The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 20, 1862, Image 4

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    - s . ; 11• jai: I . .. ' s - k - vdlt 1 ' 7 .
c.... ~ • • ''• ''' ••• _ It . . . ,
~.-. STLOVI HO L , .
- mt - ffinr.2 w- ‘)Zyntiir, -, : . CIIESINUT , ST.---210TE-1-iIIRD
• , 1.
. ,
W I P )11.E: ' 4 • 1?- k; ' .4. -. *SALEI:. • - . PHILADELPHIA - - - s:
. • .. , :zoi lv. , :::"4:: - .n .. ,,I....---
-•-•-.--,• TN the itnatvii4firtitVibiitticipi of taidobbSi4roules
~ ..,(Dsp . t . l. y2 pp 0 6 i ; ~. w 4a hi hg t„, 444 „,; ) 1:.on Uarkot Third,. isni Quota - lat. "treat, go sailo.
7.. - .. rost (Meg, .31crepaa!* Exeruul i ge.4. 04' . ' .1 ' • -
' -14 - evvrer .&- , cprit. .."-.
7 . - S O .JUMPETT:LL-CON'T/NlilLS to otter to.ilie Mir sr:a • 13 .
, 21,50. \
COUN3R . V„' Iran% all kinds . of-,MREIGN ittkir, 8 " 243 , 4 .- 9 r n :L lt tf .7 21 T t c. °i ll ° r y o u :l7 "
Cuarso - ald • Fine 'l.i.u..r,,at the very' i mit; figure's; NI sts;l. a raia 7 i.aia - s - iiitair n a l ntdstliclioitio rite llott d .
40000 wk.s and lag,, consisting in
_part of:ilsit-• - Pl e ic" l6o (: o tdtgli t.
, 0 0tk-P ll4o t Kart'. L; ' : ..., % ';. :".. '
ton'{ - celebrated brand fur 'table' and. :!airy • use; The. City Ciii4Asktviiiiiengers form arty - 11tattit
Jelrrey & Darcy, Ilarshai l's,'• Brc w plow's, &c. - TO-er CLOSE-TO ttna Hotel. • 7 .lytry
and 500i30 bushels Tufl;s' ts)a,o, , tli,usres s ' Cu , trIZIVIOTt . et.O.2I? .. ,dPerM.Iii 4Catetl.
raeoa. Si. VbAl, I.,TK hon, Ctoliz. Ivies, Nsutei,deo...,
ail of which willle'rold at t , argain prices• from
vnsittls, store and st.....reNmsch. • , •
Any purchaser wishing; to select from a : good
astortm ! mt will lied it to his . interost to anti.
L.. N. 9.—Pine table salt put up in stall bawl of
41 . 1 . 11 . !!r0ut sizes, and constantly on hand in shiy•
P Annd
g Rider. 'Alga a splendid , article .of 'Rock
t" salt , :C
in quart b.,..8, put upend for sale
by the eases of five dozen each
-.. - 2 1
Establishod'in Pittsburgh in 1840
The Only• atm - a:el-chi College- in the .
• • • Union,. Conducted hyte
• Merchant.'
. from 6930 Students . hare attended it tro Thirty
14.1 different States. Four silver nedalw have gam
.warded DIM? Svi...tera of - &,ok Keeping; Itud the new
eirentakinst to,.tted?outaiue letters froni.dudbnto lu Phil*
11.1:11rnore„ Sij onie. Cnicinnati; etc., inuring
It to he the het.: known. N First PrcatinmM wertkra
cently awdrded ttie reinuan?hip of Wzu U. DUFF. who
with his a.4octate Profcswr. C. C. Cochran. arc undoubt
edly the Ite‘t.yeara,n in eirrira. •
Harper's Fiditon of Duff., Keeping poet paid, $1,70
Doff and 11.uncau's Germ.‘ or Fen 5.00
.Ihurand Dan - can's New tteh,td t'ofty Eels.. II Nes, 61
For Aa=plog of Daff A: Cochran's 1.1a,1ne,1 Ornnrnen.
tat Penman.ship. with the urw c • lrcuhlr of tit pagve.inclooe
f 2.5 Cents in tramps to
. .
The proprietors and manufacturers of lIOS
TERS can appeal tvitit perfect confidence to
physicians and citizens generally of the United
States, because the article bas attained a repu
tation heretofere unknown. Ater facts upon
this point ,will . speak more. powerfully thaw
volumes of hare assertion or blazoning puffery
. The consumption of Hostetter - a Stomach Bit
ters for the last c ycar amounted to over a half
million bottles, and (rem its manifest steady
, increase iktiraes pest, it is evident that during
the coming year the consumption trill reach
near cue million bet ties. This irnmense amount
could never have been sold but for the rare
medicinal prctierties contained in the prep:ra
tion. and the sanction of the Most prominent
physielans in those sections of the country •
Where the article is beat known, who not only
. recommend. the Bitters to their patients, but
are ready at all times to give testimonials to its
efficacy in ell cases of stomachic derangements
and the diseases - resulting therefrom.
• 1 This is tiotsteleporary popularity, obtained •
by extraordinary efforts in the way of trukt
. s,eting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid
estimation of an invnluablb medicine, which is
destined to be as enduring its time itself.
llostetter's Stomach Bitters have' proved'
Godsend to regions -whete fever and ague
and various othsr bilious complaints have
counted ask victims by hundreds. To be
able to state confidently that the "Bitters" .
are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like.
diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un
stlloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter
from the etomech, purifies the blood, and
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,
giving it that tone and energy indispensable
for the 'restoration of health: It oparafeSupon •
the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs,
mildly Mat powerfully,'and soon restores them
. to:ie:end:6cm essential to the healthy dischale
• of the Inactions of. nature.
Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as -
per directions on the bettle,and they will, find
in it gstimulant peculiarly adapted to cOmfort
declining years, as it is pleasant to the painle,
Invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic,
and rejutenating generally. We haVe the evi
dence of thousands of aged men and women'
who Lave experienced the benefit of Using this
preparatiow while suffering - 1 - mm stomach
...rangentents and general debility.; acting under
the advice of physicians, they havSabandoned
• all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the
merits of \his article. A -few the
gentler's= There 'are certain periods when
their cares are so harassing that many of theta
rink under the trial. The relation o f Mother
and child is see absorbingly tender, that the
mother, especially if she be young, is apt to
• forget her own health in her eitreme anxiety
for her infant. Should' the period of maternity
nrrive during the summer season: the wear of
body and taind'is generally aggravated. Ilere,
2 : then, is a necessity fora stimulant to recupe4
rate t he. energies of thi system, an/enable the
• zuotber to bear up under her exhau-sting trials
hod responsibilities. . Nursing mothers gene-
fatly prefer the Litters to all other invigors,
tors that receive. the endorsement of physi
,cians, because it is agreeable to the kaste as
well as certain' to give a permanent increase
of bodily strength.
All those persons, to whom we bare particu
larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from
fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhMs,
tlysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and
'all diseases or derangements of the stomach,
superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary
• occupatioia, nursing mothers, will consult
their ovra physical welfare by giving to Ilos-
Letter's Celehrated`Stomach Bitters a trial. •
CALTION.—We caution the public against
using any of the teeny imitations or counter
• feits, but ask for liosrxrvtes CELLMIZATED
Sionscu Ilirrres, and Fee that each bottle has
thevrords "Itr.J. Ilostettcr' s Stomach Bitters"
blown on the side of the be - 41e, and stamped
on the metallic cap covering the cork. cud
observe that. our autograph signature is on the
- •
• Air rreparce. ancIssoIdbyHOSTETTEE &
SMITH Isi ttaburgh, Pi:, wad sold by all
druggists. grocers,. 8124 dealers geterally
throughout the 'United States, South
and Ge4Fizmr..
\e .
glum De.uckmF Tnutc Stimrlantl F.epeeially deoped
1 for the to.e of tht, , Profet.lon and the Family.
taelur oupyrecdt.ii *. Arcyniatle:"
— Medimtc-d," "Sebtylule.. — etc.; is bow en
d.,ru,d by all tb: prom Latud pb% edeian-. r!bein int.; and eott,
noho•enr., aq. istErsme me dicinal
Qualities oule and di arm it , 11,..:01fg to an OLT) and
PURE GI N. Pa; up la.tinart butift:4 and !.old be all Drug
gist,. and Groc-re. ozr. .t CO..
Iretubli-dzedin 1776.; - Sole Proprietors,
0(4 yl _ No. ID Dro:id Street. N. Y
for sale at Tarreir* Drz.rStore Montro.e.
_ ...
• Esi EN VIM'S •
ge tat az timid tor the rum r
&night and Colds. Croup, • .
- Bronchitis. Asthma. Diflicelt Breathing.'
' . Palpitadorret the Heart. .
For t)e teti yqf pairkzas in a , tr‘o.col 414:444 of •
Constftaption together with all Diseases
_et the Throat end Chest ana which
- 'predispose to Consumption.
It attach the not of efisets.i. and maker tkefea'
niunroyersumnnitdo infictour, al , oprocia•
ce, fret' erpvtordrkm. nefiorn hedl/ry action
- in Medi-permed N.. 'Membrane and *sea.
/t is pectilin: - 7y Votiqitothe - ratheal
c: re . 0.
One dos , flits .rabid rd.r Srnrr en& era -• •
-. rare ant!conirvoratlißk_mirkich tke,partimaart,_
' : nature , arlife d:Arase &him Pi -Ater y plasma
la tAt taste. aSdPnomPt in Its
• be quirixi;td that it is Invalua* to Wenner
- • • Affecilltins.,,
Priai ue centl psr Bede.: ;FrePared orgy '631
Pr. 11..&0•:.% rum and ROW by ;4. EvnorrEn,
W: cirrmr9diand POPLAR stre,„
Pitikura. For sets in litonistes by
. •
4 4 1n11 ABEL MIR= Droved. = -
- AB' our OF BUSINESS. and . 11 astlig-cheap
603111,. /Mt 0040+1=0.4. ng4 4111 4 411101410 r,.
. .
il l : • 33Z&A.Cricair..4h3PC
TS reteivieg a pplleailons. for liwitronon In the follow-
Xleg Conorsolos - :- r • • -- • • - -
Wyoming INSURANCE Company,
Lilt Eli.
Charter PerpotizaL •
Surplus..: . . f . l $7,000
0 Pjer.itiu, Noiembei .2d, A. 1), 1857.
• • • •
6.31. Ilollealwet, D. O. Thieibach. J. P. _Dons*
John ITointawd, • David NOM= , 'MO 1,01711111C9,
• Salmi Wadhants, It D Lame 'Wm 8 Ron.'
L Shoomaket.- Oeo P nor--
C. Som. Swey. Q. 31. Ilotx.roz.tqc. Heet.-
G. Sreatsno. ThWof. L. D. Snosuolten,
1-TAitford,'cinipectictit. • 1 - -
raid np Cspltal , ' • - • -. 41,509,000'00 .
Aptiets; • ' 2,103300 02
- .
. .
NOUTItifItX FlRE'it' LIFE Asst - RANcto6mr:Als-r,
. • . . No: 1-Mo4ra:to iiroil, tondon.
. Cap Ital. $0,W8,000.1... froptini Rcrone, $1;000.000.
wx (MTV. Adent.Ph3isdelPl4l
PANY at Rarttord. Connecticut.- .• 1
' Accumulated Capital - • - • $4,3 ; r0,000 00
Any one wishing thcli lives Lusnred wall do well to Call
and i-xamlne their mode of. instutog, and , thefr rates.
tt•hich are better than those of any tither company., heke
Viking Polivice - elteirhere. - .: BUCii.SIAN.
oett OM.ce over Chandler.l Jcaeup ,• a store,
I". nrn . £ SON
extensive Farnitiire EstabliAithent at
'Foirru .11nterrikas having been refitted and •
&Catty improved, ,the proprietors resPeettnil3
annoonre to the ettizenirol Montrose and viein
ity that they are constanifyi making anal keep on.
hand tfm:LARGESt and BEST as•ortment of
To be fastilitt in Country. •
We eke the following list of some of the ar
t eles which we will sell at greatly ;reduced
p-ices, for CASH , 01 : READY PAYS,
Itar,•anx, Walnut or ' Mahogany, .with glass
from $l6 t , l $35. ; •
B ireaoit with marble or broeatelle top,, from_
818. to , 8•14. And large assortment, from ss.
$lO.ll. 1.1; to $lB, - 1
• War h litands,CiardStantls,Cornerand Square
Stands ' of all varieties and p ries ; from i 75 Cents
-to ten dollars. 1 „
De3l:is,l)ivans ;Towel Racks, Foottool,/Otto.
mans,llonnges,•& q. • '. • •
Contra, Card; Pier, Toilet; Dining,gitchen,
so.)-Eifenvinn TaiAten.
Chairs—Cane and Welo-d Seats, Ro •kers—
Cane, Flag, and Wocd Seats, of sorry variety
ini style:
tilfna. lute a toter furninha at short notir
N6wl7i , rk- prices.
NT. Z. • Ready mid() coffins nn ur fur'
ni,hed, at shirt ays in
reviine. 4 when dextired,
We ',..trip!ny none but Canr.r . t.,l. - and }spent:
r.r.tarm W.$lllC-116. We r•br Wt)az
and eon it arc can be, afforded
IV., IV. S.lllllll,
Y. 5311711, JR.,
• 1% R. SYlli 711.
.ntr 1 -
At Montrose, Pont.
HATCU, Proprietor.
pill:: new and commodious lintel: situated
• lon Put)lic Avenue. near the Court !louse:and
:early in the centre of the - business portion of
lieu:rose. is now fu ly.comPleted and furnished,
tea ws4 opened on" Alonday, tke 2701 dny of
t6Zid, for. Olt..accommodation of
Ow public and travelers. The Proprietor feels
~..ontlien. .t that he
.is now prepared trientertain
zu-.15 in a manner. that cannot fail to give
.. Complete Satisfaction.
The lintel and Furniture are new, and no ex
. has been spared to, re:nder it minal. if not
suocrior to any similar establishment in this part
of il l y. State. It is .well' supplied with all the
-re, improvements and:comtoits. and obliging
.carters will'ajways eespond to the
gall of customers.
The stAles connected . with this House are
New and Ciinvenient. -
The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron.
ge of his old friends,..and The public 'generally.
• N
E .
W -
LJIA:RDING -&-.00',5:
IV l .are determined not to be out-thine
- m the way of • - •
ALL,Ezma mum TAU% ixd4re for
G . 00 9, Cao 15t a ,
1 4 WitlgNa 4 .‘ , - .;
TT for isle Bellinitaner Stimulating _Unguent, for
- 11th* At'bilken. Itudititr: th at will bring out s thick
act at Whii , lacis. gra Ittouststbe, to .from sig , to night
wee/ h . 7 / 4 "e 9 C° ll P9ouuS.SittrecureforDfsentery.,
.` ' • -
, LIT 1:11) OIEtAPE - 01t6WERS see as/ vertlsementof
new settlement of ',7nelandttinnottmt column.
3P - szattr3E_ : 3:),"
. -
, Tairrel's
oALT,fttbellamel,Sackfir l .
0 . • _ - • I
,trygßie OCIMPOM 1)1P t0eir.12662,:.
mut ressLitemedy too ~Ssis And
and alldieeasee. the Rood. toe
*aka sod gel% by JI.BrL Ttnandu.
e k ;IA
plat - MAUIto I ittitilitirr
eicacirgaf atriii; bud- tiabsoa t f o t bdpsoeb
Itobtrose and, ktistutairida, urn' Sam 1 1.44 - 4
is 3ttatutopa i ,daily, at 7 o'clock. la. and laawaYlieWlifr
%Meat 3 (eclair, „
farilobtesand carriages catt . be:procared st tbativery
Stable ortbe astir:alba ts hlottOse.sla maul:table terall..
Montrose, Aug. 10, 1960.- tt JD. QOODt'
NEW dziiiirttv lii TUE
ER/ C I K 1 B--LOtK.
(IRE undersigned -hieing taken , toe %Rooms formerly
occupied by .V. 11.116 ►NS. lino* prepared tditunish
who ma desire with s good and truth o} POrtralt.
olleing well posted in the product lon of the tarloni kinds
sePieto.res of the day,l defter myself that my work isnot
fgeelled by:any in this section °fill; country.
among the various kinds taken al my Rooms Broths
Le;cket Pictures dosrlitikthe arnalleit 'steed miniature
Ring : Transferral ausbrinypes--the finest, thing but. far
sanding by Post to any. part °plc World without antra
pelage. My Pictitresarebold; vigorous, and expressly°
—not those fetid. lifeless shadows often sold about the
country. • Pictures taken in ail kinds of weather; cottony'
well, exceptthnse ayoung children. No picture. need be
taken unless perfecteatisfactlen is given. •
• In dressing for a
.pieture. avoid light coleri,--erich
bins:purple; scarlet, pink, etc. Most others take Well; as
green, black, rad. acme, brown, orange, yellow, etc. -
rer Remember that the place Co get your "picture" is
'n the Brick Block, over Read, Watrous & Postoroe store.
Mon oar, rd,. Nor. 'Zth.
Ire.. fl
On and after Monday, to
- 1
rasseinere from M.Yeirk,
leave Pier N0.2..,N0rth Riv
er at -Es. m 47.00
Or toot of Courtland-st,S,OO
- From
leave Kelisington, 1.10
Leave Junction, 11.15
Due at Washington, 11,83
Oxford. (6.1111 11.30
De 1.15 minutes lodinel243
Columbia; • 1.
Wider Gap, > 1,16
Stroudsburg.. 1,30
Tobyhanna, 2,42
Moscow, 1 3,17
Scranton. • 4 10
Abington. • 4.40
Nicholson. 506
Ifolilsottona, 5.84
Montrose, • -
New Milford, 6.21
Great Rend. - 6.40
The Itip,itt Expicsa Train
'East on tne N. 1. &
arrieet. at Urcat Bend depot
at • - usj 1,11
cor:tents with the
Expsev , train for
N. Y. atvi I'4ilad'a
attich leaver Sit" 7,23
Dueat New Millard, 1.89
Montrose, 8.
tio . pbottotn. . 8.23
Stenolvan. 11,10
Pactoryrillo, • 9,01
Abington, .... . SO.)
Scranton, 1
Itoscow, • 40, 0.
Tabyhanha .11,W
Stroudsbnrg. . 12,32
Water Gap, (p.m] 12,3 d
Columbia - • 1.
Delaware. (15" to dine) 1,2 - .
nopa( Philad connect.) 1.33
Oxford. • 1.53
Washington, ' 2.10
.T.lnct ion. . 2.32
New.Tork. 5.30
Philadelphia. . 0,50
The Express Train North c
Night express trains East an,
The Eipres. Tassengir Ti
Junction with the 455 p. in.
Central Road for Bethlehem,
liarriebrieg. Lc.
Connecta with mail train
Wear, at . ti,ll
and Night Ex. Wet 1,14
onnecta atflrear Be d with
d We'd Off the E!ie Eond.
lain S'onth. Connecta at the
. train on the \ewi Jamey
Mauch Chunk, Reading, and
4. cave Scranton at(a.m.11.50 f N-. Y. Et. train Eardarrives
Factoryville, 41,03 I at Grant Bend at(a.1n1.11,30
Nicholson. - 11,33 kave (It. Bend,tp.m.) 3,10
51ontrose. - (p. m)12.41 Montrose. - I _ 305
Great Bend,. 1.45 Nicholson. . I 4.15
Connecting with Dtinkirk Factoryville, - 5.13
-Erpreas West, at 3,34 i•Due at Scritnton, • 6,3(1
. .
The Accommodation Trai dots not leave Scranton till
titer the arrival of the Morning Train on the Lackawanna
and IlloOrnahnrs Railroad, thus giving Taskengers from.
the Wyoming , % alley a ditset Connection tot the West by
the morning train.. e - - I -I - •
For tilt) accommodation of way travet on the annthern
division, a passenger car will he attached to the ;Express
Freight train, leaving Scranton at 4 a. in.. due at Strands.
barg 11, Jnuction.3,lsn. m.: netnrning. leaves Junction
at 3,53 a. on., doe at `Stroudsburg 3,53, Scranton 3;53 p, m.
! Ptaaen:er;i`to and from slew Vartt. 'Nth change can at
'lttactina: To and from. Philadelphia: via. Bet. i)ri. B. tt
VeriVe or take ease at Hour. For Pi t tAton. Kincrton and
Witkes-Bore, take Laek..t. Dloom.khorg seran ton.
For .Te+tap.' Archbald. and flirhorol de take -
Sztranton. Ticket* Aold and haggage checked through.
.TOIIV Bat:4llLN, Superin , er.f.m/.. •
17.:"1.18Nri.5. Gen. Ticket AV. Scrar.tc3. Pa.
& Bloomsburg 8 It
Vac followsand after Nov, t'Stit, 13$1. Passenger ]asks wil O t run
Pa kce.iger. Aeionukiallon
tinVO Scramtna, • ' .5.2.1 a. x. 15.rma. m.
Kin :stun. 6.33 ' 12.15 p. tn.
llapert, , 8.11/
113.'1'011e. 9.15 _
Arth•6 at Northaialx..rlar.d at 10.00 . •
Leave Northuniberlaud, 4.30 P. in. . .
. trtnVille,. ' A.lO , i '
liapert, 5.43 - i
' Kinv, , ton, • n:O3 . 143 p. M.
Arrlre al. S.:ranfon. p.OO. . 3.4 f).
AP 14ienzer train leaves fi:lnt , ..ton at 8.30 n. in. fOr
Serantan. to r,nneet with train for N. York.. Returning
le we' , :4,..ranton on arrival of train-from New York at 4.
15 n. m, . ..
- TY. titemv•lnnt..tlllort'n.lostrzlfvilroficontieetp with
the 1111 aware. Lick.l.winnt tWeetern ItAilrmad Scran ,
ton. for Nem , York mad intermedint.• points wt.t. i
At it.a.wrt it elnnectg with the, Catawisia Railrotd, for
po , ,nf hath'e.t.t and went,
• A t Nort'vyn'twl toll it ennnect. with the Ph liallelphin
gri”. and Northern.Contral Itailro d and Erie' Railroad
far p-In to wee and eoutb. I .
J. C. WELLS. Gen. Tteket, Agt.
495 Broadway, Nem-York.
Ayencies in alll4e principal Cilisrand
Towns in the United States:
The Grover d$ Baker S. 11. Co. ! beg to
call thesitteh.lion or the public to their morally Ismaili.
811WrIncl- agiteXhlNElSt
These micblnes combine all the latiarthseful improve-
Menus in sewing machinery, and sire highly recommended
fur their
Synplletty of Consiroctlon ;
Nolselessnera ; Rapidity _x •
Emma lryranagemeut I
- 0• • Capacity-for all Undo ofsirork
AAA Remaly and • Illezularity of Stitch. • ~
Style.% of thaw machineS adapted io the hone&
or wortshop will be found at the different agencies ofthh
company throngbont the United States. • Their new
r The latest tritimpe orthe sewitmaellineatt—tioiselesS.
i rapid. and eaniiy opesated—wil commend fuel( to those
• who use such =selling! 'fits suanufacturiog clothing: .
I, Grover & Baker IsTachines,
MAKING - • ,
These jtiatle•cvlchrated machines. - adapted ,to all tho
:wants of the 'household and tnanufactury. continue to
Imaintain the pre-eminence which the : almost . uulsereal
verdict of the publkhaa awarded thitirt...The well•known
of the Grimier it. Biker Stitili will alwaye frigate that
machines the preference for family nee,. fOr the manufac
ture of each goods as att . : Inknded for wean:4hr use and
nit for show, • • " • I
• -
.tte"Wberevez thi CI: over & 'taker. Stitch Maelitztei
have .exhiblted led . ..4lly:Judged in compelltlea.migll
the leadi4glSewir,,,Mebtaes izr the miutet;l tzleimper .
the Whe el er & Wilson; they - hue' itreariebly borne of
the Ant premium-. , . . .
TA& aseartiofi Is confirmed by Ile doClifoo of auf cow
ailttoeo ottlto State - Tatra of •- • •
itaallots4 --
• 'J"-• -AKlOlila kg'
reseaki held. wlddi awartiortle **l p naalialio " iDA
Gram Biker Lealsa ovvt all Gains is'eompetatioa.-'
iii*/` vuti
A 1
As. these testimonials, taere,unsalici!ed by Mr .
S i neNing,they afford
,n 744: notteincible
pniqf If the. e ffi cacy . of
,Ahis• tkerty .
. .
scientific' iliscivery•
eoullt.e reb.ll,
Jem !ft...ammo.
ibaee tried your Cepiude and . Hite yell
that I went you to scud me 42 worth mote. I_
Part of thesaaro for the riefghhors, to whom f Pill, l Cow
Vat 'of the drat box I got from you,
• Amid thu Ma by mail, and oblige . •
Your ob't aen
_ JAS. ./O
- NN4DY.
• ' ' Howorford; Pa., Fob. S. ' •
U. C. Spalding. . '
- - • Sir:
I with you to send me ono mom box of your Cephalic
rills; /Imre mottred am& 641 gr lantiltjWMlstitern.
- AN ....Jr! 0:
. r
. .....—a—....... k
- • - iiknee Cieek,limatindon eo.. rs.l-Jan.
11. 9paldin_. ,
Ton will please seed me Stip boxes orris? fps Se,nd
14spectiepy yours.
JNO. it. §lllO\R. •
u. 4.1 one 100. . pia' Par; anfiljlnd ;Atm
:Belle Voroon. Ohio, J,. 4 4. .'• '
ITeriry C. Spaldler:. Esq. ..
P l ease And enclosed twee tr-flre tents , ter Vfhie 4 send
me another box of your Cephalic pins. Therare truly
the best pills I here ever tried. - j ' - -
Oireet A. STOVER. P. .V. ,
Belle 'Vernon. Wvandut county, Ohio:
• :..e............... • i
Beverly. Afror.,'lk'f, 9., -
IT. C. Spalding, Esq. • •
I wish for %OMIT circulars or large show bills, to bring
your Pills moreparticniarly before my cuatomens. If you
have anything of the kind. please send themlo ine.
One of my customers. who is subject to a sev: ereslck
haviache, (usnally lasting two days). was euredlqf
Ma in as Airier by your Pill;. which I sent her.
Itespectfully yours,
. W. B. ICILEE§.
Relict' C. Spalding.
No. 4S Cedar street.l.C. V.
Dear sir:
Iticloxee rind twenty-err cents, (PS.) !Jr which 4 , 0114 me
hoz of -cephalicpit ' Direct to Rey. Wra.iFiller, at
Revuoldtdeirg. Fratiklin rennty. Ohio.
ibur• Pills. work abs a charm- -cure Ileadatie armed
Twilaall, /WA., 'Jan. "tt.
Mr. Spalding. _ • i
Not-lon:since i sorit toyer!' fOr a box Coirtialle Pills
for the cure of the Nervous Headache- and Costiveness.
and received the sama,4lr.d they had w pod cws cfser-I
was inttuilitt to send for snore.-
Plossl sendllv return mall. Direct. to .. •
• - A. R. WHEELER. -
• O • • Irma nal, bitch.
From the .Examisier..- Norfolk.: P .
Cephalic Pill 4 accomplish the object far wlileh}bed were
made, tic,: cure or headache is all its tonne. , .
P , ont the En:nil-net% Norfolk.
ghcj have been tested In more than a thoniand =C P,
with oath's success. •
From the Democrat. -Cloud. Minn
. ,
If von are. or have beep troubled with the headache.
send for a box a cephalic pain. au that you l may hive
them lu ttaseof an Attack.
finin, the A(leci-tiser. Piurt;dent'e .I.
The Cephalic are said to Le a remarkably effect the
remedy for the...headache, nod one_ of the, very heat for
that very• fregoelit. eomI.L int Which has evei‘been dte•
From the li'eterri I? .1? aeze‘te, lekieago
We heartily endnr.e Mr,,Spalding, and bliv unrivalled
Front tki Tilley Shir. K,rwirrAii. Val
Wean ante that pemone suffering with the headache.
who tiy them; will stick to them.
-remit the l'ath Finder. New Orleans, La .
Tri them! you that :Ira afflicted. it newel are sure that
fourteihriony mu be added to the ulreadk numerate.
list that has that'll° oiler medicine can
From the Si. Louis Demeicrqt.
immenec demand fur the article (cephalic pIlle) le
rapidly luzreaaing.
- Frma (he - .. Gazelle, Davenport:lowa.
Mr. Spalding wonlil not connect his name . with an ar•
tide he did nut beow CO pus. , s9 real merit. '
Fr'ion the "hirers;4er. Provident' cit. I
The teAtimony in their favor is strong. from the most
reapectable qtmrters.
Fiorn Nezomoil; I.
cool:km.l.mi :tie taking Lb kinds. '
s .o.,oeadikeTtt
4-11 7 , CURE
-141 kinds 0 '"
fly the ttai•of these Pills the periodic attacki OA - arrow
or sick Headache may he prevented -and if taken at the
vointuentament of en attack, immediate relief froinspaib
and sickness will be obtained. •
They stOom failfin removing the ..Valliataud Headache
to 'which females are sp subject.
They act gently upon the boytels.—rettioring Coatireneas.
For Literary Jlen.,Studeste, Delicate Fettuties, and all
persons of sadentargAabi/83heyarevalnablemi twetri re,
improving the appetite, trying tone andarigor to the digest
ti en organs; and restoring the natural elasticity; and'
strength of the at-hole western.
The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of lorig Invest!:
gation and carefully coodncted experiments. having been
in use Many years.dnring which timetheyhave prevented
and relieved `a vast amount of pain -and sitffering . from
I/mad/tette, whether originating:an theratFrotta system. or
from a deranged state of the-stomach. , •
They are entirely Tegetable in their compesitlon, and
aymbe taken at unthaws with perfect safety without mak
anychango of diet, and tad absence efany disagreeable
taste reri4eri I(mq to administer tam torlaldrets. .
Bewaro of. Counterfeits.
The z enuine hart tire signatures of Ilent'. Bp4/413ii
onench box.
Soltt by Druggists and other Deniers In Medicines.
A box will be lent by malt prepaid on receiptdr 'be
r o x-11.04,.1345 Cost,.
Ali orders should be addreised to -„
' -." 1110111Vir C. SPALDING, ,
raft! rI b" '4 tt.Cuellai Street, Neer York.
pr.& oltgle trigtlevtiPALGOTG'S PREPARED GLUE
will Wire ten times Its cost anatuspy..;a3
.. .
IIiATE, THE: 171.4.. e.. •
* ECONOMY l' - ' '-':, -:. J -- '. .' '''' .. - ' Dl srvicef
Ve''A Silica-1m Tnnt SAT= N1XE...7 , 0
An accidents will happen, esen in well regulated faint-
Va r ian . Tery - dealeiddile hate some cheap and mem.
lent way for repairing furnitme, toys, etocitesy,Ac. - :.-
• •
sets eniergencies, and tio.-,hotimthoid eauainii
tobe wlthotalr. It is always ready, - and up to the-stick
ing point. •
usr:Prz,ilorisz.6- - •'r • •
N. B.—A Brush accompanies:ma Bottle!. Pile. Zi
cants. • Adds*,.. JIMMY C. IitP,ALDBVII,,'
• • No. 48. Csdliulptructi assr-Tont;
As certain unprincipled pgeous are atteinittinctepahn.
off on the unsuspecting rinDlic.itititetkumn
Me. I ereuld'heutien 'II persona go - ircateitiei par
'etbsetn andjee ttuttthe e full.suun
- 4 : 411 r 8 . :VALfig.
ea the outbids simper t all'
• ' •
Atojnoldebyrg, Franl.•lin Co., Olito,
January 9..
Truly .rout.,
tire ate it 34)1110diviiithe'Vr011d i ,f0
roreiitiB it vie
iiitit*itay I -1
- cnur4 - min mama 1 ,-- 5
Daitucas in two to tawdry's; • -
• , zundStaid a /Om senates
'prat* Woniiiimoind IlititpeltkirontibAo3 , o4PFl.
r iudiod luau on paella, • a "
ietir*Via:VrOuPaovt,tac 136 0 aril; itittta initiate/.
'ilatnurrnaga, Scrofula, Abates*, fn ten day& ; .5
Druieea,Ao s r4sl:-Tnller,,ln one tothreed,ayll;
' Eau - Oa, Stitiateck,-„itgue; in one da‘.;
• Broken Suit Rheum tr t ter afx days
Quinn, Palpitation. Pleurisy,,in °tele tea days ; '
Asthma, tlont.-Keyrivelas, fa .five to twenty dare;
Yruitad'PeeP Stiff Joints, chronic Ithen
autism, Sere Throat, Scarier Fever, and thelam
wait-to walk, by a tawitoitirt.
T OIL,*(Da Gratlept mild end pl mint Onicl - 11
great Family Ifrdicine for children teething rte.
-q.lattlieseheal& all use it.- -Itelwaya-leaves yo* bette
.thaa it dada you. and vac NMI:444n enteaunticaly
• L~Cl ' lil)` a trtT l il E 1 yEd IBS `
ONE wr.En.
- Bead lettelfrom RirV.
Prof:De Onaiu I hayoliern unlitted fur thirteen Year,-
with Neuralgia and other painful C4lmpla . lnte, and rhayi
been unable to aleen adendly or Walk any dintance foj
many years past. Last :week I got s bottle of your Eleck
OM Oil. The first night I slept soundly end well. and tot
day I am like a new man . wifo'coilld not heliele he
eyes. Your Electric Oil has done In one weak what tht
physicians of rti Ibutelph la dol•In tblrtemayestrid
•: • • : Dr4tefullitimuta. • •
.. • ststeti
• • Naw - trivatt, ,May
Prof. Pe Grath: .11e brother hatebero deaf for :reran.'
-After teXinfr many (blai e. be need soar Oil a few timer
end it cured him entirety.- • • -
- .
• CLIPFOIift 11.•Sen.i.vro.
Cr".. For onle by nlt ThmzeletP, 1224' at the Depot; 21
SouthEizhth-st, I;feb: _ 3 m cy
Itto . v l v,--)ik:*.' , ..:o
_ ,
IClNtti have now en before the publil
1 for a period of.7'hirry Year,, and during thot tittle bar
maintained a high character in Omuta overy port of tb
for their extraordituiry - .and inn?Jediateower of
toatortng perfect health to penione , auffering und_ p er nearlf
every kind of diaeaxe to *lnch the human Inoue la
The following are among the dialreaaing t inlet, - of hal
maxi dlacaueb in which the
V EGET 13 - 12 :LIFE
I, l" ltiU:, t
Are well known t Infallible. • ' ~"
DYSPEPSIA, be thoroughly destining traet grid 211
stomachs. and creatin." a now of pure,healthy blle,inoten
of ILe stale and acridElul': FLATULENCY, Lo/ qf .4 pi
petile c lliewlliiirndleiiiii;ithA Restlesineo. EL Tewiperiai nal
iely. Languor and ..ok/tineholy, which are general byToptomi
tiff Dyspepsia, viellail„aa a natural consequence of its cure,
co l a v'EN,tBs, by cleansit g the whole' length of tht
intestines with a solvent ',foetus, and witheutviolepcal
all violcut purgettleavu the boucle costive in two days. 1
. FEVERo ofall kinds, by restoringthe blood to uregull
'circulation. thro' thoproccesofrespirathin in such case
and t hero' solution of all intestinal obotrnctiono in other'.
The Life Medicinee have been known to cure latElThil
ATlSKPeinnthenily in tlinie, uecks, and GOUT in hal)
that time, by remit* ing local Inflammation from tlie mud.
cies and ligaments of the joints.
DROPSthoo(all kinds,„by freeing and strengthening
the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully of
these Important organs, andlience have ever been fouiel.
certain remedy- for the o orot coxes of °REVEL.
Also WORIII.S, by dislodging. from the - Direingo of th
bowels the slimy matter tit which these creatures adhere
the perfect parity...which these/4re Medicines glreto lb
blood and all the humors. • 1 . , - -
bytheir aliemt it e effect upon the noble that feed the skii
and the morbid state of,v.hich. occasions all ernpilvt
cetrupJairda, sallow, cloudy', and otherilleagreeable coo
• 'pie ascot these Pills for "a very ohoritime will effect al
entue cure.oISALTILHEUX, and a strildta_iraprovd
ment in the elearnesst - of thr skin. COMMON C O LD
and INPOENZA w ill always be cured by one dose, or by
twa in the worst. cues,
PILES..—The. Original proprietor of Melia "medlcinel
MIS cured of Piles. of 3;,' years standing by the use of thl
- Life Neilleinea alone. ' .
f &
EVEAND AGUE.—Fnr this sconrgeof Ilte,Weol
ern cone, ry. theoe Medicine will befound a safe: speed
and certain reifiedy. Other Medicines len% e the systej
subject to a return . of the disease—a core by these * Mee -,
cine. , in permanent--Try theta. Le ,aliejeci„ and Learnt,
Billions Fever* add Liver, Complaints!.
General Debility. bias of AppMile, and .Diseatien of Ye
males. The Medicines have been toed 'with the most
beneficial results in 'cattea of this deeeriptlytiv—Eintk
Evil. end Scrofula. in its %%met forms. yields " to the mitt
vet powerful action of these , Medlchtei-
Night Sweats. Nervous Debility. Xenon. Complaints O:
tall kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, j'ainters'• Colic, a ,
11M:filly . eared. _
Itleicartniniseaises.-PerAonP V, ho=e coast itu ti
have hector', Impaired by the injudicious-moo of Mertne
will fled these 'Sled:eines a perfect cure., no, they neverf4
toerrolicate front the system. all the effects of :tierce, y
infinitely sooner than 1111.1 mutt powerful preparations of
Sarsaparilla. Prepared•anti sold bY t
W. M. ?MOFFAT. 1
. ...., nII.IA.II.AV". NTCW-Y01 . !IL.
For Sale by , all Druggists. ,
• 1
I sl
Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia,
Dyspepsia, Debility of the System,-Eyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, Acidity, ,
Liver Compliant, AciiiitY,
Bilious Complaints, Siek Ifeadaehe,-
Bilious Complaints, Sick iloadithe, •
aged the nernieerteu other clivasei arising from Ta: I
digestion cad functioned diiorders 'of the stomach,
And ready relief is - thaeSelablithed and stetting I
Beliable Testimony.
We tail the ;stiagion -of the rtader the _pawing
. 2ctier from PyaklentSmith, formerly of. Walesa
rnirersity, aid none of dwiapolis AM: •
. .
MIDDLETOWN, Conn,ib.2l3;llf3N. jj
' Barn W. Fowez-& • Co.—Gentlemene=l Ant
made use of the Ozy gestated Bitten some riven or
eight years sines. - flaring suffered fur twenty years
from a form of dyspepsia. which was attended with it
tie-rout headache; on an avenge of tint les, than one' - a week., I wes4ndurecirhy the unpretending tee
ommendatim of Dr. Green, to try one bottle, and if
no benefit was received 'to discontinue the we: ,
The nos of one bhttle warranted 4 . 112111ter trial, to the
extent of some four, with a carefulthunance
of the accompanying directions. , The• reinit wit, ala i
almost entire relief .from the usdal dyspeptic rympromet
and their Tdetiresehig...painftil consequences. I tenors:
these Bitten produced an entire changeth the habitant
raj system, and Upon the active seergiesef the digestive,
organs.. I now deem myrrh( as exempt thin Dyspepsia I.
as nonstpento na.: These Bitters bans also bean of sets t
vice n other menders of my randy.." . 1 • I
yen. respectfupy yours,
• RICITIOND, Togitccs, Pa., Ang.2s, -
airritinswer After Suffering for more than Stirti
' pars with Dyspepsia, and trying many remedial reel
ammended fur that dimarovvithout any 'kited issult„li''
. wu Indurad„hg of Alansileld, to g in?
me r o f yiewersg a ; trial,'. I; feet - pito. bolt* , 1
which gave ne an ; mucificiisf.thig r f purchased two
name, which have neartiortielte elfecled4 cum ' 121131
sow - pea* anventy4lre yaks sof . op, ina
months pant hay* Otto iticOnvenience from my lisod4'
I take sreurpleasure in reamtmending the MMus tir ani s
nifilited 'whit' Dyspepsia aid Its concomitant dimmest's: ;
summtgi From o, r
Bititra in my pendia ,
ieltb thedod tem", gebenLi PritrtheirJ`'
iind'eestidentbi ireeennienil them mond doe! -
tai ii tiod diricM 1) f:4 44 4 411 7P ° r S il l!•
r. tr.7-47firrzot.p.
.nErAI*OIT rCiW4 E 1
• ,' • - 4°6 ° l ' 11°,9:
Alibi Dines% rkmgaviciotiffnFiags 1104
`dtosa>tdeilYtlrsirglolatlftdrat~ :;; ;s ..
gairriirii 4 idiniu 3 dikaPacattlit“ &liar
ter, khontrositi,liLiLWooirM, BinOnetli , .*Mon Nichol',
Brooklyn ; Whitney* Motley. liagot t--11410ArlfOrd,
Brest iftd ; Dundrat• Brirlin;~
~Q_r~ , ~3?3;,1~.~':2.~'~'«. 35~~,L~' oDi?i~3} .::.::w:']u::~.,x':r~,r~fi+S.. ,- ~;a»r:~a'~'^-';•:xmrr. ^~~J:z't.^.r~.--s~~.
leanlek,lbeblie, emit apm=
mg t..*Aine putout of larder.
loaf . ystmadenmyred,and
* AMOSaaMable I
eta ar e Often. the
itt H
e scriossillaiss. ;Some
't is ntepther
tad should b e e averted tl :
tape of the right rem edy. -
Ayer'a rills, and cleanse
dlsorderedlatuners vac":
t blood, and let the Odds
e annindrudial in health
They stimulate the fluor
ef the body hito sigerous
Ity, ptuify the anon front
Mstructions ; which make
~• A cold settles some.
Ithebody;and obstructs
d 0.. . rise relieved, taut upon ,
organs, produeing gra-
emd disease. ~W hikt la this.
the denergementsitake Ayer's"
A lly they restore the natural na
_the syme.—,...ed .with it J teethe
~ of:
teet , . or
ilealtheiltdM Whale true lads° warted la this tariel.
and ;queue ocupplabet; is also Marin many orthe deep•
slated and dangerous distempers. Thu mime purgative
.elfeet expels tbeta.. Vaulted er stadia' obtUratttlona and
:denmgementsof.thetestnral fenetiona of the body, they
iltrelliaddlf, n.lM:teof theta surely, cured by the same
Meanai ,, Zetele th9:l=Oletheteltheattlefibetae..rWailwill
neglect to employ whekentifeting from the diner
dors they re - 1 i - .
Statements:44ms leading physicians hi' gene of the
principal cities, rnet from other' well- benign public per-
Prost a Fortwiling iferekait qf St. LOWS, A& 4; 140. ,
'DS; A-rwiti Your Pills are the Perngon of 3 1111 that is
greet In medicine. They hare cureal_mr tittle daughter
of - Ulcerous sore* upon her hands and ft t that had proved
incurable for years. ler. Mother has been bml -
ott ellkted with blotches and pimples at her aft and
itt_her kair. Alter our child was cored. etm. Shin tried
yoar.2lll4sud they hare coal her. .
. • '-- ' Aar Vanally *hyalite.. • •
From mt. E. IV. otrfteright, Nap Ortemts.
'rr t. P at i Art' th e ranee OrPtirgxe;:_t Their exCellent
.qual ties serwass• sny cathartic we-possess. -.They are
mild,-but very certain end cirectual in their, station on the
.bowels, which makes Amu /arguable to os to the daily
treatment of disease. ;
Llendatohe i p .Eick. flearloihe Pout Stomach.
- j ibe. Alward Boyd, Baltirrore.
DRAT: TETt i I cannot answer ots what torn.
• pbilutelf have 'mired with your Ms •bethw than to say
all that we ever treat with apargatice medicine.. 1 place
great' dependents ou an effectual ealluartle. In my daily
contest with dlarasevind believing as I do that your Pills
afford us the beat we have, I of course value them
• ' . Prrronintn, Pa., May I, ism.
Dn. J. C. Avtin. Ste if have been reputedly cured of
the worst haWache arty body can have, by a dose or two
ofynur Tills. It seenurto arise .from 'foul stomach, ,
Which they eleiase agonise.
_YOU. with groh respect, • F.D. W. PREDLE,
• . Clerks/Moamar Clarion.
1311.10ns Disorders.—Liver eosiaolaints.
FrOastr; Thiddo re &A-of:Wait nub City.
Not only are y o ur raj admirably adapted to their per.
pose as an aper ien t , but I find their beneficial effects upon
_the Liver very arkesl indeed.. They have •In my prim ,
the ) 1 111Wed'intoo•elNettlit for the cure of bilious cons—
Saes tlutnanyi one remedy I can mention. .1. sincerely
ritolso that we have M length is purgative which Is war—
' thy OW , eonlidttilett orthe profession and-the people. - •
DEt . titT.StrlT OP Titti INTPIIIOt , •
Washington, D. C., ills Feb., teat.
Stn. have yeur Pills lu my general and hospital
Practice ever all* you made them, and do not hesitate to
'say they are the best 'cathartic we employ. Their min.
— rtiag action oe.the liver Is quick and decided, cense- '
quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements •
of that organ. :Indeed, bare seldom found a case or
bilious disease so obstinate that It did not readily yield to
them Fraternally yours, ALONZO - DATA., 51. D.,
• •-• rhysiditleof thaMarine LlospitaL
, •
Driletittorys Dionrlunat, Relay, Worms. -
, - • .Fkras J o...Greett of Chicago.'
' , Your rills lune had' i long tr ial is my practice, :Old I
hold them in esteem as-one of the. best sperieuzs I have
ever found . Tileir alterative effect upon the liver makes
them an excellent reniedy, when given in small doses for
bilious rlioode c i n aid digerati:a. Their sugar.easting
makes. them ye aunptable and tonventesd for the ate--
of women and drat.
Dyspepsia, Bapnrfty of the Blood. 1
From Rm./. Vtilinsis, Pastor of At:rent Church, Boston.
• DrC. AYER: Ehave used, your Pills with extraordinary
men* In my-family and among those I am called to visit
lii distress. '1 . 4 regulate the organs of digestion and
purify-the bleed, they arc the very beat remedy . '" have
ever known, sod- I can yonlidently recommend them to
my plaids..;Tours, J. V. DIMES.
Whnetw, Wyoming Co., N. V., Oct. 21,18155..
DILITt Stu: lima using your Cathartic Pills in my ma .
tice, mad And them an excellent purgative to cleanse the
'system and yntrlfy thajountains of_Ule blood.
• eonstiOntion, eoitiveness; Suppression,
litheusnattions', .Dont,- Neuralgia, Dropsy,
Parsilyals,lFlll, etc.
Frost Vaughn, Montreal, Canada. -
Too much cannot lip said of your Pills for the curo of
- aostirencss. .ICothers of our fraternity have found them
-es efficacious al I have, they should Join me in proclaim
ing it for the benefit !of the multitude* who suffer from
that complaint; whlclfoilthough bail enough in itself, Is
theprogcnitor bf others that are wpm , . I believe CO3.
Breams to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that ,
organ and cure the dl ease. , 1 _
Fromitrs:E.iStuart, Phytkka end Midwife. Boston.
• I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken afthe
groper time. are excellent promotivei of the natant/
seerdion wheNwholly er partially suppressed, and aloe
very effectual to eiramt the stomach and expel worms.
They are so mych.the beat physic we have that I recom
mend no other to my patient*.
• pion the Reg*. !fait, cfr:r the diethoclist Eptt. Church.
MA= Botts, Sarruinab, Ga., Jan: a; Imes.
IloNnttED S tu: I Should be ungrateful for the relief
your skill has brought me WI did not report my ease
to you. A- cold settled m) , limbs And brought on ex
cruciating neurii W
tgic pains, which ended In chronic Aro-
Inatisat. Ilotwithstandintr ‘ l bad the best orphyshrlans,
lire disease pen , work , and worse, until-by the advice of
your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mckenzie. I tried
your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By per
severing in,the use ol them, Ism now entirely well.
SMATE CllllEfraidolll7toug,e, 1.a., s,Dec.„
Dtt Arta : have been entirely cured, by your Ills,
of RAeumotie : Ecrui-la painful disease thalltuol a ffl icted
me for Fein , . - . VINCEET 'SLIDELL.
. . .
. , _ . .
els.r Nut otbe rills in .market ilontain'Ma=7,
which, althou gha valuable reptedy in. skilful luipcis, is
dangerous inn ubliel)111, from the dreadful consequences
that freeuently follow its incautious rise. These contain
AO =rany or Merl substance whatever. ',.: .
, .
', Peice,-25 gents Xtor Box, orb Boxes for IL
Prepued by pr. J.C. ATEErti..OO.., Mass.
Fi..r rale b7Atier traniir a I 2. 21 2.
Duntstir; It Arrant Sertaher. Auburn Centre; er d 1
denier. and drutztetweverstrhere. tie cw
do experieneriii :curie and Fetnole Physician, present,
to' the attention of mothers, her
.trhlch greatly facilitates the process of tiithfox. by so ft•
guutsi redecirrot ail hittatnmatio-reill 'anat.
PAIN du4 epastnedic action. IMO
, ,
. Depend .
mOtherlri it :will glee rust to you, and
• We lune putiip and cold this article forayer ten yea re
and cue "ay CONFIDENt'E AND "Fltlall alit, what
we have never been able to say br Any. tither meollelqe—
EFFECT A CUItE, when timely used: Sceerdidwebnnw
an instance ofd!sratisTact lon he. ancon"1111110, liadbacd it.
On the - contritry„ all aim, del fghtQ wftltits operatitmi, a nd
p ea - kiwiemelt eamipendatiou of-Its magical effeetsand
medical virt um We fay In Dila matter .twiter WE DO
EISOW,`I after ten- years' experience, end PLEDGE Gull
tF prrieriON : for the fulfillment of what treltere declare.
In almoit everil Maurice where the infant Is refferlug b,
pain and exhatiklon; Mier wlll_be found In fifteen' to
Minntesuftcr the . /syrup is sdnilatietered.—
Thia valuable. , prepaption le the preeeriptian of one of
ew Eillaud; rind him been nerd with ZIEVEIt FAILING
SUCCEbS. in - I . -
• -
it not only rtOleves the child froiapaln. but invigorate
the tionLielt - wed bowels. corrects acidity, and gives tr.(' -
and energylo the whole cYsteru. - - It will almost
and overthrin nit:Warms, 'which: if ;Cot speedily cured,
end In death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST rem
itythe WORLD. In all caeca of blielElit4EßE. and
DlAlRMiltrik CifiLDßEN„:whether it -arise* LIAM
teething. or front any'odier cause. We would say to all
biotit.tre who blive a child ant/Cring trim anv oft tie forego
Ina cotnplainta4—DO NOT ApT YOUR P:REJLTI.CES
..voir:77/ETAJP-MD/CRS. AMER& mend bettraen
yon'and you? suffering chit and the relief that A 111 he
.81,TRE—yea ABSOLUTBU tetiiltE, r tio folow tbc use 01
this medicine4f timely -Peed.' •Full.thicetione for . le..
will accom pun ea& bottle. Non e pertain e unless the
simile of ,CUBTIS rxicKnis, New Tork,. le or. tht
outside :wrapper; , •. •„ : •.. •
. Sold Dnizglotit rougheint the wield. -
e •
rptelperOdlleeil 3-Char street, New Teek.
Ortf, cEwts. Pirnzavra.•
• y ior ASA !IA Montrose by Abel Terrell. '
• • -
%mom - ALT ---. csAbtriszo
Jwf PuLliaid aistated Encetopo';') , Vici
3 O ever'
.nl - 77 . !"x :L tETT;VtIIikSLL,
ei 4La ! 4* 01111110=111 , 0 aid rOW Spermstor
, • .;;;;., •i_ shwa: mnatmiptiost,„MMited and , Physieel
t 'NMI itk, Nervoqvneep, Epileoey :•lnmair
ed-Nutritton at the body : Late - if - Ode ; Weakovaa of the,
.;;,,i .l
limbeand the_brick;•llndispeeition : - love 'or memory;
I•nVentiOn to Salute , : iota or solitndeotmidity ; relf•die•
true.: direinrie , Aee'doehel - afTertfour orthe era .;; pint-
.. Om nir the thcir tlnvoluntarremtslione.; and rreval int
A c4Pseilv : the ioneermenees of yonthfol Inditerviton, ke,„
tXtr" Thrs ednilrablolect ore clearly , prO , rel that the
abovetemmmOrated: pften seitedlieted.evtle play,, be re
moved without medbrine and-withont forgive) operations
and Should bOoad bj every youth and evel7 l man ,tn the
land.--.. ..,,,,; ,--- i - • ,, t _
, ~ :•- 4._t : ~; 1 ,
lenitradeted ' at. IllAnyaddrive. In aidalrfeislid'eivel
opeam the ret.elpt Or siX tents, nr two pastime *tempo,
biltddrocaipgr , , ~. .r. , .1311,t1fAilr.11. C413,151t.
1633:--'621 11111OwerY - It'ew York. Past BoL - 311$11V •
s ,
' '
713 math( parka ,t constsztly,
ticesalt ass be obtainadatay to—wil—
. • "'Mel', Drag Stare.
.4- -
..., .
.„ r , • .
tia - M Ailiel t3
• = ' -'. '-' '' .1111 :1' C ;'.-- .-- 1- 44 4 1 8
pil - r . v.:4-r' : • !. • if
; • - STANDARD ' ittiviEDlES. .. .
niiiiiii-,; iii,!;6i
iii:tg - tiii.L: i . r:ir "i4 ' 'curlyi i'ouly ituno . 4liji:6l otl Hat irt.to4.!..d iblia.ctios
it ria.ed. r k ii la ihein ia i:.l cum- - . ,
I , tl.l,.lN:7t:Tar_Llr
Lind. earmleartt :Dieftim.,l4, I .7,:setvif?... Werra= v,.
• ,Ltlity. tkLomknca -
and hytn lis•ar. - or . w.eak.
Emu of the Stomach,,,, pii r ...iir;. ra
1 Org,h
-- -'''''' ; ', -. ...:( D' vat re. , irtr f.i ir sr rtni ." '
nitow - rftit,:sttstis rat! i .!'.O FUR L r 3 ACM
Fri ini 4 r • Ain;a::ic for proof. - 1 4 aic7:, 75 ceu:siir iota*.
llptiaad's HalsOttlic.COrdial:
••••• ,-• , ' , -, iii4 'ponrrpl4.4 Ctifil ' _ ••
Conglie:Ciddit, ci Itaiiielisi, PrencLitis, lat=au,
Crclip. Pneuxneitla;-Ir.dolt c.a.: T wit.
god bas perLenied tilts mottoftt4rilehin sum aver kAious •
All I DiarirhavreAirdial itii uti:;itran.4. ll=o7, sesta
per bottle.
t •
. .
Mug knowatbrongbont. 1 am* r-to.l iautrkta, norm
fa, apoicoslation hair. They arta parrli,, w
prepared *lib grail ,xactmtatt vita art ruy,ar.etrated.
belier Catkartlc47ll fareba tarot); Paicr, 23 : dor. sal' Poz..
• Thema nat,lktirtre are preparrilJ,7 Dr. C. M. Jartaoik
Ca kbiltalrlithirr, antrat. 110 It, Mo., and ere 1d by
drumitttf and tfieeters In 'nadir/ ire; irreryvarro.. 71to air
curare C. 31. J.f:ar:rorill at oo als °guards of aatota
bottle {;.r
!pour Edvryir.lf t Atisenai''publ;Abdnnn miy, N i,
- Votll..l4lAtrz,".Y Votll.4bLiAtrzy fr to 11:1
Farts of the cA.Tuillry. arc ;,,ixca ;way by
all Dui - :ik!nts. • . . 14
. s - LivEn 4po.
; O AY .3IIND,
Alai, dts y:trione aTuttions run t aunt epotr a disordered
Foch :s fu4irstien, Aridity (+l . llle:Stomach,Cniirliy Pubes,
11part bunt. Lout of Apro{te. lar;,rotol.oey. Costirunuss„
}Cod mud ItiesdingNenute, I:hrtunatie. and
NrursiKis Affection,. it' Ira. iu.nitMeruitn lent. ures TeovuLl ,
in.orlieinl, and iu others t , llittad a deei,lad emu.
has is a runty legethble prepared on strictly
sciesitotir attar the tivion,r , i4' the relciwut,t
If oitsnd lrorenn.e.,t.ll.e ,
n. Ile ',q.t., tj, Fn o t tut.
dared lutru•lm tint Lets, tht• Lirriuml ffill110l•C Ing •kb
thugs of the _ratlirtiand• scattirtit%over the far, of this
Snl;;ltty country, 11111, of uLoui ,rouost sill, themami
!Landed demo the tra.ii:iun ies iraluo. It it Onto offere..!
1., he t-rmeit itt truly wonderful
nedicina! I.:Hui, arL.nukfe.tq.a.
It Torti.mlarly to tip*r perkon. whom
constitution. may hart L. inipetliskl I y the roulleinenni awe
of ardent spirits. go otik•r forntelor klisitip,,tion. Generally Sn'irin.rt. it trod. tt way , firrrtiy to the ant
of life. ink - Int. ankl qui.llwi,; i•vCcry aette . ecki:lnu try the
drooping rpirit, arid, in net. luL6lirg new Leal tb Weld vigor
in the 'v tens
NnYWY—Whoevre raportw to fool Min a hoverer. 141
Le di...7.;quautr:l; ton to the ek . are-11: awl 1,, alar/ted. It
will px• -, e a grateful aromatic t4iul, totetwoll of singular
romodial pr.oprrti,s. •
. flnothio biuttly-cater:
tittora le - put up in lut:lpiot I. ut 7 ...nid rrlalhol at
OatDuii.te prr/x•ttive e e r tie trofxfrx f„r yirr, um Li u, Th.
coot doinatot for till,. [role , •41e-...t... , •1 Nlo4",rior hae induced
yule linitatioue, which the eLoohl zatull tgakitte
porthaeinc, .
sa- torture of Goy,ultlon. that our paint Is ot,tht
label of evorY bottle 3.0 e buy. ..
Bold by Druggists cetera/ ji It tea be forwazded
b Expree; to most pointe. -
ow , . rtior
tF7OStS: •
JR. & CO:
; .
id pails
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(rjitill4l4 - 4
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Al Crient and atoinuitic preparat s fon of
IRON purillod of Owen ,rand Carbon by EOM. _
bastion in 4ydrova, or i lig:t medical author
ity and extraordinary e exoy in. each of tha
following complaint , . viz..
nzßarrir: NERVOUS
l it FFECTIONS,. raw
EnTENT yEtrr.mxim. CHEM*
MR ARM ate. ,
'The IRON bsinr absorb id by the I,leod, end
thus circulating thronh .lie wioli spurn; na
partef the body can escape Gish' truly wonder
ful influence. - • l : lc -
The experience of thOusanda daily . proem that
no, preparation 11 Iron 41 . 1 - ' for a moment at
compared 'sett it. Impur ities or the b1003,-de.
pnusion of vitalensrgyd Pale Anti otherwise
sickly consplisions'inttes,XX its spereeiry j a a l,
most every isonePisible.clx*. In 441 eases of •
female dabill.ty -('Jeei &lasi.; 'chloral - is etc.), Ito
effects psa dett‘lattly tenovaeng. No remedy
bas eve atm diseorrwtt,ith the whole liistors
of medley:ie. watch exertsistich jirempt, b tippf,
ind tally resturit'lrei elthet#; Good appli Is, viso r , s
plate &piton, rapid sctirsiron qt strengtly unusual Alspviitr i on 'fir - active out
s j i
cheertut ens:tire; imme4 siteklf 'faisv,itlsolTei
Asa grand stomachic on gent rat roctarottio '
it. Wm* superior ant .iiiltbstittite. -
-.Fos up In vioss Sat airlift t bnxm dan" , " 1 "11, -
tie pilla, pivii 80 tent/ Ftr fins I sts bairns.
li* WI wissiasen hintewilhetillo. , Far calm 1 7
thwawide ilienerinir. -Win be sent•tnre to
MIS , atheism; on 'script of the Trice. An 1 181-'' -
iiirirow , nors, rte., shoal* tic- addressed to
. :. 3:-LOCICEADCO4,,
.. - ::...7::.;, -- 711iiiiii iit TiOi - ite.-.
~. • .
, .
- ' 1130 SKOADWAri N2.1M1
91.11-'-The Mains I. 'iLiforilnial of Or
;Abel on each box: '