The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 28, 1862, Image 4

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The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS
TERS can appeal with Perfect - confidence to
physicians and citizens generally of the United
States, because the article has attained a repti
tatiom heretofore unknown. .few facts upon
this point will speak more powerfully than
volumes of bare assertion or litaoning puffery.
The consumption of Hostetter's' Stomach Bit
ten for the last year arnountedto over-a half
million bottles, and from its manifest steady
increase in times past, it is evident that duringa.
the coining year the consumption will, reach
near one Million bottles. This trninense'nmount
could never have been cold but for -the rare
mt.!. icival properties contained in the prepera
tion; and the sanction of the most prominent
physicians in those sections of the contd . ',
where the article is best known, who Mit only
recommend the Bitters to their path nil, but
are ready at all times eo giro testimonials to he
efficacy in all cases of stomachic derange' /tuts
and the diseases resulting themfivint.
This is not a temporary popularity, obtained
by extraordinary efforts in, the way of trum
peting the qualities of the Bitters. but a solid
estimation of en invaluable medicine, which is ,
destined to be as enduring as time itself.
Hosteuer's Stomach Bitters have proved.,
a Godsend to regions where fetter and ague
and various other bilious complaints have
counted their victims by linndredm. To be
able to state confidently that the "Bitten"
are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un
alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter
from the stomach; purifies the blood. and
imparts - renewed 'Relit yoto th ono-roue system,
e.iting it that tone and energy Indispensable
for the restoration of health. It operates upon
the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs,
mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them
to acondit ion essential to the healthy discharge
of the functions of nature.
Elderly perions may use the Bitters daily's
per directions on the bottle, and they will find
in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort
declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate..
Invigorating to the bowels. excellent as a untie,
and-rejuvenating generally. Sin have the evi
dence of thousands of aged men and women
who bare experienced the benefit of using this
preparation while suffering from stomach de
rangements and genera! debility: - acting `under
the advice of physicians, they bare abandoned
all deleterious drugs aid fairly tested the
merits of this article. A few words to the
gentler sex. .I'3:ere are certain periods whee
their cares are Ito harassing that many of them
sink under the trial. The relation of mother
and child - is so absorLingly tender. that the
mother, especially if she be young, is apt to
forget her own health in her extreme anxiety
for her infant. Shouli the period of maternity
arrive during the summer season. the weaf,of
body and mind is generally aggravated. Here,
then. istt necessity for a ht it»ulant to ineupe
. rate the energies of the system, and enable the
mother to hear up under Ler exhausting trials
and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene
rally prefer the Bitters -to all other invigora
tors that receive the endorsement of physi
cians, because it'is agreeable to the taste as
well as certain to give a permanent increase
of bodily strength.
'Alit hose pet bOth. to whom we have poetics'':
laxly refereed above, to wit: suCerers .from
fever and ague,'eausel by malaria. diarrhoea,
dysentery. indigestion, loss of appetite, and
all diseases or derangements . of the stomach,
superannuated invalids. persons of sedentary
occupation. and nurling mothers, will consult
their own physical welfare by giving to lloa
letter's -Celebrated Stomach bitters a trial.
CAUTION—We caution the public spinet
nsing any of the many imitations or counter
feits, but ask for HOST LT7 EWA CELETRIATICII
Srouscu Birrgas, and Fee that each hot:lel:1i
the words •• Dr. J. Hovtetter's Stomach titters"
blown on the side of the I.ottle, and stamped
on . the metallic cap covering- the cork, and
observe that our outograt !: signature 'is on the
sea' Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEII
Pittsburgh. Pa., and sold by all
druggists,. grocers, and dealers generally
throughout -the United. States. South Arne
ries- =a:Germany.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wildherry.
Coughs, Colds, Coughs,
Coughs, Colds, Coughs,
Asthma, Bronchitk, Hoarseness, Broachith,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis.
_ Uhooping Cot*, Croup,
Whooping Cough, Croup,
Conumption, Consumption, -Couumptlon,
Consumption, Consumption,
and an tar diseases, find an unfailing antickee, •
ready rtlisf, and a rare. and speedy are, in dial
rod and sinizirsalry approved remedy,
.Wigtar'sliolsam of Wild Clherry.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Merry.
The Bei..Taco' b
Well bin* sad larch reiprdni use, the Ones pips.
Lairs amstry, lacks/ Ae fellowiag iljtairat Igo
1.4 . 1wat qf tAs ejtia
-RAmovvy Ps., Teb. le, ISM if"l
lllaseve. S. W. FOlarLZ k' CO., T.Draula.— Dear S
Raring isalized,ie toy family important benefits frt*
the mite of your valuable preparation, Vi r tana's BA 4 ,
WI Of WILD CIDEILIY, it affords me pleasure to
tome mend it to the paLtic. Some eight yeenhage eau
if my daughters mimed to be in a decline. and little
bops. of her wormy men entertained. I then pro 4
lamed a Pottle of your elcellent lllAvate, zed Won she
had taken the whole of the contests of the Wetly these
was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my
individual case, made frequent nee of yotir valuable
medicine, and • have - alia l ays been benefited by f
„mould, assuree, caution the mil& ageism foperatien,
muse Am is I good Sad cf *drips, Wide"! *.14 of
. wad ch.rry qgostramagiont tat maarry,
JACOB ar.cauts.
Virginia Testimony.
0000 1 from Mt. NOIMORMS NORTON, IA
EatalWQP2,l 2 / 421 eit
Mesa L W. Yows.v. & CO.. Bottom,— Midlweent
I with pleasure certify to the grad merit of your is.
trainable lung medicine, Dr. Wages's ILILSAY
WILD CHLIIIIT, which is likewles highly valued b
many d our esteemed citizens, who totes tooted ite
Times by that. - ' .)
1 MN made nos of this Ealeantsents !Mee years dam
iv • violent and . dietreseing gall, Which baled Me
skill of physleisns, and, to my Joy, otperientred sagli
gratifying relief as to induce ma to permeate hi Its oil.
always keep it by ma, and lit Tea hod It to bursataii.
Ins is its effects. No medicine that I haws ow mid
has sirs such speedy relief. Yours truly.
Treat Jew tmitb,
Amident 4 Ni 4111,17il Coady Bait. - ad it sill
kaora sad mai aimed aninigiast Xna feral. ;
- ltdowairrowar, N. J.;Jan. ft, IMO,
Nem: IN. W. FowLc h. Co.; Deer litarteg
&beet bheee year!, and baring realized ha beselbriel
Meth bi ey featly, it Mambo ow great yipaatire
teetenevesdise it to the public a a valuable 11=4 DI
DIM a teat leer s cad., emirbd,th., - alld a lasytaai
wbicb 1 consider to be .alittly insweeriti sad WY*/
spa eritit paint safety by tbi s at debate WOW&
Tone tiny neepeettulti. ' .
MP" iteleareeff rsle sad imeetklew restatrifeits 1
The a d s Gomm, Parr, and Medicinal Baba ire
Bee time of "I. BUTTS:' whim with a pan,.
and thi.printed 11.1. Me of the pmpriet t no
.110WLE & C 0.," on the outer 'wrapper.
AU offer toil 6 ensly Anew of
,t 1 64 Thrme,
bogs, or Omit, eas aid , :es like pai' ey ,
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cheriy,
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
6.W. FOWLE & CO.,
pruggigg, Deniers. aad Mel-Amt. is coerilosta
sad city is do 17sital &aim • • .
To England,lreland and Sctitland.
BR AI[BELL'S SON'S It Eter FTB. same ofose
paaral and upward& payably in all the principal
lowa* utliagtesoUrciand and licatianti,tur sale by • .
U. CtKIPXY‘, tc Bansing.
110. 0 101 • Base,
pf P " ; ,M l l4l
0300 MED/0144)
v -
it do IPrvilla age, ItaTfr acquired their great pipnlactly
fatly tLroualt yaws at trial. n uuded aaktde.tias
la rude r by them in all WM.
CO L A.N 11
- out manrifir cola t • ..•
Wiz Iremplain.,•priMPata:altmtdim. 11tr.... Dm
bißly. Disemeak et theittenem s
am ill. di....a•!. m,-ivingtoto • dirunien4 lint. or week.
new of •th. Stomacli .41311seaUre OM*,
. • am. Ina taittvg!.T4=
nun mu, tiCtukrine, : - won.
.6i. fur -1111muszt for p.o.e. Pap. ;•5 costa per DM*
Hobiland's Balsamic Cordial
• crib.. C.L. 3...hitis.
• Cr.OP. ralllll2oll/L I4olpiest OolOal On.
awl imp. poiltound Fielooit osioniiblOg eines over bows
La • 'lX•rrtues,CurdiA it L ootviall.4.
pi bottle,. •
being well Chown throughout Europe arid America, mull
SO 'rttainend.ition • hors.. They irts pureli'vsgetalits, ap
*spared with great es:Actives soil us itigarstuatird.. 2.
bitter Cathartic Pdl ran be feud. niter, 28 eta. bat.
Thew medicines en prepared by Dr. C. at...wawa a
Plilladefidde Pa:: and it. Ludo. Me, end art sold by
dracgistaand dealers in inetirities everywhere Th. sir
*attire at C. M. JACC.7II will be: nri Du Waits of or.*
Dale hos.
In our intriAndy's Almanac, - ppl46bed unman), roe
1.,11 !Ind
,!ertink , fly onunten•lainry twic.• Men ad
! wt. of. Um conalry. Ilatio,flutaann are Shea away b
ill our itno:uni..
. DTSPit'SIA, .
1.1**1611 IDOZEIPLAINT, ,
various affreilems cp;sevent.iipena cilsorAinpli
2 1 1•Cik ae ludinfit'hon. aridity of the Stan:each, eollety thine,
Illsartturn. I.nas of Appetite. dieepotidency. Conti
Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nerrons. Rheum=
Neuralc Alfectinna. it•hen In numerous instances primed
sr beneficial. end ire othere effechal spiteful..
• Tie Is purely egetai tle eotnpron4.p on stria
eelentitic principles. after-.the manner the
Holland Prefers, Ikerhare. Its reputation at home Mi.
Laced Its int neluctken here. the sicinand oorunieneing with
ona of the scattered over lb. Fate of' Ole
Edells mimics. inane of whom ',might with them' ea
band id down Iles tration or Its seine. A.a was ojihrtel
le !he ..4swrinsp A-ne , ing that as truly isamilefig
unreel.; new, must In aellrotai:ntged.
It Is ntrtlrulsrlv nervinstnendrd to thlr • paaooa whiXO
lonettutionanosy bare bren lonpaln,l by the mains:toot tas
of anlent epitite. on other fossils of distdpation. Generally
Instantaneuus In effect. It nude its say directly to the .148
of lite. tin dime nut quirkeinite every nerve. miring np the
dronping ei irit, eael; in fart, Infusing new health and vigor
In the zyptou
espertm to find this • Wynn* vtl
Ix di...appoint...l; hut to the rick. nvoli.mod low opirtted. It
pr.w.t.. commed of lowalet
renraliel pnperti.w.
Tae floahlor ht p enticentrotogl 'Medleys's - BALM
Sitters 1. pit up in ief-pint botliihn init.:AM 4
000 Dnll4l eiz bottle.. Ow Fire Dot um& The
greet deno.rl for this truly Orlol,rete.l Me•licioe hse inotoOld
..n , turitatioall, which the puLlic ;You'd guard melaill
11110-Iteireir of Impeltlnn. Fee that oar nose it oo Gee
yilgel of 00..13 lode Snu boy.
UN by Itrunists casually. Itg cao .h• freott6ll4
67 Zapau la mut points. .
tharniactutists and - amid%
sb4, cuße
cr e ., s os.eado e A • Tri
4": cu RE •
4 7 , CURE
- ` 44 f
Higail aebe.
fr"Zrl nEsTOS.Z'
ii..llK-04,, , ....??7:,•, •
I_n,:n 7l - - --.--- . :. 1
i.:-,,ky.11 , --.:---,.....,...-. , -,.,..7. 7, , ,
.;:: . 1 ,
~ .jsq,-.-,.0-, cv, P :tiy -4' . • - '
4 .7..' 4• 1 (•, 4 5 6LI 5 . ,,,.. . 7_,—
:-.4 - .--- - -. 7 .06. \ 1 - - ! st• - • ' --- • ..
:,:.4Z.,..,, : .2......5. -.14 . . i „ ,;; .,
:".., .: 4 ..'"14 , WY 1 7 7
A„Z*Z . :4l , ,.: r
. .4.1". r.,1,.....j
_ , .: .. • . -DRS 9 - Eir ,
COMilib;i4± gm*
A. apenient ant stomachic preparation at
TION-par OtYri and Cuban
hu t on in Hydro ten„ot hig•l medical amber
'llly and ritragretinaty efficacy in PA e!lbe
folewins vie. •
`Kan. sr _num =MAMA. &IBM:
ararmszyrkut WIRD MOROI& -tf, t
THE MX etc. MS_
The IRON bear shserbed by tbi blood,- test
thus eireulatitg through" the what, system, as
part of the 'body can escape thair , Italy nor
ful laisenos. •
The experience of thousands daily proves that
no preparatimi of Irani an fat a mom= Its
rompund wits it. Impurities of the blood. do.
Prinston of vital snergy4ale sail otherwise
giddy. comp& %Nem =Coats its toomailzy is aL
most scarf vritoeisalde ease.. In . sll win if
f-male debility (Sim altos, abbess* de.), its
Alb& are delt‘litully isnonang. No rowdy .
bag over blip dip:4*mA. is the lank hilts* •
of media= -shish owl; neb.prompt, happy,
and fully motor= is Wats., flood 'petite, cow
plots dips:ion, rapid sooting= of
milli an snots !
disposition for of
altered essreins,' immediately follow its* 1111 ;
1 do a prima stommiltio and gerral ratings*
1 it lum no sapirior midmo =Wits=
Pet apt, neat eat otetelbezre rentals/eV
50 0144 prKe 50 trot, per bait an bolsi*
All 501 11PM *mien llonsice, 00 al. - TOW • eaM br
gratilitly.. - W IU be east tree ,
Coy addretweereareleeit vie pews. • .100 Übe
DOM Wart% !mei "heed& be eibbeelei
.11i. a LOCKE Ar. co.,
. A m t.,
sinf panauw; =on" le a ILIIIIIIII, - ge •
Masi owes= sees, 6 -
-- .111:8511 !KITS
o G- X?. E.AM'
f - OLE P iiofll ETORS
: - •11-loninatAiries •-
• - '- -
'IT le mom poiended a ilma, frost Guise, to 4
bestammeauestabMbeetielosleteMar4.lMileine.komrs • •
ell so tnroesa 47...7Lt •.-, leme med 4., es 4 Memeeyee .
silb Ot
. 6e0404 to ' all de Weasel Or MOMS
j"=4"4 - - ..•
•-• IT coo* di - alto the iiat to: Irmo -*--
- .1 . 41 •• • 2 . e p I .l =z . Tleyeamerms
TM die• Ma= thelemme et IM
lodhiMaLtektnic It le4 tit• - .. e d M metlkrinaaMem 54_14
MI gently oe tea Mowed. : , •,
IMAM iSteu4as4i yeem .. deasen* ides pe lid/t
ow of IM LIVER - le. • _ VIGOILATOU. and it
Plaints. ellipse At.
samosa. Wife=
- sum
will care Llvtr-Cos•
ticks, PYISM"IIw,
le - pt e pal.
itantsek. Habib.
le. Chalons. Chola.
.11 , 111*.
Vesely Weakness.
esiektly es as Ordina•
eine. It grin irsrs SICK
Llimissarls ssa.rostity,) In
two sir tbr.ii - Ten.
en at esisisessmost se
ralP* rkte:Olielere
leers. Jaandlee,
'a. m.' so be vase lee
ry Vassal', Alain-
IC A 0 ACIFI tßal
trestle? aduatra. I
spoentillii are Irk-
A I wlwfw , ltpre pvtatuweyrn.ep
RIX It Tfili
TUI INvicon,cion, -Auslr'sWALLovir
Prien One Doter per-O•SOe.
C itllAlt:re flit%
cd.,...D.., nil al - '''- :-._--,
'Pure Vegetable Eatrieti '. anal pit' up pi
GLAAS CblkWilir IVA: stlti i1tn 1.1 4,1 1
"In an: eltatatv. ~. , , - , ,
Ti. 'easily Ce- tbartlePtlLLltealea
Vs inn .tsar.; CO** 'lllell tbi.pir,:los
seed tabs ..,.,,.. r ten testily yeas. ~ ,
= VFW 4 i
....., = , l , flam .di d .e. taese , 6 4, ' erbe
all expras 1nta.445 - It Pt WC Ilisloiluebismelopies
.threi within thereactic4 all. •
The Prodelso MAU IT r, •
'2, .40,,CAIIMPPII
ea dlffenoo IT
Me FAX11114 1 1:•C . ~ VlitAltirte APS Vie .
liss.mitli•dat Moline, ,to , Ltila eel impbailot *N
. bec i eZz L iedsl *owe 0 =Met a* poratZar s
ii ..keenlan cabal; tad il Redd araget t ia_.
...... • ....I is Dieded: • =eh si 411 g
. r j:r Mitt att ', r a t% .- „ l ath ,
? w i z= tw„ . 14.:= "w a,za
r d. farig. wane f rio.
.:' um L•sit et . Pp,. onto vinitgr so
• g gogr cot over the body. eaCyja •
are... settee .., .'or ne setol„.
all I • • WU' V 1 ,17 i Thereeme..:Wae=
' . Chtlidn ee-Aaatet, ttesetaniattaintoe pat
P.trifter eta" IEIIO ow end way earaseeer ahlek
- I.& is lisir, jOO4IMIMIIOOII 40 .riateatlei ladle sterew
abaft Liase li a•S. '
. The Liver &wig .iiiit , r +mon •wanolllr C.
than!. INA are naitaby Dreffebb geeenot, eat
mkt .I.Mille ogrAgrrirogg winos brig sgw.g.
- . Nalistoevmr seJ
' 113111 111 raw ad WI- 7., •'N el* 1an...7
• 111 E ettec,Kiv,;• FEirnittir.• Estutitt:Zhnrtsgf.l-,1
J. - SMLTH BileTtlEite hnvinzbeeb - refitted and
gr, , ntiv improved, the, s 'prepr4 . 4nr. rempeeitM:,
vimMr,re to ths citizenm of Mota.r.l(..gak7
i thy nrr cons!ntly niskintrraHi kelp ~,
%3Gd 00. I.AttGE:s . r,:inii 13E81 . as•iarrtniNit
Too be liottutilit !lir. ctitintrs
Wo antle tho fUllowing lint of 411(1),,1!Aht• •or
t1eit91 . 4 , 11 7 1 .1 1 we sill nril at grrallf redue.
In-wee. fur f.;Asif , or IZSAPY PAY :
- Ilurono4, Walnut or Anhogany; , with glits••
*lout 516 t0r535. • •
antenna with roart;lie or br.icatelle
$lB to $:74. And a htige aaeortmee• rriirn
SID: U. 14. to .18.
W Stands, Card un• - :
7itianda, of all varieties 7.5
to ton dollars.
1) , ...kpt, Divans .1 owe' Racks,
,n 4, towage's; St C. • . ,
centre, Card, Dining Kitchell
ti i Ext,enP4ion Tabkis
Cnnteseane, , ind:Worsi Seats. &whet:N—
-.7.46e, Flag. and ‘Vocd Seats, ot -esery varier)
Ind styli. •
Sofss.-tete a totes furnished st short none
. 0 N e w York priers. "
N. B. Ready inndt. coffins OW hand or fur
lished at Abort notice.— Fhoo ses -al *Ayr in
•eadiness when derailed.
naiploy nnue• but CAREFUL and I'Pxp'.Rl•
!ICED IVotIIOOEII. We Mired to do ..ur
'am.. and sell it as, 1..• W-as it i!an - tt.• atriint • •
• 111. W. o.'lll
/1,16,117111../111.. -
-E. it.-671 TIL •
I ,
'lnner-•!~ Inn 1940
At Mr.ntrose. Poian
K. HATCH.; Proprietor
rvits nuw and comnodiou. t 1,40
I Public Aienuo. near the Court
src .n the centre of the buaines% portion .4
\l4.ntne.e. tt. now fu ly completed and furniahed,
100 4:14 onenedLon Monday. tli, .111Lir In
gi-ptember, I 85!4 f , ,t the•t .1
tto public and travelrir The Proprietoi reels
that he • III: . now prepared 'to entertai,
t o l ontm in :nnnner trot , ewhnnt 14i , t1:1111:,.
Coniplete - Satisinction.
- The Hotel and tournifure are new, :.nd ne e l.
oense has been spared to render it egos!. if no
PlliprriOr to any sitnilar'estshlishment in I bi. w .
of the - State. It is well supplied with all the
improv.rraentit and comforts. and'oblieing
waiters will always be readyto respond to the
call of customers. - •
The Ntibl-.4 connected with this ;loose im t .
Now and Convenient,. _
The Pr.,pcietor respectfully solicits the patron..
.ge of his old friends, and toe public generally
- WM. K I ;ATM
L. 11. 1 110II\IG Sz, CO'S
• • •
• "ies:c"
r... 1
AND • .
• -
We are detemined - not JO be ont.done
in - the "way of
ALL i c tsps OT PRODUCE id,. fa Kagbastao fox
G COO 1101 DID 19,
L. Hatinnanik* 00. `,
• couPozirta rirritAcr, Or ;1 0 enti:5
Itestudr for Ind*Wire. B
e i
Scroftilous Complakq, 4n4 alt 414,4 V of &I TA W*
We, at lirflotrips •Apn .
an.ite.. •
Nasto - 'remit%
.13311DM1C01.01=1.,. , ..
WU Painters' lir
4" =Olin rim tor Ws by Alkiii"Mla as
TOR C&NNING FR . IIIT: - Glass; sittli Mao sorts.
No dame at taus, 10-MAW sas Maas. ,Trs_lloo
tle4liag sapidlrst - . wolf woonigsrm,
Olitilms•es s V Nabs sae
. ,Itettanow ~s►Ale; WM 447 e e'e del,
14.1170adapeei Vat 7 feeloela L at. OM • ode.
yule at S o'clock; p. m. '
Pr Horses and, cantezesean bis procured 'at the Llvery
Stable of the subscriber In Moutons., on reasonable tame.
Nastnuo, Avg. IS. 1&,O. U .I: 1). 000 to -
Ittprr ESs =P088;
By lhei Barrel, by 'Baldwin. cE Allen
r fp
- Located over the Suaitoehatioa Valley Bank
EA4.3116WV: ,
D W. LOWELL. Principal,Professor, ()fibs
Science of . Accounts..Pructicil ArroUistint.
Aulhor of Lowell's% Treaties upon [took-Keep
ing, Diagrams illuntiating the mime.
Rant • Kamm, Coanetem. Aegeoeunt, prorate,
'of Book Kroeping" and Practice-I Mathemetive.
.1 J. cyan", Asedstant Weinman in the Bout
Keeping Department.
A J.rWa smut. Peofemitor of Pearliest and Or.
!wimple! Peamanatdp:Coramereinl Caleut:.
• *ionn CistreSpillidtf!re. , s
t;.1;t1 I..s•A:,i 1.,01•11,•ch• f•;. ! ,,T,,,n,v. t .
, , :, ,
•ili•n•' nitisgtm lizticon. 1,, , , , turi..t. op (7,.ritravts
Promissory Notes and i3iii. of Ex,ll:lT:gt..
f(.•iri i 0r...
E. Avartws,`Lecturcr (TB Gdminercio
s Ethics, . i
I t.M. Slirfrtl.l.l. I). tv,„ . K . (),,b,.,„.
• Tart R. Niorznn •
The "r Col;.-Le i , t9.fttl(rd to n!)
an ..pportunity "I.ainnig a -..h..rough'illisint...2.
- , • .
- Bonk , ' and Forini.are carefully art:u,ngrd
bv Tntetie..! nevvtinumtc eiprou-ty, tnr Uiw I.
aitutioo And etubrnre ull the nielit itiipr"vp•
• The vollrme vf in trtitti , m coniprows every
•lepactinent of kisiness Thi• .learner Kilt lei
horoughlv tuuyht the . 4riehre anri practice I
Doable Entry' Book Keeping at, applied 14111. e
, thil•ox-inc -kinds of btr+itte,:i.
inn, 11cam6pntir.i- Railroading, Fori6'arding
- Fretehtinn, Erireicr ShippiNr. &e.
('an quklify thenmeires in a short time. at this, Instito
thin. to all important an& locratfre situations. Anipl.
eferences can he.Yriken where graduates of Irlin are now
ailing desirable Situations with salaries tram OW to alum,
per annum.
The ProptietprsWre In possession of 'testimonials from
some of the first CI onniercla! llonses itiAhe Stet e. to whom
they have. furnished book-keepers; showing their
satisfaction arid confidence ln the ability °file graduates
of this Institution.
In all its branches , taught by the most alilllftg and Ibor*
onigh masters of the en. No eollege In the country ele
joys a higher reputation In this department. Ladles De'
partment entirely sepanite .troni that of thegentlemen.
St 'Monts can enter College at any time. NO vacastlOnr.
Tido, to complete the course, from S. to 10. weeks. Stn.
dents passing the' requisite isamination .are presented
with the most elaborate and elegant engrave , Diploma
Maned by any Commercial or Classical Institution in the
Union. .Asalstanee rendered to graduate* in procuring
or - restos of tuition. price 'of Ward. testimonial.: of, address the proprietors for
Mars Containing, frill particulars.
Proprietors Binghamton Commercial
or. 8. I;o.—y • Binghamton. N. T.
lz Ci.l( BLO CK .
It HE tinders'ened tivln"g• taken toe Rooms formerh
occupied by W. 11. DR tNS. is now prepared to furnish
who may desire withs ?pod and truthful Portrait.
.11e in.: well posted iu the prOduction of the various kind,.
• toPitxures of the day.l flatter myself that my work Is not
facelled by any in this 'action of the country.
Among the varioni kinds taken at my Rooms arethe
Locket. Pictures down to the smallest Nixed miniature
Ring. Troasferred.Ambrotypes—the finest thing oat, tor
sanding by Post to any part of tha World without extra
postage. Re Pictures are bold. vigorous. and expressive
—not those taluL lifeless shadows ofteriakold about the
sountry. Pictures taken In unkind' of Weather, equally
well. except those of young ehften. No picture oPCd he
taken unless perfect satisfattiabb. given.
In dressing for a picture. avoid light colors,—such as
bins. purple. scarlet, pink. etc. Most other* take well; as
grec .„ . ..s,i sc i i . fed, sue . brawn, orange, yellow. etc. -
Ilrilemember that the plode to get yoar" picture' is
o the Brick Block. over head, Watmur. k Poster'sstore.
Mon use. P/11..Nov..With. 1860.
(7r!I9VER Br, 11 I.Ic,FR
volt TAMES, MAD stilcuricrunnca trait,
493 Broadway, Novi-Yak.
.fender in all Mr principal
.Citier ang
The Grover Aft Baker S. M. Co. beg to
call the atte4ltion of the . publle to their receetightroda
i ;"!
444144 41140/Sin
These machlues comblue all the latest useful Improve.
meats la sewing machinery, and Ire hlgtdy recommended
for tbrir ,
Simpllelty of Conserve;loa
NO10111110•1314111111 lamyLllty
Marne of Management;
- Capaelty Am all Mini* or work,
_ .
And Beauty_ mad- Begularity , of allteb. .
Various styles caches. machines adapted to the house
or workshop will be found at the different meanie* ofthe
company throughout the United agates. Tint? new
7b, toted Mama earths sewing =Was art,nohieleic
mold, and natty anarstad—wlli commend Itself to tboato
who ass sorb m &Wm, fur atanfentating clothing.
Grover & Baker Machines,
wants oftrtsetto . Id and . I nactory: cc:tit to
maintain the preeminence which the almost tuatrersid
sadist oft* snibliellitaVardmi them:, The t aown
Grille Grower !Maw Stitch will always inane these
Machines the preference for :mile nee, for tho loaritsc4
tore of such goo:teas nob . 4 for wear....ror u s e awl
not for show,
:Or insider the a over .flekiistiketimiiieumo
baye'exiabited sad Wired in aempetition with
the leading &wive Wisaleee Tei the mike. WIWI(
tbi WUsoa, thy ttiniurariably Wens di
Ili' premium.
Malustorilosir enalbsud by NM ;Kai
mitten claw State INissof
a_ . C
y hetd, which &initial! the ptisaltoolo tie
iWm , 1110trie oat, all Won to etromolffina
LEVI - P.:
Tutiris s in flee United States
081 0 and
cEPHAIAIC 11.4§1
wass..cosnuczym.l. ono sums sum
18 REACH:,
its :hers . testimonials were_ viuoliated
Elpetittiley. they aford u!igiteitiortable
. - proof of the efficacy of this Indy 1 .
stinitifie flivovery.
- ArAssinuat, 0ft5...11 1 0. i. -
Ms. Itraitrroe.
l'havi Wad rittr eep rePIIU, and /Uktilloot sti:teatif
that I want youto aos4 IS worth mum:
Put of theae irefot the neighhon,towttaat I gave • few
oitt orals Ihrst . box I gOt from you. .
flood tba Pills by, mart, and °blip
. . IrptT obl•seret
ili!**thml; reb.
. Me:
[wish Toil to send moons more box Of none reidudti
Tilhr:-lAaa rees!sed areal deal
,of tienefigfrsos ma w .
• , Tows. respectenfle..
'Mg errantliotlu.i.-.
annum Creek, Hnethigdon eu.;
H. Spading.
• Sir: 1 - • '
Pen will pleats send me twobexes eryour Pills - Seed
them Immediately.
• lkspect(illy yews.
. It, igidtiled:
B. / Asa tad bo four ii4s. dad jhut ihes ,
• .
Belle Vernen, Ohio. Jan. 16.
Henry C. Spalding, Sea.
Please end-enclosed twenty.dte cents, am width send
mestpither box of pair Cephalic Pill,: They We- Wyly
the .beet pills I have ever tried. ” •
Direct . STOVER. P. •
. .
Belle lietncni. Wyaedat county,,ohin:
. 1 ,
.-...-............. ...., .
4 44. Reserly. - Maos.. _e.'_.:'• - ' '
-IT. O. Spal46n.r. Hog. . -. . , ...: I
I wish for some ci relators or hoar show hills, 'to bring
your Pins more particularly before my custom CD, If you
'hargonsthin a. of the kind, please send them to me:. ' ,
One of my oist'omers,- who to .abject to 1 oetTrr . oleic
headache. inAuall. 114[11)11 wo, dny.). traP eurrd of an at
lialk in on hour hi your Pills, which I sent her. ,
. ' . Rcrectrtilly yo.uri. -
. ~ W. B. NV ILligii.
. .
Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co.. Ohio,
. _ January 9,
, N,I. 49 Cellar street, N.
I Dear Sir : • ' •
I nclu!tql find tssenty•five cents. (25.) IJr which send me,
box of cephalic pill Direct to- ;icy: Wm. Fille4. at ;
ilesnoldshtirg. Franklin county. Ohba. .
Pisur Pills work_ cAarsrs--atre
instanter. ' • ,
Truly yours,
iPlinsial, Mich.. Jan. 24
Mr. Spahany
Rot long MM.! I sent to you farts box of Cephalic Pills
for the care of the_ Rereads Headache and CoothenesS.
and received the 11:01:1V. and they Add so dad itit (fat 1
vas thilutWo 'send for more: -. .
. Pleas) hifiadly return mall. Direct to
11 , , • A. R. WHEELER, ' .
• Ypsilanti. Mich. ,
. .
... . .
Frrm: the Examitiri -Arnrfonr 1071. ' -• ~,.
Cephalic Pißeaccomplielt the object far which they were
made. viz.: care of headache In all lie forma.
Fr'orn,thigrominer.' Norfolk. Vo;
They have been tested In mote than a thousand"came.
with wake sumo. .
"Fri , m • the Demoerot. : St., Cloud, Minn.
'• If you are. or have been troubled with the headache.
send for a lma of cephalic pills, so 'that you nay hive
them in case of an attack.,thr ildnertrr, Prniqrstee; R. 1
The CeOtalic Pills are uld to be a remarkably effective
"remedy fur the headache. and one of the very best fur
that, very frequenkcomplaint *filch has ever been as
' covered.
Prum the nrexterp IL R Chiengw
We heartily endoree Mr. Spalding, and ids nnificalidd
Cephalic Pins.
. •
• From the Voltry S 4 tPr. gvi
We Are lure that person! suffering 'with the hi :isditelte
who in..them, will stick to them.. •
. .
Prom the Path Pinder Net' Orleans La
Tryibetol you that are afflicted, and we are sure that
your testimony can he , added to the already nemerour
list that has received benefits that no other medicine can
From tho S't: Louis Democrat.
The•lmmense demand torithe article (ceplislli 'Ms) Is
gaipldly liacrsaalng. •
.From the 47azette, Davenport. Antra.
iir: - Speldlng on not connect Ida name with' an. ar
ticle he dlclaut bow to p.:#aqi real merit.
From fAr Advertiser. Providence. B I •
The testimony In their hear is strong. trosi.tio most
respectable quarters:
From the Daily News. Net/newt R. I.
Cephalic Pills are taking the place of all kindi.
By the sae of these Pills the periodicattielM of Narrate
or Slut 'Headache may he • prevented; acid if taken et the
commencement ofan attack,- immediate relief from pain .
end sickness will bs . obtained. • -
They seldom fain removing the irarima and ffeddiseds.
to which females .areso subject. - .
They actgently upoothabowela,--temosing
For Literary Men, Sfesdaste, Delicate Females, and all
persons of Wentmithahlfe, they us valuable as a laxative.
Improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the Mites
tire orgiesaud restating : the natural elasticity and
strength o f whole system. -
The CEPHALIC PILLS are the remit kloug Investi
gation arid =fondly =inducted experiment.. having been
in use many years, during which drae they have prevented
sod relieved a vast amount of Imitt and Buffering from
Headache, whether *detrain; in the serum system or
from a deranged stem of the *Weed. •
'They are entirely vegetable In their composition, and
synths taken 'centimes with perfect safety without mak t
mg MI change of diet, aadShe etheserieftemegdietsgnimble
Mite renders':megfoadasiw4W thaw tochUdrni.
." •
Br:* aro of •Corintorfoits. ,
The genuine have She egoe s taree or Henry C.SPoldttly
oagqcch' Snid by Woggles end otberDealers to Meilen%
A box will be sent by mall premed on receipt of the
3P . x.1.60 nal Cloister. •
_ Al! orders - should be . eddreewed to
roTII y - 3cl3' .3 Cedar Ste let,-Neve
tar",A sing! e bottle of SrAtign.l'S PREPAREI UWE
aiit ease ten times its cost stitically._4let
.1t41:11f0MY ! . . •
- ' . marAicu 1
1131r"Allvteen to Tuts Sam Itnis.”Ad • -
' Am accident/ wilt happen. even In wellmulated tall-
Ilea. , lt is very degridde Wheys some cheap and =men-.
lent way for replying feminine, toy.. croekery.,&e.
meets all each emergencies, and no household can afford
to IMarlthout It. It Is always ready, and trp to the stick
ing point.
, - zrzur Norma." • ,
N.N.—A. -Mush sammpaideir eseh - Botdd. Pries 15
testi. Address. /Mir C. 'SPALDING..
No. 411, Cedar,Streed, New-Tort.,
Ali certain unprinetpled persons are atterg l e
orlon ttwumnispeetlee palls. iMitIONIS '
OW. I would motion an persons to cumin*: paz'
&Ashur, itateest that the Poll name;
Is ea the outside wrepper ; camp, us pwlaillat on*
told ts.
. _t__ -
In tollvvrilimPa locus *Toyama of MU:lrina It
iitia Canso,. walk* bag a Rei n Natty *WV II
• tavarbacb Usk la Mfr. Call at Oa
• • ..
at Alilli4TuAnara., sad be milled of Lta beataits Mir
' • " Wetsimla. Aar It MI.
splanAid . aaionkeat last MAU* CilsajeaA44
brA ate.: at Tumrs.
_ .
au Gar els ataul the Am. I n."=RMI
Itithellgice. -
(80,14ranieoro of IntelliW
r i An PIO
. . .
s.pmurs= THE BLOOD '
eilte-Of ttisinvoint4 TaAdis, of
Haraftt‘ Rad iletiflalemi ; Aßbettomai Swells as -.
11nareirtv.;Inetrit.' Roreet Tlfaimpttoms
' Misi/se . =Omer
' alia "in Skim tDbleases.
- •• Ind.. Ith June,tiltt.
Agibt &Mo.: fiesta! I feel It nsy dnty to ito.
;sew year; Sarsaparilla has 'Amu for- me.
atrhig a Scrofulous Infection, I have antrered
Item bt vatiou ways fer years.. Sometimes It bout
, is. Veer* aa tm d i a l r s e in a lids . and arms; sometimes It
'tamed towartl mid sad me at the stomach. Two
which head and covered my scalp
"mama wan'one sore was painful and loathsome
-beyond description. I tried many medicines and sever'
pflysiotans. Let without mach relief from sny thing. It.
Pet.the diserdler grew worse. At length T was rejoiced
to nod ilattsal.Musaersger that you had prepared
oltsvall - air mouths from your repu
'takes that ;any thing Toe made good. I sent to
Cincianati mid got it. and used It till it eared me. • Itook
' 'IL as you advise, ht small doses of a teaspoonfhl over a
.month. and used almost three bottles. New and healthy
;aldu {soon began to thers-nnderlhe wh,whlch after a
trldle tell of.. MY skin Is now elear, mod T know by my
(legsga that the. dbusse is gone from toy widens. Ton
at well believe that I *el *hid I am saying when I tell
yosi..thatl held you to !tone of the spastics ;gibs age,
led fusels ever grandly.
Awthesurta " Vire. Rene Ery•Speloa,
Tatter easdigult Manua. Sulfa Head, RMS.
IWOIIIIII, SomelEyes, Dropsy.
_ Dr. Robert M. Pub* suttee from Salem, N. T.. 12th
dept.: RAO, that to has cured an -inveterate ease of
Irrop'evoihkth ;threatened to. terminate *tally, by. the
persevering sae or ourSaraaparilbs: and also a danger.
ems attack ofgatiernter Erawirelu by large donee( the
unse t. say* h• curse tbs.commou Ervgrtiona by it eau.
slangy. ]?.; ,1 , _
421.111 - 111e11 Er
Illiredsela" dos 'Adder* -de Sweet- ..neekti .. o" *Wisp_ .... - _ -.---_
l , re • townsgip, Oluneelter county, widi purchesa some ,t i glu
Salim Sloan of, Texas, Wats': .".„. Three miles north of Mayflie s about three - yews ago, for the
hottki of your Semuiparlired me hem a GO(tre—• ~ ~,,. le ceinblishlng a steam milL o to Wort on tbd lica•
ide l iggnellinein ' tbe nieek‘ttl° l .- 1 ha ila t ivi lit ' n 't C l : t r .- 6 ° 4i ' lumber. to send off by the new iallroaZ, a. Well
svatgenets.• • as the firewood and cool. for which he built sArstek a
.Litieorehers • OR.olPlrlittulaj_ Ovarian _Tamers mile end a half lung. Ile alio furniohed 'si :teen mites or
*- 7 —Ellarillaer Vlntlealthrloi . irerna. lo . Dl ooo moye ! the toed whith tieseand had no doubt made the mil:
Dr. Fr JIB. Cimuning,of .Nler Yeah My, writes: o I piontahle, though hi. main object „was to open a farm, •
Nod eheerfillly comply with' the requent ofyone egent is havingbecome convinced that the roll was valealle for
=t hem mend - your .Sarsamwilla a moat excellent cultivation. In this he has not been disappointed. as
ye fa the numerous complaints for width we ens- . some or his crop. prove. For instance. the second time
ploy sneh a remeity.but especially in Female Diseases of croppiny. 306 bushels Ofpotatues, on one acre. worth
of the See:dialect. diathesis. 1. have mired many lord- GO mute • hnehel in the Aeld. This year. seven acre., •
erste "me*, of Istreorifites by ft, and !seine where thewithuat mature. produced 356 bushels of oats. In our
emerhitnt wen caused by's/cern/los of the sterna . Mgt I Sold. the first crop was ,potatomr, planted among the .
.ulceration -Itself - was woe caved. Nothing within "My 1 route,ind yielded 25 bushels. The potatoes Were due.
• knoiviedlgt einah ft fbr these limale derangements." I and vatest sown. andyielded le bushel, :- and the sinhl , l.-
. . 114 ward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes:.. Ada.- , turned; ender and sown to buckwheat which yield.t! .T:s„
Remus ovarian Motor on °aro:* the females to my fatally, , btushein ; and tbed dm gr. mind Wes *own tai;. clover Ma;
which had deSed all the remedies we 'could employ, has ~ timothy, which gave as a firatcrop R )( Mee per So re.' ..
a=net beau emespletely aired by your extniet - of Sae- i The fertilisers applied to these crops were Inst. ash",
la. Our physician thought nothing but maims. I from elestiugs ;_second. 225 pounds of .aperphost ii.t.
Lion could WWI relief, but he advised the trial of your ...--r.u.ww_ethl.a, 200 ornmds Peruvian guano : then sobto.h! , ,
Simutparillk is the last resent beton: cutting. and. It . 2,1 do. • - i ii • .
. proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks i . AlinS S;Pleketg, 500 - t
ho symptom of the disease remains." Be ti t worked collar, . . "tlo. 500 i •
.4.' " - .
• Syphilis owe Iliereirlinl Disease, , :speettnett worsted emtiroidery
• - gp
Itsw olo.sasts.Mtta August, IND. , _ . .. I*. - . . ! •
.3h„ ri .S . 11 . Dayton, sfle .
cl .h u l i i i • r st i . )i J d . o. B y . , 4c - t
Pc/. C. Aerie. Sir 1.1 - elicerthlly comply with the.'
_thluest of your agent, and report to you some of the i 2:1 ti0 . -
'effeetal hem mused witetitleyroupreeetSersieespaeirieleelmer
ewe. ! ea t apec i me * i,' si lk ; Gregg,mos
'I have tined with it,
thigh: for which it Is reeemenended, ind have round Its t
- 3liss J.St emilmek, 50c I .
Weal tmlywomierfirl in th e eure of Venereal aid Mer- 'lz,„,-.' -t r ...._. Ai :
eurfot Dieente One of My flatieUte had Syphilitic tams ,0,„,, ~,,0t,,,, ' ...uss Isabel - Carpenter, 50c •
• ..31ass J. 1 ickerma, 25c I
to I, throat, which woe consuming his palate Mul the' )24 do. ~
top' ofias month: Your. liarettplwills, stesdily*.taken, •,, . ~, ~ ,
erred hhtt In five weeks. -Another was attacked bye's:. lit'sl qui leg' Sfigile, ICI S. A: Adams, s.`c• - t
endare symptoms In hie nose, and the. ulceration had'- lt,
• .. 1 ..,1iit, hood, 3liss I J :utility I)nyt on, 50c
tewaway a (*widen:Me part of it:so that 1 believe the ,* -
dhotase would 00171 t reach his brain and kill him. But it I" . Ittl it tidy, Miss• S. Williams', 59c t -
yielded to my adminietnithm of your Sanwpaiiiin ,• the i *'-' 0.1 .t, .• • • "
ulcers healed. and be b. well again, not of eourse without -" '').. • :. MirM E.' Lindsey, 25c - .
1 0 . 11. Tiffany, $1
some diefiguretlon of the ha. A woman who had been r `
Best - Oil pail:1.111"e'
grate:trot the. MIMI disorder b y mercury was suffering e•• s
frosittiliphisonin herb:Ries. 'They had become amend:. 2:1 do. . • -. ,
r i0.•;50u k :nastet weather that on a sheauferdedt ti. an .o ther kinl,,;„,..
' eared entirely by your Sarsaparilla
..lp a her weeks., I 1:1- i hs. . . ..,yr,i,, t , t ,„l, a , i lt, - alaia . Fa -,,, , -
know from its tbrmule; which your agent gave me, th at ° ' inuA " . "` '''"'"
'this penpninonn from your laboratory must be a great
the railroad. &adjust about in the ceutre Of Vineland.— .•
Mr. Sharp commenced work here in December. late . up.
=; consequently, these truly
_resisslcable :Tsuji, . - a . h . ,
have not surprised gm niglll acres. In es lan t me years he es got %.4
,- . yeergeually rim, o. v. LARreiget„ 31. D. sere* Oleara and In crops this season. all welt int lowed
and dlvided into serail fields, with cedar rail, or pole _-
11/441 . 111UNSSIIIIIIIII, 0111184 Liver Conapthirst. - fence; had hunt a two-story dwelling; abont thirty-sir
Immissnascs, Preston co., v nth July, um. or forty feet:undo smaller house for farm laborer*, and a--
." - Ds. J. C. Arra. Sir :I have been with aPain; • stalk and granary and -sonic other outbuildings. .
lid etwome nseirmatimi for a wagone vhish hank,' the Conaiderable part of the land was cleared for thi plow
Wall or physichum i
,snd stuck to me rt 'mite of sll the sip dollar* an acre, and on iumteof it the first crop was
nmedies 1 midtdendointit 1 tried your Sireaparilia. One bucketheat. limed with uttembels hi powder per acre.
bottle cured me In two weeks, and restored mty general-, - This amp may be putiiii from J atilt h to 20th. and yields
health so much that lam far better than before 1-was (corn twenty to thirty hnehels per acre. harvested- in Nu, •
atommed. 1 Wok it a wonderful medicine. J. pi:BAIL , ember; when the Imid beinr sowed with IMI pound*. or
Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Leith, writer :o I have been' Pernetan guano and seeded with rye, yielded 12' to It
eflUeted • ibr jests with an ofection of tie Liver, which bushel. per acre and ten dollars worth of *tech, . The
mylimdth. 'tried everything. andeverythlng rye at;blile turned, atter knocking off - a large .growth of
111 4. 1 1 1= 14 2, 1 relieve me ; \end 1 have been a broken-down tnen o ak i roupi. and dressed again withguano and seeded
fee wane yeses from no other same than derangement of to wheat, gave 15 cwl6 teat:els; The crop which Inc ass
De Herr. .31y beloved putor,the Rev.3lr.}:spy,edvised threshing while we were there promises more„-uf a very
the_totry• your Santiparilln, bemuse he said heknew you . , 'plump grain, and the straw is very henry.
Mid anythhir you made was worth trying. By the bless- We.went over the stubble and found the clover and
'tag of God it has cured me, and hat so purified my blood, timothy, tram seed sowed last spring. on time chest a hil
ts to make a new man - of me. 1 feel yo* again.. The' outhlwrowing; leakiness well as we ever saw It noon
.lest fiat can be said of you is not Half g ood enou g h . " any old cultivated farm, and with a little work done in
- s
Illekirras, cancer T en sor s , Eplargemeart; 171- clearwinter off some. routs and rotten tromps.
. - - •
' and eetting stakes to mark portnaneni - ones • we will 1 , ,
' serstion, Caries, said Hiroliation of . the able to cut the Crop next year with a mowing machine
Himasi. :, .. * , • • '' -
_.__ and We will ,guarantentwo tons per acre, if he - will give
• • A Viet •,.yurietii of eases have been "'Forted t° us .where • the °Yelping! if it overrun's, the estimate.
WITS Of these rOTlltilixble C.ontpinintsrunre •
moduli from Part of the lind was planted with potatoes for "a first
thecae of this remedy, but our apace here will nut ad- - crop.] which -yielded one hundred end twenty bushels psi.,
mit them. SOme of them may be found innur - Americitn aere.l It wait then limed with fifty bushels per acre. and -
Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased , to
- seed *d with wheat and, lover. ytebitue• an awry e of
forma gratis to all who call for them. -
. !-1* - . over 15 bushels per acre, and the citnar now looks beau. '
Dyipepsla. Heart Di . , Fits; Epilepsy, alai; .
, •
,IfelAnebislyi, Neuralgia. * Other porde:us bare ien planted with corn as a fleet
3tawremarhabie cures of thete.affeetions have been cropj which fyieided thi rt y bushel* of yellow flint corn.
Amide t,y.the altrareirc power of ibis medicine. It stimu- and the second crop forty, bushel... and the third .c . rop,
Imes she, Ole! !Unctions - Into vigorous action, and thus treated, 150 pounds utensil.) , we are cure no one would
averment* disorder"! which' would be dupposed-beyond- estimate below forty bushels per acre. _ - ' ..:t
Its teach. Such a remedy has long been recodred by the [The render will recollect that the writer is now speak -
secessltteenf the Pool& and we are confident that tida ing of landat.perfectly new. and which can scarcely be con- ,
will do for them all that medicine can d o ..sidered in good ara ble condition.—En. ]
. .
, ` ~. .
• liyers .--Cherry Pectorl, - . In other crises the corn crop of last year was fo l lowed
`withloats this season. nut yet threshed. but mill average, •
.prubabiy,forty to fifty bushels. Sweet twit:noes. branc
• " niellinte„Sild In fact. all vegetables. as well us yoneg
- &sell and other fruit trees planted this rear. show very ,
plainly that this long neglected tract of year.
should re
maids° no longer. and there is now a. rung probability
that It will not; for under the nest:km..of Sr. Landis. it
will be divided into small lots, with roads located to ac
comModate all -- the surveyor is now Misr , at thin wort".
—and all purchasers will be rettnirml to bind neat-com
fortable houses, and either fence their lots in uniform ij i . -
or agree to live without fence, which would be preferit•
ble, by which means alood population will be serial d
' who will establish churches. schools, attires. mills. 513•
shine shops and homes—homes of American farmers. our
[Minded by gardens, o . reharda, fields and comfort* of civ
ilised life.
If 'pay one. from any derangement or:menet'. is dent* ,
one &changing, his purantte.for life, or who in fun any
causedcsirothi to flnda new location and theap hem's in
the Country, and who mpy read and believe what we have
truly stated, he will do well to go and see for himself whet
maybe seen within a two twiner ride of Philadelphia.
. Pl3ll. TII6 . PLAPID CURE OP •
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Cranp, Bronchitis, Inelpienteonsump!
N tion,and for the Relief of Coneump.
- Use Patients, in advanced
- ; - stages of the Disease. • '
This is • remedy so universally brown to swim any
ottier we athe cue of throat end , lung complaints,:that it
le hereto-publish the ethlenceof its virtues. Its
exiVeli nee. for coughs and colds, and its truly
wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made It.
known throdithout the clelUaed nations of the earth.
Pm In the conunnnitke, or even fernlike, among them
retro bamisot acme personal experience of its effects
'erne living trophy in - their wildst.of its victory over the
warn% and &aprons disorders of that throat and lungs.
All all knovi the dreedfirl Iktallty of Mime disordert, and
tithe, knew, too, the egrets of this remedy, we need not
is mete than to assure them that it has now all the air.
UM that it del live when making the cures which have
nos sd strongly span the confldence of mankind. -,
401414 L Jan. CO., Laren,- Zug:
Put dllle‘bvAbel Turrell, 31untrore; Church A Fbinw
Nada; Walkman & Swirlier. Auburn Ware. and 1 y
liculltre and drum:leo everywhere. . - oe - P 3 cw
pi adi:#l92ll
Jud Published la a sealed Envelope ; Prim 15 cenfe.. •
‘fit• a -'' LECTURE BY DR. cuLvERwELL
k i y
tv •4 owthc Cause and cure of Spermator
rora. consumption. ?dental and . Physic*
• Debility. Nervousness. Epilepsy ; Impair
ed Nutrition of the body; Lassitude ; Weakness •of the
'limbs and tbe back: indisposision : loss of memo;
eversion to society ; love of solitude : timidity ; self- die.
trust; dizziness; headache : affections of the eyes; Total
ples on the face ; Involuntary emissions. and sexual In
caWy t the consequences of ynntbfal ladiecreflon. kc:
This admirable hetnre clearly proves that the
above ennuMerated.ofteWself-selieted, evils-may he re
moved without medicine and - without stirsdral operations
'and should he read by-every youth and every maq to the
land.. . .
Sent ander ettaktO Any address:lS s plats Pallid eniel
ape. •rs trielrecelpt of six cents. or two postiiee stamps,
by oddrepsint... , „ DH. CH AR... (74 ..
utflowery New York: Post Box. 4586.
-(0-1 1DT
_ .
MITTS DeScions Tonic Stimulant, Especially designed
.1. fur the use Pt the_ Medical ProfesslOn and the Family,
supercoded the nu called "Dino," " Aroinatic,".
"Cordial.. "Medicated," "Schnappi," etc., Is now en
dotted by all the prominent physicians, chemists and con
,•ol.llCtlye, as possessing , All thOi4o INTIUNISIC medicinal
4nalitien Jre
Joule and diuretic; which belong to OLD and
PURE 111. Put up in quart bottles and sold by all Drug
gists and Onicers, etc. A. M. SIN mom &0., -
I,e4t4bitsn'oct itt ••• -sole Proprietors,'
ye 4 7 . 1 • . N 0.19 Broad Street:N. Y,
rot sale at Tuners Drug Store, Montrose, ' '_
• , -
1. ?" Part I DittAL;' '
ijiatikid s Minfided kith widf or Use coro of
Coughs and Colds, ,Croup,
• Innehitli, Asthma, Dithenitatiathing.
Yalpitationsit the Heart.
lit# ottoort Wear
Conniption if
togetherwi d th all Diseases
• at the Throat and Chest ana which
predispose to Consumption.
'Rana* rim of aimasti;and math theta
• _ • id~sticetanb to its truhmanat. ftalMpfodn.
ca lte( expreforaficio, d indegaut hmillty action
gm diseased Mom* Manbrans and Llamas.
Pecatarly anptad to the radical
, • cr. of. Ns'IRMA.
One climut o:frhu inr4luaide BPRCP en, Oyer
• Yrratroutanuegyeriay g , ,ipltieralopartklikrr
thifatiosistWa., _lt Lew,/ pldseranl
( aPto MAU, and EM7ipt in 14 erects. Try U &
&Wombat &Miff is bravo& is at ewe V
Pria 50 Prepared' Wit by
_ De: Ai Es lir anasold by A. Dow**.
' 1.1 4# Ort; WI 1r earner itk mod POPLAR grafi,
ibr sale in Xmdrose by
ant sohor 4sl* VIRRBLL Drlogist.
tiMlalket, eonet•ntl7 on band, •nd •t ••ble
a price as It ego be obtat•od of any Dealer I• town
prarimplier Torrel'a Drug Stow,"
•B.L.P i UT OP - BOLON = litEllt LON
• . ' TUX
following la an extract from the report o
Solon Rubinson. Esq.; published In the New Turk Tri •
bane, in!referetice to Vineland.. All persons can rya
this repbrt with interest..
Advantages of farnangnessitome—tineland—lie
marks. upon Karl—Boil, its great Pertatty —The •
Cense of Pertility—Amount of Crops Premised— .
Practical Evidence.
It is 4rtainly °tie ofthe-movt qxtenelve fertile traits.
in an aldiost level posltiou,' and imitable condition fur
pleasant. farming that 'we know of this kitic. of the we,t
em prairies. We found *owe of the oldest farms app.
rently AA as profitably prodnctire as when firma cleared
cat foreg fi fty or a humired year il ago.
The fifty
would won discover the cause of thin
continued fertility. The whole country is a marine de.
point. andali through the soliwe tumid evidences hi cal
csreou&imbetrinces, generally in' the form of indulattd -
calcarends marl. showing manydleitlnct Ramis of ancient
shells, of the tertiary formation : and thii nutty substance
Is scattered all through the soli . , In a very comminntrd
form, Main the exact condition most Easily assimilated
by such; plants-as the farmer desires to cultivate.
Marlinall its forms has been used to fertilize crops in
Englan from the time it was occupied by the. Unman :
and In France and Germany a marl bed is counted un as •
a valuable bed of manure, that .can be dug and carti.d
and spre ad over the field. How much more valuable thee
it must he when found already mixed through the soli.
Where nett' parttcles will be turned up and. exposed. and :
trandformed to this owner's dire every time the stirs the
earth. 1
{laving then satisfied our minds with the wrse. they
will nor be excited with wonder at seeing indubitable ev
idence bit fertility of a soil which in our situations, hav
ing thetsame general, eharticteriatles oral leasiappen ran;
ces, is entirely übretrionerative except as its . produci lye.
hilproMoted by artificial fertilization.
A- few words abbot thequality aid value of this land
fuiculration. of which sit have some strong proof.
Ont rat visit Wris to VVIIIIspt .. D. Wilsou, 'Franklin
Established in Pittsburgh Tin 1810
T i he Only - Comatrriol in • the
J Union. Cosioiwcted by w P?artical
. .31,qrbovt _
OVER Goos) Students 'hare attended It from Thirty
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isiardell Dare System of Book Keeping; and 'the new
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adelphia.: Baltimore, St Lunt.. Cincinnati. etc.. prbring
It to be the beat known. NINE Fleet Pteminm. were re
cently svidrded the Penmanship of Wm IL DUFF. who •
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edly, the best penmen in America. • -
ILigkr's Edition of Duffs !took Weeping poet paid.
Du mnd Duncan's OiLlie of l', •. . 64‘4 , •
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Foritemplesbf D'art' 3 Cochran'r Invines, ant° rue nren•
tat Ps nmaaabip. with the new dialler orfill pagee.inclore
an cents in stamps to
l'ohlitlndiaa a warulug, and for the 'tut 1. t,ef
of Vonthe 7.4 en. and thtrie uho suffer %Oh Kin,. n. it
'iv_ Lf!le‘ of Memory, Prvmature . da., d
who.ha- , nfol himself hp ereple no an*. utter lo:!rn nu
to .in-tt ospe nye and inc;Mveoleer..% tt.n net; the o.d.
worliitCba o:tin:W pre.zibtl F,
t•Ople* olot. he had of the antßoe. by rncloet,g a ; - c
paid addressed envelope to
" el(Att. A. LAMBERT.
. • Greenpoint, tong:eland: Neu ork
ti . orine'stionabli. the,beat.Scstained Work Of tte
kind in too World."
'l 4 lie volume* buudd et...n*o6ft of themocives s library
mincellaneoun readiug etch u cannot be foubd In the
comploor in anyother publication that comeun
,erluttr not ice. -41ioston Courier.
'Llte most popular Jtuutbly, 'tribe world.—[N.
c must r..efof Writs/ nt euliagy %n the high tone and,
varied excellence* bt likuiren's MAGA;INL,4 Purina,
n-rtts monthly CirCUbitioll of about 17(tosa: copier—in
whiled - Imes are to be fnpnd sone of the enoirept
An4lNmersl reading of the day. We !peak .i3l this work
ns an evidence of the American People: and the popular
it lao'acquirod to torsitvil. Ears :Nuintwr
fully 131 pageref rending matter, appropriately illustra
ted with good woodcuts; and it emuldnen in Itself the
racy-monthly mid the more 'philosophies' qnsrtesit
blended with the beat features of the dull) Journal , t
hak! a i great power
In the dissemination era love of pare
lit ture.—Tamman's Outdo Amencan Literature,
magazine In Europe or America. hasp welt known ;
none lias - half as many readers; and we may safely my.,
nohe has reetilied Urge a tribute of aduiltatlon - frum
the cultivated classes. that delight in a healthy. di vent
fied, elevating periedleal literature. It Is t foremost.
llti g a z t n e by the day. , Tho fireside never bads mote de ,
Ilkiatful companion - . nor the million a more enterprising
fnetida than ihtrlMeil NalPillw. — Xsfirtodlat Pro/Wont.
_ i.- --- - -- T E'R NI . 13 . -
The Magazine may tie obtained of Booksellers. Period;
i c .a agents, ui from the Publishers. at Tunas Dou.ssa a
year; Or Twinsrs•lftvz OMITS a Number. The semi-annu-'
al V olumes . As completed, neatly boundtn cloth. are
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b, ed to dune who wlah.thelf buck numbers uniformly
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now routTi boundin cloth; and giro in halt calf: '
The Ptilidahera *silt supply Specimen Numbers gratn•
itutislyto Agents and Post marten.. and will make liberal
aMisgementa isith them for circulating the liagarine.—
They will Mimi simply Clubs of Two Persons al Five Dol.
lass a yeti, or Five Ferraris at Ten-Dollars. Clergymen
and Teretaws supplied at Two Dollars a year. - ' _, .
Harpers'agasine and Harper's Weekly. one Year. it.
The Magazine weighs over seven, and 'over rigid .
:entices. —The portage. on'each number, which lewd he
pSld quarterly. In advance, at the office where the Raga
rape is received, Is Three Cents, - .
• - . HARPER a anon - Eris:
,•, - . • Franklin Square. 14fIr York,
-• : AtilairtiA isys BE4, .
;•• alto; Abdenaloal 8;16611ml:4w/
a wed, of other, articles of tblo class of goal..
' '
.b 7 „ . ABEL TURRELL. litcntryeA. .
P. ni:ry d 8O