HOOFLAND S 1 0 1 0 0 NEDI CI CHF ItZfr 4C.4 EL tr: T STANDARD REMEDIES or the ptreeciat 11,7. hut'. rtetitsire.l tin Ir gnat popularity pray through yew" of trial. 1:11110111311t11 Sathaelitlit teutlctvd by. thew iu all car, 1100FTJAND'S • GERMAN BITTERS , pi:irrritir cure - .Liver earunlaint. Dirpcpsia. Jaundice, Nervous Ds _ bitty, D 3101.11 of the •Kidrieys, *O4 froril a de...n.101,1 liver, or weak - of the lq.ttnaclo and•Pigepti've Organs, - • YElitli MU, SIVOCS ELVEN, ANS EEVEI ANS AMIL Alm;:nac f, Pr.:,=, colts I.7r.llottle. lloolland's. Balsamic Cordial Vit NSITIILLT CURE Coughs, Colds, or Iloaree'nees, Itronchitis, Influenza, Croup, rnesunoniz„ Incipient Consumption, aid, ha, performed the moot n•tcnt.hing VIITeS ever known CONFVIMED Ae o Di.ailouni CslllE4 it to u5...041a Vaucz,Licents per boffin. • _ 000FLAND'S CERVIAN•PILL I beim; well known tbnighout Y.uropenn,l Amerfea, needle no COMIZIOndatIon bete. Thep am -plakvb v.i.remble.„ ore provared with great exnetnel.e.notl ore en;:nr.eouted. Letter Cathartic Pill tam b.. fonud. Pr:fa, :15 et& per bon. Theme medicine. irr pri•Paml by Dr. C. JA,I-407 . 7 C4., IT. and 31n, nn.l sire e,,ld.by ' drnaispi and dealers In medicine% rretryalwre. The sig. nature of C. 3.1. J.1C1.r7 will be on tllO outside of 00,11 bottle or bon. _ Yu our ErrrylAdy's Anisnotc." publi.l44l annually, you Will find lestnnany and onnliknnd.dray nottc, fret: all parts Cr tbe. country. 11,,0 Ahuan.,, arc given awn) by all our agent., -CCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS CELEf•RATED lIOLLAXD REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA-, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER VORPLAIIIT; WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND,: FEVER AND ACUE,' s An.. the 'carious unctions consequent upon a dloortlarad • STOIIIA.C4I OR - LIVER,. Such a Tadirrstam. Aridity of the Str.znnth,Colirky Caine, •Ilimrtburn. Lira or Ariwilta, Ihmevonrlenry. Costiront7s. oind In nil NorooToCithoulnatir, and Neuralgic Atloetiotoc It havito nunirronn Ingranors prated lonelirihl, and In others elToried a ile.,l.letl ram Thi4 . V! . g14.31)1.1fri11i,U114. Vrep.l.llVlnn strictly srlontifir nitor•the manner of tlm evicbratrd Pr0f,,,,11,/haco. Its rrpatation Pt- tnnun pro. doool + lts introlnotion Les o, the dr , lnand rotanioneing with thnr of .I.lte 'Fatherland srat!oro.l over the fats of 1111, tachty - mantry, many of whom lirott,ht with them mad bands,l don a the trn•litian of Its sate, It is flato ifernf' to f.he pnbli, ;miming flat its truty ffun4friffi malicinat virtues It partirularly ieronimen hal Co tho, perot - aas wham Conatltutiana may have b.vn I:nix-tired 1-y the rontlrunna Oaf of ardent alarits, to other- fortu• of dia.lpation. 43eneeeRy Instalitaneaus to prr,L_ it floi l it, way dirortly to the sent - r-f life. tin an.l perry nerve, rafting np the eta - pier ertra, end, In fact, harming OCR health and elgor In the se,, tt NoTfev-- I t - 1 , 0 ,, fi , r ert•erta to niut ti3is • bereragn sti.l d:Fappoiuto-I; t u t to s0:11; nod /,01. ppirlte,l. It nill I , ,re 11,41;1 arotaatlc COI a:.l, 00,,,,ed 01 angular remoilal propvrto,s, READ CAREFULLY! Th•-ekrnlll, Lisl,ly onrt I.trlrmi reel - lure's 1114aml Bittrra 1, lint lip in loeltplitt l.nttlrn .aly. and retail./ at (hr Isalar. per hi y the r s tr.. Tbe‘ .great Jonnanil for thi• tn,iv ,rlrl4rnted )inlirin. llar imiuml mura• imitatins, is bleh the public Al.buld guard against. C2--Itomure of Itnisositirm. See that our name Lon Use label a e•ore ha:lt-lon the. Sold by Itittygists riberally. It can bs ferrordid by Express to most-poly:Ls. SOLE PEOPRIETOII:4 BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. \ St FACTPI-1,6 pharmarcutists.ancl Thrmists.' PITTSBURGH, PA. -‘ rar ' eb --0;, -Et. c,iiRE" -4 ... e 7 )7 ;: d .t - Aeas10 0.; ) , 11 e4 P -- €T PE ..ervousN mq-date CURE , et.s . • - - E;:virt .... 17n I 444e,a. Ja-W r. ••• • “T • • • • . . awrie r rt and trot:lschia preparation of Intrtfirti of 'Oxygen..eina C.trbon by coat buitton in ILydrotTea, or 1,i71 medical author ity and extraordinary eifteAty in each of the DELIMIT. NERVOUS P2FTECTION'S, EMA CIATION, D7SPEPIT.A. WANE A. CONSTI PATION S:ROPULA. SALT ELEELE. zetatvy, -JAUNDICE. LIVU. coraLVENTS RREULIA. TISZ. NEBUZEIAL COnEQUENCES, UrIELC ITITTENT FENTEES. NEURALOTA. !DC }MADAMES, MULE S. 'AM. !MUTEATION. WSITES, aLLOROSTS. to.„ PIMPLES' ON TIRE FACE, ELOUGIUTESS OF TICE SKIS, etc. . •Thetar.lN barn; ab.. , Dia:l by the r.toil, and thus eirealatinj thlia , , - ,11 the cstinle system, t.o ;art of the body can escape their trulratuucr ful inf,hence. The experience of thonmads daily proves that no preparation of Iron can fora moment ba compared with it. Impurities of, the blOod, d. ) . pressioa of vital' ensmry,,, pale and otherwise :ett , ,i compl.tiions ind‘cata,its necessity in al raon every conceivable case. In an cases of 'l' :eels debility (3uor albas, allarozis, oft.), its efficts are Might:lllly renovating. No remedy Lai ever been &wove d, in the whOle history e s , tit medicine:which ex such prompt, happy, vulfully restorative of ts. Good appetite, corn-. plite di esticei t rapid acquieition of strength, w:tit an. unuanhl dio'ticra for active and ca.:aft:ll exerei4, imm r diately follow its an. i .'sa grand eemachic d general restorative :t hao no superior and no'sbbstitute. 1 , ,a. up In neat mei metal bear. contabtleg :.n 14'.1.. Mt.. 50 cents per tklIC Z six ,boxes, ....... 4'; one.dozete boxot, €.4 (Utt rot talc I- y .1) 411,,..34 , 4 irrnerally. SVIU be lent frt.,. to n• y 4,,hi 1 . 4 ... (.I'. rer.r3 Of of lite peke. An tot tor.. artier", rte., should be addreautl fo • _ 13. LOCKE &CO .General atryeitoAutv o N, N Y. abt:Se.l.7 n farsb.rdle of MIL' .xcls box. HOSTETTER'S: STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufocturers of HOS- T TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACII BIT- • TERS can appeal with' perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United Stites, because the article has attained arepu-_ taciori heretofore unknown. -A few facts upon .tlds point will speak more powerfully than , centimes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption' of Hostetter's Stomach Bit, ters for the last yearamonated.teover a half • million bottles, and from its manifest steady. ' increase in times .pastOt ia• - evident that during the coming year.,the consumption will reach neurone million betties. This immense amount could • never have been Sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepora , lion, and the sanction of the molt prominent .physicians in those 'sections, of the country . !where the article is best known, `not only recoMmend 'the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at. all times to give testimonials to its _ efficacy ih ell cases of stomachic derangements and fhe diseasesiesulting therefrom. • This is cola temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in . the way of trine • pcting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid istimatioriof an invaluable _medicine, which is I destined to be as 'enduring as time itself. Ilostetter'e Stomach-Ititters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever. and agile ' end various other bilious complaints have counted their vidttmS by hundreds. • To be •• able to state confidently that the "Bitters" _ore a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and him diseases, is to the, proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies • the blood, and imparts'renencd vitality to the nervous system, giving it • that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach; liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as - per directions on the bottle, and they will find iu it a stimulant Peculiarly ndapied to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, Invigorating , to the bowels, excelleidi as a tonic, and' rejlivenating generally. We have the evi dence , of thousands of aged men Mid women ,'who have experienced the benefit of using this ' preparalion while suffering from stomach de ' vangements and general debility; acting under . the advice of physicians„,they have abandoned . all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits - of this article. . A few words to the gentler sex. There certain periods . when their cares are so harassing that many of them ._ sink under the trial. The relation or mother and child is so absorbingly tendep,lthat the mother. especially if she.be young, is apt to forget her own health 'in her extreme anxiety for her infant. 'Shotild the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally tig,gravate;l. Tigre, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recurk rate the energies of the, system, and enable the ' mother to bear up under her exhausting trials nod tesponsibilities. Nursing mothers gene-' rally . prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of phjai-4 clans, because it, is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have partimp• larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from - fever find ague,..cnit.Sed by malaria, dinrrhcea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of attpetite,:and all dise.ises or delYangements of thNstromach, superannuated invalids, persons - ofsedentery occupation, and nursing mothers, wiR consult their own physical welfare-by giving to Iles tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a tried. • CATTION.—We caution the pnblie against • 'using any-or the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for licdfirrrxi's CELEBRATED SrouAen limMts, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. llostetter's Stantach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and - stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and, observe that our autograpb..si - gnal ure is on the label. Z Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER RECITE, Pittsburgh, Pm, and sold - by all druggista, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Arno rim, and Germany. Wistais Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Coughs, Colds, Coughs, - Coughs, Colds, Coughs, ' Asthma, Bronchitis, "'Oarsmen, Bronchitis, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis. Whciopingllo, Croup, Whooping - tough, ,Croup, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption,. and ail Isle_cli.seaies, find an unfaiEng antidote, a . ready relief, and a sure and speedy .rnie, in that greatard approved remedy, - Wieter's Balsam of Wild Cherry. ~Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. - • - The Rev. Jacob 'Bethke, TreJ7 Leech eed entehl'respettett among the Geriess itops. laeoa of AL, emery, retakes thefoilpreing statestemfor ths bereft of as al/Lida. • HA'cOVER, TA, Feb. 16, 1859. Messrs. S. IV - Fowt.r. fr. Co., Boston, —Dear Pint Raring realized' in my faintly important benefits from,. the use of your yaluable rzeparation,,WnrrsVe Bwt- OAM Critartic, it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some, eight yeah age one of My daughter= seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery Were entertained. I then pro cured a i,,ottle of your exceUentßalsam; And before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there, was a gYeat Improvement in bey health. I here, hi my indiv dull ease, made frequent use of your valuable" medicine, and ba've allesys been benefited by it. I waeld, homier, - the patdie Agana, impositisa; be came Awe u s•rsed deal -of syntrips; Wisterr's Behan of Ibid Cherry tyleat.arovhald the Corearry. _ - • JAPOB atCELIZ. Puginis Testimony. - Catiff cede from Mi. N011.8011t2 NORTON, ef Gle Erasti:xter'Office; Recinsumli. RIcITRIOND, VL., Feb. MI. IP/30. Mama F. W;FOWLE & CO., Bodost,•—• Caudal:um: I witlr pleasure testify tothe great merit of your in. ' Valuable lung mediiine; Woranit Mama( or WILD .Crtgruti, which is likewise highly veined I many of our esteemed citizens, *he have tested its virtues by trial. I first made use of This Bali= some three year's sinpl' fur a violent and ditlressing cough - which heeled the skill of physicians, and, to toy joy, experienced such , gratifying relief as tkinduce rue to persevere in its use. I always keen s it by me, and ever find it to be unfad ine in it effects. "No medicine that I hive ever used has given such speedy irlief. Yours truly, . NORBOIINE NORTON,. From Jesse Smith, Est i . Presided 6f VW Norris Coney But, mut uric& well krfinra mut arch Mteased arms:had Jlrest Jersey. • AfonttbrzoWN, N.J., Jan. 9, WA • , llama. S. W. FOWLS ac Co.,—Dear Sim: Hiving used Dr. VI'ISTAR'S 1141.LISA.D OF WILD CEIZILii far about fiftrien' yenta, land basing realized Ha beneficial results in my family, it affords me great pleasure bi recommending it to the public es a valuable remedy.he cases. of.leak lave; colds, coughs, tc., and a remedy. which t consider to be entirelY innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by-the meet delicate inbealth: Tome very respectfully, - JESSE sawru.. Beware of rile pad worthless cowneerfeila! The onlyt 'endue, Pure, and Maficinaf ;Milao has thp nine of BUTTS," written with a - pen, and the printed name of the proprietors, "S. W. FOWLE& C 0.," on the outer wrapper. : dIR who safer with any &setae of the Throat, Lang; or Chest, an, obkzirs like relief by using _ Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Wistar's - B*ain of Wild Cherry, •PREPARED Br c H.I W. FO W LE Co .5 1 No. I BTREMCNT STREET, BOSTON. SOLD BY • ,Druggias, Dealers. and Merchants i s tart' data and:4j in the United gate& , ^For !isle b'y :12,1 Turre3l and Re.id,Watrons &Foe I , •r t Montro,e ; Altos Nichols ,I.;Vooklyn ;`,Whitney,:'.; I.larford • Wetdd, Ward fiend; J. C. Cronsttad, DuudaJt: Gritda, Great Bend: • 1 • July 26.7-Yi• ÜBRICATING:OIL, t.: of Itt%dliteri, for: by • .U.; EL TUREELL ram SJINT,OIt IT' I,IVER.I - tittlit sia-on' • ~,..0,4 0 31,1:13.11,11'...ATE:fe 1 .. IT ie elernyoUndell intim:4, , a 0m - ci rj MR. a n d has betnnean en.oblhhtti tainotlq-nittsrn Alt, brine. kionilt aiht apphomsi by all Owl nsse n0...1 IL AMU.. non . re- ' serte4l 1" a Ith noialettee to e ielt th e dins... fur It Ush it la reeninneshletL ~ '. : 4 . • • , i . : I.t3t. 1aum,t,th0w..1.0. 1 ,...• .Itii11„ the 1 , ,i leo rent who hal liven uts all In Sur ow billet, tr. 114u0untilwa - acumltrlitsleertnientes in inn r 4, !pot,t,tionkLow. I 1 ha 11.0 Mall to Llanolnl i .i. in. flatnnyerantent of tba trullOrnutirniting it. and ... 4 4 44 In man quantlnna as to *An V.lilyi . th.i...Ai. • ~ i - - I,t tid thrtatea n nf Four' In iment 01,1 e tnn , si the toe Of ihe1.1171.11. IV ol , VIDOIIATIIII., vet o - nineties [Lineer C4llll-i plaints, Itilleina Alto_ larks,. Diapepala„l - Slioroule Diarrhoea, S um M e r Co m ,t' yilainle, *senile:, 1• Y: Dtopiy;• Sour' - lAitoznarli,ilithitual , g Costir seems Choi..., Ir, l'holcrit ICholeo ' - Ira Norte's, Cholera i A ili,rimt.um.'lFiat, le to cr. 14a u a - die r.,1 14 . 1 Fe untie Wet. Jilk cow. c5. ,„„,14,,,, b e i u.,. n;ul-I,7l,essfulls , as an 0 illlssev• ry Faintly - Dietll-; R i rint.. itwincul.szcir. LEA DAIL' il E, en;.. theon net ■ eon te•oity.)in ter.ntr raillel4a, #lli iWg ei A z ki thrte Ten, eyoonf CUM ula , tai:- c• 3 at Collxillecit•eitica 44 aback. 'I - • ' ; -, s ' 1 .. A• i 'who use !thee ;gl,elug their ;' , OUlnOni in 144 CAT...t. . ••... • . . — MIX IS, VATEIt 111 'THE; 1101:TII IWITII T 11.14 INV/Guam - en, AND ht%4LLOVir 80111TOGE1111,11t. - -!• Price Otte Dal 'Or pre 111. •tle: • ' - A I.•;( w. . i 1`611111•Y ' CA Titil R-1 7 I C ..P 11 11 i.S.I - Co3II.OI3NDIZO FR , .11 Pare - Yegrtablc lea liar to, and rtlt up In ULAXS CASES, Ale light, to.ll will *eels In any climate: The - h'aplity .Ca-lam it•ortlo PLDI.I-eero• Us hot I se re fhttisartle tuna le his manliest mile The eo:ktsotiv inern-Wn hrivelnue;useAthe PILL - 7 : nit es orris a meant Wtheir Ilant whine the rentil of nil. The Prittesairen now, on difFennt portions of the' he FIAPIII.V has. sithdue 'reference to been , . entamende I from n table Ettrarts, • Welt net ..ihnntuao meal; and an, • es when> • thttbartle Is tit "grist r tits of the ties., Pain. In the Cloativreett, Peln . the Mrholle MIS', • frequently, if nisinete.l.. Ter, Lott or Am,- .•al lon!of Cold over nest. Ile:Wee:hr. or! all 1 it iti1111111;1171 /children nr Atltelte,l i.nri tier of thrt Illness!! flesh Ii heir. Inn numerous meet. Dote. 1 int. PITICE TTI The T.l wer 1,11 g., thertti• Flits are -ntti soil wholesale hy the t mat ('WT. W. SA: Ed v;;;I::1; & 71;;;WcMr Ina ...2 num twenty yevre. int demand from those ate `'Anal the tatiglicition ,et IMO, r% asa, hivAloquewl yue to plaw! 1 1 4 , I y§. Ihnl difterenienthartlesact, VI hOweln. Tit A lITIC !Fill la thts well entelalelool fall, vnriety a they breat Two, elike on ever ``i n nar thy. PR good and sni In all ea. Ca needed. fuel) ias Ile. 1. - . SI 031110.0 h.; tigrllil. 1 IlerY and: •Loliin, mid Soresie.• over from otol.len 0 4,1, whit clot Ina lone room or Fn. IltrovCereitliig•eis ,.._Pl eft..hontly, lariat tem, ti •welgibt In i tic herd, 5 Altai u se.,. .. 1 1Vorsos in It ilea Inuit..., a treat lIIPI many A Iven em In w bleb le to Illt,11:4311 In U.,:s atiVCI U.-. ftvr.-E nrititiie. rkiiti.e nod Finst , lly Ca rd b} Druentato nenerwlly, and In all the Urge too to.', - Nlrt)lZ /7/. 11, 11., ~. Manunrtorer ao.I 'lope/nor ; ny, I:.-ri. 'a itse, . s 335 Itrond w . . • . MORE NEW ARRANGEME NTS GREJAT ATTRACTIONS • - AT TUE FOOT OF MAIN STREET r ritiEl extensive .Furniture Establishment of i JI. S3l TH INOTHERS having been refitted and greatly mproved, the proprietors respectfully announe to the citizens of Moutrostl and Vicin ity that they are constantly making-and keep on hand the LARGEST and BEST a4arirtrueat of FURNITURE - To lie:tonnd in the Conntry. We give the following list of some of the ar ticles which we will sell -at greatfr reduced prices, fqr CASH or READY, PAY: s ; _ • Itur,aits, Walnut or Mahogany ,With glass flora $l5 to $35. 1 , l Boreios with marble nr - brocatelleitop . :. from r3jB to VA: And a large assortment, from 88. $10.12, 14, to SlB. I Nash Stands, Card StandS;Corner and Square Stands, df all varieties and prices, frOm 75 cents to ten diillam. m 1 '' Dr`4s,; Divans .towel Racks, PootttooLs,Otto ,;is, Loungea,&c. . ' - .r. Centr4:i, Card, Pier; Toilet, - Dinink, Kitchen, tnd Extension Tables..- I Chairs—Cane and Wood Sesta, IRo-kers- r . Cane, Flag, and Weed Seats, of every variety and style. • - Sofas: tete a totes fuirnishe4 at short nobs tt Notv York. prices. . 1 N. R. 1{.,,a,1 ".early made coffins on.' hand or fur fished at short' notice.—hearses' lalwaya rea , iiness when desired. - . W aril-ploy none hut Caar,Fut. and EXPF.M. P.NCEn Won 10 . 1 E N Wit intend to doi our %Vona WELL, and sell it--as Low as it can lie, afforded -W. W. smiurzi, A. 4Y11171:3, JR., • _ • ' Et. sill *TU. :AT t rrm o. Jan. l'fßth. 1860.—Llf. KEYSTONE HOT;EL, At Montrose, Penn. Nlirtolt. IL HATCH, Propr tor new and commodious liotiel situated A. on Public Avenue,.near the Court" flouse,and 'early in the centre of the business poition of qentro , o, is now fu ly completed and furnished, ind was opened bn Monday. the 27th day of Sept,•Mber, 118.513,- for the acComModation of the public and travelers. The Propiletor feels confident that he tatnow prepared to entertain 413--sts in a manner that cannot fail tO give Cogiplete Satisfictjon. The Hotel and Furniture are new,land:nn.ex. Pons° has been spared to render it equal, if net inp,rier to any similar establishmentlin this-part of the State. It-is well supplied wiith_all the decent improvements and comforts, and obliging, wliters will always be readyto respbnd to the call of customers, rit ibles connected with this j Basile are Nowvand. Convdnicint. .The Proprietor respect6l I y solicits; the patron ..R of his old friendr, and the public g enerally. . • WM. K. MATCH. GOO M N I E • W NEW NEW 0 G - 0 1) ST NEW L. HARDING & NICHOLSON DEPOT. LIBERAL DISCOUNT, MADE TO G a ~,„ -9 READY-PAY CUSTOMERS. • We' are determined -not. to. be% put-done in the way Of , - 1 LOW PRICES. ALL:UT:WS OP' PRODUCE Taken inEVeliange 'for G CZ) 0 CO O . L. 11.48univa &. co. s. - Jt COMPOUND EXTRACT OF ROCK ROSE, /IX tho Grest 'Monody for indbtordinti, Millions and .Serufaton...Contplaints, and All (Booster. of the Blood. for 4le, tit wh(doeskasd retail, by • ABEL TERRELL. . . • . .V. 1 ,1-.11:37.31:110 ' el.!pcihene, candles, I.l.nip oq, &c. ' Tcrrell's 33.MINTAWII<>. Ml=4 upr;-3.:Tahrttlot for turpentine and xt , rur z:le by' ABEL 71VILLL. 33.432•0610 • e. - TII . E BEST IN !/fAitICEI:i•-...LEZI At S 5 Cents pet G. Also Binning Plaid, and Cautptiene , plrlts constantly on Mad, at lowest market prices. Montrose. Vet. 10. ApElf TtiRMILL r ,& COMMERCIAL "CO L LLEGE. Located over the Suawichanna yalley 13INGHAIVV:T014 N. Y. VAC U LTY , ' . D. W. LOWELL, Principal, P L rofesior• or the Science ~of Accounts; Practical Accountant, Authiirof Treaties upon Book-Keep. log, Diagrams illustrating the same. Join" RANKIN, Commercial Accituntant, Profes'r of Book - Keeping and Malicia Mathematics. J. .I,Coaris, Assistant Prolesior in the Book Keeping Department._ . A.-J. WARNER, Professor of Practical and Or. - namental Penmanship, Cominorcial Wenla . 'Lions and Correspondence., • I LECTURE lon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Lect cialLaw and Political Economy. lon. Ransom Malcom. Lecturer on Contracts Promissory Notes and Bills Of Exchange': Rev. Dr. N. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. ,EIAIIIIIIIII G COMitiIiTTEE: non, Shermab U. Phelps, Osborn, Esq. Tracy It. Morgan, Eeq. The object of this College 1t to, afford to all an opportunity of obtaining.a thorough Business . Education. I ' life Books and Forma 'are.earefully arranged by practical accountants expri:ssly, for this In stitution and embrace, all the recent ~.improvem oots... , The course of instruction memprises every department of business: The learner will be thoroughly taught the seined and 'practice uf Double Entry Buok•Keeping is applied to the following - kinds of business, viic : General 1116- chandising, Manufacturing, Bunking, Commis sion, Steambpating. :Railroading, •Forwarding Freighting, Foreign Shipping,llLc. • YOUNG MAI 4 Can qualifylbemselves Ina short ti Me. at this Institte tion,to all Important and lucrative Situations. -Ample references can be given %there graduates of Irt:0 arc now filling desirable eltuatlone With salaries troll] Pal to $ll5lO la:raiment. ° The Proprietort , are.in possession of testimonials from some of thy fort Com m erctrd Houses is the State. tb whore' they have fttrnished hook-keepery, showing their entire yatiefactionand confidence In the ability of the graduates of this Institution. In all Its branches, taught by.the moat !MIMI and tbor °ugh masters of the Pri. No College lin the country en joys a higher reputut ion in this department. Ladles' De partment entirely separate from thatiof thegentlemen. Students can enter College at any time. No vacations, Time to completethe course, from S to 10 weeks. .Stm Stu dents passing the requisite examination are presented with the most elaborate and elegant I engraved Diploma issued by anv Commercial or Classical Institution in the Colon. ,tssistance rendered to graduates In procuring situations. s ! 'or terms.of kprice of hoard. testimonials of g duates filling position s.,tc, addresa the proprietors for el ulars containing full particulars. LOWELL & WARNER, • ' Proprietors Binghamton Commercial College, or. 8, '6o.—y Binghamton, N. Y. DAILY MAIL ROUTE ;BETWEEN MONTROSE & FRIENDSKLE. , • CO3(IIES mrryin.l, than.; and 11111..ACIItZerf4 between Montrosb and Friendsville, will leave Searle's Hotel. in Mlndrose,,Ndaily. at I o'clock, a. m. and leave Friend& 'ine nt t o'clock, p. to. , .. .c.47 - 11nrser and carriages can beprOenred at the Livery Stable of the',lll).criber in Montrose, on reasonable terms. Hontrage, Aug. 16, 16GO. tf ri D. GOOD I' , , PORTRAITS- PORTRAITS 1. NEW. ARRANGEMENTS! IN TILE ' ERICK , • BLOCK. - rIIE 'undersigned having taken tee Room formerly occupied by W. B. DE INS. is nowlereparod to fiarnish who may desire with a good and truthful Portrait. well posted in the itrodnct ion 'Pr the various kinds le Pi entree of the day, I flatter myself t lutt my work tanut fxcelledhy sny In this section of the eonntry. Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms arc the ;I.lfß/OTYPE, PHOPOGRAPH, .ITELAI A VOTYPE, NEILLOGRAPH, Locket Pictures down to the smallit i st sized miniature Transferred Amhrotypes—the finest thingout, - far sandtip.f_by Post to any part of the World without till% postage. Mi . Pictures arc bold, vigonins, and expressive —not those faint, lifeless shadows Often sold about the yountry.- Pit:tures taken in all kinds Of weather, equally well. except those of young children. No Rlot re need be taken unless,perfect satisfaction is &ten. In dressing for a picture, avoid light colors, as -bine. porpic,,scarlet, pink. etc. Most others take well; As green. black, red, snuff, brown, orange, yellow. etc. r.?"f" Remember that the place to get yonr i picture" is n the Brick „Block; over Read, Watrons .k Poster's store. . . J. H. HAZLETON. Mon ose, Pa., Nov. 211th. MO. GRCTER s .,z, BAKER CELEBRATED NO iSEL4SS SEWING MACRINES, I •G 'DODS. - - ; FOR FAMILF, AND MANVF4TI.TRING Us!, 495 .Broadway, NeW-York. ; GOODS. Agenciis in all theprinciPcil, Cilia and The Grover & Baker S. M. Co. beg to call the attention of the public to their recently hurodu ced ed NOISELESS FAMILY. AND MA i NUFACTURING egearrlter TRACIRRLITO3 t , MAKING TILE SHUTTLE oft STITCH. Threw machines combine all the tat t Useful improve month In sewing machinery, endure h ghlY recommended for their i Simplicity of Construction ;1 Noiselessness ; Rapidity; - Rare of Management; • Capacity for all kinds of work, And Beauty and BegtdaritY of Stitch. . Various styles of these machines adapted to the house or workshop:will be round atthe different agencies of the company throughout the United States. Their new • SHUTTLE MACHINE FOR TAILORS' USE, The latest tritunpu of the sewing machine art—noiseless, rapid, and easily operated--will commend itself to those who use such machines for manufacturing clothing. Grover] & Raker. Ifilaelites, WALING "TIM 1 . GIOVER. & BAKERI STITCH... These Justly-celebrated machlnes.• dapted to all the wants of the (household and mannfaetory, continue to maintain the.pre-ewilnence which t almost universal verdict of the public has awarded them. The well-known i • STRENGTH, ELASTICITY, 84 DURABILITY, of the Grover & Baker Stitch will always insure these machines the preference for family usg, for the mannSte tare nf such goods as are intended foi r vear—fer use antinot for show, • . . Llis - ,Wherever the 0: over & Bak Stitch/fad:dues Lave exhibited and fairly judged tel with the lading Settler. Machines in the Market, Including:. the Wheefer.& Wilson, they have i variably borne oft the first. precnium. , -This useartion is emilirmedhrthedricision of the colu mn:tees of the State Fairs of lIA LIN OILS, 1 1 . ..• - • ,;. 011.1L0 - .gil ' - . - i ' RIC til Q it N g recently 1104, which awarded the first, premium to the -Grocer & Baiter Machine over all nth rs.in competition. i 5: reronVommer PENMANSUT? Towns in the United States. Tail FOLLOWING ENTO9IIBE24ENTS OF f ' ifSP,AIDEIW4 -- 1 7 k , !',CEPHALIC: TULL: WILL CONVINCE ALL WUO BUFFER rixoar I.IE ADACHEI SPEEDY -AND SORE \ M RE IS WITHIN THEIR REAtI. .. . • .. . . . , As llWse testimonials were 'info/leafed y Mr. aßyltling t ,they afford unquestionabli . . i ' ' proof of the efficacy of this Ind , , • I . ' seie ntVe discovery: I . - • -• , . . aVADONVILIA Coax., Feb. 5, f Mn. siamiso: . . . I your , harea tried Cephalic Pills. and f nu . Gent so well that I want you to send nir-$2 worth mote. i Part ofthese are for the nclghhorsjo whom tga're a few out of the first box I got from you. - . Scud the Pills by mall, and oblige Ifutir obl. - amyl. ~. , . • . JAS. ILEX' ♦. , I Haverfork Pa., Feb. ' "[Adel pat fo send meone more box of poor Pills; if Aare received a great led qf ben..Wiens Yours, respectfully . • • 1 A,NI4TOIIIII .. Spruee IL Spalding. Creek, llontlngdon co., Pia, 3 1 • , Sir: ' • -Yon Will please send me two hoses of your Pi them Immediately. Respectfolly yours, • JOlO. B. Si. P; B.—ifirme used one bo yckir .and .. . • Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan. Henry C. Spalding, Esq. • - Please find enclosed twenV-tiVe cents, for w • me another box. of your. Cepimlic Pills. They the best lulls I have over tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. ' Belle Vernon, Wyandot county] • ° Beverly, Mau., De • H. C. Spalhlng, 'Esq. I wish for some circulars or large show Mils, grv u e r l a ' n " v i tl i r?n o g re olte i V r eprzsr. m en Y ,i7hl.l: One of my customers, who is subject to a se headache, (usually lasting two days). roar cured taetid eut hoar by your s /M/s. which } sent her, Ileapectfully yours,W. B. Vl' -Nosyrioidisbarg, Frank • -, drincuirs Emmy C. Spalding; No. 48 Cedar street, N. Y. , - .• Dear Sir: Inclosed llndiwenty4lve centa.os.l Isr *bleb ' box of "cephalic pille."_ Direct to Nev. Wm. Repuoideburg, Franklin norm - 4',. instanl'our Pills work like cliarm--rwp Maack ter. Trtr!i yours," Wm F Tpailantl, Mr. SpaTdiny. Sir • • Not long since I sent to•yon fur a box of 'Cep% for the cure of the Nervous: tleadache and Cost and me:dyed the' same, and They Aad AO good a wag induced (a 'end for more. Pleas) stead by return man.. nirect to A. B. Ypsilanti, Frniit the Examiner. No folk, Cephalic P illauccomplbth , the object for which t made, viz.: cure of headucho in forms. ' . • . From the Examiner, Norfolk, They have been tested in more than a th e m with entire eItIMEI. . . From the Democrat ; St. Cloud, 3 Tryon cre. or hare been trnabled with .the Fend fur a box of cephalic pills, so that yon theft' In case otan attack. • Frnm the Adveitie6^. Providence . The Cephalic Tills are said to be it remarkahl remedy for the headache, and one of the very that 'very. frequent complaint which has ever covered. From the Westeim R. R. Gyzeite, We heartily endarxe Mr. Spalding, and Ws Cephalic Pills. • Fro;n. the Valley Star. Kanawha We are enre that pereons suffering with the who try thein, will stick to them: From the Path Finder, Arm Odra • Try them; ion that arc afflicted. and we are roma tealltnony can be added. to the already t iirt"that has recefyed benefits that nu other eted prodnce. • From the Si. Louis Democrat The himeneedetruand for the article feephali raprtily increasing.` ~From the arzetie, Mr. Spalding wonla not connect his name tide he did not know to ixnweal real merit: Frron 1141 Advertiser, Providence, The testimony in their favor is strong, from respectable quarters. From fhe Doii -Veto. .Ne.topori, R. Li Cephalic Pills are taking the place of all kind* By the use of these ells the Periodicattacits of Neripes or Sick Headache may he . prevented' and if taken at the commencement of an attack, immediate relterfrom pain and sickness will be obtained. . II They seldom fail in removing the NaUseciand c illeaclache to which females are so subject.' " - ' '' -- i • They act gently npdd the bowels ,— removing&tour. Fur Literary Men, StodenLe, Delicate Female' . and ;all persons of se&ntary /Wits. they are valnablean taxa/ire, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to e diges tive organs.% and restoring the natural clas ty mind atnkt re it of the Whole lectern. -. The CEPHALIC prtf.s are the remit of ion., investi gation and carefully conducted experiment!. haing bike In nee malty years, during which Hme they have prevented sod relieved a vast amount of pain and sure ring from Headache, whether originating In the nerwas dystem: or frod a deranged state of the stomach, - r They are entirely' vegetable in their composition, and aymbe takenntalltlmecwith perfect safety witliT mak mg any change of diet, and (he absence of any;d , ieet#44 Lasts renders it ea* toadadtdder them ; to e#l;drelt. i , • - - Beware of - Counterfeits! The genuine have five signatures of Henry? C. lipidding oneach box..' • Sold by Drugglete and other Dealers In Medicines. j A box will be sent by man prepaid on receipt the 1 i 3E'rlgate• !Se_ Ciesatts. • All orders, should he addresied to. : •-•,.. • L c ' niENuir C. SPALDING l a. Jrovlll v Itch 48 Cedar sir set, Mow . Iniiit. , ver ATilin g iebole of SPALIMO' . 4 PREPAREDiILiT will save ten ttmee its ant tuannallY.ll. . , •• ~ l' -.-. . . SPALDING'S PREPARED,cir •1 1 ~ SPALDING'S PREPARED GL SPALDING'S PREPARED G SAVE Tl.l* PIECES zcogimv tlif""A STITCII A T1 : 111 Sins An 'Weidman will happen, even In well regu a ilea, iris very desirable to have some cheap and lent way for repairing furniture, toys, crockery, _ ISPALDIN.CB PREPARED °Luz meets Oil snelremergencles, and no Iton4hold to he without it. It is always ready, bud up to lag point.. - ".E'SEFUL IN EVERY 11,0VSN." N.ll.—A'BrOph aeompanles each Bottle. cents. •Addrego, HENRY C. ['PALMY No. 48, Cedar Street, Ne • , - CAUTION. - ' I Ascertain unprincipled persons are attempt i n to palm off on the unsuspecting public. imitations of my spared 01w:1 - World caution all persons to examine *fore pm , chasing?mid see that the full name, 1 ' ,Or SPALDING'S PREPARED OLUE.jej 1 le on the outelde'xiapper ; all others are swindl ng coun terfeits. 7- 7 - • TEIRREL T s prepared joeure every ase of BCROBULA lshe Country, and he has a Remedy for nearly, every 41 to which ileah Is heir. Call at the . GREAT MEDICINE EMPORIUM ,;- of ABEL 'EURRELL, anti' be availed of the hetactita 'paused. • Montrose, July It; 1861.1 K.FA11•42) LA:miss' A P plead dam) rtment Just =WI ve. Chhnnle ,shadts 11 burners , wicks : etc, at • . • 'l'n relre.l "Wall' AND PDODITCTIVE PAESI' LA* 0, PDR 11,,' HALE. twer4s , 4‘ro miles South of Philadelphia. )0 dhe Garden State of ,the Ermit,, Best climate and' ; location for markets in thelhaloa. • [See advertleemeot of Viaeiand.l • ; ; . r AI VG A oliAliGt OP MATE; P ioIIVE.fLTII. , l l,tu advertisament al liieland. • lamp. Ayer's, Sarsaparilla, FOE PURIFTINO THE BLOOD; And far.the speedy ewe of the adjoined vailetles of Mem*: ' la" and iiiiisit'alona iffiretiene, such as • Tanners, Ulcers, Sore", Eruptions, Pim ples, Pontiac", Illoteheo Ro ll s, mains, mad all Skin Miseasea. • GARLAND, end., sth Jane, MSC d. C.`Arit A: Co. Gents: I feel it my duty to so - knowledge what your Sarsaparilla has done for ma. Hating Inherited a Scrofulous infection, i have suffered from it in various Ways for yearn --Sometimes It burst out in • Ulcers on to y hands and arms; sometimes It darned inward and &Messed mo at the stomach. Two years ago It butke out oti my head and covered my snip and earn with one "ore, whkt was Ninth! and lo.thsome beyond description. .1 tried man v medicines arid Fever' FaheMsobuniterldgthrZtll lunch . ntielenftgThailfratiadanijOiciA to real in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared. an altannive (Sarsaparilla), for I knew from your repo lation thatsoy thing you intaie mustbe good. I sent to Chnimurti and got it, and used it till it oared me. -took it, as yoo advise, In small doses of a testpoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles. lie* and healthy skim soon began to form under the scab, which after a white fell off. 'My skin Is now clear, and 1 know by my ft , elinge that the disease is gone from my ayatm. You. can well; be li eve that I feel What lam awing when tell joe, - thatt hold you to be one of tho apostles of the .age, and remain ever gratefully, Timm, • . • ALFRED 11. TALLEY,. ;'•-• • Et; Anthony'. Fire, Rose or Prirs 'Pamir Tetter and-Sett Rheum, Scald Ilead,rting worm, Stint Ryes, Dropsy.. • • Pr-Hobert. It. Pretde into from Salem, x.-r„ 12th • Sept.. VW, that He lea cured •an inveterate tam of Propay.i which threatened to terminate tidally, by. the persevering use or our Saruparills, and also a dengue - an attack of ItalignantEryefprlas by large dome of tire same; info be cures thecommon Eruption by it as litantly.l • . , rtrei.choeele, ,Goltre k or Swelled Neck. Zebulini Sloan of, Prospect s , Texas, writes: Three' bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured toe from a Goitre—a bideoureawelllng on the neck, which I had suffered from over twb years." • Lanenrrhesa or Whites, °Varian 'Tumor, Uterine -Ulceration, Female Diseases, S. Channng, of New York City, writes: • mostcheerfully amply with the request oryour agent In. saying I have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent 'Hostile In the numerous complaintalor which we em ploy such a remedy, but especially in Female Dlnsuea of the Scroll:ions diathesis. I.have cured many Invet erate aims of Latarrhcea by It, and some where the eomplatot was caused by ukeeation of the uterus.. The. ulceration itself was soon eared. Nothing within my knowledge equals it for these female derangemente.7 Edward S. Marrow,of Newbery, Ala-, Writes : "A den ;gerons hired tumor on one of the fentalea Hurry family,. which all the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by your extract of Sar aaparille. 'Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but Ire advised the trial of your Sarsapatilh: as the list resort before ,curting. and It proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no ayrbptom of the disease remains." . qyphlllit and Mercurial Diseace.' NEW ORLKANR, 2501 August, ISS9. Dn. .7t, C. ATER: Sir: I cheerfully' comply with the request' of your agent, and report to you amine of the effects I have realized with youeSarcapaille. I hare cured with it, in my practice, most of the com plaints Or which it Is recommended, and have found ha effects Walk wondernd lu the cure of Venereal and Mer curial ?}isms& One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers In hiathrost, which were consuming his palate and the m h ris top of , outh. Your Sarsaparilla, atcadilv taken, cured min ' Ave weeks. Another was attacknl by Iwo , oudary eymptotna in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of it, se that I believe the disorder would coon reach lute brain and kill him. BM It yielded:to my administration of your Sarsaparilla ;- the ulcers healed, and he he well again, not of course without some diatlguration of the face. A woman who hail been ; treated for the came disorder by mercury wda suFetitig ftom this poison in her bones. They had become co senSt• tire to the weather tent on a damp day sire suffered ,ca cruclatling pain in her Joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few ,wicks. I .know *con Its formula, which your agent -gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory most be a great remedy.; consequently, thole truly - remarkable, results with lit: not surprised me. I , fl uffy yours, G. V. LARIMER, M.D.. ere lack itf are at- ):llc PHU Ireneo.. dreet ,"Ntheutuat.laris, Gont. Liver Complaint. iNbEIIOOENCE. Preston CO., Ye.. 401 July, Nip. Dm .1: C. AYER. Sir: I have been afflicted with op:1M; ful chronic Rheemotians fors long time which baffled the skill oft.Physielans, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, until 1 tried your Sarsaparilla. One bottle eared me in. two wceks,ond restored my general health ho much that I am far butter than befitre I was attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. FRI.:AIt. Jules'. Y. ,Getchel I, of St. Louis, writes hare been afflicted foe years with, nil' affection of the hirer, which destroyed my health. !tried every thing, nilevery thing *died be relieve - me; and I have hem a broken-down man for seine years from no other rause titan derange: wet of thetam:. • My beloved pultorolse 'ter. II r. Espy, adviaed mot° try your Sarsaparilla, beeanse he said be knelt you, and and thing you made was worth trying. By Wit Mean ing of god It luts cured 'me, and bat so purified my, blood as to make a new man of me. I fret, young again. .The best Butt can be said. f you is not lila good enough." ' • fichirirtis, Cancer Toolcia.s. Enlargementool. aeration, Carte., and Exfoliation of the Bones.' A great variety of at rex have been reported to as *here elms of theta , formidable complaints have resulted from the awl of this remedy; but our space here will not ad mit them. • Some of them any be found In nut - A meriran .Almanne,.whlch the agents below mimed are plumed to &mist! gratis to all who will for them. • DyspePsln.• ]Heart Placate, Fits, Epilepsy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable roma of these affections Imve been " made by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimu lates the vital. flotations into vigorous action, and thus oremoines disordens which would be supposed beyond Its realh. Such a remedy has long been regoired by the • ntwssities of thelx:ople, and we are confident that this will do for than all that medicine can do. s . - -flyer's- Cherry Pectoral,' ,* ty Were I • onre tent utnerpu6 &due can YOU inn RAPID 'Cunt. of. Douglas, (folds, Influenza, Hoarseness, . Croup, Bronchitis ' Incipient Causump. Hon, and for•theßellet of Co nsuanp. Hsi, Pakistani, in advanced • .1 stages orate Disease. This is a remedy So universally known to stimuli any other for, the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it is useless hero to publish the evidence of Its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and - colds, and its truly wondevfill cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized tuitions of the earth. Few are the oommutiltlea, or even fimilles, among them who have not some personal experience of Its effects— some living trophy In their midst of Its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat-and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know; too, the efforts of this remedy, wo need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir- tnea that it did • have when making the cures which have won act - strongly upon the conildente of mankind. • ! Prepaild by Dr. J. di. CO., Lowell, Kam' . . For orilehiA nal Turrell. Montrone; {Chetah ,d" 11111 n Dander; Waltman & Swirlier, Auburn ettlre. an d'l y dealcia end drnuirtatverywberc. .. oc b y eri- TX3CIE: Gr.:M . 39 4 ILT io.a.mrsean AUMAN • MISER Y Just Published .in a Sealed Enrdopej Price 25 cents., • A LECTURE BY Dfi.- CITIXERWELL AL. on the cense and cure of Spermator tines. Consumption, ]dental and l'hySint Debility, Ni,rvonsness, Epilepsy; Impair ea Nutrition of the-body • Lassitude; Weakness of the limbs and the back ; Indisposition: loss of memory; aversiowto -foci ety.:Jove of solitude ; trust ; dizziness ; headache : affections ofthe eyes: pim ples on theface ; involuntary emissions. and sexual In capacity : the consequences of youthful indiscretion, &c. re: — This admirable lecture clearly proves that s the above ennunterated, often self-adlicted. evils may bore -moved withoutmedlcine and without surgical operations la andnd should be read by every youth and every map in the ' • I , Sent under seal, to env address. In a plain sealed mirel ope. on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing • 1111. CIIAS,Y. C. KLINE. - * Jn3o—'62] IV Bowery New 'York, Pest Box. WO:, mm Delielotus Tonle Stbnulant, Especially designed T for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, having auR ercedcd the so Gino," ArOmatic,n. "Cordite. "Medicited;" "Schnapps," etc., Is now en denied by aitthe prominent physicians, chemists and con noisseurs, ad possessing all those INTIMNRIC medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an OLD and PURE GIN. Put up In quart bottles and sold by all Drug glot. andOrocen, vtc. A.M. BIN MUER & &0., [Established In Ina] Sole Proprietors. oc4 No. lO Broad Street, Y, For sale at Ttirrelle Drug Store, Montrose. • Nrcii ! tea (amt . conven k.e. n affold neck. "-: Eq.ENIV.II32II , S . TAR ANII.-WOOD NAPTHA • - :5>A7, 05 T4112.1.; -h the bat Meaning in Me world for vie cure rer • t . Coughs and Colds, Croups • Bronchitis, Asthma; Difficult Breathings ' Palpitation of thaßeart. • For the (*le:lV patient, in advanced' slaw elf • ' •Couumption together with all Diseases of thelairoat and Chest ano which predloose.to Consumption. 11 attacks Use (vat oJ disease, oiler makes Vista ..denfroyer succumb toilsinfinence. Ralnomuin. centre( eupec ration. & induces healthy action ''- in the diseased Mucous Membrane and tissues. - peeitlfc:.:ltadapted to the radical ,; • - re of ABTIIMA . Oneidenninf this ibraluable SYRUP Oen gives • easeand ontnereently nlap.which. Me partkistar hatureit the dineanselenien. itis-erypleasant . fo'the tante. rind neymept in its tired:. ni l it & • be conrinead that it LI ilicauable In the cure qi" firmer hint - NtlecOotos. Price 50 eentsper Rattle. Prepared only by 1)r. A. EY ENIVINN. and nob' by A. EatAirdit, • Ai 00., N. W. corner oth and POPLAR streets; Phittrea. Pa.. For sale in Montrose by - mhZ) eleis) AIIEL TUE BELL Druggist. • HEAVY MESS rOILE. fly the Farrel, by • llahiuj & Allen LIST OF PREMIUMS, TO BE A winDEt) AT-THE gIiTRNTH ANNUAL FAIR OP Tll E COV AGERTURAL SOCIETY, TO BE HELD AT Id Cik INT 6 1 11 Xi. CO E, On Tateisdity and Sept. _ • 2341 and 24th, 1862. MirMON' I.—ECIIIIMS.-rCLASS I.—eTALtORS AND 31ATriP. 'Best draught stallion undone of his colts, diploma and $n Bust stallion roadster ,• best brood niareandcolt Second beet for eith of above three ' Judges-4;B. Torben, Montrose ; John Tewksbury, Auburn; Christopher Byrne, Choconnt. • .cLASP /1.-•FINOLZ AND It•tCHILD Nutt &Mice:, over fonryeant old, raised in the county SI Ik-st mare • • .• .. 4 Bret pnir matched horses over three years old ‘• i " . • _ mares . " .1 5 Second best for each of above four • • .4 Best pair ortnateba mares not raised In the county 3 Jcul2t.Datilel Searle, Montrose; It. S. Birchata,Je, sup; P. M. Williania, Bridgewater. ,CLASII 111.--COLSII AND NULL a. • Best pair 3 years old colts, and boot - pair mules, each, accund hoot (Jr each $2; best pair 2 year. Uld collo, br.t pair yearling colts, beet a year* old cult, !meta Yearo old colt, and boot jack, each.s2; .oectind bootjack $l. Judges—John irrOWn. .r. Like; hamlet Bill, Auburn ; Thomas Johnson,-Bridgewater. DIVINION IL-CATTI.II.-CLAtil Beet bull over 2 years old $3, 2d beet $4; best yearling bull $3, 2d bestyears best cow over 3 old. $4, 2d beet fel; • best 2 yearsold heifer $3, 2d best best yearling hrr 2d best $1; best heifer calf $2, 2d beet,sl; beat ball calf $2, 2d best $l. • • Judges—H. F. liandrfek. F. Lake; Jas. tartan% Cho connct James Kaeson, Springville. _ Best bull over 2 yeast old $2, 2.2 $4: best yearling ball $1 - $2; beat Ow over 8 years old $4,24 .l; best 2 yns , hcfr apt, 24 $2 best yearling hi; $2, 51 $1; best boll calf $2, 24 I; best hir calf.s2. °A I. Judges-4. 8: Ilawley, Iliorleyton ; 'Thos. Nicholson, Springville; Micluse) Kane, Jr.. Chbconat. CLea 111.-OIIADX DI ON*. , Best ball, beet cow over years old, best *years heir. best yearlingo. best 5 calve*, each $3 ; 2tl on each $2. Judges—Samuel Pike; O. Prichard; tipring ; k:rederick Lines; Franklin. CLADS IT.-GRADE DURBAN'S 'Premiums same es forgradederona. Jrulges—WllLtam 'Morgan, Cloconnt Wro. Moltriah, Bridgewater; Grayos,Apolacon. =l=! - . . .. . . . Premiums same as on dm two classes. ' Jidges.—P. Hinds. 8, Lake ; E. o.l.labcock, Brigdewater; Stephen Csrpeuter, ilurtbrd.. . CLASS YL--4111LX AND STZIRS. Best pair of working oxen over 4 years old raised In tbi4 county $.5, 2d ft; best pair of 8 years Old, and 2 years old steers raised In the rounty.eachs3;2d on each ._ ' Judges —Danlel. Seeley, Auburn ; #2 K. - Bueb, Bridge , water; David Walselee, lII.—PWINZ., ' " • tieet bore, and breeding tow, each V, 2d $2; beet /prim; piga,and beat 4 pig* under 10 wits old.earb. $2, 2d each Judger—J. $. Towne,. A: Tilden, F. Luke; Eduard South Well Choctinut. " DIVIgION! tv.—onzer. Beet dne wooled beck ta. be*r. 3 do ewe* a, ad `2;lx,t -8 do !knits 2. For coarse wooled. prentiunot orr fine, except Inmltt Tridents I. Middle wooled rattle as Coarse.' Best Nick landter melt $l. , • Leicester. 13okt:well:Lc., clar , red ur coane Snx Merino. &t.. ns line; lienthdown. &c.. ur 12311101 e anod, d. .Ind2e*.—Samuel Roberts, Jessup: (diver runt bridge. Gt. Bend; 11.•Dtvine. Forest Lake. Betd pair turkeys, cock and hen ; best 0 fowl' , over 1 year old ; beet ti spring chickens • and best 0 decks ; earl: 22: 2d beet on each 1,4421. Judges s -.lao. Beaus, 3lontrore:, Johnlludson, Choconut ; Jarkeon Baldwin; Bridgen t r nurtesou }9.—Burn:a AND cllCtse. - - . Best firkin or pall ofJutin butter 2d 3; Fain,• prtrinms for SITE hotter. Best Id lbs. hotter made_ by girls u dnr 10 err Ik.st cheese. not less thou' 2 n Mos. I. 2d 2. Jfid2es---M m. Monfr,.se ; It, T. nleplome. Great fend; P: ==l - . Best grape, tar:mitt. blackberry. elderberry. rry ' wine; cinned fruit: etirrant,apple. grape, aidrentliapple Jelly;,ertch Ittly cents. Judge's—Mrs. A. Inthrop, Wm: A .Cros,tnon. Win. .1. Mulford; and W .1 Trirrell.o D Latlirnp, \V M t'ust, DITIMION ,111.-17:IIIT AND YEGIZTAZI.EI. . - . Beet tell apples, not le*i than • dozen. and at leapt -three . varieties, st.. - trl I; whiter do. parne.premintno. 11,4 pearl.. and quint:l:ol,4lot lepe than 34 peck:each; and the 114 st and great ent variety of vegetablee ; each *I. Judge,—Apolloit Stone - . Brikewater ; S. F. Carinalk; Apolacon ; L rhane Llttrh,wa, IleAt eider vinegar, not [cot. than 1 gallon $l, •Al 34; hest 10 lbP. maple snpr, and do. honev. each $l. 24 rarh 1. Jadded—S. G. Ilondriek,Frnuilin ;'Cue Went, Oflowl; A. SindloruKh, Beat double mrriage.ss ; ..beet riffle idelgit. single car tinge, bureau, exteneion table, chamber eiitt, each tc; All article: , in thin dietaian for competition must be cc tiieil.by the manufacturer. Judgta—J. Smiley, ; (;, Weed . , New Milford; D. Tboulae; Groat Bend. -. IXPLEXESTA, AM, EILACK.XITITINti. DA -at plow fie bwt cultivator, ,ant aheller. araa - cntte•r. churn pow4r. three flrkinft. hortte rake, lot of ' , IX horn, .hoer, eaeh $2, ad Mist uncut shoes 1. Judi:ea—John klyno, 'Middletown; lieurge Walker, Dimuck ; Elijah Daruum, New Milford Beiq bushel of corn in the tar, hair tinehei of white wheit. reddo.,eprlur timoili3twed, penk c.14,114-Twed, eac'h $l. Judner—L. Turin Lan . ; N. P. Whenton,,Pranklin Lev! Tupper, Beet 3sichat harneee,.sole, aoll upper leather; carriage Rol two horse lia.ro O,S: Wadi. t,2„ 2d heel noir 01 fluo boots :t.2. coarse. 1 . 7 Jrlges.--Jtulson Stone. F. Lake George Young. Bit:lock ; S. W. Brim!, Brooklyn, DIVISION xte. , ..nonirite N I'FACTVI:ti.. Beet 15 yards woolen carpet, and rng do., st. 2d, 1: 1 , -1 10,yarde flannel, 5 yards fulled cloth, nix pair, socks. each, SC, :id I : beet 10 yards linen cloth, and ;S ear& cassitireni, each. beet *pairs woolen mile Judges—L 1. Filch. Sinniroee Mrs.. A, Bunnell, Diniock Xre. Philo Sherwood, Rush ?are. .••-- - • . . . Covit Park, Franklin". DITIPIDIf XV.—TINE aitrs, ORNAXENTit IC min.rwor.x. Best patch workquilt,and glint of any other kind,'enclip 2d 2, tki 1; best bed spread, anibrotypes, dental work. 2 - 24.1; best whiter bonnet 51,241 S. tidy chair corer S. Judges—E. 31; Turner, and Kate hearle, Montrose Jennie Braekriey. Lake; Iltulrgiana Parke,. Dinlock. • DIVIIMON XVI.—USISD or earrut. ' Best herd of eattle,,not.lesa than 10, ralwed and exhibited by one man.t..5.11d 3. Judges—Henry Drinker. St trooe ; Itufue Smith , Franklin; P. S. Cassedy. Dimock.. . , • raviams XVII.-TOWAHHIP FOCIETILS. To thtiTownablp Society that makra the lantrat and beat ethibition, $2O. Townships intending to compete. will please giviNnotleo to the Executive Committer, at leapt :Melva before the Fair. Judges--.T. Davin. )1. town; Wm. C. Ward. N.Milford; A. Beardalee„ Keine. DITIAIOX :Viii.-PLOWING MATCH. Beat plowing, $5" ; till; 4th. ti; sth, $l. • Judgee—Chrlotopher Byrne, Choconnt ; J. liarringtop, • ' - Bridgewater; James Sterling.' BToltlyn. • Btrl"zwe.xivizezrzhor l E4 Dusan/ix. Striamotissnmer—Wm. 11. Jessup. AP*IIITANT ' " C. M. Gera.. <- Scr?'? or Cm-rut—Avery Prink. , . Snare awn SWINE—M. J. Ilarrington.- 'Krim InrutursTe—Elljah Mott. • • ' DAfirr Bath—Edwin Baldwin. - ' . " Macnastics' Haue—Wm. IL Boyd. • - " FtglYrrAND iluorranura—Wm. A. Cr 00961017, and M: M. Mott. - . - " Lamas' HALL--Mr. and Mrs. Fitch, MISS SU man Horton,:. Miss Jane Searle, Mrs, D. B. • Lathrop, and Mrs. James Tyler. trans....Tß:nen U. Bentley, D. D. Warner, Mrs. F.lBl. Chandler • .and Mrs. J. 8 Tarbell. . Foricie, of Badge of Membership:which will adMit all article* com peting for Premiums, with family who are females or mi nor male children, $l, .Badge ,of membership, Which wit!' admit family as above, withont competing for Premiums, except in Divisions 14 and 111, (Domestic instinfactures, and Fine Arts and Ornamental Neediework,) 50 cts, All clerXymen, printers, and their families, admitted free- ' Good music will be provided. A: lIALDWLN, Montrose,• J. MORRIS. - 1- Erft. "" Comudlfts. ..Itine 21d, 1862. ,F. 1I„ HOLLISTER, . cOe ;C I , - Established in Pittsburgh in 1840, The Only C'onginercial College in the Union, Conducted by e Practical - Merchant. • - IMR 0000 Students have attended it from• Thirty O dlfferent States. Fodr Silver Itedalas have been 'warded Doffs' System or Book Keeping; and the new clecularjust issued contains letters from students in Phil adelphia, Baltimore, St Lo uis, Cincinnati, etc., proving, it to be the beet known. NINE First Premiums trete re. eently awdrded the Penmanship or Wm 11. DITFPirho with his associateprofessor, C. C. Cochran, arc tindonbt • edly . the best'penoten In America. , - 11:Fees Edit 4f Duffs Bonk Keeping p,pst paid, $l.lO D and Ihniciks Genie of Penmanship. . . 5,00 Du and Dnrioanre New,School Copy Books, 8 NW,: 54 Fur samples of Dnff &coCllll{lfig Business and Ornamen• tal Prumanshlp , with the new clrcularuf 64 pages, Inclose 25 cents In stamps to • nov 4 y P. DUET & BON. FRC,tIT AND GRATT GROWERS yet advertisement a the new settlement of Vineland in another eohitau ' NOW READY. . . PARSON BROWNLOW.S WONDERFUL BOOK! • • One Tatum'. ContatnlngwpwaWde of 410 totem 12 en , 'wrier Engravings, an excellent Steel Portrait, Ate.— Beautifully printed. on line white met', and handsomely bound in vuullin.. Ptiee 81 - Mnient heti, by rattan qua he receipt bf AGENTS . WANTEp, In every City; Town, Vl(lnge aati County, to sell this thrilling and remarkable 'work. Addreta tiEOIRGE W. CiiILDS, Publleher. • • 628 and 030 (begun?. street, Philadelphia', C • • ONPEASIONS and EXPERIENCE of a-sun , HIE% , .Puhltebed as a warning, and for the ea pedal Mot at of Young Men. and Those who,ainifer with N eryous Debil- Ity, Lost of Memory, Premature Drcay, dtc. ~ac., by one who has cured himself by simple means, after being put fogreat °sperm and inconvenience, thyou_gh the nee of wurthlepn mcdirines prescribed by learned Doctors. bin -oe:copies may be bed of thianthor, by enclosing if post paid addressed ctirelope-to - . • CHAP. - A-I'LAMDERT. Esq., Jcietta Greenpoint, Longhand, Now Yuri: