P HOOFLAND S 1 4 ,1tta l I C ED /C4 %*l4 Tlill 4 3; STADDELIM REMEDIES d tfa Paw* sp,lxava acquired their Enna poriderity ads eidanti pars of trial. Unbnandol sathdatiou nadesed 4T Mesa la all caeca 1100FLA,ND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL PogITMCGT crez aver Sonotask Dropcpolo. Joundloe..2forroo• Us. balky. Inwood. a the sam a ra, and &eon oridor from a dimorJerod liver, or wedre' . Dia of the Staniaeb and Digestive Oigusay, MUM rnu, VMS MU, AU MU AU AUL bee !sr Almanac tor prooL Plum, 75 cents per IkAtlik Ilooffand's Balsainie Cordial. MILL . 11.06t21,11T cras . Coasts, Colds, ett acaruneu. trenchitte, Infteesse, creep, Paeumosia, ineijgeit Ceutineeptiek irad but peribireed the most aeteuishing eerie OTIS' koora of• • CONFIRMED CONSCMPTION. AistolaFthaspunUal It ti unevalltd. • per bottle. . NOOFLAND'S GERMAN PILL, Illhap well booms thincighont Europe and. America, seeds so comniendatlon kn. They ate purely argrtalde, an prepared iltb mat exactness, and aro eagaraiated. :go better cathartic Pill an be hand. Pawl, cte.i , er los, There tnedielnee ore prepared by Dr. C. M. JAcEsax Co., Philadelphia Pa., end St. tool', flo., and are !add by diacgiste and dealer!' In toodiciata eterrahera - The sir Secure of C. 11,Jactsui will be on the °nibble of cab bottle.ne box,. - In our “Xreryleadyer Airtaturc," ptildhohed annually, you lelU And instintony and commendatory not keg from all Tarts of'tba country, Mato /Usual:ma are Oren ana,y bJ all oar agent& BCERHAVE'S MALMO BITTERS TSE CILREIRATED ROLLAND DEXEDT FOR DTSPEPSI4, . DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND ACUE, Lai gas varkasa &Irak/Dui ecataequent upon a disordorod STOMACH OR LITER, Beth as Indigestion, Acidity of We Stomach„Zolicky Palm, Heartburn,- Leas of Appetite, Despondency, Costirstwee, Blind and Bleeding Biles In all Berme& Itbeanintic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in maximumo inctarrea premed IdAly beneficial; and in'uthere effected a decided care. This is • purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly edeotifie principlea, after the manner of the celebrated Gotland Protector, Ikerhavic Its reputation at loam pm dewed Its latroductionlere, the demand econmeneing with those ci the fatherland 'scattered over the face of this, "mighty country, many-of whom brOught with them cud' Waded down the tradition of lia Tales. It is now eirevid le the Amerioar Tublie, knowing Vied its truly wowlerful wacticiaal virtue's must be acknowledged. It Is particularly recommended to-three persons whim canstltutlons maylare been Impaired by the mutlnuoas ore ef ardent spirits, is other fermi of diMpution. Generally tintustaneous In effect, It Bads its way directly to the seat oink. thrilling ant quickening ereey nerve. roUing ruithe dm: Ong spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor In the sythem. 2ioTlCE.—Wbeerer expecte to find Ude a hererage wW be &appointed: but to the sick, weak and low epintott, it wilt pnwe a grateful aromatic cordial, rammed of singular witmedlal properties READ CAREFULLYI The la highly concentrated Ikettiate's Sitters la eat up la ball-plat bottles only. and nulled at OADou►tpmbottle,ar 1z bottles ts , Fret Lotus& The gnat demand Sr this truly Celebrated 31Mb-tuella& induced =ration; which the public should guard sodnet • Air Beware of Impositton. Bee that 01pr.zuksaii bou the label of orrery bottle you buy. Sal by protests comrally. It c a n •ba isnwaited by litproas to moat pouts. 60LE P3tOPUIETOII3. • BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. lhamacentists and Ctemists PITTSBURGH; PA,I ORE 4 CURE .e NervousHesldactie . 4 7 CURE r‘ i . kinds Headache. • , . 11 aartra . RESTIZISF ED " , ,c)pR. MOLT T' S .thlp,lnatt ono, An aperient arS'otemachic prepared= of /803 milled of Oxygen and Carbon by ccm• Ibusuon in Hydrogen, of high medical author. ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the. following comPliVrit.. DEdnErf.,SERVOUS thienne. CATION, DYSPEPSIA. DIATOMPA - CMISTP • PATION. SCROFttI,A. SALT RHEUM 8C133V/, JAIINDICE. LIVER COXPLAINIII WEEMS& IMIEK:4I=BCCIRLSI - CONSEVENCES, INTER. =rasa runs. =ULM- CNN= - ErADACECES. FEMALE 'WEAKNESS, EIS XENSTRIIATION. WHITES, CHLGEOKEIA maws ca 'rl FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE MIN, etc.. ThB 11103 being abloy bed by the blood, and thus eirctditing through the whole system, no part_ of the body can =ape their truly wonder. !al Whom. The merits:toe of thousands daily proves that no propocincin of Iron can for a moment be compared withit of the blook.d•- , presidia of vital energy, pale and otheresisi sickly complexions indicate its necessity in il ium every conceivable .case. In all tars of female debility (fluor slion,"ch/arosis. etc.), its *theta WV delighttlly rquovating. Ito remedy bee aver been - Tamura, in the whole 'history of medicine. 'which exerts such prompt, happy, , and full 7 restoradve effects. Good appetite,. plate digestion, rapist acquisition of strength, with an unusual dispoition far active; and cheerful exercise, immediately follow itstoe. Its a-grand stomachic end general tectoritive .it has no superior and no substitste. I. • Pia up in nest fat rata boxes andante; DO pitta, Wee 00 Cents per bait Antes, Re 50; one Doan hues. 4. 00, Per sae tor neertlete generally. ' Will• be ant tree 10 any address on receipt of the pace. an too tees, orders, etc, ahead be aildrawd R. B. tOCICE ik COi, General Agenta. 339 esespwar. R r. R. The above li a tkolenile twa. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH .BITTERS. . - The preprietbrs and - manufretarers of HOS; TETTEIII3 CELEBRATED STGHACII 114 T, 'TEllki Cis appeal with perfect confidenW-to - ' physicians and Citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown.' A few ficts upon this' pciint will speak more than Volumes of bare assertion or blazoningpuffery. The e ousureption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ' tees for the last year amounted to over i half- • =Mien bottles, and from, its manifest steady increase in times past, it is etident that during . thji Coining year the consurefdlon will reach near one million bottles. • This immense mune:nut -could never have been' sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in theprepara- ' lion, End the sanction of the moat prominent physicians in these sections of the country' where the article Ii best known, who not only • recommend the' Bitters to -their patients,' but . are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of 'stomachic derangements and this diseases resulting therefrom.• • *This is not a temporary popularity, obtained • by extra efforts in the way of trum- -,- . peting i the qualities of tbepitters, but a solid estimation of an invalnable 'medicine, which is destined to be as enduring . as thus itself. • Hostetter's. Stomach Bitters hare proved a Godsend to regions where fiver and ague and various other bilious oomPlainti have counted their .victims by hundreds. To -be able "t, state confidently that the “Bitters" arc a certain cure for the . Distiepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure: It removes 'ill morbid matter from 'the 'stomach, purifies- the' blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone sind enemy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stdmach, liver, and other, digestive organs,, mildli but powerfully, and soon restores therm aacondition essential to the healthy diScharge of -the! functions of nature. , : Elderly'persone may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they / Will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasauCtothe palate, Invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. W, have the evi dence' of thousands of aged men and women Who have experienced the benefit- ef.using this preparation while sufferingDrom stomach de range nentsend general debility; acting under the ac.vice of physicithey-have abandoned: 'all 'deleterious drugs ,and fairly tested. the - recrite of this article. A -few words to the gentler serf There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that manyof them sink under the trial. The relation of mother, and child is so absorbingly tender,, that the' mother, especialltie she be young, is apt GI forgeher own health ' In her extreme anxiety' . for 11 infant. Should the period of maternity i i. arriv during the summer season, the *ear of body tind mind is generally aggravated. Hen, _ then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe. • rate tme energies bf the system, and enable the inotho to hear up under her exhausting trials and ;responsibilities. Nursing mothers-gene rally prefer the titters to all other invigora- _. tore that -receive: the endorsement of physi cians, bees:use it is agreetible to the taste as Well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. i , ' All' those persons, to whom*. hasp garden- , laxly ;referred above, to wit: Sufferers from . fever land ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea; dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and - air diseases cir derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of 'sedentary - Occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult theirl ovin. physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated - Stomach Bitters a trial. CATITION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits,' but .ask for Jlosrxriesea CILEDIVA - TED STOMACH Brrrzas, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J.. Hastetter's Stomach-Bitters" blown on the side of. the bottle, and stamped - on the metallic cap covering the , pork, and observethat our autograph signature is en the label} . -•-•‘- , Prepared and sold by-HOS.reer•r.bli A 132,, H, Pistaburgb. Pi, Land sold by all' druggists, grocers, and dealers generally - thronghnut the United States, SouthArne rim'and Garment. ' i' W - e Balsam of Wild Cherry. 'Flitter'sßah:tam of Wild Cherry. Coughs, Colds, Coughs,' Coughs, Cola Coughs, ' Minna, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, lionscness, Bronchia .Whooping Cough, Croup, F. Whooping Cough, Croup, Consumption, Consumptian, Consumption; rr Consumption, Cosumption, and la l ( Fatale'', find aft strazns , antidote, a reads , relief,• and a sun and speedy cure, in that grsafsnuf unirersagy apposed mud.% Wistar's Balsam of Wilsi Cherry. istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, . a ' The Be,. Jacob Ilechl:er, w bins mud sessli remeitei ems, Os Geresas pm*. Wien OW, foramiratike dforlewisir . .mmementfor as issa* alw ittligiad- • ' Elimoirra, PA, Feb. 16,1659.. Mason. 8. W.TowLi kCo; Baran, Inas Bin: Having nalirad in.ray family. important benefits ft= the use of your valuable preparation, WEIMAR'S HAI, =WILD Maas, it affords me pleasure .ts nd it to the public. Some eight years age one of my daughters lensed to beJo a decline, and linle hope - of her recarmy, were tursetained ! I Men pro: en+ a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she bad i taken the whole of Me connote of the bottle tbere wax a gait impeoismsot in her health. Than, in my ndividual ease,. Ends fro:tient use of your valizable medicine, and hint 'him been benefited by it.: naiad, renewer, eon* the 'panic agsious isaissitis4 it► .74 nun v a rya mini entwine Wister's Inds= 41 Clary Oast thresgasst tits anatrey. JACOB - = wet Puginis Testimony. 7 -frvii bis. Nosscizsr. NOITON, V es, ..Etiaim . r Ope, Zama& itIcHNOND,Vi-, Feb.ll3, IM I. !gam S. W. Fowls & Co., Dostoo„,—.Gehttomea I with plass:re testify to the gnat mutt of yottrAn. etbkibbs tang otsilitino, Di. Winn.% BALISAIII or Wtbz, Cirsiti; which is likewise highly valued by many of our sussansl dtlaeiy who bars tasted its TYluss by • • I first made It's Of this Balsas se= threOyeass daea fir a Violeta and distriming emit which baffled do el ill of phyoicisna, und o to my joy, wed: each gratifying relief 'as to indite* me to persevere in its use. I ilways keep . It by MO, and into dad ft to be unfail ing in its offeeta. ' Ito median s that I have over used has gives soak goody Yea. TOM tmlj, * . NORM:HINE NORTON. Prom I. Isth, Env hasittat grata Jihrris dual, 'Rank, awl mho i. mg Mora at avid Mama Mmayivat Ma Jeraty. - litmsnrrowa, N. J.;..lan. 4,1860 Mum 8. W. frown e & Co,— Dear Bin: Raving and Dr. Wtn?*Va BALMICOP WELD Camp' far amt 1 1 ftalls Pan, and s barMg realized lie bansticial in my family, it me peat . pieseare is meommeeding ft to Ova ,ponlie se a *cable marmeh is cum of mat iMis, aids, owls, la, mid a nonalt widen I consider to Mantiraly horsocanti, and may in taitik with prima aatety,by Rin mod delicate in Malt h. • _ TottlaTtiljrcOClEUily. i '.. . . . • p- Biire're of sli and reordaar couldetfeitsl Them!, Se** Pure, and Neficiant Bab= has the"; name of "L BUTTS," written with a pen. an I the printed *mime of the proprietiii, "S. W. Jia F *LE •CU.," an the outer wrapper... f All inie safer via ay &seam if Bs Tbirt, Lamp, or Cif ass Oasis Ski ierief bi wing INTistlieS 33oloirti of Wild Cherry, iitaios 'lshii= of Wild Cherry; .1 ;= . raireszti aiT - -{ , '' S. W.! FOWLE & C9 l . 18 TREMONT STRUT, BOSTON. SOLD ST Avoids, Zkeders,:arrlfe4ams is awl ,M.Ass and, ah islik• Oita' 1 &aka • 1i3r7 0 : : o.le by , gbeiTurrell andlicad, Watroas & Fog ter, :Mantel:me : Woodrad, Dime& ; Amos Nichols "Brooklyn : liVtihniy• &" harfeid ; Weed .t Ward Greg: ad head; J. Olsagtead,Dandad: Orifiln, Great I Be. . • - Juty • LIIBBICATIPIG Kinds at NackinerMor blsmatti. sAstronws LIVER -INVIGORATOR PIiEVES. DkIIILITATkiI. • IT Is eineepounitoet entirely from Ca In e, end hosteensto otobenhodlles, imendard Uteri... too.* I . l l, 4=d o =t)Eg word attdarj a re ieiamenJed. - fla It bai 'curet oh* tuukheekno au bores insooticitod erteudesio The done mist bit adapted O E Writhed taking It and no wt eaW en the Upside Let do annum of your was eel* LWEIi, IN- Wrlll eon Liver cum- _- tacks, Diropepela;l widen tbs Wt two tests ot relief. ail the smareotut Iptaeithetshow. -- to the tompotsatoot of the ed to each quietuses sa to . . udgment guide Joe le lie i e . ar/GOLLITCIit, it • plaints, Dillon Ate Chronic Mare a. • plata*, .11Feente.- Stotna:h,liablitiel le, Cholera, CholeT• Infiniti*. Plata. Perna itireaknease wear atee Online. eine( liirillnar•SiCK neci(neds ins teattry.) in Vero or three Tea. a at eemmancemeet et • EsMmer Com ry,-..Dropey. Swirl • Costiveness, Choi raMorbamibbolera lance, Jaiindice, may be useleue.' ry Family, Medi- pi IIIEADACRE. Ces twenty Mtn ince, i f apoonfala are talc. nact., • A at Whelan' at are • fa In Mar. • - a Mix WATER WITII • THE TNVIDORATOR„ - AND .bWA.I4.4)W 110Til Pries One Dollar perjlottle. ••• -• n 3Avi ~Irortzra. . • FAMILY • CAI/iIARTIC PILLS, _ COMPOUNDED Flitth ' Pure Vegetable Eitriete. and put up in (ALMS CASES; Air Tight, and will keep . In *sly alienate. LIM Family C. tle bet anits Cathartic 74:1 in his practice more e bat ased be i ge 1 ;111 1 all enema la regard to their than whhia Merman a/L . . tto PreDINSOO wall know. •• ° n ab 4 4 S i r V b . t gt ' Li a a Cj 'e t : beam onor:on l did from a labia Ewanq which act rumen r e cant and are ft where a Cathartic le • ran iemen* of - the Oen,. Patna In the tonlvenea., pal n he whole bony , beneath', It . antlacted , , nor, Low of hispeo elation of Cold crier mem, Headache; or • .11 In dam on starry Venders or Adult., ruelitier oftbe Blood , nett is heir. too noteron h sett Doa /AWE T 1 Th. Liver 'teetotal thartle PI Us are rate end Chelanb by the Trade T. W. ikA glirleg their 10.a:thaw? • 'Marne tamper which the proprietor Ito .3 that twenty 'Leant sad and . from than via .3 and the atttsiketkat which les mahout:plum' pustoplaes Mthat diterest Catlitudatad bowela. ' - THAPTIC Pltl. is 'this well established that. Qvariety of the purest Tege. alike on. 'ter, part of tar iggoad and mate In all ens. needed. sorb as De. Stomach_. Meth'. Dark sad Loans, and liforeoesa over lkom , sudden wild. halea end Ina bog mine of Ea- Mr ' II Creeping Sen. thebndy," Itestless• weight to the head, 4 Dieraseo, Worms hi Rheumatism.*great .„„ and many dileserwin which fla to manure in this advertise • nr.r. . DIMPIC., • • rater and Family Ca. .• -. by Druggists generally, LA In ail the Largo wurna.t NIFORD, M. D., :xsautacturor and Priatne. ayi New So ma. 335 Broadw MORE NEW ARRANGE IENIS GREAT '=ATTRACTIONS • AT TH E - • FOOT OF MAIN STREET. rim-1k extensive Furniture Establishatent of BMITH BROTHERS having been refitted and greatly' improved, the proprietois respectfully announce to the citizens of vsfontrose and vichm ity that they are constantty'making and keep on. hand tle LARGEST and BEST assortment of . FURNITU it y i To be tumid iothe Catintry: We give - the folloiVing list of some of the ar' tieles which we; will sell at greatly - reduced prices, for CASH Or RBADY:PAY - : Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with glass. from $l6 to $35. Buraus. with marble or breratelletops, from 818 to e 34. 'And a large assortment, from $B, 'sll3, LI, 14, to 818, - • • Wash -S tands, Card Stands,Corner and Square' Stands, of all varieties and prices, (melt, cents to ton dollars. Desks, Divans .Towel Racks, Footstools;Otto. ruins, Lounges; Centre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen, and Erterision Tables- Chaiis—Cane and Wood. Seas; Rockers= Cane,. Flag, and Word Seats, of every variety and style. Sofas, tete a tetea furnished -at short notic 'New York prices. N. 8.. Ready made coffins on hand or Car aished at short notice.—Hearses always in earliness when desired. • We. eviploy, none but CanEfiti; and Eitt• ,INCED Wombats. We intend to do out Wont WELL, and sell it as Low as it can be` W. W. SMCIFIIF, A.SYJIT „tn., ( - E. It. Sill TIE. ttnarpse. Jan. 1801. 1840.—tf. KEYSTONE HOTEL,I At Montrose, Penn. WM. -IL FLATCri, Tropr ',etc r. ti I S new and commodious Hotel situated 1 on Public Avenue, near the Court Hous4,and nearly in the centre of the business portion of Montrose, is now fyily completed and furnished, and was opened on Monday. the 27th day - Of September, .1858, .for the accommodation- of the public and travelers. The ; roprietor feels confident that he is nqvi prepared to entertain guests in a mfinner that _cannot fail to give Complete Satistb.ction. ' The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no,ex prelim has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the 'State. It is . well well supplied with all the recent improvement s and comforts; and obliging waiters will always be isadyto.respotul to the. call of customers. • The Stables connected with this • House are New. and Convenient. The P_roprietor respectfully solicits the patron.: age of his old friends, and the public generally, WM. K. HATCH. NEW N GOOM • • , E W O 4 GOODS 0 - • D S! NEW NEW L)TARDING t -,CQ'.B; NICITOLS ON DEPOT. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, MADE 70 a ..„...... 0 . A _,.\ :•:.1 --- 9 READY-PAY CUSTOMERS. We are determined not to be opt-done in the way of • LOW PRICES. -0- ALI KELIDS " PRODUCE Takell Rain chance for dr o 'O o c ° 3:0 D • L: BA nuJa ac. CO COXPORRD EXTRACT - OF ROCK ROSA the ,Rentedy,:lor lodlgeation, Minoan and fierofikais Complaints, tied all diaeatee of the Sideld, for sale it tabolmale and Wall, by ABEL TORRELL. . - „- riaptabtae, candle', Lump oil, fr,e. Vat - • Tarra's p . > %Mt s . fir r tEcrattne. attest •- - --ercos - gar TOP., BEST IN MARKET, AE I At 65 .Cents pe4 Aleo Pluming timid. and Caropnene ..13pirlui Turpentine, netantlyfur hand, at tartest ket _ .10nteor,e, Feb. 19. . &SZl,Ttfy,,uxia. , le / ft -r e . w' i ://, , Wil i eet, COMMERCIAL 1. ,OLLEGE. . 1...t0 over UteSuNctoazuwvatily _Bank. BINGHANITON .N. Y. • . FACULTY: D. W. LOWELL, Principal, ,I , Profeesor of the `Science of Acc o unts, ,Prabtical Accountant, Authofof Lowell's Treaties; Upon Book-Keep. lug, Diagrams illustrating• the same. lons Rasxis, Commercial Acoantant,Profeer of Book Keeping and Practical Mathematics; J. J. Cowls, Assistant Proi:ssor in the Book • • Keeping Department.. . . .. A.3.lVaasEn. Professor, of Practical and Or. nonmetal Penmanship. Commercial ,Caicula lions and Correspondence. . - . LECTVRE Ron :Daniel.B. Dick iraon; Lc' , l • cial taw and Political: Eco l Hon. Ranson; Bateau, Lect Promissory Notes 'and Bill of Exchange. • Rev. Dr: E. Andrews, Lectur r on Commercial Ethics, - ' - EXAMINING t 111'MM: floe. Sherman D: Phelps, VV, R. Osborn, Esq. Tracy R. Morgan, Esq. , - . The object bf this College ikto afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a ttiorungh Busidess Education.- • Bookr -- -^fully arrani The Books and FOrms ate Caret _ ly,a ,caged by practical accountants expressly for this n Stitution and embrace all the recent improve -merits. - The.courae of Instni — Ctio comprises every` department of business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the 'scien4e and .practice.nf Double Entry Bookatepinglax applied ..to the following kind's of business, *ix: General bier chindising, Manufacturing, tanking, Commis sion, Steamboaling, Railroading, Forwarding Freighting,foreign Shipping, &c. - . TOUNO Can qiialify themselves in a chart Imo, at this Instil tima,to till important and locrativq - situations. Maple references can be given where graduates of 1500-are now tilling desirable situations with salaries trom $5OO to $lOOO Per The an Proprietors are in possessini l i of teitimonialefrom come of the first Commercial Houses in the State, to whom they have furnished book-keepers,' shcrwing their entire satisfactron and confidence in the arlity of the graduates of this Institution. • • PENMANSIIII" • •• - In all its branches, taught by the most skillful and their' ough masters of the art. _No'Collehe in the. country Anc joys a higher reputation in this' department. Ladies' Dee partment entirely separate Item that of thegentletnen: Students ca n enter College at anytime. Ao vacations, Time to complete the.course, fro 8 to.)0 weeks. Stu dents pasiiing the requisite, eta ination are presented with the most elaborate and tie nt engraved • Difiloma issued by any Commercial or t. sleet tub:Mutton in the Union. Assistance rendered to, qudnates procuring situations. '• or terms of tuition, price of board, testimonials of g duatei; filling positions,&c, addreas the proprietors for ci. Wars containing full particuipb: LOWELL it, WARNER, PropiletortißinghaMfon ComMercial College, - cm: 8, '6o.—y , • Binghamton, N. Y. ' DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTROSE & FRIENDSVILE. GOACIIES carrying malls and passengers between VI-Montrose and Friendiville, )4r, ilneave Searle's Hotel, in Montrose, daily, at 7 o'clock, a. In. and leave Friends, vine at 3 o'clock, p. m. • rfriinrses and carriages can be procured at the Livery Stable.of the subscriber is Montrose. on reascinable tenns. Montr!se, Aug. 16, 180). tt J. 11. 0011 Its- PORTRAITS, PORTRAITS! ,1 NEW AItItANGESIETS IN TAU , , _ ERICK. BLOC - X. , . r Mi p t i t e dgr b s 3, ig: , 3 ,, etiniz l i s t . s i k s c ii n nw tu p e re ßo a o r Ts to ilagnerlK who rimy desire with a good a etruth4l Portrait. • . , li Akin: well posted in the production of the various - kinds sePictrires of the day, I flatter m„ self that my work isnot 'facetted by any In this section'ofthe country, Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms arc the AMBROTYPE, P.IIO.7'O6IZAPH, if ELAINOTYP-E 29EILLOGRAPY Locket Pictures down to the Smallest s iz e d miniature Ring. Transferred Ambrotypes4the finest thing out, far sanding bv,Pdst -to any part of tile World withqut extra postage. • My Picturesare hold.ligorous, and expressive —not those fsint, :lifeless shadtpws often sold about the country: Pictures taken In all kinds of weather, equally well. except thale•tif young children. No picture need be taken unless perffet satisfactionds given. • In dressing fora. picture, avoid light colon,—such as blue, purple, scarlet, pink. etc. 'Most others lake well; as green, ilack, red, snutr, brown, Orange, yellow, etc.. Ems' Remember-that the placeto get your .`picture" is n the Brick Block, over Read, Watrona,t, Foster's store. w. Nov. . .11,11.0.1 .11.6/1 OA • MIL ose, Pa., o 2f,th. l ull.. .' . . ROVER &' BAKER 'CELEBRATED NOISELESS 'SEWING MACHINE% ,FOR FAMILY ,AND MAI4UFACTURING USE, • - 495 Broadway,) New-York. GOODS Agencies in all the principal cities and I . • The Grover (i.• Baker! S. M. Co. beg to call the attention of the public to their recently tatrodn; NOISELESS FAMILY, AND MANUFA CTURING • • ti p i a ENO -11114C/31111/211 6 1 • MAKING THE 8111TITLEI Oft LOek..,,z•STITCH. These machines combine all latest useful improve; meats in sewing machinernandlaretighly recommended for theit I Simplicity of Constrnetfon ;: Noiselesiness ii Rapidity; , • • Ease of Blanaoment; I • • Capacity tor F ill kinds ofsvoliti And Beauty and Regali ty of Stitch. • • - Various styles of these machines adapted to the house or workshop will be found at th differentagencies of the company throughout the UoitedtEitates. Their new -• SHUTTLE MACHINE FON. TAILORS' USE, The lateattrltimph of the sewinginMehine art-•-nolseleas, rapid, and easily operated—will commend itself to those who use inch machines for mannfacturtng clothing. - ! MI 47- Grover - - Baker ,IBite bine. • •GROVEI& BAKER STITCH; These jostly•celebiated mar bbnes, adapted to all the wants of the household and manufactory, continue to • maintain the pre-eminence arbleh the almost universal verdict of the publichas 'welted them. The well-known StRENGTII, - ELASTICITY, & DURABILITY, of the Grover & Baker- Stitch will alwayelesure these machines the preference for bun ily use, for the manufac ture of curb goodi as are intended for wear—for use and not for slicks. . ' • pirWherever the (Doverlinker Stitchlinchines have exhibited and fairly -judged In. competition with the leading Selene Mathiner ID the market.; including the Wheeler, & Wilsoh, they have lurlirbiblY borne 'off the drat premium.. . Ttlis assertion Is eonfirtaed by Ittie rico:talon of thi mittees of the State 'Mrs of ORIO and 3111C11114E1A11, metal, held. vhleli swerded.t a t !lest pre 1w to the &arta Baker Maid= over others tsetuipcliticit, S: • . . ureroisCopmer rer on Contracts l'otons in the-VAdect Slates MAKING 'TIE TUE romownro zazosszussms %or \ tipaibannloa CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL , CONVINCE. ALL WHO HOTTER, IPROH *IF4IVACIfE; TEAT A SIEEDY AND SURE CURE IS - WITHIN THEIR REACH: As these testintonials were Unsolicited ty•gr. • . Spalding, they afford unquestionable - _ proof of the efficacy of tha truly _ scientific 'discovery. • - . NAsoxiuss, Coin", Feb.s, • it Ma. Drumm& Sra . I have tried Your Cephalic PM., and /fee Man so tee!? that I want you to amid me $2 worth mole. Part of theme &rotor the neighbors, to whom I gave 4 few. out ofthe Ant box I got from you. . Kaid the Pills by MAD, and °bilge Your ob't amyl. s• • 7 ESS. KENNEDY. I" • • . . Ilayerfori, Pa., Feb. 6 U. C. Spalding. - Sir I wish you to send me one more box of your Cepiliale Pills ; /have modeld A gnat deal qt bansit(from them. •Yours, respect/S.ll . ANN sTonurouss. , . - _. , Spruce Creek, Pnatingdon co., Pa., Jan. 18. i H.,, flOaldin. ~, 81r: . _. Yon lOU ialuise tend me two *met or your Pini. Bea Mem Imaledlatel.T. • •- —. nermesenmy yonre, .. JNO. B. SIMONS. ,- V. 8 ta ;—Jisare med ono to ' pour Pills, and And an* exesia. , i! - Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jai. MS. Itenrje. Spalding, Ban. Please find enclosed twenty-ilre cents,. for which send me another box of your Cephillt Pills. They are truly • the best pillsllbare s ereutried, - Direct A..frt.ol7Eß, Z. M. - Balls Vernon, Wyandot county, Ohio. Beverly, Ma u.;Dee. 9 H. C. Spalding:Eaq. . . I wish for scomeeircubui or large show bills, to bring your Pills more particularly before my custcimers. Uyou have anything of the kind, please send them to me. , - One of my customers. who Is subject to a severe sick headache, (usually lartlpg two d4s), was cured V an of talakin an how by wowenfla which I sent her. • ' . • • Itesilectfully yours, W. B. wruasJ - Regnoldsbarg, Franklin a lanai 'Henry C.,Spalding, • No. 48. Cedar street, N. Y. Dear Sir. Inclosed Ind twenty-ti re cents, (415,) flab box of " cephalic pills.' •, Direct to Rer. Reynoldsburg, Franklin county, Ohio. roar Pills work tits a charm--cart Head instanter.' Truly .yoars, Mr. fpalcpm since I riot long since I sent to yon for a boi CI foram mare of the Nervous- Headache and :( and received the same, and (heir had so vas induced to send for more. 'lewd stud by return mail. .Direct to . . A. H. WHEEL • , . • Trial FromAt Examiner; Norfol Cephalic Pia:accomplish the object for veld made, viz.: care of headache In all its forms • , • From the Examinee, Horror They have been tested iti-more thaw ath with entireanccess. • • Fiona W Democrat, St. Clad , If you tire, or have been troubled _with send fora box of cephalic-01i; ab that, y them to case of an attack. - • - From th.eAdvertiser. Provid The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remar remedy ter the headache. and one of the that very frequent complaint ,which has e covered. From the Western. R. R. Gozett We heartily indorse Mr. Spalding, and Cephalic Pills. From,tlie Valley Star. liana We aman i ta that perPon a suffering with who try them, will stick to them. Prom Finder., New 0 . . Try-them! you that are afflicted. and w ' your testimony can be added to the al list that has received benefits that nci oth • produce. From from the Si. Lovii DemOl The immenae demaa!ifor the article "(ce rapidly increaaing. "- • - From the . Gazette, Da Mr. Spalding would not connect tide he did not know to poseess rf From the Advertigir, Pi The testimony In their favor's respectable quarters. From the° Doily NT:, Cephalic PAH' are taking the pia. , • tile use of these Pine the periodic att eke of ..Vervotir or Sick Headache may beprevented; an if taken at the commencement of an attack. immediate lief from paiii and sicknese will be obtained. . • They seldom fail in removing the lf a and.Hicsiodu to which temples are so subject. Theyact gentivripon the bowels,—removing tbetirentst. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females. and all persons of sedentary habits. they are vales Stem &laxative, improving thcappetife. %lug toneand vigor to the diges tive organs, and restoring the, natural, elasticity, and . strength of the whole evetem. . • • The CEPHALIC. PILLS are.the result Cif long investi gation and carefully condurted experiments, havinOeen In use many years, doting which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system froma deranged state of the stomach. • They are entirely iegetable in their composition, and aymbe taken at alltimes with perfect safety. without mak ing anyehange of diet. widths absence rimy dimmed& taste minders - II easy to administer them to children. j • Beware of Counterfeits:- • The genuine have live signatures of Henry°C. Spalding oneach box. • • Sold by Druggists and other Dealers to Medicines. 4 box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the • Nbill.Cgs ati 4:14,z444e.. All orders should be addreSsed to 'MENINX C. spAzougo,„ cosl2 iticia 48 Ceder Street,' New York. Elir'e single battier SPALDLNIGI'S PREPARED GLUE will tau ten time* its coat annualls..al SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! 1 0k,• 4Z 1-' UK! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! • SAYE THE PIECES !• xcpippri ISPAYqH "A &mat in Wks Sass Nuirs."_apl As accidents Will happen , even in.well reguited lami il es. it Is -very desirable to have some cheap aid conven. lent way for repairing Thrill tare, toys, crockery, sPALiiI.vG•3 PREPARED GLUE i • - • meets all inch emergencies, and no heniehold can *afford to be without it._ It Is always ready, and lsp to the Stick ing point.' , r wpm IX EtER r ROUSE". N. B.—A Brush accompani - eaeh Bottle. Price 95 cents. Address, HENR.. . SPA LLZYG. ;. ' No. 48,'Cedar Street, New-York. • . - - CA MrON, ' '• . • ' J As certain 'unprincipled persons Are sttampting to paid MT on the opsaspectir- nubile. Imitatirmint my Prepared --- .. we nnonspecting nubile. inn.— ....r my A , ~_ flue. I would caution all persons to examine befonnpur chasing, and see Malibu full name, ' • I. rff-Si'ALDIATif PREPARED airiz-azi I. on „the outside wrapper : all others are swindling 'coun terfeits. • .. ABEL •TURBELL: • TS now prepared . toenre every.ease of 8C1R6P7.74.!.. in Country, and he has it Remedy for nearly every i 1 to • which Dealt is heir. Call at the GREAT IREDICINE EMPORIUM . of ABEL TURRELL, sad be istrailed or the benefits dis pensed. . • • . . • Montrosejely 17,1861. • • KM U. 0f.410‘.11 AkNIPA . .' A . splendid assortment ittstrettedive. Chimniesothades tn. burners. wicks, etc.. at . . Terrell 's. 131CII ' AND PRODUCTIVE- - NAM( LANDS4OD JAI SALB;lnerity-tod miles South ,of Philadelphia, in Abe Garden:Bmm of the But. Beek climate and location for nisrketa thn Union. . . (Bee adrertleement of irloalanip ' HEAVY MESS MRS, ,sy due Barrel, by Battiwip•A Alias. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PURIFYING_ THE BLOOD,. . • . . isid. lb* the speedy mite suidalned varied:l,oi ' • . Meeofnla mid Seireffstilows Aiketione, such as Tneabee, Ulcers, Soiree, Eruptions. Mtn. . plea. -Pantalets, - •Bletehoss Bolls, Maims, and all;Skin 'Miscues. • . : OAKLAND. Ind., ith June, ' J. C. AYER , k Co. Grata: I feel It my ditty to Imo • knowledge what . your Sarsaparilla has done the ine.• .Having inherited a Scrofblous infection, I have suffered . from it In various ways for yeirs. Sometimes it burst net In Ulcers on my bands and arms; sometimes it turned inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two • years ago ft broke out os my heed and covered my scalp and eke with ace sore, which was painful and lWhsome beyond desetiptke. I tried Many Medicines and severs' pity:debuts, but without much relief freer any thing. In ftet,llolsorder grew worse. At length I wim rejoiced to mann tbe Gospel Messenger• that you had prepared • in alterative (Sarsaparilla); for. J knew from your repu tation that any thing you made sliest be good. sent to Cincinnati and got It, and need it tilt It cured me. Ltook it, as you advise. In. email doses of a teaspoonful over a - Spaeth, and used aimed three bottles. New and healthy situ soofi.begen to farm under the scab. which 'after a addle MI off. My skin la now clear, and I know by my tbelings that the disease Ugone from my system. You 'esn well believe that I feel *hat I am saying when I tell you; that hold you to be one of the apostles of the aga„ and remain ever gmtellilly, Yours, • • • ALFRED IL TALLEY. St. Anihorayrs-Ffre; Rose or 'Erysipelas, Teller and Salt Rheum, Scald Read, Mug.. . worm. Soya Eyes, Dropsy, Dr. Robert R. Preble spites flow - Salem, If. Y., 12111. Sept., IRS, that he has cured an inveterate ease of 'Dropsy. which threatened to 'terminate fatallt, by, the yesserrriog' use of our Sarsaparilla.and also a danger— ous attaekof Maßgnauf Ergsfpe/rti by large doses atilt: same; says he cures the common Eruption/ by it con: Mandy. . •. • • , • Bronehoeele, Goitre, or'Swelled Meek. Zebulon Sloan •of, - Prospect-, Texas, writes!: w Three bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured Inc from a Goitre—a hideous swelling on the neck, which I bad suffered from , over tyro years. . . ' • ,". ' Leneorrliera or Whites. Ovarian - Tanker, Uterine Ulceration, Female Di . Dr. 3. 11. S. Charming, of New York City, writes.: .1 most cheerfully comply with the rxquest of your agent in saying I have found 'your Sarsaparilla a most lle nt tater- alive in the nurderoes compleints for _which ploy "web a remedy, but wpm-laity in Female DIW7o of the Scrofulous ellatheils. I have cured many levet, erate eased of Lnlcorrhces by it, and some where the - oomplainkwas caused by ukeratton of the sterna. The ulceration itself ,was soon eared. Nothing within my knowledgewash It for these derangments." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes : . A dan gerous ovarian tumo r on one afire female* in my family, trilled:. bad *lied all the remedkuwe could employ, has Vezith been- winpletely cured by', your extract of Sar in- Oar physician thought nothing but extirpa-. lion could afford relief, but be advised, the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before \ cutting:and It • proved effectual. Atter taking your remedy eight w alks ut sympiesi of the disease remains.. \ Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. NM. ORLEANS, 25th August, . The. J. C. ATER. : I . oler:fully comply with th feePlere of your agent, and report to yon some, of the effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. \ 'I have Cured with in my practice, most of she eom .plalnts tbr.whieh it Is recommended; and have found its ,elects truly wonderful In the cure of Venereal and Mee curial Disease. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming his palate and the., top of his month. Your SusaparUla, atcwllly taken, 1 • cared-him in eve weeks. Another was attacked by Deo. ,ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of It, po that I believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. Bet it yielded to mradministratieu of your Sarsaparilla; the ulcers healed, and - he iswell again, not of course without some disfiguration of the face. A woman who had beep treated for the same disorder by merenry.was suffering from this poison in her bones. They had become no semi. - tire to the weather that on a damp .day elle Suffered ex-, eructating pain in hoe jointa and bones. She, too, was - cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its' formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a,great remedy • 'consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have nut surprised me. .Fraternally.yours, G.' V. LARIMER, M. Di a • Itheurnattszn, Gout, Liver Coniplaint. IttnarmvorsicE, Preston Co., Va., nth July, 1851. Dit. J. C. AVM. Sir : I have been afflicted with a pain ful chronic Rheumatism for a - longtime, which baffled the skill of pliyairians; and stuck to me In spite, of all the remedies I could find,until I tried your Samna Fine. One bottle cured me iri two weeks, and restored" my general health so much that I em far better than before I Was . snacked. Ithitik it a wonderful medicine. J. FitE.l3l. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louie. Writes : .1 have been afflicted-for years with an affection of She Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing' ikiled to relieve me • and I have been a broten-dewn•man for some-years from no other cause than derangement - of the Liver.. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Sir. Espy, advised me to try your Sarsaparilla, becsube he said be knew you, . and any thing you made was worth trying.' By the bleat-, ing of God it has cured me, add has so purified ' y blood as to make a new man,oi me. , l feel young again. - The but that can be said of you - (atist half good enough." - iichirrus, Cancer Tinois, Enlargement, eerat ion, Caries, and. Exfoliation of 'the Bones. . ' • A great variety of rases have been reported to its whcrp cams of these formidable oomplainte`have resulted from the use of title 'remedy, but our space here will not ad mit them. Some of them may be found in our American Almanac, which the agents -below tumid are pleased, to famish gratin to all who Call for them. • . .• • . Dyspepsii.; Heart *Disease, Fits , Epilepsy, Idelaracholy, Neuralgia. Manytemarkablieures of these affections have been made by the-alterative power of tills medicine. It stimu lates the vital functions into eigomus action, and thus overcomes disorders which would-be supposed beyond its reach. Suet, a remedy has long4been rygnireifiry the neeessities.of the tsmple, and we are confident that this will dd for them all that medyne can do. • • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOILTHE RAPID CURE OF. - Coughs,. Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis. laic intent Cons amp. tion, and teethe Relief of Consunip., • the Patients, •in advanced - stagesof the Disease. This is a remedy so universally known to surpass any other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its Leidy wonderful" cures , of pulmonary disease, hare made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. Few are the communities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of its effects some living trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders - of the throat and lung*. As altinwow the dreadful fatality of these . ..4l'o*ra, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy,We need not .do more thati to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did hare when making the cures which bare won so strongly upon the =Waft of mankind. 'eh send rne In. Filler, at act* atm* nWSA. , Jan; 24! ephatic Pills optivencfn, mt