The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 23, 1862, Image 3
GREAT BATTLE AT HAGERSTOWL GEN. EcOLEGLAN VICTORIOUS._ ' Rebel Loss i 17,000 Nen. '. , . IIEADQUARiERS 'Artltl(pF POTOMAC, - September 14th";,%•10 P. M. } IL W. .I.IALLEcii,. General 7 m-chief:' ... ' . After a very severe engagement the coro of. General Hooker and General "Ze no have carried, -the height.commanding the IlagerstoWn road by storm— • •- .- the troops :behaved magnificently- - • they,pever lotight better., Gen.Fratik liM has' been boldly n ettfir•ed bn the extreme left. Ido not yet know the result, 'except that the tiring indi-Ca ted progress on - his part.. ' ' Thefamion continued until -,after dark, and." terminated, leaving us in possession of the entire crest. ' • -- • • - '- . • 1-.A..drri" • . iiilstrat . . . or's Notice. • It has been a glorious victory. • • - • . ., . ' ETTE'llg of adminitdratfon to' the efifE of Brayton. I cannot tell whether Alio. enemy will II lialifhars, late of C/illOid, ha►l tr , eo:granted 'retreat during the niht, o•-ail-lea'. i n in., -to.the uuderAzned, all persons ludebled to • said 15stste • creased forcedttring the 140 ,.,,,,,,,,[ , 1 1: y i ,,.. ,? 1 :: 21 .2 ; 1 ,4 1....z.te a r iia tri n; ed e latr. payment..aml-those will preeeet them to , ~...,• , I regret td add that the gallant and ti• I - it rw..cO.OI.MICH, iSdlter. file Generailleno ft -. killed. 1 Clifford, &Tit. 23d, ret. GEO. 13. McCI.F.LLAN' , Major-General • - : Sept.. 15 kajor-Gen. HAV.ECK :- I am happy to intOrM yon that C4hdral Franklin's success on the left was as com- , plete as that Oil the .et?t re anil right, - and 1A sum tare for Dysentary, for Bale fli usual by i•esulted in his getting possession {if the : 1.1.. - , - Gap after a severe. enrra”.ement in all partS , •., • N? . lof the line: •- • 1 ALL Indeb;cd, plgave call end tettle. - . . I . • . . • _ AEEL.,TURRELL. _ . . . . . The troops old and.'new ' behavekl. with .:: - . , 'the utmost, st6dine4s and gallantry, • ' • ' 1, TT:, el carrying, with - intt. little assistance from . sIiFoRD LNIIER Si Ty 1 . onr own artillery., very strong positions., . . . _ ~ defended by artiflery and bd . :nary. -: i runtzncxt Term of this InsProtton yiltitimmenee on 'I do not think our los. very. severe. - 2_ Wednesday. Sef,temher fhl. The Inwood term on I i — WC:Msans Decemher :a and the third term, on Wed- Tile corps •of Generals D. 14. Hili ant] • emad,ty, Fe7brnary ilith. ISdl. LOngstreet were engaged with our- right... ! '-' • , _ 3r.....le....xi:mr.spnts;;_ . V have w e take') .a, eolisifientble number ' TUITTON.-,C4nunOit Brunches, bit-Ruling Votal mits '- - I lc., • $3,00 .of prioners. I r _'he enemy disappeared' during the night. Our troops are now advancing in purstiit. I do not know where - he will next be found. GEO. B. .)leCtxt.LAN Sept. 15th—'43 o'clock, A. M. ! Maj. Gen. 11. 11 7 .- I have just learned from Getrial Hook eer, in the advance, wl,o slates that the information is •perfectly relial,le , t.hat.oe enemy is making - for the liver in a perfelit and Gen. Lee stated -lasi night put). Hely ; that he must. 'they had ; been shockingly Whipped. lam huirying 0- erything, forward to! 'endeavor to pre,4 their _retreat I .to the, ut Most. . • ME11=1! unr.tvin, 10'A'. M. Sept. 15th. To IT. W. 11.,.‘1.1,r . .cti.:4- Information this-moment received com pletely confirms the rent and demoniliza lion of the relmi army. , Gen Leeis repotted wounded, and Gar land killed. :e . Gin. Hooker alenO hac over a thous and rriore-piisotiers, so :A - en hundred having been sent to Frederiel:, •• It. is stated that Lee gives • his loss •ns firteen tholisand. • We arc followiny, :ct the-men can move. Git?:.l3. MCCLELLAN: • Explosion at rittoburg Ars?mat. -PittA):l7.?,.svpt. fril7,lnfal er - plosionioeeurred at the United ttiqates-Ar setialt,t this nftornoon at 2 in a large traTe a-= the Labor atory. About one litiniked and seventy .boys and girls were • employed in : the -building at the time air disaster,. seventy five or eiglaty of-whoni were killed. - The . explosion was 1111o:eel bv. others, until the entire buildimy was dostroved. Theise, who could not ese.tpti. in tithe,- were burned up. Tile scene was mo-t appalling. :-Dtvail bodies were lyit: , in 1‘ . ...41 1 r311e1l CON . " 111 :ril l ±CDIV. heaps as they had ilillen,' and iil sum: Common En'.lsh Brunel...A: ~ . ..: ... i ' VI 00 Blh . er ' :' •• . and Matbenp!tice, 400 places where the heat -was intense, the • Including Latin .2rcorit, 600 ' whit,mcd - b.Mes could •be seen through Primary DepartMent • ' ' - .1.. i 200 Instrumental and Vocal Music, extra. the smoke and flame. In other Plaves, 1 flte . lall Term or 'hie well established School will larga mases of 'ILIA:Cited flesh were %is- ttOmdasnee CM Wedne . ,, Aug: iath, and continue elev. ible. ' , ,en weeks. Particular a tendon will be I=l4lo thosede - • . ". ' In ,, to ieneh . Up to the presebt lime 63 bodies have--, . etares on Tcachtrig and other subjects will be given { daring the tem. been taken from the l•tiills: . , • I Board eau be had on the most rearorsable terme; also • The cause of the eXploSion is notknOwn,! R '" „Ic'ti li6 pa r i ° n r : ll l,7l7e bh . i pa n j_ g o t 2 irm rd l L Z;il l .Z;i'doi Worth lit. it is admitted by- :till to I t y - e b een . ac ..- ' ...elll)nrat patronage ix nashuretofore ruceired. . . 1 p =cir 1 , N , f ; t ,,, r t t, h 7 1 f.gtif arms ,- addre s a M. L. -MAWLNY, •cidental. Some assert it was caused by ;th e uee i t l er it a l \ thili n o- ° f a „h e n. - Br order of the Boat l7 o. T. BOYLE. Sec . )... ;tows •rIAyDEN, Preet. N —.lli •igs. .....= • Clt is stated by pt•rsons''reeently Trom 31innestita that from six-to eight 1 hundred men, women, and-children have been-massacred by Me Sioux - in 3fintieFo- , a, and that atleftst bnolltiril the area of the State has been deserted by its terror .ttripkeil population "1971"ite p'ssidn'trton rare now bowling after Gen. liorn,ide fur pot bringing away several thousands of Atontrabatids from. Fr&lerieiatrg.- The brave General . thought mot=e hi the safety and contlimt"of ids Koldiers then the ne •grues—that is his crime. • . ' t The better nations become aegnaiiiterl -with cull other, the liewer will their prejudices and the more likely Will they be to love and respoet each other. Just so witli Herrick :Alen'-A Golil.Medal ivra~R=g~~s. On • the 17th iit Church, iiingliainton, by tile Dr. Beach,. aSOULIi ()ratp_re, N. J., AcnEL !lati: , liter-of the' late ,Caleb Cann - nit," of Lake Side, Sysgtic6:ui inn cu. Pa. , • In•Oilison, On the Bth 2nst., itt riev. Mr_ - Lamb, Mr. 11. F. IlALDwis, of Bi-41,1teaq i:pic and Miss U - .-O. AV.t.sitnynv; of eon. • 7:13M.41.9V3EC51. In the Military Hifipital, at 'Key West; Florida, of yellow fever, ,ini Wednesday' the 20th ult., GREGORY, : son'athe Res.J. l 'B. McCreary of Great Bend, in the 19th year of his age. , Lieut...MoLußth, Adju tant of the. 90th Reg.-..--N, A", V., died one hour before him-,of the same fatal disease. They 'were buried together in the-same grave yard,. where their bodies rest until the morning of the resuirection, • Oh, when will this -terrible war spirit say of its victitns—il. 4 inough ? -. I COm. - In • Forest Lake,. on thejsth - init., of " dipthcria, PittANA T., • dat . ighter.otearvey and Mary Slauson, aged .11:lye:vs. ~•• " ' In New,Milford, Sept. Ist, of diiitlieria, IDA ELIZABETII, dam:Otter nf Berbs liand Zillah A. Foot, aged 9 ye irs, 3 • itiO,nths and 9 days. 1...:4- . :. ' • • - : in Oakland, on'lhel4th ilst., Mrs. MA .ark A. RAYIIONii; 'aged , 77 years, 11 mo. . 24 days. Mrs. Raymond was'a native of- Germany, but antic to this country when a child., After :residing Aeniae years in Philadelphia; she'jnd filer husband settled iii Diinock, (thee ; Spilmgville,). Susq'a co. A good Woman :in . 1 ' Very 'euse of the word, she died its the tbll. h ' e:of a bits sed immortality. ' . : : - '1- : . 1 • tflom:,'. 6. f. fu's t *IIEUZCAN . :!) MEN A GE RIB 0Ci110i333:M3133 IELL known as - the olden estsblishmert; and the Inn t perfectly organized and highly popular Com pany travelling. will exhibit under one immerse Pavil lon, and (or only one price orAdmis•lon. . . Manage itiastie Iting Skater—Dr. .8. C. Woolsten ; P.questrireDirector—lt. Will exhibit at New • 1114Eillicorcl, 'op 22sci 4 MOOS. - • Doors open at half past 1 aid 7P. -Admission 25 tents. eW.ico halt price. '•• [Pot particula rs see large posters.) • TAIKE PIOTICIL • D.l: W. COBB having been appointed s nnrgenn In die artn'r, tik hCculLiaLi are left with the nuttesalimed ftirsbettlement.. Aflpmuua Iralabied plait can and settle WithaUt delay. ' Z. COBB. - • 310utrute, Sept. b, lk.a. 3 A. M BAKED'S COMPOUND, itO - Or; !i!: • . - , . Algebra, Geometry and Ancient Languages, ... ... .' . • P ' eef .Freneh ' g , 38 Matte on Piano. until the War Is over • Room rent ' . • . - . 'i.. Y,50 Espenseso Het:lt:limn room, • . . .. 1,130 Botrd per week - it 00 Each room is furnished with a cooing stove, bedstead and table. Retitations ' commence "ht 1 o'clock. on ,3fonday, and close for the week at- noon oh Saturday.. ' 'The evening estMclaes are the followlagt - -. Monday evening.'dehate in the Su cietres' 'room. • " Viedne , day, .6petkimr . and Composition... ' tenr-tday, l.t.N.ure, with experiments in 'Natural Phi, • lo.onby :tad Piteini-try. _ . Friday Gvuoinl Debate. ', i • . • .. , - ' The Institution INlttralt‘hed with, an apparatus to Mutt irate the !Ca:urn% Philo. , ophy and Chemistry, and a skeleton and Maps to aid in the study of Physiolo gy,- . .... _ susoluk COUI%TTX • - CLASSICAL '& NORMAL sSoliocal: S. S. HARTWELL, B. A. Principal. Experienced - it Comptitent,lnstinctors. Next Academic Term commences 'Mon day, Sept. Bth, • : . . ITITRilir. PEE TERN. OF ir WEEKS. •from • ../12 to-600 Latai, and Ovrquia, each. rreFlch- _ . English. with one language • J 1 50 •—Xii bill for thenbwe studies ebsill exceed ~9 00 Mioe on tam Piano - • - ' - 2 00 I:seurlustruini•u i. 1 2 OJ . - • - .. ... No deduction for absence. execpt In cas e s of prpt.picted Mot,A, or he special nureetuctit. Board obtailoal front ~:t.OU to s^. j5O per week. • dishing to board thentsch ea ;can Ilnd good remits ut molerate For farther ;particulars. ad drea,s Pclucipakat dontrosc. .I • Jrssur, riesse. c. F. ra:AD, Seery. • • 1 14M'7 .331ILrOXED SORILIL SCHLOOL. HAWLEY, PrinCipal. E. B. HAWLEY. Assilltant.. Great -Bend Seniinary. AT GREAT BEND, SLISQ'A'COUNTY, PA. . '33 — cr..Liar_ii - •..Turriv . . . • Th. ..9...o.tursara irtmaxa. OF TEAS ; ~ .. Don't begin' with the RCN at , . .- . SCHOOL - WILD OPEN' ON , Tuesday Auks, • ' i I . 261 b, 1562,, nod eon; Mae ELEVEN 101 r ' - SI under the direction of H.. CLISILMAN. as principal. The Till H i l oy pi l sTo ll i . emirtte of in.:ruction ipali the braisehei,is thorough and ' . . . pt_tairrl. A thN,rough'prenaratiou given to young men • . - . . desiring to cuter Cunegt. I - • , after -, ' - •• 1 - A;teiichers class, will he organized at the commence- , . -• militia the term„,Tor the more full training of those, ~ - 8 ENV 'G 00 D wishing to teach:and assistnuce rendered them in pro- ; .4. ~. . ..- S• curing situations tor tine summer. . This does will re-'1 . . - ' . . .. ceive iostrnetiou on the theory.and practice of teaching, , OLD and YOUN.II, RU 4 .lland POOR: GAT and Pestive, -one.hour rani tiny, and.have public meetings once in too weeks. . . are hourly lawn rustitigimiratt. to. the - --.. . , - . - ...Wiza;craalt7 - .. .. ' " . Irg.AD-OF NAVIGATION, R. etSIIIIItN, . . . • • PR"'clrAir" • Alt_t. co •er to be linpplled from the- choice arid extensive ! HON. S. D. CHASE; A. M., InstractOr in Greek, Lat.. selectsun to be-found •' . . ' l• , in and Gernisn. . ' . . REV. .I. B. IicCREARY, Chap lain and Lecturer,on ' i Ar " TYLER 8 gTO - 1111 modal tciati6e.. . thi,- , .. S. DAYTON. Lecturer on Physiology... / His, aseortineut tat' =MIT tl:3lmooC.lse beat 'em MiSS MATTIEJ. 0 RAN G 4,,Tettcher 01M11111Con.Piano ail, atidsia,for.,clioice. . ,„s , .': Other teachers as neceesity may dement - ' t 431rER, -.. 0 CJAI3MIMSI - - ,1 • . • - ' To of Niti it • •-• ' ', •' - rms.P • . viz.: 9 Ind 10c Stas.r: $ l', Mee.. entree: and Tobacco,- . p ri 0.. 3 .- 1 " - ,•- utmen4swcmirtin . o rd o .,i i wi ,, , k. , Ls 5 0 2 - unyle aretitadeq . . uate,.-they are . lir .: _ltis . tsele_sstomvn , - Ceetllloll 'Drenches. e_ - ' v.- . - ~ . - ...„. s 0 , 3 nen the TWO thonsana A one Ban ors inch a luiPsupp,y 1. Nigher Bup.Sish and Mathematics . 7. : diK; 500 is kept constotty id the. Wiest - more In town. A con . . 7Do titination or calls teatdeAU. &sired. and if there are ' ilktat undSciences . . . sn o a .. n . yso nnf . ortu , sust .. efas tiot . , to imve.r_ourict "r Ha , place, Your Lauznages. Ancient or modern . . do., - ' TesiberA Normal Chins ...• ..„ ', ',do, 150 ulFa c uO'', l . l .k e l,F u !" -. 5 .P. u ; 4 79 1 '-' fr -.. 7 , -'" . • Mask PC Piano' ' 'duo ‘8 °° FIRST SIORE BELOW TARBELL'S HOTEL, useio. Piano - • Ttichighighrinches inchule the loser. thus: 1.8 (Al er. i : ' q mo rr4p- o ff e. , :the • KEY.S.7:OIVIA:-;: • . ~ . _ ; quarter covers all bronchia, maned, above except teach- . - .. , i f en class and music on pl.ino.- , where 50 percent. has ceased to be. R e are bound to let • btaiple live-and live: Bring along your Butter Kalcs, I NOB. AB bills must be arranged at the commencement .ju •Oat. If i .Cdsh Con, and oSt - nnyihing else you of the term. . - - _, - - • ',- di?,•at.want.,.anil get value received .. ; -•, i'.i I. . Board can be o' Mined with furninbest ?Dome at 'from i ' ' - .ss itot o $y „so 1 , w e ek,-)irtifii, trashing and fuel extra. 1 * • 'AT :TIMMIII3''EtTOBII; .. i n wishtir _ to board theinselvescan obtain MUMS " - '.. -.'- .- . - in the school heilding by-spplying In season.- N. fk Please do n't irate the above Mentioned'artielias. Great Bead. April tM,-'e.---yi at home, for 'Minas won't penult meta wait '‘' till you come up aga i n. ' : ..,-...., ~.. .• . , i 6 - bakers-A new lot tit whlteand .colored, flig 'Una just'openial._. . ' - LAMPS of all klnat, and flolnitk Cot berninggirosene now ready and eery cheap, -Beet heroiene. cheaper than daylight; alsd Fresh-Minting Fluid, Cotentin - le, Sperm. • Adomant ine and Tallow Candlea,iteptconstantly au hand . _rilrA new supply of HATS' 'ais' d CAPS.' BOOTS and SHOOS,Stone and 'Wooden Ware. Brooms, -and Brushes of all sorts, Yankee Notions of all varieties, Krfuntery, And Toilet Soap, Oluiteof Boses,for chapped tianda,-best ,7thing in tute r ete.,:ac„; allot _which- will tie sold k'; the pay dobra, as ,the. ;Imes dectuld.. by :.. •', , . : ..• 1 - s IL). ' TN lia Vs lit. • • . , TO DAIRY - ME X.-Tam forriarding BUTTER to N. York onOisrms of commission Lthat• win snit yea. Call 2nd inquire, analook at my dairy salt., itteacksof all si xes, as good as tat; De foetid lif-town.: . Montrinte,Eay 25th. '• HENRY C.-TYLETL , • ~ •..LM.U. 0 U. S , .. ... .. .1. , 1-1 Different kinds of *lnes and Liquors, coinprtsing !YU nearly every laud in any market. warranted pure. For sale as must byABEL:TURRELL. , 13017 D & WOODRUF TM &SIIIET-IRONNSINSS ' NEXT BELOW SEARIE S UOTITX. ALSO The CARPENTERING Business NEAR salt mErtiorasT,causcu. . , -•- • • WE to..4_,p_conatahtly_p_a___ . hand a 'general amortment of IT tri•Crlar= r - M of the most approved pat terns; uildere-Hardonro of all kinds, Falme;s' Tools:0f Ajl Kinds. Brass Were. Porcelain Ware, japanned Ind Min ; Tin 'Ware orthebeet materiaL . • . - • 01151 glass; Putty', l and - Sash. .ramps, Lead ripe. Laois, Bird Ca c,. etc., ie. Good Buggir.for Terateright. Remember, the place. . • Call and see as - rem n. +Born, 1- - SO,_TDA INFOO.DRIIFF‘.. Y A. A. WOODUUTT. ontruse, duty TX, /b 152. ,32' paRE NM, New York. andll -State Street, Boston, Aro our are for the Montroietenitacrolia Mose eitles,aod are authorized to take adraellastaileta •aad inibeeelptlesa for us at oar lorreet rated • .9:TIZI - ASSLSTED•ItY • cRflYOa U 11.yPetterigit1icap.if FIRE- INSURA.NCE. THE IttiqußAtict CO; OF NORTH AMERICA .'" AT 141LlailSki* ka astablished anAgency in riontro s as. The Oldest IneuronecTo; in , i)4e Union. CASII CAPITAL PAW M. Aspsra ovgE, . ,• • TRS rates areas - biros those of any good company In New Tort, or elsewhere. and its Directors are among the Ow for honor nod integrity . CnanLes PLATT. Sec'y. UR G. COFFIN. Pres. Montrose...lnt:ls, 4;sl. BILLINGS STROV AO. $4O . Wages Paid $lOO To.ecll rode for the ADiIiIIiSEMTKO NIACUINIS Ve will give a counntrrion on all gouda told by onr Agents, or pay wages nt froth "kilo 1 1 100 per month, an I payall necessary, expenses. &child can learn to op erate it by half an honr'r Initructlon it is equal to any Family Sewing Machine to ate, and We hare reduced the price to Fifteen Dollar,. 'Each Machine Ja warranted for three Addeo** •;C. RUGOLF.S, , Den. Agent: • S, ' -Detroit, Michigan. ,A,RARE CHANCE!, For : the Next - 30 Days, Only. THE ENTI RI SPRMG & SHER STOCK DRY AND FANO HOODS! MRSCIIMINI BROTHERS, W be offered to. thu _ AT A LARGE REIitICTION.• me largest iind beat essarlment-of IDST-411D-bb-29- In the county, • ln order to dispose of tl.•eir large and beautiful stock of all descriptions of • DRESS NODS, SIOIS, SSIXJ32E.Ci, -CM..lC)ffrit imetreatiscassz, • SUN.-UMBRELLAS .13a.LracoretIL.IElls-ixta,elbco. alto. The uadenrigai'd uirertae.e Goode at pier well kou'eat stand, the • " • hive.' `Bee_- - - No. 20 • Court St. • Cornere..(, Water St. • Bingham- -- • • -• •••* 4 ton. N. Y. at a considerable reduction of ordinary low prices here, .with offering a rare chance to all those wi.thing to invent In these necessary anteing. Having imported moat of our Stock ourselveg, whUe,tn the European markets. WI am enabled to offer •ruperior inducements. Fir — Dun't full to avail .youreelves sf these bargains at NUISORDEANN 11110TIMBA, NO. 20 Court Street, • - - • - • Sign of the BEE mvs. lEtxrrif:Aaac.A.. - aerrcaz4. P. 5 3 .--The largest and best assortment of BLACK SILKS, that can he found this side of New York. C&II •and see thexu at the • 13 e e e , No. 20. Court .Stroot. Binghamton, July 17. 242. s NEW FIRM. BALDWIN & ALLEN SUCCESSORS TO ALLEN, DEANS & linder Montrose Deinocrat 0 ARE RECEIVING Fresh Ground Weatern FLOUR every a4O days, whichwe warrant to give satisfaction as any in tuarkot ; if not. good returned at our expense. Feed, and Buckwheat Flour, SALT AND . PORK' .BY THE'LOAD, BARREL Qlf. POUND. HAMS, [sti 9 arCured Dried Beef, Smoked Halibut, _ n Drips and' Syrups, Molasses" and Sugars, 1 TEA S, COFEEE. (SPICES,_ 13R00.1fS. AND NAILS, I wldcb we offer for sale at Low Prices. for READY PAY ONLY. • 'Montrose, July ir, Adriiinistratort . . . V . l .Tzeso n : f it' e l o tipg s t r e r . gr i t t t=ta i r of ,Cutr a te e h h hz elequested to make lointediate tlyntent4 rid all permitet. having claims rt gal oat saki e•tate 01` . 630:1t, them forth, with t_o 7 • . • D..4):Satrttitoowli . AM i t i v . -itigtort i • - herelly glum to allpetoula tmthri c awads "against the celstecitlikhael littne lats`u choadstut toalaibtp. deceasfd, that the game must be presented to theinderehmed tor settlement, and all persona indeiged tostideitatesre requeatedto make immediate pa*lssitt„ /MIDGET /LANZ, Chooonet, Aited, "fit Etiza r"n'lS • Tie Coital*lsiss mai Eirsieiknee ioVisilig• valid.—.Publiebel for the benefit mud as a warulpg at td a caution to young men who suffer fronifier.vout Debility, premature Decay, &c.; supplying at the same the means of.Seltenre. By one who has cured himseit, after being -Pa to Petal . l eaplente.hhroug,h - ntedicaLition and quaciterY.: .kiefsclodnftepost paid. addre*ed L envelope eingitcopies may be had of the anthot NATUANWL XAMAIR, Drdtord. Hint Co. IT. it. 15E1_110bn' NEW-G 00,138.7 • • . .D E • • . neer cittictO the tiebtt e one of the moot ehotee • V and best eelectcd stock of - - • - 1-4).fxr. , $1.*16,994: ,DRY, —GOODS*, - A completOaTinrtmeniOf • 12 1 :034p 2 ;r1ritUali r aCit•Dt Downes. MOximbliino.Deßal ge, - Popitns. Prints. GHlA him*, Clocking*, h .to.. , ,Dtpune t . litrlpe•sol.ol7 1141. Brown and l'iheil Oft*, ';60414. • *nin t. Balroorall S ptick irt& for Stinunarmear, and 05111515 Y oforery description.: • • N.I . • ` 1 WEAR. -', '..:''. NS. . ..:. CLOTIIS, B k and.Fnney au§stmer, ISy. , Jpau,-Sailu. Si, Cottonade, fund Tatlor's Trimmings. Au uuexcep tlonable an , ailment of Mtn*. iter cya b v a , m g • 7aciazitil d} ilagicacrome, afoul kius.7. -77 Brown and Mite Sagas, Syrup and .itoltisais. Test. ent ree, 'alai fraarPea of Coffee, Pepper: tialeratua, liaekerel, *milked Halibut, Codfish. ktaaire, ...Brown & Fancy Soap!. 'Mao, prepared Poulin:to nialte.Soft Soap 'with little tronble, In titi,Alia r variaty Stalky, Amid is grocery departmOut • , • • INl ll Lt i gis " ..00110:. • Linseed,, end It7lnter-st Ined OILS, Sala', Glass, Putty, - .Whlte'Lehduud ZineJPalut Blushes, Sc. C:ll=C+l=o Whiftebee.nftithilia!legt &dim, ina eo - Mmcni *ere, CIUIII for Protrarlug Fruiti. . . • 'l:Texrclwisixe•. • IRON, </ol`, Shovels.' FUCA.' .Mira, de. Also a fine eelectibn of CIUTLELIY AND YLATICD WA.1114 Batoketf4 Cradles, Children's Cabs, Willow and earria , Nl style. YANKEE NOTIONS. Crack ea,;, ere,.Sole L ftbor. arriage and Ville Table Salt. Co ney Inland vr Its Scouring :land; &c. &c. &C. - A •• ' • ; a1•, • Gan's l at. StoOk of Straw Goods Muritrose,llay 13, ISG9.• 7 ----L---- - - i • '"- . 1T...0111.4p•015..?/0 • DANDELIO.N COFFEE. r Ins Preparation. made from the best Java Coffet . , is recommeltded by Phyinicians as a superior Nutritious beverage,for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious dieorders. Thousands who hare bcen compelled to aban don the use oftoffee will use this without injurious effect One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary 'coffee. Pric44 25 cents. Tor aalii in doutrose by Abel Turrell. NbLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest B OWIJER known.for Malrinelfabt, sweet and nutritious Dread and cakes. Price 15 cents. Maziufartnred by M:II.'SCOLLOCK. Chemist Conic of Broad and Chestuutats. Philadelphia. Sold by all tmglids and Grocers. nituillyjc co To Comaattoptlwea.Trio ad vertiser , haviturbeeu restored to health inn tew weeks, by a very simple rem edy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, ,and that dread disease. Conanmption— is MIZIOUS tol make known to his fellow-sufnirers the means of, cult. • To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescrip-._ 4. Lion used tfr urcharge). with the d irections for prepar ing and us l the same, which they will Cud a sure curs fur Consmpt on, Asthma, Drunehltts., &e. Theonly °Neel of the advertNer in sending the Prescription is to - benefit the afflicted, and spread intern:lloon which he conceives to he invaluable, and he hope* every sufferer will try his rintedy.aa Ihwill cost nothing, and may-prove shimming. Parties wi hing thenrescriptiun will please address - BO; EDVITARD , .k. WILSON; i" 104 4, 30 ' 'Willhanishuris. Sins* Conntr, New York: ' • - TIEL.P.VEW-I/ORIC WEEKLY JOURNAL Or COMMERCE: a : CONS*EVATIVE FAMILY .d2k7) /1 UZINESS PAPER. . . . . Timid:leaped' and best Weekly in America. CONTAINS NEWS from all parte of the World, the best repJrts of the Produce, Urabl, and Cattle Trade, Ery tioodssal; *coney markets: • : The .Fge:lp'.DisarDianizeiir; "' • -.- I.' -' • '''North and South. I The S:upporkr. of the. Union, -.., . 7 ..• '' .; ' : .• ' ' ' ' ' Tke . Constitrition Unii , tUivs. • ITEESIS r Olt. ONE TRAIL: Twenty cplea or upwards, $1 each. 'Thirteen copies. $l5. Eight pies. 110. Poureoples. $6: Throe : copies, $5. tinder ee copies, (.2 evil. Clitba of th,tyteen or more will malle&to one address. An e`stra py to any one sending a club 'of 20QW1th the , b k r money. -• , . . , i .-., The 'Daily; Journal ejcimmeres Junks., Wiled ft ir tha Conntry4s.a year in iiihailic.Y. - . , • • s.4rSpecltuen conies izratid. . r I I PRIME, STONE. RAE & lIALLOCK. , Editors and PrOprictors, SS Wall street, ;New-York. ---I--- _ EMS, JEWELRY, &C. mum Subteribers have now returned from :New 'fork th _ - SPRING STOCK, OP GOODS. • .to which they wenald respecthally call the attention of theieensfedtters. .Their hstiortment is now complete and unites both I.Tachtl and Ornamental_ We have taken par ticular pains to select all the 011 0- New Patterns out this Spring.anci think.we can, without doubt. Warm in both ' Style, Qaality, and Price. We bars large stuck of Englbbi -AnkeritairailiSatissillato.hesi (COl4 * , h untingand Open Firma • from the cheapest up to the best. Avery rail variety of . • , SILVER WARE ,. warm tea iss good as OOlii. Alec, FRET_ ,GOI.II...JEWELRY, in every-variety. Also, er - Plated' Jewelry. Fancy Goods, *rushes, Shell Combs. A very flue varle9r or 21 4 , te d i Od4o/i VAT. rt LONt r a Tea ram . • • Clocks. . . . • AU kinds of Worsted. Tid...Siettitig, Sewing, and other INTeociles. • Thermometers.; Benda : Violin, Guitar, and Bass Viol 1- . ' Strings:A nitacEt tifTtluoi: Tibleinid Packet '..". :. . 1 Cutlery. Srbwora. Ac., Sc. 1 Or The above Goods haring been purchased for cash, will be sold at - very low price,!, PICI,C call - and examine t our (R.. 06, and we are confident we can you. 3317.A.M131 . to ALL EN, i , inay:gl :: ..„. No : . f . t.idd Fejlince galkiianoliantton, PIE REIS I PE t ACE'' APPROACH Large Wes of - PRlOZErtoiriptered` Reducodr .'73C I; I3I:TELVTL - i ii t li r ~' .' :','•• •-.1 - '44lkW MILORD; P . A., , = - • Is rorilainst, for %ming supplies. new and large ?Watt of 4 . CHOICE PHl' GOODS, GROCERIES, -._ CII,OICKEHT;''' ',.... WARP WARE,'" *f STOVES, :1HON;;_;., VI'EEL,:, - NAILS, '-' a ' - :::T•41 3 M; 'I4 3 IIP: A •'-ANP,a, 5..., LINSEED OILS, ' i BENZOLE, , - - • --.--.':- - CARPETINGS, " ' ' ....J- - ':. F LOOR OICCLOIIIS,'..i:" .iii -. WALL Paper, Window SHADES,. HATS - And CAPS; - BOOTS null SII9ES, I CLOCM.,, &C., &C. - ., Including, as Itanal, full carietlea .of he most popular I • •1• - -•' - rti 4— b -1. 11 4 :. gig,. S (lel . 6134: ':".l;l7''- ' • I : : - STIAVV4I4; ' 116,,SiNIST*U1101is;-Frf s Anata , ' .. • - ~:&,C.,2 & C,,,A0., , - - "Islcltt e,:yrpl, Sell on the tpoet itroriblit ,tarvas, !or., • ' i ..• CASII, 'PRODUCE, • ( ...,,, 1 _•` rr'.if. .. ...'• - •sl , lEti; t, : :in • v - '7...; , PROMPT TIME-BITYBBB. Flour & Salt, constantly on hand • „ . i Di SOitition. TI EN _bilePiforc . i.xladnbetwseo tYlk• 'Desists &Co: is thtir dsr dissolved by' Ilialtition. -. 2 -ALLEN;' DEANS & CO.' Yostrosse.4sly 9. 3012:- •.l ; ' • - _ . . • •. The beelnees'erill be continVa , l e v Vile a ll bite .. ,- ? I ".TUE, HP- ' R ' it „pt . , .w .,. JAL ."" ' s e'w,l- ' •: Maio, with ( Anne elks. lgocilia44twilltli. OWttimettl: . Av .. .: - - inu-roa`,lY ., ' 4 ""`-'• 1 1.31 •=its .•]zARK Brittania Wire . .. G.OOD: - '' NEWS, I . -.14:1..-' ', • . I, l t -. 7i, GiItit,COMIOTIO-N . - ~ . , / 2 t "P g , litty GOUDno irk , .46.1 - J:) 3a. ULL Threatens- W. 11M JOHtl UNCLE SAM STANDS 11 Tic, - Me i_sastsr. SO DOPS THE MP OP : I f•ititabtrg Tainbalim; - i r,ll Tii ditlßT4.ll4' slim re DONFF -i gneKS lY bag pnt ne °motif. eraird. and we Itavelately , lane Welt. Irtitch enabler yr ~coirer to our euetontere Can a on equally asioolteieenassforpctlyoummidoging !Ate late rise. 4, ! - `,PI '.ipii.is_Olil' ;.;'.. o'seitb inui - klt - ii.';' . ' #l' 7 :l 4 j, 6utt irf," Montrose, ' Ehnir County,!Pa.; , New-York, nu. Depot; 1,"le, Susqueh: out FALL, A 'D - TER OCK mai:pie-to o t to be - outdone, either iniPrie n ea or II endeavor to give our nniturocra • X • S' We ate determined n qualities;—and we w ali puegible eatiefaeti CLO . . . oc'k la complete; andialll be scoho fully det.hed than au* 'oue-horsO oue-hUtee concern thikaide ut N. tfcr urprinluce. ow tt..ore tho tly employ - the hest cutter' and Ito. stock. - i u order reTtn the shotte ' et notice. team- mu sale. • t FURI4IS Tn thls brsPch our. lower, apd more tata esta,blialtmeut, or any York City, 11 able to public that we conks - workmen to make up tgrOarmtupi made rfrA Gocgt Ftt win ,INgs GOODS-: atil kept, aid Aoki lower than the Illostnbauut 4; l(c.l,ct's lbet - It Great Stock coo lovecot at 6ntttubi rg, Mo4A.rose„ . Janstaryl TURRELL • e one of did largest and selectious of ABEL Now oilers tor bes °DS! ~ , Ever offered in ,SuSqftelfamus County, - and probably 'coal Sing !the greuteSt _VA RIETY er , Mott different ar,tieleS[of any Storp,in, O4t the Nvrthern, paft,.* Perlyilva7 . u6,.and'paps of the entire S'eafe. . Au assortment ig klept in about thirty i differ= eat branches o trade,' and the selection& are made from_about forty. of ,Ilie• 'bes - t houses in,Neu, ,Yoik, and more ,f t han 'fif ty Dealers and Alanuf acturtirs , oui of New 1!oric:. - :--A Largproporlion cif the ! Goods are brought dir ct from the'lanufaeturers; thasinsurin , Muffin articles: Oustoat ers on entertn — lieSOre'ninst:ii4 .expect tiqind'everYthing in sight, but neArly •eV erjr article wa Som idea•of ', ited will' be 'prodticed.t.'by' inquify.-' the Stock : taffy . be I formed by _the allowifig - .,geocral .aut Übe,. but en tuueratiOu is impracticable, '7 DRUGS AN MEDICINES, ' 4 , Arzrolik, • LYE ST ITFFS, GROONRIX V 4,IQUORS; CROaml GLASS-WA WALL JEWEL Y . , , SIL ; and WIND 0-WP;APER, 'ER-WARE, FANCY GQ CAL .L.:N.STRUMANTS; BR trsifies , • Amz R Ai Poe* .K.V.IAT,S, TAR. 4 CUMBRY and , SAL I'E.fe:PLA TB,D,IWARE lAAITS . IIfATERIALS for "HARDIVAR I E, 3 BED CORDS; • • • • STONE WARE, DRY GOODS, • .rftr:Ar: b ircE.21:,71.: p. 4.4.5,) LitHOG'RAPHS,. . • VARNISII S, BIRD CAGES, S • ECT.ACLES, CE IG - KiN 0 I k rIST Oil St , -• ' " - ..'1C 1 011,11.CC0. MEDIPAL .4f. 2' BURG!(" ingninzents, SALT;:.,.. ~_ I '.:- , = . A .' l ''. $ ' .ii k -le 40211 i- OIT f , AV" 1 rikittzi s. - . -- -..-., - - PA9.4qELA Ix rEETH, In short„ near y pre4y . tijing t . .,0 restore the,' I L i' sic PI: ', i•b-..../48t e, - 10,,444.04 OYO,, to' gratify th fancy, and also to conduce' to the realli ssubstatitiaLeotntiittninflife. - • the atten ion of the iniblidikresPect fully jot - lied tcF4,ll4tock. of ododsti Wight. eladtisitely fir +UE4 nova , ` and -*ill be sold on the - me ,:. princ Iple for low pric es. , 11*I•I t tflgtL s,. ' montroile- April Y .'''' t —4- Adm.inistratrix Notice. iLi:YnCE berehnifieniii all pceeone bikde deinilde agaltot the cameo? William reistey,44 M . Brartklin torMad,Pg,ithrnealia; that the flange mutt be presented to the undershtned the settlement, indillneraontrindehtegl lin Paid egtate aretqnettedto Maim trenoidlat e payment. e Franklin, Xint.•lshh. , 7" - r - 1111111WWI.EY-, AWL Notic n;. freargar enbegibecioigho WrdellK. . .. . . of . •DisgolutiOL - ‘ TETIMIG.has - this dai wlthdieten J„,,,Thedeeetnee wiliketeeltettleC•hy the entions-the baratesibareder the Arm riat i en &03.11NBAUM, & OCkF er - • - • -; .411:ROADS. AR! MOMMN. .ERIERAILWiY.:: C , IlLeiljr, OF /101.111. S; cc:ramming Mo411:17'. Slay 5, 15412. Trains will lowa ("rest Bend at abour...the for lorriatboara, siz : - . . WESTWARD BOUND. I •EASTW Aliti BOUND.. No:4, Bughla Nx....t31 p.m. N 0.2. N.Y. Exprem 1:11 p.m No. 3; Night Ns.. ' 1:i a/rn. No. 4, Night.' Oteast:a2 a.m Nu. 5 ' 11W1014, : . T.,13 p.m. No. 6,Strarabual- 1:24 p.m . Nci. 7, Way,. at '6:23 a.m. N0..10, WAY. 111. I : 3 i P. 1.1 No.l7,•Wayrrell,l2:s7p.m. No:ll:',4lntinaN El• .ft 17 a.m. No.2l,Ac'ortiorn,9:s2 am No,lo,Way Fr4ighot.:lo as . NOP. 330 d 4-rtin every - dal, does not run on MOndayo.. to Buffalo. bot does not run 400114W:0. at, Shark C Df -WiSTERIII. . Tb. Pitawitart Trains of this Company now panto —and from Blagtutroton as follows : . to,;; cdmictiag ai • 4,ICHNTON with thiLtickawm . ma t rdomahnrg its:' - , o Road fur Pittston - Wyoming Valley, ;Langston and -Wilted-Barre; 'TOPE, with the Heividerinslawaretibtlirtad fur Par a ' lipshurg, Trysdun and l'hitadeliatins and ut jeIIiCTION; with trains on the Central Railroad of N. J dersee, for Elizabeth, Newark,. andNew.Vora.. Also Tor Easton, Bethlehem, „SiltMown. "Lunch Chunk, 'Reading and Harrisburg; rerilduk , at NRW York s:3o,Tbilatt's TO:1, and Harrisburg 8:06p.m. LZAVB NEW YOUR:feet of COUT . IIIOI4 at, at 8:110 a.m.; Philaira(foutor Walnut-et, ate a.m., kuuneettug at LICRANTON. with LacillA inn& 4:Blociitudnit.l It. E. tbr 17 Pitt.ton.WreininzWilley, Klueatun and Willte.barre and Arrive at liliwhamtoai ::x/ p. tu.,-elinnettimi.: with 'Main Evpreee Heat uu the Erie Railway. and tralui . leaving. Itinglituntou next morning forlCurtlar.d; lio ` [her- and Syrrieuee. _ ' naaeea s tbro' the Lackawanna Coal P l ield, and the celebrated Delaware Water (401 - . „ AN ACCOMMODATION iTRAIN Leaiei Scranton for Ureat Bend at"9:s() a. tn., connecting at that place with Day Express Weston .ow-16111N Railway, and thus forming a direct cauttectiou with . Trams on the Dtny,htuntou Syrticuatl Itallruld; Deturtitattleiveletirtat Belli at 2W p0.u.,1 and arrives It Solution p. ,JOTINI3III.SIII.Iti, Stiieriot undent.. ur.snr. Gen. TicUct.igt. Viktauttai, ckawanna Bloomsbtirg R. A. e ,,N and after April 7W, 41, Piumongcr.lrr&lar will run fullowffi : . • • • - MOVING BOUTII :. • Lam Seminton,,ht 5.95 3. nti 'lO.lO a. m. Kingsbm, at 6.JJ Ariiv.: 11.15 p. Rupert. - „ „ 9..10 . •••Dapvilh, 9.15 Arrtve it Northumberland, 10.00 '` • SIOVING NORTII j :' J _ • - Leave Northumberland, ' 4.30 p. rd. •• • ,Dauviill, 6.10 - I Frriqhf it • Wiped, j • 5.43 ••, • Ptsistepek-. ~.• • Kinestua, - - . Leave 1.45 m. Arriyh, at Scranton,. jtkoo p. let • • 3.40 ' A Passenger train also leaves Klotestud at a.33 - a. Maar Scranton, to connect with ttaiu fir New York. Ih:turn ing, !caves Scranton on ar.riral of train tum N,ew York. it 4.15 p. tn.o. Tho Lackawanna cud .Bloottsburgitailiosullronnecte withthe Delaware. 4.twanna Atka NVl:steru'llailload at Scratiton, for New Yolk and ititerturiThae potuta rant. At ltupert it eontiects Wlth -eater. isas.itattroull, for poinus both east and west. -•- • j • At-Nortisumbirland It cunnects with the-Phil:vie:o4a and Erie, nod 'Northern Central Ital!tt.ral. for' %test and Pou:li. • J 4.1111.1 '. ILSLEY,Sup't. J. C. WELLS, Gee. Tickbt. Agent. A BARD TO YOUNG I.A.DTUA A.NO q UN - MEM-EN.— The subscriber will seta jklree o ellareoi.) to all who desire It; the Ttecipe tottl dir,ctions Matiez a 'simple Ve.zetable Saha. that wilt:lit from two Weight days rem ove Pluiplea, Mat:ties, TAN - , Fitt:. 'ELL* sallownes f ., and all luktouritita. and runglin cw.t of the S. L .Lit.,lo,l , ingth - e .antue-tnt NAtule intended it rotiould be:.-Aptt.Ciletr;itnoutii and heantiful. Thtisedistirlng the recipe, with full in. stttctions,jairectiords and atlime,j will klbamc eau on or addruts with return postage,/ .: I• - • - TUGS. F. CILIPMAN L. Practidai CluAnist, Jets in j 6 . 11 IsrundwiLY; New York: jREMEDY FOI U.'RD TELLES, wlietle:peollie Lave .Ibeen thrown oat of builne...ifid nii*se.4.olne tlu cacao, or.mall I to make thtm.eiresit home. ilea advertisement in' another colut4 of tLe seta., taunt of Vineland: • , . Tit LLINTEtt'Y tf.t . "Stll: - /INAT .003 TIS NirE pr ikh ev , :r t e ly t o o kn o . ait d r ie a,, , , ,r o xj. ,T4 cln !that 'we are now 1 tsu Nos. 109, 105 and 107. Nor* Slcosiii-st, 4 abave Arch, 101t1tadultdila, . 1 . a well selected ~tock of MILLINERY and 5T.t.,5.17 GOOD'S! . . in evespyrttietftlni.Vatetrt ItanmetaOurar:lind laciest and maaLfaalaunable atylea. - .1., '. - • - . Our Strterfklia'rtnaent will centnriiele.o 'my of Itoniirt a Bata. and Trimming. to be... Annul to ti(at line. al the 11- and moot topraved.,n.tnea and at' ea.. Solleitieg at, early rail or order, 1 intbiu, , ,/ , ' i i t, 00w. . .Yours, Reopatlelly, - , , ~ WAlllio. Tgction.wcouipticvf tar tilpot. ws made i cup of coffee. Miumfactured vuly : Peri Wa "Set ; /2 mll5 - . "'.: '127 flayttle/phit. and - equal to Why buy an eaplincivu Oil, when a cent! inure per gallon will furuiah kou)Kith . a.perfe F t. 4.7 •Tr l -7 , :r) obly - ,8 ILTi r 1.1 tAgyuankai COlOtaiX; 1,11 Walnut Street, PHIL ADE4.PaLk. March a. InCol. • • ' ly. ST-AlB - DY YOUD DUNS! a-ziouir IaZAATTED WITH 40,000 110poinuis Arined With lirigkriats: , 11111LN 4 ko . x.rit ar.ARcH OF virk4HINGTOIN! • -,ext.e.:3rmizz-sztab ise , PA:RFU-IfER .Y, kV Alll‘ . L i ll FA evazer_'MtlV:o6lo2. GOLDIULESIIIII7.OIIII.,-.: wertiiii'e l ; unitised lame S 7 1 .I1PLYirtict FA *Cr:DRY 6'OODS, ~:GI4QCEIII,ES.4: RACAMISIO-5745' , H2TS AbrD 1100 T S: :AN OES,= .• WALVTAPER,"' WO'ODiEN' -WARE, 004 at4; . ; , n3'1.14.11135, )• ; • ii_:__.:'iAPVlCA'fi%ll 7 :o7l.o4)7s; ': , SKELETON FLOUIL „SALT, F. 1611, ' . • .1. 4 , ST 11INTS:' A - ?OILS' And 50,000 otheintlicleit ion nroxiercrai ta ntentio — a,Whlen will be mild at prlees that: will ' • Diffi . . Deal Forget The:Place:: if you.lphnire of your n,eighl?ont - tYr •5 -• .• .-• Tito:Chizap . Sifixe TherwilL invariably direct Yon ITAYDEN BROTIIRS, .: , -THE , PEOPLE'S AGENTS, , 011101kt u ONE,PRICk! STORE! P4l OR(To.4' (? *en in Ftrhaugc for mils: Ca* riiiiiilOr Iran. % - • . HAYMN 1 41051MIEES • "Nito Awn? Art, Gold n ;vlpda Scii9petus • k ND ifs°. otheitiridA; °jibe be - t; %filet. ton's]: ITe SOLDIERIFV . ' B • UNTY, - 1 2 3ECIMISIX . . 'At4O- ARREARSIOF ..PAY. i l inlietativiiiiad Weirs Of deeeagi d BOLDIEIta < Who „IlLierlah to harl their, claims prese.nted end cidtected. ran so by,kpplyintto the untivisi'mted at diet:I I:1 010f LITTca& Datil . Idontrose,lM. - . I have received from the Auditor of the Treasury De: prirtment, at Woehirntotr. prlntr Instructions . and fotg=trtgiVezhlt,prie".Vl6llll4 17-:::OIIITTENDEN'S PHILAptIMIIIii CaraldEßCl4f , • COLI EGL, cornet of7th..& Chestnut Sic., PLIILADIMPLIJA. This brtitution, which wan 'Catahlished In 1 , 14, pad Is now consequently ha the eighteenth year of Its t • riser, numbers among its • graduates hundreds of. tne moetrUccatesful Merchants and 'fluidness Men of our ' - - Sountry, - ' The object of tha lastitation Is solely to adore , uu: . Men [militia." forthorough preparation for The branches tunght are, Book.keeptng, pi .1 to the'variunidepartment4 of tr,ade • I'enu. , and ornamental; COMMertitil law. Math, nin .. • zinvigatiOtlrtitelitaginetwing: Drau tut, Puunogr. , ::1, and modern Languages—. • ' • Thcmyttem of instruction to peculiar; no clap:.: , or ICSrantA are madeiLie of, but each sfudent is taught , .• vidnally. so that may commenceat any time, anti • tend at whatever onra.are moat conrenietn A:stair/vies are hunted annually after the 15th of containing names ofihe students for the year, and :1 - '1 particularsot terms, *4., and may be obtdictct at tithe by addressing the Principal. . In rademiivaaotokumodation, wideitiriad reputatlor and the lenzthy experience of the I'rincipal, • !loth offer* facilities suncrior to any other in the ter young mitnwishing, te_prepare for bu.iness.r. r.d i• WTI akr FaTaa,tillie a. Diploma, which will • • / recoindroptidaiterrhe them to any Mercantile Iron, grarerittenden's Serles'of Treatises lon Pr:, I: la Ing..nosr more widely cirmilated than nay oa • ' the sabjett, are for *ale at the College. I IiQDGEri C,RITTENP;N: . Attorney-at-Law, • No. 157unt 3undays, but 8 at tiounds4!,,ruu.• tbru' I to Dunkirk. u. 5 r.fruulut '3lA'ff 3F(NOT4 Gen. Shpt. . ‘7,1,1 4 4 - 133L4491.1NTr3 , .. TO ass. w.asprina rtizrac. .. • • . No*. Settlement of trine la r , d. • A 2EIIEII FOR 11/1111E-ITME:'. A Bare. Ounrtaiity in tho. Beet Itarlzet, and Delightful and Healthful Climate in the - ion. Only thirty miles iouth of Phil? - dolphia. on s railroad ; • being n •. •rich, heavy soil, and highly _ productive wheet la•zd ; Azaangz: the beat in the Glireaal atate.of Nog Jere. 3. . Icossists otio.OW ar= ea of GO . OD land. di .. :•:. ,l . .1. to Maus or different sizes to anitthe purcha -c'r -- 1. • . . Ulk) acre. and upwards—and is sold at the rats Of fc. L. l': t' en .en tu twenty dollars per acre for the feria land, i..... - e-Oue•,and the balance by umuter-yeari ; • dt .. - hicuts; with legal interest, within the till:, u: • it's.: yVA. ~ - • riv2:lC32l g 3 C) X X..a - 1. la. .in event pa rtn rich day loita,suitable fur IVl•dt.q. , . Gila (44.1h.4 1 / 7 -11160u dark and rich sundy loam', ...L... • • foreoru, I.R . Cift-pirlitots., What:CO, nll kinds of a ...... :.. - and rata eropt,.aturtheirreat •ariety of . fruit. 51.... , ,..: -. grapeupeirss pedebes, apricot., Nectarines, 1,1... • rieo. tnelbus and other fruits, best adapted to thei I ~. &Innis:and New York markets. In respect to lb' - • . and crdps therucan bone tuistake, lIS visitors can • , .. Inv botti. and none are espectedlo buy before - ...... , 1, .. and Wading these statements correct—under th,- , ,..4 , cutest:mesa.mules. these etatetuents were torn ct '',,,, _,.. ,wunl,d, bone use in their Laing made. It 14 Cu1..1t1i.71 L: os Tlie:,Btrimit Soil in - tho Uniey . .., (See report of I.lolim llobi neon: Esq.,.of thtl . Nec. Y• ' Tribase, and the•well known a.;riculturist. NV it Olin'. 'i ry. of eIUUAIIIIIICAI, New Jursey,..hich will be fun 1,.: ...I inquirers.] . •' - - - - „. 1 1 1 .11:Z7E3 1.%1C-41.X1..33C3:1°F._ Hylooklnt niter a map the'reader Fill pereet‘e enjoys the tut taarket Me Chinn, and ha, t ..• tat raicationtwilinNew York and Plilladciplll4 /a being - pair thirty-tud miles from the latter. •. Predun thistuarleet brings double the price that,it doe, ;u tions distant from the cities. In this location it c.,r. pat into the market the same mornind It In dsthert forow tuitthe farmer sell , ne,gt is the highest n!. dructrie.sand other article, he 1411'cl:uses ;:o•I, at I'.v. - v.4 vett.: Ur the West, what her sells 'tried, btt. pill rune. but fur 1.1.4 t he bit), be pays two Oh.. s,t b.t.sttind litre the settler hint mane otheradvantatz,s. is within a feu:hour , . by rsitroad. of all the reel of New Engl.:llld and the ?diddle States. Ir rte ,r fr:etl,atd As : autl:ttiou.. Ile has school fur hi. deco, divide Mervl - ce, and all the advantages of tiou, and - hr Iv rear a I ode c;ty. 1,-At•ltifuttull rata wiatera, Itulue Auttutprior and ", u,llll*t the - - totautert are no warmer than in the N. 0 Tue.lnuittuft itt upon the Hue of Intittolu %Mt not:: V:rtziutu: WiNiltia A ell VNu2 07 CLIII•TE For. A-1.1 . 'would Le touch heuttltt, iu Ile mina - aka climate:old tibbr teiiiG tutluence. tank:, It for Zal pulmwat.try Arrefion•. dy.q..p:la, r,.,qc Iy. Y1,4114: , rs 111w-4 - Ice uditrureute in a futv anafictry ore 4.;:i.r.cara, Convonienaeslat lland • Bulidlial: material Is pl.atitye ri.b and oysters plentiful:aid cheap. Visitors Must expect, buweyer, to a c e a tea ;.:at I,lllay the Property ban pot flee ma Set tieel Lt ./ • s fore. • . :This question the render outuraity attlAlP#lt it - it hastattea tidal iu large tracts. b.) fa /Mlles m , t dr.; ,• • . to cell, and hello; et:hi:out lt,eilitics they 11. a. ••• ioduceuteutet. ILe railroad has just lotto the propertPthis season, for the tirst time. , iilsiWribenbtatxn nor the laud iii 3 Tarr Lige. ft, • expense, nod 2f:int:led Viotti and opportunity ioothe.. • inl mitigallto. Itto,e .ho cotton with a • ,Ainute. MIN; money to secure their purchaes, , Coos are nut iteld-upon refusal. Tut .SAVY32:II,IIxu where , beep lirowu out of eloploy mullt or btieitteif, • esstionie'little means or small incomes, le ft, t &tit ti a home. They can buy a pkee cal land . yt:ce, and earn mute limn ' . when tits Mute IL nib cattail tudelicludtute : - A few-acres in fruit trees will insure a co:tat:roil-- The Lind „lapit down to herd-time prier,, ei tt . " 'ituproventeutacua be math at a cheipor.rate than t • any other Wale. - The_u hole tract, with atx miles froa6n the • being Lsid'uat with Cue and rpm:ions' 11. Vt-teal town in the cm:lre—five acri lots in the loon I. to ilitao; two and a'half acrniuts, at Truitt V-t) and town lots SO feet trout by 150 feet deep, at 4,14,4`- . able wipe-ha lfitsbond the Iml:44er - within a year. only ulsou fame of tw enty litre*, or more, that rutty , ..., time I , :givert. . - • . TO ANTLFA.c.ITURERS," tile town n'fforde aiLtasa.; log for the SHOE minufacturtnit bualvese. and uti. • 'lisle+ being uric l'lntadetpLia, and the sacrum ' • country has a large popuLitiutt, • which affords a market. This settlement,qu the course of several yenri, i;'•- •oue of the moot beautiful phsces ln the country, aml i . 1 . s •reesble fora residence. it is intended to make It • Vine - and Fruit grou • countrt, 'sit& Culture is the - most profitable ut,d • be.fauapted Why market. Every athantmze and .. a - L111,3,er kir - the Settlers will be Introduced n v sure tie proiperity of the place. 311 e herd time, • • out the country will be an advantage to the 'cub:iv.... ,Isa it compels people to resort to agriculture fur is • • • targe.numbeis of people lire purchasing. and 1.. • ; who desire the brit location should visit the Otte.: Improved :.and is also for sale. - Tl.llllEit.—Laudcau he boitght With or. ivithout t:. • bcr. The Thither at market valuation_ The - Title Indisputable. - Warrantee deed*• g - iN t:. clear afa' ineumbra - nee; when the money is paid. Boarding OM reuieuccqh at hand. ',- - Letters promptly auswertd, apd reports of .5..1,4 .1 • _ tn,eu and Wm.. Parry sent, together with the • Et.r.d." Reute tn the land :—Leave Walnut Sseet wharf, I I. i!• tle)pllia.; at o'clock, A. 4 'P. M.. took-, shoold-he'n change hour,) for Vineland. on tb.• - horo' and MIIIMIe Railroad.. Whetf you leatti & at Vineland Station. Jon opened, tnnnire for K. LANDIS,Vostma' , I4. r, • 'Founder of the Coloi•Y , ILAND P. 0.. Cumfelland County N.. 1: THE OFFICIAL WAR MAP. //Lizards Rnil Rani and Military ifdp the - Sou lher ri Sta tes. Fnals the most . autlrentle eonrces , and the Con.r.,. r Ney, engraved hi the 'Finest Style of Strip stakit.;: !;• givelso recent and such trainable facts concerning nil Railroads. that the War I/epartment Iminedtately nut? 'zed Its publicition,aud distributed 1000 copies : the I,leuenths andVolonels of the Arniy. Asit F. the ONLY ILVP that is austhrired • r., It is the mo,..t.lteh:ahle anti Authentic. and froth it. by,57, inches—shows at a glance the Prin. 1.. : Phtev, tlta ;1:1 hilategle l'oints. Gen. Itlcliellani 1,,,. knowledzed theureat.importante Of it to hi. Mo gen.. . 11.-tut tinily VW-011 :n. Price only $11: to compete Nt IV; inferior trt4i.s.• In cloth Itiroceted and 1114., ted ou minim, 'Mounted on Muslin. with and, Vsruish‘d, 'Sent fr.-e he.tuail on receipt td pride. IVII.Litt P. II .\%.\ HD, • 741 cLeetnut Street, Pittlid..l;V.a. - VW"Art every intelligent mat. wants the BEST nod ly O htiLaL l IA, Agent. eau - wake money toiling this. - • • . Ste,el .Superseaecl BY B. DE WOLF'S • COPP,iR ERRoDiuI,T. • VITA.IIIIAXTELIiIotto corrode In any init. E,,ch ts. dnrable as a dozen *tea ./i, they iL, t eotrod.. they -will not get aharp and stlek In r pens, bat will gttde over the paper amcot..kiy *like„lt 1 ...- , ,Jld pen.' I bay° appointed A DEL; TiURELL, Sole Ageut, the.anje ot these pcny'ln Snequehanna county. "Prue. $-W)) per gno , *-56 tent* per dozen—ll rents each, :•eet by mall: preload by the agent; on receipt of price and ~ n ., z pol.tnge %tamp.. Tip. trade ctipplied at reamnallin - connt.' orders for - three .rorroolve Petit, nolf-t I • evldreeseettoADEL TUltltEl.l.;Kontrore, Pa., who %, iii Alrtri4lt , nt. the tooter prices. .S4 I Y S, lett ' P. DE WOLF. • itjaz -op.. UAf s-Encr; • Zot Now Proprietor.' - • TITR andt.r.brned, an experleneed workmen at the r r ., The.,...rrmild Inform the Cklixeriii oiuh tint he has taken *le ' , hen 'formerly rhiwc, 3terrip, 'better Intown tn , the" Laeglilm_t Pnrh -e AO the taPetnent nt'Seerlien Hotel. and hy, etrlct :mein N•lt , to htt.lneee ILO .burp razors be hope* In merit r.I • li..l7.—Ladles' and Gentlemen's Hair dreteed In the la. test sad neatest City ntyle.. - •- 'WILLIAM 11. ST7tATEIEIt. MpiltrOie r .7E413, Mitt . . JFILIEIZIECX O I"Z"BNO33IIE3 • " 1 - To .gland k irolotd and Scotland. I IS.ormiam BELL'S 8014'8'DRAPTS,-In rum,. of or, potted Ond lipwaroe, ,payable In all the pritlcit.ii ~tggu* vit:62 . • itotirrote.l•... •