, 7a=I.A..TMESEI. hn Choconet, Anglia 20t1r, RANsoni son of Thal and Mathis ar'ed 11-months, and 18 days: 'ln Diinock; Aug. 10th, Mint L y, wife of Seth Kelly, - in the of her age, " BAKER'S CUMIN AsURE: cure for Dysentery, for eale . aw.uru A. ABEL TU A LL ludebl44, 'Acme call aid e attic. ABEL TITIIRELL. . Admitiastrater's • Sale. ... ,ToTicE ), L ervliy given th2t in pnranance of an order the Qrplmo',el'ourt. SuccittchumM county to me clirected. I will to public-vale 14 veudue, at the Con t-hou,e, in thglourough of.)lOntroze, on . • ' 4 Urild ti.v, the 20th day of Sept, • - -t nemt. ht 1 o'clock ; pl trt..-the following described piece or p.in - y1 of I:ilia. Ltie the ,ante of bane Howard dec'd, to wit Unit cortniir piece or parcel of land 'shuttle in the towt•htp of Silver Lake,. county of Stninnehannit and c t at e of Pennyylvania, bounded on the North by the State boy, on thee. .1 by land of Patrick Biady. south partly. by Loud of Wet. Davis, and on the west by tho_Chenango read ing about 53 acres, with a log-hotts.e and good framed barnthereon. • . OrTerzni wade known on day of sale. JACOB M. litaWAßD,Adzr`r.' Aug. 23, Itll2. 11BFORD . UNIVCIISITY, TITE next Term of this Institution Kill eommenee on. Wednesdav, Iteptenaher Bd. The see...nd term on 'Wednesday Ile :ether ad: and the third' term, IVed -11•Sn..' - ~.„. - •= . , "M....1C.X= 1 .=.l%Tisnat....., '', , '-. 'Ttratos.--Commou BEanches, including ;vocal mug re 'Natural Philosophy, Chemistry. Physiology and ' BOOS " Keeping 4,00 Algebra, Gsometyy and Ancient Languages ' • 600 Frox.6 , - ......6,00 31to.ic on Piano, nntirthe War Is 'over • - ' = ... o Room rent. 1,50 . e, . F,xpenses of INT Ration room, ... ~ i.1..1,00 Board p -er week . - • •- .2.00 Each room is furnished with a cooking stove,-heditead and table.. . - . It...citation . . commence at 1 o'clock on-Monday, and do.° for the week at noon on Saturday. - The et enimtowery-ises are the follow)nz: Monday event ruz. debate in the Sncieties' room. Wedue.d.iy. Sneakily and Composition. Teur,day. Lecture. with experinienta in Na.lural Phi losophy and Chemistry. • Friday. General Debate,' ' The Institution is furnished with an Impamtna to illus trate the principles of Xatural Ph ilo , ophy arid Chemistry, and a skeleton and Yaps to aid in the study of Physiolo gy. Aug. 6, 102. COUNTY • CLASSICAL & NOFVI-AL- Sr-S. HARTWELL, B. A,Priacipal. ASSISTBp BY Experienced Si. Competent Instructors. `N est Academic - Tenn; commences day; Sept.-. th, 1862 . • TUITION PER .TER,II OF 11 WE:UR, — Eng!it'll, from' . . .12 to, 6.00', L e k. ain, Gre anil German, each -I -...- - 00 Fiettch . 'I tiii . lingit , h,Avith.:lll7 language t 50 : —Ne bill for t br above Audit:it tbal: pinned 000 NI to.te on the Piano. t; . 0 . )13 . I.h-t• of Irudrunient . Oil No doductityn for alt-itneonscrot in circa of protracted` Moe, .. nr by ispecia) llgreetnunt. Ihettsd can be obtained frotn ,:.00 to St:hilt° perm - eel:. Plunk ui , lling. to board them-els et, can fir.d good roue.- at moderate charge.. 'For further particulate ad drert., :Ur Principal, at . Siontro.ir, Pa. --t. bV3L "JESSUP, Preitt C. F. READ, Seery Executors' NOtic..,. , -- v -oTh.,:h: iii•reliy•giv• - •n tQ all pm , timr • lii tog de mand- amtinst the I••=tate of Mi1i.1.1.311.:,_•17'.541.5r., 1.1;•• of thn hor;torti id' Nliintrose, dred. that :the same most lan pre-.irlittal to'llie utl•zr.i..pied for sfittlment. ana all pioso:oi iiiilsliitallu said iiLat, are'ryqaestotllo make tuarnsdiate payment. ' - 'lle r. • Ill;N•T. CA'Sr, I v , o , F. ..k. c A sE7 , 3. ..xocutors. Yontroge, JuliS, 1.•, , C2. . 6w , .. NEW ragiranD NORSIAL _SCHOOL. 11. L. ILIVILEY, Principal. E. B. HAWI f EY. Assistant. • .71....M."1"ME50F °R1:7.1 6 1 1 201•2" Corntaoa Eu.licL 8ninc10703...... 00 rllzner •• . and Madiematic,n. ' 4 00 Inclilding Latin - S. f:renctr, 5 (10 Primary - Depnrtment 2 1.19 Insgramt-ntra and Vocal Ati.o.le, cStra. : • The Fail Term'of this well' established School will commence on 11 - ednettlay. Aug. _7th. and . conilhne weelta. Potvieulwru tentsou will be paid to [host; de tigning to teach. o , Lecture- on Teaching and other vubjeeas will be given during the term.. Board Mil be hstd'on the most .rensonahletermo ; also :Rooms for thosaswishilig to board tbeni-elves, No pains will he pored us maLe this Schisol worthy the liberal patronage . it has heretofore rs celvist. . . _ . ..... . Or For Inn tier raffiCulam, fat:feral .1L- L. IIAWIZY Prillcipal..NesV Milford. • . . E. Ity "tiler of the-1192rd. • T. BOYLE. ISee'y. .70 . 17 N ii&I'DEN, Preet. New Milford. Aug..120.1,15G•2. , • 7 . Great Bend Semmary, AT GREAT BEND, SUSQ'A COUNTY, PA. 1 1 1 12.45 ALl.a.VuuacirL , lroi-zia.-OF•THIS SCIPIOL WILL OPEN. ON • Taisiday, Ans. 26th, 1862, and continue ELEVEN WEEKS,' under the direction of R. CUSLEUAN, as principal. The cour-e of htqructim innll the brauches,in thoronull and t icatf. A thorough pre nation given. to -young men de..irinu to enter - College. A I,tchen+ clues will be ofpilzed at the commence ment of the term, for the more full training of thot.e wotung to teach; and aseistance rendered them in pro m:ring fur the euturner: Phi," class will re-. ceire instruction ou the theory and practice'of leaching. one hour each day, and hare public mectingn once in two weeks. t. • mga.ouit37. R. CVSII.IIAN, - no:•;. S. B. CBAS.E., instinctor in Greek, pit in nod Du. W. S. DAYTON. Lecturer on Physiology. M I SS lIATTIE J. ORANG.E.TeatIer of tannic On Piano Utter teacLcrs us n... , ccielty may demand. Terms orTuitton• • Primary th.oartment.per quarter of eleven iv eeks, 13 55 t?,,m mon ltranclies. *, - •• .. 3,00 . II :..lt."r En _I ish and Mathematics do„,' 500 ' N, aural Sciences dn., ' 7 00 Law.ream-, Ancient oriniideru - . do., 800 7 cachch. Normal Clara '''% do, - 'I :A Ma.it, ~, Plano , • do., L Sno t ~. ~r Pt:tun . d 0... • 2.00 Thi , nitther branebes Include the.lowey. Vans: $ pp per gnat:cc cot era all branches named, afore, except Ltatch m-s cla , a , aud"music on piano: , • . N. B. All hale tont.t Be arranged at the commencement of the term. Itqard can 130 o tallied with farnibla/4 rooms at from V.! I:1 to i'e..so per week—lighte, wo,liine and fool extra. student,. wo=lillle: to boort, tlirmorivr can obtain roonie Su the vohool ilittmlying in beacon. , Bend, April tS, . • L IT° s'i or)irk Different kinds of Wines and L •)11 u , ariveveryUndlnauymark :Fur sale as usual by A OYD & WOO cAr.nx ON TR TM& SHEET-MOH BEES ; Nliir Er. Low mmett &E zicOrra. : ALS The CARPENTERING Basin 'ss . NEAR TILE If ET ;10DIST CLIURCU. .l . . UTE keen con s on hand -a general aashrtmentof 17 ISIMICIO'Gr=f3 ui the must approved' pat-. ; Um:tiers' llardk,4:e of Saki but. . . , . • , Ftirmers' Tools of All Hinds. • ' - _ . _ P.r.,. Wire, Porcelain Ware; dapanne4 and Plain Tin W.,. ~ of the best material. , • Paints, Oils, Glass, Patty, and Sash. Pimp,. Lead Pipe. Latupp..i.iird en,q,er, ete., ‘tc - : Also, a Good Buggy for . Sale, , , Terms right. Itanember place,' Call and lae. US. 'v2 ' . u . BOYD 4ILIWOODHAUF • • .1. 11 1001,41:Fr. , Xontrobe, . - 7,AI.IEADI . rint, BOOKS of the laaeiarni of BOTD k SFEBMITIt, it :o r in my hand , . and we ore rem. de, , trouo that an id, d would coil nod without fortherdelay.l a11tr , ..,64 , 0,t 15th, the Books will probably bein Other Land. fur coneetion. t _ Boatone, July V3th. , . FIRE INSURINC.E. HAULM Heath; 1 . ',THE INSURANCE. CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, • , AT PHTLADELPILLS, PA., • Has Established an Ageney in llintrose. I . KEr.- th year The Oldest In . s . terance Co. in the U;tion. CASH CAPITAL PAID IN. ASSETS OpilL . • T";eates are salon* as Nova at aiy good company is NeW York. or elsewhere, and Itii Directors are among the tire; torhonnr and integrity.' , Cus.m.ts PLarri See 'y AIIIIIUR G. COFFIN, Pres. liontroye, July 15r62. ' BILLINGS STBOVD, Agq. .. . . • - $4O ' - Wage s Paid - $lOO • Tr o rpll- g oodnaur the ADAMS SEWIN6 Nt scurst Coxis .l_ r c .. we . Will gi vtTa commission on all goods sold by :oar Agents, or.pay W11g6.5 at ;rota tki....) toltind per4nonth, an , pay all neeessm-y e . xpentes. A child can learn to up 'erate it by hall an hour e , instruction I It le equal to any IFamily Sewing Machine In nse;!and we have raduccdthi price to Filleon Dollars. ..- Each Ninchinede warranted for three yearn. ' lddrea - a I : - C. RUGGLikt. 'Gyp. !Levitt, ' dilly Et„ 'ail . - • - ':-:- , DetrOit, Michigan. • P. RARE CHANCE! rei the Next 30 *ars, Only. • • THE ENTIRE' ^ •- SPRAIN' & S . ll 1151E11 STOCK r OP " • . DRY AD_ - GOODS! HIRSCIIMEN:.BIIOTHERS,' . tube offered to _th6 public • ATI ,A-fLARGE REDUCTION. The lUrgest act&b . c2Cuscartment of • • • Da tittOlap • In tlie•eorn . ity. , • • In order to dleriosa of their large and, besatifal stock of all de*.Criptlona of - • DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, 13XX,131K els 'CT.aCrIvIEC 4 1.816.4t1iMi - SEI; Imaristescoles, I.IN UMBRELLAS, LlEkeilaraa.i= - itakl.-01sixIssiodigati. O. _, The imdetAgnett offer these p 004.11 at their / veil knoyin , ... stand the ' -' - . _ -A: awe' • `Be • • .44 1; "I • No. 20 Court St. . ~„ Tl7"° Corner IT nte,r St. - . "` Bingham t "" k • t • -• -•" 1 .••• 11.51 . 4 k . S 6 'ton . CH. T. at aitin.titiernbto reduction of ordinary lo,n - prices twre, Iroffering a :art. clonre to all thove l'ohnte tolnvert in these occeninry articles. Caving. - D i Inphrted tmoot of nor Stork ottn.eiVe}., whin, in t4c. -Eunurn:pu nt.trieeta, we nre.coonled to offer oupt•rior Inducements. Ertr'llou't fail• to avail youn,-Icet of the:4c bargiitte at • , 13RbIrlit114 . • . • No.. 20 Court S t reet, • ••, Sign. of the BEE 33.2warizc1klur.r,corr. Q. $.- - Tiro largebt and bet as"ortmciit'of SLACK *MKS; teat ean.lie found thla eide of New York. Call and see th.eat'at the 0 y * No. tO. Court Street_ Illn'Otamton, July 17, 16767 . 1. - • . • NEW -FIRM. • 13 ALDW I N • &-, ALLEN To . • ALLEN, • 9 DEANS 4 CO 'I • Under Montroe -Democrat Office, NIZE- Fresh Ground Western FLOUR. every, ea days, which we_ currant to give satisfaetioti as any in market; If nut gouti c seturued at our expense. reed, and ,Buckwheat SALT AN L) - PORK • By iTu;t:•LOAD; BM DUEL on POUND. HAMS, [Su,9or. Cured) - . . Dried -Beet ' Snirlked Halitint; . Drips and Syrups,, - Molasses, and Sugars, TEAS, COFEE R„ SPICES, BROO3PS, AND NAILS, - :- which we offer for sale at Low Prices, foe READY TAY ONLY. - Montrose. duly 9, 1569. BULL. RUN, 1111 "fifiDi ane ffi STORE," NEW GOODS. t'aLD and TOL 7 .W, RICH and POOR. GAT an d Feative. ll are hourly mean rushing onward to the HEAD OF NAVIGA'TION, 1 eager to be sniiplied (rum the choice and extensive aelect..ou t 6 be found • . • AT TYLER'S STORE. . • . . . Iliaassortment of 31:103r5r 412440,c0c1ii beat 'eni all, and as for choice , ' .• , • .I`l = l‘. 4 Co 30111 : 1;1 " Ml.S3 . 0 Viz.: Tand 10c Sugar,. tl', Rice. Coffer, ilqd -Tobacco,— riporits are inadiguatc—they are at. 11-16 useless to men tion tin. TWO thousand & one things of which a full supply le kept .constantly nt the Ontieit ' e•tore In town, A con lineation .ormills i 6 earnestly desired, and it there are anyst smforitinatis an not to.harnfoond run plots, your filen , and neighbor Fitt tel i l y . ou. the* ~ • .FIR' TITORE BELO TABBELL'S HOTEL, T_, STO RE nut. : apposite th • KEYSTONE, • . ••••.-; - - • 1 .• whe b'd percent. hue fill 1 ;, ato be. Fe are bound tolet peon' lire—and live. Brig along your Butter Egg, Rage Oats. Bye; Cash. (.or., and most anythin*else you dos' want, and get value ecelyed AT Trlallt'S STORE. 2Please do n'lleave the above mentioned articles at. h me, tor our rule won' permit us to wait " till you. corns up ' 'firers—A new lot of just pened. I.:Ai/Rs 1.4 all-kluds, and now ready and role cheap. daelight; aleo - Yreslellurn Adamant Me and Tallow Ca l'sr'A new edpnly of 11A SHOES.; Stone and Woode I.ot all eortg. Yankee Notiot , and Toilet Soap. Ukiah' or 1-1 in use._ etc., 4c.; tUr pay down, as the times d • !ignore. comprising t. warrnted EL TVERELL. RUFF, - -TO D.i EVEN.—I a Yoirk. on timur of comrni. and inquire. and look at ze., aw rood at can brfouu Munt _May 2tb. . , . Administrators' Notice. ILL persona Indebted to the dotate or Ceithririne'Shi.p. -ardeozi. IMe of Ilarford torornehip, deceased, are here hy reqiits.led to make Immo:hats payonent.r ad all to:Nona Ito viliz- elaleai agalriet Paid estate will prevent them forth with top. C. bilepardeon, Buford.- .. . . , D. C. Susealumen , kdrainlarn Angult 11th, liltr.. ar Isaac Itrica.diso, - " • Adaiiiiistratorsliatice.• ILYOTWEI* herby given 1 o'at! person' , haeinz demands IN Dolma the ettateot Stieheet Bane, sate of Chutohut township. thweased. t h at the same mnst be presented to the untlereigued settlement, and att,persons indebted , to said eemie are requeetett to Make immediate payment. Butudre K.twa, I ALLEZ: K.122:Z. , Atha'X'B Chooonut, Administiators' Notice. TT . ETTERS adminlittation to the °elate oi the late .L 1 .1011 ti lianutgan, looser Liberty. basing been Granted to the undersigned. all persona indebted .eald estate are requested to make Immediate payment, nod these haring thane arilnet- the same Will present thenito HANXltallr, A . AIWA* Wa.umg - n. /3beli r, WM U. DO .~oo,ooc ...Etsou,ouu Detetbegin with the RUN at , whito and colored, Big I:rne x.in;. , Tfr for.taiinlng Fcroeene Beat Kemi , ene. chtper than- C'amphene, Sperm. 'TS dunatautlyon hand 'T and CAPS.- BOOTS and Ware. Broome:, and ftrumhes ~ o f all-varieties. 'Perfumery, osea for ehappedhande. , -beat f which wilt be cold for the n and, by LAIR St forwardlur BUTTEB, to N. anion that will cult you. Call d airy•( ralt,:in eact . t4of all ei In town. -* • - • - pENRY C. TYLER. NEW .GOODS. JAMES R. DE TT Ctr N l dna' offer to th s o t r o p c i l l t ibl c y one o!'pLe inostchol coin SPRING&SURMERHCOODS ITT iLJOMEET DRY GOODS. complete assorttnenti# .' • • Liz ARlttcZ' Detaines. Tienatge, Popllne, Print's, Gang hams, Clcockiints, &c. ..D,Mitns, Stripe Shirtings, Ticks Brown and Bleached Mullins, White Goode, ihmneld de. Balmoral Skids for Summer wear, and HOMO. of every description. • . _MEN'S -WEAR. - CLOTHS, Black and Fancy Caseitner; Ky. Jean, Sati. et, etattiade,- and Tailor's Triminlnge. An anexce tlonable nesortment or XaCtzts ear C1ei43414 33C6Cotis (lb fiiihcmomit; or all ktada. . .ara 4 4:D . erica. Brown an;lMllte Sugar . I Syrup and Molasses, Tea. Co fee, and Benefice of Coree, Spice, Pepper, Saivrat Mackerel, Smoked Relit:ad, Crash, Braelve Brown • Fancy Soaps. Also, prepared Potash, to ma ke Soft Son with little trouble. In fine, the variety always _found grocery department. , p • - , • I=si.zzlixtga c)l.lna Linseed, Coal, and :Winter-strained OILS . , gas Glass, Putty,lybite Lead and zinc, Paint Brushes, itc. 03Et.C) . CMLIZIPL 7 iir White Granite China. Heal Matt, and Common W Cane for Prescrylng Fruits. • 3Eiva,zeci - Cv7a,re•. • IRON, Nails. Shovels. Hoes. Rakes, Forks, le. Al a. floe selection of CETLIMY AND PLATE -0 Baskets. Cradles. Children's Cabs Willow and Carriage style. TANKFtE NOTIONS, Crae ern, Sole Leather. Asbton Salt and Fine Table Salt. C , ney Island white Scouting Sand,&c. tte..tc. A-Ganoral Stock of Straw Goofs Montrose, 81ity.13,1562_ IrbAt•llcoolm. 7 l9• DANDELION - C OFFEE . • •TUS Preparation, ma - de from the beet Jaya Coffee, , a) Tiecommended by-Physichus ass superior Nutritiotii beverage, for Genual Debility, Dyspepsia, and all hill°s disorders. Thonsands who havebeen compelled to atm - don the useuf coffee will 31.4 e this without Injurious efft t t a dyne can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinaty coffee. Prier limits: . • • • For sale in - Mobtrose by 'Abet Terrell. '• ' KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, , The . pnrest BASING POWDER known.thtmaklngric • sweet and nutritious Breed and cakes. Price. 15 cents. Manufitetured by' M. 11. KOLLOCK. Chemist ' Corner of Broad and (!lo Philadelphia. Sold by all Druggists cud Grocers... .mhillyjc • To Conoumptlvco.—The adVertlscr, having.beeu restoreckto he.altu in a few weeks. by a very single reat edy,after having StuTered 'several years with a severe lung - affection, and that dread , disease. Consnmptlott!-- is anxious to make known to ids fellow•eufferen the triestui - nt cure. • • To all Whp „desire it, he will send a copy of the preserveOen used (free of charge). with the directions for prewar in: and using the same, which thee will and a ears cure for Consmptlori,Astinun. Rronehttts , ,te. The only obleict• of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to beos4lt the afflicted. and ',preen information which he conceives, to-he invaluable. and he hopes every.suffrer will try his remedy, as 14 trill cost uothing.-andlnay prove a lilessin Parties wishing the prescriptino will - please address EI)WARD A. WILSON. teGsanal Williamsburg, Kinua Countv. - New,TOr • THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY •- - JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. A 'CONSEI?VATIVE ki.III,PY AND BUSLYESa . • PAPER. The cheapest and heat Wee4ly in America. CONTAINS NEWS froth all teirta. of tte World. the beA reports of the Produce, Grain, and Cattle Trade, Dry Goode and‘hlunes naarkete. :The Fue to DiBoryauirers,,. • - , - North and South:, The Supporter nit& . . Union, - The Confrtitution and La Is. TERMS FOIL' ONE YEAR • Twenty eopiEN or upwards. $t each. Thirteen eopleri, fl 5. / In. Potir copies, .$6. Three copins, I.Trifier three copies, V! each. Clubs of 'thirteen Pin more will be, mailed wont address. du extr4:copy to any one Feuding a dub of 20, wit.bi money. • _Thely plournal of Cr pnerre Junior, issued for 4. country, #5 year • car... Sp e cimen copies 2ratls. - PRIME, STONE. TIALE .t..11AL1,061. Editors and Proprlettirs, 91 Wall strett, New-T wiTcilrt 1 11 I " H • • . runt: Sahnribete /etre now returned from New Ycfrk 1. with their SPtLING STOCK OF GOODS, to which they wOuld respectfully call the attention l of their cri.tomers. Their assortment Is now - complete :and utiitei both Useful and Ornamental. We have taken par ticular pain. to %elect all the c.-.-New Patterns out t is Spring. and think ws can,. without doubt. Pletow in tl.th ta Style. ltality, and Price. We have a large stock of AanirieEui and:Swiss - Watches (Gold arid Efnuting =4 Open Face,) from the cheapest up td.Hehest. A very full varlet; of StINER\AA T IVIIE ward:cited as goods, • , • in every variety: Also, \ Plated Sewelr.y, 'Fancy - Goode, •• BruChes, Shell Combs. \. A very fine variety of . . - _ • • Plated Goode, Very Low. . Brlttania Ware.. All kinds ot 4 Worsted" Tidy, Net ti ug,Sewlng r and other • Noodlotls. • Thermometers ; Beads; Violin, Guitar, and Basal lel Strings ; a nice lot of Fans ; Table and Pocket Cutlery.. Smears. dn..; &c. r4f — The above Goods haVing been purciuttl for cash, will he sold at very low prices. Please call and examine ,will Hoods, and wa are confident we can please you. • MilirofilaNll374llo' •taa_rird] • No. 2 Odd Fellows Hall. Binghamton., Tea Trays, PEKE IND PEKE PIIICE I PEACE APPROACHINC. Large Lines of PRICES Conquered and - Reduced • la. 131E711: 1 43.1"1"T NEW MILORD, PA., reectrlng, for Spring supplies, new andlaige tap" of CHOICE - - .1 -DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,-,1 ;CROCKERY,' • • HARDWARK. - STEEL; • •NAILS,. • PAINTS, LAMP, AND i LINSEED.' OILS, • :I BENZOLE. CARPETINGS, • FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS; • I WALL Paper, Window SHA DES, !. IATS and CAPS; BOOTS and SHOES, _CLOCKS, dcC.,atC. nding, tut usual, fall variette* of the moot" popular et lee of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, •-- - _ BONNETS, BIBONS,- FLOWERS, - - • ch sell op the, wort- favorable ,tcrats, for - 1; 77 . .tiAS . II; I.PRODITC.E, PROMPT TIME , • loser *Salt; constantly On hand • • Dissolution. • .- r u ITE co•partnettbip heretofore exlstingbetween Allen. '.2.;.Derna&.,Ci. i.thip daydiseolr eti by limitation.. ALLEN„.DEA.NB & CO. . Montrose, July 9,IWiS. The buihiees will be continued at . the old staid b BALDWIN dt -ALLEN. "THE BEST JAM" VOR Cit*NEW: , FRITIT.. tittme. 'with Ohm ilsrks. A. No chalice Of Lam. Call and see them. -Try them &ping PePidli at - VOYD & WOODRITY'S. GOOLI A _NFAVS GREAT C OMMOTION D TUE GOODS, DRY .rt Thee tens WAR ! BUT JOHN BULL ME SAI ;STANDS'FIRM To tlie• LaU t. BO I)OE TILE FIRM OP * , Outteuberg, Nostubaum, AT TH 6lttlenturg, ' STORES OF llostltb3tun 6; Co AT Montrose, • uiq's County, rai l . Eltnira New-York, .•• . SusquehEinun Depot, Pa, bun FALL Ail) WINTER :STOCK lan C,crripiete;: We ore determined no t to ontdoine, either in prices or gnalittes.—and we will endeavor to give our customer, all possible satistheticin. - • C L 0 T . . -II I . , , - •• In this branch our s;i3e3t is complete. and will be sold lower, and more tastefully finished than any one-horse establishment.. or any four-horse concern this aide of N. York. City. is able to uder or produce. We can aesnrt the public that we COnStaL fly employ the best cutters and workmen to make up our stock.; VEr"tinrinents made to order . -,. , 11P — On the abortostn otice ,nted or no rale. , .1"13' - A Good Fit wart IN9 GOCiDS: FURNIS A Great Stock con low•est at fitly kept, and sold lower than the losenbanin 6ittenblq, Montrose, January IMIMM A-BEL NO* offers tor; best !ale oue of the largest and selections GO. e.).) Ever offered in, 'iniquehanna County, and probably Comtising the greatest VA RIETY or mos . dittlirent. articles Of any Store in the Nqrthern part of Pennsylva nia, and perhapii_ofthe entire State. : Au assortment is keptin about thirty differ.: 1 eat Branches Of trade, and the "selections are made from •about forty of the best Houses in New Yorkjand more than fif-• ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New Yerk.- A large proportion of ttie. Goods are brought d4et from the Manufacturer's; thus insuring 4 enuitte articles. Casten).- ers on entering the Store must not expect to find everything in sight,- but. nearly , ev-. cry article wanted will be .produced by inquiry. • Some idea of the Stock may be formed by 611 following s general 'outline, but eaurnerat'on is impracticable. . - DRUGS AAyl) MEDICINES,. ArdlN7'S AND OILS, I!4---..0.1`.E STUFFS. GROCERIES, w -4 1 - ! LIQ P7OBS - , • CROCKERY, GLASS-W4RE, "si . .. '•,: ' . - WALL and WINIIOT V PAPER, JEWEL.RII, * \ , SILVER. WARE, _ ]- PERFUMERY, FANCY _GOODS, , MUSICAL IIITRUME2IrTS, - . 1 .7 - BRUSII,BS AMERICAN POPKETj‘N.INES, _ ~'TABS 0 - lITLERY and • -,'- .--- SIL OrfiPLA TED WARE LAMPS, ifATEß.Milii , ;(or LIGHT4I HARDIVARE, - - • BED CORDS, 1 . STONE' WARE, DRY GOODS, ' • - . ' . I MIRRORS, • •' . WIND.O w AND PICTURE GLASS, - - . ,4ITIIOGRAPHS; ' - VARNIS ES,• BIRD CAGES, • , SPECTACLES, WHIPS, d: LASHES, • BROOMS GUNS - - Pi t STOIS, .- A,llllllll hIIC lk::_ N f .. • I . ;..- A I 6 B *.O Ca• MEDICAL cf SOlGlCA4lnsirtimengs, SALT, " • " ' SOAP, POTASH, - (EC.„' UMBRELLAS. • PORCELAIN TEETH, In sh s ort;nearly every thing, tccrestore the siek;to plea'se the taste; to deli ght the-eye, to gratify the funcy,,and also 't conduce to the real tuid substantial corn iris of-life. i l i The attention of the pul - , • is respect fully invited to my stock of Go 9, bought exclusively for CAM DOWN, ' d will be pold on , thei same principle for . ow-,prices. ABEL TURK LL. ~ liontrosel - April Ist, - 1.8132. c . - . Admiblittatrix NOTICE is he by given to ail petsons havingdemandi against the estate of Wilkie Fowleylate of Franklin township,. di,eeased, that the ranuimust be presented to the undersigned for skttlement, andall persons indebted to said estate are reOnesterl to make Immediate:payment. Franklin, Aug , 4, Ong. " VANE . POPPY, Ad'x. • Notia z of D issolut i on. - l from oar :ATE`„?dr:vitit daytivath,ra, subscribers; wh; continue the buetners under the Am! name of QVITENFIERG. RCPBOI3ArM,WAX).- 14ww"for.)t, &Os letb, ;801..4w - I J RAIL ft ERIE RAIpWAY. CiiIANGE of UOURS, commlncing joidm lig 5, V.../ Mt. Trains w pl bum i Baud about Um kg lowing holm, vta: • . : • • WriIiVAXD 11017 ND. • No. 1, Buffalo EL t3l p.m. No No. 3, Night Ex. 1:17 a.m. No No, 5, Mid. at &Z p.m. No WO, at tit a.m. No. N 0.17. WavPrell,l4s7 p.m. ,No No.2l,Ati'ilt'od'u,lbsd a.m. No Nos. 3 and 4 run every day. ' does not run on Monday*. No. to Ilaffato, but does not run.to °vended at Elmira. ' CAA Sit The - Pissenger 'Trains of Rd eotitpanynow rim tit and from 1114W:dun as follows: . LEAVE BOiORAIITON at CIS a. ii,;' eolissettog it , . QCRANTON with the Ladrnirinlia A liloonilthurg Rail Rig *clad for Pittston, Wyoming Vag,' Kingston Mid 'Wilkes-Barre ;at 1 *. • I .. la()Pli, with thelielvidere Desterantallltaad for t h il- Fl. lipshurg, Trenton and ph dadelphia; and at{{ :FUNCTION, with trains on the Centrid Ibillrond ofN. Mr Jersey, for Elisabeth, Newark, and,New Yorkt Also on Luton.. Bethlehem,' Aflentwormf Nandi Chunk, - and Ilarriatiang ; iirrivhtg at • . Et 5 at EW York 5:96, naiad's 6coo,landltarriebuti p. N. _ , .. LEAVE NEW YORK, foot of tmartlanist,ot &Mats.; !Whore, foot of Wilmat-s t , t 6 a.m.; connecting it Li CitANTON, withlackawannit A Rioomtdsß. , R:for s 7 Pit t..,ton. WyoculnlValley,lonotottabd ciliary and arrive at Itlngkamtun 7:46 . to. to, conceal with Night Express ii est on the 'AW Rail wiy, and mina leaving Binghamton next morning for Caitlin Ho tits mer and Syracuse. . 1 ti'Th Is fluid rmiset thro' th ekawamui Coal Field, and theveletwatol Below* Water Lipp! - . AN ACCOMIIIOD • lONI TRU& Leave"' Scranton for Great Ben , at fitiit.,na.; etfouinctiug at that place with Day Exeaa' West on the -1111 g Rallway, and thus formin g direct *medium with Toone on the klingtutmton* 8 Railroad; Returning leaves Great Bend at iY p. W. and intuit at Scranton (IMO p. m. -. - _ • JOHN BET IN, linplaintendent. HENRY. R. A. RNRY, Gem Ticket • [Benton, Lackawanna . & BI O.N and a ft er April Ti.h,164 us follows: MOVING 'S( Leave Scranton, at • Kings:o:4.st - , " Rupert,' • ltunvige,- - Arrive st KortOnnal:ertand, • NOVI:if; NI 'Leave Nortbrtinbcrlani, n 411% llle, . Rupert, . Klugatou, Arrive at Scranton, • A Psaectiger train law leave Scranton, to connect with trot inc. leaves Scranton onarrival aga.ls p. m. • The, Lackamarma aud Elora with the Delaware : Lackawam it Scranton; for New Tork mid At Rupert it connects with point. both east and west. • • At Northumberland it coand and Erie, and Northern Cent %vela and worth. JI - J. C. WELLS, Gob. Ticket A' A CARD TO TOKNO LAI' S AND GENTIJSR.EN.= . /V The subscriber will sendret of charge) to all who desire it, the Recipe and direc tio ns rut leaking a simple Vegetable halm that will in h ot two to eight days•rereg ore Pitnples. Blotches, TAN, IFRE.I.'NLES. hallowness, and el! impurities and roughness of' the Skin. leafing the lame—as Nature intended it shiAnid he--sOft,clear smooth and licautilhi. • Those desirint, the recipe, with in; street ions. directions aud advine, wilt please call on or address (with return ppostaee.)l THOS. F.Practßil Chemist, je9•2m . Dreadivar, New Tort. A REMEDT - FOR HARD T 31E%ham w people ludo .I.lk been thrown out of hualnkms. and poaaviat Rome lit-' Tle or smell Inco tackle f make thetnealres a home. [Seendverthement in another Winton , of thtt•aalln - mem of 'Vineland.) • - Ctr , ' MLLINERY & S RAW . GOODS.. urS hare the pleasure or an onnelng that we are now •All. prepared to Gffer,at our Id atand,:r . - No t • - . Nos. 103, 105 and 10 , North filecond.st, ' • above Arch, P delphla, , At well selected stock of . •• MILLINERY an 4: • iiii GOODS Importations, . In every Variety, of the Latest an d neweat and most fashionable styles. - • Oar Straw Department will otnprlse every of Bonnets lints, and Trimmings to he .fu lid in that line. of the-ta; tr.( and most approved shape and styles- Solleitieg an early call or maim., I remain, - . • apw I . Yours, Ifespectially, • • •S. WAUD. —.--.----- • .SA PON FIER: -' TiE Family Soap Maker 1 ill Kitchen Grease can be elute Imo good SOAP bysing .Saponi der. Err Di li teeth - 41s accompany each box. Soap is an easily made so a ono of coffee. lianufaeturt. only by 11w Patentees, , PctOe'd ,Salt Manufleturing Conipaliy, ,MCG lyjw. frlNValoutift. Philadelphia, . • NATRONA FOAL : OIL. • WARRANTLD NON-EX LOSpal and equal to any KEROSENE! nhy buy an explosive Oil, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you with a t perfect OlL?Made on y by ' PENS'A SALT MANUFAeTITILINCI 001IPANY.." 117 Walnut Streer,IMILIDELPULL March 6, MM. . . ly. STAND DT- T lUD GUNS! ...ElLAT.ttai r I Will 40, . Mill 'NOD 110EKERS Armed With ek-Datel . WITHIN 4 310 TIIS 31ARCH0F IV A SERI IGTON I AN ZE.ELIirDXI 133F1L09' Flit MD WHIRR GOODS iIIAVE & pi IVESI iiitanAit V ormos. - 1 1 1, , , - , -1., 7GOLD And nitlts plentiful eippl; 7e.oek.of and FAN' GROCERIES tk. _ HATS Ai. BOOTS AN' WALL PAPER, ~.00.0.E1f WARS, ,- COAL 014`an(1 VAMP'S, ' ' FAN ; EH NOTIONS SKELETON SKIRTS, FLOUR, SALT, PISII, NAILS, PAINTS A • D _OILS, Ina r4OO other articles too mamas to mentiono;titch wilt be sold st prices that yr ' 4 Defy co petition." Don't Forget T cr If you in gulf ofyournelgh4rei for - Th Chisp•Staie, They will Invarfa . bly direct tOo - •_ -HAYDEN ROTHERS f TiCEPECI PL 'S AGEISMI -er-.111E— , -- • ORIGINAL " ONE PRICE" STORE PR_ OD flOg token in RzehangeAt, pods Cash. Paid I Para.:" HXYDEN ROTIIERS NW MILFORD, Noronha 115th,-1861—, Gold A ND also. other kinds; of Al. SOLDIERS AND ARRE' wtaibh to have it,11,11, can,do soh plyintt to th, Oro LITTLET. Nontmsel hard re ca Calm the partmedt.ll:lYanhinglon, Torino necessary for the hot Montrose, drum9tb,lB”. Eli OF. SOLON ROBINSON, ornutraninrolutnamma, MN SUL, ADS. • . - VINELAND.; SETTLE*ENT: The biltitirlokte ati extract from the report et &Hon itobtooonv Beg, petbltetie4 to the New York Tri butes, Ittreteresioe to tfloeland.. Alt paws, vas 'read tide report ieltti interest Liviataiss strarniiiiiitar N saiks u /401-71411, its . C 4t Fertility—Azusa. snap, Predated— Piailical &Waco. - • • ,TWA RD zotno s;IS.Y. !sprit:lS p.m 14, Nigitrzpreiiistslla.ut I ft..flteatopost • O.pi_ 418 pan MndIWI ar.Rll o. roilo-fkitolape.lbut of Sundays, rum it. 1 No. broisiolsio MINOT; Ges.liopt. Ills certainly one of the most eitenithe fertile. Dicta, teen almost level patitten, sod imitable condition for I pleasant fanainarthat *c know of this side of the mt. ern prairie.. •We fouhalsom• of theoldeit fermi appa .rentlyJaitatiamallably productive bombast drat dewed of firma fifty or a hundred yeah' ago. The geologtat would area Owner as CMS ortkiv eontinneaferrilit....- The whelecesintry lam suarima o de posit, mad all theough the soil we found evidences ad att. caretime deoccally in the forst f [adulated calcareous marl. showing manydistlict forma ancient shells, of Ito tertiary formatter raudtkda mai" tuba/same is icattend allthrommit the and, in • very aramaineted form, and heal* WOW GOoditten must cooly adoirallatel by such plants as the fanner deares to cultivate. • -Mari, in all its foam has been used to-fertilize mg* in =frolathe time it was led by tha Routaim: once mad tionuany a mail ls cosuted on • valuable beat of manure, that can be dug sal, carted and spread titertbeAeld. Re wesuch more valuable tton it mast be when found already mimed thruturt the min, where new ides Will be turned up mad ezpoiett and Minatormod to the owner's hoe every time he stir* the earth.' flaring then sathdled dew minds - with the a".t. they will riot be ereitid with wonder at seeing i wiebitable ev ident. pf fertility of &moil which la oar Mtwara, lov ing the same gestalt Ctunacteristice oral least appestat ces, ti eutirely unremuneestive accept alike productive sea Is promoted by art ideal fertiliseatiou.. . • A few ward* about the quality and value of. Vila land for Cultivation; of which we have some aurae proof. Oar first visits/au Up William D. Willem, Pranklis township, Gloucester calmly, who perritamet pours bight ranee math of Milerille, about three years ago, for the =et eatabliaklag a steam mill, to work op the Um lumber, to mod off by the new railroad, - as sell as theltrewood and coal: for which be built a' track • sale and a half lung. He also ftarniehed sisteeu stiles of the road which ties, and bad no doubt mode thaa mill prodtable,dhungh Dia Man object waste/ open a fame, having become convlueed tbat the soil was valuable for cultivation. 1n Ibis be hie not been .dirtappointed: .ati some or kLe cloys prove:. For inaauce, the second time of Cropping, 30b bushels utpototuitwou one saes worth iio cent* a bushel lathe geld. This year, levee rives, without matrure, preducedlls4 bushel. of mite. In one tileid,thellya crop was . potatoes, planted amoug the , roots, andyielded to bushel', The potatoe• were dug, and wheel sown. and yielded 16busheit ; and the stubble turned nudge and sown , to buckwheat which,yieldedam but/leis; and then liter:round was sown to clover and ilmothy.-whish gave ass first crop. 9* tons per istfie.' The fertliViers applied-to - these crops were first, ash.. from clearing. roecond. MRS pounds of .s hate of lime third, De pounds Peruvian guano ; then 50 bash-, elm of slacked lime IWO been *Dread upon tioelterrer Owe ft was mowed, and turned in for wheat. Mr. Wilson'. grOWICI% clops, and the wheat stubble of I the present season, all indicate his liLld as productive as any pert of the State. i , ; . At Wary 16110 W an old style Jamey woman • farmer, several mike south of Mr. Wilton's, we were al pia/Ocu larly struck with ghetto appearance of a field of carn,that we etc/pped toinquire of the hired man bow It was pro duced.. *le found that th. land had.been the- - year but one beforein wheat sown' with clover , and tide ' cut oue season, and last spring plowed - once, with one “pior'okt nag," and plsetedwith corm- ' • . -Yee, but younatihreditigh; tempo, weirdd ta terroptively, and got his reply "IA sat; you sec wecouldn t done that ,• 'cause • ore hadn't hut forty-one hones loads/altogether, for 113 acute, and we wanted the moat out for the truck." The truck cons-sled of beers, canots, cabbage, cucum bers, mellions, - /tc., and a veryprbduetlee patch ,- of Liana beans, grown fur marketing. Sa we were. aniseed that' the soil was not infertile, evetsunaided by clever, which had fed the corn, because the "truckloads" had hot been clovered e oand ns of had been fur culti 7, ktloulon4 enough to ob- . literat all sig the Direst. • ' - , - One next volt was to the Mtge farm of Andre* Sharp, five miles north otMiliville, frumkalf to a mile, east of the railroad, and just about in' the centre of Visieland.—, Mr. Sharp commenced work bare in December, 1858, Op en:ill/ sere.. In less than three-years he has; gut Sal acres cleared.sed crops this teasels. all well ; inclosed and divided into several fields, with cedar rail. or pole fence ; has built a two-story dwelling, about thiety-six or forty feet, and a smaller house for farm labaress, and a ;stable and granary andp sometatberstutbnildinga Considerable part - of the land yrslaelearediathe plow.' 0119 dollars an acre, and on soincotit thellret trop aus buckwheat, limed with 50 bushels ha powder per acre.— T hi& crop may be put in from July 4th to leer. and yield* from twenty to thirty bushel% per area barreeteil ix Nov ember ; when the land ban: dewed ulth 130 bounds of Pentrian guano and seeded with rye, yielded le to 15 bushels per acre and teu dollars worth of . iter.W. The rye stubble turned:after kulacking elf a large growth •of oak sprouts, sad driaaed - aghtia with guano and seeded to wheat, gave 15 or 16 bushels. The crop which he wee threshiug.while we were there promises more, Of , a may plump gad/mould the ignore is very" lowy. went over the stubbly and found the clover 'sad tiniethy,trom seed vowed last spring, on the wheat tuth out harrowingeletking se wellue we ever goer it upon any old cultivated Una, and with • Utile work 'done la the winter to clear off some roots.: and rotten stumps, and setting stakes to mark. pertninent ease, we will -be • able to cut the crop next year with a mow hoc; nouldue andlve will 'maturate Melon* presets, give the everplus if it overruns the validate, Part of lira 111.04 was planted with potatoes Lir • Arai crop, which yielded one hundred and twenty bushels par acre. It was theta limedwtih buOhels per hem, and seeded with wheat and clover. un .a*erage of over 15 b . 11b111:6 put acre, and the tiara: maw leeks beau tiful. • . - MI ➢: R. ornebnrg L tt. Widener Trains will nu 5,25 a. in; 10.10 GAO Arrive 21,15 p.-m 1 11T11:•I 4.30 p. m.- 6.10 j Freitag et AD -6.45 ! Passenger. B Leave 1.43 p. 11.00 p.lit; -3.40 Klnerstott at 8:110 m.for for N'evn Keit. Return of train from New York • my Railroad Connecta • and Wratern Railroad I intermediate point. east, CaMorino Railroad, for , . 'chi with the Philadelphia al Rallreed. fur Wide 11X P. ItSLUY, eat. ' Other portiorts have been plantediwith Corn !its a 'first crop, whicli yielded thirty bushels ofyellow dint corn, and the second crop ferry buAlel6, and the third - crop , treated 130poundsofgnsoo, weare r sure no one would ellturtte below forty bushels per act!: • [The render will recolleetthat the Writer is risrw speak ing of lauds perfectly new. uud which CIL scarcely be con sidered in good arable consiltiOsa.44lal In other cases the corn crop vilest you. was' followed with eats this season. not yetthrAiikech bat willaverage, tlrubablyfurty tu tifty bushels. ' Stec A potatoes, Deana, ethics, arta in fact, oil vtaretables," as well as youu each - itrid other fruit trees planted this year, show very ainly that thislongneglected tract of land should re main so no longer. and Omuta now a si rung probability hat4-witl not ; forunder the auspices of Mr.-Landis, it Will be divided into small kits, with toads located to ac commodate aIF--the surveyor is now br.sy at Ibis work —and all purchasers.will be roquircalto build twit CULIA 7 fiirt able houses, and either fence their lots In nrilfortuity, Or agree to live without fence, wlatilt would Ate prefera ble, by which means a good population willbe-secured who will establish churches, schools. stores:lMM*. ma chine shopsandlioracs-;homes of American fitrineniaux rounded by gardens, orchards, hello and comforts of ciy- Illzedlifit. , If any one, from **derangement or basineal, IA desir ous of changing his pursuits for life. or who Is iron Soy cause desirous to and a new lot: anon aud cheap borne In the country. and whomay read and believe what we have truly stated, ho will do well toga and sue for himself what may be stenw itltiu a two hours ride of Philadelphia: SOLON ROBINSON. ABEL'. TURRELL TTA4 for saieitellinghanea Ethan INMent, ohm tithe 'Whiskers and Hair, that will 'bring of a thick set of .Whiatuns, or. a Ilonitache In from six.: to eight weeks ; klakaeaConfpotutd,aman cam foi kimanters., Mantras°, Ally 1;1861. . ' Unipiestiusbly the beat SnetainediWork of the kind in the World." • .213.,AJEL3P30W/191 , • , • NEVIIIONTILLY BIAGAZINE. - The 'volumes bouralawistihite..of theme:Woe a library of nquellaueoue reading ouch as cannot be !mind in the same COMPUS in any other publication that has come un der ounot.lo.—.[Bottati Courier. • - • • t moot popular Monthly in thee world.-0..Y. OD '- T:rinust refer in terms of eulogy • to tone and varied - excellences . of 'LlU:raft's Mamixtea=4! journal with a monthly circulation of about whose pages are- lobe found some of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak of two work as an eviderice of the American People: and. the impala.- ity it,tum acquired is merited .. Each Number; contains fully 144 pages of readingminer, appropriately • ilhours ted with good wood-cam ; and it combines' in iltselt the racy 'monthly 'and . the more",phliceopineel quarterly, blended with the best features of the daily t ioamit tri , has a great power in the disserniniiionrof al ore at lltemtnre.-- - Tnenutit's Guide to Amer:ran Literature No linguine In Europe or America is so well known; nonwhite half as many 'readers: and we may safely say, none has received so large a tribute of admiration Limp the cultivated shows, that delight in a healthy', dlyeral ded, elevating peiiodlcal literature. - It is the:, foremost Magazine of the day. The dresideneter bad a more do lightful c ion; nor the million a more enterprising traria, than fa lieguitus.-NithodistPrOtaitaig. THE DAY! we mare purehasedalstge 'Y. HEY GOODS, 'l2O V ISIONS, CARS, !- SHOES. , • . . . • • - • • The Magazine may be obtained of Bociimelie4. retied., lest agents, or from the, Publishers. at Tun= Dot t.aus a .year, or. Twertr.rtrz Carers a.Number. The scnitatutn• alVolumes, as completed ( neatly hound, in Eloth„are sold at Two Dollars .kath; and muslin coral arc tern. lobed to thou who wish their hack ,numberu imtfurpdy bound. at' 'tents • each.- Twenty-three - Volute! are now ready. bound in cloth , and 11111.0 115 halresit: •• • The Publishers „will supply Specimen 15unit:isle grata. nous,/ to Agents and Postmasterv, - and wall ma ho liberal arrangemento with them for circulating tholhouluo.— They • ml it vise sapply Clubs of Two 'croons strive Dut• tars a year, coal re Persons at Ten Dollars. Clergy Men • and ?embers saPplied at Two Dollars 'ileac , 4 Harpers— 'Swine and Harpers Weekly v 'one year; fit Thelizeilite weighs Geer iDereasod riot beer sight ounces. " The postage , ad each number, which must, be paid quarterly, in adratiee at the etice•where the Maga. sine la receiSed, ThreeCenta,/ • •• • muipas z it ' • Ifranallw-Nuare,'New TOL , •, • RAGS // WANTED- highest cast pike Sid for nixed. oil utile • 11 Colored rage by / , • JOUN D. MARKER. l'apersudragWeietionee N. IL Career of Ptith &Cosi. mem Kt. PbildeLtOis,:- May 6 1 / 4 ;MI .7;41,b _B(iitiftel.tonsili k ao., . AV: irint'itaw, New Yorliduld 6 Cattle Street Soetolk-eri Om , agents for the Nontrairflaroorrat le thosecitj ind V il r ealt4 0 4 7 0 1 . te4o-advertieemote ett0...0 :twit oat Lowest - To the,Nertoute abet!' sexes. • ;: • A retired Clergymanbatilittetbeen itetoied. to ll !dint f0r..44.7*. li ertillng,to &AUK olleneny seadiugOrbeY reeelpt RL a post;indd directed envelope, weepy of the_pppeerjptioA used...llllred lialsll.4oßN K. DAGNALL. VIC Folios ones, Brooklyn, N.Y.tßn y l Je l 7 , . Salertetus, tiestsate 4436 T URRELI.4 • The coaresidoisiind Iltsperllapeii et *mil& for the bowel and se a wanting and a caution to yonnrmen wbonnffer front 'Rereads Debility, premature Deray, Lc.; oupplyintotthellanattlbn mean of Sateen._ By one who hennaed himself, atter being pnt to gregt expense through medical imposition eod • quackery. 14 enclosing* post palkaddreseed envelope 'single copies may be bad of tbelitttbor. NA. IDINIEL MAYFAIR, ESII4 Bator& Kings Co. N. Y. Ltahlio • Y. who ted. 1 of .HERNIA TRUSSW V a ein assortment ; also, Abdominal SupportaSup ported, and varlet, Sd r otbas articles at this class gdods. . Ann =MOLL Montrose. cRITTEINTDEN'S., PHILADELPHIA COMIERCILL COLLEGE, N.F. corner of 7th,dtChestne.ttis., PH DELPMA. This inetittition, which was etubliehed to n&44, end li nomeonsegnently in the eighteenth year of its exivt cone, numbers amongits graduates 'hundred.. or the most successtal ts•and Ilnalnesa Yen of our Conntrv. - The ailed ofthe Institittionis solely to afford young men facilities for thorough preparation for terrines.. The bnutchne taught are,Took- keeping. no applicable. lathe vartonsdepartments of trade r•Penmanship'. ioLio plain and ornamental; Commercial Law, 'Rath, maticcr` Natrion, emu Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, stol odern Language": • - The system a - Instruction is peculiar:* no el was or femme ate made me of, but each student itt taught itt,ti vidnally, so that be may conunenee at any time, -and at tend st wltatevarhonno aye most convenient, Cataiogmaan lasned annually after•the lrth of Apr . containing names of the students for the year. awl I tit team, ac.. and may be ,obUtuted at ei,y mehysddre/aingthePrincipal. ' iMezlmmire atxustmodidlon, wids-rpread re puratb Mid the Ingtity experieneeofthe Principal, till, 111 r i rt.. ' Run tams belittle* anperinr to any other In the count foe MIRE Malli wishing to _prepare for bite tness,and to tits st sae mutt Uwe a Diploma, which will - prove . werai r msnandation forlhaet to any Nernst:tile Ilou.e. Crittenden's Serbia of -Trestivea Fto • 1: ook:1: big: now more widely circulated than any other work. ow Rio subject, are fur vale at the Colleen. • . • ht. HODGES CRITTENDEN,- ' • , • .dflorscrat-Low, 1711VIE111.84LNIDr. To ALL WADITime FARMS. Heir &Worn Tit of. Vtneland. . • • A REMEDY FOR lIARD A Ear. Opportunity in . thejeatMarket, sad Delightful And Healthful Climate in. the , ion: - Only thirty miles south of Phile . • dolphis, es a railroad ; being a rich, heavy soil, and highly Produotive wheat land; Amongst • • the lie, is the Garden State of Dow.Tersty: TT COMMAS 019000 saes of GOOD land. divided to home`:[ different sizes to suit the Purelmstr —t.o 99 agrtoond uipwattlo—and. to sold at the rate of from ta teen to twenty dothur per sure for the farm land. ble ost-toorth isub.,arid.the balance. by quarter-year - 1;r. stalltoestkorith legal tutarest, Within the term of fut.r 1P33113 SOIL ' la, in great pirka . rich day loam,etniabli for Int al. Gm., oad .tosoott dark and rich vandy • tram, ,uital,lv Lorton, oweeVpotatoolktobaceo,alitinds of ve•getat,i,k and toot eropcand the great variety of fntit, seri. :•.• elraPela Pairs. Rehabs*, apricots, .'Noctarines. .btlick ,*!.. ries. meats and other traits, beat adapted , to thel IL 7. - Vitrpg a sad :kw Tort markets. In respect to the m thoracic beim mistake; 31; visitore can Ice both, and none are expected to boy beforeYsr do, cud ending these statements correct—under tbe , : umartancse, unless tbeee statements were correct. ti :e would be no use In their being - made. -It la conaidered. The Bost Fruit Soil in the llnion. tiles report of Solonßobinson, Eq., of the New Yoec. Tfibitall ‘ mid the well known agrlculturlot; l' ,r -ry, of Onismalxison,liew Jecrey,w bleb will be turiAl.l“..o. TSB] xhar.a.xximoir. ' • By looking over a map the reader will perceive the: ,t enjoys the best marks: kt Ills Union, and has cllrect c. 7,, - munientLonerith Nosr.York - and Philaderphli brio. twelueunly thirty-two miles from the latter. . Fioduet this market brings double the price that it does 'ln kr , k, duns distant from the cities. In .tfris location it can i.e put into the market the 'same morning it h gulttered, .t fui * What the termer 'elle he gets the highest price; Kh • 7 gioceriesandotheruirticles he purcluues be get. at is •• lowest price. In the West, what he sells brings him . pittance, but for what he buye he pays two prlee!.. !I, locating here the settler has many other advantages. 1 1, Is within a few boars. by railroad, oral! the gteat ci.:. of New England and the Middle Stites. He is near . old friendismul assixiations. He hag school for 116x•,'. .. dren, divine service, and all the advantages of el% ILua, and he is near a large city. . C,ICAXTSSBT3EI • Is delightful; the wiatecs !X. , 11:1Z salubrious • and ttl.. r. whilst the summers are no wanner than, in the Nort h - The, location is ;anon the line of latitude with north Virginia. • . PIahOUVA'AVII as A. CILLACIT or Cl.llWri !OA 711"..t F : I' would be much bentatted in Vineland, The 'unary.- .r the titillate:sod itabracing influenee. makes it excel:. for ail pelescaarit qffictions. dtspepeitz. or g