The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 11, 1862, Image 4

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    = (sJ . 3J
The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS=
TERS tan appeal with, perfect confidence to_
Physicians and citizens generally of 6e United
States, because the article has attain id a repu
tation heretofore unknown. A few factsAipon
this point will speak more powerfully than
volumes of bare issertion or blazoning puffery.
The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ten for the last year amounted to over a half
million bottles, and from its :manifest st.ady
inert'se in times past, it is evident that during
the coming year the consumption will s roach
near one million bottles. This Immense amount •
could neer have beet sold but ler the rare
medicinal properties contained in the prepara
tion, and the unction' of the most prominent
phyaiclins in those sections of the country
Where theartiele le best known, who 'hot only
name :end the Bitters to their patients, but
are ready ee all tines to givitastimonials to its
el ear; in all cases of stomachic derangements
and the diseases resulting therefrom.
I TLis is cot a temporary popularity. obtained
by eersordinary efforts in the way of trues-
Feting tle qualities of the Bitten, but a solid
estimatron of an invaluable medicine, which is
destined to be as enduring as time itself.
Hostetter's Stomach. Bitters have proved
• Daises , ' to regions, where fever and ague
and. various other bilions tromplaints have
counted their victims by hundreds. To be
able to elate confidently that the ."Bitten"
are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, is to the preprietore a eource of un
alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter
from, the etoma'cli, purifies the blood, and
impart s retested vitality to the Denims ny&tetm
giving it that tone and energy indisipenrable
tor the restoration of h r halth. It operates upon
thoslotanch, liver, rind other digestive organs,-
mildly but powerfully, nal doom restores them
to a condition essential to the healthy discharge
ef Abe functicra of nature.
• Elderly p.rsons may use the Bitters daily as
per direct:cu.! on tea bottle, and they will find
in it a stimulant peculiarly adipted to comfort
declining years, sa it is pleasant to the palate,
lnvigoratingbto the towels. excellent as a tonio,
and rel:lvezatin generally. We have the evi
tinnoe of thousands of aged men and women .
who hare experienced the benefit of using this_
preparation while suffering from stomach de
rangements aAd general debility; acting under
the advice of physicians, they have abandoned
all deleterious drugs sad fairly tested the
merits of this article. A few words to the
gentler sex. There are eeftain periods when
their cares are - so harassing that many of them
sank undei the trial. The relation of mother,
and child is so absorbingly tender, that the
mother, especially if the be. young, is apt to
forget-her own health in her extreme anxiety
forher infant . . Shetld the period of maternity
arrive during the summer season; , the wear of
body and mindis generillyaggravata Here,
then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe- •
rate the energies'of the system, arid enable the
mother to bear un under her exhausting trials'
and responsibilities. Nursing mot.herse
rally prefer Bitters. to all other invi ors=
'tyre, that receive the endorsement of phya
thins, because it is agreeable to the taste as
well as certain to give a permanent increase
of bodily strength.
All those persons, to whom we have particu
larly referred. above, to wit: sufferers from
fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea,
dysentery, indizestion, loss of appetite, and
ail-diseases or derangements of the stomach,
superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary
occupation, and nursing motheci, will consult
their own physical welfare by giving to Ilos
.tetter's Celebrated 'Stomach Bitters a trial.
CAUTION.—We caution the public against
using any of the many imitations or countrr
feits, but ark for, ItoNTETTEICII CELESTA/SD
/STOMACH - BITTZTS, and Fee that each bottle has
the words " Dr. J. Ilestetter's Stomach Bitters"
blown on the Ade of the holthr„ and attuned
en the metallic car cosering the cork, anl .
ebeerre that our autograph signature is en the
Prepare 3 and sold by HOSTETTER.a
82=113, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all
druggists. curers. and dealers generally
throughout the United States, South. AIL 0.•
rich. and-Germany. - "." • •
Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wham's Balsam of Wild Chem/.
Conga, Colds, Coughs,
Coaghs, Colds, Coughz,l
, lams, Bronchitis Hoariness, Bronchitis,
Wotan, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis.
Whooping Cough, Croup!,
- _ Whooping Cough, Croup,
Consumption, Consumption, Consumption,
Consumption, Cousurption,
cad an like diseases, find an unf a iling alitiaxe,
rready ,
aid a are and speedy . cam is Mat
great and uiirersally apprised, remedy, •
Wirtar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wiese. Balsam of Wild Cherry.
• 11.• Bev. iscoli Sadler, •
Ira twos sa stud rappe f tri min t I.lto 'Chimes Am.
Wu' ea":„Vis chtst7, war as follinsisg siassiusafte
twat v&U q i4LL
l'A.,Teh. 16, 1659.
Mom IL W. I , oart.S. It Co.; town, Dear Sas:
ilaeliaireadized la my family imporuutt benears from
lbe S of your valuable yeeparation. Winkel Garr
Sax or WILD CIIZILICL, it affords me pleasure m
secommend it to the pubfle. game' eight years age nail
of my daughter, seemed to . ber,iit a decline, and little
lopes of her recovery were entertained. 1 then •pro.
cured a bottle of youeexcellent Balsam, and before she
bed takes the whole of the tantrum of the bottle that.
wan; great improvement in her health. I have, in my
.11ediildual cue, made !reveal ale of your valuable
medicine, and have always been benef.ted by it. I
emelt, Ammer, cantina the putter accaist rememliu, br
sew arer it a rod dial of tr 11,101.1 irigar's Baia lus of
11Pitri.arevry epee threagerat etc Ontr!..ry.
rme.=:s Teati=Dny
erreVeig. frina ML Nor.Eo6Ri. NORTON, /if do
Zru:mixr 0f,..,/tiamitl.
nICCII.OND. VA., Feb. n. 1860.
keen". S. W. FOWLT. t CO., Batton,— Gentlemen•:
I with pleasure testifrto the great merit of your in.
•alnable lung medicine,, Dr. "Wier_az's BALSAM' * or
Cutiter, Which is likewise highly valued by
many of our 01141=1114 citizens, who have tested its
virtues by trial.
I gnat male rue of this Ilalsam some three years since
Ike.* vinaent and &Miring cough whieb WWI the
skill of *plies:is, and, to toy joy, experienced such
gratifying solid u to Indies ow to persevere itt its OIL
I always keep it by me, and ever Arid it to be untied
hog in its effete Icti medicine thin I have sverused
ire Oman! speedindief. Yount tray,
-N01.8011117. NOII.TON.
ham Jess Smith. Esq.,
rniiidasis d t.'uo Ns,rit Cows 'Boa, sal sat is grait
buntrx cut owl miasmal darestAnd Jersty.,_
Ideniusreirer, N. J., Jim- 9, MO
Heaves. ti W. rostri..g.-4k Cd.,— Den Sin: Haring
need Ur. Wlstat'll k BALSAM or WILD CllialT far
about fifteen years, and baring,realizeit its beneficial
results in lay family, - it affordijne grouts plums le
nscourneeeding it to the Wilk as a valuable mud, le
cases of weak esZde, uses, Sae.,. and a remedy
which I conrid'er to bi entinuiy innocent, and may b
Wm with perfect Safety by the term delicate in bealtb.
Tease very tespectfully, •
ttr Beware of el le mod worthless emiarerfeits!
The rely Geartine, Pure, and Medicinal &Lan has
the Dame of "I. BUTTS." written With a pen,
and the printed came of the proprietor:, S. W.
TOWLE & C 0.," on the outer *tanner.
• AII SAO weer trial any &sense of the Throat,
Limp, or Chest, am lit:;//1!ike relief by wing
Wistar's Balsam of Wild , Cherry,
Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry,
Par:rain . ) $1
& W. FOWLE & CO.,
Dm*" btaZirri. and Men-lasts is airy Om
ad Fits itif!a Ussiesdliato,:„
.V. +es.. 4F-.-/goilMTril
To Sligitutd;rroland and Scotland. 1
oBlit\HAN PE L'B SOY'S DRAM. In vide atone
s ..ak. pound and upward', payable In the prinelpal
le...eita of Englapd.lreland and Seetletd,tor sale by
WX. H. COOPF.A. & co- Balmass.
4k' 11110- 11.81 4 C/ 4
4r - ss '
VO! , TUE 41
4:31-I4 IC AT .
et do present sr, Inn aNtand ibex' peat popularlti
oily august, years of trial.. taboitaded satidasilas
Dripepilia..Jsaudie Do.
; beim =sew it Mina%
art all Cowes 6644 ficTio a diswierud Itirrow Ina
as et the EtomatiA itattliegive Oniag.
• '
.IN WflirecedrlVE,T 111=11re
nun mu, awn mm, AU mu AU AUL
Oir Almanac fix proof. Pitca,:a mato Far kW&
Boodand's Balsamic Cordial
CIRO& Cab. ar Hamm, Illkomahats e lam"
Croat Painmssais , ladphiai eidumeariNV
Ain" b 14.! pur‘dined ills aunt areuieldig duns areAlemi
o coximentirsi nmstuarrlopr:
Al a Diorites Conliatirie unequalled. MCA 71 mai
N . per batik.
Ulu; welt ktiown throng:bout Tampa and America, we&
ao cmunical..6.oa. Law. They an purely v4stalile,
prepared irOi swat *tacit:ow and and Ougarsiciatcd. Na
better Cathartic rill eau be b.uad. Plum 25 eta. per Vol.
Then medicines are prcmi)-nd by Dr. C. M. JACKSON ar
Co.. Ploladaphia. P., and `t. i 0010. 3.10, wad are sold by
drunriam atul dealers in medicines ererpchnre. The sip
macre if C: NI. JACILIMI .111 be on the outside of each
bottle nr bes. •
10 001 . Ererybody's 4bactitoc," pnbllilted annually, you
will End teitintury and iiiintuenildtory trotter. frem all
pima or th• country. limas Alai...mare given away by
all out agents..
TU crt.rmwrip ROLLAiib REMEDY TOR
Am, thereartme affections consequent upon s disordered
lob ae Indieution. Acidity of the Stomach, Co'llcky Caleb .
IlArtburch..l..nes of Arpotite, Despondency.' Coetlemses,
Blind and Bleeding P 1414 In ell fervors, Rheumatic, and
Neuralgic Allectiche, It hu Innumerous instanceeprcuret
Leoetirial, and In ~then effete/ dedded cute.
TLie'lea.pork3 regeWile rompounti. prepared on strictly
wlentinc principles. atter the manner!!f the eelebreted
ibataad raerhsve. Its reputation at•tiome pt.+
awed 'qtr. - It:Om Lem. the demand en
commting edgily.'
these of the fatherland scattered over the face of tbit
mi,thty o`ontry, many of wham brought with' them lied.
beefed down the traditlm of its vain& It is 7474 , 0111
to :k• medic. knowing that its batty
rtt4.l Fr ciet - nteArdued.
It. mom:mended to those permits whale
oonsttiltlons may hare been impaired by the continuces use.
,of exihsicapirirs, or o th er twins of dissipation. Generally
- thetantari-..ii. In elect. it end. its way directly to the meet
Of life. tin Plinu sot Inick.nint every nerve, rafting rip the
drooping '.spirit, lu fact, infuelag new health and vigor
In the system .-
Ntrile.E.—Whoever ...Teets to find this e beveragi yid
ler diaerphintwit hat to rpm sick. weak and low spiribact,lt
will peert a grateful arninatis cordial, 1)0111011011 of alit)cular
reirecital propertoe.
Ttor Gtouiro ebrirontrittal Rierhitoe's
Aitien ly,pi.t up. in lair-Out.nly. and retailed at
On AR 'IT MT bottles I'm Fitt Dotutt. The
meat dorateil for thig truly mlebtated Redkine has iodiared
aaay imitatiQns, atieb tb yittqlc gourd against
miromoing.• •
ltirtiesiare nt Soo that our table le oa tpa
lela•Lor ..err t? at:: yox!l+Uy.
Sold by Dry.ggiata generally. '/t 1142 I. Arwarial
by Rarest to most yozota.
pharmareutists and. Chtmists
-u)' .. .,ofsetwie e .irl
CURE r 4
4 1 , CURE 1
-4.1 .... - A
A - i-irt , ,--
"l ean. a ene,„
.... ~......
, k:52
EEiri4; 1 . 03 ED!
442 RES
.01i,illiratt, Villo,
Al apor'int, and 'stomachic preparation of
11011 pui•ft.d of Oxygen and Carbon by tom
bust-on in llydroten. of bjgn medical author
ity And extraordinary tifice,ey in each of the
foloorir . coma:oot% . •
;Br eta. •
The 'LION being ab.orbmi by the blood, and:
thus ei alatin; through the whole ;rank 110
part of tie body can escape their truly wender
tut influence.
- the experience re thousands dany.proveithat
no preparation , of Iron eon for a =lent be
compared with it. Impurities of the blood,
;western lot vital energy,. pale and otherwise
Leidy cdispl ions indicate its necemdty is aL '
most eviry conceivable ease. 'ln-el rams of
female debility ktuot , albus,',eblOrosli[ste.)oits
%frail" are. &Dui renovating. No moldy
has ever been discoverekissAhe whole history
- of medicine, which exerts Inch prompt, hgegy,
and full* resioraNve-effeets. Good appetite, cow
plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strong%
, with ast =SW disposition for actin and
'etieerbal exercise, immediately follow toe.
As a grand Malachi° and general restoridito
i it has no superiet and no substilaite.
. Pus up 1. need ut medal imps tosostoistuir
ft° 'OW. Wine NI costs per tools sir bases,
foe bOt est* dater finioss.lll4 OD- .IParisibt Itor
I procla"bi micrOls. 1 110111* snort floe fa
I any "dran.oss receipt aow recie: an kir)
arse, ardor's: etch, Isee emedreseselto
;11. B4LOCKE as C 0....
General AgivilMi
• 336 Ifs,
. .
N.8.,' The' above U Ommillieles fir as
ais alai bar
L rendered by them in &Vora '
toarnyeir ;me
1Tr ... 11 ......12 4 . 41 .3 7 fire Gellelie::
sad aceo ll :EgaLlar . pl i latusea it. ant r a= .
I tbi s ea%
is ==aritt at Ile
' ad la so& sistalues as is
mad rade ye' la lle
VIGORATOB, sail is
violate, Mlles. A ,
Iplelnte, Dysenree
Ire Vleolara, Chola
lolairktoin. "lots.
Pomade WeakneOr.
eiestally as ea Ordlna•
el tie. ;twill ears NICK
lamest:ids ass Welty.) In
'two or stove Tea.
en et osoeuenegion el
glees( ioer Imeemeor
, .
It lee owlet Armande
r aelki a l ma oitio op all boom
eartlitcolo a my
The deeeliest be
emu ing lL=
male ea tak
Ost Beirelo
Lot t tiotabee of your
aro of LIVKIR 11-
irCi mei Liver COW
tarkiii • bylpopils.
Shaver C•ra.
TY,. Dripre7; No
COdllvestros, Choi
r" iterbes, Chadors
knee Jausidllote,
• eol tear be and eio•
ry l'ausior
Musty Plainview",
apoosiflels are
Ali who quo liar*
lo Wow. •
Pelee One Seller per Settle.
. , . .
: • PAINII.T ' . ..-
Para 'Vegeta/le IC ta, and pat iill lit
' GLA4II,CAIIik Ale Tlaltl, ai.4 will IrvalY'
-In any thhoothi , .
Th. Ilfweatty 'Catoi I hartle RILL. bath
e. tat .astin w* , Ir Cl Clattlett the yearinerikaa ,
nag In ha pmts. Anent &an' fweMY )MK W nI. •
The ooaalatte• inereialag mane hem AS orbs
Walcott wad tho PEW.. a 2 ant the latiatiehoo which
all owes inmate r thole wm alit he
too ft glace
thtiln within tits resehaf a%. . _
7M Proloadoa orallhaaw g dal . alfatratriglicsati
ea &Manta omitaba of the bowels. ' . -
Ile FAMILY CA. • . TIIARTI ..5 1 . I. I. le
haa. toles. doe retinae* to . Ada. wa ll eatabilifta toff.'
balm, auttpoonftl from a misty of tbafttowalfftle
labla ftttseta. oohs& an gala ao evoey_part of lho
aftletaaft mat la 4 ate WPM i 414 waft la all eta.
as wharf -a' Cathartic la boiled, much ate - Dr,
y, au fg e, ;: g : i of . t r:
_Lola a i th er VAT ,
Ciiilivooesa., .f , at . •iis .......... over
the whale' y, thorn modem- told .. whkla
froptattly, If neglactett. and la I how mum of ft.
• ear, Loom of Appe- the,* CreeelAress•
saDoottitCold over - the h.vIT. 11 hoof'
nese, Headach e, - or • w e g ht l a 'h., tad
'all 1 n eh= th•forY iii •
Irlatanto. Worms hi
thlltlyeti ee Adult . , Rhwtroiallatn, a mat
remitter ofravillooetaa., &at many dour le what .
heal ISC 6 sooitememas hif lemma** la UM alvenna•
Phtt. 411R1111 -DIMIII may .: ' •
The-LI lesvlgorator mina Fil Ca.
thartle Pills as retailed by fonaunna Dmvally; sat
aah wholesale by its Trade to all the largo lawns. .
S. T. W. fIANPORD. M. D.
Maaufactarer sad ?elator,
• 335 llrhadir•y. NewNew Yorrevk.
111 HE extensive Furniture Establishment of
1 Sum BROTHEAR having been refittea and
greatly improved,. the proprietors respectfully
announce to the citizens of Moutrose and vicin
i y that they are constantly making and keep on
hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment of
To be found iii the Country.
We give the filllowing, list of some of the ar
ticles which we will .colt at greatly reduced
prices, for CASH or READY-PAY:
Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with glue.
from $l6 to $35. •
Bureaus with marble or brocatelle tops. from
$lB to $24. And a large assortment, from $B,
$10.12, 14. to 818. •
Wash Stands, Card Stands, Corrierand:Square
Stands, of all varieties and prices, fronils cents
to ten dollars.
Desks, Divaris ,Towel. Racks. Footstoott4,otio.
mans, Lounges, &c.
Centre, Card, Per, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen
and Erfension Tablea.-
. Chalra—Cane and Wood Scats. Roskere—
Cane, Flag, and Wood Seats, of every 'variety
and style. •
Sofas, tete a tetes - furnished at Short notic
at New York prices.
N. B. Ready made coffins on hand or for.
niched at sh'ort notice.— . always In
i'eadiness when desired.
, " •
We amino)? none but
CAREFUL and F:xpEnc
r.scEn WORKMEN. We intend to d.. our WORK
WEt.t.,and sell it as Low in it can he 0r..rd...!
• - . smITIII,-;11L,
E. IC. •
4nn'T , n,n. inn IRO , . ping—if
!! •
in th... ce:::fe of ihe• bitslll,. . t .";
' r• " • No . fit 1:. etttriitettr: an,t
ar." e,c .N ne: •71 V. 011 ••. 2,7 y
. .th.
patitit .ttod t I,ra The l'r , .prietitr
rnafiit:at that he•ia nNtx. p r epared to entertain
entigts in a manner that eallllot. (301., Rive
Complete Satisfliction.
the ki01.4 and Fnrnisure Arm new. And tn• t.:-
n e n , e heen snared tt, render it otpai. if no.
U. any nintilar o.. , Abliehtnent in this par
of tho Mat.. It i. won .upplieri with all the
er,y,•nt •,, w rov, nd an,i obtiCtir g
I a - s, t.p.543..... , ,--e.por..! the
rio - o7 and Conyanicat.
t! ,
%; - NV
g A •
Gs -
S ! _
• ~ . icr,
We are determined not to be out-dope
in the way of
ALL SINDS OF• PRODUCE 'fakezt In Ezehaage for
CO C I CO 0 re D
the Great Remedy for Indigestion. BliSous and
Scrofulous Complaints, and all diseases a the Blood. for
mile, at wholesolo and retail. by ABEL TERRELL.
F i rmAtrXr)
Crabair, candias, lamp oll,te. •
_ _ , Tarrell's
WOR Patatere usts.ubstltutto for t tines at
& - X s amisitiess wiz% r DM tir
OA CANNING FRUIT. YltßAOlass eatka: I
R. No dunce of Whin. Call and see theta; Pres tbem
, .
DAILY MAIL fiorrt_ - 4ntittztav
riOMIFINti carrying znalle and galien t tifflEartyaira.
U Montrose and FriendMille, will leave arie's Hotel,
n Montruse, daily, at 3.o'clock,hi , m: and leave Friends
tile nt 3 o'rlnck. p. in.. • •
OP — Homes and miniver can be procured at the Li7ery
, table at the subscriber in Montrose, Ontessottable terms.
• %matron, Aug. 10.1880.- tt J. D. aop:
.4u 170"4, by Baidte!in tit- Allen
_/7d r,
Located orir the Busgadin4 Valley Beak.
TEscul 11:
LOWEI.I., Principal, Professor of the
science of Account's; PraCthial ACcountant.
utlio rof Lowell's Trifidies upon Ifookr_Ketp
ing.l)iagrams illustrsling,,,the same. -
twill Rasiria. COmmercis Profee'i
1 liolk Keeyine and Practical Mathemetier.
J. Ctiaria,. Attriill4llll, PirOit.:Nhitr i D the itoi.ll
KimPiim Department. •
t. J. WARN ER, professor of Practical and Or.
iiamental Pennianahip. Conimercial Oalrnh:•
tions and correspondence. I „
Inn. Daniel S. Dickinson, teaurer on Commet.
cial Law and,Politicat "Ecoimmy.
Lot. Itan'tioru Balcom; Lectarer on Contracts
Promissory Notes and Bille of Exchange.
ler. Dr. E. Androivs, Lecturer on Commercial
Ethics. `
EXAM. N I Illfi CO411111TTEE:
ton. Sherman D. Piicips, Wm. R. (Moil), Esq.
Tracy R. Morgan. E'-q.
Too objt•ct of thin Collegeis to afford to all
n opportunity of obtaining a thorough litrainema
-. The Books and Farms arc Carefully arranged
bypactical accountants exprcasly for this in
.tiliitioo and embrace all-the recent improve.
The course of instruction 'comprises every
lepartment -of business. The learner will be
:horoughly taught the scirni.e ann practice of
illoultde Entry Book-keeping, ak applied to the
folluiving kinds of business,viz: General-Mer
chandising, Manufacturing, tanking, Commis-
Siambosling, Railroading, Forwarding
Freighting, Foreign Shippino,&c.
Y Orli 0 MCI
Cad qualify them!dves inn short time, at this Institti
Lion, to till important and lucrative. situations. Ample
references can be given where graduates of ISOO are now
filling desirable situations with salaries Iron $5OOlO $lOOO
pet annum. -
`The Proprietors are in possession of testimonials from
some of the first Commercial Lionie S in the State, to whom
they have furnished hook-keepers., showing their entire
satisfaction and cooLdence in the ability of the graduates
'of this Institution.
In all its branches, tanght by the most skillful and thee
ougb master,. of the art. No Collepn in the country - en -
Joys a higher reputatipn in this department. Ladies' De
partment entirely scparate•trOm that of the . gentJemen.
Students can enter College at'any time.% No linnet' ans.
Time to complete the course, from $ to 10 weeks. Stn•
dents passing the requisite exaniinatinn are presented
with the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma
issned, by any Commercial or Classical Institution In ,the
Union. -Assistance rendered to graduates in procuring
or terms of tuft on. prisr of hoard. testimonials of
&takes ftlllll2 positions..te, nediess the proprietors for
ulare coot:111)114 full particulars,
ct 1.0 IrELI. & WA-ILNER..
Proprietors Binghamton Comnierrial College.
os. N, ' Binghamton. N.Y
"pME. Undersigned having taken tne Itoorns formerly .
occupied by a'. it. DE t NS. is now prepared to tarnish
who may desire with it good and truthful Portrait.
113.,inj well posted in the orodifet inn of the various kinds
tePictureo Of theday.l dattermvself that my workgs not.
f xcilled by any in this section °him country.
Amougthe various kinds taken at my Rooms are the
Locket Pictures- down to the smallest sized miniature.
;‘, El no.. Transferred Ambrotypes—the finest thing out, for
- sanJing by Pont to soy part of tbe Icirirld without sits
Picture...are hold, vigorous, and expressive
—not those faint. lifeless .h.tdowe often sold about the
.ountry. Pletnres taken in rid kinds of weather. equally
e i :roust!. children. No picture need be
taken arks* perfect iritighictitittliglern.
in dressing for a p 1. ., ore. av01d , .11, colors.-such a.
ntrmle. quorlet, Pink. etc: Most other• take well; Se
Lween. black. red. snuff. .brown. orange, yenew. etc.
r - 40 - act - number that the place to get your " picture" le
TI the Erick black, over Read. Wutrons k Poster.. .r o se.
J. B. outzugrolv.
Mon row, Pa.. Nor. fifth.
- - 60 •
Agencies in iii the principal cities and
The ; Grover A; Baker S. I. Co. beg to
call the attention of the public to ihBr recently inuodu
These machines combine all the latest useful Improvb,
Moats .in sewing machinery; and me highly recommended
for their
Simplicity of Confirmation
Nolaeltapanem ; Rapidity;
• Ease of litanattroarotl
Capacity for all kinds of worla t
And Beauty and , Regularity of Stitch.
• ,
Various styles of these machine; adapted to the honie
or workshop will be found at the different agencies of the
company throughout the United States. ,Their new
The latest triumpo orthe sewing machine art —noiselesi.
rapid...and easily operated will commend itself to those
who use such machines for. manufacturing clothing.
Grover & Baker ; Machines,
T-hese Motiv•telebrated machinti, adapted to all the
wants of the 'household and tnaniiisetory. continue to
maintain the pre-eminence which the almost universal
verdict of the public.has awarded them. The well-known
011ie Grover Baker Stitch will always insure these
Machines the preference for•family use, fur the mantase;
tare of such goods as are intended for wear—for use and.
.noefor show..
tar Whorerer " the Grover d Baker Stitch Meddles
base exhibited and fairly Judged in eompetititrn with
the leading Sewing Machines In the market, ineinding
the Wheeler & Wilms, they have invariably borne off
the drst
This asairtion ennfirteed by the deeiaien of the eels
tolttees otile State Pairs of
ILL:UM II fit s
- Olito and
moistly bold, vbkli awarded the !Int iiresotai to do
ewe IIOW Wefts over a *pinto &amid*
I .~
495 Broadway, New-York.
Towns in the United Stales,
Is _ WIT
As Mole featly).
S• • •
Spalding, 'envy critott wayneititshuble
proof:4 the' effirAcy oy tAiik truly
#rieutijit dioutiery.
' ../fasoymiLir, Coots., reb. 6,
Mt. Srstorwa. :
Stu: -
I hare tried your Cephalic Pins. and !N6 tliwos so rest
that I want you to stud me Si worth mote: - • '
Part of there ore fur the nolghhors, to whom !gates few
out °MOM* hoz I gut fro= you,
Bend the 'Plllii by mail. and oblige'. , -
• Tow obl arersq. - •',
- - • Jalli. 4 BESNIMY.
IlaverfoOl, Pa., Feb. 6
H. C. Spildlog.
Sir :
I wirb pigrto se:id me one more box 0r roar ervilia
Pills ; hare rseeired a Trial &al 4,/ Mstfeircen
• . Tours, yaws:gay, , -
Spruce Creek; Flouttusitloo cu. P1...1111. 16
U. Spalding.
You *lll please sett 4 me tsio,boxes of your Pills. Setal
them Intipedlitely. - Respectfully yours.
• I "0. ft. SIMONS.
P. B.—l liars used your Pilk..auct JIAd t/teto
4:ccellott. .
• Bale Vernon,btuo, Zan. 76'
Ilenry,C.Spaldlug, Esq.
Please and enclose mrenty•tlse rents, for whlchnend
me another hoz of yo r Capluslie Pills.. They are truly
the best pills I bare wet triad.
Direct A..STOVER,-P. if.
Elellerrion. Wyandot county, Ohio.
Beverly. Mesa., Dee. f t •
R. C. Spalecing„ Esq.
I with for come cl Mars or large show bills.' to bring
year Ill's more orb hely helm my rtlitelllCre. Kra
bave Anything atilt° Ind, please send them to me.
One of my cnstome . , who is 'abject to • revere /irk
headache, (osually Ise leg two da - ys). +tortured qr. an et •
tectia, endow by Pills. which I aent her:
Ecapectfally lours,
. .
Ideburg. Irtunkitn Co., Ohio, I.
danuarriti. • f
Ilenrg C. Spalding.
N0..48 Cedar
!cet,lq. T.
- Dear Sir
y-Are fent., (15„) for which Imams
s." 41mi to e,. Wm(Rlikr , at
in coruay, Ohio.
'• a cAXN%--esv Headache aka&
Truly. yours, Wm FILLER.
Inclosed find twee
ho; of "enplane pll
lieynoldshnev, Fran
Your Pills work
TpstLasil, Jan.Si
• Sir
Not long since I sett to ycin fora box of Cephalic Pills
for the.cnre of the Nervous Headache and Costircniss.
and received and they dad so pcod• en prat /
war induced to pad tor more.
Picas, send kJ futon' Imall. -Direct to
, Ypsilanti.
From the 4Tx . gminer. Itrorfol*. Vo. •
Cryx • Pialic Piaraccom Mb the object for whleh - they.were
made, via.: cure of b • • e In . alllts forme.
From the 4xaminer, Norfolk. Va.
They hare been teSted in more than a thousand eases,
with entire mamas.
From the De • rat, St Mini, Minn.
- le y= are, or hays' been tirwabled with the headache,
iced for a box of cephalic vitho, so that you may have
them in casco! an aqack. - -
From the Ad vetiver, Providence, R. I.
The 'Cephalic Pills hire said to be a remarkably dreetive
remedy for the hea*he. end one of the very beet tor
that very (ragut:it cOmpbstat snitch has ever been dis
covered. I
From the Weetr R . R Chien
We heartily ehdorst 31r. Spalding; arid hie tiltrireileti
Cephalic Mlle.
, From the - Val l ley, Sim!,
Weary sure that pirsims suffering with the headset
who try them, will atlck to them.
From the Patli Finder: New OrLeone. lon
Tty them! , tcro 'hitt are afflicted. and .gre are sere that
Tour terllmoopain be added to the already num r• t:.
list that bas received benefits that do other medicine can
From tlui Si. Loam .Denwrat
The ImMelpae dedgir4 l for the uncle (cephEllc pin+) i+
rapidly Increanlng.
From V, trlitztir s IMarnyort. Imra
Mr. Spalding w onlii not ccrrmect hie,nnor with in nt
tide he did not know! to pgasems real filmic.
- Frozn the AtiOertixer, i:
The temtimuoy 'their favor i rtroug, from the Ilifm!
Teeyeeitbie Citliftefil• I
From the Doily 12..
QaptialfePtlle are hildne the pleeeofett kinds. "
_ .
By the Use of these rills the'perioilleattackt of Serra
or .Stek Headache may be prevented; and if•taken tLt
commencement of anattaik: immediate relief from OR.
andalekness will he bbtained. - • •
They seldom' fail in removing the :Valeta and i7tadad,t
to which females ere he
Theyact gentlyupon thnhowels,—retnoting 6oriveimp
For Literary Xts, Student. Delicate Females, and el,
persons of edeal A they are ralaablere a laratiec
improving the ap givingtoneandvigortothe
, live orvan, to, and reStining the haw"' elastici ty strength of the whole system. anti
The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long ins esti
gallon a,nd carethily ebndatted experiments, having beet,
in use many years, daring which time they have prevented
end relieved aVW amount of pain and puttering front,
headache. whether originating in the narrow system or
from a deranged natant thane/mac/L.. . - ' - • -^
They are entire!? getable 'in their compositiOn. and
aymbe taken at &Mimes with perfect safety without 'nat
.:l3g any change of diet, mediae atience Vasty dietipreoth
hats readers it cosy feadminitter Mein lloo chUdrea.
Beware ofCotin torfoits.
The genuine hive flee signatures of Henry C. Spalding
oneach box.
Sold by Diuggists mind other Dealers in Medicines.
A box hill be sent by mail prepaid onreeelpt of the •
Priclico Qt I Clematis:
All orders should be addressed to' -
1111851111 C C. SPALDING; •
taTi2 V ach 4& Cedar Street, Now York.
garAsingte bottle or 11PALDING'S PREPARED GLUE
wiltuveteo time!' Its cost annuay.l4ol
gar.'A Mita:TA TITS Bangs Niint."l4m •
As accidents will happen even ht well regulated Anil
lies. 'tie very desirable to h avee. some cheap and
tent way for repairing INIIIIIIOIIII, toys, crockery, *C.: A
meets all such emerotiiiei. and no household can afford
to be without it. It is always reads, and opts the stick
ing point. '
v. 8.—.4 Brusb .aeeo•ppaantee each Bottle. Price AB
cents. dadress, HENRY t lIPALDIWO,
• NO. 48,. Cedar Street, New• York.
de certain unprincipled pemona are atteMpting to palm
off °tithe nnamppectins pnblie, imitating ormy Prepared
Glue. I would 'caution altpersont4to smooths beforepar
doming, and ace that therfull tonne, • '
is on the outside wrapper ;" Others inke W tbditna Cain
TB now prepared tapirs eves, ease& SCROFULA in
•1:lie Country Igo) bw Remedy for marl every 11
to which ttesh . fs belt. CO at tier ;
of ABEL- URRRLIond be nistied oi the hermits dis
pensed. ;flk MOGirollo. 17,1861.
asmottelest Jut reesevir Mantes, esiptes
A. po i nt% wicks. etc.. et . Turreirs.
SALE torpate•two Wits South of PiaUde! Ida. hi
the Gerdes Stets of the IttsA. Sat attests end
for markets to theanforr. • •
Mee advertleemeekeol Thelnd.)
13aft5ows Orr OF BusTraffik and %mating !Imp
JL fags, eisaivatuamicaiTtediti aostkar
Oohtsia' •
- •-,A' , - - - . ‘ ,_- ".,, .. '• • , lit: on.s., Ui: bto /du - 1.1 ' . 0.i...6.1.-. bl) DT
er g s l ' .- •Darsaparilift - . orritimsw l(01114.1111BUIAE, ,
r - ,--.--.., ,r A . ..." "4. -. , , . , . .
.102 1 0 11111FYING IKE . ItranY" . V L I S, ; F., LA Np -
.s t T T L E 31 E N T.
, .
Of *CI
r apidly' IWO OS dee iiillft•ined.Tartetieetlf ver The iollewitut Is an extract from the report o
Dkirallitr ......,, ...,,,.. -...',- - ~,2, ,s 1.,. f.„: goliia IltuDiason. Lis.,., publishorin the New York TM
Ilivrafflida mad illareia lona Atlrtelloni. Birk, w ig burr, Is, reletenee to, 1 toehold. Ailyttsteolut Ceti read"
1414A0 . 014 111.0111...110,4114 Exetptiosaa_, Plus. this nitwit. with urea eat.
P ill ; raalallOaL al•Vnibleas -"MI , Iliaialt Adintrt4loa Of Far=b4c near Home-Vinoland-Re
all &Ma miasma's. 1 mike upon Max -foil, Its great tottility 'lke .
I ' • • augLAll "l anal " bib " ne l UM ' 1 CaoOt l'oetillry-Atenunt of Crops Ertaltieed
_ ATI& & Co. Genre: I feel filmy duty to•ao. ,
lomswhi Wham your Sarsaparilla tuts done for me. Pra al,p►ideaoe.
Ravi* =hated a Perolidons Infection. I here mitered • it lieertalnly moist the most extensive fertile Web-
*oft It to varionir ways for yeah . Sometimes It butt; in an tmuitle wet-position. and !inhabit. condition for
oat In Meer" on my hands and armii &mellow* It'
farming teat we loom ofthh aide of the wr.t
•la lral d t a a nd lad alatelltd the It Oil ltalinch• Two' ern preiries. 11 e foetid swum of the oldere farms app.!
Mr" kr , 11 brOkt'eut ell nta bead and enveind litX seep reatlylpi.t as proidatd , productO eas ,Diali and cle.ted
inn awe Milton soar, which was marital and loathsome o f forest ',fry or s tsunami years Will. o
.. 601493 ,.. defteloon__,.... I,blied__,.lnanl,,._ medic ines and lever: . -, Tair,geoisql , t wools Awn dircover the cense or tb
v"ietral L l"`""" ° "` /r w" re" . 7 .
__H . ." , 11117 thing. .. 1 1, ceetitioed fertility. .1 he whole t "nut r) it A marine IA t
let, 1 dew der Crew worm At length I was Mew. leolit s iand all through the eon we found e3ides,ter ot , t,',
taireed in the Gospel Illellt.aeager that yon had prepared ' e.sreons soihmtaneer, generally in the form of iodultif,,, l
ma alterative ifiaraspotilb); for I knew from your term - LalCearytillr. Marl. 'lAm ire n.alllll4stthet fore., of ofJ Co.
tdkarthstthing you made most be good. I sent to omits ...Tilt., tertiary furinstion t and this wetly substem s
tetatenati and any
got It, and smut it till haired me. I took la l se Mtered all through the soil. to a very comm.,: , :t. ,' .
Las latdvise, hi, small doses*? a teaepoonfial over a form and in the erect most tan-fty a s ,lpt„,,,
month. ankused 'bawd three bottles. New and healthy by sal, 1,1141 i, at the bran r de-tier Us t 1:11 , +rive.
skin lamina
"gin \ is " "'arm under the ees sei we r's' i lit i e el ,.."l,l ot .. a Marl, in all its forme tors b.en hied to fettili,, , t o t ,„
~ ,
While ea rel thd i °ff. ' ta t dt - l'aeki,inaPtan",,,Thel,,, c l e at; ~,- .- . ,—........." know - b y - , , M 2 f . ~,e1 and. from the tone it arto. °Ca Ppied by the Iton ar.,, '
g et Ib li - ell believe that 1 -- feel what tam p - ,,y'1, - . . r ''",,,,h c ,„" 1 1, , ,.`' 1 a l ' ' l d
icy Fronts: trot hierinitny it men bed is a ouotec ! I, ..-
a I !We bed of manner, that eau be deg am: ram e
yori, that I hold you to he one of the pestles of the age, a„,, , ,r,, , , .
sind teashierer gratefidly, Yount, pread over the delft. tlow much mute thlunlie ito 5...
L - it mutt be.. % twt, ruut,t, Already mixed throu...l) she ~ p,
• whet * ne w „ ar o, ler will he turned up and ex post G. bt
It. A sithisityle`lfihro.: Rose or 'Mr velpelas, trattrformea to the owner's nee every. tinic- he stirs alto
Totter allot Salt Rheum, Skald Inlaid, king. earth; ~
Worm, sere Dyes, Dropsy... _dolling then satiefed our mind* with the ca.'s°. ii.,
Th.4ltribert. 31 Viable writes from Meat, N. y,, nth venison be excited with wonder el •tt lop it Mt hits!. rt
Sepals tall2,lthat he leas, 'oriel an inveternte case of idolise of fertility of a sosiswho Ifin our, siluatots. ha,
.Prop Pg. whit* threatened -to terminate fatally, by the mg tee same ellend rharsetert•ttcs or at I , act ci pc...r.
performing, nee of oar Baraaparilbt. and al& a danecr cos, is entirety 'anemones's:llre excrid or ite prottott ;et
ego ettaek of afalignmod Erpsllulos by Mtge donee order .ne.s„ Is promoted by aetlia tat fertilization.
wimr• mile he coral the eau a mein Ls wp g fo es by it Mt, A few words obunt the quality and value of fhb Tarr;
for milt I cation. of which isre have route et tong proof .
• Birti, nelhotels, Goitre, or Smelled Neck. Our tinirrloit was to Wtplam 11. Wll2, n. Frael.ll4.
towalaip, Gloucester county, Who palette:wale nie ,1;.1.
- Zeltal,b Sloan of, Prospect; Texas, tiiltes : ".Three miletinonli .if eithilie, allUt.l Lire,. %car.. ago, for 11
bettlot of your- Sarsaparilla aired me retsina Coltre- a purril. of crush] ishing a steatutallt - t0 a or" et , the tin. '.
Midas& 'welling on the neck, width I had suffered from her late (archer. to send of by the new railroad, it, It .1: '
Over wo years." , \ -.a the diewood aud emit. fol. a hith lie both D track
Lear orrlisea or White., Ovarian Tamer, tulle and a halt long. lb also furnished Alters! mile,. , - r
Merle& lileeratlost. Female Diseases. t h e r0 ,,,t w hin, tiee, and had .no doUbt made the In:i'
1) 1 11 S. 11.11. Chami=g, of New York City, w r it e . i \ •11$ i . protitable, though his 1113;11 ol;jert V,10.11, Wit .11 C, PI•.
gllolltithMernlir 00111 ply with the reoneet 'of your %mein smelter become tmovinced that the ! , 011 ves Tait x'. la ; f, -`...
saying I b a re fo u nd y our Sarsaparilla a roo „ t.erace n, ni t„,, caltivation. lu this he 1140 01,1 been. 41-shpio tot! d. 5.4
altemthe hi the nmewous D b m phib i t s f o r w hiib we em „. \\ semi or ids crops prove. For it;t:s. us, e,;. , 1 n t , s e ... ,
e ~e,,, , .... ;
‘,,,1, ,,,.. ;;.
plo Inch a remedy. but especially In Permit Diva:tee of cbupping. gab buitel. Or at
of thn Seroft t lona diathesis. I have c ur e d ma n y b ee t_ - 6 1 .1.cetits u bushel in the Eels . 'this , 9 ear. yes en at r• s
trate; =sen i or I etworrinee by it, and some where the tri the tit min arc.Prodittid WA' tnichrto of oatc. IT. or.
ownplaintwas caused hysolcrrntion of the uterus. The debate first cron was potatoes., plods d among tn.
tifstion Itself wise futon cured. Nothing within my rooti:andyiel.ded 75 letchl- . The potature were dc.: •
knowledge equate it for these female derangements +' and wittatt sues-ILend yieload .r,buch,•le : and the stub: I.
/Maud ii. Marrow, of.Newbney, Ala., mitre: o A.d a n. turni,l uoder and sown ttrinickwheat which yield, d Lit,
'ernes merlon rumor on °floor the fernalea iu my faintly, burl le; anti tiles, the grouud wax coo nln tlovor, 111-1(
' which had defied all the remediee we could employ, has timothy. Which gave ae a first crop 2.k ton- per at Fe.
,at levieth bean completely cured by your extract of Stir. 'fhb tett Ili zees appl ledits the.e crops Were Inst. r.rie e
aspirins. Our pliyeklan thought nothing but extirpa. ftemlelearega : second. / 225 IsstsSs of t'sPetiddtrf Ist"
tlonEld &Card relief, but he advised the trial of your of lithe ; t Ira. 20 pounds PGO Peruvian guano; then been
rIOW as the bat resort before entting, and it ens o) . slactual lime has been theclortt olt.),
prov effectual. Alter taking your remedy eight weeks it nas moieed.and turned In for vs item.
no sYmptout of the discus remains." - I btri. Wilsou's growingcrops. and the wheat stul.ble of
the gre-mut season, all luilicato his laud as productive a's .
. 1 Syphilis and Mercurial-Disease. any iii.rt of the State. f . ,
Neer 011LEANs 25tb August, IPSO.
.:: A v,Mary Barrow 's, an old style Jersey woman font: r.
01. „. J. C. Aria . Sir: I cheerfully comply with te several miles south of Mr. , Witson's. we were so molten .
request of your agent, end report to you some of the larlyostrack with theineappearzoice of a told ulcorit.ti.t.t
effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilks. was slopped to inquire of the hired man how it ear 1.r.,..
I there cured - with it, in my priudice, meet of the coin- ducod. W' found that theland had•been the year Lot
plahrts for which it s rotommentied, and have found tts one Infore In wheat. sown with clever. and this cut 011,..
effects truly wonderful in the cure of nomad and Nee- j seashri. end bat spring plowed once, anti out -poor o'ail
curio: Disease. One of my patients had Syphilitic Wiwi' nag,l' and planted With corn.
in hit throat, which were consuming fits palate and the i .41;14, 'Kitson mnstured high. we stippeee t" .we raid In
te i tar his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla , steadily taken, t urn . 11 Lp/eV. and got la, reply;
111 m In live weeks. Another was attacked by see- ••4 ital. yen see. we couldul done that ' error lee
tindery symptoms in his nose, and' the ulceration had hadn't but forty-one horee tondo alomether. for VI actg.., ~
eaten away a considerable part of it, lo thari believe the and we wautedthe mutt mit fur the truck." .
dlebtder would soon reach his brain and kilt him. But it The truck cons sled of beets, carrots. cabbage, recant -..'
yielded to mradministridlon of your Sarsaparilia;.the here, mellow , . At.. soda very prodnotive pa t els of Lima '
ulcers heakd„ and he le well again, not of course without beatjs, grown fur marketing. S., we sthre Pp t 14. cl th..t
some dbillfrilenlinn of the rase. A woman who had been the }Mimes not infertile, even uttaideld to clover. with h
treated for the same dieonler by mercury was aufferinr had fed the corn, because the : let:a pbte.h" had not been
frothisPoisas Is herStmes• YheY had become so ueno , m clovered.mnd had been in cultivation long enhugn to o ,
il l
Live• o the weather that an a damp day she suffered ex- literetenil eigne of the (meet. ,
eve slang pain In her Joints and none. She, too , . was - Our next visit was to the brie farm of Andrew-Sharp,
cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few wee ks. I five Milee north ofAilllville. from ball to a mile east of
knot from Its fbrmnlsh which Your agent gave me, that the railroad, and just about In the ceutre of Vitieltad -
title Preparation-from your laboratory must be a great
.11r. Sharp commenced work here in, up
tummy • entisequentlAr these truly remarkable results. on no acre , l o l ea , than th ree y e ars h e h ae got h.;.4
With i n have not gam ited me. acre ; cleared and in crops theseason . all well isselo., d
temall , your,, FM y -
t G. i ''' LAMTMEM, M. 11 . auddivided Into several glebe, with cedar rail or pole -
Itheamatiem, Gout, Liver Complaint. fenee ; line Malt • two•story dwelling. ahont thin) --: a.
INDEPENDEXCE, rrostOti Co., Va.. nth Snip, lira - or fOrty feet, and a smaller house for farm kutiorerm, and a
stable and granary and tome other outbuildings.
Da. .T. C. Area. Sir: I have been afflicted with a pidn- COnsiderable part of the land we. dared for the plow
ftil Aron= Minimal um for a long time. which baffled the ... .1 ~
tt. c Sioch.a To an atlC;ltnd 013 snore olive hetlrDr crisp an.
skill of physicians, and stock to me in spite et all the buck% heat • limed with 341 htishels in powder per D. re.-
remqdle. I could flud,untli !tried your Sarsaparilla.- One
bottle aired me In two weeks, and restored my general This crop may be put in front July 4th t0.200`. and ) lei (I.:
froth ,twenty to thirty bueltels per acre. ha rre-ted in :1. n v -
health so much that I am far better than before I was
sneaked. I think Ike wonderful medicine. .1. MEAD. ember:
when the land being eowed with 11,0 pound. of
Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louie writes: •• I have been isno : I nd seeded with rye. yielded 12 to IS
Verrivta n m
bushels per acre and ten dollars worth of straw'. Th.,
alliktedlor years with an affiction of the Liver, which . .
vi. nibble turned , a ft er knock( tur htf a large' grou th 4.1
my health. I tried every thing , and every thing r- tr. "t
, i , u m' and dressed /Maio with guano Dll .e.. rd..l
i ll= d relleve me; and I have been • roken-dawn man
t ° , 2 Wlie r sit": . ve l'• or 16 bushels. - The crop which he Wl
for some yeast from no other cause than derange:and of ' 1 • 1 12'1 ' were there -promises more • of a re'',
the Meer. My belovedpattor.theltev."Mr. Espy, lid vised tre°h n • g f r ' and v t c h w e I • .
me to t,ry your Sarsaparilla, becauee he said be knew sttaw s very heavy. ,
le d thetholes -
bless-' We went over the stnith and form and
Son o I'IuMP V 1 n.
mad " L iking "'I made was worth trying . BY elan
gof ad it has cured tie, and has so purified my blood >---)• •ra t a l" raw.- . .
aa to maim • new man of me. l ,f ee l Tooor agar . Th e ontluirrowing. looking as well as x • e ever raw it, upon
beef that tan be , said of you la nothalf good rtiengh." any[oldeultbated farm, and with a little work done in
tbc !winter to clear off some roots and rotten. stump..
Sehirrni, Cane sr Tumors, Enlargement, 01- and, setting 'Wakes to mark permanent ono , . we it ill i.e.
miration, Caries, and Exfoliation or the able to cut the crop next year with a m o wing n.a, iiii,.-
Bones. and We it id galtranteutwo tons prratre, if I c weal go, ...,
, A greetvarlety of eases have been reported to newhere the'overplus if it overrnue thoestimate.
cares of these formhinblecomplaints have tenths d from . Part of the land was planted with potatoes for ;a lit-t
the Use of this remedy, but our f ace here will 'not ad- crop, which yielded one hundred Und twenty bushel., pe r
mit them. Some of them may te• newt In our Atr.crient Isere. It woe then limed *Yids tlfty per ache, arid .
Altstanme, which the ii,.,oefitm bele Aimed are pleased to seed.d with wheat and clover. yielding nu average ! !
furnish gratis to all who call for thlirn. rive'r 13 baehels per acre. the clover eon' looks bear,
Dearman'. Evart Disease, Pits. Epilepsy,- 1,„ 1
1 "Ikallaneholy. Neuralgia. , titaL
Oth . er po lt
rtiOs have wn ;Lanied xi th corn as/ fir.t
cro p. a 10,1 1 vleoled 111,11.17 hurd of venow flint Con.:
litany aortarkslde cures of these affec tion, have been- and the second ergs hole bushels. mail the third colt.
- made by the alterative poster of thle medicine. It salmi- treated Las pounds of : men.. we art, pure no one itcotlid
tales the vital functions into vigorous action, and thug est boat e itelow roily feistier' , per ncre.
overcomes disorders which would he supposed beyond [The reader e Ili recollect that the writer is now tq,e 31,
litalowh. Such a remedy has long beett reqUired by the
neeessities of the people, and we are ,eonildeut that 'Mb, in.-'ut lends perfectly. new. end which cau seurcel.l be c u e - .
wlllMo for Mein all that medicine can do. , ofd' re n goo arable con . ion.- ; D.
d 1 dd'i" £ I
, in other cases the COl7l crop vilest year we • tonne ei.
Ayefs . Che i rry Pectoral, wt.:, oats this stv . son. nut yet thrtrihed. but st 11l areom,:e
probably fort y . to ufty bushel.. sweet potatoes. 14,,,a-.
n1..11.10., =la is, face. all eel:viable... rs well a- ) est, _
peach and other fruit tres...phststett this 9 ear. chow N.. 7 I
plainly that this lon no-,:hr•ctett tract 0,1- load should :-
main so M. longer. and there Is now a e rung 0n.1i.a1.r.! I
flint it Will not ; for anthr 14 aucpiers of Mr. Lc mii, :'..
will he divided into email lots, with rood. located 1,. ,
commodat.! ail-Cle , Otir%Clan it , Don I,tv, il l t j,.. 1,,,
-eyed All rtirehDeC2* c- ti! gerroilred to iMild neat cot -; -
forbid,: botses; and either fence their 101, iv era ° , ~,!• .
or agree to live without fence. whis-h a unlit be ;Weir: -
ble i by which meant , a good population a 111 be xeu-o
wbsi will establish ehurehes, .0,11001,. pit. 1,... mill 4. r:` , -
ehlitf., , horA and homes-liontes'ef,i,tnertemi r,,r.aee.....,
ritnidtel tiy gerdens:orehanb., gelds and conifert- - of c o
Ward life. • I .
It' any one. from tiny derangement O!IDSDIUe.s. it
OW' of changing hiss pureults for life, or w ho Is fro!, asp
canoe deAruni to find .3 flew locatlot. a nd cheat, Moe e ii,
the eountry,nitlivho troy read and Who.. • hat w. bat,
Inds . •dated. he will dr, well logo and nee forfiitn.. , lf w h a t
may be taco within a two boars ride of Philadelphia.
. you THE Barb) cunt: or
Catawba. , Influent*, Dostrgenessir
Croup, Bronchitis. Incipient committals.
Ilion, and for the Relief of consnmp
times Patients In advanced
stages of Patients,
k r lals• remedy so universally known to surpass any .,
of for the cure of threat and lung complaints, that it
is dens here to publish the evidence of its *toes. Its
unrivalled excellence for, toughs and colds. and Its truly
.wandernd cures of pulmonary disease, have made it
Imola throughout ..the civilised nations orthe earth.
Ire* are the communities; or even fatuities, among than_
Whti have not some personal experience of its effects
some living trophy in their milituf its victory over the
subtle and dangerous _ disorders of the. throat and lungs.
idl know the drrad?ol fatality of these iliSorders, and.
en they knOW„ too, the egrets of this remedy, we need not
do snore than to usury them that it has now all the vir
tues that It did have when making the cures which have
WOlll so strongly upon tbeeon6denoe of mtutkind.
Iniiiired by Dr. I. C. AYE& fd• CO, Lovell, Xis&
1 .. (Lpn I a 11. t n
. Sw;pht . r..Atburn Ctnlie s rf y
' 3:•:i ir tggiet:. e%trsv , lxte. tc f S cy.
I . •
*-1:0 ...arvam i • C 49.170 0 .30
ega..snl A's relopc 1 - 4S es 04.,
3 , .9.iu the ean.e and. Cure of Spermntor
Phoia, Con.utripttou, Mental 1.14.1 PhYP
- 11,bililv,Nrrvonnetot,Eellecity ; Impair
ion.of :he 14.dy LapAt tide Weaknre of the
Umto. Ina the Ipiek ; 'lndlipoOtlon I tooe or mernovy;
eyer Up.: forktr 11 , fle .011trde timidity : eelf-dht
bectinCFC : etrcrtion• ot the eye.:
Ot• the !het': involuntary emt.plonp. and oexual j .
cep4lty: h , ` entiaequei , t.e. or youthful Indbrcretton,
pr . , Thi. mmtruble lecture clearly prover.-that the ,
sllnvi.onmo,prAte.)..flet: relt-attlirt;-d. evils may he re
inroreL4 without medleine'enci Wlthollt • orgfeal operations
-dna thould be read by every youth and every man in the
Seat tinder seal. to any eddrees. Ina plain sealed enyel
ope.lot the reeelpt of six tents, or two nontsze onmns,
ky addrieslng P.K. CHAS. J. C. KLINE.
in'30—:6 4._ 21 177 flowery- New rock. Poet Dot. 45M.
TlllB Delicious Tonle Stimulant, Especially designed .
.11. tar the Ilse of thrs- Medical Profession and the Family.
losing super ceded 'the 'so called "Gins," " Aromatic,"
••Cordlat.' • , -- .Medicated," Schnapps," etc.. Is now en
doraud - by all the prominent phystelana,chemists and con.
nolostears, as.possessing all Mose 'ttersuustri Median/0
gnallilea (tonic and diuretic) which belong to en OLD and
PUSS MN. Put opts quart bottles and sold by all Drug
&Wind Grocers. etc. A. M. BININGER & &0.,
igitiblished in 17711.] • ' - Sole Proprietors,
oe4 yl„ No, ;Unread S treat. N. Y,
For sale at Turrell's Drug Stu*, Montrose.
'i.. "I . i
k '!i -
L go best ifeelicipe in the vorldfor the curt qf
Conghs and Colds, Croup, • .
Ennichigs, Asthma, Difficult Breathing,
Palpitation of the Heart.
For Ow Mktg,' patients in advantat slava oJ.
. Consumption together with all Diseases
'of the Throat and Chest ana which
predispose to Consumption. ,
It attacks the mot of ellennv. and mato Viefell
:detain:oer suceunalqa Its in Pions. aleopeortu
; ces free e x pectoration. .: inilreeteiwakly action
; in Ourrikunted Mucous ilembriine emit tieing:.
It, is peculi,n.7%t Seapt.t..l ttrthe radical
Ont awn, th'ira istrodunnte srßreqften . liuts
, a...sandenvoyi , vrttly.Pien. m 1.1,41 1 .1 10iF 44 ." 4 "'
: nahlnnf Oa di,e , medelLoo. Pt...ery iilrnonnt ,
.'4lse Nee. ezt•el pi-vmpil In 1 , ,, , n4W. Try it 4.
crnoPrett lAal II i. inratinsth -in the curs Qr
. yrr - fieriions; - •
t+-k , .:1) r”.O, rvr NNtti. :Prepared only by
Di% ..4 E 5 1E.174171£1.V. andadd hv A. Runtrein,
.41: en.. ff. IT corner OM and PAPLAR struts,
' , PAII4cra; Pa. For at Itt ...Ifmarnas4y
14/nal. ARM: .4,11000. 7
' mum Rein to inavkit,.rtustantly on hank. hod at allow
*AL es as it cap lamtaained of any Dealer fn town.
TilaTen't Prig 91m,
;v. ~..;
f4 . 1.. - . ;:-_,.-1... i /,.-;
f.. „
~,...,......,. ..
~.._..v . ..G,,
'Es,.f.ablitiliad.ia .
tgl)‘li”jb. in 1840
The o,ibi Cam'inereia 1 Coileyt trr ll'
C•10111 , ,P11 by d• p, iv/
4 ' •
. .
ckvEl. e4y) students hartattentird froM Thirty.
5.../.slttrerantState*. Four Sliver 111 . 1.641P11 has t•
lwArdod Dag.' System of Book leeptn;;-; alai the to , ‘
eircatiariti*t Issited co;,talne lettore from stutton to In rho
L7ral*. Cincinnati. att.. proma,,
It to baCie tre*t known. NINE rtrst Premium , \ken .
cently a.osirtl , A the. Penrnan , litp orwm 11. ITFY. n 4..
with hifaAMICIAte Professor, C. C. Cochran. are an donht
aril* the hest p,mnicm in u-rtra.
Ittiper's Bditaon of fhilf* Book Kiepitm port paid, It.m:
!ME and Ihtnean'y of Pen man*hl p, .6.(4 ,
Duff and Dancates.Nt.w School Copy Book*. 6 No's, ns
For xampl**of Duff A: Cochran's Boldness and o.rnsmrn
tad penuut:!*lll p, with the new circular of 64 page,..lnelc
'46 tent,. in *tamps to
nirr 4 y XS
DUFF S : 4 0N.
" -
Pnlihi.hed /1.4 R wnniing,nni: for thclll..trir.l I Pr fl
of, Voung-Ilen.and thoey who Maffer.with Nen nos It, hi:
RADA** of Minder), Prernarttre Decoy, &r.: le.. I.y
wlit, hos coted himself by simple meant , . niter hrinif r•
to Meat expense and Inconvenience. throne.), tbe nrr n
wort rik EI4 1;10di does preac rtbed by lvtrat ed Doc rdr,. S n
Or cupful, mar be had of tho.antbor, br eneloeing a phi t
paid wddreened envelope to
e9tbn Greenpolot, Long Inland. New York
'4l:viestionably the best insigiined NVOrk at the
kind in the World."
The volumes bound constitute of themoclrco a library
of calocelLaucona retiding-ouch as cannot be found In the
seine cumin's* In any other publication that btu , come un.
der ournotlee.—(Bo.ton Courier.
The flaunt popular Monthly In the rrorld.e4N. Y. Ob.-
server. -.
We mutt refer in tonne of enlowy_to the high tone and ,
varied eieelletwes of 3i LOA anse-,a Jonrcht
with a monthly circntatton. of shoot 170,000
whose pages are to bZr Wind some of the chfdre-"t light
lied general readlrig of the or. We speak of this, t‘ or it.
Allan evtdonce of the American People: and the popular
ity It has acquired is merited: Each Namittir contains
fally 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately Illustra
ted with good wood-ente ;• and it combines in heels- the
ray monthly and "the more phliorophical quarterly,-
blended With the best features of the daily journal.. It
has a great power in the distemluation of a love of peed.
- literature.—Tnranktia °tilde to American Literature,
Tio Magazine In Europe or America it as WelitOOKII;
thane hasARV:O many madam; and we may safely ray,
mane has received to large a tribute of. admiration from
tie cultivated glasses: that delight Ina healthy, divert' i
tied, elevating periodical litemtitre. It is the forernott
Magazineof the day. The dretide never had aMm de
lightful con:11.0110n. nos Op minim nforg enterprising
Mend, than Darper's Prokilaat.
T It 3X 8 •
The 3fagnelne maybe obtatned of Booksellers. Period
ical agents. or from the Towle DOLLA IF n
vela, or Twearre•Ften Ciwe, a Ninnher. The ein 1-onon
al Volumes, a:completed, neatly, hound to tloth. an.
said nuTwo Xlollars each I' end mn-hi cover, an• fall] •
Ishod to theastnthoyrisb their Orielf.`rinnthera nalformly
bond. 'at VI tents .each. Twenty three are
now ready, boned in cloth, and also In half calf. .
The Publisher/Pi/DI .apply Specimen N Illhbkris • prat n-
It(Maly to Agents and. Post nolietc es. and *lll maks liberal ,
arinnunments with them for eirenfatingthe IleDiable.—
They.lvill deo supply Chiba nrr reINOPS at Fire Dol.
year. Or Ph e Per,cmo'nt Ten Dollars. Clergymen
airkTerchors•saprited at Two•Dollersn year. .
Harper's 'assize and Harper 's Weekly. one year.
The Mattatifne welv;li! ov,r, .even. and not ores elcht
ounces; The p0,4:1,:e. on each number, which ma•t !ie
paid citurterfc. In advance at the orrice whet' eh. Nags,
eine is received, is Three Canty.
- . - " • 'HARPER it PROTITEPSI, •
, , • .•
Trantria ehpare, hew Taft.
.A RCM tuoartment Moo, Abdominal gOpportore, to*
IA a oitioty of other ankles of flip ,lairof goods.