itANttraODIPORORDEPSYZEI . Mr. Trtinibull, the Republican Senator from Illinois, recently made a speech in Michigan in Ai hch he thanks God that t4ie Federal arms were defeated, atAilull Bun, and on the Peninsula, and under Pope, ti.r without such defeats we shout& net have had the Emancipation Proclama tion !. Had we won at Bull Run; or taken Itichnion& said the Lack-hone of the rebellion Would _have heen brOken, and the . Union avouhl hate been restored with I:tery remaining in it!" It is time such treason was attendcd4i. Bit the eleetion will settle them. s;;:irThe Delaware Mid Hudson Canal wilt M.t be closed this year until closed hi- ice. The advance of coal in New York to $34 titn, by reason mainly 4rf the shortness of the supply, makes each. of the companies using the 'canal solicitous sending forward as large quantities as pravaleable.,—lioncsdate Democrat. • Yates. the Abolition- Governor of told the Pre.ident that, if he 'would h.sue the proehunation, - he could 'stamp armies out of the earth,' who would 'leap like flaming giants into the fight.'— f W hpre are the giants:4l . Tsey.bave joined Greeley's army corps of 900,000 aril - Governor Andrew's Yan • kees, who.were to ". swarm on eyery high way and byway." There's where the " giants" are, and you can't budge :them : they wouldint l'march on," even if " John 'Brown's soul" were to appearoo " Marsh al them the way _that they should go`,"•-:-- 'They want to go the other. way. L" 'lt is understood that extensive prey partitions are making in Washington for the 900,000 Greeley Wide Awakes who have. Waited for the Proclamation before springing to arms. The beef, biscitit and glory - awaitsAiem.-7-Proridenee Post. DEM6CRATIC NATIONAL Star Spangled Banner" and " Hail Columbia." NEUROAVORSTUPPEUS' NATIONAL trywN. —" John Brown's Soul is Marching Ou." LW - lAtt; exchange saYs: Mr. Cameron is on his way home from Russia, after} io ahsendelif a few mouths. This Russian 3lissionjias cost the country . $90,000 in about a year, and will cost another 4 . 5,- 000, or more next year, as it is pair un derstood that Speaker Grow is4o succeed Cameron. Clay .vent to St . Petershurgh and staid a few weeks and received SFS,- 000 outfit, $15,000 salary, and $15,15P0 !•xpenses. Cameron took the ,sam'e; and 7n third wird() likewise. Go im thieves ! I , but.look out for the day of settleirteitt. . Cameron, who has jll4 ar rived at IN ew York froncEnrope, confirms the statement that, the rebels are building three formidable Iron-clad rams in the _ British shit arils, anti repeats the warn ; lag that these vessels are intended to nuke a dash at. onr chief Atlantic citiest SINGER & CO.'S UTTER "A" FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, was ALL TEE aim= inumovEmErrs, ticsa, . . Ifteft the Townehip Corn mltteett, or any pereams. having In char , . the Volunteer Donut, Suhscriptlon pa is the hest and cheapestaud most beautiful of all Sewing • The Zlountv ttinitiritiners: dee.. ire very much Machines. Thin marline will . sew anything, from the - that yon shonfd foiward. to their ogles. by the An Mun running. of tack in nab:tan to the mating of an Orel- Novimiher court; or during the tinrm of the "same, cart—ativthing from Pilot or Beaver Cloth downto the . th;'itamer of all person! , In plate Township or Bonough, saftent ti . .iuzu or Gossamer Tieene.and in over ready to do. wh i? us., paid their sttbseriptlon. ne It in highly Imp.r ro pertikthirt. It can felLhem. bind.gatheriuck. taut chat they should he in poe session of said thin, In or ' qttilt.Mid has a capacity for *great variety of ornamental der to properly adjust their account with the Bounty week. Thin in not the only machine that can fell, hem. fund. • bind• and ,n forth, but it will do en better than any other By order of Comp iiiioncrn. m shine. The Letter "A" Fatolly Sewing Mactrine may AV: A. CROSSMON, Cuni rs Cl`k. be had Ina great variety of cabinet snare. The - Folding • tornmk .1 oner Oflice. Oct. itg, ;Sig. gt eine. which le now becoming toopopular. Is as its name Inl , llle, 01 . 11 e that can tie folded Into a but or cane.. which when °potted. makes a beautiful, eubetinitieland erfaefouti table for the work to rent upon. The rases areof every imaginatde design—plain a. the wood grew to ife 'native for-.t. or an elaborately finished as art can make them. Inc branch utllces an all well Inputted with silk.: twist, thread. net-111es. oil. etc., of the•very bent quality. - Settd tuna copy of "Smut k l'o:e.GAtlgt•TlC" ' ' siNr.l7.B 458jiroadway. In. T. rir. Ph Pad el pill a Office.. 810 Chestnut street. READ, WATHOUSst. FOSTER,..Agents iti-Montruee 200 HORSES WANTED In 'rola IDELWrig,, FOR -CAVALRY USE Ffi.Tltt,a;:-.M"..11,.da%d t r ). " 1 3 „, / L ' Lli 6 ll " :, - Pliq l ; paid. mares will b,• hott.ght. and nn vrtiito'hnritet. Wili at Searle** Rotel. MONTIIOBE. on Tneinlay and tVirdnerdwr, Nov. 11 and 15, and at BROOKLYN on Thurtdal', Nue. 13 lov.S It APPLE73ACII & CO. NEW MILFORD NORMAL SCHOOL. 11. L. HAWLEY, Principal. E. B. HAWLEY. Assistant. 1:1LELIVIC1/3 cur ivicrwrxceme.: l'ammun English Branches ja 00 Siighcr " " sad Mathematics. 400 Do. " including Latin a French,' -5 00 4.r,mary Department - 00 Juarunfental and Vocal Music, extra. THE WINTER TERM • -4) F r 17371 , ' Pat.taga Tatimdmgncnoune - .l.`leeen Witch& • . • Studants.wth be afforded as opportinity of acquiring A-thorough : ENGLISItet CLASSICAL education. on -more liberal TERMS, than at any. other similar-School in the State. Lectures oh Teaching and other subjects Will be giten • durinz the term. ' Board can be had on the most res•ortable terms ; also Booms for those IFISER: to board themselves. C.4E — Eor farther path:alms. address X.iI...I.IIAWLMY, Principal. New Milford. By order of the M oartlL • ' . T. BOYLE, Sec 'y. JOH' 'MAYBES, Preet. New Milford, Nov. Mak IBM &Pico of JAY COOKZ, StBSCITIFTIoN AGMIT, At AT COOKE & CO, Banketh • • 114 SOL"rEt TIMID STREET, Philadelphia. 7.4 - dv. 1;1864. TrlE,nnemrpigned, haring been appointed hubecrip tint! Agent by the Secretary of the Treatqrty, is now -prepared to furnish titmice. the NEW TWERYY YEARS SIX PUR4f.BONOS of the United States deldynated as Flie-Terengel," .redeemable at the pleasure.of the Governmodt.'affelpf „years' , and authorized by act of Congress. sptititfinil P ot+s The C. sso Rolli/6 it,sitad to sums of X6O, $lOO 45nu. t.kti ' ••,...; The ltegletet Fonds in sums of =5O, 'to. tar. sloook And PAW. Interest tit(' stet cent. per lumina will emzunence . from -datedf puross,e,. ,tuia is PAYABLE 041 6 0 equalott the present "prank= on amid; to obit% g par cent, per annum. ; Farmer.. Xerttatibs Mechanics. Capitalist*. and all who haveAu irigoos to fp sera. should know and remain her that t•Mie tongs are. is eAtt , cf, A first 'cart i lage upon all Railroads. Carols. X Rocks and Semi and -the imniente products. of ate ntinufacitirrre, As. ttr.. in The conntry ; pud.lilal t full so* ample Provir'ion -made for the pnYtuent of tins Intenert and liquidation of , the principal, tiy C4fluni. oitOes, gxeiße stain t and kia ternal Itesenoe, enrytallo.soke fttinie Bond. t Btott, it.ot Avai tosi Most Popular • Invest oosof in tile - Market . -finheerintients refved at pe r ta -fonder , motes, or mote. and checks nf hank. at pat In Philadelphia. rub- scri.),TA by mail er Mesa se pmtapt at indthip. and every tacility and. explanation will he afforded erzoinplicitiou .at this o ce. A full etipply of Bonds will he kept on hand 4tr aid e delivery. JAY . - CWILL, nutscriptAtto kgePt• Nev. 11, 1961-3 Pa • - -Adaltaistrotors'. Not sq_ '1 I. hereby given to an peraons havitj d s e• =ado attalnal fate enste of JAMES etsc'd. late of Liberty to* n.hip. that the tame nuaitim . presented to the undersigned for settlement, and 0 par 'sons Indebted 14 said estate ire requested to tps44 I a mediate pnyintiof : ; IiV I I,I,ARD TRUE4DEU, 4. TRUEstigUs Oct V, 1802.. _ . . ! . Adam.u.stPator 9 S NOtlee, LL person4o ntkbted to the estate or Jilin irkLmitt .41.1ste of saslachanos 14upot boro..deceased. are rotlestol to make Mimed' 'aps payment.rad all,petsoas o tn.vink against said estatiiVA present WHLWu toms. _vitt _ • • MUM 0 . 14T1G. Zarra pried, octobtilll4llllll. Aers. Sii ft See..:caro trf : JTay -C00ke...T*0,41 lam on the subject next week. • • •- • The ttt icor soPorPAa __k l .. - BINGHIMION — .611.-HlYti...., An hannense.lock of DIM 12100D5balaght pnviOus to the bite-Me; and 'amid at lees than New Yuri: AVROLES A LE PRICES - - HIRSOHMANN BROTHERS, • BI t4 ,. 43H . M .r. N h - 1 - 7 7 %.0. 041 i ' --AO • • 471 No. 20 Bingham Now offer their entire Stoetot _ DLIT et ID lb 24621 1 .0003.3._ /te.. Meditation of the MIMIC Prices of the day, securing a esiiing MONEY to ve ing in Dry Goods at their Store. We offer a splendid Stocked' endless Styles and-Patterns, incliding many novelties of the season fu DRESS GOODSI .!.i . prices from , .._ . , 1.13 Clem:atm I:sl:Ecitraerclis. , . S3II33.ELIZTXII , I7X-a• . - • ' I.;:ii - o.4ll.l3rb.iity . ",..., Frorkii4 upwards! - , -, Splendid Woolen and 'Troche Long and Square - . 'lttlJ Vit9 VERY CHEAP! Itrch,illain black. and black brocade 'FROM. AUCTION!! BE &11 i .ritkill ',. F,EIC Very. possiMhi dia . de of' Pdra,metto- 43z . Merinos! Also u large stock of • CLOTH, CASSLITERES, FLANNEL, IVIIITE GOODS, LOTS 'OF SIIEETI,rGS. • Every conceivable shade of Double. Single and Spilt' Zephyr Woroted....;all dei•erlyttuts of Millenary - Goodi., ay,pl Wholegale and. WWI . : • /Mess, call at the under,lr . ..,ned; before purchasing your Goode elsewb.e?e... as tbry an ,uneurpassed for quality and price. /lIRSCEIT BROTHERS, No: 20 Court Street,: iiivov- 33 . 37273,731g r e'1. iwrcPl‘l.' NTTv y C AME Into the-enclosure or the subscriber. about the C Ist of October, FPCIt SHEEP. The owner will prove property. bur charges and take dotal away. Brooklyn, Oct. 2.7;th. 1 0 62 . - 4 P - J. C. MUiltiAN • ; 3. a 0, CO 0 0. TT TAKES IMAM - i tchem to make up n Coat, and es-- ,e-M• -tacit mum. be t=kilfttilv driven home to make n hrood job of it. Tbinir of that, Martyr Brook." 0ur..., undred thon‘and Witte, and every 'ditch n *ire qua' non I flatter myaelf t WWI halm acquired. ftattfdnnr•ex iwrlenee at the imaino.a, n th.lll le,quisite to give any man hov neat and comfortable ISt, either In vest or path., al way. is the LATEST STYLES 017 — C,111Itt1z16-. done with derpatch, and, iu *tractions:it en how In phi together—Term caihtlown ..•. Try: me. One door went of Starlet. Hotel: ! Monsro.e, Oct. lse2. , Jons catorks.. • • Register's Not oe. • • • 1 - 3 1.1131.1 C NOTICE hereby given to tLll,persons eon eerned in the following eetatek. to EPLIte of John Comfoft, late of Harmony .deed. UT bane Burrolv. one of Executor,. . lEstate orThonuta Dixon, late of Great Bend, dee'd • 'WU Dixon. Ada x. That theaccountents have nettled their accounts in the Iteuinter's °thee. in and for the county'taf Susquehanna. and that the •ante will be presented to the Judges of the Orphan's Caurt of .ald ceanly, nn Thursday. Nov. 200, 1.461. for cooUrtnetlou and allowance. , - • U. K. NEWELL, liegister Register'• Office. Montrose, Oct. W. 18(4. ' • ' • To Cousamptives.—The advertiser, having hem' restored to health toe few IreViCP. by a very simple rem edy. alter haviug suffered seyeral yenta alth a severe tang "affmttun..aud that dread dieettae. Cunrumptieu— fit anxious to [hake )mown to his felloiAmiterers the mean/ of cure. • To all who desire it,te will send a copy of the prescrip tion need (free of charge), with the directions fur prepar ing and rising the same, which they will find a sure cure for Conamption. Asthma, itronchitfs. &c. The only object of the adYertiser in sending the rrescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information whichiheconceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every suirefer will try his remedy, as it will - cost nothing. and may prove &blessing. Patties wishing the •drescriptiun will please address - -Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. Septltrel Williamebure. .in.'s County. 'ew tork. (PIOICE 1 . DRY GOODS, GROCE,RIES, CROCKERY, 'HARD W ARE, STOVES, IRON, sTE E 1., NAILS, PAINTS, - LAMP. AND - • • 1 -LINSEED OILS, • -- lIEN ZO LE, - . CAIMETINf;S, PLOOI/ "0 IL-C LOT EIS, .: -. W ALti. paper,. Winaniv SHADES, HATS and CAPS, UOOl'S and SUOES, , ' ,OLOOKS, - .IS; C.,• . • ' •-. It nnit i i h 1 Leila In ,sa Wipe], WI varieties of thertical. Rapp:tar 4 e 11 LIKFUKII UAllfiliMill. ....- , styles of . LADIES! Dillit.'S GOODS, i - SHAWLS, fll nE neTtprin of this Institution - trill commence on 2_ Wedutts y. „September ad. The, se.stnd term on BONNETS, RII3ON6c.FLOWERS; weda.,,4 l y ecember 3d: and the third term, on Wed- 1 _ • • ! z &C 4 -ate, - tite.;:' - nesday, Pebrnary PO, HAI. .- :• . , . • . . E..."C.X.EZTEiIPSP, 1 4,14i11iiii 3 0*41,111 9 Notiq9. • i which lie will - sett on . the. Most fetrorattle, terms, for l'LlTlON,—Common Brant:bra, including Vocal tins-. TCHT,lpß'latieruhy ;Overt to all-persqp& haring demands , • , 6, ASII, P-1101)UCE, he aaitio .L 1 wmiltt. Ow PlRiffur lriellae{ Slane. late of Chneonnt ; : . - , l'lsturli Fbil"94. Phenaistry• rbYO4l-17 44d Book. - ttisiMilarp. atiegadO. Ant lite-lame' murk he presented to , . -or to - Keeping , .. ~_, .. . _... • • •.. • ..... •• • .4, qt) tile uNit.rourned far settlement. and ell parsons indebted PRO 3fl r P _TINIE ' BITTERS) ' , Algebra, 04044076nd Asicient .............. ..... 5 00•• tfi sniff estate apt retigiisted to mike iln mutilate &ysitesit. Pretloi . - ~...„. ..., ..,....:.. 5,00 -, BRIDaLT .trit. ..,.... . . Flour de, Salt, "Constantly on haild in.ic In Nap. mitt) the Year is over, .-.- coo i . otgir, ll ,4;, , ,Lag.i, Ile. E ir e; '''.".."- _._, --1.--_______-_,_ Room rent, . Expenses of Recitation robin' . • /,'Xi TilP 4 , l;Mfeantoastitsll,l6sPrwatall of fie} fray Board per WM* 1 ' 2OO ,sli . Pa/dinned:for ow benefit and no a• warning, and m.', • PIIRTRAITS, PORTRAITS I • Eqc.ii ...a, ;,, (~,,,be, with a cuoidna ADV. , . bedetead Fad on to rung:men who stiffer from Neryous Debility, ' NEV 4EII4*(IEIIEII7S Is Tint • . and table. ptetngters Eitelky:ate.: itipplying at the mine the means II:Tit:Woos temnience at I o'clock ott-MOndSr, ant! ottkit cure.. Ity One Wh!) 1)110V:11 , d himself:after being . p ir t 1( ..1 . ii . ' -. , . :13 I 0 ci(: . close forthe week at noon nn Returdny. pat to great expeogp I.Litpugh medical imposition and 111 The evening PIerCISYS ere the following: quackery. ' y enclosinq turd paid. addresser' envelOpe ••• • w Monday evening: Rebate in the Sneleticie'room. • . single colits Ito, be*; Or dre Atm bor. NATHANIEL FIRE ands 'trail haring }Laken tee. Booms formerly - Wtuinesday. Speaking and Clomnostatm. :, .- 141AYSAIII.Surafeept ,Riaga Gti N. Y. tneltltt lye L occupied l ir A', ,DE l, now preparedtqfnaalsit ' ' Lett-tarn. ;frith experiment; 1p natural !Mi t • . ' ' ~ . ___,...*_. _..,..,..- Ne i k ,, te ,y it,,,,t r , with t gofid nude redbird Portrait. . ' loaoptiv and Cherstletty. • l', , 43..ang wet I ;tasted in the profinction of thp various kinds Friday, General Debate.. • I ' ' , ' .. • , j,' : ''-..' .'. ..6 , XI Totten - gill Ft C 0. ,, _ . ...picture,s,,uthe d.iv I latterf otysetrthat is not ... .. The Ins, itutioii is famished with an anparatnito illns.) . - " 11 ' 37 RATIK--nc" * .lfrir. York ' end 6 9 "" st "' t, fTlled by any in thin ,cctiun.of the country. trate the pri net ple.! ortiatnnd Flab-ophy . tn4enrintistry :,.. B o sto n . aFilt attllnle,fer the Montrose Ikrpoqr• al n mong Oleo/prices ki rids , tahen at my Rooms are tho 1 „ and a skeleton and Maps to old to the attuir of Physlatii** •Lb se •it.iii. 4 gr. . i ftlarford. Aug,. 24, 1862. sabactinti traitor &sat - Oar lowest - rates', Me 4"1441Mait9 °4 ' '' liv ‘ t " e4ne49 ''- A Int/l. OTY PE 1' 1101' 0011 IPII , i- -i ~ i .. t . .) ntre • , . .-- • Salle, ,k, 7 f i Tjsp K ,N" 1: 11;1, 0 - 0 - r i ~-1' P'll , Ai 1,11 - 4 , i.LL Inffebted, plessr call aidl • 1 . ' . -' xl=zer.A.T7,7474w - 01#031 , I LI; " ABEL TI.:IIRELL; Locket ?kg s dowiltu the 4414.11Z1L And miniature -eztaiCEtater,... _,_ ___ _.„.________ _ ,__--41101123m.- _ („, Rio. , me . L . -A tt ' •-•• ; tran , rerred Atubrotyue. -th:`,...finc't tl i ti t i l ig c'll. for ~.'ll ezainrt the estate of WillLun Powley,late of Pmniclin '''` :'' ''' ' NATRONA - COAL all. - To Englaud,Trolaud. - 2.lid Feotland.l_, • . - A8P. 4 1, TT: 1 1 . - • , landing by Bost to omy part of tha icon!} w t nut oxtl• tawn.itii, d.cets,d, that the same lour' be preseptrito . • ,- - , . .-- :-...Pototte• .Nl , Picieuree are bold,vigtiroue,, atal.?rprrasge , the undersign! ct for ... settlement, and all petgontrtsido sd , - v !HUTT AM BELL'S SOTS 1)11.4.PT5. fp sums'of one ..1.,,... flag .. 0 -,. i. ~ ,,G,„•i n„ , - 41 1 ,'. .:. Iv 'wird and now:tel.. payable In all the principal ' c .-..tor ~ , ,witna msebirtwi -enot those Int, lifeless ,shadOws ,alloy Y4OlOOOl e ',to tatd e=raterire requested to mshe immetilate invent. t .., , • . hair, ti e o l d n er "l ib b e i P . rm : •,` "'' . vrl AYSlDltArnets 1111 A. towns of England, Ireland slid Arotland,ror Pale by :• a .I'lark t Witch Oil. lied alli. Tilt lllid Mrtrule'rat tflont l 7. 81-pt4res taken In all icindaof weather. trinallY l rrantttitt, Atia:4;llW: ,' • • JANA pOSTLEti Ad's. .' iiiiißKOdinn TIOXIMPLOSIVE I mid. tut to - WM. 11. COOPER, .t Co., BANKETIS. , tor : Homeopathic' 3.m...A ler. Pontti Extract • and a gees. 'ell. along those of young Milliken...No picture, need be ' • . • t • • .1, - Any KEA' 05E15E1 , I . • m own ., p i. Variety of„L;altnents....stly6 , ,Pitts:,and tbolttetc sad an _taken nnlesa perfect satisfaction Is utter'. , , ' ' , l - tai 1 " ;- " :62 . :• * .....,_ '• '' , . - 'eadleits varietyof Pataitt **dictum:, ' ' : •'. :'• to direirAnz for a- picture. avoids 1 lit colorsaanch as : ..„ .., , ...,* : • i ga..naiixiii,iiiti ri ani. :& 4l ,4 .4t, ll" ,tur e vt o l4 .,i r l stax , it s p ett erfect a fo ci % cisn : tn . tatre per --- , :----;"-.;-- • - 4fif PiEiSOlitiOn ' " . ' WbY b " , . 10 tett AND prtonvertrg YARN LA MM Fon -.r. - - • - 1 green. black, red. suutT. brown, orange, yellow. etc. .•• „-, ...., .111e4s_FLIP bY_ ; . - - p .1.1., SALE , twenty-two mile& South . 0 ,tPhii,.., 16 1,.. b1i t• , in : BAKER'S 'COMPOUND, • this 47 wiihdrewe . nvisl) coMPAITT. . the Garden State of rbeßsat„ • Rest ,u,s*--- , - sumarefi , fi z i nie i fi i ss i for - *" via ' '' b ,, - 1 I n "r the triCk7l,Lilmileockr that Pia" , Wlsol l et n Als rAMin . sro s P t i e ei r7 „ ttra ii . 1 "1331,:raelieltir..7rirn-rs,n•-•,n!Frililltrioirjilli:NlVll7Co._rn-I:tlgnneebrh4tollta-titzolmit cc. i , d:, .........,... . , ~ . . . fax itter-kete In the Union. , ,„ - t 3,." 17. ffleeetheetisselat of ittedasel ~. - - 1 Itost Pa. )10.2ftels. IsPI ._ . . „te5aceit,.14721434 . - , -,.-- 7 ,4* - -----, • • ..• •• ' ,--,-...i.,• ~... - . -....., 'ci"- , 1-, 5e''..'.4...".P.44.4. • i _ ~.i• , . . . - • ..,...',... V0`..04:77 , .t; ' ' . . . -Great. .13staSetaittary,_ AT GREAT BEND, SUSQ'A COUNTY, PA. grheigizizza, irgittnk4 or THIS t WiIArOPEN- ON . Trappd.sw -Aug. 26t10;411616 Anitiontineit .11i1111WW1 • lorlaucs, ender the direction Orli. CUSHMAN:at nriuttlpil. ,The : course of inetructionlnalithe twanehea,le 'home/110M d practical. A thorough preparatiOn given to young =tn.': dealer:ix to - inter• A touchers glass *III el!gentreed sR, the commence- Mantel the term. ler Abe, mote:lull -training or those wishing. to tideh ; hid assistance tendered them in pro curing situations (or the summer. Thie clue will re- cults instruction on the theory and practice - of teitching..;! one hoer each. day tied Mien public tneetingeonce weeks: ,•• - • " I 7trefrayalty. - It: CUSIiPAI ' • ' 'PR - ' - HON. 8. 11. CII.ABE, Instructor In Greeit,, Let- In and German. NEV. J. D. IicCR J; ARY, Chaplain. and Lecturer op moral science. Dn. AV. 8. DAYTON. Lecturer Physiology. - 311 88 VATTIE J. OltANGE.Teacner of tnutio on Plano Other teachers as ucce4sity may demand. . Teims Of tuition. Primary Department,per quarter of eleven weeks, s'3 50 Common Branches, •"-- " " " • 300 nigher English and Mathematics • do., .' 6 00 Natural Sciences - ' do:. ',, 700 Lau:lnagua; Ancient or modern • ' - do" 800 Teachers formal crass • . do., 150 Music on Piano • • , • de„, 800 Lee of Plano • , do., 100 The higher branches include the lower, thus: is oo,per quarter coven all.brazebsexamed; above, except teach• era class and music on piano. -, . Court St WltterSt 144. .it. NC it. MI Ms moat be astangell at the commeneement of the term. , J.:, B. NAZI:ETON Anibrotype and PhOtOgraphiC Artist, Montrose, Pa. rirPlctursfsesken in weathei, lathe beet style of the Art, . octlo . • . • Administrator's Notice. LI:I'TM of administration to the estate of Brayton Sall4bury, late of - Clifford. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons-Indebted said estate are reque.ted to make Immediate payment. and those having elatms against the same.w ill present, them to 11. W: GOODRICU, Adm'r. Clifford, Sept. 'pd,lBo2. ..t . TABS NOTICE. • D . R.. W. COBB having been appointed a surgeon In .7 the army. hts accounts are tar with ilia undersigned for_lttltnent. All persona indebted wilit please call and settle without delay. kr • Z. CODIV - Montrose, &pt. 9, 11412. tr • 1' • $4O Wages . Paid $lOO TOO sell goods for the A,DAYS Samoa MACIIMICOYPA. NT. V. c wlll,give a commission un allgoods told by our Agents, or pay wages-at front $4O to $lOO per month. an I pay alt necessary expenses. .k child can team to op, crate It by half an hour's instruction It Is equal to any Family !Sewing Machine in use, and we lime minced the price to Fifteen Dollars. Each Machine is warranted for threeriiars. Address , C. RI:OGLES, G r en. Agent. - uly -S. '0.3 Detroit, Michigan. BOYD & WOODRUFF, EMERY' ON THE & SHEET-Mill BUSINESS ZEST SEARLE'S 110TEL.'ALSO The CARPENTERING Business EAR 'Trig it fiTFtODIST CHURCH,. , IrE keep constiintiv on hand a general impartment of lEPllCecrjelfill of the moat appryved pat ,teru : Bulkier** hardware of all ktutla • Fanners' Tools of All Kinds, A COSSEBrAXIVE F.4.var , et-VD BC.SLYESS 1 ' PAPER. .• The ibecipest and-beet Weekly In America. CiONTAINS NEWS from all parts of the World. the bee reports of the Produce, Grain, and Cattle Trade, I Dry Goods and Money markets. ' Th.! Foe. to4lestriviinizel,t,' Nar:th arid South.. i The Suppoeleof the (Talon, - The Constitation and Laws; ' • TERMS FOR ONE YEA 4 , :. i ; Twenty Pardee qr upwards . Il each . . Thirteen coples, $l5. Eight copleti, let. Four copies. $ 4 3.. Three copies, j $6. Underthrce Copies, 12 each. clubs of -thirteen ur ore wilt be mailed tootle address. , t p i An extra coN ill any one sending a club of tiO, niaith. , NEW FIRM The • ; • 1 The Daily .rourhal of Commerce Junior, issued for (Le BA.LDWIN ..- &., ALLES ' ,1 country. $5 a yeardu•n&atice. rlrtpeclmen eopie. eratis. : PRLIIE. STUN E. HALE .t - TIALLOCK, SUCCESSORS TO ' E4ltoris mui Proprietors, hi. Wall street. New-York. 1 A , , ~ 7 • /11 1%, DEANS & CO., . wiTcHrs. jEtilEißt E. ' Undo Montrose Democrat Office, •• I 0 1 ffillE Subscribeit have 110 - W returned from New- York ARE RECEIVING • _• - • FroSt Gr th eiind Wesrri FLOUR. whit ith their • r SPRING STOCK OF GOODS, every 30 days. which we.warraut to give sitisfaction ,i tc which theywould respectfutty call the attention of as an) in market: if not good feturucd at our expense,' 1 their customers. Their as.ortment is now coit . lrl,tt. and fi - ! 11131Le4 bothLfeeßil and Ornamental. We hlve taken par. F 664, and Buckwheat Flour; i ticulAr paillP tf) Mect all the co - 7 New Patterns out this . Surtax. and think we can, without doubt, pleip•a In both - • SAL T AN ij P qK I -• i , Style, livility,'und p W rice. e have a la rgostock of IOY TIM 1.0.A1Y 13Altl i tEL on POUND.. English, American and Swiss Watches, HAMS, [ . . , •;_ag. , r Ort red r . • I . (Gold and Oliver. ilum inn and Open lace.) • - Dried Beef, " ~ , from the chirp 4up to thebest- - A very fall variety of Smoked - Halibut, • SII Ni ER - ' 1V IR• E ,Drips acid Syrups, ' -4 : • 1 - Molasses and Sugars, warranted eis gotidas spezpl.ka,. Alen, • i TE.I.";, e.!OFEic;E, SPICES, _ rilvil Gol b .. jEliti F E RI - - BRDO.IIS. AKE) -N-AILS ; 1 tirj / ~ . 1 1 Which we offer for sale at Low Prices, for READY PAY -' ONLY. ' -' -. .- Moutiose,4nly it, 1562. . • • . : every variety. Also, •" - • i ~n • • 3131:TT_MA .. pt.taro' I _ Il Brass Wire. Porcetiln Ware, Japanned and Plain Tin Ware of the best Snaterinl. i PaintS,ls, Glais, Putty? and Sash. Pumps. Lead Pipc. Lamps. Bird Cages, etc.. Also, a GoodlinggT for, Sale. Terrne right: Remember the place. Canned PIM us W3ll. n. norm 1 , 13111rD - WOODRV PF. : e. s. woooncYr. r Montrose, July :At, 1 tl6i. 1111 "RUDY J'AY -STORE," NEW GOODS. Ark LD nod YOUNG, Ittell and POOll, GAY And Festive, tir ere huutlY mew/ rustilegooyard tu the . - .HEAD OP: NAVIGATION, All eager to be supplied teens the choice and exten•N7e selection to be found' AT .TYLER'S STORE. Ills assortment of rikry ca.c o c m ages best 'em all, and as for choice . 040=PLIMISI Viz.: 9 and 10e ST, Ttfee, Coffee, and Tobacco,— :ma:doors inadegyats,—they arms. It is useless tonieri lion [heeler , ' thousand & out things cif which a MI supply is kept constantly at the &West store in • town. A con tinuation of calls Is earnestly dein:ed. and If there are any.° norortnuato as not to Lase found ills place,, your friendand neighbor will tell you the FIRST STORE HOW TARBELL'S HOTEL, opd:oppositt• thezIiEYSIONE .where 50 pereent. has be. We sire bonnd to let people tive—and Me: lring along yonr Butter Eggs, Eage..ootts.Rye. Coe . k.: Corn. and most anything else yo u do Cc went, and get 91'4,a . ..received , AT - TyLows. STOM • N. B' Prear , do n't learnt-he abore mentioned articles at home, for our rule won't.pertnit w 1.0 Wilt " tilt you come up again." • , • • . Shaken—A now lot of white and colored, Big Tits ju.t opened: - 4.111(P3 of all kinds, and fiffingy for burning gproeire now Out( god yen/Cho-AR. hpit Kerosene, cheaper than 41s0 eyelk Minting Fluid, l!ampheqe, by m, 44.: riPoor3"4 POO* Pa1:014. 1 414 coneta4 ll l o2 6 4Pd A new supply of HATS and - CAPS, HHOTB and SHOES, Stgne and Wornien Ware. - ftrooms, and Brushes ut all sorts. Yankee *4/11,61 nr 41t faireties Perfumery, ToilclAuap. (Neste of Roses for chapped handa,44est Rd in'tnec. ete„ , &c.: ill of *pith wlll brand {or the pay &Asti, as the tthrei ttentanft by ' .V. TO DAIRTNEN.-11 am forwarding HrTTETt N. 'York: on tern*fjfcommission that will suit yon. Call nud inn ire. and took 'at toy dairy, colt, in sacks of all si- Sea. Itazgood ait Can be !until In town. Nontrole.MaYtsth: • " HENRY C. TYLER. Don't begin with the RUN at, i ; ..:... ' -,:q.,-;.,:: ,•:- fr,.. i :-i H_NEA.y... r uu.,o.o,-4,„ JANES:I...I)EWIT.r, AN now offer to tie puldth out of the most choice and C saabootgol#o.*P4k of ? • SPRINSISUMMULGOODS; IN plIB MAR K ET DRY GOODS. A compiiiic usoiitilent of • - 't • - - a '4 ,er“ yj a . Allyms,D ' DiLaines. Mozambhine. Dell:awe, Poplins. Prints:Gln,;- hams, Clockingo. £m Denials, Stripe Shirtings. Brown and Bleached Muslin,. White Gecol,.. — Flsimel.. ae...BolmoraViikirol for Summer wear, and 11051E11.V of everfikocrlpthau-t - . 4 ~. 118 MEN W EAR. - - • CLOTHS. Black aci l Fancy,' Ca.sinmr,..F.x, ,Jcan. Satin at, cat z nime. add. HU* Trimmltkif7kti,aulgxcep tionable. cs.!ortmeali n( Erekts tai Cleopsis, 33c rates at lahcoein, ur an kinds. arr'crotai#l6l3. Brown and White Stitt. Er Syrotrand l'olaaies. T. Ca lm and Esirnce o e, tiptoe: Pepper; Saltrarua, Mackerel, Smoked h alibut , Coast!. Frasivp, Br o w n Fancy `Spank Also, prepared Potaah , to irate Soft Soap With liUle time, the variety always foundin grocery dope:Me/3,U . . r*et,l3tats4 , cfcr, <>LIS. 'Linseed. Cost, Winter-strained 'CMS, Saab, Glass, Patty. Watte ‘ Lead and Zinc, raintiltrushes. . 00 312C.M Pt. 'lr. . ' White Granite China. Real China, and Common Ware, Cana fur Preserving! Fruini. • • 1-la,i•clvva,r6. IRON, Nails. Sho%el•. Fines. Takes. 'forks. Sc. Also foe selection of:. CUTLERY AND PLATED WARE. ' Baskets. Cradleb. Childreg's Cabs, Willow and Carriage style. YANKEE NOTIONS,Crack- Sule Leather. 4, , hton Sall, and Fine Table Salt. Co hey Island white Spouring Sand, .te. tic. A -General Stock of Straw Goods Moutrole, May 14. NM 33.<511cr01T.. 9 s DANDELION' COFFEE. - Ins Prepirattail. made from the be't Java Coffee. ig recommended by Physicians as a superior Nutritiona beverage, for Gene.lii DApepsia. and nil Anus disordern. Thomand et who have been compelled to aban don the use ofcodee will u-e thin without Injurious effect One can contains the strength of Oko pounds of ordinary toffee. Price '25 cello. For sale iu'Aluntrose by Abel Turrell. KOLL'OCK'S LEV AIN, • • • The purest BAKING POWDER known. for rniking.l..-ght, sweet and Ilutritiolis Bread and cakes. Price 15 cants. Manufactured by. M. IL KOLLOCK. ' • Cornefol lit6ad and Chestnut•sts,..Philadelphia. Sold by eV/roast. and Grocers. • mhd lyJc co THE NEW I ,7YORK. WWEEKLY, JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. Plated Jewelry, Fancy . Goods, , - Brushes, Shell Combs. A very floe variety of • Plated Goods, Very Low. 'Tea Trays. _ -Clocks. Brittanta Ware All kinds of Worsted, Tidy. Netting. Sewing, and other 1400a.3.01111. Thermometer!:! Steads: Violin. Guitar, and n 3.11 Viol Strings; a hive lot of Falls ; Table and Pocket Ctitlery. Scissor!, or The above Goods having been pumbM.'eti for cash, will he sold at very low prices. Please call and e xamine our Good's. ant) ee l are confident we can please you. Nrv•aives .A..t.iXJI33IV, 'Nu. 2 Odd Fellows Hall. 1111Vhamton NM ND PEACE PRICES! PEACE APPROACHING. ;aarge Lines- of.PRICtS Conquered and Reduced! , 73. 337:r3FLELi r r a i l , NEW IiILORD, is receiving, for Spring-•npylies. new and large stocks of 1 . GOOD: ~.NEMS,I,. GRE-Al - l - COMM ICI XT . OT 11, • ; .. ....•.N.THErc .. -'. t ..:•., - . 4. „ . . •,. • . ~. . ''' '- ' '' ' . :'' iS . S HARTWELL- B.A. Princlpal. i - in k c 4, .T • _ - -- . _. raglan:l) BY- .. . . :', 1 , 17..''' VI 0 - 0 11l ' 1tr......-:.: .. ~ ..—'ilr: ''' i.- - i l i stro tiiie, ~. . s . .. . Experienced - omp!stent ' .1" rt. , AL-11D - 13 ... '1 .... !I : ' . • ... li • . BULL • *. • ' ' ISText . Aeitdetaie . Tenn ".6tomencei I . lon. JOHN. Threatens WAII,II ... , day, Sept. Bthi 1802 '' . '. - ' '. ..1. :'. '. ~ '•-' t ' ' . - , • BUT . ::., . 1 ' ' I ' -.• ', Ingli h. from - - , ' ill t..D 6,... , 00 t V 1 1)1A l lit : S. r tANI ) S11 1110:" -- il i tr -117 ° N PE4t‘TER4I .°7 li 1:Eirll. - , Latta Ureek awl UarttailV el q h ;. 4 • - ,'''' "-* '" ''''' ..1 • Cfj ' VOlie . 'll.oo - ' -- t..."., ...:......:;:'.7.4.,. _7 5u 1 1 1 0 7 itlaqi:Zaa,orti.t - 11 Bog' shiir , . r,. T ... . . . ir _,, r „.4 . - - ' ' '• 1 -. obl or tbe,abo.d a diet that etcee ...... ~ .8 .00 ~ ''. 'F,O lIOEli T i l izl,tinv.. op,A ., .- , -. , i mu. Lou the Pilaw ... ....2 - nO )11 m e . 1 0 soi li ti -- .- i - . .1"..41; 4 1 , ; io dednetlon. for abamsce except in cassaof prutrac e d G** it li' r • ''' ! • ' 11111 11: : iilueshor‘by apeclial wcement. , , per ~! h t Board can be obtained from 42,00 to /MA weelr. ' '. .. ' ''' ' .. ' ' il - - '''' ' ' ''.l; - ' I , ,upile teishine:to' board thatneeht• ClO3 - fled goad ' TIM SBBTAI,T tetS, 'IN - ''' . '"'r - . endear , at moderate . Rot farther pArtieulars ad. , .-'- -- ' ' ''• -.. —' • •'" '•••r ' . ! , dr/. gia PrinelEan l / 4 =B?sc Par prei ,. DONIEBr-11CK5,4 .. ,',! . c../741FAJ1"".' , : a ' ac. ' - ,r i . .z.; . ' VB. JE.4: SIT,' t ha. nnini 6i cniittand. and et* hairelster /aWlnailtw, stock:looex ena,l) Au tu offer to oar antenna.; OM on equally-a a good terms as formenlyam?aaidaringt4ol44l AT THE' STORES OF. . IL . .. .. I , 03),111cittlera, - - " 4 6 losenbainv 6,...0...:0 1; -,- .: - ~, IL 1 ,- - - -AT - - ,--,..-.- ~.. 7 :.--1 Montrose •Busqra•county la. - - Elmira New-York s , - 1' "e j Susqueha n na Depot 11• '.' _ s • I ,- . auk FALL AND: WINTER STOCK 1. is Cc:ora, -- - 01eitp,. . We are determined not to,be ontdonia.,eitier.ln tirlites tir gnalities.—rind we will endeavor. to glee our castolacre ail pdssible hatiatictlon. -, • . . 1 S .•, _ , - In this branch our mock to complete. and tell be cold i t. 10wt4,. and more tastefolly flulabed tnatt any •horse establishment. or any four-huree concern thin el eof N.. Torklef ty. Is able to offer or produce: We cannisu ratite pith* that we constantly employ the beet cutlers and - wort:Men to make np our stuck. . • . - ; rtrGarments made to ordPr _ . I - r.?f — ftn the shortest notice. •re 7 At Good Fit warranted or no isle. . 1: . L _ F URNISHING GO ODS': •.. . 6;elt. Stock. =tautly I:Cpt, and noldloweAlianthe I • (I;'' 1): 1,4•1 s [MUM gyittrilu.- a n. I Montrose..lnnonry Ist, 1012. 3117 ; I t9 r— 11 Filjt Nory ofr.r:= for ,nle one'of lar. , est. atn) I ',cit. selections ODODI Cal,) 1- offered. in Susquehanna Cottniii, and halq eoinprisini.r the greates!t VA-I !ETY or most "different iirtieles jot* any re hiNorthern part orreniisylva • , , , L an,i l perintpsof the entire ztate. n or;.p , ,t , •ittis kept in about thirty! her,. hranehes of trade, and the selk:et.inus niadefrom :thout forty of the best use-. in New York, and more than. fif- Dealers and 31minfacturers out bfNew A large proportion of the [Gop&.' in:might direct from the Manufiu t turers, s insuring genuine articles. (..,uteim- L on entering the - Store must notlexpfeet find everything insight; int nearl,y article wanted' will - -be•pradtteed; by miry. ,Soule idea Of the Stock May: be snea by the - following general Outline, enurneration,is impracticable. • 1 'I;GS AND MEDICI.NAS,`; PAINTS AND • p 1.14, • . ~ • . D 1: 81 S FP, , OCERIES, ' • LIQUORS, I •'- ' • CROCII.'"ER'Y; ;A SS- TVA RE,. 4 . . IV ALL - and WINDOW . PriPER, ' WEL il 1", • i • - -• 'SIL V ER-WARE,• ' ~ - ' PERFITIVEi?r, /IANCY; GOODS; - ' . if USICAL INSiRaMENTS4 BRUSHES AFER 4 7 POCKET KNthES; • - TABLE. CUTLERY and • . SILVER'PL4TED'W.ARE ;LAMPS, MATERIALS fur LIGHTS, )fARDWARE, CORDS,' - bRY GOODS, • MIRRORS, WIND° AND PICTURE CLASS, LITHOORAPHS 7 , °VARNISHES, OS, - SPECTACLES, iiTIIIP S, dr LASHES. GUNS, . - totscr °Ls, hh.IIVIIIINVVIA) . TOBACCO. ;if EDIC Al; et: Stli'Gleilf, Initirumenta, SALT,-,* -\ ' - • i - ,- SO:IF;.POTASH,;(I.C., li,if fi1t1:41,1..5'".. \ •-, ~.,: . ! .- - 1 0 ,-d!ii'c'ELA.lN 2 '.4'.4 7 . ll :,; RIVVIEThkititIifIVAD in short, reearloNe ny thing, to restore „the I 4 ... •,. .. P. 7 ! . . . sck, to please Clio tnkte, to delight the ey,e, i G r u,B2 ategitsetog7 . to gratify.' the. fattey; tin4Also tol , corn - Nee i' —', , . - -to t.lferagl and iitbstaolial*noffirts of life. 1 PRODUCE:taken in Exchange /or .Geweli: . . ~ The- a(tuntion,..of the publieis r.espegt;• i s 2,,. '.-.4l7atil l i Paid For Pitro.. • fillyinA:ll oil to nip . ttiek of Gooos, bonght ' HAYDEN .BROTHERS ex'f.•ht , it'ely for CASII tiowx,• and• will be i ._,..,,,. •t , Ab %V Mipociun,wovemttrztb..l ' , old :on the iiiinf,e , :prineiplelitsilpw prices -• . ''" . - . ; • , i - ' . ABEL-TuwitELL. , _ ~,_ - . _ . , , ..-.. I . --:‘‘A....PONIFIKAR -• .. i fillUKTamily Soap Tanker: AU Kitchen reale can he JL , made Inukgood SOAP by tuang Saponifier. WU ' motions accompany en& box: Soap is aa /fully made as A CUP or coffee. .itanatactured only by tbokfatontees, 4 ., Pran'd Salt Mom. faeturi:fg Chiniparig, - , - z Olyive -- • - 1117 waftnit4t..ribtiadstpbta. • I,k& Si:IE4A COUN ' IlittidALA N 0 rflitaii lEl°l2:4=Hr:l,l. RAILAOADS: 1 - ki 2 . 1 ERIE 4itAILWAN . 7. , ti i INTIANCIf: Cif' norrts, Commencing lloncit... May ELI 1U62. Trains will leave Great Bend at abOUL the foi- I hieing hour, viz : , . . ' 1 W ESI3I,7II.4D:IIOVri); t EAST;9I.III) , BOVND • I "Co. 1, Ifti . ffalo E,r..t31 p.m. ((No. 2...i5i.Y. Fi;pres 1:25 p.m I V.: E, Eflght•l. - 1:17a.m. I No:4,.Night'zpress2::l2. aa, I No: b, Mail, at 3:2.3 p.m. t Nu. ti,Pte.tmloat .• tr..l p.nk 1 No. 2. Way. at- 6:22a.m. No.lo. WaE. al .iiii9 , PAO , No.l2;WayFrert,l2:s7 p.m. I No.l4l,4.NneinutiEr.6:l7..m. , :ilo.trokeatm'orrn,22l°. a.m No.W,Way Freight.3:3o a. n. I Nos. 3 aid &run every day. I , ro. Itl runs Handal'!-1)r.: I, does not run on Mondays. No. 3of Minditys, runs into' • to• Buffalo, but does Oat ran toDankirk . 'No. 3 rraitlas. overnight at. Elmira. CH.VS MINOT, lien:Supt. . DEL L & WESTERN B. R. . . . The PeMetTory Traits of CoMminynow fun-to ' Ina from Bingbemtop es folkove : LEAVE lifigG11.13110:1 - at C:4::?,. m.; cohoectlheet V„ CRA.'kTON with the,Lockawahna & Bionmeteirt Its.ll ri Road for Pitteton, Wyoming Valiey, ll.inetoo and W - ilkus•Barre ; at ' 0 V ei t r Ph::: rrl TUN CTION, with trains on the • Centtal of.N. J Jersey', for Elizabeth, Newark. - andiVevzliork. fur Euston, Bethlehem. Allentown., Maui! Chunk, Readlneand lizzriabutgcarrizing at ••, N E W Tork.,:zsN , PhllaA'at liarristriaz :0.!; pan, •• L'Artri'lliVTOßlC; Citurtland r WO'; Lvvalltic l ity oa.m., eonoilling st LICRANTQN, With LaaaWaima dr.BloomabririlOtifnr vttatosi,Wyciixiin g Valley;Kin g lstun andMilkaliiirre atitlitirtet St. Binghamton 7:20 D. conneeifig with Night Ratites.* 11 att. on the Erie Runway, arid %minx leaving Binghamton next morning C . or Cortlat.a., Ro mer njid Syracuse;. • • : Or This Road passes thro' the Lackrwranna Ceal Tield; and the celebrated Delaware Water Gan I AN ACCOMMODATI ON TRAIN Leaves Siranton for Great Bend 5t,.9:50 tt. tn., ecinnettir.g ' atilt:it place with Day Ripress We.t on tin: 1:1:11, Rail way, snail - ma terming a direct conttectioti with • ' Trains on theatimtamtou .t Syracmir Itniiti,rd; Iletuming leave.; Great iklee et 2110 . 11. el, and erilVoB . fit. Scranton Val p. rn. -_ . • .1011 N 'BRISBLN, StiperintOaderdi 'll. A. 11ENTIT. Gen. Ticket Aut. [St. , ranton..lll..'., y • • Lackiwannik Bloome c litirgia. R , .: -U N anflarter.April7th, 1862, Pas/lenge; Tralpr will run . at follows: - . .. ... '. ' . MOVING - sorni :. - [ • , . . Leave ' Scranton, at 515 i t , te. 1 / 1 .10 a. en. " Kingston, at . ' oc3o Arrive 11.15 p. m. " 1 Rupert, 8.40 1 e Denville. • 9.15 i Arrive at Northumberland. _lO.OO - ' - ' MOPING - .NORTII :.. 1. Leave . Northnmbcriand, 4.30 p. m. I . " . . Danville, 5.10 Fitight 4- . Rupert. . - 5.45 • Pawngir. 'Kingston. . 4.0.3 'Leave 1,46 p. tn. Arrive et Scranton. ; 9.n0 p. tn. 5.40 A.Passenger train alao leaves Kincstnn at 5.30 a. ta . f.•.r Scranton, to connect with train for N - e‘e York! ketun,: in:. haves t crantou' on erriveL of train from New York at 1.17, m._ ~ " -: . TOo .ar knit:l,Am and Bloottasbern , Railroad: connee , + milli tin. Delawat.. I.ackawenna no Wo.tern Railroad' at Scrr,nton...for New York end intertnediate pOttltm'estit. . . . . . At Rupert It connects with Catswissa liailreud, 1 'pohtt+ both emit and west. ''. . . At - Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia and 'Fete. and Northern Central. Vailrond: for mints went and now h. _ JUIIN P. ILSLEY. Supt. .. .r: C. WELLS. Ger.. Ticket Agent. CAltliTfrYol.7NG T.ADIF-S AND GE.NTLEMES.--. /V The bute•criber will .end ifrecnf clan-gni Ito all.eitio deeire it. the Kecipe and direction. fur 'tnakft u nu a eianple Veutitahlii Palm. that will in from two to eiglitiday.rew.i. non Pimples: Bkifohee, .TAN; FEE.. KLES. and all Stiparitiee and rothillueini of the Skin. lharinz enure—u+ Nature intended It ehould be . —Foh.cluar Finvota anCtiesutiful...Thoee deatring the retina. with Iti etraction.,direetion. and advice, will ph:alit-hall on or -addre.*-(with return postaoh.) TIIOS. F. Off AP3LiM. Practical Chemist. 511 Droadwke,Now:Nork. . A REMEDY FOR HARD TIMES. where pOple hare XL. been thrown out. of budneas, and po•sew Uc mvan , -or brain Incumi!Nis to make therusel‘!ea a 110111 e. (See advertisetmint,ln another column of the settle ? ment of Vint4and.) GOLD RULES THE DAY ! Acid wittia plintatit inapply we hare purchiped - . S7A PLE and FANCY DRY COO DS, GROCERIES tk PRO VIS lOS • - %LcAT S AND CAP BOOTS AND- -sHoEs.• - • WALL - PAPER: WO OD EN, WARE, COAL' OIL; and 'I AMP 8, - . • -rAyKER NoT•TONs . SKELETON - SKIRTS, j • • PLOCI;, SALT,'FISII,, NAILS, ••• PAINTS AN D OILS, H And SONO Other articles toonamerons to meat will be sold at prices that will: Defy Competiiii,' Don't Porget.The Place. But it you inquire of sour ri for The Cheap 'Store, Invariably direct you to'l 4 • HAYDEN BROTHERS; THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS, -AT PN -- ' - ORIGINAL" ONE PRICE" STORE! 5'6 1 217E - WARE, WITI 40 000 11001100(11S , Armed With 'Brick-f a BRooms WITHIN 4 . MONTHS MARC? OF I • WA.SIIINGTON! A D fAirtlvETrillii)s, STAND . BY YOUR BUNS! oRI i tNDEN'S EVkidittfitti 00*OtfAL COLLECtEt. • .- . - l2y E: corner of 7th ' Chestnut Stsi Th:s institution. which sate establiehed. in 1b44; and Is L.A.. ,unsestitel:pin thy eighteenth:year Dr• Ire exist ence, nurobcrornong its gridsates Landrads. of the. , mosetsuce.eeellti'llerebasta and Lustiness Slut Cr. car Theoh;tet cf the tr.r..tttntiSzti,i solely to &ford voting men lactiltirs :3: thcironah preparative for hueMers. , ; Tbe heanches Laughing; Book-keeping, ss applicable to the Tiriuse departments crrtrade ; Peuzaanet:p, both Plain and zrpatner.tal; Commercial law, :gat:beau:tier, Navigation, Civil lisgin tog:4; Drawing, Photograph)', and hic•dernLanglages.t s The oysters of lc etraction is pciOter; so eisoi, t ,oript 'le 46crte, are hut each s indent ii tanght kr.c.:• eidually.oo that Lt may commence at any time, and at-' tend. at whatever hscra are most conoecient. - . • sad Maned insanity after the ma, di April. containing.uum ea orate stmcents for tit: year, • ar.,3,:uti particulars of terms. A. , .... n=3 may be ottatr.ed at . aZy rt\ i, time by addree Aug the ' Principe!. 7 -. ' . Itrixteilm!r.e4conlisc,alt,...7oir , dm.,..e,,, and - t he immtlY experience of the Pr citiii „ this Instim • Von unto: fae;iiit:eS superior to any Gibe 1 • the est - Di-L...., for young Men a:el.:lag to prepare fat te n e.ead to el.. ten at the same time a LiploMa.. which will - prose 4 retommendation for them to any Mercantile Manse, r.:.?:"Critteutteres Series of. Treatises. on licolcitte7 • i lag, now More otl.3cly :ix:listed than any other ito:: oz : tho .0 :vet, orb for ale at the College. • • ' • • ii, HO> :KS CRITTENDEN; .. - , . Pirticeat TO aLx:wsav TinerAnreie. linaw. Settletient of Vinoland A REME - DI -7 - FOR - HARD L Retro 9pportrmity in tte Boot Market, sad and frealthial Climate in the - ion. Ohly,thirzyy , miles sonth of delphia, on a railroad; being rich, hoary soil,_ and highly • Trcidue tire *Theta land; Amongst ibis Lest in the Giirdon Etato or zrour,;:orsoj; • -IT CONEISTS of :SIMI) ecci of GOOD lend. dly!ded n,farnas of tiltflirent eittea to suit the purchaterfro • 9.0 arrus tuad up , ,lards—and le void at the tete of foul. d: ~. teen to twenty dollar's per acre for the farm lied. psyc hic one-fourth cash.and the bzias cc by quarter•yearly .1..- , stelluieuta, with legal Interco!. ,tithin the . term of tot.: years. ..., ~.. ' ITEM. SENC) - 12.1 Iv, t t .7reat parf.a rieh eley loam,suitable fur •wnect. Or O, • crud POl:Act—al so r. dark, and rich sandy loam. auitat-le for cern: iireet-potatuee. b.baceu.aiL kinds of ergetal.:to end rout cton'iN, , atul. the graet, variety of fruit,. snth a • grapes, peen,. pr;:te..heit. apricots. !./ettarirtes, blerekb , r ries. melon , end other fruit'', beat adapted to the 11. !ie. delp,his end New York markets. - is -respect to the ioif lino. ormas there can he r.o raiatake,-AS tialtora coo ex., ru, in e hotly, and nor e are expected to hr y ldefore co do.: K. 0 addfilldttl:-.; there stateMents correcander these c.r curnstancaw.. unless - these statement's Were toned, there would be no tee la thalrbeing made.. Itia considered The• , jlest, Soil - it t,h6 Union. [S,se report of s'l-.t: ItoV.nson, Req,, of the New to . rk 1 - tut autrthe well known agriculturist. William Par r,. tir einnamiuson, New JerS.ay,which trill be fnrctistai ihquirorini- parr.m za:4o6.xl.mcict.r.; . .- " By joc;king o‘ sr rt roe? the reader will:percelre that It enjoys the best sn.irLtt in Me Union. anti Das direct cola . PAnnicatfor. with New Tc•rk and Phile,delphla twice a da - . 1.;,.1te .mly . ihirv-two milts from the latter. Prodote. i', li.ii,marl:a brings den'ale then:let that It does in b.e. • tiotp,ii-.tkne iva . m the cities. 16 thie lucr.tion it can Ls 1.`:.; loth Int. the ta:ne mqrning it la gathered. en, d f..r what the former ,ells he gets the' hirbett price; while: I.,,roeerlcA end o: ht.: articles Le pi:rebates he.'" gets et CL'.2 ,lowtrat tole-. an to.: West. what Iteeells 2 brings him a i,ittauce, but f..: ..,,n,t he Lays hr Var. , two Tritte. .:.. loc.atiri: here ft e 41 111er hlte.lPEr.Vl_.ihtradTll.lltartf . j'.. 1.. wit Wust few hours. by ntilroaA. of all the great clti -1. or N..", I:llgietP.l clad the, Middle Stetes. Ile fa near I- • nit fri,cola4n.l A•40,1:0 tons. fie hat school for DIA c',.:. aro, di, ire, ia.% and el the advantages of cir'.l.r a that, and het, Cter rhlrfte. city. .... . ' TiYE cmsintr..tL.grze / deti.,Th.ra:! Palubriuu and opnn, ware: efiLep In the North Thu tho,line of letittlde with northe: • • a f:"mtua_ ion lizat.Til. V , 6141c ra doh r:•••;.. ,, ntwi.: Thr tnildre‘i thc 121f.tte%,.t , . tiulke. It - excel! , !r*. Tor an.; Cr •- t:. I' ditrtrenCt fC w C.': • art . • Cor.v=iencozy.c.t nand. Pi•mt•-ftil at:;; ate A r emplace , . Why thr Yroperty haw mot :Seem Stithed PI • TH. nmt.rully aize. It le becir , » 1 • •-•1 , • • ••• ~! th'ry just be,u opeurd :1.,011- f..r• 11,1 tirlf. titt• trel 1•311‘.1 4. 4 -:7; . Tlew 1•3 .uuLy T.n.rila, ex, as • . • - T.l, j. 71 1 . 1113:V. 'Where people c1e7.1 tad ”111 ~. .11!thi cr inconitir.i•.tortari • T :Act, .111cid et a nu Pll4 ,•:.ra Fnrol.:ls.n.nag•R •in inlarurlag 1,1, ard LI, lest. rtur; :ieasui:iinture e. e6n.ftartab:• 'na:C.l;rat.prlc..t, and a.. impre,,,re.L.L6 cal , be made Jl'4. a 41.1• aper rata than nr,.! 'SIP•Ir vanes frOn t on the rigrciat:. .• t'lLe:attole 're/ t. ,ith stalalles:ront on.__ l,eit , f, :.,lt.l.ent wit'o nt.• and ..;,silos! avenues, ~. it) •.. 7..,,,1 1:, a,. .?en - .1 - ...—floatterki ;ma In the town sell at f: - .. - ,:-... .1.:1;,..,:o ,jaA,., t,o,uld a-half acre 1,11. at frotn tt ,, N.l j : 'P , and :,, 1. 215 , 1 e-e , fror.t Fr "IL: , fent detp,ut jtort—s.v. • ai,le une-I,4ltcash and ths I: alaure withm a ;tar:, It :• .3nl:, upon !Arms. vi t‘s'enty scare,..l' irvre, that four year. tiule 1....41,6u. • To Y. .a.); 'F.AcTiatrjts. 5r . ..! t.,Er.q u afforo.n a tne tips. v. t tug fur the, tiFtloOrtl:.• , :tnring business, and othrat: tleloa,r.bain .E.:•ar .Ptiliidelpos, and - the surrosiT'.:it : eotint:v ha-s.pi'.lar, , ,,i il...q.,uletion. %kith ardrdel I g..., :: maii:si. .; - ~1 . . Th".. ,et.2.77',•: . ,::1 tt.'r_',..onri, t,' several. years. will, e out. ~,f o r ,. u ,,,,..l 1.,.,,,,,ift,l places in the cout.try, and utcet , • sgrecohiu 1,.r a :%,,...:,...c, - " . I,,Lisiltvi..d,l .1 -.7.1.:i.e its Vine and Frith gre&iL,lf conntrr. as this culture is the most profitable and t',l4. I,e.t Janpted to t 1.... marled. Esery advantage evil rc•r. >euleuer (or :Le s:ttlere will Le introduced whith n ill in- , oars the prooperity of.the {A:tee: The Lard times thro - out the country 141.11 Lo-au advantage to tie •ettier,.. - _.t ..:, 1 as it chmi,stis ptople to teaort to agriedltnretO,r r I.v r •drge Titiut , ,r.te. pt sl onle are ntrehary. and povr.i• who desire the be l location should float the place at on• • . -Immo, ed 1* nd le also far sal.. , -.- ^ .11..2:111:1I.--.Lc.nd tan be I,uhcht *lth or ;a1;boa0 - v.=- 1.0 . ,r. Th., Tlnib.r tt et Naination. - The Titl.:l• knelispotable, PWarrautea dee - tie atT.ln ......_ clear atilt incumbratme, v. hen the money la paid. . _ Boarding cults hand. Letter proth pt? - .• Atisn'red, ar.(lreperts of Solon rcl- , and %Vm. Parry %r;h:, - tugether with the Item!: , ' ituutet... EtTet.'whitrf.' delphin. at t o'cl , • , •1.:, M,. (tthiebs 1`: • .4muld he a eh.St!:. , o .4 - hour.) t.,r Vineland. on the horo'hnd Wien yozi e tht urs st•Vinelana htetio:), ju,t upend. inquire .oe CliAti. K. LA'SDIS, Po•tmsmier, Coh,r.r. Timm. t;i P. i Cumber:tr. , : .:aunty .1. . 'THE, orriclAL WAR MAP. - R.,.ytj end Military" ;Yap of • , the i.•:tptthern. State's. • ROM tIo? ir n.• ennentle rourcee: and the Chet Srz Lsit vey. earzreved in tts , Fir.e+t Style or Map 3isitiLf.:. it glee ran:l:cut and .r.,..h vith:able feet* concerning el! U.. ,r...:, hat the W.,...llepatmcnt Immediately erti•r,r • i {zed tt". p4thilestllM, and (Bat rihhtedlooo copies lIMA , LF: the Gent+tel,.ml t 1:4,‘,1e ~f vh. Army. .1... it it; the. I iNLY :..AP that it euttnrizeAlut•Ofrh I,' s , It le thu1116•I 1tcii....4, a' Authentic, atd from ht- le - ,: , 1 elze—a2 by 55 hichea---liwke ,at a glance the Prine!;., anit ni!Struiegle I'ointe. Goa. her knnwletlf:cd tlni gr.‘.1.1 imporv.zre Gf it to lale Pr,lre ntly ttveomp..te ((nferiorm6o. In'tioth - omee t 1,50. Dleeeetedand Led on anuelln. $":...54. Mounted on Muslin. With 11. , Pr rc. nod Varnibc.l, ). bent free by mail on r , . , eipt c: Pr/F.-• WILLIS F. 11AZ6R11 , 4 fteetnut Stte,t, 01 — V. rv , •! , tut tini:ent mtn winte the•BEST ord on ic AgeLt• on make money ripidie by - ray3l.n . , Steel - Pens - Siroer.eded • 1 .• • • 1.7.7`T1;;" - T7^ • 311rARRA ?MET ) ill any Ink, Eub , pen i •VI - a. (hirable tut a duzesteel pens, At they dl'act, j eigroil.., they rlli not get ~hatlLitatl stick in- the pern.r" i like pen., hi: over the paper smoothly i Tien. The:re-appointed ABEL Tunnutt; Sole. Asyut, for the sale of tteee pens In Slegnehanes comity'. Pr;ra, ti,oo per xritaa---!• , 1 e , ma par dozen-45 cret. eir.h. bYmlt l . Pre•Peld by t =,, e agent.ll reetipt of prl,e and ce a poatage or .r toot t rade 'pplied at a reaaocall• - •.! . . a enant. Ail orGen. hear oon-eorreriee l'ene mn.t 1,. 'Rd doomed to A TIEL I'I'RREL4, Nostrrne, Ps.. Who ..:II faro+ ah 'haul at Om, lowest peen. - . • PE Wot 7. . . . _ - LIQILORS. • . . . g A 111.12nnet kin& of Winn' arA.Lignorp., ecitari Ping UV Pearl/ every kind le 2ey =arta% warrant e 1 ries. To:•nale en 1.1111:0 by_ • ABM TIIIIRELL. - Dissolution. . • mmr, r ,. ; ,,,•“„ t r.tin hamtnra existing between Ansa. Dimas d. dij-dillhqted I,ll.raltatlon. rikaNs a co. , :Iconricaie..m34 . ' Lien. • The hyopes. wilLbio =Waned at the ntd state! b AKLDWIN & ALL , Gold' Medal SalerEetus iLls" rt id.o. other kind,. of the beet in foirket. fof *eft 1).7 _ _ _ .-AB.7.nauqua.. LITBRIOATING ,OIL, • l • run /ft 4 l e sek / ""! bilreivFainu. _: i-_~:: PFITLAtiEI.PIIIA c7f . ter,o ars 11: . 8. i V;014F!9 lENEI