THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, is rcinasust) TxxstiAirs, BY 3:: - 4:24-ernripscaa. OFFICE ON PUBLIC AvlrNrs, • , TIMER DOORS _ABOVE SRAILI.E'S HOTEL. TEm6.--$1;50 persannnin in ADVANCE ; therwise $2 will be cbargcd—and 6E7 cents per anium ° died to annuagee, at the option ot the Pnbileher,' to pay xpense,of collection, ett. AnvANca payment pretax& .PtevEitrisemEN-rs will be mserted'at the rate at V per square, of ten lines or leis, for the first three weeks, and 23 cents for each additional week-pay down. 'Merchants, and otheti, wbo advertise by the year, will bc charged at the following nate, viz.; For one pquare, or kr', one year, with eAanges $8 Each additional square, at Lie rate of • 6 No credit given except to those of knowraceponlibil fry BITSINESS CARDS. • , . lIENRY C. TYLER, , . DEALER in Dry Goode . Groceries, • Lnbrellas.Tankee Notions, Boots and Shoes. Bhoivls and Forks; Node Ware, Wooden Ware and Brooms. Bead of Nark.' cation. Public Avenue. Montrose, Pa., May 13, 186 t. -ly U. LICIET:i . REO COOPER WM. H. COOPER & CO.; BANKERS.—.3tOntrose, Succesiorsto Poet, Cooper Co. Office, Lathropenew building, Tureptke•st. I. B ireoz.t.trit. MeCOLLUM. di SEARLE, A WORNEYS and Counsellor* at Law,--31citifroaa„Pa: 111. Office in Lathrups' aew oyer the Batik. • DR. WILLIAM. W. WHEATON,. DANCTIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON DENTIST. - WITH HH. HERON WHEATOY, Mechanical and Surgical Dentist, recently of Binghamton, N. Y. tender their professional; services to all who appre• date the " Reformed • Practice of Physic:" 'careful and exilltal operations on Teeth with the most scientific and approved styles of platework., Teeth extracted without . vn and all work warranted. Jackson, Jane 14th, MI. Y. DR. H. S3IITII & -SON, SMORON DlMPTB,—Xontrose, oftlee In Lathrop"' new building, over the Sank. All Dental operation" will be • " gai sedia performed in good style and warranted. J. C. OLMSTEAD t .. ..j. L. READ. DRS. OLMSTEAD& READ, WOULD ANNOUNCE to theTtiblic dud they have entered Into a Ipartaership for the Practice of MEDICINE & Surgery, and are prepared to attend to all tally in the line of their profcesion. Oface—the one fonnerly.oramied by Dr. J. C. Olmstead, to DUNDAFF. my 7.3 m. Y. LE-T, Phpician and Surgeon. Fritndrcilk.?Fa, Oita *Foal thk ✓actea! Hassel • • lirchß. LEET ' ^lvee particular attentiOn to the treatment 11 of dir.e4lsCP of the Ean and Era ;' and le confident that hi, knonledce of. and experience in that branch - of pnie ice trill enable him to effect a cure In the most dl ain't For treating difentet of three organs no fen will he eltar;n4 ntile,e the patient le beneatted hp the treat, meta. - ' [Aug t Bath. 4eilfl. JOHN SAITTICEII, t SItIONATILE TAILOR.-:-Montrose-Ps. shop 1. 1 over 1. N. Itullard's Grocery. on hialn-street.: Thsnkhd for past favors, he solietta a mint Inttance, himselttO do all work sat Isfactlnilv. Cut tin., donr on short notice. and warranted to tlt. Montrose. Pa,. -Tilly- 2th, • P. LINES, ..... 71,ASITIONATILE TAlLOR.—lifontmae. Pa. Shoji . r in rinanix 1111/Ck. Over !tore of 'tend,. NV:axone • .t Fo-ter. All work.warranted, as tout and finfah. Cul tin:: 11. me on ohort tnic., in heat ar. , ..1e. jan-410 JOll N GitOVES, VIASIIIONATILE TAlLoll.—Montrone, Pa. Shop I. near the liaptlyt 'Meeting Ilotme. on Turnpike street.. All order' , tilled promptly. in Bret-rate etyle. z tine done on short not lon„nrid warranted to fit, L. B. ISBELL, t.PATTLS Clock*, Watches, - and Jewelry at the V shortert notice, and on reaeonableacrms. All 4 , .yvork ‘carranfed. tihniiin Chandler and Jogai:ll;s M”Srz:.E, 0c23 if - 'wm. \V. sminFtt -co., CABINET CHAIR MANUFACTUREItg.—Foot of Main gtrevt, Montrone. Po. sag If C. 0.. FOIIDITA.:11, • I'ANUFAc'Tf. REft of 11 00 TS f SAOEN,Vrinimae, 111 Pa. Shop over Tyler's Atom. • All kin& of work• made to onler, and 'repairing done neatly. y ABEL TURRELL, I - NEAT:EII in Drugs, 7deAlcines. Chemirals, Dye / muffs. Glass Ware. Paints, Oils., Varnish, Win ,ow Ma—, Groceries. Panty Goods, Jewelry Perth rnerr. Ar.—Aernt for all the must popular PATENT, •SI FA PICINEt.I.-Montrose, P. aug tf HAYDEN BROTHERS, , !WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - 3r.A.NEEMEI I•TCATXCONEI • 'LAND— FANCY - GOODS.' WM. HAYDEN, • .IoHN HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN, XEW MILFORD, PA. GEORGE HAYDEN, , P. E. BRUSH; 3.1 - . D., HAVING NOW LOCATED PERMANENA AT # ,S.Vi e liatrll7ll.le7 Will attend to- the iuties of Ids profession promptly, Ogles at ab. Lathrop's. Itotel. HOLM. 11-SURAIG COMPANY,. - Car Me caw , elrcsrlx.. CASH CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. , ' ASSETIIIst July' 1880; $1,481,819.27 I,LBBILMES, " " • ' 43,068.88 7. Milton Smith, See 7.' Chard. Martin; Freol4ent. .John McGee, " A. F Wilmarth, Vice ' Politics issued and renewed, by the tmdersignedi at kis: office, one door above Sem ilotel. Montrose. vmvl9 y BILLINGS SI7IOIID, Agent. • IMC • 33 - a 3EL Ft X ol` 'l'd I • ' lIAS Just received a large stock of new Stoves. for Cooking. Parlor:Of:deemed Shop pdrptkims.fot Wood or Coal, with Stove Pipe, Zinc, ae. Hisassortrnent is select and desirable,snd Wit be sold on the most favorable terms for Calk, orto Prompt BLe Months Buyers.' NUS. Milford. Oct. Mil, nal. Dandelion Coffee, HEALTHY beverage. One pound of this Coffee will /I. make as mach as two pounds of other Coffee.. For, sale by _ABEL TL•BffELL. TAKENOTICE! rimas. .3Pia.141. for Side's N,J Sheep Peltn..Fux.,-)fink, Muskrat, and nit kiuda of Pure. A good assortment of Leather and litoOts and shoes constantly on hand. Office, Tannery, &Shop on Main Street. • Montrose, Feb.6tb: A. P...* L. C. IrEEt...FR • DAVID C. ANEY, M. D., HA VIN G located permanently at New Milford;'Pa. _will attend promptly to all calls With which he may he favored. Mice at Toddlo•Hotel. I New Milford, July.l7. 1661 • • ABEL TURRELti ilic:,,ltrWacregt. Bed ie cluorßalSteat.lmMotire. eon, Ilomoopathle Rentedics, Pond's Extenetotaita great variety of (Anlinents. Salves. Pille, and• Plutercland an e ,dleAs variety of Patent Medicines. MEDICAL CARD.; • ' DR. E. PATRICK, & DR. E. GARNER ATE GRADUATE of THEN EDWA.I; DEPATKM 1.1 OP YALE COLLEGE. have formed copartners - Mr for the practice °Medicine and edirgery,and are ptspared to attend to all toteineee faithfully and pnuctnally, that may be Intrusted to their care, on terms eominerisurato with the Omen. . • Disease* and defonnlttee of the EYE, arirlicer oiler* tiles. and all onrgical diseases, particularly attended to. rtv - Oftlee over Webb's Store. Office hours frorn Ba. tn. to 9 p.m. All sorts of country produce taken !Limp „pent. at the highest value, and can aim Astrrszp. Montrose, Pa., May Ith..lB62.—tpf .; "IIERI;ONS OUT OF BUSINESS. and ',tuning! cheap fanw: ace adveztiaement IA Vineland in spoiler miumn. • • 1 the Barrel. Back• or Poon4l AN T A !:El 7 risiwv”;lscersol e it her ‘i n ,„u..h t riii, : ,o.oa ' ord. . r Fait, am': also kit..Surfoid'i AND SULPHeI POW' D=.l. olive Timis allkitt, transparent Mild; it la the Lo-t remedy knOwn for di f CAECS of the' throatjungs; or valarril. Also fur diphtheria, Croup, Whooping Cough, Mr Irop and Sulphur Powders strengthen tht^-syn :rm. aid the dlgestion, and purify the blood. I Mae a Tte,n pate-pamphlet containing full explattatiobs;•and orrr on, hundred testimonials Thom well known iproml t,nt Denson?, Which I will send to any one free by mail. - J. R. STAFFORD. Chemist. 4i2 We Jo itt Ourielves - to - no VOL 19. 'lowa Democratic S State Convention. The largest, most enthusiastic, and bar .monieus State Convention ev e r witnessed in lowa aSserribled. at Des Moinvi, on the 17th of July " Ffee Press;Free Speech, , and Free White Men," was .the 'rallying cry. The following ticket vas nominu ted, and glorious platform adopted : NFor Secretary of State, Milliard H, Syl ester, of Johnson. . For Auditor of State, John, Browne; of Polk. - For Treasurer, Samuel Lorab, of ! Cass. - ItENRY DIII3EIia. For Attorney General, Beaton J. Hall, of Des Moines., '- Register of,State Land Office, Freder-, !ick Gottschalk, ,of Dtibuqn • EESOLITTIoNS ADOPTED BY THE DEEOCEACY ' OP 10WA . lit:' STATE CONVENTION AsSEM :BLED. .1. That the Constitution and the Un ion and the Laws must k be preserved and 'maintained in all their rightful rupremacy, and that the rebellion noW in arms a. gainst them, must be. su ppreased , and put. down; and that we are in favor , of ems ployrnent of constitutional_ nu eans for that purpose, not, merely by foreenf arms, but by such measures as common sense, reason and . patriotism. will readily sug gest to the reasening rpowei* . 2. That the true interests Of The coun try, as well as the, dictates of humanity, require that no more war or ',nets of war should be.prosecuted or doite than are necessary`and proper for the prompt and complete suppression or the rebellion. • 3.- That the-present war,:aa 'avowed by the•president and Congress c : and - - under, stood by the, people is mas commenced and prosecuted' "for . the purpose] of sitppres 7 sing the rebellion, and preserving anti vin dicating the ConStitution, the Union, and the laws, and for that pis rpose 4. That the doctrines of the Secession ists and of the Abolitionists,_ as of the latter are now represented in -C i ongress, are alike false to the Constitfition and ir teConcilahle With the unity and peace- of the country k the first hat* already. iii v olve&tia in a cruel civil war; and the oth ers (the Abolitionists) will leave to the country_ but little hope of thei s peedy res toration of Union or "Peace unless the schemes ofconfiscafion emancipation, and other tin Constitutional measures which have been lately carried -and. attempted . to be carried through Congress, to be rebuked_by the People. 5 That the doctrine of State necessity unknown to our Government 'laws; ! that the Constitution and the laws are sufficient for-any entergency, [ iand that the Suppression of the freedom 'of speech, and of the press, and -theunlawful arrest of - citizens, and the suspension of the writ of 'Habeas eprinti, in Violation of the Consti tution, in States V.-here the civil authori ties are . unimpedeil t is most dangerous to civil liberty., and should be resisted at the ballot box by every: freeman of the land. ballot . -is a government of white= men, and was established eiClusively for the white race ' • that the ne_groes are not entitled to, and °tight - not tH be admit- . -.tell to political or social equality with -C,he white race, but that if is our duty to treat thein with kindness and coniiideration, as lan inferior and 'dependent race;- that the right of the,Several States to determine the *position- and duties otthe race is a I sovereign right, and the pledges of th e ',Constitution' require us as 'loyal citizens interfere therewith. That the par- , ty fanaticism or crime, ivhicliever it may be called, that seeks to turn the slaves of the SeutherithStates loose to overrun the North, and- enter into competition with the-white. lahoring elasest thus degrading their manhood by placingli them 'on an „equality with iiegroes in their occupation, to'o . iir -race, and merits our emphatic and unqualified condemnation. 7,-That the purchase-of the: by the Government, as proOsed by the President,, will impose an onerous and un endurable burden upon thel present gen eration, and-entail upon posterity griev ous exactions. -• 8. That Congress, in the 'nactment of the late Tariff and Tax Bills, and the Pres ident, by his approval, have imposed un fair and unjust enactments upon the peo ple at large, by .discriminating, in ,these_ acts, in favor of the compara , tively ',weal thy, and against those who tire least able to bear the burdens of taxation.._ 9. That we _recur with patriotic. pride to the bravery of the officers and soldiers of all the :lowa regiments, exhibited . in -struggles upon the many 'bloody fielde in which they have been engaged ' and that _this Convention, in behalf the - Democra cy of thjs State, tenders to4hem a united testiruony to their valor and 'devotion to - the Constitution and the J.l . nion t : and of fers to the friends and fainilies, of • those who have fallen in the field - t its sincere sym pathy and condolence. - . 10. That viewing the gloriee of the past, and' contemplating the-gloomy realities of the present, we believe there is no hope in the fume for the perpetuity of our sys tem of government, but by-preserving the -Constitution inviolate, audln respecting _it by both Government and people as a sacred deposit a. indiridnal . and State 'rights— - r • • In an economical and systematic admin istration of the Government, bye which corruption will be .prevented,. extrava- Once restrained, • expenditures reduced, and heavy taxation rendered unnecessary: In cultivating among' .the-people that spirit of American fraternity, which_ once knew no. North, no South, no East, no West,. except as, parts - of one - unbroken Union. . . . In .submitting questions which might arise hereafter ; affecting the legal rights of States to the Judicial tribunals ; and not to the Executive or Legislative branch of the Government: And firmly :bellevlng,in.the efficacy of ' the prieciples herela enunciated, we mt• plore'the blessing of dod 'Upon our efforts' to have theni applied, t& - the adtninistra.-.1 lion of the Government; and we appeal to. our fellow citizens who foie the Conatitu lion:and the Union as they were formed-' by oar fathers,, to \unite with us to, pke serve the Coustittition es it is, and• to re store the Union as it was before its har mony was disturbed by abolition fanati Cisto, and its bonds broken by,rebellien. A.Tr*RIIBLL i . , , . . .. . . . . . ... . , . . . ...1. .. ... !,.......: T ''''' . ._,..... .... . . • , . , . ~. ... r ,v,..- 14,,1.,.i..,,,. i.„ . ..... it ', • .. . ..., ~..:. .- :-,... ' , : c.. ,. • ..., 1 [1 : .. 6 . 2. ~... ~: ,- I . '- --:_." •, - r . . . . •:,4 , , . -,•?.. 4 . _ • - • - s-, - . . .., . .. . .if - Tim office of the liont.rase Deolcrs , 1 i : c h ,;;;r e c, b elc il .-tid' ll Z P 4 l e k r . . 4 mr wi p t r k e .a „"r7l tr n , p d X,Vp c it'n7l r ,lr- '.. circular*, etc., etc., In the be,t a t3le, on short notice.l • Ha tuning, Posfers; Progranrine, ay:. . ~ • 1 . . . . !' other kinds of 'Work in this line, done according f0,01.t , • Party that Does not Carly Itha. Flag. and Kee p Step to the Music . f the N'Thole TT ' •" ' • -o mo n... lTie ß ke n t:. .i. e ll te C ., 9 ,:rvin iN tl.d t:l wti l.2 .a tlg' a jne , , fli , i i i; i l d Il e a r li tc C h.,. !i - .Tlisticele and . ColOabhcs' Blanks. Nt , 1 ( DeedP, and all other Inanki, on hand, or printed - li, ~ i .. le 0.7 - Job work and Illank,l, to he piid for or,deli vet !.... • . .. . . . . , MONTROSE, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 19,1.862. • , Now - shall we Sustain thiGaverameat? In _the attenipt to, give an answer 10, this question there are certain facts to be stated preliminarily, ,the first of which is that in the Goiernment, as it is now.con stituted, abides the hope of the American people. This Government, with Mr. Lin; : coin, its constitutional President at :the head, is the only instrument which the American-peaple possesik, for maintainino. American nationality, againstAlio efforts of treason andrebellion. - There is no one who is: bOld enough' to propose a revelit- Therels no - one who is wild enough • to attempt to compass the Objects of the loyal - States through any other agency, or by any other means,' than the presentOd= ministration. All authoritative move meats must originate in it,, and go forth from it. It 'must raise the. money, sum mon and arm the soldiersymanage our rem lotions with. other nations, instittite and pursue a policy adapted to secure the ends desired, and nand responsible to the pies-. ent and to future generations, to history and to Gad, for the manner in which it, discharges its momentous trust., 1 •Se.much everybody will admit, and. no body, We presume will be so indecenti,as to suppose that, in a crisis like the res-1 ent, this Government is under the slight est obligation to manage its affairs in the - interests of any political party. TheDem _oerat and the Republican fight side by side on the-battle-field, and, animated on ly by patriotic impulses, do not stop quire concerning one another's polities:— Many of our prominent military men.,are those who have no 'sympathy - with the-po litical principles of Mr. Lincoln and, those , who elected him, but. they are - bound to! him and to his administration by the:ties of loyalty. Mr. Lincoln finds himself the chief of o great nation, not more than half •of whom sympathize with him politically, yet all of whom must sustain hini, or )ie must fail in the herculean task he is Call -1 ed upon to perform., He is to be4he must be—the President of the nal ionof the whole American people, and the strument of their aggregated opinion and will. He Can go no-fiister than the 100-. piego,' because lie would run away from the popular support. It is his policy, and' his only safe policy, to keep the people united, and to Ipvevents enlighten them at the saine,timelhat they indicate to lihn. the pathfor him ! to pursue. ; We find ourselves now arrived at apri sis in the rebellion, nd the question comes " how - shall we sustain the Government?" !.We see that we do nothing 'except thro' the Government,, and that the Govern ' ment can pursue in°, peliey which will] l ienate it from the popular confidence trod' support. 'There arc two kinds of suplant-1 which-we can, give the Government—ma terial and 'moral. Material aid is very simple. The Government oaf's for nien, and we must furnish them. The cause of the Government calls for the 'sacrifice of money, and we mast sacrifice it. We have no. fault to find with the American people for anylack of generosity in mate rial supplies. When, early in the strug gle, it wits the policy of the Government to borrow , money, capital clubbed in har mony to„ supply it. When half - a trillion of men were called for, hallo' .million Of men were calledfor, half a million of men and more spiang to arms. Clothing; hos pital stores. comforts have been contribu ted to aniriimensa amount: The Govern ment now calls ftir Men, and, capital ,springs at once to furniSh• them and fit them out. The men, too, will 'come, and the new, levy Will be completed at_an- ear ly day. The second variety of support—the moral—is 'a matter on which we have something special to say. The .Govern ment has had, from the first, not onlythe material, but the moral . support of the loyal people-of America; bnt_Aliere have' been from the first - Uneasy spirits who have s not been content with .the march of events, and the steady. progress - of the na tionAoward the conclusion for which they labor. These men have occupied all positions, from that of Governor of a State to that of Governor's scullion and - baek.door tattler—from that.of a Senator in Congress to that'Of his parrot penny-a liner. Because thiegs have not been done as. they. wished to have ( them done; be-. cause some things have been done un wisely; because some serious mistakes have been made, they have nothing to say except it be to they tune of a: howl Or. a groats. Not one word of eneouregernent to the anxious men around them ever Paa seis Aheir lips. They never open their mouths except in blame of those who are in responsible s. positions, or in words of sadness or bitterness._ To hear them, talk one would suppose that the nation had al 'ready gone to ruin; that there was .no popular confidence in' the, Government or its generals, and that there was a settked purpose on the part of the administration to sell Out the co•rntrY to the rebels. - These -men call themselves "anti-slave ry men and th e only true anti-slavery .wen in ' the nation. No matter how thor oughly anti-slavery a man may. have been • throughout his-life, if he-does not - happen to , sympathize - -with thein now, he is a hunker and a pro-slavery man—lf he does not go the whole length, ond carp at Pres ident-Lincoln and Gen. McClellan, and all those in authority and high position whose views do not harmonize. with theirs, then be is accursed as a lover orslavery. /They abuse 'the Governinent,and. speak con-, temptuonely ofall Alipse who do not;' and then with . chiracteristie insolerice,assume to' be the best- friends the Government bas, and the.only true friends of the coun try. :Now, we ask in all candor, whether these men are not doing more to discredit the government with the people, to dis- : courage enlistments, to depress t he popu lar hope, and to' complicate our financial affairs, than an equal number of open and avowed traitorsbould do? There can be , but 'one answer to Ahis question; The whole aim of their movenieuts is to drive the Government, to. adopt their policy, whether convinced of its desirableness and.necessity,or not.—SprinOgld Repub. Bean. _ Morton M'Slichael says the only tsiopoliticalAties'now in Pennsylvania are the Abolition and the Democratic par-, ties. . , THE WIDIANADEN °CRAM STATE . , • CONVENTION . A . , • The , brief despatch published, in the newspapers, a d il purporting to give an secount-of thelproceedingfloof the Demo eratio Mass Convention held at 'lndiana!), olds mi; the 30th of July, .turns out, as We supposed it wofild, to have been the work of some !malicieus enemy of Democratic principles.. Omi of our-western exchanges brings; iis a fullireport of the proceedings • 1 of the Converitiok i . together with the speech- delivered by Ex-Gov. AVicklille, of Jtentudky.- He did not say, ,as represent.: ed, that "before doing any thing more 'he Would pause tO, see' - what .Ave were fight ing for,"•or.that "the abolitioniks control every department of the Government and I were worse than the rebels." 'He did not attempt to discourage enlistments or stay the arm of the Government in the .work of maintaining the Constitution ,and .restor frig the,Vnion.l On the contrary, he •urg ed the most vigorous .prosecution of the war and said "if the . twenty millions,of the North could not conquer the six mil lions 'of the tiouth Without arming the nigger, in God's name let the abolitionists in Cengres'get out . of the way, and we, 1 the conservative men, :old Whif,, , s, Dunk crats and Republicans who reverence tfe , Constitution, fOr there were smile such, would prosecutb the war, restore the Lin ion, and maintain the rights of 'all Under the Constitution intact." s -- i . - It is a lamentable but instructive exlii bition of Partisan violence, to witness how greedily the Republican newspapers seize upon this false) dispatch "as positive evi dence of the treasonable sympathies of the* Northern Democracy. They seen' to hail , with actual delight every symptom of what they deem disloyalty at . the 'north. News of a great Union victory - could not have thrown them ' into greater trans..' ports than theireport that thirty thous and citizens of Indiana had assembled 'at the - capitol of the State - to talk and act treason. One Would suppose that, know ing the general inaccuracy of telegraphic' ' dispatches, the first impulse Of the - friebtls of a united North would'have been to di4.- credit the ruiner that any large ptirtion of the northern People had assembled for the purpose of thwarting the Government and aiding the ebellion. • But not so with these Republic ,n newspapers._They..swal lowed the lyin report without pairs-mg-to ipiestion its tr uth, because they widied, it true, in order f i t.) inicke partisan capital a— gainst the Democrat is party. Such mis representation is not harmless. It is.caleii lated to promote distrust anti derision; to encourage the' 'duds to persevere i,n ieir war upon the Government, mil to pee suade foreign Governments that a large, i• portion of the northern people are so sick of the war that they would hair mediation and separation with pleasure. The Convention referred to. was the lar gest.gathering of a political character ever held in the-Sta,e of Indiana. • The ;rove near the Court House :presented 117 e af) peartince of an iniinense , camp, ivhile in the, snburbs.of the city not less than five him , dred wagons were' , encamped With their loads'of farmers from distant portions•Of 'the State: The masses poured into the city froth every direction by railrdad; so that at the' hour for the Convention to as semble there Were not less,. than '30,000, persons presen . Ex-Governor Wickliffe, of Kentucky,, ,enator Cailile, .of Virginia' , id 11, ‘l7 - ni A. Richardso- if Ills-* .. iton. ...,aardson, m _apois, were the princ - pal speakers. At the close of the' address .s, a platform of principles Was adopted, 8 . follows ; • . . Resolved, That! we adhere to the time-hon nredprinciplesLof the - Democratic party, and Ave believe the only hope for the resto ration of the Union find the maintenance of the Constitution is in the restoration of that truly conlervative!party to power., - That the •ti onstitution the AmeriCan . Uniou;and 61 lawsmade nder and by the authority( f the Constitutibn, must be preserved and.maintained in their proper and rightful -si ipredracy ; that the rebel lion now in arms against them must be suppressed and put doWn,. and,that it is the duty of al good citizens to aid ,the itGeneral Gove nment in anneasures •ne cessary and proper to that el. • . That the Democracy of In Ulna, with patriots everywhere, kave made and will continue to t lliw every' sacrifice to .the end that the rhellion may be suppressed, the supremacy !Cif the Constitution main rl 'tained,. and th . Union under it preserved ; but they-are uUalterably opposed' to a war of conquest 41stibjugation, and they_nev .er will consent that the war on-their part .shall liie waged for the purpose of interfe- . e s tablished g with . the4ights, or overthrowing the tablished i stitutions• of any . of- the States. In dilanguage ofSenhtor,Doug 7 las, uttered at Chicago a few days beihre ii his death: " Are Must not= invade Con stitutional rig ts... The innocent must not stiffer, nor wo eh and children be the vic tims. SavageS must not, be let loose." That we-pliotest,. in the name.of our selves and of Our 'children ; and in all 'we' hold dear. in the future .of our beloved country, against, the mischievous cocas: tires of negro CmanCipation.fn the District of Columbia, and the payment for flitch negroes out oil the national treasury; and we further protest against the ,resolution of Congress, pledging the nation to pay for fill' negroes that tuay be emancipated by The authority of : aux of the Southern 1 StateS; that We regard such measures, in , • yoking as thy do - aw - expenditure of two thousand five hundred millions of dollars, as measures .lof transcendent enormity, and fruitful enly of najional beggary to the land we -lode; and that we are unal terably and unconilitionaltjr opposedlo all . sqhemeshavidg for:their object, immedi ately-or 'remote, the taxation of the white man . for the I purcluise of the Wegr . oes - anywhere; diat. - we deny the. con stitutional right of the _ Preshlent or of • Congress to adopt a policy which taxes 1 white labor to pay for negroes, or- which would make the! Government And people slave-dealers;l a" policy Which, - it:hot ar rested liy - the 'votes of the people ; will en tail upow unborn generation's of our kind red a debt mine overwhelming :Ma, ap, 1 palling thau ever cursed any nation Of au - - emit. or dioden times. . . _. _ That in opposition to tneaSeres of this t kind we desge to ineerpose'the peaceful and poWerful agent-the ballot ori'free. people—and say; in the hinguageof 1 ano ther: "We will neither surrender our rights • nor.forsake them. AVe - will main tain our constitutional Jibetty at all-haz-. ards, and; as a necessary steP toward;that end, we will maintain the Kiiionin like . ; Manner. We. are for. the!Constitution as • it is, and ,the he Union as it was. " . I That, in the language•of thesreSollition of the conservativememhers of Congress; • the doctrines of the.SeceisiOniists and Ab olitionists, as the latter are now represen, ted in . Congressi! are alike inconsistent with Constitution • and irreconcilable with - the unity and peace Of -the country. -- The first have already -involved us in war, and the others (the nholitionists)4ill leave to the country but little hope of the speedy restoration of Union or 'peace.. • 'That this Convention denouncesos un wise and unpatriotic;, all orginitations, se cret or open, having for their object the nullification of; or resistance to the laws ofthe State or of the United Statear-that oppressive lavis and unwise legislation fiud,their proper correctionl at the ballot bo•x, where a change of legislators - will produce the wished-for reform of bad and odious laws; and to that tribunal on ly will the patriot resort in this hour of his country's trial.' We-h Old sacred and hindint , every -enactinent till repealed. or declare c dnugatory'bY competent legal au thority. • . I • • • ,That the • happy accord of the Bottler. State Union men of Kentucky; Maryland, Missouri, and Western Virginia, with the Democratic delegation in Congress,. in their joint efforts to arrest the tide of fa naticism in, both Houses, -has filled all na .tional hearts in *this State with sentiments of deep affection for our brOthren of thoie gallant commonwealths, and we hereby pledge to then and the country our best efforts to secure to the councils of the Na tion statesmen who will labor to restore the union of the States on the basis and in the spiiriti of our matchless and revered Constitution: • That the people of :Indiana, having irk hibited, by . Ahe State Constitution and law, the entrance of free negrocs and mu lattoes into this State, and as'the present disturbances . on our border are likel`y-to bring- in an influx Of that population from. neighboring 'States, we respectfully ask the public authorities of Indiana to -see that the ConStitution and law's are proper ly enforced on that -subject. When the people of Indiana adopted that negro ei clusion clause by a majtirity of,ninetrfoiir thousand votes, they meant, that the hon est laboring white man should haven() competitor in the black race—that - the soil of Indiana should beleng to the white Man, and that he alone' was suited to her free institutions. • • That the pet to jusq view with alarin the reckless extravagance which pervades every department of the Federal Govern ritent ; that, a return to rigid Konoiny and accountability is indispensable to arrest the systematic plunder of the Public Treas ,l ury by favored partisans,. while the recent startling' developments of frauds and cor ruptiOus at the Federal Metropolis shoW that an entire change of administration is. imperativefy demanded. ' I That we approve of and . endorSe the resolutionstdrawn by lIon.;lohn J.- •teuden, and adepted,hy the conservatitie members of Ciingress on the 22nd day of Jan., 1861, as a clear and-just declaration' of the objects which ought' to be had in view by the American people in the pres ent fearful emergency of their national af fairs. SPEECH OP:110N. W. A. HiCITAEDSON. , The Pretiidnnt then intiodneed Ho; W. A. Riehardsen, of Illinois, as a gallant son of war and the coun cils of the nation, in the 'field, and on the floor of, Congress. , From his speech we make only n brief eitract, as follows: "In his judgment the, congress- that had just adjourned was the'lmoit'mischie 'vons one that had ever assembled in this country. They had ',aided; the rebellien by . their ' unfortunate - legislation and - speeches, and • be, was firmly,of the-I:Til ton that the army would have overthrown - Ihe•rebels everywhere hefore this iflthere had been no 'Congress in Session: ' jetie boanii the sou of Nebat, could not have , divided the-tribes of . Isl.:kilt' it had . po. been for the folly of Rehoboatri; the right ful ruler. • The rebelliOn could not have en dured till now but fur , the folly of Cnn- gross just closed. The action of Congrtiss r n was calculated to,.' did.unito the-Snu them people.. It filled the ranks of their - army. It divided and distracted us. One year ago, when both branches of CongidSs had,' by a .nearly unanimous vote, declared the war to -be -for the.: Constitution and that alone, 690,000 volunteers had rush'ed to the field to put down the rebellion. .A million of soldiers could' then - have been , had-upon, that assurance bynsking.. Now, after Congress bai_bY its action rendered the . pnrpose i' doubtful, a call is Made r for 300,000 men, and in-some, of tile states you will •be tompellod to draft, to fill the call. You will not have to draft in Indi ana,' or Illinois, nor, I believe, in the north- West, and . I thank GrOd for it ; but . in sOtne . of the states it will '.he done, if they fail Ito furnish their quota: 1- • 1 - - 1 - "The rebellion must be put down and. the Constitution intuit be preserved. The rebellion can Only, he put down and the' Constitution preservSa by the; white peo nle—the loyal ivhite, people. , .Itis. a libel 'upon the opon tbe twenty od rpillion of loyal peo ple in this nation tha they can't- putdorm eight or nine Millions of rebels; thatahoy have to call a few millions of negroeslto .alit them. • If the rebellion is not put do vn till the negroeS closnit, it, will.never be put down., - - That sterling old, patriot and leader of. the Unionists of -- Kenttraky; John J. C it -1 tenden, was not present, as was .expect d, but-he wrote a letfttr in iv . hicli . Unstated I his' ad berme° to thelviews, entertained by !the conservatiVe DeinocraCy 'of the clot try. Hngarnas a rrson for his abde ea frem the Conventiol , the serious illness of his Wife, and closed his lettertlinsr i i ‘ I ho fie the prOeseding of your Convent' n I will he Marked by- a~l the rempeyance a d • -wisdom whit* the romentous crisis e-, mands." ' - r • • - • , Let the abolitionists and their , allies sx -1 . NO. 33. ' haunt their ingenuity and their inisrepre sentation in divide the nor thern people, thii,conservative Detneertt eywill not abate one particle . of their at tachnient to the Constitutitilt widek they revere; the Union - which -they defend, anal the Government which they now, as ev er, support. • • Terribly Frightened. , - The abolition bushwhackers-are tremb- , ling in their boots-at the "vigil telling pros pects of the success of the well organized and unterrided Democracy . of the old Key stone. They writhe in mental agony ;a the certain indications of defeat' :at the coming election,; and unable to save.them selves Trani the doom which they have brought upon their own lwaths - by . their devotion to niggerism, which has thoro'ly disgusted -the masses of the: Republican_ party; the iniserabJe 'cowardly leaders, as _ . m . craven in spirit las•they are corrupt prtn eiple,are 'down -'On- their'--mairoW holies • calling lon Hercules to ,save . theni. . They can see' no other avenue. of escape than Government interference; and to this end their organs, one and all,. from Forney'-s debauehed' Press down, down,. down . Co the drivelino., canting,'malignant, _]icing little penny76lth-Spruler over the way, -are acting in concert to impugn the loyal ty of the Democratic party and' bring down upon influential then mil presses.the.strong arm of the National Administration, exec: cising that extra-constitutional power by them called the "war power." It is4.:laim• I I- ed by them that in the exercise -of 'this' I power, all liberty of speech that take a wider range than is compatible with their intereSts or conceits, May be •suppressed— that liberty-loving tongues May be herm etically seal ed,and stalwart arms paialyzed by summary arrest and quiet incarceration in one of Uncle Sam'S fortresses ' until after election. To effect this arand oltject, com panies of spies are 'oiganized- to: keep watch and ward 'over the actions of-honor able men; to note thele outgoings and in comings, to trace their footsteps late and early atutto repot every idle word which disconnected from what precedeg and fol - lowed, may be construed into sympathy - with, rebellion ; eves-droppers hover round suspected dwellings, and even the prattle of children is made available to the • di . rt 3; . purposes of these scoundrels. Upon , evi dence furnished bit wretches like these 1 public plunderers„tranded liars, supnking assassins of reputation—Government is. expected to act againstthe victims selec ted for vengeance; who without hearing, without knowledge of charges or inforiners are' to be deprived of liberty,and:.kltt in); mnrea iu prison until - the crisis, . which threatens, not the country, but the, aboli tionized'RepUbiican party, has safely pas et% and'the black banner allegro emanci pation, liberty, equality and.fratermlation has been curried successfully thrt)::gh th--, October contest. . Revolting as-it is, this is the programme frof the Republican leaders in this state.— The ,question is, will it be carried nut ? We refuse to belie 62 that ,the President and his Cabinet will permit themselvis to be used to the extent desired as instru merits to gratitY the malignity of worth less partisans, and we trust soon to have this'belief confirmed: - . In the meantime we b. F, that our Democratic young men,: a • as, are subject to draft, will give lie IW - to their traducers by rallying at once under the, banner of areir-country; and ,aid thcipbretbren alrefidy in the field . to crush - Mit the formidable and, wicked rebellion which threatens the totill . sub-• version! of -Republican Gereijunent. It should be the pride; as it umpiestionobly is . the duty , every man fit to,_bear arms to stand by his country in this the hour of -her great•great peril,,and to shed, if need be, the last drop of his blood in her de fence.—Parriel & Union. - What Thurlow Weed .Says; . The Albany Evening Journal, a promi nent Republicanpaper,edited by Thurlkw:l Weed, says : "The chief architects of the rebellion, before it broke out, were aided -in their -infernal design?{ by the ultra abolitionists of the North. This was too true, for.witlt out. such aid. the South _could noVer `hare been united against the Union. 'But :litr the incendiary recommendations- which rendered the otherwiseuseful Helper book alire-brand,.North Carolina could not .have been forced out of the Union. And even -note, the ultra abolition ' press and speech matters are aggravating the horrors they helped to. creae, and thns, byday intothe hands of tale leaders of d , the rebellion, are keeping. down the Unison men of the South, and rendering•reunion difficult if not. impOssible." , . tar The Charleston Courier some time since contained the followino• b report from Texas : • . - An order has been extended -foi: family leave Galveston, it having been determined, as-in the case of Vicksburg; to defend' it to the last.. Thin ordei. - has, been complied with,; except by some sev .en families. The partici being suspected their homes were searched,when• the stars and,striPes were -diaooVered,- intended to be hung oat should the FedcralsAake the city. An those o'uilty of this treason were taken out and immediately bung. - .11DP clespatch,friub Louisville, Ken-. tucky, Aug. 10th, says, Six thousand cay ally have already enrolled and enlistments are rejected, the number • already' being one thousand over the' quota :liked tor. The infantry are also _ enrolling rapidly. There will be no necessity forAralting in in Kelitucky,•on the first requisition of the United States Governnient. • Let the mad fanatics to drive the whole South into rebellion; tnake'note of the above, cease their abolition howling end-go and enlist... • • • _ . -Rwera.l l .-- • -----:-:- - , '.at a remit - . ‘yar tuoeting in.lll-1 , 1”-- p o r!, Ct., Elias' Howe, tlio .voll-knowr. . , sewhis.; olaoilioe, itwontor, )vas pro4nt Depar.tmeaVeleika on the War. i - dnii •• - •-'--- , 't • '. , .11Lel‘ SI% iog 1 , 1,01 1 0 to 1 Wziiiiiii, s ig n: The meeting-of department clerks, for v;I I , iF , tiamiltr.) tle roll.ttivelentot.r, auk'. the purpose of-militnry organization,Aield i, Anew:ll - twit tin it he shoolit- to2t proeures at Willard's Hall, in - Washinaton,:it the :subs . titnts,, lint ~ ; ;:).-.birnsete. 10th, was little bettot than a tiiilnre: - The -. ' - --- — 6 . '0 1 P.,:-•—, ...--. - " 1 -Dttriog'n , torni lit AM) afountain, Mo., peace element seemed to. predomin ate. , . . , . , . fie the .'":!', ii li i - ,-.. t ~ 1 lie lignutipp: t'tritk•ls a These clerks are, Of that noisrstripe of fa large ore bank rtml 'threw .10;%u . trot:: intense patriots who denouce every man as:-traitor who won't vote-their ticket. , 2,00 ii tit 2,5-00 tons or -pre. —• . , I - 3 08-PiIINTING of ALL K 3 It !-1 • t OVE•4T Tlit:OFF11.'1;: ()If I.IE, . • , 7M - 711/1. 4 C) 4 0 1=6..111. EAT LY AND PRO IPTLY: AND AT"LIVE AND uyr t:r,-E"lrPicts EDUCATIONALL. ALL iCoNIMUNICATI , IS . I UF•Ir:S'T.D ZOit 171 ,, r•r! tfitirLD lIE ADPItE ., I:I) To . A. DL•]SAIWD, SV-t/VEHANXK . COVNTV,VENN,A . ' • PROPER # EDUCATIO NS The" siflijea yin priiper Ilealthyolut tioo is Calling loudly for investigation fortliermicc, hct let 118 see - quit it he c:1!1 : rieA on with due reference to thepric*: p4,i; and the precepts of the r ,g.ospel; ft,r that being true, systeniB of edocati , ... that cptilliet with it, or have a letolcit,. either direct or indirect to foster feelin::.- or sentiments emitrary td the precti• • and example of onr•Saviour, hill be.: 16m, ! in thelsegnel to be wrong,'yea, unnat,e2r.• and un q philesophionl. The bible beiug II: all ‘ Science must - in the cud harinoni • - with it; fiOr - truth, never conflicts„-but roe often does. Sipeti the rebellion rtga4St "our govel Anent has developed itself, men seem (• tlmsiastie inFeprirg, to Meet- such vents, and, anxious tiAielvith each otl:, i 1 tleuMn,strations of loyalty. • They 11;;N eYenintroOneed the idea of military dr: into ours :hook; this I:cistering that to , of military display at the 'present so 1"1" : in young Americans; and - so well: taleul, ted to, cultivate feelings‘which are the r• - verse bt the fruits of the spirit—which II:, Apostle tells. us are, "Love; peace, - jr:-. long-sr 4 ferit,y , / gentleness, goodness, MIL • V_ Meekness and temperance." When it shall-become the aim awl prac tice of all instructors to cultivate!. ces and -virtues enjoinja by the.scripttn-- . to the 'exclusion Of those fostred - by ti; , '• militau spirit, then eduscation will astnri., a higher grade; and .not only the intelh . tual, but - the mural and ;religious of the mind ;will be develOed, and will approach nearer to "the mark for prize of the high cabby , of God in Cln . :•-t Jesns2-' . • The history of the present rebellion arid the effort made to suppress it, will pr',‘ that military training is not necessary to render 'Men more efficient on the , lee ;I-- Ithe abrienee_of all such - drillitu:, 'and --..upon unparalleltql short noel .the - government now Las as formidable :AI army in the field as the world. ever liessed. This slio‘rss hat:there is natur:l-• ly in the breasts of the people enough o; the military spirit to make them efficieut,- whet,' emor;:tu:ey tbfmands. Besides, ;,It . . . • chri bait people look nion'war calantitv—:l .tlt•. , :wrnt reincidy-.— . Arin-l: should bo ayohlc.l whtmc..yer other can be made cireetual -in satling ties ecnsistently' with nntionnl 10n0r. 7 -:* An:l experience has proven; that. -wh;.-! , . comnion nisodietatee.; tlitit Wati....l. • as will iffilivikluals are nincli more ).11,n ly 'to g6t Into cpiarrtls, Arlen they I 'confident-in their previtred nation tlrat feels. a want' of preparat': , 0.-, ;will not 1 1 „e sr: likely to pruvol:c will it nu ,early to :weir. It will much more likely to res,,r; arbitration orsoine other ptjasealile _of adjustment ; thus recognizing reenripence•to IP , evil for evil." "A.:enge not yourstl : bat 'rather give place to wrath; ; for is i writ tcn,•vengenhoe is nine-; 1 win saveth the.Lor,l." Then for conscience sake for the sal.- of t,he g,olpel, for the saki.. 'of the and Children, and the sake of the na tional prosperity' in - future—keep ;; thin . b-s;forev . er out of our common scion Anttlet us Who are friends to the . sebool S aw . poitulrr education, endeavor to promlite eiliciency- of: our. conin,,,p. schools on Goftel 'tieing . ful to • - girarel. every avenue that` Itgla to 'Wrong instruction— Then let-u- widen nod`Nl itnigt hen -tile bonds of c) n tian love c and bc instruinenialin iti That intiver. : ;arrein of peace, whi,:b $9 beautifully described in the forep:irt,-f ; the 4th chapter of Micah. • Our "schools, having spelt advovates and sta:1•1•• ing upon so Sure. foundation,• will thq • grow in interest and importance, excl.? i •,• an Mil nence•for good; that'will grow wi , : *their : growth, :and strengthen with tj, strength, until their enemies Witt br.! ‘a ,, - gnished, trufhlritnniih, the *sword ly• in its scabbard, and nation will not sword against nation, neither willTig:e men teach military drill any more. - • • • • --- • Wit.LIAM t I ATTELL.' flroWnsville, Pa.,' , lll:ircli; 1802. • • CarA rich scene was vwitnesswi 011 , 7 day 1:t t; Aveek, near the Post printikz ,:f -flee, in New York. Theiletald rep,,rt,:v "ol) . serving. an excited. crowd, - stopped' t -inquire the eauSe;and found n.fine. tral• ping; intelligmrt and earnest , Trishin excited conversation frith an atitletit:ah.,- -lithwistrlsoth turner thirty years of w_4••. The abolitionist was' upbohling Wend eP; _Phillips mid the Irishm mM: an was denoWl , . him, NIA t he '-erdw-d •betoutinf. exeit•;•d, 'seemed disposed to resort to l'yuch At lew . rtli the Irishman put him in a eoriwc awl said - :."rauLth'e tither of live'ehildri-ti I-L-you probably haVe none.. Will you wm - o• along with me now and enlist lbr time. wat if ye dare: ie.mlute-h% er‘d .tbonttout , ., shuffled and:shirked, Mid at' last ba-iA;t:,l l'out, amidst the jeers and scoffs oC th•• I ertiwd. • - Zrfr Some two or three yetirksinee w,• mentioned the strange mid borrihio then'obenrring here of a negro e!,piuL.., with a White girl. The "parties wer , -ne:ir!y strangers here, the negro baring while att hostler at one of onr and the girl being reported to be_a . . of the white woman with whj3ni V:ts living as his wife. The _disgusting and has been reenaet ed. The girl; we are in formed, has been hack anti Xt: -wzainl• c o . Friday znorniti!,,i - With n, yotinger fumed Jutieph -