THE.MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, is r.t.ratisimb nEgmvs ; BY -a.. J. r•ei- - ritsco.l3. ovvii..E ON PUBLIC AVENUE, 2 • ! !. ' ••• , • • ll rii aES ))' ) nits ABOVE SIIAIt•LE S HOTEL. li . .‘ rEIIIIA-- . ., 4 .145 • 0 per - ADVANCE ; ',i ..e.... ..:-.! win he charged—and filty cents pry, annum 1 : . Irr-tc..te.: , s., at the option ott hj, PAM hiller. to pay II .;,,, ~ f coileJ:t.ton. lete. ADVANCE payment pcifettvd. I l !WI:UTNE:NI EN'V't Win he iiiserted at the , , . , _--_ . .. , •. . • ! ~ f ;41 1,-r -.0ar.% of ten linen or less, for the ttrit three ' - • - .. - • - • •t • ...-..,0d . 2:i cents fur e_telt a , ‘ltlittiisti week—pay down. :: We . som Ourseltres. to no ' Party that Does not Carry I the , ,,,Flag. • and Keep . - Step .to , the ' Music of, the Whole Union. M erella tit s, :Ind otlieS; who advertise by', _ . _ . th, ! . , r. will I,e. charged at the 10101 N -tn.; rates, viz.; I ' • ' ' ti ,• ti oi ire, or ker. one war, - triill'Wellegfr ' $ - .9 1 F " .7 , ' , 1 , I.f, fib rwai ;,„:::::re, al/?.. rate of ,- 6 11 ~ ‘... Ne cre.lit given except tollinseofkuoten.crponsi i i ty.l 1 . ...... _ , BUSINESS CA R SPEECH OF HON. W Al. Z. hirnifil , side issues-this is the hour for action !- men in all peith r i ies. Whoever cannot stand A " Buchanan man" on the War. r-- 1 Advice to the President. 1 I The War And h , • We must strike a tremendous blow„ and upon it is nnteorthy to share in our solid- 1 Hon. I. Glancy Jones, an old and inti We have hitherto not volunteered any I "The. Baptist Almanac for thee, has E n, , I The Democratic candidate for Retire- and strike it now, or " Fight the worhl." eat heritage- lt is the pure and simple mate friend of Buchanan made a speech at . i advice to President Lincoln, but the, time its own peculiar way of telling the story rtnittellas.Yantee sent ante, in Wayne &elute y, delivered' in Nothing is left us but to go to work with Union platforie-that which alone could ' Reading recently in substance as Tol- , seems appropriate now to do so. You ,of the present war. The tables of titii io„"-hnehedehte"thh, acceptence of his nomination, at a ratifica- ,the indomitable energy of a Hannibal sea- have called out our armies ` that which l ows : Imorte onmain. lion meeting in Honemlale : * • * * * Ilt *.,, 0 f wish, Mr. President, to save the Union, teen of the Southern• States are etecompa lino the Alps, end a hen the rebellion is alone can guide them to victory ! Upon That this was a I:neatness meeting, and , and to save it in the shortest way, if we , nied with a note signifying that on ac , • * subdued, we shall have ample time to die- such a platform as this Democrats and .not a time for speech-making. Th e cone. I correctly maderstand 'your letter to' Ilor- count of the war no new returns had been cute) leo; important matters. Republicans an meet and agree, however feteCO., , The war quhrition is ‘a very plain one to J. lel the !ma dith.r on oth •r i i 'The Medves which prompt men to ad- ait y y 1 y c try was in a crisis, a fearful crisis ; and ace Greeley. It was manly and patriotic received for the past year. 'the gain in t Ili es- every malt who loved his country felt it t n you to say BO; hot as you indicated no , the membership of the churches of the me-esnecially is it so in retie ence to t ifti roe Cooper duty i t , .... ~ t he presen t . vocate tliwar are various. History will tions. i Oureiationality was at stake . The quel l - particular plan or *policy on which you in- Northern or Loyal Stateh t is very smelt, . ill:: Turnpike pt O, t.l t , l t, lt Iltlti t o tee present c ri si s : not appro‘e \ thein all: There arc at !cast "Nail their colors to the mast, tion is not whether there shall be a South- tended to act, in order to accomplish that 820 and we doubt not that more than A short air and ' a %peed) return to peace . that number of Baptist brethree have lox /n'l ( OLLI lit • 11 W. gILkIII.IC four hifferent clayes offnen who favor it, To conmier or to die," ern Confederacy or not ;but whether I very desirable -object, permit us to sit ' Omuta be the deyout aspiration of every ' 31°(20/-/ A -M 1 ' sl :Allilit man. But how is this phice to be hh „ hmt . all upon diffe'Nit principles and with TO this class your speaker belongs, we shall have a country at all. A South. I gest a course which, we think, might lie 1 ished by the perils of the war eines these - it TTOR 'CM , . Ind Contoiellimi m Law -Montrose PiL • . different motives . N 7 "This peoplestall belles people, and their erneoufederacy in the event of dissolution successful., For a season of three months, figures were M e n in their places, In et. s f'- IA t !Mei • in Lathrop. ain building, Over the 138111•. ' tamed What shall we do to secure it? . , i „ The first class that• 'lthall name, tolho- God shall be l les God. Where thou guest may be possible for a time; but a North- Ino mattei• upon what pretexts they ate , ral of the Southern States, our denomtna • Thei eis but one pathway to it now and wee altogether the, most pumerons, DR,. WILLI 1 )1. W. WIIE.ITON, that alas !is a bloody . o f The...fkm! t.ttep ceue it for speculative thteposes. With I will go, where thou lodgeet I will lodge, ern Contederitey is an ,impossibility ;.ant s pear, close the dooneof the White Ileum., tion ants ECLECTIC Pnvslclan at SUROEON I DENTIST. toward it is the deteat of the enemy. Tile them it is a war of spectiletion. Their where thou diest I mill die, and there archy or despotism ; one or both, muse and of the public buildings, for all 'other' wealthy and influential of all the christian II ITH Dr: in ox nirr.irot .. name is "Legion," end their h bject is-to shall Ihe buried" ' be our fate, when we abandon our uatiod- i purposes than legitimate business ahainst i bodies. In Georgia for instance out of a, _ only &temente lett hs is to etnemet or be hinder , e • , , Itt, stone-11 nut •••nr , ziell Di tili.t recent!, of liti4lin ton, p the government. The•p• triotisrn Our Constitution in thistnighty tempest ality. On these points I believe we are every politician, no matter what party or population of men, women and children of • t tt laler tilt ir oi-on-quit aeri it ea to ill ho a lir, c,otiuereti. We meet either dictate terms 1 1 of this class is of very doubtful cha eter..- which makest every timber in the old yes- all of one mind. Nationality is a semi- , faction lie may belong to. Repeal the 0h ,,. ne Iltfc.roy .1 VI yr lI4V or P1131•IC. : =len and „ s t. etiteace to the rebels or they will to ne. 1 1,082,797, there were 84,367 members of ~ uu e oAerttlon- o i 'Ft, th 14 1111 th• mot 4 Iteient3l nod I ot ,o •I .ttl•• of pl itotolt. T ee th e xtract e d unbolt The result is Oahe On one side submis- t (tech not go farther down than the ot- sel crack, should be to us what the corn- menu nurtured and cherished in every ; noxious orders bf the war departin'ent a- I the Baptist Church, or about one twelfth , 0 , esi ill it oak o irr Intl tit torn of their pockets. pass is to ilei tempeit tossed mariner If eh ihzed society. We have been- trained . gamst the liberty of speech and of the of the entire inhabitants , In Virgini t is 1. on Time 11th 140 . Ye then to the Constitution ; on the other a , • . , dissolution of the Union upon a rebel ba- Mr. Dawes, a twitting republican mem- ts pro% Minim arc carrwd out, it will, even to it Eosin childhood-in our primary I press, so far as they affect the people of within population of 1,593,199.0n:1T Met .. DR. 11. sml•r11 & sox, i her of Coneress from Massachusetts, in in this crisitt point as unerringly to tile school books, on our banners, in our the loyal states, where the administration. 198,888 Baptists. It is true a great 111J11) Li I !!!. ^ ON 1)1 , N TD•TI , -Montro.i, Pa his epeech in the House of Representa- eigh 18 the needle Points to the pole. It Fourth of Julysorations, in our college% lof local laws • is in full force. Give the ' elates in these and otherStatets were inclu e ~e, i oh, .p. ni n hitildint: o, i•r ,--ti.,,„P•,.... The rebellion le either right or wrone I. e k %II I). • itt 11 opt rlt on" , utll he i. II 111iiea i a If it i• • T i i al ll h been' . hist' la te, then t tat as lives, in defence of the Committee on con- is the art of the nation through which in our churches, in our various institutions 'war department a military head, that it ill' hers of our body, but it is •also 0 tie that , • , ~,, iei _sell .t• It and o tumid. dtract , uttered theshwoihs: its life b d hoursel e and contains within in our social circles, and in our assent- attend diligently , strictly and impattially side by side } it the same conitnintion ! done on the part of the Federal Govern-' ! Ii 01 MSTI. AD J L READ ..The gentleman most remember that itself the in ower of ite, own pre ; blasies and phhlic fneetings, we have as- Ito its' duties, without entertainhise amble were found the intelligence, wealth and • siduously impressed the heart of the rising - meet to suppress it is v. root, orcs. OLMSTEPD4, READ,' is .o then' - Ithat _, it es very clear ail the If in the fir year of a republican adminie- serration. ,, , tions views or entering into political in- numbers °chile white By far the lin - , g . e..t ‘ pal..t ot . thie !chit, mate meniewee of t hi wl • I E ra et the . fie f . came i into power t upon pro- Some supposet the war cannot „ be generation with the love of country. The Thie l to Appoint a commander-in-chief in Nxei )1 1,1) AN Nen NCE to the Puhlic instrumentalities and appliancho of the t is.: .. % II! ,, , a l, •e' d ''''' )- d s l'" ltteethi P 1.4 the Government should be used to suppress eesion ofre orm etic i eti tut mem, there prosecuted withrgy without violating deeds, the privations, and suffering under- i whom both the army and yule-sett have , l l ILIA.. torches have enlisted or hetet Practie , C {.1..015 .IN & Surery it. The ie no melted ground here to oc- is indubitab l e evidence abroad in the the Coneutution and sh ting the civil law gone by our forefathers in purchasing the confidence, and subordinate commanders impressed into •-the rebel arm-, and ne land that somebody has plundered the at defiance, If this is teat the North is great boon of our liberty and independ- approved by him; and theen, whatever 1 Malty ifietance irl s therastor has untied into ~ lir on 1, it, dto sat ed to in .et ID ibl. lill In fir etlin. HO that is not lo t ; the Union must on 0 t O. on , fOl merit occupied ht Dr .1 ( public treasury, well nigh in that single unfit for self-got•eminent. isregard for, mice have ever been cherished in colt , plans of campaign may be agreed ' , upon, I the military° cehand has lead hie rhumb II ; id t;; ill \ D'll , l my '1 An be against. I rank myself amongst the e hit- as much as the entire current yearly the Constitution caused the rehellion in hearts and sustained with unflinching fi- bend all the energies of Gov eminent to i menthe'ss into the war. It is. of coui.e DR. N. Y. LEET, number of those who believe that the ,re ' expenses of the Government during the South, and it we at the North L ir • guihy delity in our actions. The man who has, carry, out; regardless of what Senators, l PreeieelY the same with any other 'de , hellion le ',erotic , - ill wronohard nothing • / hes a Bil , 111 c . -on FeiFtidn"‘ Pa ()Ira% a... Ate - so ethinnistration a Inch the people hurled of the same offence, a revolution In tine- 110 love of countrwhas no heart and should Representatives, politicians, contractorsh lionlimition• Tile Methodist Church I?, br I.r, Ito .e, " { tight :'boot it. In its nature it fiir out- from p wer because of its corruption." `• OW The war should be eosecute on die childless It is because of our .corn- or any;otherspresumed to be ignorant of South, comprising some 700,000-mein ehe It i T •t, i t , pill, nisi. int titian to the to Mining' st, ,„, tiq whole ratiese of human history e '? f rom th e ]Ion(- d a l e • . , , .. P, . , " , . , . , • • ~iI l e I have one 1 ; 1 ,-.•-.. the the sod IN. Intl In etinfliklit that r ' • . - - 1 . ~. . . (mote irom toe siert min a in thing amp w tekedness.- (-dale Democrat s , out part in amoroance wall the provision mon d anger that we are so flo a te d in see- i military matters, may flay. eut -your , ere, and 6000 preachers, tat c gone in a e.- k mt‘ It ‘1 , • or. and .• h ese 11, ill ill It branch of nec- .or its .1 , , e I ,•s , ith 111.11 711 t (SKI n y nt,,,An the moat dillenit .h i et , a e t he e , he el he, lila . r 8 he he ) (republicanh of Jan. 9, 1862, "The great of' the Constitution, and 1 belive it can b e iment. e 'From the day the sword was uo- , shoulder to the wheel in .earnest=-look hotly, with but few exceptions in it est ern 1.0- t a iiiii_t deo • 1-• .of Ito -a or ...n. nn fil will I I Virginia end Eastern Tennehee• The "" s ' body of the level citizens throughout the and succeesfully too without violatsng s ethed and the flag of out commie I neither to the right nor the left----bury i , 4 • • • i 6 tr_ tl lull, • - ila patient I- la • n• fated lor t une treat might make ',one claim t 0 respectability - • country are out of patience with the Fed- a single article of that time-honored teams- coun was assailed at Fort Sunroof-, ! the negeo a thousand fhthoms deep-let l Elose°Pal LAt t ztoot "itith MO aside of the man who - has periled this na- ChureliSouth, voted t hothels ( e .101 IN SAUTTEII, eion for his own personal ategrandizement. era! Government. It exhibits neither en- molt. By virtue of it an army of a mil- every n who had a spark of petriotistn , black Republicanism and Abolitioniete, I rebels officially. •-The Presto miens • is in s . h t shi t oe via l 1 • {LOW 1,,rtr0., pi, slim, The pro'. ramme ot Ono rebellion from be- ergY ' capacity."' nor honesty. It squan- lion of men :tee marching on the enemy ;in his hea wheeled into lin& Men diff- that are blind to everything but the single I ne exception to the universal dethetion. ' k r 1 % boil my - (yon, r% 011 Mon -trett . . . tiers money with a criminal prodigality.- by % irtue of it an iron - clad navy, : such as ered before, en differ now, men will al- I questiog of slave emancipation, go to to- • --eltri•lialt Chronicle. , • r ,•1-1 f it • lr- lit ,olirtt- t onattinano , a nd• to end, was " shapethin iniquity • ~5 , „.1 , 1 . 5e et e he r , tlifotonl, cut- and con s eeis eh in sin ." anal what the pro- • l' loyd plundered the treasury on an tin- the world ha' e never heretofore ',roan has ways differ in sir opinions or questions phet-work only, • singly and always for ,- . o , WM( t Ilia 11 ' TI I t CIO di 1 . A - Good llrr-What Some of otir N •ews mense scale; but where he stole tens, the •sprtinginto ehistence, and by the same of expediency an of principles •• but on the Union, and you will succeed in i.estor- NI t " et NI, lit i 4,4! -If )list Is Rah said of the Jewish nation at 1, ing it ; the present generation will honor papers expect of Generals. The Chic Igo , one time, is true of thielhossus confident retainers of this adipinietratiore have man- inithority we l expect, to subdue the rebeh the great qiiestion ►o etrio,.ism the love ! e, l Es , ening Pah, io noticing the strict mess of P ISINEe, aged' to abstract •hundreds." These are lion. of country and the Ilingness to pre- you, and posterity will bless your memo- the Tribanr-so foolish and um eaeoistlee cy : h Mir, 0 Heacerie and give rare 0 ' the army contractors who hang, about the, To this class the President must now ~ hi, Os ', I 1 r s %it en •e,„ h e e pi seep . I ',•1 1: m r tnre. yyr II yd Ni drol-, earth, thr the Lord ha l l epolom ; I haveserhe it at any cost, hoe t men do net ,Ty forever.- Patriot. • upon oar Generals, says:-"Aut - ste hope l ,1, . , .I . I .14 dy- tyy Iti stud 11111,./1 nourielted rind In ottelit tip children amid Capital of the. State and Nation like so look for his gupporte radicals are icing_ differ-none except the vii tof traitors I ,---......-----. I L 3 i ..1 ft .111. ilt 1 . .. I-h h•. i 111 • IA _ t i le% iim e. 1 t.benet ahf, H., . . many % enure& 'With this class the sec- him the coil shoulder. There is a loyal • falter here e and they are alwapislid Mob Law in Ohio:: 1 some permit] ee military line will wise cr i _ i t me. Aft! stn- repulee . of our army is ot no ac- end consort.. is element the advertisement of the h', it", r. They .1(111N (,110\ Eh, nil lemon ! a people laden with iniquity, ce-s or . sit e , in the nation everywhere in the present sta chili,' In an other column will he found .an want a General who will eke:Les whip the -- ' c•ount h only as it limy open up new even- yet * and in 'the united energy of this class ration. No nation can exist-whicha lola ' account of the demolition and destruct:on I ;' lll ` V,',,1 .7, V I ‘`•'!,'. : .- 1 1 47:,"'5,`,„ ll'4l';';', a aced of et il doers. Ye will revolt moreette r. m i te Ile is expected to Whip the curies and emir:"The whole head is sick, and ues of -P l un d er. They would sell the of men, lies die only hope and salvation its physiehl and mortal prestFge ; tohhah- by a Republican mob, of a Democratic ,%, -., r 6 1111.-d 1r , nyttly in ilt-a riti -tsli birthright of the nation for a-mess of pot- of our distramed cenntry. on al Oel remits If he has a icier less le, ie. ~, .1,,,e5. he .1i1(1 tt irr inti il !;, tit the i hole heart is Elmo Fronethe sole thee. don one's country, or to admit of its ai s . newspaper office in the town of Lebanon, .I am, them for the preservation of the memberment, which is the' same thingX, Warren county, Ohio. We call attention one half than that opposed- to him, tie is , I, 11. Ie BELL, at the huo et en unto the head there is no .., - others are interested in political seem- Union andthebrands that country withthis entre efor Constitntion, most emphat-scowardice, and 'to g the purpose of centres- expected, nevertheless, to go in and Nt !Alt - soundnees in it." And Ido say that all, the enemy. He is not. to burden his arm' 1110"/ UR , ( lock . kt lit lo '..ind 41,i - 1n Ili the tee disposab le en thee 1 , lotions. With them it ion war of politics irony and uneeuivocal-e East, West, no country can live in the family of ita- tin the total indifference exhibieed l• t• 1 , I o • o • anti ou rt t nt, thl. ttrnt. All .., I and resources of. 'I It ith provision trains, lint must rot ii t r more than a war to preserve the Consti. North, South, one and inseparable, now , tons-under snch a load•of infamy. tin; Rehublicati party in regard Wit , with hil „ the I: enemy. • r . , • (1 '‘`. It. Ist Chant...l - and li -np i• oi „,, if r, . flue Nation shohld be used, it' necessary t • 7 t awn and the thlion. Losing sight of and forever." Here I will take may stand The dismemberment of our country is the vigilance manifested, by them few the for' -t '' DeVer send bath, - - - to A% ipe it out. we lee . _ rand objectof the war, the • s !end reinforcements but must push on !nth w el. W. heihrei hCO , Some sits, ‘; try moral snavinn." 1 g '.s, 1 and with a pinutl consciousness of right, death to us. Unless we first convince rights•of h alhelitionists, and the indignatioe _. sle e re \\II til illl II tNt F kt'fl RE.II , - Foot hal C tiled nioral simeimi, and it availed their - time e \elusively in legislating for "Bid earth _roll on, nor heed its idle the a• odd that we have exhausted, all ohr ' displayed at mobbing ot• Ilegloce.— take the city. It there be e marsh before hen, he meet gallop his ea.% All % and du a s A. fNii is tr .1. Monty... , Pi ant It , -- • ning. It is• all nuentshine to ..111111)0SP petty scheme% measures, policy and pat- whirl." resources of men and money, all our -ma, When, some time since, a notorious abo ronae. This class judge of the merits or * * • s • * * terials of war-have vindicated our hon. Minn orator wat:ieomentarily checked in 'nice his at tithe v titer it-lie must net e go 1 on .., t CO. FORDII eel, , t i t II we can eon x the rebellious States.' - acme' its of otw Genends by their former N or with our blood, an'd yield only to stern his denunciations °kale Union and the eneiny are behind fortitielhoes, 1e . I 'L" , \ 1•r ki rl pi it A Br,i, r• A 1/10PC Montio.e. bat•k into the Union. Von might as well •. , s i , - , .- • rTI 1 t... -tno .111 kind- a tlork. political entitling. This el )in dealt one artyism in War. fate and physical forces that which We patriots who establieled it, by a hudden in rtet tiot did or throw upeolin I. I -1% te I. , i, - ,er; , ..:1 .2 . outer n00n}.3...0 y _.",,, a0 ,,0101 ^.... Alabama ••wanip and ex- I never would yield to argument or persua, shower of eees toe Ne York Ti. he i • lie ette.. lead hie army out inio the teen - periment with nimethstiasion aitione h t the, 1 - otit - e i sl i s d o t nniii t rile t r•ii i tlgn i tMetil l st - eh 7 w l et " N.,. vv. 4 r 3.t. .21 --- -.-- - - t -irfttki ht. ilir• army - Irks the teP'e.• Cllt.l. TI'IIII.I.LL, allieetote and men lesnakte, •lie to think of, t „ er;„,;„,,"E. B. as t mow % a (0 (1 . y !tontine- suppression of Dihnieratic " free Speech" , , back to IC Olt 0 theo 0- i b• h. tl 1 . x f P t world branded as cowards and traitors..-- t stablishments he will find on the rural- - , T i' .11 1' 1 I.ltl • M. ,, ltetn , .. Clit 11 Jr ils Ds° Witiniite them letek be hel for Conorees by the Cen t • 1. .• . H tr, Pln 1- Oil. \ / rn,h N\ • yn all !' ." 11(l 'h' e a ns as s mile the riebleet army es er marched on .e egging Certainly we have not reached that point t pronounced the refs ,ed toet"bru thi... W hen the North makes its power %entente tor the Titbit Congreseional Disc side, where they keep bread leaked ill la, e e yet, our resourets see not exhausted. If tai attack on free speech!' •hWhen-• not - • • i 7 quantities atwee s on land ; he must• tied , the battle held. % % sit for ou ts, ...t he e - a PAT IT ,f ci•lt and known--when - let " I , 1.1- se sir", P t - The second chase advocate the war for tr • we begun with the army we have en- long since a lawless mob attacked a it made t _, in allof the _ice! --God help them-plant our nation-W I P i hat . A sepubl can Convention !We cothet re. lv ia le and boffin , • t' • the sole purpose of liberating all the slat es tied with, we would have ended the war Brooklyn factory with a view of .3 icing [tells pu legs of the comet e ill 1 med . ] 11 e \ I)1:N BROTHER:4, ' e tional emblem upon et ery rebel fort, and • e first thought the kleepublicans had forsaken of the. South. John Brown waS the where we began. War Ili not sport, ht out the negroes entploved therein, the Wilt II Fa ‘I rDE il FE'. ma ' dome, and capital in the ,nation; then, polituis end become p.itriou,-had 81111 k Wlllill hue passes, and he must-apply his • mares rto this onn teith. With this cannot be carried on with a gloved hand. same paper thirty boiled indiguati k , .....-_,,,,_-_, waKiam INTczyiviC)l%24; mu) not until then, will the becebone of the pollee. a, and own old strifes ' I laid d army with fresh beef heonithe huielish eta.: this nest is the alpha and ome- Civil war is deplored by all the humane, and very soon after we learned that the\ihmpe lie - she - .)... ttlii, elf vow itimietet break, and he hope TI •1 • • , lalsol 1,• rent , and issues on the altar of their bleeding but ite miseries are increased a hundred government was taking the neceseal v leis army; a ill-meet in the enem%', ceitht rs. t e 114 army be stopped ltv a riser, on the I h we ant prespet tie nettle t FANCY GO DS. tor 1 - rot, ga. ley oh sie, it, hot le ert at me- country,.We said we thought so : we fold b e %, •I ii t% Di. \ , ins the ease, 111.71.1 it tea he the duty of btu ject of the mar, and under a mistaken no el, , , , „ , meant we lied been told so. Even Jime, pposite sew of wmel / 4 a erste . The 01 being protracted. A proloneed steps to protect tho negroes from. these o • • 1 • h 1• • ii • t. ,I ,ND, N. ., ~ Lion of 1 nantpe, uo et it that goon civil war must always end in mutual ex-' : ,mobs, and the ringleaders were arrested; the h ol he roust not delay his march ; ,ItIII il I'l , AFR WILFORD TV ei lily loyal (hie( nto put shoulder may theuthe Lane, in a recent speech at Leavenworth, henstion if not in mutual destination. -. "This,was all right, but now mark the dill- i h, ems, . ~, LII il DFS j I They 'never stop for a mo- le mu plunge in, er trying urine and e „__ and arm to the a heel and help on the menu to think that any ematietpation prow ' ' . • stated 'ae ha 1 abandoned his Republican proc , anWe have then bet these alternativei- erence. The office of a peaceable white, liutiee II was a man no lon- • = ninetieth n with him. 1.? the water be too '. 11 1311USII 31. D 4 9 1N ork. , leination, no mattes how loud It, may bep to hr lie men apt. swain, nod is party either to restore the Union and maintain citizen, whose only offence is his , adlie- de , t 1 • t 1 It is a diet sic owe to the civilized err. that, indeed, has been tile burden i h • • trumpeted, eti, a ould penetrate no ember -- tle Constitution throegliont every inch of rence to principles width he hielieves to then ein not s itn, let t tient (trestle Alto% e ' , i .% 1 `.. 1. NOW I tit •TI.D rep , la N 1 ‘. 11.1 ii AT World as a Fri a- onrsel% ee, to end this re- of all the old Tarty hacks eter since our than our military' lince extend. As far our Territory in all its integrity-or, to be right-who says nothing or deed noth- all thin's.), he lust nexer ' obey onto e - 11 „r.hee the f e ,reter - li e . beiiiim as epeefitly as possible. E'•eht south as our elflike extend. threewill b e troubles commenced. We have not been . . convince the world that we have saved ins calling for governmental interference ft om Washingto Any person fitted tt, any of tine sitiking of the partisan, in the ,our honor, b e y having- offered upon the'is attacked and destroyed by a mob ell hest to tie ten,. or se. p A ..ton promptl ) ' det's illiell"n is e wrong 1 0 ileivereal hie but little ot •elalery lett %%•hen the war is take charee elan ny and cony out a orate at b. Lathrop' Hotel. inanity? No government wee ever muter (ghee. patriot, however, 17y those elle have so altar of our country our lives and our, composed of his political oponents, but , - such mighty oblitratiene to arouse all i ts loielly proclaimed the pleasing sentiment. property until we are perfectly exhausted, we hear not a word ef comment• from the 1 e cam mien on these p • chiles can doubt 'l -The Chief Maoietrate of our nation has , less obtain a good eitihation ev apple ine , MI CI) Ihil" latent energies to make slue t work of Ohl - The much •annoyed frith theeines , of On the comfier}ectore, Tribune office. :to the int itary ir h • w e helve imagined that or skulk from the field with craven-spirits Republican papers in depreciation of the • r d • -\ • • ~ . . f the wel 1.1. ,We ow eit to the Old teen. 'For ow,,eietieti they het ebe roar more rapidly partisan and coward hearts, a perjured race, mon t o wrong. This wanton destru ctioni in very 1 r A I N 1 e Ne n '7,r e ld ° , to unite, and commerce, to our 'ilinenicemonetrhesoitilal they V h o l e h i e . thah et er. The -phrase seems to have meet of shame, the degenerate sons of malice, of the means by which an , offend- . TIM CLERQYISItc ANL; .1 . ) • FS•rs.-Wh 1 5 gallant % olunteers in our :mules. cataps „ cal anti otherwise to se'eu P re their eiPitts.- been interned as a kind of trap to catch noble sires, who to save their carcasses I, ing citizen gains his livelihood is silently have something to say of the c !elect of outr it ttie Democrats, an t i we must rho- and hchll'il al• 0 EsPeel'lllY do we owe ht He has been bullied, teased, coaxed andand •hoarded gains have abandoned liberty acqeieseed in by the papers Which are so I the eonthern clergy, the rebellio se crew.'. to tht7ee „ %vim eleep thew last stel e and e i it. 1 e saY l prate- . o maser and MR e, an the bl3ll lt, 13a be et singularly successful as a •• • • civilization, honor, and patriotism. For sensitive of the negro s rights, anti the Perhaps no class of men has infiised e moie . 18N DoLLARS. ' " 1 "' h 'Ne cou.dii their last battle, anti toed is to be• found in his atiewer toPhlr. 1 mice Talk about a Democratic . ghnera •allowed togloat over their ' ' me part I will make any sacrifice in my destroyert are poison into the public mind. They huht e "t trrme-10 the tn .te.t.m. of -thence, lea% Mo. Convention • DOW-a -days, and at once you power to restore our Union, our constitto !work in perfect security from thee'penal- eti•like men torn with rage into this eh tl thssesie le Greelet letter-" Ido not a • • I grce ait i hear a terrible tirade about semi- tion and time law& I will never assent to ties of the law. 'Why is this De , these war_ They have cormhted the %VOW' Their home. to bleach on thin inhospitable •7 • , 41'.,00868 I you. . 'soil ei the Southern Contedelacy. We iontsts,linighes of the Golden Circle, op- the dismemberment of this country. i I Republicans consider a, negro entitled to and turned thenhfrom angels of melee in- ' • In thi Ithere • ' he ash are mane men of fine ~ , artity Pry-Y(II.M ON I. It to Isle ninny broken-hearted I% idows potent eof the war, assailants in the rear, will never tiwgive the man, or set of men, lmore protection and consideration than it 'to furies of hassle!). Women act trom ' m Irtly 110- • social qualities. They Eh ein fine house) and of pilaus, wo ee end mothers in our •.. • • • ' and other clap traps designed to frighten who advocate it. or agree to it, until, at white mane If no t, w hy go mac 111 solid- sentiments of passions rather than reason. rude in tine carriages, drthe hne horees--- . .7, 1 eh , ~,,,,,,e - ,e - sh. country, wltthe itoble sons and hush:nuts their w ine is eoo`d e, 7 and their brandy is timid persons out of their propriety and - • least, the world is assured that no human tide for the one and eci much utter. inflitf- ,The false pictures kept before them er el 11.!ntrio t, Pa Have Peri. het in manly effort Sto save our • -keep all the offices in the !tends of the power can save us ; khen on that dread erence for the other ? • I ' natty ttansferred them into •new Lentos. , 'HOLD, ..49nt_ Repoblic--effoi te A orthe of their surest ' • • good-but their politics, just now, deco Republicans' Now, for our part, 1% e event I will cease to think of a country .7 OD \ . .. 1 I It had the same . deity oleectionable. Zs r e h e ry, owe tied flag.ln fact et ers interest When I meet one of this stripe, I al- net er could tee why a Democrat should left for me, ,I shall consider myself with- Gen. !McClellan. 1" impreosible." This terrible crime [.s. he see. 1 , tor i l 'f) 11/ the higlicet to the lowest, National ways Omsk of the anecdote I heard of old not bee toter of Ins country as well as a out a country. There is no possibility of . All the charges et preferred against" againetheligion is perpetrated hy her tube ' Parla!". , `• far I . l* ° °d and social, combine in 0111' em ,Louie went er- Gencial Root, of Delhi, N. Y. For sonic Republican. so liar as party name; are con- the North, or a pmrtion of, this country, Gen. McClellan by tfiLIP .pack of abolition ininietele, contrary to the holiest m eeepte ~, -heel 1, , • sold once: The Federal Union must and rah he saw fit to change his political 'rued ; norewhy the Republichns should holding, together separately from the rest. hounde. who have been tryiug to 'run him of her Chili. These hampion% ot the eels- _ st• ut to Pra m P t " S ‘ X ,sliall be' pi exert ed"--and none but the seek to monhpolize all the •loyalty and Once dissolved, we go to fragment& Mil- down,' are falhe as their own blach hearts 1 pel Of love shout madly our blood. s- Yoa faith from a Democrat to a Whig. Meet lase he and'' cowardly will shrink from the Patriotism ill the land. It did not muse to itary despotism may for a while lead us, -ebht the charges throwing upon him the ' could hear from the hissing of any sel -1 ean old friend one da) and anxious to she -- d mire of such a ehisic-none but the igloo-- -C m o t th err him to hie new .' leith, he invited he traitorone to be a Democrat, and as but only lead us to destruction. Liberty, blame for Pape's reverse 'base! him I 1 , eats instead of the ghat tidings and good ,onee. ble trill hesitate tbr a moment. there is no treason in Democratic princi- , a proeressive civilization, and the cepa& fed and published broadcast over the Un- ; will. Instead of exhorting to obey law him to his house ; and as lie wale a man I on of th. i Ake trill The gt cat principle , of self-ete eminent ples, we do pot perceive why men should ty of man for selfgovernment,willbeccime ion by vile abolition sheets, are not only l and, order, they clamor for mob s iolet co .11 . Oita r (*See For,, 01 latere hoepitality, treated him to plenty 111 f. L TtuatEu.v: on trial, and doepote now are laughing „e cake, eine, brand th • Th General y, c. e. not continue to call themselves Democrats, exploded, obsolete ideas. false --they are melicious, deviliskin their :mil the to erthroce of a government in , us to seine sus metble to ether!' outset%•to f theyw'sh to do so. Nor is there anye then went to u ork to explain his politics. ' I- • • Vhatever may have been the opinion monstrous depravity. There is no foure i sh I • 'Wed te God. Instead of follow hie. die Ali eatly are they ill% sting, the I - ei° l " . of Ile liiend heard him through, when he objection to' the Republican , ' peesert mg of any one heretofore, he mast' no*' be dation for them whatever; they I are the spirit of Jesus they follow , hooting Mol the monarchs of the old world to their • arose and said,'" Gener:al, you have a fine their organization,al•oepeaking in a party convinced . that we are now on the defers - I venomous coinage of abolition brains, paid , och of wan-Nashville Voithi. ' shoes and asking their proteetion. Our lionee ° and an amiable . • wile; your hike is . • sense-only we Wilk it is time they sive-fighting for our country, The SoUth ' for by the Newyork Trilfune, and greed .. ;"% v h A nephew ofJoll.7e SOIDELL gratin:l ei niggle, then, gentlemen, is one of Na- steed, voile wine is good, and tour brandy should put, away - the partisan-sinking regard us as invaders of their soil. The ily seized upon by the humbler Imitators , . fed Ion) N\ est Point about six 1% eelh tioual existence. If thesidetrine of sete•- is ailed ; but your politics is damnable." "d°44e• I seat of war with all its horrible devasta- tof that monster demon of wickedness, . i since , and was assigned to duty upon the semi is tree and pre% ails, bur national ' The third elites who advocate the war But while the Republican% as a parth, lions is on Southern soil. ,If they get and fed out through their columns to .' , . se& of biig -Gen. Rtneo of the Union gi it it dent is gone tot et er. " h.:haled" hate not foreaken one iota of their parti te come extent and to Which I shall al- ' I , . . . power they will turn retaliate and invade their thousands of readeysiet pure, whole- ' ' army In the . bathe of Saturday last he a ill be written on our kgislatit e, execu- hide, are foiled mostly in the border san creed, but have been constantly math tie ;-we cannot aspect egging else.- , some food. The utter depravity of theee was badl y .11 d d I • • (I' d asg wenn( e an ett for ea upon the and judicial 'Wells. We shall beconie orating, extending and intensifying it, Our line ofdefence, theneuh where our I abolition fiends exceeds any.thing on re- Theirs it, a ellitricmit kind of Un- the field Ti Rebels• The stripped him otitis e like a rent out of dry emend, hat ins no h m i ent , To suclethe Federal Union is not they cannot brook to h.tve the Democrat brethren are in arms. We have , chcreen i cord of human baseness; it is start ling, eo . , . 11 watch and valuable., and lett him to loon or comeliness. Our beauty will van- wort h an .le t . yt ing, .on ees they can sate cling even to their organization- t our ground, whether properly or not it I astounding plietiornenon, enough to con- e. t die. Ileentwled to the Union lines, where ash like the morning cloud and early dew, 0 - T .1 tl ' P hi t • I a% er. e suc i le rest en sees a - would seen, from a Washin.gtoll dist itch 7 matters pot, now. If we do not defend vince the most scepticel of the necessity, lots mother found him and breitelit• him and we map as ;tell at once bid an eterti- . 1 he,Gentlemen , do nut with you. -- I d , that great larva pre% ails in Admittistra• our mites where we are, we may not be , and reality of a ,hell, whose fires, if they e to Washineton. He will probably recover. al farewell to all that we prize as the rep - ' The fourth class would prosecute thewear tion circles in consequence of " danger able to defend ourselves at our own' fire- cannot deter such wretches in thepresent, o reeentath to of a republican gov-ernment. for the Union and the Constitution, from that the Democracy would carry the elec. • sides. The Government has called for may scourge and purge them in the here.- k FGRO Etre eus v. -" The liberty of the If the southern theory of "State sever- the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the St. tions in remit y strohg Republican locale troops.; the, army is too weak. We have , after. , I descendents of Africa in the United Storrs , tient)" preiails, our Union is no better Lawrence to the Rio Grande,' !eating ties," Th correspondenvwho sends this all committed ourselves to this war for , ,_ is hicomputible with the liberty and s ite t than a tope of band, to be broken at pleas- slavery for the ?resent just where our Fa. the drift remark th t " the sooner .asap - the preservation of the Constitution and : Wno HAS TIIE MOST Puisoxeis . ty ,of the European deseendaet. their pro.%%tweeter ambitious and. designing I thers left it in the formatien of our Gov- p lied; the s oner denser of this kind will the Union. No matter what have been I Gentle! Lee says the rebels have aim excess 1 slavery forms an exeeption, residtinoe L. GARDNER, teen raise the false issue of ohloyshion, I ernment, to thecontrolof - 1 the severe e prevented from increasing." Ana if. , our differences of opiniote as ho the origin lof prisoners. This was at first eupposed - • time- stem and inflexible necessity. Thew , ?CAL DEPATMENT 11101101 not a single ' constitutional right States , after the draft, there shill remains a eII:MCA or conduct of the war, we are here to to be mere brag, but upon careful com , slibert ~ ''' II 11 y, It it 'tempos& e, con i on ly be ee ine a rola ,111)0141 P may hate been touched. • _ • of the defegt of , any of ehe Iteptiblican night a united band for our country-our putation it is found to be true, says a tablished 1) viol:dints the incontestable gi.rlatnd are pmpared I Tins pOsitiOn was assumed in Congress ffi kers we would su gg estee that a whole country-and nothing but lour Washington letterin the New York Post. . ~nacre Y States . . e nod pnortuany that It is no time at present to diconsa the by a vote nearly , unanimous , and it ex- ° e ' hae° * . - es ~. towers of the and sues erne, the It lt''' t "'"' Elrate I manner , in which the war has been con- presses the views of all loyal men in the summary method • of avowing the "don- umbers f rebel nos country. Six hundred men are wanted Large as was the numbers f ' e 'Mon. And beneath the ruins -of the ger " would be to pre% ent all but Repub. from Berks. ' We must furnish them. If oners taken in the spring, they heve billed ducted. Sonde think they could h:h , e done nation to•day. In fact it Is the piety-true Utilise would be buried, sooner ore later, limns feomlvoting. A gond many Demo- more are wanted and cease to volunteer been overborne by the defeats,eretreats much Letter than those entrusted with standard of loyalty. It reeds as follows: the libel ties of both faces.-Hex UV CT ' our civil and military maaera. Perhaps I "Bssolead ' That the present deplcuable civil war h era - te mote than half the army, perhaps • is -are now fiehting the battles of the 'we mus must call but t draft; and if that falls short we and captures on the Chtekahominy, at , the whole- malitia, We Winchester and in Tennesse& I • 4 ears , Moiler," said Jemina Spry to they could, and then again they - might been forced upon the country by disuniouists of Southern -.. . . in onion, in the field. If any of them should must save our country, if we have ptiwer; ---''''""•'-' her 'venerable maternal reJation, "Sam p os sibly have 'done a great deal worse. -It BtateA, now to arms span, t the Constitutional Gcnem•A ern WaS not. Jeff. Davie; bit Hoi ace s , .• is very humiliating, bat neverthelees true, m • ant and In arms around the Capital '; that tu this Xs- be so impertinent as to offer for civil ' if power fails us, we must at least 'save Ella waits to come courting me ?A:t itans' emergence, Vote.rrre, banishing all teethe,. of mere Office theVlCOuld easilvi be put out of the our honor and show the world that we Greeley, who in the beginnieh of the year . 0 ,,,, „ - that we have just met With Redone discs- • ' .t, y ' • , 1 11801 said : "If the Declaration' of Inds - air paaalon or resentment, will recollect only its duty / the way in tine manner. 1 deserved succes& e Well, youjatle, what did you tell him." tern' but it iseno time to stop, lbecause whole swore; that this war is not waged op their part 1 ' ' 1 pendence justified the secession from - the I - .... .11.4111111. .0.- >' "Oil, I told lulu he might come; I want there areegreat and momentous questions I n any splitt of opprearlon, or for any purpo.iitif entej up- WHAT Ponsonor..--" Pray sir," Bri ti sh i Empire of three minket hof colon- i , in% oh ed in the contest. Admit that the Mil or conquest, or mama of corerthrowleg or inter n e- IthirPrehtiee says Lot's wife would be Somaled to see how- the fool would act r' civil and military erross have been c h om- ring with the rights or established instMut ions of those worth seventyhtive cents a pound in the said a Judge, angrily, to a blunt Ohl Could,Qua-liets in 1118 we do not s,ee 'telly h, would , . ---- e see-w-4.----- e keg, from whom no direct answer not justify the secession of five millions of I . To Hr snINDS.-Every husband hay- States, but to defend and maintain th 6 impremacy of the Southern Confederacy. metted-shall we stop now to discuss he obtained , " 'do you know what we are Southerners from the Union." B. was not I ing-regard to'his wife's health and comfort, coupon:atm and to reterte the rnion, xi ith all the ,__.,......,---..... , t them alien the cry is "to anus ?" Shall dil„Mity, egna . lity, and P rights of the eel end States Intim- , a here for ?" " Yes, verily! do," said the we say Jeff. Davi e , but Horace Greeley, should lose no- tinee in getting " Adams' we Not rather feel impelled to more vigor. paired, andthat as soon Adltlen? obJuLt a are au-tat/ph...lied rr." hat church do yeti atten d Quaker h two of you sit for four dollars . who said this in the beginning efthe year . $l5 Sewing Machines for her. Write to fees effort!' at Snell a jilettere as tbie? The the oar ought to cease.- Mrs. Partiegton ?" Oh 1 any pathcidox _ 1 .h a day and that fat one in the noddle 1881 When the SOuthern rehelliourebellion l i C. Ruggles. Detroit, Mich., and goat `full , is dispensed _ enemy is at the door of the capitel of the -! This platform is broad and National, church ta here the Gospel . ouch , , h . II i ! foe two thousand a year." wag abbot breaking out. articular',. Nation, and it is no time to discuss out. and must inset the 'views of conservative with., . - 1 lIENItY C. TYL IA F. LER in Dry Good., CirocerieP, Notion,;.: Boma and Sh io ono Ware. Wooden Ware and I.lrOOn Lion. Public Avenue. Mt=l WM. IT. COOPER I I:CRERt.,-I.lantrase. Pa. Sner..(4l; -2S Co. 012 c,,,, LathroptCnewldi nsultra Co CO 4c30vvr,....'2" - 7 ...- CASH CAPITAL, Ot4E ASSrITS Istly 1860, LIABILITIES. " " McGro. P • 1r". • ki..(l and rou,wed. by In 111 our dour otuvi• 214 .• - BILLINGS S 32C 33 17 - rlr , •ivotl a ,largt. -toe 1, OM-cv awl ...It , civh St.6r 'lite. Li DC. ale. 11 -ec -alt nod do-ir. ~•, tsvorablt. TUrlllt , .. for C. N... M ,:fortr: Oct. 25fh, Dandelion. - I , LTII bevetag, p. ,od, a, much two pound. ' TAKE NO 4 rt.. 3 1 -2. M . " _ Ito A or L., • •v,-:., u tlV on baud. o:l2er. M Pub.inb. ' A. P. • • I)AVID C. AXE y r A VlN:laqa•altra reminliently n IA will It tend ornruraly to nlleall - f.tvorati. 41:11, at Vold..' 11We: n1y,.17. 1%1 - A.BEL TU TT NA COr tle— :Si Malik 611., re ': Kitteh Oil. fled 'l,olo•opathic Paul ,:-• ‘• nC I.,nimont.. ,:trietv of Patent lietlic-ine, MEDICAL DR, E. PATRICK, Bi, DR. I ATP. GRADUATE of THE ME ,F YALE O.,LLEGE. have r f,,r the pr.tetiee of Medic:lnv etch(' t, all let-the,. fatthrial -.;A do ilttrllv , tl . (l to their care, op .11! the ittle.. t'..t.tote. and deronatt of the tool all surtilettl di.. - ase.. p. ^'Uhler over MOtt - tl,. Store. n, in. All t ort« of bnudr7 111'.1'. at t td•zbest and cA il.l t . ”2.e. Pa.. piny it h. 14".1..-Lt 1_31;;;soNs orT OF / ' tutu+, set I.T.hy the Ilarrel.Snr,tr or Poll W .l . .....! 11. .c 1 : . 1 92 J. • k fur , • , ~•,,,...B.Oltil.•••;•1,I. i r. , 111 ..111;t11;" - '• ' . • •.• ~4. t "ltvt‘C,:tl- ft. • m•al(,;,h -en.l t• J. R. Si. VOL. 19. 1 I-CE! at, and all 'of thrr and lloot, , and Tannery, &Shop on I& L. C. KEELF.II M. D., Ne. , wilforA. Pa., with which he ma' IRE - 11 Sculna. Machinra. Alm and Mon.n Extrart.and a drat and Plastnra, and an -7- ARD. El E, rur ic3l.opere attrodtii to. ink° bowl. from El a. trodure token Pa,' I It :SOT REFS:64U. .r • and 4v01. , !nr .cheap !' V!uvl_isil In another A •T, mot Orr titer wt In k. Stattted'r A" , 9 S, t i rtivrt Vow mss f1.:414 the the 1 . 1•11:1. land. or. t.l tiono'h:ze.otigh, r , • .”1 . .: 0 0q. 11 tilt , alp,. h.. 0 t,40a. II: IVf; a . And n v 01111- ' f'l'. 'PAL Broadwyy. N. Y. I . . . . , . . . . - . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 I ; . .ft ' 7-. .... • .. .. , 1,. vatill l i I .. . . . ... MONTRQSE, PA., TrESDA.Y,. SEPT. 23, 1862.- JOB PRINTING of HINDS, DONE AT.THE OFFICE OF THE . Tun office ofthe Montrose Demorra t has recently ben supplied with n new cud th , ,ire,i•nrit I y of type, ete., and we see now prepared to print et s eirculnrs, t;te., etc., in the beet style, on short llamiLills, Posfers, Prligrat:l!•!,2s, other kin& citwork in this line, doix to we. or • : Business, Wedding, • aid Ball CAI:Ds Ticket., ctc., printed with nentpeas.and deAmtch. . . .I❑stices' find Constables' .131anks,.Not cs . .neeth., and all other Blanks, on hand, or print edtt, ,rt:t A N0.,38: I!EATLY•AND AND AT "LIVE AND LET LIVE" PLICLS gar Job work and Blink'', to be paid for or , dell e y