The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 22, 1862, Image 3
"Report "- env! that Clynthinnta,; Ky., 66! miles from Cinemnati has been - ,taken byl 'Morgan's rebel cavalry, after fight in which he lost the most; also3ie nderson, .liy.; and Newburg Ind., nrnlost.l. , • IVX.ELWI.WL2BGFEII9. At Jiarford, on tho 17th, by 11.ev..AJ Miller, Mr. Ambrose W.-Stiles, nnd Missi Margaret F. Clallin, both of Gibs,On..: OBITUARY. At • the 'regular meeting •of 1 Warren; Ledge, N0..246, A. Y. . on Thursday,l July I Otli,-1862, Geo: L.StOneannounced to the Lodge-the. death of Bro. Jias EMI A. Lodge-the. thi3'volunteers the Un ion army, Who died at IZeaufo4, S. C.,1 June 15t11, 1862; whereupon the follow ing resolutions were unanimously adopt-I et t: . - ResolYed, That we 'have •heard with: emotions of-profound sorrow and regret; .the announeement:of the death Brother Joseph A. Beebe, a respected member of this Lodge,. who eheertidlnyent forth _uphold the flag of his country ; aid main: ' •• tarn the Constitutional liberty a which 'that - flagis the emblem: • 1•. •1 \ Resolved, • That,we tender tolthe fami ly and friends of the deceased. onr sympa-,1 thy with them in the bereavement they 1 have been called upon to'. sustain; 'ari'd ' , that we attend the funeral of our deceased I;rother, on Sunday, July Inth. Resoled, 'That the SeeretAcanse I these resolutions to be publisli4 'Montrose impers;.and . to transmit an at- i tested copy or the same to the !Imlay Of.: the deceased. V I - - JAMES *. CRAPIdAIst, Seery.' • A RARE OHANCE!‘ For tho Next 30 Dayp, Only. Tit F: F.NTIRR PRIRG & SpMER ;STOCK DRY AND FANCY OA! MSCHMANII BROTHERS, to be avreillp the public AT - A LARGE REDUCTION:. 'rho largest and best assortment of b) sro 21r.. at a a a O . :,.1 ' • in the county, In order to dispose of their large and beautiful stuck of oisi""c000s sots , ssxmais. Get, clzooormit-1 . rraretocals, • SUN UNI . AREILLAS I s3(4.l.mcorarl. 1913r_ tis,dbo, titre. The under •Ined nitertthese Goods at tbe l tr wOl known stand, the ,ese • ,I 1 -I liqe., 109 • • 'Bee- No. 20 Coi - m?r Bingham to. a considerable redaction of analinarflgiir prices+ here. faith offeriug a rare chance mall Ulnae islshing to itiveat in the.: nevea-ary article*. flaying itntforted moat of lmr Stock oar:why.. while in the Rurolfwtrirkets. we al-venal - Aril to offer anperior Infiurcnttuft ' yr - Don't fail jo as ail 3 ouraelvesiort se bargains at HIERSCEIVUOIN .nnonißE Ens, No. 20 Court Street, Sign of the 111 1 ,EE UU 33.X.D7Gr3EE.416:42PC1 0 1 , 017. lerw•mThelarge.o and In.o..lon.ortmen!. BLX6K SILKS; that ran he (maid this t , itle of :New York. Call a theta at the X3ee-Hive,. No. 20, Court Stree Binghamton, July 1842. Dissolution. rya rn•partncr•hi lierutofbie calutiUgbrt wern Deans Co.& is this day dlit.ohed limitritio .11. L E . -NT. DEANS & liontrom, July 9„ The business will be contintmi nt tito tacl stand BALDWIN' HERNIA TRUSSES. . AIME amtortment: aim., Abdominal I".4upOorteni. and JJ svariety of other art icIPAq of this , elm of ~, ,0 0ds. ' Sold by ADEL TUREELL. 'Montrose. AT . GREAT 'BEND, ' SUSQ't CO UNTY, PA. . . , . . . . 'Mao SEl'ultimo:Lem- Ipersta. OF THIS • SCHOOL WILL OPEN_ ON —,7lllessulaty, - Nay IMI'ROVED P &TINT WHEEL /9114 /86 and continue ELEVEN WEEK, . . under thezlir t ion of R. CUSHMAN, am principal.' The ' , traction Wall the thyrough and , HORsE R A K . : .,,,,-riii i e.,,,, , :f i t,,A u t t b !;T n fi ll : preparatioit O TClll to yoking men; . e a. S -at the commenee - • . ment of the term, for the more fall training of those ITIfIE undersigned have for sole -' at their Atop In Bridge wishing to teach; and assistance rendered them in pro f, water, 1.,i mile from _Montrose, below &errs Mill, • curing situations fur the suMmer.l !This class-win • re - - ' &ire intrusion on the theory and!practice attaching, Beach's Patent Horse Rake. - 'one hour each day, and have piblie Meetings once in two . 1 weeks. 1 ' - It isjast the thing for every farmer. ,- - Snly Oth. .1802. I - BEACH 1. BUNNELL, . 11. CI.SIDIAN, , PRINCIPAL. References—A. 11. Patrick, Kirby Bunnell, . noN. s. B. CHASE. A. M.. Instructor in Greek, Lat. 1... C.• Smith, Isaac 1-inn9l,oc k• I • in nmi Gummi. • I REV.- .T. B. McCREAUY, Chaphili and Lecturer on moral science. i - MN' , N. IL GREEN. Tticher of Primary Dc anent. - , MISSMATTIEJ. ORAEGE,Te• of musiconllano ' 1 . - Terms of Tuitio n.. . Primary Departrhent.per quarter of eleven weeks. $3 so Common Breaches." ~" I .:I fat Higher English and Mathereatics - deo., . 5 (63 Natural Selene... I de., , ' 700 Languages. Ancient or Moderndo., - $ falt I Teachers - tier - Mal Class - - - de., " - • 150 Music On Piano - .. - • - - I do.,'• . 800 ,Use of-Piano ' . • .i, . do.„ - 900 The-higher, branches Include the lower, thus: $8 00 per quarter covers all branches named, above, except teach tall class and music ompiano. '. , Board can be Otained with furnished rooms at from $9 18 to $9 Lauer week—lights, washing and fuel extra. 'Students wishing to board themselves Minn obtain rooms in the school building by applying in season: .Great Bend, April 18,.'02.—yi . ' HEAVY MESS PORN, , By the Barrel, by Paltlogn if Allen. NEV, - ,F.1 li 31; - iIA.LDWIN ALLEN SUCCESSORS TO ALLEN, DEANS & CO., Under Montrose Democrat Office, 41 RE RECEIVING. Fresh Ground Western FLOUR evezy dame, which we warrant to ;eve satisfaction' ) 1,11, 7 , 1 1 1 , 5- 11 1.;zi; tr not good rotarned at one ex... Feed, and Buckwheat Flour, SALT AND PORK,, py THE LOAD, 13.444 p..; ou M.7ICD. gAxi4 [Suggi Ciered] Dried Beef, -Smoked Halibut, Dripiland Syrups, Aolasses and Sugare4 _ - TEAS, •COF.EEE, ISPICES, - BROOMS, AND NAILS, 14 Inch we offer for said of tow PllN. forMADT PAY pNLY: Nouttoo; July 9.186! 13 4 A14:; . -' NOTIOE Is herehy given that in purrnatuai44o nyder , , of the_Orphan`sCourtlof suagnahlona county ao 111 direr-tad. we will expose to puhlie le by irendoe, to the 'CourtbuotLe, in the borough of lon se, on •i , :Saturday, the 9th ap . iltiguSt; - next, ail o'clock, p. m., the fe,llowi R ditealbed plenum parcel of laud, late the 'Cathie of ,Wr ght Wren, ,deelV, to: wit all that certain piece or parte! uf land situate to .the township of Lawsville,(now Fr'...nklin,)Susoutittenna 'county. Pennitleania. lenown and distinguished as lot *No. lit On & Lase* tract, fie. ug and lying foe one hundred acres more or less." Expeptiog therefrom. .neres and 111 i'MteheF, norriin pottarmzlort or James Tons.. • 'send. and lytor on • the iferf sidef the road ratordbr from the aektin, roadlO the. Spathe creek road. as will more fully appear by refereaCe to the deed for the came .from the said Executorot rtno Wm.lreen, residuary devi see, torhe raid Townsend: direr! 17th January, IE4I, and recorded tome Itecordeet office of usynetmonn county,. ip Pood Book 10. to, pages 43 a ate. On wtdch prem. )416 adcettleed to be sold tharela one abaulllos-)torma, nom totni, orb .Wagon-house, a blac redttshOp;• and pre? orchards. • talrTenns made inown on 'day !sale.. - ,• • riy.ty.w R Ey.l • • - ,Itt!FL'A • r • tale ;3 1 fth; • - ,f, Si?LL- -': ~ Z=LTJIW.7 . _ ~ Doti% bt..gfu with the Rux at , THE "RUDY PAY STORE," NEW GOODS. dALD and•YOUNU, RICH sad POOR. GAY and Festive, are hearty lean rushing onward to the HEAD OF NAVIGATION,. . All eager to be supplied from the choice and extensive Selectain to be found_ AT TYL ER'S STORE. Theassortment of'Xikx—jr cgeciocais Vest 'cm nit, and u fur chotc.o I:3IrPt.IDC3MINUE3III9,. 9 snail:le/ker. ST, Rice. Metre, and Tobacco:— steeds are inadeqaaft,— t hey Me TU.. It useless to !Dea lion afe-TWO thousand A one things of which a Cull supply Is kept nonstantly at tho Ortiisst store In town. A Con tinuation of mild is earnestlydesired, and if. there are any so unfortunate as not to havelound Tim place, your friend and neighbor will tell you the FIRST STORE BELOW TARBELUS HOT EL I anti - opposite the KEYSTONE, mile 50 pet cent. has crated to be. We ace houndio let pro de Ilse—andlier. Wing along yours Butter Nate, Oata,Ttyr., Cask, Corn, and moat anything thte yon do tit want. and get'valur r,mvived AT TYLER'S. STORIL' N. M. Please do tit leave the above mentioned articles at home, turner rule swill penult us to wait "till ' - un I come up admin." elliakers—A new for of white and colored,' Big 'Una Just ripened. LAMPS or all klnda,''arsd fixings for homing Kirceene now ready vary cheap. Beat than daylight; lase Fresh Burning Fluid, Campttene, Sperm, Adamantluetutd Tallow Candlcs,kept constantly on hand t4T - X tiewitupply of HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and . S110ES„ Stone and Wooden Ware, Brooms, and Brushes "call sorts, Yankee Notions of ill varieties. Perfumer'', and Toilet Seep, okte-nr Roses fur chapged hands.-best thing, In use, etc.: Sc.; all of which will ba ,old for. the pay down, as the timearlemand. by It* C. TYLER. TO DAIRYMEN-1 em fOrwarding BUTTER to N. York, on terms of commission that will suit you: Call and inquire, and look at my dairy salt, in sacks of all al- Zes. as good as can be found In town. Montrose, May.4sth. lIKNRY C. TYLER. PEACE ND PEACE PRICES 1 PEACE APPROACHING. Large Lines of PRICES Conquered and Reduced - H. MITYPUELITT,' NEW-MILORD, PA., . Is receiving. for Spring-suppliee. new and large stollts of . CHOICE • DRY GOODS, GROCERS, CROCKERY,. HARDWARE, STOVES, , ' IRON, STEEL. ,NAILS, PAINTS, LAMP, AND LINSEED OILS, BENZOLE, . . • CARPETINGS, FLOOR, OIL-CLOTHS, WALL Paper, Window SHADES,„ HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and.§lloES, • • CLOCKS, '&C., &C. - 7 1 • Including, as usual, full varieties of the roost popular kyles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS,- - BONNETS, RIBONS FLOWERS, • &C., &C., IC., • which be will aell ou. the most favorable terms, fur • _ CASH, PRODUCE,. or to PROMPT TIME BUYERS. Flour & Salt, constantly on hand riVIK Subscribers Imre no* returned from New Turk .with their SPRING STOCK OF GOODS. I tc which they wonldreapixtfally ran the attention of 0.-11-customers. Their assortment Is now complete and "Mille< both Useful and ornamental. We hare taken par..: Ocular pair!. to Wee:. all the Cktr'New Patterns out this Spritef. and think we can, AVithont doubt. pleas. in both Style. quality. and Price. We has e a large stock of, Znglisb, American and Swiss Watches, itiold and Sitter. Bunting bid Open Face,) from the cheapest up tothe best. A very fall variety of • SILVER WARE • , warranted lie good as 40.13.1,23.„, Also, LINE A „ oLD . ,1 1 in every variety. Also.. • - Plated ' , Jewelry,: Fancy Goods, -' Brushes, Shell Combs. A rery fine varictyof • .• • Plated Goods, Very' Low. . Tea Trays, Clocks, Brittanla Ware. All kinds of Worsted, Tidy. Netting, Sewing, and other • - Nepeocl3.piel. Thermtitneters ; Pads; Violin. Guitar, and 13a . t'is Viol strings; It nice lot of Fans ; Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors, ,te,...te. 120 — The above floods baring been 'purchased for cash. Will he sold at very low prices. Please call and examine our Goods. and weave confident we Mill Please Yo 31ONT8IV191 mayE) • No. 2 Odd Fellows flail, Bingtmra n. Court St W:kterSt Great Bend Soninal7, THE - NEW-YORK WEEKLY • JOURNAL OP, COMMERCE. CONSERrA'Y'IT;E FAMILY AND,RDBINESB . • PAPER. - The cheapest and best Weekly: lo America. ON - TAINS NEWS from all parte of the World, the b:st reports of the Produce, Grain, and Cattle Trade, Pr 0 0 9dt and Minty mprkets.. 4 . • The ..g,be pisorpanizers • Nord Soitt h. - - The Supporter of the Vnipti 1 'The Cll4stshstipn aid Lqws. TERNS FOE ONE:TFAE:. • • 'Twenty enpief or ‘ ttpwArds, Th_trteip copies, Va. Eight. copies, $lO. Tour copies. SF:. 'Three C:opiesr. p. Under Oros copies, 12 %Itch. Claim of thirteen or more mill bewailed to one addresa. • • An extra copy tea:ly one astalingssatilt of MO, with tbs 'money. • • 't The Daily Anises/a Creuxeres.Andur, tossed for dm country. IS a year in advance. ftWinteimen ccooppies gratis. rams, wrote:HALE a RALLact. Editors and Proprietors, 91 Wall ttreet, To Commullialtivek.—The advertiries, haring bean metered to heath In a few weeks, by a very simple tem. cdy. after hawing suffered 'meal years with a severe:lung affecton, - and that dread: disease. Connaaptton— fa anxious to make known to_ble follow•onfferera the mesas of card. To all who deaf re: it. ho will Benda copy orate prescrip tion need (free ofcharge); with the they ohs for prepay. in: and milord:W*lmo, which they Will And •• . aur• CW for Commotion. Asthma, Bronchia!, /Lc. The ol¢y object of the advertiser ip aondmg the Preaerfoilon jab - bandit the aftlicresk andspraid harelhatt e geb VlAVives to be , ioraMble. and he hopes era try Ms remedy. 43 iSivin allattitigre $124 MT. 408 , 4 • "re. r/attWOk rift PUMAS__ era •, • WARD A 7 AVYLSOI II :' lei • 3lzasin.' County. New Yfrric, • . . w:' -- :•0. - .90'.u.s: JAAIES - 11. • IE3WITc, now otror to the Public Of We nieii . chalce and NJ and bthiteetocte4 stock , SMOG &SOMMER 6005, IN THIS _lfAini ~1 3EY, G OODS: A conipletc aasortmcat of DEAU DeLainCe. Mozwilhique.Dellahre . Poplins: Prints, Ging bawd, tliockiniph de. Dent*. Stripe Shlrtinge, Vets; Brown Vaud Bleached Medina. White Goode rlerrchh. Belnieral , Skirts for Summer wear, auellOSlSiti . of evcrj desuiption. MEN'S WEAR. . . .. CLOT*, Mack and' Fancy Cassfmci, Ky. Jean; &din• et, f„ . ‘dthmadc, and• Tailor's Trimminira. An novae*. Atonal:ad assortment of_MCIOLts. 411 b Cleapai, =cootie ter 13micommit .of all Wade. • *C.riecooerlessi. Brown and White Sugar, Syrup and Molasses. Tea. Cof fee, and Essence of Codee, tiplce, Pepper, Salentine, 3leekerel, iimokea Halibut, Codfish. Muster. .11rUwu Fancy Soap*. Alwi, prepared Potash. to maim Soft Soap with Mlle trouble. In dna, the variety &bray", fiend to grocery, doartmant. " db coils. . . Linseed, Coal, and Winteratrained OILS. flak 131 mis, rutty, Wbite Lead and Zinc, Palnallenabes, COCTIMMIXFCWs Whltli Granite China, Real Chios, and .Coriatoom Ware. Cana ter Rreteraing Fruits. ma,rdOmritase. • I1 1 21)1i,,:ValIe. Shovels. !loco. Rakes. Pfirlie. 4c. Alv) a fine! selectlon of CUTLERY AND PLATED 1W4.1111? . .. _ . . . Baskets. Cradles'. Children's Cabs, Wlllo* sad Cattlagelstvle.:TANlZNE NOTIONS. Crack en,.SA{lts Leather. Aohtju Snit and Flue TabU Salt. Co nejr Is and white &mating !gaud, &c. &c. &c. . A General Stock of Straw Goads. Mootone, May 13,1813. .. . Admis' iistrator's_Notiee. i►TOI`TCA la hereby al Vet) to all persons hating demands .1.11 to:Moat the estate of Patrick !delimit: late of Auburn township. deceased, that the same must be presented to the underslined for-aettlement. nod all persons Indebted to sold estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Auburn. May 9.9, ISntl. JA - 8 DONLIN, Aaner. Administrator's - Notice. LET'TERS of adminlatration to the eatatestif the late NI W. WALDRON. of lfarford, having been granted to the undersigned. all person. indebnal to maid' relate are raquected to make immediate payment., and those harltn: claim% agalnat the MUW will preerut them to Harfurd, May 130, 1t63.) I'. CARPENTER,- Admlnlatnitur de boat* nott:-- . • 1ir.40 - I.lOols.Pis DANDELION.. COFFEE. MS Preparation, made from, the best lava Coffee, la recommended by McAdam is a superior Nutritioua beverage, for'tleneril Debility. Dtspepola, and all bilious disorders. Tlionsands who harebecn compelled to Oran don the rise of coffee will use this without iniurioui effect One can amtains the strength of two pounds of 'ordinary coffee. Price Woods. For sale in Montrose by Abel Terrell. KOLLOCK'S L.EVADI, ma The purest nxci IrDWDER known, fo r . mskinglight, sweet and nutrition, limed and cakes. Price 13 rents. Maaatacturcarby `ll. IL KOLLOCK, cherabo. • Comer of Broad and Chestnut-ate, Philadelphia. Hold be all Drneglit a and Grocer,. - intittly)c co ','llnquestionlibly, the best Institiasd.Wigrof the .. ._ kind in the World." Wi.31 11 .11311. 7 191 NEW NOMMEN EAGAZESIE. The volumes bound constitute.of themselves a library of tniseellaueous reading such an cannot be found in the same compasn in any other publication that has come un der 'our notice.--111o4tott.Courier. • ', - The must . popular Monthly in the world.—(\; Y. Ob, _ We mn-t refer interns of eulogy to the 'I ido l t o o t and varied excellences of HAIII•EIer , MauAZINK--a Journal with a monthly cite:datum of about- 170,01111 copies—in whose pagesare to be found dotae of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We *peat - of this work -as an erolenee`ol the X merican Peopid: Oat the popular= '2it.Y it has acquired Is merited. Ettelr'.-/Sinutwr Contains fuly I.ti pages of reading matter, appropriately Mastro ted with good wood - cote: and it combines in Moen' the - racy, monthlf and the more pltileSophical quarterly, , pistoled m 4111113.2 bent fmstures of nib daily journal. it • has ft great power in the tli,..ein i wit ion of a love of pure literaturr.—Tutmazn'sthillAr tti Anierican Literature. tin Magazine in Europe or America to so well known; , none has half as Many renders: and we mar safely lay, none , has received so large a tribute of admiration from the Cultivated - classes, that delight in a healthy, diversi. !Setif elevating periodical literature. It in the foremost Magazine of the day. The fireside never had a more de lightful companion, nor the million a more entefpriaing fraud, than Ilarper's Magazinr.—.lifethodiat Protestant. TERMS. The Magazine may be obtained of Booksellers. Period lad; agent.. or from the Publishers. at Tunica DOLLAUS a vent. or TIVENTT•FITZ CENTA a Number. The semi-mum , al Volumes, as completed, neatly bound in cloth. arc sold at Two Dollars each: and Malaita covers are furn ished to those who wish their back numbers uniformly bodnd. at tn 'cents each. ~ Twenty-three Volumee are now ready. hound in clotb. and also in half calf.. The Publisheri will snooty Specimen Nundwrs cream Rowdy to Agents and l'ostmasters, and will maketiheral aniingernents with them for circulating the I•lnga eine.— They. will vino supple Clubs of Two Person' at Flee Irol lark a year, or Five .Penons at Ten Dollars.- Clergymen and Terehors supplied at Two Dollars a year. ' Ilarper's • agazine and Ilarper:e Weekly, one year. V. The Magazine weight! over seven, and not over eight ounces. The'postaue on each camber ,- which twin be 'paid quarterly. in advance at the omce where the Maga xlie is received; is.ThreeCentr. ' • • IIdRPRIt . • , • Franklin Square., New York. - RAGS WANTED '• .1 1 11 TE htgheit leash pries paid for mixed 'or white d. colored legs by JOHN D. MARKER. Fare and rag Warehouse N. E. Corner of Fifth* 8, Corn nrce St. Thildelaphla, Mar 6th, 166 Pettenglll Co:, „- 11LTO. 37, PAIDC. ROW.. Nam York. and 6 State Street. DostoiL;.are our aMmts for this .Vontmos Democrat In thoie!eltics,aod arc ;tetanal-zed to takeadvertistments add subsctiptiorts fur lost our:lowest rates:, - • o the lteivous of both scam A rctlred Clemytaan been motored to h‘alth in a few:dal-a-, after many ye:up...n(l7Na sultettng. willing, to iomlat others by vending (free) on receipt or a (post-paid directed enaelomt a copy of the prlptton nand. , Direct to ItE.F.JOII.II 31. 11,14:NALL-left Fulton a rret, Brooklyn. N. Y. ' - lam rlJel7 The Confesolona aud Experience of an In. valid.—l üblished for the benefit and as a warning ands eitution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, [immature Delay, .Sc.;: supplying at the same the means. df Selftente: By one who Mecum' himself, after being tint to great expense througir Medical imposition and gnackery. Oly enclosing* poSt paid.. addressed envelope single copies. may be had of the author., 'NATHANIEL XATYAIIt. Esq., Bedford, Kings Co. N. Y. ,Lintildlyis OLD BARBER. 1380 P, • • But . New Proprietor, TR andernlgne.l. an experiencethrorkman at the btis teen, Infortn the citizen,. of Montrone and ri• einitr, that he. has taken. the 'bop formerly ocenpleilby Chitin Moran, better known an the ..I.aughing Barber, ' In the banment of Se.arle't Betel. and by strict attention to hteninetet and sharp* razora ha hope,. to merit a liberal patronage. N. B.—Ladles' and Gentlemen's Bair droned In thetas tent zed neatest City style... ' ' WILLIAM irErrnATnEu. Montrone. July 8,18 62. . . • reamsavirwosirazum To England, treland and Scotland: A 1/11Slaill Elf SIIIN ; 1/ IMAA I 4B. In inuneof one, '.l.‘..pliatul and DrillaYdlg - latiable In all the principal Iowa" of England. Ireland and Scotland.for tale by W. VOOPER4 Co.. Bee rim . • • 1 . . liOntrove, ja 30-762 Steer Pens; -Sui3ergeded -. , • • Aix N. DZ INLETS s _ COPPLI . ERRODHririf PENS . • • I iI i tT ORANTED licit . to Corrado fp Niny ink. Each pen . is durable es a dozen steel pens. As they do nOt corrode. sbey will not get sharp and stick in the paper like steel pens, but will glide over ills ;paper smoothly likes gold pen. I have appointed' i• • VIJURELL, BOIF 4Reittlis • • for the side of these pens gnaquebanualosuril. Peee. $4,00 per groes;-50 cents per dozen-IS cads too. • nent. Di Mail. pre-paid by the agent, on receipt of price Wilms _postage stamp, The trade supplied at is reasonable dis count. All orders for these non-cnizollimPetua mast be addressed to ABEL TVMMELL. Montrose, Pa., who wUl ftumisb them at the lowest prices: ' • • July 8,4864. 8. D'M WOLF, = ' Execttorg':.Notace. :- .IvOTICE 7e berbby - elven ta peerne famine de .1.1 man& sexiest the algae' orITZUAYIN T. CABE, late of the borough of Montrose. {lc ed. that the UM e tout be presented - to its "enders c ued for eettlenaent,, a sad persons indebted to odd tete ire requested to • • , ' At•-..CA4R, • • Nentrose:Jelell 1562, for ; • . 7 • - • • • -- fOp:)p,7..N.V 4 W§ - 4' .-,- : .GR 'AT:,COMNOTION IN TUB Y GOODS, 32, Et. BULL Threatens WAR! Brr ESANITANDS FIRM UNU s4),Oiilas rpm OF übtrg,:,Tisinbattin, & QMESTICKS, If 0 0 our gtiPrd, sad we bare littOy laid In a lark( ilch enables Ds to oifer to our emolument. gem t 'wiped terms aa 'formerly, cuuolderlng the hitt s put to .tuck - . wb un °quail, floe. 4 6066 erg, 1 AT gontrose, Slum' Elmira, Ne7-York! ' Sosquehanna Depot, Pa. , OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK • Lis Ccmarilete,. We are determined not to be outdone, either In prices or qualitiesi—and will endeavor to give our eustoutere all possible ratlatitetien. CLOTHING: 111 this itranch our stock Is complete. and will be sold lower. and more tastefally finished than any one-horse establish vent , anyfuurthunie concern this aide of N. York eitt. Is able to offer or produce. %V. can **AIM the public that we constantly employ the beat cutters . and workmento make upper stock. i-YrOarments made to order gairOn the stunted. notice. 1121rA Girod Fit warranted or no sale. • . . FUftNISHI G - .GOODS: A Greek Stock t ontently kept, and sold lower thin_ lkto lowest al - ' . 6itttfubfrt, ' 4 lorptbanin.k. c, Mont se, January let, 1842... A "JA I ' -EL URRELL Now ffers tor sale one of the largest and . . best Selections- of - - 1 0 FAer &red in Susquehanna County, and proba ly comprising the greatest VA-• HIE' 'Y or most. different . articles of any .1 .1 Store in the Northern. part ot•Pennsylva ilia, a a perhaps of the 'entire State. An Assortment is . kept in about )hirty differ= cut branches of trade, and the selections are nade from about forty;' of the best 1 ... lions s in New York, and more than fif ty'D tilers and Manufiieturers lint of New York. A large Proportion of the• Goods are brought direct from the Manufacturt;rs, 1 thns inininng genuine articles. Custom -1 ers on - entering the Store must not expect to find everything in sight, but nearly 'ev ery Article wanted . will . be produced by inqiiii.y. Slime 'idea of the Stock :may be loran:a by the following , genaal outline, :but enumeration is impracticable. - • • DRVGS AND MEDICINES, . PAINTS AND OILS, CERIES, LIQUORS, CROCKERY, SS.WARE, . • , WALL and WINDOW PAPER, V.E1.14:17; , • _ - • . , 1. .: SILVER-TV:ARE, ! • • PERFUMERY, FA.4T 'CY GOODS,. • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, - BRUSIIES :RICAN POCKET KNINE.S, • TABLE CUTLERY and . SILVER PLATED . WARE LPS,..MATERIALS for LIGHTS,; D WARE, . • •. BED CORDS, Y GOODS, • • - ' MIRRORS, , • ' ;DO Y AND PICTURE Gl,Ass, • LI7'HOGRAPIIS, I TOWNES, • . . BARD CAGES, ' ' SPECTACLI.:S, . I'IPS,CE. LASHES, ' BROOMS - - GUNS, .' PISTOLS, NiNtuwitrvioN, ~. . , _, .. .. , - 91 , 013kCC0.. ./.u.dAr, & SURGICAL instruments, Li;' . . - - SOAP, POTASH, &C., U. BRELLAS. - • '. . - PORCELAIN' TElfl'H, In horl.; nearly - every thing,- to restore the sick, to please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy; and also to conduce to o . k real and substantial comforts of . life: the attention of the public is resPect fully invited to my stock of Goods, bought exclusiVely for CASH - boldly, and :will be 1 so ql on the "same' principle for low prices. ..'• ABEL TURRELL.. _;4ooiiime. April ! 5t,.1882. . :. , - • .• RIB Celebrated Black Haerk_Motran 8101110 1 8 1 0 1 8 5 Tthia season at; the Hotel titehle of L. Hea.4.40, yaw. !Mara .'eraw 'Wed •by Om. orightai VERMONT Black Hawk, the she of Ethan illTialantet,, InaakHalol. Rip Van Winkle, Belle of tiarattea: ••Mak • Haiwk .Mald. Sherman Bleak Hawk:Med Wad183 , 1414W, Bohemian Girl, Black Hawk Chief iato _Kate Mad Acad. Paul Cliffor&TrottiogSllllBam laalll 'OOO4 and others et celstwitr, Pwßlares au; "Lt..d; are Doak 'or Man* Hitett." or large hit 10. 44111a.16_,YAN11 dOnaryiWyarrant, • unfree*.mayMd.-2at = H. F.: GRIPTI.TR. , 'RAIiji:::RoAroS - . ERIE IA CIIA\0& OF 1104/46i. - Militant:g MO p. May 6, DIM Talon till kortrapeat dead at aural the fol lowing hoots; tie: WESTWARD BODND. EASTWARD 'Nu. 1, Buffalo Er. 2:31 g.m. No. k'N.ll:-Etpmel:26 p.m No. ti. !ilght No.lafight'sprese Liss No. 6, at mir. p.m. No. 6.Btsmboaf ' 7:61 p.m Nu. 7, . at 6:23 am. o l4 l t ' 4:B° P' w N 0.12. WayFreet.l2:27 p.m. Noin.CinektrkikzAlia.ta s No.2l.Aetrueod'u,2:63 a.m . fitt.llo,W4P 2241 11 J6P m Noe. 3 And 4 um elery day.l No. 16 row S bat . 010e4 not run un.llondaya. :49.3 of Sunda* runs thin' to Itaffelo, but done that. . ran to Dunkirk. No. remAln. Overnight at - Elmira. XLCOT:Dett; SOS; i_ . .' a r The Paasenger,, Ins compmaysum run to . ' and fmmilliug4tutori as follow*: E.AV.E.IIII:(4,4IITUN.atG:4:I ut z mpuirciln; at Qint.rtNTON ielthibe Lachiwanna.f. Bloom %burg nail I.Z itiond fur Pittdt Vallef.tugdtuu and %%liked-Barre ; t ITOPE, with VIP Lelridertittelamire Railroad fur Itll. 11 Ilpsburg, Trenton and phlfadelphla; and at • TUNeTION, with frainit on the Central Railroad of N. effl Jenny, for Elizabeth. Newark, and Newfrork. Also - for Easton,. Bethlehem, Allentown,. hatch I.Munk, Reading and 14rrlabunt.; anteing it I . • I.**Yorlt Pplad'a ti3o. and Itairlsturg thOp.m. L&A NZW.YOkik, toot of Cauthinditt. it 6:00 CM.: Philad'a,foot ut Wainatia, at 6 a.m., connecting at CaANTON, with!lackawinia alawmborgit. Mot Pi tts ton; WytimAnenilleY, Kingston aid W Ilk (whirr. and arrive at ilitighamton 7:30p. m.. conflicting with Night Express Wert on the Ma ltrilwa7i, and trains leaving Binghattton nett morning for Cortland, met au' - ' • gar This' th Coal Nicht; and tl - in., connecting " at that place-wilt' Ilay Express Weston the BUIE Railway, and t,Pas forming Mara editaection with itetu r r izi n n g . i o4 the t righ_aretatt.&ATtacuse lyillruad; Bend at.tlU p. at.; &admires at I • iteratitua ti:9o Wm. • . JORN floperinteidetit ~ ..Ticblt Am. picralton, Pa. . Gg, 1 leackawanilii...& Bloomsburg , R. nos' and after Apri)lth.lBs2,•?ausinger TMltrawlitrtm X! ale follow* • ' • • • VOTENGi SOcriel , • • I.eave -Sentaton at ' a. M. 'lO.lO i. m. Kingston, at; .: I 5.30 . -• Rupert, • r • RA DAnYilleJ r: Arrive at NI urthuni*rland, l , . 10.00 „ diCT1111(1[ : • • i bt * Learn Northam riand,, 4.30 p. m. •• Danville; ' • • 5.10 Freirgil p -Rupert, 5.43 ," Pas:ewer. • ' Kingston, 8.00 Lesve 1.45 p. in. Arrive at Scrantor 9.00 p. in. 5.10 A Pansenger trainaino leaves Kirigston id 8.50 a. m.fnr Scrantoh, to conadct with Into. for New TOrk. Return ing. leave* Scrautdn on arrival of train from New'ir ork at 4.15p.m. L - • • The Lackamanna and Blimmiburg Rillreed conneete ith the Dclaware',; Lackawanna and Western Railroad at Scranton, for N4.w York:and intermediate poltits cast. -At Rupert It connects with Catawissa - Kallroad, for points both rant Mid west) At:Slorthumberliuld II COnnects with Ihe!Phlladrlphla and Erie, and , ..llthiliern Centel Railroad. for pc Inbi welt and +multi. . JOHN P. ILSLEY,Stip*L ‘ i J. C. WELLS, Gen. Ticket Agent. l• thanatic County, Pan —ALCARD TO -Y r LINO LAME:SAND oSNTLEIifiN. . The subseri .r will send (Staid' charge) to all who 'denim it, the 'teethe and directions for making a simple Vegetable Balm, that willin from two to_eight days rem ove Pimple*. Blotkiimi, 'TAN, • PREcKLEB,' Sallowness. and all impuritieshind roughness of the Skin. leaning the same--aa Nature Intended It should b...—isoff,clear smooth and beautiful. Those desiring the reelp4).l.*cith" 1511 in. strnetiorm, direct kme andbdviee. pleas*.eall on or address (with return postage.) E • THOS. F . eIIAPSIAN. - PriMical.Chemist, -I • t. 831 Broadway; New York. Jc4o*Arn RENF.DT y . 11.A.Ittl- TINES. where people. hove 21. been throw l out of !twiner", and positena lame lit tle violin.; or nma Incomen,le to nuke thenirkirnoahome. [See advertise ent In another column L the -oettle meut of V Inehurd.] - ; . • MILLINEAT dc STRAW GOODS. .. IE hare the Omar* 4 anwitmcing that we are now prepared t offer . at old stand, t-. No.. 103, 10 5 and 101 , North Second-in,: lab° Arch, Phlladelphla r itra . arial , a well selected a ock of 'I ' . Mrand STRAW GOODS I . in every - i.i.ititi-.lof tire 'latest Importailons, and newest and moat fashionabte stiles. . ; Our Straw Ocpartment will comprise.eVery of Bonnets Mats, and TriinTugs to, he foetid in thati,line. Of the la. test and most no roved phapea and styles; Solleitieg au early call or onl r„ I remain, - 1 •,apte Yours, Iletriectluliy, . . ' •Allf. 'WAIL°. . • . • ; -. SAPONIFIEII - . rpm - Panilly 4.11 p }fa k e r! All Ititelieri Grease ran be JL• made. latirgood SOAP by using Saponifier. . garlli ructions accompimr each box: Soap le tutleasily made na a cup of coffee. Nanuflictdred only by thii Itatenteta, Penn's .S 1t Marp tfirtiuring Pornparty, tuv. iyjw: _ : 12: 'Walnut-at. rhiladelpitla. , . -. . - NATRONA ' COACiII.... . -. WaRRANT4D - NON-EXPLOE4VE: j and 'equal to any. KEIKOiIINEI. - . - • ; - - Why buy an eapluaiver Oil, when a.fete cents more per gallon will turnlrh you nitb a perfect OIL? = . ..; . :' ' 1 ' lfilde only by - i • PENN' a ltAr.T 14ANUFAeTURING: comrt:sY, • •IV Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA- • '- March fi. 18621 . ly.. STAND BY YbUR GUNS! , a . mm - tm - r 1 3:).A:incg3! WITH 40,000 NOD ROCKERS Armed •With Brickllats: 411ONTHS lARCH OF mr....5.z-m:3il aim cane fill AND WINTER . GOODS upkyn 4&4184.11 RIA,ONS SION 0 DYE STUFFS, COLD RULESTIIII DAY! 1- ..And'ivith a 4entifni eppply we hay° iiarehased alarge studio( 1 - S-T P.4 -an <I..fiANCY . . - DRY • GOODS, ..GROGWRIES tt PROVISIONS, MATS AND CAPS; 84.0T5! AND SHOES. WALL IrAPER, WOODEN. FARE, COAL LAf S.; - - • • •IrANKEE NOTIONS , • SKELETON;SKIILTSs ~ FLOOR,' SALT, :VISH,i NAILS, - • • PAINTS A N (PLS, STONE -WARE, • And I[l,tlOn other arelelestoonnesdroneio mentlon,which will be held • prices that willi • . . . Bch" - ::(,Jompetition. Don't TOrget The Place. ut If you ingniro of;flits' n;lghbors for ! The -Chesip,Dtoro, They wpky(r OA* dirritl via to,; . .) . HAVEN BROTHERS; . ' THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS; • • ...„1 , :3, ,- '=47-,THE-- 7. 1 i , ,:' i - ORIGIN. - rIINE 'PRICE " ST O RE! PROD OE thken in Esein , ge for, Oa*, C i•rbe HANIDEN ; BROTAIE-RS. NEW . Iqt.Trilto,wovembercsth. !so, -Gold _Medal Sal ". • - erfe . tas . . AN D .fathcFrnea. of tho - market. for lalS SOLDIERS 7 .BOUN'TY, pICII 'r ) .II33I 4 GIESICOME3 ' 1NR I :A1114 EAAS rOF- PAY AND . PRODUCTIVE FARM' 1. ! .4 IMS TOR .1.11, SALE, tefeuty•twa miles South of PIIIIndel01?. : in Rolitiece eta Heirs efdtawateiti SOLDIERS, who the Garden State' of the Beet climate and tot,it too • eieh't Meet their"elaixas preeentett ehd eollettek for iaarkete In the Union. -' : - • . • zap do eciAtiarle o to theunderetpted at the Ofdseof. ISbe adrettleemermot Vinelattd.) • J I have r . a•;teed - ifem the Aeditor thit'l"testAry.oo,-. pertstterrittWarblegton, - the. prWed. trevottioes Ottl inivitittWfil(PANTßl. cp,lo;.•eir, fI'AVATE , forme hrerryjhrlbehnblone. , Ir,• • • Jr; ion If EnTfl, foe ail - 'vertiltetobet ylaltand I ' Moutroo Jaattik#vilftr•-•"' " ILII.VMSEL 4 - •' ' - - HUBBARD'S 111011111 FOR ONE -OR TWO HORSE'S. We are 'now mannfieturing•this CeiebratOMOW.F.R, and offer them at reatonablo priees,to the Farmers of :;iutuinehanni County. AVe do not hesitate in saying that fur! co use in this UNEVEN' nittrw they are . . . . BEST . M THE ACHIN E NOW - MADE, They being so'arransell as to cut \;mootlily in uneven; as well as even-ground. S; SATRE iSz Monirose, Pa. REPORT OP SOLON-ROBINSON', . CRI.TTEN — DEN'S - 1 —OF THE NEW YORK 'PRIBIESE, :, !_ ,I - . . • VroNTic' ; ' - I PHILAD E L PHIA COIMICIAL VINELAN - p SETTLEMENT. 1, _. i , • . . .. • 087 The following Is an attain from the report of , - - 8- : Solon Itobluson: Esq.. published in the Xew York rl.- •, - -, COLLEGE - _ hmie, in reference to Vineland.- -All 'termites ten read [hilt report with interest. .- • s ; N. E .corner of 7th ettliestnut Sts .., • Advantages of Farmiog near Honie—Fineland-11c. ! •.: • PIIILADELPIILt. . marks upon Merl—Soil, its great: Fertility—The , . - 1 , fiflits Institution , which was established hi 11844. awl . , clause. of Fertility—Amount of Crops: Produced — IS nilw consequently in the eighteenth year cif ha exiall. • Practical Evidence; , ; cure. dumber. a mong its graduates bundled. of the tracts, 6, 1 Conn try. . li Is certainly one of the melt extensive fertile - - ! most successful Merchant. and Dusineas ; Men - of oar loin almost level position, and meltable condition for ' • 'The object ofthe Institution is solely to afford - Teen . pleasant farming that we know of this side Of the .west- • teen facilities fur thorough preparation for business. ere prairies. We found shine of the oldest lams app..- j The branches taught are, Book-keeping, rut appileahlts rentlyjust Oa profitably productiVe as when first cleared ' to the variousdepartments of!trade '; Pentniutship, both of foreet aft. or a hundred yestreago. - : ain and ornamental; Commercial Lew, Mathematics, The geolokist weuld $OOll , discover the cause of this W , and Modern Languages,. Say igation, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonovemiy. continued fertility. The whole country is a marital de- I posit. and all through the eitilswe found evidences of =1; 1 • t The system Of iuttruction is peculiar; no claims ter set carmen substances, generally In -the form of indented I leseons are made use of. but each Student la taught Wl calcareous marLihowing manydistinct tonne of ancient I ~,h tati t y, ett t w at he may commences , any tine, lid 2 , sitelleorf thc tertiary formally& tantithie marly substance ! tend at whatever hours are most convenient. is se.attcred all through the rsathin a very cOmminuted .. i' Catalogues are issued annually after the 18th of April, form, smile the exact conditiwn most easily:assimilated 7.0 1- ntaining names °Rite etudeuts for the yair. and felt .bar such plants as the farmer desires to cultivate.- particulars of terms, ac.. and may be obtamod at any :Marl. in all in forma he* tmen used to rer"V• crops in time by addreiSing the Principal . EnAnntl, from the time it was oceepied by the Eocene.; , , In extensive accommodation Wldes.ratd reputatleir, and' in France sad Uermsey a marl bed is counted on as -.4 nd the lengthy expe ri en ce of th e rtis - e r- 04 , this intautso. a valuable tied Of manure ; that can be dug and carted lion offers faelliteeseprrior to any oilmen the and spread °err the fleM. ' 110Wanuch more valuable then, fur voting men ag I pr' par for businesann= . ithunt be When found already mixed through the soli ; . tali at the same time a u ltip e lom e rt, which will • where nee:particles will he turned up and exposed:and use every time be stirs the ; rfreritfende .. reconunendatio it n Mr tliern to any Mercantile buss. transformed to the owiter'e 's Series . of Treatises on Book-hasp- C;nh. , , - . now sew, widely circul•tted - than any other- work ea . ;Daring then salivated our minds with the ' caose. they , i n "' yits...sub' t '; f -' le the Coll Jets , are Or fta. .20. ege. ~ will not be excited pith wonder at seeing indebitalde ev- .. - ' Idenre of fertility of a Mil' Willa in oar situ:alone. bar." • ":"- S. 110DGF-K CRITTENDEN. - ing !Leane general characteristic* brat leastappearati , I l ~ • - . Alloney-al-Lato, .. mi. is entirely unremuuerative except Bolts. productive- I ; • - ' . Illinnria.L. Oss is promoted by artificial fertilization. - A few words about thequalitv and value of this land • (Or cultivation, of which we have some strong proof. ' ' . i Our fint visit wee to William D. ‘ Wilsou. Frinklin township, Gloucester county. who purchased some -eight 'eli, north of Milville. about three years ago, for the useof establishingis steam mill.. to work -p the tint- j; •t• Lilo lumber, to send off by the new ',dirtied, as well. its the firewood and coal, fermi:kb he built a track a 1 mile and a half tong. Ile also furnished sixteen:toilet of f the road whititties.intil had no doubt made the mill i profitable, tlioti:lit his Wahl libjell was to urn a .fans. having become convinced that the.soil was • valuable for, quitivatiou. In this he has hot been didippositted, ss lonic or Ids crops prove. For instance.,the second time of cropping. :ash bushels 1/11m1:1101,, on one acre, worth tio cents a bushel in the field. This t. ear, seven acre-. Without manure, produced VI Mohr& of Oats. ill one 1),•Id, the find crop was potatoes, planted among the roots. andyielded 75 barbels. , The pot - aloes- were dug; and wheat sown, and yiekied lfibushelt: and the stubble. turned under and sown to hnekwhisit Which yieldeil.:l:y., bushels; and then the ground Wazi sown to clover 'and timothy, which - gave as ft first crop '2,f tons per at re.' The fertilizers applied to these crops *ere first, ashes ~from clearings ; second. V. 5 pounds of saperphosPhatt• of lime : third. 200 pounds Peruvian guano; then 50 bush els of slacked lime has been spread upon the elfircr since it Was Mowed. and turned In fur wheat. . 31r. WilroWs growing mope. and the wheat stubble of file present • Seas On. all indicate Ids 'audits productive as any part of the State. - . • At Mary Itarrow' old style Jersey woman farmer, I leveralsmilea.south of Mr. Wilson's, see were so partien-;: tarty struck witht he tine appearance of a field ofeynn,that ir e stopped to inquire of the hired man how 'it was pro..i duce& We found that the land bad been the peer bur true before in wheat, sown with clover, and this eaten. , Season; and last:spring plowed once, with one .peor old • nag." And.pktnted with corn. - • -: . 1' -Yes, but you nut - unreel high. wesappose?" wettishd In thovogatively, and got his rept v ; s • 1 ..Waal. you NW. \VC,. coultin s t done that; :muse we ; ; hadn't but fort v-onellonse loads altogether. for 23 Item; ; and we wabledthe most toil:for the truck." . The truck con - tasted of 'beets. carrots. cabbage, curem•st hers. ructions...kis., and a very productive patch of Lien; limns, grown for marketing. SJ we were satisfied that, 1 the soil was not infertile, even.totaided he clover. whirl; ; haul fed the corn, beausa: the''t reek path" lint not been j cloven:li, and had been in eultivattou lung encergli to oh; literste allaigits of the forest. • Our next visit was to the large farm orAndrew 'Sharp ; I Eve miles north of Miliville. Dem half to a mile 044 . t of the railroad, *adjust about in the centre of Vineland.-: i . Mr. sharp.coritmenced woo: here ht December. 1854: up- - on 210 acres, ln'. itma'thin three years he has got sill ! acres cleared and in crops this season , all well inclosed I and Melded into eeveral fields. With cedar rail-or pole! I fence ; ha, built a two-story &Welli n g. about thirty-six or forty fee...nada smaller house for farm laborers, and a stable and granary and some other outbuildings. ; Considerable part of the land was cleared for the pine/. 'at 89 dollars anacre, and on womeoflt thefirst crop „was I be wheat . limed with 50 bushels in'powder per arre . .-1., This crop may - be put in from July 4th•to 20th. and yielcbi I from twenty to thirty bushels per Isere, harvested in Novi. I ember ; When the land being sowed with 150 imunds et 1 Peruvian rammed seeded with rye. yielded 12 in . 15 bushels per acre and ten dollars worth of straw. The. - lye stubble turned. after knocking off a large; growth of ; oak sprouts, and diersed atatin with guano and betded to wheat, gave 15 or 16 bushels. The crop which war .1 threshing while we were there province more, of . a very 1 ; plump grain, and the straw is very heavy. . 1 • We went over the stubble and found the - clover and 1 - timothy, from need 'towed last sriring„on the wheat with-I out harrowing. look:lngest well as we ever saw. It Upon I any. old cultivated farm, and with a little work done ih ! the Winter to clear off some roots nut rotten stempot. and setting stakesto mark permanent (met., - we will he able to cut the crop next year witha mowing machine ' and we will,guarantee two tons . per acre, if he will glie the Overpinrilf it overruns the estimate. . Part of the landau planted with potatoes for a - first-; crop, which yielded one hundred and twenty bushels per acre, It was then lint with fifty bushels per acre, and , seeded with wheat and lover. yielding ,an average Of . 1 1 over lfibishelo per acre, aid the cluvernow looks .beag . Orel.. • ' , - . , - . ' 1 Other portions have been planted wit h corn as a first ; crop 'which yielded thirty bushels of velitiw flint 'corn,' and the second crop fortrimshels, ilea the third crap. t r'eated 150 pounds ofunanoi Ave are sure no one would'; estimate Belo s- forty bushels per acre. • ! • [The reader will recollect that the writer is now'spertk• lug of lands perfectly new. and which can scarcely be con, dunned in good amble condition.—ED.] . " - - In other eases the corn crop oflist - year. *as followed with oats this season, out yet threshtld, but will average, !probably forty to fifty bushels. Sweet pouttoes, beans, mellows. and in fact, all vegetables, as Well as young peach and ot her. frui t treet - planted this year, 'show very plainly that this cougueg,lected tract of laud should re mahrio nolonger, and tbernis now n strong probability that it will not; for ander the auspices of Mr. Landis; it will be divided into small luta, with toads located , to, ac commodate all—the surveyor la now busy at this Werit —and all punitisers will be required to :build neat coin. fortablithoueea. and either fence their lots In uniformity; or.agreet to live without fence. which-would he, prefers.. hie, by which-means a good, imputation will be secured who will cstabileheheraes. schools,„,etorev. Mills, Ma chine atomised homes—homes of American farmers, air rounded by gardens*, orchards, fields and comforts of chr ilizedlU'o.. . - • ! t If any one. truce anydiranmement of dealt• one of hie pursuits for life, or who is iron any cense desirous to find a new location and cheap home in the cocuttry, and who may read - sad believe what wrs have -truly stated, be Will do well logo and ace forhimself what may be seen within :a two boars tide of Philadelphia. I .' - tiOLON ROBINSOM. ABEL. TURRELL: • 6 1 PPare n ° e n ; evrYs9r : el i r V l Il in Ira Cngry'adhbrre:er f or to wi . chicants heir. m_ . i at dor , . GREAT =WINE EMPORIUM 'of ABEL TeRRELL; and be tiCailed of the tivnent, !di r pained. July 11..1811. 14.tit0 @NAM 14 . 1k1111 0 44:' splendid aavortmentjastrecedite. Chimnin.ehailes /11.. burner*, wicks. etc. - , at Varmint., VIiv'E=.,~.A,~ND. TO ALL WANTING TRIM'. New Settlement of Vineland. • A It FOP. RABD ITMES. - A Hare Opportunity in the Best Market, sad Delightful and Deakhful Climate in the ion. Only thirty miles south of MIR ' delphia. on a railroad; Nang a rich, heavy soil, • and highly I . . productive wheat land; Amongst the best in the Garden State of Newlersei. . TT CONSISTS ott).000 aims of GOOD land. divided . -1 to fans of dlderent sizes to snit the purchaser—Ere ,)acre. and upwards—and IA sold at the rate ahem AL . teen to twenty dollars per acre for the larin land, pays: Die one-fourth casb.and the bslancb by quarter-yearly en-' *tallnients, with legal Interest, within the term of foot years. _ . ICMCEI ESC , X.T.41 Is. in great pinta rich clay loam,saitable for WaseLOvelms and ratefX4-111A011 dark and rich sandy. ham. wettable • for corn. sweet-potatoes; tobacco. ill kinds of Irvelliatai and root crops; and the greiteariety of fruit.' tech eir aapcs, pears, peaches, apricots; Nectarines. blackber ries. melon- and other fruits, best adaptsid to the. Mir del Oda and New York markets. In respect. to the AM( and crops there can be no mistake. au visitors can CMS-. Inc both. and none are expectedto bay before so doing. t and finding these statements correct—ander thews ennt-tandss. unless these statements - wen. nailed, them would Nino iu their being made. It L Considered, i - The , Best Fruit Soil in the Union. ftiep report of Solon FloMoron,' EMI., of the New Tent Trito , l4. mid the well ktroWn agriculturlot., William Pea ry, of Cinnaminson, New Jereey,whlch will be fursdabod Inquirers.) ' - . , •1 1 33:3a 115- look in:: over a taap the reader will perceive that It I.lllop , the lest marketin-The roloo.ludhils direettom mlipagfoli with New York and Philadelphia/rims day. being toily thirty-two miler from the latter. Produce Ia this market brings doable the - price that it does in loca tions distant from the cities. In . this location it am be put Into the market the same morning tt la gathered. sad far what the fanner sells he gets the highest price vivtdMt ,roceileit and other article, be purchases be : get* at the hiwest prier. In . the West, what he sells brings him a • 'M:nice, but for whit he buy, he pays two prices. ID I locating here the settler has many other advantages. He within'le few hours, by railroad. of all the great cities of New England and the ?diddle dtates. Ile Is near his old Mends and associations. He has school for his *hit- • . drem, divine service, and all the advantages of chaise . thin, and he is near a large city. - , 'rum oxamsat..ALTia- Is . delightful: the winters being. salubrious and Opelli t whilst the summers are no harmer than in the • North,— '• The location is upon the lin, of Latitude with northetw . irginia. - • Penaoae WANTIXEI A CITAII07: or.Cuiwrit rot Tf RALTIL would be much - henelltted is Vineland. 'The mildew", of- ' the climateand its bracing influence. makes It excellent for all pulmonary ((potions. dyspepsia, or patrol dob4a : ty., Visitors will notice a different:ties few days. , andliver•uni etrtnusen. • • ConveniOnces at Barad. Building, material Is plenty. Push _and oysters o!ro. picot Mil and cheap. Vieltors trivet expect, however, to sees new plus. Thy the Property haw not Been Settled set • fore. ! • This questkin the reader naturally ask,. It is hematite. •it has been held in large tracts by families not disposed" . to sell, and being without railroad facilities they-had few l Inducements. The railroad has been opened Uwe_ i the property this mullion, for the flat time. , - • Vieltors are shown over the land in a ca ,free of j expense, and a ff orded time and opportunity for rrage, thorough •,:investigition. i 'those who come with a view to settle, should bring money to secure their percher, as 'lees. I tions are hot held upon retinal. Tim SAFEWr TRING tli HARD Totes, wbereftwopie hay, been thrown ont of employment or businese,' and pm"- et.e , some little melba or small incomes, is pa start tiesn; idrexahome. They can buy a piece oi land; at a small._ price, and earn more than w,ageettin improving it,"sad when 11.111'Am:init. is s certain independence and no 1041/. A few acres in halt trees will Insure a comfortable Hi lag. The land Is put down to hard•Ume_prlces, end all improvements can be made at a cheaper rate rhea most inc other time. • . The whole tract., with six miles front on the railroad, is 'being isold out with fine and spacious. &settee*, with . • r town in the centre—Ore acre lots in the town sellot hole $l5O to $030; two and a-half acre lota, at from MO to slen; and town lots 50 feet front by 100 feetdam,at sloo—pey. able one-half cash And the-balance within a year. It 1. only epee farms of twenty acres, or more, that Wet Pora , time is given. _____ _. TO lIANUFACTITHERS,. the towns/fords* i leg forthe 91108 Leanullseturag business, and o l =a i r . - tir.les, being near Phtladelpba, and the terroendisg country has ill/MO popelatlen,, which fords a good, market. , ... This settlement, in the course of portal yew,. will be one of the most beautiful places lathe country, and most agreeable for a residence. It is intended to mike it a Vino and Fruit pening , country, as this culture is the meet 'profitable ,and the best adeptedto the market. Every advantage and eel venience for the settlers will be int rodnew whith wills,. Sure the prosperity of the place. The .bard tames tbro'. out the country will be an advantage' to the settlement, as compels people to retied to arrteut!,cr.• Ice a i t ,. lulo . rgenembem of people are parchastai. an d . 'rho desire the beet location should viaitthe places= Improved Land is also for sale: ..., .. • I TIMBER:—lond can be bonebt trial Or w Omit tint- beg. The Timber at market valuation. • The Title Is, indisputable. Warreeteer. Oweda Vales clear of all incLunbmece,erhaa 06=080715 pug— , I Boarding conveniences at hand.' • 'Letters monaptli answered, and 'trolls of,olon reay. Insert end.Wm. - Parry sent, together wit4t UP "Vague* 1 Mott" • . . ' Bente tb the land z---LeaveWaltint crest 'Wort Phil." Iditiphia. at 0 o'clock, A. 31.. and al..' -31,._ (pulses there should bee change of boar ) for Vieelariken the Maw Julpy Mut' MlTlvitajiallroad. When you !NM the go 1 at yiautlLed imam Last_op_eneklite for ... ' • .: ,. • • C zoom cposmrisruir, - , , _:. ' " ?SO of she (bloat: .I'orin-iiin P. CE , C 4 F l b 9 i!!'n l t FNII4ItY N. J' , • .