! ! WA'nfss.l TT. EATIEI WIIIDLEINA LE , SA LT isE.l LER. 201 Wtuslaisagllust-A. - (Directly opposite Washington Nbarket,) New "Se*c•xelm.; ;IT'LL CONTINUES tikuffer to the city and b.. 7 COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN ;0/IN° and Fine Satz, at the very lowestfigures; 00eu ssekiand bap, consisting in part of Ash on's celebrated brand fur table and dairy use; '‘'effrey & Daicy, :Starshall's, Brow slow's, &c. ad 510°0 bushels Turks island, Bonares; en acositit.libps, Lishon,Cadiz,lcica,Nantes,&c.. 4:1 of which will be sold st.bargain prices from vessels, store and sturehonies. • . • Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will dad it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table snit putlip in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship. ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in 9uart boxes, put up and for sale by the quantity...in cases of fiye dozen each. 4, f -- ' -/- i • • re . c ,(,' - ~ .Z • Established in Pittsburgh in 1840. The Only Onninercial College in the - Minn, Canticleled by s: Practical .iferchant..,= im. 6000 Students have attended it from Thirty O illifforeat States. Four Silver Medals have been' warded Duffs' System bf Book Keeping; and the new -ircularj list issued contains letters from libido:lista PhD s:kip*. Italtimere,4it Louis. Cincinnati, etc., proving. it to be the best known. 'SINE-First Premiums wens re r6ntly awdrded the Penmanship of Win 11. DUFF. who his associate Professor, C C. Cochran, am nadoabt• the beet penmen in :America. fI .rper's Edition of Day. Book Keeping post paid, $1,70 ;Jae - and Dane:axes Gems of Penmanship; . 6,00 Doff and tltleltl . s New School Copy Books. 6 No's, '54 Pur samples of Duff & Cochran's Business and Ornamen. t al Penmanship. with the new circular of 44 pages, lodate ts:nntan In stamps to non 4 y HOSTETTER'S . STOMACH BITTERS. The'proprietors and manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED' STOMACH BIT TERS An appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United . States, became the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption Hostot tor's ‘ Stomach Bit ters for the last year amountekto over stair million bottles, and from its manifest steady. increase in times past, it is evident that during . the coming year, the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could, never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent . physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but aro ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficaeyin all cues of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom._ This it note temporary - popularity , obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of tnun- Feting the qualities.of the Hitters; but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have, proved a Godsend to regioqs where fever and ague and .various other bilious complaints have cofinted their victims, by hundreds. To be Ole to state ednfigently that the "Bitters" ere a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseasmis to thl proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, 'and imparts renewed_vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and "energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may Use the Bitters &Byrne per directions on the bottle, and they willlnd in it a stimulabt,peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years. as it is pleasant to the palate, Invigorating to thebowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi -deuce of thousands- of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using ,th# nreprzation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility ;'acting under the advice of physicians, theyhave abandoned ell deleterious drugs and • fairly tested Abe - merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex: rThere are certain periods when their cares are so harming that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young ; is apt to forget her own, health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to reenpe .rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. •Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the 144ters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is "tremble to the taste u well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhem, dysentery, in digestion, 'loss or appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, • superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and-nuriting mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by.giving to lids setter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public again/it using any of the many. imitations or counter feit/4 but ask for Ilosrcrran's Cm.rnaarta sromecu Ihrrruts, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Hitters" blown on the side of the bottle„snd stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and obsersithat oar autograph signature is on the labeL Si' Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER SMITH, Pittsburgh. Pa., and sold, by all' druggists, groeees, and dealers generally throughout the Vatted States, South Amp rice: lad THIS Dzliclotts Tonic Stimulant, Especially designed for the 1140 of the Medical Profession and the Family. s' harms superseded the *6 called - Gins." "Aromatic, I "Cordial." - .Nicdicated." " Schnapps," etc., is now en dome by all the prominent physicians, chemists and cons 11012frelgl. as po,sesitinr. all those INTllliCniCs medicinal qualities iconic and diuretic) which belong to en OLD szul I - 7 7 ------ i ; PURE GIN. Put up in quart bottles and sold be all Drug- 1 _ giata and Grocers. etc. A. 11. BININGEB S. ,1C0.,, ..AND. • jEstablishal In Ira.] -- Sole Proprietors.— I, '.I oc ale.l - - N 0.19 Broad Street, N. T. i I • ' I ' For at TurreWs Drug Stare, Montrose. ' .- . READY-PAY .1 CUSTOMERS.- ,:„..... - i I We ar'iletertnined.'noti to be oat -done bi the way of i ... Lp IV FSEN 1 1If EMS • TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA ItTilsal„ 1.-,.„, a t " ix as trotittfyr the ow qt: • &nigh& and Colds. Croup. , , Bronc.hitii; Asthina, Difficult - Breath/sig. ;Palpitation of the /hart. Fbr at mite o f pattotis to =franca stags: of Coaramption together with all Meows •Of the Throat and Chest and - which - predispose to Consumption.ft attacks the not el distal,. and main thefell &Waiver lofts induence. It alsoprodsp nij_litt ezinetaration, d- butt are healthy action in the Oman& iftscirut Membrane and Mama. it Is perillar' ly of ade EplTliltA .ted to the radical i • One dare ease insaluedge .417 rP Olen yimk, ow andmailltly &emu Math* particular rwittregf Wawa* d.d.r. Iti,triTyd Try ioiheont it the lair. asp:4om* for ete eete. .j. Caneine nd OWL/ is inroistobie fe in Me oaf QV/ Brooch hill Affections. , Frier weals_ _per Do*. afilY 4 ' ..• Or. et..FsierlfrLY. gag A. Seenvein, ' i & Cb« N. tr: ownweit. PLAR ideate. Ytkitorooll. /kw sato Vbstrotrek verot r, - Ism souse AREL REIS rottsoNs'wmaTtlce A OHANOB OF .CLAINATE .1184,Vrtt. erg.. I , 4*ert4rwat ofl'isPLln4 11,1A.4. .LOUT:ROTEL.: CHESTNUT-ST ABOVE.. THIRD , PHILADELPHIA, ja . b itt lic llaTs s .' Poet (Mice, Merchantlf Exemege, Qc., to. - BOARD PER DAY, e 1,50.: • Accommodatton. erharireqatred, m the EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms from 50 cents and upwarde, per day, and Modest Foortgiesa Restaorantattmhedto the Hotel. Priebe accordii4 to the Bala of Faro. . The City Care take Paseatifers from any Reties TO or CLOSE TO the go al. - OW, laritnr,llA. French. and Genniha. +spoken. . , • • ARE YOU INSURED . ? .. • :Et. P. 33.T....A.CONJWICAMcr fi rreerig 11 16SCStilnll or Insurance la the follow. tng thi Companies: WyominglNß ANCECoMpany, wii4gles-OAmint, Pa. .. • ' • . Charter rerpebiaL - Capita1...,.8.100,008 Surplus; .. 417,00 q . • 1 or,yant3td . NovanBer 2d, A. D. 1857. prit;& " aits.. . • G. 31. Rollenback, D. o.2lcatecti. J. P. De111:11114 John Reichard . David organ, chic thernmed, Semi Mama, D CM • Wm S SOW L D Shoemaker. Geo P Ptoelo, II Y NoPt., R. C. Serra, Bey, G. X. Tiesixerseciatili. . WG. arresaro. Dom L. D. sitozatessa, norPral. ETNA. INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford; ounecticut. ' Aaarta up Capital $1111020(2) 00 2,101,100 02 NORTHERN FIRES LIFEASSIIRUNCE COMPANY, No. 1 Moorgate (reef. Louden. 86.2'A000., ..Annual Revenue. $1,000,000. • . Wit GETTY. Agerd.Philadelphia. . • COTHECTiotrr MHTUAL (LIM DISURANCE ?ANY of Hartford. Conneltiout Accumulated Capital,— .. . .. Any one wishing their livei Insured will do well to tall and examine their mode , of insuring, and their rates. which are better than those of say other company, before tilting Policies elsewhere. B. P. oe 9 "601 Office orer Chandleg Jemmies store, • I• P. DUFF &SON" MORE NEWAORANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE FOOT OF MAIN STlllnaT. ipH E extensive . Furliture Establishment of SMITH BROTIIERS hiving boon refitted and greatly improved, the' !proprietors respectfulr3 announce to the citizens♦ of Moutrose and vicin• ;tp-that they are constantly making acid keep on head the LARGEST aid BEST assortment of FURNITURE ~ To be found ih the Country.: . We give the following list °ISOM of the ar Ileles which wo will sell at greatly reduced prices, for CASH or READY PAY: , • Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with - glue (tom si6 to $35. from $ lB mans with -marble or brocatelle topl. from $lB to $24. And a laigo assortment, from, $B. 81U, 12, 141, to 818. Wash Stands, card Stands,Cornerand Square Stands, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cents to ton dollars. , . . Desks, Dilians ,Towel R ack Footritoolapttp. mans, Loungea t dec. 1 . • Centre, Card, Pier; Toilet, Dining, Kitchen, and Extension Tablas. chthrs,—Cano and Wood Seats, tteakers— Cane, Flag. and Woed Seats, of e,very variety and style. Sofas, tete a totes' fdrnished st short: nOtie at Npw York prices. • N. B. Ready macie' coffins on hand or fur nished at shoct notice.—.4l4arees Always in readiness wheal-desired. We esiploy-norie bit CARKTUL and EXPERT ENcED Wont:MEL We intend to do our WORK WELL. and Suit it rti Low as it can be aff_citded - W.W. SMITH, A. srfirrui, JR., E. 21.. SMITH. Montrose. inn. t ßth.-,tgfio=tf. • KEYSTONE HOTEL, WM. 111. HATCH, Proprietor 'VMS new and commodiOns Itotel mitnate I on Public Avenue. near the Court House.and cearls , in the centreof the business portion of Montrose, is now fuly completed and furnished, and was opened on Monday, the 27th day of September. 1858, for the accommodation of the public and 'traveler's. The Proprietor feels confident that hi is now prepared to entertain ',g,n slits in a manner that cannot fail to give Complete Satisfaction. The Hotel and Furniture' - are new, and noes• , pens° has been spared to. Haider it!eqnal. if not superior teeny similar establishmeut in this-part of the State. It is well supplied with alt the recent improvement§ and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this 'House tee - • New and Convenient, • The Proprietor respectfully solicits; the patron Lge of his old friende, and the public generally. ' • WM. K. HATCH. NEW . GOODS E - W NEW . L. It4.4DI*TG. &._ ''Q'S, LIBERAL DISCOUNT, ALLSlr"fil OF PRODUCE TA-1- E-b-ge for c• 0 0 r, D •;lb. lILLTIMNOr dc. CIO. "ABEL TURRELL fiir sale Bellinghant's Stantilitimit lbsuent_ t for -Whe Whiskers and Flak, that Will bring out • undt set of Whiskers, ors Monstacbe, in tram Az to eight • weeks linker's Coinpound,a weans for Disentel7. ; Montrone. July it MI. I - ' • ipimitcne, candlei. 410 - • . ja w .PRODUCTIVE 7411111 .. :LANDS PV I tke Gooks St the rs = ba l tVarst" ldl ismos ! form srksto Is; the ttnt - . Mel ad4rertionneat of ys .1 vrtVli—VD MUSIC GROWERS seriphertisemest of igvir s4IPU zt r4iltiektpall szob.? At Montrose. Penn. G • 0 GOODS, - • GOODS. HOISON DEPOT: M26E TO PRICES. ALT.bY the buw slot or Pcnwd DAILY MAILIMITEDETWILO I -SIONTROSE . it FRIENDSYILLE. COACLIES anent mulls -pasiongert between Montrositand Tztendonte, itilllspebeitinlMettt, in Mont y, at 7 o'clock, n.:s. ninkhre itiendir vine st in. • ' tar liorwand anniago inn be'reenria at Ai um,' Stable of the inbectibet In Montane, ou Moor* tersac ilantrum. Avg. 16.1fniO. tc J. D.l DR ... PORTRAFTS:, PORTRAITS ! NEW ARRA?(GRNENTII P RICK . B LOCK. rliE.Zserblgkt.trarisatA tro vttatiga, who mey desire _with h a °Being wall posted in t e o l. rodtitt a i d ou_ the) Po rtrait. gads 'aePictures of the day,' daRV myself that my work Loot fuelled by any in this section ants country. Among the various kinds taken at my Rooms are the AMBROTYPR PHOTOGRAPH . • , . MELAINOTYPE; NEILLOGRAPX. Locket Pictures down to the malted 'deed miniature Rim Transferred Ambrotym—the finest thing out, for sending Vtt to any part - of the World without .ttra postage. Pictures are bold. vigorous, Sad expressive —not those flint, lifelva shadows often sold about the country. Pictures taken in all kinds of Teethe,. equally sell, except those of young children. No picture net:tilts taken unless perfect satisfaction is given.. In dressing fora picture, avoid - light colors—such u bins. purple, scarlet, pink, etc. Yost others take wellies [Teen. black. red, snuff, brown, orange, yellow, ote. Or Remember that the place to get your "picture!' Is the Brick Block, cler i fttait, Watrous J Poster's store. ' J. 111. 114.111101CMI: non we. Ps...ltoy. heth. CONE Of TIME I D4.4.W'R, LAU' Ad; 1 S' .R. R. On and aftei Monday,' _NO 'EXPRESS • PASSI MOVING SOUTH. • Tio Night Erpreis Train East on the N. i. & arrives at Great Bend depot at ( 11 . m.l 1 , 11 connects 'with the Express train' for N. Y. and Phtlad's • which leaves at 7.20 Dne at New Milfettl, 7,39 Montrose, .^ llopbottons, 8.13 Nicholson. ' 2.40 •Factoryville, _ 9,04 Abington, 9,301 Ston, 10.• M cr osc an ow, 10,41 Tobvhanni 11:20. Stroudsburg, 12.7 M Water Gap, [p.m.] 12,46 Coli 1. Delawa umb re a, . ( 15" 1..." dine) 1.05 llope.(Philad connect.) 1.35 Oxford, . 1,63 Washington, 2,10 Junction. - 2 32 13,3 ‘ iXt,000 00 New York, 5.30/eat, at Philadelphia. 6,50 land Night Ex. Wert 1,14 The Express Train North connects at °rent - Bend with Nt-Iht express trains East and West on'the Erie Hood. The Express Passenger Train Sonth, connects at the Junction with the 2,55 p. m. train on the New Jersey Central itnall for Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Reading, and Harrisburg, an. AC.OOSI3IODA Leave Scranton at(s.ur.)9oso Factoryville, 11,00 Nicholson, 11.3 0 Mo n trose, (p. 12,45 Great Bend, 1.45 Connecting with Dunkirk • - Express - West, at 1.89 The Accommodation Tral alter the arrival of the Norni and Bloomsburg Railroad: t the Wyoming Valley a dir - the morning train. Friuthe accommodation of way travel on the southern division, a paasenge,-_car will be attached to the Express Freight train. leaving Scranton at 4 a. m., due at Strut:ids. b0r,?.11. Junction, 3.15 p. Retnrnin2. leaves Junction at 3.50 a. m, due at Stroudsburg 8,20, Scranton 3,40 p. m. Passengers to and front New Tork, will change cars at function. To and feoin Philadelphia. eta. Itel. Del. 11. H leave or take cars at Hope. For Pittston, Kingston and . Wilkes•Darre, take faick..t Bloomsburg H.R.at Scranton. For . .leArcip, Archbflid. and Carbondale take Omnlbtis at Scranton: Ticketa sold and baggage checked throngh. C.TOII.74.IIRISSIN, Superintendeni. W. N. JENKS...Nen. Tletet Agt. Scranton. Pa. .lAckawinna 8t Bloomsburg R. R. CvN and after :inv. 2.1th,1881. Ptuirenger.traina will nin V as follows: • . Passenger. Aceomodeition Lear. Scranton. . 5.% a. a. - . 10.3na. rn. Kingston, . 8.30 12.15 p. In. . Rupert, 8.40 ' Dantlite. • .0.15 . . Arrive at Northnntherland at 1 0.00. . Lbsre Northnniberlati, 4.30 p. m 5.10 Rupert, 5.45 .• Kingatrin, . AA* Arrive at Scranton, • 9.00 • A raemenger train leaves Rinoton at ti,3o a. in. for Scranton. to connect with traln for N. York. Returning if•VC.Scranton on arrival of train from New York at 4:- 15 n. m.. The Lackawanna & Ttlonmstoirg Railroad connect* with the-Delaware. Lackawanna 1& Western Railroad at Scran, ton, for New Tort and I atetmzitiate points east. At Rnnert itcontects with the CatAwlsB3 Henreid, tor points Moth east and west. At Northionherland it connects with the Philadelphia' rt. grit!. and Northern Central Railroad and Erie Railroad tot whits west and south.' JOBS P. ILSLET, Spin. . J. C. WELLS. pen. Ticket Agt. GROVER& BAKER CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, FOR FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING INF, 495 Broadway,, New-York. Agencies in all the principal 'Cities. and The Grover b Baker S. M.Co. beg to call the attention of the yablic to theik recently Introdu ced NOISELESS FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING OBWIllet" stalsonrostot. .MAHING TnE smurriLE Os Lock amen. These machines emnbine all the litest useful improve ments in sewing machinery, and art:highly recommended for their' Sirupßelly of Construction Noiselessness; Rapidity; • Ease of Blanageossessi; - Capacity for all kinds of work, And Beauty Mud- Regularity of stitch. - - .Varlour stylesof these machines adapted to tie house or workshop will be found at the diferent agencies of the company throughout-9w trotted States. Their new SHUTTLE. MACHINE FOR "TAILORS' USE, The latest triumpb of the sewing machine art—noiseless. rapid, and easily opaated—will commend itself to those who use sorb maret - tor maarlactaring clothing.- Grover & Baker Machines, DROVER• Ili-BAKER STITCH.' These jutly-celebrsted ma4lnes. adapted to all the wants of the household and thanulhctoty. continue to mints* the pre-eminence which the almost universal verdict of the piblic has &wanted them. The wef•kuown STRENGTH, - ELASTICITY St DURABILITY,. attic attoWs I Nate: Stitch will always Inmate these peens= for tared ase, for the maa*EW tare attach goods as are La for star—tor see and not for show. Wherever the Glover ;IbeSalew have exhibited muidinirly jedgedid competition with the leading &wire ltethinal lietjenerket, Including the Wheeler & WUson. they hen invuiably borne et Thu the d 'mama b k4minasabiasaidai * attSa Mow abbe* OM. Stab fhb* of 641 • ' Tamil's. EMI= 1161611101 - 1411 • ' 0111.1110'ftit"' - - • Nonni beat. waxt mirotkled Se prulegiiiiii SEP /be 0112TOt Itat•lt Mod** Mot al o f tb•hi atopentlan. iv. lath. 'LAGER TRAINS" a YOl,llO NORTE. Passengers from N.Yotic leave Pier No.2„North Riv. er at [a. m. 17,00 Or foot of Courtiandat,6,oo From Philadelphia ' testa Niensing l on, 7,10 Leave Junction, 11.15 Dna at Washington. 11,33 Oxford. (p.m.) 11.50 Mope,(Phillonection)l2.l4' DeLl5 minutes to dinel2,43 Columbia, , .1. Water Gap, 136 Stroudsburg. 1.30 Tobyhanna, 1.41 Moscow. 3,17 Scranton. ' 410 A actorvilbingt y on. • 4,40 Ple, 4.56 Nicholson, • • 5,10 Ilopbottorn, 5.33 Montrose. • 6 New Milford, 6.11 Great Bend, •.• 6,40 Connects wither's') train TIONi TRAIN . . - N. Y. Ex. train East nrrivee at Grant Bend st(a.rn).ll.3o I.eave Gt. Lictid.(p.m.) 2,10 'Montrose, 805 Nicholeon. 4.15 ractoryville. ~ . ' 5.13 But at Scranton, - , 6..30 n does not leave Scranton 1111 ng Trate on the Lackawanna has giving Passengers from connection fur the i West by Novisq. SOUTH MOVING NORTH Towni!in the Unilid Statei siAxmo TIRE T IC VOLLOViriiid ItNlX)ltistailthit' 3AIMIE,I 9 in CEPHALIC PILLS,. WILL" colirrart4 ALL. WUO strri:Eit 1-I:EADACH =AT A. . • SPEEDY AND SURE CU, R IS WITHIN THEIR, REACII. • As 'these testimonials were unsolicited by Spalding, they alcird ungueitionable proof of the efficacy of this truly scientifia, discove ry. • Ma._ dralrozao, lira . p _ .. !have tried your CeaR&M, and j Means so that I want you to scud mo $2 worth mote. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom Imes out of the first box I got from you. _ Sendthe Pills hy mall, andobllge . . • Your on Genet.' . , - JAB. KENNICInt. EL C. ' • tar: prisNyou to send me one snore Nix. ofTour Cept#.lB lira a great deal - ' , 414./Pout en . a area. •af bfinellA reaPeTAPElTOitcnotrai. Pub; lA`a t r cti Spruce Creek. Huntingdon co., Pa., an. 11. 11. Spaldlog.. I • Sir: • To will ;dense send me twe boxes ofyour Pills. send . i • them Immediately, • • •.• Relpectittily yours, JNO. B. SIMON;.• aroirr. 5.•:—/hoor rated mat fa' yo ur Pills. and Jlnd • Sao Ternon.Phio, Jan. 06. Henry C. Spalding, ESQ. ' Please find enclosed twenty•tive cents, for which send me another box arm Peithalte 'Pills. They are. trily Oke best 0110 have ever trled. Direct A. STOVER, P. X. • *fie Vernon. Wyandot county,-OU:s., Beverln Mau., Dee. 0. IL C. Spalding, Earl. • I. wish for some circulars or largi show bills, to bring your Pills more particularly before 'my customers. Ryon . pareanything of the hind, please send them to me. One of my customer, who is subjea to a severe Ilck headache. (usually latrine two,daysl, lostscrised of an at tad in an hour by your Fills. which)) Sent her. Respectfully yours-, • —IITH. WILREIi. • _ _ • iteicnnidatnur,. Franklin Co.; Ohio, January 9. Deur, C. Spalding. N 0.48 Cedar street, N.Y. Dear Sir: Incloseti And tirenty•live cents, Ma which sendme box of "cephalic pills." Direct to Rev. Wm. at licYbaldslitirg. Franklin county, Ohio. - nue PUS, teorelike a charm-.-c re Headache .alnioet indenter. Wm FILLER. dlr..9paldiny. Sir. Not long since I sent to you for a lox of Cephalic rille for the cure bt the :ferrous Headache and Costiveness. and recejved the some, and they had so gbod am (feet was indueed to send for more. • ' Pleasl send by return mall. , Dlrectio • • h. R. - WHEELER, .• • Ypsilanti, Mleh. . From the /C,raminer. - Norfolk. ns. Cephalic Plataccomplleh the object for which they Were made, els.: cure of headache ln all 'isthmus. ! • Frnm the Examiner, Norfolk, ; r d. They have been tested, in more than a thousand eases with entire stweess. -I From • th e Democrat; St. (,loud; Minn. • . It are,, or have been troubled with the headache, send for a box. of cephalic pills, so that you may have them in case of an attack. . Front the Advertiser; Providence, It. L The CeptutllE Pills are said to he S retiarkably.effeet i ice remedy for the headache, and one attics very beat for that very frequent complaint which has over beenj Alta covered. .1 From the. TVestern• R. Gazette, Chicago We heartily anionic, Mir. Spalding, and his unrirlalled Cephalic Pills. • . Krormthe Irallo Star, Kanawha. V.. We are ante that peons coffering ?Oa the beadacke %rho try them, willatick to them. • . Frnm the Path Finder, Ne s ts Orleans, Try them! .you that are afflicted, and"we are attrh that your tef.iimony can be added to the already numerous list that has received ht.:neat& that no other mediciie eau produce. I. 145 p. m 3AO • From,the' S. Louis Democrat. .1 The immenee demand for the article (cephalic villa) ie rapidly increasing. • I From the. Gazette, Davenport, Ime4. 'Mr.:Spalding would not:connect his sterne with in lir ' tide he did Out know to peeress real merit. From the Advertiser, Providence, 114.- The testimony in their favocis strong, from the Imes respectable quarters. • . ' ' • . From the Daely;.Veivs. 1 21rewp•rl, R. 111 cephalic Pi ll s are . the plat.ear all Made. 1 11 C4? CURE d P' ,63w ad eeAtt c• CURE 'Te NervoinHeadache CURE ‘ 4l kind ° neatiachip„ By the use of these Pills the periodicattacks tarerivers or Sick Headache may beprevented; and if taken at the commencement of an attack, immediate relief frenipain - and sickness will be obtained. - • ! • They seldom fait in removing the Niriaea and thodathe to'which females are so subject. - They act gently upon the bowels.-4emoving Coetfrenem. For Mtn, Students, Delicate Females and all persona ofte rp Aabits. they are valuable as a Walks. improving the'appettte,giving tong and vigor to the digs'. five organs, and restoring the natural elastitity and strength of the whole system. • • I The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long) investi gation and easefully conducted experiments. haing. been in use many years. derinewhich time they haie reiroted and relieved n vast amount of pain and sutler ng • from Headache, whether originating in the. nervous System or froln a deranged state of the stomach. • • Therare entirely vegetable in their composition. and aymbe taken atalitimes with perfect mg cge and the ab sencse a t fety yw itho ag ut i e m ta a l k * - tast ny l h tie o a e oadminiterMemOtekld d r s . '. Beware Of Counterfeite. • The gennine hare gee signaturisi of Bend C. Spalding sumach box. • I i Sold by Druggists and other Dealers in Nedleinel. A box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of:the .IP o rlod` ea , Chenetto. Ail orders should be addressed to - UENtiv C. sPALIDDIC; town 46 Cedargkreo4Yesi York. rtrA: single battle of BPALDIIIOIIPRSPIthED (UXE wills/me ten times Its costannnally.lja SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE _SVALDIM4'3PREPARE,Ii GLUE! SPAI.DI•NG'S PREPARED-GLUE! . SAVE 7111eIZIECES ECOMOKY - DISPAT9IO . • lir t•lit3Trreir we Twee Saves Wm:" • M accidents will happen. events W el;l Etna. Ilea. it la very desirable to bave some cheap and eonveri lett way tor-rewiring Milli ture. toys. owebOT. ' ' 6PALD,W O B.PII.IIPARIAO OLOZ meets sochem nelea; and no hOtlllebeld can Stiord to be witlundlt. It Is alwsprresd.r. andupto the stick. IN Point- , . • " raim ziO6m. • w. ix—at Brcah Ter aftsome. Title* cents. Address. Ifg,N BY C. lIPALDING,, No. 49, Colas Street, NeroTorle. • . ei getelitipthseilitedmion • Ohis.i W=l"teaatfinwilligitrar e**ol4 0241,Wit*ttitindll arms. '--' . to on tbe tritiodde lentiveri ex , ollberiee rwlitaialutOmi. trel4es. Masomirizza, Cou., T 4.1. Uswerfurd. Pa., Pub. L , Truly yours, Ypsilanti, MM., Jan. .0 ne 0 . 4 a. ,Ezziontw _ Greateeillemedy in the Worldtter • to -cram' - •• • - _• • ;Chills in dye minutest. • " ' Deafness in two to foardsys . • • :Barns And Said* intact lodalliew: Sprains, 'Wounds and . Druives In from one to three days ; .ludatutaation in one day; • • - • Neuralgia, Croup, Toothache, Burns, in ten minutei; Hamar/imp, Bcrotnia, Abseese, loran day. ; • V, fronds, Totter, to one to three days; • Sancho. Stiff Week. Ague, in one day Felons, Broken Bleast, tisit Rheum. In d login days; quinsy, Palpitation. Pl.nriTty in one to tendaye ; AsthtusAiont. Xrystpelas.lll 'five to twenty days' Frosted Feet' Chilblairis,•dtlifJolitic dimple Dien. mat Ism, Sore Throat,Searkr Fever, and the lame mate to walk, by a tew bottles. ' . • G • This OIL, (De mtlee),l• mild and pleasant, ankles great Fatelirlifedicine for children teething tc. Ladles should all use it: It al wart leaves you better than it findsyon, and one bottle often tutee entirely: anruerzp-nizirrEz* nuns, AND cvgrn • - IN ONE ,WEEK. Read totter from Boy. amber Temple.. • Prier suet tou, June Mk. ten. Prof De ORM: I hare been &Mimed for thirteen Irene with.Neuralgla and other painful complaints. and I have been tmable to sleep soundly or walk any distant* for many years - past. Last week. I got a ImWe of your Elec tric Oil. Thellest night I slept soundly and well, and to. day lam like a new man. Mwife could sot believe her eyes. Your . Electric Oil has kl onr one week what the phyalcians of R 1111441114 felled to do in thittemt years. . Gratefullyyours. • REV. JAMES TEMIME, MO Mouth street. DEAFNESS CURED. New II /Tint. May lath. Ifeib. Prof. De Grath My brother hellbent drat for 3 rein. - After trying tow flange, be need 'your 011 a lew tints, and It-cured him entirety._ • • , Cuirroftit- R. SCRINTON;i • Tr — For by All Mimesis. and ailing Depot, .217 SouthElghtlpst; feb2.l.3niey , MOFIVXT 9 .IiI - • LIFE - PILLS, & PHOENIX BITTERS, - MEDICINES have now been before th p b . llc fora perind of Thirty liars, and during that time have maintained a high character in almost rem pan, of the tilube, for their extraordinary and immediate power el' !snoring perd•et health to persons sugaring under nearly leery kind of disease to which thetaman frame Id liable. The following are among the distressing variety of bn• man diseases in which the , VtGETABLE LIFE MEDICI.NI. Are well known to he tnfellible D yspuslE, ho thoroughly cleansing theist i vi d 2nd m stoachs, and creating a dew of puse,heni thy bile, 'teed of ath otale and acrid kind ; FLATULENCY, o.j.dp• ppetlife Ilea:Uwe n:lleadaehe, Reorlesmees. Temper, Ana , y,Lunyuor and Makumhoty, which are generalsymptums .of Dyspepsia, vanish, a *sawn' consequence uf its cure. COSTI VENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the inteetines with * solvent process, and vvithOqt violence; all violent purges leave Abe bowels costive in tide FEVERS utell kinds, by renaming the blood to *regular circulation, thro' the process of respiration in such cases. and thnro' solution of all Intestinal obstructions in other*. The Life Medicines have been known to'cure DHarg. MSS! pqrsinueutly in three weeks, and MO= in - half that Omp, by removing local Inflammation from the mus• closend ligament, of the joint,. DRQYSIES alikludit, by freeing and strengthealny the kidneys and bladder ; they operate moat delighthily -theta important organs, and hence have ever been founds certain remedy for the worst cases of °RAM _ Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turnings of thy. -bowels the slimy matter to which Xhese creatures adhere. SCURVY. ULCERS and INVETE R ATE SOItES, =- 17 the perfect purity whic h - these Life Medicine give to the blood an all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and DAD COMPLEXIONS, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the akin and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptiye complaints, cloudy, and other disagreeable coot. plexions. „ • The tine of these Pills for a very short ti me will effeet an entire cure of SALT RHEUM. and a striking improve ment in , the clearness of the skin. ' COMMON COLDS and INFUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by twe in the worst cases. -pmts.—Thu original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of Pile'. of as years standing by the use of the Mecticineralone.- • • F.VERAGUE.—Por this scourge of thivrt... ern country.'these Medicines will bp found a safe. speedy and certain remedy. Other Medicinei leave the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medi eines is permanent—Try /hem, be. irtfidted,andeer cured. 11111ona Fevers and Liver Complaints. General Debility. LOPS of Appetite, and 'Diseases of Ire males. The Medicines have been - used with the most beneficial results in eases of this. description :—Eingas Evil, and Scrofula. In Its worst:forms, Yields to the mild vet powerful action of these remnikablo Modicines. • Night Sweatt. Nervous Debility. Nerrous Cortapraints- of ail Wait Palpitation of the !lean. Painters' Tolle, are speedily cured. • - ' alereurtalDlseasea.-Personaatiose constitutions 'have beCQMe mpairett by the injudicious use of fitercaty. wilt find these-Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail tocradicate from the system: all the effects of Mercury. intlnitelv sooner than the manpower-fed preparations of Sarsapaillia, Prepared and sold by • W. B. 21101PIPA.T .d • - MrsHnoanway. NZIP•VORIS. , • For dale by all Druggist.. • • • 1 1 .13 E P 11,1 • Dyspepsia, !Ability of. the System, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Debility of the .Systew Dyspepsia; Liver Complaint, Acidity, - Liver Complaint, Acidity, Billolll Complaints; Sid &Made, Bilious Complaints, Sick Dudack, FLATULENCY,-LOSS OF APPETITE. FLATULENCY, LOSE OF APPETITE, =id the meptbert : ess itherrtiseases avisiagfross4W thstestion . mod fundsona4orders of du glossa* fled ready relief is tilt sticarithed and sittrarail THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Reliable Testimony. WI call ate ettevation of A. reader foAtAlkuile' g letifr front Petiideni Smith, formerly If Wafers MisasitY, "id 0 9.! cif AmaPotig.' ' MIDDLETowit; Cam, Tob. 29. IBM titian SW TOWLE Eo. Gentlemen that made use of tbe Oryponted Bean fano erns or ,eight yam tine. „Raving 'Whited for twenty pan from a fan of dyspepsia. which wan aneaded, whit' a nervous headache; on so average of not lend= an. day in a week, Rae Induced, by the uncreentling ea cmmendaint if Dr. Groin; to try one botde,sed if no benefit wae 'readied, to diecontiewe the en." The an done boon wananted a ftetbeetrial, to the extent of some three or four, with s cantol °banana of the accompanying directions. Ttn melt was, an almost entire relief Gan no cited dysgenic oyenearto and their dimming, palatal coesonwatect.' I believe non filitenprodneod an genii thaw in the habits of inewn,and upon the actioreserigea 'of the mans: tem damn myna' u camper boa WON** ea moot garnet. _Than Bitten ban ale a trant‘of eca• eta to other inetnben of my, family. • yay sespeetfidly goate,;- - Aucturma sitrra. TiE OXYGENATED lIIITTEBB I THE OXYGENATED BITTERS at ait:MD, Tiro Co. t ra.i Asg.lls, GZATLZICIN -.:After suffering fro mon than di" yews with DAYrrprks, and, trying ri*SY rantediem roc. 'onnuanded for that disease without anylood resalt s I was lidured, by Dr: F. U. *its of Illanitlehk b diva the Oiyinaud Bitters a trial.. I took two bads% which gaits me so much relief that I purchased two inorsortikh have heartier gotta effected a cute. Tam rano Seventy-Own years is( ap; aid 'for three - media past hive t i lt no inconvenianco free wry fwd. I take gnat plessurn In recocanseadhsi es Mese too afactod with Dyspapda'sard fu etwocaltaat peps& ben I .Ekite• Muurrirtm. TioP Co.. fts A 14.116. 1I and nit amended Bann ia why preake 11 , 16 &gelded mum la doobil!rf omit paint iimmaidaa t lke., omit easedmidi notammeml Obots a gurtearii. bility, sad &muw of tb• digittlft organ& u. wark' M.D. . - . ,• _ri. iIIiCIENATED BIM* inniainrcazir4M, num° re s. wArowta se Thema etred„ NOS. 01 , 4 arepfelca Sho aloft ... . . , rirTor atlittey Abel Tamil milks& Watrtmi &For ter, ,Monttare; /,,, It. Woottndr, Thwack; Awls IMO* prottlyn - ,.. l 4httutylfoxiefllsebedrWad &Ward, Orftst We d. : J.' C. chtsittNat, nafi"; .1,. B, l l 6 lll.ority 11•14. • • • JOY 16.-.li. '-. ArM ATEARTIC MEALS. i=al *Ma and eon. t :Ara you out of order, ortati your tryitetadispd aneosammote ClartXma. arc often Seine the it W , idekli k r cree Oben ping upo huh and aboald ter mated y .y , I.ly tee of the right reaaed 'Take Ayer's Tftts,Sual donee outthe tan,,whusams—rut ellY the blood, and let the duals =ou unobstructed in health They atlpabite the Illne- Zatiot the body into rigorous igivitta=r than =llutake dlkaee.'A Bold settles some- Vine baths body; and obstructs ' A. inset relieved, react upon orgnes, producing gra Mama 3Thile ha thp lta . raters tee• .4451: Nos of the system:air with it the 'buoyant Whig of heath spa. What, ane end so moment to this trivial mei common complant, is Also tnie - te Muir of the deep sajdOill sad demparons distmperik The same purgative lkong expels them. Caused by similar obarations and derangements of the nasal Pelmr of the body, they = .pidly, and msay sf theta surely, aired by the same Nom wko know the Tutees of these 'fills, will =plea to employ tbrawlpea.mieging fr om the disor ders they min- • etatenseota *oat kadbyi tt rydeltsuk in some ef the Ta tbielilal eines, and item r well known public par *ss a Monocrat, Mr effnailf St. Innis, ALAI, leak - . Va. Amts: Yaw PIM Jiro tho peragoa of all that is great in medicine. They has aired my Utile daughter erfakerees bores upon bier betide end Net that had proved framable he yesrs. . Her mother has beta.' onslyafilleted with blotehei stai pimples on her 11 111 her hair. After our 1003 was eared, she also - tried year PM., =diary have eared her. i ASA monparDon. ` As a rawally "rhyming. 1 • PriaDr. E'. I difiraght, Yee „,,,,,.. Am raw - ars the ptinea of purges. Their exiceuent tks earplugs any cathartic we lenses& They are but !madam and effeetail in their salmi an the bewelli. whieb makes them Invaluable to us In the daily haarnerit of disease. • 1 . • - , Iffesinebe, 'lllek IlaigEnehe Yowl Strawaeh. • • 1 in Pratt Dr. drheraid Hopi ! Hallikore. la Elm Arent I cannot answeryea what cam :Plata I hare cured with your Pills- better Hum to say ail that we era treat with a_pargative medicine. 1 place . grad dependence on an effectual cathartic In my dilly contest. with disease, end believing ea I do that your Pills afford us the best, we have, I of course value them highly. . L Pireranno, Pi., Nay 1,18,5 L Vs.'J. C. Aver . Blr . :I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache any body can have, by 'a dose or two Oftlieur Pills. It eeneta - tn arise front A foul . stomach, w eh they cleanse at onee,_ ' Yours with great respect- , ED. IT. PREDLE„. - Ckrk el Steamer Clarion- Hilton, Disordered-. Weer. Complaints . 'Prom Dr. Theodore !Ea, eiNem York City. of onlyeze your Pillsedmhably adapted to their paw- Pant as an ap -aamt, butt dud their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked Indeed. They hare in my pra nce proved more effectual for the cure of billow/ tom .plehae than any one remedy lan mention. I sincerely rejoke that weturre at length a purgative which is tar thy the cenildence of the profession and the people. , . I , . De r ananerr or TIM Inrearox, Washington, D. C., th Feb., Me; • ..itlat: I have mei your Pills in my general and hospital ever since you made them, and do not hesitate to f414-771.t1e1u:1 best grirPqMeckemstifYileciY:4l,`Zi:: ile -lit they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I ;have seldom Round acruse of Moss disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally ygma, ALONZO BALL, H. D., . Physteima of She Marine hospital. .. , Dyllealtear*i Diarrhan, Helen, Worms. Prods Dr. ,I. Green, of Ch ilea MU have had a lips trial in my p oe, and I bold them to esteem an enact the best ape en Hume elver brood. Their alterative effect upon the er makes them en excellent' remedy, when given In see doses tbr bctions dysentery and diarrhea. - Their sugareoating makes them very acceptable and convenient ;for the Use tiwomen and children. - 6 -Dyspepsia. , liespetrlty of the Blood. Micas r. Shea, Pcistoi of Admit Munk Bosion. Isllergiti I have used ! yoil Pillsirith ext :rserdinary ia fumy hinny end seamy those Ism called to visit distress. To regulate .the organs of digestion and purify the blood they arch the very beat remedy I bare Whir lmown, and I as eashiently recommend them to . *Mends. -Tours, . J. V. RIMES. - I Weimar, Wymilog Co., ICY., Oct. 24, ISM I DIAZ But lem using year Cathartic Pills in my pno• the, and And theme's excellent purgative to cleinse the Brehm sadism* the fotridains of the blood. - JOHN G. MEACHAM, 11. D. Constipation, Couttvenese, Suppression, Rheumatism °dist, Pleouralsrla, Dropsy, ' Paralysis , Vita, etc. Preis Dr. J. P. raiggiut, Montreal, Canada. -Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of tiOstirenets. If others of Our fraternity have found them as efileaciou eta have, they should join me In proclaim .hatfor the benefit of the multitudes who buffer item complaint, which, although bad enough self-is the progenitor of others that are wont. I:believe cos t:hyenas to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that _ Mg= anteure the disease.. gil Mre. Z. Stuart, ihysicias and dlidinit4 Rostra.. I Sad one or two large doses of youTilfictakea at the time, art excellent promotive. of . the natural on when wholly be. partially suppressed, and also very e ff ectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They are so much the best phyplo we have that I mum taiindno other to my Patients. . . t Nun the hal. brtilawl244fthe Methodist SAL Church. i -PirtAsitt Douai, Savannah, at, Jan. 6,1H6. drOULD Stn: I should be ungrateful for the relief skill has brought ins if I MR not report my use you. • A cold settled in my limbs and brought on ex eruditing neuralgic poise, which' ended in chronic Mu. illation. NotwithsUndincr had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse end worse, until by the advice oi l tour excellent agent in Biltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried you Pills, . Their effecta were slow, but sure. By per severing lu the use of thein, I am now entirely well. SETA= MAXIM% Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dee., 1555: 1 Rheumati c I have beMi entirely emelt, by your Pills, of Gottir.a painful disease that had naiad Us fbr rem. J, VINCENT SLIDELL.' ' of the Pali In market contain Manly, ; although a valuable remedy In stilfhl itands,ls dangerous Ina public pill; from the dreadhileonswpreemes dad frequently follow its inematioaa ore, These Contain hs mercury or mineral substance whatever. I Price, 2ti omits ira Box."ar 1.1347z00 for IL . . . . paledly Dr./. C. lAMB do. CQ r Lowsp,: lLass. b Abel Turret'', Blontrore buret, I blab lubAr; tman & Srrieber, Auburn Centre, and by dealers and s• addistseysrywhere. • ' oc S. cw CHILDREN NKR% .its=::*l-i - sistAjw, iLa experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents i ' Ito the attention of mothers, her • . 0 7 t . r.r. 11 I.N.G SYRUP, - F0 - CIIILDREN TEETIAING, , _ - ; .. bleb grestly•facilitatesthe process of teething, by soft • ning the gums. reduchig ail - inflammation -will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is - .. • RUSE TO - IREGIULATE THE BOWELS. ilepend ,upon it, ;gra, it will give rest to you, and DELIFXI AND TR TO TOUR INFANTS. I We have put up and Stild this article fur over ten years, Mad can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRIAD. of 11,-what We have never been able to say of any other medicine- NEVER HAS IT FAILED. in a SINULEINSTANCE,„to EFFECT A CURE, whed timely used. Never did NCO know in instance of dissatisfaqtion by anyone who had need It. 1n the contrary, all are delightedwith its operations, ;weak in terms at commehdat ion of its magical effeet s and medical vittnes. We say in this matter ' , WHAT WEIXI KNOW,". atter ten years' experience, and PLEDGE OUR 'REPUTATION for„the fql Ailment of what we bete declare. In almost every instance where the. infant is suffering by pain and exhaustion; relief will be found in fifteen to 2C minutes after the syrup is administered.. . . . iThis valuable preparation Is-the prescription of one of l i te most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in L ew England, and has been uSed With NEVER FAILING puccEss.. In ' . '.. : I THIOVIIANDS -OF: CAIES. It not only ielleves the child from pale; but Invigorate the stomach and bowels, comets acidity.and gives tr .:e and energy to the whole ,system. It wilt almost instr-ily .e.lieve 1 . . . PHIPEIde IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, *nd overcOmeconvulslobs. which; if not speedily tilted. lend in death. -We Wks* it the BEST and SUREST rem edy In the WORLD. Ina') cases of,DYSENTERY and iDIARMICEA IN-CHILDREN, -whether ' it arises from teething, Or how any otter cause.. We would spy -to all mothers who have a childauffering ftom any of theforego 1 Atm complaints-DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDIC,ES , iNOR TREPREJUDICESqf OTHER'S . ..stand between you and your suffering child, and the teller that will be 'SURE-yea ABSOLUTELY SURE-to follow the use of this medielne,if timely !used. Full diteetions for emir , ' will intconlpsnych bottle... Nonekannlne unless the f,e. An:tile/of CURTIS it -PEREINIS,Eew York, Is-on the . - tontside wrapper. - I .!, - . ". ~ , 1 7 f ' Hold by Draggisti throngtont the world. ' ' ' - 11PrIstelparOliae t lp Cedar rteeet i .NeW York. 1 'BRICE MY OS -CENTS 14311.11071141. ' r , • dicta 7 : . For tillep Xontiove ny .Abel Torre% TaI:CM • CirleilifilimiT 0.41.1C703D HUMAN MISERY. Pit.liatidd foga :OW Eneclope ; Price aSeents. • uccrvßE BY DR. CULITERWELL, .1 - 1 on the cause and cure ofSpermator then. Coneemptlon, Mental and Phyejeal Deblllty,liervonanesv. Epilepsy 1 - Impairs N.fltdgerl of the body: fAavltnde; Weakens of thy limos an , the beck;'lndlepoeftlan ; loos of; memory.; • aversion to society ; Invent solitude ; nodally ; tie/tabs trust.; ritzslector ; beadathe; affectfruie of the eye, Valm plea on the face; Involuntary embitter's. and ecxual carptithe contoeueneceof youthful indiscretion. ke. Isedmlrable lecture clearly proves that the abovet tormarated. often self ed!icted, evils - may le re moved without medicine and without aerated operations and ahorddbe read by every youth and 0 , 417,1311/11 In the Beet tinder emit, to Ity address . Ina plain sealed enve) op% oa th e reeelptof 1* cent*, or treapalfto stamps by Women DR. CHAO, J. CLAMS; t issl).-116 BOTOII, re* York. Peat 11110 x. 4M. , . . , -. . .:.- ...... liKercoaseime.,. ..,; rinfltilinit In market; nanakraltl,y an ,banCalail at itlow 11: a petwits It can lip obtatted of any Dealer la town. pr . Herne CPI ht r . Terrell's Dun: Hof (P. ktf, l 4 .l l . cv: HOWLAND'S , dett4S MED/Cpp 0 6 lag - F 45; GF IZ IC 'STANDARD , . . . , of th e resent ate,talii niquired 'Ur? 'lrest - pitnituitir eftliihniugb 'mit of trial. '.l7aboandedOtidwittot •4 nutlerid by them la all aims. noopLiNirs' GERMAN BITTERS RILL hogrilTtLY hitt - Zhao flourpialut. Dyaiieliala. Jaundice. 2ferioua - bllfy, Diacaueir of the-Sidney!: sad all Abram arising from a divorder - cl liver, orarialt . tullo af the Stomach aiid Digestive Oita., nusw mu, sand Mt% An tan Al) agn• Smuor Almanac for proof. Nair, :5 ceata per FRAMs; Hoottand's Cordial 11114. - PO3IIIIIMT Cl4l.- .••L -1,, • ONO; Cells. eit,ifosratuas. . Clomp, Rynizahada, Isidpia4.,Coasinstptisa., *ad bits parlbrenal tbimoit eitonbibing eirrnyver lam/ CONFIRMED - copyaustrirxorii - 48 - • ruirk..COrdia kti nngoVled l'riucs.E pee bottle. • 1100FLAND'8.: ORMAN: PILL being well'lrnowlrthrongboat Europa and Ape**, needy no conunendafloi here. That' are pircli rep:WA; Kr parted wig') great triad - item, and arc ittunr:coatad.' I , :n* batter Cathartic Pill can be Nona. Puicr,.2scla.pmhos. Theo madklues are prepared U. Jameio a Co, Philadelphia, Pa, and at. Lucia, ud, sad areaold to dranista and 'deaters'lit 'medicines eieowitere. The air aature.of C.,,11.4eL50i will be on. the outakla of t,kh, In opt tn:nib/dies Atasanner published annually, yes win teittaieny and: eatatarudatory, nob.% from all pare of the country. Ttlesa Aluitaat are given - away by BCERHAVE'_S HOLLAND BITTERS tIfIL CKLEIiIiATED 110LI4ND . 11=MT 'FOB , DTSPEPSI4, DISEASE OF ..THE , KIDNEYS ; Liven COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND ACUE, .gnu she various afreenoris eoneequeut upon. • disordered STODIACII OR LIVER,., Eurries Ind . Trestle% Acidity of the Stomach, Catchy pass, Heartburn, lax of 'Appetite, Dramondeuey, Cestiranme, and Wording Piles, In all Neramis, 'rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous lowaraws proud highly beneficial, audio °thin effected a decideiloure., This G a purely Tegotable compound, prepared on strieft7 eciesitifie principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Prokreer. Teichere. Ite _refutation at Wane - pr. dared Its introduction here, the demand'eornmeneing.with those of the,FatheriMul scattered o'er the fees of -tide mighty - country, many of whom brought with -them end handed down the Umbilici of it. seine. ft is ems offered br the American public, A-nmeing Matits truly mardwful Medicine/ rirtnes maul h acknotoklited. It is particularly nseminievided - tto those pylon" wbon constltutinns may hare been impaired by the editlnnons ass of ardrut spirits. Or other forum of dissipation. Generally inetantancorm In erect, it finds its way directly to the wit 'atilt,. thrilling atul qukkruing every nerve. raising up the drooping svirit, and, in fact, forums ow health and vigor In the syst em • - NOTlCr..—Whoessr experts to had this a beveragd aid be dtrappriutril; but to lies sick, %reale and love rpirited. It will prose a grateful aromatic cordial, wallowed of singular remedial properties. 'READ DAREFDLLY I. This_Gennina highly concentrate! only, Holland Bitters Is put-op in balf-plot bottles only, and retailed at - Oss Draw, per hottle, or, six houleo for FITZ DOLLUS. The great demand for this truly estehrated Mo.lidne has induced luny Imitations which the public should guard against purchasing: ayr Beware ofirnparitlon. Bee that out camp la on the label of ovary bottle, you buy. gold by Druggisti goamlly. It {au go formarital *7 Express to moat poluta. • . HOLE PROPRIETOIt3. BENJANIN , PAGE, .Tit. & aaea►.czntiao Vharinacentists and . Chemists. -PITTSBURGH. PA.. • -r. 4 -;.: • o . _ ;••• 2 r ';* Ir ='' 3s ' li. X ••• :0: g O - • 0 . - - - a . 4' • g 1 g. --74 F . . ci- ,E.E.. 0 f r . . _ - s a = -1,4 _, pip: rx f.. i . k. u 43 0 O BIN I —1 -.... . • -x ) k 115.! • ;m a = a ..._ 0 " a. m. O 0 . . 0 "'" -.. ' 7 " 0 .. E =•," t l 3 C 4 44 .. •' 2 sa .. : ... = _r• ," o -r• •-• . L . {A -. „y, = "'" •OC° - = e. ,1. ge Cr?"of .-- , .1 o , :a b= E. m. 0 ~-, x ran 2g 0 ‘g = = -* 00, G . M • - , 4 "'" C:7" 4 es , 7. 3 ;- ca' c . • .. i r ° :f: I 4 : r i l i .1 - I 7 To . 4 .." F . o s= , - =. 1: D. IT. =0- ....-- g . C 4: • G "-:. rn - v ,..„ _ .... .... I=l y• ... c.l IR c, .... ... .....t . Z(..• O 0 1,.4. 7 ... g, P, E. = rri , ... == :7:7...0..0 0 —zei - 7,1 ...... 0 . 0 =•• ..., A .... .... ..., y, =. . , li li c ,n, 0 .Z. .7... , ~.,.... .0 •Q„... •E?. S i f 7Zx? • `.- --: :-. --a. 4: 7. - • , H 44 27 z sloligit (ffkiibrb~ntt IU~ An aperient and stomachic preparation , of IRON purified of Oxygen and Cubes' broom •lrastion in Hydrogen. of high medical author- • ity and extraordinary - efficacy in each of thee following complaint., vii.: ,• , • Diniu.rminavous CLUTCH. DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA. CONTI PATIOIf SCROFULA, SALT SCURVY, JAUNDICE LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEIMS. TISM. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES. 1:n1 3 / 4 .7 ,MITEENT 'FEVERS. NEURALGIA. CHRONIC ". HEADACHES. - FEMALE WEAKNESS. MIS , MENSTRUATION. WHITES CHLOROstfI. PIMPLES ON -THE FACE, ROUURN/ME 01` THE SEIM etc. The IRON being absorbed by the blood, and ' thus circulating throngh the whole system, no part of the body can escape their truly wonder= Oil influence. • • -- The aperienee of thousands daily-preen that no preparation's'? Iron -tan fora moment be, compared with it, Laporitinist, the blood, de; pr mien -of vital energy. pals And. otherwise , sickly complexions indicate de necemity molt every conesivelds-eani. --In aU-esses-of female deldlittjahoe thlotniela eta), its effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever ,been diesovered,ix-the whole history of medictse.'whicleerrts meat - prompt, bsPFT6 and DdlyrestimMive 'theta Good appetite. cessiX plate d%sidoii; rapid acquisition of Itietigth,-." -'wWf en unusual dispoidtlon for active and eheerfnl imereiesidminediately follstw As a grand etemaehin and general restmultese it ha no superior and no substitute. _Tut up In mot *at rectal bates eceetelsintr 114 41:s i to poice dow e ro lo eents ‘ par o tno . I , nt at tres. Denoprltts gionevolly. ;al ftee to euriailsoin 4n reoelpt of the polies All 1010 • tere, orders, etc.,, shoal& beaddrosond CO.; • General Agente.,!: • • • .:113 0 13111.01DWAIT. er • Tti !tr.ll.—Tht • etivo • Ils it liteiitimtli toir titbit nn reek tlai. '