struction of the Union on any terms; save.
•the conquest of the Southern States, and
the immediate emancipation of , all the
sla i -es. This is apparent from their course
since the war_began.
—The Commissioner on Internal Reve
nue has decided that' all marriage certifi
cates must, hive a ten cent 'stamp upon
them, or-else be decided' invalid, and a
penalty enforced against those not using
them. 7
Fonant braves the indulgence of the
I-country for the shortcomings of the
administration on the 'ground that 'its
time is sofrittered away on petty and
piddling Matters that it cannot give to
.the great interests with Which charg-'
ed the energy- of un'exhansted faeulties.—
This is a most extraordinary apology. for
administrative feebleness, beingi dog - ling
less then an attempt to extenuate imbecili
ty by describing its symptoms.
—Mr. A. L. Pesenden, Of Wisconsin,
was ordered to be released, from the_
military prison in St. Louis, unconditional
ly, ion the 16th instint,"the - charges
against him not baying been sustained.".
The .order for his release arrived at the
prison hospital on the same day of, but a
few hours Subsequent to, his death.
• Another victim to the arbitrary syStein
of Lincoln and Stanton. On whose head
does the blood of this martyr rest ? It
-mica to Heaven for vengeance.
—A dispatch, from Cairo, dated Nov. 29
scats that ," the grand .Army of the South
is all 'in motion.", General Sherm' ati's
army 10t Memphis on Wantsday, and
General Grant,s army left ,struck their
tents-Friday and marched Off on the Hof
,ly Springs :road.. The,reblea are falling
back towards Grenada. -I
Major John M. Pomeroy i has gone to
Fredericksbutg, with half s million of
&bars to pay. the Yost, Set:ond, Third,
Third, Fifth and Eighth Regiments of
Pennsylvania Reserves, and the Eleventh,
Ninetieth. One-hundred-and-twenty-sixth
and 'One-hundred-and-thirty-sixth- Regi-
Meats of Pennsylvania Volunteers..
—Chaplain writing to the
Christian Advocate - , from Warrenton, Va.,
Says : --" The health of the boys is quite
good—.brit the seventh month has com
menced 'since they ,have been paid by
the Government I Too tad ! S 1 hat iw
eonvenicncva we aftaaffer
1- -.-,-It may turn out, when the Viesicent's
motives are fully disclosed, that he with
ivied the pressure of the emancipationists
so long as lie.expeeted the restoration of
the. Union, and that he now finally. and.
' fully glves in to them becatise he has,eeas;ed'
to hopittliat; lie can ever again be one
people.. ' . - -
—The act of the, President, revoldac
the sentence ofileath -against three hund
red Indians in Minnesota, •for complicit'
in the recent murders in - that State, - has ,
araSed the indignation of the ViiiiresOta
people. • - . ~
—The rebels are still busily engaged in thrOliring up 631;4i:irks around Krideri.c.,'
ksburg. A
. body ofjheir cavalry cross e d I
. B,appahaneeck; on. ; Friday and cap :
tured nearley ;nll , of tivo • Penesylvanial
companies of cavalry.
1 —l3y orders from Washington .twelve'
1 state' prisoners were unconditionally let
I loose from the bas,tile on'Thursday.
—Washington letters say the White
I linitse, his expected, will be the-scene of .
; many - brilliant assmbleages Auring e . the
- season. God help -the gay ones at Buell. a
time ; they must out-Tapley Tapley. '.
• —"The bombardment; of Fredericksburg
has been peitponed for good and sufficient
reasons," is the sum ;and - substance of
hews from General Burnside's army.
- -The reported -negotiation'. • between
Democrats in New York and rebels in
Richmond, is a mere_ blind, intended
by the Tribune as an excuse for another
Abolition outrage upon the Coustitution.
After it and its coadjutors agitate this
falsehood fin. a few-weeks, the President
will be in a condition' t, further exactiona
and sign any bill' whiCh, Cony may .
adopt. - .
Two Government Commission Brokers
have been arrested in Nc* York city by
order of the War Department and, sent
to Fort. Lafayette, for buying up claims
against the 'government at an use t rious
discount. • , _
—There is. a. curious surmise that
Minister CattierOn's story of iron -clads;
teitp , built in England to operate against
New' York, and his suggestion that our
harbor needs some better defenses, are
intended' to pave the way tbr somellotiv to
get some large, contracts. We wouldn't
wonder if it were a shrewd suspicion.
—Mrs. President. Lincoln has recently
visited BoStoO and Cambridge. She • ex..
pressed-herself not well pleased with her
visit. The boys in front of the Parker
'House,: where bhe stopped, hurrahed for
-Late West India papers furnish ac
counts of an insurrection .among the free
negroes in the island of St:Vineent, which
led to much excitement and some blood
—Gen. Curtis is said to hate made
million or more of Outten spec
ulation in the Southwest, and hai -beeu
suspended u . l ere some o th er 'patriotic
Abolition p hilanthropist a change to faitir
er bis zest.
.6,-Congreas tnetsin regular. session on
Monday. Unless more wisdom possesses
that body then was developed in the last
session, action may be looked to as a public
c.alatuit,y. _
Republican readers may like the
crack of Col. FouSrEr's whip in the Wash
ington Chronicle, Here it is.
In order to secure a reliable and tmcptes
deniable working majority . in the- next
Congress, it .will' be necessary for the
Republican party to organize -itself
thoroughly, act as a unit, and - never allow
a whisper against the arranged and
e rmined purposes of the party.
—ln two of the towns in New Jersey,
at the - late State election, there Was not
a' Republican vote cast., In one of the
towns 290 votes were east , all Democratic.
'ln the other over 2.50 votes were east,
,also all. Democratic.
—An insurt ace company against
tornadOes has been started in Freeport,
Illinois. The Republican:. party would
do well - to take-some stock in that concern
in view of what is likely to happen to
them in the coming national elections.—
—While the New England States have
been for ton or fillet:it years past,
all sorts of personal liberty hills tio. the I
-111113 Way neoroes of the South, not one'
i. 4 heartlfi.t . the prOtection of the
scores and hundred; - : of free white citizens
who, since the 'administration of Linooln;
Laie been immured in Northern prison-;
without one charge of any crime known to.
the.laws of the land. '
—Brigadier Gen. Frank - Patterson was
nand dead in his tent at Fairt'ax- Court
House on Saturday morning. ' • I
—The developments in the investiga
dons of the Quartermaster's Department
are perfectly' astounding. The heaviest,
frauds. are in . Baltimore. The parties
there are not all yet arrested, and •it will
not do to go iuto detail at present. Im
mediatly when Congress assembles a coin-.
mittee will be atonce organized to ferret
Out the guilty ones. Some persons -high
in power are implicated, but they say
nothing can be proved against theui.
r - =Gov. Curtin Offers $5OO reward for
the capture of a deserter named - Henry
Rowland, of the 138th Regiment, who
shot his Lieutenant, Josiah Banehinan,-•
while the Li4ttenant was endeavoring to
arrest him for desertion.
—The publishers of the Chicago papers
held A meeting . recently to consider the
great increase m the price of white pa:
per and other items, whielihave increased.
the cost of publication. They resolved to
advance the pries of - dailies, and tri-week
.'2.5 per cent,. and weeklies 50 per
—The .second session of the 37th
Congress comMenees at Washington, on
Monday. It Will close - by constittitioual
limit, on the 4th of March next. Thank
God this will end the Abolitionists power
to do mischief in that quarter.- • •
'-4t is generally believed that the ap
pointment of Gen. Burnside to the com
mand of the Army of thi3 Potomac, was
only a temporary expedient, the real pur
pose being to eventually-place an out and
out. Radical, say Fremont or 11.unter,tin
command. But the Administration saw
that it wouldnot do to make the transfer
directly &Om McClellan to Fremobt or
=Gen. McClellan has been spending a
few days in New_York city. so . far as
possible he has avoided public deinonstra
uon. He was honored with a . serenade.
by the Young Men'e Democratic As-.
•soiiation, to which he responded in a
brief speech thanking the association for
the. honor. A public reception tendered
him by the city authorities, was •decliu-
I t ed. . .
'-The delay of General Burnside in not
*roaring the Rappahanoelt is attributed,
by those..who ought .toknow to be a
default in not supplying Genera l Burnside
wit !stations, .
DAILY, WEEKLY;, sztu-sizany
In . soliciting for another year. a Confirm. -
' Mice and increase of the "favor. whiCh in so
short a period has given The World its
I:present rank among Americatdiiurnals,:—
I a eirodatien, .busineSs patronajte,
tfit ence:.eqintled •o_tiker journals onlyut
ter tile effort of many years— We renew
I-to our old and newjreaders the promise
t t hat,tio. onc4i.eose shall be spared
to-makeTheWorldlWliat it aims to be,
.The. Best Newspaper in America. ,
In' polities; The World: is
I independent; biit never iientraL only
1 creed is a nationalone—of which the Un
ion, the COnstittition :and the. Laws; mid
Freedom Of speech; of the Press, of Polk=
ical Discussion anctinti ire the Coiner
The political events of -the past • year
have notably. demonstrated the need of au.
able; feariess, outspoken; first elasa •
in the comnierciol metropolis' of the coun
try, whieh shall give constant, bolds and
vigorous utterance to 'the amservative
sentiments of the'best . nieu Mui r the hOnei4t
manses of thel• nation. • Opposing every .
vnemy to the
A.71 1 ,!;rION„:
irliether armed nirelielliotkat the.. South;
or inhitliously plantine. he seeas of-disun
ion at the Nortb.., Oppoting every, viola
tion of the
the only bond and hope of Union, the on
ly grktnl upon which We (lin exhort und
compel tht; allegianee of 'the South. Op
posing evert infraction of
Tlllf LAWS,
in high places in- in.low,.beliering that o
bedience to kit' is service . to Golf: Op
posing every violation of the Freedion of
Speech, of the Press, of political discus-,
sion and aetien, ))y whionsoever those
;olations are cononittek - whether by the
I.e`xecutive in its •
its refits:lll)r the privilege of the writ 01 • • • .11EA I) A CHI; • -
' A _V LI AU. '.l. '
hirbroe rarpns, it s denial of the rililits.:inil . 'RHEUMATIC' ALND NEIIVOL'q DISORDERS
liberties. or citizens, its arrests withoutd •• -
Warr lilt , its ilairr isollmeni Witliont trial,! 1„-e}:,','..rr'tifiV:Igt , ILILit ii; s e p i ejt i l , ,r p a r n ,p ti . ce rt r ,r 1 , n bn r , elt ,, I . , ,.. cip d e I
its abro t 4ation of state ana federal laws,! of Dr. Sic:liken Sw:eet, - ei Cunuf.iiiet tt. the funiutil• Imue
its illegal I,roclanatt ion or an engulf enninJ, ss . 4 l .7: , ‘„l l :i t! t ti :
m be l s t u .. s t e:! li liti t t i t l i n egu n c ect lle v e , s . fer un,re , ilein :ln.f 1 ,
cipation, or Whether those violattiottsflre . "As iti ALLEtriA7 OR Ori PAIN. .ii it UUriVIIM b Y
eM1111) ittea by thepartyin power, Ile ol'll-1 e bi n , ml i t U fe 2,ii t l ,.., before the lie
bra b . li. ;i..., t which i theMOP!.
tors and its presses, ativocoing, measures 0140. Lai l astle will cure rapidly'. mid reilleey. Rhea- ,
whieli ninSt Sander the Union for the" ma
p„s i NhPr i et r giltet e ' r za r ii'fltet id v,!r n ttr."lld.;;,!uf 7. -- 1
sake or tlestroyim , slavery, anti tienoutieJ Em.
: Fla will afford imine ' ( . l:ste relief In I'
ing treason against all their politi.:al- op, . every ed.,. however dirtressing. . y
____, . l
pottents. , . . , . :i relieve tio). Watrn 010 en of BIEADACILE in three
. ' - . xnanars nud Is Iv:minted to do It.
Loyal to the oyernmentg always,it will i TuuniAcEE 'OK, it %iill care Lttiatlv. • '
give to the administration a heart( l FOR NERViIIItS lIEB till' Y AND- GENERAL ;
alit- I 'ILSASITUDY,,:ariaiag from improtheive yr exizes,l this ,
vigorous support, wheiteier and iff lever- ' ~._.........Mu1ingit to azielt hippy and liabbiag taabodi• dots. .
Stamm IL aketaNthaas a
eethe achuluistrauon iteeltis - loyal to the ' iiirMi=' it 'ili. en telirestares'it 10 staaLicity and
g boll or d erni .th m e e p nt. 7iples, and the panty of the iTti t. pivss ... . A . sit ' geom . I mu*, w . O i tti • that it
. , . .to the bast mom, and we challenge the world togrodne n e t
The World creel oppose all tomprtmils- .11 1 ,2 8 e L e r: 0 ! 1. 1
trial,s.i. .t .lAbnia Sl
nt WI to arndl in nt P m U edl-
HI which -would barter away the princi- i ate tend, ltarl to • majority of cues wilt direct a railed,
pies or di‘ide the h i t
u Lon, _by which alone 1 lIINsy AND SORE um . nkr am some a es ,,i e
the North is waging : war ;t
i - wilt oppose.' m i l tt aDt t a l tl g' ta ! hadl aPPIi " .
tonotta. lineeulier railto cart ,
peace itself till the success of the war as- i SPRAINS are sometiniee very ohmlnate; and enlarge-
SUITS I.ho permanence of peace, and will; = ° ."... hc .tartt= q trt e •`: 1 1 by ibis r ni i inZw e ii"r d n ivin e yr
urge-the prosecution of the war With .an , it'l l * Gm . . •
economy which - has not 'hitherto - govern- 1
• BURNS AND SCALDS, yield . dlly to the wonderful
ed its expenditures, and a vigor for which heeling pmpertlei of L'IR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE
1 the nation during a year has prayed in LINIMENT, when wet accordin g to 41Ireei ions. Also,
vain. . . • , • ''l CbILBLAINS,-
. . . _
It will support our generals in the field,
who. from General Mc(Mellon to the
yormorst subordinate, haie a right. to de,
trwathat while fighting enemies in front
they shall be attacked by no enemies'in
the rear.
The same care will' be exercised over
the - colutuns•or the world to' exclude
erYthin that could offend a pure, Chris
tian Morality, and recent-se will always be
had to the same high-principles
voids its .'columns as to guide :its_ judg
ment 'of Men- and events.
will he found -in the coltinins The
'World from the various departm'ents of
htiman activity; Political,. Agricultural.
and . 'Commereial; as well as Liferature,
Science and Art.
New Publications, Inventions, HiSoy.: t
series and. Works of Art Will receive the !
same careful and thorough attention:
. The latest and mast
. important newp
fronaondian, Parrs, Tdrin, LOME., Syria,
China, .Cialifornia,:,lapiin; Egypt, and, S.
America, our correspondents will prompt
ly send mi. '
Our correspondents are attached to the
various divisions' of the army, will accom:
patty theM wherever they go, and b,y
free tine of the telegraph and the mails,
present in the columns of-The World
from day to day• and. from month to.
In the weekly and semi-weeklyeditions
of The- World, especially, large space will
' be given to
and to an the deprovients of Mechanical
awl Manufacturing. Industry.
The Weekly World will tuntaiW an ad
mirable sepal story during the coining
The'Daily World is the Most complete,
Commercial•and Newspaper published in.
America. ' . Besides as till' telegraphic
news, - war correspondence, .and . foreign
news, &e. as any two 'cent daily, it 'con . 7
tains also. much Mier commercial news.
Its,Ship News, Produce and Cattlg
ket reports, Foreign and Domestic Impoi,
tatious, Stock Lists - , and Commercial
news no business man ,can do without.:
One copy for one years,46. ' !
• • Four eopies for one y e ar, $5. . i
To clergymen, for one. year, $5. l•
For a club - of 10 copies;au extra; copy
will be sent for -one year. _
The Semi-Weekly World.
The Semi-Weekly World is a 'large
quarto sheet, same me as the daily, con
taining all its -news, correspondence,
cell:lny and
. editorals, its commercial mid
inarkee news, and entertaining selections
and miscellaneous reading.' Its cattle mar.
ketarrd priWision_ repetts make it ,highly
yalunble to everyfarrner.
Published Ttlesaay. arniFrillay. :Single
6opiet. three • -
One copy for one year
To'clerernen, for one yar - 2
Two Copies to one adaresa 5
'For a . olub (If ten copies , for one year,
ati'l?Aira copy will be sent. •
• For a club of, 20 copies, Copy of' the
Daily for year.
For a - club of .50 copies, th e Diuly,
Weekly, and : Stui•Wealy: kir one year
Theweekit World.-
;The Wesly W.ettla epetaiee the let*.
hig editorials. of the . lht y, aid 4 et pious_ ,
isll,pliri. II 0 0 ll_ f t .1 . 1:1; 11 lIT
summary of .all the new of the week up
U il3 11. DU lin out
.to:the ' hour of publication. - In no other i t, . .
weekly :piper published in; this
• Baldwin & Atl,-.ll,%ll;3iitroooi-::.
— , _
are there found such Inn. eottiniercial•aii.l' . •
1!alt , & Oi r . ‘ tiomsblir,ti tc B.
Inarket 'reports 410 gemial news infeiti. , t'f kaW i t . . - R .
. . ; 7:, an d ana Nov. Ali, ti'42, l'iltiPnala Trains *ill rex.
'gtnice, combined With att.' much editorial, PAt fUtlt)4 . ll: •
matter . atid',Varretv of m '
iScellaneoua, read- i •I • • MOVING 'SOUTH : * 1 -
• ing, as in the IN" - E . t.kly World. •. ' Lexie . Serininn' • : - tint' a. m. to sa. m..'
- Publis_lied Thi T tr anm stlill' s :
: Rupert.
, , -. , i . ::, .. Kingston, at
.• Danville; 9.21 Aitive 11.40 It. ID.
1 1.34 .
12 (gi p. m. -
Arrive at Nuitllumberland, 12.45
• One eripy fen . I,year .- „ - - -.. • '42. 1
._._•- ~ . • .
To - Clergy - Men, - I . copy .- for 1 - year ' • .-' •4 • . ;mortso N1:1:111: .
• Leave . Nnithtmibertand, 510 p. m. .
Four popiOs to one rtilate.,:s . • .
'-' " Dativilie, .' 6... 0_ , Freight 44 '
Twenty 'copies to one addresS . '-.-20; . " . . it pert. • ' 6 . 8 .-.
Pa"" 1 9 0. •
8.9 Leave-1.4 - 5 p. in.
1 For a club of 10 coPics, an• extra copy 1 _..,..' / P " ' D • •
--, T ,
will he sent for one year; .; .L ;•, ~ • - 1 A Passengc , r t, fn aloe leases Kluppin at 5.00 a. m.for
' - For a•chil) of 20 copies the Semi-Week- ' i Scr ti g a t ° r n i;s t. . ' e"nw*l n el cl it a h rgvlr ti n i r t: "* l -( ta 'rk ige l l4 ,l l ,u u r tk . '
. ly will - bersent for one - - vent . i. • -•,- -, • Int 4.lst. a m e i, , d ~ ~ .. d .
to ... t,i T i ,
,i ; ,
Ftir :1 club of •50 copies, the Daily witll l :wi r g e th De - hlVar. o . s . rack - 3:4%ns' :did ike:t " , l -T, ez17,c,,,1
lie setityforpne - vear. -, ••••,- - „-.., :: -
,-.--,. I, st TT nton , for
. 11 co ola n • Y ec u t c ... k w ai l i t t 1. ( / , t a e t r a mzd , 1/. ,, t7 , 1titte d ....i.
For a dub ` oi ` 'lOO copies, tile Tirtily,liTo l tn t 0 tt e lf L an t an n irweat.-arritlinie at Philadelphia at
Weeklf and Semi -Weekly will he sent for, i s * 5 P . ..M. - I • . . . • - •
i ,At Nrcthiambertand it C 4 • novels with the l'hilakliiiiia
ope - year: - ••• -," - • .. • .i and tife. alit Niirtherit Central Railroad. for ri. jilt..
Iteinittanees for The World may 'be : ;.em".!ilitt t •ii i -itirti•lci arriving at liarripburg.42,o
i ng . m er .!aild • at 13.31tim0 , 1.1.%) P.. 1 2 . 1•
made by drafts, treasury-notes, or batik- '
. 1. ... • ' .1.111:‘: I'. ILSLEY, Sup't.
C. %ELLS. Gen. Tifliet Agent.
bills of 'Specie-paying brinks, anti; where 1
the attention.Olthe,postinaster is calleil to
the reinitranat at the time of mailing the
letter; it. may be made at our risk. • '
• Specimen numbers sent to any addre ss
opt* application. . - . • .
Address . - ' THE' Vi:ORI,D, .
No. 35 Park. Row, New York;
; t
'—The radical sheets deelare that. there
are sortie, pestilent fellows, calling them
-BE4i:6s-1)e/ovum:its, who, are. conspiring to
restore the. Union. The horrible villain's!
What punishmeUt do they not deSerire
for so netitriouti a crime ! - -
/.1 11 1 Art E T
Dr. Stepfien Sweet of Con'eticut,
Stephen Sweet of Connecticut,
antoWit ail ovei the United State..
Stephen; Sweet: of Connecticut,
we anther of •• Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment."
a • ••• '
la. Street's Infa ll ible Luument
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Lininient
Dr :.meets Infallible Liniment
Once Burris 10 sad& munediAtely.
Dr. Sweet's infallible Liniment
Dr. :meet's Infallible Liniment
the Great Natural Itono,Better.
Cares Rhetrantism and never mile.
lea certain remedr for'NelualgiA
h the heii known remedy for swains Oupiltrotios
Cores Ileailacbe Lunnediataly and was Bever.kno , rn
to fall.. .
ir.°Sweet's Infallible Liniment.
• Affordssirnmediate relict foillions, and seldoniTaill
to cure. • • . •
Cures toothache In one minute. • .
Cures cute wounds immediately and leayerno scar.
Is ttii, best remedy for notes in the known world.
Ilte.beed Used by more tbana million p upie; and all
praise it. ' • . • .
Taken tntermilly, cures cone, cholera naurtmi and co o lers
Dli. SWEET'S • Intlllibli• LINIMENT -
Is truly a ~.Irlend in Reed," and every family should
have itat . • ••• _ •
Ir for sale: by all•Druggiets.; Price Yu and 56cm:its.
_ -
A :Fiiend in teed. Try• it.
Dr. Sweet's • Infallible Liniment,
As an external repay. is without a rival, and will alle
viate pain morespeedlly than any other preparation. For
all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders It Is truly infallible
and as a curative for sores. vroands, sprains. bruises.
its soothing. , healing and powerful strengthening prop- •
erties. excite thelust wonder and astonishment of All
who have ever given it a trial Over one thousand certif.
Wed of remarkable cures.perfurmed It within thu last
two yearib , attest the film'
. .
, Dr. SeWee> Infiviihle Liniment! for Manes
la unrivalled by any, and in all asses of lament,' arising
from spraina, braid.% or wrenching', its e ff ect is mafficol
and certain. Bantam' or paddle acratchea. mange,
etc., it will also care apeedily. Ring bone and emeriti
may easily be prof - anted and cured In their incipient sta
ge.. but condnried cases are beyond the_pmetibillty or a
rudicizt elltc.: No arse of the kind, boweihr;--lieso dein*.
tote or hopeless bat it may - be alleviated by this liniment
and Its faithful application will always remove the lame
nele and shatle.the Moles to travel whit comparative
. Every Iforre•Olviler
should have thlaremedyTti hand. for Its timely use at the
Ant appatrunee of lameness will actually prevent thoott
formidable diseases, to which all 'horses ate liable. and
Which render so rainy otherwise valuable hones nearly.
worthless. • ,
TO . ism e PA
And tbouspds 6foilnd It truly
To seoilitniposttlOm °boar elite Signsumsau4 - I.ll.osess
of Dr. Stephen , Sweet on every label, and also " Stephen
Street's Infallible Liniment" blown iu 'ghetto( each
bottle; without which noes ars genets..
RICWARDSON t CO . „ sole proprietors. lgorpto.
” • ' MORDAlti# ALLIN Genera! Agents.
dejarE • qcitittrass,*4srivik, •
Aiosse eversuem , • .
'isc .c c L
S. S - . 11 l 7 ikT4ELL. B. A' Principal.
. .
Experienced it Competent Instructors.
`'rerm coun . nences on Mon
. day, Nor., 24,.1862..
mint $: to fi (Kr
Latiu. tirce..kund Gentian earn ... t ........
.E.t)filsb, with one iiinguage ' rAi
--NOAH f l ar the nhot *tunic* F 1141: exceed......:.!(Pt
MuAic onsth.“'inuo S
. • . -
tiro oj)ln!trliOuent : . 20)
N114.-,L•e-'l.,n •21,,:n of protractod
I).speci.l.l agree:nod.
Iton rd tan tie t,htained from 2.1) 1 1 , 10 $2,50 per week..
wirhing to. bo.trd tloon4eiver. ran Ilvdd good
roolli.e. nt tuoeruie For further particular
dresn'the.l'elocipal, ttt 3folitro, . l`rt.•
.1 . • WM. J.E.SSCI%
• C. F. READ:
_ Nov: is, 15.,12. t
E: B. HAWLEY. Assistant.
Higher ; •• •• and *Ahem 4U.
o. `• > Including Latin d French, C.
Primary !Depnrtmi`nt ............
aluntruateiltal and Voci I em rxtr3.
• .
.. 1
OF t i pil . ; i. rzu , i ) f . f .t on . 4 In f :;tl . tution will cuuntomre on
2 :ti
.„ 1 4 :0'0, 1•.-O2, .non cuntinun -
EleVon Wi},ok,..
. . .
, . .
St tknb.,'vall be afrortlati an opportliaity ~.0 acquir;iu:
a TI ,roust! .F.L.‘":/./..q.r,e CLASS:C.I.i, r.lo.tlon, 'lll
inure liberal TERALS, Than at sup WIWI' tb l / I .lilar inlitivl.
Ali .he Bane. ~ , .
teettwee t un Teaching and canal ',object/I will he given
dating tturi term.
board eaabe bad on .tbe moat resamable tenon ; also
ftima forthrom wishing to bused thensgelves.
Forfarther n'3rt.lculars. addre,a M. L.... UAWLEY.
Prineipal.iNew Milford. . ~
By ordet , of the Huard. • . . .
T. BOY LE. tleeY• . JOHN HAYDEN. Pre?t.
New Milford, Nur. : 10th.1862. ~ . : •
Office of JAY 0011 K
, 114 SOUTLI 1111111) STREET- •
• Phiholelphia, Noe. 1, 1941.
'raft uarlf.rAigni•d. lminr been. appointed Subicrip
2. lion Ade,t he the a t ecretnty of the Treersary, how,.
prepared to furuh:ofi atence, the
, - •
of the•Unlted Staten. dealt tinted 'ar ••• Fire-Tweni 'ea.:*
redeemable at the plea,otre.of the 6orrrrarterll; after live
years, and a:athoriand by act of Con—,re.t. approved Feb:.
ZS. trait. i. ,
The COupon Bonds are insued In euirt.of Ste $10)
$5OO. and , slooo. . - -
Tae liv„i;h.ter Bond.. let ;mum of $50.4100, $.1,1',), sluoo,
and $505,0. .
Internet aill per rent. per aunion'willCOMMenCe from
date of phrclutee, and In
PAYABLE 14 BOLD , . -.-
Semi.annnally, which is enital. at the prevent premium .
on cold, to aliolit a per cent. per ;11 . ;111/ ru .
Farmer., -herb 11110. Nte.r.tilillie-..Capitlis.b.; ;and nil
who havtj any niuney UliflM-11..itUlIcti knuw.and renion
hal' that theee bonds-are, in eireet, a ilret mortirnee upon
'all itailleads. Canal.. , Rank reoelti andtiecuritleo, and
the immenae producta uf militia Manufacturers. Sc. ar.,
in the country: and that the; full and ample' proririon
Made for-the payment of the intere.t and liquidation of
the prirnitpah by eueutu,diti it,. Esel.e rturnpn and In
ternal I ;Yonne; 11;vren to make three 'Sunda the e
Beht ..- toNt Available, anti 31,17. t. Popular
t .
i , I Investtnent in the Market,- , --
Sribseriptiona - re'eeifed at par in Tema fender notes. or
notes and checks of bank* at par In Philadelphia. Fuh•
scribers byrnall tvlpp recsixe itrompr atto Ilion, and every
facility find . e.Tplantitfon will ,Itealrortled on application
at-this office.
A. mil supply of•Bonda will be kept on hand for imme
diate drityervi .JAY COOKE., Subacription...nent.
ticv.ll, s
3327 OC.)C-02,,
Are kept Down at the
An tnitnenso fttock nr DRY GOODS bought previon6 to ,
the hitprise, and sold at - !use then New York
N. Y
, Now- offer:their entire Stock of
Dra aco (c)l,c)aie_
-241a45 4 1 6- .
A.c...0,,P Reduction °tide flailing - Prices of
'he aay,,•euttratg a sarluz MONEY to tho-e in% c.f..
ingln Dry (WO% at their Store W 1.1 utter a , eplentlid
stutkilf and PAtterno, Includijsg twiny
noVeltles 01 the Aea.tut - .
At price, from; " .
__ •••
I ; 13i C,0224.11 . trI,•ViiPiArCP II P.. ...-
Eiiiib t Cra r ipl:rXJ
... . 1
1 - ...
Froth $4 oiptvar(l 4 l
Spleiidtd Wooten andDroch, Le;ng a.lud,Squara
'. I VS - di VI ij .
Richiplain black. and Idae..4h.rnende eiXteiCEl4,
: I : " FROM AI4.ITION s .- • ,
.- -
8:41.13TiE(31' rhr,ie
'Every posa:lble rbade of a
Paramettas & Merinos L
Also a large slat of - ."
CIi4OTH, 'CA.IISIr, e Ph:121 7 .V47,,,
sub:ATI (1.8:
rye* .ionnefeahl.. shad.. of tumble.. Single and Spat
Zephyr Viersk
fi s„ all ik4Cripcions or Nalleuary
suld:Wholesaleandltoull., .
Minim esti at the underfighed. before purchasluP your
• - tl.xsits elsewhere, as they are unsurpassed: for qusiit,y
and .
.11.0.13011POZIAT BROTHEItE4
No. .20 Court Street,
• -* itin'tzkrir:AAVrcloWs
71010. n. 11, 1008.
• I