The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 23, 1862, Image 4

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    &rt' ifoof ,
, I , 4l ttak 11RD1 674 ,
1 5) 111 E 44
O. Rle AT
of the present age, hare untaxed thrlr great popularity
only threnigh years or trial, tititxrundod ortiefaettott
mut ronneizr mils
Liver Complaint, Daarpepaii, Jaundice. Reran Ala
' Dial:saes of Um jr.idnuiti]
auo ail diseases arising from a disorder.] liaar, s or
Alma of Uri. Ftutoach and Divan., Organ%
TEL= ftllll, BILIOUS ime,AIL ma AO ANC
Foe our Almanu 5,r proof. Mac; 75 mute per Bata&
llooiland's Balsdmic Cordial
Coughs, Colds, or .lioarseness, Bt!mchltis, /nlnelme.
Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, •
sna tress perkmmi the most astonishing cures ever known
Asa Diarilima Corall it is a . ..11341A Pau; Di amid
aur I.tas.
ireinz seen knowil ttuougleint Yoram and Atnerica, need
on reinnw:mlation here. They are Tamely vegrtahle, aro
tip aril with great.exactnesi. and are argarreati.A. No
loiter Cathartic Pill can he f.iweal. rte. per Poi.
rh6._ nh.licines Cr, preparvd by Dr. C. IL Jaccecior
• Philadapiii, Ps., atel Loofa, Mo, and'are sold by
. and dealer. in intalleines everywhere. Tho .II
et C. U. JacEsee will be ou the o. • hle. of e
• • In,.
Errrybods,s .4intenne„ , prel.lished : tr.A, •••
~ nilAtnry noty• (min all
:17 . 7. -t, • Li • ell away by
LC °.
Ano the TAIIOUS 11ffeCtICIII command upon a ;Moldered
Foch m Indigestion, Aciditi of the Stomach.ColichyPalna,
Heartburn. last. of Appetite, Beepondency, Costiveness,
Blind and Bleeding Pile& In all Nerron& itheumatic, and
Neuralaic Affection& it ha, In numerous loptances proved
hi,,hly to and in otlnTs effected a deehled Mow.
Thin in a purely vegetable compound, prepared on eirict/y
scientiV• principle& after the - manner of the •celclintted
Holland Profemsr, Iterhave. Its mputationat home pmp
dorini its introduction here. the amend commencing with
these vet the Fatherland "mitered over the" face of this
tnizhty country,, many of whom brought 'with them Mot
/1.11.1,1 down the tradition of ita value. it is nem' /Tired
:lin Ainexican rteblic; Innwiug Mot ifs truly emoder,fiel
medicine tor: os mud lr aclotnarlt.p.r.
It to particularfr remininendod to those ponnns *bans
eonstZtutione may have hmialinpalred ty the continuous DVS
of ,L 1 , 1 ,14 apiritn, or other forms of Aislipation. Generally
hintantane,ain in rif , rt. it fnd. its , way directly to the sent
of life. thrilling and quid: ening every nem'', raising np lb.
drooping spirit, and, id fart, infusing neardscaltla and vigor
In the system.
.NI :TlCl..—Whocrer exTleets find this • heversts
he di.,,,pointml; but c the VW . ,
weak mita I,,ur spirited. It
still prole • grateful arozu•tic rxesesr:,.l of singular
nam•rial propert:es.
71/a. Genuine highly concentrated Iluerhave's Rolland
littera le put upitt half Out onty, and retailed at
INS DOLLAR per horde, or On botilert for Far Daman. The
cant demand for Litt% truly eelebra GA Medicine lute indared
a July Icnitatistus übich the public elmuld spud spied
Reisre. of 7rnt.sition. See tbst our owns Is on tho
4r e.l of terry bottle yot9my.
_Sold by Drorgista caner -ally. It tom be fermi:ll4
.7 Ex7rou to most punts.
pharmateutists and inemists.
6.) oeadoty
es,- CURE 61
4 77 CURE .c
ldnaS 0 '
i flea (-91:
' L
11, A t 14g
I'J raimbr
'444 RESTOIa.
. 2 DR.. 971" .
ecifij],tirlite - Si...
An aperient and stomachic preparation of
. nor purified' of Orygen and Carbon by cons:
bastion in.Hydropn, of high medical author.
i.y and extraordinary efficacy in each• of the
following complaint', viz.:
sokvFmk. SALT Dam. SCURVY.
THY.; .SEIN• etc.
'The IRON being absorbed by the I, 403. and
thus circulating through the whole I • toil
part of the body can escape their truly a
Sol inEncnce.
The experionce of thousands daily proves that
no preparation of Iron can for.} moment bo
Compared vrith it. Impurities of the blood, do.
pres.noc, of vital energy, polo and otherwias
sickly 'complexions imam:ate_ its,newswity in al.
most every conceivable eye. In all cases of
tmale debility Moor albus, ehlororia, ate.), ifs
effects are delishtfully t enovating. No remedy
has ever been discovered, in the whole history.
so' medicine, which exerts such proMpt, happy,
and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, eons.,
plate digestion, rapid tenni/Mon of stivsgtah
with en nnusnal—disposition far active sad
cheerful exercise, immediately follow its not
Asa giand stomachic land-general netorative
it has ncrsuperior and no substitatm . •
Pet up in mot Oat aortal bases eonbqi.l.4(
one doge ,,
irzakta ventrally. Will be mod f•ee to
I y address on receipt of the ossiee. t,• .e
orders, etc., should
R.. B. LOC= & CO.,
• General Agents.
339 lIROADWAT, w V.
i.'3.—The above Is a .IDignalinne eir the
label on each boa. '
1 tromp /TER'S
The proprietors and mannfacturers of 1108-
TBRIB,can ap eal with perfect efonfidenee to
1 Physicians and, Citizens generally of thesUstited
States, because the article has attained &repu
tation heretofo,re unknown. A few facts Upon.
this. point will speak more powerthlly than
volumes of barb assertion , or blazoning puffery.
• The consumption of libstetter's Stomach :Bit
ten for the bult yeir amounted to over a half
million bottles, and from its manifest steady
- increase in finks past, it is evident that during
the coming year the consumption will reach
near one million bottles. This unmans' amount
could never have been eold• but for the rare
• medicinal properties contained in the prepare..
, • don, and, the sanction of the meet 'remittal&
physician s In those sections of the. country
I where the article Is best known„ who not only
recommend this Bitters to their. .patlents, but
are reedy at all times to give testimonials to Ike
',efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements
and the diseases resulting therefrom.
• Thii is not a temporary popularity,rottsdried
by extraordinary efforts in the way of Arum
- peting the qualities of the Bitters, but • solid
estimation Of an invaluable Medicine, which is
destined to be as enduring as time Itself. .
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved
a Godsend to - regions-where fever and ague
and various other • bilious complaints have
counted their victims by hundreds. ToAis
able to .state confidently that the "Bitters"-
arra certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like
diseases, is to the proprietors a souses of us
, alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid n.# ttee
.from the stomata), purifies the bloat. end
impart erenewed vitality to the nervous
giving it that tone and energy
for the restoration of health. It operat.7• upon
the stomach, liver and other digestir.....gans„
mildly but power fully, and soon refs,• es than
to a condition essential, to the health) tllteharge
"I of the functions of nature.
Liderly persims maj use the Blatt s daily
per directions on the bottle, and they 'till find
in it '%ulant peculiarly adapted to comfort
drain ears, as it is pleasant to the-palate,
Invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic,
and rejuvenating generally. We have the evP
dente of thousands of aged men and 'tauten
. who have experienced the benefit of wt.:: this
preparation while suffering from stom:, It de.
rangenients and general debility; acting ander
the advice of physicians, therhave Abe, lotted
all deleterious drugs and, fairly teak, the
merits of this article. A few words the
gentler sex. There are certain periode %lien
;their cares are so harassing that many it . e.teen
'rink' under the trial. The relation 'of m. ther
and child is so absorbingly tender, the: .he
mother, especially if she be youtig, Is apt to
forget her own health in her extreme ans wty
for her infant. Shenid the period of matertt'ty
arrive during thesuntmer season, the wear o:
body and tided is generally aggraiated: Here,
then, is a necessity for a katimulant to . recupe.
rate the energies of the system, and enable the
mother to bear up under her exhausting trials
and as, ponsibilities. • Nursing mothers gene.
• rally prefer the hitters to aU other- invigera
that receive the' endorsement of physi
ci. , s. because' it is agreeable-to the taste as
weir ...a certain to give a permanent increase
of bodily strength.
Alt ihose - persone,th whom we have partien
'tarty -referred above, to wit: sufferers item
favor:and amie, caused by malaria, diaiThees,
dj sezitery; indigestion, loss of appetite, and
all diseases or derangements of the. stomach.
superannuated invalids, persona of sedentary
occupation, and nurising mothers, will coa‘ult
their own physical welfare by giving to Hos
tetter', Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. '
, CAUTION.—We caution the public against
using any of the many imitations or counter
-I'as, but ask for •liorrErrsn's Cztane Aran
Sromacu.lltrinut, and see that each bot ti e has
the words Dr. J. Hostetter'aißomach Bi ters"
Vein on tboaide of the bottle, and to-mped
on.. the 'metallic cap covering the conk, and
otserre that our autograph signature is on the
labeL f
Prepared and sold by. HOST; 7"PgB
EatilTH. Pittabw:;` , ..C.t *c, by all
d. 04,: 1 ,-ft.; T., v.:N.-era, rod •1:c.11e,...4 I.cnertdly
throt-elcent, tile United State.. Sot Ain&
rica. anti, Gen:tans. ,
Wistazos Balsam of Witd Cherry.
Wis'atee Salaam of Wild Cherry.
Coughs, Colds, Coughs,
Coughs,. Colds, Coughs,
Asthma, Bronchitis, bananas, Bronchitis,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis.
. Whooping Cough, Croup,
Whooping Cough, Croup,
Conmaption, Consamp!ha, COmptlea,
Counmptlon, Conmmplien,
and all WU alma* itad as unfatTraginialo . ea, a
ready relief; aid a fare and speedy' eurs, is lint
greett aad asitratilly mimed reci/li;
Winer's Balsam Of Wild Cherry.
Wister's Balsam of Wild Cherry.
The Ben. Jacob Beetle,
7/4 Um% oil untei reoppla ~mg de 00/.s pops.
latie' °Jai: mastry, isabli tL foaming sag la as t ar
BAN I OM, Pa., Feb. 16, IV&
• Means. E. W. rowut d Co., Boston,—Dar Snit
Sevin teased in my dually important benefits tros •
the me of your Testable pmpuation, Wtrram's
sett or WILD C!II11 1 / 1 3), ii arOfdll ma pimento m
recommend it to the public. Same' eight yams. me,
(Cm detightem seemed to be Is a decline; and
bops* of her mane man entertained. I tben peo
coma a bottle et your excellent Balsam, and berm eke—
bad labia tbe wbolent tbestrateene of the battle them
was a great bats ramie ba he bealth, /bane; Is lay
Indientual case, made /truant aae at your valuable
medicine, and Mee- always bees benegted by It. /
sward, hismSs . r, maims as psitiS arsbia lispssatiss4l•••
class tine is a poi deal //r glitiii/SVPraiter a e Mem rg/
W:grt Marry One Urnigitrat arariim;
p7rMS .I - I. lr
_ coverts,frini ma. Noisozxs Nos Tow. e
zzeiser Qua. Mammal
Itlontontr; Fds. Ilk 1,60.
Kr= S. W. iovLs & CO., Bom,— Grettleema t
I With, planar. tevfify to the peat omit et your I.
•siaabii kin medicine, Dr. WISTAVS BALSA* or
WILD ibILIRT, what Is iikeli r ils big Adj valued
many ti mat eneeseed titlzsee; whir brre tailed Its
rimed by trial. •
dot made use DEMI, Dakota some three yam dare
Sr a violent aid diatomitey tough arbkh•tellted thi
of to sty Joy. apaimesa
petifylag relief as to lobes me at perievae la Its am
I always keep it by
,ale. and ever dad it to be tab&
lag is- ha Weds. • No medkho that I have me toed
gnia sea spa* ntirt You. roily,
NORBOINE 101017014.
?tarn hob faith,
Arta * ad 4ifild Movie paw" Beak," sat ...updi
bars sat aomi esteemed droving Mier .
Moanssiown, N. 3.; Jan. la, MO
Moran B. W,TOD'LIa & Co., -Daal Sirs: Iv . hpi
mild pr. Wurraa'a Bax.ux Oa WILD Mean' for
'boat nixes years, and baying nand its Insalicad
Tormitr Ltpily. Wards me rm. *run to •
rsernimendiag it to the public era alas* newly Is
cur at snit tugs, adds. gaugas, tr, sad. a niamad7
- iridets I casaba to be saucily recorra,•and may Imo
labs with: peaces ably by the rem delicate is boiltab
• . Taut Tory torpectfally,
' Jag* sans
. UP. Boors of rile aid gorillas oametiefeite!
The only Gam. Pliy„ and Me Lot Babes has
the mill of N L BUTTS," writtto with .$ pen,
mei the printed Inane af, the proprietors, a 8.
TOWLE dr C 0.," on the outer trappir.
a lob offer lid ousy &ow glis Mood,
Loss% oijekut . , coo oberloAkirdieply
Wishes Balsam of Wild Chorm
Wista~+~ Balsam of Wild Charm
porpaorD IT 4 -
s. f W. roWLE ei, co. ) :
c ,
.soui ay_
• Rnissimo,'Pecikrs, : -aiti Merdasts ii sari ibios
• • 1 ewl iits is as Uldied Huta. •
• -
klerFor axle bj Abel Turns!' and Read, Watson* & Fos
ter, Hontspile ; H. Woodruff, Dlnlock ; Amos Nickels
Brooklyn ; •Wtdtney.a.dfoxley. Harl'oni; Weed & Ward
Bend; J„ C. Oluistaid. Duda( ; L. °HAW Grog
. '• Jai 26-34.
r RAI Einds of JEAthistery, for Pale
NAviza rausi*em*, -
TTlseinapeue ded entirely from Onini, sad
a basal/wee aaas elaradard Ilealchukaaeals
and amoral by all Ilea 11100 P 120 , 411.. and la sum n
o:tad 10 With easideou lo • nenscros be abatis
is neasseniod.
it mina' neenais the bailee 10011
i=lvau la allbopta relief. aa las -asurellie
emalflealea la ray aese-slm thaw. •
Ti.. &nomad be adaplel la the temperAaelat of 114
kW/Ideal tatter it, aad me of la each isausalea aa
art gently on the Meals. ! '
141'114 Wane of Tear .. • • • ! vide yew la th e
lase . et IbeLIVER, yIOODATDIi, sad is
ttDame Liver Caw EMI= At.
• -laths,' Dyspepsia, Ckteale Diarrhoea.
al inna sr Coma-plat Brie". Dress le.
Sy. Dropsy. fear - Staineels, Habana
• et ostiveness. Mot- le, Chaise% Chole r
Mierbes„ Cholera inralasum. Plater.
loam J • stadia a, tremolo Weakosenn
es, jai ' nor W hid sne• n 20111,41 se
'my "amity eine. Amitosis SICK
II IC A DAC RIC, on Unwinds an te.ury,) la
tursinty nannies. Inn or three 'Team
spasinitas are tak- sa u oaansosenost of
eruct. I _
ertmetillt are giving . their talllmmay
la its Ikur.
MIZ WATICK4FI TBS. movin vvirig
Tun rsvaciemvroz4, ABB
BOTH ToGivnuca.
Pelee Ono Dol l per Bottle.
• .A....y. . ,r
• •:. coitrounnO,Rox ]
Pore' Vegetable IlAitracte.'aad pliAlight
GLASS CASKS, Air Tbibt;sant- wilt beteg
Ia as y el/wale: i
?b. ' lealeilly Ca- g: lib writhe 10111L1 lea pia•
Ile bet wan Cairene Cairene I width th e previewer An
art la We practice mere , thaa brea th learn
Tbe emataidly lacewing! thettisad Aram thaw whit
baretheecoaat the Mao. and th e sadadiethei 'Miele
sit caper le reward endear am a 3;
i use. las thawed we la pthee
them *ldea the thathet ell. Igl; ,
Ile 11.rethetherwell Ithow i ti nt etlikrital tbabardetaa
ea &Secret aatWawc al the beweth
Tbit . ErLlt CA- Willa RTIV . :11.11 l. t.
W. due refereisee to ttila wed Mathew art.
hear pouneed Pow a 1 1 carat, et eta YAP ,
table Itarseta wkirth set . alike , 41 _Part ot taio
eftweart, easel, ad are' ' sacral see ow* to all ear
ile wawa a autatte is seeded; melt am. De.'
=Twat: a tae '
wen tit=
Peme eta. pa t
_ it • Swam ••
aegaia - way; from amide* enkth wig
trequirelly. It awlacter, ewe Is. lees wane at Fla
tet, Wee of App.. I lite, • Wg Paw
1111011111•1Cebt OVelr ! ese.
!Art% trlllblebe, ot 1 •velittatb:Lbe
grill iiiiiiiiiiarr •,,-} EiCarea, 6 4tifiVilal
Ett. Siren et AsivOloe iit lithiennieNiume. a seed
ether °Me moon .1..1 end assay dbnois to wiMit
le ter. tee nanatroas Ilit to ancotkos la Ude adromis•
IMUL DlMl•arto& • L
%S Liver Poetise/rotor veld Vomit e' CP..
Chortle Pills arc MAW Mu Trro gene 'y :to
mokt itbolofale tg . tbs Trude heat tbe lure teveet•
111.. T. W. IiANOOIRD. Pl. O. ' --
Youte.tetetr er. , ene,tetee,
• WM ars ite4:l4.• )1. Nevr• li avt ie:,
ektensive Pnrailtire
01101 : 11Ena bet.ti re 11,11i.1 ant:
Greatly. unproved, the Pri,priete'rt, re : eetinn:,
announce to.thc eitiiena!ot Muntrnse - nnd
ity that they ari• vomit:l4ly inakine and keep of
nand the_ LARGEST and BEST alixottmott of
To be• fantod. in the Country.
wc give the following Gist of %Um' of the at'
tiele. 'which We With eell at greatly reducer!
prices. For -Cmt or READY Pair:
ttur..aus, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass
Riot-sl6 to , •
linrenus with marble Or brorittolle tops,. from
.618 to 624. And a large assortment; frensen.
610, 12, 14, to 618, , k
amh - Stantli, Card Stands, Corner and -Nunn /
Atands, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cent,.
to ten •lollarn
De . -log r nivans ,Towel Racks, Footsicioll,otte.
m mg. I.oonges, &c.
Centro, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dieing; Kitchen.
gct4maiors Tables. , , •
Chairs—Cane and.. Wood Scats, Rockers
Carla, Flag, and Woed Seats, of every variety
and style.
Sofas, tete totes. furnished at short ootic
Ne.. V 1. 1 .1; prices. -
N. it Ready. made coffins on hand °anr
fished at Aiwa ntititio.—Hea•ses always in
• eadines., when desired.'
We eviploy none , hilt CAREFUL and flxrrni.
exCED WoRKMEN. W e intend to do our Wona
WELL,.and sell Lem tt, ‘ it can he offer&
w. s !tyro,
1.4 sm IT 11. In.,
It. S3IF tTQ. .
Montrose. Jan. Pith, fßOo.—te.
At Montrose: Penn. ,
WM 8. WATCIT, Proprietor
-ru.S . new and commodious lintel situated
on Puhlic Avenue; near the Cirt liousc,and
nearly in the centre of the btisiness portion of
Hentrose, - is now tiny completed and furnished,
and was opened on Monday.the 27th day of
September, 1858, for the accommodation of
the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels
confident that he is now prepared to entertain
gue4a in a manner that cannot fail to give'
Complete Satiiiitiction.
The Hotta and Furniture are new, and no ex
pense his been spared to render it equal, if int
superior to any similar establishment in this part
of the State. It is will supplied with ail the
recent improvements and comforts. and obliging
waiters will always 'be readyto respond to tire
call of customers. •
The St iblas connected with this House are
New and Convenient:
The Propiietor reSpectfully solicits the patron.
age of his old friend!, and the public generally.
NEW , 41 1- GOODS.
We are determined not to be ont•done
in; the way of
ALL tams or papa Tab. hi Exchanim for
CO CO. 43 , , D
L. #inumiza ac. co.
DM the Great .Betnedy for Indigestion, Billions and
BerofalonsgesnpbAnts, and-all diseases of the BlOod. for
sale, at ohdlessle lad reti •
di. by • ABEL MULL
1 11 7.41:73CT0,
pie, candles; kap &e. 7 .
331 311VWC:01.8 .1"..
rtOR Pointers' use, —a eabettlate for entine. at
11: $ mach We prier, for Pala by ABEL MaUrt.l.
AT TI 11:
,- . •
G 8..
13.01 1 `01910X1.43:
t$ 'THE BEST IN nimackr; • -
At 35 -Cents per ekallon.
Montanans Flidd, and eamPbebb• S P I T / t 4442 4,4 1 1iei
eonatandypn band, at lowest manes pi ece.
Neutrons, Feb. 19. • AM . TUBRELL:
Located over Ike thisquelimas V AWE.
D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Prole
Science of Acconnia, 'Practical
Author of Lowelra Treaties upon..
int.-Diagrams illustrating the earne.
Jona Ainslie, Commercial Aecountaltt, Profiler
ofiloi,k Keeping and Practical' Mathematics.
J.J. CURTIS, Assistant Prolessor in the Book
'Keeping Departmeit. 1
A. J. Wannett,Professor of Priactical and Or
' Dements, Penmanship, Commercial- Calculi-
-lions and Correepoadenee.
Hon. Daniel S. Dickiraon. Lecturer qn Comelier
vial Law and Political Economy. I - : -
Honk Ransom Balcony. Lecturer oti Contractit
Promissory Notes and Bile of Ex Aange.. '
Rey. Dr. ErAndrews, Lecturer on ornmereial
Ethics: - ' - - - . • e ,
Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. R. (*born, gag
Tracy R. Morgan, L•q. - •
The object of this College is to Sfford t( all
an opportunity of obtaiiing a thorough Business ,
Edue4tion. ' I
The Books and Forms are Carrfolly arranged
by praetieel accountants expresalyi for this Iv
4titution and embr,aee all the recent impriLve..
meets. . I . .
'The course of instruction cep%
.lepartatent of buainersa. The leer
thoroughly.. taught the science and
Doable Entry Book Keeping as apti
following - kinds of business, viz: Go
chanitiaing, Manufacturing, Bankir
.sion Steambonting. ' Rbilrouding,
Freighting. Foreign chipping: Gtr.
Toth. n ME U
. •
ran qualify them.olves In a abort time, at: this IntOita
tion.; - to till important and lucrative 'shunt ens. Ample
refereneen.ath be given where graduate. o arei;now
i n ning lesirableidt unt lons with salaries tro 000 to $lOOO
The Proprieto& ere In_popt.eoslOn Of tertirnostairrrorn
-mac of tjtc fir,t Commercial Houses in the lgtate, to whom
they here furnished I.l.6k•kevilvm, ehowin their entire
,atisfactlon and confidence in the ability (due • graduates
of this Institution.
. .
. • : •,' sPXIIIIIANBIIII' . : ..
In all its branches, taitglttity the Most .k, and t hor '
"ugh masters of the mt. No College in t e -oonntr'y en •
joys a hieher reputation in this do rimes . .. Wks' De
partment entirely'Scparate_ from th a t of thesentlemen.
'Studeutsnan enter College at any time. ISo vacation.
'lme to confplete the course, from S to 10 weeks.i Stn.
dents pasiing the requisite examination are presented
with the Most °lithe:rate and elegant eat. Diploma
issued hy ally Commercial or Classical Ins Rotten in the
union. Assistance rendered to gradua l in procuring'
tuition, price. of booed, tinmoinis of
i i,
- 'or terms of,
- dirties lilline positionslcc, address the roptietors for
I . Mars containing full particulars.
iroprietors Binghamton Commercial Clollege, .
or. S. '6o.—y ' lilingttoniton. N. Y.
nOACIIE:8 carrying limits and pasoctigora" between
Montrose and Frmboellle will ILavolticarlea Hotel,
in , Montmnc, daily, at 2 o'clock:a. ca. and Imre' Friends
vine at 8 o'clock, D. In.
At a ob r e llo t r t s i c c an ba d e p ri i b rr e i r a I g
n e 3 a
I cn t ros p
ar t e n n .!l n a in t N he o .
Li r v m
Montrose. Avg. 16,18110. GOOP
. itn:w IN TIIL
1111 E undersigned having takenque Fkkrms formerly
I occupied by W. IL DB 1819,13 now prepared to funsish
'who may desire with a good and truthful, Portrait.
..Being well posted In the production of theirs:ions kinds
,tePicturee of the day,l dotter myself that ray work is not
fzeelled by any in this stetson of the country.
Among the various kinds taken nt.019 [foams are the
Locket Pictures down to the smallestlired miniature
'Transferred -Anahrotypes—tbcnoc i l ‘ :hing out, for
sanding by Post to any part of the World ithout extra
.postege. 811 Pictures araboliL V1011:111%, nd expressive
—not those feint, lifeless shadows often *old about the
country.. Pictures taken In all kinds of wrOther„ equally
well, except those of young children. No picture need be
taken unless perfect satisfaction. Is given.
in dressing for a picture, avoid light er.drms,—such as
blue, purple. scarlet, pink, etc. Most others take well; ns
r ern. black, red, snuff, brown, orange, yellow, etc.
Remember that the place to get your •tpict are" is
a the Brick MocIL - over Bead, Warms .ItriFnoteee store.
Nien ose, ra..Nov.lllth. 1860.. '
. .
.„ .
'495 Br s oadWay, New York.
Agencies lit all flee principal Cities and
Taunts in Ike Unita
The Grover & Bakes S. DI. heg`ie
call the attention of public to their r l ecently introdu
Sg-WiZeit isactutte.
..TheEe machines combine all the Istestlnseral itnprern
menu in sewingroachtuery,andarchiallynacourninkd.
for their
ablarlieft/ cointraeltiom ;
teoomiesoreuesi - -
Ease of iiiimairensetuf • i
Audi Beauty . au l f i r en7 °Dr
ty or glLti.ork9
Various stiles of these — rnichiiies adapted to the house
or workshop will be found at the different agencies of the
company throughout the United &Mak Their new
Thelatest triempe of the sewing machln
rapid, and easily operated—will commeed itself to those
who use such machines fur manufaMurieg clothing.
Grove: & Biker achines,
- Theaejustly-celnhoded marldnes. ',Slanted to all the
wants of the household and,*.mabutsetory,..eotitinue to
maintain the preeminence which the almost nntrebal
verdict of theyetbileharawartled than; )The well-known
of the - Groins &4laker i3titeli will always laser.e theist
.nusetdnes the preference for family use, Pr the Yeenufae
luso- of each goods es are Wended for wear,for nee and
not for chow. •
Wherever the lb wen, di Better Stitch Machines
have, exhibited and !ably - indeed In competition with
the league Sew Machinft le the inntitet, Including
the the,
trot Wheeler .
dt A they. have laudably borne et
This assertion is condensed by the deeidon of the
mlttees of the State Fairs of -
, .
- - OSI Oa
_ . - vutemilopAis
reeently held. Web ovratded tke the; Presittnn to the
Grow N *aka IlLsollfte ore, all otbeorts competium.
TUE, ,FOLLCIWINAI 1211b0115ialIgni Or
THAT !A. , -
Al these testimonials were unstdicited by..Mr
Spahling, they afford unquestionable
proof of the efficacy of this truly
scientific discovery.
• • ifaaorrruas, Coax., Peb. 5,
Ma. SrAialsO: .
- •
- • - Sin : • •
I litife trted your Cephalic PM., and / :Ur fAer. se coca
that I want-yon to oeud rue $* worth mme. -
Put of theoe are fur the nelghhoro. to Whom Igarca few
oat of the drat boa I gut from you.
Seed the Pllle by mall, and oblige
-Four ob't wet
or or the
EL C. Spa
I wish you to send me one rtore,hoz of your; Cepludic
Mils; /ham nce d o meat dcatoft ffroosaiim„- -
. Tours, respectfully,
_ , -.••• •• • • ANN STOTLIOrt3E.
Spruce Creek, Huntingdon Cu., Pi., Jan-Tlit
11. Spaldifig. •
, Sirt • •
Yon will-please send me two boxes of O Pillur e. Bend
them immediately. ,
lieepeettnily final •
P. S.—l hargiused our bo _ your .Pittr.cuyi Awl-Max
estelknt. • -
Ilene Vernon, Ohlo,-Jan.
Henry C. Spalding, Esq.
Please lindUnelovc.d twenty-five cents, for which rend
me &slather box of your Cephalie -Pine. They are truly
the kest pith I hive ever trial. • .
Direct , A. STOVER, •
Hello Vernon, Wyandot county, Ohio.
Beverly', Moss, Dre. 9.
If. C. Siethiffig..Et:q.
I wish for tome clecedars or large show MIN - to bring
your Pills more partimearly before my cnstioners. if yen
have any th ing of the kind, please send them to me.
:One army customers. who is subject to.aitevere sick
headache. mouthy larthmtwo days). teas cured of an aL
lack In an - hoar by your Pill.. whfch I rent her.
ileapoctfullY yours; '
riees every
3er will bP
prlutticie r
lied 'in; tilt
•neral lier•
Iteynoldol•urg, Franklinen., Ohio,
.11enre C. Spalding. ' • January U.
48 Cedar street, N. T.
Dear Sir:
„Inclose/I fin (1 twenty-Overeats. (s,) which send me
box of "cephalic pills." Direct to Itev. Wm. T ller, at
Ileynold•dinr,r. Franklin county - . Ohio.
Your PSG weal ifs rt charnk-eare IleadarJii ataxia
Truly yours, Vim '
. .
Ypsilanti, .Tan.
Mr. Spoldlny. • •
- • •
Not long, since I sent to you for a box of Cephatii: Pips
for the cure of the. Nervous Headache and Co.tiv• m es
and received the rt,nt... and They had p good sa. , Tea /
was indured to *end for more.
/least scud by return mall: Llrect to
A. 11. WIIRELEit,
j•,n.r. !1..., t• • .'or
'Ceplealie PUIA acc.,m4. -11 the object tor a ' , Hi ;hey wire
made, viz.: ••uri of lituambe to all ite forma.
. .
F v,in r , • I' wir - .••: .\O. •'0,.!.. rrt. .:
They- hare been teked . .n tun .! than ktkotk,and eases, ;
with buret:re. . .
..,..,,,, 1!•t. P. I/10 . till. Si I 1.'1,4. Minn. --
If you are. or have been troubled wM.I the headachy, :1
wed for aM, o f cephalic pin.. mo tiht pm may have !!
than hi ca.: of an attack. - , . . ..
~.rom , he Ai, • /', or,th nce, R.: I.•'
he Cephalic Phi. are4a'd to be a rem:an:ably effective
'remedy for the txra4aely.. 11 , •C orthe very bet roe I
taut vrry.frequent coutpl.ani h ev-r been ;.
We byr.rtlyeudor.e,Nir. spAdlng, and toe an .u•cd
nery Ko- •
WC1111! Intre that ',ermine eutnirlng the, Ate
who try them, will etick to them\'
!.i'4'.• the I i•!t Ks),ter. airr; •(),:1,•„, 4„
Try /hem r you that arc araleted, and ;it tt . are rare that
roar testimony c^..o hr added to the alrea dy n , .meren-
Het that has receleed l benellte that nu other ntta . li.ine eat.
Prone ihe l gt. Lovis Do.mrtal. \
The Immenreiletnatid for the tiril:rte (ierhuPe+ pins) tit.
rapidly Increasing.
Front the Gazette, - Davenport. lowa.
woold not connect his tome with An Ar
ticle be dlilnot know to poik,evis real merit. '
e -
From the Aderriiver. I
niclestooroy:n their favor jig *Wong, from the relpectablo quarr-re.
Ffom 11
. 1e jy, lo ;,ort.
.Cephalic Pine an:lathing the puweof all kind&
llr the nee of these Pills the Peiloillentineks of Novato
or Sint Headache - m-4 be prevented ; and trial:en at the
cornnoinewmeut of an ettack, iiioncirate rei:ef, Ginn Pain
and sli•kness will be obtain-it.
They seldom full In 1111 l , mq, and 1 et:W=lw
to which feionliis are so 5i.11.-
lv upon the bi vc .1, " ,mocing
For )1 , 4, $bo•leo _
te, atc 7 miles and al
persons •'t aiikri rimy hut.• s. they are ‘.,!ctbie ae aloratire:
Imprii-lig the il;,pf We. ylchrg t one and vigorto the diges•
tire and re , toring thainattwal elasticity andi
stnnigth of the wh.ik system.
The c'EPII,ALIC PILES are the result of king
gatlistLandcar.i:ully eundneted experiments. having been!
in flee natty years, during-whip/a titnetheyhave prevented!
and relieved avast tunquitt of pain and suffering homy
Headache, whether originating= • nervous system or,
terma dersurzial thee
They are entirely vegetable In theirposltlon, and;
ayinbe taken at alltlmeis with perfect infetrwithrna tank -1
mg anychange of diet, and the arena ettray dlsagreenUe
Coate runikralt easy to administer theato Oildres.
Beware of Counterfeits.
The gennine.bace Ave•sir„nattarea of llenty.c. Spalding!
oneach box.
• Sold by arid otbcr•Dealera In Medicine*. •-!
A box will be rent by mail prepaid on nxelptor the
• >Prico Sal Clezatig.
A114.1c1.4. ehoold benddresicd to • •
r.ovIST leh 49 cedar Street, Ifirinetiroirk. 1
Itar ; i einle bottle of SPAISING'S PBEPAEIED GLUE
wiu save ten times Its 'coat
• 4
.' .
F.Comomy 1 . I3IfiPATCH ,
- fir'"A ftwrren Dr Tnrc Sam; TintiL%diust . 1
As aecidents will lappet', oven In Well rmattled bunt.
lies, it Is very desirable to have 'some cheap and move&
lent way fur repairing furniture, toys, mockery, au. -
meets alrsach emergencies, and no houmhold c an afford
to be without it. It la always ready, awl up to the stick
ing point. . - I
N. I3.—A limsh aceempanies each Milne. Price Id
cents. Address, . lIENNY (1. 'SPALDING. •I
No. 48, Cedar Street, lieer•lierk.
. . ...—L:
. ,
..- CAUTION. ;•
A c OCTVITTI tmprincipled tk1101:10 AM litterfir to palm
off on the unsuspecting public...lmitations nay Prepared
Gitm. I- would cannon all persons to examine - before put.;
chaeing, and see that the ruff name, , .. {
hint the outside wrapper; all others are swindling soon,
tarfeltr. .
Is now preparedteeterO-e ' ease of SCROFULA: . in
ihe Country, and be bets a v rtemedy iornauliarery.
• -
to, which flesh is heir. ' Call At the
of ABM:TU=I4 sod he trilled of the benefits dis i 7
pensed. - -' Ifontroseoinly , floatn.
KVinCitik l aNiri L int le fli
. •
aplepoldAssertineniinst recollve. Chinmies.shdes
borners.-ericits. ete. at Turre94.l
SAUL tattmtptwoltattas "Moth bf.Pltiketelpht*, to
the Harden State of the East... Best egmateand loattioa
for markets in thellnion.
(See advertisement of %Inched.] .
HEAVY. `]il3B6 PORK,
By t&a Bartyl; Ay Baldwin cE 4llkne
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
And Orr rientrente of thirealgoined rusietkis of
D4eVe: •‘• • .
iferofinla`sitsit licersdridlorm Jilbetlef ti lurk ii
.Tlstiaorei Uleersi" Beres r Eirmlittabs i me •
Vie, Piss toter litliktelader7Do l / 1 4 sof
mad all skin Din 6
OAKLMIN Ind 6f it itene.lBs9. •
J. C Amin ti Co: Gentsr"l feel ft my
,d sty to at.
knowledge 'what your Sarsaparilla has done for mei
Having inherited a Scrofidous has" "feted
boor UM 'various ways for years. Smiretimes ft buret
out In Ulcers on my hands, and arras ;_ Mmetimem it
turned inward sad dhdressect st the Stomach. .Two
yept. ago it broke out on •my bead and covered my scalp
and ears with one sore, which was tialnild and loathsome
beyond description. I tried many medicines and sever" .
physkiana, but without muelkeellef Qom any thing. Is,
fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced
to' read in the Gospel- Messenger that you hod prepared
an Altera tivelSarasparilia), for I knew from your erno.
bition that an thing yoir made mast be good. I sent to
Cincinnati lad got %and aired krill It cured Inc. I took
it, as you wrier, in,srmill doses of a teaspoonibl over a
month, and used almost three bottles, New and healthy
.skin soon began- to. ftirm under the sesib,_whic.h after a
while fell off. Idy akin is now clear;and I know by my
feelings that the disease la gone from my system. - You
ears well believe thilt I feel what I am Saying when I tell
you, that I hold you to be om-of the spastics of age,
tad remainever gratefidly, • -• •Yours, '
lI I t.
Aintiiimayre Tire, nose or Erysipelas,
Teeter &midi Salt Abeam, Seald,Etendl. Wag.
7orosom, Sore Eyes,.Dropsy. •
; Int. Robert M. Treble writes, Dods Salem. If. Y., 11th
Sept., 185 g that he has enrol an Inveterate ease of'
Dropsy, w idth threatened to terminate &tally, by the
persamering use of our Sarsaparilla, and eke a denser
mut attack of Malignant ErsOfielos tff liter doses or the
some; soya he...storts the common - zregrtwas by it ms
StantlY •
Brom creole, aisttre or Swelleill Reeks
&bolder Sloan of, Prospe ct, Texas, writes r 4. This.
bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured me , from a Goitre—a,
Iddecius swelling on the neck, which I had suffered Aver I
over two years._ •
Looeorrhoeit or Whites, Ovarian Tumor,
'Uterine Vleorattoo, Pantile Dlseitook.
Dr. J. IL S. Chaining, of New Yolk Tr writes:
raosechcerthily comply with the request your agent In
laying I hare found your Sarsaparilla i roost excellent
alterative In the numerous complaints for which we em
ploy viach a vernedr. hut . especially. In -Female Diseases
of the Seroltdous diathesis. I have eared many Invet
erste eases of .I.eucorrhcca by It, and some where the
complaint was caused kynlcerotton of the Items. The
itlecratlon itself was soon cured. Nothing within my
kno *We equals it for these female deranwmthts.n
EdwardS. Marron, of Newbury', Ala., vrr. w A dan
gerous °eastern tamer on one of the females in my tinnily,
which bad defied all the remedies wecould employ, has
It length been completely cured by your extract of Su
isparilla. Our physician thought nothing bat exerw,
Von 'could afford relief, but. he advised . the trial of yam
Sarsaparilla as the last resort before Orating. and tt
proved effectual. After toting your remedy eight weeks
no symptbm of the disease remains." .
syphilis adsd. Nlereurtal .Disease. •
• Pim Oki•kaNk. 25th Aummosso.
Dm J. C. AYER. Sir: I cheerfully comply. with the
requeet. of your agent, and report to you some of the
Obeli' I have realized with your Sarsaparilla.
I have cured with It, In my practice, most of the com
plaints for which itj is reeommeuded, and have found its
effects truly wonderful in the cure of Vendee/ and Mer
curial DiAerute. = One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers
in his throat, which were consumin his palate and the
top of his mouth.) Your Sarsaparilla, steadily- taken,
eared him In five *yoke. Another was attacked by sees
Soddy *laptops In his nose, and the nliendion had
eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the
disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But It
'yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the
alters healed, and he Is well again, not of course without
some disfiguration of the face. A woman who hadbeen
treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering
Ironttlds poison in her bones. They had become so send.,
tire to the weather; that On a damp day she sufitred ex.!
eructating pain In ;her Joints and bones. She, too, was entirely.tre your Sarsaparilla In a few weeks. I
know from its formula, which your agent_ ave me, that
this Preparation Bum your laboratory must be a great
remedy ; eonsequeatly, three truly remarkable results
with It have not surprised me.
Fintemudly yours, G. . LAnntEn, 31. D.
~'•Ektesisnatisnti, Goat, Liver
j orarimplaillalts
lisnErmuns.t. it•ti, Preston to., Ve.. fah Julv: lAN/
, Di. 1. C. Area.! Sir: I have been afflicted with apace.
net chronic Rheumalfirm for a long time which baffled the
j skill jot physidans, and stuck to me in spite of ill the •
remedies I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One
;bottle eared me In two weeks, and restored my general
health so-much that I am far better than before was
Wailed. I think it a wonderful medlelne. J. FIMA M.
Jules V. Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: e I hare hem
allUcted for years with en qr. : lion cr the Meer, which
dedroyed nay health. I tried every tioln,,,oe; and every tiring
felled to relieve me •, and I have been a broken-down man
for some years from no other MOuse than derangement of
the Lied. kly beloved pastor. the Bev. Mr. Erpy, advised
me to try your Sarsaparilla, bemuse ha said lie knew you,
and say thing you made was worth trying. By the bless
ing of Cod it has cured Me, and has PO purified my blood
as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. The
best that can be salt of you la not half good enough."
Sehilirnomi Cancer Tumors. Enlargement.; 111.
-eeratlan. Cstales, and BatfoLlation of the
• Bastes.
• A great rdrlety of CUM have been reported to us where
cams of these formidable complaints have resulted from
the use of this renusiy, but our space. here will not ad
mit theta. Some °film.: may be found in our American
Almanac, which the S muts be/ow named are pleased to
punish gratis to al who moll for them.
Dyipepslt t /Yeart s plisetse. kit?, Epilepsy,
Melkneboly, l'ienrnlgln,
. Many remarkable ewes or these affections have been
made by the alteralive.power of this medicine. It stimu
lates the vital IlMetions Into vigorous action, and thus
overcomes disorders whirl' would be supposed beyond
its rearb. Sucli 4 mmedy.luts long been nvaired by the
necessities of the people, and we are couddentihat this
will do for them all thst medicine can do.. .
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Congbii, Colds: influent's, Boarsenesi,
Croup, Bronchitis, inciplentlContunap.
thou, andiror the Belief oreozasnosp.
Bye Patients In advanced
singes of like . Disease.
This Is a remedy so universally known tokenises Shy
`other for the-cure of throat and lung complaints, that It
Is useless here to publish the evidence of fili - virtues. Its,
unrivalled• excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly
wonderfial cures' of pulmonary disease; have made ft
• 'mown \throughout the civilized 'tuitions of-the earth.
row are the communities, or even familiessameng them
who have not , some personal experience of its effects
- some livhlglrophy in their midst of Its victory over the
subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs.
As all know the dreadffil fatality of these disorders, and
as they know, tOOk the effects of this remedy, we need not;
do more than to mime them that it has now all the sir•
tea that it did have when making the cares which Isms
won strofglTOpon the confidence of mankind.
rimmed Lj Dt. X C: AY= & 00., ZoweU,
For sale byAbel Terrell 31oul rose ; Church & Thi
buudafr;. Widt . mati & SVlsher, s torburn - Ceutre, red 1 y
dealers and druyxist s everyaberif. oc Sy cw
,lasi Publiilted lin a geakd Enretape ; Price tis'<eafs n.
,—, r , LECTURE BY DM ,cDpviIiMELL
4uu on the cause and (glee riperniMor
ta . rlima. Consumption,likninl and l'lsysiea
• r•M
I'Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy ;- Impair.
ed Nutrition of the body; Lassitude; Weakness of the
limhs and thebaCk ; ludic monition ; hiss of memory; -
aversion to society ; love ef Solitude ; timidity ;- self-dis
trust; dizziness ; headache ; affections of the eyes; pim
ples on the face ; involuntary emissions. and sexual . in
capacity; the condequences of youthful indiscretion, de.
t fer This admirable lecture clearly proves that the
above ennnmetated. often self-afflicted, nulls may N, en
moved-without medicine and wilhout surgical operations
and should be read by every youth and everyman in the
. Sent under - neat, to Any nddreve. Ina pinin Pealed envoi
crpe:on the receipt of *lx cents, or two po,,trice Anmpf,
by suldrePrlntt ' DR. CHAS. J. C. KLINE.
jn30—:623 'ltt: Bowery New York, Poet Box. 4588...
.kii4bbot•llkdiiino lito world-ISr gA4 ow cif •
' • Coughs and Colds, Croup, ' • - -
Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficult Breathing,
?slpitstion of the - Heart. •
Po, reilef•Of Patients is furrowed Oars 4 , •
Consumption together with all , Disessta
• • of the Throat and Chest sam which'
• • .Predispose to ConsuMption. • •
It otlackalthe loot n Oman, and snakes thejklt
• dartroyerpuemosbtoitointikence.ltokoprody
' shires imperforation. 41 induces hea/My action ,'
in Me thawed /humus 2/mamas and liana. '
It is peculisely adapted to the radical - •
- etre of AsTIIIIA.
One dose IV tAis invaluable RY7:l 7 Taften Ora
sago and innsequeolly skip, whicli as particular
nahmlof rhe abeam denim. ivrorypiearant
to the taste; and prompt in ire erects. Try it it
eonot,id Mat it it Walnut& in the mire of
- 113 rIenellsIntAffections.
Primo 50 coat per liottle. -Prepared only by
• Dr. A. It9ENIVEI24as sold A. /elements,
• • eb_ -N W. corm teDa and POPLAR Agresti;
Philad'a; , Pa. inm tale to .Montrose by
asn9 , lo. l lul AllEk TUIZRZLL. Drusraid. ,
32C.oi 4 cosserte. •
=Hest 116:wicket, constantly on blind, and at as low
Hee as it tan be obtnlund Or any Dealer 111 WWI.
farnemenhar • Torrull'e Drug Store,
• mien ?ur.
-, The Olowing in en' versa from the report u - f
S Robinson. lisq,,juntillohed in the New York
• lIC, in reference 01. Vinehind. Atl pereons wu rud
this report with Interest. - - •
Advantages of Farming near liemetrizzel twi-- 7 1te
marks niwittXl4l , --Boil, its great. Fertility-771m
Causa.olFartility—Amount or Crop Yroduciti—
Practical Evidence.
-lits certainly one of the most extensive fen trw,ls,
watt almost litre] prosition, and - suitable eumliTh•ii fur
pleasant farming that we know of this side 6f
.the eu,•t•
mn prairies, f. We found Fume of the oldeot rtrlll , :Tyr,
reed ly Just' asiprentably motinctive %hen first
of forest fifty or a hundred 3 care ago. .
The geologist would soon discover the enese of this
enntinuetttertillty. The whole country is u d e -
F and all through the roil we found evhiebrt, of
greens substances, generally In the form of liolnl.u,d
calcareous marl, showing nianydis t Lott forsus uhi.tent
shells, of the tertiary formation :in:dills inarl 3 ...ent,..i la ,
Is smittered4li through the sell, in a very curamineted
form, and the exact condition lllon. t
ca, I.y
by inch plants as the farmer desires to cult iNut e. '
Marl, In all p.. forms luta been used to fertilize -crop, in
Epgtaud, from the time it \ was.occupled by tb,-
and in Irrauca and Germany a marl bed 16 contob-d 011 ns
a ealuable 1x.4 of mantareAliat can be dug and cart: i
au4 spread over the Acid, llow moch more vain:o)l4:lh, n
It must he when found already mixed -,throngis the ruii.
where new, partitive will be turned up and expuren. und
transformed to the owner's use every time she stirs the
earth. - '
Having then satlatled . ogr mlndA with the ca ,, se, they
will net Witched with wonder at i.ceing Indubitable ev
idence of fertility of a soil which In our situations, let,-
thg the name:general characteristics oral I, a-t appea ran
ties, is entirely nnremunerative except as Ita pr, , dilet Ire
neits to pp:booted by artificial fertilixatit,n... •
A few words about theunality and value of this hold ,
for cultivatien, of which we have role.; proof.
Our first v*lt. atis to William D.-Wilson, Franklin::
township.bluncester county. wbopurcinised some eight . ,
miles north of Milville;about three years for he:
CCWII 6 O e tl f :n e t b r
, " ;0 4 1 n c ' a
0 Va in
t a ile " l;e t µ '. r k :M "
A " ; D e
es the flrewupd and coal; for which be built .4) rat it • a.
mile soda half long. Ile also furnished sixteen ;biles or
the road width tier, and bad •nti doubt made the MO
profitable, though his main °Wawa, open a Lola,.
haring beemae couviuced that the soil was valuable P.r .
cultivation., t Itt title he hue not 'b e en disappoint, d,
some or hitt crops prove. For instanee.sthe scomil ttno•
of cropping, :MO hoshols of potatoes on one: acre ,
GO cents a bushel in the field. This year, seN1:11 ;ores,
Without manure, produced= bushels of oa t, i t , our
field, the first crop was Potatoes, planted among ;LC
roots:and yielded 73 bushels. The potatoes were •
and . wheat edam, andyrielded It bushels: sod the -tubby
turned under and Sown to buckwheat whicit
bushels; and then theground oas sown -to ekver bd -
timothy, which gave as a first crop 2! tons ['era, re.
The fertiliXersapidicd to these crow were dn.!, n-hes
from clearing 4 • second, 223. pounds of tutperph, , -; hate
of lime ; thinl:=l ponn,lll Peruvian:ruin.; then Zik ,
els of slacked - lithe has been skew! upon tloi clot et
ft was mowed. and turned in' for wheat,
Mr. Wilson's growing crops, and. t lir wheat stitio.te of
the present season, all indicate his land as product ire as
any part of the lit 4 %e.
At Mary harrow r, an old style Jersey woman farrier,
several mile south of Mr. Wilson's, pe were rtt particu
larly struck with the fine:tope:Want:6 of a field ~t eurn,that , .
we stopped to inquire of the hired man le , w it ass pp ,
doted. We found that the land had the; year but
one before In wheat, sown with clover. awl this - tut of.e •
season, and last spring plowed once, with one "p aid
nag,",and, planted with corn.
. - "Yes, but you manurcti high. we suppose t" „
terroptively; and got his reply ! „
• oat, you see, we couldn't done that ; e e
hadn't but forty-one. horse lodd- alttiget he r, 2:: acre-,
and we wantedthe most on't fur toe I rurk'' -
The truck:cons vied of bea.-, carrots. C:11,1,a , ,, I am
and a very psoductivl , it
beans. growil f o r marketing. S., we wercsat d t
the roil was not infertile, t von tinaid.ll ty clover. w .
had fed the corn, because the "tr.:tit patch" hat! ri
clovertal, and luntheeu in cativati,a, ' „;..
I tterite all signs of the forest.
Our next visit was to the huger:m:l4,f Ale'rew Sleirp. •
five miles nerth of Mill" ilh-, from fto a 1 ,- , ,
the railroad; m111.1E44 about In th , e. 14 , Vi, •
]rit Sharp MonmencedWerk her.: in l tee,m) u p.
On d7u acres*,_ ill feed than three years 11.-
acres cleared rind in crop" , this'sea•ton. Weil
and dividetatito s , :veral fields, with 'cedar rail -in 1.•
(cure: has built a two-story dwell in.!. a'..-at I
Of forty feet', and a "unalhw,
etal,le avid ...frattary :nal Sllnu - .4 fi,•r ma! ti! ":1 • `.
einteiderable part of the Lind it e1....a.• •t* r it, ;1 ~..
at to doilarganu acre, and 0n ,, ,,me or it tit.. :: r:t e, - ..;, a:,..5
Imckwheat .liintal with 50Intehel , in ~•,w.`.. r p,•r ; ,•,..._L
Thie crap I,4ty he put in frtna.lniy lil t to tht . L. ~!:41. ) 1.•Id 3
from t ar:itty to thirty bushele per acre. lily I -4 I•,i 111 ...% 11, •
ember :•wipin the land liein,..eowell - with ' t:.. - ; •,:11.k ••1'
Pentrian rtjano and ..e. dial with rye. I, I .:,..1 12 to l 5
hnellele per tem out i ell 1101t1111 , at Ire& J, I ,si r. tW. , ,',1%, o
[Se ~ t ubble tirned..aterkuockintt ,, if .. I :r.t., •.r ,n 111 of
oak eprout .and drested tuMiu . with ••••1• , :t ," ~ ..1 -trite!!
to wheat, ettee 15 or lit brish 1
..y.e. . *r!
.1•• vr..... v. hick' t• it II: ,
threettinz Whit: we liar. then . pr01n!..,- . I va , .. ea .1 very
plump ..tuairt, and the etraw it at re Ilea, e. 7
We wcnttover the :dabble anti Tonne tilr• crag r :...r
timothy. [rum ',cad cowed fitct. ttprill.J.ll t:,,• salii ..t 3. it L
out barrOW11113:;looklEig at writ an w.. e....r ~.‘w it ~,,,,,
any old Cuglvateyl farm, and with a littl., work it i., • 1.,
the winter to clear off sonic routs and rttitr..ll• -lit,: .7.
and eettingltttAkttd to mark permanen t one., w, • u :ll.' e
able to cut xh.. crop next year wit II 11. 111 , ..r1 . ,: 111 7:1 - h i it,
and we wil‘ zunrantev two tone per acre, if he uil tin e
the ocurph(e•l r it overrune the let I no , .
Part or tile laud wax planted with 1 ,, I.ItI•O' rY • II 5r I
crop, which yielded one hundnal :unit ie, it.
'-.,,,- I ts , •,..•1-
acre,- It was theft limed with fi fty tmelicl..; :Aar. ...,...1
seeded 'with wheat and clover. yiehlitiz an "th:•... ..1
over 15 bantrelt , per acre, aud-the CiovertioW 1,,,,L.,_,..• •,:- •
WO. • .1 .
Other pottions have bei•ta ninth, with corn a 4 a r-t
crop. which yielded thirty y. I" i!ii t
and the sec , ond crop fortylkusil• Irpand the th:rd en t.;
treated Moncton& of guano, wean. rare uo on
estimate h‘i low forty hn prcotre..
[The reader n ill recolh.ct that the I-. rot
Ing of land perfectly new. and which tall er:llctly coo
eldered in-good arable cOutiltien.—En.l , •
0111eKOECS the corireropVlT4 year Iva+
with oats titre not y,t2thre,lietl. bet e
probablyftirtv to tatty Swett 1/111:11;it•.,
mellon,, :Indio fart. all veg, table-. lie It ell - • • •
pe•seb and btlicr fruit tree. Splant••ti this tear.
plainly that title long neglected tract of land ill ' -
main jo milonger, and there's now n rm, pe• • ... • y
that it wit( not ; for nod, r the au:Tice, of Mr. Lit, ; .
will be divided into small lot: , ,
with rowl-• d••
comotedath all—the surveyor b•• now int , y at thi. •.•
—And nil piirthasere. will be required ro build .I. •
fortablehonAce, and elfin:eh:tier their Intl. in mor n :
or tierce to live without fence,-whleti would be i.retn)n
ble, by which means a good pinpoint ion xvi iI be eon •1
who,will eltahlish churclacf. s &whools, i‘tore. , .' mill, ma
chine shops and homes—homes of Ameri tan faner-, ,-I,[ -
rounded bil,mrdeus, orchards, Gel& nod comfort- oYei v
nixed life.
if any one, from ancilenibeement of luwi i•••••‘. is r
one. of channing•his pu root to for life, or II ILO to iron
ertlIAC (ICAO 11% to fad a new location and cheap in
the couttrr,nitul who tray read 111)11 Ildil•Vt• 101:0 Ur Inn ,
trialY ,qatea. he will do wen to go anti for him fu hot
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