In Abington, April lhtli t il 882; by Re*. S. S. Barter, Mr. 11ENIZY ellatilliPaLand Miss E. A. Sraxcsai all of bington s 'lmr... co. l'a.. . i . . • , 1 - .. , • In the M. E. - tlinrch in,.• _Great T end, April 20, 1882, by Rev. S. S. .BArter; Mr, ItICHAILD GILLISPREand !Allis , Vaiiicts Stmoxs; all of Great Bend. I . - - : • I- - 13ZI.ELTZICIBI. Exo.tA M., .wife of Mr. E. nom and tintitzliter of Win. C. Ward, Esq., died at her fitther's retdencetn New Milford, Pa. fith, 11362, aged 22 years, 7 aria. and . . 25 days. Tlie death of our friend has. cast a deep glooni not only over the fatuity of which she was. a - member, but oYer the whole reaut.o City. It is not illicit we are called Itym to bury one so Toting, and so much beloved:, We see by this event thaVdeath knows no barfier: Passing over the couch of decrypt be hati,blasted -Sout It' in its bloom, any unexpectedly to. all, •the sun of our friend went dod•n before it was coon .. Pe itik loyri a Shining marl: ', a elgtial_blow: a blow that while It executes; alarms, . . ~ And startles thousauda by a .91gle tall." The subject, of this. obituary was mar ried to I. Pl. Ross. Mrtreki 22, 180, since which time she has resit' 'd principally in Bornellsville, N. Y. In he good prnvi denee of God she gka per Witted to return home to die, and ever 3 thin:4AM' aireetion or •medieal skill could. suggest to addAo her 'comfort and restore her to 'malt h, was diligently applied, but all Iprovied unayail inr. 'Miring her sicknesy she had given notch of-her attention to Divine ..1 hitigs„l feclittr• that soon site muse be ushered into the presence of God: / All, the pow- CTA of her Soul were :aroused. to the. Import:toed -of a reliantion' ti; die, .and with strong crying and with. tears she Ahr plead with God sa cation throngh i ,Christ. ,bier prayers we e answered, and s l te obtained tho smile tsf God,• which is 1 'the feast'of the soul. Fr no that moment 'till her death, earth scented lii have lost its charms. Rush: nd, r.iends,•and.lllle carol l (thee:fully he given] itp,.as she had' now received a title to heaven. She hnnr etlto depart to he with- lltrist,- which vas fir bettiT than all eartlit•-enjoyMents or . associations. As - hertind approached she felt that she had a du, y toperform for th. good Of her relations hod the-glory t.d . ' her Saviour. She nailed 110- trieinis around -her, a id addres'sed them 4h h, ft om the old est to the you \ ngeSt. setnitng messages "tO those wlio wdre -i - tbsen , { With a dear mind :ntd an earnest heart she *mgt.(' up on all the iloportauve of eternal things, wishing them to becomeideroted - to God, and to meet herinlltsavr.• . While conversing' thli ~ a heavenly ra diance wasj spread - over her face, - and , it did not Seem like the chamber of death, but like the v.est ihule 4eai - en : . , - . The chamber where the pool! Man meets his tate, • " is privilervd to hey ouri the maroon wallo : • Of virtuous life: close on the siege ot heaven." - . ll.lVillg, tillisileil her Work site give a shoilt of prai-e to nod, aid ended by i'mntg in a clear voice, •< . " Praise G _ from whom all tilewain.;4 ems,- ete, The Most appropriate song in the.-En;' Esh iinguage ,.. with which to loso a mortal litC. Ny.thout, another wordshe sunk into a 1 c i lii t. slumber front which Ole' ne.ii:r a woke. So easily did Ae i r Itas any that - • 4' We thr,vr z ht her dyi nfr When she slept, Anil sleepin g when she died."' On Tuesday, May ". ; „li , r finer:ll was int: preNtitir 1:y a sermon On,Ps. 90-1::: , 4- s o teac h es to namber clur days that we may, 4iply fir hearts unto nis.loin." A large concourse of people followed her re mains to the piaci where we committed her body to the gravel: " Dust to. dust and ashes to ashes, in I sure and. certain hope of a joyful' resurrection to -eternal life." .. rain 11 . C1 more that homm lashes: . Death'. grim work 1," o!.: a how : enelm.T. the _our! girl's ash. a, . Angel, wroithe the tpirit's brow.' WAY11.%.11.T,' .11.:IV .10, 1,962. 11. IV, Administrator's Sale. Pblit Notice le hereby given. that 1 will 'exp . ol , e to n ...ale outcrf, on the premb4e.!....all that: lot Orland situate ltnh 'fown-Lhip. S:u4quehanna County. eou, taluinz 14' acres, !ate' the eAb,te .ur P.t r 'McGarin; It hvire: lot No. 0 upon draft or re-surrey and e,ul:.• division o' the Thono- P. Cope trail, and bounda Notitt by lot No. hr lot No 7; ; outhe east by lot No. • fit ; and on the-we-t. by lot No. f;1. About. V) acres Imo proved. Tu be e•old on . niirslo / the 12th' of June next, at one o'clock. P.M. Thrma vvill he made known then. May `JA•la. , leC2. JAMES DONLJN. Adner. - - Administrator - 's N o ti ce. . Ivonce is hereby given 20 al!-pra , anns`haring demande il against the esta ta nf Patrick McGurn, late ‘,f' Auburn. township. deceased. that the wand must be , prosented to the andaraigued fiir aetlleauent. and all persons indebted i to sa d estate ar..t requeited to make immetlint . l. payment. i • --,.. Auburn, blay 20, lerd.. ' JA'S DLINI.IIs., A dnfr, . I 'TII It CERta TV Rae: L'i • 1 ' 1 . ,/i...... r 1 . 3111261E.3="1"14. -16)1E13.169156 I 1.)0 11 7 1 41 S I . 1 CKS , 011 I ' ' • . ::k4llllllltllloll OF-RASIllo1; h . ' i t: c t i llt t r tr i 4 c i , t , t c n . 1iz:i1 .. ... ;T ei or . T.e e r l :; ' ,7 .:pt c , 2 v oil i n ,n- . . 4 1 0 . , r ,t; one Lunlly 4 . good Lerman. formerly, considering the lal t _ IVIZI e I r G im re m at n l t mgoLe i . u .nat o s ti n - r nd add a it i lz p v i,,. T u la,! d Statn , ; 4.,.c. . . lasilion Viatts I three fall-.lzed patterns of dressce, comprising-the new F:ench waist; an elef„mnt sleeve. mid a Misses reek, and a sheet of new and beautiful braid nod eMbrold , ring Pat terns, tor:titer with nearly 100 mita...imp of all the nor cities fur summer bonnets. cloaks, trimmings, childrtna's. dr , sees, etc.., and valuable information to milliriers,drets makere.toothere.and LADIES Gr'i.EII.ALLY. pre•aenting th e largest and heat Fashion 4t ineln thel%orld, pub 11.11cd at CB Broadway.: and sold e.eryn here at 2 tents oesene by mull post fie?. on rrompt of the tongued, in starapA or silVer. 'Yearly fit with the folfowfug valmble premium. , Lichpearly•subscribersrill be entitled to a .reeelpt for the kdectloiwof 6d mats worth of plain patteine.from the The book, or from the show room, or they mfq be ordered and sent by ms.iimay time during the yeai , by paying' the postage. • • SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS' T3 s CADVASSEB3! SUATMEII 140.. Now READY - • Bill 1.... It A I I, WAY.' - , CtANZGE OF If GUMS. - -emultsencitig -3fora3Y; Mn . Y !..*- PX,:t. Trains' silt Great - Bond at mbout the Nl itr.eing hours, %I:: • . IVESTWA.I:I) I:01:1CD I 1...5.F.11% . ALI) I:ol'Np.. 'o. 1. Buffalo Ex. t...31-p.m. ' No.'_. N.Y. Expret 1:26 p.m N.,. 3. Night Es_ 1:17 a.m,.1 N 0.4. Night'xuress tt:::./ mos No. 6, Matl, et , 2•.:3 p.m. ' i No. 6,Steambeat •••'::11 p;m m 1., 3, Way; at - 6:13 am. N 6.10. Way. at ' 4:3i p.m . N ~17, W.ty Frei' t..12:57 p.m. No.tu..aamstant EsAri u,tn. ". , .7..).:l,A.e'coffitern.9:s•2 a..m - Nu.3),Way rreignt,tatatn IL Nos. 3 and 1 run every day. 'No.IO runs SixndAys.;.tiut d 1,1 no: run on Mondays. `'No. A of .itiodsys4 run.s, tutu' to IVATitra• titt.dnel4-not ran to Ilunkfi.k. • No. 6 r.nnins overnight at,f.imira. MIA'S 3tlsOT, Gt.n.,lSupt. • Administrator's T E rrLas adminiftration tfic,,ertati of the late. L NT, w•AVALDIIO:I. ofSorferd.baringbeengranted to tae un•hralgned. all perenns indebted to sad artite are rept.p.ted to make Iramedlete payment. and thirre hartaj ehtnt+attalnat th itune sill preaent thorn to . Hartnett tip). IStb, I thd:/ P. CAILPENTE.II, Adman's:n(ll4r de borar non. • Administratrit Notice.. xr apt% ill !catchy ;teen to all paPeona blitrialt &Mar /711 a-4turr Ow estate or Peter Thane,' We of dap rZ6 ) town:. ip. d.cteetat. that dip mime lung be pMen o 0 the na amigo d for mama:4. and all persona indebtal sal estate aie ftquatal Fo Pate IMAnedlllo_ol"lient -4abitra,Apt:tll7;t4l, Jaib Ad i TIOYNE, s. Administirtor's . Notice. 'w °TICE ts heieby air ato all none lraistitad to tbe estateof I), S. tIOA.G , late of pa Perot:, Lake townahlp, deceaoetl,that payment mart he made to the tindersivmed. and ttip,*ultfirtu. claims against wild 1:41#1, prelitlit themes' . Llitlnqi,Adativabtncor. Montrose. April Mb., 186 .=Ow The Conrail%lona .;4 lixpealence of an lA. rand-- YuCI bated torthettenent and tut a wemitne an a 4m-itiou to rin.; man who stirrer from Nervous Debility, prmi dare .Dismay. !Cc.; eupplying at thaaame the mean' or seltenre. Sty one who lute cared himsel4 after baler pat to great expeore through medical impoaltion and witchery, . yencloslor paid. addremed envelope abizie coolmi may be liad po whe author. Nd.TUANIEL mAyr&llt Eaq.. Watford. King* Co—N. Y. tribt9lyti, 'DEMONS OUT OF BUSINESS. and woullog iteaP forme. sea siliortlactotot. of Viskelasle 14 ofbocher • - mho= • • . - 11N.:E..-. - __:': : .:' GO()DS;'-',: 04111111. i. jAMESAt ' DETf. _ • . ettiabw Ittrattoceribler o pi,,Mel sps &soon . nont us), a . , . . iaeomplitcaseetttoset Of' . .. iaDitv• R 1111.3 gYgD-3 , _ . a Detainee..Moldimbigne. DeDalge. Poplins, Print*, Out. tam% Clockings. as. Denims, Stripe Shlrtiods. Tick., Drown and Illeachtd •Tdoslins. While Goods. Flannels, ac. Ushuaia( dicing tor'Scuraner wear, and ilddlleltir. oteeery desaiption. - . . MIEN'S WEAR. LOTIPS: hark and Pettey Cassimer, Ry. Jan. Sethi. Cotfinnede, and Tailor', Trimmings. An 'unsnap. linable Assortment re MC igg,ts Off C 7411•1305. 3ESCH3tI4I eb I.2I.COCUS, 'of aU kinds, nrowa and White Sugar. Syrup and Melaaset. Tea. Cot. fee. and 'lietence of Coffee., *plot. Pepper.. Sale:tins, Mackerel. Smoked Halibut, Codaidt. 12raelve, Brown It Fancy . Soaps. Itlvoi prepared Potaah, to peke Sort Soap with little trouble. le fine, the varlets &bMaya round In grocerf department. . r 4 eviliats. cfc Litineed. Coal. and' Wintenstralned OILS.,Saab. pia**, Poop, Wbito Land sod Zinc. Paint Bruslo, r Clll. C=o CJIFIC.I3:II - 11."Sr. White Orarati Chinn, Tteal thiaa, and ComaiOu Ware, Cans far Preserrifig Fruits. X-XexrciNnrEvro Nalhi. SUovets_ 113 sewction g tT I .EU, A ND - WARE. . - • - taaketa. flrailles-ehildran'e ("atm, AV Slow and Carriage atyle. TANNER NOTIONS. Crack. err. Sole Leather. Aaliton Salt Fine Table Salt: Cu. Jacy 41.tad.white Scouring !Sand, - A Goncral Stock of Straw Goods Montrose, May 13. lea -• DR. E. PATRICK &..DR t.- GARDNER ! T ATE GILA D UATE of TEE IdEDI6At DEPATXESIT ILA or YALE COLLEUE, Lave formed a capartnerahlp for the practice or m,cti clue and Fougernaud aro preparrd b. attend t ss faithfully mut punctually. that may b intrusted to their can. un terms commensurate with the t lotto. lis‘soes and • deformities ofthe EYE. enrgical opera• burls. and all surgicil di.taiscs, particularly attended to. re - Viticu over Welib's Store, °dice hour+ from 9a. m. to 9p. nt All Forts of country produce taken in FAY" .meet. at the highest Value, and can sot rtartalpit. Norm - bac, Pa., May 7th. tail.—tpt • _RAGS' WANTED. - v im blzhest cash price pald roi mixed 'or white- colorrtiraga bT- , .1011 N I). MARKER, /vet and nut Warehouse N. E. Corner of Fifth t COOP tscrce St. 1141IdelspIlla, • . mar put. IN .—sen • WEtsc) - ro. UNDEiRSIGNED now heonolea a part of TI. CI cmo me WAGON SHOP; near the Steam ..Ann. In Monuaiae. where he intenoa to tarry on the manufacture of WAGONS, BUGGIES.I SLEIGHS, REPAIRING, 1. .PO4VE IitEATLY • , :5 110_117 .11 7 °TICE. ‘, • A FULL SUPPLY OF SPOKES AVMAYS ON HAND. BENT STBEF for Ct : TTEßS.iand TFAVOIIII.Or- Pits' MA TERI.42S. BEST QuALrrr kept contraut, ly on hand, so as to be prep:l'yd to do good worn on abort notice. ' ' ' - •ti lothe:andmil . _ V. It. All pervlni intlehte.. . ignt pli,,autl belt!, their accouni.s.withotif turiller WM. GAILY. REM F.DY FOR HARD TIMES, where people have been thruwuoqt of hu-inese. and po,i , eaa eurne tie oteatis , or amall lucoottN,ht to mat• theutoelvea &home. iSecedvertisement in another column of the] settle caeca of Vinelt.nd,j DEALER Oa Dn. Ckifa GrocerteP,.l.:lnhrellap.rank.q . naIOMR. Ili l and. Shovels and .Forkf. Stone Warn_,Wcp.len Scare and ffrnums. ficad of Nay/- gat-inn, Public ANUPIIt. . . Munt.roie, PA,. May 11. GREAT -- COMMOTION DRY. QQODS,- JOHN BULL Threatens WAR ! BCLE SAM &FNMA FIRM gliuttrubrig, 'goudaum, It: to IN' Tn2B KAMM DRY GOODS. (Wrc•oerlogis. MEDICAL CARD. M . iiiitpre, April 12, 18oi2 HENRY C. TYLt4, GOOD NEWS ! ADD I'i Till: 302 riaCi the '3E-aEkt3t;`' so DOES VIE 1 7 11:11 Or AT THE STORES OF • , Co., AT Montrose, SABO County,,Pa., Elmira -'New-York,. Bisquelianna Depot, Pe. OUR FALL. AND WINTER STOCK s COmwolete , _ :illtlferteLirtgATzti-tina.i.giberlo.P4Aci or ali poeittge inti l t r estgqp. , t o , r° ' °" °11.1914°1° cib-9THING.,-; - laoils branch tam stock is eOtoPletei and rein be sad lower. sad more teetotally pptehed tbee tiny - imetberee eetehllehment.'or spy thour.borse ;mum this elOo of York City. is able to offer or produce. We ten eelpre the Public that we ometantly employ the beet matters end icorktnen tn. make tip our eta:lc. Germeate made to outer tOrTin Merl:tortes% notice:- GOOd Fit wirzrap . tetl - ot op Ws. FURNISHING :GOODS: A Groat Block "WO, soPt. aid ooldlowarthsa lowest at. entthb:rg, istabium: .te ' s Illteotant, i nglo , let, rift - : - -sgEtv - - .POTATOES. - urn - tisiniat P wlll e_ nap 8 Pdtab:ei wad ratan rrom the seed ballots lt n. sad baq bow foetid for witarat yaws end are now stokaowlodged by el/ olio havettiod them to be, tba the world for gesiend uultlvatioa; being large ; bealtby. vary productive aaAtitaiial tp the boat fa quality. For ado la Xmlsolio by . .,*142 4 1,1D*4.2% 4IE CO. TIMO~N SLED! LARGE, and ZEMIN 41013, • . /. • - volt sui sr . HENRY BIMEITT,Ii9.i; Milford HMV et b.7)2 / A? HIRSCHMAN :BROTHERS, AT THE `Bee- No. 20 Corner Bingham- An Immenso Assortment of HEW SPRING DRESS GOODS Of their, ,Own.lmportation. DIIILING Doe stay of one of oar firm in tdTtOPE, we have secured sud are now offering to our customers and the public in general, the lavewt and !midst/meta. ae lentos of DRESS GOODS hctr offered in this Village. Oa aceunnt of the depression of the European Marl:eta we are enabled to offer them, at BNPARALLED LOW PRICES. paving our customer., the Jobbers anditetailers Broths. Our Dress Goode Comprise those very Beentiful styles, an • Poplins - , ldozambiques, • Div. nag, Shalias, Assandrines,- " Croisee, Brocade do - Shepherd Plaids, Sazony:Barages, IChallies, &IL • An inuttanse stork of the latest styles of - 4:1.A.MaX100.111i . ‘ 41 , Good Shestlngs. Bleeelied Muslin', and all kinds of XiICIASZZUEST.X.C3 . arC,C)=IJES A great.vailety of Caszoitigais and . ClAlailigid.l22o2 • Cont, •••• For Ilea and Boys' wear. • A good assortment of the latest styles of x....gopiziatAmtaca2t.iiCes, • . • eonstaati7 on band and manufactured to order on short notice. igmhrolderies. LRCM Deese Trimmings and elan/thing Wonting to the line of • . - DRY: GOODS alwaya on hand. and sold cheaper than-ever found In any other Alec Immense assortment of the latest at; Ica of - MILLINERY GOODS, far whotePsie and retail trade, always on hand. . mil before purchasing elsewhere and Satisfy yotuseires of the above , raciest HIRSONEVIANN BROTHERS, No. 20 Coprt Street; • Si t u or. the BEE HIVE. Binghamton. April 1-7,•1n68. ABEL - TURRFLL NOw offers for suite oiie of•the largesv and best selections of Ever offded in Susqueltanna.County, and Yprobably comprising OW greatest VIA-' II'IETY kn.luotit different' articles of akty Store in dui Northern part of Peuttsylva- L nia, - andlpii'liaps of the entire State. An assortment s kept in about thirty -differ ent branch I of trade, and the selections are made from about forty of the: best Houses in New York,--and more. than fif ty Dealers:lM Manufacturers - out OfNew York. - A' hirge proportion of Ole Goods are b rou ol it direct frem the Maikutlicturers, thus insuring, genuine articles.. - Custom eres on enterino. the Store tutw.t not expect to find everything in-sigift; Vitt nearly ev ery article - wanted will. he produced hk inquiry. Some ideaof.the • Stock natty be ' termed by the following general oetline, but enumeration is impracticable. DRUGS - ANDMEDICINES; - - • ' • .. PAIjVTS AND OILS, I) YE STUFFS. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, - CROCkUr, CLASS': WA RE, LL and TINDOW PAPER, J£13.4"/. - •S:J/...V*R.IVA R F,• - i'ERFU:AIf:ER . „ FA .VC Y GOODS, „ MUSICAL 'INSTRUMENTS, BRUSHES AMERICAN POCKET Kh./VES, . • TA BiE CUTLERY; and *. : •>SILVER P LAT E.D. _W 14E L.:IMPS, MATERIALS fur LIGHTS, HARDWARE,. .• BED CORDS, - STONE WARE, DRY. GOODS; - ittninOßS, AND PICTURE (LASS,: • • LiTiIOGRAPUS, --- • VARNISHES,- - Blh'D CAGES, • SPECTACLES, - 11'lIIPS, LASHES, BROOMS GUNS, PISTOLS, 11.11111.13N1T‘0 14 ,1. Tou,kve.o. MEDICAL SURVCAL Irir,Funta tr y . SALT. UMBRELLAS. ' . •• - PORCELAIN TEETH, In WOK ei•erk thiti to finsfaigthe 6 ielS-t° Pken*efthritatitei . wilel!gb;':thetlY , to &miry fancy, and atio to oainitipe to the real inbstintial eenifOitsollife. The attention Of the public is rasped fully invited to m y stock of Goods, bought exclusively for oisu mut- sOill - be sold:on the,sante_principle for low•prioes. A.BEL TURRELL.. :goat* April 190802' . ettlitrrt - AT GREATS p, S*l, COUNTY, PA. ' 4 1 4 210is ak14131231:19.** TiorZigit Orr fall seticot; tintht - ON" '''lllttmiltergA 19114 . 188 . 1..andistmtinne -XLEVAIN WAR under tee direction of R. CIISIIIIAIS; its S courts Of instruction luall the bunches..theeonah Sed prectical;.. , . A tho prepuetWgiliin to pcoung 1:11011 'doelrillg to Wes vane. • • • A %timbers clam will be argainted'at, the commence. mentof the term, the more fell training of those wishing to math; gnd imelettnee rendered them in pro• caring situations for the summer. Tide class wl/1 , re ceivelnetrnetlaa op the atm and :Immo of toorhlog, one hOor each day land have public tneettous once In two FeekL - • CUSIIIAN; -- •,. „. • - S. B. , C4ARE, AIL, hatzteter In Greek; Lat. lo and German. REV. J. If. SI ARABY, chaplain and tauter on moral science. . . MISS A. If. OREII. Teacher of Primary Department. =SS MATTIE.I. 0 R ANGE:reacher of inmate on Fish* • Te i rais of Tuition. • cptimmainrynnDenranporehtmiT '• im, t,siegtinittifele:ren weeks. $3 60 • ' . . 6.1 V higher English d AlathemnUce do., 6or Natural Scleneee i'' -, . • do., •1 00 I.stikmagesl, Ancient or =caw& j . do., .. eOO Teacneri NdrinaliCiaes . ' . do.. '. .1 50 Music on Plano_ 1 . -- , do.,' goo Use of Plano 1 , • 1 • -do., .. , $OO The higheibranetteelnelade the loiter, thus: $8 CO per quarter covens all branches named, above , except teach er; clau and runs e on piano. . • . Board tan be o tabled with famished rooms at from 1 3 13 to $2 $0 per week—lights, washing and fuel murk students ielAinta to board themselves can obtain rooms in the school baUdlng br applying in season. .. Great flond.Atiril .'4 . 12.—y1 L... - . MILIINEtY & STRAW GOODS. Tv-shave the pleasure otannonneippt that we are now le prepared to offer, at oar old stand. Pos. 103, 105 and 107, North Seiond•et, above Arch, Philadelphia, • a well selected Meek of , - MILLINERY and. STRAW GOODS! In every satiet the tttest Impoitations, and newest and must fashionable styles. Oar Straw Department will eoeyorlie every of flannels Date. and Trimnilnes to be found in that line. of the la. test and amt a.)proved shapes and atyles. ..fiolicltlcit an early call or order. I remain, Tours - . HeinetttluilY. . • n. WAD D. • hive. ti7yElt=rtnotirrka °Labuerrci;sTLlvlns TAB, and also J. It. Stet Turd's Inns men Scum= Pon , Dens. Wive TS . is n thin. transpnreutlinld ; it le the best remedy kuqwtifpe diseases or the throat, lungs, or Catrrh. Also Ibt diphtheria. Croup. Whooping Cough. Ow.' Its Iron erid Sulphur Punters strengthen the eye. tam. pill the dig4stion. Cud purify the blood. I have a sixteen page pamphlet Containing full explanations. and Over one hundred tostnnoninls from welt. knoien prom'. tient persons, Which I will send to any ono ?roe b 9 malt. J, 8, 9 r.S.PPOIII), . ja3o-Iy* 449 liroadtryy. N. • _ . • Soldiers Bounty, - Arrears of ' Pa 7, '&c. la {ANT valid Otillns now =tit for tha—sloo Loney,. A fil grantedbr the Government. Mio fur ii. rears of pay, dpe il.ticisedauldlera. Parents. widow& or hair+ of die• f ceased soldiers. are entitled to draw the ammo. The sub scriber from Wig expetlence In the Unslnes., and having. the forms and id tractions recently received from Wash ington. is now i leady to prepare. - and forward all 'inch t uldis a + may e intrusted to Me care. • March 12, 'a - 2 ••--Sin • • L. F. FITCH. MBE appended extract from the.circbi rof Lonberbaok. Gilbert k Co.. successors of Mooney ; Cohn - Co.. in the general hardware and Cutlery Businein, will etplain Itself and I (Snot permit this opportunity to pass with out again tendering my hearts thanks to the many Mer teethe and trading friends who have so liberally ded to me thtlicuatom mid Infidence, since my tipsiness interests have been mostly in thick) , of : and I still invite them. as well ait.thOse who have not fonnd it convenient to do so. to favor me with their patronage. in return for a determination to and PrOMIPP to please. if possible. - - G. TYLER. Montrose March sth, 1962. N. B. M. C. Tvz,En, has apceiffed interests with us, the tame as with unr predecc4ors, MOOS LX, C 0111.: CO.. and would-be happy to see his old friends or receive their orders, which we will execute In the very beat man , ner in his absence. I.OODEBBACK, Giustra it co., tabGe 23 Park Row, onposite the Aster Bonne. ItE m j e a t tl‘L , So o :tik i lp3r4 mt Al i t n it z I s tc ‘ b w e i ha e r r e . aive , earz.... nations accomPane each box.. Soap is as easily made as a cop of coffee: DlTituutsctored the Patent:ma, Suit n ,f; , l•fri ..o;rn puny, ' tch6 tyjer. I I:llWalitut-st., dis ttka` iir .. .D li t 0 ' - L 3 TIMOTHY. SEED IfIZA.DFOrtI) 'COUNTY ',LARGE ; and. wEsTk:ltx MEDIUM Clover Seed. • GOLD-DRO SEED *SEAT, Peai, Beans,. azd Barley for Seed, Field andlSweet Seed Corn, ' • . Johnson's and c-onistock Garden Seeils,rny-sale by ALtEti, DEANS Et CO. 3lontro,c March 110,1862. • _ - NATRONA COAL. OIL. WAl'al?lriljsl74;Exripstvt: and equal 'to Why buy an explu,lre OIL when a few cents more per gallon wlll forulab you IPlth a perfect OIL t l‘ladc only by PENN'S MANOPACTIMUNG COMPANY. 1274Valuut . Strcet.p1IILADELP111.& , March . Ir. • NEW mthvoßp NORMAL SCROOL will SPR ia r' OTEttlit ;If ilt. invppe . ais Inctittiilon . 1. will co menet. un Wedneedar. Fibm/012dth. and 'continue it week.. RatemorTuition a. hetc:otorn. Fnr partici:liars retirees 31. L. Bawler. Principal. T. BOYLE. Sec. 11. 0.-illit_iTT. Prof,. • STAND= BY YOUR GUNS!. ~E . 57.A.V1S ! WITH 40,000 ROD HOME'S Arme4 With Mich-Bats: WITHIN VI 01 , ZTHS MARCH OF W S 111 1 1 V GTON 35EjtILV"3:13 `33X 4 /Colsl , fitt - lIM WINTER GOODS, tatagLleg. Rterisetegs. GO RUB THE DAY ! And with; aplentifut supply Mt have purchased a large etockof STAPLE and FAA'Cin DRY GOODS, OROCBRIES it PROVISIONS. fK HATS PbA CAPS. - 00 .A .TS 4.'D.- .3SHOES. - hair PAPER! , WOODEN - • W 4 RE, COAL °Mewl LAMPS, -Y AY KEE NOTIONS • 1 SIIBIETON FLquit, SALTi .FISI - kNAILS; A„.N I) OILS, • And SOAP other art Inhlot tocennuserersato taenti on,whlnh MUI tin sold at pricuz that IFM_ • , F Defy.. .Ventlietilion. 3;1047 WQrgat Who Placa Big it you inquire (0.00 neighbors for Th6"Chesp Moroi They eillllpireelably direct, ye!' ' .RAIMEN BROTTIER _ • TE rEcipirs AGENTS.. . • OniMNAU" ONE PRICE" STORE! P ROP FICK taken ia.ExeJtunge for Goods, * -!Cub Paid tor rank HAYDEICt Bitorrarine. ICLUPORT4Nortaaor NA, liotti . 4162 . 4 „ inr717 , irci_Eqpindarel zulanitiecotI t od. A. *taws szumf soveimarre, siuniric km' ,i3L- pound nd aparadk. payable In ail lb*" pliactpa tanus of Easlai_ _ltilland and Secaland,for= • - coon*, 4k co.. In WWII! ' 1.- •- • • lteatiram,'Pa. 1 • . -ORITTVINDEN . 0 - -- PRILADELPRI COMEIERRIAL . : .. i .- -. • - ...., • ! ' - "-- C OL LEGE, . - i ;.. .., . N.E. Otto? dflth &Chestnut/its:, .•,.-.., I l,le tDitittlttotirlfhtCh ' ' Callblllllll4 Ili 1814, tad is new,cone.sonently ha the highteemb year - cf its cubit, ante, ntimbers. amtmg its graduates - hundreda at, - the most etteeeasf4lllerchants AO . MIA of • our, Country. v- - ' - - - ' e t ttb lnsti t • TheobJeiesotorehort u tut on Isetlely to voting mentatilit tgh tiOufor ras. • • - The biauchs + tangheare,Liook-keerting.. 44 epp/144 1 A4 to the eartuus departments ;urine:to tyanatenahip. - both plain stud ornamental; Comnieretal, Law, Jgathetnatlea. Navigation. (VM Engleeerthg, Draivtng, Phonography. and Muth= Langnagee. _I . - .. - The system of - 16643mi1e* le peculiar:llo' elastealereet lessens,arentade ahe or; but each 'ludo/att., taught Indi vidually, ro that he laity coMmenee at anytime,- and at tend at whatever 11011111. mutton convenient. ~..- , - Catalogues are" hunted antinally atter the 15th of Aril, containing nut as (tithe atedente foe the year, .end ful l nutlet:Liars otierms:&e., and may - be . ebtanted, at: any time by 'iddressing the Prin ci pal. ' . , , • ~ • ~ I n env:melee accommodation . wide-spread ienntatlen, and the lengthy expertene.e.of the Principal. this Inatitn, than offers htellities enperier to any othertu the contra. for young Man wishing to,prepar• for beginese.and tool,. min at the same time a, Diploma. which will prove a recommendatiou for them to any Mercantile 11011,41... ' . gdr - crittenden's Series tat Treatises -..0n- Flook4teep. log; now mote, widely eireeTated than entothet track en IhreubJect, ate for sale stlthe Cullen _ „ ~e.v -. _.,, .... 1 - . .8, I.IODGESTRITTLIMIN,. .- •..' - • . . dlionwy-al-Law, _ - .. . , • - ' • PahrCl4l. . . R EPORT orsOLoti-Rosur69)l, OF THE NI.:IOIA.TELEENE, VIITELAND (SETTLEMENT. SoirThe renown:els sh extract from the' report -of Robinson; Esq..pahl Imbed 112 the Ilea York' Tri bunal. in reference to Vineland. All persoits eau read this report with inteielt. i . - • ',Advantages of rarmitignear Nomo—Slaelaad—floo marks upon Marl—Soil, its groat Fertility—The Cause mix Fertility—Ainotint of Crops . Produced— Practical Evidetteos -i- 1 It to anal' illy one of theme:At - extended fertile tints. Man almost levelposltioti, and suitable condition for ideas:Mt [firming that we know of this side -of the i west et n prairies. We found spate of the oldest farms appa rntlyint ea profitably productive's:: Olsen first cleared of forest:Lifts or a hundred years ago. Tar Ip:l34:gist would Oen diecover the Caen of this -coutintrEd fertility, The tdbolcceuntry is a marine fie. • posit. and all through the airve found evidences of (ail careens substances, gent ally in the form of indelated calcareous marl. showing nuntydlstinct fora:Sof ancient shells, of tbeterthary formation : and this mariy substance is 'scattered all through the soil. In a very comminuted form, India the exact condition most easily assimilated by suds plants-as thefarmer desires to cultivate. Mari, in all its forms ha* been used to fertilize crops in - England. from the time in Was occupied by the Ramses: and In Prance and Germabv a marl bed is counted on ea a valuable bed of matirrd,lhat can -be dug and carted and spread over the field. I how much more valuable then ituitiot lie when found already mixed through the soil, where new. articles will [be:turned op and exposed. and tram-form:4 to the ow nerie use every time lie stirs the 'earth. . . . . flaying then tmtlitcd oitr minds with file comm. they old not be excited with d ender at seeing indubitable ev idence of fertility of a suit - which ist our situations, hay leg the same general charecteristieserat least appearan ces, is entirely X, nremunerstive except as Its prUdlletWO. ness is promoted pin - Odds] fertilization, A few words about the tnality and value of this bind . for cultivation, of whiclove have some strong proof. Our first visit was to i lWilliam D. Wilimn, Franklin township, Gloucester co nty. who purchased :some - eight tulles north of Melville. about three years ago, for , the purpose ofeidabllshingaateina mill, to work up the tim ber Into hawther, to aendoff by the new railroad, as well a's thellrewood and coal.ifor which he built a track a Dille and a half long. Ile also tarnished sixteen miles of the road width ties, and:had no doubt made the mill profitable, though his main object was to open a farm, f waving become couvinced that the soil was valuable for cultivation. In this he nos not been disappointed, as some or his crops Prove 4 For instance, the second time of cropping. Mk; bushelseat potatoes on one acre, worth Isp cents a bushel in the field. - This -rear., seven acres, without manure, produded WI bughel - a of oats.. In one field, the first crop Waal potatoes, planted among -the roots, and yielded 'l5 buihels. The potatoes were doe, and wheat sown, and yiShied IG bushels : and the stubble :turned under and sown ito bnekrelpiat which yielded 33% bushels; and then the giound was sown to clover and timothy, which gave a4s i drat crop 2 l ‘ tons per sure. The fertilizers applie to these crops were first. ashes from clearings ; second, :. 5 pounds of *superphosphate of dine ; third. sox pounds Peruvian guano : then 50 bosh els of slacked lime has been spread niion Die clever since it was mowed, and turned in tor wheat. Mr. Wilson's growing crops. and the reboot - stubble of the present season, all indicate lonia:id aspruductive as' any part of the Stat e. I I 'I • At Mary Harrow 's, mai old style Seisey woman farrier. several miles south of Mr. Wilson's. we were ea partlea larly struck: with the finpappcarance eta 'field ofeorn.that see stopped to inquire of the hired man how it' was pro duced.bute found thatithe land had been the year I one before in wheat..sdo n with clovsr, and this cut one season, and last sprin,,, , riplOwed once , with one -psur old nag," and planted witteconn -Yes, but you manor :d high , see suppos ' ir wesald in terrogatively, and got 1 Is repl,r ••%%nal, you see. cc . ouldu t done that ; 'cause tee i hadn't, but forty-one b/ tee I uatisaltogetter. fur 23 acres. 1 and west - anted ths mot on't fur tau truck,' The truck eons sted if beets. carrots", cabbage. encum bers, mellosis, Se., eud-overy productive patch of Lima beans, grown fur mar,keting. Ss. we were satisfied that the soil was ant infertile, even unaided he clever, which had fed the corn, because tbe"tr. - ek patch" had not been elovered. and had beeri In cal Ovation lung enough to ob literate all simot of the forest.• , - . Our next visit was td the large farm of Andrew Sharp. five fillies north of 'Midvale. from half to a mile east' of the railroad.tind just about in the centre of Vineland.— Mr. Sharp commenced worr.t here in December. 1338, up on fIU acres. In less ban three years 'he has got Tat acres cleared and in ethos this season. all well Inclosed and divided into several fields..with Cedar. rail, or pole fenee; has bath a two-story dwelling, about thirty-sit or kitty feet-audit slier house for farm laborers, and a stable and granary an come other outhaildlngs. Considerabie part o the land was cleared for the plow at eo dollars anacre. and on someofit the tint crop was buckwheat_ limed with 501ni4heis In powder per. acre.— Th Is crop may be put in from July 4th to 20th. and yields from twenty to t hirtyintsliels per acre. hareesttid in Nov emb'er ; ohm) the land beingsowedtwitb 160 pounds of Perifvinn guano and aeded with rye. :yielded 12 to 15 bushels per acre end t n dollars worth., of Straw. The / rye stubble turned. aft i knocking: AT it lame growth of oak sprout-and dres,4sl again with, Vann and seeded to.wileat. gave 13 or 11 bushels .. The crop whitih he was threshing while we w re there promises more. pf a very plum p grain, and the trate is vete heary. , . We went over the s bble and found the clover and tilnoiby, trout seed so ieed last spring, on the w heat with out harrowing. lookilfi;a ‘ s well as we ever saw it upon any aid cultivated farm. and with alittle work.! done In, the winter to Clear 01r , some roots and rotten stumps, and setting stakes' to filark permanent One, nn will be f i able to cut the crop 14st year with a mowing , machine and we will gtutrautua two tons per acre. If he ;will give Ithe rwerplits if it overruns the estimate. " . Part of the land wasiplanted with potatoes for a first 'crop, which yielded ode hundred and twenty baskets per acre. It was then lined with fifty bushels per acre. mid seeded ,o,h,oil iea t and clover, yielding an average of over 15 bushels per tithe, and the clover now thoks beau tiful. , 1 - , Other portions have been planted with corn ,"as a first crop, which yielded thirty bushels of vellow flint corn: and the second crop forty bushels. amid -the third crop. treated 1.30 pounds orguano. we are , slue no one would estimate below fiery Pestle!) per acre. (The reader will reeollect that the writer Is now speak . s lWZ. idercd lu go od oflands p arable rfeetivi c inew. oudltion.—ED.l and whichean scarcely he con, .. ' In other cases the corn crop °fleet year was followed 'with oats this lom-onl not yet threshed, but will aver:JAN, probably forty to fitlyihnshele. Sweet ,potatqes, beans, 1111.1:011s, ondin fact. pit vegetables, as well as young peach and other fru itltrees planted this year.qihow very plainly that this lowneglectediract of land. should re. main so- no longs:l , . arid thereto now a s rungt, probability that it will not : fur mune the atripices of :dr, - Landis. it will be divided4nni squall tots, with roads located to ac ed:ern:ad:Mend—the surveyor is now buoy et this work —and all pureharers frill be required to Willa ; watt corn fOrtable houses, and littler fence their lots its uniformity. or a:rec to Inv withut fence. which world be. prefera ble, he which means a good secured who will be 1 who will establish ch rcher. schools, stores. : mills, ma ehittesshoPe and horn s—homes of American farmers. cur. 'rounded by gardens, hum , fields and comforts piety. tined lire. - - i ll'any one , from sdydernagement of buelnees. Is dcslr ' one of chancing testi:list:its for life. or who is frou any caustidesirour to find *newton:4ton and cheep home in the counter.. and whit may rend and believe what we have truly rioted. he will tlo well to go and sector himself what may ha seen wi th in- two hours ride of Philadelphia, ' : ~ SOLON ROIIINSOIsr. b BEE TURRELL Ts now prepared tcl cure every casn'or SCIIOFCLA In I.he Country, and, he Pas Remedy- t:O i• nearly clay' IV to which dealt is belt, Cali At thtt • • • • - GREAT.RIEEDIGINEEREFORWM of ABEL TUREELL, and be trailed of the benctlta - dia. peon& • . 1 - Montrote.Jely.l7. 18G1. • IWZROWfBiIiE -16twipto. , Ak . Pplendid assortinent Just revatiliti. chirnnirs.abadent Anroort. wicks d etc.. at - ' Mitten's. •• Gold Medal . : - Salortietu • 9 , '...4•10 30 oleOl other ilndif, - . 9;llle'liert in'itn market . for into LA: -Iw ' ' • Alt¢t, Ttatltttl.L. 313W4 4 470WICOLAMp . F"Teinters* u l tra enhetttuta for turpentine. and at mach pr , fur sale by • ;ABEL, WRIt,ELL. LIIBIrOATIDIG OIL - , T . portmi Eitaco MatbinerT, for A l i ar t !ii rnazu.. _ _ TURRELL'S 'PURE OTIIT! & ELM MI i. FpR ,SALE BY: ABEL TURRELL, morirsosz. JAMES R. DrAtt_ s trr; :: ' is trowpplraiwo ,iiiirieskift#olo-80r(001* • -. _ E DANDLIONt -- COFFEE • . . • - Nuns Preparation. nude from the bed hen Cofee, J. rocamulsod•d brthysielans as a superior Zlistritions beresage,tdr GlituaralDebiuty. Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorder: • Thousandstirho hare bier;:telled to aban don the soma cedes tuie this witbottl. aeons elect Vas eau contains the systistliostrro ocrrdloary :aloe: Mai Manta. • For by Abel Turrell. "XOLLOCKII_ LEV AIN, The pereciiIIAZDTO:POSIAR kuOwn. far Snikiar4lits ZWM4 and unkilltria &cad and Wm. PHee 15 cents.. Yanufaetured by. X. 11:601-LOCIEL, Chemin, Corner of Broad and Chartitatats, Philadelphia. • Sold by ell Draulsts und Grows. - UM:ll7lm lIARFORD UNIVIIRSITY. Iyalarnitem - ottbts Inalitutiouirill flamenco ea IVnteclay. September ob. Thi Witter tom co edam:lay Decetaber 42b; 'rialto Spring rotra.ea sooty. February 14ta.. • Zara Term tondos ereloven .303capanrcrarze. TrlTloB.'ommon .Biinshoe. fad ding Toad mei'. _ le, • 0.00 ‘:Katurail Phtlasolobi,Clust. Physiology and Drab , Keeping 100 Algebra. , Oecrmetryand aneletit Ls/waves. .90 d i *A lcoa Mao, until the War la over,. Room rent. -1 1 ,6 s 1) Espearee of Recitation room • : 1.00 Lectures iiith a good' 9plastus are given every . .. .• • _. -, - 11 1./ room laternlebed with's 000klog Acme. hodatesd end table. for dente Irk/ ehowre to boirdtheeneelses. Board can be bad In the nelghborbood at two dogee per week. - Pay In advance, or properly Reared. . . llarforti. Aegestll.llBl. . . . . .. . -WANTED !. W ANTED ! WHITED HITLER'S 1111111.' Imo bushels of Oats, - 10,000 lbs. Fresh flutter, in Tubs or Rolls, 500 lbs. lieeswar, . 5,000 dozen Eggs, 500 dozen - pur.s Good Woolen Socks, dth.1.180 . 0416.1931114. • . FOR WIIICII.2IIE 'Highest Market Price will be Paid in • GOOD GOODS • Hair •IL . viz Cont.. montro.e. • Nov. 4th, 1661. MW:fill&WINIER.1010 I.AT 111,1111'STOR!: FIRST STORE BELOW TARBELLS. ii . PILE or • • • • r/ cl•cociswei, CirPLGoCI7.II 3 I.. I ID Ea , FRESII.CODFISII, STONE WARE, -.- WOODEN WARE, 81t0031,5, . • • - &c., PAINT & VARNISH .' • BRUSHES, BLACK- -... - ING, SCRUBING, . HAlR,Tooili; -• . . • - - NAIL, and LATHER • ' BRUSES, ALL VERY CHEAP:. ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE, &' LAMP l'• , BLACK, TALLOW;. SOAPS. • • .Of every Hind but sorr. , .. .. - AT - TY LER'S , STORE. 1 B EST farning, Fluid; Kerasee. Camphene ; Tailor, Adamantine, and, Spezia' Candles, Ac. •. . Calla 4 \ sstti 4 .. 1 2 ' S na l ur:Vg It _ COD LIVER. Pere Olive, Castor, and Metallic On, for N-1 machinery; also Mariam end British 011. . •• • FOR THE HAIR, AND . MOUTH. Arr . A Y: E go s 2 r el d i, l o i gagina r i. z . Y/ o'n b e'l'n 3 ft:o l shillimr Rale Tonle., Oletasßear's end Rr.'e Heir. OlLJ'omade•dc•t'hilocame. Pomade•do•Fhilocome. Philadelphili and I'I• York Month Wash. tit.:'s Frayant Sliver. for the teeth and 1 and yun,Dalyryianle's Mouth WasA. Dental Soap. Ac. 1 . AT: TYLER'S STORE. ..' -40-011SN'Sinairrn Root Pills • Wrighrs Indian Vegefil , l , ! i Ift Pills, Cephalic Fills:'=Alcatn on limlache. 1 Or"Dont ask to f,,•et.-trusted at TELE il'S STORE. I Mimmose, Nov. 4th". RENRY C. TYLER. THE WE CONTINUED! GREAT BARGAINS PREVAIIING. NEW FALL GOODS Fur .Cash•and prompt Cr:mon:Ed Dupers 13E. 321 T-T WLI9L I 9L - 7, would agliniiall attention to bin New and Large stock or FALL IND WINTER GOODS I now being receickd, andembracing the most desltable l carletles•of Ladies Dress Goods, iu Rich Fall Prints; Cashmeres. DeDines. Ottonutn-Values. Merinoes, Tombourd•Reps., Dingbams and Silks ; Steb Is. Silk. Broca*, and Wool Long Shaw/s, Rich Ribbons, Bounets..and Flowers, • . Ladles' Cloths, Broadcloths. Cris- • - Mittens, Ike., with b very fall ' aiAortinelat • . .. . • . Staple and Fancy Goods . 1 i . .att usual In - , .. . 'f. nardware, Crockery. Trott. . • Nails, Painte. Oils, Dont. and :theca.. nate and Cape. Clocks. Wall Paper, Lattice . • I • Porn, fluffalo..linbea. Carpttiqge. &c... with a dew assortment of - Stu - et* end Tritnminge of the bent gnallty4 made to order: sa. &c. V" As the Mock In large and bought fur cash, he is futlY prepared 'to conquer 'a •• Yeace, - "•,and secure the highest advantages of the —War" to his Customers, who art: In. cited to ranee themselves. under hie - Bannern" and nal cart the benefits of the "Fight. "• ' 1 Flour-.& Salt ; constantly on band licw3lllford,Oct:Ober ISAI. = . ' 11. BURTIITT: NEW .i. .4 - T . i .. ' I. Why' the Property 1:.. - a i s r s.uolt peen Settled 1Be• e. AI I IIN .- BEANs &,.. .co i . Tat's onesiou the rearl , eresturally atk . s. It to henna° /. I I ' s 1• lt haebeen held to large tracts by tainsa. a 1:9Vin11.0111% to sell.and being within:iv:ill:call facillth.c they haslc. iv Under Montrose' Democrat Office :I ind cements. The railroad has just been oiwned tkro' .11 I the ,iMperty this season, forth.: tiro tipple. .A.RE RECEIVING . • .. 1 ' . , I: ,sitors arc shown over tbe laud 111.11 can Mgt., free or (.3 p.!Ara, and &siert - 441r ;me and sniport n n 0 y far tisoroegb • a Fresh Ground WestcrarLouri !.,...1,-, Son Thua• v. Ins come nit% 11-,laW tri sette. tiling Moiler to scone thcir . porchat l es, se Inca, . everfaCl days. which we warrant to gi re sat isfactly I!lane are nci held trpon - rfneal. _ SW any to market; if out good returned at our expense,. Tnc 'darner T:0 rner TIIINU e. Li A TIREP. where people he% a • . • • been tLrown out of•emplayment Or laii•tures. and posre_ Feed,• . .and Buckwheat • Flour; e,,,,,,,,,,ffit: meaty , or triiall ten vacs, te tor/LH arm- • cALT AND PaRK 1 _ , e , 111"1-1 a hf*,:),c. They ran buy a Bleep. of land at a. smell price, and earn non: than m:,ges in improving It. -nnsi I ''' • - oil 1,1 v. hen it Is shin° it Is'a rertatn)rtepentlence and no loss. BY TIIE LOAD, BARREL POUND. I A few acrt-i in fruit tree,. will Insure a roinfortelietiv. • I i leg. Thelma is put dawn to hard.tirnerrice?. - -rnd el: • HAMS, [Sugar Caredlr . ~ . ~ 1 I improvements tan be made at a cheaper rate than most . _ - " Dried Beef,_ -'. -i!. n '' , ll, l th r ,;:f4ii;t. ',hi, A x n;IleF front on the ratinuid, is being laid out with sine nod spurious avenue/. n ith ' a • ~ . - Smoked.lialibut i , i-tbw., in the cenuenve-acre the Lawn roll at (r. In • .: Drips and Syrups, - i -11.% to &VA; too and a-half acre lots, et from $5.0 to i its Molasses and -Sugars, - i and tuna Inlefill feet front hr 150 feel deep, at. tily—pa• - - ' I .I aLlaone-hilf cash and the balance within a year. It ifs ' TEAS, , COFEEE, - SPICES I ' only upon farm of twitulylacras, or more, that fotryear• • I, I i arm. Is given. - .• . • ' BROOMS, AND NAILS, .' !! • T.O - .IIANLIFACTI.tREIN. the town Infer& n Coe opus. !pc: , far the , . SIM: rals , i L t:Aac .. l4 ,, r . isig Itslrass, so . .d 0t 1 . r , ars ‘chict we 5,r0 foe sale at Low Priced, for READY i''At 1 t::::.a.s. being gear s town:yob, ,the AnrroilaG:ll; • ONLY. - Montrose. July 9. ISal i . t .1 p, . ;oat • fforr' ori , : noun 11 las a ..Nr pap . SOD. which 1 .1 a;0 .._ - -. ! market. • - This settleinent; In the coarse of several yeara.,*lll he one of the most Iseastritul plaice to the country, and most agreeable for a midence. . • it is talented to make it a Vine and -Trait. growth: country, as thisnulture is the moat prontable -end thy beeradeptsadtothe market. Every advantage and ter. icnience for the settlers wilt be introduced which will In • au:alba prosperity o: the ware. The hard tames thro'-- out the country will be an advantage ro the settleturio. as it compels people to ciaart• to apt:shore (cc a Le ine. . . ." I tare numbers of people are pritcbtalng. and peo;•la who desire thabest lomitton ehonld rialtthe lancet once. Improved :land - la also for *alit; - - • ' • .TlMBER.....Landcan be bought wi th or althea* tire 'bee, The Timber at market Wallet inn. ' - • The Title is indisputable. ' Warrantee .drets given, clear of all Incrnbfenee, when 1 rto to orcy . I. paid. • . Doardingeourenienete .at hand. - Letters promptly anawered, and reports of Solon Itch... !neon mad Wm, refry sent, together with tho.•,•Ninctand • Ittira Ho m l.” ' _. • • / e to the land i—l.earoWaltrat eXert• wharf. riAll 0. - dolphin. at 9 o'clock; A. M..and 4 P. it... (rulers ther4 should he a chance of hour.) for Vineland. on the Mare. boro' and Milirfile Railroad. When you leave the- . cars - at Vineland Station. ince opened . Inquire for' • ELIAS. K. LANDIS. Pootniaster. . . Founder of the Colony. vvssz.esn r, 0., Cemberland County N. J., - P. S.—There Is a change of ears , at Dlesstoro'. Air • beware of sharpers on this care frouiliew York tie d . 1 Isr adelphla to Viucland,lnniiring your buoinela, (festive - - lion, &e. . Janary!. 181.2.- - ..m9 • . ~ , _ - .. HOIMaY; :: Gourds 1 WANTED! §,OlO Men Women and Children at j •EVANS* ALLEN'S Jewelry Morel to buy Wutetled, Jewerly and Fancy Geode, for. -I THE - -- HOLIDA.ITSI I The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to thnla Mends, hat they have Ms day fawned from Now York with an unusually large and well selected stock of Geckle with especial reference to the approaching restive Selin: Any person dtsirouf, of uorkltrg - Christnats• Or New Year's' Pre'sentit;l i can and a rich and eater:4lre. assortment to select and at prices that cannot rail to suit.anwe boy our Goods excluelvely for ath, and olio* them mitlipleaanre eirkt out charge. EVANS ALLBN: Itratehei--Ladice Diamond rnanieled. and plath a splendid article. Also a wartetrotGold and Sikes Usti. American and Swill, liuntingand - Plain..very Gold Chalus—Avery extensive variety of Vest, Fob, Guard and Neck Chains: h7' BraWs to Periling, and Drama Pless—An Infinitevar et of styles and nriemt. in sets and altr le. Finger Itlnge—DlAinond.Raby.lligaidAstl,lsee Chased and Plain Gold Ringp—a large otocki • • Bracelets—Gold, Jet, rlated,and HAIR Bracelets of all re:Marna and priced. _ Swag id Au.t..! Silver Ware—Every description or ltliverrorlo,mtd Spoons. Napki nilUngs. op NW also Snap and Gravy Ladles. Curie. Card Cues, Pie. Butter and Pratt llaiveo, Children , ' eat., salts. etc._ warranted gond As coin. . • Plaited Warn -A Beautiful aseortrnent or Ice Pitelsers Castors: Cake Daatretd:Waltere..Batter Dishes, &Mars Salts. Knives, locks, Speetts; Tend Racks. Cups Goblets etc:. etc., lw . • - • Evans & AtAxn.! • peeve Buttons f ad stuih . Ft4 large stock 41411 patterns and prim; _ • rid Necklace, and Arreds4l,-Amber' Chnil Pearl:Olt Steel , and silverßeads. 1131 - 011 uoutalt•••160 steels Of shell back and side catiois; also Gadd_ !A.. Moulin C°1 1 4 4 eltd l ratiOr o Milla t o 1 ., -04 .;• ' ;:.-113"CrAtfiliVegliV 4.341831:6r, .4010 Niovirt Snlthemiell4 - CommENIAL..,CtIitEOL . pasted owe' . Valk7 Sink. BINGHAMTON N. Y. FACIULTV D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Pinfeszoi of the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant. Author of Ltrivell'a'Presticii upon Hoult•Ki;il, ino. Diagrarna illestroing the curie. Jtiii.NßArltts,c'tir.:mtre;al tircent.trint, rrofcs• r Of nook Keeping. and Prartica I Mathematic.. J. J. Cunt% Atnisteht Pruicuicur in the . Bur,k Department. • - 3 RN F. It Profeszor* r.f Practical an d Or naiscntal j'enmitordlip, Commercial Calcui a • t;r6nv and erarearondtcce. , . .. . LEC i llUlt 1.111 S : liOn.Dnuiel.S.Dieltirson, Lecturer on Go L. MP f ' cia Law and Politial Economy. - Iron: 'Unarm lalcom, Lecturer on Contra 4 to. ,t• • Promissory Notes and 11th, v! Excl.ange. - It'eV. 14. E: Andrews; Lecturer on Conur.creio! Ethic's:: .1 CLuourrixo co,1111T•rEl: I " Elva; SlAtirm . :in WM. IL. os6tan, toy . . l'Fracy . R. 3.1.0 van. Epq. . Tire objeet•.of thin Colh•ge. in to ?ford to ! aa opportunity of obtaining • thorough Burt :duration. jTha Book. anil:FGrtna Ste carat:l'4 orronged •14 Frritip.l aceountoatA - exprelk3'..y tor thin In stltution trod embraee ull tbo recent luirro‘l. • niunts. j , The course of iustru•th.ln of.rnpr..PS CVet y d partment of-htislness. The learner wilt b.• thoroughly taught the soR-tiev and practice of Double:Entry, Book Keeling -as applied to following kinds of businers, Geneol.3l4-r -chandising, Idatinfuetaiin'4 , . - Banking, Curnr,it• At" - Steritnlioaling• Itaiiroading, Pura azding rrelghting, Foreign Shipping, &c. • OUNG Cantinalily tbernstivcA in alma time. at title luatit into. to fill haportant'and lucrative altuations. Ample „refeiarcer can be . git en where gratln2tea of lbOn are t-ote Oiling &Arable al tur.tiot.e trah •sals.rleA-trom £.llO tut,lutou per annum. The - Pruptietoro are 12 pueieftlon of teF tic - tor:ale from 44111 e of the flret Cummerrial lloue ea in the 'abuse tbeylave furnislictilA;ok:keepetc. eluwihg their entire tultivfactica anti coufiticheo la the ability of the gradurter of this lit.titublou, • • '- PENALIN:IIIir - ' .. . • • In at its- blanches, taught by the most skillful nni thor. °reit misters of the ext. < No College in tLe country tr., i Flit a higher reputation In tbif department. I.mllce Ilto• pertinent entirely separate Iron, that of the gentlemen. Students can enterColleuu it aky time. No int:sift:n. 4 . Tit= to complete the CutlVle, iflali A to 10 neat. sti dents pa..lng the rer;nl.ite examination are pm sentui Atitli the most etabornte and etecant eng7lTCli Dirlwr.s !awnedby any Commercial or Cla,eleal ingiltnt;Ln in ills ' Union. 4:is:its:Ku rendered to gra - di:Lace in •procurtzg situatlems. , For terms of tuition. mire of board . tc.tftnonhat of graduates tilling peetgons:&c, address the proprietors for ' circulars containing foil partlculors. - • I - , LoWELI. & WA I L INETt. . 1 • Prop_rietors Binghamton Commenlal College. • ?inv. d.•, V.—y iiinghamtun, N.Y. NT3[l9l-MT-...a.Wr). TO ALL WANTING FARMS, • .Now Settlement of Vineland: A REMEDY FOIL liilllo TIMES. A Rue Opportnnity in she Bcst lltnrhstf asd Delightful Gad lifealthful Minster in the • ; • . ion. Only thirty miles of Mile • • &Aphis. on a rsdiretel ; being a • rich. heavy soil. anti highly riroinetive vilest land ; Amongst -d thabestinthe . Oathss State of. Itsv lertay. • - - IT COI:SISTS of ilc:,q)latrog of GOOD land. thittled toprots of different %item to salt the purchaier—fro nom atch. , —r.t.d i 3 rcad at the •rate of irC.MI d./1 . ...ti per +itr.k.-for th farm Tat& tole on.-fourtS the halal' Geft:ter-,eari% en stalitoets. Intese dt, mntith: the '_teeza of foal' /ears. Iv. higirl! part.a rich clay leannsultable for ITheat,Graer ' and •rafatoes—M AU s.chtrk and rieb 'eandv loam. sultahTe 4 -for corn. se.Zet-1i0 , a1..t , -. t4acco. all ISuds of age.ableis and'root crops, and the great variety of . frnit., such as_ Vanes. pears. peaches.. apricot t, Neetarmi s. blsekter , . ries. melon• and other froit4• bent adapted to the, Phila delphia and New Yurk.imirkts. In respect to the sox: ar.d crops there can he nu mistake, as visitors can exam ine both, and none-are ,-spected to bay before ro doing; And :hiding these st.iten.rut4 horrcct—untle.: these cir cumstances, ttless.these stettr:ruts were comet, there Would be uu use in their heir; made. were is considered - The Bost Fruit Soil in the. Union. • -• [Soc- report of Salon Itobinsomstsq.. of the - New Toth Tribusr, end the well knots a - agri,..ittari,t. William Par-. - re. of Vianantimmu, :Sew Jer,ev.which n 11l be furnished . , . .. inquirers.) - • . 1 , grISICM Ilei. - 496"Xt3ISC—M f r. \ , By looking o'tr a lamp tar reader will pert-ela a that It - enjoys the 0rr... , / ,serf a in - rigs UP ioo. and lass tires f con,- tunnieution w.; tit :Sew York ond Philr.delphia fir;ce a tar, hclith" only th:t - ti - tWo rhiles (fete tliejatter. Predece fit . ' 014 market brings double the price tTiat. inlets in lora -tione 'distant from the cities. la thie louttiou ft Can he. put into the marlet the sante morning It Is gathered. sod • for whatihe fanner stile he g;ete the highest pike'. `angst lowest other articles he parclim..” s he gets at the. , loweet pm-. lathe "West. what fie sells Lenge him a pittance, but for what he buys he pars two .price,.. In locating here the settler iias ninny otleradvaut,..le.. Ile id within sAw boars, hy nitro:la:oral' the great CMOS ' of N'ewlloglandar.d the :II Witte 4tates. - lie ism ear -Ws , ,olti friends aLd apluelatlons. - lie has school for his chil- l drenolieine Et-r.iee, and all the ailtatuagea of civil:xi, . . •tion,and he it near a large city. I', "1 1 33 M CIAXIVI.A. I I"I3 delir,,lttfttl; tbs winter; being Pal uhrl oe and open. , Whiiill the are no tvarmer than in the' X0:111. thdocauou is alma - I:the line of latitude with liottheras ,Virginia.. l'nr..kriNs ArVaNrlica s CH.tNar.or - CILIIIIATE Ton Pratfn. 'would be murh heneTtlud it: Vineland. The mildness of rthe elimatental ilsbraclog influence. makes it mice: lent for ell plihrioeiriv oftrt,roix. lisispipria. or gentrai debili- . 0/. -Visitors will netice.h Cam:to:inn few . days. tag& ;andferers are ur.knetert- ~ i Conveniences at 'land, -- Baildlor,r , material la ,nlenty. - rah aid oysters are ,plentiful:End cheap. . . , - Visitors mast expect. boweecr, to see a rear 'place. FIRM rr.iM , el CIIMa 318Cerar 9e2ie. _ tgr VIE BEST El MAIp:ET, At, 35 - Cents - per Also itt.Ottlisc anelTampt W rne. , its Tarpcsatas, etc.. constantly no nand, &slowest ctintkol p_4eits. .ILostrosto. Fab. 13. , ABEL TIMICISZ!L. eintrozr: I:TTRAft OP tOrit Ram, .1.1 dm*, Ttoroods, for truflgootierk =nom, owl IkrO his Me Wats; &mks* bf tut Bitind. ffe o de. it 114111 it,t14 .1 ..I.BZL TraFu...