The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 20, 1862, Image 1
THE. MONT:R(10 , DEMOCIts T,' - Is rtriirasnlm : ritll6othifili i _a:. a - . ,-• e-ra,..tt55a1c5"1,..,. OFFICE ON vuurac'n=rE;- .!" iyaolts • IS'jr annnos, ; oth-r•vo , e .e will be chargedi—and,' GiNyeviitti pet intent • I I.:1 to ,itroaaz rzie. at the Publithervto pay 41 collective: etc. ..auvAxer..pailuentplalertett. Isert ea at the r.ltc• of $1 uer Ira. hj ten 'Gees ark., • a • for the otrk (hive ireeic4. 311.125 cents far Viell :01111001[1y -r.'' l l:lllts, :11111 others, NV Nt.) vrtise by wni be charged et the fallviailtag t teat; vit.; ' Por one triar.;. - Pt exit ;stirr, titlt d. cfs' jR .V.t.; .:4,liSis , r.r;Sequart, at as 7 ate j r. ... ..... ..6 No credit ;;,ive.e except In tlicitie of l 'l;tavtitetper.tibliity. 'BUSINESS CAIIBS. nt:Nr-zmi coorpn ininorto. \VM. IF. COOl'..V.Rld; ,"P..; 1. ' 1 .I.SSE ItS —Montrose. PA. Sict . 9lfroriO(Papt.Cooper Cu, °trio!, Lathropecntw J. N. arcor.r.ust • ...4,11F.1131.121L aIeCOLL int S SEAttitE TTOIINEYS and Counsellors atiaw,4Stuntrose Pa. I a.. °nice in latlu-ops' new evarithe Mak' 13.."31eREAtt, TTORNEI" and Conweltor nt I,nli•.•lToerran.t; Pa Otricc in tlin Union Mock. • je3 Sd U Dll-E. F. W11.310T rI . RA:LATATE of the .V/Opathie 31)4 Ifircropatlkie .01 leger Medicine .-I;reat 16114, Pa. varner. of Main et. F.tiltz:both. - ste; ncerly oppoAt the ?tlethotilet Church. tf Dlt. W. WIILAq'ON • ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN . & stritogiN DERtisr.l • Trlvr 3r17:03 " uhr&l fi O• • Mont nie;tl anti Sur;;;lcal Ihmth.f, reveutlylof Itintitntntoti,. 1 - .1,;.30-the!2; 0r07,,,;f,mat service:; tO all who appro.' , ttvforrww.l 171..outre of tutretta mot i operations rTeoth : with tile: nutlet scieutlee utoi• ' pprE.l , ,l , tyle 4 'Of cwork. Teeth ctrattetl without rs;a and ull work Warr:ln:ill. • • J.lck-on. .1 I tthi 1,1;0. y*- DI:. it l sr - N , . i'ri 1&, SON; !: cI:II.(II , :oNT,E.NrisTs-:_m,,ntvos.'p,..ra _,-J,)ni„, iu 1.,111r0i,' hew llLicliLg: nvi. tli`e. •limit:. i An lii•ntA , kr,:crt:ions win I , l' perturated tit ,unit ..tyle and warranted. t J. C. OLMSTEAI) DRS. OLMSTEAD& wol-LD ANIS:OUNCE tl,t he. that they have eeterea into pntit6ership! for the Practice rif Surgery. itn , fr.repreprt•tl to ntiettd — t s o 011 cons. In i thelineoftheir rot o:hee--the one (ormerly.oec • 4eil by 1)r. J. C. Uim~[atS; in DUNIMiT.. - • lay 1 Stn. . .- , D 1 Z: N. Y. i,1?.E',11, i . . i i t'Aysithrt Mu! S'urgro,i, Frithuf. , i:fr, Pg. Office piapoAtt f,',e - Jr rt ql , { iket'ke. t D'T,T:ET g•il . c. , p:irticrlar suelif ion to the trefitment Of I: llisza;es nt't lie %rt .:etc it t:' ailii , irt confhltnit that h,s kr...v:e I:- u',::1111 eV,,I" ~11(12 41 I 11:‘brnilell ~ r prne t•e& , r;!1 el 0. - ,'e h!el to ~r.",.:t n cur. , : in 't e I.inAt tliftleillt t ca. , cr. ' Fur L 1 ,111114 ii ••,..1-...i.,, tlilit•io. nr. n .an, ho plc will, , :::e.:4 ,_,I n:,:c.” tile pi! lent 1 , le.',l:eilltea lir Ow treat. i. " 1 LAtnin.t elilth.ilSlO: —__i , I _.. , SO[ i - Tri WO /IT' 1 ci; V:iII),VCIN, . . 11 k . N „ E e r r r: ' . . CT „ 1: .; , I I ,c . r l,e . A f : %, :r 1 ~1 1 ,:, - ,t r,;',E,!,r,'. ' "„ T.;lf, 6 , tha ,"..', Toni ',- Ta'11.,.. Mantic.. Sinks nuri,,Centki.>Tll%!et, Also ^.leNin iiiTarYcjifi , it slatn for 7thlnt'eS. Ci.trttrn-Tnl)lol ,, •.,:ihaii a fe s 41.., - ,n, cart of .Se.trllfn llt:et on Thrnpike steed, :Ntioinrii-v, Pit. • , I .oic4 t• «"11.:A. SNOW,I, - • T'STlcr. OF 1111 , . PF.ACF..—Or'pat P;end. £4.1 °Met 4) apt • —_-- ---- • .T 0 !IN, .SAl7'l7l:l:' ' ' i' , - . 4:l , ,sitlosAr , . .1: T A itt.trt.—'::: tel:ttiit. l ra. Shop It` over I, N. 11-1..4:31%., t ~.,.....yi, ,,1 Th.•:ll:,•Firett• • 1.1:;10 for;t %.-4: b t.. e .elle.llV 3 r 1 Crtnanke ...;•`. cb.titt;.; hbnic:f 1., .I.e 311 wort; %at i,f3r t41:31v. Cul !:3_:. , '..ota , Ott ...ozort_pot :,7, !, , ,1 earri.tntect to it. ; • M...:trOiP. r 1....1;:1y :,... is,.-4-Ir. ' 1.1 . P. J.1N1,:z.; . 1 1- ' ' ", 4 : . .''-'!!!Cr: 4 . T'A 7 : T L - AI.T --: 7 4 10:14 rn9 , l P.l. hh7 IC .1. I'li:::;N 1.1,1:',. t,11 . .1 . ~ .!4 ore of 1:./1,1, 4 ,4, - Atp,i t .. 4. ~ .....1. . ..- fk!!‘‘.•!4,, ~.)::7:,.:.•:4 . ..:,.. ti.....1'..t1.,.. - i C - ; ,, • , ..' , • , ,e 0.1 -',O-: )1(0 ie- , •1 1:04 , Q. , : ~: i.toi 4 4A - ' JOI.EN 'GriiOVF...Fi, ' I . ! "EN N.cIITON.\III.I 4 . T 4 1T. 4. :1,—M0nt:40“:1 PA. 5.1 . 4.1: , r I,lr tl:c i;,..4:- - .1. rq...,i,...:: 11, :: , .C. 'oh l'urni4t.: ...•-: L : 4 .4; ,:,..1,,. ...1:;I: il pr.:2,4.:4y..i:/ f:-.14.1:c ...fil!,.. 1 C.:' !It:: dol.o. t. , :; •.,:! ,::,-t s o, .1;:t1 , l,rrki:letl IO tit. L. 1;. 1 - 1171'1r.t`z (7,7!, - ,....Watt.heQ.:thl.fewelrFAt the r:asomitil "Arl :11 l'a. ovnir , %V:\ E. ly. -)Ii 11..L'c0., +. .61 Mobtr“,c. tf e 0. I'l )111):Illi ' ' 't 7 r:LTACTT, 3:E";; nf 1; r) 0 T'S . ",r• icr/0F:.5". litintrerse, .' , .f. 7'.1. .: 4 4,,i, m - vr Tyhz", slum. NI I,:ix,ils.J.3l' fiork , , •-, re,r, ~ ,t1 rkil:tlll,,4; d,::t...r.e:Wc• ~.1 2 Y —____ ---,-.. A ELR TUT:I:ET:I ~ • I C.lT:Ai.r.r: i11'7.1.."11 , _•,- Mt fl:cinc , .. Cb , hiirnl . ... 'Dye F , ' t''f', rv,,,, lVare. 1•4!:ItA, 011, Vi.rt:l43,,Wcy , ..,: (;flap, 117..--rie,‘, i'ntlcy 0,),1-. 3c4veirr ictrfli-, .r•..' c —:‘ , .t.t.l. r.r :4111,_:_fy.0ti.;;:,;;;21.1r I`.;IT&N 'l'. N 7 0.1 , 1(1N t:=.-- - m. v,ltro•-,•. Pa. lIAYDEN ra: Tral TN "7 . 2 7 TAT rroi t X CON' - .‘N 1)- l' I FANCY - GOODS. 1": 11 . 1 .a) nx JousitAyn6:. l. -1,(1 - If mr.rrozp, p. 4 ,1 t; EAMG ITAVDES. I f ) P: E. BRUSH, M. D - 11ANING LOCAIiV, RE:1:14.)71::silit,li ; ; AT Vhllittiend to the leties of his•protion tatOrtsptly.. , MD:, at di. Lathrop , aalotel,,i • ALP NEW MILFORD, 'PA., IS TETE PLACE: TO I;ltir 11 riRNPSSES 1 cz - zr.P o.m. AND GET THE WORTH - OF 1 31111 MONEY: nors 4ra ..74 SAITIL 2-1 CP LOC I\SURANCE UVIPANY, epr iwow-Nir...z-3i3 . . CASH CAP.ITM..ONE MtLIJION D LIARS, , . . , , . ASS=TS Ist; 7 cly' 1.390, raZ ‘ , l9l., 19.27. '. LIABILITIES. ': '" . : . I t t:it6:9.CB. • t , C1in...1. Murtiu I likeakttut.. - A. F. W, Iran Vice. " • eli • Polici ist.ard tnk mu ewt4l. by th ed, At ILits cllice. one 1..r.11.1.rtkVi.1 St/litiV . # Z AP! kfla , rSh Pa. ttorn 'y BILLINGS irtutitip, Arad. ' 1. - Milton Smith. Scc : s I ulin_llcGoP_ A t.•• 31=t . 3Z3 IE7 - TirAS,P.t•=t reeeive4,ze 1 ,- ;i3.0,; of jai • ; Store*: r ot IL purpc ' for Wtiod Coal, with Stove Pipe. Ziee„-A-..:.- • * 1. - • isa-,4surtzeat is select al:0 at( xtill be colt cv Lite %wit. faro-m.)lle - ttrois fur , C4O/4,:x. s t9:x.l;W &is Ar4rem ' - Nvvr Oct. Zth,-1660. ' • • - . Dandelion: , 11.EALTilY lieverage, One pond Jik... make as muck as two laottud* salt by _..__ MEDICAL . AD. - E. Qt rt7e Ak..,,.?Ee mid :1.1.11 La :at.op.l iie l'i atil il li...:4l l o 31 1 2 imaa. w,,414 rein-alit:tiliae. , •te thin tO i tt ui lit ¢elllidetifni. r:2:ti arrl tit:hay:l4 t lathe eery Mb rat flown wilt w4irli they Myer Da, t,r hint, :ma b, boirotOwn krief nt- Leatioa to bales-Yiti.iikrit n Tiber rtineeof the Piddle e....3.1.1‘.vacci. . , 11,4.nd .fil.ttattrA . 04. /SO-- 1 __.____.... TAKE. NO ilOr.! - • r. • ar..1•01:4 4 :905.• J t'clti, Fox. ?it •nnit..tods.of —A 11.3,1,m:taint - Lcititi.i a, 4 liontit and ?Fain vt e oa.Jaaad. r lanory a Shop op 31 Feb. fitti. . r. I,s L. 4 kEELVR DAN'IT) C. AN 1):; irjrNyt:l7l , ..^.of4i fit- Necr .1(pronl. lit vtirvt nr•rn,tlv. calid Witt Atkigh • 11 9 - inal to ftroril. 0111. e nt. 7 1. 041.;:,U0tt.11 E New Milford.Tti!y„ IT. :WI • F . . ' ABEL tUrIVELLi - --- • f**l4 far 4a^.. Ar thine ( 1 11 ., 4 .44iewi— Oil: Bel Ittwilritraelee Plat oon, tla:nly:etthie Remeliee, Pentlla Eztrad. end *greet variety of Liniments. Salves, P/eirtera, sod an a Alta. variety of PateEnt Medicine} MlN=E;=== '.- .I , a. V.- We; 'Join Ouiselves: to -no Party that Does -not C:arryir-theJ Flag and Keep step the-ltrusie 'a the Who VOL 19. I I EDUCAtIONAL. ALI VosatinacArtoNs treionv Ton .11/314, COLintS SII01:LD ADDRESAIM' TO A. V. r.CLI.AtLP. MONTROSE. sttworiarrslcorrnr,'romt,' . Next to ' mental !nrithmetie o '• rending-is one of the most greatly abased of the com mon school sciences: Want of spsee will prevent the enumeration of nll the'eriers committed:l)Y' tenehlist; as 'trans thosie •who practice rending.: This occasion'will justify the notice of,- at least six of• these errtirs, as noticed in'tha'sellool motif. I. The.first - error isthat of Mincing; ror half nrononneing 'words. Thia, exten sively practiced,' notwithstanding the eriun - Ilion of Authors, and the abundance id:Pro n mincing • diet ion'aries.' The latter, tho' ihr every bOokstore,' are lamentably mis singin the school room. Teachers ought to einmine critically :[lnmost every word ',that is doubtful ort Welty. livery.element (lin every* word - Mundt! have its peeper sound ; accordMg to the most' approved standards. In re!trtril to the thousand words Ordispated orthography mid °vim ! epy, n'othing is intended, but reference is had . to the-Well settled'Words of our lan guage.- -••• • The second error is: made in,an proper modulation . of the voice at - the . ! .. rranitinatical purses. 31n c lr of the gtify : and Unnatural reading habit, is-nequired in our Schools, under the positive tion of the teacher. - For instance, the pu , pil is most errolieimsly required to keep. the voice eleVated at every column, senii colon and-'colon, regardless of the sense :Than this,-,there never was a More absurd and.nonsensicaf ride.. The sense, and the sense alone, twist regulate .the modals lions of. the voice. '['lie sense often 're quires c9roinas, semi-colons mul colons to he regarded as interro:ratery, or ete'ama tory marks, and as often the falling hs . the rising erotesis. What d'ully'llten to keep . the voice not only Suspended . Wit eleva ted, like - the sharp D. on it flute, at 'eVery poise except the period: 3. A third error is- enforced in rcg_artl, to the length of !irrammatical:pauSes.- The tide of stopping while you mint one; tiro, four is. extremely ridiculous; first, be- Cause one pupil can count twee xsk fast ns another; and, second, because diffe'rek pieces require thirerent times. If the wri ter is -imitating slow speech, the reader must prod* the imitation: If 'rapid speech,-the reader Must also produce the imitation. lint how can lits do so, if he paus es ..wple he enn count one at every com kv. ? This is one evil resulting, front snob rules Another is, acquiring the hab it stiff, unli% cry, unnalnral ruin-reading. The only good rule' f;- reading is good imitation. Carry, out the intemiolis of he writer by Avhat. he design- et). J. L. PX.AD 4. Another error is that of overlooldn7 entirelV the rhetorical Ste:yen-ion, where the construction will not admit of a grant : inati . calpause. These pauses the teacher shi;til mark Wit, either on the bineklMard or in the !pia, and require each pupil in the class to imitate him iii reading them; that is, provided In- can do so himself. If I hot, the pnpil is left tci his'own reSeei'Ve but must still endeavor to tarry out the design of the. person who framed'the self ; tence or paragraph, `.• 6. Another infliction of cruelty on good composition is caused I ydmlit•oper emplia sis, From tio'emphasis, teachers and pit ! pits too oitett.go to the opposite extreme of too much emphasis, or to its. Yquiva- Ilent, which is, emphasizing the wrong word.... The leading facts'slionld have'the Chief 'emphasis, descriptive tc.ords the nest. 'But seldom, - indeed, should every word, or .even everly -other wori,be em- I phasi-zed. -The accent in the feet of poet hy can hardly be called emphasis. The term relates rather to natural vial accent. The truths, no one em-. 'phasivi .correctly, who does . ,ndt realize clearly, the Meaning' olthe passage . Hid Hence the teacher should study thorough.; ly every' lesson,. iii Order to' be prepared l I Tor imparting - t,r his class the proper in struction. The rules - bf elocution ikh wad be welt I'st tidied, and the antithesis of words • sentence s carefully observed; for tho' the genftal rule'retriires the principal em phasis plae;:d on ,tite feet, Yet &oi -1 Mist, , sother circumstance's,. pftem re , quires the cleseriptive, or modifying Weird, to 11* the emplcisis, In order'to avoid extremes, ;filo' should be discarded, filie is alwaY4 to . :ettliihk.iiAtt the nitelifying • -or ,qualifving Ai' Tie sense is - the best-and elie . only safe guide for emphasis: 6; i WWI menti;in but' one error more, which is vending too much. Some schools mid, as 61:e.0 labor; by. the job. They.try I how-marsh 'rending they can . t Urn out in a given' 'ela;s3. When a . pupil should. rause, 244 eXaMitle . the dictionary, the teacher sayi it takes up 'too much time. • The i giona;l9 nu& oat the gotetity seeitis to be, t he.oliject. - hat filly L -Rend aver nine ' eir,ten- pages ofa School Rendur . . ia day, or a let:S(4u ; and ,fOot pronotmee- twenty J war4s correctly! Much- better . read one v,erso ninetitues„ titan resit:tine rages. It is arhuittkd Shit in, order 'io learn rai,ifity to rO.-44„ Chatty wi,itls must the said; but th& shout,' he s4i4 v,orrealy, and repeatr itlr the F 4411 - wiwd t.itriee -give tWo., renunciations-just attafttlyThs naming tWO 13;',t1c,Cosarzcr; in Pa, 'Srhool Joarnot, • • • • • - • 6roffee xitl oil et. For RitELL. , •t* Gov. Curtin has paftlotted - Osivald, Eberly, - and-J. fttiffinlin, the, - abolitionl44 'who led the Inch against: :PAM.. 'Kenitedv 'tn : Comheiltitid . e,ositity,: - This' pardon(Jay frees the otttiatrs'front rtlieV3o fine; the Costs.; 'and s9opdamsmesareyetto be paid unless*ltaver . y.reatt trttd fccisqe,way., of (tape:: • A conviction tiecurred iri - 'Lyeottiing• cotinty,'and.'. this titobalietting law-defying-Governor pardoned t h e mni.f. .Encouraging dt protecting. mobs seems to he ..a.fivoilte - inAiness of lie,Pyb liciau 0111ccliohiCral s and • • . rGett. ANblellan'has 'won the most deciiice - victoria , of the , war, - With little . - loss of lite"; } , et there are those.ameng its whO are 1414!1i.fiearted - L atid traitorous enough - calumniate hiscinotive,s;implinv his feltrasliOns, and - de - the vaqo of his stumettsep._TlnitiOtitiajliial slitiolitrOtt 7 ; ists wanted hiledgreated - at`Yeiktititin,'6o that they 000ld renew their vile slander. .4......0 rcr .. ,, r. , ....,... ~, .- '• ~,,,, ,0 " . .i . r ,-“,••••• ' 4 ,1., e, ~... At: ... - 4, ,, ,,r;:l .!....: n +l'l tr -, 're. :,--": , % t ' . ' ----' s . ', :1 - ,n ~ .„, i z..l-- , i f.n-,..•..4,- . .,.4 ." t..' - „r•••,-1:.,'".L. ...., ..) ''- , 134 1 1.1„1J:1.1..! 1 -•`- .:.-.....f, 4.111 U I :,, .1. ' ."' --'-`""--- . 1 `!".• -'• k .'' 'f- 4, '•.' ' . 1, .',' - 4'..1....:,... - .','Zi:/) or ~s, c -• ::' ' 4 1 . `a., ', 'fi 1 I - - '' '• , s - ;" ,-," .. ' 4 --a. • •••••-:.--` . , '-' ..,.'. -'k' ' '` ''' 1- ' -,. s, - :i", ;T:...,' . • , ....,..... 1- - ' ' .'. -: / 'f' : ' ir-..;.; ' '. ';-' - ' ;:-. 'µ',;• 7-,l.'"''''- -.- '"- Z. ‘ riC. k - 3-,,, ;,,,- . , ~ ~ , - . •, ,!.,- ~ - , Y', .:- ~ 7 ••\ t-, ''' ,., 4; li 1: •'. ' , -'V • .• 1 1 'a' '!.!' * -4 , 6 :- ''' il -,, i 7, i; '4. ; '" '''.: '' '. ' ' . . .. A ' ..,', -;-• •-, :I ', . _ • ' FT' -1,• r.., 1! .. .... t.., q,, p e ig !,.... ..., i .. .. ' gt - t: : - . :`: - .. '^-: 'r• • . ''," • .....- .. .. ' 4-- *4- .-- - 4. • •,:••• ~.. ) . • • - .`'. •• '' '' ' •t t '•''.o-- )., - " :i •,, ' F:'• -- ''- -- ' ' -•-',—•••------ ' ' : 4 ' • - • ' '.!: '.• '4. 1 • .t ' •-•• , . . ~ - . 1 . t' - ' ' • • • • s' - • " , ' . : ,„.. .; _... -..-, • . • , .4' "; )7 ', . '-' , ~... .". '.-, '-' ' ''' , • ' , ' -:' 4 -L•• %• , ..- . 't ', - .-' .- BAD READING. WENDELL PHILLIPS INNEN Von. . . . .. .. : Wheu,'Weirdell Phillips walke4intrr the 1 Senate Chamber sonic weeks ngo leautho' i upon the,arm. of Senator Sumner, ,INtrr-1 1 . President,' Hamlin .descended „front ~ the' chair t 0 welcome. and-elnbracainr.' I-k! was feted!.and rated, and received with everrnutrk of- respect by United States Senators Sind members of congress, ',The doers of the Smithsonian Institute were opened, to. hini,'•and G6 - verntnent officials flocked to hear his lecture and applaud his sentiinents.. 'The Irilsitlition-: press .of, the country. were in; eestheies ! thacthe leader • of-their clan, theinan who had denoutteeclt the, Cdnstitution as "a league with'.death and a llovenahcwith hell," and: had- spent nitieteen years othis life in:attempting to ' dissol ethe Union, should .be thus treat in' he rapital Of - the nation. What a re •Olutiou'in ,public sentiment .?' they ex el:4: 'med. Yes, it was a' rerolution; , and su t aTevulntion as marked the departure fr "constitutional princirges, and the de- ray apatriotism, prevalent among a eer tan class at Washington. - , :.t. he identical Wraidell Phillips who. was' left4d and applauded rit Washington by ' Rfpublican membera of Congress, and who was invited to use • the Senate chain her .of Primisylvattim - by a 'Republican Seir ate, 'recently delivered a characteristic address•at the meeting_ of the . :American anti-slavery society in New York, -which' we find'reported :fit length in the Tribune. In "speaking of that prince of-plunderers, John 0. Fremont, the great abolition ora- -, for said :• - - : .•z" ••'• -•-• ' '• • 1 " Abraham. 'Lincoln rule;' John C. Fremont "go' erns: [Applaused bi the pulse and' 'opinion of the people, the real - President of the American mind does not: live in th&-White ; he leads the Mountain Departnient . of Virgin ia [cheering) and history Will record :the realities . and .0 appearinices of the present day; and the' ts,-, that al thOugh the votes Of 'SG omitted 'Fremont, although !the' canciefses' of 'GO emitted him, the potpie buriLtil him in. their heartS; 'and reproduced hiM; when - the emergency re quired it, on the prairies of Missouri, and elected him President . of the crisis." • "President of the crisis"--,a . very hap, ,designation The Mon Beard; who was paid $191,000 by Ceti. Fremont constructing certain useless Torts at St. Louis, _which, a&:ording to the testimony of experiencell!anny officers, did not cost more than c 70,000, 'would - doubtless en dorse -this sentlinent, it' he,conlit he found. After 'expressing so much admiration for the . great patron of swindlers, Mr. Phillips very naturally proceeded ti de nounce the patriotic framers of the,Ceti stiint i ot. 114 said : ". "Theee is an old adafrie.- e` The devil is an-ass." He always is. andwheii he frAni ed the Constittninn he put the - ingitive slave clause in it, and that fritivo slave clanse,•in my apprehension, has been the u~ilttiek, strongest 'weapon which the abolitionist lias had to -produce this up rising of the4eople."-: . . Mr. Phillips regarded the negTo„as not OW as good as -the . White man,,but great deal better:. "Ju:•:ticel justice to the negro would be today the wealth of the nation at his feet, put on sackcloth and asheS,lntd it down at his ;diet, and . he Pardon fur the sins of Six den.trations ; we should yield . tip every p . rin_telf pa r, every evident:a - of civiliza. Hon fur which we are indebted to the toil of the negro. We do, not. mean te give hint jdYtitie When we ,give him his own rigf hanri..7 The ravings of this fanatic would not be worth repeating but for the fact that, he is in high favor with many leadin ,, men. f [Abe Republican inirty. ' A SECRET ABOLITION "LEAGUE; !We have always been„.ond . shall alWays continue to. be the •ripponeut and implaea. hie foe of . all secret political orgaitiz a ti ons —..becanse they are .destructive orpoptilar rights anti subversive : of good govern ment. And we shall,'wheneVer We have . onporttunty; expose , their machinations anti 'consign them to destruction, without , reference to what may -he their prott,s sions (or principles! ')or -to what polit ical partythey may belong, w (tenth!, Khow.Nothing or .Abolition. • Quite recently - we have.received, and in. tend as soon as 'conv6tiitut, to , lie the details of a secret aholition society, fimnided in several counties of this State; fOr the purpose of 'operating in- the next eleetion, in order. tb . ensure" thett4. uniplcolabolitionisn, and in the hopes of its diseiples, to establish pcilininently in the StateM Pentisylvania an Kg:wiz:lElmi Which 0401 eoittrol a!! future elections, and sceure to its projectors and officers tho permanent possession of all the public: of tices, mph the,spoilsfieeruingtherefrom. TIM plait PrOposetlAind for Some, weeloi past: progress,rivahh.dttdeed :surpasses previous secret: prganizations, - inclu. ding the celebrated, 4rier of "Stun's" fol., lowers, it buldnessoillany and iMpudent ' de'spotisin„ : It is,. in 'flict, nothing snore than. an association of'" desperate political j oLi:Jesters who, despairing of tioccess on , all previous issues, and. peretaving from the signs of the iitnes tile failure:of all for. mer efforts and: the speedy downfall- • of! their- partyorith 'the extinction of all IMpo for securing that great object of their de. 1 plunder—are bent on a last desperate sti le .win, by corruption acid - *audit:he-. game .for Which: they have sO, long strivenond-to keep it in their (two :hai l & by a perpetual *Attu tafterrortsm and odious deFtrOtiSM. • ; . • . We - are" by 110. means astonished . at this development: we have long ".known tliat the abolition party were acting under the' ; advice and leadership of the most iniSeitt; pulims of all .political manager's, .who, , as outcasts from. vario titi old political parties, I have cOnte' together psi tins riding ! to the victors. belong:thespells : Arho have no:=political .characte'r'io , are tleteinfined,:if passible, to.-ttlir what iwt of;,v*sily table to them !t h aff eliarne. people - .ha e seenOind lieCarivis familiar - with dnringthe Vast , tenltittrs, - thethinfies,llm:eiliir:shift ing policy of' a hand of sediticiditi4ne disorgarnaers who, under the vsrioes gels. AION'titO s SE, — PA., TIIESDA.Y, MAY' 20;1862. es of " Proteetionists," "Natii.e Ameri cans," Ktio*-Nothings" and. '" ,- Repubti- Cans," have, made - but, two, 'ruling, ideas---- the possession of the publit offices tind the rejeotiott theitt,.:l4 ikcomplete stibinga: Alen . Of theliopillarwilL . 7" ; • In all -theufforttlyrior.ict the frill 18 6 II; theY !net:" Wi .Only r. partial admen' hitheir first : .object, to secure a foothold. Having t beit .em braced a_ new_ issue, in the' antagonism ifif Ilifferent portions,,of the L'ittou tto - 11;jitti;itg promulgated; .as .the first 'a rt iele'fifi heir fit i t 4.irolitt iotta= ry'Llogmas,thatthe ititer4AsOf the North .and SOuth were.necess:frilV :opposite;-nat- . orally and iihsolittelytuft.-fir,noistie•,•itt fact, that " there could .be' no Union between the -two sections;'' that "ii Uttion..of States,_ one,haff shire-bolding and' Otte half free States; was _ repugnant to common setise, undesirable and impossible;" they proceeded to instil this fatal 'doctrine into the minds of the people;. they. drugged their odious Principles with Ole: .niost shameless lies liiesi and basest slanders3.they . named their inflimousz:conglotneratiOn of various. poi Sons by every different element of which it-was composed, according to 'the locality ht which it, was to: be used; and while persuading their patientS that they only imi lulged their appetite for . a favorite drug, they succeeded in foreiitg Upon them trui filthy compound of "black mass" which 'first stapitied thu popular sense:zonal then destroyed the Union. Thus haie the abolition Party fulfilled their own'` prophecy—that. " the Union could not, exist ;" and accomplished their •own . missiOn—the destruction of the Re public, for ;the time I,6big at least; And they - seem I..esulvtol that theiit plans of ais shall continue, until ;the days of progreslive Ana final "ruin, , They 'are bent on perpettuain! , their own tgOlitijal cabal, and that, is, of course,' tlie-signal for everlasting - separatiop; for they know; and.-the country milk, hare seen enough to know it also, that while abolition is tri umphant ill the povernMent; peace,-pros peril v, "" Liberty and Union" are unat tainable 'and hapossible. - lii our flume developement of the pluns or Aholiti4misin in Pennsylvania, and the machinery by shall accomplish• its designi,, our readers may see in all'its . delbrolity lt he malignant mot desperate an- . tagpnist with which liberty will in` rt,ftlw mouth.' inive :mot her fearful struggle. All the freemlrt of this Commouwealth will be forewarned ; t hey silo:dd.:Aso r - be fore- Mined, anti then the victory of liberty will be the trinniph of our whole country.--,- Phitecktidli , t Lec,iin Imin ! af. • / • • The Necessity for a White ri.'ales Party. :Altl,ollol tilF; rcpttlrlic. was fo i tnded by white inert, white melt person al liberty; religious liberty; and the indi: ids! and . .kollcetive preiSperity %Caleb nut urally.flOWs feoni enli!,dttened free institn f ions, we liave COrtgress and many State Lei2ishil ures, whose sole occu pat ion seems to he enAtisive legislation for. the benefit of t he black's. , • The irn erat requirements of the war —the cote > equent necessities. f the Treas, ury thci, stagnatiint of coninteree and ntantrfacthres ; the langnisbing.condition of labor, Which daily :I).lpe:d to the hearts and Iteadt, of onr legtsl: tors,•arc di:owtt, ed in like ;rnig,lity rush 01. zeallltat inspires: our Solons with ittulinons - expedients to blackeV the records. of Congressional leoislatio 1! The re dintions . the'nets, the speeches of the national hotly might lead to the be-, lief that the Government. was located in Timbtiet to, were knot that the documen ; . tary. evidence we daily receive of this Af rican legislation is dated until Iyashing ton, in tile District of Cohmibia. •, • 'Meanwhile the' white men, who loaned theirino my to the Government to sup press ay l igaritic rebellion, are alarmed at• the ormnons delay in Congress to secure theni eqn the interest of the: virSt sums -they soliberalVae,tranced - in the tithe of .greateseneed. White Merchants • ask in vain for , relief; 'white manufheturers • do the bestlthey can ; and white laborers al ready.look with apprehension upon therm-, merotts hands of riumwar blacks that dal ly invade the soil Of Pennsylvania and threaten to enter into competition with in time vat-ions fields of their occupd tions. pie white citizens of:Pennsylvan ia soon feel, in the increase of their• poor and county•taxes, the additioral bur tions upon - them by, ihe sudden acces sion of 1 lazy and improvident colored populaqoit. • .• Thechunties of Delaware, Chester, and Lancaster arc already.. overstocked -with these 'eMitrabands. I\:e see - thent passing throu,h . frarisburg, wending their wly . iinriltwad and westward, -and there into exaggeration in sayiag that, ere lotTi, in every:county of the.Commonr wealth, lonr white 'laborers will meet . rinia; way ibliksks.ficeto face in competition for empbyMent. . The ineeital4 consequence of this .7einpetition: melt and will bey the degradation of labor, and : the reduction of wages`; they wilt then detect, when too late, th filse pretenees'nf the Republican party, tillose laudations of "the.digatily ff . ( I labor" were but a cheat to Inre them from •the ram stof the Democratic party, which • alone has, ever since the Revolution,:bon- Lestiv pi - eteeted white, lahor against the constant encroachments cif the :1161°er:icy of ,wealth. - The dayis not fiir distant when-the White citizens of the North will awaken, as if' from an opprtbovo dream; to the dreadful , realities which, Stu r,onnd ;them, si hnd join in mass the white man's. partk. that is ditstiptal to.huri from power the black maw's party—now hurry ing the! itatibn into :limas. and' irretries- able n, : - • Mrlln 'the battle of 'Stilloh, tiro Ken _tnoky «hopanies met t'ace to t'ace,onerreh thepther 'Feder:ll,lMA it happened 'that ona- of, the •• 6 I'olll soldiers ivonmtiie 'sold caPtur'd hii_hrother;and titter, handing hini IMlpl:;:begaii firing attn. nuln hear tree, When thiv:eapturitl brotber•ealled to him'arte tnliti;'Don't s hoot there any more ---that s.F4ther . .; • . . _ , 7140 theitateg rOt tck destroy , lhomi 010 mks tOplitickft . 4# iij,; . • iiittftiaittiol,444rOtSlli* troy t he stater, _ ' e The tiiiiro iiiiiiiio'i et the itiriii il " , . ~ . 1 • . , it:seemOuqitobtrabands in large;nutn- ; 'hers are.floeltiti4 to the array , fcir :protec.: tion..The".redent army artier prohibiting the return , Of.those iugitiVes even ItolOyal masters, eahverts,the army:lnto a misery iforloo se ' negroeS. 'They inustber fed 1 and 1 priatetted'-until Such times when theylvari . [Make their may northward, and diStribute ' I themseltres,overAlie surface of :Northern • Society. .Theyhave no intention of -re !paining inthe SOtithi.btit - turn-theirfaces I towards?" the Abolition. hind of promise. ) :. • AS . : I li4;:artity aditin&S , Siinth Ward, feud i under the emaneitiatitialpoliii, lets . loose ' a -continuous ettech-censtantlyangfne4ing I stream of contrabands.. to' flow into the 1 Northern;States, the question atiscs„What are we to do -with them ?. Soui .of the Western , Suites have adopted harsh racia -1 oreslyto 'relieve - themselves 'front jt heir 1 share'of the burden. - ticlidint has • a law- , prohibiting the emigration .Of :iiegroes , into. tint . State.- Illinois is'. also *bout I. fo Antti , a similar prohibition into' her 1 _Constitution: , Ohio and Pennsylvania, in' their exposed border positions; must im- (es , arily beeinne the paradise of contra- bands. The advance guard of the 4ppfo- I aching host iS aleady upon us. • They will 1 swarm into'sthe State like the locusts Of I Egypt, getting into our kneading troughs and consuming our substance. We can I - 1 not but pity them•in their destitute cen- didn't, while pity for the .pAr creatures -ismingled with indignation .towards the authors' of their and our • tronbles..! . -. • . What can we- de,:with them? They are not needed •itinong us. . nee , black labor is oppoSed' to free _white Aabor.-- 7 White citizens do not went.lheir I labor', lobe brought into-competition with :that of Degrees. It is unjust: and degrading to trier white freeman: .Certain : mock'. • philanthropists of ,the Abolition Atripe have undertaken to provide the contra -1 bands thrown upoitthe city olPhiladelphia , with eMployment, and have offered their -, services to . farmers of the . Miighboring counties itt the low 'juice of twenty five cents per day. Upon this small Titmice negroes can manage to subsist, lint,' white' men cannot--and every negro who' works ' at this' . price necessarily displaces a. white Milli. . , . . --This is only a foretaste. of .what, is to come.. The evilis, daily-growing intnagni tude.• The policy of emanipation' which I the Ateditiunists hare forced UpOn the ' GOvernment is at direct war with -the in , terests of the .Northerit people and . a fatal blow ! at free white..hilmr, it adds im measurably to the publia•burdens.l•lt . .iti:. - 1 ereaSes taxation, : Spikes 'a.t, the dignity of labiir, interferes with private ' rights; and throws upon, the ..eintrities• of the NMlliern States it degraded and: servile • population. These are some of the p,-,n -i elites:the-Northern people . Must pay for 1 entrustinr. Abolitionists with Dower, and 1 .. . placing &min positioils where they, are enabled to work out their radical 'ui des iruetive theories. , Congress appropriated a million of dol lars ;for the emanipation of 3,0u0 slaves in the District of Colombia ' and one 'hun dred thonSand dollars for .their • eoloniza shin. • If the same policy is piuslio • with I regard to the four • millions . of slaves in the';‘t'ontlfern States, the total, cost to the Government would exceed thirteen hun dred millions of dollars. 'But as the Ab o-1 litionisfs are opposed to a gsneral.system I .of colonization, amid in favor of the array letting loose the slave Sets it advances into s. the rebel territory, these negroes' i instead of being deported abroad, wouldt remain lin the country—not as free laborer's . uPori the plantations of their .late =step, . as recent events show, hit as a . burden upon suchiNorthern . States as tolerate. their preserve. - After • their liberatiOn. they ' would notand_could . .,nof remain in States where. they. would be liable to. rei•enslave meea after the reStoration of the Union. The questioni- what shall we de with the large surplus negro pupal:diem which the Abolitionists arc casting uponthe the country ? is a serious Olio, fOr . - every Man in Pennsylvania who pays taxes or , earns wages. Strict Snake to White and" black requires that-they should ho'hillett- ~ed Upon the Abolitionists;- but-We know 1 ehough.of abolitio; philanthropy to know , they will centribute the least,amf coasider their part efthe work iiiiished insecaring to the slave the boon'of idle ainl thriftless freedom. The Mil must, work Out its own cure—how, we cannot ; tilt. But . , this we do knOW,that if this warliad been ' conducted withan eye single toithe sup pression of the rebelliohan'tlethe restoras l lion of the liition,afid had those;in_power turned ri.deid em to the Abolitionists we should not now be threatened with 'a negro invaSion,. and 'the prospect of a speedy restoratiori•Of the old harmonious -Union vpuld be much.'more immediate than it is. SOU Richmond (Kfl Mes,Renger; the lush] iention -ivideb has been suspended for seine tittle in . con, sequence of secession rule;, lins•lbeen- re sutited,nnd the editor ttaysit 3011- in.litture be 'condneted on these. principle's,: “To restore the Vitioti;' to hang ;the leitding traitor:B 3 to j - kirdort , the people and to stand by, the Constitution."' IV!' The J,ooiollie pemoeraf says old chtrkey;••wh4 enjoyin,4 the ..priVilOges accorded. to Milt by, illese)mpp,li (1) tinio " • "Bress the Lord, hallelojer,.(lat 4is old .niggir'Aciuld lib to see dis - ere happy time; .when.white men nta4 bah a pats' to move abopt. where him pleasO r wid'Out Bi•mis . . ~. Mr When,you hear nn editor Or poll lieina denouncing all whn do'not con Sent • io ‘ohol.esale aboliiion, its a triaori tenj - oi ono ho : lind.4 shire in that' $00,060,000 whictoldr.P:iwe's i .Itepublinark4Congress. /Winn from l'ilnssiiclniseit.s, proves , tiiiinve i s been - stolen from An Treasury- during the ,' - ilnst'year, by" , the: party_ _ , , _ . . , . 1.: Vended Phillips "says ho thanks God for having created.l3eanregarcl. The LoeisvitieJournal says ii. has: no dotbt ihat ManregaKll thanks, Goa' or.. hayips 'ereateitThillipSejloth may , than; Sidaa, for they will have a chance te,aiii of these 4 1 4 nigatel , --- • '' ' ' =2=ME!!EMOM!!=M== ME' FEDERAL 'TAX The. Finance. committee, of the: Senate reported, on 11.1ondet":1ast, the tax bill ivith a, large niiiiiber ofAmenditientilovhich however; •do hot : essentialtv'eheitiO , the character of tlie.bill. After 'five intniths - spent; in :discussing ;the nekr-ti questiOn lonia h passing'.inea.c.ture.s' calculated and designed-to extlit t litisk the last spark of Union 'sentiment ni-the , Southern States, .Congress is aiparently'abOut to - pasa the . .Inelit -unequal ,and unjust' tail bill, ..that ern 1d possible be eontri - vod:' , !The-Noy rorlt..T lines shiny' up - ,the;,the;• objections against House. , the folloicing tbreible•and truthful sqle - r" 1.. it creates alriachinerv - oteollection costing.twenty per cent, of the . revenue collected. ' 3. It eitabliShei - system' of dom. iciliary'visitiitiiiu - andingnisition to which . - no. free penple . onn submit: '2. It to.xEs in the most offoSive way a hunifretitirtieles, where the taxation of ion Would be rgnally productiVe: 4. It makes - no attempt, to appOrtion the:thx - ation according tothe . dictates of. of the .Constitution, and Man_ thereforei be successfully eentested by the reluctant taxpayer. 5, The lirde - q : 'of taxation' will fall , . heavily upon some portions of the Union, - while - others will be pi'actically - exempt.l 6. :The revenue, in the .opinion- .of those more eonversant with such topics than any member of the Senate:or House, will fall greatly belowthe estimate. • The taxes are /evied unequally and inequitably, so that no portion . of. tlfe public is satisfied with the bill. .8. , It hits been framed in entire disre.. ward of the experience of other natipti.s,. who have brought: tlke knoWledge of thousand ,Veari to bear on the matter. The passage of this bill wotild give.i the I government .immense p - atronage . in, the .1 appoinputint of a swarm of collection - of ticers,Who would become so manypolite ! at 'emissaries.. Men ' desirous •of filling 'these officers are already hanging about :+ Washington in anticipation of the passage of this bill, which woulttallbrd a rich har vest of plunder, and )ras no doubt so de signed by leaders like Thaddeus Stevens, who. are • without a spark of honesty in their composition: The Tittles, estimates that this army ,of collecterl would absorb twenty per cent cifthe gross revenue re alized under the - operations Of .this .bill, 1 amounting te'llje enormous sum- of f.:.?6,- [00.0,00 upon/-6100X0,0W wrung from the capital and industry of the public. - ' Mr. Dawes recently . affirthed, ..6om filets within his knowledge, that. more , than Sixty Millions of dollars had been 1I fraudulently abstracted froth . therreasurl: . . t during the past year".by swindling eon -1 tractors and faithless gti.ternment agents: This' money, _which has gone -into the . I poCkets of the professional:plunderers and mock patriots, who have the brazen - an- I , - suranee to denounce honest- citizens as r-traitors, constitutes. part. of the public debt, to pay the interest on. which ouer pus taxation is necessary., TIM' intcreq on ea 0,000,00, at seven-per cent., is 54,- 1-200,000; and Pennsylvania alone will' be Icalled upon to pay at_ least one-sixth of this sum—x7oo,ooo.. Seven hundred I thousand dlillars annually to pay the 1 interest °elite Money abstracted front the I Treasury in the • course of a .single year, Iby a class of men who •obtained, power I through promises of economy and retrench . -., went I . ' Taxes are neither popular or agyeablc. when imptised for necessary and proper, pu tposes.; , but when they are: augmented to an enormoiis degree to coVer wholesale pc/illation, and manintaina swarm . ofpol hiea! parasites, they become oppressive and detestable. And the 'worst. of itis thatthe money diverted from the Trea;auky into the pockets of sWindling will be used to control the • next' election - . and maintain the plunder. gant , ..iti . power where they may continue taw assaults upon the Treasury. Congress should at least make some tit;. tempt to compel, the plunderer's to disgorge their illgotteit iind then enact a thir and equitable sct'simplified as to render unne'cessary' an army of collect-I ors. ,The people are willing to pay the proper expenses of the war •withont mni i u ring, •hilt they,are not \yiiiing to pamp, ern privileged class of politicakparasites, who will takes their money and use it for the destruction of their liberties. A. Nets Bomb Shell. Gen.- R: L. :Fleming; Poitmaster at Fleiningville, in this. town, has .been: for a year past engaged in the invention of air incendiary shell,,and an inflatnatory 6th pound for the' same, and. we -are gratiti— ed to learn. that his effort has been call; nentli successful:. Having perfected-. his' intention he, visited ' Washington recent- ly and laid it, before tha military authork ties, by. whom he was sent to west Point to have it tested by,- Col.-bowman, who pronounced it, a decided improvement, gave Gen. Fleming , favorable repOrti: with w h itdt .he rem rtied to, Washington,' where it Was•recepted, in tbirifininutes-. by the Government,, and the General -'or.• •dered to procure a• Supply - . 'svith . as delay as, .possible,- proce:ed i to .fortress, Monroe, then and' . , s there .to charge the shells and forwarAt supplies as rapidly as possible to Gen. ,McClellan. and other 1 military commanders, *having :been termined to use them, in• all cur future battles so, far : as 'they can: be supplied. They are undoubtedly the most destruet,.. ire missile ever yet invented for:war pur ; ; poseS. ' • , We .congratulate • the General on <the complete success which,-has crowned vldi l Untiring. perseverance .and the govern, ment on the valuable addition which - hia in ventivo genius • produced to its means of defence,--- Owego - ."*; . "Tho map woo prates aboot and cinotes in the Constitation this arisis, la a traitor: Wails, , , „ Too atiovo is sr eatract trom ft speech' delivered in the Senate bit ona l +gpf its pognizad leaders, ,and, „shayra to , what, lengths tha. , b 6 47,wadd assartltsiworFoo. rights prigpleblol„o*-'lfirediYi„,gp, fitratert44 - 061 Wive ' SOB PUINTII4GroI ALL KINDS ittf e i.'•-•.7:', A ,:....,',.. , .-r..: '''' ' '• -•:.-... . 7.1. - • .wv:TE AS 2' - PIC.r. or VIE • , ~. .. ' '• - ' I4A „ , iitp-aT: "tiwiii 4 iiz4D LEI' ith - g."; priazs.-' "jinn crigfellOrVioP MbiirOtirfperpittrUi ilisitreceals withwisatielsoiiik4ool, ,‘ .r of try% 0144101yos.arnow rx. solop& • ~, ei.renurcoe,:etc:or alp best p Os a 'ltiaerbillif,;l : PnAft;ri, 'Progr- 43: i nttsti Ithicts,Ot wit,* tr. Ws-It:le.:4am turecnci r Bid : sines% anfl - Ball ttiLl3ti rrlcketii, etc., climbed kids it:titreo rrnd despitteli. 1 • Justices OTISt did& Binnit.l l , Net es Deeds, atid'at Other /Menke, on tend, tr c rdo I NO- 21-, 0";,4111,031 -- ;p4,t4a1:::91:d Otti Obeaienee to, the Qonstitntian .he . Senator Wade, of Ohio, recently spite i misedthe abolition- creed When .1(e. deelar. Cd that . whoever speaks, of constitutional right's-is' a traitor. No 'doubt Mr. Wade 1 tlonks Jim As early asifia he commenced `Making disunion speeehesat. i 4 qutteoat- . 4ral for him to : hate the Cortstitution nod . to desire its overthrow. ~.-Haaftd Ms abo., j Rion. 'elan have - always been . opposed to ;the Constitutiou, and they re td the war lin .which. then together 7 mi4i the South ,criaft rid torii, have-plunged Ake country; as 1 tbesfittiug opportunity ibr the deStruetion of - our present-firm of , Government' nod they erection upon its:ruins of an abolition empire, wherein the negro • shall he the equal- of the white man. '.. . But, An the language of. Daniel 'Web ster, it is our duty to cling to the Qmsti. Ituti l on as the mariner clings to the hist plank wheri , itiitht and the tempest close around him.. The ConStitution is good in ( time of peace, , and better in time of war. I'All our -national- ,woes have proceeded bfrom violations,oft he-Constitution hr spir tit letter. Therefore.should we . now adhere to it all the More sedulously. . The Republican party was the nursery:o anti-Constitutional sentiments.. The ve'r'y formation of what:: was intended to a sectional organization was directly in the face of the spirit of the Constitution, and opposed to the solemn warning -Of George Washington, President of the Con: vention that framed •the . . Constitution,. against the formation of "sectional or geo grapbical: parties; -His impressive be ware! was unheeded by this party. The enactment :Of Personal Liberty laws by FO , many, Northern States-was not only a de fiance. of the, Constitution, _but, at the panic time, an endorsement •of- the doc trine that the: StateS'iiiay nullify an- act - of Congress. The-Republicans were then ardent '.States' Itights'! men, and con- - tetnnors of the legitimate authority of the , Federal Government.' , Theo; as now,- tije, ,more radical - of this pari'v derided the .Constitution,_ and as to the Union, they Were perfectly willing that it - Tight, "-slide." ~ - The. Southern, rebellion is a-mouslrous violation .of. the•Conslitution. Secession is a breach the Constitution. If-the Seuthern!States had clung. to the Consti-. tution'there.would now be no rebellion to put down. The Federal Government is no engaged in. suppressing this rebellion virtue of the pOwer invested in it by the' Constitution. :Without that tamer the Government' Would more justi fied in using force to put down this insur rection against its authority, than it 'would • lit employing similar means to compel die „Mexican :Mates to acknowledge. the sti. "premaey - of the Federal Government over ;the whole continent. 'film C6nstitution '423nlrant6ed. the-right of State Secession the Government could not prevent it. But. because the Constitution d6r.s.uot. grant Such- privilege to.any of the States, it is the right and the duty of the Government, to suppress thi; rebellion against its an— thority. :The right sprin, , s from the Con .s.titntion, and the army . is means-Of. compelling allegiance - to)t. . ' Whoev - er, theretbre, strikes a blow at the Constitution is a traitor—no matter whether he lives North or South--wheth-* er bis name is Jefferson Davis,: or Benja min P. 'Wade. The -country passing through the convulsions of civil war, be cause the Constitution* has been violated, -not because it has been too carefully . res pected. Our only safety is to. bo found in obeying . the Constitution ourselves, and , compelling every individual- .aniT-•every State ht the 13Mon to Obey it.l--=Pariot-cf: Union. - . . A CAIItFUL - Cr nn A Epuors Iher/s.--- We are inforined by a eorreSpotident . from , E the "lower eml" of the extrethe care certain abolitienists . bave over the morals. f ofAhe colored man. Pne of them had a l'esmtraband" in his eniploY " for some 1 month , : and trettinm short of 'w . .ci r rk i sent • , -r: ' him to his son, with a not: saying, " If t.h( 4 1 has anything for him to do thee will find' him good trusty band; but I advise thee not to give • .liiin anything but his vietnals and b ucli clothing as thee can ' spare, that is what I did, for fear k might , leartiihint bad habits:". In passing front .father to Son; th 4 ne , ri exhibited thiS note to citizen, as •he passed along the road.— lircsicheee?' (Pa.) Jfiterainian. .. 'Dem Illinois regiments Tare TO tod on th e adoption of the new eonstitn-. tion. Only Go voted no, although:the:en-- tire republican party, nt home, oppose it because it will not.allow any :none negros' to come into the Statc,nor to i.ote'or hold office. That's a &it- in , licatirm of political issues none-a-d it's. Arc ycin for or against the cleeigiOn 0f:143-4(iths of - the brace nois fighting patriots • . s • - ‘ ViCE . Vt.,:m..','Phe Teachers' Institute of Sacramento; California, n their printed constitittion; have the following strangely' classic „passage : . ""2. Honorary members shall be chosen rice rersa;atol a ~three-fourtlis vote Shalljnr necessary for an .election." • A oco- way to cheese 'em, truly ; but it reads like Soma sort of backing m -Mrs. Travis, wife &lames Travis, a far mer of.this town, living on the opposite side of the . river,lro•or.six miles, east . ' of this village,:deliberately walked, into. 'the river on Friday last, and. was' drowned before she could bc; !reseu,ed.. had not been found on Sunday. • She was -50 years 7oltr—hod a voting child thre.e months—was in poor tialth -and supptisedlo be laborini; under. Men. tal derangentdat.—Owego Gazette. Tar. Qc.t.kEn Anart,--The only notice. which McClellan has taken of tho derma. cations of his enetnies,is the quiet remark, in a despatch addressed bis wife, " tim. Quaker .Army is doing very well." ' No' shell could' have been better aimed Of been more effective. - Or Charles Miller :WIIS convieted . 44 Enton,teeently tbristeidng his own limn sod fined two hanat.6l°.dollsw And. sent 'tie the pepiteatisr7 for ibree rims =G=GMliii Treason? A Kelartcholy Suicice.