l e the people and thiGorernment wo Gnat l walk therein. = Ile was ; almost' litWly, the war and the 'truth, -Ind • he irnuld .have been therlife, hut the nation witatat worthy. I sometimes think that on that. forfuf morning, the 2nd of December,'. 1850, as ho hoved his head and - g.l re nli the ghost, that the recording angel• wrote in the ledgers of heaven, o t f tiffs ration, "1t is Enisl.ed." . Can treason or blasphemy . go further ? i• Another Victory in New Noxio. Kansas City. May 3.—The Santa e mail has artfaed. Another.battle has ta• ko i'• plat a: between General Canby aid the 'rexans at Panilo; on the Rin Gond.e, Where the Texans . had 'fortified Oetn selves. The enemy were defeated. Our lose was twentr4ive killed and-Wounded. The Rebel loss . ltio not been aseertitined. Gem Canby with a po s rtion Of hir•t+ com mand, had made a detour and got lielow the enemy, while . Major Paul vas in. the rear. The w h ole ot the enenty's Command 'W 1 I probably he taken, asq.heir flee ly al - - tentative is to surrender or flee 6 the manntains,swhere the Indians await them. ['Two itnportam bills patk.Freit,th rue last n•cek ; the homestead bill lIIBM==ZI3=2 approval, tool a Pacific Railroad bi Th 9 Fight at New Orleans. Th9pirtiettlars of the 1)0110i:wring Forts Jackson and St. Phillip, wine) - cededthe capture•of New Orleans, caved by way of Ilavana. The brie melt appears o °have been all that Leis represented it to be—one of the terrible that ever took placf', continuing upwards of a week, day and night'. On . Frid:ty, the23th, the flee of the forts was 'so mach slackened as 'to allow of the . pas. sage tip the river of a number of 'Com. Farragat's vessels, 11 friU'AtttS utd ,r3niumtS, which succeeded, after some &iterate fighting with the rebel gunboats in clearing the river to Ne' r iV Orleans— sinking and otherwise destroying eleven of the enemy's vessel, anti detnoll'Ating the fount's • ram Manass:ct,' which was completely riddled :by broadsides fr.nn the steamer Mississipid.. The rebel Itirts, thomrh tins inn off entirely from emnmn nie3tion with the city, refused at first to Parrentivr • micOnditionally but, s . ubse• vently concluded to do Su. IV~gRF~ ~IIGEB. At the residence of -the b - ritle'r:- father, in Brifi L ;euwer, 0) 1 . the Ist nisi., by pev. J. C. 11.;onter, Mr. NV.O.l.Ams .11:111. - Trs, of Juhtt 3:2M.A.."1 1 ,EX . , . Fo.rcst Lake, on 41b inst., 'Mrs. Lns Cons I E_L, arc t 3 seventy-fi.nr yoar4 wife ()a:;11:0r Foyest Franklin, the Gth ms., Dtocti.§- Lis \1:£1411, i the ilfly•eiallth year uf•hix In the Itnpital at. Philadelphia, Aprii h, 1 E. P. GAIZTYSEII, 11 ! Tefl 21 years 'he deceased voluitteercit 'fur the war sVue siX muntlrs 3 , .), while atschuol, at Wyratlintr, county. giturOy af -ter hi., arrival at the'scat war, he 'xi , n y a z.l ;( •,l wi:11 a eV,. .:1-e ua,i, h vffi-leel t. , I,:tt ion at the time abnve named. The dr•evased ha, three sisters. in Brouldytt I ,, z.vn,l,itt anti Ott heat in 7 t,f the death of their li , c;111.1 . , and ettieuusnltniittn Iv ih other friend , `, they despatehed Palmer -Garthittv, ~ Phil:idyl wit° returned wit.'d to corp . se un Sin arday, the l inat., at i rlma, eunyeyed 0. C. E'ys=, itt Brunklyn. 'On Sitaday folowitstr, Iter. J. K. Peek 4,r,..tach4thllle frutr ii di , enurse It, a lartze atrulietnie.— E' 1. I, 3t nit. (f r on t Gibson) I,eip t z ptsent, the :,-erviee lii.betkiug of per : s r,tnal acquaintance With. the dee'd tel flier hi:: tuition . , and of hi , httetwle,4r,e of the nm i :t io c . q ,, i liti v s 'A:hit:ft - the tletle3sed Three. .volunteer.: aretriried pIItE,C., viz: 'Charles Adam=,tivrtrun Gies and E. P. G.irdr. . .. _____ TIENT:I' C. - TYLER, 1 DT..wrt o i I i ( G ; ndsC roeez e.l.)rella: i l?nle . .Ltinasbn,;lo,3.niurgi. S: -,e Ware. *oudez Ware andßrooms: Dead or Navi es:, ~. Pub'in A,enne. i • .11na1rJar, Pa.., May I', 156,..-ly . . NEW.-GOOD.. JAMES, R. DE WOr. nom cd,r. to the poblie one of the most choice sod bc.t bclucte. Muck uI• • - V SPRING& SE Mil GOODS i; TIII ` a M~rl r DRY ,900DS. A cerapict.c 4.ES 011131 tilt Or "" ,"•-• /*% is'ls? • r),....2,..:qcnambl q ue.Deßal g e„ rOpEnr: Pena , , Ging h Stripeainin;...LlTte.lol, and Blench, llnslins. While Gund... Plannel4, ..fe , Balmoral Skirts fur Summer wear, aIid„IIO.I.CRY f: every deacription. • ivrlo vo . MEI.AR Black and Fancy ra.fisiner, Ey. Jvin4 :t•nnsdc, and Tai!or'.. T r im m l LL ,, An une..vil".. m.,nrfinpnt 13Ccri.t.8 VILA Cet.ogs, Moats; cb E3la.c>ozo, nr all lands. ri'C3ooe3Cl.o9. Bru , en and Whim Sup:. Syrrn und•Mc.lnsfea. TO. Co'. lin 1 or coffee, spke, tekerel, Smoked 17n1ihat , C,.dCbh. Erntive. 13r40.-n rAlcy Sops. Ako, Potneh.tu muhr . tir,t; Evan p: little trouble. the rAriety always Co nd in gro:ery 11.1pur:ineht. - 17 1 E.; CZ I Coal. And Winter-strait:lt Mt. • Sala:, ku:ty, Lex:land Zinc, PuSintlinn.ht. ;.!tc. IC. 4 0 3Erb:M : 71. " Se Cran'AC 11,:s1 aa; m2d CommonlWare nraWeire• I'VsN Sb.,re7, Maktil 'royloc. /Vqin e • e -Ct.:TILE'S 1E .IC.ND ELATED xr.ta-E. 11 .,, kr)t s. Crndfr-s.'ehitdrAn's_fl- b und Car , i.ze TA:.IiEE NOTIONS. Crat Ai.t14,14 Salt and hue Tub C , tty Lit.c. Seoul*: Stiu.i. Sc. &t. - A G. , noral Stock ofStraw 'Go .d Ir-a: - .tro se. dtay 13, nal. .A.ri.ministr3t,or's • Notice. I l' TEWS nimlolftratlon to tho toitnti of the late .4 W ti:tr(ord. havitig boon "noted / : t 1,14.1.1. all portt.n.s- indebted totont tt.t tie a:, :4,4 ro tmutl:alt, pa:ytnt•ut.,ar. .butt L.,. I dart al4in-t fator, isjttprtakeutt um to lianfurd, 1:ny1 tb,tct9.) CAl:l7.l's 7 Llt, Adroittictraor de bokit lon. Tho Co afeastozia and is of itrA FAlmoit.d f4r thisorn,htuod as w Lraingiand a gu.a,h yuatr; twaa stalr from Nereotis tr, Dds.ty. dm: eappplying at the aline this means (1: SeC Care. By one who has corcid htnicelf, allot hula^. Pl , :rest expense through ,oledical im*,.itlua and AB? PXLlTiadiltror:AdAVE itly?arit, r,T., Y asirord, tinge Cu. N. Y. Inail3ly, Nir.171231G. 6 C116:50E or ozzurs , r4litur.writ. Me athorunsoc u t 04 Vtaalapet MEDICAL .:CARD. DR.' L. PATRICK,: & .OR.- E: T. Atli anADUAIIt of TITE MEDICAL DEPATMENT OF VALE COLL/102. baire tonned *Copartnership far the practice ofilledlcine and likulayomaasepeepered to attend t ,all busbies* talthrttUrand punctuality, that may be Minuted to their are, On terms commensurate With the times. Diaeaau and deformities of tb, EYE, melee opera bona, and all surgical diseases, particularly attended to. Vitr - Oftlce over7Webb's Store. °Mee boars (tom a. sa, to 9p. m. All aorta of country produce taken In pay ment. at the hi/hest-value, and Qum not wan& )(mimic, Pa.. Wei 7tb. 111617-4 pf RAGS . WANTED • J. lield g htit =aides plater mind or wbtto colored NIA by - dOIIN D. MAIM% • Paper and rag Wirehonsi N. E, Corner of Fifth s Com. tame St. PLUdolaplda, - - Mgt WM. HilIV a 00102 HMSCHMIIIII :BROTHERS, . `Bee- x,ry -..k - shive.' --,,,..,.....-, • .• . g -1,.....,./.....04 -4` ..,, No. 20 :A0N..4 4 ::!..- -. 4:43 - .i Court St. ..., ...... z.:10 . , 4 .... _ , i . it . l it Come r f--7,if,:.:.41.... ,- 0':: 1 Water St nin g bam. I ll ' - '''', ' f( 4.'“ ig4l3 tan , N. .r: tOt of ill pre ltre re lbard= !here most An Uamonso Assortment of HEW SRN ORBS HODS, Of their own Importation. r‘tnrzo thottay of On of our Erin In 'EUROPE,' ere ki 400 neraaNd and ara nolo offeriug to our cusiomers andtho public is oeneral. the largest and hendstimest se , oeti in of DRESS 0 SOOLiS ever offered in. this Village. tia t M „ account of tho depression of the European orkets we o o enabled to offer them at UNPAIaLLED LOW TRI "ES: . l.ltving our cuitomere the Joblieciand Retailers Prod i. Our Drees Gaud. comprise thosOverylleattlifat style , al, . . . ' 1 Poplin s, rdozatifbig'nes; Di nas, Shalli,s, - Assandrines, I Groises, Brocade do —I • • . Slacplierd Plaids, Saxon.y:Barages. . , •rf Chal li 6St &o. • 1 - , . . ~. • • ZablllnleASlT SKOOG. , of t h e latest styles of C7.A.2AXC30211.9. -' Shcetluzs. Menthol Masi:us, :nd all kinds of nn a 3=o.itilnix3sTara coca s A great i'ariets of . eleotlis t as - and Cla.l%l3l.l2:LOrCkSl4 For Men and,BoYe wear. A qnoti senrtmeta of the latest 'style' of 40.XACiAaira.eio c.la.latitly on hand and manufactured to order on short notke. E-o1).. - .C..1drie. , , L ice=. Dregs Trimmlnp and ertrythlng, heluic,lng to the Vibe of 00().1)S .' . vrkyf and moll cimlpir thin ectrfatind !rawly pincc. fin Immense aiwrtniint ite lawat style 3 t - AI. 111 I N E'EN GOODS. • • .; far *.ville.ala. kid ratan trzia. Alsf3lll nn hand. • , :ie 1 - . e ea'a herure nurchro.lnz eleawhece end satisfy Var.4elves of the shave Gat: it IliascEl%l3. BIZ onip.us, No. 20 - Court Street. Birqh%;.ioncApr:lll 34r i n eitif r the nuElilT-E GOOD_ NEWS! GREAT COMMOTIOA DRY GOODS JOHN BULL Threatens WAR t,14111 STA \IIS FIRI Fl.7c) I.setsop. SO DOES 711 ' 4" mat O 2 Q3uttrubtry'lostnb:aum, & VIE CM:TAW lIISE Lv `, DOMESTICKS, hts nig ns on our =Lard, and wc have lately laid in a lerie Stork: which enabler 116 to offer to our customers. gun( I an n. 111111,141 good terms as formerly, considering the rise. —. .. , . AT' THE STORES OF Q3nltclibtrc . t, c6ostlll):iura Montro_se, Sustta County, Pa., Elmira New-Yotk, Zusquehanga Depot, Pa. lO;IR FALL ANC WINTER STOCK YO. Ccripa . Wo are determined not to in. emtdone. either in prfeet or quAth{er.—and we will endeavor to give our rummen all poesible eatletectiee. , • ,CLOTHING: In Ude branch oneatock to complete, and will be sold lower, and more tartsfully enlehrd than any one-horse establishment or enyfotiehurse concern—thts etde of N. York City. to able to otrer or produce. We can ai•strie the public thit we constantly employ the best cotters and workmen to' trukke ap Oar stye*. OrGartnentii made to ordde' • tl."Go theetiottast nOtteii, ilfrA Good Flt learrantriter Ito sale. 1 - FURNISHING GOODS: A Oniit swat contently kept. 'and *old lower than the lowest at - Gatttub,rB, T4ostabaum *lois Itcwitiose, Jemmy 141, na itT TEIE • IN TIIE 'PQ4O., elialluAiD AWL isiolairc)ctozs o :,- :. AL* iscesslzro-icorezirium. PROF. , . HARTWELL 8 PRNCIPAL. r. LB. SLUM Ist Assistant, Tiesettsrof Vocal Undo. Miss L. Rloharda, _ lnstructreaaor French and Drawing. Mir& lilsekmas, Laetrile:4ms of Mnalo oa Pismo. Miss A. W. Lisrtvedt. Instrustrem sa Psimary Depart- OM. C. C. Dalsei, IL D., Instructiw of Atuttonty end Phyelol• ogr• Other Atelstantisid Lecturers will be ingdoyed ea • the - wants of the school any deaths& TaniTrk wiuustior - . Aloiday, May 12, 186 2.- , lii reePect- to this halal:Con. the trusters ale Nippy to state that • their expectations of somas. have base folly realised, It is oow by • . flourishing . condition, and they feel confident in saying to the public that it is entirely worthy cattle patronage of all who de. eirothoro' mental diaraplineot the acquisition of knowl edgembetheraa a preparation for College, or •tesching, or other pursuits. Its patrons may' be found in ell parUl of the County and to them reference is made resper.ting Its merits... Tuitio grog Term of Eleven Weeks. Pnmary Drinint . , • $ $2 150.' Higher En ith. I DO: • Latin Ore end German, each, 400. French. • • .-... 3 00; Euelhih, with one LingmMe 7 50. No bill for the above - stales shall armed.... 9 00. . Drawing 2 00. Vocal Mimic, (three laminas per week) 1 00. Music on the Piano, . 8 130 • Use of Instrument. - 9 00. Board trona $2,00 to 99.50 per , week. .. The semecon ventilates as heretofore for those wbbieB to board themselves. For other Information address the Principal et Montrose. Nir.:P.SSUP. President.. • C. P. Dean, Secnitary. . . idontreee. May 12. 11132.—tt• ..... . - ~ . • Great Bend Seminary, AT'GREAT BEND, SUSQ'A COUNTY, PA 'rho .03izzamor !Timor= OF VIM SCHOOL WILL OPEN ON Itlimndag, nag lath, 1882, sad continue ELEVEN WEEKS, ander the 'Miamian of l CUSIist.AN. as prtn;lpal. 't he cmirsp of instruction Well the brauches,li unaimgh and practical. A tharongti prsparsUon Omit to young man desiring to enter College. A teachers cites will ho organized at the commence ment of the "term; for the more fall ,training of those wishing to teach; arid assistance rendred them In pro. curing eltastions for the summer. This class will re- G4ifil 'attraction on the theory and practice of teaching, one horn each day, and hare,putilic mostingsonoe in two Weeks. XstreeLlit3P'e R, cusnm AN, Pm:arias.. noN. S. B. CIIASE, A. Zd., Inktructor In Genic, Let' a and German. • - ha REV. J. Ft McCREARY, C plain 'and &tater on morel *dimes. • MUM .0 (MeV. Tatather of Primary Departnetat. MSS IiATTIMJ. °RANG E,Teacher atuanalton Piano Terms of Tuition Primary Department,per quarter of eleven reeks, $ 3 CO Common Brenda*, "0 Higher English and Itethematirs do., • 600 Natursl.3clences do., 700 Language' Aficient or modern do., 8 00 Teachers Normal Mau • do., 160 Music on Via= do., B 00 Bee of Piano ." do., II 00 The higher branches Include the lower. thus: $ll 00 per quarter covers alt branches named, above, eicepttesch era class and music on piano. .. Board Can ba o .twined with hindshed rooms at from Stk 19 to St 60 per week—lights, washing and foci extra btadelits wjeldng tti board themesives can obtain rooms in the school building be applying in ataacca. Great Bend, April building . Wai,gctork.lS3lac>x) , -. Milk UNDERSIGNED new °couples epirt of Clemons' WAG3N SIIOP, near the Steam' ill, In liloutziee. where he intends to carry on the manufacture of I WAGOHS,, BIIGGIES , .&. SLEIGHS /2 EP .9 R-1 VG. DONE N.R.A.TLY -o,lr • • •, SHO - 117' PULL SK,PPLY OP: SPOKES ALWAYS ELY TIAND. RENT tor CUTTERS, and TrAconr.srAs• PBS' MA MIMES. BEST eriA LITT; kept coulee:o - on haii.t. so no to ba prepared to do good work on short notice. .N. It: AL persons indebted to the undersigned will please . call and settle their acratuita*sittont ttather no tice. WM. GARY. Montrose, April IS, 1861. TIMOTHY & CLOVER -SEED I t.,, ,GE and MEDIUM KINDS, , • von SrAii BY _f HENRY BIIRRITr, New Milford ABEL TU R R ELL Vox• offers lor'sale :one of tlie largest a best selections of. t 0 1 Ai Ever offered in Susqueliana County, mid probably comprising -the . greatest VA RIETY or wont different articles of ally' Store in the Northern part:of Pennsylva nia, and perhaps,of the, entire. State. An. assortment is kept in about thirty differ ent branches of trade, and the selections art made frnnr about forty of the Lest Houses in New 'York, and more than ty Dealers and Idarinacturers out of New oric. A large,proportion .of the Goods, ace b: ought direct from the :Manufacturers, thus insuring gmuine articles. Custom. ers on enterito the Store must not expect to find everything in -sight, but neply ery article wanted will be produced by ' ingnirv:. Some idea of the Stock may .be formed by the-following general outline, but enumeration is impracticable. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, i • LYE STUFFS G RbC'ERIES; •LIQUORS, C'ROG'KA'RY. GLASS-FARE, . - a ir IVA LL .LVD 0 TV q ,,tPAPER, JE WEL It 3", . . - SILVER-WARE, , PERFUMERY, PANCYODS. , • USlcit.t. .INSTI? UM EN TS . , BBUSIIL'S AMER 'CAN _POCKET KYLVE S, T1lB1:,B CUTLERY and - SI L v.E re I: . .LATED Tir4R4' jilr f A RDW ARE, • BED CORDS, • • DRY 000DS,• •:' . . MIRRORS; • IFIXDOW ANDiPICT &RE GLASS, Lr7ifoGRAI S IIS, Vdt 12TISIIES, ' HIND ,CAGES, . SPECTACLES, TIVIIPS, cG 1,11511E5,- GUXS,.:PISTOLS,' - A1111113:1TIO i; • _ • 1 1•0114CCO. 11.11:PICAL tf: SURGICAL lastrunieist,, - SOAP, POTASI7, UMBRELLAS. PORCELALV. PESTI!, In short, nearly every thing, to re tore the sick, please the fast e, delight the eve, to t o. to the t.e . .4l,,utici,stibstatititil omnibus of !The attention of. the.pnblicitreveet e . Pally invited' to thy stork of Goods bought. bought. exclusively fors.catin noWy, be told on the same principle . for low 'Am. - -. ABEUTURRELL - , • . Montrose, 'Apit Ist, 1662.: . . stwoursiur sxorPotrao EXTRACT or ROME Bost. he Great Remedy for indigestion. Billions and Comp Wass, soda Creases of the Blood. for oak uvtdoesN Gad raw, b 7. alma, revuumu. tratzis. Notice.' N w i r t teti o „_b w rit o o vO g io due 'lli T t a elsons ystei ha u rn ict iedran intu ds t ow n s up. u.414d, thabthe same mast be Pteeezwu to the undersign. d ter settlement, and all persons Indebted gild arta rem:tested to mutt* Immediate payisant. loalnum.Alall WU. - ATIN T/LAYNK, Ad'a. - --; s.:lozecutrbes.Notice; • Natter. le heiliby Mien to ellMuseas basing demands seeing the estate or CidebCirmalt, bite uiChommat township. &mailed, Mt the Me mast be presented to thetuidenlmned for settlement. and all persons hidebted to wad estateareSsipsestsd lu mike Insdiedistemiyment, Chemist, • • hd, t et. .13.6/12A Wilthirsla, Adthirdstratoiv i d, - Notice. N'ICS Lit hikibildre l taxi! pence, Webbed to th e estate of D. ,s. EIDAQ. lets of Porast Lake township, dorelmed,thatparnt must be made to th e nadiralsn. an d thou Lai ulaircui Illpilltst said estate will present them to ' • C. I.: DROWN, Administrator, Montrose, Ap 510411162,41 w MILLINSRY & STRAW' G9O9S Till have the pleases. of annoallelnz that we antwow VT prepared to offer, at our old stand, Nos, 103, 105 and 107. North Socond•at, • abote Arelt r Phlladolplita l a well selected sloth. of s MILLINER 7 aniiSTRAW GOODS! • In mil varlety.iof the Latest Importations, and newest and moat flabloge n styles. • Over Straw De ent wilt eomprlae every of Sonnets Bate, and Trinwelnge to be found In that tlne. of the le , test and moat alproved shines and styles. .ffoliciticg an early ell' or order. I remain. ROW lona, ReAllect lllll l. H. 'awn). W A a r :4 l s ) to r gin t n e er.l7,:lgl th f e rfi• a B o z , :_ in Tea); and ahio .. J. R.R. Sta ff ord's IRO; Als J., Strain:lE s t'o l w m - MM. Olive Ta is a thin. transparent Sold; it is the but remedy kap for diseases of the throat. lungs. or em a r r b. Mad for diphtheria. Croup. Whooping Cough. Le. Il• Iron and Sulphur Powders strengthen the aye tem. aid the diginion, and purify the blood. I have a sixteen-page patophlet containing fail explanations. and over one hundred testlmonials from-strai knottn promi neut. persona, Width I Milfend to any Quo five by nail. - , I. P.. 8 lAPPORD, Chemist, Je9fl: l 4y* 441 Broadwyy. K T. ARVIEDY FIOR RARD TISICS,Nhore people have leer( throamdiat of beslntas.storposoeps FOll3ll lit- U e.rnean i or small IncomeUs to inske thenneltos *borne. meatN dver eet of atlsend. ] ofent la another norm= of Ilia settle- Vim e RT". Alm PRODUCTIVE FARMLANDS FOR SALE, ti ante miles Sonth of Philadelphia. fn the OArden SUN tit the East Beat climate and location fur taorketo In the Colon. rase advertlertnent 01 -Vlnetand:l SEED POTATOES.. r ico B ow:. od iE t trumErs sEzpf.nsts. naltlay4 Seed6ng Potatoes were raterdTrnm the seed btlis in 18.53, and have be tested for several years and are ntitouchnowledged by all Who have trits:l them tote she best in the wbrld for general cultivation: being iargc hultuy, very prdductlee and equal to the hest to quality. • For sale In Ma , truss by ALLEN. DEANS & CO. Soldiers - Bo i anty, Arrears of Pay, ac. ANy ?laid ftlms note exist .tor . the $lOl bounty, granted by, the Gocernment. also for a. mars of pay dae deceased soldiers. Parents. arldowa. or heirs of de• ceased soldiers. itre entitled ,to draw the same.. The sub scriaer fro - a4oug experience In the hi:einee . and harlog the fornassud instructions recenlreeelved horn Wash- - I s sues, is 000` ready LO prepare a d forward - a11 , 4111131$ is aa rtie intsnated to his etre. hiAreh L. !kraal. • .`4 l 7 zA AI a . 1 . O . - - - 7 , • • TIIE. appended extract from the elrcul - tor Lemberback. Gilberts Go., eucceaeore of Mooney, Cohn & Co.. in the general Hardware and Cutlery Un-:them will explain }twit: and T cannot permit thio opportunity to pus with out again tendering my hearty thei.ks to the many Mer cantile and taidin4 friends Whio have •en liberally extent. ded to toe Ihelr caotom and Intlacnce, since tor haolueso Interests have been mostly in the city of New . TO-1:: and I still invite ahem. no well as those oho have not found it convenient to do ed. to favor me :with tbelr patronage. in return fur al determination to and nromloo to niesae. possible. - i Pio C. TYLER. - Montrose starch sth. 1352. • B. X. 6 TYLER, hes'epeelfied Interests with no. the name as with our predeossoore, COM) . 6. CO.. and would be happy to see his old friends oreecelse their order", yellichwe wiU execute In the very heat Man. oar in his absence. •••• ' LOUDERBACR. GILI3ERTACO., mhtlY. !t Park Ilow, gape's:Le the Astor House. • '•3 • T S ON 1 IFIER. patrol Soap Maker I All nitcben ()nape can be .1 made toil good SOAP by using, Sapoultler. Plr Di rections accompanz eaclrbox. Soap 1. as easily made IV' cap of coffee. Manufactured only by thkratantees, PrPll ,l ll ;Dull f: Irt flri log I gm r4ll inbd Iylcr.l , 127 Walnut-at. Ittladelpda. AND • 11.110 THY.• SEED !- BRADFORD COUNTY LAI3.GE, WESTERN MEDIUM Clovei• Seed, . ,GOIM. - Dli3OP SEED MEAT, Peas, Beans, and Barley for Seed, Field andl,Su - Oi. Seed Ctirn„ Shhker ; a,' Iti•4ley's, JAnson's and Vonist.oeos Garden Seed ,for sale. by . ALLEN; DEANS & CO. MuntrtiO, Mardi 11th, 1862.- NATRONA COAL OIL W Alt u lt, ; ti ffi g s gi f; EXPLOSlVE ! t tu tt equzl to Why buy an explurire Oil. when a temente more per galloa will fornian you with a perfect OIL? I only by mst:vA SILT MANUTACTIMINfI COMPANY, 127 ilV.ilour Street, PLIII.i.i./4p.PUIA. • Itsrth = - • NEW MILFOPaD NORAAL SCHOOL L.tAIATLEY. TILE SPRtSG TERM of this prorperone Inetitation will coininence on Wednesday, February letb, and continue 11 weekis. Rates of Tuition as heretofore. For particular.. ad•lress 31. L.llawley.. , Principal. T. BOTLE, Sec. , . h. GARRATT, STAND BY .YOUR, GUNS! am36 - 13Fs will 40,000 HOD ROCKERS Armed With Brick-Hats: WITII IN 4 itONTIIS MA,RCII 0 WA.SHINGTON! AND ferNrifttrßi‘rOlDS ACV 11.1 Vt it fatagair gb"ievisslisnms GOO IINNS THE ! STONE WARE, - . . 1.. . . , And with a plentiful supply we have purehasel a large stadia • ... . 3 .s7'4l'l4l' Old FANCY DRS' p 0 0 DS,. • GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. • • II .47'54 NI) CAPS.I • ROOTS N Szii O.S. WALL . P WOOD E 4 'o WA RE, C I O :IL OIL, 4ra L A ,1f P :• • • Y-,.1 ,V KEN o SKtLETON.SICIItTs, • -F.LOUI, SALT, FISH, NAILS, • 1' • PAINTS A - N D . OILS, s' • And 50,4130 nthei tictleles too artmev;ats to autationovhich will be Hold ricea that will . • ' . ° BROOMS Defy Competition. _ . Don't rOrgot The P10w)... • • Dtztlf you Inqufro ofyotir neighbors for Tho Choap Store, alreet Soo to' . ' 'HityrtgN - BROTHEIIS, THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS. --AT TLIEr • ORIGINAL, " ONE PRICE "-STORE! PRODULI:Inken in ArcbqvgF fnr 00 9gls• * Cash. Paid l'Orraiis. HAYDEN`BROTHERS. NEW Damp, Nernapir lttb. aminismixtnte.a..vrcriisis ' To Eiagland. Ireland and Scotland. • Anatal Mall 80TS Mar '18„.1n etnaref one petted and npWarde„ payabl e. In all the Wadi* to out of Loglatadjrtland and Scotlandl,for Isle by_ , WK. LLICQOPER; A Co.. 8 ja go..ets 1 Mon=it. CRITTENDEIVS 1 1- - i PAILIIIIVELPSIA COMPIE!(OI4L ' ! COI6LEGE 4 , ' P 10E: corner of 7th Chestnnt Sts., nftIinDELPIIIA. I f . 1 , , Thiinatitatton. *Welt was estsddlahed, In • 1914, end' la now eoluenoently Inthe eighteenth yea of- Its ash& (ghee. numbers amongi 4 gredattata handled* of the most neonatal Dlere6aats sod Basineaa Mon of o , Conntre. , I i. The ebfect onto nstillation is solely to 'Cord 401114 men factittiortor thorough preparation fur baehteei. ,The b ranch sa taniht are, lieoloiteeilng, en Aptilittabile to the vatiunsdepartmedts °Wads i_ enuphip, ! both plain and ornsunentka; COmatercial law, themitics, Navigation, Civil Engin ertug, thawing, honograPhy, 1 and Modern Language". I The system of instruc on is peculiar, no tautworset lessons ire Made use of, ut each student Is tight indi vidually, mutat he mpy lommenee at any time, and at tend et whiterer bouts a e most convenient-I . Catalogue" are leaned el:m.111y after the lath o f tip_ tall containing names ideal.. etodenta for the year. and Tall particulars of terms, &c.. 1 and may be obtateed at, any thniby addressing the o ll t ncipal. I In extensile acconme lion. widespreadreputation, and the lengthy elperien eof the Principal. this Li:Witte. two offers raclittiereupe or to 'member tn4e country. G a r yonag man time a Diploma. which a wishing i t _prepare for butte and to r t b. if talc at the same l prove a recommendation fur the ,to adry lierintatne Moose. larCrittendetra Serb* of Treatises on pook-keep leg, now more eldelyeliculated than soyother wort oat the aobjeet, are tarsal" rit the Colleve. L :. d. HOG ES CRITTENDEN, . ttorwca•Laso, I 1 , . • Pittgcarai-- REPORT OF 'gOLON -O I RORT n NSON. 1 ‘'. - sll - • FUS I‘7.l"Zs tux OIIIC TItIT.C2W,i - . , '' 1 tam '. VINELAND I sgTTLEAIENT,' eir The fdllotring Is st n extract from the report of Solon Bolenson.. Esq.. p blished in the Iftrtelorg ;Tri bune. In relerence to Virieland. ifal persons can ; read tide report with interesti- .1 t • Advantaged of Farmingnonr Norio- - Vinilland+lto marlts uzon Idarl—spit, its scat Pertility-s-:, The Canto orrertilitT—Amount a:Crops ?rodutled - Practical Evidence. i • ~ . i 1 - it ia certainly one of th moat extensive feet Ile tracts, in au almost level posit' n, and imitable condition for pleas:nit farming tnat wil know uf this aide of the West ern prairies. ‘e • round ame of the oldest farms appa rently) ust as pro Stably productive -l as es henAll t rat cleared of forest silty or a hundred years ago. The geologlot would alien discover the eaUse ofl this 'continued fertility. Thd whole country is* marine de nuelt, Lindell through the soil we found evidences of cal careous at:hem:ices. geureily In the form of misted calcareous marasbnwie many distinct forme of ancient shelha of the tertiary for thin : and title marry substance i is ecattered all through be soil. In a acre cummitinted form, (oldie the eeact condition moat'fly hssimileted by inch placto as the (sleet deeiree to ' Beate. r , ea - Merl. in all Before:mime been used. tte ileze =pile Eugland. from the time it was occupied by the llemens: and iu France and Germany A marl bed Is counted on as a rateable bed of manure, that can be dug . and carted and spread over the field. flow much more valuable then it mutt beWhen funed already mixed through Melton. where new particles wilßbe.turned up and exposed; and transformed tolhe owner's eat every time he •etire the earth. ''l 1 • 1 i . Balle then satis fi ed or minds with the ta.se, itney will flu:. be excited with Wonder at seeing Indubitable ev i deuce of fertility of a soli whichlour eiteationin haw leg the-same general cht ll acterie ' oral leaetappetran /I cee, is entirely unremeuerative ex e pt as Ito productive.' nese is promoted by artitietal fertignat ion. e ... a • A few words about the I,clailiteetiffil. value of this land ;or colttratiou. of whiclvwc have abate strong prOof. Our that visit was to William D. Wilson, Franklin Pewee:Ala Gloucester cut lite', who porchmiedimme eight tulles north of Milville. aosiut three years ago, for the eurpuse of retablishine a steam mill. to work op the tint der into, lumber. to seed eff by the new milrciad, as well as tee fireweed and coaLlor which he bellel * treat a mile and * half long. .11i aletefurnlebeil sixteen miles of, the r e ad wrath nee. and had no doubt made the i mill preatable, though his In cibjecterse to open a form. arisen; became convince that the soil was 'Tenable fur etiltivatiun. In tbis he e not been disappointed. as semis or his crepe proveel For instance, the second time of cropping, heti bushels tif potatoes on one 4Cre. worth Vlcenes a bushel IA the dell. This . year , seven acres. without manure. prodosedasC bushel's of oath. - In one field, tue feat crop was {potatoes, plauted -Among the route.' and yielded 75 hellhole. The potatoes were • due, end wheat eowneaed 'yielded. le bushel's: andithe etubble tented under and sown to buckwheetwhich yielded 33)i unehele t . and then the gnound was sown to ',clover' mid timothy, whicS gave ass first crop Reg nine Per at te, Tile fertilizers appliedto these crops were first, ashes from clear:nee • second. 013 pounds of saperphoaphate of lime ; third . too Donn sFeravianguano : then 50 bush. .II t. or slacked hide Lae b en spread upon Li:vie:over lance i t it was mowed , and turn in fur wheat. 1 Mr. Wilson's growing rope, and the whedt stubble of the prestet'selson. 1111 Mesta hisland as peuductive as , any part of the State. At Mary Barrow's. an id style Jersey wont d u farmer. several tuilaa esinth of .'r. Wilma's. we were stops:Bete J laxly struck with the fine ppearance of a fielchufcure.Leat we atuppcii to Inquire o f he 131. red man how , It was pro-. duced. We found that t ii land had been the year bet one before in wheat, cos n with clover , and title cut one. l'eaSOU. Un.l last epring 'owed once , with *ea rp .or old nag." and planted with en. . • "1 - .08. bat you manure high. we !appose 111 wc !aid In terrogetively. and got 111 reply;— .t. i 1 , -N1 pal,-you see. we e nide i ,done that:! 'canoe we hadn't but fort collie tiere loads altogether. fee _23 awea, Yu dwe waited the meet on% fue the truck."' . ' ts The truck cen tied o beet.. mirrots, cabbitee, cattail .ii Vero. mellows. , tit.. and very productive patch of Lima beaus. grotto fur smoke - ug. S. we were sUttelled. that the ail was ecit i iefertad.~ even unaided be clever, which had fed the corn. becatiati the "tr. ci: patch" had not been ciovered. and lead bete in eta tivatiou lung elope& to ob , literete all signs of the forest • . 7 Our next visit was to the 1 ge farm of Andrew Sharp. five mites nor th of-Milleffle, ruin baifto a mile east of the railroad. and jest about in the centre, of Vineland.— Sir. Sharp commenced, weak here In December. 1933, uo.- oil tee) acres. en leaterhen three years he tisk-got She acres cleared afid in crop' this seaeoc. all well incensed f and divided tato several /Ids. with ceder riff or pole fence; has -built a two* (try dwelling about thirty•six or forty feet. audit small r house for f irm laborers, and a stable and granary and some other Gabe Hilltop,: Considerable pert of the land was cleared fir the plow at ge &Mara an aere..andi en - some of it the (telt crop .V. 1 5- , MICk wheat. limed .w ith .9 buelicialtt . pewdereper acte.— Tine crop may be pat In front July 410 to '414, and yields from twenty to thirty bnehele per acre. barrelled in Nov ember; when the !dil belne sowed with 15th pounds or Peruvian gnano and eced“l with rye. yielded -13 to 15 bushel=_ per acre and tendollars worth of etreev. The rye et übble turned, after keuckinguff it largel growth of oak 'termite and tireseedi a;; tin ,liti _nano pod seeded to wheat, gave 1.3 or liiliaiiltele: the crop which lie , was 1 theeete tar while see werelthere proneness more, of a vary pl amp grain, and the 'strew bi very Iteevy. . t W e went over the stubble arid found the 'plover and timothy, num eyed sowed lest spring, on the wheat witli- 1 oet harrowing. leoking wellets we ever a s slt upon :anyl , ld cetivAt ed f a rm, ed With a little work done in the winter to clear offs are route .and; rotten stumps. .i andeettrtie elated to make perintinent ofiusi eve will be able to cut the crop nexteicar with a mowing, machine and we svill guarantee tefolona per aereelf he will give the overplea ifitoverruah the estimate. Part of the land was related with potatoesor a- first crop, which yielded one hundred and tweety nshele per acre. It was then limed ,pith After beehele par acre, and weeded wills wheat and clover. yielding an ;average of over i 5 bushels per acre, and the elovernow looks -beau tiful. •, tether - portions have be a n planted with cor n an a first crop, which yielded t hitt bushels of yellow i flint coin. and the second crop forte bushels. and the third. crop. treated tr,o pounds of limbo. we are sure no gone would estimate he oil forty bit, tele tier acr. 1 (The reader will reeoll et that theavriter is now speak leei. 01 lands perfectly ne t . and which can scarcely be con . eidered in good arable cohdition.—Epe 1 • In other caoes thecorn rep oflaet year wee. followed with tote tide season, no yet threshed, but Willareroge• prop lily forty to tlfty bile eta. Sweet. potateee. beene. sullen', :me inJacts all v •geteblee, 'as weal as young peach and other fruit treeplanted Olt year. show very .plainly that t h is lorien ee dated tract of land jehould tre main en no loniter. and t ere Is now a s tong probability that it will net : ,For undee the anspicee of Me. Landiselt will be divided into emend lota, with roads located to an. rte all—t he surveVOr 1.11 now buoy atlthie work ana till parch:re - ere will lie reqel red to .bnilth neat coin. eirtable houeee, and either fence thrit Trite in ttnifnem ity. or a :ree to live without fence, which would be prefera ble, be which, means a Unbil poeulatien will he secured who Will eft:tidal; chttre.hes. Eelmole, eteirciel mill a. ma. chine .thopsallllloMek—libteeinf American fti mere: Ann. roentied by girlies, orchards, fields and comforts of cilie nixed life. • , - " , , I - • . If any One, from anedeeeneementnf Wane-stets oasis oils ofebeneing hie paten to for life, or who IS from any 1 ennse deelroue in find alt tv location end cheap home In the coentre. and who may read and believe seh I %relieve trelietated, he will do we I to rn an deee for h eel f what .may be seen Witten. a two hours ride nrrbilii einhtn. SOLON ROBISSON. ABEL 'IURRELL In Il n e n c , m ‘i t r i e t Tr o t;v e nz c a riir. e r m e- e l d • y o o f f or S n aftlyr y te'sf.,.cAr; 11 to which Cloth Is heir. Cr! of the GREAT. MEI I INE EIVI 01-111151, of ADEL , TORRELL, and ibe arsiTed of the nOnellts dis pensed. " lgootroto.Juii IT, 18G1— , 0. 0 St Va.t 4 i lA. t's spietolid:mtortmeoti lit reccdl+e. Chlanntes.slialcs 41. ho?here, wicks. etc., nt Torrell's Gold'Med. n 1 s 9. i•ther kindE. .A. I,y. !•.: • . . Mt IVOC: 0 1:1=9 . ' Fl a Ti m r i gn i t t lif l a; u r r o ci . im4bettt ate for turpenAnf , . WI it . uz• 11410 by. ABEL Tp.gzu. LITBRIOATINd . F oti 41as at Mici(serT, torAvirelbi,+slEil.. TURRELIL'S PURE TIMOTHY &ICIMUI IIEDI OR SALL BY ABFL TURRET,L, morraosz "JAIVIES R. DEWITT, is NONNI OPENING . A New and Daffodils Stack e( Goods. OOFFEE: 'rr au rt:=Ti_ yiLb i "V&frargrAililtgl for Omni vanity. Byspep and all billoaa disorders. Tho=nds who hive beels compelled to eh= don the art of coffee will ass Ali - with= Wall= West One ow contains the strength of two pods of =lair, coffee. Price Sliteata: • • ' Fqr sate le, Uontrase by Abel -Turd'. • ItOLLOCIE'S LEVAIS, The par= BASMItO PIM= know% tor. arAindrehr. sweet and a ntritioes Breed end cakes. • POI* 115 teats. • - Magnactured by M. 8.-SOLLOCIL Cb=ist,. - Comer of Broad sad Chestaatsda, Philsdelphia. . Sold by all Draniste sad Orator& , arbe ly-je ORFORD UNWERSITY, IeTM Mal Teem of Ws Institution. will contresoes oa Wednesday. September 4th. The Winter 'tom as edneeday December 4th; and the 9,ortustern.on wed. riesday.'rebrnary • Each Term consists orders' Seeks: • • 333.1CMITEMirESZIPI. , TIIITION.—Common trastetme. Including - Tool ales. ie. - • _. Natural Philosophy, Chentbdry. Physloloty 'and Zook. }Condi:lg Algebra, Geornetryand due.lent Languages. 1.. 8 Fren Ideate ch, on Plano. until the WU ZS Room rent, Expanses orßemitatlon room. 1,0 • Dettozeo wince good !tpeTstas as Wen me* va t % • roconta fin e with 000ldng Kaye. bedstead. and table. Pulliam who thaw to boardtbeinselera. &meter. be bid lathe aelghborhod4 et, two 411edlete per week. • • Pay In advance; or properly seen*. llazford, &wont 8,1861. WANTED ! WANTED . I -•. I,ooo'hushels of Oats, • ' • . 10,000 114. Fresh Luttor,, In . Tubs ' or Ron,', 500 lbs. Reestrat, 5,000 dozen Eggs, • • • , • SOU dozen pairs Good WooleniloclN .• . Et:LOCO oAk.ogre, • ron.wmalTaz Highest Market Prica,, will be • •Paid in • GOOD GOODS ; 170.00.0;2;.tcei.4th. 1581. —0 il[W fiII&WINTER GOODS AT' TYLER'S: - STORE! FIRST STORE BELOW TARBEILS..7. A P/LE of - xamt.-sr .10r CP.CP 73 Sly * Pr 14. C, Mt EI.X 3We St FRESH CODFISH, STONE WARE,, - W OODEN WARE, BROOMS, • &c., PAINT & VARNISH • BRUSHES, BLACIL. • • ' LNG, SCRUI3INO, HAIR,Tooth, ,NAIL, and. LATHER ' MUSES, ALL VERY CHEAP. ALC )liOL, TURPENTINE, ct• T....AMP* BLACKN TALLOW, SOAPS Of every kind lint son. AT TYLER'S STORE. IVZ T B it rn itgf, L in d i g : pur K g °67 clie t sV. en!' ; ' Tallow, C l w 14; 4 °lnn 11 1 ri OM LIVER, Pure &ire, Cattor, lise.metimc Qil, tut machinery; also Bail= and British CU. FOR .THE HAIR, , AND MOUTH. R r ! . . rn it' a l.. t'ei ..7AM: j orld i la Ray pelf sr. Zylobalift one rttnn .111lHott Rah-Tonic, tennN i ct.t .l n t au r trE t7SI ) . Pomade -d :-Phlloconte: Philadelphia and le• ° York Month Parrirlin Fragront Filler. fot the teeth and tudraza 0. Dalyryno plc's Mvuth Wash.-Dental Soap, kc. Alr TYLER'S -STORE: IL,r ORSE'S Indian Ttoot Pillo,lWrlzht*o In tliftn Vegetable Villa, Cephalic death on Heat:ache. ' To r jr n o t a ft elto tp r g l i th l . '"lc" C . Waft TILE IVAIt COVIINUED! MAT BARGAINS rnEVAILING. NEW FALL GOODS 31ECET3E1.1=1. - It °ilia, sob:L=ll attention to his :sfett.and lorgl stock of FM AND WINTER GOODS I now being received, and embracing the most desirable varieties of Ladies Breve,Goods, in Rich Fall 'Prints; Caelimerea: Detainee, Ottoman-Valor. Merinos"; • Tambourd•Reps., Gingham's and Silks •, Std... /a. Silk. Broche, and Wool Long Shaws. •._ • - •Bich Ribbons. Bonnets. and Flowers, Ladies' Cloths, BroadclOths. Cas- • simeres. Sc.. with a very fall - assortment of Staple an . d. Fahey Goods, as usual • • nardware. Crockery. Iron. Nails. Paints..oils. Hoots and Shoes. - • Ants and Caps, Clocks, Wall Paper. Ladies' • Fars. Buffalo Robes, Carr:tinge. &e.. with a new assortment of stoves and Trimmings of the bed quality. made to order, Sc,. &e. ..•11/?" As the stock' is large and-bought for"tasb. he is folly prepared to conquer a -Peace," and secure the highest Advantages of the War" to his ens:milers, who are In• vited to range themselves under his." Limners" and se cure the benedts of the "Fight." Flour& Salt; constantly on liand New Milford, October 1881. A. suniure :NEW FIRM, ALLEN, HANS'. '&. .00.,. Under Montrose Democrat Office;. RE RECEIVING - 11 Fresh GrOund Western FLOUR every as days, which we warrant to give eatlataction as any in market; it not good returned at our e.rpehee. • Feed, acid: Buckwheat Flour, - .•SALT AND PORK BY .i•oz LOAD,. BARREL on POUND. HAMS, [Sityri r C'a -, • • • • Dried Beef; • - Smoked Halibut; Drips , and Syrups; Molasses. and &liars. TE IS. CQIPEEE. SPICES, Bq 0 Olt S. AND NAILS, • whirl the offer for tale At Low Prices, for READY PAN ,ONLY. • ' 3fontrtae, July 9, MAI alermtus; the be.t in mn fr , r Pnle ABEL TETINIELL For Cub and prompt all months buyer, • i o ci ay. .61 W % NTT 5.1.60 Men WOin en and oilidien. EVA N 3 do ALLE"f'9 Jewelry storei to buy Illatent,e,len•crly :ALA Fancy Gotids, tot TILE - HOLIDAYS .r . . . Ths subscribers tako picasute In a t to their friends; that ttioy have this day returned from tiewTorh with an nnusuatly large and well Mega stock of Goods with especial reference to the approaching Festive 60son Apy peramo dtsirous of ranking , . . - Christmas or Nevi' Yea;? Present, can end it rich and extensive assortinent to select from, and at prices that cannot fail to snit, 118 we ,bny our Goods exclmilvely for cash, and stiovithein telt& pleasure with out ohm-Etc. EVANS & ALLEN. Watches—Ladles* Alatnond Enameled. and plitinz-7. *splendid article. Mso it variety& Oold and Stleet Eng- Ash, American and Swiss, Iluntlonand Philn. - very low. Cold Vis na—A very extensive variety of rob, Guard and :sleek Ch lifts, Erato & Amex. Ear Bingsfand Breast Pins—An indalte variety. 4ylca and nrleca, In sets and. Finger Et lagezDlantond, Baby. Ilfgard.P Chased and Plain f old Rings — _Rin--e la rgestock. • . - • - Braeoleta—Gold, Jot, Plated,and BAIRD Meta et all patterns andprices. Evans Azure. Biles r Ware—Everydescrlptlen of Silver Forks, and Spoons, Napkins Dings, on band. also Soup and Ovary Ladles, Cups, - Card Cases, Pie, Butter and Fruit Knives, childrens' eta, salts. etc.. warranted good as cola. , lPlatedWairo-A Bokatiralataartracntot loePitaheet Castors, Cato Baskets, Waiters. Satter Pishaa, Suzan Salts, Knives, Spoons,' Toast Backe. Cup' Galati etc., stn, bv " ' ZvasS & Ataxic • aletve Buttons and Mudia-A large stock °fall patterns end prices. , . • Dead* --Coral Neolclacosind Andiatr. ditabelr;"Cend: Pearl. alit, Steel, and *Bros Beads. Shell Combs—A go - od . stock °retell back and vide Math , . also lioff.do. Horn. Ivory, and Drooling Combs, hair and Tooth Brushes, etc. ; etc. , 301174.2g19l AX4 =MIN, --- Mb. S Odd Fellows Hall. inanSamlos COMMEOCIALCOMIC ; - Dzioinitutuas Valley Doh. - BINGHAMTON WY. . rAccLier: D. W. LOWELL, Principal. Professor or We Sciettear of- Accounts, gradient Accountant. ; Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Book Keep: i 'rig: Diagrams iilystrating the tams. Dona Culia c an:mist Ae . vour.tant,Pruftv's of Book Keeping and Pram - iv/al Illathemrtits. J. J. Ctinals, Assistant Proistasor in the But k Keeping Department. 4. J. WArmsa, Professor of Practical aid Or. Ostnentsl Penmanship, Commercial, Cali-sat } Oats id Correspondenet , GEC'S - VICE/ISt • !lon. Paniel"l3.l)ickiraim, Letterer ea Gomarti ett bale and Pelitical Economy. • Hon. Ransom Daltum, Letioros on C . ontrisity I Promissory Notes and Bill* of Ezehange, - Res, 1)r. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Comertre.lask Ethis. • . - ; 6XABI1111:10 conntrricri hoe. Sherman 1). Phelps; Wm. R.. Osborn. Esq. _Tracy IL Ws:fan:Esq. ••• • - the tibi-ci of Miss College. is — tis afford to ad opportunity of obtaining a thorss.egb Desthesii - Earstion: ThisiLk ks and Forms are rarefaily errs gad by p tichl scrim/Jaunts .1 xpresslys fur tbf 10 . ease on and embrace sal the recent Inspres•-.." • instate. 'The coarse . of instruction comprises: every ciefiartment bf 'business. l'he learner will tor' thoroughly taught the et:for:v..ol:lA practice of Double Entry ilonisiteeping as applied to tk e following kinds of husine=a, viz :. General, tits t• ihandiaing, Idanufscturing, Barking, Cun gels-. Itien,'Nteamboating. Railroading, Pontius:l:in Freighting, Forelire Shipping, tko. ' Tomccom= I,:encnaifythesaselres in short time. art•tiSla lesitina• tion. to 0/I Important a t -lucrative situations. Ample referer.eesual be given Rbere graduates of 2f40 are nue ellingdealrableslusationa wilh salaries :tom $503 to $lO4O per anncnt. , The Prey:eta:lmre In Possession of tettiniadials ham Soule of the tirs t Commercial houses In the State. to alma titer have ft:mashed boob-keepers. elbowing their entire iatisrsetton and eanldeace In Usability of the esstestes oak' Listus.ast ' - P.MlANsir? In an its true-Nei, taught by the Most sknltul and tbot butt masters of the art: NO College in the coantry ea -1071 s higher repute? ion in ilia department. Ladles' lasr partmenq entirely !separte from that of thegentlesneu. Students eau enter Coliegc et any time. No vacations. Time to complete the worse, from 8 to 10 wee**. Ste. .dents passing - the requisite examination are pmentvd, ivlth the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma issued by any Commercial or Classical Ir,stitutien,la lb. ?salon. Assistance rendered to graduates Its.proeuriag , siteatious. Forterres of tuition, price-of board. 'test:menials of , graduates tiling positlons,& c. nedrees tkc proprietors for eirchlars containing fall perpenlers. LC WELL & Proprietors Binghamton Commercial Ccilege, 1, " !tor. b. .GO.—y Ilinghamtun, N. T.' .; %7XINTMICa-ah.r,7321 1 . To ALL WANTING•TABDIA. New Settlement cf Vineland: - _ PLEIE1:1 1 . FOll HARD TIIIES. • • --- • tare Opportemity in the Best fdarket, sad Dr.lighenl and Healthful Clieuate in the ton. Only thirty milts swath of Min • dolphin. on a railroad; bsing • • • rich. henry soil. end highly I productive Vineland; Amongst I the best little Carden E•tats of Irctaleisq., • T CONSISTS at v3,c02 acres a cuort istigt tuttata • u to :mos of different elresto let the purchaser—fro '4O acres and upwards—and is stid at the rate citron 111 • teen to twenty dollars per acre for the farm land. pays itt one•fourth cusib i ned the ladarce by Q uarter- year caw : m cuts, legal interest; within the . Lena Of Soar 'years. • • • CVXX.a Is.ln erre: part.a rich clay luata,scitable•foi Vf7tect, Onus and lutatto h dark and rich Ptitaty loam. suitable ior corn. SUEZ:TO:4OI% tobacco. nil kinds of vegetables and root crops, and the great varlets of fruit. such ii erapes. pears. peaches, apricots, Ilebtarlites. blackber ries, in eioti• and, other fruits, best adapted to the; Phila. 1. delphia,and New York markets. In respect to the-sob Ind rrops there can be uo mistakt, as visitors can exam ine both. and none. are expect; d to buy lefore to doing: Anti gilding these statements correct—under these dr ennistancas, unless these stateMents were correct; theft , would be Donde la their belay made. It is considered Tho. Best Fruit Soil in the Union. (bee report of Solotfltobin son,- Esq.. of the ? few York Tribuns, and the well known agriculturist; William Par ry, of etunatninstm, New Jersey,whitti'wll: belarniaked • ingedreni. , rialElrEll MefEttLiitair:lCl i rs looking over. a map the reader will perceive that It colors the beet market tie Union. and lima illreit ceps. wittnicatidu with New York and Philadelphia its fee • day., being only thirty-two miles from the iatter.'Produce in this awake; brings doable the price that it'iliwe• In iota- Hoes dlatint from the cities. In- this location it can Le roit, tutu the market the same morning it is gathered. ant r what the farmer sells see gets the highest price; whilst " - ~,, r oceriesand other articles be purchases Le gets at the lowe‘t prim In tlic West. what be sells bring., him tti pitunce. Lot for what he buys be part two prices. lan • loenting heir the settler has inane Dater advantages. Tit is 'isithiu a few hours, by railroaa, of all the great cities of New England sad the Middle buttes. • Ile la near his friend , . and 31 , 40ebit king. Ile has sellout for. his chil dren, divine service, and all the advantages of drilla lab, and he Is near a lime city. , • rsizafxs 'CLT-aXII/E.A.T.IEI . • fdelightful; the wittier' being eallabrlons and o tes; vhilst the stutuners :rev° warmer than In the N • The locati on Is open the line of latitude With northess Virgir,la. - - t PERON', WAIITISO A CELANGE (4 -CLIMATE TOM TISAVEM, ivoidet be mncleheu edited in Vineland. -The mildness or the climatentid itsbraclug influence. makes it excellent r a ll pubnoary ofeetiens. dyspepsia. or Q;srlsral &Wil ly. Visitor,' will nutics a difference in a few days. ,CAW. andliters are unknown.- -,` - Conveniences at. H a nd. ... Baliding material is plenty. Fish' and oy . iters in ' Plentiful and cheap. . Visitors must expect, however, to tees new place. . . Why the Property has not Deem Utile& lie. . ' 1 , 1 - tvre. . . . -) Thi.ottelitinci the Teader .navaraily anis. *lt is beams it has been held' n Inrgt. tracts.' by lamiiks not die posni to sell. and belng' without railroad facilitii tithe? Midis+ , - Inducement*. The r.iilroad has just been opened are' ' the vrc l .rix this eeason, for !Cie.-first time. ,' . 1 visitors ;ire shitio.over the land:in a carriage, free" of enpetlee, allifelrOrlied time and opportunity for thorough investigation. Those who come with a view to settle; ~ should bring money toeceure thei? purchases, as lona.. twos are mot held upon refusal. , 1 'rut SAFEST Tllleilt IN 11.11iD TIVZI., Where people tfa- - e, , ikon thrown unr of employment or batiness, sod p Oss sontel'ttic menus or email Ince' m ce, is !orlon' 0 On- igers a Itorre. They tan buy a piece of land at A email • prize; said earn more than Wegen in imProvleg it. and - -when it i. d,me It Is a certain Indepcndenec and to lots. I A few acres In fruit trees will iraurc a comfortable Ile-. •ii,g. The hind is put clown to hard-Lime price'. and alt improi err.cute aria be made at a cheaper rate than most, any other-tinse... -, t The whole tract, with el x ranee trout on the rellrOsd, Is tieing laid out with floe and spacious avenues.. with a • tows, In the centre—tiveacrelote in the te,wu sell aticom f,„ifin to tddh: two ;ant a-balf acre lota, et from POW $129 and Conn lets-5) feet trout by Itil feet deep. at glo9—psy. able one-half cash and the balance ss Ithii, a year. It is only:mon farms of twenty acres, or more, that tour yearsi • time Is given.. • . - . Inl TO, M - it NUFACTrIII:II9.,the town affords at ilnelveil-.1 - for the - SHOE nuonfacturiug business. mid oth'er ar telm it , being •ar I hilndelphie, and the eurronitding c t , ,i u r n k t f r t , - • . hai - a large! population, %stitch scorch_ a s .good. I This - ettlernent. In the eourec of Several years, will be ' can of am most beintlfid places In-the country, and moat enterable for a residence: . tlt Is Intender: to make it a . Vine end 'Fruit growing. - 1 cpaticrv. as this culture Is the Most profitable sod the bOat adapted to tbo market. rvery advantage and roc rlenicace fo,r . the settlers will ]mlmre decc-t1 -Pleb ant ins sure the prospertri' orate place. The bard - times thee'-. alit the eonntey wlll be an advantage to the settlement, as. , It compels people_ th.relott to err:mite:re for a lir: lon. - , . . :Large numberi ofpconle are pm-chits:re. and people echo des:re the:best location ehonld vial t the rutcc et one. , :Improved Laud Is Rife for rale, .-- i TIM nElf.—lond eau be houghs with or without tin- -. her. The Timber at market vahnitleo. - , : • I The Title is Indisputable_ Warrantee deeds glen, dear Oita ineurobiance, when the money is paid. ~ I Boarding eroreentenese at bar. d. I Letters promptly answered. and reports of Voles Rob, ,--ihson and rim. Parry sent, together with the—Vineland , . lintel." • !toute to the laud :heave Walnut s_reet wharf, Thhia.. delphia. at 9 1 . ..c10ck, A. 31.-and 4P. )1.. (unless there should be a change of hour.) for Vineland. on the Obisr. - born' etlilatillrflre Itailioad. When yon leave lb* cant at Vinelagid Station:loot op! . n ed. Inentre for - , . . - DIMS. E. LANDIS, Pnernarter. - Founder of thotoloay._ Nrstrzildip. 0:, Cumberland County N. j - V - IP. S.—Thera te a chengeof ears at Glasaboro% 'Alf li. I beware of sharpen on the ears from New To* mid Mr.. adelobta to Irtaelaad,tagotritig Ivor bostesoli,, etattrio, hon. Ct. • I Sanitary 1. ISlit—inii t.___---....----- XiCercosiserq,,- frir THE BEST IN 3LARE*7. lit 35.QentA per Gaon. - Cmpbene..lVlLliniaolol. ate.. eanstantk on 44. VApPllO.llll* • VW. tb. 10- - , 13.17.11i'latZta" l itit3ol4lS-OtrT 111311iNESIS,_ nut waatt etelo .• mallman binat s., we 007SritienlOSt of . . •