. CO:Stir:Z..SS will meet on the .61'4 Mon ay of Detembet: no•xt Member# of the Slite.ana house - are wending their way to the capital. .`* The Paper Alilh• of the State of Mdine are torcea. to stop manufacturing, for Itbe want of rags.. What are NNie; corning to? t:e are sta rib made at headll that more than of Absent from duty IThe Nett l State Convention man for Gravernot for Railroad Comi ions`ahopted atliri Constitution as it of the Union ask attendance and, entire harmon .-Counterfeit and altered notes, of every denoinination, lug quite plenty. Those handy ban better keep a sharp:look° =lris said that a careful ' ehows - that in some of the t, distribts the ,ax levied by the eminent ; will not pay the Cos': The'will of President . Van been admitted to probate . at is dated January • I,Bth, 1880, nences ' as follows Boren, of the•town ofKinderh of Columbia, and State or heretofore Goiernor of the "more recently Pre,id,ent .of tbe, Utlited- States, hut fir the last and haimiest Year of my life a Iltrmer itf my natiYe towel, iho make and deelaro the folldwing , to he my )ast will. and testament," 4s. . _ - Those of the drafted -men who haite not yet reported twill be • • stint for, by' the Provost Marshal in a - few days. They will-saye a good deal atreuble and ex pense by reporting at once. The . Radicals before the election s - .tenced 'Gov. Seymour to be hung. The people, however, commuted -the Sentence to twa years' onfinement in the Exectit ' ive MalO.ioli at Albany. Eur la an Governmeneare still Icon sidering the T ie...lion of intervention.— Mt. CA MERON states that three- imniense _ . . . . iron clad steam ramp are being construct ed in, Eng v iaml, with. which it is suptiosea . :111 att:u•k will he male upon'- our ?forth ern cities. The sympathy for the Itpbeis in Europe is .repre.entcd to be increasing ;daily. ' , • , The ProAidenee .Post has a letter froni a disting-urshed officer at Hilton Head,- which states that the titcent .exiiedition to Pocotaligo,capturecitthrie , colored soldiers, dressed in the niaortn, :and tinned with the- muskets which! they - bad received from Geil. "Hunter. !They were of hose who sieserted‘ to the rebels. —lt is conceded by officers in the ar• my, that McClellan was marching hisAir ces with more regularity and cerenty than at any other perio , lduring thel war, when he Nva , t relieved of his command.— The entire mm•ement.w•as thoroughily.4r ganizefl. One is naturally inclined to ask if this ivere the cause of his removal; • LE•.T 'Em MAttcp.,--"Old John Biiiwn's soul is nilrelutip- on;" and :he Abdilition• party is marching after it. • Erefibody knows: where to. 4 .‘' safe journey and a long stay to• the beauties. • . — The report .of the new Government loan has gone through the country like the news of :C victory, and' been renewed with as much gladness by the frimids of theNion. The facts explain themitelves even when given with telegraphic brevi ty. The Secretary _offered a loan or thir teen millions of 7-30 Treasnry bonds, for two years from the Ist October • last.— 'Thirty millions' were bid forlt at rates \'a rying from par to 4 1-8- per cent. premi nm. • On the 14th. inst. the bids Were-6o ,penea. 80,505,006 were accepted at.pri •ces above t. 103-05, and the . balance of the loan, *4,108,000, was apportioned imotig 'bids amounting : to . $8,910,000 at $193.0. _ SINGER &- CO:Si , ILETTER "A" FAMILY SEWING MACHINE WITH ALL•THE RECENT lIIITROVENVITS, Is the best and - cheapest and most beautiful of la) Sewing :Machines. Thi. machine will sew anything, from the minim: of si tuck in Tarletatt to the making of in. Over- coat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Clothltutu to the* softest Ottuze or Gossamer Tissne.andis ever ready to do iti work to perfection. If.can fell,hen. bind.gatiter.tuck. quilt.and ha, a capacity fora great variety of ornamental work. Thin is not the only machinettost can au, hem. bind, and so forth, but It will do so better than my other .atactetne. :The Letter !•/‘" Family Sewhig. Machine may he had inn great variety of cabinet cues. ThWFulding .Case, whirh is now becoming so popular. is as Its name implies. one that can he folded into le too; or catie. which when. opened.makeoa beautiful, subatatitiatanOpaciOns 'table for the work te. rest upon. The rases areof every imaginable desturi—Adain as the wood grew In Its native forest, or its eialtomtely fltdebed as art can -make them: The branch offices ase all well supplied with silk, );wilt, thread. needles. oil. etc.. of the very bestqualitt Send fur a copy of "Smocit & Co.'s GAZETTIL.I I. IC SINGER& CO., 4AS Broadway, N. T; ril'e - Philadolphla Office. Sin Chestnut street. ItEAD, NT A.lllO US A FPSTEB, Agents In Montrose. . Auditor's Notice F. WHIPPLE, la the Court of Crom.Plefis, Sumuchanrut 'County.. H Scott and Albert Capron ti No. MS, April Term, 1819. itE auditor •appcitoted by the Corset, to.repbrt a T tribution of the fund arising from th 4 Sheriff's sale in the above entitled cure, will attend the dudes of tde appointment on Saturday. theelth due of Deceinber. at one o'clock, p. tn., MAO, race in Montrose:tat which time all per.on. interested will present their Qtaime, or be forever debarred from cominwin upon said fOnd. nor2s 4w Wm. S. TCHRELL. Auditor. ERIE RAILIVY. C 4NGliOrii;)it:rnet:fa t :nd4 s Sv . i 7 ;,. -,,tb,,l;tdii:lefol: Ilowiprtoutp, viz : • .. • I .. wrSTIV . i..II) Mt ND I .E.AISTWARD 11.0C - ND. • • i • No. 1, Boffaia, Ex...T00 p.m. No. 4.N.T.Ezpreal4:oa p.m, No. 3. NiLfht...E.:... 1:47 am. No. 4.. Night'xpvcao3:o2 a.m No. n. Mlt, it 4:::4. p.m. No. o.Stramboal t0.:03 p.m 1C0.17. Way greilt. 1, , a1 PAIL I Nual. WO' Freight. 9lo nan Noal.A,.'osn'tro.U.:l.7 o.m r tins.' and 4 run every dal. Co.. 4 rani undaye,'bni, ,doe , not run Monday'.. r Path:ties, rant' then to Duni°. but tlue• not • run 'to Dunkirk. Xo.ti remains over - night at Elmira. CH/VS - MINOT. Orii.Sipt. L - tek awan n a & Bloomsburg E. ON wilt after Nov. 7th, nor.,.Paa;enger Trains willpta s totlinre : 310V1.N9: 80IITH : - [ 11..e.avi, 'Fe:Tinton. at 3.00 a. m. 10.15 a. la. -" i Aingatun, at 9.20 Aribre IL4O a. Si s• Antlers, 11.30 ` . Dantioe. . • , 12.05 p. in.- .Artive at Xu.d.txaxberland, 12.43 .' ,- 3.IOyING NORM: Northumberland, 5.10 P. m. , - / .bauville, . .s.on . Pretcf hi .4 1”1,.!rt. CAI • i titoen9er. hiu - 4.1%,n. 8.45 Leave 1.45 p. m. Arrive at set: mum. - 10.00 p. at. 140 " 1 A Pac , c.rmr tra in 4:11i0 iCIJALS E:caraa 46.811 . 1) a. m lot Scranton. to coma et sin.l train Star Near iYoada.: netullt• dust. leaves SeTalltUll 01) arrival afandajanattiglW Turk .at 4.15 lc m. . The Lacliatha - lat alai Eloomadoeva fitailinairererdsedta math tho Delawkw. 140:411,C1M111 Ana ga//4401., ..11 0 10 4 1 1 4 au Smuton. for New York and lartanwatiog artosaaam. A t Rupert• it c 1411 1 ,246 a lth 4raaa3aaa iihlartablk 1414 r .pointe both east and weatr—atrdeUg as iladateadlablad At 41.15 p. .m. • - - At Northumberland it conneatelrith the And Erie. sad Noilhem Central itatlruad.lntAl west an d cu r t B......p4gaenzers arriving . at tiarriahneg 4-159 p. tn.; Philadelphia top. m .. and at salthnoraio.lo p. . • - . JOHN IP. tudxy.,s u rit. J. C. WELLS, Gtaa . . 2103141. Agent. . • - Auditor's' Notice. J. U. Rein, fit Coarepm Kelm of do:: vs. • Glartlrs talon! poroonal /doputy A. B. - lituara. of rietepdesx . (ME undersigned. as ontitor fogiodipoi to thdekkate the mnner tn. Court to this muse. erttt teat Ad jaeroons interested in do t fund at hts ollkoia ilieletreeedoefater dAy. Detenther Mtn, ltist3 at one teduck as. MI per. sons mast prevent thew elainie at that time mad place, of pc debarred from raid fund. W. H. ninSRP. vovls 44r . . . • • Awlitovr, . Ia the matter of the settlement of I . ln the Orphans'Court the catate oftlonud Stone,decd, of BuKti a County, Benjamin Olldden...Admioist`r, No. 31,Ang. T. lent Baceptioneto the account of the Adminietrator, Lc. ' MBE auditot in the &holm case, will beaz. the See inicreged at hie office in Montrose.. on Fri y, the Bah day of December, IdatiatlO o'clock in the forenoon. nor a 4 4w Wea. J. TU2S/ILIi, Auditor. spsQa COUNT CLASSICAL & NORMAL ust on, fare irg- Eicaticocol. S. S. HARTWELL, B. A; Prinaipal. AMSTED BY ElplainCed k Competent hstracton. The Winter Term commences on Moo• dap, NOv: 1 -24, 18e2. • , TIMION PIZ MX 07 11 WEZEIL ' English, from , , p to 600 Latin, Greek and German, each 4 00 French ' 3 IA Trees i nry re .becioni rtg money ealealatiOn grieultOral ederal-for - of col iet- English. with ono language:. \ 760 —No bill for the alio., steadies shat; emmed 9 00 'Miele on the Piano - • - 800 ese of Instrument - II 00 No deduction for absence eimpt In cues tlf protracted illness. or : by venial agmemsest. &wird an be obtained from ilititO to $2.50 per week. Pupils wishing to boned themselves can Sod good room* at moderate changes, For farther particalars ad dress the Principal, at liontrose * s. • .. , C. F. READ; Beery. i . 110311 VP, Presl. Not: 18, 18611. . Buren has udion .1 It and ;art - in iV4n lc, county ew Tork„ ,thtiN land NEW ENLIVIID NORMAL ] SCHOOL, N. L. luisinsy, - Z. B. RAWLIII'. Assistant TILELTZII9I 4/37? sxrcrx.rxckiv . . CommmilEngligh Brancheir • oo and Mathematical, -4 Du li r Z. Inchidyfig Latin d. French, 500 Primary' Department 9 00 Instrumental and Vocal Boole, extra. THE WINTER TERM . 0 V gllDN'Slents Inattition will co m t i n d mxin n o u n .fileven Weeks. •1 1 , • Students will be affordeo an opportnnity of a airing • thorough ENOLISII dt,CLASSICAL education, on more liberal TERMS, than at any other similar. School in the State. • LecturA on Teaching and other subjects will be given during the term. Board can be had on the moot reasonable terms ; also Rooms for those wishing to board themselves. gir7For. farther pie ticuli F s,.addrecs M. L. HAWLEY, Principal,. New Milloni. By. order of the Board. T. BOYLE, See'Y• JOHN . lIAYDELV, Preel. New Milford, Nov.lothlB62. • Office of JAY COOTV., SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, AL L JAY COOKE & CO, Bankirs,. 114 SOUTH TRIED STREET, lidladelphtu„Nwr. 1, IS6I. IRE undersigned, having been anpointed Sebserip tion Agent by the Secretary of Treasury, is now prepared to tarnish atonch, the NEW TWiNTY YENRS SIX PER CT.BONOS of the United States, .dedynated u '• riveTvrentlos„" redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after fire years, and authorized by sictof Congress. approved Feb. Z. 1:902. The Coupon Bonds are lamed in sumo of $5O, $lOO. WO. and VIOL The Register Buds In tame of $503100, 000,,Ar1000. and BUM. Interest at fl per cent. per. annum will commence fro& date of putchase, and is PAYABLE IN BOLO, Semi-annually, which 'sequel. at the present premium on cold, about S par cent. per annum. ' Farmer*. Merchants. ..Mechanics. Capitalists. and all who have any money to luvest, should know' and remem ber that these bonds seem effect. a first mortgaue upon all Railroad.. Canals. Batik Stocks and Sectuatiet.l and the Immense products ofkll the manufacturers, de. lite., in the country; and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of the principal. by Customs duties. Excise stamps end In ternal Revonue, 'macaw make these Bonds the Best, Atost. Available, Witt Most. Popular Investment in the Maiket. Subscriptions received at Par in lepl tender notes. or notes and checks of banks at par in Philadelphia. Set. scribers by until will receireprompt attention, and every facility and explanation will be afforded an application at this office. A fall stipply of Bonds will be kept on hand for itinste dist, delivery. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. New. 11, 1462.—Am , Triao Prices ca . - 3)217 000302,, Are kept Deem atthe BRUTON litEillYi I in Immense Mock of DR GOODS tion,cht previOns to the, low rioo,ond sold It len than New lurk , WHOLESALE PRICES HIRSCEEICANN BROTHERS; . " BINGHAMTON ` Bee-'• 4o t•' hive' No. 20 ' - `" . C . " . "" : Court St. Cornet 7c""• • ater - - . .• • Bingham- ton, 1..4: • arbg a 24112.41P1 .41$001b8S,1 .• de. at Itediactios se the Mallow Prices at lac day; securing swarms ROPEY to thoseinvest ing In Dry Good' at their Store. We offer a splendid 'Stock of endless Styles and Patterns, including many neivelties of the season in • .4 DRESS GOODS! At prices from . 3.13 Climatis 117parearielis. .113311.A.171M1P171.11 • 0A1:13.19, From $4 upwards! Splendid Woolen and Brodie Loagnmdsquare 22iSil - VERY CHEAP! Rich,Plaid black, and black brocade 119.XX-aikes, FROM AUCTION! • , • Everyposalble shade of Paramettas & Merinos Also a large stock of . • • I CLOTH, CASSIMERES, FLANNEL, 'WHITE GOODS, LOTS cAucos_alg SIIEETINGS. - very eonetivslile shade of Doable. Single an Split ;phq h 7 l 'o e rxw e l s t d all t. tiriptlons of Millenary 'Druids, soldl Please eall-st the undersigned. bakire,pirc hawing your Goods elsewhere, as they ate onsuilieesed fur quality and price. . To. 20 Court Street; 1 33X1LVC,3111311.71/LTCOMer IZATcoir. /X, /BOIL &itp a..T . 1 . \ tim AWE Into the enelowe attire sohaertber, about the ist•of October. 1011 K SHEEP. The owner will rove property. pay donee and take than away. • Brooklyn, Oct. idt.h. lett—iltp • J. C.:IIIIACIAig. o England, Ireland and Scotland. B A WAY BELL'S BOWS DIIAPTS. In stmanfone la pima and upwards. payable toall the • prlnelpal Jonas of Sand. Ireland and tleotlind.for sale by - WM. H. COOPICII. s Co,. Saimaa. 'llontrueo, Pa. *--1111 • j . • - • • AlbSaditala l tere? berdbir Oren to all wanes bovine •de -4.1 Janda acalnatibe estate of JAWES TatitaMlLL, dee't. Went Meaty township. that the rime most be iwn'presented to she audondgned for entrlernent. and 'all per s indebted to said *ante are roilaeeeed to m a ke ka " °di me Mama. TIMEMILIe . , I Adm, re" Pee 9k : / . 001. 1.• 7XI7ZBALLIft r Now an their entize,Stock of Bend Seminary, AT GREAT BEND, BUSQI COUNTY, PA. . . . who irreezei. or THIS SCHOOL- HILL :OPEN ' :Tuesday e 'Ans. 26thi 111112, and cmttinittr ELEVEN WEEKS, under the direction of 11. CUSHMAN. as principal. The conrie-of instruction tail) the brenthee.is thorough and practical.. ,A thorough preparation given to young men desiring to enter College. - A teachers class will brforganized at thi commence- mentof the - term, for the more WI training of those wishing to teach; and assistance rendered them in pro curing situations for the summer. This class will re retire instruction nu the theory and practice of teaching, one hour each dtly, and Kra oseetiogs Oro, In trio „iriaacrizitv. „- Ii CIISITMAS,• ' ParnirAt. • HON. S. 8. CHASE, A. H., Instructor in Greek, Lat in and °cecina REV. J. B. McCRE.ART, Chaplain -and Lecturer on moral science.. • - Ma. W. S. DAYTON. Lecttirer on Physiology. HISS HATTIE:. OHANGE,Tescher of music on Piano Other teachers as necessity may demand. . Terms of Tuition. Pritriary Depirtmcnt,per quarter of eleven weeks, $ 50 Common Branches. , • . 300 Higher English and Hathemstics do., • 500 Natural Sciences r do., 7 00 Languages, Ancient or Modern ' do., 800 ' Teachers Normal Class . ; do., •'1 00 Music on Piano do., • 800 , Use of Piano ; do., S The higher branches include the lower. thus:4B 00 per quarter covers'all branches named, above, except teach ers class and music on piano. N. B. All bills nuist-be irranged at the commencement of the term. • • J.. B. 'HAZLETON. Ambrotypik . and Photographic Artist, Montrose, pa. , orPletureataken In all Wadi of wristlet, In t oe be • t° style of the Art. - Admin'stratoes Notice. taifTTERS of admit bantam to the estate of Brayton Salisbury, late of Clifford, having been -panted to the anderstgned; all persons Indebted ,to said estate arerequested to make immediate payment, and those haring_ claims against. the sane will present them to. U. W. GOODRICH, Clifford, Sept. 23d, 1862. TABS NOTICE. R. J. W. COBB baring been appointed n surgeon in D the army, his accounts are left with the linden, igned for setiliment. Min/retina indebted will plea.; call and settle without delay. - • Z. COBB. - Montrose, Sept. b, 1A62. t.l' $4O Wages 'Paid ;$lOO TO sell goods for the Awns Sewrno Miegran Cenra itt. We will give a commission on :all goods sold by Our Agents, or pay wages at from #4O to $lOO per month, ant payall necessary expenses. A child contemn to op orate it by half an hones Instruction ! It is equal to any Family Sewing Machine in use, and we have reduced the price to Fifteen Dollars. Each Machine is warranted for three yearn. 'Address C. RZGOLES. (kn. Agent July 8, 'CI] Detrolf, Michigan. - BOYD Si WOODRUFF, CARRY Of THE ' _ TIM tslliaißoß BUSINESS • NEST BELOW sicAnuc's HOTEL. ALSO . t The CARPENTEBBIG.Business NEAR. THE METHODIST CHURCH. WWE keefstantle on hand a general assortment of 117101115. of the must approved pat terns Hai den' Hardware of all kinds. tanners' Tools of All Kinds. Brass Were. Porcelain Ware, Japanned and Plain Tin Ware of the best material. • - Paints, Oils, GlaSs, Putty, and Sash. Pumps, Lead Pipe, Lamps, BIM Cagle, ete...*&i. Also,,a GSM Buggy for Sale -Terms right. Remember the place. Call and PPP as 4n. s. sore, .11101r11 & WOODR U FF. h. a,. woonacrr. - Montrolm, July did SG3. • NEW FIRM. • • BALDWIN .& ALLEN .81.7CCE5501.149 TO ALLEN, DEANS Bb. CO., tinder Montroio Democrat Office, A RE RECEIVING • a Fresh Ground Western FLOUR -every $O days. which we.waivant tog ve satisfaction as any In market; if not good returned at our expense. Feed; and Buckwheat Flour, SALT - ANO PORK, BY Tux LOAD, BARREL (:•te POUND. RAMS, [Sugar Cured] Dried Beef, Smoked Haltbut i , • Drips and Syrups, .Molasses and Sugars, . TEAS, COFE'EE, SPICES, • • BROOMSAND NAILS, ' rtytt . we offer foriala at Low Prices. for RE ADY j PAT ONLY. e nly A 9, 1%1 BULL. Don't begin **little RU3I at Illt:!IEST Pit - .STORE," NEW .GOODS. nt.DandlrOttNU., RIGA and IitIOR;OAT =directive are hourly seen reships onward to the READ OF NAVIGATION. AU eager to be aepplied from the choke and extensive selection toile round AT TYLER'S STORE His aseotimeat of 3:111 6 3' CA•COCkII.II beat 'ern all and u for choice COrI 2 I.CIoG 4 MIR.I.IIMISI, Viz.: 9 and Ike Sugar, T. Rice. Coffee. and Tohacto,-, wards are Rtadequate.—they are TIM Itlpurelem. to men tion the rwo,thotuuned t one tbinga -of which a full euppiy is kept caintantly at the • Onliott 'tore in town. A con tintutilmi of calla ie earneetly deeired. and if there are any ao unfortunate ae not to have found Tau place, your friend and neighbor will tell you the FIRST STORE BELOW TARIELL'S HOTE aid oppomite the KEYSTONE, where 50 per cent. bee ceased lobe. We`are bound to let people liee—and.tire. Bring along your Butter Begs, Rags. Oats. Rye. eiml4, Corn. and most anything else you don't rant; and get value received AT TYLER% STORE. N. B. Please do n't lease - the above mentioned articles at borne, tot °senile moteepermit ns to .sralt —till you come up aguin." Shakersra nor lot of 10114 iiu•di colored, Big 'Una oat oporoxL LAMPS of all kind*, and axing! for burning Bernaene or ready and tery cheap. Beat Irroaene iti cbtep i r than n t ighi ttin al e e a u tiiTato B :Can li gh, ll .4; ll Yt °l co m n=r; onPLhand man rie" - A new atipplv of HATS 'and CAPS. HOOTS and SHOES, Stone and 'Woodep Ware..Brootn*. and Brindies 01 airports. Yankee Notions of ull varieties. Perftwiery, and Toilet Soap. Oleate of How , for chapped tusnde„-best thing in tile, etc., &z.; all of which' will be sold for the pay down, as theAlmes demand. b 40..T1ELEtt. TO D.4IIZYMEN.-1. am forwarding BUTTER top. York, on terms of commission that will cult you. Call and Ingobe. and look at my datty salt, In aaeks of all al ,ms. as noodle can be Remain town. ' Montrose ! May 115th. • ItENRY C. TYLER. THE OFFICIAL WAR MAP. Hazards Rail Road ind Military Map of - the Southern States. • ictllON the most antistatic amerces, and the Oust Bur. r vey, engraved in the Finest Style of Map )Isking. It glyeeao recent and each valuable facts concerning all tbe Railroads. that the War Department tpunediately author ised its publication. and distributed 1000 envies among the Generals and Colonels of the Arnie. As it Is the ONLY MAP that lo antlCorized [ s Omelet, it is the most Reliable and Authentic. and from its large alas--$ 2be 55 inches — chore - at a glance the Principle Place. mai all Ellsaugle, Pointe: Gem McClellan bee ac. knowledged thegreat Import:tone of it colds movements. Beautifully COLORED, Price only v., to compete wig' -inferior map*. In cloth case *LW:Dissected and moun ted on muslin. 4140. -Mounted on 'Muslin. with Roller, and yardsbed,.4so. Sent free hy.uutil ow ; recelpt, price. '-- MUMS P. 8A8A11D .1410.154 Chettgueotieet. - PhydiViiiihe. • Or At every intelligent man wantathe BEST Ude.. y OFFICIAL YAP, Agents can make money'rapldiy by selling this. myn Stu .ABEL- TURRELL llfor sale. Metallic -Olt. for Sewing Maadoes liana 4lc Watch Oil. Bed Bar. Bat and Moose Poi son. liociaopatnic Rentedlea. Kind's. Extract, arida-area. irsrietr of I,inlmenta. Salyer, Pilictind !Utters, ind am e Alois vul sty of PsiecOtedlehies. BAKER'S COMPOUND, A lIMS we ihiestiey, 10 ere fie %a= NEW ~. O M , i , JAM:. R . DEWITT,. , 0 .......,,0w.. k ....„...,„) . ,,0 . h ? o(the.7mostcho! : okhood, , .u, ow. of twoo 61.0C.k , t rat . A . a . - Tt ai .._ ._ S PR IK &S° M Mthdllia l • -- . . I L'i THIS 11A.RLET. - ':: c DR . YOOO. - D' S..' A complete sortm eat or ' gOADg IE111.).3 fkinD s , ~, DeLoineit, tininimbleine, Deßilge, roplins, ABMs, Ding. minis, clockitits, de.. Denims,. Stripe Shitiliy, Ticks, Brown and B elicited Muslin', White Goods !mingle, dc.. Winona _Skirts for Sum Mer wear, ane HOSIERY &every description. • • . • - ; . - MIN'S WEAR cuyrits:. h and 'Pane? Calialtner, k'y. Jean. gatlnj• et, cottonadel _and Tailor'. Trborinsinna. •An Unexcep tionable iiiieortmcnt - Oaf Clisqpis t siocot 41*, iii.macseis, of all kinds., Gkritzkeetles. Brown and White Bader. hyrnp and.Bolasses, Tes-rof fee, and Essence of Coffee, Spice. Pepper, Saleratos, Maekeret, gnioked Banat, Coildsh.traslee, Brown * Fancy dos* Also; prepared Potash.to make Soft Soap with little tremble.. UM:ll . k the variety always feoad la groeery,deparment. s' 'orzo unse -d ed. and' whitelLowried OILS; • Sub Glass, Patty,, , Ablte Lead and Mt, Pella Bruhn, CrELCO 4 32LAWalPt. " ‘Er White Graalte China, Real Ciawand Common Wars, eau* for Pre tug Fruits. . - • H ardwares • • IRON, Nails. Shovels. Ticies, Rakes, Forks., &c. Also a Soo aeleelSon of CUTLERY AND PLATED WARE. Thasketo. Cradles. Children's Cabs, Willow and parrtage style. YANKEE NOTIQNS, Crack en, Sole Leather. Ashton Salt. and Floe Table Salt, Co ney Island albite Sconring Sand, &c. &c. C. • A General Stock of Straw Goo ds. Montrose. *ay 13. 1862. • - 33r...c011.cidir...Pe DANDELION COFFEE. Tu" Preiaratton, made from the best Jam Coffee,is recommended by Physicians at a superior Nutritious heverage,for General Debility. Dyspepsia, and all bilious 'dletirtlers.: Thoneuttufe who have been compelledto aban don the 11Ae 61cuffee will use this without injurious effect One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. 'Prite %Scents. . • . -•• • - • il For Rae e in Montrose by Abel Turrell OLLOCK'S LEITAIN,. • The purest ATEINGPOWDEIt known, for matinee" sweet and nirtritions Brad and c r akes: Price it cents. :.. Xanata4tared by' M. B. KOLLOCK. Chemist., Corner of Broad and Chestnut-eta, Phlladeletht. Sold by all Dniggists and Grocers. mite lyjc co THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY.. • ZOURNAL OF COMMERCE. A CONSNRVArrrE F.otn,r AND BUSINZ33 PAPER. Thu cheapest and best Weekly In America. CONTAINS NEWS from all 'parts of the World, the best regions of the Produce, Grain, and Cattle Trade, Pry Goods and Money markets.. . The Foe to Disorgonizere, - :North and South.- . .The Supporter °fete Union, • _4 • The . Vonetitttgion: and Lain. TERMS FOR ONE YEAR: Twenty copies or, upOrtuide; tinged'. Thirteen caplet, #l2. Eik4 copies, 1119. Four copies, Vs Three copies, Under i three coples.l2 each. .Clubs of thirteen or more wilt he mailed to one address. An extra ( copy to any one sending a 'club (NM. with the money. The Daily 4101161 o f Commerce Junior, feinted for the ountry, 14 a you in, advance. Fir — Specimen copies gratis. PRIME, STONE. HALE & RALLOCE, Editors and Proprietors, 91 Wall street, New-York. • .. ..... ~ . wiTtofs-:,jmilly ..-,:, & t.. lIIHE - li -. 9 ' ' - 9 ', l .lat scribers have now reamed from New Ton -a. with their • SPRING STOCK OF GOODS, ' tc which t i n would respectfully call the attention of theirenstorers. Their assortment Is novecoMplete and unites hot Useful and Ornamental. We have taken par. Grater mil a to select all the Dif — New Patterns out thls Spring. and think we can, without doubt. please in both Style, - Quality, and Price. We have a large stocker _ Znglish, American and,ihriu Watches, , -- - (Goki and Silver, Hunting and Open Face,) from the - c ,eapnt up to the best. A very full variety of j SI VER WARE warranted as goodies 'cogollzi.' Also, EIN . GoLD , Jutivllifiv : it in every variety. .alsb, 1611 Plate , Jewelry. Falter Goods, , . Binshet; 'Shell Combs: A very fivariety of - . , Plated Goods. Very Lqw Tea Trayi, - Clocks, Brittania Ware. MI kin of Worsted. Tidy. Netting. Sewing. and other • Ncleciless. Thermometers • Beads ; Violin Guitar, and Bass Viol Stl' ;in ice lot of Faye; Table and Pocket. Cutlery. &assort, &c., &c. ' - MTh shove - Goods having been purchased fdr cash. izr will be PO d xiale at very lo ie w pri c es.r itb dafrxi Plesse call and 2 7l . e upr Good.. and we are confident we can please you. =arra I No: a Odd Fellows Hall, Binghamtikt. PEACE NO PUCE PRICES I PEACE APPROACHING. Large Lines of PRICES Conquered' and Seduced! Hr SURRIT _ T' , - • N EW MILORD, PA.-; Is recetTlia, for Spring enppltesinesr =Marge stocks of CHOICE, • , FRY. GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCN.R HARDWARE, STOVES, IRON, STEEL NAILS, PAINTS, LAMP, AND LINSEED OILS,- BENZOLE;: • CARPETING 9,:. 14,040 TL CLOTHS * , - WALL Paper, Window SHAPE and CAPS, - BOOTS and SHOES, :, • , Izcloiling, as usual, varicties of de mad popular styles of LADLES': DRESS GOODSL.' " SHAWLS, BONNETS:. itilWo N.5; 1 71.4W.E55,. , which be wilt soli, on the most favoribb? terms. for CASK PRODUCE, PROMPT TIME RUYERS. Flour it Salt, constantly on hand PORTRAITS; - PORTRAITS ! :Nksi BRICK • B . T.4o;ejs RHI iniderkispaed' having taken tie ROOM'S fbrarerly *ended by (V. a. fIS iNB. is now prepar .W to furnlsh Who ma y desire with a good pad trathW - Portrait. • °Buiut Well posted hi thp prodoction of the Tartans kinds aePictaresof the day.l data myself that my west isnot fxcelled by any In this sexton of the country.p - Among these:ions hinds token Boon' nea tly*. A.VB:RQTYPE, I!HOTOGRAPII. , .iteLAINOTYPE... - NEILLO 9 44,PH. . Locket Pictures down to the smallest deed miniature Ring._ Transferred Ambrotyper—the Arrest thing out, for roing by POlll, to any part of the Wyrld without extra postage. Yip- Pictures are bold. vigorous, and anomaly* —,not those faint.. lifeless shadows often sold shout the toantry. Pictures taken in all kinds of Weather, equally sell, except those of young children. ,Sp picture ;bled be takes unless-perfect eattsfattlon Is la dressing fora picture; avoid • Hitt eolaea saeb IS • btu, purple, scarlet, pink, ate,. Most othmeMlor *Ole! green, black, red, snuff, brown,- orange, yelltriLlinti. Vi r Remember that the place to get your I. picture" l n the Brick likla, - 6 1 et Blea‘Watanue & toner's store. , • J. B. HAZLETON. Nein flee. 91101, 1810. GOOD NEWS)! GREAT COMMOTION IN TEM DRY: WOW; H ox .t7L .A.:70.23t.,:.-_. IOaN BULL ThrOteks:W4l2! met.'t,3l,o tart, . 'so Vora 2itic *WO , GAtftulitii, POlO4lllll, TUE CE1041141113g , -. • 1 fi AfFSfrICKg ' ' ' has ,us on guard; Suit helia . t.eistiElfliid hi is Istxt, stet at kb' tonahlel us hi on to our edition:l6i igoos us Tully as good terms, turmelly,cousidorinethistsla AT THE EITOEES OP 6aUtubtr.g, 94tostithaunt-E to., AT Montrose, 841aqsa,CoillOy f!a n New-York, • Susquehanna' Depot, Pa., OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK ',Zs 14;:lc:Onzae e• we 'redetermined lotto be onedOne. tither In prices or qualhies.--and we will endeavor to give oar customers 1 possible utistiketion. CLOTHING: . - , In this branch our stock is complete; and will be sold lower. and more tastefully finished than . any one-horse. establishment, or any four:bony concert this aide of. N.: York' City, is able to offer or produce. We can assure the. public that we constantly employ the best cutters `and workmen to make up our stock. - - • lialrGannents made to order RR or To sale.o nthoishottest notice. Pr ACI Fit warranted • FUR-NISHIN'G GOODS:- A Great Stock contently , kept, and sobilower that the Guittnbirg, ISlosenbanm & Co's Illoatrose„ ;Amity let, 1861. ABEL TURRELL Now &era for sale one of the largest sad• ' best selections. of GOO ka! Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and probably comprising the greatest VA RIETY_or most different ,artidles:of any Store in the Northera. phi of Pennsylva nia, and perhaps of the etitirelStite. An assortment isicept in.about"thirty' ent branches of trade, and the- selections are made from about forty a_f:lhe best Monies in New York, and more than fif ty Dealers and Manufacturers Out of New York, A large proportioU of the Goods are brought direct from the Manufacturers, thus insuring )genuine Custom ers on entering , the Store must not, expect to findeverything, in sight, hut lieirly,ev ery article Wanted "Will DO prOdne:ed - ' by Some idea_a the StoCk_ May be forinea hy . the following. geheral, outliae, but enumeration is impracticable. ' DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS„ . DYE STUFFS, Gaociatis,* • LIQ UORB, CROCKERY, GLA t SSWARE, - - WALL - and W11 . 1 ,7 1)6 W -PAPER, - JEWELRY, • - - SAVER-WARE,. • • • - PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, •' BRUSHES iMERICAN. TABLE CUTLERY and " SILVER :PLATED WARE LAMPS; MATERIALS /or LIGHTS, HAIR WARE, ,BED., CORDS, . DRY GOODS, MIRRORS, • ' WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, LITHOGRA. - PAC VARNISHES, DisliD CAGES, - SPECTACLES, WHIPS, & LASHES, 1 ;11T4) -- killillaito;i ; ) , " I u-keeti: MEDICAL & EVEGICAL Inittruments, SALT, ' • • SOAP, POTA3II,• 40, UMBROIdAS.: - I • • PaiteraAlN TEETH, In short, nearly every thing, to reetnre the sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye, to grAtify,,,tke ,fa . ncy,, and, p conduce to the 'reatittif.stibstantiati al onifinotebf life. The attention - , of 'the public is respect fully-invited to 'm y stoek Of Goods; bought exclusively for CASH eoWir, arid' will be sold fixVtfie *tine ri6ciple fkl! Apices. TIIRRELL. -31 9"Psei 1.! 1 ,4f1GP• , Ad :' 'tttifrLt Nati &ilk - , dmitiatimomiudaidem.6 spinet the Wed' Wilma Powley,late of Franklin township, deeeil l ted, that the same mat he,preeetited to the anderehened tor eettleruint sod al gateau tadeibtett to maid ilaitte ere requeete4to leaks immedilltePtriteht. Frthhno, Awkil.l9ol. - JAYS POWL=, MIL - - - Notion's bisEiolution... J. B.,tnyprinnswita bl. ttitt day, withdrawn feat 0111. drat. The bedewed!' be mania Orgill sabeeribam'who continue the.bnatane tinder donna same of GITITXNEHRGI. ZIKISPBAUX, 4 . 00. • NeWY04;4 1 ,7 Ottlit Vig4.-4 1 1- • • • • - - - I - Or4TT.figN.f. ) .P,..!TIE I- . . - -- '• :. ~ .I. P3ILILDELPM CplitrO.CUlt ._ . Fagagi 1.- - i ' :co Tir TEI J r-':• • - - - -. • - ~..--_---„f . - ~, . .0 1 ,1 NJ , .14.a.L.L4GE - 1 • ;, N.a. Cattier of Tih & Chestinititi. .. . . ... . • pau4b-holiii... - . • ..- . This instil:idiot:4 which ,wire atablishid is Itia.' end Is now consegiently in the eighteenth yeat 6f its oxlet _ awe. numbers Among - its graduates hundreds of ill , : Most enaessfat Merchant* and -Easiness Neu a al Conga . • I • ~ . - The Oct of WI IneUtuUoir iireetely4c, afford young tileji .. tiestatioretergli preparitlon frit business. Thelerfoletbeetanint aelf.Book-keening; as spoilable to the Barlow departments of a •Tennintabio both igaltf ofusmentelf Comm --w•- ,1 -lea,- latlitlatles,, Na i CITU Inginnetiog , Drawing. - Phonography, - - and e sliZei ta lr a rialton is peculiar, it,' data Corse t lessons &refold! allot Meath student IS taught fade- Tidally, Redd he lady tomcatted at time. end la -7 tend et whatever *oda are most Calve ent. - • Catalogtots gre fated stinnally after lie 15th of April: containing clashes (gibe students - ter th year. and MI , partieulare ot terate,te..- Mod - may be obtained at any time by addreselerhe Principal. In extensive aceorafeodatiou. wlde•sPread ferttaliOn. lathe lengthy experience tattle Principal, this lestitn tion offal facilities auOcrior to any other In the conntry. for young men wishi*tO prepare for busitess,and to ob- fain at the sametime- a Dioleniti. which will prove a recommendation for theft to au" Mercantile iloate-. - - I,2lrerlttenden's Serie/. of ?ratites oh hook-keep lag, pew more widelycirdeated than any other. Trakvs , - the abject, are foreale at the College S. HODGES CliiriMleMiti, .• ' A florrafttf-Loys,r P , • • ; a • arlictr. ' '- . . .. DEL . 1 .„ . : 1 „- wisTEß it, :Rit The Plpti6.. r Tattle of thisi:eompany now t4to from Binghamton as Rama ;,. . WI% BMW/AXTON ttr6:o tam; C9cattntin at • . ... eLettiiitag,with the Lackawantik ti Bloom thong Ralf 111 • Romribtrittaton. Wyoming Valley, Kingman - and Wllhea•Barre; as , - • . .. i ATrenton Or p t=the Babidare_ and .yea l itze p i b lat a ltrLte t t Phil. CTION; witiiritnialittie'6ing &Maid of N. t o w =r Z el l r NfPwari6 and NeNqtk..e.lso ' np. di ----,--- d t --ylik-Allqattren. Nitac!„4, . - ag a Bum; ettiving at . NtW if oak 610, Phrlad'a 8:00, and Hartiebmg @:ps p.m: .., . .:... , „ LExViswILIVIDUK; foot of Courtland et; at Ptiriad'a, foolof Walnut-et, at connecting at' CRINTOIS. with Laciumanna aßloottisburg Tt. It, for ).7 Pittston, Wyoming Valley, Kingston Eu 34 WAkesharre and arrive - 1m Binghamton 'MD. tn.. connecting With -NighaElpress tl.t un.tbe Files BallwaY. and IsalUA leaving Binghamton next morning for Cortland, Ilo mer„ and Syracuse., ilar" TiskH4ol,44; see ihre tbi Latkawamsa 004 Fr*, an. tfus;CurebEited I:pelt - Mare Water lUD: , • ' ANACCOMICIDATION TRAIN. Leaves Scratiteittor Great Bend at tBO a.m., roan = atdiatplaew with Liag Nattnes West on In , =Bsilont7, and as forming* direct connection with Trans 00 thee Symtua.ltallroad; Hatat i r k =yesi area Hendst t.IO Di; and olives at - flap. m.. • - JOHN =SHIN, Superintendent' B. A. MUM Oen..Ticket Agt. " [Scranton, Pa. A PARAoll.ototiltiltitasmalooetriThiller. TheabUmi. ber will lend (tree of charge) Wail who desire it; the Recipe and dir e for making a simple YfteMMe Balm, that will in from two sowight days rem ora Pimples, Blotches, TAN, razenz% ballowneu, and allimpurities and roughness of Hie Ski h, tearing the 111/1111:Z411 Nature intended it shipaldbc--roft,clear smooth and beautiful. Those desiring the recipe, with full, in structions. directions and advi, will please call on or address (with return postage,p_ • THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chemirt, BOOM' - 831 Broadway, New York. `, k • REMEDY FORMARD TIMES , inhere people - have- XI. been thrown oat of btodness, and posses.' some lit tle means or small ittaimes.la to make themscle'es a home. (See advertisement In another column of the tettle ment of Vinelandl . • - • - 'a GOLD • RULES TIM HAY ! And with a plentiful supply we Lave parchased a lave stoek of . STAPLE and FANCY DR Y GOODS, GROCERIES PROVISIO4VS, RATS AND CAPS, .*: 61VD SHOES. WALL PAPER. WOODEN (WARE, COAL 014 a n d LAMPS, YANKEE' NOTION' t S ',SKELETON SKIRTS, nitwit; SALT, FISII, NAJISi , • `PAINTS 'A N D •OILS, Aid 50,060 other artlclesloo num erOds to metitlonmtdch will be sold at prices that ' - Defy,* Don't Target The, riaee.' ypWtoquire Oboe neiglibpri nor The Cheap Store, . . They will luvoiably direct lon to HAYDENBROTHERS,. PEOPLE'S AGENTS, ORIGINAL _"ONE PRICE" STORE STAND BY • YOUR GUNS! aIECIN7.7 I S:i..ELNTIES; VTO i -10,1100 HODOCKERS Ahmed With' Bricbliats 1 4 MONTHS MARCH OF WASHINGTON! FAI[:ANo wihrifl GOODS; akY .—kilut 'kV Ft Plf:, issoat xtmovuezoge. PR OD UCA 10:1, !:x Exchange for drioch Cash Paid ror - rum HA.YDYN: BROTHERS NEW MlLEo4o.llpieteto 25th, 1881.. P •. '-' SA:- ONIFIER aHE Pas44/Soap 'Maker!. All' Kitchen 1334aae Min be ma4p alto good.SOAP binsing Siponlder. ISI1:4- rations steompapj , each box. Soap la.alesally =kr, • cup of coffee., Xanntaesare4 only by the Patentesar !.P - enn'a."Salt - ,gaiiirdebiring Contimmy, . _ mbe lyjw • ' . it Walnut-st. Ptffladetpbla. • . lIITARRAIt•rw - :4oslar.a.rmar. dv and equal to :11, any EIROSIMIEV. ' • • __Why bny wittxploalvein waestlinv amta.p tantgwr gallon willAWMalt you with a pal reca9ll4 ' , ~Miasotar by- PENN% SALT mentnernma COMPANY. • 127 Walnut Street.PMLADELPHIA., Karch 6 Mt ' ~.Ir. Se Pottengl3l . Co., NO. ft PARK ROW, New, York. and 6 State Street. .11 Bogdan. are our agents for the Montrose Democrat in those cities, and are authorized to take advertisements sad enbacriptions for as at our lowest rates. Elio EinsfesoSono and Experiessio of sod.— Publistreetor the benefit end as IC wiunint and a caution sb young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, premature. Decay, tc.l supplying at the Amy the Means .of Sell:Cure. By one who has cored himself, alter betpg put to 'great expense through medical imposition and quackery. By enclosing a post paid. addressed envelope single copies may be had of the author, NATIIAML MAYVAIR, Esq., Bedford, Nino Co. N. Y. imbri t 37 To Coltalllespotivias.—The adVertiser.havingheeu restored to health in a few weeks, by. a very simplecent edy, alter having endered severalyears with a severelting affection, and that dread disease,. Commotion— % anxious kr make- known to his fellow -sufferers ithe meant of care. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of tie prescrifi , tion daedi(iree of charii), with the directions for prepar ing and using the same, which then will find a gum are for Cohamption, Asthma, Bronchitis; dm. The onlrobleet (tithe advertiserin sending the Prescription is to benefit the aglicted„aad Spread inforthation Which he conceives to be imtaina id e. and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy. as It will ccist nothing. and msy Moveablesiing. Parties wishing the pnocription will please address • - Nev. EDWARD' A. WILSON, SeptgfAili rillainsbaz7. Kitten County. New Tcsit STONE WARE, LUWE assortment afro: Abdominal 8a porter!; and a vaiiety or caber articles of MU CLUMP of goods..: . SoLatry ; ; ABEL TURICELL.Montroes. • BROOMS MANHOOD ; 11011 F -LOST. HOW RESTORED. • .404,figed; la a Head Znielop7 Price itizenrs. A talljb - TBRII on Pie wither, treatmentand radlealkure A Orepermatimhari or seminal weakness, fuvoltu turf mitissions, - seznal and impediniont to marriage generally. nervousness, oxisumption. epilepsy and lYts menial andahialtalLueitpacity. resulting from seitabure, CULVEBWELL,N. D. author bribe Green Book. ke. . „ The worktretmened author, in th is admirable leetirre Gately proves from his own experience that the **Cul consequences of self-abuse may be effactnally removed withoutesedicine. and without dangerous surgical oper- Mimi; bougles,:hittruments. tinge, or cordiata,polnt lntt out aMOde of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mar be. raw cult filmset cheaply, privately, and radically. Thfelm turr!will prove a boon to theuvends'and thouvando. Sent under seal, in a plain mirelope, to any addres. on the receipt:of six cents,. or two pottage stamp", by ad 7 dreilfog. " • Da."CflAft. J. C. KIINB.t kotthlysta• Irlkrwes T , Post 0111callos*Mi 1011.000attt i al ua h s Coat, put sr. l i gOZAti e r e Wror t hat, Zit? ome to m Ona ululated titoassud stitches. and every Melia e liqtri tatter airtelt that have acqui r ed , from laag g e u : parlance st the Witness, a skill . requisite to siva any aialior toys mu and conifortat4 At, either coat. votaissista, always tn . the LATEST; . STYLES dole ifiti despetrik sad fn. eassassuses ,s tlagtort`tdsrether='Termetashdown. . 'sii• Try ma dear Ste#Ot fiestries . rfote4, -. • KtrabialkOckil, , s JOHN: Glif:108A , • sitessue. for turpcniin!and a PA l fettisM& iltallit,. :me asisby ABEL .TURRELL. fqlj, e== AND • EiIEIR HERNIA 200,000. NTINIOX..ALVCX; I . TO ALL WANTINGFAMB) • New - Settlemeiit of -Vineland. REMEDY :FOR, 11A - R . ll -1 .1 IMES. • . • A Bare Ofiertuni IT is the Deitltarke, aaft • ' • Delightful and Healthful Climate in the teL Only thirtiniiles sinithof Phil* • .., " dolphin. oa .a• railroad; being a - •: - rich. heavy I soil; and highly irodnetive wheat land; Amongst • the best in the Oaken State of Nevairsey. • - T CONSISTS of 20,000, scres of GOOD lona, lidded '1 ta farm* of different urea to salt the purchaser—fro 20 acres and upwards-1121d is sold at the tats of from 21 teen to twenty dollar* per acre for the firm land, pays,. tie one-fourth caalz,and the balance by quarter-yearly en stallmenta, with legal interest, within the term of four yoirs. ; eksin fEICOrLa • le;ln great part,a rich clay loam,seitable for WArat,Grare and Potafou--miltwa dark and rich sandy , loam, suitable for corn, sweet-I/Mature. tobacco, all kinds Of vegetable, and root erOtit , , and the great variety .of trait, *nth as grapes, pears. pesches, apricot*. Nectarines, blackber ries, mettles aud other fruits. best adapted to thel Phila delphia and New York markets. "In respect to the iff.di and roar there= beau mistake. ue visitors can exam ine both, and none ate; xpected to buy before so doing, and finding these statement* correct—under three cir cumntancsa. unless these !statements v, ere correct, there ' would he noose in their being made. It liconeldered The BestFruii Soil ,in the Union. [See Tenon of Solon 1(41)1 can. Eeq., of the New York Traitor. and the well ktiown,agricuiturint, Witham Par • ry. of Cinnaminson, New Jerevy,which will be furnished Inquirers.] • '•‘ "rrrin . • , By ',joking over a Nap the reader will perceive that Is enjoys the best snorkel*/ Die" Mon, and has direct cone - manic:Minn with,New York and Philadelphia( tried a day, , being only thirty•two miles frpmthe latter. Produce is this market brings double the price that It dors in lota • dons distant from the eldest. In this location It can be put Into the market the same morning it is gathered, and for what the farmer sells ne gets the highest price; whilst grocerlea and other articles be purchases ha gets at the lowest mien. In the West, what he sells brings him a pittance, but for what he buya hops). two prices, 111 locating here the settler has many other advantage*. Ilv is within a few hours. by railroad. of all the great cities of New England and the Middle States. Reis neat his old friends , and associations. He has school for him ehil• • dren, diadne-aervide, and all the advantages of civilize • tion, and he is near a large elty. i1'.13.113 CI Xs X7I4ICIIOP3EI TA delightful; the winters being salubrious and 'open, whilst the enzumer• are no wanner than in the Nord, - I The location i• upon the line of latitude With northeru - Virginia: • . I tumour, - WVs i'eiaa' Cli►aatt orCLlMATEroeHurve , would by mach beneetted in Vineland. The mildness of tht; el inlatt and Ste 'bracing influence. makes it excellent ' fur all pololootrry etrections. draprpela. or orteral debit' - ly. Vbdtors,will notice a differencerma few days. Caiffs andferers ars eakoargo.„ Conventences'at Nand. " Building material la plenty. Pia and oysters are pleutiful and cheap. Vishnu must aspect, however, to sees new place.. I - Why the Property has not Sera Settled Mew fore. This question the reader naturally salts. - It is because •• it hasbeen held JuUrmtrocts by families not diapseacd to - eell,endbelig seftWat railroad facilities they had few induceurnts. Ttgragjitotut. has just been clamed flue' the property thin season, for the gut _time. Visitors areahown of their:ad lot carriage, free of expense, and afforded time and opportunity kr thorougis in% estigation. Those who come,wlth a view to settle. should bring money to secure their mucharm, as loco"- tions are not held upon refusal. ' - Tng ithetert Tanya= Haab Tiara, where people bare been thrown out of employment or business, and Tam est POMO mean 4 wr umall incommts to start Mem- . wiresa home. They cenbuy a ;deem et land at A, small price;,and earn Ittowt than wages in lisprovlng it. and n hen , it is done tt is♦ certain independence and no loss. A few acres In hull toes will [Deere a ertmfortable liv ing. The land !split down totharditime price*. and all improvement/lean beiliade at s theapex rite than host any other time. The wholeiract. With six maudlin ou the railroad. lo being laid out with fine and specieus avenues. With a town in the centre—tea acre lots In the town veil at from CZ° to 4300; two and a-half acre lots, at (romp° to $llO and town lots 50 feet front by' 150 feet deep, at-sloo—pay able one-half cash and the balance within a year. It is only upon farms ci twenty acres, or more, that fueryears time!' given. • , TO MAN C.FACTUBERS, the town affords a fine sped ing teethe SHORmannfactming business, and other ar• ticire. being near Philadelphia, add the nurrounding country has a large population, Ashlar affords a good Thin settlement. in the Connie of several years, will be, one of the most beantlfhlphmee In the gauntry, and lb Ost - eyeshade for a residents, . • - - It is intended to make it a Vine. and e Fruit growing _ country, as this culture is the most prdeuble end the beat adapted tb theutlarket ' Entry adVantage and eon venteneo for thesettlenswillimbitrodnard bleb will in - sarethe prdeperity ofthe place. The bard-times thro' • out the country will be an adrantage to the settleannit as it etonpft_ people to mart to agricaltme fur "lit. ID ffiiinnuthe • ri ol'people are piiihasing and people who titre the best fixation should visittbc realm once. Improved i,and tr lido for sale. Tiakinza.-.-Landaikk be bought with or without tim bee. The Timber sit market valuation. The Title is Indisputable. Warrantee. deeds gterni, clear of all ineumtmince, when the money le paid. - Boarding conveniences' at hand. Letters promptly answered, and reports of Polon Pol. limn and Wm. Parry bent, together with the "Vineland Ruud." Banta to the land :-.LeavetWalnat @Jed wharf, Phil' - &India. at 9 o'clock, A. 11...ancia P. 31„ ~ „(onless there should be a change of hour,) for Vineland, on tbe GSM bons' and M Blythe Rolle/Md. When yens leave the ears at Vineland litadon. just opened. Inquire for "CHAS. K. LANDIS. Postmaster. • • Founder o( the Colony, VINELAND P. 0., Cumberland County N. J. . • lIARFORO UNIVERSITY. . . \ TILE neit Term of this Institution will commence 011 - Wednesday, Meptember 3d. The acPend term on. ‘• Wednesday. December 34; arid the thltd term, on Wtd- • rimillaY, February. 18th. 1863. , _ . . 4 2 24-INCAPEZT/33319 . 1.', TVlTlO:i.—Common,Brauctiev. including Voeal mil, Ic. ,00 attirrrilPbtlo,opby,Chemlity. Phyeiology and —s 9 licr,k- Keeping ' - 4,00 Algebra, Geometry and AtichipeLanguagee ...... ... 6 00 French, • 6,00 Music oh Piano. until the War la over ' 0,9 0 ,,, ROOM rout. - . 4. •.L•...: .. , .; _ . . it.. Ex proses of Recitation, room , ,00 •Brarst per week . ' 00 Each room is firrntebed with a cooking etuve, bedotead and table. , . - . Recitations continence at 1 o'clock .on - Monday, and close for the Beck atnonn on Saturday: • The ermine , exercises ale the tenoning.: - Monday evening, debate in the iineletice room. •Wednesdk. Speaking end COM position. - • Tenni - day:Lecture. with erperta.ents In Namral,Phi• loeophy. and. Chemistry. • "•. • , Friday. Geyeral Debate. *".•' The Institution is furnished With an apparatn• to Mae trata the prlntfples of alatatal Plillarapbraad Chemistry, and a skeleton and Xipa t 6 aid la the study of Phlstelo --ALlarford, Aug. lasi2. Adnithietrator's Notice. - k LL prisons Indebted to tfig estate elan O'Lauiblan. late of Susquehanna Depot bolo, deceased. are - here. by requested to make Immediate payment., ad all persons having Balms splint edit estate *lli piegent them forth- Aritb toMAST O'LAUGLILAN. AnmiXD•pet,Oetober2tstJaak - Ada':