The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 02, 1862, Image 2

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• N't r :ri k r
A. J. GERRITSON, - - Editor.
0 % 041,-4 7:- iine4 s 4
tcx•xfon, etc.. diettalucl Ila harlnuny
Egort,2d m.d rrape,tc.l in all s:ectlons of 'the country.
.0f Union Co'uniy. ,
Of AllOgheny County
-The ;Den,tocr4tie 'and other vbters of
SusquelVACCrnty, jr!espective of for
mer opini64*Loitre , tiow in favor 'of
maintaining:6e suPre&-icy 'of the Consti 7.
ut ion, Of rOtorir4 the Union to its former
condition of hartkony and i prosperity, and'
irho desire., that tlfe:txisting war shall be
successfully prosecuted fo theacconip is
of these ends—not for other and op
posite ones—and who - repudiate the revo=
Intienar and destructive theoriesof seces
sionista and lbolitionism,—and are willinFr
to heartily sustain, t firough the medium of
the bullet and the ballot, suitable efforts:
to defeat all . combinationS . f•ormed to
aid or accomplish the respective ends of
said theories,—arc ;respectfully invited to
assemble at the usual places of . holding
the Democratic primary ruceting,s;in the
set oral election districts of the county,he
tween the hours of 4 and Cr.o'cloelc,P.
niid elect two prsons ‘ ,to act, as delegates
comity convention, to sF•emble in the
Housc-in Montrose, on MONDAY,
SEPTEMBER Sth,at..2 o'clock, P. 31:, to
nominate suit4ble persons as candidates
fur the offices to be filled at the. October
eleolon. Tile following named persons
are'ruicsteti to‘ the usual duties
of committees of i dance. ,
.A;iburn—A. Waltman, A. Carter, D.
Ararat —E.I. 'Warner, N. J. West; Ed
.Afoilsz;- , in-11..Culli ma, P. 'Walsh, 31NoIan
.1; rid-zewater E. - .l.c'ewe.ornb, W. Fancher,
T 0. Miles, St e'plien
Cii lord—Jilin Stephcns t. Ad t Wells,
John •1:44t. on. -
Cl l oeo ; ut-3i. Hickey, I N. Anstin, 'C.
Ayres, J.' C. Olmstead,
C. C. Cnnrch.
Dimot , k—V. .T; Lathrop, B. L. Brush, J.
I. IVa3l.r.ce.
Williams, E. L. Merriman,
.T. Snow, J.
Fore:q. Lal;e—if. Bradshaw-, Wrri Harvey,
• Mann.-, • - •
Frk - uasville--: , M. S. Haridriek,
• C. sca
t, C .
Qz - Dusenbufy, It T. Steph ,
- I. I Zc•ekilow. - • .
Gt .11k•nd tv. - p—Georize W. Boyle, H. W. •
Wm Lusk.
Smiley, R. Tuttle. A. Da;...
IL:rford —IL I'. Blanding., S. Seymour,
• ,' •
ilt•rrirk—G. W. Lyon, T. Burdick, jr., A
Tremaine, J. IV. Austin,
R. Martin.
jackson—W. D. Birdsall, L: Griffis,. 0.1
H. Ferry.
Jhsagp—i. Fs Bircbard, Z. Smith, W. C.
Lat.hrop—S...W. Tewkstinry, E. S. Brown
E. G. Tewks,bury. 1
Libert v—R. Xenyon, S. H. Darrow, D.
L...'210vt h.
Lf!nox. 7 -11. Quick; E. D. Davig,T Wilson
Middletown—P. -S. Rose, L. `Curley, F.
• ~..MontrQ4—C. D.,Lathrop,C:Shermangl
F. Turrell. ,
;New Satins, F. W. Boyle,
G. 1). Fo,4t. • •
" Burp—=W;T. Ward, Geo. Hayden,
Wm Green.
Oakland—M. Sim tts, L.Westfall; o:Phelps
Rush —G. W. Maynard, G. 'll. Harvey;
1.. Williams.
Sa ,, fa—A. W'. Aciwley, G. Curtis, A. J.
Springville--:l.' . Compton, H.N. Sherman,
.%V. V. Dean.
Ilogab, J. Gorman, T.
Ilart!:et. •
Tivanson—C. Stoddard, L. S. Aldrich,.C.
IBy order of the Democratic Committee.
1). 1.;1:i.1r,-..rta, Chairman.
_A. J. Gerrit:Am, S(r: Ir. •
Infprniatiom Wanted, • •
A friend of inine,„*liiig from Oregon,'
unkfer date of May ft4 , 12.,-..Wri, 'if you
eat-, informatibn of ,Vilan of the
name of nollenl;ack,' 'Oo married a lady
named Laura Dart, in 'Wayne county, N.
Y., and removed to Luzerne county, Pa.,
you will eOnfer a favor on a lag ft;Zild of
iru e, who Ivishes• to learn something •iif
her parentage. The lady's address is Olive
11. Welsh,'Porthind, Any per
;.:on having knowledge of eueh a family,
and wishing to give information, will find
ready response 11.2; addressing
Birebardsville, Susql co-Pa: •
P. S.—Luzerne papers please copy.
T o the Loy - al .liek of Pennfylvdnia
. ~ •
The Dem o cra t ic Leader, it is intended ,
shall - be dCroted to a truthful and fearless
oxposkion of the cause of the present ca-:
latnities..and,the relief. which ' the Free-1
.mc. , ,n of Pennsylvania may in park obtain
through the' ballot-box, which, with . -the
suPport they will gire PS loyal men 'for-,
dui suppression of the rclAlio.n,, tnay,,ha
time, and as the only feasible mode,- i'el
;p7rTh e.S ate Medical Bdard sto,re our distressed country to its , once
, 1
prdsperotts and happy conditibn, as ' al-.
witTneet y. - s'ys maintained under._ Dernoeiatio Ad
in the Hall of the House of
.RePresenta- ) ministrations ., of the Government.. -The
tives, at
.Harrisburg, on Thursday, Sept, Denocraticleaderis,.therefore,'-not Only
11 th, ISG2, and.ikt one day for the exam- ! recount:tended to your support, ;but your .
ivation of candidates il.:r the post of As-11 duties and interests as good citizens will'
sistant Surgeon in Perafsylvania Regil be greatly, promoted -,by makinn , efforts
nient.O. . q for the wide spread 'circulation of this• Candidates will regi.ster "their names at /Pa jar. • '.
~ . . . ..." .
- - ,
the Hall :It sa. ni., ' and none but those . _-P. W. Metes:
present punctually at 9a. in ll'ill . l2le ex- Charirmail of Dernaer a li c . st a t e ce n t ra l c a n t
ntnined. • :... .
-Citizens of Pennsylrania of prs,
, ..
oecinten (*pies of thiabov&,sheet
ml . -e.:pable of active terrace in the field, m;, - Lybd obtained it the office ' of the)font
ran alone be received• : _ , rosi Demodrot,. and: friends are requested.
13y order of Governor Curtin.. . - t o . all an d -get theta: ..- • .. • ..._
. .
1 . Wl'lle call for our County enliven- I
Ytion t-honld be pm:4'Bl4ly - Ospoinded to by
flip I)elllberata. ,Seatrue men from eic
I ert cli4trlet—tnei! - who aye aware 'of the
coittliiio4pf tbec'ounti -- il w ho will act
[ , t II al
I axpordinely. In Allis wtlY we may prepare
1 colt:led/4 man to, Congress who Wilt tiuly
.r4reseni all the loyalunion . men - of the
. district; lone - who will
.maintain the Gov
erilinetqltagainst: ALL its foes; not only
1 nined titiitoru.Soutb, but abolition trait
] orb North. '
6ir Si r e are - ;
often asked if there are
at4' candidates 'for CongTeis l in this. coun--
tyi There are two .or three gentlemen I
talked oll• • -but whether they will desire 1
tolaecepi more than a complimentary vote
dourity Ciinvention, we know not.
We have-men well ',Worthy the position;
an coir county may , properly claim ane.
qi4ll show for ;honor and place. Should it
bci felt advisable, in conference, to give
Inzerne the min, we aro content ;* yet
are' iecidedly in farr of the county
nimitiation, next Monday. of 'a ,Union
Dtmocrat upon a war and anti-abolition
pltforial-k-leaving all beyond that to . the
di4eretio4 of the conference. We. an
nounce candidates; es we are not re-.
qu i ested to. Men, we care mtt for—prin
etOle, welcling to till_ thilast.. Judicious
acts maytsecure specess, and:to that 'end
Ave „waive all incidentals. Let our party
be:r.turrr' net wisely ' and we win. '
I •
abolitio6 Convention met last
-week and made ' up their . ticket as follows.:
`.7onc, , res, G. A—Grow; Senator, Wm.
J epresentativ ve, D.D.Warner ;
Distrin't rAttorney, Albert Chamberlin;
Ccimmissioner, Nelson French, of Jack-_
841 Atu.litor, *WM. M. Ting le y, , of •
Luzerue county has. accepted Grow,
anti it is hus settled that this-man is an
_aspirant. tfor - another ten years' lease of
°like. It now remains for the true men
of the new district to unite their energies
as ONE xi / Jot to elect a faithful representa
title overlthis demagogue. • '
tarGtow says that to be in Congress
for the la6t eight years, is like being ilia
keitle of i iroiling hot water! Yircll, if the.
peOple stop sending demagogues there
who leed;and fan the fires of fanaticism,
such wilimo longer be the case. ,
hate a change. t - •
WThe two companies from this coun
ty ),ave been mustered into the 141st Re
girnent. Bra v dforll county, is
th 4 eolonel, ana l Lieut.* Searle has been
appointed adjutant. The men arc in ex
cellent spirits; and will donbtlesi -give a
gußcl:repoi-t Of-them'selves. * ,
prThere seems to lle.a general de
that volunteers be aecepted instead
of f•es,orting to a draft, and We think that
thiti pressure will,finally forceour Govern- f
or I ogive . theS. t'4ip a chance to fill the army
, .1
with willing - nien'only: '-Let volunteering
g,oihriskly on then; 'betters go . int'o pia re
githents than to ;be drafted. Show, yolk
ienL managers- that they cannot , farce
drlft, as some designed to do.. • -
r4f" Godey's illti iizine for September
is t fan improvement tipoks its usual choice
vafieiy—L with .which almost every hidy is
fatililiar, and every one ought to be: It is
emphatically A, No; 1; and the efforts of
it sunferior rivals' to match it, although
aalcessful, are. commendabo *3 a year
" forl single copies;" or less to clubs.
Godey, 323 Chestnitt street, Philadelphia,
I • 41•••••••+. /
arferd Fair.—The Fifth Annual Fair
of the llarford Agricultural, - and 'Meehan
-4'4 Askviation, 'will be held on the - Fair
Gri moils' in liarford village, on NW ednes
(l4 Oat. Ezth, 18G2. The - Premium. Litt
and Re ,, ulationi will be ptiblislied.hereaf=
y order of the Exeentiie cOmmit.tee.
W. B..GOims,
ttention,Tompanty.--Not . arLy4f-the
itary companies that are f orming to
•tt the 'rebels, but the entire. company'
feaebers in Susquehanna /county, will
ace observe that the next meeting of
• "Sinufa Co. Teachers' Association"
o,be held-Sept. 18th and ititbi-at Great
'tid. Will the Teaehers,"School Diree.
and Citizens'of Great Bend Borol
an. Township, see that provisions are
nude to accommodate-a ll the Teachers of
tcounty, a' is expeeled that n'arly
a will be present, armed. and equipped,
to rmake. the meeting ; unusually interest
ins. . • `
• i To Ttio Pub li c.
The undersigned having been engaged
by the Democratic State Central Commit
te to publish, under -their duSpices, a
Campaign Paper to be called 'The Demo
craic Leafier, take this occasion to ,call
thg immediate attention of all Democrat,
and other ..National men. to - the impor
tance of nsing their influence to,seenre a
wi,le circulation for the same:
The paper will be issued at the price of
,Twenty-five eents•for the campaign, and
will beptihlished semi-weekly, until: the
day-of the election. ..• -
All orders to be addressed to
• , Boileah;'"Piihlb7..her,
• • .
108} South Third street, Phil.
Partiality . 1f the War Department, '
Mr. 'Secretary Stantothi_ paitialiy for
ROpublicans- rand,
'• Abolitionists is too
manifest :to die made a Secret, oE . Ilejas
arrested litindreds - Cif Demerits. upnii in
form-Mien' that no .country justice of the
peace would bonsider for a moment, and
held'theni prisoners foe months without a
hearing, or giving them any opportunity
to dearn the namts of .their accuses or
the .nature of tho charges preferred. In
this time lie has arrested but a single
AbOlitionitit,Plnni, of New York, and he
tra:i rely - aged after a. fe iir hours confine
ment, although it -was notorious that he
had exerted his utmost influence to bring
the.Governnient into .contempt, and , to
prevent enlistments. Another instance.
of partiality is to be found in the case of
ICaisins M. Clay4ire omit Phillips, Gree
ley, Pillsbury] And that trili,) who spoke
flit treason in Washington city, within
hearing afthe. War Department, and sub
sequently enlarged upon it •in a speech
which be . 41elivered:in New York :
" As s for Myself," saki he, '
never so
help me God; Will I- "draw a eword to
keep the chains .upon another
gentleman that you aticeeed - upon the
present policy ; what. have you gained ?
Better recognize ,the .SOUthern • Confede
racy at.once,-:-aud stop this efilisiOn of
blood, than t? continue in this present .rti
inous. pities-, Or have.even a restoration of
the Union as it was."
This is as Seditious and revollitionary' as
anything could be.. This man who has
been honored With a high place Of trust
and responsibility as a representative of
this country pt .a foreign court, :comes
home professedly to fight, htit publicly
refuses_ to fight the reb'ers,' or aid I his
country at all;.because the Administration
'does not avow an- abolition policy !
thinks it better to-end the war .
and dis
solve the Union, than prosecute the; con
test On constitutional grounds ! -And yet
this avowed discourager of. enlistments,
so far from being arrested, is to be honor
ed, the telegraph informs us,With an im-
Portant military .command
A Letter From TIM Presiden.
- . - • 'Ex.ectrrrvE MANSION, .
WASIN{NOTON, A11gt15t:220.862 .
lion. iloraco Greeley:
DEAR I have just.
,read yours of
the 19th, add resse4 to myself through-the
New York Tribune.- If there be in it any
• statemen ts, qr assumptions of fact, which
I may be erroneous, I do net
-now and here controvert-them. there
be in it any inferences whiCh I may be
lieve to he falsely drawn,l do not now and
here argue against them. If there be per
qeptible. in, it impatient and dictatorial
tone, I waive it in :deference to an old
friend -wgese ;heart I -have always -sup
posed to be right.
- .4s to the policy I"seem to-be pursuing,"
as you say, I have not meant to leave,
- any
one in doubt.
. .
I would save the Union. I would -save
W the shortest Way under theConstittition.
The sooner the national authOrity can be
restored, the nearer the Union will be the
Union as it was.' If there be those who
would not save ..the *Union unless they
could at the same time save slaVery, I do
'not agree with them . . If there he those
who would not save the Union unless they
could at the same time destroy Slavery, I
do hot agree with them.
;object in this ii'truggle is to save the Union,
and is not either to save ,or .to destroy
slvery. If I could save the Union with
out\ freeing any. slave I -hi AO it, and
if I could,save ieby-freeing : I the• slaves
I would do it; and if I cool( save it by
freeing some and leavit , . others :alone .; - .I
would also do that. What I' d ' ablint
slavery and the colored race, I - be
cause I believe it helps to save thisUition;
and what I.,toillear, l foibear liecause I
do not believe it uould help to :cave the
• Union. I shall do less whenevei I shall
believe what I am doing hurts the cause,
and X shall dd- more wbenever Vshall be=
lieve,doing more wip help - the..'.cause. 1
shall try to correct errors when' Shown to
be errors ; and I shall - adopt new views so
last 04 tbey shall appear !to be true
views. • - . .
I have - here stated my purpose. aceor
ding to tny.views- of official duty ;.and I
intend no modification of my a f -express
ed personal wish that all men eyrrywhere
could be. free. .
Arrest of Charles Ingersoll. Esq. •
Charles Ingersoll, Attorney av law, wis
.arrestedr yeSteiday, at- his, residence;. , on '
.Walnutistreet, above Fifth, by the Prov ,
estMartiha.l The following is exact
copy of 'the affidavit upon which the ar
rest watt based, and which is now in the i
-hands of Provost Marshal
0177 . '0F /1 ) 111LADE11.1141:11
Edwa:rd Willard, being dnlyword, ac- ,
cording Ito" deposes and says that he
resides at NO. 174 Laurel strOt, below
Second.,lin the city ofThiladelfhiia.;depo
nent at . the mass.meeting held in in
dependarice Square, in said city, on, the
nveninglof August 2:3d,, 1862. Charles
Ingersoll made use of the following lan-
Ouage : f . "fhe despotisms of Ithe Old
Worldan furnish no parallel - to! the cor
rnption.l f the administration
,of AURA-.
HAM LINCOLN. They can imprison
us as thy like, for the exercise of the ,
rights o • free Speech, as in .the -f ease of a
citizen cif the Twelfth Ward,but what.
doesit aninurit to ;-if they can Limprison
us, theylliave to feed., clothe andlodgeus,
and in these hard times that is quite- a
conSidetration.": Deponent was iin front
of the's sand and iii a position to. hear all
the said Ingersoll said. E :Dillard..
Sworn and subscribed- befou l rue, this
twenty fifth day of-Auoust, A..D.1862.
Aide manand ex,officio Justice of the
Peace. I • -
• Mr. IngerSoll Nra . taken .before Alder
man Beier, and surety.was entered for
at 12 M.; on Wednesday
next, beiorirthe Provost Marshal.
, -
Gen.P4e has been forced :to . issne 'a• cir
cularAi.ening most severe punishment
'to office ' and men who . bis. order
1 for taki g rebel-property a pretext to
I - commit xcesses. - - They are forbidden to
molest uses, persons Or iiri
[ !opoit., ' and
, forage i nip to be taken by forces, de
i tailed for - le purpoSe.. Strong - F;uards are
to, scour Ith conntry - tor five miles - about
eneampmen sto prevent pillage- and to
larrest - . ~', =den: -'-':.-' . ''..-
nr• he Philadelphia Press and'Wheel
ing latetligencer, , have at length 'itiggested
the proPertrof arresting that infaniona
traitor and blasphemer,•Weedeliyhillips.
This is atsuggestion that we boiie will be
acted nine by the 6overninentts without
delay. it will go far toward& restoring
(=tide' in the Administration'
1 1.
Resolutions- of the Taupe vorusty.
' ' Democratic Onireitiot
. i. Reader cl, That the Detnoniats Or - Lu
sa& county in convention met,.. now, , tus
they, alwaYs have done in . the ait, affirm
thew unfaltering allegiance td thO cm sti-
Aution andATuion of their conatry and the
government-of their fathers. I .-, ::•.- •
2. That - De:lacer:ley ii a sentiment, not
to be appalled, corrupted or-ampromised
—it knows no baseness,:-it •cc;wers to no
it -oppresses no weakness, and it
will will havehat one country an4that an Tin
divided country. ..• • ' ' , • .
That this sentiment is Tdestructive'
only to desnotism,; it isthe 'conservator,
of liberty, Oflabor and property, it is the
SentiMent of freedom,ot equal iobligations :
it is the law of Nature, :.petvading the
- fundernental principles - of a republican.
4. That the objects of theliar now des
elating the country, so fiir_ akthe people
'Of tile'loyai States are conert ed, are fully
declared • in the resointion t f Congress
• Tilvased with only two dissenting votes on.
the 22d day of :July, Mil, and known as
the. Ciittendeu Ite.wlatiou, and reads as
fellows: •
[ '
"Raaolred,'That thepresent deplorable civil . War has
been forced upon the country bydisunioliste of Southern
States, now In arms apiest the Constitetional ateFern
ment,and in arms around the Capital ; Oat In this Na
faunal emergency. Congrene, banishing it I feellag of mere
passion,or resinitin out, will recollect on y Its duty to the
whole country ; that this war la not wad -ti on their part'
in any spirit of oppress! oii, or forariy purpose of subjogit
'lion Of conquest; orpOrpte of overthroWing or interfe
ring with the rights or established I nstlti l i t lona of those
mimes. bet to defend and maintain the s premacy of the
it .
tlonstitution. audio Lint n, with P preserve .the S the
dignity, equality, and rights of the save al States unim
paired; and that as spree : es these objects qe accomplished
the war ought to cease." , I
And that the American people, mitside,
of theSe purposes, have no hope ofpeace,
prosperity.. or happiness,. and for these,
and to"preserve these, 'al Otlf energies of
treasure and of life. tJiall be freely sari
ficcd on a conimon . altar. -
6. That we protest, in then, roe, of our
selves and otourc-hildren, an in all, we
hold dear in' the future of qur - beloved
country, against the inischeVoits measures
of negro emancipation in the District -of
Columbia, and the paymeutsfqr such ne
groes out of the National Treasury ;And
we flintier protest against the resolution
of Congress pledgibp• the nation to,, poi
for all negroes which may, b, einanema
ted by the.atithority of any of he,Southern
States; that we regard such measures,
involVing, as they do, an expenditure of
two,thousand five hundred millions of dol
tars, as measures of transcendent 'enormi
ty, and fititfid only of national beggary
to the land we hive ; that we are unalter
ably and unconditionally oppOsed to all
the,schemes having for.,their
i qbject, im
mediately or remote, the taxation -„,of the
white man for the purchase dot negroes
- anywhere ; that . we deny the constitution
alright of the President or Congress to
adopt a policy which taxes wh)te labor to
pay for tiegroes, or which Would make
the Government or people. slavedealers ;
i policy which, if not arrested by the
votes ;of the people, will entail upon • Mil
born generations of our kindred a debt
more Overwhelming and appalling than
ever cursed any nation, of (ancient or
modern times.
• - 6. That in'opposition to= measures of
' this kind we desire to interpose the
'peaceful and' powerfiil agent4-the :ballot
of a free people—and say, iiithe language
of another: ".We wilt neither surren-r
der our riglits nor forsake tbein.",
'.,'. t 7: That We hereby ratify the nomina
-1 lions made by the Democratic - State
Leonvention made at llarrisbarg, on the'of July, to wit . : - bane Slenker;
of Union county, . for Audi* Gener,a),
I and James P. Barr, of Aleghepy county,.
for Surveyor General. 1 - .
It was on motion
, Resolved, That
,to preserve - ilie integri
ty and insure the §uccess of 'the Demo
cratic party,it is now, more ;than ever,
the duty of alliDemocrais to he loyal to
their organiiation and faithrto to their
principles; and that every candidate Who
present§ his name to the , convention• for
nomination to Office, is thereby, in 'the
,opinion.of thisconvention, - I.mitnd'in
or and good faith to support he success
ful candidate, without equivOcation anh
with all Ms influence.
Brigadier General Stone Released.
It is annoupeed that Brigadier General
Charles P. Stone,- who has been long con
lined in Fort:Lafayette, on the heinous ,
charge of treason, has been released, and .
is now With his family in NewlYork., 21.13
the Government has liberated I hini With ,
out a trial, to be presumed that he - is
innocent. But if sooyhat.reptiration will
be rade for .his long -imprisonment ; and
for the stain - whichhas been cast Upon his
reputation . by the mere nnspikon of
treachery to the GOvernment P' it . is. a
cruel thing to deprive an ‘ innorni man of
his liberty, and publicly accus of an
iri}amouacrime. The miscreant who, with
slander's poisoned tongue, insinuate : the
base charges which lead to Rue)! arrests as
these, should be severely . punished... No
mall's liberty or good name should be at
'the mercy of the-sl
- The Sioux Indian, _...nmisbta, - have
become hostile and are committing mur
ders and devastatioes . along tl e MinnesO
ta-river. The number of whi es already
killed is supposed to be about 500,
hmongSt whom are several missionaries.
Governor. Ramsey is exerting] himself to
suppres;s the ' disturbance f and a large
force of militia were at the latettit accounts
marching against the Indians, i - . .
A general War with _ Indians. th e .
,Wasumnvoy, Aug. 27.—A - despatch
received at the ' Post Office Department,
date,d Salt Lake, yesterday, spis: , •
"A geberal war .with nearly'all the In
dian tribes west of the Misiiss ppisiver is
close at hand. An interrupti nof the 0:
verland Mail is daily expectpd. and noth
ing but prdmpt and decisive tuition on the
part of the Government can prevent it.—
The lines should be protected iby soldiers
at intervals -of a hundred lodes. Gen.
Paige's force is too small forlthis, while
Col. Conber's force is four hn dred wiles
west, travelling slowly." •
Owing to .the information ontained in
the above despatch, the Pos - Office De,
partment has instructed the- ostmasters
to send the California mails toNew York
till further directed. • ' . : •
--- MP • .
"Ora Moen: l"--Mr. Mendell Phillips
in-his traitorous harangue at Abington
doinpared the President of the United
States. to a " turtle."- Now, supposing
that the President were to issue his Man
date for conveying W. - P. to !Fort War,
ren, what thenl. .Why then, we should
say,-the voice of the Turtle would be
" heard through the land"frith_ great
satisfaction, and the traitor be bound to
confess the Real. Turtle a good - deal
stronger than his bfook.-- , lrourty-Pairt . -
IiVORTANT mzunalr
Thi,prOt ' Postporied till Sept. 15th,
TrAntenratrna, Aug. 27‹—The following
imPortant43rder has just Veen
Head=gwu Pennsylvania-
Harrisburg, August 27, 1862.-.4teneral
Order, N. 32.—The time for . Making
the draft in this State has been postponed
till September 15th, 1862, Until which
time volunteer* will be received for the
regiments in' active service' before :'the
last call for troops was made by the Pres
ident, and-will be credited to the town
ship, borough or : precinct where they re
By order of A. G. Cu v, Governor.
A. L. RtISFLL, Adji'—Gen. of Penna.
Harrisburg, Aug. 27.—The following
additional circler hatvjust been made
Head-quarters Pennsilvania.• Militia,
Harrisburg,Aug. 27, 1862—General Or
der, No. 33.—1 t is ordered that.tmder au
thority of the following despatch received
from the Secretary of War this morning,
volunteers maybe received into - the reg
iments heretofore accepted, until the first
of September, under the terms-and• condi
tions mentioned therein.
Mustering !officers will continne to
muster in volunteers presented for accep
ted regiments- until the first' of september..
NO TOUNTY Oft kovANcn rivr AFTiT
Washington,' Aug, 27,. 10 A. M.—Tif
Governor Curtin.:—No advance pay or
bounty can be allowed to any recruits for
for the new regiments after the .period
. specified in the order of the Department
heretofore issued. It' the regiments are
full by let of September they will be ac
cepted, but . withont bounty to. those re--
c rui ts enlist edla, fie r. th e specified date. •
The eonditiOn of enlistments iulthe dif
ferent States requires the.eider. of the De
partment to - remain. unelianged.
(Signed) E. M. - SfiorroN,;
• Secretary of War.
By order of,A, G. Curtin, Governor.
A. L Russell, Adjiftani-Geheral,, Pa.
Harrisbnrg,..:AOg. Govern:
or has placed the details mid work of
preparation for the draft undercharge of
Colonel A. K. McClure, a gentleman 1
Whose ability to perforin: "the iinportant
duties is Well and favorably „known
throughout the State.
Three more regiments were organized
to-day, and will go forward to-morrow.
The Material for the formation• of three or
four more is also in camp. ,These wily be
organizdd and sent forward its soon. as
their arms, arrive. Companies
~froin all
gnat-kers are . .
The time des hated as that upon
which the draft: was to have taken . place
has beenchanged, because of the iniposs
ibility of
procuring, in time,. correct atr .
seSsinent from all the counties of the
State. -This postponement . :is no evidence
Whatevet against the certainty of its ta-.
ling pike.
HA-nmsnttno, Aug. '2B.— . Gov.‘',Curtin
confidently expects to make arrangements
to alfow each . district. of the State a reas
onable time tollirnisli its quota of troops I
in Kohinteers, - and thus obviate the. draft
entirely. As . soon as the- enrolhnerit is',
completed and returned, the-quota of each
county, township, precinct and borough
will be -ascertained, together with the
&edit:ea - eh is entitled to for men in the:,
service. Having ascertained the number
of . be'drafted each subdiVision
Of each .'couuty,.an opportunity and . a rea-
Boilable' time will he gi.von to furnish the
quota as Volunteers. • .
The draft was postponed until the 15th
of SepteMber -to• afford _ample time fOr
theSe arangements. ia,expeeted that
the quota et' each county and stib-diViiionS
tan be ascertained by:the sth of Sept.
L. 'Thomas Adjiitant-General of the U:
S. Army, is :l i cere for the purpose of eon
lerring with the- Governor relative - to"the
organization of regimen ts and their prompt
transportation. .
A new department has been instituted
here culled the Military Bureau, to which
has ,been assigned
Surgeone ' 'and
Commissioners for The draft, atidiall busi
ness connected with the enrollment of eit
iZe.ns subject to military duty.' .Hon Al
exander lc McClure, of Franklin, hai3
eepted an appointnient as aid . to the aov
en: or with the. Of Colonel. He- is
so a,cting as Chief of-the Bureati
. 1
Perilous Condition OfCumberland Gap.
to the editor of. the Philadelphia' In;
quirer :.-4. have tivo layers *dn. Cinciti
nari,.dated the' 25th instant; and one of '
'the *titers is
.a .clergyman. .: The, news
given the is this, and the .writer *as ' di
rectly. from the Gap, 'escaping. -through.
the wood& in part, and with great "ffv.
-" When I left a considerable ferce -of
the enemy nts in front of the Gap, while
One regiment of Rebel., caVelry... has 'pos:,'
session of Barboursville, and eight regi
ments of infantry 'occupied Flat Lick,
only' isietity miles from.the Gap. . Ii will
-fequire great efforts and prompt *ion'.
to save our men from being cut to plecei
or forc'ed to 'surrender ' Myheart sic Oita
over the miserable management of our au
thorities at the •Gap." ,
• .'N second letter states these items : 7 1
' " Our army is surrounded at the'GaP,
and if not speedily relieved will be dt to
i r
pieces. Ashby's Cavalry are Iti Barb ors
ville-- abettvy force is. 'coming thr 'ugh
Vilson's'Gap and 'concentrating at ' lat
Lick, only twenty miles from Cumber and
Gap, 'While our supplies are eat off . Such
riinagenient_ is disgraceful l '. I , -I
"•Gov. Morton, of Indiana, senta I rge
force to the Gap, anilthese were desOned
at Lexingtonnot' even dreatnint:of pick
want at the Gap: Bet a short time Mee
eight hundred East Tennessee Uniot Ist§
I and fiftk North • Carolinians* made heir
t4'ay , to . the Gap: and entered tile :Pe oral
service.' To think of. these - poor fel owa
being cut to pieces is too bad..":. '• •
- lime been ; for mon hs, disgusted
the mamigenient of ' airs in : Kent'
and Tennessee; and. lave this day'
ted a messenger to . Vhshington,.wil
letter to Secretary Stantononakiug
thisitate of things; -
Hour Government does: not infei
'more energetic and Sensible coursj
conduct,l - advise the -autherities to
render toleff. Davis and.his phindf
and perjured boards. .
August 27,1862.
rirThe only .way to escape a
oissuitAt iE to:culla,*
!.. • . - riti Rebels at ]M anassas,
_ ~ , _
,• Alexandria, viigust'2B, 1862-..
. .
' The•enelay, hive.. •suteteded in bolding '
their: own. iii‘the'tviciiiityof.Manassas. --
ILastidgbt gul l :Of:down:to Burks' Sta
tion, Some fourteen Miles krom 'here, - and
Arove'ilie--telegntph 'operators away..•--
'They were the last,taleaVe. It is proba-
Ible that the Rebels destroyed everything
larannd the Station, . _
The First-New Jersey Brigade, pester;
Iday„ got; into a .gplly. where,thaenemy- bad
'3,wacannon : planted. 'They. - opened at
,once on the Jersey-troops,,and •a heavy
body of Rebel Cavalry came in • at their
!rear, completely hemming the . Brigade in k ,
a pen,- A panic was at once cretted;somev4
;escaping,- but !many . :were ' killed - - and •
!wounded.. -.; - • •• - .• .; .- - • .. • .
On Tuesday evening, two tr ains com- •
ling threw Bristow,they found ilie Rebels
Ihad barricaded the toad. The first engine
!cleared the road of all obstinctions, .and
got through all side. The second engine;
named. the Secretary, plsc cleared the .
road the second time.' Crossties,' fonr
and five deep, were.piled tip. on the track
each titne.!.At Union ! Mills'. , the first
train•stopped to wood and Water; . and
While so doing the • second - train came
'thundering down the road, and 'rail. into
the first train,. mashing • and jumbling
hoth trains up together.- Three • soldiers
:were killed' . whci were in the oars.: . : ..
Five:: *ins were, coming - down ..the
road—three trains besides- these two. he
l Two:More trains behind .the above.
wrecked train was driven oft • hy.the R
s . .
were . srnashed in conseitnence•of the
my o pening switch., -• .
TheSenemy-captured six Cannon,
terday, beloiNifig to the . Eleventh New
•Zark, General Sturgis' Division, _
AlUnight long . rninors of :varied char
acter reached triii place: - At one time
theenemy were marching' diractly' for
Washington. • No one is allowed to . go
down the road except treops._ '
Up to last event , • : _was thought •
that.onrtosS was etnieen
. wo an three'
hundred, in ! kill d and wou nded:
. Previous tote
Manassas tber 4as considerable uneasi
ness -manifested by all bands at the: post.
Trains Werelbeing made up at the ! time
the firiag• commenced. -The ' despatcher •
started on a train, and rode about a mile
and then got off the cars • and made his
way back to Manassas. • The firing corn
rineneedmi soon as he- reached there. .
The volleys of musketry were terrifie:—
' The enemy-had artillery_ planted,. and our!
forces had none. Great praise is beetcivred
npori the Twelfth Ohio. A portion of
the Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry be
caved 'badly, and were placed under ar-,
re and taken to Alexandra by a-,geard.
This is the 'regiment formerly known as
Colonel Frislnuties... .
The despatcher abovementioned slept,
all,Tuesday• night. within - the ;• enemy's
line, and escaped by crawling on his hands
anti knees; -before daylight. lle says
that a number of farmers were with the
Rebels, . -
ro- ,
•• The adhetween n and Alex
andria was 'crowded all day yesterday
with contrabands escaping. They are
coming iu droves.tillis morning, and are
in the most filthy condition—clothed- . in
rags and :caters. Where they •all. -come
from is hard to tell..
..A great deal of suf
fering -among them-must naturally follow
IthiS great, exodus. What will . be. done
with them ? 'is • a query a.iked on all
sides. , .
. .
Nothing further - has . been received
from the field - of operations up to - twelve
o'clock this morning. ' A train is to be
de.spatalied down the ro a d this morninn.
1 - . ..•
Disperate Bittle Between 111cDowell
and Jackson;
...Manassas Junction, Ang.2B 10 clock P.M
To General 11,41eik: ( • ,
As soon: as I discovered that a large
force of thtrenemy was turning our. right .
toward. Manassas and that the division I
had ordered to.tako post -there, two days,
before, bad-not yet arrived there frorriAl
exandria, I immediately , broke.'My
encampment at WarKepton Junction and:
Warrenton and marched rapidly back in
three cohinins. I directed. McDowell,
with his own and Sigel's Corps and Reno's
Division, toMarch upon . Gainesville, by
the Warrenton. and Alexandria pike ;
Rino and cure division of Ifeinizelman's
to march OnGreenwich, and with Porter's
Corps and hooker's Division I marched
back' trillariassas Junction. , -
McDowell was order to • interpose be
tween'the ftirces of the . , enerny;:which had
passed down. to Manassas throuF,e Gaines
ville, and hig Main body moving. down
from White . Plains through Thoroughfare
Gap. This was completely. accouiplished
--Longstreet v;hci had passed 'through
the Gap,,,being driven back to the west
side. .
The force to Greenwich were designed
o supp - ore McDowell in case he met. too
large a foiJce of 'the enemy.
I The division of-Hookers, marching . . to 7
Ward Manaisas,nanie upon the enemy
`pear , Kettle ii tin, in the afternoon of the
'2, 7th; and after:a sharp action,routed them
completelY,killing and wounding . :
Capturin , 7 bambs and baggeage and many
'stands ot 'arms.
1 This moruing.the command pushed ra
pidly On is . Junction, • which
'Jackson had 'evacuated - after three hours
in advance. tie retreated to Centreville,
'find took tie turnpike-toward Warrenton.
Ile Was mptEsi miles west of Centreville
.31eDdiv0 and Sigel late in thisafter
boon. A severe
. fig;ht took place, which
Was terminated - hi 'darkness'. The enemy
was driven back at all pOints.
Heintzlernan's corps will move on . him
at daylight from Centreville, and I do not
. seehow - the:enemyi are to escape Without
heavy loss,' We have . captures' 1,000 pris
bners, many arms and one-piece Of
. I. 'JOHN POPE, lifej-Pten.
Fini.npr a-a. in. Aug. 39.
1, To (i'en HaDeck :—We fought a terrri
[blebattle. yesterday with the ' combined
forces of -the enemy, which lasted,. with
continuous fury, from daylight till after
dark, by which time the rebels were driv.
lei from, the field; which,we now occupy.
!Our troops are too much exhausted to
;pursue; beta. shall do so in the course of
Ithe mormeg when Porter's corps comes .
;ir , from Manassas, but they are badly
used up. We havesnot lost less than 8,-
,000. Men killed. and wounded. From the
Appearance of the field the enemy lost , not
(less .than two to,our one. He stood strict;
ly.on the defensive, and every assault was
Imade by ourselves. Our troops behaved
splendidly : ; The battle was fought on
the identical, battlefield Of Bull Ran,
iwhiPh greatly increased the entliusk
lasm of our men...,News from the, front
suite that:the . enemy are = resting to the
• it
1 of
W. G Muiw
I -
. .. - .- .
mountauM._ I go forward at iineelo'4.e.
We hie made great calithres; but I cast= - •tofo - rm an idea of, theik. ex:-
tent. - . JOAN POP.E, - .llaj-Gen,
, .
3r..sntent ,
Wasuisc,Toisr, A - ng. al.
- The' rebels were heavily rehttbreed yes
terday, and attacked Pope's tinny before'
the arrival 'of Geus. Franklin and Surtte.r.
The attack was boldly met and a severe
batle 'followed. The adv.ntage on the •
whole. was on the side of the evenly. Pope
fell back to Centreville with his whole 'ar
my in good order. Ile haS now been join
ed at Centreville by-Franklin and Stun
ner.. He occnpies . .the strongest position
in the vicinity of Washington,: asrril is ex
pectedpromptly to renew the.contest. -
A Babel Thieet
The followirig general order has been
issued by the adjutant-General'of the re--
bel army:
" Whereas,' Major- Genera l Hunter, re
cently in command of 'the enemy's forces
on the coast of South VirolipS;and. Brig
adier General• Phelps, a military conirpe
derof the enemysin the State of Louisi—
ana, has •org . anized and armed slaves for
military service against thir masters, cit.- -
izens of this confederaey: •
And whereas, the - GOvernment of 'the'
United States has refused to answer an'
inquiry-whether said conduct of its oth--
cora meets its sanction, and has thus loft'.
fo this Government no other means "of re-
pressing said crimes endviitrareessthan
the adoption Of such measures of retalia
tion as shall serve to prevent the repeti
Ordered, That Majer-General Hunter
,and-Brigadier-Oenerat Phelps be no long
er.held and. treated a$ publio p enemies of
the Confederate States, but as' outlaws;
and.tbat in the event of the capture Of pi-
Aber . OT them, or thati.of ,any Commission
ed officer employed in drilling, organizing
or instructing slaves, with a view tck their
armed service in this. war, he shall not be
regarded asaprisoner Of war, bikt, held in
close confiOment-for execution as a felon,
st such time and place as the President
may order. lßy order, •
S. cooi"Elt, Adj. an Ins: Gen:
Port Donelson still in otir Possession.
'We have at last - received information .
from Fort Donelstin, confirming our be
lief that the report published: . some days
since of that important defensive work
was incorrect. A despatch from.the-Cliati
lain of an - Ohio' regiment states that the
enemy, nearly eight -hundred strong, the
same party that capered Clarksville, after
demandiny surrender of the fortification
bad made an attack, but were_ repulsed
,With a-lOss of thirty killed and wounded.
• • The Fort. was garrisoned, by four, com
panies of the seventy-first Ohio regiment
and upon the demand for surrender being
made, they- unanimously determiUed to
fight!;:-rather than 't.ciyield possessinn Of
their . dearle bought prize to the rebels.
_this we hope this noble band
has been reinforced'in Such strength as to
preclude any possibility i of the starsand
bars again waving from its battlement:S.--
Phila: _
Regulations for (Substitutes.
Quite a number of suggestions. have
been made to the Government•with
-view to.equ , alize the price to he ',alit .to
_substitutes in -cases where they may he re
quired under the,draft for three
thousand ninetnentle*Militiamen. Some,
have urged that the War Departenent
shall take charge' f the whole matter,- and
others recommend - that a rate`shall'ie es
tablished, and that the price shall be paid
dirt!ctly'intos the Treasury by thos'e - who
may be 'oinpelled to procure Subsotot es.
The same subject was canvassed during
the war of 1812, when Cong,reSS - prfAiii,d
for such such eases- by • mmeting, On the
10th of December • 1.814, that any person
subject to militia duty who shall, auctird;•
ing to law, furnish a recruit fur the army
of the United States, at his own expense,
during the war, shall thereupon be. ex
cml4 - frommjlitia during the war. '
Nesv Camp of Instruction.
WILIZESBARILE., Aug. 28.—A new camp,
called -"Camp Luserne;z' was organized in .
Ltizerakeounty last Week, andis.rapidly
filling up: --Its location is healthy, upon
the' western. stove, of Alil'iryoMing.
ley, - distance. • about three . miles from
Wilkesbarre, and commands 'view in ev,:
ery direetion of finequaleirbeatitY.
Malay Hendrickson, of the 6th Infantry,-
is the Mustering-in - Officer, and Majcin
dan has been ftpppointed Commandant of
the Camp: . Captains or companies will
find this an excellent place to rendezyous
with•their men; as it well supplied with
clear spring Water, and all the necessaries
required to make the soldiers. both eons-
%stable and •
1257Cassins - 11.1 Clsy; ,who, likejeff.
Davis,. repudiates the Constitutidn' of his
country,_ and is opposed to the restoration
of the Union under it, hat not been arres
ted, although he proclaimed his
No ! - not arrested, but he has received
a good office t
ate' They giye the negroes prenodnneo
at, the Boston Custom House . , 'in . doing
business; captain on . Saturday pre - -
sented his paper in regular turn, when up
marches 'a "colored - gentiernani" Plaee4
his papers on t9p , of the white man's, rind
tile Customhouse officer graciously at,
tendto him first; and- obliges' the white
man to wait until Cutrea is served I- Giver
us,.an equal chance with , the . blacks,, do,
,Cir You may, give the people a' meree-.
nary Senate ;, you. inay.gtvo. a ,venak
lionse` Of Assembly ;you may give them
a truckling ::Ciangress` and , a tvranieat
Prince-but give mean unfettered Preis-.
, and defy you to. encroach a hair's .
breadth upon their Leberties.--7Sheriduu.
UP - What is the use 'of being; poor,
when - yau .cali make from 600 to 8100
year by aptitig;ageot far the Adams Sear.
mg Machine 'Co: Persons. out• of em
ployment and having .the least bit..•of
"vim'.'. in them would - O.welt. to write .to
Mr. C. Ruggles. at Detroit, Mich. and get,
the Co. confidential circular to, agents.
Tau Providence. Post says, Governor
Andrew, by ',his tbeeches - and ,military
'orders is doing more to obstruct the
President's path and'defbat•liis plans than
all the Secessionists pc iotain - Statell
claiming, to be loyal.
A despatch • states that Horn E. 13.
Chase, Ira Davenport, and G. IL Kulp;
and sqeral others, Were arrested . on Sat:i
nrday at Wilkesbarie.
.711XJa.PLW.I.Cii..111EL !
In South • Bridgewater; .Ang..24tht by
Bev, J, F. Deans, Mir. ALBERT ILErr.
wad' Miss. 114.10 . au ItizuEn, both