The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 26, 1862, Image 1

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A.. J'. arerritsicoa.
-Tanus.—sl,so per. annum in eprellCE
othenc , se $2 will be charged—and fifty Conti per Lennox
to arrearairee, at the option of the Publieher, to pay
xpen+e of collection, etc. AnyaNcz payment preferred.
Anvairris'aktyrs will beiinsered at tile
r4te of $t per square. of ten linen or less, for the ant three
aeeks, and 23 cents for each additional week—pay down.
Nierebatitsond others, who advertise by
the year , , trill be charged la the following rates, 'kat;
ant greare, or ler:, one year, eriehthases;
Each addleional sguarre,•aefha rate of • • 6
No. credit given except to those of known reeponel I it,y
DEALERjn Are Good e . Groxeries, rmhrellas,,Yankee
Notions, IlOots and Shoes, Shovels , and. PAks,
Bonne Ware, Wooden Ware anclßrooms. Read et Niel
:T:ol,m. Public Avenue. *
Slontrost, Pa., )Lay 1841'362.4y .
. , .
lANKERS,—Montrase, Va. Sarcemmrsto Poft.Copper
.t. Co. Office., liathmpenele buildiug, Turnpike-Ist
S. IS. lecinicit• r t w. er..04.z,
4 VPOILNEYS and Counsellors at Law.—Montrose, Pa.
Ail Office in Lathrop? new buildinz, ever the Bank-
• WITH Di?. 3117D021 71 117112 - 470X, '•
Mechanical and Surgical Dentist, rreently of flingharaton,
Ik. Y. tender their protestlional services to nll who anpre
riale‘the "Refonned`Praetice Of Physic:" carentl and
snillrul operation: , on Teeth: with the most scientitte and
Approved - styles of platework, Teeth extracted without
pain and all work warranted. .
Jackson, June I.4tit, Y..
. DR. ll..sairrn & SON,
in Lithrops' neve building,. over . •
the Bank. All I
Dental operations will be •illesa s
performed In gtiod style and warranted.
y ;
7 t
that they hare entered into a partnership for the
Practi co of MEDICINE & Surgery,
and are prepared to attend to all alibi in the line Itheir
im.fe,, hot. ()Mee—the one formerly occupied by D , d. C.
tlitn,tcad, in DUNDAVF. my 73m.
Dlt. N. Y. LEE L',,
P/,y,icion and l'urge.n. Friend,:rill: Pd. Offlet oppoptle
thr Jackson How.
h, LEF.T girt, part 'color attention to the trentnient
of the han and E n; and is , confident that
of. and c , :perteuee in that . hraneb or irElc
, a enalde hint to ctfeetn cure in the tonsil difficult
For troatitllf dieition, of there nrcittn , fie will
eitarit,d toilers the pat ieut la beta:fitted by hill treat
wont. [.augnet..3olh; IE4O. ,
MILE TAILOR, Montrore. Pa. Shop
I' I. N. Ilull.xrd". Clrca..vry, nu Nlalitzt , ,truttr
I , nd,nil for pa-. 1 favi,rs, he mdjeit.ka centinthineo
;, o do all *ark vstisEmborily. Cott.
don.: uu .he-1 notice, told trarnultvd to fa- •
,ottro,, July j
f:4 .. "111(‘N ABU: TAIL( )11—Moto ros,. Pa. spo
;;• ev,r store of It atron
A r.,,t o r, Au wor k w a rrontok hs; to tit and tift6h.
• in.! non, on Alort Imam, ho s t blyk. jnn '
• .1011'N'
1. ,,51iP0N."..‘ TILE lAll.oll.—Nontro , , sb”p
4 itw Ituptist 3.lecting littu4e. Turrntiltli
-••••• t ortit r fillndprontraly. in (11•41.ratr
(11111% . :On rhOrt Ll/iiCe, and At taro t:4 to tilt
, L. 11. ISBELL,
11-1 , \IIN Wnt eh( and .1( nelr3 nt the
ole-t 0g1e... and on r,leon•tble term. All I
• s, oat .1. , hop In Chandler and des-itiVe
- %I. T tr
• W.M. NY. S3il'll - 1 &, CO.,
• ~t" \fain tyet..t., Montrosc, Pa.
-- • t -- T --
C. O. FORD . IIA . . - M; -
X.r.ANUFACTI:EZER.of ItilOTS ,l• S//e)F.S. ;I ntral.e.
' .11. P., 'Shop "Nei. Tyler's ,lure. All kinds 9r work
tt..e.:<• to order. and repairing done neatly. ' jet' y .
- Zsc i.
A 1.111... TUR I :MA,
1 .
iAE .I / 4 1.E1l to Drags, 311.11isline.. Chemicals, Tye
/ , t tin, G 1.,. ., Ware. Paint-. Oils. Varoicli. Vit,
, Glass.,, Groceries, Fan'ey GrK,a, Jewelry Per n.
1 . 1. I • . :, -- A•zilit for nil :he most pirputar PATEIT
-NI El )li, - IN ES.—Monte „,,, , Pa. qu=it_
. .
. .. -
- ••
. V .. ..9-I\7 . 3at.M3E: 'iTc:. • ricoiv.o;
-AND-, 1 • •
GEuRGE H.A.YDE:i, . . .
.. .
P. E. BRITSII., M. D.,
Will attend to die inties of 1:1,t profeftsion Promptly.
. Lathroplirilotel.
, C) M. M
OS No-ar.."2"corlx..
ASSETIS let. July' 1860, $1,481 , 819.27.
yam," 43,068.68..
7. Milton smith,..Sker. • lit, 'President-
John McGee, All. A. F. Wllniarch, ti ice ••
Pollelerl ironed and renewed.Tythe undereigned, at hit%
oiler. one dootabove . .Searlee Ilotel,l.lontrose. Pa.
nor t 3 y . AiLmiwics stitoup, Ageq.
✓ •ME . $3 "Cr Wt. 11,- X g r .
TTAS just received a large stock of new Stoves,:for
1. Woking, Parlor. Office au d Shop purposes, for Wood
ur Coal. with Store P.l,pe,Ziuc. Sc.
II Is assortment is a6lect and deslruble, arid‘wiff be-Sold
on thi, most favorable terms for Cara, or to IPrompf Six
Afwgfli, Buyoro.
Sea Milford. Oct, tr,th, •
Dandelion Coffee,
HEALTHY beveraae. One ',Don't' uf tiliteDffee will.
IV make as mutt as two 'Sounds of other)Clutree. For
sate by • • :ABEL TC.ItitELL.
Pala. 35Cia.cAts,
N.-) Sheep Pelt-. Fos. Mink, 114i4zrat. and ill kinde , of
Fora. quad a, , sortanuf of Leathrr and Itoota 'and
Sao,+ conAtantlyon hand) Unice, TannerT, 6; Shop on
Alain SlTeet.
•Montro., Feb.Oth,
A. P.4,L. C. KEELE.T.
- DAVID C. ANEY, 3i. 1).,
AVING located permalrtntly tit .'New iiiiiford.
Ill_willutend promptly to all milt with which be may
he favored, Office at Tmldr' Hotel,
Ilintord.July,ll, I,Msl- - •
- - 4._
TT )."3 for ealq. Metallic OM for Setring Machines:
11 nazi: .t. Witcth Oil. filed Bin:, . 'Eat and Monge Poi-
R . 19. - Homeopathic Rentetlice, Pond's Extract. and stgruat
r iridty of Li nintente,..S.alre , .. Pith.. and _Plasters. and an
c Idle,. variety of Patent Medi,i IV,. - • %.
.. •
.IJ'Orf ALE COLLEGE him, formed a'coparturrahip
fort he pratulce untedicine and N'argery.andareprepared
to.attend t., all Itualtu.,.s thilirly and panctually.that
lloc he intrusted to theft roc, uu terms nommensorato
use: set and de [ahead es of the EYE. , tnirgical opera
:P.o4. and all ,urzival ditteaset,tatrticularlv uttraided to.
I.e.Ottlee over Vl'entteu Sunni °Mee tionrs from sa.
m p. tu. :AU ourtt , of rintnirx produce taken in pay
ww nt the higtiettt value. and Chfill NUT um:rar.D.
Mnutro.n, Pa.. May 1111;V...424-AA - - •
I)EILSONS orr OF 131:INESR. and wanting cheap
tarint, bee advertisement of Vineland in smiler
G lump. , ' th e Tiarrel,Sark or roflud
..,I.II7.IOiTED renwetable peraon.of,eitlier t.e.r. in
t.vore nt.S.hborhood to cell J. R. SWlord .
1. Charz
T AZ. mid , ift.o IC Stmford'a fttoy AND St•Lbutl'n
01...01ar 163 thin. trausparent tt is Rad
to-,t remod, loolowtt for di stmsee. of the OrOfit. 10.11413. or
C larrh. .aloo fur di plithe . ria, croup. Whooping Cough.
Sle Iron and Sulphur Powderr etrengthen the eye
tem. aid the digestion. and:parify the - 1.4n0d. I bare a
page pamphlet cont . :gulag full explanations. and
over one lotadred td.titrOtatattt from well 'known piomi
neut persona, which I will send to any one free b•mail
J. R. , sT-Areon.D. ChetniFt.'
Brpadveyy. N. y.. .
We Join Ourselves to no Party that Does not Carry
VOL. lg.
. . .
To the Democrats and all other Friends I
' 'of the Constitution and Union in
Pennsylvania., .. .
• - At the meeting of the Democratic State
EDUCATIONAL- READING.- Central* Committee, lield the 20th tilt., -
the followit ‘ ..,, cser r • oftitien.was adopted:, ; j
Dming s the fall examinations of teach: Resolved, 'That the Chairinan call up--!
ers in the present school - year, two panic:, on the loyal of Pennsylvania,' through the
filar questions, were generally presented j Democratic Standing. Committees of the
to each. Member of the different classes, ! several counties, to meet in the several ,
besides' the regular examination 'en the '"counties of the State, atench places as shall
different brandies, viz: How many terns lite designated- by' the said Standing Coin- I
of school ',have you taught? ' And what I Owes respectively; on 'the 11th of Sept.;
books on Education,- and on the-theory (nest, to celebrate that day as the mini-;
and practice of teaching have you read ?. versary of the adoptwn of the Constitutibu
• It will be observed at once, that if an of the United States
applicaavfor a school has taught during a Pursuant to this resolution, I call open{
few terms; and has read•works on educa- the Democratic Standier , Committees res- 1
tionoind, studied `Others on the theory' peCtivety in the several,• cities and coon
practice 9f teaching, - he is :prop- ties of Pennsylvania to request the Demo- j
erlY alive to the best interests of-his pro- 'eras and all other loyal . -citizeier to con - -1
fesSiOn, and is prepared for an examine- vene in mass meetings at such places amid- I
tion-On this 'part of his calling.... BeSides at such hours hs they respectively, may;
these considerations°, he exhibits, at once, I designate, on the I ;tit of September next,
to Directors, if his other 'qualifications are to commemorate the adoption of the'Cou
paSsable; inducements to give hit&em ploy- stitution of the United States of America.
ment, and this under a well grounded as- Since ' the 17th 'of September, 1.787, i
surance that tim individual- has taken there-has been no period,in the history ; of j
pains to fit and prepare !MN& for an in- I America - when it was So eminently fitting
telligent discharge ofde But. if, on:, and important as the present to bring to
the attention Of the . Ainerican people, i
the contrary, he has, nor stndied
sneh -works, although he may have some great fundamental principles, Which must
p/d.n :derived from a short or even a long underlie any government where civil 41
experience, on which .to conduct his I religious liberty exist, and especially theise I
seliAl,s . yet he lacks &needed cultivation that underlie the government of this Un-;
furl an intelligent and effective perfor/u- ion—a Union which rests for its timnda
anco of . schoo'l room duties. True, atter). tion ilium that Const inn ion.which affirms
dance at Institutes, and attention to prac- and . proposes to make sacred and perpetn
tical Lectures on modes, methods and sys- al, those principles. That. Constitution
tons of conducting school's, will make -up and thatArnion, "One and inseparable- -
mach for the want-of self-culture on this are now assailed by foe* throughout the'
head ; yet it wilt lie readily conceded-thaf whole land—by Seeessionists in the South
personal reser - Mt and study, in connection= and- by Abolitionists in the North. The
with practice and close. observation, will j forther, by abold,Organizedormed move
give great' advantages to aTherson over i ment, strike directly and avow=edly atthe
another who depends alone on the occas- , wh"le'Sovereignty and existence of our
ional lecture. But,;where, in. this pro.l Constitutional Government.' The latter,
gressive age, does that teacher stand, w h o I by equally direct , effhtts, but front raider
neither reads works ou education, nor •on Ithe cloak of recently declared friendSliip
the theory and practice ot' teacbing, nor is `and patriotism, are seeking to"thrust their
ever fodnd at the "Teacher's Institute" r tlmitorons stilettos into the heart's blood
or " Association ?"- We submit. this last of the nation.- .. ,
inquiry to the candid consideration of ev- The peop eof this land. are the source
cry, teacher. Indeed, it is One of first inn- of "ll.P"Ave' ..
They made Constitutions,.
portance to School Directors when in the and they can, and,*(unless they would be
came the • victims ot , despotism or• anar
act of giving employthent to those about
to assume, or propoSe to assume, one of, chy) must uphOld them. The great fun
. the most, important aildresponsible po s i_ damental principles •of civil and religious
; bons that can ,be entrusted to man. To liberty asserted in the American Cousti
-1 those teachers who have not yet devoted Itution are essential to secure its in the en
joyment of life mid property ; and in the any times or but little,toprotessional rem-i
I ding, and to Directors who are entrusted L Pursuit , of happiness." Amon!;* these are
with the.mre and . duty of selecting the ' freedim of speech .and of the Press," the
j instructors of the 'youth of the land, the' right of the people peacably•to assemble;
'foregoing reflections are respectfully sub-; "the right of the people td-be secure in
'flitted. Should not the f o rm e r aw a ke a t j their persons ; lionwts,, papers and effects
once to the itriportanee of the subject, and I against unreasonable _searches. -and seiz
move Without delay to procure and study ! urgs," that "no warrant shall issue but
probable cause, supperted by oath
sonic works bearing on education and the' "P"
practical part of t ,,,,, e hi ng s a , - i „ gover „;„ 4 or affirmation ;" " that no person 'shall be
1 schools? And, should not Di re . et „, : , di,,,.. , held to answer fora capital or oilier in-.
etionate. in hiring, teachers, i i , f, tvor o f fionous crime unless on a .pr: seai inept or
I those Wto adorn 'the profi : ssion: by
good , indictment of a qrand Jury, except iii. e a.
I teaching and extensive professional read- L ses arising in the.latid and naval turves, or
lug? .
. - . lin the 'militia when in actual- service in
stprety natimc
s. L. ur,kn
In 'Connection with this subject, we
Would respectfully recommend to teachers
dome books,, from the perusal and study
which, they would derive great advaiiiii
Every teacher should be a regular rea , :
der of the .PennsylVanit School .jonroal.
It is recouniied,tnd justly too, a S the or
gan of the Common School System.Of our •
glorious old „Commonwealth. It is .con
ducted with ability, and contains, month
ly, a great variety of reading that should
be read by all teachers in the State. Be
sides the editorials, yon will have the yea
ding of many, essays on different topics, by
the leading teachers and educators in
Penns - SIy:MIN selections from the Press,
.and public addresses. We ,commend it
.earnestly ,toiyour consideration. Get it as
your first purchase - after reading this. . ,
Next in order, vie would recommend to
all young tea ,tide ers, and_ to all who have
not - read it, "The Teacher," by Jacob Ab
bott. We need not stop Lo give .reasons
for choiCe; suffice it to say,' we pondered
over it year ago, - and have not found since
one to surphs - S it, for those who areliegin.
Mug .to teach,
,whe'l have . taught a few
terms. "Page's Theoryand Prketiee;"
‘‘ Amerieaa, Education,' by E. D. Mans
field "The Teacher and Parent,r by C.
Nortliend ; "Universal-, Education,' by !
"Histoiy of EduCation?' 1
,by Prof. Schmidt; •an excellent work;
"National Edit - cation iii Europe," by Hen
ry Barnard ; Eduiation,'.! by !Herbert
Spencer. Every teacher should have Prof.'
A. Calkins'"Object Lessons." The
'History of Education will cost half a dol
lar ; -,Objeci Lessons, a &liar ' and the'
other - works, except. National Education
in Europe, about one dollar each. • The
School •Jonriial ; published in Lancaster,
Pa., costka dollar.
In closing on• this subject, we cannot.
but. express the .hope, that many may be procure and examine attentive
ly some Of the, above works, or other of
like usiifulnesS:=J:rf. Slur.
. . .
"As a generarrule, :children have . .. ,
. ..
waysa been' ready at . whatever saCritice to
. rg a
constitutional horror of ." Q unpos i t i ons ; T7
' strike down Open and armed defiance to i
the executiort i of the laws, and to the soy : .
they. are the mast formidable dragons that
in ereignty of the Govertunent. As Demo
infest the schools
crats, and therefore as loyal inert; we ca' n
of glare improvised-t and hae•beenoo thaches- a the caus e m
and head-
i. knew no other itrindipl& of political' ae- 1
other pecadilo
aches, thefts from old boo Wand sundry
, tion, but to uphold the Govemment..-and '1
es of the i stime sort, .than
any. other . grievance in the - 'calendar of Obey the laws; and that the beskevidence 1
School-boy troubles. -'The teacher Who of our purpose t6do so is, that as a part.
of the people, me will demand the main:!
knOws how ti) walk roand,this , rock with- ,
Out stumbling on it is a master in his pro- Itenance or.
the Constittition in all its parts
fession;' nevertheless, it can be dune. _ I and the preservation ofthe Union in itsl
ive a;ehild'the problem to write a s given peered, integrity, and that we will hold 1
number of words,- on a given subject, m a 1 all men, Nortkas well as .South, who as-1
given . time, to be labeled a ' compos i t i on , I sail our Conititution, iii whole or in part, ,'
and tba-result' will be trying to the soul of .as disloyal Bien, and the enemies of the'
both teaeher.and scholar. Interest him
of these States. President!Lincoln,
in. a subject, induceL him to _think it'out, in his inaugural address, quoting these
and then 'when hehaa really something to I tire provision in the Constitution of the
say,,arge' him to say it oh paper, in the United States , relative to the rethrn or to
itivek from labor from any State,truly said
fewest words and 'clearest *tanner, and .PT
thatask will - be One of pleasure instead •of I he-found that prevision "as plainly wvit.
.. I ten' the topstitntion as any other ;".
pain. - -. , • . ' .- .
- • 'and in the same address he justly declar.
ed, "I .bave . :no purpose, direetly_or indi
rectly to interfere with . slavery in the'
States whereht- exists., 'believe I haiit
no lawful right to do so, and I have nei#-
clination to .do B(o—Yet the abolition/lite
of the North - are - to-day bringing to bear
upon president Lincoln a fearful pressure
ggir boarding-school miss, being un
well, thought it riot genteel to silk billions, i
so she, complained ofd being, William-ons.
These are the days of refinement. ,
Ila'Praise to generous minds is the
germ-aud the alimeut, to entalatioa.
•i. . . _
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time of war or public danger;'., that no
citizen shell " be,deprived 'of life, liberty,
or property witlidut due process of law ;" j '
that," in all-criminal prosecutions, the, ac-
cused shall enjoy-the right .to a speedy
and public trial, by an • impartial jury of i
the State or 'Dist riot where the crime shall '
have been 'committed, Which Vist riet shall
•have bdon previously ascertained by law,
and to be informed of the nature. and
cause of the accusation, . to be confronted
! with the witnesses agairst him, to have i
compulsory process for obtaining. wit nes- )
ses - in his favor, no . to have the asist-
! ance of .counsel foilii4 defence." -"That
I the poWers not. legated to the Knitcll i
States,bY the Constitution, nor prollibi- i
ted by it to the States, are reserved to the
Stakes, respeetiyely, or to the people." . 1
Among "the powers not delegated to' l
the. United States," but " reserved to the
States respectively 'or to the
,people;" is 1
the , right to hold, elections and to deter
mine upon and fix the qualifications of vo
ters.. With to people of Pennsylvania ;
this great right' is fixed-by the Constitu-
tion of the State, and no peWer. hut that
Constittition, and: laws enacted in pursu
ance thereof, can prohibit,the 'exeteise of:
, or limit oirestrain it—aright most in-1
I estimable to our people, and." formidable f.
Ito tyrants only." ,
_Countrymen, on the coming an. l'
niversary of the day of the •adoPtion of;'
i the American' Constitution,
_in.-the exer- ,
1 eise of " the right of the people p.eaceablyl
to asemble," let us all solemnly and rev-1
erectly, in the face of all men ant before 1
Heaven, declare . our- firm determiriation
"-to pledge oqr lives', our fortunes and our
1 sacred honors," "to preserve, praect and 1
defend the Constitution of the United-t
I States." - Let us President Lin-1
rcoin the most indubitable evidence that,
in the observance of his oath 'of office tot
I do the same :thing we 'will uphold. and,,i
1 support him, just as readily ai we have al- i
.1 ready shown him that in 'filling itp`froip.
our ranks the-great bulkTof the•army,'n6,W
and heretofore iii the , field, we ' haxe al.-
e Flag
to induce Min t4t -exert all the power that
his official positon in present circumstan
ces atrords,• to net counter to this. plain
provision of the Constitution and to his
own pledge /O t'he American people. This
pressure has Len-so .great that the Presi
dent, ininn high position,. was induced to
appeal to the I nion-loving Congressmen'
from the Bord 4r Slave Stites for relief,
Let the whole-loyal people of the State of
Penniiylvania ceine forward in mass meet
ingsouid with One patriotic and determ--
hied, voice give assurance to President
Lincoln of that assist:wee which he seeks.
Let us assure him that the Only relief he
can ever obtaiit is . from the loyal masses,
numbering-at least 30'000 men in Penn
sylvania alone, j who are firmly resolved
that as they areithe source ofall power,and
are the Supremeipower of the lana, they in
tend "to preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United 'States," a-
gainst all its fo'e.s, whether abolitionists or
n, fei
secessionists.Cooutcouttiryindri, as you val
ue the great) principles 'of the Cou- . 1
tititution—as you love • the ‘.Uidoc of
these States—,as you 'would avert despo
tism or anarchy—asjt is your right to de.;
fend the Conswmtion against all its foes,
and as you hake the powet• to do so, de- .
• )te the 17th i)f St:Number - next to such.;
dernonstmtions of theilmptt/ar heart as
will give moral support to all the friends
of the couniry, and serVe'to guide 'the pOl--
ivy of the etli4ers of the Go% eminent in
opposition to deadly. and tlitill counsels—
need. not add the _counsels which the ab- 1
olitionists 'seek tagive. Next totke- pos. i
session of out constitutional rights; we I
should strive to secure the most.thorough I
observance of Order, and the personal
rights ()revery citizen. Our enemies seek 1
to impute to to a willingness to produce
a Collision of Races. If, by this,. is meant.
merely a detetkuination to have our rights
miller the Constitution, at whateVer sac
rifice, let us assure them that, while we
feel that to - sqrender these rights would
degrade our manhood, and, therefore, ito_
such surrender ever will bennade, yet a
good citizens We will yield everything but
our honor and these rights to avert Such,
colli'sion. 'IV will appeal' io, we have the
right to expe4l, and I trust' and hope, yea,
believe, we shall have the help of the offi
cers of the GO p, to aid us in pro
tecting our rights and averting Mich eel
lision. Let as Show these enemies that
we . well cud rstazid -the baseness of the
.hearts. that, determined upon monstrous
wrong, wouh . persist in such wrong, and
impute (brael catastrophes which they
may thus occasion to the friends of the
Constitution ii the laws, aniktherefore,
of the preservation' of perfect order.—
Standing .up, as we do, only to resil, ag
gression upon our rights, upon the heads
of the aggressors must be the responsibil
ity of any consequences of evil; but,
'which may yi)
ti,_ my countrymen , and the
officers of the' Government co-operating,
guided by kind Heaven, avert. ' .
F: W. lIITGIIES, Chairiitan
• of DertMeratie State Cetttral Com.
l'hiladelpitia, Aug. 18, 1862.
_ !- —.11.4•11 , -.111.
Address of the Democratic State. Cen
tral Coniinittee: " .
.i• . .
In 1856, Jiku W, Fcimey, now thilea
der of the Republican party in Pennsyl-'
•vania, was Lihairman of the Democratic
State Central ComMittee, and issued an
address to the people in which the folio W
ing eloquentlpassage occurred :- .
"The ath L ersaries of the i Dertiocratie
party have dissolved the American Union'
in advance, So fir as. by their own action.
they can consininuate that direful result.
They, ( nu longer assemble in. National , '
Convention they congregate as the rep-. 1
resentatives of a fragment of one-half of
our happy country, and they arrogate to
theinselves . ?.lie mastery of the other half
by attempting to consolidate a fierce and
fanatical sectional majority in every de
pariment'oti the Government. They de
clare that tl is country is on the_eveof.un
"convulsions, and they pro
claim their iparpose to arrest, these con-
Kulsions by ignoring and insulting fifteen
sovereign states of the Union. • They talk
of peace, and in their conventions pro
- claire a polii.7 that, must end in civil war.
They appeal* to 'Heaven.- to sanctify a
movement Which, if successful, would de
stroy the fairest liihric of feeedem on the
*be. I'l4ky invite,our countrymen to
' support their cause in the midst of the
Most irreverent blasphemies of the'Con-
Altai* rile.); prate of exclusive Amer
icavism.;:wbile they accept as leaders, men
who profane-the sages-oi the past with in
conceivable calumnies. lint they deserve
credit fur their boldness. They du not.
attempt to conceal the fearful end which,
should'they succeed, must crown= theirl..l*-
fort's. Trile to the histery of all section
al-parties, they unite men not by a love of •
, country bit by a hatred of National Prin-.
r elides. Their bond of
. action is a sylipa
, thy .of Mitiagonisms—rot a harmony of!
ptpiotic sentiments i• and to consummate
their,purpUses they would sacrifice every I
I great !material interest -of society. 'They
have already succeeded iii dividing the
christian Chnrch; and. now they would lay I
their hand's upon the bulwarks of our lib- I
erties • they would tirert the ConstiNtion 1
from the Slortnzie po - rpose to which it konsr!
! dedicated 6W its founders; and they - would
erect at Washington a sectional despo
tism wholie - presidia.* divinities would be i
hostility to the &leaky of the States and
the equalties of the citizens, and relent- . i
Jess' war upon the domestic institutions 44 i
Film South" .. .
Such was the picture Mr. Forney drew!
of the. Itpublimn party suchthe elol
Tient pphecy he uttered. -He iii,now
one a thevery ,worst Of the class he. exe
crated in 11856. -. He would " Wrest the
.Constitution frorn,the glorkips *pose to
Which it vas dedicated by its founders," j
and erect{a despotism to destro l y 7 liberty
of speech and of the press. ' He invokes 1
:" relentlesS war upon - the domestic . insti l
totions.o.'the South," and publishes . " in
coneeivahle. calumnies"
,; against , every 1
-promkterit defender .of constitutional lib-
crtY• His has . photographed'hiteown fea-i
tures wit' l li faultless accuracy. - ..1
are small imitations of Jeff
Davis & 'Po., and just set every advocate
of mobs; down as a traitor -coward. (.3ry
and Keep Step to
_ Hunter' s. Negro Brigade a • Failure
Adviceslrom South Oaroffica state that
"The negro brigade organized by General
Hunter has proved 'au unmitigated failure..
Out of-800 cogtrabaridson this muster roll
there were-sofne 500 .who "skedaddled,"
and many of the remainder felt so. uneasy
tinder military control and dkcipline, that
they watched for opportunities to escape,
.On Saturday morning last, a minor pre
vailed, around Hilton Head Unit the famous
negro brigade would he dis l rndied that..
afternoon. The'rumor of the isbahniment,
proved correct, for Gen. Hunter had des-.
patched-an Adjutaptiand several 'oflieers
to Elliott's platitation,lwhere!the brigade
uas in. camp. On the arrivallof these efli:
cers' their. purpose soon Spreati throggh the,
camp—Creating the wildest joy aniengiW
vsoldiers.'" The fragtitentar t y remnant, of
the brgade soon fell ito line, and , were
officially disbanded. Ti ey maim delighted,
but not more so the A 'bite Froops. The
.ea-s.ohliers rushed to and frO, and were
soon busy in Making p ßeaufbrt an othe t p epations fur their
in lanes..
4. 1 1
A short time since, five d 4ertersfrom
the negro brigade 'w re captured while
sailing. with arms, am innition, etc., in 'a
boat at Saybrook Yen y towrdsihe Main
land, 'occupied -by the ebcls: They Were
placed in irony, and are lIQW c onfined .at
the Rip Raps.,” - 4 •
, , • .....
• Tardy Justice McClellan.
A earrespodent of the Tribune, , wh o '
-has been with the Po e mac artily for; one I
year, says that he- has knoisn MCClellan's
course from the begit ning, cln the,coutra-
Wnd question. Ile vrites:i • .
" I know that as early as lhst tlieeembr,
General McClellan issued a general order
that all contrabands coining Within our
lines should be forthwith provided 'With
transportation to bisteadquarters,- where
1 they were examined itml provjded. with
I subsistence until emp oyment be . obtained.
- In reference to protecting,' rebei :prop
erty, on which . subjee t the; Tribune has
I shaniefidly lied alion McClellan, he:says :
'. ..." The protection 0 , 1..1ie prOperty, of resi
dents on the Peplum la, wh'atever Might
be their 'sentiments, bas been an exception
and . not ri rule. It has never been I done,-
in. a single instance, ith the idea Of simply
protecting a rebel, o • his fiiiiiily,and`prop
! erty, but only, and in every ease; l from
ssme local reason- which - I .have. known,
I and whh.,4l.lmyself, as radical an aboliton-
I ist as there is North.or South, would hnVe
done under the circumstances. • : •
"A ,guard of six placid at MI Carter's
horse to . prn tect his women flout insult
or outrage by stragglers from this army
or anywhere elSe:, because 11111 Carter and
his tinnily voluntarily took into their beau
tiful premises several hundred sick and
wounded prisoners Who preceded our ar
•iny in_ falling back before Richmond, and
gave them tbed,l•bound up their wounds
.and gave them rest ob beds which the fam
ily itself went without fbr the time."
Meeting of the New. York Democratic
State Committee.
Thb 'Democratic State Central Commit-;,
tee met on the 13th at Albany and issued' .,
'the following call for a State convention :
Tli c is committee having, at a full meeting ,
held on the 9th day July last, resolved
that the Deniocracy of New york,stand
ready With, all patriotib 'citizens, without
reference to former party combinations,
who 'agree in snstaining. the Onvernment
in the prosecution of the existing war ag
ainst the rebellion by all the means within
the power of a loyal people, for the pur
pose-of restoring the Union as it was and
maintaining the Constitution as it and
having 'declared its purpose in Calling the'
next,state convention-to coaperrtiOn of all
citizens on the sim pip tut distinct platform
of the ConstitritiOn,, the Union, and the
enforcement °tele laws—
The undersigned, reiterating and carry
ing. out these views,. hereby call :( conven
tion of the Democracy of the State of N.
and of in Ihvorof such cooperation,
to consist of one delegate from • each As
sembiy dissrict,. to. meta at the city of Al
bany on the 10th day of September next;
to nouiinate candidates, etc.
The State. Lunatic Hospital:
TO avoid trouble' and 'difficulty, which
may arise from ignorance or misapprehen
sion relative to the admission of patients
into the :Pennsylvania State LUnatic Hos
pital; at Hairishurg,. it lids' been-deemed
advisable to give the greatest pnWity to
the following extracts, from the bpleivs of
the 'hospital. .1
: These provisions will be stiictly . en-.
foreed,'and it is hoped that all who may
have occasion to bring patients to thehos.
besprepared to :comply fully
with the spirit and 'letter of the regUla
tions: .
"Preparatory to the admission of a pa
tient (unless when committed by order of
court) 'the
~Superintendent- s hall. be furn
ished with the. certificate , of a physician
that he has seen anti, examined the indi
vidual, and believes him or her to be in
same, with a request from a near relative
'or friend that the patient may be received
into the Hospital, and 'a 'bond with .salis
factory security for the payment of hbard
and other expenses 'while in the institu
ilea:. Al) private patients thuS received
shall Make a payment of thirteen weeks'
board, in. adirance, when brought to the
Hospital, and if taken 'away Uncured, and.,
against the advice and consent of the Su
perintendeint,within that peried, no part
of said payment shall be refunded.
"Whenever a patient is sent to the
Hospital by. the order of any court, jus
tice, judge, direntors'.of the 'poor of a
township or .pOor.. district, the order or
warrant, or a Copy thereof, by .which such
person is 8.04 obeli bet:Ridged• with the
Superintendent. l 'Those who may bring a
patient with any Each order or *arrant,
will be required to pay at the:time of the
admission of the patient .sixty-five dollars.
"A. written history of Ithe case should
be sent with time patient,.a4 if poosible,
some one ‘ acqUainted with, the individual
should accompany him'to the Hospital,
front , whOm - minute but often essential
particulars may be learned:"
• Cases of rea.ut. occurrence will be re
ceived:, at. any tirne. on compliance with
the regulations, _
the Music of the Whole Union.
- I -
Does this Administration Sympathise
• with Traitors.
The anti,slavery society of-Essex co. Miss.
held . a• meeting on the Isth of June-last;
and passed the following resolutions:
'"Resolved, . That as•abolitioniNts, de;
voted, t 0 the great work of overthrowing
slavery, we renew our-old pledge, ,"N
Union with slaveholders.' :No suppOrt:.of
any admistration or - government that per- .
mite slavery on any portion of its soil—
and we value this war only as we believe
it must - lead to emaneipatiou by order of
the Federatautlwities, or to a dissolution
of the Union, which must produce
. the
sable result." .
."Resoli!cd, That
. 114„. war,' as hitherto ,
prosecuted, is but -p' wanton waste of.prop;l
erty, dreadfhl sacrifice of conscience and
character, to preserve and perpetuate a 1
Union and Constitution which . should I
_never have existed, and which, by Attie 1
laws ofjustice and humanity, should, in:
their present form, be at once and forever
overthrown." .
Are the above resolutions treasonable?
There can be Litt one answer—they, were
written by a treasonable band, they were
adopted by an-assemblage' of.-traitors.
The treason is patent, open, undoubted,
clear. Are they rebuked by the Adutini-4-
tration ? Are they denounced-by,
press? No!' Men *prtifising:
such sentiments are received at Washing
ton with great consideration. \ They are
greeted with- distinguished honor Sen
ators in the Senate. They preach their',
'treason beneath the shadow of the capital,
and yet the business of the country
i 9 itl
terruh to allow a friendly 011hr:tee Mini
the Vice President. . They are invited:tO
visit President Lincoln, they are feasted .
by Spdaker Grow, and Landon it - , Warner
invite, their head-traitor Phillips' to conic
to Ilarrisburcr and rehearse his treason.
lin .short the managerS'of the - party in
power are in open affiliation with traitors
as vily,as.deff Davis naubhis bell-deserving
' crew the-only differente being'this: the
abolitiorist'S arc too cowardly to -take up
arms, but hope to make the Go‘trtinient
a cat's,paw to work out their treason; and
unless Administration Chan es its•eoursc:,
ili: arrests the leading abolition croakers
it tims,t soon by held fully responsible for
tacit endorsement of -their treasunable
utterances. •k.
Senator Wilson Convicted of Fahelm&
• Mr. Wilson recently in a speech made,
in Massachusetts eomplained .of iejustive
done him by the lleraid,iifsaying that he
had insisted that the - Goverumeut 51 0111 d•
stop recruiting; as we already had more
men than could be, used to, adv:mtage.
Mr. Witsbudenled that lac Ov . erl.l' . gt:a aity
,such action and said he had •aiw:iys main
! milted that the G(2vernment
_Waal ed more
men:7 The liorald publishes from the
COngressional Globe the tbllowing para
'giaph from . a • speech mady, Sena
Wilson on the 28th of March:
"Mr. Wilson of Massachusetts. The
Senator from Mainethe other day propos'd•
to reduce thenuniber of men authorized
by raw to 500.,000. I agree with
him in that. Still we have pot beenble
to do it. It was suggested also 'that we
ought to stop recruiting. I agree to that.
I have been to the War Office oVIly and'
our again and urged
_"upon the Depart
ment to stop recruiting in every part of
the country. Wezhave had the promise.
that-it SIIQUId
. be done; yet every day ,in
different parts of the country, we have ac
counts of men being raised -and . brought
forth to fill up the ranks of the regiments -
The papers tell us that in Tennessee :mil
other of the parts of' - the country where
our armies move, we , are filling up 'the
ranks of the army. lbelieve we,have 'to-'
150,000-more men finder the pay . of
the Government than we need or on welt
use. I haVe not a "doubt of it ; and think
it might to be checked. IThink the war
department ought to issue . pereeiptory or;-•
ders"forbiddiug the enlistment of 'mother
soldier into the volubteer force or the e.
States until we need them.' - We can obtain;
them any time when we need them."
After- quoting. the 'above, the 13highain
ton Itepublican says: ", Let .evoir man
whatever his antecedents .or position;
held responsible, at , this solemn lime, for
his acts. Such counsel as Mr: Wilson's
has brought disgrace and almost-ruin upon
our country. lf
Query—For what reason did these ab
olitionists seek 'o reduce our army, when,
it was said that therebels had to
our one in' almost every battle ? Plain
enough. prayed that the rebels
might beat us so bad that we would •in
desperation struggle for amoral -emanci
pation. ' lle prays for it and political allies•
work for it:. They care more for abolition
than for the Union:
1. • Rev. l . l :ed, VII. That the Democrace rtfPenn , yleantrt 1.
I equally Uppo:ed to all red
I pante,. which ham) their hopu for continued pant- -
What We •'Must, NotTorget 2:41 ,ilecess on,the agrarldnl,m of emancipation aturhy
... - percrifteal philakhropy. of becaure neither L•
kaowtt to the etdeAlturion. and both are Intended t
.;" In the last.speeeh of Doughts, kielivered aid -di.itaina and ettlia : ert the Constitution. and to 1.%
`_` - vvot.tlie re.dnration of amity, p • ca..c and.couitord anion;;in tht . i wigwam at Chicago, he gave littPi•J9 tits Stolen geople.
. T hat the orirtd - Mor and the latrA
once to the following sentiments : rut- TI .•
" War doesexik. It is a 'sad thought
to. every-patriot. War—civil war—must
be 'recognized as existing in • OM Uiiiied
States. 'We may no longer close onr.eyes
to. that fact. This governthent
must be maintained, the enemies. 41i the.
country 'overthrown, math& plc re .irtuk •
curious - and bverwhelmiig our prep:mit-in
the less bloodshed and' the shorter .the
struggle. • .
"but; my countrymen,we most remem
4>er that there:lre certain restraints upon
men's actions in time of - war: We must
never forget that we arc a . civilized and-
Christian *fir, and that the war must
be prosecuted for the purposes and in the
!node recognized by Christian nations.
There must not lie'a war , waged_ against
the onstitutional - rig,hts - Of 'any 'people•on
earth, nor must it be waged againstAoin.:
en and children and innocent persons.
ISavages•ninst . nptPlijet loose s lair the
fierrorii of itialSer,iminate (Miiietfon:
I conraged. 1 say to you, I wilt
sanction such nets . of warfare nporr the
1 - rights of others, but I will beseech and ha-
I plore my- countrymen NEVE4, to lay
'down their arms until they rehogntie our
coustitntionat rights." '
, • • .
!ruzatice. a the 3lentrose tiemoer3
:Ilas recently been supplied with a new and rholce 'work',
,of type, ete.; and we art"' now prepared to print pamphlet ,
'circulars, ate, elm, in tbs beat style, on "boil notice;
Posters, Programmes, and
otherModsdttaorklnthialine, done aeon ding to ordr r
thisinessi Redding = find Ball Cerxr;
Tracts, etc., tirittted with neatness' and despatch.
Jiisticee and: Constables'Blailks, 'Not es
;Deeds, and an oilier Blailka r on hand; or printed t.." &Jo
1 NO. 34.
VLF Job work and Blanks, to be paid for or dellvei)
Putting Down. Rebellion by Proclama
tiOn. . •
The New York World,j.alluding to the
desire -of very many bora* peojile !that
the President should issue a flaming
tn Frye .
laatien declaring allthe descendants of
Attica free. and who eflixt - to believe that
this IVotild put •an end td . the
says: " It' IZiehtnond could be-taken as.
!Jericho was of old, by blowing_trumpets
of rams' _horn's, this .method • might do:"
1.31.1 t neither proclamations nor muffs hunt
‘oll.aecOmplish the giyat work of putting
.11Own , the rebellion.- What we - want
•tnen to . till up onr,army,' and-then fierce
:atarvigOrous fighting until the enemy ii
fairly beaten and no ,other "policy" than
this will ever be successful m re&toriug
the Union.
senator Chandler of Michigan, who
) has been so feud in his denunciations' r.,T
I:Gen. McClellan ,is the, individual who
made such good time' betweon Run
and Washington on Sunday evening. J nly •
r 21st," ISUI. We, are not prepired tossay•
how . iineh he knows about Jigging
trenches or the use 'of fortifications,,but
we will venture to assert that there is not
'officer or private in the army. OT the
who k tows better it@ to use a
pair of good legs than this same Chandler.
and• more particulaiiy= if he is satisfied
" that thit rebels are after him
A PROMISE rcIFILLED.-011 the. 2:td
day of February, 1861011 e NeW:Tork
bone published.the following ellitorially:—,
"Whenever- it shall be clear that the,
great body of. the, Southern people have
become conclusively' alienated
_front the
I Union, and anxious. to escape from it we
rtlutll do our best to l'ttwar,l their views.".
For mont past,' the. hasheen
I doing its "best tri Ityward the vieWs'of the..
reliek. The rebels have-co - brigade 'itt
1 their service so-Yalu:tide to .Lent as. the
ew York T,lfnme and its abolition echoe.4
litniF. - 4T TIIt'OrFICF. OF TOE
•STD ".4.lvE AND LET LIVE" pricr.s.
'il- ,-- 'l 7. :lttity Fair is severe on - Fremont.
It says :—With the foe most formidable
and active all around them this ;Major- .
.throwfi..tip lii command aud .
coinot to New l' - ork,'his . eximsj, being that '
-the appointment of General Pope "degra- I
des" lom. llitt be doesn't resign. It .. ,
is un - dersthod that _he is mill a 3lajQr
(imik.i'?il in il e army draWing his pay the . .
same as.ever; and itis whi-pered-in certain
quarters,that :Mother "depart went" will.
•litlgiven tliix man.. Yrry good—But let it
t be :t departnie,4 in Fort Wari-en, for the
General whd deserts his, command and
lt?s country upon .si; tlithsy an excuse. as
I , Fremont gives ott . t r ititt to lie Ant. U. In
softie: countries lie .would be sitot-r::We
tresieetfully sitg7est ' to . ..'Jr. .;-icceetary : •
Ititanten that 4 . .4 tie eight,to,keep General
Stone In close conllnein,,nt all this tini. ,
without letting that a , flieer or the public
Flamtw- what earthly reason there is for hi.,
ineareeyatioti, that the ititprisonments,of
- John C. 'Fremont; who as everybody
know'S has 'proved a precious humbug,
might not be•_entirely. improper. We' are- '
sick of Fremont. - Ile is the worst iu the '.
husidess. '.
z- 3 54 We are for the Constitution as it
' is, the -Unimi as it was. lire ask for
Inotiting mitre; We sttbmit to tiothinfr less'.
IWe speak. purely as 'Americanpatriots,. -
Let - Abolitionists and secessionists alike .
liik e lived. = -LolliseilleTlitrnol.
• That is the doetrine of cOnservati.te .
men and especially oflleinocracy throuth'-
out the 'country.
IVherem., The American Constitution yens ordain. tt
undirtablished by our fathers in ordir to form a more
perAvttridon.•establilli justice; inure dumestir trai: -
quitity," provide fncthe COlllllll/11 def.:axe, promote tto•
general welfare, and secure the blessings •of liberty to.
posterity ; therefor.'
lle-olCeit, /. That the•only object. of the Democrat. ,
pafte is the rest:ol 4 4mo of the Union us it was, mid thc
preservation of the Constitutlim ars IT )t, •
L'oxilr;d, if. That to the end that the. "Union may b.•
reetured.and the coin-IP:Mimi and lawn be enforced tfuo•
out Ito Wholit extent.we pledge our hearty and unqualiaial
support to - the Ft•il••ral. Go:eminent to the energetic pro, :
'eection Mak:existing
That the tree and only'ribject of the w h ir
is to restore the Union and eh force the laws ; sitch a par- •
peen 111,1110 hi ortl i y thz awfuhsacrillec v. hick Jr Co-la of
life and treasure ; with :ICIIIIOIIe WO itOpc
forsucces.A; Th ose who frowlasa - :ctional feelings of pa: -
tv,•or private mot' ves,-osould any other diva et ion to
the edorri of udr armies., are tlust and .miwortha to I
clam:laid %%Mal:oat:T. nod won:, eartse ail Our exertions.
extraordinary and unparalleled a- hey are, to pre% c fui 1:• •
in the nett.
..11=brir4 , 1, IV. That we jam alifir with alarm filo
rcchles.oxtraricamec which p, den. some departmew
of the Feileritt.:fliiv'ertiniciit.. alai that a return to .rly. I
econonly antraccoutitaiiiity .
itldil.peilr.lbie to rirrest:tl.-: -
systematic phindet of the public treasury hr favored 1.4.•
IktuA. null tint ot the teicent _startling, develop
ments of Wads and corrupt kW" ai. the federal mein:vol.- ,
and t tirouchuut the country that we hold at. entire chap 6•:
of witninistralon to be imperatively demanded.
Reinirttl, V. That the parry fanaticism Orcrlme, wldrja -
ever it soar be called, that seeks to turn the slaves of the
Nowt herb Si:mm.l(4o,e to overrun the North and enter
usompelition With the white laboring masses- thus de -
grading awl insulting their Manhood by.plucing t twin .
oil On equality with negrues in their occupation, In - Ito
Fulling to oar rare, and merits Oar: plug emphatic tot.-
RePketi. FL That we denounce Northern Abolitionisr.i'
and Southern Sccessioia so the car-operating sources I-t •
our pros eut calamities, alike treasonable to the Coto ti•
tution and inimical•to the Union; The,ordy any to a re
stored Union ands respected Constitution, with return
tug peace and prosperity, is thrungh the ovtirillrow of
Born.. • .
. .
tire, viifltrient for .any. cne mtey. and that the-aurmie,
kiiiiu of the freedom - of ;pia:cif-and of the press, mei time
tiolunfiii arrest or eilizeo”, nod rho eurDen,loll ii t• ;lie
'irikor hoille/i + comp. in olidatiou of the t. amt ito thin, In
Staten where the civil authorities are unimpeded: In inii-t
dingerwei to civil liberty, and ' , honk' bC revisred fit the
ballot hos by every freeman of the land.
' L'unifea, IX. That thin lan•Goveritment of white men.
mid was 04A:tutted exclusively fur the white race ; that
the. negro 1.-ato are not entitkti to, end ought dot to be
,itihnittediri political or sociii • equality with the %hit.•
rare, bat that it Is one duty to term thew sis ith 'liiiiilnen , is•
and, considerailon.' as du inferior sod di pi:ndetit .race t•
that the right of the veveral Sutter to d e wredne the 'posi
tion and ilaties.of thti nice La a n o vereign , riglit. and th:i
pledger of the constitution re.;lrliy 14,., no 1 ,, :.A1 CIV-411 , ,
nut ti,' intefferc thlreselth.i .- .
That co
I&Virrvl. T. W.zwi - s has nn power, to deprive
auy Pen-owof his property for are erintitial oeltice. nn.
lice that. person has lawn kid duly convicted of the of
.fencohv the verdict of ilia:ie. - and that all act. of Keel- .
gre,r. like those lately pe.-. d li y 3 he Flaunt:l,l Ttepreten
tative:S, VOlch•artt:ille 10
. forwit lieemotive/de the ..late..
of LI ill for offerices of wiach4heyhave not been convict.'
esitipon dne trial by plr y, are unconstitutional and lead
tooptires:viots and tyranny. it In-uo t o ,t4 co ri on for ~,,,,,,,
i ditto that the (Tinier , committal in the prosecutifin of the,
r r ob e , ou ri r i , of naiiiii.witiled atrocity; nor in there any
I reel
a t jtiftificitilior at State twee..icily knhwu to tam Cori
Leunt or laws .
.nr.:ifircf. :17. That ibe (-- oniiititution and Union, and
' ti,, , ii.,,,.., nowt hi' preserved'and tratintaini'd in all their
1'y,,p1.1 - Jitol ii;htfill vwiremacy, find that the itebellion
-nee, to tlrillr lig mina them tau-t he :iv, l i revaeil„'utiti that.
It I. our duty i.i . u4call constitutional nWasurtimecesaiiry
Ito that end. . . .
1 Rerarel, _Y't I. That theitildier composing our armies
i, merit the- it arena than{:. of the nation. -Their country
lcallsal, and nobly did they respond. Living, they shall
i know anathill's gratitude ; wounded, se nation's rare;
it dying,. they shall live In. our memories and tonne.
i manta elicit be. erected to teach taint ethyl° honoethe pa.
l 'ltiotisandheroes *bp offerlidtheirlives at their couutry's
,l altar. ' Their widown and orphans shall be adopted by chil
-1 nation, to Ice welched over and eared.for as objects trriJY
woftli; a uat lon*.i guardianship. , - .