HosTrivEirs STOMACH BITTERS. • The proprietors and manufacture' of nos. TETTEtt'd .CELEDRATED STOMACH LIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and chip a fi l s k rerally or be c aired bites, because the has attained atepw union heretofore unknown. A few beta appsl ' this. point will speak more powerfully thanl volume/110f bare assertion or blaming puffery. ! . The consumption of Mounter's Stomach Bit. ters.for the hist year amounted to Over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that d= the coming year am consumption will near one million bottles. -This immense Montt could never have been sold but for the rut medicinal properties contained in the peva". tion. and the sanction of the most promment physicians in. those sections of _the country where the article is best known. who not only ' recommend the bitters to their patients. but are - ready at all times to give testimonials to Its efficacy in rll caeca of stomachic derangements . and ine_diseases resulting timnfrom. Lois is uot a temporary Infularity, obtained by ex t-aordinary efforts in the way of tram , i•e.:ing the qualities of the Bitters, but a'solid o ::,; ion of en iisvaluable inedicine;which Ll .1, - . - •,ti0r..1 to be as enduring as time itself. ost otter's Stomach hitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and egad and vatious other bilious complaints bare collated their victims V.] hundreds. To be ahle to - etate confidently that the "Bitters" M..• a certain cure for the Ityspe,,pain and -like • inhumes, is to the - proprietors a source - of us alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach. purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, g sing it that tone and energy indispemable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mild y but powerfully. and soon restores theta to ti condition essential to thelealthy discharge of the functions of nature. .Elderly persoiis May nee the Bitters daily as per directions on the tattle, anti they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining-years. as it is pleasant. to the palate. invigorating to the bowils, excellent as a lonia, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women Who bare experienced the benefit ef using this prefaration while suffering from stomach I 'lingua. toe and general debility; acting under t 41AS:trice of physicians, they have abandoned I iLiNileleterious drugs and fairly. tested the . merits of this Article. A few words to the ..'gentler sex. There are certain periods when ti,eir cares are so harassieg that ntanynf them sink under the trial. The-relation of mother mid eltild'is so' absorbingly tender, that the - mother, especially if she be young. is apt to forget her cwn health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity metre during the summer season, the wear of • body and mind is generally aggravated. Ilere. thee. is a necessity for a atintulent to tectipe rate the 'energies of the system, and enable the mother to hear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing other invigera , -- tors that receive the r•ndorsentent of physi cians. because it is agreeable td the taste as well as certain to give a permanent incises. of bodily 'atrength. All t hose pet eons. to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers holm fever and .agne, caused by malaria. diarnbeee, dYsentery, indigesnen, loss of appetite. and all diseases or derangements of the,eternachi superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers.-will consult their own_ physical welfare by-giving to llos tetter's Celehrated Stomach IlittereA trial. 47A UTIUS.—We eautian the public against using any of the ninny imitations or counter feits, but ask for 1108TETTEICIS CT.LEIT*TP:II.; STOMA . Cu Illy-revs. and see that each bot9e lies thewords,- Dr. J. ilmotetter's Stomach Litters" b'outi on the s de of the bottle. and *tamper' on the metallic cap •covering the calk, and 131,SCI'VC that our uutegraph signature is tin the • Label. Prepare::. and !old by HOSTETTER & SMITE, Pittabutgh, ?a., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States„ bout& Aui rica. and Germany. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild-Cherry. Cough; Colds, Coughs, Coughs, Colds Coughs • • lama, Bronchia , Hoarseness, Sronebilis, Lana, Brourkilis, Hoarseness, Sparkish. Whooping Cough, Croup, Whooping Cough. Croup, •\ Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, and 1711 like diseases, find as turf tiling anSidate , a ready relief, and n sure and speedy rum in thaS rersl and unsrersaLly appeared rtatedq, •Wietai's Balsam of Wild Cherry. - Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. The kee. Jacob Sealer, Traraursex gut snick rupsda i.. As fiermat puvo. Wl.a of As. usurp, saku tL fsliowtsts •alitiatzefer tAt buKfd slat afflida. - HANOVER, ?*., Fah. 18, 1838. . • Mem.. S. W FOWL?. & CO., Hogoii.....H•as Sks: 11.iviiie realized in my' family impirtint tenets fns the 1308 of yodr valuable prepaietion, WOTAN'S BAL SAM OF ‘VILD CREAMS, it etede me plasm= as eivioanend itto the phlia enakieight yeah age coo of toy daughter. seemed In be in a decline, and little Duper of tier recovery erne entertained. I then pee. Natie of yogi' rZeallefit ft , ttern. land before eh* ' 414 taken the whole of .the ennta.:te cl the betas there • rrac a =rent truproremerst in her health. I haw, In my Indumluat case, made frequent we of your valuable Inedicgne, and hart always been benefited by It. •1 iceald, tbroCDT, cautialt as pnkic arainat ratpeterieu, bF 41.0 tint as a rood ileal of *renew Wald* ISistous CArrey silent Utrourbeat tie corabi. - JACOB BECULEZ. TingMit Testimony Certificate f irma NIL NOZZOIIIer. NOZTOA. if .as Emmaus Ofics. itmitatna RICIIIIIOND, VA., Feb. 93. I INS. !dream. S. IC: Follett ik CO., Boston,—Gentlemen: I With pleasure testify to the great merit of yins fa; cainatde lung medicine, N. liVisialt's ,Wit.o CUL - ear; ulna is tilmerize highly valued by navy of wit esteemed citizens, who have 'Meted, Its 1,1•111 .. n by teal. • • I bra 1.46111 M of this eats= MIRO Ones yen, gild for a violesn , aud * distressing cough which hafted the akin of.phyAelano, and, to my joy, experienced Such tratirOu; relief at to induce me to peewee= in its tusi. I altreye keep it by tot, and ever end it to brimful ip tt. eirncnt. No medicine that I Aces own need Mt+ given such speedy relict Tom oily, bitBOILNE NOITON.' From hos . Smith, Zvi, ha: tmt of vg. 3414 Tris Cknotty dad, awl elm is ex A 'Trent anistomiehie - preparation of pit - MAI Mi - fgen and etrbak by eon. • , n ea Hydro fen, of inedirot armor. •tv an:lAtra , r,licary'elhaFy in each of the fro Ilerteg con-la et,. vie.: DEIRLITY: NtRVOLf3 AFFECTTONS. MILL. CT.AT!OT Dv SPITS% DTANZIEFA CONTI, P VON SMEtIL'A. SALT ILLITIMI. Isamu' .TA'JN.DICE LIVER CIPIPLAINTS • RHIVIIA- Tvqff CLUIXEMTEState, Dina. bitTTBST FEY,EaS' IfEUItALOIA CIEROXIC HEADACKM YEDILLE , NCIAIMag SI6 , 31112PITRUAritt WHIMS OM/Mt& • V.,' P 1101.10; Mir all SAC% ItOIROULDS 01 VIZ MIX -te- Tee 11011 heitk r abete49l by Oa blind; and thus - vim:ll , 4 , n; Migh the whale` iryttati; ne part et the beiy i eds: weals their trey wander fat influent*: - - The errrienee i• Monate& daily prores that no preparation Item can for a ineentatt be • compared evteit. quirities of the blood; de. press:on- of' ogerestirity, ant-elelievriee. ..cisly tempi wane viti eat: delve:lenity in al- , wit every: cue.. 4,101 ewe ge f mate deblltylOner *amp ~4el,`i h '?.a< aro doh ht ally, sealants*: lleffinerar ha , ever trea'Aistev red, in-the whole history monetpi.ittlielt 4tte loth prompt happy. I sea tal , yrestorat •eter. Good aprVe,lxolt.. pints dignertnq rapid' iteirel'inVen pf Mftiio.l, vr:th enamel XlV 'brtiVe JIMA c!ieernst, exersf* isoredistely kWh. its` nee. Le a grand amoebic aid yler l. leeterathe lit has do enperier and lea enlpbtata , I I Purr lap v....a fat medal beeps.esidatabalf I 50 blab:. yebei 60 wadeper bee g r atis leave, MI 501 owe Mao. oiroo.od - Tor male by - Efrumhts Smog 31',aus. , Wina be esatffirea to ZW'AXIT"TotLIVICEIES .• lablesbelbe were' evaat Mr rim; ' lens Laden, el,. 'add leeblimmlba To England, Ireland and Scotlane, - : ' ...•••• • " • BRIMAILBSLL'i Box s DRAFTS. balms et oift Jab. pod ackhayearie. payable4o the- primipel -J. -15.140111 X. toatno Xaslaucl..lrelenn and fn allgu:d,fur Awe by I. ; , I- • I -030 SEWA.IOWaI4.II _ 4111. COORT.R. is is dis is sis A y • label as emit Ibol. GAIL macit (deemed tarrogikrut .feral). AIMUUSTOWN, N. J., Jui,"9, Meow. P. W. Foart.e. t Co, —Dear Pin: Having need 114- IVirres.'s ttaLsaaf OF Rita, CII!IIY fug about fifteen >ecrs. and baring realized it* beneficial mottle in . my family, it lairds Mt gnat *amp ta recommending tt to the public is a maluable gienedy ie cane* of ogee, 41 - 4;and a remedy whir? 1 colesiJef to be entirely inncent, and easy le th u g with perfect safety by pe mast delicatila baalth. TO . a. Teri nwPaCtietly, !WU seats. &loan gorge awl Imre earotrrfries ! The naly ceaulae, Parr, and Medal:eel Babaei has the name of I. BUTTS," ?Written with a pen, end the printed mune pf the plapoienna," w. rOWLE & C 0.," oalbe outer wrapper. AU trhn - treffer Oh nay Ifisense o f ato need. Zany; or Cleat, ens otr-Ir rate relief ruins . Wistar'e Balsam of Wild Cherry, Wistctr's Demo Of Wild Cherry, PREPARED BY S. W. FOWLE- & CO., No. 18 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. lIIMEI I/replies, Deakra. aid Men - Ames is every tow asi city in the United Sides. i}.'a7...~C3 F F ,(3-4 41114 Eke* I . 11 . ED1c4 . • ; • tag. 4 1 4. ? olvir.'^fr • ' - STANDARD ~IMISEDIES et do post sp, I sowstrad thob : trilst tallohteni • saw Omagh row. • MAL Caboandled saiiiticpsa by them la all, amo". ?LAND'S ,N, SITTERS Imams ' "* • • • • its;rteas the Kitbsott. • • Las &maws/ Um. at we& sal tolguktmterpok, I .• • itlestlyfut funs? E==al twins; wee in Assam hoe of the czg MIX AU AIM • • IPIlit; 71 costa per SaVio.' Bali=le Cordial MU • • - • mom mod.. Telugu% lasi;list Ciasasptiiis, • astapittgli ram Ermlasurs of - cosstanivioN.. . Hoglund's writ *wits. colas. w Croup, and liiisiertemed tle MEE it nicitiOr, per I;ottle: S GERMAN PILL, MORAN' • • M oneuxotimittios imparia wilt' great Dwelt Catiadie PM L • . •, • t rumps zed America. nee& They me puede yenetable, as acumen and us entarewatrd • be, Laid. Plum 25 dieter We: prepared by Dr. C. M. demon nil St. Louis. 31a. and are odd by n medicines eeeryarterna - The di' pew the ceded& et er# Then msdiciasa • Ca. Pains&lA* PL; Armrests and daalars agnre 14 C, IL *la. , Cottle nr box. Almatene.' pnbli.bedstimidl7:Ye* In our ^ yrill And testimony • farts of the ainsary. ail oar amts. anum•tidatory notkra 'frin all Tbest Atriums.. are &iron air.y trj wow. Ais.A.-- • FEVEII AND ACUE,, • an 4.111 various CT nnx conesqueat op=• illsordinil 5T.01114114111 Oft LIVER,. -llnCti so Indireation. Aridity of the dlantach, Colicky *us, Ileartloirn. 1 of Appetite: lhopoodonry. Mad sod Illerdina Piles. In all Nersons..khountatte. and heurslair a ffertiona. It hoe In innuerkte Instances proved ... Moldy beneficial. and o others effortod • &Med tura. Tid• is • purely I tolde compound. prepared on otrielly ationtltle principle*, the manner of tbs%rekhrated 11.11sild Problem, rhos.' -Its reputatiOn at home pen. Aut.& Its intoulortimi ben. the deanuad commencing with stone nt the Fatherland scattered :veer the fern of tide tniahty country. io..w of whom brought' alth them and =wird 4.0 s n the tnelitlon of its eat.. It it romp efferal I. Am 'hp eritas pith) e. iisswisgthat its testy sob/dated onoll-nut virtues must lie Selente:/misstr. • I It ip T•artictiNvir I . 72SESPIAI4 to than mew= whom 'ennst!totione mar ha whmn Impaired b ...mi y the tten...its boo of ard.o t spirits ; or . fon= of dhsolpothm. Generally in Mid% its nay directly to the mat of lib. thrillitig sts.lq4lekruitts , every nerve. rondo, np tb• spirit. and. iti ha. infusing . new =ebb and vigor. In the srlil2. • I . • . Nt vrii*E.—ri - ho...r o rxpeets to p od this'! Tiirernito .14 he dinippentril: Nit tn. the. .irk. weak and 1.. apiritrid. It trill prime • gnitetul ittaciartlit outdial, tomigeil of oievilat remedial pri.prrtiiic READ CAREFULLYI Tor Ornigini Ken qyonuerotrotid tlirrhnees natant, Pitt,' is pot up in 1 tr.plut liedditat out.. and retard id `Oar DnuAti - rair tratle ••• six taittlrit Ga. Farr. Dm C.I.L. no rill demene fi ar this t.rtilf . railetirti Led Medicine l••• inderaid tinny iniitattoris. sliirb tir.i.utrin aliciakt guard Ammtpot pare...init. dia. Beware of lippsiition. .s tbat our osmn Loa Qs tided llt earry lictdlo yro buy. Sold liy DrOsiristo tesetiny. It ma le hoirorial ay Inmoso to most 'rejigs. . . SOLI' PRi:IPItIETORS; BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. ti CO. phannamilists mid enlists, • PITTISBURGH, PA. • C I CURE "f ‘ i fie lo i)ka 40 6 1 CURE NervotisHeadaihe CURE TO) oche. g -m znx RE-00351}1 Vi;habbratt i.a.nrroitzvt IVER INVIGORATOR, EIth;I . =TATILS: 4 T Is ranipono d act e et natty Smelt Atinsa, sal' asilaWcasassualchnifiskaSisodsolaclk.cctotts : I. l " : 4 l d ltea r . 7e7t o rea ll : i thotelaeas . : l l. ' : i t Liiit,..vt:"'46l":ai"tbs. es 11:"I ir staurto zNieis hiww"yoslow 1 The de r utast be U.S teateenuaant at U.S .Yell Vialelt a= IA ea le prat seithallea se le goal, as the lieentli. Let U. S @lmam et par game rads Yea is ds of As LIVER I • - VIGOBATOR,sas is ton .Llver Cosa• Plaints, Billaus At• 4; Drapapaia, - ChrlailaDiarrbons. : aIAOa it r Coma • . ip1.10 1 14 ~Drielese' . . Amity. sour litaasaals;llaaltual. eiipc:,:,:irrieirikuavi.a.....nthoitivjiiiss:isacbsymoo:roc,:und;C:sittlial,ak..amic.Erlii. , .. : 1 12.4...igiv c .::::er t :ing 7I iin:r o mt r i a,.. 10:06.5, C k nal e .:rtui ti t. . sweaty admits* If gars' Or three Tow. falter. ! • . MIX WWII= I TILE novin MITE • TAX INYLGOILA i OIL, ANL) ' 11WALLOW VOTE T,OGICTILIC it. • rake One poi tar peC.Aattle., . , S.Lss). FAMILY H: - saravonws - . CAI-11ARTIC PILLS, - . ~ ~11Pol; • IL.EI) r It. Mt • I pure -VeXrtabie last rec. Pk, and vnt up in ‘ 61.11w9 L'AbitAls A Ir 'Nish', hut& -twill Leer In any etilinett. TM pesalPy Cs- • 'berth- PIII4. bares. Ile het entre Conertie S olden th e oreprleasr MS ' WY to his sesettre more than Minty yaw The conatentle Were-nans demand from nose tele harelons until tie PIM , . sa cad the unshed= ebkb all moms In regard In their ~ I use Welndwed mato place _ them within tbsysseh atoll. lbe hotelmen , ereli.know g th at /Wenn Catharths WI ee dihrent portions of ;tbr bowel. • .. • TM FAMILY CA- 4•IIAItTIC Pit L bas club des reference In OM cell estatitabell fad. Man compounds l trees sri, stolen of dm wearers. labia F.zuwcts. whkh an `..• alike os sway _part Wee -harmony [canal. and are hood and sere be all eun m abs.. e Cathartic ts ifeedsd, son as Lit. Mao gement* of.- the St oin • e lit_. eilheinie w ee •. Paine Its the Bark awed Leine, Costiveness. Pe I ..and Soreness NOM! the --whole hotly, from maim cold. wide! fralowatlY.: - if mowed; end to a !anemone 0 Fe ver. Lou of App.—tits' • err-thing ,we settee of Colt. over it tnsb.idy. , lidesslew e e nest, Headache. -or %neigh' 1.. she head. • all I n Ohm mat:Tr Diseases. Worms la cfiltdrile or Aults , ll. itilithrumettesn•west Po rt 111 !not the Blond ..., and nuns Mans ke side It Beet Is Be bet,. No numerous elf to mosticia to this advertise weat. peee.l to& • - • The Liver i PUICnIII • eir.E TIIMor an tll Dlll4 Yaw ll n Caw 6 ! Sr therile 1.111 le are retailed by DrMestOltenerelly. eel add wholesale by Wel rade In all the 1...ri. 1 .... 10 . . 311. T. W. 83.311 1 1111113, AL D... Manuttesnrer and rreprletar.. 333 Broadway. New Torii. MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS R EAT- ATTRACTIONS AT T I I FOOT OF MA MT STREET.. riliti; i•xteoNive Yet:nitrite Establishment of I:. Suite Bitumens havin2 been refilled ape esitty improved, 'Ole proprietors respectfilit alnounee to the citizens of Jlitotroseand viein v than they are constantly making a nd keep 0.. t• nd tne i LARGEST-and It EST - assortment of TURNITU E .T.i" , ! . te found in the Country. We giie the firtlow,ing list of +time o t thesr cies wh'oli we "will ion at greatly reduced • 11..03. fo r t,• Asn or READY PAY: • B ur ,, u ., Walnut or Mahogany, with glass ,om ssg to 83h. . . . . -13iirea.iii with marble or broratelle trips, from i 0 to 8:14. And a large assortment, from 118. . In. li, 14. to '3lB. 1 I I W ,mh Standst;CardStands,Corner and Square l uiods, of all varieties . end prices, from 73 cents , 't tett dollars. Mvans . Towel Racks, Footstools,Qtto. ins. Lounges, c. Centre, Cord, l'ier. Toilet, Dining. Kitchen el EKivrt..iim Tables Cnairs—Cane sod Wood Seats. ItoekersA— Ane. Flag. and Win d Seats, of every variety d style. ' S 0 . :0‘. tele a totes furnished at short noth- N e w y'..rk preen. N: 8 R. .3 , 1 V mud.. , coffins on hand or fur .hod at wltive.—lita•ses Ay:aye in wherr Nr ..naphbv poop but CAnrrut. and EXPEIII. lecEn kV" --We intend %Vous ELL. and Nutt it us 1,,,w a, it can. h, atf..rdel W. W. 8711 VIII. A .57111T111..1it., E. It sTII • hmg.l.—tf vlon , r '4... inn gat. KEYSTONE •HOTEL At;Mnntrose..P4mn. • 0-• HATCH, ProprZetcr • INHIS new and commodious Hotel situates I. on Public Avenue. nbalthe Court Houseoina early the centre of. thi business portion of llontrose. is now fu ly editipleted and furnished, nctWas opened on Monday. the 17th day of %•ptember, .1.858. for the accommodation of ,two. public and travelers. The Proprietor 'feels 'onfiient that he is now prepared to entertain s manner that ~anent fail to give C . Onglete Satisfact.ion. • - The 71 - otel and Furniture are new, and no et omae has been spared to render it egnal. if no: . l ueerior An any sintilar'establishment in this part 1 4 the State. It- is well supplied with all the event iMprovements and comforts, and obliging gaiters Will alikays be reads to respond to the •a:i Th. , :'.l! n ‘ , 00 , 1 with this Housiare Natv and Convenient. • Ths Pr-imelor respeetfully sof Ow the patron ' 41, of his old_friends, and the public generally. K HATCH. NEW -GOOD: E NEW O GOODS 0 ! ' NEW L II kIIDING & CO'`, NIC HOLSON DEPOT LII3EO:_L DISC,OUNT MADE TO ‘ READY-PAY CUSTOMERS. We are deterpined not to be out-done .in the waylof .•• • LOW - PRICES.. ALL I T IDS , OF PRODUCE Fakeu EAthange f" Gr! o 'GP a=o o D fi3 IL. HAILDING ik. CO. iirniinir COMPOUND EXTRACT .01P Rom Ross; .111 the' Great Remedy for fadigestko. IldThoos and derof Moos Coorplatott, and all dfseasee of the Blood. far ea o; tl wbolesalo!aud retail. by . ABYL TUBRILLL. - . apistbeioe, maim lamp - oil. Jl.e. Turrell's • 31 3 / 1 1:WMICIII.M= FOR ?Matsu' eisc—a substitute . tort imenttwardot 'a rropeb.lo.4. pr!r.„ rgr es 1r ABEL TIMM: '"THE_ BEST '• woR . CANNI24O FRUIT. Mass, with Glass aorta. I; No shame' ateliers. Call and see theta. Try then rapidly at • • BOYD t WOODRUM. DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTROSE• £ FRIENOSVILLE. rtOACHlta carrying =lts :and gewmgen batwing. NJ Memnon sad Irrinsdnire; William Searle's Hotel. In Mostrose, , taily. 't o'clock,a. ta. sad lane Manta. 'Me et o'clock. p. m. viriloreee and-carriages Ina be . procand at the LOety Stable or the subecriber In Montrose, onressoeable terse. Noistme. Aug. 1.6.11100. -tt D.• 000 D: HEAVY MESS. PORK,- By du Barrel, by ' Ba/durin a ithra. COMMERCIAL I COLLEGE. Loeste4 via Use Susquchsucuia Valley Bank. BINGiiAMTON N.' Y . - _ • r.I4;I.ILTY: D. W. LOWELL, Principal, - Profeiaor of the :Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Book. Kee ping, Diagrams illustrating the same.' Jona liwawto; Commercial Accountant, Prof.* Botik Keeping and Practical Mathematics: .1. J. Curtis, Asstistant Professor in the Book Keepinz Department. A. J. Wautika. Professor of Practical and Or. namental Penmanship, Commercifil Calculi - lions and Correspondence. . • -LECTIEREnet lion. Daniel Dickirson, Lecturer oil Commer cial Law and Polifidal Economy. Hon. Ransom [talcum. Lecturer on Contracts _Promissory Nutes and Bills of Exchange. . Rev. Dr. E. Andrews,Lecturet on Commercial Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTEE: a. Shermlin I) Phelps, %Vm. R. Osborn, Esq Tracy IL' Morgan, The of this college is to afford to ill an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. The Books and Forms are carefully arranged by practical airountants•expremily foe) thin stitution and embrace all the recent Improve ments. The coarse of instruction comprises every department of business. The learner, will be thoroughly taught the science and practice of Double glary Book Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz: General 'Mer chandising, Manufacturing. Banking, Commis mien," Steamboaling. Railroading. Ftlfrardiog Freighting, Foreign Shipping. &c. YOUNG MIN Can qualify themselves in a short time. at this Institu than, to 1111 important and lucrative situationi. Ample referencestaii he given where graduates of 1860 are now desirable situations with salaries/tom WOO to $lOOO per annum. The Proprietors ire In possession of teitimonials from some of the first. Commercial Houses in the State, to whom they have furnished book-keepers, showing their entire satisfaction and•conlidence in the ability of the gradnstes of this Institution. In all its branches, taught by - the most skillful and their ongh masters of the Frt. No College In the country en' Joys a higherreputat ion in this department. Ladies' De partment entirely separate (tom that of thegentlemen. Studentscan enter College at any time. No j vacations. Time to complete the course, from 8 to 10 weeks. ° Stu dents passing the requisite examination are presented with the most elaborate-and elegant engraved Diploma Issued. by any Commercial or Classical Institution in the Colon. Assistance rendered to graduates i procuring situations. or terms of tuition, price of board, teat monials of g dames Blling positionsAc„ address the pro rietors for •ulars containing full particulars. el LOWELL & WARN - R, Proprietors Bloghainton Commercial ' College, ov. 8. ,; 4 •Cpg.—y Binghamton, N. T. ' P RTRAITS. PORTRAITS ! NEW ARRANGEMENTS T ILE ERICK -BLOCK. I rHE having taken tne Rooms formerly . occupied by .V.ll. DR VNS, re now prepared to furnish who may desire with a good and truthful Portrait. 'liking well posted in the production of the various kinds tericturei of the day, I hatter myself that my work is not fuelled by any in this section of the country Among the various kinds taken at my flootok ire the Allf BR OTY PE, PHOTOGIIAPII. EbAINOTYP NEILLOGRAPH Locket Pictures down to the smallest sized miniature Ft . Ing.. Transferred Atnbrotyrpes-Lihe arrest 'thin. oat, for sanding by Post to any part of the World without extra postage. My Pictures are bold, vigorous, and expressive —trot those faint, lifeless shadows often sold about the eountiy. Pictures taken in all kinds of weather. equally well. except those of young children. No picture need be takei artless perfect satisfaction Is given. In dressing for a picture. avoid light totem—inch as bine. purple. scarlet, pink. etc_ Mostotheniltake well; as green. black. red, snuff, brown, orange, yellow, etc. sr Remember that the place to get your rk,pietrare . Is n the Brick Block, over Read, Waitrons & Plorteta store. S. H. HAZLETON. Mon use, Pi., Nov. Ma. I • GROVER St BAKER CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FOE FAMILY' AND . iffaxtrtAcrustika 1711 E, 495 Broadway, Now• York. GOODS Agencies in all (he Principal Cities and Towns in the United Stakes. The Grover tk Baker S. M. Co. beg to callehe attention of the public to their recentlytutroda rilllSELESS FAMILY -AND MANUFACTURING eawinet IIIAKINH THE 'SHUTTLE OE LOCK STITCH . These machines combine all the latest ailefal bnprove meats in sewing machinery. and are hlghlizocamunended ter their • altaplletty of Coastruetion ; Soisetesoileat ; Rapidity; Ease of atanalgeasea“ Capacity Om en klub of work, And Beauty and Hegulartty or attack. • • I Various styles or these machine* adapted to the house or workshop will be found lathe digs:eat agencies Mike company throughout the United States. Their new SHUTTLE MACHINE FOR TAILORS' USE t 'Metaled triumpa (Tithe sewing machine art,moiseless. rapid, and easily rated—:will commend itself to those . who use such machines for manabmturin 'clothing. • • Grover ft Baker Iffachinet • MAIM° TO GROVER tt BAKER- STITCII.' These Jostly:celebrated atachicee adap ted to all the wants of the bouseliold and manabewq, continue to maintain the pre•etninenot - which the almost universal verdict of the ;kiddie hceavarded them, T. well-known STRENGTH, ELASTICITY, DURABILITY, of the. Grocer I Bum - Stitch mill alwicelneure three macelles the preference for Apes for tbo triceitifse tura of such goods as are Intended for wear—for use sag not for show.. - • I • g3l” Wherever the Cirover II Baker What Idaceines bare exhibited and lairi Adroit in eceapetitionwith the ice_ding Swim_ this mutat. Mauling • the 'Wi lson, they bare bcersia the tretlrendamt. This &Martian fa conditned by the f;llitils!till of the 6 0 10 initiate acute made him of - . . 11.1/1411.1101Wr0 0111110 and .. madly 6e14. wtrfeh awarded est pissisiii to tts fbirwor d loamy Vietltre inru , CI Mimes 151 drapPffigifir. PENMANSIIIP ink TOLLOWING ZN1>0141214,13121TS CEMALIC PILLS, WILL cobrvINCIZ 'ALL WHO 811117101 PROM E AD A C BE, TUAT A PEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEM REACH. As thew lesiireonials were ensolieileg by Mr. Spaldiwy, tkel aford unquestionable proof of the effiasey ot this truly scientific, discovery. • Numnsmi s s, Cour., Vet,. 5; Ma. Bramainte. Mu : . I dime tried your Cephalic Pllll. and / Ude them so well that I want you to send me fa worth mote. Part of slime are for the neighhora, to whom I gases few .out otthe. drat boa I set /rum you. , &width!" Mb Tour by ma/14 ilge • - •, Ob't Peril. ' .. . . . - " JAS. SE/110•DY.. Samford, Pa.Areb. N. C. Spalding ! • ir: . . 1 wish you to send aeons more box of your Cephalic Pills; Mow . naked idolergo V tomiuNtrow tarn. Yours, ly • . i eia'sTonalotsz. . . Sprats Creek, Huntingdon co., Ps., Jan: IS. H. Spalding. Sir Ton will please send me two boxes of your Pills. Send them inunodlstely. . Respectfully yours. • JNO. B. SIMONS. P. S.—litars saga liowato pass Pia. and f ind Mem =silent. tlepe Venum, Ohio, Jan. 96 Henry C. Spalding, Esq. a• Please find enclosed twenty-five cents, for wtdell vend me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best pills I have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. if. Belle Vernon, Wyandot county. Ohio. - H. C. .Spalding, Esq. ' I wish for some circulars or liege show bills, to bring your Pills mat particularly before my customers. Iflon have anything of the kind. please send them to me. One ofl m re:sterner'. who is subject to a severe sick. headache, u sually lasting two days) , was cured of an al. [actin as by pour Pills. which I peat has. Itipectfully yours. W. B. wuxts. - t• Reynoldsburg. FranklinVo.. Ohio. • . Jimmary O. , . Renege. Spalding. • . • • No. 48 Cedar street, N. Y. • - i . -Dear Sir: • Inclosed And twenty4lve cents, (25„)11Jr which send me box of "cephalic pills.", Direct In Rev. Wm. Fillet; at Regnoldebtag. Franklin emintv, • Your Pill work like a adios—cure Ileadr.he almost instanter. ~ ._ TiO,Y your., , . '.llr.ifyialdiny. , , Sir:- Not long since I sent to yon fora box of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness. and received the rams, and they And so.floo as effect .1 was iodated to send for more. Pleasi send by return mall. Direct to _ • 1 A. E. WHEELER, . ~ • Ypsilanti, Mich. . . From the Xxckminer. Norlolk...Trt. Cep!Mlle Pflisseemoplieh the object for whteh they were made, 'is.: core of headache in all its forms. From the. Exga►iner. Norfolk. Va; They have been tested in more Man a Armand eases. with entire success, • F.rnm Democrat. 'St. Cloud. Minn If you are. or have been.traubled with the headache, seed for a box of_ cephalic pill., so that you may have them in ciao of an attack. • From the Aire,licer. Providence, R The Cephalic Pills are said to-be a remarkably effecti re remedy for the headache, and one of the very beet for that very frequent complaint"-which has, ever been die covered. From the Wextetm-.I? 11, Cozen', Chiron'. heartily endorse:Mr:Spalding, and kis unrivalled Cephalic Pill.. • From the Valley Star. Kardazeho, Vu. We are sure that 'persons suffering with th e headache who try ihem - , will stick to them. From the - Path Finder. New Orleans. La Try them I you that are afflicted. and we are sure that lour teelimony can be , added. to the alriadY numerous , ist that has received benedts that no other medicine can produce. 'From the St. Louis Democrat The immense demand for the article (cephalic pills). is rapidly Increasing. ; ' From the Gazette, Davenport, lowa. Mr. Spiffily wonid4oteonneet his plume with an ar tide be did not know posies* real merit. From the Advertiser. Providence. R. I The testimony in their favor is strong, front the most respectable quarters. From the Dail Newport, R. aephille Pills are taking the place of all kinds. By the Use of these Pills the periodic Steaks of Nervous or Mak Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack,' Immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nauseaand Umlaut, to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels,—removing &five:less. For /Ater. Yea. &Wads. Delicate Females, and all persons of , erstaryhabi/s, they are valuables, a ktatedire. Improving the appetite: giving tone and vigor to the diger tire organs, and restoring the natural elasticity .and strength of the whole eyvtem. The CEPHALIC PILES are the result of lone investi gation and carefully conducted experiments. having been in use many years, during which amenity have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating In the. nervous system or from a deranged state of the. stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition. and synth° takenstalltimea with' erfect safety without mak ing any change of diet, widths absence ofany disagreeable tante rtrukrs if easy to administer Wm roc/if/drat. Beware 'of.Counterfeits. The genuine have Er i e signatures'of Henry C. Spalding oneacu box. Sold by Druggists al other Dealers in Medicines. A box will be sent b nisi! prepaid on receipt of the • 3Pricia gitei Clematis. All ceders should be addressed. to • HENRY 4'. SPALDING, tarn •Ws 48 Feiar Stelei, New York. gA single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will Wive ten Dimes its cost annually, g 3 SPALDDIG'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! SCO3IO3fT ! ' DISPATCH gr.% 81114= Di Tnis Sawn l'onc."Ad As accidents-will bappen even wellrevgated faint. Iles. it Is very desirable to h ive wane cheap and eonven. lent way for repalrlng,fornltare, toys, crockery, de. _ BPALDING 7 B PREPARISAGLUZ meets all inch emerge 'neles, arid no 'lousehold CID afford to be without it. It laalways ready, and up to the stick= tug point. ...MCP& ZN EPEET 110178 E." N. B.—A Brush accompanies each Bottle. Pries 25 mats. Address; HENRY C,,SPALDING. No. 48; Cedarßtreet, New-York. CUTION. • As emtaln anprliselple A ll persons size attempiln= off tin the ensinmeetlng public., imitations of hiy Ghia I would citation ell persons to examine before par= chasing, and see that the (all name, ' sarBPALD.IN(III PREPARID 0f0N..101 Is on the outside wagger ; all °thereat* swindling wow . ABEL TURREL ' • now prepared tome - every eau of BCIIOPI7I.Ih In LW Country. and he taw a Remedy foe nearly every U to width Leah Ls heir. Call at the . • . GREAT MEDICINE EMPORIUM . of AIM TURIUCIA and De availed of the henget* lilt pawed.. . Moorage, July IT. M. ILTAROMEINE 1.11.1111LPf4 A =r .. ientjti: Chlreolae,ahadaa . To nsil% RIGS AND PRODUCTML PARK LANDS FOR BALL twenty4wo miles Booth of Phfladelphta. In thcanedas State of the Font. - Beet Moats eaul tondos for Markets la the Unto& . rSeeaSrertleemeat 01.11TheleaLl ' • LUBRICATING OIL. ea Au igya, it ymmy, mailimorm Aye'. splutlat" • Fonamumat TEE BLOOD, And for fibit speedy enrent the Milietios of Serafieln and Illomfbelvens Affiretlaans, such n• Tumors. Ulcers, Sims gmaplliens, plea; Pustules. MGM goo, Mesita, shins, asurall Skin Illsonmes. Osimann, Ind.. Mb J. C; Attu & Co. Gerd*: I feel It my duty to aci. &bowled what -your Sassaparilhi has MOD !be me. Having tobvited a Scrofulous infretion, I have suffered from It in various wajs for yews.— Sometimes It burst out In Ulcers on my Minds and arms; sometimes it , tianwd -toward sad distemed nie at the stomach. 'Two ; years ago It books out on lay head and covered my scalp and rani with me sore, which was painfgl and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and sever" physicians, bat without much relief from any gbbw; h, ha, the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to read In the Gospel Memenger that you had prepared no alterative tilairsapatilla).-for I knew film your rem • talon that any. thing. you made most be good. I sent to Cincinnati got It, and lied it till Reared met I took It. as you advise, in small doses of a temptionfol over a month, and used almost three bottles. - New and healthy ' skin soon began to form under the iambi which after a while f 11 off. My skin is now elem., and I know by MY' ibelhwa that the disease Is ger& from my-system. To. ' as well believe that I Detre - hit I am raying when I tell you; the I bold you tiPbo one of the apostles of the age, and remain aver gratefully, Yours, ALFRED B. TALLET. fliL;, A retkonyro, Piro go Hess or Heyollas,_ Totter and thille. Rheims, Scald liead,Rinsiv worm, Sera Eyes; Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble Mites from Salem N. lt.,lftb : Sept,:that be bar aired an invetende ease' of ra y. which threatened to terminate fatally; by th e persevering use of our Sarsanuilla. and also • danger. i ens attack of Matimant l: peals by largedoom of the mime ; says be ewes the common E byls ass 'tautly. Mrourtmeela, Goitro, or Swelled Neelk• Zebulon Sloan of, frospret, Texas, writes "Three bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from • °dere —• hideous awelllng on the trek, which I had suffered from over two yesrs.". • Asioreevervilimea or \Malta,. Ovarian Tuotor , Uterine N llleerstion, Female Diseases. IDr. .1. It. A. CliatinMg, id New York City, writes: "I most cheerfully comply with the retreat of your agent In . saying 11 have found your areapirilla a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for whist: we em ploy such a remedy. but Mpecially Fiquate Neese* cif the Scroildons diathesis. I have mired many'llivet ' erste eases of Leueorrham by it, and some where the complaint wan caused by ulceration of the Wens. The elevation' !Melt was soon cured. Nothing within my knowledge minds it for these female derangements." ?Award R. Illarrowoif Newbury, Ala., writes : " A dan gerous ovarian honor on one of the females in my.frimily, • which had defied all the remedial, we could employ, has at length' been completely mired by your extract °Use smarilla. Our physician thought nothing but exHrps-, Lion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks DO symptom of the disease remains." • „ • Sypitilts and, Mcreurial 'Disease. NEW - Otti.KADOI, 2 5th August, Dit. - J. C. -Aveitc. Sir: 1 cheerfUlly comply with the, request of your agent, and report to you some of tivir effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice, moat of the com plaints fir whirl: it is recommended, and have found Its effects truly wond&fulin the cure of Venereal and Mer curial Disease. One of patients had Syphilitic ulcers -In him threat, which were consuming his palate and 'the top of his mouth. Your -Sarsaparilla, steadily. taken, cured him in fire weeki. Another was attacked by see ondary symptoms In his nose, and the nlcevatkin had eaten away a considerable part of It, so that i believe the .disorder would soon reed: bin brain and kill him. lint It - yielded to my, administration of your Sarsaparilla; the ;deers healed, and he is scalp, not of course without some disfiguration of the.face. A woman who had been treated for the same, disorder by mercury was suffering ,from this poison in her bones. They had become so send thee-10 the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex creciding pain in her Pinta and bones. She; too, was cured entirely by your ; Sorel:R*olla in a few Weeks. I knew from its &minis:which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory Must be a great remedy ; tonsemently these truly remarkable results with it have not surprl sedine. . .FratiennAly yam, G. V. LARIMEIL 31- D. . Mbeumatiein. tamaL Liver Complaint. .I:soiresnzscr.; Preston Co.; Va., rob July, 1859. DR: J. C. Allot. Sir: I have been afflicted with - flit chronic Rheratiatieso fora long time, which belied the skill cif physieims, and smelt to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One bottle - coed me in two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I AM far better than Define I was attacked. I think it • Wonderful medicine. J. FREAK. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis, write.: " I have been afflicted for years with an affection of the Meer, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing filled to relieve me; and I have been a broken-down man for some years from no other muse than derangement of the Meer. My beloved pastor. the Rev. Mr. Espy,advised me to try your Sarsaparilla, &mune he said he Mewyou, sod my thing you made,was worth trying. By the bless ing of God it hat cured me, and line so purified my blood as to make anew man of me. I feel young again. The best that can be Judd or you is not half good enough." .llchterns, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, MI• elevation, Caries; and Exfoliation - off • this . 11oisse. A great variety of ewes have WOO ritetedlo us where cures of these formidable cortryJaintshave resulted from the use of this remedyi but our space here will net ad mit these. Some of them may. be found in our American Almanac, Which the it.Lnliti below named are plissed to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia. Heart Disease, Pita, EpUepsy, •Melancholy, Neuralgia. . filmy remarkable cures of these offer:Gong have bees made by the alterative power of this medidne. It stimu lates the vital functions into vigorous action and thus 'overcomes disorders which would be suppos ed beyond Its reach. Such a remedy has long been. required by the ormesities of the people, and we are confident that this willblo for them all that medicine can do. Beverly, Mau., Ptc.9 Wm YR,I.F.R Jin.24 Ayer'i Cherry Tectordi ' - • TOR TIM RAPID runr. or Coughs, Colds; . Influenza, Hoarseness' , Croup, lironehitia, Incipient Consuasp* - Hon. ■ud for the Relief of Consiuesp. Aire Patients, In-advanced stage► or the Disease. • . Thu la a remedy so universally known to Arrow any other takthceursof throat and lung complaints, that it Is navies. here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for matte and colds, and its tmly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, hare made it known throughout the vitalized nations of the earth. - . Yaw are the oommunities, or siren families t among them who have not some personal experience of Iti effects— dome living trophy in their midst of Its victory over the saMle and dangenna disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that It has now all the vh , tees that it did. have When making the cures which bars was so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. • lisps:4 by Dz. J.V. 4 , 1131 - 11, CO., Lowell, lase For mle by A hel Turrell , 'Mentrore: Church a Phimn Doodad': Waltman a tiwieber, Auburn Centre, std 1 deslere and - drugginte everywhere. • cc F.V cw TZE3III,:- 413-3ELIELELT C1.41:1:71111.10 HUMAN Just Published. in o sealed Envelope ;Pe jeetliee,,Oc. A LECTURE BY ntt,-cm.y.EnwELL Ls. on the cause and - cure of Spermator three. Consumptioi, Mental and Physics Debility. D.:_errousuest(Epikpsy.; Impair hu.d "et Nutrition of the v Laavitude ; Weakness of the limbs and the back - ; Irdlb,position ; • loos of memory; aversion to society ; lovi of Solitude ; timidity ; seltdis. trust ; dizziness ;.headache ; affect lone the.eyes pim. pies otr the face; Involuntary emissions. And sexual in-• catv : the consequences of youthful Indiscretion. &c. w•Vtito admirable lecture clearly proves that the above ennumerated. oiled eel raMicted., evils utak he re "moved without medicine and without surgical operations and shottid be read by every youth and every man in the land.. • Sent undereeal, to any addrets.ln a plain sealed enact ope. on the receipt or six cents, or two postage stamps, •by addressing - DR. CIIAS..I. C. KLINE. in3o-12] 121 Bowery 'New York. Pose Box. 4556. MIESOIII 111 0 % TAR AND WORD NAPTHA do but Medicine is the MarktAr Ma curio of Coughs and Colds, Croup, ' Bronchitis :Asthma, Difficult'Breathing; • Palpitation of the lieut. For the relive of patients in Menaced doges