The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 28, 1862, Image 1

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A. s. ca-errilteckix.
TEltys.—sl,.so per annitm in Apvaxcie ;
o therwise $2 will be charged--andl fifty cents per somas
I led to *meninges, at the option albs Vobllsher.l6 ply
ecoeuse of collection, etc. ADVAII payment prefrxred.
"Any aarisaniorrs will inserted at the
rate of V per ignore, of ten lines 41ess. for the firet three
week's. and f cents fur each &dab:omit weeic—pay down.
Merchants,and otliers,:who advertise by
t he year, will be harged it the foll Owing rites. cis.;
--For one 'quart. or Um. one year, kith change!, PI
such additional equate, at therafe ........
Ho credit even except to those o f knows respoostb4fty
DEALER in Dry .floods. Groccrhis, Umbrellas . . Tanta*
,--tiotions. Boots and Shorn. Shovels and Forks,
Stone Ware, Wooden Ware and BrOwns. Bead of Nati-
Satton. Public Avenue. „
Montrote„Pa., Stay 13, 1864.-13"
tan. lIITItiTTINO CfX)lria r sivrsiiorturaza.
WM. 11. COOPE4 J:,
B‘NKFM.S.—) tittnXiiriaro to Post. topper
st. t:u." Office. Lathrupn'new Ttimp
J. 5. IeCOLLILTILi 111 W. 825111. Z.
- MeCOLLtill &,- ;;I:',l.:Alt LE, -
1. TTOBSETS and Counsellors at Law.—Montrose,Pa.
Office In Lathrop' new build*, over the Bank.
ECLECTIC PHYSICIA2I. a stratmort Drama.
win! Dn. ml - Rox •
Mechanical and Snri.iitad Dentist, roently of Binghamten.
N. Y. tender their pmfesAonal cerylees to all who appee
date the: . Deformed •Prartice of! Physic;" careful and
operations on Teeth:
,with the most scientific sod
ipproved stiles or platework. Tdcth extracted vrithantt
pain and all 'work warranted.
'Jackson. June 14th, Doi.
DR. 11. 4t:SON, •
i_11:11GEON IiENTISTS .—Nontrjge -Pa..
Ottnre t Lathroplo ni•vr 'over ,
the Bank. -An Dental operatlon.lwlll be ' I i e . **
;Jerrortaott In goal style and warranted.
• _ .
or 1,1) ANN()I.NCE tit - the Public
that they have entered into a . partnerahlp for the
and are prepared to attend to all calls In the line of their
prof .alon. o:2lce—t he oneformeriy occupied by Dr. J. C.
01m.tead. in DUNDAFF. , my 73m.
3 1 ‘ Ni
TAll:oll.=onteuee; Pa. Shop
...ere I. N, Grocer -11 on Naln , strect.
l'ltinitful for per. t. Neon., he v•iiltrite a continuance
—pi , :l4ing hi nieelf to do all uvrli sfactorilv. Cut
tit:W..lone on eliort moire: and Isar:anted to tit
• .
N.eit rope. l'a., July 211 - ., •
• L.
•P. LT'SEs.
SIIIO'IIABT.E tAIT.OII,--Moiltrose. Pa. Shop
Jr in Ptvenir nivel:. over store 4f 11. d, Watmuv
.t Foster. All x itrk warranfed, 11, to tit and ttnish.
Outtine dote on short notice, in bast style. Jan 'tiO "
.101 IN Gll6 \I4:S,
TAlLoll,—.klohtrose, Pa. Shop
I near the 1V064 ?ilevtine, IfonAc. On Turnpike
rret, AR order. tilted promptlv4in
style. .
Cu: a era. done on eliort notice. and warranted to St.
..„ ,
iyEPAITtS Clorka, Wate,tfe*. r aniWeleelryia. the
-1 6. •horiesi not rce. and on retu-ouitple temia.• All
w:trrantvit ' Stop In Chandlis andlelaup'A
NioNT/tOtIC. Pa. •' • tf
101. W. S. I AITIII . 4."; ( 70 .1:
CBINT7.T AND Cif AIR MAirniCTUTtED B .—f i not
!Jam vtceci. Mantrooe. Ps.l ' sug tf
- -
„ C. 0.
xrANCFACTI. RER 00 rf SIMES.-Mrldrione. '
;.!I Va. Shop over Teler's store. All kinds of work
cord,- to order. and repairing d on¢ peitly; , je2 y '
'A BEL,rfat
I) . : 4 1 n 7 ;. 11 (:in‘. 1 :%:;,. Wn ic t i s n . e ilibl. ( l ! ' i a n Zi l :. : % A re n- •
inn Gins. Groceries. Fapey Gor.ds. Jewelry Perri).
-cry. e.—Agent for nil the thos 'popular-PATENT
IlltlelNES.—)lotarose., Pa. atm If
,- - DAVII) 0. AN - b.:Y, 'AI: 11.,
YW ‘V MI lotted permanently ; at New Milford. Pa .
1_ L vill ateni •nrooaptJy t•snllealls with which he my
he rtenr••9 Orfiee nt Toddie'lloeel. . .
, New Nillford, duly. 1:. ISfil , .1 .
• '
-T ATE ft'in ATT. of THE litbreat DEPATNENT:.
LA OF VALE COLLEGE, Intm4 formed a copartnership
for the practice of Medicine and i turgerv.and arc prepared,
to attend t nil business t h liy arid punctually. that
mly he intrusted to their care. pit terms coramens9rate.
with the timev.'
ni.eastis and• def4mitles of t e EYE. surgical opera-
Mid all sumicafdisesseiv.ipartienlarly attended to.
rir.39lce over Wehtes Smrd. Office hours fromi hS.
tn. to 9p. m All-sorts of country produce taken In
meet. at the highest valtM, and:carat ti OT
Mon ro:Le. Pa.. May ith.1:94.1--tpf
4.A.29 - 3r.ms7 - ziriceriOzTel,
, • :
, I
~„,,,, iiAynEs. •
ittend to the lodes of hi!profevidOn "prouritly:
°Mee at A. Latbrorajlatel.
C . .. •
ei . olrki. Paid for 1131.cien.;
n!ceop eeltt. Pot. Mink. Aluakrat. and all klnda of
Furs. X n.trod twortment of. Leather and Boots and
9lyse4 lyinauintly on hind. °dice. Tannery. &Shop bn
Main gtreet.
M.antroge. Feb. 6th. - A. P. &L. C. KEELER.
Has Established an Agency in Montrose.
clear, that at .
[My fears,
' I was' pressed
heart out* mori
murmured a 14
with the words'
• `flo4l - Ipr child, i
fur Yon."
But not the did Iknow his meaning:
Cecil wrote! me,' and his letters-'were
full of protest a ions of undying , love and
kindly express( sympathy. It should be
, the one aim u his life, his haPpiness, he
i said; to shieldir efrom care. I
I My' father's) state *Was insolvent. Fit
! had embarkedl is all in speculations that
failed, -and hw at poor. i. .
Young--onl) seventeenand knowing
little of the wo Id, I wrote, to C'eeil
ard,l telling hi I should -be a
. Penatiless
bride ; but 1 - th aught myself .rich as the
Owner of so no ale-a heart as his, and that
it was for his more than' my own,
thiatj'regrett a the loss of wealth. [
: It was many weeks before gni answer
,came,- and tb , n its coldnesS froie, my
heart. I toot it to ,my aunt, who had-si
come to offer, • : a borne
.with her. She'
told me bflais ~aseness, and though
words Stung me-almost to triadness, • yet
they:roused 'my wolnan?s pride, and 'I
resolved to forget him. That v'ori' I
.fiaitlifully 'kept. . ,
. Cecil was ten yeari mYienior ; my Me
ttler-was reputed wealthy ;it ;Was report
ed that I was sole heiress.:to One hundred
thousand; and so he nought to win me,
that he might control the money that was
to be mine.. •"• - • •
! •
A childleda widow of my mother's bro-
Daridelid4 'Coffee
• •
t hen Fai-e'me-a over
- ' , or eat to - h the ' lderness of a Mother.
Tie Otted Insfnapcit CII. in the Uniiiri
. •
A95$l • S OVER.
MUTE rater are ae low ae , tho4e st& good cOmpeog la
lI Newt York. or elsewhere. and its Directory ire among
,the first for honor and Integrity.
.eitkute..• PLAre.Suey. ' Alttlll.lll G. COFFIN; Pres.
• Moutroecoduly 15, '64. 814.L1NG6 STROUD, Aft.
HO 2 1 1 ff.
Clkf 2174.ini;,NoIrcor3s..
AssriTs Ist, Stay' 111, $1.481,111911.
LIABIL.nnts. " . 411,088:611.,.
1. Milton Smith, Seel. 2tse. Marge, President.
leo McGee. As't " will:math, vim,.
PO* !Mend and renewed! by the nder/dined;st hL
Arice, one dour anocy Sesirle'S, Humid. 'Stsptsons.
_I. • .
rt. Xce. X sr• gr •
11AS just received a large! gear o; Den Stint,. for
Cookik, P or. Onion aifd Shop parponaetaf: Wood. ,
br Coal, with Stove Pipe, Zol a &e.
His araort meat Is select and Oalrable. sad wilt be licibl •
on the mo.t favorable tetras ,for •Cask or to ,ThrsVg SU i
Months Buyem ' •
New Milford. Oct. 2Stit. 140.
i L v A sirEep.iA mspectahle person of either Set hi
y every neighborhood toisell J. R. Stafford . i OLIVZ
•Ts.n. and also'''. Stalford't Ism( yo.t. Suomi* row
nesq. olive Tar Is a thin. tennspinent gnid: It its, the
beet remedy known for diseaisea of the throat. lution or
Catarrh. Also fur diphtherli.-Crona. Whooping poagh.
.k.s. My Iron and Sulphur POwders strenuttien the sys
tem. aid the digestion. and purify the b100d...11,Tc a.
sixteen page pamphlet containing full explanation.. ind
over one hundred te.Oltrioniels from Well knovraproral
pent persons, which I will veal° any one free o7mall.
J. BJ, B r AFFORD. Chetiitot.:
442 Breadiriz. 11. T.
jn , 3o-Ir ,
k.eserep• oneSond,gthlico•if with the toll 7 -
" maCh
" jlre " d"r Sr
2.°t :
I had no iris to return to4chool, and — ill - Aire mut
one lwßin thought me irerthy ,
pee by ABB" , T Y ra ed etaiief at IsOint- and it of h uh, l o ve, and Co ' heir hie lb=
. , 80 puma my lel , - s__- , „it
my daily
siLLT,by the istsel,Seck ereand• ' '
OMNI dia fig the munmer vacation, it lag PI/ 1711 ' 4 W '""e fqr
. . .
' —, • '.. • c 7 ' -',.:•• ' • .. 1 .-. ::- ''j •.• • --- :. 1 " : •„..2. .t- 1 :,' l z :.,;:`'''• -.- .- .. . 1 •'. • •-•
' . . • „11 . , ~ • ,
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.1 .
, . .
. .
. i • i ,;.i , • . 1 _.
•,t-. ' ~ .
, 1 • _
-. • I r . . • , -r.., I :. • 4 i
• 1 : r, ._ .
. 0
, , _ . .
.. , •
.• : .
, .
We Join Ourselves to no 1 4Party thit Does nOt CarrY the Fin and Keep - Step to ihe . _ - iviusio . of the Whole Urtion.
VOL. 1
15 4,
sr Arlsi.llA.Tllol:D.
',`Onto` two day'
isn't it.?" ketelah
upon iryoung
vinsiering vines el '
she answering,
vie have grand t
point his finger t
Tuttle to .ut her I
just:het:muse we
of prison as
please 1" .
.The eyes raised
Sadness.; tears•
CpUIF thh long hull
would have spo.
tremuldua lip and
•"Wliy, Ada - Ca .
tion_iatwo dap
piteously that my
with my arm ar,
know what grieve ,
. It waiksome
calm enough to . s
•sad story.
Ada *as- an or
and a score or in° ,
never thought ofl
child übo had on
olber 'Wier, and 1
she was but twelvi
the rich legae) of
and a small sum q
her. expenses'
, 'Though ,frietll
_less. She said
had promised to I
sittration ns
entuctuzyenr but
it reminded her sr
home'ess and fri
three fie
three years sk.
not one relative 1
written,'' Come
And was it str.
'others were happ
' ping home—sh
vacation there • •
wide World she c'
t • All the.sympat
roused, and I fvl
tt - gotten, in tiiiyj9y
Very ° pleasant
gent li i, loving ni
„loss could not bel!
forgotten:vet th
)of my father led
scene, and, noir •t
- setl, its nietnory
circuity life. •
4Y home:
shOuld share it . l
longer aay„" Hui
anfil rardlyi drt
and drives we w ,
cursions and"
riser t and when
make her arrant i
must nit refuse ,
Then I told 1)11
1 out - love, and. s
-nibor-; - and , how
1 filling•us„ene ii,
trnnt..*, but head
some one at the
! quickly;" she.
madeihis escape
"I think vent
the old: lady, a 1
this time." i
, I made her p '
we lefethat
' I was•the affirm.,
to•visit meat hi
ask Jay father's
as soon•as my.
Stody 'had b
and believing h
that I hived. hit
and no shadow
my. heart.
• , Bat how oft
brightest, and
cloud rises s a d
'ed almoq•m;
'So it-was tit.'
our 'of Inverse?
summoning me
Was &Mgt-roust.
We traveled
just as the mor
ar that it.set.
when the thought of . Ada's lootlineas re
curred tome:' .. • •
I was content and happy in my new
home, but she had no home and no friend
to offer her..any. . So I went to my aunt,
Asking her permipsion to invite a school
mate-to spend the vacation -with us, and
she consented" without even asking the
name of that tiiend. .
. : Ada came, and my aunt's cheek paled
as I presented her, and when the ceremo
ny of introduction •.was over, she sunk
down-upon the sofa white and motionless.
as,a Statue. - . • .
Springing to her side, I 'asked if else
was ill. - No, it Was only aetiddeti faint
nesS, she said—leave her, and show my
.frierid to :her r00m,.:;-Snd.serid her await-,
ing . Wonian--she would be better soon.
She did not leave her room that eve
ning; and; .whoi joining us at the break
fast, table next, morning, she was calm,
though her face was .pale and voice sad,
as she said to Ada, •
"I dislike ceremony„ and,: with youi
permisiion, shall not call you Miss Carl
ton, but Ada—a name I love." . ..
One evening we.were sitting by the o
pen window, in the bright.inoonlight,and
my aunt cotniqg "to Ada's aide, questioned
herot her fathei;llis naive, and the time
of his (tenth. She had little recollection
of him, !nit •: when asked about her moth
er, the young girl hid' much to tell, but of
her Mother's relatives 'she knew 'nothing,
if chore were any, and her father's family
never troubled themselvesabout her.
My aunt's face was so shaded by the
folds of the curtain that I could not, see it,
but her voice was_fulhof tears aa-slie urg
ed Ada to remain with us, and study with
I me.. But she would be graduated in a
nets months, and Ada could not forego
that.honor, but she promised to make her
~home with us when her school days . were
over, and so' he left us.
I After this my aunt's health seemed fail
ing; she had niede her will a month pre
vious, in my faVor, she s.sid, but wishing
to make a codicil, she requested me to'
write ,s note to her lawyer... He came.--,
, TwoOr three•frion& were summoned,but
1 whet changes were Made I knew not.-:-.1
Having no Oahu! uponi t her I was-content 'I
—the proluirty never belonged to my un-
..cle,itut was the paternal inheritance of '
his wife. ...
I - Early one morning I was aWakeried by
the loud exclamations of-the servants,and
the rushing to and fro of hurrying feet. I
I ran to my aunt's room, and the. white face
•on which I gazed was cold and still: The ' ,
death, angel had come in the adept watch-
es of the night, When slumber - sat. upon' .
, her eyedids, and her spirit was a dweller
‘whefe night is unknown. , ,
Iy M aunt's Will 'could not befound, and
her legal heirs took possession. The law--'
I•- -.1 yer said. the former Will.was destroyed :
a plesant one ; Ada and a new one written,- which she retain-
aid, and she could" no -`id in her pUssessibn, but of its contents he
e she had none:" The ' **silent., ' - '
hould be spent livitli • me ; I I was permitted to take the, furniture
I: a phture of the walks :
,of m'y own room, and asmall, plain desk 1
,uld have, of fiShing ex. , that stood in an alcoVe of my. aunt's bed-
tottlight . sails upon the . room: When I ' asked for it the heirs ri- 1
she hesitated," bade her lied it of its contents, and willingly gave
Menu( ipeediii, for she me what they called " rubbish"l 1
e. '. Not lonr , o , before her -death she said to"!
r of Cecil Howard-of l me— :
olen interviea}s in the I "This desk .
will be young, and some day
ear Miss Tuttle; came to I I Will show you its different compart- 1
, I
y ; - she - was near the en- intents." • , , . 1
ig her -name reiwate(l.4 ! • So when it was safely' in the humble!
()use ' who'called, "Come home-to which I removed it, I examined
cried back, and Cecil , it. over - and oyer,to find a secret drawer,
saying,- . . but in vain my Search.. - 1
Inquism pays:, it's fooled I rented tiroom in a retired part of the I
d saved . you a scoldingtown, and by the aid of our pastor, ob- I
• tamed a few pupils, and my' salery, um'
small, 'was suffictent for -all my wants.
I had been teaching. nearly ayeariwben
one evening; opening my aunt's desk. for I
writing materials;,. I was : startled, by a
strange noise in the streets, usually so
:quiet at that late Hour. My first impulse
was to look from the window, but I was ,
really too frightened;' and with nil: , elbow
nn the lid I leaned my head heavily on my
!band. "Only some drunken' revelers," I
thotght, as I felt something slip, and look:
ing down, I satira small, circulaf piece of'
the hiller surface of the lid displaced; -dis
closing a glittering piece Of steel not more
than an'eig,hth of an inch in diameter.—
Pressing my thumb upon it I was sur
prised to fintlit•did s not yield .
"It Was no
hidden: sprint . , , ; and with a feeling of disars - .
pointnient, I was . about replacing the cov
ering, When prompted tci .Make one More
I effort, I pressed slightly-upon ''the side.—
There Was a click, and before - me•_;WAS
. a .
box containing two Closely folded pages.
• Onel was my aunt's Will; the other
was dated only a week before her death,
land directed 'to Ada Carlton and myself.
I With a trembling bend end fluttering
1 heart I turned overits pageii. Ada was
ithe clip(' of my aunt's only sister, and her
, name Wig the same .. Her mother married
' One t 4 whom her &tinily was opposed,and
her tidier ' refusing los forgiveness,' she .
removed to a distant State, since which
nothing: had. been heard from her. 'lt was
my,' aunt's intention; on Ada's leaving
sclio(d, to acknowledge her` as a relative,
rand joint - heir with myself,And ' she had
I only written those pages in case of and:
•den death.' 't ' - . -,. - -; ,
. ,
Sleep,iitb its soothing influence, was
1 notfor me that, night.. I was too excited,
1 and early morning found at the residence
. of my aunt's - lawyer;
' - The Will was genuine, and the proper.
..-ty to' be equally divided between Ada and
my4lf.' It Must be legally
.proved,Amt I
•I need have no fears.-. We should have the
1 old homestead soon, be said. I ' .
/ - I Wrote to Ada to 'come to me, but not
! till she came did she kriow'of her good
!linage; Or aught 'of her mother's early
history. ' • ' ~
1 - .We'werebotb happy in Mir licitne,''and
' onr• love for each other was like 'to :the
love of Sisteis.' - .
, .
I ' Cecil HoWard -came; and renewing .his'
flatteries: : again sought my hand, but I
' scorned him, ' saying— '
1 I"V thotight myself foittinate to hive
fotind lioW meitenari be was, in Linn): to
Sive Me' (ram.* life of misery.!". And he'
''left nielP I.-
n ge r ........ — . ' '
to , vocation; . !eapital,
ed.; as leanie Suddenly
half hiddeM by the
Img toe portico;
went on :"And.won't
I tnes—no . professor to
ireateningly ; no Miss
l ead suddenly . into our
o much noise, girls,'
ugh AL, welebe out.
can laugh when: we
' I
to mine were fall of
ne like liquiit pearls
es mid the words' she
•n faltered upon the
'ere not heard. • -
ton, erying, S and raea- j
" but, she sobbed so
ieart was touched, and •
,und her 1 begged to
her. • '
utes before she tecake
alc, she then told her
&an. She had uncles,
. 1
e of cousins, but they
the lonely, sorrowing
y" a dim remembrance
hose mother died when .
years old, leaving her
a mother's Allessing,
f money, just enough to
at the seminary four .
- I
ss, she was nnt hope- .!
•s Tuttle w'as- kind, and,
in procuring her a
nt teacher ring I:the
when I spoke home,
tOreibly that she was
ndless; that in all the
(1 been-in the Seininary
id inquired after her, or
nd spend 'vacation , with
nge she was sad when
in thi anticipation of
who w•as to spend her
'lto had tto plaee in the
old ball home ?I
hy' of .my heart was
mthatned 'to hate for.
the lonely ortihan..
memories I had of a
Other, and though her
!Made up to , me, or she
!to look hack calmly - to
' at four . years "hat - 1 pas
ieabed to throw agloom.
half corifident,! and 'ere''
trellised spot, she knew
•d of Cecil, that he was
1111 e dating va'‘iation, to
.notent: to our
lliool days were; ovet.
1 1 1 •ente distasteful to . me,
fulsome flatteries, and
the future was:all height,
fa uaifsing cloud fell upon
when our sky looks the
•e .reain 'iota, sorrow, a'
enly, and we' af,e •envelop
light . darkneFl , ... . •
. Within an ihour after
n a messenger. arrived,.
o,my father'.iside—he
ill'.. • - ri ,
I . tii , t, reachinf home
in broke, so 'Mild and
very In
c •in ockery of
to that. •Ititid, fatherly
The' elmost.l rigid lips
.sing, • and theP flied
al tering - uPon his tongue,
I eould,only leave, enough
MONTAOSE, PA., TUESDAY; OCT. 28, 1862.`"
. . . ,
bread; au' to him I gave my heart- and the . vehlele, the horse escaping with the Butler merely looked in, without - nuking I
hand. • • , • !lore Wheels, he pursued Min for - 8 miles, a very minute search. I '
Ada mar ied a clergyman, and is living.; without being able to overtake, the fright- In one portion of the bank ebony two
near _us, while the -Old house, once my ened steed. In the race be travelled a part hundred dollars in-specie was diseeivered, ,
aunt's, is our home, and the old fashioned of the distance at the-'rate of a mile 'in - "3, {which the Colonel passed by, remarking
desk occupies a conspicuous place inl the minutes. - Fortunately 'the occupants of ; that,he would not disturb it, and that he
library, for to its mysterious epring;,are i these - vehicleesustainednii serious iujurY, ; had more thin that in his pesesiion at I
we indebted for our wealth. , and the kroprietors Of the menagerie led:- the time. '
• I
" ----- " 6 "•''''" — ------- . , I ted a satisfactory settlement . - for the dein- ; . During the conversation that nsued,
Blom* of a Notorious Eioph2.lst. I age, with the'parties. interested; After and throughout which the Rebel Colonel I
AmOng the most attractive features in I.illing another horse, and ! ding other in- was very affable and polite, he asked •Mr.
celebratedbu 1 CO.'s Me'llSg4ie, iS ;the jury of a less serious character, ,he ' laid 'Smith if he-was married. Mr. Stnith said '
elephant Hannibal, th e lar g est , down;eahansted, in the bushes, where he he was; and intimated that Ins femily was
• animal s ever exhibited hi this country, or, I was soon afterwards tonna tind"properly close at hand. Colonel Butler told • him
in Europe,.and as the' old fellow 'bait so secured... that his family should -.not be harmed,
'frequently furnished newspaper itemizers A few years since, while the Menagerie and desired him to quiet the fears! of any
With material for spicy paragraphs, that I was at Williamsburg, N. York, Hannkbil citizens he met with, and desired tiro to
his name his beno'ree familiar to almostleuddenly broke out in a furious fi ti, during report any misconduct of the troops - un
every one, i brief sketch of his history ' the absence from the • tent ,Of his keeper, der his command . After some ; further
may be found ,of interest. , and after demolishing a . wagon loaded conversation the Colonel left, the hank.
Hannibal was brought to this country with sawlust, turned his attention to the During the night everything was quiet,
in 1824, from the East, Indies, -and was ; cages ot the animals, which he upset right and early the next
_morning the,i whole
purchased lily a butcher in NewYark,who and - left, fortunately, - however, without 'party left the town, with about eight hee
-1 exhibited him, for a time, in a stable in setting loose any of the dangerous inhabi- poi kprsee and two thousand navvy .pis
) that city. He shortly after fell inte, the tante, with the exception of a hyena or 't ois, is addition to a vast quantity of cloth
' hands of his' present owners, who have I two; Which were soon captured. Ile
... then nag, and after theoutrages on private prop.
Iretained him ever since, and who would , sallied forth into the street , dragging his . erty that have already been made public.
not now sell him at any price: He was ' chain after him and _ trumpeting de fi ance. ..
supposed to be about twenty five years of The attaches of the menagerie followed and THE FLOW OF GOLD.!
age when impnrted, - which Would make drove him into a stone yard, where he , was •
' him sixty three years old at the preeeta, kept until the long pikes and hooka of the
dine.- • • 1 Young America Hook and Ladder Corn-
Ilannibal fi rst distinguished himself at,l puny were brought - upon the gronnd,when -
the Zoological Institute in the Bowery, i• he was surrounded and kept at bay until
! New York, in 1825, when he sated the I r opes ' were thrown around bis legs and
' life of his keeper, Mr. Joseph Martin,who I 'wound so be' coal& not move. He was
now resides at Girard, in Erie county. AI ; then thrown, after which he - was speared
large tiger and tigress had escaped from and stabbed with pitchforks • until - corn
their cage -
,and fastened upon a lama, that pletely reducen to - submission, as he algid
' was allowed to run wild about the build- fled by -"begging" piteously, when he was
I ing. Mr. Martin, hearing the noise, en- led back to his old quarters as docile - as a
; tered the apartment, without `suspecting lamb. - '
the extentof the danger, when the Alger In 1859 while travellingin Mississippi,
immediately crouched to spring upon him. he was ordered to swim the BlackWartior
Martin wa completely unarmed, mid ill River, which was then greatly
resistance o the attack-of the infuriated a freshet. 'lnstead, however, of crossing
beast wo d have been useless. At, this as directed he started down stream, eraer- •
juncture Hannibal rushed:forward, seized ging snddenly on a plantation , semi`
• his keeper and raising him out of danger, twelve miles below, He came-ashore ;on
the edge of a cotton field, where a large
held him in safety untiLassistance arrived
and the annuals were secured. , number of darkies were at work, and the
The adinirable•disposition exhibited by effect produced among them by the in-
Hannibal in the incident just 'masted, expected and terrine apparition inay:d be
gained hiiii great credit with the public; imagined but cannot be described. The
as a humane and well dispiised elephant, news spread, with all the exaggerations
of good feelings and _generous impulses; which would naturally be given •to- Such
but his subsequent conduct, we. are sorry an event, with incredible rapidity, and re
favor. stilted in a general 'stampede of the eniire I
to say,--has entirely destroyed that
able impression - and -be is now regarded, colored population of the country; It is
I and not withut reason, as a morose acid even said by some that a • great many of
incorrigible o fd rascal; who can only be
. the darkies turned'white with fright, anti
kept within bounds of decent behavoitir,by, is a proof ot this, numbers are pointed
the constant use of chains and frequent , out in that region who have not yet\ fullY
; application, of condign punishment. His ' regained their natural hue. It would not
breaches of the peace have been so numer- I be hardly fair, however, to hold Han ibal
oils that it would be impossible to detail I resnonsiblElor all the doubtftil shad a of 1
them within the limits of a news Paper ar- ' compleximito be found in that viei ity.
bet We will briefly allude to a fe,w.of In 18eo il keeper who hadaiken care of
his most violent outbreaks..,. :, .._ , . • Hannibal Air many years, fell from his
.J •
In 184 , 61s 1 city was the scene of one of horse in a fit near Zanesville, Ohio. The
his most violent bursts of fury. The men- huge beast, instead of deserting him, stood
agerie was wintering in the warehouse cif wtching over his senseless forth, -until
Leach & Co., on the banks of the canal, • the't ram of cages came lip indth en.tiiiffer
-1 where the Clem-eland and •Pititsburgh 'Mg himself to he chainedandled away•by
I freight depot now stands. "Queen Ann " Mr. Thomas his present keer, without
an-elefilla9t , maid , for 'w * lmm -llanidhal had -making the slightest resistance , although
formed a tender attachment, was removed ;
front his eempanionship, and he, inimedi- had the other keeper been well, such- - .an
attempt could not have been made.
- ately fell into a tearful state of sulkiness •
and rage. . ' `
For twelve days he refused all food,and
during that time lest no less than 30001bs.
in weight, as was definitely ascertained at
the time by the. scales. He endeavored
" to drown sorrows in_'''' the flowing bowl,";
refusing to driultnuless the water given
him was stiffly infused with whiske y ; but
'this indulgence, by which it wad sought
to humorlhim, only rendered bite More
frantic in 'the end. Ili:: keeper and a 1 . 3%'-•
orite dogi_with whom he had
_open the
best of terms, became the spectal 01.2,k-a of
his animosity. At the first syntptems of
; insubordination he had been loaded w,tii
chains, st u d So firmly secured. that, it was
thought impossible for him to break loose.
Day after , day passed without any ditnin
mite) of ill temper, upon' the part, of: - the
largest beast, until, at last, 'minter - witted
"eurgings" resulted in tearing away his
Ifastenings . ,and the infuriated elephant was.
•at large in the building.. The lions; tigers
leopards,sand other animals commenced -
dashing against the sides of thecages, '
while the air -resounded with, their cries of
fright ; the people, by thousands,, gatherd
around the warehouse armed with rifles
and every description of firearms. Hanni
bal roamed through the building, tearing
down timbers, raising his enormous bulk
up . on his hind legs and bomthig the roof
with his trunk, and threatened every ino.
• ineut to make a complete wreck of the
whole structure.. . ~
-But the manager of the menagerie has
provided for this. LOng poles with strong
steel hooks at the ends, were -brought for
ward and inserted in the - flesh - in, every
- side ; these were attached to ropes. and
tackle, manned by hundreds of men. and
'finally the edgy) ,menster„ the blood flow
' ing from his lacerated body in torrents,
but still stfuggling desperately and tram
' peting fiercely, VMS brought to the ground
and sci chained as to render him perfectly
helpless.. Spears andpitchforks were then
brought into requisition, and he 'v pun
ished ulutil completely exhausted; he then ,
announteettid his
. usual manner, his com
plete adbmissicin and promise ofbetter t he.
havior, When he was released, a wiser,and
for the time,a better elephant. His,appe
the. returned immediately„ and, in a very
short space of time,h ad more than supplied
his extraoadinary loss of,fiesh.
• In 1854, while giLl i g ac Trom Pawtucket
to -Fall River in !mew, he had a
misunderstandieg with his Iteeneri whom
he compelled to fee- for life. Finding - he
was at liberty, he offat afurtous
gam, attacking every animate object that
e•found in his path. He threw a borax
and wagon into the air, smashing the ve
hicle all to piel?ei and then mrried'of the
mangled remains Of the horses: a; Aletafiett I
of fi fty feet to a piind,info Which he threw I
thiliteleas- body. Re next encountered
another horseand ii4sg9n, and made kin
dling wood of tbehitier; the home escap
ing by flight. - Coininga , oz a third wagon
he 'mashed up tbe *bole . estAbffidnnent..
threw the hOrse thirty feet into.`iniadjoh4-
ingiel4,and then; tearing downthe fence,
hrought the to:4y pf,the hers.' bank -sad
hi& it downin : ttaittntlOvert4iltin skill
-another horse sad wogoO; lie '
The Rebels 'in Ohembenburg—Visit to
the Chambersbirg Bank. • .
ITARRIalusu; Oct. 14, 1862.
The following additional particulars re.:
garding the late Rebel raid in,Penns,ylva-
Ma have been received: Mr. Asher Smith,
the Cashier of the Chambersburg Bank,
tag in Cliambersburg • at _the time the,
R,•!)04 uttered" that town, iind I have; oh
taincil the following partilinlars regarding
eve:an - owes that came under his
4.liserl,ation during the mice - piney -of the
town. by Rebel forces.' Mr.. Smith Was' in
the Bank about-6 o'clock on the evening
of October 10th, attending to some busi
ness connected with the inatitetien, and
in comgany with two of the Bank clerks.
While there, the telegraph operator en
tered, and informed - hirn..that tile Rebels
were icilvancing on the town by way of
Mercerburg. He treated
. the rnforma
tioti as an idle rumor, and' proceeded with
the business that occupied, him.. Shortly
afterwards two men came, running into
town on horseback, and stopOng, at the
bank, told him that the Rebels were with?
in six miles of the 'town, and advancing
upon it. . Believing, then, that the, news
was true, he thought: about pecking lip
and making his, exit with his family from
thetown. He proceeded to the balcony Of
the tank in company' with the two clerks,
and had scarcely arrived_ there before
about sixteen hundred cavalry came into
the town find oce e pied the streets, filling
them completely.
Shortly afterwards, an fficer of very fine
appearance and splendidly dressed -eame
Op and asked him if lie - was connected
with the Bank. He he was the
Cashier. :He was asked if the gentlemen
With him were also connected'with' the in
stitntion (alluding to the two clerks). He
replied in the a` The offifier whose
number throughout was very, polite and
'considerate, stated that it wonld be neces
sary for hint to examine ;the; Bank, and
itrirnediately.stationed 'guards around
On entering the institution,.accnipanied
by a guard and the cashier and clerks, he
asked if- any' Valuahles were definsited
there. Mr. Smith, said there s had been,
but heating ,the Rebels 'were in the neigh
borhood, they had all beeelemovett -frem"
the town. -'l%e.officer • then - asked - Mr;
Smith if he knew whe he W. Oil 'being
replied in the negatitie, be said; " 1 am
Colonel Butler, of South Carolina. : 1 I' am
insaucted to make an exaMinatiOn-of the
bank, and, report to :Otifieral'lteart:iiiy
success. 'The guard placed eiertbe bank
'were all Sonth'Carolina troops, belonging
to the Hampton Legion: They Were. all
well dressed- and generally speaking' fine
looking Men- Monty atterwardsColiMel
Butler said, 41 / understood . befote pcimin
that the money
. hailalt been Ouiavedi but
I hfiar there ate- tomb GureTutheit:, aeaur
leeiitll- iwthcbault." theU t isloed: for
the' kiiya; wbibti . ware reltmtafitirelelivir
liirAnalthigortied . biztkribereWerte ilO
fr f oyarriMeht iaoatitlei,ltur the."
Oiso made was ltaroitalight74havatasr.!. ,
4E11 2 666tirvisopiredeadiveddia,
Gold is now selling in Wall Street at
22 per cent, premium, and exehange on
England at'l3s per cent. The premium
on gold is simply anotherterin! for the
'depreciation of our paper curry 'cy; the
quotations might•as • well be, p r,mon
ey 22 per cent : discount, exchin 11 per
cent. premium-- This makes exchange,
about 4 per cent, above par. , An old act 1
of Congress flied the value, of, the pound!
the pound sterling at $4 44, while its ac-
turd' value is a little more than I4t 04, so
that exchange when at par, is nominally
at about 9 , per cent , premitim. It is now
nominally at 13 per cent. premium above
gold, which is really 4 per cent. •1 _ „ '
V - If Mr. Grinnell sends sloo,ooo,wortli of
corn' to England and has it sold - there, he
1 wants to get the ply for it to - Ne , w York.
At the same time Dfr. Stewart buys 8100,-
1 000 Wort' h of .cloths iii•Euglan4 and he
Hmust send,the ,pas , :fo . r them &Om- New
YOrk to England. ' In a'simple state oftin:
ciety Mr. Stewart would Send hip gold a- I
cross the Atlantic in one direct:pin to pay
for his cloths, while an equal amount was
coming in an opposite direction th pay. Mr.
Grinnell for his corn; but this expensive,
risky, and useless transportatioii of gold.-
to and fro am ocean the cean is avoided by
a.simple, arrangement betieen.the expor
ter and the importer. Mr. Stewart, takes
his gold to Mr. Grinnell,' who gives him
in exchange an order on the agent in Eng
land for the money obtained bY the sale
of his corn. This order is called. a Bill of
Exchange. „_. 1. - . -'
When the'iraports . of any eofintry just
equal its exports, bills of 'exchange 'will
find just' as many buyers as sellers, and
they will be Rohl at par, but if the exports
do not sell for enough' to pay for the im
orts, then 'some specie must he sent a
broad to settle the balance, and impori-.
!era, sooner than pay the freightl and,msn
ranee on this specie, will pay a !moderate
premium on hills of exchange. .1 Four per
cent. will fully cover the cost of shipping
the gold, and, consequently, filial is as high
as exchange can go above the price of
- gold. By _simply looking, th4refort, at
- the money market reports in the paper*
we are enabled to know•that all the gold
Which is offered in market is being be%
and shipped abroad. I ,
,The outward flow of gold' feom this
country at the present time .reults from
two causes, one permanent the ether tern
; wintry. The permanent cause is the .pro
duction of gold in California, the teenpo
rary cause, the large issue of irredeemable
Paper by the Governinent. ' s
When any country is producing more
Om• its share of currency, the surplus
Will be distributed throughout the com
mercial world. This distribution is effee
ted-7-like nearly, all of the other opera
tions of Commerce—through the, medium
'of prices. Currency is the measure of
values. When there is a greet' deal- of
currency. in proportion to other things
prices will generally be high. : If prices
are high in any country, that
.country, is va
good place 'to sell things, and merchan
&Se is conseqnently imported for sale; .at
the same tune it is a poor phiee 'to buy
things for export, and there is according=
ly an excess of imports over exports, leav
ing a balance to be settled- by-the expor-
Itation of specie. When it was seen, in
1849, that California would produce annu
ally a large amount' of gold, the. writer
this. told his commercial Mewls, that as
long as we.produced more than our share
of the specie product of the, World, the
rate of exchange ,
would • be generally a
gainst this country—enough of the time
to carry abroad the surplus over our share:
The currency of the'world is drawn to its
-natural level all over the globe - by a law as
universal: and irresistable as the force of
gravitation which levels the
- water of the
The temporery cause of the oul'flow - of
gold - is , the excessive issue of irredemsble
paper by the government. Our curreney
is worth nothing to foreigners, while,by
our own people it is• regarded as more
valuable than anythingwhich I they . have
to sell. Specie on the other band ut thel
only portion of ouy ciirreney, with which
we can pay our debts or pur4hase com. I
modifies in other countries. Our specie,
being worth more for use in Oreign coin.
nierce than in &Amnia trade, is appro . pri.
ated to its moat serviceable' use; n, is
shipped abroad. This naov.e ent too is
effected through the medium of , prices:—
The Canadian who, brings a drove of hor
ses-for sale to our Goverotnentias he can
not, pass our paper-money at home. buys
gold to take back with hint Thepnang
up in prima - brings a flood . 'of imports
fronvall.quarters making an eircess . sbove
our exports to la; p aid spece. :
At the-present. tame we'are I exporting,
l'not merely the excess shove our share of
the Cilifornia..prodnec but we.iare send
ing atimad a large part if the ispecie•por- -
tion•of teirourreoeyv.thialeitigdisplaoed
by the Oval:MOO Min • -
names* ampessiessitlair is4irerpii.tenissairs
EttM o ri mi th sersTrz
" is" ' " Ikgsselidel
ism*" xsisistui,met - .
Four c• cl rt. -.ALIT'
AND AT' "LIVE AND LET Jaye . plucks,
'',rus office of the 31ontrose Democrat
;has meat!! Men IsuPPlied with a new and choke variety
*rims, etc., and we are 691, prepared to print pamphlets
:circulars, etc.. etc., In the beat stlle. on short notice.
1 - handbills, Posters, PrOgraintneN and
`other kinds of wort. in this line; done according to order
1 .
Business,Wedding, and „Ball Cratoti
'Vexes, Sc., e nted with namess sod despatch.
Justices' and Constables' Blanks,i 4 Zotis
Deeds, and alt other Blanks, on I=4l' ~ or prided to . - Ltde
Or ob Work aid Bluks,to paid tar or deliver).
. .
:' ißy the census statistics of 1860 the ag- -
gi•egate property in the United Skates .
ainountestto sixteen thousand millicms of -
440,1ar5. notes in. circulation ti;
mounted to two.hinnired and seven -mil- •
louts, ind considering that in the Pacifico,
I States the currency has hitherto . been ev•
cliksilielY metallic, there May have' been ' •
enough specie in circulation to make the.'
whole money of the country three hundred,
millions °Helium; which,is less than- two .
per cciiit-TOfthe . whole groperty of the
community. -- . , - -, - •
a% portion of the sixteen thousand mill- .
1 ions Of Property belonging to the citizens
of the country consisted of gunpowder,
. flour, beef, &c., and of this - the goiern- • .
mem, wanted one thousand millions of (191- .
lars, worth to carry on the ' war. How
was the Government to obtain, possession
Of this property Y. .„;.- .
A portion of it the Government was . ,
[able to borroW, promising. to return an . - _
1 equal value at some future time. • There
I were numerous „individuals in the commit- • .
"city *ho had property,which they could. ,
not use to advantage, and they' were wil- ,
ling to loan it• to• the Government: This
property existed mostly in .the form of
i merchandise, but it was-notfor the most
I part in the kind of inerchatulbie which the
1 Goveinntent wanted; so the exchange was .
effected like other exchanges of preperty,
through the meditim of money. The hold- '
ers of the property sold it- for money and, .
loaned the :honey the Government,
i'and thin, the Government exchanged the. '
!money tier the' merchandise which it need
ed. The only office which the money per- :
I formed was to effect the exchange of the ,
.commodities. Pieces of greeirpaper and lit,
tle"disks of gold and silver are of - no more
service in battle than pebblottoneS. . -War'
cannot be carried on by Means of money -
' unless the inotiey . can be exchanged. for
the needed commodities. ' . . . . '
A second mode in which the Govern- • .
ment could obtain a portion of the"-prop- -
erty of the citizeni_ was by takation—sim
; ply seizing it by means oftha physical tbree
which was under-the direction of the au- '
. .. .
l thorities. ' • t
1. The'third plan adopted was the issuing
qf notes of the Government, designed to -
I .
circulate as, money; it's being supposed
that any petsoes who owned gunpowder, ,
harses, or other property4n exchange for
these likes. What was the effect Of this - .
I measure? • . . .
1 As payment was refused •by banks,on
affetwo hundred millions of their' notes;
I and as ilieGovernment ili , l not redeem its
notes, the two circulated togather, swell
.' ing the amount” of our burresrey. This led
`to a general advance in prices. Everything which the Government now.buysit
mustpay 33 per cent—the present premi
nei on specie— more than it would if the
currency had not been disturbed. As the
l other_ loans to the .Goverement are also.
being paid in- this. depreirtted . currency,
• while they will be repaid in .coiss,tlie,
whole seeming 'debt is swollen to the
I same - extent. The debt: is. contracted
with - One inekZure•of value to be repaid
with another, and the change is against
the Qovernment: This . issue • ef- small
notes, making them a legal tender, is in
fitet-a forced loan, and of allmodes of ob
taining-the property of the citizens, it is
the most costly to the Government, and
one of the most disastrous to the people.
It operates in precisely the same' manner -
as a debasement of the coin--a measure '
repeatedly adopted by feeble tyrants and
which has always proved exceedingly inju
rions wherever it has been tried. The -
:money beldnging to any community forms
a very small part of the. total-property of
the. corninsinity, but it is
,a,n exceedingly
important part. It is the measure of all
values and the basis of all contracts:
.1. - -ro
-other act can introduee so general cotbsion ,
into the industrial operations . o'f-.a comma
nky as an alteration Of - the value of the
currency. This net inipairs th e. oblige
' tioo of all contracts and overthroWs all
I prospective ealeitlai ions.., , . .
I Tile experiefic of France with. issue
.-sifessienatm, that °alines 11. wi dais brass
i guineas, that of this country with its con- .
tinential curreney,and that 'Of many oth- . .
er nations hate demonstrated that, when
the currency tilts been depreciated beyond
a certain limit, it will be refused- in the
exchange Conithodities, and will cease to
, perforin its office. ' • .
Desiring the .suppression of the rebell
ion and the-salvation of 'the country as
Warmly as the safetyof.our own liYes, we'
let- warn the • Admiaistratioe to devise _
other means tbr. obtainin - g the property
which it' needs than the unlimited issue of -
' green back' notes.—Seirnityc - Ainerica a. •
_ _
Special Correspcnulenq of the Inguker. -
CILIMiIEr.SI3(7G, Oct:l3.
You have already received some of the
details of the losses- here. 'The: daMages
by the conflagration Will exceed.TWO HUN
DRED.TII4iIISAND-floilarg, of which amount
the Cumberland Vallq Ruilroad CoMpany
stiffered:to the extent of 880,006.
-Mr. 'O. Lull, the Superintendent of
the road, had all of his furniture destrOM,
upon which there was no insurance. Thp
oar, engitie, wood and water houSes of'tho
Company were totally .destroyed, and for: -
a space of three hundred square. yards,
there is. nothing left but 'Abe blackened •
'and smonidering remains. The track was'
tininjured, and the trains today are running
as none!. " -
The ware - house of Me‘srl.--Wunderlich
ANeid contained a large
,nition and ittertfi, among-the former seven
hundred :thousand cartridges, seven .h un
.4 red muskets, and' a • gnaw ity of 'shells,
loose powder, dte., &a. When the build
-lag blew up, tilde was no one hear.;' but
those in the other sections of' the town:
. made some of the tallest traveling that
has ever been seen in this section of the
w. nntry, or anywhere - elite.
One of the cars was leaded withe'revol
sere, which the Rebels carriedt Off. with
them. Two limg trains of cars, loaded
with goods consigned to, private individ
uals, were not disturbed.. •
'General Raynor appeared to be in
command, and ***red anxious that the
Onus fixotild Tht4 gifts. ¢Oob shot