te - The gallant General : McCa 11, of the . t;cnosylvanta 11 . e . - serves, is the Dentocrat4 - FIRE __ - , ie.c:piliklate for Congress .in the Chester'. THE INSURANCE CO: OF NORTH AMERICA, and . Delamire district.,` .AT PIatAIM:LIM% PL, . . .- "I hare uo . porpoie, directly indirect /, to inte rfci . • - 1 • ..tvith the histit talon of slave 6 in the States r . hero it ex- - , Has Established =Agency intimate's; .. - . let,. I believe 1 have no lawful lIIGIIT' fp do so, -and I i have no inclination to do so:"—From Lincoln's Inankital I dress, March-Ith, 1561. ....' - ,' . ' • 1 ..,...-----.- Auditor's Notice: NG been apitoluted by .the Conrt of Com..Vlens • ..1.11 of Sueq'a count eon auditor to make dliaribut ion or.. the fundo. in the hailan of the udniiiiktrutor o the t..,ta„te , of John Donovan, deceased. among the heirs and legal representat it e 6.1 Will attend to the detlee of - ritld appoint. inert at the Mike or Nletki.nl. Bentley S Fitch iu Nlontroge on WeiluezdAy,-Ortober 1K:1. nt I oclock. p. • m., when all persons haviaLl alt intet.t in hold fund Ai aim , rat their claims or be forever hatred 'from coming in tip= on .aid fund. 11. S. ItSNTLIY, Jr sepal 4w Aiditor. Adiiiuistiator`'s Sale. NOTICE la herebygiven that In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Vona of,Snatitiehanna county to me - directed. I will CNT.O.O . pubjic ot. 213.ci 1862. • Dams open ar hal pact 1 atal 7 I'.. M. Admission 25 ceute. No halt price. - •••-.. • [For partßulars 'tee large posters.) • S ETTERS astintiitstration to-the - estate of littalton Administrator's Notice. isbure, kite of. Clifford. haring been granted /.1 •• . to the under-t zned. all persons indebted to said estate are refine-tett to make Immediate teietneut, and those haviog claims ag,.iinst the came will pietont them to 11. W. GOODltlell.,Adtift. ' Clifford, Sept. 9.1 d. It Q. ' • , NOTICE:_ TAR. ;T. W. COBB haelint been appointed a:.urgenn In. the many, hip neronnt, are left tvlthithe Vnderpigned toe .ftlitlilent. itcrt.ons Indebted wilt please call and tLett4- withunt delay. • Z.' COBB, Montrorc, &pt. 9, 1 ... 593. tf • - lIARFORD , .I)TNIVERSITY ,t. ~ ~_. . . /1111 E next Term of this Institution trill cotnrnenee on 1 Wednesd iy. 'September :Id. The socotid term on' W,lnesday Deceinher4hl; And the third turtil, on Wed.+. nesiby, Fehrusiry INCL. !Sill ' . MI.Mr...XaMNISMEI: TLITION.—Common Branches - , including Vocal mug. ir . , ... ... .. ... .._ . . '. 53,00 Naturall , :oh.s.pv, ch,miory. Physiolopy and Rook , Reepittit. . . 4,90. , Altsetira, Geometry and Ancieid Languages , 5,00 French. ... .... . ... . , - - . s, ,90 . Music on Piano. until thrW.y is oyer,.._. ....... -s'It:00 t ;. 1,50 1 Etpenses of %citation Aomi .. 1,00 ' Fin trd per week ... ... . ' ~. 9 fto .Each room is fnruisheo with a - cooking store. bedstead and laid , . 11... citations commoner all o'clock on Monday,,and close for the ti.tu.k at noon on Sattirdai. ; The tweniiii:. exercb!es lire the foKfroink: • •-• ' M., bar evenino, debate in.the Sncieties' room. ,7 W.nluestl.ty. S punkin!: -Intl Composition. 1 yenrstiaY, Lecture, with experime'nts in Natural .Pbi lc, , phy an dsChemisfry. "4 Friday, General Debate. "fr The Institution is furnished with an aPparains to illus trate the principles of Nil Ural Philosophy and Chemistry, ' find a el:del.:1 and Maps co aid in the study of Phr•doltk, g y.. Olurford, Aug.l6, 1562. _ ..- - ' SUS QtEL COUNTY CLASSICAL tc NpRMAL S. S'. HARTWELL, B Principal.. ASSISTED MC Experienced & Competent Instructors, - Next Acadetuie 'l' . (:i.irtn ethiutil• day, Sept. &Ili, 1862 TUITION PER TE.IIII OF 11 WEEKS. . . ' finglit.h. from 62 to 6 00 Latin:Gruel: and German; each ' 400 French ... 4 , . 800 Ent.ilisty, with one lattiroax.e - 1 1 SO. —No lii II for the itbo‘e tiudien abal: exceed 900 Kure on,the Piano . ' ~. 803 l'ne of Irn4rumiint ..... 2 00 No deduction for al-emoce-e_xcept ti in caee protragted, illnee, of be bin -vial agreement. hoard calf be obtained from: 2.00 to, 82.22 per week. Pupils :wiebing to board thenwlves, can find good room- , at moderate charge.. For farther particulare ad; clew. the "Principal, et Montruee. Pa: %VII. 'JESSUP, Proi't. C. F. I2E4D. Seery; - : NEW MmtionD NORMAL SCHOOL E. L. HAWLEY, Principil: E. B. HAWLEY. Assistani. c Trcrxrxixt=ozsr. Common Euetiali Dmnehet. ES 00. lli~her• ". and Mattematice. -4 00 Da. Latin...t French, 500 Primary Department 4 Ott Inetramental and VocaklWein, extra . . . The Fall Term of this well egtablished f•ehool wiA commence on Wednesday. Aug. 2;th. and continue.elev eu weeks. ParticularB4.cutiou will he paid to those de signing to teach. Lecture,' on Teaching lind other subjects will begisen during the term. Board can be had on the most rei•onable terms ; also ROOMS for thosewishint to board them-vit.:es, . . No paine , will be eptiied to make this Schirol worthy the li li.ral patranatx it lia,,lumetofitre ri (mired. Cfr'For further partiehlars, addreek Al_ L. HAW LEY, Principal. New :Milford: - By order of the Board. , .T. BO,YLE. See'y. : JOHN - New Milford. Aug. ttth, 1t62. Great BOnd §- slittary; AT GREAT SEND' SUSQ'A COUNTY, PA. - . 1. • -, 'Pla.cf ..9.lstia..62aaa. Urprzta. OF THIS: - .6(11001. WILL. • .0i AN OS 'Tuesday, Aug. 2.6t1i, 1862, and continue ELEVEN WEEKS,' under the direction alt. - CUSH BAM, as principal. Who. course of instruction in di the brittle ecis thorough and practie.t.l. A thurouuli pre p aration g Yell to young men . . ' !3e.irittg to cuter Col le. . , ' A teachers dal.. NVIII: lie orgafilzed, at the. eoinmente-. ment of the term. for t he Inert: ful l training of those ;washing to teach; and a .istance rendered them in pro- Furing shuations for th sumunkr. This class will, re, ceire instruction ou tb theory and practme of teaching,. f, one hour each daz :. and . hure public Meetings once in two _weeks. .1 • Feii,oult.x. .. H. 'CUSIIIIA . S, • - ' l'rtvetrAL. ' • I 1i0:A.1;..5. B. CHASEJA. M., Instructor - in Greek. Lat 'in and German. • I - . REY'. J. B. McCREA:RY, ChaplalS and Lecturer on moral science. • ' .._ - tin. W. S. DAYTON. Lecturer on Physitilogy. .3118 S M.ATTIRJ. OR tNGE.Teach .tr of tnuple on Piano Other teachers as necessity may detuand. • "Terms of - .. • • . . . . PrivaarY Departuaefirp(r - quarter tf.eerun weeks, s3'so A.'otainua Brand , :is t. ' " • ... •• 3 00 ili;:tier En: - '4lie , ll.and • Maibematicb - do„' :5 00 Na tunaStiemet, • •...- - do:, '7 00 Laugnagu..' AncisnLor tloderzt ' . ' do., 8 017 Teaclutra.Nordial (lass • I do •' . l 50 Idiotic on Piano - • - ' d 0.;.. 8 00 Use of Plano • • do., : 200: - o si 1 I The higher brancheptelade the lo*:er. thee: 03 , 00 per nnarter corer. all bran et. named, ahare,' except yawl era clam , and tutwic on piano. • I , , , ' 'N. It. All hills •Inut 4 arranzed at the pommeneement or the terth. • - I . _ , , . Board can be o .taini.4l with furnished room. at from l i , %2 13 to i 2 50 per wee '—light.e. Iva*Ling and fuaestra. i . 3tudentt• wieliiint to In) rd thetaulvea ton obtain ruums 4o ti.v school bundiwz I t opolYiog LP +t• 4 091 1 1- ' • • . Great Dvad, April 261 'IV.—YI • j , • . , BAKIIV!,COMPOIND. : • i A Stint cure fur Dys f v..nta}T, lormair br A ILL .11.RRELI • LI . iU.O QODifrercnOcipda of Wine! , and Liquors. compriptag marly every kind in any market. ararrantedpure. I'qr sale ae renal by ABEL. TETRX/ L. The Oldest InstiSpnce 06. in the. Ut;in-ri CASK CAPITAL PAID IN ASSETS MR,- ...... THE Ia are *slow as those of any,good company. In New York, or elsewhere. and Its Directors aro among the Brat for honor and CHABLZI PLarr, Seep. ARTHUR G. UOVf/N. Pres. Montrose, Julyls, 'ta. BILLINGS STROM?, /Wt. ,-$4O . Wages Paid $lOO t r ° ll7 ll &e Wfit o g r iv ib e e e i t ' irm " ttelon tf l n goods sold It; our Agents, or pay wages at Crept $4O to $lOO per month, au t pay all necessary expenses. A child can learn to op. , erate it by halt an hones instruction I It Is equal to any Family Sewing Machine In nee,-end wp have reduced the price to Fifteen Dollars. Each Machine is warranted .for three Toms. Address C. RUGGLES. den. Agent, Jal,y 8, , 1111, - -Detroit, Michigan. RARE CH[siCE! For the Next 30 Days, Only. SPRING & small STOCK DRY AND FAN€ HOODS! IHRSCHMON BROTHERS, ' to be.ofored to the publlc AT 'A 'LARGE REDUCTION. Tho largest aad hest assatimc.nt of . altine CatO,Y32., to the county, In order to dlaposa of their largo and beautiful stock of all descriptions of DRESS GOODS, MKS, SEIIII-BIC ells ICTACPTIZ • CI-.0.4 I ELMic..6I, Peewee * SUN UKBRELLAS, 13401,3xsacoraa. 1155.1.cirtmo;d1s(3. duo. The violer.,irnett otrer %Liebe Goods at their well known atand, the `Bee- kr ,. ?..- - ;.nl.- - tekxz , hive.' • - No. 2a Court St. s . Corner r Water St. Bingham- " zuk•nt ton , 2 , t , Y. at a considerable reduction of ordinary low price* here s with OTc-ring u rare chance to all those t ishing to invest ; In these necessary articles. Having Imported most of I ohr Shalt ourselves. while in the Europeuu markets, ne ; are enahled.l o offer superior inducements. . glirDou't (MI to avail yourselves of these bargains at lIIVSCUMAX.IN rinownzas, No. 20 Court Street, Sign of the lIEE HIVE. MiXIVar3SEA.DitTCIN. • ~ p. ef.oocEhe largest And heal tinOrtruelat of BLACK SILKS, that can he found this side of New lurk. Call and see them at that • • 330e-1-3EI - vre, No. 20. Court Stroet Bingiliamtoa,July 11, ism. . NEW • FIRM. .• • BALDWIN ALLEN • - suce.ssOßSTO ALLEN- DEANS & CO Under Montrose Deinocrat Office, RE'RECEIVING Fre.sh Ground:Western FLOUR .every tic. days. which we warrant to give satisfaction its any in market 7 if not good returned at our expense.. / Feed; and • Buckwheat Flour, ' SALT ANJ.P_)-HK, BY THEILOAD, BAILREI on POUND. HAMS, [Sugar Cured) - Tiried.Beet Smoked Halibut, ' Drips and Syrups, .Molasses and Sugars, . - TEAS: COFERE. • SPICES'', • BROOMS. AND' NAILS,. • Which we o . ffer . for sale at Loh; Prices, for READY PAY ONLY. - • Montrose, July 5. rses flees Mon- asicri-ati rcutipriv i Don't te;gin with the =Sae ' Tilt: -if 'HEIDI PAY STORE" atter. NEW GOODS. OLD and YOUNG, it iCH and POOR, GAY and Fasciae, are hourlyseen ruahtng onward to the . HEAD Or' , NAITIGATION, eager to hieupplied from the choice.and extensive selection to be found ... AiT - TYLER'S STORE Illfeassortment of =lrv' 4311.1:04:041. beat 'em all, and as for eboice , , C 4 30111 : 11113 , Viz.: 9 andAoc Ungar, $ - T. Itieri,,Coffee. and tobareo,— 'epordeareihodsquate.—they areutr. It istaeless tonten. tlyn theulenthousand k oue things ofwhich a full anyttly is kept 'constantly at the Oodieef store In town. con. donation of calls is-tureestly desired. and if - there are 'nue° unfortunate in not to haye found Fus Aug. your friend and neighbor will.tell :you the -- 1 • IRST STORE BELOW TARBELL'S HOTEL, ititct opposite the KEYSTONE, AYDEN, where 30 pereett. has convect to tie. We are bound.to let ;people live—and live. Bring lilnog your Butter Ems, Rap. Oats, Rye. Cash, Cora, and must anything elseyon do n't want, and get value received AT TTLEB'S STOIIE. jP, B. Please don't leave the-above mentioned articles at home, for our idle won't permit us - to wait "till you: come up again." leltaker•—A new.lot of white Ind' colored. Big 'Ups just opened. LAMPS' of *Blinds, and litings for homing Kerosene ;now ready and yen/cheap. ' Beat Kerosene. cbtsper than ,darlight ; also Fresh Burning Fluid. Csmphene, Sperm, 'Attunantine. anti Tallow Candles,tept constantly on hand • re-_ A new supply of HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and '81106.8. Stone and WOodea.Vi'are. Brooms, and,Brushei of all sorts. Yankee Notions of all varieties, Perfumery. and Toilet Soap, Ciente of ROMS for chapped hands.-best thing in use, etc., Ate.; all of 'which will be • suldlor the pay down', as the times defraud. by . . • TO D 3711 EitE.V.--1 am forwarding BUTTItt to N. ms !York, on ter of commission that. will suit yo . Call • and inquire, and look at any dairy salt, in rackstM sit al ' zee, is good.as can be found in town. Montrose, May HENRY C. TYLER. Administrators' Notice. , • A LL persona Indebted to the estate of Citharine /Thep. &Metro. late of liarfurd township, deceased. are here by r . etineetcd to make immediate payment.tnd all person a. haring claims a., ,, ltinst eald vetate will yreaent them forth with to D . C. Shepardeon: Darin - fit D. C. Sntrannstra. Adminialla August 11th,1804. Twc Itralanaott, • Administrators' Notices. - NOTICE k hereby given to all pervious having ditmuods I,4IIEISt the estate of Michael Katie, late of Choctmet ,township` deceased. that the 'tame meet he presumed to the nidereliptedjor settlenient. told all pekoes Indebted to said ettateare requested to Make immediate payment. }hopes? KANE, t `"" • • cKonnt, Aug. 4.'82. Fuss Kass, f • The ConfeeslOns and Experience of 'in In. valid:— PhtiTh•hhalorlhe beuetit iv a wartilog aid • caution tojiMum moo who puffer from.Nercous Debility. 'premature Decay. 'dm.; olipplytug at the same the means of b‘eiteaPP. • D/ktirre who hey ehred blmself; , altor being "tut to great.. expeerc tbspeXpi ieedical imposition add d i ldidketi• endeethge Oat Paid. addressed envele %vie euPies may be bed et the autber,ll4TEOupi. TPAw„, Doliprd,*iblis Co. T. - 14 R try INSURANCE 4300.111 X. $1,100,000. NE-W GoOD., JAMES:, R BE WIT;, CAN now otter to the piddle One of the auistcholce and V end best selected stock et . . SPRINGIISHER GOODS, IN THIS MARKET DRY GOODS. A completc usortment of I . AMIZZ 9 °ling D,3 2 Detainee, Deßales, Poplins Prints, Ging hams, Clocking*. de. Denims, Stripe Shirtings, Ticks, Brown and Bleached Nadine, White Goods. Muriel*, de. Balmoral Skirts for Summer wear, and BOWERY of everidescription. MEN'S WEAR. CLOTIIS, Black and -Finet Caoalmer., „Ey. Jean, Satin• et,putonade, and Tallor'a Trimmings. An unexcep tionable impartment of s4l,ts as Ctrs/,j», 33ticatai db 16113scroso, of al kinds. al-rocooerien. Brown and White Sugar, Syrup and Molasses.' Tea., Cot. fee, and - EsSenee of Coffee, Spice, Pepper, Salerains, Maekerel, Smoked Halibut. 'Codfish, Emotive, Brown d Fancy Soaps. Also, prepared Potash, to make Soft Soap with little trouble. fn gnu; the variety always found In 'groeury department. . I a Zia is do c)11e. Linseed, Coal. and Wlntcr•atratned OILS, Sub, Glass, Putty, Mite Lead and Zinc, Paint Brushes, &e. cfrt.coctiark. - White Granite China, Real China, and Colman Ware, Cane fur Preserving Fruits. 3Era,rclvva,re. IRON, NAHA. Shovel*. noes. Mikis, Forks. &e. Also • due selection of CIPTLEIIT AND PLATED WADE. Baskets. Cradles. Children's Cabs, Willow and Carriage etyle. YANKEE NOTION'S, Crack er*. Sole Leather. Asittim Salt and Fine Table Sa lt. Co. nay laland,whita Scouring Sait, de. de. dc. . A General Stook of Straw Goods Montrose, May 13.1864. • -• 33x:0il cool:m. 7 o DANDELION. COFFEE: yr HIS ,Preparstion, madefrom the best Java Coffee, is recommended byPhysiciane as a superiOr Nutritious beverage, for Getuusl Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who hive been compejled to alms don the use of coffee will use this without injurious effect One can contains the strength of two pound. of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. For sale in Montrose by Abel Turrell. KOLLOCK'S .LEVAIN, The purest BAKING POWDER known, for makinglicht, sweet and nutritious Bread and cakes. Price-15 cents. Manufactured by M. H. HOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut-ets, Philadelphia. Sold by all Eint,mgists and Grocers. mhtilyie co To foessunisptlwes.—The advertiser. haVlng heed restored to health in it few weeks, by a very simple rem edy.ktter havingsuffercd several veer. with a severe lung affection. and.that dread disenee, Consumption— is-anxious to make known to his felloW.sufferers the mean: of•cure. ; To all who d es i re it. he will Send a copy of the prescrip , ' Con used (free of charge). with the 'directions for prepar ing-Ann using the same, which they will fled a rues cwre for Consmption. Asthma. Bronchitis, tc. The-only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and eprean inkrmation which he conceives to Be invaluable.. and he hopes eyery sufferer will try his remedy, as It will cost nothing• and may proves blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address • ' Rev. 'EDWARD A. WILSON. leGsaml . Willismsburir. Blues County. New York. THE. NEW-YORK WEEHtir JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. A CO.VERVATIVE FAMILY ANI4 , ..IIUSIXESS . • PAPER. The Cheapest and best Weekly In America. riO . NT.CINS NEWS from all parts of the World. the trisr reports of the Produce. Grain, and Cattle Trade, Dry Goods and Money markets. The Loi.Norganizers, North arid South. • • The Supporter of the Union, The Coaetitretion and Laths. • • nums FOR ONE TEAR : Twenty copies or upwards. $1 each. •Thirteen copies, $l5. Light copies, $lO. Four copies.SO., Three triples, t. 5. Under three copies, $2 each. Clubs of thirteen or more will be mailed to nue address. .4.n extra copy to any one sending, a club of %), with the money. The Dully Journalof Commerce Junior, loaned for the country. $A a year in advance. lirSpeelmen copies malls. . • PRIME, STONE. HALE it HALLOCK. Editors and Proprietors,•9l Wall erect New-Ytirk. • - ' WITCHES, MK &C. THE Subscribers have now returned from Now York with their SPRING. YrOCK OF GOODS, to which they would respectfully call the attention of their customers. Their aaeortment is now complete and unites both Useful and Oruantental. We harc.taken par ticular Delon to select all the rir'New Patterns out this Sprin^:and think we can, without doubt.' please in both Style, quality, and Price. We have a large stock of English, American and Swiss Watches, • (Gold and Silver, Hunting and Open Fa * ce,) from the cheapest up to the beet. - A eery full variety of ' • SIIA ER. WARE, wsmnted goodas cnckixi. Also. FINE = GOLD *JEWELRY, , tri every variety. ATaci, Plated Jewelry. Fancy Goode, Bruhes, Shell Combs. A very fine variety et Plated Geode, Very Low. Tea Tray*, Clocki, Britt=la Ware All kinds of Waited, Tidy, Netting, Sewing. and.othes • " Weefillost. Thermometers; Bade; Violi; Goiter, and Baru Viol Strings; a nicelot of Fan s; Table and Pocket Cutlery. Scissors, de., &c. girlie above Goods having been purchased for cash, will be solpit..stry low prices, • Please call and examine our Goods. and ws are confident we can plesx Son. xrcrAmaras No. OddFollotra Hall. Binghamton PHU ND PEiti PRICES I PEACE APPROACHING. Large Lines of. PRIORS Conquered and Reduced! H. 331:11E131:1.3CTrr, 7 , -. NEW MILORD, PA- 4 is receiving; for Spring supplies, new and huge stocks of CHOICE • - DRY GOODS; GROCERIES, CROCKERY, . HARDWARE, STOVES, IRON, - STEEL, NAILS, PAINTS; •LAMP, AND -• - LINSEED OILS, • . BENZOLE, . CARPETINGS, FLOOR OILCLOTHS, WALL Paper, Window SHADES, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS acid SHOES, •. CLOCKS; &C., &C. Including, as usual, fall.varlettes of the most poppler . • • styles of • LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, B&IIIETS,7:111B0 NS, FLOWERS, Etc., &C., irtddi be wm eett,an the most favorable terms, for CtISH, .PRODUCE,,, or-to; • PROMPT TIME BUYERS: Flour .& Salt, constantly on -hand D' ISSO V. 10n. . . eo•partnere . hip heretofore existing between Allen. i_ Deans & Cu. is tbk day dieenkyd by limitation. ALLEN, DEANS 1 CO. Montrose, duly 9,1801. . • The business w . lll be continued it the . oldetand by BALMS la 4 41,0:1c. "THE BEST JAR," ran Moms° Gbiss corks. ' etMeme onlidlano: COI and see them, Try t 1 11 9 11 *10 . !WV - ft woongtvra. GOOD NEWS !.' GREAT COMMOTION IN TUB DRY GOODS, TZLA.ICIIII. JOHN SOLL Threatens WAR! UNCLEIAM STANDS Fifa 'o the , . 14erkiwt. - SO DOES Tllll FIRM OF 6uttinbei - g, :lostitbaum; THE. CERTAIN RISE IN DONIES'.IaICKS I beta put eta on our guard,und we have lately laid lu a lars stock, w bleb enables us to offer to war custennera. gone $ on ritually as good terms as formerly, considering the lat e riga: , AT THE STORES OF 6uttniterg, .Ilosenbum A. to. Montrose, Susq'a County, Pa., Elmira New-York, Susquehanna Depot, Pa; OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK X Cconarolote•, , 'We are determined not to he outdone. either to prices or cinalities, - -and we will, endeavor to-give our cust,tnuers all - possible satisfaction. CLOTHENO: . . In this - branch our Mock is complete, and will be sold lower, and more tastefully finiilied than any one-hortm establishment. or nny four•horne concern this etde,of N. York City, Is Macao offer or produce. We can maitre the public that weconstantly employ the bolt cutters and workmen to make up our stock. VW - Garments made to order rfrOn the shortest notice. VP - A Gond Fit warranted or. no'eale. • FURNISHING ,GOODS: A Orvit Stia,ck eontantly kept; and sold lower then the lewett. at •Q 3 iittrub s.‘ostubanin O'S Motitrose, , Januar; 1862 A B EL 'l' TIT I? RELL New -otTere tor .iglu one of-the largeet anJ best tielegtioos of Ever offered in Smiquehanna County, and probably ciimprising the • greatest VA lam- or most different articles of any Store in the, Northern part of' Pennsylva nia, and perhaps of the entire State. An assortment is kept it about thirty differ ent branches of trade, and the selections are made from about forty of the :best Houses in New York, and more than fif ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New, York. A large proportion. - of the Goods are brought direct from the Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles. Custom , ers on entering the Store must not Expect to find everything in siht, but neatly ev- • ery article wanted will be produeed by inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may be formed by the following :general outline, but enumeration is impracticable. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, " PAINTS AND•OILS; , DYE STUFFS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, GLASS-WARE,. WALL and . WINDOW PAPER, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, PERFUMERY, F4NCY GOODS, • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BRUSHES AMERICAN POCKET KNINES, TABLE CUTLERY and • SILYER PLATED WARE LAMPS, MATERIALS for LIGHTS, HARDWARE, BED CORDS, STONE WARE, DRY GOODS, • MIRRORS, WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, LITHOGRAPHS,- VARNISHES, BIRD CAGES, SPECTACLES, WHIPS, & LASHES, BR6OMS GUNS, PISTOLS, . A.N111113 MILTII3 0, . Touvcco. SURGlCALlstotrunielts, SALT, ' SOAP, POTASH, UHDRELLAS. PORCELAIN TEETH, In short, nearly every thing, to restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy, mid also to conduce to the.real and substantial coinforts'ef --The attention of the .public is resppet fully ijivited to . my stvck of GOodi, bought exclusively. for cAsn now, and, will be sold on the same ,principle for low, prices. • .ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, April Ist, 18132. - Adtainistratrix Notice. OTIC E is hereby given to all persons having demands a. againehthe estate of William Powley,Late of Franklin township, diceased, that the same must be presentedio the nndersixnrd for settlement, and all persons Indebted to 'aid estate are requested to make Immedkatepayment. Franklin, Aug. 4080. • • JANE POWLEF, Atri. SOLDIERS' 'BOUNTY . . AND' ARREARS -OF PAY: . • - .I, l lllL* Relatives - and Reba ofdeneented sounium who AL wish to have their claims presented and collected,. Notice of Dissolution. can do esi.by applying to the undersigned at the Mee of LrTTLE4 POST, Montrose, Pa. Arn. J. B. OUTTEMBNEG. has this dm, withdrawn 'Thasa.received from these. Auditor of the Treasury Des` Irk from our arm. The boggles will he seined by the „.,i mem , , git w ft g l ingran, the min instructiesea and subscribers, who continue the business under the Area for the name of ,GUTTEMBEAG KOSDAtip,ATIM I ° OM I ser...t r o v ik . g me gm, tease = N„.EMILWX, Krw Yerig,lol.lo34-1.02-4W . RAIL ROAD . nn!n!n ERIE RAILWAY. riIIANGE.OF HOURS, eomitieneing Monday, Kay 11, ‘..1 ISM. Trains will leave Great !end at than the fol• lowing hour., rig : . . ; WESTWARD BOUND. 114STWARD I BOUND. No. I, Buffalo Ex. t3l p.m. No. 11, N.T.Eipree liigi p.m No. 3, Night Ex. 1:17 a.m. No. 4. Nlght'apreas RAfta.m No. 5, Mall, at . W 45 p.m. No.4,9ttemboat," 1:54 p.m No. 7, Way at 6:13 a.m. No.lu; Way, a; ' ' tiS plit N 0.17 . Wayrrell.lt67 p.m. No.'s, Chwisafi ike.A.l7 arta No.ll,Aeom'od'n,9:sl cm i No.lllo,Way IT' 1ght,9:30 a.m rti Nos ES and I n eiery. day.' No.lll runs Sundays, but ri . does R; run on Mondays . No. Sof Rands . raps Mtn' to Buff4o, but dons not run to Dunkirk. 0.11 remains oven? . . tat Elmira. CIWS MINOTI Gan. Supt. Otto, &i.IIIISIERNI-1.- R. - The Paasenger Trains of this Compan now run to and from Binghamton ii follow : L EAVB BINGLIAMT9N at Gila a. M.; connecting at f•- . • • • , a * CR AIZT 0 N with the Lackarianna d Bloomsburg Ran 0 Road for Pittston, Wyoming Valley, rCingston and Mikes-Barre ; at HOPE, with the'Belvidere Delawareßailroad for Phil lipsburg,. Trentonaud Philadelphia; and at J UNCTION: with trill's on the Central Railroad Jersey, for Elizabeth, Newark, and New York. Also for Easton. Bethlehem, 'Allentown,. ; hand; Chap); Reading and liatrisburg; arriving at I. • _ 'lLt Elk York 5:30, naiad's 11.14, and Uarriibttrg !boa . LEAVE 'lira' YORK. foot of Couttland- t, at 8:00 cm.; Plallatra, foot of Walnut-0, at 6 a.m., ••• meeting at QCRANTON. with Lackawanna a Blpo' •• burg R. R.for 11411 Pittston. Wyoming Valley, Kingston aud Wilkesbarre . and arrive at Binghamton 740 p. m.,Tuecting with 'Fight Express W estou the Erie Rail ay, and train* leaving Binghamton next morning for Cortland; Bo nier. and Syracuse.. • • • .., rir" Thls Road passes thin` the Lackawanna Coal Field, and the celebrated Delaware Water Gap! AN ACCOMMODATION TRAM Leaves Scranton for Great Bend at 9:50 ts,t., ronnectlnt at 'that place with Day Express West on the gin Railway, and thus.forming tidirect co hection with 'Trains on the Dingiounton A Syracuse Railroad; ': • Returning Roves tireitt Bend at 210 p. in., and antics at Scranton 6:01 p. in. . , • i JOHN BRISBLN, Superintendent. It. A. HENRY, Oen. Ticket Agt. • Llictantop, Pa. Vtekavtanna &Bloomsb °Nand atter Apritill, 180, Paladdlgea as follows : Leave Scranton. lit 6.45 a. m. .0. Kingeton, at % 6.83 Aryl .• . ' Dan p vill Ruert,e, ' • ' 8 9 .40 .15 Arrive at Northumberland. : ,10.00 . Loare- Northamboriand, 4.80 p. at ••• 5.10 I 'Freight - & Rupert, , . 5.45 ' Rumor. Kingston, 8.00 Leave 1.45 p. m. Arrive at. Scranton, . 9.00 p, M. 8.40 A Par:tenger train also leaves Eingstot at 990 a. m.for Scranton. to connect with train for New York. Return ing, leaves Scranton on arrival of train, m New York at 4.15 p. m. The LaCkamarem and Bloomsburg (road connects with the Delaware, Lackawmina and W tern Railroad at Scranton, for New York and intermed ste points east. .At Rupert it connects with Catawbuni Railroad, for points both east - and west. • , I _ At Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia and Erie, and Northern Central Barba& for points west and tooth. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Saga. J. C: WELLS, Gen. Ticket Agent. I . A CAIIITTO YOUNG LADIES:AND GENTLEMEN.— .I.S. The. subscriber Will send , (free of cliarge).to all who desire it, tie Recipe and direclons for Making a simple Vegetable Balm. that will In from two toleight days rem ove Pimples, Blotches. TAN, FEE , 'KLES, and el! impurities and roughness of thel , kin, leaving the same—as Nature Intended it shoaldbe—s ft,cleaesmooth anti beautiful.' Thosellesiring the recipe; with- fall In- Attractions, directions-and advice, will Please call on or address (with return Oostagc.) t THOS. F. CILAI'MAN, Practical Chemi st, jennm 1331 Broadway, New York. • ;J.; A REMEDY FOR HARD TIMES, where people have Meeo thrown out orbasiness. and pOssess some lit tle meanstir small tneomes.ls to make themselves a home. [See advertisement In another eolumtl:' of the settle. picot of Vineland.] • . , II LLINERt & STRAW. GOOTIS . NE have the nleasure.of announcing that ' we are now prepared to offer, at our old stand, . • Nos. 103, 105 and 107, Nort h Second-at, - above Arch, Planadel bla, a well selected stock o: t o . - MILLINERY and STRA GOODS: in every variety , of the Latest Importations, and newest and most fashionable styles. .. Oar Straw Department will comprise very of Bonnets Hats. mid Trimmings to be found in th t line. of the la test and most improved shapeaand styks. Solicltlcg an early call tir order, I remain, ' 1 apw . Yours, Respectlully. - ... . WAUB. . ' SA PON I 14 1 1 E R.' TIIE Family Soap Maker l All Kitchen Grease can he made into goo SOAP by using SapPnifler. VirDi. . reetions accom pany - each box.. Soap Ist* cattily made as ' a.cup of coffee. Manufactured only by lhe Patentees, PIIIII'(1. . Salt Afanobtfarine . Company,- • tubn Vise ' li; Walnut-s . Philadelphia. 'WARRANTED NONEXPLOSIVE 'r and equal to• II any KEROSENE! .. . Why buy an i rxploalve Oil. when a few ienta more per gallon will Impish you with a perfect OIL/ ...,. f Made only by 1 _ PENICA YALT MANUPACTUMIND COMPANY, . 121 i Walnut Street, PIULADELPEIIA. March 6,1862. • ' ' t ly. STAND BY .YOUR SUNS! 31133 F . WITH 40,000 ROD 'MOUS Armed With Wick/Instal WITHIN 4 31ONTHS "MARCH OF WASHINGTON! CROCKERY, fill ND WINTER GOODS, II &V El Anal %anal •1111401/ • -GOLDRIILES . THE DAY I And with s plentiful * supply we have I purCluteed s lug. _stock of - S . TA PLR and F:AHCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES & PROVISION'S, HATS AND CARS, BOOTS .AND, WALL PAPER, WOODEN WARE, .COAL 014 and LAMPS, ITAATICEE-N,OTIONS . . - SKELETON SKIRTS, FLOUR, - SALT, FISH NAILS, PAINTS A N OILS; And 50,000 other Articles too mutt= io wiention,which will be sold et prices dun-will Defy-, Competition. Don't Forgot ThO Pince. - • ;But if you Inquire ofyourn6lihborr for • • The cheap Store, They will hrearably direct you to , • `HAYDEN BROTHERS , • • THE PEOPLE'S Aolans. -AT. THE ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE" STORE' PRODUCE token ah . Ercho'Oe for Good: HAYDEN •BRO-H l ERS NSW MILFORD. 25th, - GOld Medal w SaierEetus _ 4 ND also. other kinds, of the best n taarketr fort ale 21. by ADItibTOIDLL MOVING SOUT11: 10.10 a. m. a 11.16 p. m MOVING NATRONA COAL OM. Cash Paid For Fars. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COI lERCIAL , * COLLEGE, N.E. corner of 7th & Chestnut Eitev -This Institution which was' established in AMA, and is now.conseqiently in the eighteenth rear of its exist ence, numbers among its graduater hundreds of the met aucteastni Merchants and liusthess Men of our Count The cobj ect of the Institution Is solely to a ff ord- young teen &el 1 Hies for thorough preparation for fussiness. The branches taught are, Book-keeping. as applicable to the varlousdepartruenta of trade ;Penmanship; loth plain and °momenta]; Commercial lLaw, Matlumaties, - Daviiratton, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. 3 - Thesysteni of iustructiOn Is peculiar; no Cllll4e. ()mist lessons are made use of, but each studentis taught Ind!. vidually, so that he may commeuee at any time; and at tend at whatever hours are most convenient; Catalogues are issued annually after the 15th of Containing names of the students for the year,. and full particulars at terms, Ate., and. may he obtained at any time by addressing the Principal: In extensive acannmodation:wide•sprend reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this' I it m Don offer* facilities superior to any other In fhe country, for young men wishing to _prepare fat Levine...end toot'. lain-at the wane time a Diploma, Which w ill 'prove' a recommendation For them to any Mi.reantile Donee. • Eirerittenderes Series or Treatises on llook-k rep t lug, now more widelyeirculated.than any other work on the subject, are forsale at the. College. 8. DODGES CRITTENDEN, . Altorary;of-lute, . . TO ALLWANTING FARMS: Nes; Settlement of Vineland. A REI)IEDY FOR HARD ITMES. A Bars Opportunity in theliest Market, .e.ad Delightful and Healthful Climate in this' . ion. Only thirty miles smith of Phila delphia, on a railroad I being a rich:heavy toil, and highly • productive wheat land; Amongst • the test inthe Caplan State . of NewJersci. •" • • TT CONSISTSof 20,000 acres of 000 land. divided I T to fanny of different eizea to sell the purchaser—fro 90 acne and upwards—and it; *old at the. rate of frum AI teen to twenty dollars per acre for the farm land. paya. We one-fourth eitsh,and the balance by quarter.) curly vu stellmepta, with legal lutereat, within the term of. fuur yeart. TrEZI EIC:IrIT-s . rg R. R. ins wilt run 1., In great part ,a rich clav losmomitable for Wheat, Gran and Potaloes— . -alo a dark . and rich Sandy loam. suitable for corn, sweet-potatoes. tobacco, nil kinds of vegetables and rout crop*, and the great variety o of fruit. such as grapes, pears, peaches, apricots, Nectarines. blackber ries, melons and other fruits:best adapted to thei delphia and New York markets. In respect to the soli and crop* there can) be no mismke.us visitor* cue exam ine both, and none are expected to.boy before sti doing, and ending these statements correeb—under. these Mr curnstanens, unless these statements were correct. there would be noose In their being made. it is considered. 'The Best Fruit' Soil in the Union. . . [See report of Solon Robinson, Zoi., of ttir 'New York Tribune, and the well known tgridulturl.t. Will info Par ry, of I.:lnnaurinsou, New leieey,Which Wiii'bu furninh.d Inquirers.] . •! b , . . . rnn IICEILMS.Mr,E7V. By looking over a map the reader will perceive that It enjoys the bed marketin the Odom and has direct ci ta munlcation with New York and Philadelphia ticks a day, being only thirty-two miles from the latter. Produce in this market brings double the prici! that it does in loca tions distant from the cities. In ;this location It can be put Into the market the same morning it is nati:ll.ll.unit for what the farmer sells he gets the highest price; whilst groceries auttother articles he purchases hb gets at the lowest prin... • lit the West, whathe sells brings him a pittance, but for what he buys he trays two prices. lu locating here the settler has many:other advantages. fie is Within it few hours, by railroadi of all the great cities of New England and the Middle States- He is near bill old friends and associations. Ile has school 16r:111s all. (lieu, divine service, and all the advantages of ell iliza tloni - and be is near a large city. ' . . ri°33ClCl CX-OCTIia.A.T3EI Is delightful; the winters brim: aaluhrions and open, whilst the rummer* run no warmer thmmii in the North.— The location in upon the tine of 'altitude 11 Ith northern PICITAOIIIIWANIINCI A CIIANGEOr CLIMATE YOU Venues. would be . much henefitted in Vitaelaud - : The mildneo, of the climate and Us bmcing influence. makes it excellenl. for all puff/weary affections: dyrp4prla. pr flellgrill Visitors will notice a dilTerpnee in a few days. Lidtla andfevers are vokricarn. Convoniencos at Hand. Building material fa plenty. Flrh and uyetera are plentiful and cheap. - Vieitunt molt expect. howeverf to Seell ECU place. Why the Property haul not Been Settled Be- This question the reader tinter:4llv asks. It Is licenus'e it has been held iu harm_ traets lit (amities not disposed ,' to sell,pod being without railroad fi:cilities they had few inducements. The railroad has just been opened thru• thepruperty thiS seasiin, for the first time. . Visitors are shown over the land in a carriage.. free of expense, and afforded tune antropportunity for (hut...ugh laveistigutiou. ThOett w ltU comeiwith a tett' c. should bring money to secure their. purchases. as. loca tions are notheld upon refusal. - TUX SATEST TIIING to Hann Torts,Where people lint 0 bccu thrown out of employment Or business, aLd poss ess some little means or snail incomes. Is tooter, flew salres a home. They can buy 11, piece of laud at a !mall price, and earn more than wages in Improving it,. et.d when it is done it is a certain inittlientlenee and no loss! A for acres in fruit trees willihoure a comlormbli liv ing. The land is put down to hard-time prices, and all -Improvements can be math', at a cheaper rate than most auv other lime. . !The whole tract, with six miles( front on the railroad, is being laid out with.flniand Spaiious at entice,. w itli a town In the centre—live acre the' toti n sell at from $l5O to tedlft ; two and a-half acre:lots. accrual 'new /IV and town lots 50 feet front by 154 feet deep, at $ itat—pay able ouethalf cash and the hatauCe within ulcer. It hi only upon farms of twenty acres, iur more, that four years time IS given. TO WANUFACTURERS. the town affords'a floe open , Ing for the SHOE manufacturing ',business, and other ar ticles; being near Plillatlelphiai and the surrounding country has a large population, !which affords a goo market. - This settlement, in the antra° Of several years, will be outset the most beautiful plakesjlt the country, uud must agreeable for a residence. It Is Intended to makeit a Vine and Fruit growing 'country,as this culture Is the Most prodtable and the best adapted to the market. • Every advantage and , con venience for the settlers will be introduced V , hick will In sure the prosperity ofthe place. ; The bard tunes ;ado', out the country will be tin adVantage to the settlement, mint compels people to report to agriculture for a,liv . numbers of people are: purchasing. atid, people who re the bear location should visit the place at unce.• ,Improved Land is also for eafe. TlMBER.—Landcan be bought with or with Out tam. ber. The Timber at market Titillation. •. The Title is indisputable. Warriadee• deeds given, clear of all encumbrance, when the money is paid. • Boarding conveniences at hand. • . • . Letters promptly answered, and reports of Solon Rob inson and lirm,,Parry sent, together with the • 'Vineland. Rural." • Route to the land ;—LeaveNtiltut lace. wharf, Phila delphia. at 9 o'clock, A. M.. andi4 P.. 11„ (miles. tiler. should be a change of hour.) foilVineland. ou the Glass • born' and Millvflle Railroad. When you leave the curl at Vineland Station, just opened. inquire, for CUAS..,Ii. LANDIS, Postmaster, if Founder of the Colony, Vumaxri P. 6. e Cumberland County N. J. ED 8110 X. THE . OFFICIAL - IV7AR MAP. Hazards Rail Road and MiMark -Map of . 5 the Southern Slates. - • • • FROM the moat authentic am:tries, and the Coast Sur: vey, engraved In the Finest style of Map Making.' It gives so recent land ouch valuable facts concerning all the Railroads. that the War Department immediately author ized its publication, and distribMed 1-000 copies among the Generals and Colonels of the' Army. - As itle the ONLY MAP that In authorized as Official, It Is tile most Reliable and Aufhuntic, and from it,-large size- 7 ,32by 55 Inches—shows at a -glance the Principle Places and all Strategic Points.. :Gen. McClellan has ac knowledged the great impdrtancbUf it to his movements. Beautifully COLORED. Price Only El, to compete with Inferior maps. In cloth case fiLliO. Dissected and Moun ted on muslin, $2.50. Mounted tin Muslin, with Rollers and Varnished, $2,50.. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. ' WILLIS P..IIAZARD, • No. 724 Chestnut_ Street, Philadelphia. WA. every intelligent man Wants the BEST and on— ly OFFICIAL MAP, Agents caultuake money rapidly by selling this. ; • tuy3 atm Steel Pens _iverseded, BY S. DE WOLF'S COPPER ERRODIUE PENS 6, WARRANTED not to corrode In any ink:. Erick pen It as durable as a dozen steel pans. As they do nut corrode, they will not sharp and stick In the p•mer like steel pena;„but will glide over the paper stuoot:tly likes gold pen. I have appointed •. • , ABEL TERRELL, Aide Ageut, for the sale of these pens in Susquehanna county'. Priee. It4,oober grose-50 cents per doren-5 cents each. Sent by twill, propuld by the agent, ou'recelpt of price and one postage stamp. The trade supiAted at a reasonable dis count. All orders for these nothetirrorive Pens most be addressed to ABEL TUARELL4 Muntrbse, Ps., who will furnish them at the lowest prices. July 8.1662.'• . 8. 'DE .WOLF. • TBit OLD luktuinn sitor, New Pioprietor, rinlilt inderstwd. an ezperienced . workinati at the - bus. loess, wou ld inform the citizens of Montrose , mod dotty. that he has taken the Shay formerly occupied r Charles Morris, better known M. the "Laughing Barber." In the haarnumt of liearle's lintel. and by strlet attention to hardness and alump razors Ito hopes to merit a liberal patrona. N. B.— ge Ladles' and Gentlemin'a Bair dressed In the in lest and neatest City styles.' I WILLIAM 11. 13111.dTILEIL . Ilontinae;lnly 8,1 ; • , f{ala DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTROSE ii.FRIENDSVILLE.- '' -• •- - OACILES carrying mails ard' passengrr. brew:N.:l` Montrose and Friend 4Ville,/ will learn Se.i.,7e'. I heel, ._ _ . • in Montrone daily, at 7 o'clock, a. in. le.d lenr, - .. 1 0 r:stle- WILZITMEXTP..itIa.ZTOZHIM . 11110 at 3 o'clock. ll: M. , _ .1 IrEr‘iloisess and carriages mules pencil red at tlw I:lret7 • . To England , Ireland and Scotland . Stable of the Kith+criti,* in-3lontn.sr.e. ran re..,,,,,Ab1i , I ruin. I . MonfrOot, Aug. 16,166e.'! .tf ..I.' b. 6ti W.) 0 A!MAHAN BELL'S SON'S,MRAFTS,'In nornsi.;sf sulk —:-..--- -- ------ - --.- --,---- . •--.- ,--,-------,----- IS. pound and upwards, payable in all • Min principal - - HEAVY MESS PORK , towns of England. Ireland and Stotland,for Pale by. .. ... - .• wm, H. cOOPELL, dr Co.. Banana/I, By the B4rrel by . Baldwii i ,[.lilen:' la W-12 '. . i ' - • - ' ' .- ' ' -• . • ' • -' ' - - . . . . PMLADELPHLI, BOY-D & WOODIrCi'd", CARRY . AN THE IIIi&SET-111011BUz)t:t1,1,', . . • - til XT BELOW S EARLE'S - IrOTEL. The CARPENTERING Business • • ifE,A.R. Tux mEritcpui4T cut-rt.:lt' • WEkeen constantly on hair! a' general a, , e0rt,..,c.,,t of IBirrcircrlae, of the tivJet roltpius ~I ,:.•: i t.et'llet litill , der a' Jinni,. ary of all kinds. - .. . , .Faituers''Tools of All Ifir.di. Dr4ss Ware, PorcAnln Ware, Japannt...l ~,: 1 t': .:G 'l ;a i Ware of tlui In:at material. . , . • • • Paints, 011 s,, Glass, Putty, an f.:,....,:. Yuman's, Lend Pipe, Lanipa, Bird Cage,. ct ~ . ...' ..:. ' . • Also,, a Gbod Buggy for Salo:* Terns eght. ' Remember the Rlaci.• . c ; ,11 . ‘,.a ....: u . ivw, 1t...8QT% I BO 'D3: W0101)111" MK. . s. a. woaonurr. I- Moutru.e, .lnly z.,i, : s;4 ... • S. N. Pettengill & Co., . .. TO. 37 l'AliK ,ROW, New York. and I: r , :,!.. ' •t. •, [. Boston. are our . nitents fur the Moforme RI , • r Jt ' 1 .those cl!ies. Mid tire anthOrlzed to Lac. tin,Lr:l-.. - ..c: ••• ..1 . st 'and sntsseelptlons for as st ( t Par lowest rate, . . - , ALL indebted, pleute cal_lnd.bettle. • • .AIIEL Tr!: L::.1 HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTER sus The proprietors' and manufacturers of • TETTEII'S CELEMUTED STOMAt'II LAT TERS can appeal with perfect confelence-tu physicians and citizens generally of the Utdied Statef, because ;lie article Las attained a repu tation.Leretofore unknown. A few item fiPon :this Point will spe)ik nimif powerfully than volumes of bare assertion' 6i blazoning . The consumption 'ofillostetter's Stomach Lit ters fur the last ye' amounted to ever . million bottles; and from its manifenti sit ady increase in times pli'st; it is evident tied during the coming .year' the consumption will reach near one million bottles: This iuttuerte onniuun could, never - Lave bee.n sold' but for the rare . medicinal properties contained in the prei lion, aid - the sanction of the meet - prominent - physicians in those 'sections of the, country `where the article is best known, who not 'ozily recommend the Bitters to their pitti,•nta„lint are ready at all times to give teetiniutlial in its: efficacy in all cases of stomachic-derange:aunts and the diseases resulting the:efrom: This is not a temporary_ pupil:it:icy, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities ofjbe bitters, but a !tuna estiwation•of an invaluable medicine., which is destined to be its enduring as tium itself. Boxtetier's Stomach. Bitters have proved, a Codsend.,to regiOns where fever LOA ague and vvirious other' bilious. cumplaitits have counted their victims by Linsdreds. - To Le able to state confidently 'that the "bitters" are a certain cure - for the Dyspepsia 'find like diseases, is to the proprietors u eource of un- .alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the 01.0=10, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sS'stent, giving it that tone iind, s energv indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, • tuildly hut povierfully, and soon . restores them to acondition essential to Lcylthy discharge of the 'functions of nature. Elderly persons. may use the Bitters doily as sur directions on the bottle, and they will find it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining year's, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigokating to the bowels, excellent as s tonic, And rejuvenating generally: 'We have the evl.: deuce of thousands of aged men and womei •• wlio have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stoata;;it, de rangements and general debility . ; acting under. the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all Ileleterio6 .drugs and fairly tested the• merits of this article. A few . ..t?ards to the' . gentler sex. • There are 'eertain.periuds when their cares are so hartissing Ulu Many of them sink under the trial,.. The relation of mother and ehild is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially-if she be young, is opt to forget her own•health_in her extreme anxiety • for her Want. Should the period of Maternity arrive during thelpanmer season, the wear of . body and mind is generally aggravated. lkre,. Ithen, is a necessity for a stimulant to r amp.- • • rate the energies of the systein, and etng,le'llas mother to bear upUnder her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing - Mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all ether, in:4;ora ' Uri that receive the endorsement of_ physis ' ciaus, because it is agreeable to the tOste as well as certain .to give a permanent increase of bodily strength.. . . All-those persons, tuwltom we-have particu larly. referred 1 above,to-with sufferers from 4r fever and ague;oausil by malaria. diarrlnru, dysentery, indigestion,. loss of appetite, and all diseases Cr derangements of the stomach, .•-auperannuateerinialias, persons of wlentary occupation, and nursing mothers, w ill consult ,their own physical welfare by giving to llos tetter's Celebrated Stomach.liitters a trial. • CAUTION.We caution „the public_agninst using any of the ;natty imitations or counter ' felts,. but ask •'for Havrerates CELE!: It SIIt 0 " STOILACII DITTEILII, and see that each bottle has . the-words "Dr:J. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters" „blown on the side of :the bottle; and "stamped on. the metallic cap -covering the cork, - and. obaerTe that our autograph signature is on the ' label. , ~ C Ws- 'Prepared and sold by HOSTETT'EII. a 137APTH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all :druggists, grOcors., and dealers z generrl4 _throughout the United' States. South Amts rim and Germany., i • . .._ .- . • SANZ'OIIn 3 ~. .. • LIVER - II IVIG ORITO il, . .. • Bacyr.n. DEBILITATES. IT Is ram pounded r of Irely re,Gra Clam*, ant 'At twataanaa .. rot ,b....,140.3, a : , ..n..i..,,, N. 0..,..... ~..o n, and !wry., 0.1 by Rii ILIA; • r ill, ti.• .1 :. .1,1,1... 1•... oaten 0, aOh eoutidiniCb Li; 4 . :on Wu na....,...,, 10,. IN L.va a, Is recnumen.l.l: i pli 1 It dui cor,l-thmttan4..,,,, tirt , l.!ti Cs 1..: two' zr:m-s .v6o Lad glyro up all bona., UP :in it, , 01. n• 1!.., Lin ~.2:,...• una..lk and ....rtnionna in Soy , ic. !,........A :;,...,,.., 7E. do. mon taadAlitnn. i ,, :In IL, t. n....,..jnent rf the g .144Ndual tnaino IL 11101....: cal in alit ii ii a..,0:..',.c0 0. 10 $OO geubj on ,be lioatia 1 . 1 • Let Liao il/ctstra a )•ar. pn , lc-me l t pz:lr : ., 0 In t 1.4• Joe of th e LIVEtt 111-i g IVlGtiiiitTtlii, t .13 `.Neon Liver Coin- , Iplalots,•11111otis Xi - tacka, Dyspepsia) lehroolettinrcliorn. R . II um mar Co no- paint., I)y...rott ry. prepay. Swirl i Titoniarli,llahltunl Costiveness, Citi..l tic, Cholera; choir," irnMurbus, irtinisrbus, Cholera; I Itilaututo, ',Lilo lestre. Ja nu die e,i .Vrissitle ‘Vralarsaa leis, and .nil Le real rm. 11.1. e .U14 .an Mali I/ 3.. ry Family Medi, ri !rine. ltv.t.l,trrA. icy.; 11110 ALi A ell F.,p , ... - illinnianda t .t. 1,11" y.) la twentyMinUtis. li'; ;two or three Tait - •ynxiutuls are Ink- , l en, la ccuu.,...c.14.1e.rt If gliaCt.• • ` i Ai it who two It arc; „giring.tt,h• 1.-stUrn , Ci . . . /11X WATEIC 11 TILE YIOL:T1( WITH TILE INVIGOILAIOLL, AND 1.%1 4 1.L7.-tAY UOTII TopuTii:: a. Price One Dollar per Mottle. , • sauroltivs- VAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, Tanks .Iregetablu Is:mtract., and pit up R. • Gl.kell CASE*, Air . l:l6,llt. hull Will keep its any climate. • The Family Cs. tie but attire Cathartic: newt hi Lid ',Meth . ' mit, The 1'"1,1 , t,11 , 1 4 1' e ailpriss In regent to their them within the reecho( all. The Yrofesalon well know dolihrerent tiortious of the The VAltiltsle CA bee, with tine reference to . .been comisninilieljrniti a table Entrada, *Moll sat; alimentary canal. tart ar e as whore • I.W.lnnic cangementa- of thee i news Pains In Mei 'Costiveness, - Pat nl the whole_ ti fhwitlenUy. If nten: , ‘ ,l vor, LOlllO of Ann i notion of Cold over pts.. Itemt.rh• e , r• • ell lis 12a m iss esry Chlldrynoi . Portlier ofthe lllan4 !nab Is heir, too numerous stepL Vase, I ta.l. PRICE TII The Mier 11111V1g0 tharlll. Pll e s the T retal golii wholesale i b y the .6. CC,W, 6A 0313' nrOitill• • Ihnitle rtt.r.'41,7.,/ .11,13 the :Or e 1,./12 V-t 0 tw et, 1 4 ...I f... that e:Creretit Citzi:ar s acs eel EIKE . .. 'III.IIIT I C P 1 1 1. MA iore`l r-t.' , 1in10..1. to-4 .'444n e, { . par, flr 4wl ' .).17 , : :, Stallone b, 4, , Aterr 1. Bark andLoh.; and t4rlreo•e•li over form s.u.kl,.st c.,11, w' -, ret,4 In n 1. (1g 1 , 1 , 1^.1 nr F.. tile, a crt t-01%, , ,1 ...en: :111tr.bolly, 1te.t1r.... gl i s l ei! i i: et b. : " 4 4 ' , r b oa ' V; 101 11.111.e1a Int nil Ix ttio, Jt,ro . • A ~,,, i,n.l many 41,..•... •ih ~...: r!, %V to attat/ou in iL, wit cruro- • 11111 1 :16 t.:4, bratn.r owl. v ile4 by Artat,t• • to all tba D., -. Ibtaufm: qnr u d ay e tirw l txric.