Et ' HOOFLADTD'S V , S I THE 4 P B u. ° / TANDARD - REMEDIES. I 1.. v e utrinlml ti Ir gres.t popularity • ,111! trinl. I;ntwnfudrd Laisfactiou than iu cL coca. TIOOPLAND'S AN BITTERS I)!Apep,la, Jasizttlee..Nervons. Do. I:Lau.. a the Kidnei from a ‘ll , ardt rc.l 'her, or ' ~f and I.llzeptave 0,rga.:44, PLETECT ti ri - ttP, Cat is mu,Al7 lElt AID ADDL. • /7 , 1 CE, iv coats po• 11,;ttle.`, :: - ant's Balamit Cordial ors roe:Tie:LT etas • • • C , 2., Cr Um:nese/is, Brenelcitis, infiumm,e •:. Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, the meet tuts:Ceiling curet rice know* of oNEIRMED CONSUMPTION. 0.3 :c 7S-kambi pet bottle 6 • :XIANG'S GERMAN PILL, tt:r:a4;ll,lll.l:art..4. Arra, I a. rcre• . , ' May are Panic ;Trlt ezuctnc3a. aro.l are fugar,o , t , I`lll Lau 'L.'', ri. r'uox. • ifrrilmvki 3A,:5cr..., A I. Ilk. r.r,tl are F6l by JACKSON triN ua GLI 0ni.1141 of ea...b 41,777 c," annually. 'OQ ; cor.zn.rr.d.,t er, ut:tice• fr•ri ail • 11:CFO ..1L12.14.1 aro „,ca by,_4 DMRHAVE'S LLAND BITTERS_ ; , • , . • , •4 - A , . • _ Nt.,. • • -'4IATT/Es;DIIAL CarnATED hOLLA . ND ntmEby FOR DTSPETSIA, CASE OF tii-EKIDNEYS, \ ZAITEIL COMPLAINT, ...',I;INESS OF ANY KIND; :: :: EVER AND AGUE, , 5.....• uffectiotot psrokrelurnt upon a di.ord,rod, &CH OR LIVER, on, 'A rilty of the Stamorh,ColiAs of A ppottle, Derpotoleory. Costlvelooss, ' •• : • lu all Nrry.oloulthruinatir. and. ti Whs., In ammo - our: iustato , r, provost ~1 in other, diode , ' a 31,1.1,41 estre -1 •' s ‘ozetal.lorotaPoutol. propared orl SlTlrtly „..• :011r the mannet of the roloUrattel 7lt. 1 , 1:a1t./two at pro , • . I.orr dosna,..l ootonooleing with 1•.•loa load arattertal • r fo a• of Ilda • u :Inv 1.1 a Pron l•roo:1,t • Itt, them and 1-•• 1,11,1,0 n of Its ash,. It Avow Tel of t • L•anetr.p itl,t Its Ina!, soLlfd ' • •f Looetll to Mee ivranne whore • . , . • ~ 1, ,•1., n ji., palm; 13 the o,tintome ,•ther fora.e...f •totriromoo. Generally ,• t. 1, f•ole its way Lproltly to the end . el rr3 nen, la•ino. np the • t infustog test hrolth and rigor 1,0 1,14,14 to find Olifl 1..c.,r0cx oil .•;, 1.11: to tio. nick. troop eodh tr gotitiNt. it 7 to' ui ttron.att: .Lt of i•logular READ CAREFULLY! 1 .glf.v. I , vrtorc...Fllsnd .•, nt..l rrnale. , l nt •or six Sr. l'ivr.,l , ll.ty. Tbo L tru!, r..lelkntr4 ‘ll,liribr ,141 , 14 the .Could gunnl 6,90 tigt 7 rl.l..lsition. Sr , e that our uszke. I. no toe . • ‘7.vnerclly. It eart b. foreett•ded ta Lost ponzta. • ' • :t)L E 1`110r)11ETOP.S. PAGE, YR. Sr CO., • I...Nrr,.ert - e.ixo ,Ilarrnrcutists and PrrTSBURGH,-PA. , 7 1 1 *„. 7 - . 4r. • ;-7i , • vi cuße j, eo o 4 , past v f ,p cugE ta CURE { is 194).• r i lat ; ;,,,; - -4 4 R17502'52)1 e i t r. 4e(e) . 1:„.10,".1 tr'7.7 1 . , - 4 141 "1 "-----'- 4 (1 r- 14 • ... -T %, 11 foocro ,4 2 4 ' • *"'" • r.ll Etonanchic preparation of 1 uf 02:ygira and Carbon by eons. idgn medical tffi.eacy in each of the "DTs .9.llt.c.riONS, 1' 7: n. DTARRATA,` — MINSTI c•- ~. .1 , -LT RAVINE. SCURVY. R11.£1.77A- C'snISETTENCES, =FE XEURALGIA.CiIIiONIC WEAICITESS *QS. WIfiTTS CIILOROSIS. FACE, EOUGBIZESS OF • • f, • JESSE SMITH. ',. r pe . : JO mart of rig and tiorthkst emostafaitif The only Generinq Part ,- and lifixiicisal Balsam hie ". the=Mel!' 4 V BUTTS" written with a pen, c-si, - -,7 o' thounands daily proves that • . - - -, -o 0 ' • - .:' :a of Iron can for a moment be s and the printed lape l of the proprietors,..." S. W. ~,-.,,• .. t. Impurities of the bkod,,de- ' .FOIV4 & V.0.,,r on the cote; wrapper. w' .. , ......1 crier! ... - y, pale and otherwise . . , ~. 1 . 1 a' intLeato its necessity in al- - ALI lobo ruferiFith cony &nude of the 77trosilt •: e •7' ).ta.ble case. In all cases of Lungs oc . Chest, as obe , ...nt Nte relief by wing, ( inor am, chlor - etoa. its Wiitaros - Biaism of Wilt chexry. .. - 7 . ht'elly renovating. No remedy $.. t , ~ itt , ...coverod,lia the whole history. , Wifitar'S ,811,1811 M of Wild Cherry; - : which exerts each prompt t lappyy s .. 1 • i FAX 1, YAIIED.BY . .-. . . :i - arat,re e ff ects. Good appettle. COM- ! • ~ - .-.•:• co, rapid . acquisition, of strength. •. ' S. W. [ ; FOWLE'IIt; CO., - ', , ....c-al disposition for active and, NO. IS TRE4OIiT STREET liOsToli ~..1 ~-. rc:e , immediately _ follow its, use. t, . •,....::. ..2.- - ..1 c.cMachic and general restorative --- - ._.., i . ,; solo BY .. .- . t • '7 r.k, : - .ro ,rior and no substitute. - -,:lee tint trivial boxes containing - - Iktis466, 'Deniirs, sad if ercham , i i i „,,, Ws ,- • - . prler 59 ce,!it* per trea : Fix boxes, i cod 'illy in the Gelled Stake. ' .; - AAZvIt. thLT.CIII.C4 01). For sale by . - ' ' .....- it,1.1.1y. AVM be sent Ifibi. to Vir."For 0.1 . e by Abel Taereil and Read. Watrons & Foe' ‘• . ,•• o - . rot 4 4. l "ht Price . ...A .U .,. /44 " ter, llooiroee: 1..11. Woortrotr,Dittioele• Amos-Nichols . '• .',..,- •', rlc.. lattand b. a d ""'"'"' "" * liroOlvi: WilitOrt_ 1 1 -Vox icy. ii.rinrd :. We .4 is ward 1 - ... 'B. LOCKE St CO., , G B, li i ! i n d t . 9:lld; J. C. fOlmet.o4, DUNI4I; L: Grinll, WWI ' . . 0ci1196.-.yie . - • 4 General Agents. - . i , . ~ 339 BROADW&V...N r: .." 1 - - ' IMBRIIATIVO OIL, . ' . . ,-.-!.--ito abOvo la a fiardiana err tiall 470 z-A Kind s ot ItubjAcry t rei isle bv ...,........... CAC4 bras. - r • , i • - 'AM TURRECtr. ahnorb4d by the blood, and. the who': system, no a :an tempo their truly vender- HOSTETT I ER'S STOMACH BITTERS: . . The prr_prietors aid manufacturers of 110 - .., TETTEH'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BUT TERS-can appear with perfect: confidence to. physicistsand citiiens generally of the United States, b cause the article has attained is repu teflon be tofore unknown. A few .fieti upon . Oils. poi t. Will 'speak more powerfully 'that" l e volumes "f bare assertion or blazoning puffery: The consumption of llostetter's Stomach Bit ters "... for i he last year amounted to over a halt; million 1 antes, and- trim its.manifest steady increast lu times Past, it is evident thit during the coming. year the consumption will reach near one istillistn hot ties. This immense amount . could ntl , liir bavebeen sold but !be the rare medicinttV properties 'contained in the prepara tion, and the sanetion of the most. prominent physicians in those sections of the country .: where die article is best known, who 'not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are read:r ntall times to give testimonials to its ellieneyt 1 all cases of storadeltic derangements inn I the diseases resulting therefrom. ' This di tot a temporary popularity, obtained by estiltordinary elfeirts in the way of trum peting, tile qualities of the Bitters, but s solid estimation of aminvaluable medicine, which is dent incidtpbe as Enduring ns time iiself. Bost etier's Stomach . Bitters have proved a Godsead to regisins where fever and- ague ~ and various other_ bilious complaints hoes conotedi their victims by hundreds. - To be alio to ;state confidently that the "Bitters" ore a cet-tain *ore for the Dyspepsia 'and like tidteases, ii to the-.Proprietors.a source of-un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter . from the Ttoniach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous - system, ,giving it that tone and energy in-Dispensable for the restoration of b calt h.- It operates upon the stomach, liver, nod other digestive organs, niilDy liot.powerfally, and soon restores them t 0 a condition essential to the healthy discharge' of the.fhuctions of nature. . . Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it nstimulant peculiarly ,adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasaht to the palate, lavigor4ting to the bowels, excellent as a Male, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence or thousands of-,aged Men and women wholnisle 'experienced theitenefit of using this 'preparation while suffering from stomach de rattgontivits and general debility; acting under_ the advice of pliyoiciaus, they have abandoned all delCierioils drugs and fairly .tested merit's ttf this article. A foi .words to the gentler ilex. Thire are 6trtain periods when their cares far so harassing that many of-them sink under the trial. 'l4te relation of mother and child is so absorbiegly tender, that the mothef,lespecially if slte ifte young, is 'apt, to forget her own health in tier extreme-anxiety for her infant. :; , liould thebtperitid of maternity arrive diming the oumnter section, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. here, then, is a:necessity - tor a stimulant to recupe rate the : cnergies of the systeni,, and enable the mother to hear up under her exhausting Oslo and re6tonsi,bilities. ;Cursing mothers gene rally prefer theltitterc.!ct all miler invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to - the taste as well ascertain to give a permanent increase of bodily. st rengt h. All those persons. to whom we have parties . . larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from • fever mad ague. caused by malaria, diarrhtea, dysentery, indigestion loss of appetite,"and Xll.liseases or derangements of. the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation. atid nursing mothers, *lll consult • their own physical weir:it:6 by giving to lios tetter's Celebrated:Stomach Bitters .a trial. cAUTION.—We caution the public agOnst using any of the many imitations Or counter • felts. hut ask for IIIYSTETT.F.IO9 CELEBRATED &nisi ACII Birreus, and , see that each bottle has the words "Dr..l: Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the battle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, anti observedhat our autograph signature,is on the label. Prepare? and sold :py HOSTETTER. a SMITH., Pittsburgh. Pa., and sold by' all druggists, groCers, and dealers generally throughout the Milled Statea, South Amor iioa. and German 3,„ Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cheity. Wistar's Balsam of Wild - Cherry. Coughs, Colds, - Cough, Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchiti*A, Boarskoess, Bronchitis, Asthma, Bronchitis; hoarseness, Bron!hitts. Whooping Cotigh, Croup, Whooping _Cough, Croup, 'Consumption, COnsumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, . , ale all like di.seases,'fincl an unfailing antidate, a ready relief, and rt:snre and speedy cure, in. glum great and'unirersalliappreeed remedy, - • Wistar's BalSam of Wild Wistar's Belem:ll . ot' Wild . The Be l l% Jacek !War, , • . Welt knOWNI ¢ad muck reaps:fa amour Me tiers= puss- Mist. of Chia country, smoker the follsubeg eateletestj'ett Ste beau qf tke caltices , 41ANOrZet, 'TA., Feb. lb, ILSIL Memo. S. W. & CO., Boston,—Dear Sim Having realized in My family important Demean boat throne of your valuable peparation,.WlSTAlit'S BAL.. RAM OF WILD CUL:DRY,' it affords me plearmre recommend it to thi ptthlia Soave eight yearn sae ono of my cistighters,seeMed to be in a decline, and lin!e bones of. her recd\•cry' were entertained. I then pro cured a irittle of jour lizrollent Italnam, and before An had taken the whole kif the contents of the bottle there was a great improvetnent in her health. I bare, in lily individual. case, made frequent nip of your valuable medicine,' and basic &nye} . .. been benefited by it. hinreeer, caaititin the publiz againut cause there is a Clod deaf of spvirnu Wideris Balsam 41 Wild Ck errs afloat tki,imirtioat the comin-y.: - • • . Virginia 'Testimony.. CirtiftcaLs from Ata Normosues NotTON, al Illa Exelosiee: Office, Rich eat • . BSc IiMOND, Va., Feb. sq. lIRL Umtata:. S. W. Folit.t . ic Co., Boston,— Gentlemen t 1 with pleasure testify to the great nterit'br Your - it Valuable 'lung inediiine, Dr, Wurratii Braaten 07 WILD CllEgftY, which is likewise highly,valued by many of:our esteemed citizens, who have toned its virtues be triaL • •I first made use of;this Balsam some three years since for a "violent and dratressing . entrgh which bathed the ekill of Physicians, and, to my joy, experienced sitch gratifying relief , as to induce me to persevere in its uti4 - 1 always' keep it hyltne, and ever find it to be unfelt trig in it effects. No medicine thaVl haft ever said has given such speedy relief. Yours truly,' NORBOILSE NORTON. •J • Frong Jesse Smith, Pig, Presided of de J4l4vni. - C.4stail Baal, eel ale is u ke . net said asecliestenaed tkrostyhed Nee leas,.. - MbILIIISTOWN, Jan. 9,1860 . 4) • MeSSFi. 8, W. F4wt.r. t Co.,—Dear Bin: liming' used Dr!Wiaran'd BALSAM OF WILD CHEIXT ka about fillers yearif and baying realized its -benelichil emits in my 'family, ii adurde me gent pleaeure recommending o the public no avaluablevenedy It muses of; neat !stags, colds, coughs, ,9c., and a remedy ,which I consider tb be entirely innocent, and maybe :taken With perfect safety by the moot delicate lb Waft Yours very re-ape:dully, sAnroitiv-s . LIVER INVIGORATOR • Kgyzn iiitunrrnsii. j ITU compounded entirely' Trout Guenaiset . 1 losesomean tatablebet ton. &Mandan: Mallen* Wawa and appnyrid by all that - ere used 11, sad Is now re , ' sorted m era h ma:ldeate Is e l WI thirdiruies Is Wadi ti Is nneamelltal. ' It toe woe damask. g wahla the Let nroware wbo .0 all lopes el relief. as the anseerass certlarens ,puwaston sho. • sem& T a bdoss must be adaptedlnlay - Ito the uuapers w lorst et the • ladlealual biking, 11, and ua• , al Is aura Games as le aet gaol, on the Hoven •• ' Lit the elothe et year Judie:en! guide yes la ilia re at the prirgit IN- via uttiTonowe o Walenre Liver. Cola- plelnita,,Dlll•neht.. , tacks, Dripepete. Irlassalle Dlarrhaiia. lin na ma• rC am in.plaints, Dynamite- , ley,' Dropsy, 114411 Stomnatell, 11ahltunt 1 - Costlveueea, Choi.' le, tholera,-Chiile. .111112Marboas, Cholera Intentions. Fiala. knee, Javandlee, termite Weakness. • ne, mat may to nod sue- . easefully sa ea Ordlnia -ry . penally' Medi.. pri eine. ItelleureSlCK " US ALIACH E, Oel deemed' eee terry.) In twenty antnntell, I two of three Tea' appeared , are, tale!" en. at inameniemeel et elw A z at who um 11l axe la luaseue. . • AUX WATER. 111 TILE MOVTII WITH TUE INVIGORATOR, AND 81,1(11..LOW BOTH TOGETHER. !eke One Dollar per Dottie. CATHARTIC PILLS,- • Otkurou Pura Iregetablo'n ULM'S -CASES, A In Any inmate. The Family CA but active Cathartic nod In bin Traction zoom The eanstnntly Increment', larelnan used the P1LT... 1 all eipre stop. eed In their them within the reach of ell. The Pronnaion well ilftoilV so differentportions - 0r too me FAMILY CA- W*, with doolreforeore to bees ereoposesied from-• table Rem..., which sa l ..drasatary arid, and are ss when • lead:bete to rungetrients of ot.• toes., Pains in the Costirenes*, Pain the whole body frequsetly„ if ne_gleetet. , Tor, Loss of Atty..- 'anon of Cold over totes, Wadi:retie, or all lodate watiory Children*? Adult*, Portlier elln Stool hob* heir, ow numerous • 11. T. W. SA MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS GFtEAT:ATTRACTIONS AT T. IF: FOOT OF MAIN smicr• otiE extensive Furniture EstabliAmeut I SMITH Bacrruutts having been refitted. am I v _improved. the proprietor. respeetfult quo : ince to the citizens of Montrose and viein v that they are constantly making and keep o; and the LARGEST and BEST assortment o „FURNITU - 1{ i.. To be found ha the Country. ‘Ve give the following list of Ow of the III” CleS which we will sell -at greatly reduce.- mees, for CASH OrREADY'PAY: 3ur.olus, Walnut or Mahogany, • with glint' 7iom 316 to 335. iltireaus with marble - or brpeatelle top., Goa. Slit to $34. And a large assortment, from. IV Sin. 11 14, to 318, ash Stands, Card Stands, Corner and Squar. 'tends, of all varieties -and priies, from 75 Cent , to tea dollars. ,ks, Divans „Towel Racks, Footatools,Otto. ns, Lounges, S.e. s.,,,tre, Card, PieP, Toilet., Dining, Kitchen Tables. and Wood Scats, RoAters -010: Flag, and Woed Seats, of every varjety .1 -4.,fris, tete a totes furnished at,short nutie New York prices: ' N. B. Ready made coffins on hand-or fur .ishod at short notico.-11.:aeses always in oi.iiness when desired. • We Pinploy none but'Cstscrut. nod EXPERI. NCED Wol[l 01E11: We intend to,do our Wont 'ELL, and sell it as Low , an it can be -affoilico *. w. wirru, A . 9.011T11, JR., E: H. SM sTII. • Montrwe. Jam IRtb. ~KEYSTON.E• HOTEL , A At Mnntrose, Penn, • • WM. 8. U T E, Ittopr. r puts new' and commodious Hotel situate' 11 on 1- 1 4iblic Avenue, near the Court tiouse.and leanly in the centre of the business portion of Vioutrose, is .now fu completed and furnished, .end was opened' on Monday. the 27th day of September, 1858, for the' accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that he is , now 'prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail tit' give Complete' Satialiction. . • The Hotel - and Furniture are new', and no ex'. •.iense has been • spared to render it equal: if not superior-to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the resent improvements and comforts, and obliging .4 , 4481.144i/1 always be readyto respond to -the tall of customers. The Stsbks connected with this House are • The and Convenlent t : The Proprietor respectful I y.stilicits the patron. of his old friends, and the - public generally. WM, K. HATCH.. SEW • GOOLS' JACOB SECULEN. NEW NEW L. HARDING & CO'S, NICHOLSON EPOT. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, We t.edetertnined not to be out Alone in the way of ALL RINDS OP PRODUCE Talieti Eithange f ? t G CZO 00 D fil YERS' CONFOUND EXTRACT OF ROCK ROSE, 41- the Orbit Remedy for Indigestion. Billions and Esivtidonseomplaints, and all 41tVillSe0 Orilla Blood, for sae, at wholesale and retail, by . .ABEL TERRELL. FLp'ID V C a a tiotheue, diem, lamp oil, 4e. seam, mirii i irmaj o i . J immie ?LIM Painters' coe,—.a substliatit for to tine. abet at a meta lye* pr'rel tee sal* ley d.SWL TVAAX& giving tbids. kattlaway SANFORD'S DrA,IILY NORD ■t"UI tract*. •nd rut lip In Tight, and will Wisp ..... 1 halite 1‘17.1: brava. go which the preprieier Mt Nthan twenty y.ra. demand . from those oho , 04 .."4 &WIZ. ' :dra t ta . 1 h" ridiet ditlereal CattMrtles stat True!. 111.411T1C P I 11. L . this well' established fad s ' l L r 'Y 't arty . P' , `" , " , : I f% I.g foiriand stre i ti alle= ?..ailro us •a• h Pleettle E11 k 50 *"4 .... 1 14 . 4 from sudden told. eibkib end In a tong rtune of Fe. lite • Creeping !..est the'horly, Beal Petal . weighs 10 i he heed. Dlseasea. Worms la . Rheumatism,. prat 1- il l and maaretteaseata tablet lig# to mention It. tele arteartlar REE ER ASO. ' orator and /Penally Can tel by Drogelsla_greeralYi and . lo all the large tenon FOICU, M. D., Maounteturer WQ Proprietor, •y, New york E IS% 0 • -I) MADE TO g, !'11:1 . JJJ- ,9 READY-PAT • CUSTOMERS. LOW PRICES. L. HARDING & CO. 01'0E10310. ;. t • al - TILE BEST IN MARKET, ja_ At 35 gents per Gallon. Ale* Burning Fluid, and Camphene, Spirits Turpentine. constantly on hand. at lowest !herb)! prices. Montrone. Fob. 19. ABEL TURItELL. 00, - COMMigeln f.COLLEOL lAcated'tiver the Susquehanna . Baimk. BINGHAMTON N. Y. d'ACIU LTV: D, W. LOWELL, PrinCipal„Professor of the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant. Author of Lowell's Treatibi upon , Book.reep. ing, Disgrims illustrating the same, • Jona RASKIN, Commercial Accountant, Profeer ofißook Keeping and Practical Mathematics. J. J. CURTIS, Assistant Prole:Nor in the Book Keeping Department. A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practical and Or. namental Penmanship, Commercial Cakes. , tions'and Correspondence. tion.DaMel S. Dickinson, Lecturer °nem:mar cis) Law and Politicai Economy. ' Hon. Rankom Bolcom. Lecturer OD Contracts • Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. 'Wee. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on ommereial • Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTE lion. Sherman D. Phelps,•Wm. R. Osborn, q. Tracy R. Morgan, Fol. The object of this College is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thoreugh Beninese Education. The Books and Forms are carefully arranged by practical accountants expressly fOr this In *dilution and embrace all the, recent improve ments. • the courke of instruction comprises every •lepartmeft' of business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the science and practice of Double Entry Book• Keeping as applied to the. following kinds. of business, viz: General Mer chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis .ion, Stearuboaling, Railroading, Forwarding Freighting, Foreign Shipping. &c.. Can qualify themselves in a short time, at this Instittr non, to fill importantand lucrative SHUAtIons. Ample eferences can be given where graduates of lte3 are now filling desirable situutions"With salaries trom . ssoo to $lOOO per annum. , The Proprietors are In possession of testimon ials from some of the first Commercial Houses in the State, to whom they have furnished book-keepers. ' , bowing their entire -at isfaction and confidence in the ability of the graduates of this Institution. . _ In all its branches. taught by the most skUlfnl and thor ough masters of the art. No College In the country en joys a higher reputation in this department. Ladles' De- - partment entirely separate from that of thegentletnen. • Studentscan enter College at any time. No vacations. Time to complete the course, from 8 to 10 weeks. Stu dents passing the requisite examination are presented with the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma issued by any Commercial or Classical Institution in-the Union. Assistance Tendered to graduates In procuring ,Ituations. or terms of tuition. price of board, testimonials of ; dnates filling posfilons.ite, address the proprietors for •ai Wars containing full particulars. • LOWELL& WARNER, Proprietors BloghaMion Commeretel College, ov. 8, '6o.—y ' Bingluuuton, N. Y DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN • MONTROSE & FRIENDSVILLE. COAMIES carryinf malls and passenge rs between Montrose and Fr undsville, will leave bearle's Motel. In Montrose. daily, at 7 o'clock,a. m. and leave Friends. 011 e at 3 o'clock, p.M. Ver Horses and carriages can be procured at the Livery . 4 table of the subscriber iu Montrose, on reasonable terms. Montrose. Aug. 16, ISIRK tf J. D. GOOD+. PORTRAITS. PORTRAITS ! NEW AIIIIINGENIENTE IN THE PRICK- OBE- undersigned having taken tee Rooms formerly L A'. B. DE VNti, is now Om - hared to furnish who may desire with x good and truthful Portrait. 'Being well post edin the prodgction of the various kinds tePictures of the day,' flatter tniseltthat my work is not facetted by this stctinn of the country. Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms are the AMBROTYPE, PHOTOGRAPH, WELAINOTYPE. ,NEILLOORAPH Locket Pictures down to the smallest sized miniature Ring. Transferred Ambrotypes—the finest thing ont,lfor sanding by Poet to any part of the - World .without extra postage. My Pictures are bold. vigorous, and expressive —not those faint, lifeless shadows often sold about the reentry... Pictures taken in ail kinds of weather. equally well, except those of young children. No Picture need be taken unless perfect satisfaction Is given. In dressing for a picture. avoid light colons.--such as bine, purple, rc.arlet, pink. etc. ,:41ost others take well; as green. black. red, snuff, brown, orange, yellow. etc. 13r" Remember that the place to get. your "picture" is tithe Brick Block, over Read.' Watrons R. Poster's store. iIIAZLETON. Mon one, Pa.., Nov. 26i.b. 18GO. GROVER . Bz. BAKER CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING M4CHIN'ES, GOODS. ron FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING USN 493 Broadw4y, New-Y9rk. GOODS. Agencies in all - thesprineipal. Cities and The Grover fa . Baker S. M. Co. beg to call the attention or the public to _their recently Intrude ced NOISELESS FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING ViWZ 3 lgkli Inikainnnet, HAKING 'THE SHCTTLE !Ent. LOCK STITCH. These machines combine all the latest nodal Improve mem* lu sewing machinery. and are highly mmimmenclett forikbeir • 151WpIlelly of Construction; Piolseleasness ; Ilta#ldlty ; -Ease of Mianaderneng Capaelty for all kinds of work, And Beauty and ILegttlarikty of Mich. . Various styles Of these machines adapted to the house or workshop will. bd found at the different agenclero ache company throughout the United States. Their new SHUTTLE MACHINE FOR . TAILORS' USE, The latest trtumpi of the scsidn machine art--noiseless. rapid. and easily operated—will commend itself to those who nee finch machines for manufactisringclothlne Grover &- B :I . er Machines, GROVER & RAKER . STITCH. These Just) celebrated machinee, adapted to all the wants of the household and manufactory, continue to maintain the pre-eminence which the almost universal verdict of the public has awarded them. The well-known STRENGTH, ELASTICITY, & DURABILITY, ago. Grower .t Baker Stitch will always insure these machines the preference for family nee, for the manufac ture of sorb guud3 as are intended for wear—for use and not for show. Rs" Wherever the 6 over Mocker Stitch Machines have exhibited and fairly jud'ed In competition with the leading Sewinx Machines In the market, including the Wheeler St' Wilson, they have invailably borne - off thellmt premium, • This asasetiou is oonfirmtd by the decistoii of the-eom mltteee of the State Fates of ii.~.ixotw,, 7'arrell's Mt C gr *h. 1.4 reeently b l& ohlrh 'waded the Bret 'premium to the Omer It Balmer Mackie, 'Ter et sawn fa coe!petttllGlL-- - LECTURkitS: YOUNG MEN VESMANSTITR BLOCK Towns in the United States. M AXING THE °MO and 1115 FOLLOW:IS(k. 5111)0211F Z.24[ollPr§ • CEPHALIC: ,VILL CONVINCE ALL WHO NW= PROM iMADA:...C.:II MIT • SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As thus testimonials eseremuo4ited by Mr Spalding, they ,afard usivtirstiottoble • proof of the efficacy of this trot, &rich - tiff, :discovery, • - ift NASOITCLIII, CORR., 14b. 11, Ni. llPasamo. gm I have tried your Cephalic Mc *ad / Mte Liar that I want you to send mesll worth moi e. Part or these ear for the imMhhon I, to whom raves hiw out of fist hoz I got from you. • • Bra tau Pills by mall, sedating,. Year ob't amyl. ' Nimbi* Pc; Tab. 5 E. C. Sodding. , . • ding ..: I whit you to send no on* non box tit joie 'Cephalic nu; nape ressised a gigot deal q/Umuttpini Men. Taw ! , Na . Pectrn l A l'. ANSTOIIIIIOI.7Bi. Spews Cecil', Huntingdon Jan. 18 U. Spalding. Sir: • You will please send me two bores of your Pills. Sind them Immediately. Respectfully yours, -a • • . eirldowt., Peroding. fl.—Hur . ee toed bo your Ptile, and Ind Men ' Belle-Vernon, Ohio, Jan, ti. Benry C. Spalding lisq. Please And enelOsed tweet 'Ere cents, for width semi m • another box of your Cep is Ms. They are truly the • st pi W I have wirer tried. STOVER, P.-J - Belle Vernon, Wyandot county, Ohlo. Beverly. Mass., H. C. Spalding, _ I rilab for tome _ your Pills more party hare anything of the Ir 3 One of my customers, , headache, (aattally,lartingk lontin an Aar,by yotir Pills. Reapeet.fhil Man large show Mils. to twine - filar ly before my customers. If you -lease send them to me. is subject to a severe stet days), war eared qf an al -deb vent her. ' yours, • W. B. WILKES. liaiilME Licari C. Spalding, No. Id Cedar street, N. T. Dear Sir: Inclosed Ind twentplivecents, es,) far which se. bon- of cephalic pills." Direct to Rev ,Wm. Filler;\ Reynoldohnrg,Pntoklin county, Ohio. Your nig work lila o cAaroo- -Ewe liwutacAs shown Olga:arr. Truly Yours, Mr. Spafdiny. • Sir . Not long since lsentto yon fora box of Cephalic Pine for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Coativenese. and received the same, and the, Add so good an effect I. was induced to send for more. - . Plesalsend by return mail. " Direct to . • 1 A. R. WHEELER, • fl • Ypsilanti. Mich. From the Examiner. dtrorfolk, Va. Cephalic Piilsaccampltsh the object for which they were made, els.: cure of headache In all its forms.- Froin the Examinir . , Norfolk; Va. - They have been tested in more than a diamond epee with entire elutes& Frain the Democrat St Cloud,. Minn. 'Ryon are, or have been troubled Mlth the headache, send fur aticix of cephalic piny, so that you may have them in cameo( an attack. From. the Advertiser; Providcrsee, R. I. The Cephalic Pill. are said to be a remarkably effective remedy (or the headache, and one o(the very beet. for that very frequent complaint which has aver been covered. From the Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and hla unrivalled Cephalic P lla. • From the Valley Star. 'lCtrunteha . Va. We arc 'sore that parkins euticring with the tiredacto who try thcm, will stickto them. Frorn the Path Finder. Nits Orleans. La Try them ! yon that are afflicted. and we eremite the rourtevilmony can he added to the already nnnteron. in tblttbas received benefits that no other medreine ea , P . • From the Si. Louis Democrat ' The Iminensedeniind for the article (cephalic pills) rapidly increasing. From the. Gazette, Davenport. lowa. • mi. Spalding woad not connect his name. with an ar title he did not /wow to possess real mertt. • - ,Advertiser, erii;er Providence. R. .1 The testimony letheir favor la Wong, from the moo respectable quarters.. From the Daily' Sews, .Netopoet,:R. I. Cephalic Pills 'are taking tile place °fall kinds. Bilhe rise of thews Pills the periodleattacka of Nervosa. or Sick Heade:Ms may be 'prevented ; and If taken at the commencement of an attack, laskiediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. - • . . They seldom fall in removing the Namara and - Medea, to which females are so Subject.. They They act gentlj upon the bowels,—removing Costiveness For Literary Nen, Student*. Delicate Femalai god. all persons im provi o g t the e anptmtiAbtsvi h tynea inlddn v a i b globr e t a o a t hiamdgieeae tive organs, and - restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result Of long invtwti gation and carefully condnetedespetiments. having been in use many yeare.during which time they have prevented end relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the avow system or from a deranged state of the dames. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and aymbe taken &Validates with perfect entety withollt mak mg any change of diet, and the ateicraf any (Magri:talk lasts renders U easy to adinistieles Mem Wad/dnal. . Beware' of. CoOoteifeiti. The genuine have tire signatures - of Henry C. Spalding Oneach box. - Sold by Druggists and other Dealers In Medicine,. A hos will be sent by mall prepaid on recelptof the XsDirlioe , >Qa 04eixtes• Afl orders should be addressed to, C . . BPALDS G, rovl3 • 3ch 48 Cedar . Strset, - New . . IlfrA single bottle of SPALDINO'S PRKPARED GLUE will save ten time' Ito coot llantllll4.4il SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S 'PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! ECOMOMY fillr".•Ativrrat Tins Sivas - As accidents will happen, even to well land lies, life very desirable to have some cheep and conven ient way For repairing tarnitare,toyt, • crockery, 4ke. BPALDINGII PREPARED OLD" - - meets all emeh emergencies, and no 'household can afford to be without It. It Is always readY, and up so the stick ing point. "PREFUL IX EVERY HOUSE." • N. B.—A Brush seeompanles itch Bottle. Price 15 cents. Address, HENRY. C. BPAI,DING. • No. 48, Cedar !Street, New-York: CAUTION, • . As certain unprincipled parson, are attentOing to palm off on th e unsuspecting public. imitations of myWepared Ottst, I would cantionall persons to ezatalms before par. chasing, and see that the fall name, nr SPA LDINCPB 'PREPARED glUi.4lll Lon the outside wrapper; W caters and swindling co terfato. . • • • ABEL TURRELL •. • S no, misted to cure etvertase of SCROFULA In I Country. and he bas a Remedy. for nearly every 11 to which flesh is heir. Call at the , GREAT MEDICINE EMPORIUM of EL TURRELL, and-be availed, ot the benefits diet paused. • • Yontrose,July A• splendid assortment just relediva; Chltunles.abatles• 5. burners. wicket etc.. , Tarroll`s: R ICH • AND PRODUCTIVE YARN LANDS FOR MALE, twepty•two miles South hf Ithltaillelphle. in thebarden State, of the Nast. Bert °ulnae and location for market. In the butes: -' • tileaadvertlaccaut WT1114140 ~ . • _ . • HEAVY' MESS' PORK._ py the Buret, Ayetli Sarsaparilla, you mamma TEE BLOOD, And for the sway coin t aff the ' lndfiointil eatiethl of Scrofula sad lieredisisras Affectimu, amok.. Irsunere. Meese, Seam, Eruptions. Phis. pies, Pustules. Mienshas, Moils; Biala',, and all Skin. Diseeses. 0/111CLAND, Ind., itth Jime,4ffit. J. C. Arta & Co. Gents:. I feel it my duty to act knowiWr what your filmapuilla has done for me. Having Whatted a Serotbions infection, I hare suffered from It In various ways ha years. Sometimes it burst Out in Ulcers on my hands and• anus • sometimes it turned inward and dOtreased me at the edomech. Two years ago it broke out on ;ay head and covered my scalp end ears with one sore, whith was colorist and losthsomi, beyond description. I triad many medicines and severs physicians, bpt without meth relief from any thing.: M. het, the disorder grew worse. At length I was re joked to read In the Gospel Mesienger that you had prepared an alterative (Sarsaperilia),lbr I knew from your repu tation ihet any thing yogiule must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got It, %nil sed it till it cored me. 1 took E. ma you small doses of a teaspoonful over s mouth; sod used almost three battles. New and healthy skin soon began to forminider the scab, which after • while felt off. My skin 'sinew clear, and I know by my Soling, that the disease it gone hem my system. You eon well believe that I. feel what I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to balance the &poetics of the age, and multi ever gratellally Yonne, r ALFRED E. TALLEY. , St. Anthony's Pine, Rose or 'grille's', Totter and Soft Rheum, Scald Head, ism. worm, Sere Eyead lihropers Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Yu 14th Sept.. 1839, that he has! awed an Inveterate Cane et DeetwW. Width threatened to terminate fatally, by tis• persevering use or onr Sampan - 11a. and alio • danger. 'rats attack of draiimutat groin:this bythe large dose* of Same; says he cores the common Eruptions by ft am stoutly- - Brestelmeele, Goitre, sr Swelled Reeks Zebuloa Sloan of,, Texas, writes: " Three bottles of your Sarsamirlila eared me from a Goitre—• hideous swelling on the trekewhich I had suffered from over two years." Leocorrbeen or W hites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Vieeratien. Female Disemers. Dr. J. B.S. Charming. of New York City, writes: " ; most ~, cheerfully tempt,' Olathe request of your agent in saying I have found yours Serest:mills a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for which we ewe ploy such a remedy, bo e tespedally ‘ ip Female Diseases Ax the Scrofulous Math la. I have cured many invet erate cues of Leuennli a by it, and some where the compilint was caused by;niceratios of the ntmu. The nicarntion itself was Anon cured. Nothing within my .knowledge equals it for these female derangements." EdwitM. S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes: " A an gel:Mai °atria* tenor on ' inno of the felonies in my family, which had defied all die t remedies we could employ, has at length been completely envoi by your extract of Sir. saparilla. Our phypielut thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your . Sarsaparilla as the hatt resort before cutting, and It proved effectual. - After taking your remedy - eight weeks no symptom of the di sour remains." . Syphilis and Mereurial litseaie. New Om.r.kss,Zth August, SSA Da. J. C. Mite. Sir I elwerfully comply with the request of your agent, dud report' to you some of the effects I have realized with your-Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, briny practice, meet of the eons. plants for which it it rgeommanied, and have found its effects truly wonderild in the cure of Venereal rind Mer eterfarDisarse. One of y patients had Syphilitic ulcers In his throat, which w consuming his palate and the top of this mouth . Yo r Sanaparilla moodily taken, eared him In tee week Another was ' attacked by sec ondary symptoms' in his nose, and the ulceration hail eaten away a consklerable part of it, so that I believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and killisim.' Sat it yielded to .my admiuistrution of your Sarsaparilla; the nleershealed, and he is well again, not of mine without Co., Ohio, 1 ri 9 . I Wm FILLER. Tpallanp, Jan. %4 DIFIPATCII r years. the Ltrer. My beloved pastor, the tier. Mr. Eapj, advised . me to try your Sarsaparilla, because ho sald he knew you, and any thing you made was worth trying.. By the bless-. lag of God it cured ime, and has so purified my blood as to make silica man of me. I frelyo , . again. The. best that cam be said off yon is not half goW enough." Bela lips's, Cancer 'tamers, Ealariemesit, ceratloa, CarleoL and ratollatiosa of tier Bones: A great variety of cases have been reported tons where cures of these fornii•lable complaints have resulted from the use of this remedy!, but our spare here will not ad. mit them. Some them may be found In onr, American Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia,. Heart DI , FltsrEpllepayi. filelaneholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable curia of these affections have been made by the alterative power of this medicine. it 'thou late''. the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders wild& would be supposed beyond its reach. Such a remidy . luns long been required by the necessities of the peoPle, and we are confident that this will do for them all tut medicine can do. • , Ayer's Gerry ' Pectoral, ron Te RAPID cterue or Coughs. Colds. Influenza , Hoarseness, Croup; Bronch itis, Incipient Consuingsa • Mon, and for the Relief of Cosuktimp. • • tire Patients, in advanced _ stage} of the Disease. lids is a remedy acebniversally known to snipes, any other for the cum of throat and lung coMplainta, that it la useless here to publish the evidence of its aiding. Its unrivalled excellence for Boughs and colds, and Its truly, wonderful cures of pulmonary _ disease , .bliTe made it • known throughout the civilized nations of - the earth. Few are the communities, or even families among them who have not some personal experience o its effects some living trophy. blithely midst of its victory over the Subtle and dangerous disorders of the threat and hinge As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and ee they Imovr, ton, the effects ofthis remedy, we need not do more than to enure them that it has mow all the tun that ft did have liken making the cures which have won eo strongly upon . the confidence of mankind.' iDlifirad b Dr. I. C. am dr CO., Lowell, Ku& • • ; Fnr bvAnnl Turrell 31untrore ; hutch a Dancing' t' Waltman .t,Swirin•r. Auburn evnt rt, nt.e 1 deniers a.nd drumeasta'nvm where. , oe f• S co I ' HUMAN MISERY Just Published in a Envelope ; Price 25 cents., LEIITRE-817 DR. etTLVERWEI.I., on, he ranee and cure of Spennator Floes Cimentoption Mental and Phyeica Nervonenese, Epilepey : Impair •oNutrition of the laidy: Lapsitude,; We:than...a of the limbs and the hack ; Indispooition ; lose of `memOry; averalon to noclety lOve of *Wit ode:: timidity.; trttat ; dlarzineso : headache ; affection,. urine eye,: pl in . plea theface ; Involuntary embodons. and actual . In- Comity the coneeqUencee of youthful indiscretion, &c' Thin admirable-lecture clearly - proms that the above enuumerated. often 41f-aMicti.d. ern! may he re moved pithunt medicine and without sumical operatione and ahonld he read by every youth and every map in the. land. sent under seal. to anvaddref..lna plain Pealed covet ape. on the receipt otoixcentp, or two po,trnre kompe by addre.sing i • . DR. CTIAS. J. C. RLECR. 1n30: 7 -'62.1 127 BoWery New York. Poet Thor. 45F.1." MlllB Delicious 'Pink Stimohtnt„ Especially destgned for the tfse of the (Medical Profession and ihe - Family, having , Ituerceded the so called "Inns," '• Artunatic," "Cordial: -..Malicatod,' `•Scladipps," etc., is now en danced by all the prominent phyticlaus s chemists and con flotsam's; as ptasosaing all those • marrow medicinal qualities (tonic and diaretre) - which keloog to sn OLD. and PURE OIN. Pot up in quart bottles.and sold by all Drug gists end Grocers, etc. A. M. RINI NtlEtt t &O.. IRstabllshedln.lTlS.l _ • • Sole Proprietors, •oc4y] N 0,19 Brand Street. N. Y, For sale at turrellit Drug Store, Montrose. . • - • - aIA 4:: ..11 tty .11PIGN WERIPS T - A AND - WOOD NAPTHA Is as Lae lledic6U la'Uss isoltifor th e. CUM of Coughs sad Colds, Croup; - - Bronchitis, Asthion ma, Diffic He ult thing, ralpitat d the Am Ma Miff 41/pationto is advanced Atari of Coasamption,'-togethairith all Diseases of tke 'Most and Chest ana which .., ;indispose to Consumption. B.allaets Ms root qt. dioraro„ out mobu Mefat • destroyers'ecto66 tow bufwass. haktaprodu- ego fro( orpeciaratioo, fathom Adoloti ;Action la as disoarolA lum , * ifendraso coati *sues,— Ilia peculiicly stay _ted to the radical ' et:a - of . • One acre Ai* Invaluable SYRUP often 'give., eau and tly *imp, whitA the. parti c ul a r nohow qf Imetutt Jenks. It 4 tery',kaftan! (*Me tad., and prompt In Re e ff ects. Mr is d 4 6. antripeed that it 4 Invaluable In Me cure of Bronchial • Affections. • Price ao izatßollk. Prepared only by Dr. A. ERR., AN. andeok/8n A. Denwein dCo.. N. W. cornet:oond POPLAR areas, ,PAllcura. Pa.l For sate IA .itoalrose by sakt9 else) I 4.7a14 TVRRX,C4 PrPoptil. 33.eircasserLe:. . rSaints market, cesskint)y bead, asd at as low y it , NU; al eatilined° l an, ilitrigilittgle3: It PORT 01? SOL N 0 c I `6ol OF TO 1111: : 4 1. 40 . 1 r IL TRIBUNE, V I Itltt - 4 141 D SETTLEMENT re- The following Is an extract from the report- of ' Solon"Robloson. gsq.,publlshed In the New York Tri. buns, In reference to (nebula. All persons can read - this report with Interest. . Advantages of Ylisndag near Nom—Vino marks upon gro4. Itortrility—';ho -Canso of Fertility—Amount'of Crops Psoduced— sllsotkal Evidence. • It is certainly one of the most extensive fertile•tracts, innu almost level position. And suitable coldition fur pleasant farming that we hews of thissfide of the west ern prairies. We found some of the oldest farms appa rently Just as profitably prodnetive as When first cleared of forest tlfey or a hundred years ago. The geologist would soon discover the came of this r continued fertility. The whole country Is a marine - de. ' and all through the mil we found evidences of cal-' cartons substances, generally In the form of lndulated calcareous marl, showing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of the tertiary formation : and this many sabitance Is scattered all through the soli. In a' very comminuted • form, andin the exact condition most easily assimilated by such plants is the farmer desires to-cnitivate. Mari, in all its forms has been used to fertilize cropsin England. from the, time It was occupied by the Roman.; and in France andOertuany a marlbed is counted un as - a valuable bed of manure, that can be dog and carted awl spread over the field, How much more valuable then It must' be when fOund Already mixed' through the mil where new particrs will be turned up and exposen.. sod. transformed to th ownys use every time he elite the earth. • Raving thenaatlafied`qer Minds with . the casse.' they . will not e exc t with wonder at seeing indabilable ev. - Weave of fertilitylof a soil whieltin nur situationa, hav ing the same genera.] characteristice oral least apmeran: eta, is entirely unremunerativeexeept as Ili productive. , Oese is promotedby artificial fertilizallog., , s. A few words abtautthequality and value - of this land fur cultivation. ta4 which we harem:me strong proof. Our find visit was to William D.. Willem, Franklin . township, Olurameter county, who purchased some eight utiles north of Mfiville, about three year.. ago, 'for the.' purpose of establishing • steam - mill. to *ark op the tiro:. ~ berinto lumber, to send of by the new railroad, at well ao tbefirewood and coal. for which he built a, track a mile and 4 half long. Ile also furnished sixteen nilles - of the road width ties and had no 'doubt made"the • MIII Eltaii - thouhhlsmi n thrct *al tzopen a farm,f tg : me g m : ine tewiural.nbl cultivation. - In this he hal not been disappointed.. as some or his crepe prove. For inetance, the second time :,, of cropping, 3,16 bushels of potatoes on one acre, worth lit) cents a bushel In the field. This year, seven scree ; . without manure, produced 356 bushels of oats. In one ' . .., aeld, the first crop was potatoes, planted among the' roots, and yielded :5 bushels. The potatoes were dug, and wheat sown, and yielded 16 bushel*: and the .14 nhble turned under and sewn to buckwheat which yielded r.ii bushels; and theta the ground was sown .to clover and ' timothy, which gave as a first crop 21( tone per is. re. The fertilizereepplied to these craps were !Stet; ashes from clearings' Second. 215 pounde of 'superphosphate ofirme ; third, 315) pounds Pernirlan guano ; then 50tush els of slacked little has been spread upon the clover Once - 'Lase mowed, and turned in for wheat. Mx. Wilson's growing crops, and the *hear stubble of - the. present season. all Indicate his land as productive as any part of the State..... . . . At - Mary flurrotes, an old-style Jersey woman farmer. . 'several miles eooth of Mr: Wilson's., we were am ',attire- , lady struck witikthe fine appearance of a field ofcorn,that . we stopped to Inquire of the hired matt how it was pro. • • ductal. We found that theland hid been' the jeer .but ' one before in wheat, sown with clover-and this-cut one, Ammon, and last spring plowed once, with ono "'peer old n" and plant r d with corn. . "Yes, but yob enured high; we suppoie 1" we said in terrogatively, a got his reply ;.-- 1 ...Waal, you tiec.-wp couldn'l done that; 'cause we hadn't but fortymne horse loads altogether. for 23 acres, and we wanted tote most on't for the truck." - - The truck con sled of beets.carroto, cabbage, macrn= hers, mellons,..lte., and a very productive patch of Lin , - beans. grown for marketing. S.. we were satisfied tl. t , the toil was not infertile, even unaided by clover , whim. had fed the corn because the ' , track patch" had not been .clov*ered. and h been In cultivation long enough to ob -4.l.literate all eigneof the forest. - Our next visit !was to the largefarm of Andrew Sharp, five mites north of Miliville, from half to a tulle east ..t the railroad. and Just ithout in the centre of Nineland.-! Mr. Sharp commenced work here la December.lBss, up- . on 219 acres. In lets than three. years he has got 234 acres cleared and to enema this season, all well Inclosed - ' and dividedinto intend fields, with cedar rail or . pole . fence; has built a two-story' dwelling,. about. thirty-el x ' or forty feet; and a entailer house for farmlaborers, and a - stable and gramary and some other out buildings. Considerable part of the land was cleared for the plow ' at $9 dollars au acre. and on sonic of It the first crop was buckwheat. limed with 50 b,ushels in powder per acre:- ' This crop may bepull in from July ith to 20th. and yields from twenty to thirty bushels per acre. harvested in N 0v.,-- ember ; when the land being *owed with 150 ',Minds of . Peruvian guaneland 'welled with rye. 'yielded 12 to 15 bushels per ecru and ten dollars worth of straw. '. The . rye stubble turned. after knocking off a lar4e growth ..f oak sprouts. and dressed audio with guano and eZ elleti AG wheat, gave 15 or 16 bushels. The-crop which he was . th blue while we were there promises more, of a very - 'pin grain, and the straw Is very heavy. • ~ .We cut Over the stuhbleand found the clover and tlinothy, ram seed sowed last ' , piing , on the wheatwitla- v.,,x, out harro ng.dooking as well as we .ever saw it upon any old cunt • red farm, and with a little work done In the winter to clear off some roots and 'rotten .-. etnnaps, and eetting stekes,to mark permanent ones., we will 1.6 . • able to cuillie Crop next year with a mowing machine and we will imaranteetwo tons per acre, tf. he will give the overplue if it overnins the estimate. Part of the bind was -planted with potatoes for a first- . crop, which yhAded one hunlireil and twenty-bushels per acre. It was then limed with fifty bushels per acre. , I2li teeded with wheat and clover, yielding an average of . over is buthelaper acre, and the clovernow looks beau tiful. - . . ,Other portions have been planted with. Corn ne.a ,irs t crop. which y lidded thirty buihels of yelldw " flint...corn. .• and the second crop forty bushels, and the third env.. . treated 150poundeorguano. wearer enreno one u mild -- estimate brio* forty bushels per acre: , . (The reader will recollect that the writer le now speak... , lug of lands perfectly new. and which can scarcely be con- . eidered Ip good amble condition.-En.] - - In other case t the corn crop °fleet:year was followed with oats this season. not yet threshed, bet will average, prpbably forty to fifty bushels. Sweet potatoes. beans. mellow', sea It- fact, all vegetables, .as well as . young . peach and other fruittrees. planted this year. show very plainly that this.long neglected tract rat land should re. main so no longer. and there is now a .e. runt: probability that it will not; for under the auspices of Mr. Landis, it will bedivided; Into small lots, with toads located :t o ac commodate atil--"-the surveyor is now busy at this; work -'and all purchasers will be required to build neat com fortable houses, and either fence their lots In uniformity, or agree to live without fence. which would be prefera ble, be which mean.; a good population will be secured who Will establish churches, schools, stores, mills, -ma chine ehopsund homee-hometbf American farmer.% tar rounded by gardens, orchards, fields and comforts of • nixed life. 1 -• • , . If any one. from anyderangement of basinees. 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