THE MONTROSE DEMOdita, ) ruuLtsimp ITEM;I64, BY arerralt*ac•ta.. "OFFICE ON PUBLIC AVElftrE, Tnra:F. DOORS ABOVE BEA.BLE B.IIOTEL. pfzr annum i~u ADVANCE will be chargedand any Cents per annum Arrearxzes, at the option of the Publisher, to, pep of collection ,etc. ADVANCE pa ;mint preferred. -,k CETISEmENTs - will be int. erted at the of ft per square; of ten lines or less. or the Ilrit three and 2 cents for each' additional week.— , pay down. :Nierehants, and others , who hilvertiseby will he charged . at the following rates, Sts.; . p r .- trffire, or less, one year, triblehanOrr, , 45 E-.1.-iladditionatequare, at the rate f 6, N c rcai t icen except to those of known responsibility BUSINESS CARDS. HENRY C. TYLEII -- • IA F. \LER In Dry Ggewle, Grocerlce. Unihrellne,Yeinkee Notion.. lineal and Shorn, Shovel,. and Fork., 4.• m• Wire. Wooden Ware and lirnouns., !lead oT Public Avenue. II0:1:ro.e, Pa., May IS, 1564.-ly a v. lIUNTTINO COOPER .... ....... s .:MCSUT plarii4l.. WM.•Ii. COOI'ER tizito., . li=nl;hi;!!nhtli=gl=====r COL CU :11eCOLL1 7 .31 & S.I4:ARIE, t TT( qiN EY S and Conner , 'lore at Law..—Montrri,SPa. iultee in Lathrop,' new building, over the lianb. WILLLIA. WILEATON, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN & SIIIIGEON DENTIST.. WITH DI:. Mino3 - WHEATON, - ;•: , -•hanical and Surgical Dimtict. reoently of Binghamton. ; leader their profeetsional eerviree to all who appre , the ~•• Reformed Practice of Phyeic;" . careful and 1:;a: operations Teeth; with the Inner' ecieutiflc and o o‘i -tylas of platework. Teeth' extracted Atithout •oil all work warranted. .1 iek-on, une ltth;lettit. Y. • . FI)I1 11. SMITH & SON • • • DENTlSTS.—itinntrinte,• .q,•-.• in I.ntltrops' new building over All Dental operations will lib ISE • 11111111• rnteti in 'good aityle Rnd warranted. ! ObISTEAD DRS. OLMSTEAD itIREAD, \\ 'ol'l,D ANNOUNCE to the Public that they have entered into a partnerahip for the Practice of MEDICINE & urgot-y; . prepared to 'attend to all (11119 the line of their °Mee—UM-one formerly occ pied by Dr.4. - C.. ...••.- DUNDAFF. , my i 3m. 1)1:. N. S I.EET, unit Surgeon. Frienderille. lid. Office opposite 1.4 .Inek.on !forme. ! y It 1.1'..ET fire+ particular attention to the treatment ot of the Eau and EYE: and lis confident that •• • • ',lke of, and expertence 10 thai liranch of prac• n. hie him to effect a cure in the most diffienli. -• • treatise dminises - lif these iirmsrei no fee will ,•••*.fin unless the patient Is henutitied by the treat . _ - [Aintist aOtit, 1%11. • • JOHN sAtTTErt -- • , 'NA BLE TAILOR.-7dontrot.e.! Pa. Shop N Ballard's. Grocery. on Mutteldtvet_ • ;• tarot,. he vdieit,G a continuance - •te4 top:elf to do all it ork ,•atibfacrorily. Cut ' . • • on -hart notice. and **arrant din ! • . July 2tlt.lSr4).—tf. - P. LINES, 1 , —go 0,, \TILE TAll.ol2.—Mootro4e.:N. Shop V , ' ' P.'. ,1:;• Mock. us vr store of Iteml: Watrono - oork oarnoitel. a- to fit ht - 1 flub& • -hart bv,t 9tl9r. Jon '6O • .IOIIN TAll.olL—Moutro ,, e..Pn, shop •••r :Vt•l•tunir llon , e, on Tut7npita, • t .VI fillet! proloptly. in fm.t•rateAyle. .1.. n. gat -hurt nutirP, and tvarrailted In fit. L. II: ISBELL, " Cat che+. and.Tctcelry at the .1 .• ••-• not ire. mid on reroonrade tcrnf•. AU shop in Chandler atilt dtssnple • • NI • ,-, I:‘,E. Pa. oclhtf WM. W. SMITH ( • ET AND CH Al it NIANUFACTUREIt.S.—Font • '.l.,ll,troet. MOW r.Ae PA. AUg tf C O. FORIMIbt„ , Ni•y ACIRIZEIZ of 800 T...! SHOES. Nnntrofe, over Tder , — rtore. , All kiudo of work - . in.d repairing door newtly. R 2 7 - . A.IIEI, ; in Drift!... Medicines. Chemicals. Dye 3 r (Oa,. Ware, Paints. Oils. Vanirsh. Wie• Groceries. Fancy Good.. Jewelry Perfn• • .; • ‘,.tent f.r all the moist poptil3t PATENT :F.S..—Montrose, Pa. ! ant: tt • II AYDEN IS, wiloasALE nEALErts 11ISTI3a=33 i4cix!3:caiviet . -AND-- ; FANCY ~:GOODS. I=MMI HAYDE:sT, HAYDEN. HAYDEN P. E, 13RUSIL ! IN SOW LOCATED PERMANENTLY,' AT Sprin,~villa, :Stales of ,ble ,profession .promptly Office at st. Lathrop's Motel Pi Co M M. I\StRANCr COMPANY car iverev--sroras.. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION - DOLLAR AfSETTS Ist July' 1650, $1,1,819.27. " t 43,00.68. 1 , zin I t la, Seep. elvin. J. Martin. President; Nict;cc. •• A. F. Wlltuarth, Vice relit:wed. by the under" igned, it hi dour atluvo Hotel. hiontro.h. - • y BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. 8 . 713 it R. Ft. X "X"1" I reciired a larxe otock u4hew Store". fur Oflice and Shop perpoeer, for Wood ;Oore Pipe, Zinc. ' • ---tmeiti fa idea and deeirable. and will be ' , old fa, °ruble teime. fur Mut, or to Prompt Six \ :ford. Oct. .sth, Dandelion Coffee, 4 E I.T II Y. it,..e . r:l;:e. One pou nd of tlai.tfifee will ninth ;11A two pound', of other Coil,e. • Por • • ABEL TURRELL. TAKE NOTICE! rt nsh PAid for 331.1.c10t5i, Fox...ktuar.. Muskrat. and all kinds of ~, o rtrnent of Leather and Itoot,i and • - hand. Unice, Tannery, &Shop on DAVID C. AN M. D., Twiltianently qt :Yew niirnrit. Pa. prolaptiv 1 , 1;111e:41s with which . Le tun t)flic.! nt Tebift.' 11Stel. f.,r,1. July, 17. It4:1 • I PI fp. AIAEL TURREtiL Nfetallie 011. for 1 Scivinr • - .• ... . . r itch Oil. Red Buz, - Rat And Monne „ , ..c RXtract • end nue, • , • • Pill+. and }lantern. and! • ;4 Patent Medicine+. MEDICAL CARD . OR. E. PATRICK, & DR. E. 1. GARDNER, LLTilt MEDICAL DEPATMEir F 1 f. - oLLgtIE, have formed a coPtuiDer' I P : • p rat': iCe of Medicine aud Surgery,nnd are prep 11 loodoesF faithfully and punctually. that r. t ' .:• : Tit.terl to their care, On terms commensurate and deformities of the EYE. 1. - aq:teal ,' all sun:kat diseases, particularly attetideOto, ov , r Weloll'A. store. Office bunt*, from a. '• • ••• sorts ofcoutdry produce taken in pap • in.4.lii,t value, slid CAFH 1441 T nnruocri. pa_ May ;lb, 161.11.—tpf OP-BUSINESS, and wanting, chap iilvertienunint or Vinniand in anuttwr nrPotia d Iv ANTED —A . 14 , ,pectatkik: Demon oi l :either seal 4.1 IT es VI y n. , :erliburhoutl to raft J. IL bt.ttrord'a ours .1: H. btaffurd'e /non AND SULTLICAI Pow 'l`.lr la a thin, tianaptd•ent,fluid It Ie Rho 1, • - • 41, k...osslt for dieeases of the throat. lands; or .kb. o for di pldhoria. t'rotip , hoo p g cough, alri !sulphur Powders atrondthent the aya. and pewit'• the blood. I bare a v• — •• nara - dilet eoiditiuldtt fultdaplanations:and t..-titnotdal. front well known proml- J. , . ssidek I will ...lid to any itheiree hr Nail. J. B. STAFFORD. chemipt_ 111 BiwadwTh N. T. ' - We - Join •9tirselves to no Party that Does' not Carry the ,Flag and Keep Step - to the - - OF THE . =VW) ACIMICTILTUIULL -J Mechanical Asseciatioi, WILL 1111 MILD . Foi 1862, on the Fair Grounds at Hair - ford Village, Oct Bth. • lobreEallAzzoa. Lint. - cLiss L=-Hories.- . Best stallion over 4 y'rs old, $5; 2dbest, $3 " pair illitch'd horses, - " -3 " single horse or rum.; . 3, 2 " brood mare and colt, 3, " .2 Judges: G. J. Babcock, Harfottr; W.. Hatch, Montrose; W. T. 3loxley, N. Milford. I=! Best pair 3 y'rs old colts,_ s3', 2d best, $2 " 3 y'rs old colt, -,:••• . .2, " • 1 ." 2 y'rs old'eolt, ' -1, - " " 1 year old colt, " 1, " " pair mules, 2, " 1 dmiges: Lewis Brainard, Wm. Brno-. da...,..e7 Gibson; A. D. Corse, Jackson, • ..„..D urham,. CLASS 111. :Grade. .J. t. READ Best bull, over 2 y'rs old, $3, 2d best; $2 bull, 1. year old, 2, " 1 " bull salt; ..1, . ". '} " eoiv,- 2, -" .1 -2 years old heifer, . 1, " I " 3 yearlings; • - -2, - ". 1 " 3 calves 2, " 1 " heifer calf, .. , . 1,• " i Judges: • - Otis Grinnell; Harford ; -S. W. Breed, Brooklyn; M. L. Catlin, ;Stout rose. , , Best. bull over 2 years old, $3, 2d best, $2 " bull one year old, .2, : " 1 ", bulfcalf, i l, - 44 ., 4, . " cow, , o it 1 ' "-2 year old heifer,- . 1, • " f " 3 yearlings,- • 2,- ." 1 ".3 calves, 2, - - " -1 " heifer calf, *l, ' -" ili Judges: Fowler Peck s . Harford ; 11. Marcy, Lenox; A. J. Tiffany; Brooklyn. : MA SS* V.—No It OM .. , Hest bull over '1 year old; $2, 2(1 liest $1 ." cow, -•-• " 2 year old heifer, " • '" tbree yarllugs, 1, " three eah-es; 6 : Joseph Moore; Ilarford ; A. B. Tnekefil Jackson ; Oliv 4r Lathrop, N. Milford. CLASS vi.—Oxen. and Steers. Best p'r worldng oxen over 4 y'rs old ; *3 2el best 1.4 Ct _ ti 2 Best pair 3 y rst old steers, s2,, tl ' "." . 2 yrs old steers, 2, .5' I " I y'r old steers, 11, " I • J.,(hres: 111ilbourn Oakley, J. G. Hotch kiss, Hattori]; Robert Breed, Brooklyn. • CLASS vll.—She)) and /1053. - - Best bucks, ' .g 2, 2d best., El " ewes, 2, " I • " 3 lambs, I, 44 i " boar, -2, " I " breeding sow, '2, " , • , 1 " 2 spring-pigs, 1, .. " • 4 .jmiges: D. P. Tiffany, Itarford; Wm. Bartlett, Jackson; Jared Tyler, *A n ew 31ilford. ; _ . .. . _ Best peck: winter wheat, 50c. 2d best 25b " peek'spring wheat, 50a. " • 25c "'peck rye, -50 c: " 25e, " peak corn in the ear,soc. '•" 250 " peek oats, ",' - i P -50 c. ' " ,25c SEW ..3fi I LFORD. PA " pair 'turkeys, cock and ben; 500 !'d 25c ." 4 toads, over t y'r old, 50c 2d 25c " spring chickl6, 50c.. •'t 25c " 4 ducks, 50c. ", 25c, Judges.: Edwin Tingley, garford ;' H. S. Contain., Lenox ; J,ohn Bennett, Gibson. Best butter, tub- - or firkin,slf, 2d best, $1 " roll ‘butter, not,less than 511.n5, SI - , 0, I " cheese, • .T tl.res : C. S. Tohnstin, liarfurd, Tru man pelt, Irni,bottoni ; P. Ilawley,-Gib- Best fall apples, nut less than 12, at least three varieties, 50e. 2d best, '2sc • " winter .apples, , ;50c. ." 25c• pears, • • 50c. ". 25c ". quinces, 50c. " 25c • " peaches, —50 c. •." .2 . 5tt grapes, 50c. " 2,5 t Best "c& greatest yaricty of fruit, sl;2d, 50c ".spee'n po_tatoesi2 vaFietiestir niore,soe " 3 squashes, 5.0 c " 3 heads calibarre, 50c onions, Dot less than 12; ° boos, no t t less than 6, • and greatest variety ofve g etables, $1 2d I°'' "- u " 50c Jud2es: Ira Carpenter, D. Edwards, Har101;- A. C. .Norrts,-Jackson, cuss Vinegar, Honey, Wine and Ma • • pie Sugar. : Best gal/im vinegar, -50 c 44 " utirrant c wine, - .". -50 c " "• • blackberry \vine, • 56c " firtillbtMey, .$l, 2d best i 50c " live lbs. maple sugar; - 1, " 50c Judges: Alvin Roper, Hai-ford; J. S. Pt:Ckharn, Brooklyn ; llomer`Tingley, X. A. P. & L. C. KEELER cz-vis Xll.—Leather and iss Manu:factures.. Best 2 . sides harness,. sole and upper leath er, each, - . ' *l " 2 calf-skins,- • .t. 50c " pair fini,;Thooltir; 50c " pair - coarse boots, 500 • _ " car-riageharness, - 50e ".set tarn harness,- . ' 50c All articles in' this class must be entered in the name of the manufacturer. Judges :A. J.AttamP, F. Tim;ley, Har ford ; Nelgon Hamar New Milfurd. CLASS X ILL—Feirniing trienii Is; Black , Best common plow,'side hill 'plow, mild. . v.itor, .corn _sheller, straw cutter, horse rake and Churning. machine,ettob, Best mowing machine, • - -• " thrashing power,' chum, - • • - "butter tub, , *. 4 ..." batter firkin, • ". set 150r.q..--Slioes, " lot of tin ware " cook -stove for coal, " cook-Store for wood, parlor stove, . • A 1.1.1111EL1 ... 1 _ v . .r...... I. . 1 1 :.. . .. , , . . .. :. . ..,:,..: ~_ . .• . MOC . . 1' i'. --,.........".:_i1.',.1..,::....... . 1 ,.,.. . „....:, •. , . .... ..., M0.0..)1.11.. - ..f, - ....... , , . , 0 'SE.- .--..- •4i i : r ' .. ... _ , _ , ~:. _ ~.. ..c., ._ J . . , ... . 1 . . .. .... . • ... . „ , ~ ... . ~ . VOL. 19. 1 THE hrm AMMAt Cress ii.—Colts mutts. Tv.—Grade Dermua CLASS X 4 pl.—Grain and Poultry. cLAss ;x.—Batter and Cheese cis Z.—Fruit and Vegetable* militia!, ((v. ielving machine, 'Judges : L. F. Farrar, Hayford Hoy ace Seymbur, New Milford ; and Anson Tiffany, Brooklyn. CLASS XlV.—Cabinet Work and I Cairiagek A Best specimen, cabinet' work, • 500 " set chairi, • . , !.. "50c1 " rocking chair, - - 50 e " carriage, single or double, - .. $2 " buggy wagon, : 1 " lumbo - r wagon, 1 Judges-: S. B.Guile, D. Sibley,Harford; and Urbane Burrows. -Gibson. . • - - CLASS %V.—Domestie Goods. Best 5 yds. 'woolen flannel $l, 2d best 50e ' syds. plaid flannel, 1,`.2d best,soc " syds full cloth; -1, 2d best. 50e " rag carpet, . • 'l, 2d best 50e "•yarn carpet, 1, . 2d best 500 q 6pr. woolen socks,- . • 1,2 d best 25c " 2pr. woolen mittens,. 5OO " stocking yiirn, -50 e •• Judges : Mrs. G J. Babcock, Mrs. L. R. Peck, and C. H. Miller, of liarford, and Sirs. A. J. Tiffany, Brooklyn: fLos.XVl.—Ornamenlot Needle . Work Best patchwork quill; $l, 2d best 50c " quilt of any other kind 1, " 50c " worked spread, .1, . 50c " worked Skirt, 1, _soc " worked -collar, 1, At . 25c "specimen Worsted. embroidery, 50c 2ti best • 25c " specimen silk-enibroidery, 50e 2d best 25c " bonnet, -0, 2d best 25c - "-ladies saque, • 1 ". 25e " knit Rood, , " 25c " knit 4idy, . f„ " .25c "oil painting on canvass, 1,. " 50e. " painting.any oth'r kind,i,o f " 256 ." drawing,. . 1, " 50c " picture frame, " 25e. Judges : Miss Mary M. Edwards, Mi3S Mary Sterns, Miss Jane Adams, and J. C. Edwards. Itaribrd. CLASH XVlL—giscrilaneous Articles. Premiums 'Discretionary. Judges : A. Carpenter, L. R. Peck larford, and L. 0. Titany, Gibson. • 1911zrooriaxters.cleixtio. General Superintendent, D.. E. ney ; Assistant-Superintendent, S. E. Car penter_; Superintendent of .Catt le, G. A. Lindsey, and Geo. M. Carpenter ; Sheep, Hogs and Poultry;Willard W. Wilmarib; Miry Hall, D. T. Rue; Mechanics Hall, .Barnard ; Vegatable Hall,. ' Geo. I Tingley ; Floral Hall, Mrs: H. 31 Jones, Miss Sarah Miller, J.. W. Tyler and T. H. Tiffany. • Rogulsrtioam. The Tudl , es are requested to meet at the Secretary's office upon the Fair Grounds at M o'clock A. M., whe' their names will be called and vacancies filled., . Exhibitors wishing to compete for pretniumsnrc reque.:ted to can atallep4!e retary's=efff(te on entering, the grounds; where they will be fitrniShetl, with cards to place upon the articles or animals to be exidpited: All articles competing for premiums should be on the grounds be fore 11 o'cloqk . A.4M. • Any perion desiring to compete for wemiums - can do so by purciet-m; a badge' of membership,. which will admit himself and family to the , exhibition, but any person wishing to exhibit articles without competing for preniiums, can do' so free of charge. . - • - A sufficient police force upon the _grounds during the day to protect - the property of exhibitors. ' The premiums are 'payable by `the treasurer at any time, after- the 20th of October, and before the annual meeting held the second Monday in January \ ' The an . nuakaddress will be delivered by F. B, Streeter Esq., of Montrose, at 2 O'clecic P. M. The ilarford Brass Band will be in attendance. The success of our Association' gas been such ithat we are enabled to offer more and' larger 'premiums than heretofore; and hope that all friends of agricultu ral and mechanical improvement will con tinue to aid as by their presence and with their.articles for exhibition. Pric:+43 of lalLelazilitailicors. • Badges of Menibership, * - SO 50 Single Admission,., , 10 Children under 10 years of age, ~ Clergyinen and their families, - Free } D. L. HINE; ' - s. • , ° E., N. CARPENTER, .Ex. Com. • - .1. BLANDING, . STRENGTHor THE WEGI7I4II AILMY.—The Army Register for September ' 1862, is oat-Copies will Shortlybeforwarded to all the re , r.ular,armyreildersons in the coun try;; 0 Ir . . regular army consist now Of nearly. 4 000 men. There wero until 1861 ten tginients of infantry, one of mounted rifle, eti; two of dragoons, two of cavalry; an, our of artillery, making all told, .some 20, 1.00 meii. In 11ay,1661, eleven new regimen '-• were Ordered to be raised—nine were to b of infantry, one cavalry, and one artillerp., The. infantry regiments; were to consist of three bat talions 44.800 nrieU" each, 2400 in all ; the eaV:ilry and artillery . 1108 and 1859 respec tively: Were they all flat we' should have 43,000 regulars, but about 3000 are want ed to complete the third hattationinf the nine new infantry regiments,. • ; bigamy \ A .Stumrsriox.—From the time that 'General McClellan Was called tolVashingten, in Ju ly 1861, until he Was removed from the , post .of General-in-' Chief, our. forces were -almost nntformly successfal. • _After that, and so long as his plans were interfered with by-certain-offi cials —We dO 'not say with numerous reverses. Wheii his com mand was reduced to less than 100,000 men our in, in • Virginia • was most shamefully ; rooted . Now that the General - has *been given-nnrestricted con trol of the forces in Virginia and- Mary land, victories begin, Are not these lac:4 suggestive?,4•Worl , l. - „. . 50c i 50c 50c 50c 50c - The engravers report that the demand of the Treasury:Department for ono audlwo dollar notes, as well as the ordinary Treas. ury i►otes, 4 . 6 -u►onopolizes the tower of the engraver's and printetito furnish them to the public, that their'ability to get the postal currency is much unpaired. 500 500 50c MONTEbSE, PA.,. TUESDAY, SEPT. 30, 1862. Fine Aeis ike L oi-giNsss. LizsvniftVoirrit CITY, t • , Kansas:, Aug. ,1, '62. I • Dear Brother—Yours of the 23d ult. has just reached me, .for which favor you will accept my thanks. I am glad to linow,;that you argil well, and can say the sane in regard to iny own health. - You ask if I have ever yet been in any engagement? To !which Imtust answer that as yet, I have not! been called into any, deadly - conflict, although we are fre quently. sent out in pursuit of a class of desperadoes known !nand about Kansas as bushwhackers and jayhawkers. Many of these rebels hae ' been captured . and - confined in . the prison ! at the Fort . ; and our guard-houses are also filled with these customers continually. , One of them wag shot at the Fort l t Mmiday, and several ! -others are awaitin the same fate. These are mostly Missourians who come over and infest tia , state, *Plundering And killing our loyal - citizens. The 3d WiscOtniin buiily engaged in hunting, capturing, and bringing to kis- tice, these miserable offenders of the gov ernment, law, life and property. How lqng we shall remain here is uncertain.— We may be called away at an hones no-. tice, or we may remain here a long time; the prospects, hoWever,' -are that we shall not leave the state till , late in the fall, if we do the coming Winter.: But his all in the future, and we den% know in war time, what a day May bring forth. . We fear the war will be prolonged for a considerable length of time—fur a much longer period than we, had entieipated a few weeks since, when we were gaining Tepeitted victores over the rebels. But. we still hope that - when oar full number of troops !nowicalled for-shall be mustered into the serVice, that bur Onal .victories will be !achieved; and 'this ac- . cursed - rebellion !crushed, and the war come to a speedy termination. It appears to me-if all our leading men and• officers of oar -army were true Men, having the in terests of the goVernnient . at heart—that we should experience .altogether a differ ; ept State 'of things; but we fear-that it is the most desirable scheind of a large num berof our officers in }command, to pro long the'war for the sole purpose of filling their own coffers-rofinhking money them, selves, regardles4 of the value of human life, and public treasure. But we look for ward with the fond hope that the Regi ments now being,, farnied will come .into the field with true hearts and honest in ' tensions, with a view only of-crushing Out I the rebellion. Then, and not till then, may we hope fora cruAing out the relel ' lion. Then, ma - not': till then, may we hope for a tertninatiomot the war, and a _re-establishment oaf a peaceful and united Goverurrteut.l F 4 4.-..npvh cies that now snrround us; . baniAh the traitors- front our! owncamps ; and I be lieve that the shoats of victory would be heard broadcast Over 'our whole land.— But I have written you inure upon the puluject of war than I jutendocl, but I can not dose without ienteriug upon another YOU can lie down undisturbed with . your rest secured lot the night. With us it is a different thing. '' We are liable to be called out 'at), anylnoineut to rpiell :some disturbance, or perhaps take some ;prisoner off to the luck.up. We hive, however, some pleasant times. A soldiers life is mixed with sunshine and storm:— We have the bitter with the sweet; and ,more hitter than Sweet:: • I have not told -you What our arms con sist ot. They are sabre, carbine and re volver, with which we ought to do good execution. Our horseS are generally of the first order.. Ii have a very good horse which I ride wh6l on duty, I have - been appointed - company saddler, which relieves me from lunch hard labor, such as,stand ing-guard,'itc. I ,haveleen for about two weeks some seven wilds south of Leaven worth City, itteoinpatik with some twelve others, with- a herd of about one . hundred and-fif t y. horses belonging to the govern ment, but we leave here' to-morrow for the city, -when We shall resume—our du ties there. - , 4 Kansas is a very good farming country for all kinds of gram except wheat—and the wheat crop is good this year—but we learn that-there is n 6 :dependence on the wheat crops here ,in eonsequenee of the draught; but there is an abundance of - rain this year. :The weather is hot, al though I think not much more SO. than We have it east at this season of the year.— The warm -season' continues later hero than at the 'east. They raise good stock here, and the country is being thickly set tled in many -sections: There would s nO doubt be a- large emig ration here this year if it were not for th e l war troubles. • Give my kind regards. to all, and be lieve me your affectionate brother, GEO. L. BOSTWICK. • - THE NO - PASTY PATRIOTS. The professions and , practiceii of the ab-' olitionists and republicans, in relation to appointments to offices present the , broad est burlesque ,upon truth Which 'has ever come under our obseryation. Their state and county couventionsassentble and pawl resolutions, inviting as all to'vOte their ticket, and: they invariably select .such candidates as no one bat an 'out and out political abolitionist eau' support. They pass resolutions, infopning creation.that all. partizan , feeling. should be postponed, except that which 6'; intended to • keep them in Oflico, and while passing these by. poctitical .resolves they insist upon tilling every big and little lilacs in the country. With the meanest of partizans. Of the hing'llst of persons recently appointed to assess and collect taxes throughout the -State- 'and' of 'the king list of examin ing physicians and oommissinners fot•the coming draft; theincist scrupulous care hds hem:taken to exclude all whose polit ical antecedents werelnot, ,beyond .suspic 'ton. Not only -has a Irepublican - been lected, but in nearly !ivory case one who' has been thoroughly abolitionized. We are riot complaining -!because Democrats have riot been Selected to Jill a few of these places,.; not at all ; tAnr • object, is merely to -expose the :glaring contrast be tween abolition pracision and fitantice.— There never •was,' even in • tune's of peace; each vegard paid-I%i petty partisan plan- der, as we havo seen for the put sixteen months. And yet, these hungry vultures prate of no party, even while distributing their partizan slices among themselves.— We dare say that in nearly. , every elec tion district .in our State there are, fit the present time, returned 'soldiers who, by the chances of war, were maimed and ren= dered unfit for , further service. We see . many of these gallant fellows in our streets with arms in slings; others with arms off, ?and some otherwise maimed. These men, generally, are poor and many of them de pendent; melan.cholly expression and attenuated forms show very plainly their indigent condition, while many of them we know to have seen',prosperous and joyous, days. These men are cripples for life, made such by service in the field;. they, have - confrOnted the rebels and have demonstrated -their right to their coun try's gratitude, not by blatant professions upon our street corners, but by the perfor mance of gallant deeds.. Why could not abolition, iu its late distribution of offices throughout the State, have demonstrated it_v gratitude to 'these returned soldiers by giving them a small proportion of them at least' Why not, 'after passing their res olutions about " ‘ no party,' select some of these wounded soldiers for assessors and Hectors of taxes. The Scenes of St. Dondnii a to be re --- enacted. "The example of St. Domingo is before ns.• The same blood which broke forth in -sudden fury in that fearful massaige, flows in the veins of the Southern slaves r -they hive the same wrongs to avenge, and the same inducment may lead to the same ter rible retribution. That no blow has yet been struck .by them, we attribute quite as , much to the 'want of eptortunity as disposition."—Harrisburg Te l egraph. Who can contemplate . without.' horror he terrible results of thili hellish policy so coolly "recommended to the President,' if it should be adopted and carried out 7 7 - Were not .the fact glaringly before us, it would be impOssible to eonceive of. a hit man, christianized being with : judgment so perverted, and heart so hellishly wick ed, as to recommend to a christian people and a Christian President, the re-enact 'ment of the horrors of St. Dinning°, as a means of terminating the rebellion. ,Well may the New York World irepublican,). indignantly exclnim : . " kis quite time the civilized and Chris tian North overwhelmed in ;wrathful wn rathful in dation these attrocious and blood-thirs ty e 'doctrines and all who advocate them. Certain American-hating \Englishmen as sert thatras a race, we are receding from the Europeantlitandard.of eixilization, and are fast developing the barbihius and cru- . losiloets of the savag. who . occupied I o this continent before us: . Humiliating as this to our just pride as a Kyle, it is ahnot substantiated by the existence of a party . among- us which has, had much to du to controlling the legislation of the country; that is continually chimbring for a servile • war; fol. letting looie the mad 'passions of an infuriated.soldiery upon in nocent, and helpless non-combatants, and who only call ILt pillage and atrocity as an effectual means of conducting a There are men in .our present Congress, some of whom are high in the confidence Of the administration, whoselimper place should be in the_wigwinisid the savages who have just been'slaughtering our coun trymen iu Minaesota. l • If the dream of this revengeful_ faction werg.realtied, and the blacks rose upon the helpless women and children at the. South, it would stop the war 'on the part ofthe North in _a month, and divide the Union/forever. The whole world would stand aghast at 'the atrocities that would inevitably be committed, and, as in the case of the qepo7 rebellion, the sympa thies of all- mankind would be ~with the master and superior race. . Let it be understood, once for all, that war is always the most successful with - the most, and not -with the least, civilized na tion. It is a vulgar and .mischievous er ror that brutal men and bridal methods succeeded best in campaigni and battles. The. very Contrary is the fact, and we can only beat the South by a display of supe rior moral as well as of superior phYsical power. . As for Mr. Stevens, he is terribly,mista ken if' he supposes that he and his Sioux associates. in Congress ;will be er , -dorsed acthe coming elections. - We ver ily.believe that' a,sterm is gathering des tined to Sweep them out of public life nev er to be hear' of more, except •in the mournful records of our time ' ;where they Will figure as the inspirers ofthiS.wretch ed war and the chief impediments to its successful close. ' Republicanism- aassachtia We rein • sylv . ania.' • The recent _Massachusetts- Republican Convention was - got up in much the. same style and - fora purpose similar to that of, Penn'a. The object of the formerwas to land Senator Sumner, and that of the lat-: ter to eulogize Senator Wilmot, and ihoc-' ulate the party _with his abolition views.; The Massachusetts Convention appears,l also, to have 'been cOrnposed of about the: same kind of materialsas that , of Pennsyl-' vania, - as will appear from the following photograph taken from the Springfield Re publican : • ". The character of the Conv,erition gavel the lie 'to the honesty of the 'call which, summoned it, and we are sorry to say we; have never seen assembled in Worcesteta i more brawling band of partiaims than, the, Convention contained.. It is -undeniable' ; that, 'notwithstanding the feet that the enemy are at our very doora, the only anxiety manifested by the assembly: ro-, garded the endorsementand re-election of Chdrit.s Sumner, and in all 'this anxiety there was not, as - inuch patriotism' aS could be found 'in an honest pair .of olfi boots." . • , • The yankee -convention reiembled yeansvlvania - predecessor in another rest ; !wet. gave the, told shoulder to Pres 4. Ident Lineoht, in consequence of- his Oult;• • posed .conservatism and,_loialty, to the- Constitution and Union—the 'Peansylva nia convention, for the same Amens, turn; ed hack upon &PIOT Cl.o*an; Muste of the Whole :1:11tion. I _ ___ i 1" Hon. Lucius Child, a • delegate to t he Massachusetts Convention, . called attoo tion.tto the fact that the President was 4- yerlpoked in the resoliitions. He said :1 1 L, "I object to the passage . of the resolo. ' tmns, as not containing one word corn. rhendatory ot the'Presidetit of the Unitcl.d States. Are we to -go before - the peope do the ground of opposition to thesPretii ent? The resolutions do_not, deign to fonimend i 1 at he has done, or oven to - m ention 1 • n sire. :They simply coiiin4t a k the convention' t .to certain ultra notionr,. Mid.discard all others. There' was'not"m the resolutions one word of commendit don of what the President or his cabinet has done." • I .What another delegate thought of it al , t;er a nights rest and reilection, - is told in a 'letter to the Boston Courier, froin . -ivhich we extract the following: . 1 "Until tonight,,l thought. I was la .good'republican and in m simplicity h'e lieved that in :hat party I could sustain the Coristitution, the Union, and.the eh forcement of the laws,""quite as effectual -1 y as - by joining gyour party, : But I . hafe found those having control at Worcester itday, Aecrying the President, and . oppO 4ing resolutions supp - orting him—fairly ' ;creaming for joy at the proposal to e.- terniinate slaveholdErs (not slaverj):-4.- planding. the advice to let the Unit?U . Slide'—and listening to a vapid harangue from• a negro preacher, a delegate fropi Charles Sumner 's ward: .Are sulor uliVa i'repidam. • -" 1 • It was all slavery' and Charles Sum nee—No word for . the encouragement 'ofenlistments, enlistments, nothing of sympathy for,the President, no'patriotism, no UneonditiOn: 41 Unionism—only sneers at Kentucky, and words—words "...A • . That the radical tendency and e,x.- Cessive negroism of Abe 'Republican par ty is offending and driving moderate re- Fublican. front the ranks everywhere, the think will be clearly shown by the res4lt 'of the approaching fall elections. No trnefriend of the Coi Eritut:ne an.l Unibn C . an any longer support a pally whOsela -,vowed policy, if successful, 3vill overthrow both. ' Abolition Radkab; Conspiring agalnat - the GOvennaent. • • The Washington correspondent of the New York laeralti says, the most astound ing disclosures have been made, by 14- tens and verbal communications ~ frdin proinifient politicians, . showing that a. !vast conspiracy has-been set on foot lq the radicals of the Fremont faction to' dc !pose the present liduainistration, Arid place Fremont at the head Oa Provision al Government; in other words, to nuke him military dictator. One of these. fa ters •Itsserts that one feature or this On ;spiracv is the proposed meeting of the. Governors of the Northern States- to re- Attest President Linan to resign, to ena ble them to carry out their-scheme. The ; Writer, m conclusion, Says Governor An 7 !drew, and Senator Wl!son are at work, ,and they are probably at the. bottom iof ; the , movement. From other well itilbrnt - - ted sources it is learnetl . that the fifty thou sandindependent volunteers proposedito be raised under the - auspices of the Newer York National Union Defenee Committee Were intended to be a nucleus for the Ur.: ganization of tlrik Fremont conspirac.y..llt ',was the purpose of those engaged in this movement to have this force Organized and armed .by thegovernment, and pi:4,d under the independent command of their chosen leader,and then to call upon.all sympathizers-6 ,nnite with them. in arins •to overthilw the present administration and establish in its stead a military dicta torship, to carry •out the peculiar policy they desire.the government should ette cute. • Failing in this, it is stated .that a secret organization' has been effected, the• members of which are known by the nettle of Roundheads. It is intended • that this' organization shall number two hundred thousand men in arms, who shall raise the staii'dard of the conspirators and call Gen . . Fremont to the command. They exOct to be joined by two-thirds of the army•of ihe.Unon now in the field, and that even tuallione million of armed men Willibe gathered around their standard. The startling disclosure is vouched for by itien of high repute in New 'York and other .Northern States.,:, It is the last . .card of those who have been vainly attempting to drive the President into the adoption of their. Own peculiar policy. Row •They Love the Union. The Chicago Tribune,' the abolition !.or-_ gnu' in Illinois, speaking of the Old Union; ;. says; . • " It is a thing of the past, hated'of every patriot, and destined never to curse ;an; honest people, or blot the pages of 'history again." . vassius 31. Clay,.recenilv Lincoln's min ister to Russia, and now a;MajorGenel•al, uttered the following in - alspe-ch at Wish " ; • . ington "Suppose, gentlemen, you sticceed.upon the present policy; what have you gained? Better recegnize.the. Southern Con led(Ta•-• cy at once, and stop the effusion .otblopir,.. than to continue in the ruinous policy=, or have even a restoration of the Union qs it was." . Conway, Republican Congressman,tpin Rendes, says: : - • "I shall not vote another dollar or nein for this war until it asiumes" a diffetent standing and tends directly to anti-slaitery results;" . . • • Fessendo of Maine said in Congresd: • "I Much More desire the ekterminalion of slavery, than I do to see the*Union re= - Wendell Phillips, (who is'sustained by . Grew, Landon and Warner) says: . "In God's name let the Union be. !abl salved, and let the corner stone of a new one be laid, whieh shall. recogniz© perfect political equality among all Men' (blaek er white) horn into,the world." • The Boston •Litierator haS for Many years bail for' its printed motto': . • ' "The Censtitution of the United Slates is u league with death and a covenant, With: hell." . • These are a w. specimens of the view's • of the fanatics who would dictate words to •. put* the mouths of loyal men. They D 30M-00 THE offiee,, of the Montrose Democrat hits recently been enpplied with a new ancl.cLolee variet y ,ot type; etc., and we are now prepared to print n, 3 'elkenlard, etc., etc., in She beat style, on short net La. • fosters,- Programmes, and other kinds of work 1p this line; 'dont according to o,dt r Ilusines . s,.] 1:111 (`.11:1.5:1,s Tick etc., uctritet)t ill II ecti 11C7.2.• ItII t .l h, 1 , a , .ill3fle6ontlil 0)n:4 Alph.l,l' NA0.... Net CH Death], and all other Blankt.,.cru'lland, or pri . l:::d 1,. 0 1 NO. 39. 11 even claim a right to dictate to, President -Lincoln what he - shall say or 'do! Can it be that a Prei;ident, sworn to. Maintain the Constitution, can ever yield to these men? .No! never, anti!. he despairs of . saving theTnion, and resolves to,erect a dietatoaship - on the rains of free kG^varii ment: - -• WILKICSBARRE, Sept. 8, 1881: . ...But tell ate, have ye scenes like thia in hen?' . • I bay. dyne w hat 1 have done, I corm) 7gouttlit else front me e u ht to my last. • For thia..l caribenr Ills of eet.. and Etereitiee; and core not. 1 wi ll clapp 31y hands and cry , to Wm. I have done Have Thy will now —*l will be the hest to • Perishand to tfle."—Flefua. Friday evening, the 28th u1t.,.1 was it red by the Chief of Police in the street, on 'orders, as-he said; from the 'N'ar - De tartment. Judge 2ouyngham inutihdh ate!). issued :t - habeas coyur, 410 the next morning brought me, with others; :Ur. Davenport and Mr.'Kulp, - belitre The Chief of Police asked Sr ; . time to get authority to hol!1 us,. or :to consult the War Departthent, I did not understand wlfichond Judge C. discharged us from ~,,r4t0,r1 , . on bail, of 8500. - %The following Weatiesday_being fixed upon or bearing, Judge CotOtglatm-decided that it was a matter over which he had no Control, and dismi , sed fite writ. Since that time I as stre my friends •I have been exceedingly cOMfortitble.." in mind, body and estate." I hare not had, nor _have I now; the slightest. apprehension of personal diflicul- ty. lam advised That the offence 411egcd is 'triscouragitiVenlistmenti,' , /nit . l , 2 Inv scctiFer isT-know not and care not. know that lie has nut yet had courage en ough to stake hinnielf known, or to cun- front me like a man, with his accusation. .Willin . !kto wound," but too •eowardly to strike in open day, he conceals hhosellbe'. hind - the orders of a government, that he has de:leived and - betrayed- - -a govern ment that, I hlive no doubt, would halui him much sooner -than tnc. with all ' facts of he ease-b:ibre State of PeniLtylvan s iu, Luzerne county ss : . Personally appeared before me .a.Tus tiee of the INICe hi dint Inr - said county of 41..nmerne `..Toepit JleroM, a resident of Wiikesl;arreliorough in said country who bei4g duly sworn; cloth say that he was in three months' servree-in the year 1801, under the : call of the President of .Aprili 180; and that after his 'discharge and re ttkrn, at the expiration of his term of ser viO, E. n. Chase, .Esq., Of said bcrono, frecinetitly'eame to him and urged the7de pendent to raise a compan'N 'of volimfeers to ' l5, erve dm ing.the war, and offered him, the deponeit, in the outset, fifty 'dol lars; towards the expenses of raising the ;same—and .0111 rod, further, that in JOB PRINTING of ALL 114165 i ifu AT TUE OFFICE OF Th - NEATLY AND PROMPTLY,' AND AT LIVE AND LkT LIVE! ) I'EICF:S,7 Vlr'fok ivork an d-111'.toks, to he pill fora y TO THE PUBLIC, Another thing - I desire to say to my • tlietids through the county, aho hav'c evinced so much solicitude for me, and with. whom .. my arrest Was naturally en- • otigh c assri_ciatea with political objects.. have found, in all this community, that:, the respectable - and intelligent portion pf the }republican party deprecate the „pc- - eurrenee heartily and in-all sincerity, :is a step that could possibly do no good, 'and , that was certain to domnich harm. 'Find -- ink; this tube case, I have ctl - nelutled Oat tny arrest has been,biouu.lit about era.: unrzai,oni,of; creatures, :wet e utterly' reckless of the consequences to the .conivinity or to. the - interests bi thin:goeramcnt. As a :matter of personal vindication I 11:0 concluded fo lac before -11.0 - puldio thel following - evideni-e of , the fidsby. and rilitairousness Of rite charge against me- It Will \he tile:erred that they emattafe froth men of both political parties.- They arek the earnest and truthful declarations Of My fellow-citizens, rho associate with me 4auy find who know the well. I will venture that-if my accuser - should - _ever conic to light it will: turn out that 1 . have speht fifty dollars to his one for the ob jeetis.of the -War; that - I have frontperson,- al ellbrts given more _than a se - ere of -re cruits to the service, (pee oft'ering myself, while he, whoet•-m he is orMiay, will go a while square out of his way to avoid a rectuithne Aim. Let the public read and Say it . not an overwhelming vindi cation ; a one as should cover any tit:cusers of :such an, offence with shatne and confusion:. case the company w:.§ raised,. he, the said Chase, would ilefay all 1116 expenses of raising the same. The said E. B. Chase at the same time desired, in case the com pany was\ raised,' to be the Second . tenant of the same, under the said depon enti—he•stating that he, not being tinnil iar with military service, • %Ode deponent_i would furl that reason .like to serve under deponent. The sittdeponents, for pecuniary Mid other. reasons, t!'ris unable to take action in the matter, and the en terprise t beret"( re Also, since the' recent call of tha Presi dent for* six _hundred thonsand men, the. said .Clui!ie tigain urged the'said deponent, at several limes to_raise.a company of vol. unteci.s, and repeateLbis offer as to - pe- enn;iary aid, and also proffered .his serviecs: after the session of court, then, to come on,would he pver, the said! ChaSe being • District, Attorney. "• . i i • JOsentqlEttotp: Sworn and subscribed before tnethis 3d day of Sept.] BENX . E•r, J. P. Sidteqf Pcn;vlyliwriill, Luzerne County, as . • Christian Geltz, of the —borotigh of Wilkesbarre, to me well known as a cred ible • person,. personally appeared - before. men justice •of the peace 'in and for raid county, this third day di:Septemtvr, 1862, an {I niter being duly swoon cloth depose an I say, that he is-wellacqtiainted will' E . 8./, Chase,'of said Inu'ough ;:that he has kubwit him for numy yearsond that he has known him at • all tunes =to have been 'a loyal• and patriotic citizen ; that 'depon ent resides n6xt,;llnor to the residence . of t said Chase, and has had frequent conver sations with him relative . tel_he SOntherit rohcllion; that in the yearlB6l, after the, departure of the three months volunteeis,-', 'said Chase came •to deponent Ana-said :,,i "Christian, you are a well-drilled_man, I want you to stick to_ me ,and help me raise a eetnPany.for the:wetand you shall bti.'the .captain." He repeatedly urged mil to do, so at. varicais times-4e offered to find the means to' raise the company— , i. . .. . . .... ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers