The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 29, 1862, Image 2

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    6) - . ITO THEiPEOPIX orsum ooarry.
fice.-of the county mmissionera, . • , .
`.ill. That Tarty person in the said coup..,
-in obedience to the iequisitioti made up-
ties shall permit any dog or dogs kept i - i' - -.-. ._ .- - ...6 - - ,--
or remain about his premises; that is not on our S ate by th e y, r e a r : De par tm en t ,
returned by hini to the assessor ; such per ' Goy. Ctin has issued a prat, amation,pal- ..
Son shall be liable to pay a fine of three . . . i
altars, to be recovered in a suit-in the
ling fo r 21 new regitientii'of Volunteers,:
name of the Commonwealth, hetbro a jits- ; : whose term ofenlistment. shall be fot: the
tice of the peace, with costs,
debts of , short lie rod of. 7,..itie W I nths: i 4 :or these
like nature are' by law recoverable, one ;, 1
halfthereof to be paid to the informer, and} regitnens, Sing 's, county , is required to
the other half to the county Treasurer, to furnish two companies, or 292 men.
be placed by him in the fund of taxes oh i The uhersigned, believing that it only
doe-s., 1 requires[a oine one to' ".; sot in Um
-17.. That any dog seen Within an en- 1 - tion,".for Old Susquehanna to respond•
closure where sheep are kept withiii the ' cheering): and quickly ; '.propose-to organ.
said county, except when in eoibpany With ; ize 2. eoinpenies forthwith. That they
the owner or some member of his or - her : way be organized with all . possible dis
family, ,may be lawfully' killed. I patch, a l it' that all portions of the county
§B. That should the fund, arising from ; may be equally iepreseiated, .we suggest
the tax on dogs aforesaid, accumulate in t that eacl toemskipfurnish itsproportion,
the Treasury to an amount beyond what ;' ; of which' the a' carefully , pre
the county Commissioneis may think ne- ! pared-ea t timitez--. • [
. .
cessary to carry out the provisions of this i
I ,polc on 4;- . Ararat, 3, Auburn 10,
act, they shall have power, and they. are : BrridgeV.ater 1,0, Brooklyn 8, Choconut 4,
hereby required,- as often as such ''''" tin ' I elitfordl9,lllundatr2, - I.l.hunaik 7, Forest'
gency occurs; to proceed toilet apart suc h i Lake o;!Fianklin 5, Fr4indsville 2, Gibson
surplus for common school purposes, and: 9 , Gt .110ds n, Harfoid 9, Harmony 4,
to divide the same among the several ' Herricki4, Jackson 7, Je ssup 8, Lathrop 7,
school districts of qhe said connties, in • I Lenox ! Ib, Liberty.s, Middletown 4; Mont
proportion to the number of taxable in- I rose 8 New Alilfords . ll; Oakland 3, Hush
habitants in each of . the said school dis- t 7, Silveti Lake 5, Spritig,ville 8,. Susqu'a 9,
I- • 1
tricts; and, all draw their warrants in I Thomson 3. Total, 202. . _
favor of the school- treasurers of the res- 1 X
pective school dist -...,,'"
It is 4Xpected to raise a bounty ofso
ricts for their propor- !
t'for'eaelMinin who shall Milk in these Op
tions of the.atim to be paid out, aeconnt
; li o a u n i i i es," be paid befere they leave the
ed and settled for; by the said school
t i y IA large amount is already pledged
treasurers, as the common school fund is t ',.
!tor t Ito purpose. This will be a tree gift
laid out, accounted and settled for , ... . ..
. That dorrs in the said counties are
hereby declared to be personal property:,
And shall,be as , much the subject of larce
ny as any other kind of personal property
of the,'citizens, and additional to the boun
ty offerektby the Government. Company
No. IWiII be organized as soon as the'
minim* number shaq have sulisted ; the
compute:ln each case electing ks own of
ficers. lln-the meantime, squads • will
organited for drill, to be perfected in the
"school of the soldier:". Aretuigement,s
have been made for the subsistence of the
yolunte'ers while here. - • . •
Citizens of the County! will you not .
aid in, this iniportaet work 7 . See to it
that the above quota. of your respectiVe.
Letter from F. W. Hughes. townships is immediatly tilled. Spare no
eftbrt (:ot . time - or money until.your proper
' The following letter from Hon. F. W. tiOn oillie work is accomplished. A grate-
Hughes, President o? the • Democratic i fill Ciiiinnonwealth appeals to you for aid.
Conventioit--and Chairman of the State When *as the-Old Keystone, ever delin.
Central Committee,-is a complete answer quoit' in duity ?. Before, ,never. Suffer
to the false representations originating in not, then, so g reat a calamity to befall hgr
the columns of the Harrisburg Telegraph : N o w . t . i
1 .. . • . 1
Editors of the Patriot sf, Union, Harrisburg: Y oung-Men ! our country appeals tet,‘
- Gentlemen :—I extract the following forhelP, Shall she, ask in vain ? An in
,from iour weekly Issue of this lust - relent :bt threatening foe marches . to the
~ estraciion of our cherished iltstitutions.-
"DtimEx To vi ii WALL—The about-, gh a n .. w 6
,not assist in' their overthrow?
tionists are- certainly. driven to the wall We hoast il ai "we are ready when our
for argument against theDeinoeratie Con- • 7 ---- `-- ` -„
services are. eeded: They, are *needed
vention. The TeleeTaph says the Chair- ;mow [Let us emulate the patriotisin of
man, F. W.Unghes, has a brother in the :71 7 .411.rep already in the - field. "Let'
secession - army, and the Press says a neph- us nut Stand upon the order of our going,
ow. When such eminent falsifiers disc- but go tat,Nouce." C. W. TYLER,
gree, it is a difficult matter'to decide, but. [ ' ''' - D -W.SEARLE
assuming that one or the other is correct, - j , ' I ' D.
Montrose,-July 26th, 1862. . • . • '
it does not follow that Mr. Hughes is his 1 _ t
*- 1 ---;----..--.....------ .
brother's or his nephew's keeper." '.'i
Although ~I do not sn ) os that these 1 Wg4tod! 300,006 Men.
"eminent falsifiers" will care to know the 1
truth i .' and 'although -all of us too well : e l • ` - A il‘ : . - .5 g '.•
know one of the worst featnres of this, 1- • 5 1
Ake that of other civil wars, is to rupture . : --- ' l.--. - --- ' -- 1 ------ -----
family- tics, yet for the sake of truth, I 1 r - I
$ .--
i tarnish: you the following statement of : lit-:.%I) I 9I7ARTEIP PENN.. 3111:1TIA, ?•'
facts, viz: I have no brother ,in the stew- - Harrisburg, Judy 7, 1862. - -,i
.. ,
on army, and never had. While for one ; • .1 , •
In organi . zing the quota required from
hundred and fifty years past my ances
(and- amon ,, 1 Penusylvatua under the ,rale call of the
tors were Pennsylvanians.
o - f of the President of the Pinked States, .
them one who cOmmanded .ft troe
It ,is [ ordTed,
horse in n the Revolutionary war, and was; - - •
I. Trhops will be ,accepted by squads
' wounded in battle,
Which he never reeovered.)• yet I had, at I or 'e 3l, e 4 l 4t; he reinafter indicated, '
and wiii as rapidly as possible, be organ
the outbreak of thisrebellion, brothers in
i ized intO cOmpanies dregiments7'.
the rebel States. One of them was:teen
IL 'Perseus propOsing to organize com
:-,d of treason to the Southern Confedera- !
i panics lk - ill : he accepted under the follow
edcy,Lnril upon proof of his open and avow
dot otherwise, viz: .
Union sentiments, was sentenced to be. ; in g P 6 * -is ' l6 " and
To be conimissioned: a captain, the ap
, Inulg by a Vigilance committee in GeOf, 1
1 plieant ritti4 have furoishedforty 00) or
\ gin, which sat in
_judgment upon him.—
more urn who have : passed Surgeon's
From them 'and the prepared halter be I
examination, and ben mustered into the
made a most narrow escape into . North
, . s
Carolina..' Here a second committee par- i
Utuit e
ro I r e f ;States ervik.e:'
c( tinnissiol
sued_ him, because of declarations made 1 '
by him there, and from them, through the ' ft. "' ","" been (2
aid of personal friends, hemanaged to , must have been furni
make his second escape, and hurried back, To he et mmissiou
rat front tit een (15)1
by the way of Louisville, to this (his na-••
men mhst ave been
'five) State. As - regards my nephews, I
HI. i Trahsportat4
, cnnot certainly say whether I have ri•
N. Ye not a nephewin the secession army P ° ,'", ; (- 1 : 4 ,, m ; P cnr , ti 'l'
. at this.time, but it may gratify these "entin- ',',1)1',"c1.,"" in peso `
wit falsifiers" to know that at one time I '" I. ."' :ge' U.
had iw"omephews in the secession army; ofVOlnn eer •R 6
- bat let hie add, I had `also at the same i Peensylya ia, at H
tie two nephews in the Federal army. port toast e made.
You rightly judge lam not the "keep-. IV. 1 boardipg and
or ne
nd lodgit
• , er" of my,brothers or nephews, nor do I
d' tlii. order, ngloflice ill
claim any personal merit for the fact that
I have two brothers-in-law in the Federal disbursi
not Aeeednung twe
army, or seek to cast any reflection up.
' , my President' Lincoln; by reason ()rifle exceedinglorty cell
fackas is said, that. he has two brothers-
man nnistuired into
in-law in the secession army. . . tell St: tes t on the ,
furnishingithe men
; \ - F. 'W. IluGnEs;
Pottsville, July 1776:. - -, -, • eeipts r rpf the l party
_ • was, rend I.
Jon N ROWE, •
Spollker. of the House of Representatives
Luwis WM AIL,
Speaker of the. Senate.
• Approved, the- eighth day of April, m
no domini, one' thousand eight hundred
and sixty-two. A. G. Cerms.
V. ~' mid.; will be organized-into
. com-
Address- of the Republican Members , panieSl at Campp Cukin as rapidly as possi
of Congress. ' hiethe - I :ompantes formed into , regi
- .
Thirty-four . -Republican members of i ment4-tisl oflice4i appointed and coni 7
Congress, among them Thad. Stevens and I ntissionedlbyt he, Governor,, mid the reg.
Samuel S. Blair, of Pennsylvania, hare is- Liments mediatelY Placed at • the disposal I
sued an address to the- to,vo/ people of the 01* the AN]ar Departinent. - I
United States, which . is mainly devoted ' VI. As `a reward for mei-ttorionscon-1
to the enforcement of two propositions : : Asst, and also to secure valuable tnilitary''
First, that the Constitution of the United expeence„ appointments of field officers .
States is of •no account, and imposes no : will be mtide i _excePt under peculiar sir- ;
sort of restrictions upon the-Government. : eitin:titlicd§, from Melt now in active ser- I
That " under all well regulated gove r n - : vice. 11 . 3y l order . ht j
Merits the powers for the-common defence 1 A. G. CURTIN, Governor, &c.
• , , , .l
' tire only limited by the common danger, 1-' Each uqw recant for the war, will re-'
the public necessity and the requirements' ceive One •tnonth's 6,V - in advance, when
• of natural' justice" In plain language, --I he shall have beentinistered into service,
that the Constitution imposes no barrier' o r. joined 1 A regitrient ;also $25 of the
to.the exercise'of arbitrary power. These : b ooot on i p ney . 1 , .
Republican Congressmen, who-have - sol- !.• ' 7, 1--------H-......-- „
• . .
emnly sworn to support the crinmituti. - Rt-W6 publgh to-day the vigorous
of the United States, quote with aPP" - .7 : and charaLteristic 'ttildress of John e 'Camp.
'al the sentiinent that, It is Vain to op . - i bell to the Con et and Union cm-
Pose constitutional barriers to the impulse . zens oe Pennsvlvanta. Hr. Campbell-Was .
of self-preservation." Such a. revolution- • a leading Douglas IDemilcrat, and *NA° a'
ary dogma might satisfy Jeff. Davis and i very recentperiodia friend and, dmirer of
his Confederates of the necessity of their : j t ,h r. WW. i'Forney.l Ilii / communications
treason to the Constitution and the Gov , -used to-he publiShcil in the columns of
ernment ; but when deliberately endorsed
-the Press,but this else is of such a char
" and recommended by men boastful of their i aster that; we pi:Ciume it - was not 'offered
loyalty it becomes doubly dangerous.-We : f or pohliotion, to thatjOurnal. gr.-Camp- ,
know where and bow 'to meet the open ; bell is a. fearless and rigorous writer. He
- enemies of the Government, Nut when tells inat i v
• the sworn defenders of (Mr:institutions en- ; wholesOnie truths With po' int
and fervor. 'We publitill'his address en- .
cOuratie their overthrow, the utmost i tire, hot Withstanding, it contains some
watchfulness becomes necessary. One i thrusts which in Oar 'incipient are untner
,,,,, traitor. within the walls is more to be fitar- 1 ited, and ireconimend ifs perusal to our
ed than a host on the outside. The alto-' readers.—iPotrivit I- , Union. '• ' •
litionists show themselves the
_natural al- ' ,
.lies of the secessionists, and both must-be ' M.l.4igitiimite'olijeet of the.-war, wise, as
- ' overthrown in order k announced o maintain uhf Con- annound - at the. sTeat N. l'„tneeting: '
- e'
stitption and restore the Union.' • •,. „ .
• ! Rcsrls'e& That thi's - war is waged on OM
After demolishing the Constitution, the , part of tii. loyallfor.' the- overthrow-only'
second part of the address recommends i,of the disloyal ; tihat we seek not to enforce
the emancipation of four millions of slaves i any claims or- tO,. establish any ptivileies•
that they may "rise its)tit •'dignity on belrond- those gitifen iiii by. the Constituton
• e freemen," and. fight the battles •of the '
i of our fait)lers ; and oar ,only aim and liur
• [pose: hare beenijanillimer are, to maintain
-40------•-• ' the u reiriac •Of th' '
i sp , y . . at Constitution, over
Noitrose Fire Ooinpary No. 2
~ I 1 every-foo of snug where; it ever bore sway,
Will meet on Mondg evening Aug_ 4, i with - ntit4..a interpolated, or a line
At TP.]l . Gro. F. Lrrri.r, Ser•••'s- . , erased i ;,• , ~,_
- -.1 , ! •
"4114 y
Before abolitioo, accession. etc., disturhod it■ harmony
Enforced and respected in all aintlinta of the country
4 ,
Of ttion Comity.
-Fou-StravETou GENERAL :
Of Allighony County.
The 'citizens pf Susquehanna County
who-are in favorlOf at
promp response to
the late call for additional troops to put
down, the rebellion and preierve the Gov
ernment, will asiemble in' : mass meeting
at the Court Mime in ,alontrs - e,• on the
Evening of TUESDAY, July 29th, 1862 i,
to consult upon such means' as best - pro-'
mote enlistments. Appropriate speeches,
music, &0., expected. 'Let there be a
grand rally for the Union cause. Conle .
one, come all! kssemhle at. 7 o'clock.
A meeting teitake steps to raise volun
unteers under the late call, was held at
the Court-liousei in Montrose, on Monday
evening, July 21st.lIon. .W5l. Jits - st'
was chosen President,. and A. J. Gerrit.:
son. Secretary., IThe- object - of the meeting
was.etated by the chair Man, after Which
remarks were Made by Wm. 11. Jessup,
WM. J. Turrell, l , B. S. Bentley, 31. C. Ty
ler, A. ChaMberlin, and Dr. J. Blackman,
favoring the p4mpt filling up' of the old
regiments, and raising tile required- new
ones. Me. Turrell - offered to be one of
20 to, give $5O each to_each new !Company
of 100 men, raied in the county; to the
extent of five companies. Mr.. Bentley
said he wouid he another. Mr. Bentley.
offered the follovin . ,g :
Resolved, Till-n. 1% the Opinion of this
meeting, the .tlovernor should offer a
'bounty of $5O tio each volunteer 'for nine
montks; and that an extra Session of the
I .l,e , not expedient. Adopted.
On motion it was voted that an adjpurn
-1 ed meeting be held on Tuesday evening,
.29th inst.; and Messrs. Bentley, - Tyler,
Chamberlin, McCollum, Tur'rell, Gerrit
son and' Jessup, were - chosen a commit
tee'to report resolutions on the occasion.
After consultation, the Committee a
.llgreed. upon the following preamble, and .
resolutions to be the mect-
led a Find' Lietifi!iiant,
) . .to foriy (40) men
fished as- above.
ed, a -Second leieuten-
to twenty-file (25)
furnished as abOve . .
Lion' to the Cltral De
lwin ' be Pun shed, on.
M or by mail, to . Capt.;
A. 'Superintendent
!!erniting Service for
Itrrisburig to whom re-
.essary expenses' for
tlg of troops, raised
be-paid by the U. S.
this post; for a period
nty days; at a rate not
ts ',per day for even
the service sof the trni
ffadavit of the' _officer
suppOrted by the, re
to whom the money
~.4.,, I•
:! :, 0 14.0; -9.fuloT4t;
A. L . GERRIVION - • Editor.
Or Lieut. F i . S. Warner of the's6th
Pa. Regiment, has opened a general re
cruiting office, Ivor Chandler's store in
Montrose, where he will enroll volunteers
for one year, o fill up any company or
regiment now iq seryi4e from this State.
The Montro4 Silver Cornet Band will
give a grand vohal and instrumental con
cert at the Academy Hall in Montrose, ou
Wednesday evening July 300.
. The proceeds'Of this concert are to be
used for the belefit of the sick and groun
ded Pennsilviinla Volunteers. •
For particular's ace bills.
W.hereas, Strenuous efforts are now be
ing made to strengthen , and sustain the
Government, and a new levy of troops
has been called fbr that . purpose, and as
we desire as a people to do promptly our
part towards raising these troops, and, to
show our. high regard for the Volunteer,
Soldier, who respondslivillingly to the call
of his country for her defence; and
• whereas, other 'communities in the differ=
en loyal states' have offered a Bounty of
FIFTY DOLI.AiiS to each Volunteer enlist ,
ing; therefore,
-Resolved, That we recommend to .the
people of this (Susquehanna) county to
raise by subscription sufficient funds to
pay a BOunty of Fifty Dollars to each vol
unteer so Inlisting in thig. county, to the
number aat.least two companies:
. That the war now waged for
the Aestruction •of the Govenument is
a cruel, unholy and wicked War, and Was
commenced and is prosecuted without any
just cause.
3. That .c we are in favor of an active,
earnest and energetic prosecution :of the
war until the rebellion is crushed, and
treason punished ; and to attain that mid,
we believe the Government 'should ein
ploy and. use, promptly and. efficiently, ev
ery means consistent with civilized war
fare within its power and reach.
4. That Ail', e are for, the Union of the
States, -the integrity of the country and
the maintenance of this GOvernmerit,'
without any condition or qualification
whatever; and ire will stand by them'
and uphold , them, under-all circumstances,
and at every neceissary sacrifice of life or
treasure and that in putting, down this
rebellion we will not look-to the past, but
to the fliture, and.' will lend all Our ener;
gies to its . suppression.
S. That, we love and honor the brave'
men whO have left their hOnies and their
friends for . the.defence of our gOvernment
and country, and that* nation's gratitude
is, due to the:2i and will; be ever theirs.
A subscription paper hat been circula
-1 zed in this vicinity, to raise money-for a
I Bounty. to Volunteers; and $1;600 have
,'already been subscribed ; and it is desired
land e x pected that the citizens in the ser
i emil townships will take hold of thispat
ter with promptnesi and energy, until the
requisite amount is raised. PriCted ;Mb
! scription papers c 0 be a
_had of Mr. Be
i ley.. We append a copy of the fermi -
" We, the undersigned, do hereby a.
gree to pay the 'slims setlopposite our res
pective uatnes, for. the ;impose of paying
tipunty of ifty Dollars to each non--
commissioned officer and privat;
shall 17oinnteer and
. be mnstered i
militiry **ice of the IJuKed *al
the count . tbfSusquehanno,_to
to of.NoltiOeers assigned by4h4Cl' l
:Orr said:po_unty, two companblia
One Vdref the said suliacripttoti
•. • -
- paid epoirliie mustering into the
of one Company; and the fesidu
paid upon - the mustering in of a
.s. lientlpy,4loo, 1 Wm Jes9l4l
Wiit'J. Terrell, - 100 I Belay :Om
31. C. Tyler 4; Son,
W. J. it S. 1-1. - Mulford,
GuttenVelg,'Biiienbliuniala Co.;
Wm H. Cooper, Elo lie ,
Liittiriip, 1" - A: - ClgiMber,
F. B. Streeter, 50 W. It. Jesse
C.. F. Real, •50 E. V. Green-1
C. M. Gere,
M. S. Wilson; 50
Leonard Searle, 50
E. M. Tarn
C. P. Lathrop, • §0
IL K.'Newell, 10
rar GincraLDii; acting: for the
States, and Gen. Hill, acting for
bels,: have made an 'arrangement
ittonediate and general cichange.
ltarThe rebels pgoled a large
of our men . Who;_weee
and they Wer,e sent froin Itie
and arrived at New. York. City ,
steamer Vanderbil,t. 'Amen .
di s hed list appears the mune - of " •
13. Gates; 11 . ;-., 4th P. .
Corp C, IM. C111'141103, same co., was oil
Spaulding, Squid for N. Y.
Car Volunteers for - nine and
months will heaccepted, as the a:
official despatch announces :
' WASHINGTON, July 24.--To Ca
Dodge, \ Mutitering •Offieer, liar
Pa.—lf offered'hy,the Governor
nine and twelve months voluntee
order of the Secretary of War.
L., Adjutant General.
. The entire Militia of :Missouri .bas
been called out by. Gov: Gamble to put
down the rebel guerillas,who now infest
'that- state ; in- Wayne
,county they have
overowered two companies of State mi
litia, after killing the Captdin and forty
eight men, and wounding many others,
r.nd , had taken possession of the town.
A kiln( Poucy-.•=There has been
great darner for a unifOrm policy in re-,
gard to-contrabands—each:General taking
hisown course,:generally, in respect to,
them. MeClellart. and Butler make them
go to • work. Hunter hires teachers to I
show them thealphabet, nice pictures, &c. I
• Fregrorit sent them . North to become a
nuisance. At -Washington and elsewhere
they carefully fed and kept in idleneSs.
All-these plans - cannot' be judicious. ; A
generar policy _to force all stragglers to
work, or keep out of the lines, 'would be
more sensible. Set as 'many to work as
we want ;`-then admit:no vagrants of any
color into the lines. The pOlicy vill be.
accepted by alla excepthypererities, or.
those who think the, destiny of the -Afri- ,
can is ‘.‘ freedom" from Adam's curse. .
Wrho Republican organs have open
ed a most villainous series of attacks upon I
,Isaac Sleeker; our candidate for Auditor i
General. These,, attacks are
,made up of
outrageous falsehoods and gross misrepre
sentations. , llis record .proves his libel
lers to be guided. by sheer malice.lle ran
fur President Judge' last fall in a district
tha't was usually good for 2,000 Ilepubli
can- majority ; yet such was his ability., in ,
tegrity, popularity,.and unblemished pat
riotism, that he received an actual major
and sas only declared not elected in
,consequence of an informal return frOm
' one town,that ,gave him a large majority.
In his own town he received an almost
unanimous vote. Then, as now, the radi- i
cal class of men attempted to vitrify him,
but so popular was be among his neigh-1
•bors'that he made a large gain from the,
opposite party, and ;rill do it again. The
Irian who out-rode the storm of last year
cannot,be lied down now by abolitionists
and their allies. . He was sustained as a
Duos mae then, by the people, irreapec
tive of party ; and UNION men will elect
him Ow. ~v
Put that d wn as SETTLED.
- -
.Another cause .for the abolition
hostility to AleClellan has lately been de
veloped. liis'custom has been- to set ne
groes who come into his lines to work.-:--
The radiCals never Openly denounced the
practice, btu, now that the President has
ordered all Generals to do likewise, all the
leading radical organs, Tribune, Post, Ad
.yertiser, &c., set up an awful howl about
its injustice! They even declare that the
"Union is gone,unless - the negroes be set
free! So we ean,now more fully Onder
stAnd thalt the more ",vigor - ous policy"
which the abolitionists wanted was amore
vigorous effort to set slaves free, keep
them idle, and. send them North ! There
is no. - denying i .'this; for why do they now
object to keeping negroes'at the digging,
while the soldiers„ thus relieved, go on
fighting? Abolitionism is easily summed
op; it demands.“ freedom".frOm labor for
the slave, let the Union belost _or saved.
. Mt-MR - GENERAL POPE - has issued or
dprs to .the - difrerent sgenerals command.
ing divisions in his army . corps, requiring
the 'to seize all horses and . mules In their
vicinity, especially . in Culpepper county,
not absolutely needed by the inhabitants
6f the surrounding country.• They are al
vo directed _to seize.all . stores not abso
lutely needed for the maintenance or . sub
gistence of the inhabitants.
GENERAL 3fcCt.ELLArt..=--The. latest, in
telligence _from 'the yoimgCoMmander in:
dicates-that he is earnestly atiaicrk, and
that be-is in excellent spirits,] as are his
-whole army. Their. deVotion tc . him is un- .
bounded, and the indignation expressed at
the'attackS' to which lejtaS been subject
ed, find vent in very fiee,expr • sions.
'Jar The'Penrisvlvania oat! Com
patty wilreontribute fifty tho seed dol
lars to provide for the hewn to ,yolua
teers.— I -
rerMartin Van Buren resident
of the'llnitod•Statee,Adat Lindenwold,
near Milderb oar, ors
A Can - for More Troops.
, Who
to the
esi for
a quo
:'..; GOVEI.NOWS radalitAELAT/OX
.:‘^:::`ski susiiitu thiii Griti*Menelit timer of
'emotion peril,`by,.titt - his, eli4rgiest,:liii .
1 4
means atAliti life, ir4ied ' the' fi rlik
dUttiofeitery 1.011 ettitteit. ?'--'-;1"
Ttfil Preititlettof tiO.Tni
~: es nas
made ' a requifiltoit Wit Petnittilcauiator
twenty-one new reginients, and- theregi:.
menus already in the flttld must bereeruit,
ed.. Enlistments. willfbe made for nine
moi.ths . in; the new.
rkginiepts, ani r for ;
tWelve months in the
old:. - ' ' ''
to be
. existence of t6pre.....ent etnerginey
is well understood. N o
. patriot will pause
now - 4ci ipiestigate its causes. We mina
look to -the future., Everything
'dear wits is - at - stake. •'
in, 50
.Utiuler:theit - ct • - cireunt'vtunce&
with . confidence collie Freemen of Km
sylyania: You have to save your homes_
and your firt.:sicies . -yohr own liberties and
those of the whole country. . • .
• I call ofi -the. inhabitants of the counties,
cities, boroughs and • townships through
out our borders to meet and take active
'measures for the immediate furnishing, of
the quota of the State. • ,
3:et .those who .-tannot f go -.themselves
contribute to -provide •lounties,:equal; at
least, to those oared by ttdjoining States:
The Constitution prohibits ,rote. from
draiiing money. from the Troasnry with:
out 'authority of law, and I will not cast ,a
doubt on the patriotism. of our eitizens• - by.
assuming the necessityof calling the legis
lature at this time. - • -
er, 59
,r, 50
.p, 20
the re
for the
.f prim-
on the
apt. E.
This is no time to wait • for Legislative
action, and the negotiation of loans. Delay
might, be fatal. To put down this'rebellion
is the business of eveky men in Petinsylva
;- and her citizens willshow on this oc
casion that Alley do not wait for the slow
process of legislation, and do not desire
to throw on the Treasitry of the Coninoin
wealth a burden which they are individii
ally ready to-bear theiuselVes..
The conduct of our men
.Already in the'
field has shed' immortal lustre on Pennsyl
vania.. - Let their brethren fly to Arms to'
Support them, and make victory speedy as
well as certain. •
t. IL I.
s. By
I designate bel oWth e, number of com
panies which are 'expected from the sev
eral counties in the .State, .trusting the
support of her-honor in this crisis, (as it
may be safely, trustedi) to the. loyalty, fi-,
delity sand valor' of her freemen.: • •
Whilst the - - quota of the Several -coun
ties is fixed equitably so as to fill' the re
quisition for twenty-eue regiments; let not
the loyal people of any county With their
exertions to theetilistMent of, the compa-
Idea named.
Our heroic - sons-of -Pennsylvania have
moistened 'every batthAeld. with -theit: .
blood; thousands have bravely died de
fending-the unity s)f the Republic and the
sanctity of onr ihig, and other,thousands.
have fidlen sick and wounded, .and their
places filled.
Freemen of Pennsylvanial. •Friends.of
Government), of order and of our common
nationality ! one earnest struggle and
peace will again dawn upon us as a happy,
prosperous and united people, •
By the. Goernor. •
Secretary of the Commonwealth, •
..Harrisburgduly 2.lst, 1862.
Rein:Putt or ProsalcomiENT. . -
Adam's 2 companies, Alregheny 15,
Armstrong 1i Beaver 2,
Bedford 2, Berks
6, Blair 2, Bradford 5, Bucks 5, Butler 3,
Cambria 2, Carbon 2; Chester 6, Centre 2,A ;
Clarion and Forest 2, Clinton 1,, Clear- ;
field 1, Columbia 1, Crawford 2, Cumber
land 2, Dauphin 5, Delaware 2, Eric 5, I
Flk and McKean 1, Fayette I,.,Franidin
and . Fulton 5, Greene 1, Huntingdon
Indiana 2, Jefferson 1, Lancaster 8, law
rence 2, Lebanon '2, Lehigh 2, Luzerne 7, ,
Lycoming 3, Mercer 2, Mifflin 1, Monroe.;
I and Pike 1,. Montgomery • 5,• Montour 1,
Northampton 3, Northumberland 2, Per- I
i•y, 1, Philadelphia 50, Potter 1, Schtiyl-1
kill 5, Snyder 1, Somerset' 2, Sullivan and 1
Wyoming 1, Susquehanna
.2, Tioga 3, Uri- 1
ionl, Vcnango 1, Wnrrep.2, Washing-
ton 3,,Wayne2, Westmoreland , 3,York 3.
W ashingt on, July 22, 1862.
First/ Ordered that - military comman
ders within the States of Vfrginia, - South!
Carolina', Georgia, Florida, Alabamfi,
sissippi, touisana, Teas and Arkansas, in,
an orderly "mapper seize and use unrprop
erty, real or personal, which may be neces
satkor convenienVfor their-several corn-
mailds,fOr.stipplies, or for other military
pitrivsesi• and that' while property , may
be destroyed for proper militaryobjects,
none shall be destroyed in wantonness or
malice. •
Secofid, That military. and naval
commanders employ as laboreri 'within
and frOm said States, so many persons of
African-descent as can he advantageously
used for military or itaialliurpeses, giving
them .reasonable Wages for *lair 'l. - !bor.
Third. That as to 14V.tcpr,f-ttod
persons of African destekt:, Mounts shall
be kept. sufficiently accurate, and in detail,
to. Show quantities and amciunttcard from
-whom both such property.' and. persons
shall have come, as a basis : upon which
compensation can be =dein proper cases,
and thO severa)fdepartments,of this Gov
ernment shall attend to and perform their
appropriate parts towards tibeTexectition
of these orders. -
BY order of the: President. -
. . E..M. STAZUON, Seely of War.
The Presidint Attacked by_ the -Re&
The Harrisburg Patriot and Union of the
19th says :
After' signing' the confiscation' act,. a
mended in accordance with his, sugges
dons, Mr.
,Lincoln, aent . to: Congress a
Veto message: which:he had, prep,ared to
the' original act. This -Message. enunter
ated ik number of constitutional objectioni,
showing - the reckless character. of radi-,
cal legislation. '..The President , evidently
sent it to Congress otter his approval of
the amended bill,: as a rebuke .the rad
icals ; and ,hat. they so regard his action
is evident from. the' Collpiving . hitter. at
tack' upon' hint in yesterdays Tribune : .
"The Presidents .veto , message was en
tirely .unexpiwted', and fell like A wet
ket upon his friends in ,both Rouses 'of
Congress, which has gone, further - com
pliance with his wishes than everdid
tslature, before for :Executive, :.The mes
sage .waii 'mown tehe „existent:4. but
'it was .sapposed that its authoi _would
°Mona It to the flames,- litei signing the
,act. ',There was even more. dissatisfaction
than appeared on the surface; 'SOme of the'
soberest ,Senators were unwilling to; hear.
the Message read; and some of the Pieai
dot's most •devoted friends iR the House
refused to listen to it. „ • •
No - motion wis gttnate - .to
print it; .and in, t.l* Rouse it wag Mr... At.
len, of Oilio,-8.-deadly foe to ircry
publican or Adini7 istratioii measure, who
made. the motion - I' r the printing of extra
C.,i)i)its:lifeh ; efe
... • , .liy the arrival
of thelivaur fit aniWit." i In. the fili
listeritsg-e* t ! ; . 't.. ' MOO !Wowed, John'
'F. - Porter, anerbi: . Stifieus I led the op
pone4of tbiii• , il'eitioni who were
in poiiitof faiii_ ''''•:., e iufunerons than the
votes indicafe, a :, 31. WiciLliffi-, of Ken
tucky,figured at the - head of ` its suppor•-
ters,• . The leadership.. s assualed by this
latter gentleman ghve color tia the - sugges ,
Lion which Was h e rd on all hands , 'to the
Clre4l.44..,irmkt o hig.,thillif;ssage;.;;;atter
• the necessity for i , lad beemi avoided by.
the passage of a .special explanatory - act,
the . President had!conanited, Kentucky. in-
stead .of the freelirietik; alth4ugli the for",
met. had,b4, a_fc.w.Jiclarb,Winle . _ITU rileil.
his olive brap 0 541 gradual, -4mancipation.
~ .. .
. .
.. _David. Wilmot; ..„ ..
.... ~,. ....
Thi; Abolitien-ScOessionisi is
. a canili-
date for re-election to the. United States 1
Senate , TWROpildittinn : ` ; State Conven-
thin, eqorsed biut,as. "Arne: l ,4lod faithful
representative:6l6e loyaipeoPle cif_ this
state," . thereby . putting , Wrt' prontinettry I
forward before the people' its :the t.,ittli- j
date of the'RePtiplitantsi ' We abided on 1
Saturday .to' did fact' that'Mr. 'Wilniot
•Wriate.a 'letter to, an abolition meeting
'held'itt the Ceofiet'lnStittition,'Ne# York,
tiii the 6th of Marithlast; . - giving :his - un
qualified.endotiiiettient to Sunitiees ' Aboli
ticitt: Secession",deetrine: 'This: -Meet in g
iiitts7eidled to Susthin . the- GCivertunent • in
the prosecution of a 'purpos6 to 'recover
the "" Territories 1 heretolore'bectipied by
Certain' States recently - overturned and
what. subverted I ttit niembetis of the Fed
eral Union by 4 hostile' and traitorous
newer calling itself . the! Confederate
States" Mr. Wilinot in hii . letter says,
-" Lheartily appro've of the ohjeCti ,of the
meeting as set forth in the s eitp: l - . • The :ob
jects of 'the tndeting' . .so t"heartily ap-
proved"' by Mr.l Wilmot I were not to
sustain the Govetnment in I,the prosecu
tion of 'the' war I against insurrectionary
coMbinatioris in States .belonging—to' the
'Union but for the' Mere recovery of - Ten
ritarv . ,ir certain Stoics that Iliad actually
seceded from the Irnion,tlti#eby acknoWl
edging the power of reltellion to dissever
this Xation:, 1 ' '
- General Blair! was invited
to be -present, at ;the same meeting. • Lis- .
'teti how pointelV he rebuked the' 'doe,
I T,
trines which M • ihnot apProved and the
1 Reptiblittans of P nusyl . vaniketidoese :
"I do not sarir:lllair, " concur in
the proposition t cit certain States have
I been recently "overttiril,,an
ned Wholly
versed as members of the' Federal Union.
npim ',which •the Hil is based: That is,
in substance, what the Confederates them
[selves elaiin; and the fact that secession is
i maintained by 'tl e authors 6f-this call for
i a different purpre.e,does not make it more
Iconstitutional, or preernt th,lm' from , heiny
culled qiitersiiind abetieri
,e/i . the Confeder
ales."'l •
•. . .
• 'David Vilnio
the pnrhuvcy o
Itbetters of the,
notmeeil by the p 1
Miter] States ; .
l'eriasylvania en l
Wilmot :i a ".ti
tnive or the iny
Heaven presery
Onr plkerties srg
IVe call nen
of I PenDsvivainn !
non secessionist
mitke the jssue o
eve.ry Reim blieal
. . .
The Republican Coni-etition in one - of its
reSolutions prole'sell to forlzet all former
party names and distitictians. s The Con
vention then ,exl i
bited the! utter hollow
ties and hyprwricy of thii pretence by
giyine Senator ClqW:111 the Scold shoulder
for no other reastin than' that he had re,
fused tri . folio 4..1. party - Itliittat inn—and
praised Senator i Vilmot lideause he acted
- i
as a subservient' partizan. i
' , The , Conventton refi'ailied from con
(knitting the enoniniens frauds upon' the
Governinetitond_, from deaomicing thOse
instrumental in robbing t 4 public Treas—
ury of millions, because this would -.have
been milking atl. promineat "nientberS of
the'Reptibitean party.. 1 .
- • 1
;The Con ventlon sanctioned and sus
tained ull the measures of the
.Administra- '
tiOn—measures tniconstittifional and meaS
tires confessedly ' tinconstitittional—meas
tires wise and •Ipeasures — tboolish, simply
because it was e' i pedieut in.:l party con
vention to stist.ant .an adMinistration of
ito own party.,l. - ,1 • ' -
This was - the way the Convention ignor
ed party: \. 7 :-, , ; - 1.• -,' i . -. .
;Gen. Hiillecl Commander-in-Chief:
Ext.:eh:llTE .I' . .‘,NSION, !July 11;1862.
:1 0 i..dered that ialajor General" I len ry AV.
lialleck be assigned to the command of
the whole. land force of thC .United States
,tla General-in-oyd; and that he rePair to
the Cnpitoras soon as,lte Can with safety
to the positions land operations-within the
Department now tinder 14 special charge.
1 . . , .I . .Anttantast LINCOLN.
meeting - of Democratic; State Central
, ,
i The '3iember4 of the Democratic State
Central Committee are hereby requested
to meet at the Mercl4int'S Hotel in Phila.
on Tuesday, July 29th, at 7 o'clock, p.m.
A full attend: nee of allithe members is
earnestly retitle ted. • - •
Beside the bt siness of - theorganisationi
or the committee, it, will lie necessary to,
adopt measuresj for the . thorough orgaiii-
Sation of the LOYAL MASSES thro'out
the State, who lesire •that their political
,aetioiftheetistimg Fall . Olin afford eon-
Vincilig evidence - that - the - great body of
the people of tbis Commonwealth are re- :
selved •'-l• • - I . •• - •
• -
• i -
and that.tbe: the.: • - 1
• ' NOTIIE BROKEN UP,' • .. '
. Okilier'hy the open . ind'inittied 'assaults .of
enemies South , 'or the equally direct, -but
it insidious.!,movemetits of • foes iif the ,
~ , ~
Noriii.• • -. • - . I • -
1 It'is also desired'that., in view of what
the course of et+nti has render - oil probable,
• 1 -foieigit 'bite iention lir, our, domestic
-Strife, - and. the Complete! • cooperation of
Abolitiimism' a home - and abroad, to. pre-
yea' the iestOration , it the Union on the
basis of the Constitution",'..the,Demberats
and Otheiloyal citizens siipportingtair or.'
'ganization should present, an undivided
front. - to'oreign and domeittic foes. = . • .
1. ,'.•,,. . 1 •F. W.] HUGHES; .. •
Chairman Demi:amnia Celitral CoMmittee.
1 1
'sr : court wiiiek will b the-,,1,nue10 . pay
iho Priritvi. gout, Ofintreacpkcin'thezd
I Itrondaylii . Atiii; :;' , -;•1 -7.- ''''. '. '''".
beartify i aPproyed of
theSe aequil aiderS and
(;!otifederates, tm
.istinaster General of the
ud the Republicans of
I dorse. the same Dayid
te and taiihful, represen
t l 'people !of this State.
I us 'from c l rneh loyal men !
[Worth mi . thing in their
the conterrative press
o ohow !op this
his tree leolors 'awl to
re•ek•ction Heine
eatidithe r life
and Piaciice.
Propoutioa.eo Baise.a Soldier.' Relief
-To V. Orem. Sheriff of Striq'a Co.:
-Pll4B.Sue:•.l.,,propose thatif you ts,elct
the Dein iirone Of the tire pepers'in
which to ptiblisb our sales of 'real estate,
thittiONE HAT.S the amoott of the bills .
for ad vertising , thall be devoted to the re
lief Of sick and Wounded Volunteers; rho
titayenliat from this county under-the. tate -
call ; or of thefamilieS of such `Volunteers
, who 'may • be destitute; the funds to. , be
paid ;over by, you the County Commis- •
owners ' such *other "special committee
as itinybe agreed Upon, for disbursement.
This arrangement to be-entered iipoti now
and continue during the year, unless such
relict 'shall, so long-needech
This Offer not te_be, so co inn r
necessarily affe.ct the price paid to such
otheipaper as Yon May-select to advertise
yOur sales in ; and I fttrtbei!:fcr to inelude•
such ; other notices us yoitmafhave to pub
limli in. two papers; also on Such notices
AR :ire limited.tii one•paper, I will devote
THREE-FOURTHS of the bills, as above.,
And .should: there be no necessityAer
the use of it relief fund for ,new volunteers •
from the county, I ivill.donate one half.of
Said bille to the relief of Sick and wounded
volunteers from the county, or elsewhere,
in the army of the Union.
Publisher of-the Montrose I/Owe - rat.
Montrose, July 160, - "• (Um
. ,
:Or The terms of the above offer are
extended to: the other public officials of
Susquehanna eounty. •
Publication•to be ninde.of the nniount of
such moneys, - and how, and to whom dis
bured. A. J. G.
r§r7he above offer was made for the
purpose specified, and none Other, and
.without reference te any Other paper. It
wits made by us without : the knowledge
of any other person. All hints to the con-.
trary are -unfounded ; arid; if persisted in,
will; from being ungenerous and unjust,
beennie false and maliciou - s.. •
"Reintool, That the present deplorable hss
been force' upon the country by disunionixts of Southern
States, now in arms against the ConstitntliMal cloiern
'meat, and In arms around the that in thin 'Na
tional emergency, Congresg, banishing all frehi.,g of mere
passion or resentment, will recollect only its duty to the
whole country; that this war Is not u-aged on their part
In-any spirit of oppression. or for any parpoteofaubjugs
tlon,or conquest, or purpose of overthrowing or interfe
ring with the rights or VA t ablisheclAuatitution+ of those
States, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the
Constitution. - and to preserve the Union, with all the
dignity, emiality, and rights of the several Statii; unim
paired, and that as Soon as these obJects are accomplished
the war ought to eease,"-- 7 -Adopted by both branches of
6ungreAm. July 21st ,1861, without opposition—two-thirds
being Republicans. ,
have . no purpose, directly or indirectly, to inlerfere
with theinatitutlon of slavery in the States where it es:
!stn. I believe ',have ho lawful tunas' to do so, and I
have no incdtafion ludo U:"—From Lincoln's Inaugural
Address, Much 4th, leGt.
"Remixed, That neither the Conzrelo or the Lititr;l
Motes, nor the people or goveratments of the norr•olai e.
molding Staten have the Constitutional right to legiolate
upon. or interfere vi . ith, alarrry to any of the olare•hold..
tog State" In the Colon. — --ttherroan's n•eohttton, pawled -
Feb. 11th, th6l. • •
frhieena. The .timerican Nrae ordained
and e.tahlie - hed by onr father: in Order to forma mr,
perfect Union. e—tztblish justice. insure lionat—tie lint.
gni provide for the cuihmop afente, promote tt r
geneini.welfare. and eecure the bhnleinge of liberty to
porterity ; therefore
Rool c ed. 1. Thai the only object of the IltmoerAtie
parry is the reetoration of the Union a . 4 it was, and the
preeerration of the Constitution As it
'jlardrrd, //. That to the end that the Futon ma, •
reatored. anal the Con.titutint, and lam: be enforced t r,.'
otttita wholeex.teut.we pledge our hearty and unqulbUr
eupport to the Federal Cireernnurnt In the energetic in ve•
ecution of theexistnig war. ..-
Rmiittl, 7 la That the, trne and only object of the tytth
IS to reStore the Union and ent.ove the laws . ; such spur
pone alone In worthy then wf ul sacri fi ce which it' costs of
life and treasure; with such a part - ruse-alone can we hope
for success; and tlion who front sectional feelings of par:'
tr em or privatemoti would give any other direction to
the efforts of our armies, are unidat and unworthy to'be
entrusted with power, and would cause all our exertions.
extraordinary And unparalle led as they Are, to prove futile
In the end. • -
Re.rolud; XL Thal *be .CciuM !Intim! and .Vnlon;and
the !seri , . must be preserved and maintained in all their
proper and rightful supremacy. and that the. Rebellion
now In:um* against them must be 'suppressed, and that
it is our duty tu usealleonstitutionallatlMUlCSuecuisary
to that end_ r -
CMU OM THE • • .••
li tE ,ll l 4l 9 7l34 l iil n Er n ol tk moat nera l a a p s ;Ve n ir tu t '. 1 4 -
terns ; Builders' Hardware of all kinds.
• Farmers' Tools of
Brau Were; Porcelain Ware, Japanned end Plain TM
Ware of the beat material. - •
Pahits, Oils; Glass, Putty,. and Sash.
Pumps,-Lead Pipe. Lamps, Dirt' Cages; etc.. de. ,
Also, a Good Buggy for Sale. -
Terms right. Remember the. place. 'Call and ace na
a. 'A. WPQMIUMP. I Montrose, July :CM. INA.
F'" CANNING FIGIIT. Glass, with Glass corks.
No chance of failure. • Call and see Them. Try thm
Selling. raiddly aI BOYD wooDling—s.
. _
...,. BREAKERs ,
. AHEAD! ,,
/1111EBOOKS of thO late Om of BOYD & WEBSTEM
JL are yst In tnY hands, and wo are very desirous trtst all
indebted would Call and Pettic without turther,delay.
After August 1:111. the Woks will probably be in other
handsn 'for collection. .
31ontruse,J uirtMith.. . WM, kW/YD. •
W! I
C .
AME into theinelosure of tht subscribe .
on the Anh of June last, a two years nlit
steer, nal, with some white underneath; also ,
a two years old heifer, mime colors with :it
White spot In the Luce. The ownerls requested to prose
property,pay charnel; and take them away:.
Apolacon:Jutypl,'W. EDMUND C,I,:3IIAU9UNESST,
Has Estabilshed an AgenCy in Montrose.
• . .71e,61dest Insuran . ce co. in the Union s
• •
rates are as low as those of any good iompariy-In
T New York, or oleewnere; nud tte Dizactors are among
the dret for honor and inteirlly. -
V6taarza Karr, Seey. AR I'lltlll'o. 'COFFIN, prcl,
26ontroas, July 15. '62. BILLINOS ST1101:13,
Auditor's Notice.
111r.2=natX3Tti:ttimitirt C o u r t iutiie giefrrb m ui Piro;
the fund Row In the hands of the-Shedd of raid county,
arlilug ( rum the senor pergniusi ebiete Ca./ UN ALDER,
attend W 1,110 MOW* ar, raid appniuldiot at nit 001C°
le Mont:ono, airantwtn,y, Angola 24. M. *l4 o Cl o a ,
prft, when all meow havlsk claims will liTettnt them
or be &fiver barred from taming in upon 1141111 NAIL
rtilIKK I rn.ti , :f it, A-v.:l'Am