IS PUBLISH/CD TUURSDAYS.! TY .4.. J. rer ' r-.1.7.t/E1C022.• ,10FFICE ON PIALIC TIIMICE DOORS ADOVR :- •,--41,5b Nor nnnum in ,ADVANCE ; therniee . $ wilt be chargnd:,and arty wits per annum f, 1 ,. ..14ed to itereiraz,es, qt the optiou oldie Publisher, to pay ipenee of collection, etc.•A.llY.llLtiCi. payment preferred. A nvEnrAcmica-rs viill be inseiied .at the . rm. of $1 per square. of ten lines 0r1e,,, feethe tirstittree' week*, and it ceute fur each iirldltion4 week—pay dere. ! 31erehants, and otliers, ivlio a the year, will be charged at the fellogring niter, tis.;- Fur ones:lnc:re. or it... 1, one Pear; wit/ Char gel $8 Karla additional square, at the rata Q/ No credit given except to t oso of known t wpons BUSINESS CABDS: • lIENRY C: TYLER,I DEALER In Dry Good . Groceries. rmbrpl!ne. Yankee Notion*. hoot! And Stine*. • Shovelo ; and- Ffirk*, btode Ware. Witoden Ware and Brown.. load ut Na*l cation, Public Avenue. • 31ontrotie, Ps.. stay 13,1562.-1 y -- -'-----,-- WY.' LIIINTTINti 'COOPER.. , .. .lIZNIT D Sti N XIII. . \ W3l. ii. cd9rEiz it c o o., . I D ANKElM—Moutrose, Pa: Suet eikoorslil roxt e Cooper t Co. 01111“. Latlappetterr buildiug. t tumptkelt. I, a. 31 . 001.1.171 n. w. sc ants.' )IcCOLLI:3I. SEAIIII, ATTORNEYS and Counsellor' , at LAW,-+lfontrope,,Pas Office in Lathrope new budding, over the Danl. • 1)12. WILT:I.I. NE. W 4 W H EATON, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURGECtft DENTIST. 7 111771 PR. M17:0.V i ON.! . 1 ; Mechanical and Surgical Denfist, recently or Ilin'gbamtott, N. Y. teuder their proft,sional ecreicro to WI who aline-- elate the ••• Reformed Practlec or Physteh" careful.and exillful operations on Teeth; with tha mind acientitielind stYlea or Platework. - Yekh eittactoil without pain and all work .warranted. . - Jackson, Juno I Ith, '•'• • • DR. ir. sos, QtRGEON DENTlST'S,—Montrose. Pa. tu Lathrops' oesw over. . the Bank. All Tkntal operations will be liaise - A m peranned In good style and warranted., Ji C. OLNISTEAI) DRS. OLMSTEAD & READ, voI3LD A N M)1 013 N CE . to the Public v • that they have entered into a partnership for the Practice of MEDICINE & Surgery, madam prepared to attend to all calls in the line of their profession. Mike—the ono formerly axnpietr.hy Dr.. 13. C. 01 .stead, In DUNDAFF. Thy 3m. DR., N. Y. J.EET4 i'hysiCian and Satgeel, OW' opj?ctsitt the .Thekeort Home. _ " . in k ET R. LE givea . .particular atten,tion to the treatment 4.1 of diseases of the KAR anti Ere: 1111 . d IP conlident that hip knowfra , e of, aud.expenence in that binnTh of enarde him tit street n enre in the most difilenit cases. For treatine illieases:of three lamina no fee' will be charged unlmi.s the patient. is benefited he the treat ment. ' [August 4etti, , 3011 N SAU'rTEIt, ' FiiiIIIIONATILE TAlLOlL—lsfontrose. Pa. Shou over I. N. IlidlatiKs Grocery', on Main.strett. Thankful forpast favors, he solicits a continuattee! —pledging himself to do all work sat isfitrtoril v. Cut-' tine done On short.nutlee, and warranted to tit. "Montrose. PA.. July 211 i. 1860.—tf. A ! 1 ' P. LINES, - ilAsitloNArti.r. TAlLOR—M . :mirror. Pii. Shop 111 In Pla•xnix Block. o'er .tore of Itcntl. Wotrnue it rontcr All ,sork wnrrniltinl, no to fit and linleilt, : , CuitioF)ione no .hurtwithin., in !win inylr. Poi 'GO .. .1011N.G110VES', 1 ,1 \ SIIIONAIII.E TAllA)ll.,..—;Nionti - np,.. 1 . 11. Shp near the Ilapth.t M .... Meting 11on, 011 Turhl,lke ptroet. All orrlaral,ll,l promptly, in flr4.rate At'Yle. 1 . 0 1 .111111 d.e111" 011 11 1001 11010 . , Mid 1,1\178111(AI 11.111 t. •• 1 li. ISI3ELI., TTI EPA IRS Clor Wat anti Jewelry at thr 111 not ISn. and on rea-onahle tun.•. All frort: warranted. Shop in Chatater audJvailitio Mostno.n. Pa. .or A t. \V \L \V. SMITH CO., 1. • CI kDINET AND (91..012 N.ANt4..idfruntats.rroot of Main suet:[, Mor.trote., Pa. • 21.1..: tt \ C. 0 . r () /Z 1 )// AM, 'W{\ ITT-C . 11.1:1:ft of 800 T . .5 d:. , 11 , T.S. 'Alont.fro.e, kiiids of nark t,. r"itn,lnz nvintly y ooss (4.,A. Groceries': r? 1,11:, G.sotls. Ore Perlit -11.1,..t.c.—..1.7.ent for aP. the ritostporr.Lsr PATENT MEillClNES.—.Moritrore, Pa. • . -atm tr. IIAYDEN BIZOTIIFItS i WIIOLE3ALIC DF:A - LEILS IN "V.CLINI32C3EM . ' NOTICOIVeI - AND - FANCY.GOOI:e WM. ni - i - rms. .1011 N I.I,AYDF:N. TRACY HAYDEN,i NEW MILFORD,' PA GI:1111GE IIAYIMS. 1 , P. :E. BRUM, • 3f. P., 11..1VING NOW LOCATED PERMANENTI,T, AT Will attend to the hales of his profeeFloa promptly 01IR•e al d. I.atliroli 9 o Hotel. I\NURI EI N€7,7II7PANY, Of N oyqWYorlt. CASH CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS essErrs 1860, S/4 8 14 819 . 27 . LIABILITIES, " • 43,068.68. 7. Ictiltrm Smith. Sre Maki J. Marti% Pretiident "Liu 31cCire, Att't A. 1 0 :1V marth " Toticiet ir.ned and rent red: be the tr!ndertlim&l, at kis Once, one door above Staile'silloteli l%listroltei re. nue= y ovp, Anent.. • . 1 I "V 'XI !Fr .„ 3 011 D z • .7:I s rl'o a r. 8. 0 ATan e ti t f.Zp P f 4r i p%7eZ t Po r i c l'o f u o c r i or Coal, with Stove, ripe, Zinc, a , . Ilissasortment: select and trcairable. and lellr he mild tlti the most theoretic tort for CoAh, or Cu Prompt iz New Milked. Oct. illith.trida. Dandelion Coffee;' • 4 lIENT.TIIY brverog.. L)nr• roorei Of 1 hi• :V make ro, touch no t. 1.% othrreotree. For "Ilk by ABM TUAREI.I- , _ . TAKE ( - lamas Po f for 31ZEictons; nharepVelts, Fos. Mihk, Mii.krat and all ;kind. of dun. -A goad alsortnoTt of Leather ;and Bon - u and. }linen con.lantly on han d .tlrtice, T:ainery, Shop on itnlc Strut. Montrose. Feb.fith. I i. P. cf. L. C.:it:Eta:li '. A DAVID .C.l ANEY, M. D • - ri -vri ,: i..rated per m tnewtly 3111ffird. Pa.. (jarillattoerl - prom ptly o ell cello with which he may ,pc firmed. ()like lime Milford. Thly. IY. , S6l ABEL „- -- ,-- IIV.; for %sic, titotallit.. t. (M. for Sewing Machines rllntic ,t WAtat 011, tird fin-%. Ttnt and 3innyn. Pot inn, tironeopathtc 1ft!me.11..., Polont Eitract. find a great T.trioty or Linimenta. Sal il,r. Pill 4. and, Plastera, and an r ollnws variety nt Paletil.r• Irditine,,. MEDIC 4 L OAFE): , . .DR. E. PATRICK, DR.1..t. , ; GARDNER I I . lATE GRADUATE nr ran 7dEDiCAL DEPATMENT .1.1 OF YALE COLLEGI., have fOrmeli - ti copartnership fqt.,the practice of - Medicbe aad Surgery.and are prepared I to Attend to nli husin,w , faithially and punetoally. that may be tatriteted to their cure. on term" , commensurate ' vet th - the !Ind.'''. Diteasel , and deformit en of the EYE, eurglcal opera tions. nod all aur;rical ti!l.l.t.t.e, particularly attended to. f'Omee over Wehble Store. ORR« hoar* from Sa. in. to 9 p.m. Al' aorta t f Country Tanduce taken in pay . ,ment.. at the-highest valts. end calm NOT ItZeTRILD. Montrose. Pa.. May :t h. • • . . PERSONS OUT OF BIP . STNI:SS. aiiit wmallig cheap fartno, tee advertio spent of vinciaud ill Apother .column. , • ./iIALT:I - 1 the ti-urel:Sa. WANTED-- A respeF:a.e , nerion of elthifr . Fe In IT every neighhprhocld eell J. N. Stafford'i °urn TAB, and alto J. IL Fclannrcl'. leo:: AND Sf•`crn Pow mods. --Olin , I'm' la a th e..tranonarentAlnid fi It le the .beet remedy known for .411.:30pai of the Intgl y or. .Catarrh. Also for clink: l beria. croure. whooping Cough. &e. MY-Iron and &LIT:Mu Powders atrongthen the vs tem. aid the digestion , purity t he blond . I have a etateen page pamphlet, otatnint full ernlanallostf,And over nne hundred 'testi 0 - Mali , from roll .knOwniwoml n‘mt nersoni.., wlareb 11.0 send to any nee free by mall. rtrFORII, r.'hetettt: 4i...1.P:ex...Ty N. We Join Ourselvet to • EDrGA-TIONA.L: Au, Comut:?.lcyentow nntimeti - roa Tars OOLVIIIN SHOULD UT ADDItI4ZU TO A. N. VOLLAD, MONTMOOC,, COTTITT, rUYA. • rrem Woos - by a District Secretary. The weather is awful: Sleet is the predominant element in the- world with- out I . :What ,a glorious time the Secre tary of the Board of Directors to !Mosel!!, I feel depressed •at the thought; tha I must enjoy the feast of reason and-flow of sour all alone. How I would, like to haven few oftlntse yener ablefogies Witlime to-day. It would be . such a treat ! I think I . could show them, the difference betireen"new. tangled"teachers, teachers, and - the "Master," 'who taught round!. boarded round! loafed round! and wasn't fit for anything but -a school teacher, -twenty,- years ago!-' Well per haps, they could .not appreciate the 'differ ence, In fact when they do accompany Me, the first thing. the last thing! the only thing! that attracts their attention, is PENMANSHIP I :don't un derstand this! I won't understand it I Nine o'clock ! be off! Whtre is my report? School has certainly taken Pp! • -Thisis my third Report . ? All right ; Misses Younkin will call their classes .be : tore get there ! Good • bye, wife ! and you, too little Otte Good bye ! I'll be back for dinner, provided always, I don't get an invite somewhere else, which rare ly OCCULTS. Thetis S tine school building ! large brick.! two stories !, highly creditable! Well, ah ! - Miss Younkiu at the door ! " A sieety morning, Miss Younkin, how • are yourself and sister this morning{?— We :Are well and. pleased; to - see you. conic again ! a very bad 'morning ! --come in ! come in -! 4. L. REM? _ . , Well,:in Igo ! Oh, what a• crowd ! So. many pleasant. faces - ! •Tlie , rogues are acquainted with 'me. See how they mile•! What tine ! intelligent; counte nances! .-110 - neatly all are dressed ! boys, girls ! and. even-two or three of a shade darker'than the Caucasian,.appear spr4litly 'all " gay and happy !" God bless them ! My feelings o‘terpower me ! A tcarmoistemfiny eye ! -to,away ! I am -nothing bin an overgrown child 1 System ! how I love to works at thy shrine! . Every, feature' works wijh the regal - 401y of the spheres'- System seignsiarmind . ! The teachers ire sys tematic ! - Then it follows the school loom is systematically arranged 1!• And .they are systeinatically recited !! The pupils - are sysieMatically classified ' , The stud ies are systematically :ippon limed ! Never before did I see such interest ! Mark that class! • Mark :every class ! large !' small ! and middle size ! Up go a row of hands - .! Look at the spriglitry counte nances ! See how their eyi...2.: sparkle at the prospect of_ answering;! Ihmareds of questions, are piit and are; 'is readily an swered ! See, the' head member of a ,class has "missed!" Withj the rapiditi . of thought the second leis answered ! 1 Head is trapped ! ' Oh, What a shock to her litt;e. nerves !. See -- thil gentle - tear •steal info the cornet • of • her eyel . She brushes jt away with one hand-and holds 1 np the other !: 'lt is too ulna, little one ! l I telt another, tear. hitt tiMe is rolling away, 'and I have only three hours to i 'spend With you I No !I . The s c hool.l must singan ode betbre I think ofleaving! Sixty, sweet, tender melodious voices, .:loin the chorus ! I shall licit attempt to describe it ! I never made a better speech in my little folks ! I felt happy! - I was pitoseri! _ ' . - . A-Wful weather ! :Quite a change since ! this morning! Two drops dfraiii to three drops of sleet ! lam within sight of the 1 school building ! I search fdr my repiirt ! ! Alas, -it is gone 1 It .6'o lost ! Back through- all the _rain! through all r the !sleet, over head and tinder foot; ow Mile, .i I triiged,:fotind it and.returned! 'Well .1 there is the building again! It is well 1 situated,but it looks miserably dreary ! There is an unspeakable something abdut it ! . . . . Rap 1 'rari t 'no - r6sponse ! Rap ! rap! rap ! " Conic in," responded a, husky voice. IVet-1 wet !'wet. ! was I ? Wet, from the hat to. the boots ! In I posted ! "How dye do, M II? Conte up here behind the desk and take t seat! I iraS , wet ! "Thank ,you sir, I'll prefer the stove:" °TICE!: URRELL A. TIM REM, I. or Pound • ..... . • . , • .. • .• •., .. .4. • 4 ,.., 1 . " - . ' 3 ..,-.? ' . I .:','- ... , .: . - . ! -:..- '... Li ~.- : ....7 . ., 1'. ' ', r • - ... v . . e ~. --, .. . ... . . .... • K .., . .... , , .. /.. . , , . . . f •.- . .; . ~ ._.,,., „.. . _ ... • . ~ .:.•,........, ...._ _ ..... •.,, _ •.......... _ .. .....•_ .., _. , .......„. .... _,.„..,.....•. ......_ , _ _ .. 4.: . ......... .._ ....• i ..,..: _ . _ . ~. ~ , ~,..,.... ...•..,........ • ~...,.,,•.......,,_,...,....,:.:.„.........,•.... ..„. ....._ . ~ , ... . V0L,19. ‘; A ooNTRAsT. 31y eyes involuntarily rolled • around the room !- The floor Was like unto a'coal hearth ! The wallS a shade,. lighter than the crater of Vesuvini Bencheswere :turned up-side . dontl: Fite spread all o ver the' room ! One-third of the shut tersimere shut ! The teachers looked blank !*:. The-pupils stared me out of coun tenance! Some were seated ! Others lounged ! Some were tidy ! • Others were not ! understanA it ! ;The classes- were called ! One rested here ! Another there ! One answered ! Ten,did,not ! Oue was engaged, with his toes on the floor ! Another with his fin gers ! A third with her hair!, Ten were not interested in , the recitation, only when their time came: While the teach ; erzlOoked in one-direction, two -or three peqHrmed a set:to in another direction ! While the teacher went out, the whole school inside went into an uproarious tu mult. Well v l felt like leaVing- I -tried Ito make a speech Eery Word- frac long before it reached the- school ! I quit ! I left ! I was-rqs-totrisen l . We have a number of schooli like the L Cornier and at 'east one like the, latter in -our dis.rict . . J. R. Dvitnoßow. rar 'The Hartford. Tinms states that while - our army was engaged in Mexico, one.of the editors in Connecticut, .who is •urging that the present war be turned in to an abolition raid, published the -follow ing atrocious sentiment i. It would _he a sad but woful joy— bnt_ajny. nevertheless—to hear that the hordes under Scott and, raylor were, every man of them, swept into the next world. PrgxTresiaent Buchanan bae , sent one bundre,d datlys tct re,ntisylvattia 'Relief Associatiov, for sick Ana IVunigd soldiers, ,Torn W. Forney, thairmac. no - Paity that Does not harry, the nig and Keep Step MONTROSE, r4.,:rrtiEtAD*74::pmy 26,:113621... - Ark. ALcildireies' 13, 1. 0 TUE U NI ON N A - ND CONSERVATIVE PITI -.ZEN'S OF PEKNSYLVANIA : I am almost afraid to write dr .oen to think—l dredd to lookat the Inture. - The events which have occurred during the -past two years make me despair i of the per petuity ofour country. The rapidity with which one misfortune after, another has been.toresented to our minds itt o appalling. Am ,I mistaken in -- my apprehensions ? Are we to survive our disasters? Will the Republic be able tOtonquer all its en emies? Can thq_Constitution be preserv ed and. the Union.restored? The rebel lion is now a stern, indubitablelfaeti: Can iche aunt -eased ? Thinking Men cannot answer or are afraid to hazard tin opinion. Now, is it not a duty. that each citizen owes to his country to render S'uckassist ance as he' MD, so as to utterly crush out. this fon( rebellion? I proposOo ley my views before. the public, leaving it to judge of their' worth or worthlessness, as the ease may be.' The first thing to be accomplished is to put :ail enif to the rebellion. Will this ev et be 'done it' the war is to be conducted in the future as it has been in the past?. The NO - rill-is said to be three tunes as strong as Oa South, in nnine‘ 4 , and men, then whybas not the former beaten the latter?. .We had better look at this:mat- . ;.ter squarely in the face: The season why is plain and self-evident. Itjis because i there vino statesman in \ the Cabinet. It is because neither the President nor Con gress understands the magnitude of the rebellion ) nor the importance df the issue. 1 believe:the President is honest, and that I f lies means well, and- that he desires the restoration of the Union ;- but 4t.the same !time, am constrained to state- that he lacks the mental capacity to grasp the cri sis in its . length and breadth.,; Now, - the President, the Cabinet and Congress have not as yet arisen - to a kno'wledge of our national dangers; 'or if they; have, and have:not put an end to the war; we ought Ito be informed of their reasonti: am titin to believe. that they 'desire the suppres-. sion of the insurrection, the restoration of iwthe Union; and the re-establishment •of Constitutional law. I "can only believe that it is the- Abolition extremists who de-. sire war and carnage. It is' these latter who try to unsettle what the fifty-six signers had settled, and what ithe framers ' of the Constitution had - settled; and what God Almighty, hi His infinite wisdom and inserutable•decrees, had settled from the beginning . ot' -time, that negroes can never become the equals of White. men. I say, therefore, that if our - national rulers understood the nature of the ',struggle as statesmen ought tomielerstand it, the war would have been ended months a! , ..0. • The rebellion was thought to have.licen "a tempest in a tea-pot," - ‘ P. - whiskey in surrection," or " Shay's rebellion." . This opinion, entertained by our Washington politicians, shows the shallowness.of their statesmanship, and unfits them for their positions. If they had viewed it with the 'ken of statesmen, it could neVer have at tained its present vast proportions; it would never have been temporized with. The people were ready to give all the men and all the money that the adminis-. tration demanded, but neither the rebel-- lion nor the national spirit wastuderstood, hence the shilly-shally, wavering spirit in which the-war has been coodneted. Why is it that mere politicians-;have been ena bled to get prominent, commands in the army, while competent' olticers have been thrust into the back ground ?: Why have we been beaten at Big . Bethel, Manassas, Ball's Bluff; -Shiloh, Charleston, and" back from If ichinond ?--WhY had Banks to rim before Jackson ? We are told because his troops had to be sent to-reinforce McClel lan, but why had the administration not prepared- troops sufficient for McClellan withou't those of Banks? The people are asking these questions in every direction. It is admitted on all • sides that there is a strong Union sentiment in the Border Slave;States. This feeling can, by states men, be increased - rapidly- or it can be en tirely destroyed by the abolition extrem ists. Nothing could have. 'been m,ore-of fensive than the proclamations of Fre mont and limiter to a large and influen tial party in those State.s. Fremont was removed from his command; not because of his proclamation, but because of his quarrel with the. Blairs; bo, not even on account of the wholesale peculatiohs of the officials under add aroimd him. hlc is Again restored to a command .where he manifest-his utter incapacity, nsa General : but because• another .General is ! placed over him, he throws. up his 'commission in disgust, and tims•deprires the public. of. his very valuable Jerviers. Hunter is still . ; retained in his conaMand, notwithstandin g his prticlainationand slaVery has been abolished-in, the District of Columbia. All these -thin gs havetended increasethe disimien sentiment in the south and bor der slave states.. ' Have Butler, and Burnside, and Pope troops enough? 'When tome patriots in the Senate and liouse.of Representatives I asked that more troops should be given to I qur-Generals, the mouth-pieces of.the Ad ministration told them that there; were more than enough under arms. Did these miserable politicians, wish the defeat of . McClellan'? Were. they jealous of his i genius, of his.honesty, of his capacity ? 1 He lironght order out of chaos; .he made an•ariny out of a mob: : • The Aaministra. I tioti ()fight to know that the terrible or deal of :war is no child's play; but that, on -the contrary; it is a fearful; frightful business ;: that every day brings agony to tens of, thousands of •fitutilies. Our citi- I - tens will hold to- a rigid, accountability - I 7 thtoge Miscreants who protract the War:— Are there any who desire a ;continuimce I Of this war ? Yes, thouianda; all those I whb ittake'money.and get rich by it all those cormorants who rob the nation, the whole brood (a few honorable exceptions) of jobbers; ,contracters, - actlers, tax-garb- I seers, cte. These Men care more for pro fit, plunder - and peculatitin - than they do for: our unhappy country. The farmer, eebanio;••merchant, day-laborer and all! rn er industrious eitiiens, who will have: to l• foot the .bill;.Warit-Ttlie War .to he speed il ended; "An the OnVultdOtis of Opiety, like ; the !scuiri abeiling rot, the worsCel- ernents are thrown upon the-top... The tor rupt politician" smells his prey afar:otkas surely as . the'erow and the vulture spent the carrion: We in the. free States are divided into .tu'o.opposing`political parties, thettemo cratic and its opponents. After the bloody fiat went forth that the flag of rebellion should be unfurled,. and that treaion should :be made triumphant, the whole North arose in it* might And grandeur, to defend the Pnion and the Constitution.— Political partizanship:Was sunk into pat riotism. It was no longer a*.qtiestitan o Black Republicanism or, Douglas Democ racy, or Breckinridgeism4 all were swal lowed tip ,in hive of 'country. Butler,' of Massachusetts; Sprague, of • Rhode Is , land f Patterson, of Pennsylvania;! sup, portersofßreckinridge, threw.themselves into the front ranks. McClellan,- Meagh er, Logan, were found hi, the field. along side of those, who had voted for Lincoln. The people - on all aides, of every politi cal party, laid aside. their proclivities, to support the Administration to carry on the war. Alas! bow has this rgenerona and noble confidence been ,disappointed. 1 know that the great mass of the Delime ravy threw themselves tato the movement with the Rurest motives and best inten tions. I and - the Douglas men used all our influence to encourage this, enthusiasm.— We believed in the wisdom and patriot ism:of that distinguished statesman. ' ; We were for him in earnest; we hate not ap pealed to his mouldering ashes ;o make money out of them. We did net sell our- selves to the ,black republicans for office. Amidst these latter. days of corruption, tergiversation and renegadism, we have held to our. Democratic faith and honor, and we can well •affoid to : welcome back to the Democratic fold thOse Breckin ridge ! Democrats, who thistakingly went wor shippingfor a time after strange political. Gods. . . It has become flishionable to denoiince pus as_ dirunionists,and traitors, unless we follow in the wake of those who have de ; sertea the principles of Stephen A.-Doug,- I las, mid swear by the black republican !It rpm!. Well, I hold that we are better and more loyal _citizens than they. We are truly and sincerely for the Union and the I Constitution, and for' 'the ,prosecution of the war, although we neither .hold office I, nor make money out of Gavernment.cOn, 1 tracts. We are asked timeandilgain, are we willing to support the administration? Our answer ,is McClellan, Meagher, ' Shields, Butler, Sprague, Patterson,.Lo l.gan, M'Clernand, are periling their lives, while the army is filled froM both Wings' iof the Democracy. Where or' when has I this party halted in; its support. of the Ad= ministration ? -Never, never. Has a sin . gle Democrat in the fi4e Stateever' used the language of a proininents,RepubliCan, formerly a member of 'Congress, , -now a General - in the army? who.said, "Let the Union slide?" But it is not enough that we are Ists and Constitutionalists, se must even ! think as the black republicans tell as. We say that you cannot dragoon us into thinking as'you' do. . . , If WC say - that W* reeking with the stench of pofiticarcorruptiou, we .1 are denounced as disfmionists. .If we pronounce- against the infamous practice of conferring responsible com mands, irrespective of military education, upon mere politiciang, we, arc disunion tf;ts. If.a•e hap that _McClellan, and Tlalleck, and Shields, and Siegel, and Pope, are the proper kind.of Gthierals .to lead our ar mies to victory, we are distutioniSts. If w•e say that troops sufficient for the emergency should have been placed in the field to ensure success, we are disuniou lats. If we say that the financial scheme of Secretary Chase is wrong, and that, he. is ignorant of the science of finance, we. are not only called diunionists, but traitors. If we denounce all ex post facto legisia tion as unconstitutiolaal, we are .disunion ists. .if we denounce the mobbing of patriot ic and innoCent:persons, we are.disunion ists: If We say that in peaceable Stateveiti zens should not be ilkgally, arrested and imprisenc , cl, we are disunionists. If we say that. the Press ought to be free and untrammeled to criticise the pub lic, acts of the people's servants, we are disiiiiionists. If we say that the President ought to have dismissed , grandmother, Wells, .so soon as he discovered his nepotism,- we are disunionists. . - If we, according to the light of history, I declare that bankruptcy and general dis- 1 tress are the sure and inevitable effects al over-issues of paper, money, oh l. are we no,t denounced as secessionists and trait- *ors ? . If wc assert, upon biblical and etlitio- ' 'logical evidence - , that negroes can never be made mit equals, again 'we hear the cuckoo note of disunion rung in our care.. 1 liwo say that. thatptofound -statesman, i William H. Seward, - ;made a slight mg"- ! take when. he asserted.. in leer York, " that the. war would e overe in three ,months,"s we are disunionists. . llf, we claim. the right to the privilege of the writ of • habeas corpus, we are &Kan-, ionists, and should be imprisoned. - llf we say a word about the Hon. Gov. Curtin's- shoddy, or Mr. - .Cummings' rot tT red herrings,;,or Senator Simmons'fif t thousand. dollars of , black-mail -we , are d sunionists. < 1 , _ If we. do not. stultify ourselves by pro- . c aiming that the President possesses the virtue of WashingtOrt, _the statesmanlike a ilitieh• of Jefferson, and the itornati firm n as of Jackson, we are. denounced . as rnk disunionists. . "', • . . !.1 1. , a • - If, in fine, We ' . Say that the nuntsra t on is in - Competent to fullfil thalgrave du ties with which, it 'is charged; that it is composed :Of incapables: and. tinheelles; • t at its measures ate. weak:and Criminal; t iat Congress_ Ts composed Of_ patriots,, ' naves and lanntics,the twOlast predorn• i - sting"; that Washington nOetla purifica tion; thal,tb&N war must .he pushed to a "rigorous prosecution and to, a speedy.eon. f 1 1 1 6194, and :It# illiihas., , OiVl.o 2 lirilk ling isbed, triCtbati.krilf!ill!Y • ella 0e.497).,94 , Y ins reins of .ioveenitent belnile•ntierlatt. . THE Once of the :Montrose Democrat ;hairecontly been supplied with • new and choice yeast V_ of type. etk., and we ars now prepared to nein% pamphlets telt:Wars. etc., etc., in the best-style. on shdit notice. Handbills,Posters, Programmes, and . other kinds Of work in this line. done according to order to the . the Whole? .Unio n:!! ouome., Wedding, and J3all Cis Tickets, etc.:printed with nestneas and despatch. Justices' and Constables' Blanksilgotes I' DePda and all other Blanks, on-bud, or printed to 'rue 7 • - • - Iltr Job won and Blanlis,toilepald for -!. . rly placed 1 ,-by-the peiriple::intothe 'hands of I the-Democracy---We are fiercely denoun ced as.' disnniOnisterand 'traitors, and ell; ery, foul epithet ahoWerettupon our devo ted .heads. - : ,- -I - .1- ;: - •- • ,- • 1 The ShibbOleth Of 'Mir enemies has lost l its chino; it falls harmless,upOh Demo-' .eratic Cars; . 11cause we „know theiiiiiirce whentiiit springs. I Do theineelianies, la horera, .qprithinits attaclrus 7 _Certainly not:', Is it ev r liesiiikeiCeptfrisinfthe•al; / c. "five-holder s sp ulator, contractOr.or aim; •litionist?,.,R" wspaper.'marcens:riesi'who I receive Gover Ment, patronage, re-echo it; very lasi-gatherer in PraspeatiVe joins in I , t e thorus.; Aembcirs of \ Congress, to use trite. but wont-out adage; " who fiddled bile Riameias burning," (fiddles - were iit invented or. centuries after the death H of -lis i , H of - 7ero,) : Willibe the mnst , vneiferous in shouting it from the stump, heat Sall, to cover their ot-n! delinquencies ; lit will be. their only.sto k in ; trade,- •-- I . Bui if so ; • Iwe, who love the! Union of these States, such 'es patriots.' and' sages., l'have made it i we,; who will useevery ef fort to maintain intact :the ;Constitutimil and the laws I : we, who are determined to i resist all . tyripnines, 'whether 'under the I treasonable flag*Or'seeessionism,' or under the covert null Sneaking _assaults Of itholi tionistii; we ?till be prepared at!the ballot ; box to lawfully arrest power-from the Re- i publican • party,_ that legislatira PoWerl whicli it has so. infamously.. used. Two I ears ago tlil twin demons of ''secession- I ( I omit and abolitionism made the people era, I ay.. .We will appeal front.Phi fi p,drunk to Philip sober. We, Will show -to the world, by a vigorouli prosecotion ofthe war;that, free institute are not:to be destroyed , to gratify Alie ambition:' , Of Southern trait-. ors. It is well known that I flung political party to the inds in order. to aid this ad ministration n the proisecution •Of the war. Party was nothing to me in comparison to my country ; but . when I- find thaknoth ing but imbecility,-to give it the mildest, , term, haS. marked the , course, of- the party 1 ,in power--flat jiihbery,!-4Obbery, squan- I l dering the nitional-treasnres, Mir dearest. relatives slalighterelL our existence-as n nation impel._ I l ed-4 ; must protest, against ! the fearful abuse of. ower by this party. , When I tOe-a retrospective glance at; ; My eotintry,l now bleeding, rent in tivaiu,il 'to what it teas , six years agO, my heart,!l bleeds; - :ilmest ruined, ruined, b y the iiil-!! I vanies of th ' Buchanan administration ; 1 Ithat ruin fin lly accomOshed by the char-! ( latanisth animbecility of the Present 0'2.2., i: . ty in -power. 'When I say ruined, let the 1 be understo dd:: Because McClellan had I not troops, ;enough, the rebels "beat him back upwards ot thirty miles from Rich ! I mind, with 6. 10 - ss of not- less than ao;opci, I men. The ; telative forces of the two sr: mies were, 'eilerals 95,000,-COnfederate4 10,000 inenl. Could not the imbeciles see i that, a dissi4rous retreat like -this would be a fine ex rise for our ancient and bitter ' , enemy, England, 'to acknowledge the in= dependence of the South ? ' IS there !I rea ' son in Congress, that it refused to call out the three of the nation ? Why, regain I ask, had; not McClellan 254,000 men ? Competent niilitary judges declare that if he had an equal.foree . with the rebels,. he would liavenirmotinted all difficulties and taken Richmond; and' they say that r i General eve-.displayed gresiter military capacity an?' genius, than he, did in hiS .masterly retreat. All honor to our townsi, man, the General of the age.. • • " I I - wish the foregoing remarks to be deeply p6iidered over and. well, weighed'. Already theke is a return to reason on the part of som' of the Free States. Wiscon sin has repe, led her- personal liberty bill, and. Dino], by „an emphatic vote and an overwhelniing majority, has decided . that she will liiiii&no negroes within her bol der& Pennsylvania adjoins.three slave. states, her soil will-be overrun by this worthless race, her free w y hite laborers Will be thrOwn out of employment. Are ,we willing to Witness this? Let the Dernec racy honestly andSearlessly make the is sue, compelli,he republican party to meet, faiie to face the results of its own infamous .and treasonable legislatioli. - Let our hat tle cries be the Union and the Constita , Lion, a vigorous -proseeution.of the .war, the squelching out ofsedessionism and abe litionisna, and.the purification of • Wash ington. JOHN' CAMPBELL. i ----.•;--,m,....-----.-- , 1 TION r EMANCIPATION; 1G NEGROES, SW. - I COMISC A BILL-to suppress insurrection, punish treason a . d rebellion, to seize' and eoh -fiscate-th property f rebels, and fOr other pu poses: 1 • Br it mule , ,4.7 c,: . . ." - , I ,1. That cry person who shall hereafter I commit the crime of -treason' against the United St. tea, and shall be adjudged ghilty tiler .f, shall suffer death, and all his slaves,if any, shall' be (let:hired free ;1 or he shal e imprisoned, for not less .tti:in live yehrs az d fined not less than .$lO,OOO, and all his slaves, if any, Shaba declared and, made fee ; said fine shall be 'levied 'and collect d oii;aiiy or all 'of the prer;cir-, ty, real an : personal, exeloding slayes, of - which the sei&person so 'convicted was the owner it the time ,ofcornnitting said. crime, any sale or conveyance to the wil -1 trary not - Wittistandihg. ' - ' . . I 1 .2. That, if any person shall hereafter. in- I cite, set on foot, assist,: or, engage in any . rebellion o insurrection atensttlioauthOr- , ity of the nited Stites, or thelaWs there of, or shall give - aid 'and comfort to, any such - existing rebellion erinatiOvetiOn,l4; be convicted thereof, tinali - ,p i erSOh shall be punished by imprisonment; for ti period not exceeding tea .years, bya foie not'ex- ' needing: $lO,OOO, and by.ttui liberation' of all his slaves; itanybe have'. •. . :. ' 3.3liiit any person guilty . of either of the off'ense's described in:- this act shall ibe 'any office and disgialified-to - held_ any office Under the United States.' . 1 . : 4. ThatTthWact - ahalLnot;i - be censtriied in, any . *:ty to. effect or _.alter the prosecu tion, convlction, or. piiiiiiibitien t `of persOns guilty - of - treason against the United Stiftes before the passage of this act, unless so& person is convicted under this act,, • 1 .5. That to Jeanie thespietlylerinination 1 I of, the presehtleb - elliOri t itehell,be theklu.s. S. 4-tile 1,4 c a l oc,*_siimi, of a ilthe estate and 'property; money, stArtkii 1 1 NO. 30. Credits and effects of the persons hereafter gamed ii this section, slid to . apply and Use the same; and the proCeedithereut;for the support of the Army, - that is to say t• l .• . ! First, Of any person , ' hereafter acting as an officer of the arm V-or ttayy of the rebels in' arms against, the 'Government ; ' second, Of any person hereafter acting as Presiik W. 'Vice Pres., Member of Congress, Judge - of any court,Cabinet officer,;Pcireign Miti 7 , ititer ' , Cennitissioner•or, Causal of these' ,txtiled•CotifederateStatea`of•Atherica; ad, of any person acting as Governor of •a ST; 1 1 member of a convention-or legislature,. or' judge of any court of-the so Called Couf.t4 ! , States of America; .fourth, of any person ! !who s having held an office of honor,.trust, Or profit in the United States, shall here- ; after-hold an office in lite so called C S A; ! fifth, of any person hereafter holding any s Office or agency under the Govetement of the CSA,or under any of the several states , ',thereof, or thelaws thereof s whether such loffice or agency be national, state; or ma lnieipal in its name or character. Provided, That the persons thirdly, fourthly, . and (,fifthlyabove described, shall have accept : 1 ed their appointment or election since the, date of the pretended ordinance of Seces sion of the State, or shall support the con : stitation of the-es ; sixth; •of any persons who, owning property iu ank loyal state i oierritory, or in the D. C.,.sliall hereafter assist and give aid and comfort to such re bellion, end all sales, transfers, or convey tutees. of uuy such property shall be null t and void; and it shall be a sufficient bar to any suit brought, by such-person for th posSession or uaeofsuch'property, or any Pr otection :o AnAct for the Protef ' Sheep of it, toallege and prove that hesis oue of • . the-persons described iu this Section. - Sserlos 1. Be it enacted &c., Tbat front 6. That ifauy person within-any State. and after 'of this act, it shall or Territory, other than those numed as - , lie the duty Of the - commissioners of the aforesaid, after the passage of this act, be- 1 counties of Mercer, Clinton and, Stisque ingsingagedin armed rebellion against the I hannajand they are. hereby required to Gov't, or alibis : Tor abetting such rebttnou, !.;tianise an accurate return to betaken anna -shall not, within .sixty days -after public ! ally, by -the asSessors of the several town warning and proclamation duly given and 1 Slims and boroughs, within the said cann made by the President, cease to aid, count lies, of all -dogs- owned or possessed by Iteinince andabet such rebellion, and return ; any person or persons within theirirespec !j to his allegiance to the 'United States, all' five. townships .or boroughs, particularly , i . the estate and property, Motleys, stocks, , noting - the numb'er owned or possessed by and credits of such person shall be• liable i each person and kept about any one house, to seizure es aforesaid, and it shall be the ; and when the said Commiasioners , shall duty of the President to seize and use than r have so ascertained the • number of dogs l aforesaid, or asthe proCeedethereof. And I aforesaid, they shall, levy and cause to be all sales, transfers or -conWevances_of any collected annually, front any person or per ; sit reh -properly after the expiration of the , sons owning or possessing one dog, twen said sixty. days front the date of each war- 1• ty-five cents; and fur every . additional ring and proclamation shall be mill and i dog kept about the same house s _pne dor ! void ; and it shall be a sufficient bar to any liar, at the same time and in the same !ruin. suit brought by such person for the pos-s ner as the county rates and levies are col.' session or the. use of such property,or any 1 lenfed ; and five per centurn of the same 1 of it, to allege and prove that he is orie of i shall be allowed as eollectioh. fees ; and it the persons deseribedin thisseetioas . shall be the duty of the county Treasurer ! 7. That to secure the condemnation and to keep separate accounts of the frione-y ! sale of such property, after the same shall arising' front the tax on -dogs, and the - Ihave been seized, so that it may be made said money shall be ; and is -hereby appro -1 available for the put-poses aforesaid, pro:, priated as ati tin' remunerating the in- . ceeeings in rem shall be instituted in the I habitants of .the county for any loss they name of the United States in any District , shall sustain, after the passage of this act. Court thereof,or in any Territorial court I by sheep being destroyed or injured by a or in' the U.S. D.C. -- furatte D. of:C., with- dog or dogs. 1 . ' iii which the property above describe', or ;,t2. That any dOg kept - or staying about i ally part thereof, slay be !found, sir- into j any house shall la; deemed sufficient evi -Iwhich the same, if movable,. may first be l donee of ownership to authorize the ss ! proceeding brought, which proceedin shall eonforM I sessor to return the person inhabiting the ' las nearly as may be 4.9 proneetlieg . s in ad- said house as the owner or, possessor of iniralty or revenue easel:sand it-sautprOP- such dog; and every dog not returned erty,.whether real or personal, shall be 1 -shall be deemed to have no owner, and - Ruud to have belonged to a person enga- I may he lawfullykillCd by any person see -1 ged in rebellion, or who has . given aid or j ing him run at large. .- 1 comfort there[ the the same . Shall he con- 4, §3, That -when any inhabitant of-the - donned as energies' property; atidlecome counties aforesaid shall have any sheep de the property of the butted States,and may - strewed Or injured by a dog or. dogs, the. I be disposed of as the own ' shan decree, s appfaisers mentioned in this het are here and she proceeds thereof paid hay the U.,'by authorised _and required to view and States treasury for the purposes Mitres:lid-I ascertain tl'e aniohnt of damage sustained 8. That the several courts atbresaid shall- by the owner of such .sheep destroyed or have power to make and establish such injured, as•aforesaid ; and when they shall • I fornfs of decree and tale, • and direct such have ascertained the legality of the •daims deeds and conveyanceS to he executed and and the damages so sustained, they, or delivered by the marshals theretil, ,where any to=o or them, 'shall certify she sane,-, real estate shall be the subject of sale, as 1 under theirbands and seals, .to the Com ,shall fitly•aad efficiently - effect the purpo- I missioners-of said county, who shall draW ses of this act, and vest in the purellitrs. their warrant on the county Treasurer for of such property good and valid titles *the.anionnt , so ertified; to be paid out of - thereto. And-the said court shall leave- the fund arising front the tax on dog,s:— , power, to allow such fees; and charges of Provided, That this act shall not •be so _ their officers as shall be reasonable -mll construed as to repeal any law now' in. proper i n thep persons remises. • '- ." • tierce providing for-the collection of dama; ' 9. That all slaves of pons who shall ' ges 'done to sheep by dogs, •from the hereafter be engaged in rebellion against 1 owner or owners thereof: And provided the Government, or who :than' any way further, That the - said appraisers shall no:, give aid. and q icomfert thereto, escaping certify nn appraisemett of dainages to the tiara such peisions and taking refuge with- I county Commissioners for payment; as a in the lines of the army; and' all slaves •foresaid, in any case in, which, in their captured front such persons, or deserted opinion, there is sufficient proof to charge by, theni and corningunder control of the the owner or owners otdogs, yilio are sol Gov't; and all slaves of such persons found i. vent, with the- damages aforesaid, undo - or being within any place occupied by the existing laws; until suit. shall have beer rebel-forces, and afterward occupied by brought... tried, • and judgment • entered a-. the forces of the U. S., shall be 'deemed gainst plaintiff. . „ . captives of war, and shall be. forever free- -1: Tltat- when any inhabitant of the of their servitude, and not again' held as •• . - slaves.. . - j contspes aforesaid shall have any sheep sits - - - I striVedor injured' by any-dog or dogs, hu tO. That no slaves escaping intoo - any I may make. eomplaint to one of the justices State, Territory, or the... District Of .Colum- 1. of the pea6e : hf his or her township or hors bia,from any other state; he delivered I 1 °ugh, who shall thereupon-appoint three up, of la any way impeded. or hindered I appraisers of said _damage, who shall•have ' el.. his liberty, - .except .for O n2-e 'l full power - and authority to examine, as` or some stifiense against .the laws, 1 witne,ssea; any person- or persons, who unless thepettion claiming said fugitive ! shall appear beforethem; respecting _the - 'shall 'first make oath that the person to ; premises upon oath or - affirmation - to be whom the labor or service of such fugitive , . , . by them ' administered ; and it shall be the is alleged to beldne, is lawful °Wrier, duty of said appraisers; and they are here.: and has notborne arms - against the United by required,to ascertain whether-the own- States in the present rebellion, nor in -any . 1 d -er of the sheep so destroyed isi. injured, waygiven aid or.comfortthereto ; and no , otitis, possesses, or keeps 'a dog or.dogii person engaged in the military or, naval 1 I about litser her premises, and shall make • service of the U.S.. shad, under any pre. 1 report of the fact, together with the ap tense whatever, assume to decide on the l;praisement of the damages aforesaid, to validity of the' claim of any . person-to the the Commissioner of the - said • counties ; service or labor of any ,other person or I 1 and it shall appear to the said Commis-' surrender up any such person to the Clai- I sinners that the owner aforesaid did not 'Mani, on the pain of being dismissed from 1 ma, .- . . make _a true return to the the serVice. .. proper assessor, . - !of the said dog or dogs, the said. Owner ; 11: That the President is authorized to ;. i .shall not not -be entitled' So receive any employ as niany . perttonied'African descent as he may deem. necessary and proper for - .pa , . rt of the said drimagea. - • - the suppression adds rebellion ; -and for 15. -That the persons so appointed ay -1 thispurpose he May organize and usethem prai4ers. shall ,severally receive for their hi such nunoter is ho may judge, best for services the, sum of one Ilona'. per day, the public . welfare. , : - • while engaged-in the performance of their - 12..Thit - the President is hereby antho- ! duties under this act, which sum shall . be 'Hied to - make provision for the-tranapor. l added to and. paid with the damages so—. tation,celonilition and settlement,bisonie . . , i_ a ppraised i and the said appraisers , ; . after. tropical' tiount beyond= tlie limits of the their appointment and before-they .d enter States,of such-persons of. African upon-the performance of their duties en, United .. - ." race, Made free bythis 'act as may 1* - sea'l joinedy. " - b 'Wei' act v shall Severally' , take liity to emigrate, hitirie - g first obiatne&the. and snbscribe, before the said.justicis of consent Of the GOVernmen t'... a said country 1 the peal*, an oath pr affirmation that they tO'their'preiteetion analettlement within i will faithfully and impartially perform all s to the best of their the same , Witliiiltthe rights. and. privile-lof .o)eir.saiddatie . ..• • ; , . ' g ee o f freemen . 1. _ - -'• - - - - ljtiavnint and ability ; which said certtfi,- ci. shall be Muted:mil)! fled in the, of• 13. That the President is herehtantho- cat _ .. , . JOB PRINTINOIdiALL - BINDS, - DONE ITT ISE OFInCli, OF TIM I,IIIM , lIROLr AND PROMPTLY, ;AND AT LIVE AND LET LIVE . " PRICES. riied at any time bereafler,, byproelarna- Om, to extend to peri3ons who. in - ay-have' participated in the existing rebellion ill any State or . part thereof, pardon and am nesty, With Such exceptions and on 'such condition, ai.he may deem expedient fu `the public welfare. • 14. That the courts of the United State shall have full power to institute proceed- ings, make all orders and decrees, issue, process, and. do all other things ncessary to earry this act into effect. (Iri. the above form, the bill,.was sent to the President, but he wrote VETO Ines sage,—hearing - which both branehes tit' Oongress p . assed'the append ed resolution, Whereupon the President waived his On- . stitutional objections, signed the bill thus explained, and returned it with his prop, . sad veto.) 7 • • - l*solved, &e., That the provisions the third clauseof the:fifth section of an act to suppress- insurrection, to -putii4l treason, and rebellion, to,seize and confis cate the property of rebels, and for other purposes, shall be construed as not to ap ply tg any act or acts-done .prior to thu passage thereof, nor to include any mein ber of a State Legislature or judge of any State court, who has not, in accepting or entering upon his office, taken an oath to support the Constitution of the Confeder ate States of Aniefica, nor shall any pun ! iihment or proceeding, under the said act, be so construed as to work a-forfeiture of ! the real estate of the offender beyond his aatural life. ! ! • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers