The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 13, 1862, Image 1

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    :THE - MONTROSE OBllkidaT
••, 5 t.l t
iS 17u to.I6IINITNUR)II34ITB Oft -
A. J" Grerritisci33.4
Tuttur. DObliS JII3O 1 SL.IRLB S rOiEL:
r relnl4.—A,so pFr Allrilllll In ADVANCE
etberwise 1.9 - will be ehatged—and fifty cents Iper annum
Aided to arreArages, at tho ()Piton of the Publisher, to pay,
.:pease of collection, etc. Anemic/. payinent preferrcd.h'
ADVERTI§RifF...NTS %.11,1:be hmerted at the
rate Of 41 per square. of ten lines or fess, for the Arit three; 1
weeks, and 25 ceata for with additional week—pay Climb 11
• reltants, and others' , - wTheadvrtieebi,A.
the year, will be charged it tlie following zstee, alt.; • 11,
For One *quart, or Jena, one year.. with dian* '' l
Foe.k additional square, at the rate of - • G
No credit given except to those of known rea'ponaiiiilltit.
BANKERS,—..Montroac, Pa. &Leaman to Post;Coapier
Co. Ottcp, Latiaapeuew bulldtug, Toraplke•at-
J. 11. X'COLLI: X ....... W. ISCARLZ.
A TTORNEYS and Counr , ellora at Law,—dipntrota, Pa
0P.1.x. in Latlicove nciv building. overßit Bank.
, A TTORNEY. and C01311%6163 . at t w .-I)3',FANDA, Pa
111. Mee to the Union , re3sB et
I)1Z. E. P. IVII,MOT,I -
TtA , XIIIATTZ of the .AllOpathic and rforotropalhle ,
lege:: of Mndiclne.—Greatilcod, Pa. Oftire, corner
of Main at.lEllzabeth-sta, nearly opposite the Methodist
•Church. . - I nnUltf"
.Mechanical and Surglettl Dentist. eeoently'of ilinghamton,
N. Y.`tender their profese leant servltet, to ell who appre
ciate the " flefernted Practice dr Physic careful and
MNI operationi on Teeth ; wlth,the moat aclentlfic and
anlroved ~.tyle,4 of platework. Teeth extra l eted without
i;atn anti all work warranted.
Jackaukt, .1 one 13th,C1R30. I
1)11. H. SMITH & SON '
, . . • ,
"'t IIIGEON DENT,ISTS.-11Mitrose, Pa.
. 0/ice in I,,nthropn' nor buthlitig. oVer 7 . ..
.t ie Rank_ All Dental operatiems,wlll Int 'llicri a •
le.trlbrined in :mod ityle anti.tvalrntnted. . i ,
... ___s. --,
J. C. OLIISTEAD ' : 11.. 'READ.
N - 1,7"()1:71,1). ANNOViC,CF, , to the Public
that tf.,,y•havc entered into a partnerthipfor the
Practice of MEDICINE & Surgery,
andare prepared to attend to all calla In thi: lice of their
profesttion. °Mee- i t he nue - forinerty occupied by Dr. J. C.
Olmstead. in DUNDAFF. I ,Imy II :Au.
iliveieian and Ssrqe,nt, Frientixrille. Pa. 4ffseeoytpoeiti
Jack,ain //ocee,
"An. i.r.r.T zi.cupaafcnlar att. - nylon to the treatment
Lie of disca,cs of the &nu and En:: and in Contldent that
hi. kwavleiltre of. and cal w.rictice in that branch of prac-
Cee will enable him to effect a cure 'in the 'most
cases: For trcatin4 &senses of these °m um( no '.fec will
tn, tilunn. the patient . is beDetittecl,by the treat
ra,n t. 1411,11st.:3 0 tit, IP.M.
s01"11IWOR1'II tt...VADAKIN, .
QQ ANI7rAr AND 'ltalian and
.3.‘„ Anirr;:au Miniumentl, Fica&tonet , ,
nink, and Centre-Tables. Al.o
dea424 it. Marldoi Utr 'Mantles. ettittre-Tallvt, Se.
fear .or, ca,t. of Searle'e MAO on Turnpike
Ftt rt.:, Niontro-o, Pa. out v*
W.M,, A. SNOW,
. •
ISSTICE OF TILE vrArE,—Grent Bend. Pa. Office
Oil Ma: h ,trevt, 0p;, , ,,it, the W . Ft , ^n I.lollte.
- - -
ASIIIONA3I.E TAlLOlL—Montro.c. ra. Sitop
r.v, , r I. S. Bonny- crnp,ry;
Th-mkrui for pnl-t favor-, he .
him,clfic ao oil cati,hichtrilv.
t.11 4 ,:41,:rw'011, and,warrcnted to tit.'
2th, 11"0--tf.
• , .
. .
, P. LI:SF.S, - ;•.- t- i .• .
-, ~--.: I lON' vols. TA11,01"..t rrie )linttroc. l'n linp
A . ( ' iii l'iir - n% Bloil:i. iiiveriiii - or Rena, Wntrns
iii. Fi- err . Ail work vicirralitql, .'to n tit fl"niUtlz ish, i
k •.;1 iii 4 ,l, ,I,c nn -hart lintici.. !in belt s:yli, ~li?1 V
- -
.3 O . IIN G 0V1. , ;
nit i• T.\ ii.;(l% Pa. tihol,' •
r,:r TIE,t TPrillt!k.
Ftra,t. nr(lern !Plod rr((ni fr-t...rt(tr'elyin.
I 41 t.l/11 1:((tica.„:11 , 1 Wnrr( (41 tn.(11... •
- - L. I. ISBELL, •
Watsal irelr: at. the
nntr. nnti ,011Tlith•
U tic w irra rot nil St(t(p in .11(11.4 , r and Je.: , • r.V.
Pft. I , 01-'25
1N"..\1. \V. S)1h11. & co., •
tr.".:1 7 .T ANT) 1712 .1111
: 31:(ntrose41`.t. rag itr
. 5 (2. 0. F0111.)11:01,
.• , •
- t. V ANITACTL ItET,t of 11 00 TS et .§.I7OEF. mqntrOse, .1
...-" ra. .5:10 1 , oyes Tvler'.. 'gore. A. 7.1 kind" of Work
r , - I, :.) ~ n l,,r, and 4, - . 7pnirin•z!dnne ncittly. • Je2 Y . . 1
-- 1
• I
. .
. . . .
1 , 1T: 4 :T.1:11 in Dratts, Medi ines, Chemiathri Dye
.. 1 .5 9 tzteT., G - Ware_ Pair.t .. Oil., Varnish, Win
toe. iiiVif.. Groceries, FancylGoeflA, Jewel* , Pet-fa
t ~ .7, , s r:ft.—Xi:ell; for all the most iiopular , PATENT
T .
'ti t tirlNT.S.—M,intri-e, Pa. . •: ~..1 n. .. 'if
-AND- --• .
'',l. HAYDEN, 1 t
.101 IN HAYDEN - . I. .•
"G'tAl - 1 - D.krl»:N; I 1 NEW wont% PA
I; I:nr,GE II .vpp N. . .
P: BRU 1 TI. M.
IltlCTid to the lut.kcs ' l.4 • 1•414 prorel prorainly.
• Ogle.° atLathrop , . Hot 1.
aovs -• . SMITH.
41=0.f 1%7 celacr.e'irCez-35.7
ASSETTB Est July* 1860, '81,481,819.27 ,
:LIABILITIES, " " . . 4.3,066.08, -
:3;;;L:n martin, rresldillit:
Futular.GB-, A. F. ; , %c -4'
To v s tvg VetareliP4Fa.b9 tbA lan4erfjr.tea. kt
one cu( auNt - kcAtlek Rotel. 3J9utruse,
JEC,. 23 :0' MIL 'LT a.
Lijnat ieeolred o. largo rick of new' Stoves. fur
L Parlor...o Moe aod Stiov..parpobee.for Wood.
ar CO4. with Stows Pipe. Zino. £se. .
t!iaaeac.rtaeatlestlectartdesirable,oralwill be t - old
,-the most favorable terms-Mr!,,Caskor to Pronipt Liz
l'avths Iluy as.
Milford. Oct 'Zak. 1.912 . .
ILEALTIIY beverage. One pound oft k Co6e
4:1 =WA =eh no mo - poimds of o C
offee; For
by ABELther -
.A.J. of the Mlupatie and Hunirropapue Callegestif Xed-
I ei ae, would retaruhla tkineere thank* to the peel:oo'GL%
Rend int vielnitynt , t hthe -verr Iratroos4, , e Atlth
leh they hove fa. tur him. end betiopee by estrie
tintion to buline•Avurederit &liberal share of the ,publie
c Una dettee: • Greaeßend. January ea, Mat •
A'.•• .. TAKE NOTICE!'
aoatb. Pevict icor Sides,
eelt.N. For. Mink, Alio4zrat, and nil kinds of
FttrA. 'A. food assortment of Leather andiloots and
e.einutantly on hand. °Mee, Tanneiy, .1b Shop en
lluin Street. .
AL)atrulte. Peb:fith. :' A. &L. C. , KEELER
DAVID C. A.NEY; M. D., • •
Tir A yr - Ng lotitel Ttrtnatiently at Nevi lilltora,
t - Lwiliatttnd promptl,i , ttt all calla with Which ho ittay
hr favore d. Office rat Toddle libtal. '
New-Milford. July, 17, 1861
rx As for sale. 'Metallic fo r tr," w fo cr kaibloos.
11.clook .4•Witch. qU. 84d Bag. BO gaol Moore Poi,
ron. Hotheopathit VAlliedits.l, - Powns Estratt. grtrAt
• tr,.let, of-Unit:tents. Balta. - Pill& and: Plouvrr.,tztflin
• , 4- 1 -t's . or Patent Medici Let
We Join . onrselvei to no 'Pattythat lioei not . - CarTy;the. , Flag and Keep Ste to the Idusio , -bt the„Whole Union.
_ _
VOL. 19.
! - Not What I Mk.-
Not•irliat.l ask, but. what I need,
' Ohl Father giv.e to me;
`'Anil lead my feeble
_footsteps .where
It stemeth best - to thee.
I. would it'ot dare to, walk alone,
, .
E'en through a flowery. field ;
Thy kind Protection I would have.
My fair and trusty shield.
For frequently more perils there, ,
Than 'on the'rugged way;.. • ,
And there the tempter often waits,
to - lead our kepi astray,
He knows the 'thorny, rugged "path
Is not from choice our own ;
We crave to walk no narrow way,
O'er sharp and flinty stones ;
• - • •
But thro' the fair and flowery.lields
'press our Act ;
And mossy banl6l, when wearied all
Would yield a weleuine. sweet.
0! Father,' guide my trembling steps;
Thine arm arouud me east :
And' thro' lite's mysteries I'll walk,
. 'Till every peril's past..
. .
' 'Till evert peril'a preit,'.and.l
• The mountains, height have worl
: Have reatliedAny home ac thy right
liaveheahl thine own "'Well done.".
Old Words With . NevrDifinitioitti.
. ,
Some clear headed, niischievous chap
'gets off the - following - quaint -definitions inl
,which there is considerable more truth.,
than poetry.:
:: - WaterA clearEfluid,. oboe used as-a I
drink. -
. honesty- -An'excellent joke. . • ,N,,!
Rural Felicity—Potatoes •and turnipS. I
Tongue—A little horse whit:kis coutin-
ually running away. .1
Dentist—A person who finds iwork for !
,his own- teeth by taking out those of other
people. 1
. ~
My Dear—An expression used by maul
i 'and wifeta the conunencement tifqita-rels. 1
PoliceMan—A man hired by the corpo- 1
ration to sleep - in the open air. . • i
Bargain —A ludicrous transaction, in
which rack party thinks he 'cheated the
D_oetor•—Aan:tn - who kills you today to
save your life to-morrow.
Author—A (kaki; in words, who often
gets paid in his Own'toin. •
Friend—A person who will not assist
you heciinse he. knows your love wilt ex
cuse him. •
Editor—A - poor chap u:ho empties his
iii 'order to fill his stomach.
Wealth,—The most respectable gnality
of mem
• I3ounet—A feniale head dress for front
seats seats of the or:eio. „ ' ; •
Critie—A bad 'log thatl goes unchained
and barks at everything he does not Com
.preb4d. _
Esquire— Everybeay, yet nobody ; the
equal tO Colonel.
Jury—Twelve-prisoners in a box to try
one at'thq bar:
'State's Evidence--A wretch-who gets a
pardon for being baser than his comrades
Public Abuse—The mud with which all
travelers are spattered on the road to ,iies
Modesty—A beautiful flowet that &Mr
ishes in secret places.
.Lawyer—,A learned gentleman who res
cues your estate. from your enemy and
keeps it. himself.
- The Grave—An ugly hole in the earth;
which lovers, and poets will they were in
but take - uncomman pains to keep out of.
Tragedian—A follow. with a tin pot on
his bead, Who stalks about the stage and
geti into a terrible passion. for ::;o ranch a
night. •
Marriage—The Ate through which au
enchanted lover leaves the blissful region
and returns to earth. • -
-•. . .
• Death—An impudent fellow who visits
people at all seasons, without invitation;
.and insists upon:their immediately return
ing the
totteries--. 7 Coneerns that pay theiegis
latures handsoMelf for •the : privilege of
cheating weak minded people.
Virtne—An awkward- habit .of actin g
differently -. front other people. A vulgar
word, which creates great Mit:th in lash
idnable circles.-
Honor—Shooting a friend through the
-head, o wlioni you reepect,ie to.gain
the praise - of a few people yon despise.
For fear of accidents on 'the railroad, '
i the stampeded Congress left t yesterdsw in
a number of the strongest and' newest
canal boats. These•boats are drawn by
mules of approyed sweetness of temper.
TO Protect the st'atilpeders from the snakes
and bull frogs that abound along the line
',f the canal, Gen. ,7tl'incler has detailed a
rt . ninient of ladies to March in advance of
the Oules and clear the toW. path of the
pirates: The regiment is armed with pep
guns of :the longest.range.. The ladies
will accompany the Eamireders to•rt seclud
ed tare-in OW mountains of
and leave diem there. in-.charge of the,
children of the vicivagei until McClellan
thias.proper to let them come .forth.—
The ladies return to the defense. of their
country. - •
CAN A. BODY Eli , WAII eld
erly lady _who was handling a pair of ar
tificial plates in a dentit (taco and ad
mirinft the fluency with which, tine dentist,
described. them, asked
body eat 'with these things
"My dear madam, mastication can be
perfortr4d by theta with a facility scarcely
excelled by nature herself," responded. the
dentist. •
"Yes, know, but can a body eat with
'cm?'.' replied the woman.
--Hem Ishaildeus Stevens 'recently-sta
ted on the floor of CongreSs, that our pub
lic debt, on the first of July . next, would
be 900,000,000. -. He . informed
"the'House thht 'the expenses of, the `gov
ernme'nt at 'the present tithe wSre $;3,00,
11 large-Shareiribie
1-eti 'u, ,, fir 'l-z,T . ,.:,:4 4. .4 rytery.:—.-v.4.-_ , 40 . --;.;!_ f r44,, , ,--,;,, if, , ,.. ,,, ..- .1, - . ....,.... , -- ,,, 1. ,, —;,_ --z-..,-5:..., ; , , ,..•,1... ,, ,.---. , ... ~.-,:,,,,,-, , ..,. --, -. , ,
. - .
„. 2 ... , ,,t , ; , ,.. , ..i.. - t-.,. ~,, . ..d , 1,,,..-4,- 1-_:. ....., t • ‘ .: . 2 . - ~.. ~. ~ -4 ':- . 44f. , ;•?.., : , :-.- i. .. 44 '" •'''' i 1 -''' : .•,.':..,:. :,. • ! t . ...,: : -.1 ' : -.1 - , ,:-•;'.- - . , ,'fr.N .*. E: ‘ :l 7 ; - :•-:.i ...- ''',L'• '.' ~ ''';' `- --
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,->t,l ‘,.. r .v 0 .- ~ 24 t•r. .. - s
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. ,
• Congress Stampeded.
[From the _Richmond Whig, April Sq.
Biographfcal Sketch of Hon. Thaddeus
- ;. „Steininsof. Pemisylvauta.. - ;- - .
..".-,."The brOadatream Of tide,. in its onward
ceurse,'sweepa with ita tide,"the' genera ;
Lions of . . Men. •Their. toils, their „cares,
their virtues .and. their vices, float down
i•- . .
_ • . - .- . 1 with thern to the great sea otobliyi9il and
. A.N' ESSAY . 11EAE DEPORE TUE WYOMING C0..1 scarcely leave.upon.the beach a Waif. of
TEACIIEns. ASSOCIATION,, BY unis• ELLEN. 1 the paatlO .tive plausibility to . history—
. 1 . „ . ..
J. LUTES. :' . . .. . . . ..
,or to , poisit 't e-morid of.a.heroic tale.— .
'Thirty:three' pears g.6thelife - ot a-genera
' As varieties are said to be pleasing,per
rtion. Thel patriots of the 7 "ReColution have
haunt:will not be . amiss to drop the ; aub-,I
inc4nents ' ; pas'sed aWay--.—the soldiers of the second.
jec. -- t,of schools, etc., - for a few
War of. independence are reduced to a
While -We talk about tip - I','as t and the ]
Present: •-- .. i . , --, .; , , 'Mere Squad Of white-haired veterans—the
• It, iliElaid, 1 -)Y'E;omt'' , that;"*e "1/ nation; 'proud chieftains who : marshaled the con
are gaining rapidly ilk
.knowledge, - But i tencline . masses in the• political conteSth. of
I ; what kind of knowledge ? Is it that which li Jackson's 4 ern,, have - - descended to the
. i grave or-Dare lost in the obscurity- of re-
it that which will prepare us for purifies' the.heaft and exalts the Mind . .
life i ttre ,",, r ,.-
Their . patriOtism, their glorying'.
1 efusefultiesa, and make us better as knowl-; eloquence, which cast a halo ofsglery over
I:the anniith of their - country, .are but bright
ledge increases? Let us qxaMitie-the Past
recolleetiMis of the past, which setoff in
and the 'Present, and then judge for our".
selves. - - r I more:salient relief- the empty professions
. ~. • it . ,
I-of the many demagogues and the cant and
Time tons when was no disgrace to
earn a living by the sweat of the.brow, I rant of most of the orators.of the 'present'
and when it was thought no crime for. " day. 1. -
.- - : I
persons to work until their hands : were 1 Among -the few notorieties.„who . have;
outdivedi their generation; an'd who'stil ll
hard afid.broWn. . Time
. is when it is id
! remain upon the political stage - Thadde-
'ntfist an Unpardonable sin-for a person'to
I es . Stevens,. ;representative in the ' Lances-
gain a living - by . honest menus, and ; when
is when they. are so lice; ter' Congressional District inTennsylvan
' leather mittens are worn to keep the hands 1
and Chairman of the Cominittee of '
soft and- white. Time was, When a good, ; in
Ways and Means, is most deserving of no
man could: be founewithout 'finch
not.only on account of the • promin-
. diffteultsy. Time'
I scarce, I cut position he now occupies, hat also be-''
"That when °tie I 6 found - '
Me fora show should be carried utcturid I" j 'mute most of his Cotemporariesitave pass- 1
1 Time was when a young gentleman who led away the many political aliases uncle.'
visited the card fable and the grog shop 1 whieli he has snecessively appeared. he- '
found it' rather hard to get married. Time; fore the people are ealeulated to throw :
is when he who is the most noted•gamb- Ldeubts Upon his identity, and to befog the-,
ler, who eau drink . the most liquor and , researciMs of the historian. We therefore
talk the fnost' nonsense has the best sue- I venture upon thishasty sketch for the ben-
j cesS atneng the ladies. Time was when it_ efit of the present generation.
wai:no -disgrace fora young lady to get I Thaddeus Stevens, "the. subject of this
dip in the morning and get breakfast, to I notice ; emigrated - hem fthe . Stale of Ver-
take lessons on the wash board, spinning I mont into the - State of Pennsylvania about :
wheel, etc.; and if they did not,do it, they I the year 1820; and took ;up his residence
were not: saitl to be Weakly, but actually' in York 'county,---where he kept school for
lazy. Time is when it is impolite to arise.`Lsome -tithe. Possessed •of a strong mind, j
before ten o'clock—when she who can I cultivated by a tolerable education, this
. discourse upon the merits of • the last ro- I New Etigland pedagogue, presented to his
'Mance while her .mother ,isehnrning, is t awe-stile -ken pupils an iron eonntenatice,
said to be truly accotnplished in every- I brazened over with irrepressible impu
thing needlfil, and is as badly frightened .fence 't club foet and a' halting gait.—
at the sightef a loom o r a wheel as moth- I suggestive of the. deviltries of Asntocleus.
er Eve would have been at the sight of a i . 1; : :, doss not appear that the ingenious
: locomotive. Time was when:parents were , youths of York sufficiently rewarded our
I treated with respect, and were looked to I hero in his efforts 'lto teach the young
;for counsel. Time is when the old man l idea hoUr to shoot;" for he left them mid
and ' woman are said to be fools. Time " established himself- at Gettysburg, where,,
, was. when a man who aot married staid at i lie entere"d upon the.practice of the law.
1 home and paid attention to his OWn affairs. 4 Th e r e h e commenced-' his
.labors in • t i, e ,
I Time is when a man gets married so 'that cause of aeti-masonry, and persevered in
he will have sonic one to see to matter's ; them until he 7 was elected to the Legisla
while he rods, about with some one else. I ture 1,3 a the anti-masonic party of:Adams
Time wad when„young ladies who had a I county - in. 1533. He was re-elected sever
peiiliar gift of " stretching,. their mMiths 1 a l t i ln ei, and during hiS legislative car,!er,
from ear to ear" did not chide their ;good? grit up , a committee - to investigate the
I neighbors for wearing smiling count-en:in- I subject of masonry. .As Chairman of the
cgs. Time is when sty, Omagh very small 1 Committee-upon which he endeavored to.
• -
in size, is mighty in thought and deed. —; confer the attributes of a Star Chamber, he
`Time was wheel we.a.s. a people did not in- . sumtnoaed before hiM many of the most
terfere with the rights of others, and con-: prominent men of the Commonwealth,
sepently enjoyed peace and prosperity.l and endeavored, in his owu. peculiar style,
Time is when we are considerably wiser, !to broW;beatinto submission such men as '
and therefore it is thought best (by smile) Gov. 'Wolf, Francis R. • Shuuk, Gen. M.',
to throw away the old Constitution and l Dallas, several clergymen and other res . - I
Make a new and, better one. - Rut as we I peetahle individuals. . In this lie-signally j
are "increasing in knowledge" we should I tailed, but his harsh tyranny disgusted the
not complain, but still hopefor the g - ood I cennietnity, and with other misdeeds we
I times which have been premisedus. I shall relate, led to the defeat of his party.
e" . "l 1n137 'Mr.Stevens was a prominent ,
of the - State Convention which'
was passed at the late session of the L e ,'" niei . nbr
'', " amended:the : old Constitution of PeunsYl
islature. It is given in full in the Sr/wo.
. v , an ia. I If... Was there he resisted,• with, all
Journal for April, edited. by the Hon..T. :'
, . 1 his enemies, the amendment of venjamin ;
; H.-Burrow - es, the State Stiperinteiment ;
i Martin of the county.of Philadelphia,who I
This Supplement is of considerable itn- 1 „
. -
few 0 _ ; p . roposett to restrict- the exercise of the
: portanee, though it males very
• _ . I elective fratiehis.e.. to "'white” men. All"
sential changes. • . \
i the elOquenee, all the 'energy, all the acu-
I - discontinues b l y express law all Sat- ;
: I men of Mr. Stevens' were di's:played to de-:
urday teaching.
y n s, la o k f es wi t ii h e e b t t: t c ;,' feat this amendment. : Of his 'sincere ad-1
month twenty-twoda t
1,0,4- ; liesioulto• the - cause of the blacks' on that I be spent in Teaching, and two
; memotlable occasion,
"we cannot entertaiir
itively, viz: two Saturdays in the month
in exercises or Institutes: ibr the imprc;ve- ,_
'' i a doubt ; for, if his recent course in 00 . . 1
: present ConeTessleft room for any liesita
ment of the Teachers of the District. It I:. 1.. ° • -
provides that • each of-the following items i non tan the Setaect, the proofs' of his par
,of the business of Direetors than be deter- tiality" fOr prae , tical amalgamation, which
mined only by the affirmative votes'of al lie
. hasileftein I enusyivanta, would at once
majority•of the whole Board: and not by I satisfy ! the most skeptical... g ;
a majority or quorum, as; was the ease 1 In the Spring oflB3B:preceding ; the fall
I heretofore except in levying tax—viz : icy-; electiOn . for Governor, Mr. Stevens was
1 .ed Canal Commissioner by. Gov.
v. 100; tax; the purchase -and sale of any' aPPOirlt •
was then he put into full prae
, s c hool ,real _estate, or changing' theloce. I Ritner. It .
he subsequently gave to "
: lion- Of any School Ho-ese ; the appointing I tice the advice .
or dismis=sing of Teachers; the determin, honest, member of the Legislature; to I
• in.. of the :tunnel school term;
c; selectim ; r; " throw conscience to the devil." Con-
text-books and determining - the general i
cOurse of sud. It provid frther, tha tractsl were given to party, favorites with
I t regard the claims of lower buldepd
alt s uch cases the-n es es am of a the Direct
; —the rpublic to
money . was lavished like wa,"l
tors voting. both in the affirmative and ; ter upon the construction - of the Wiscon-"I
negative shall be entered upon the min-2 isco Mid Erie 'canals, .and . of the famous . "
utes. - l Gettysburg railroad, whose complicated . '
The act was approved and went into ef- ! intricacy acurves dreVe engineers to the. :
feet on We filth of April.
; rerge"ok insanity, and. threw. far into thefl
- - -41 , 41+,110.- ! shade; the labyrinth of Dedalus., - ; In con:-J
A. New Power. ' i junctiOn with thesefrauilS upon the Treas-1
t' Teachers have becone a power on j tier, the niost-stupenduous election fraudsl
earth."' This. brief sentence, so . full 'Of I were attempted, at the gubernatorial elec-"
I meaning and .truth,_ was uttered b y the I Lion, upon the line Of the public Works, eV , '
;Hungarian patriot,..Kossuth, when, sur- 'ellolliOaysburg, Youngwomanstown andi
rounded 'by the martial .le6-ions of his,!Milltisfmrg l where thousands Of spurious I
countrymen,,heivas about to strike.alast I votes ! appeared upon the tally lists. Not.j.
desperate blow-for liberty.- I withstanding these glaring outrages up-up-:,I
Kings and lordlitigs, placed in pewer,by I on the purse and rights of the people, Gov;'
Itte'eaprice of fortune, have.governed the I Ritner was defeated at the election. N . c .,0 ); I
world with a rod of iron: The light of et - I-idling:daunted, our, yankee Canal Commis:,
neation has been shut out from the soul of I sioner resolved upon success, even at the I
!man In Order that his body Might be lieldi Cannon's mouth; imagined . the . . famous :
in,sn ' hjection to the Will of tyrants by brute croup d'etat of treating the,electiOn as if it .
(form ; But God said "Let there be,liglit, I had ipot Spurious ;returns
I,andthere was_ light." The." school-inns- , from Philadelphia. !were 'prodtmed to ;
I ter" has been abroad, : prepariug the minds i change the political complexion of the Leg.l
lof the Maiies for the reception of that" islataire; troops Were ordered by Govi I
11iglit'and truth, mid; pewer :that will un- j Hither to Harrisburg, s ,to lend the force of •
fetter the raae,-physically and intellectual- ' their!bayonets to the reyialutionary, action 1
I ly.. ' .:
,• -, ; - l of We Government—in facethe ever Mein
"Teachers : have become a. power on 1 arable buckshot war Wanuaugurated. Rut '
J earth." How. grand this - -troth! The 1 no t Withstanding, the people andthe sol- 1
Is - powers of darkness recoil and retire be- , dies! of Pennsylyanta proved true to them-.I
ebre-this "newt power" -The thrones of; s'elvda and to the 'COnstitution.. The-eon- I
tyrants, totter and crumble ''is. this pow -1 spira,tora met wiitilin ignominious defeat
- beeemeS fat it . their 'subjects, This i AtiMie• the; ecenta . which marked that
er beeemeti fat by 1
.1 .= _,eoi ; ., , ...._ . __ ~ . .
,Ezkiel-Lap;stone had predieted his down- I -
new power . moulds•Sopiety-.-. -developes in- ' ,dread till period, N . vlied.the destinies. of ti;- •
.• • • ;•- i• • 1- lieve that each thni would add fire bu SI
tellect-and nioralitY-At - depopulates pris- 1 1 IlepUtilie . seemed as hanging by a thread, Ezekiel ',worked - his • ' '
I fall, and that._ same - prediction . had . been I way out into : the I . . ....: , . . ••.
On :houses` arid 'Opidates tbetsanetnary •-- - --•: ; .the. most lauliable. occurrence. was the I and . spoke as follow - 5: ". , • ~•- - I
• dent's' Ihair
1 based upon the assertion - that
. he—the I open spac before Abe prest (~ , .
q s, out , 07 1 . D.O
.. ccni—iipiit often to - tile little bar inl els an awe. to the-yield. _ Ofeonrse as-tho
the surface onl ••
it elevates ;thetace, ' . • ... -,.... ~ 1 , peril its lea)? of" Thaddetii.Ster' a'.
corner fne l ighbor Nieholistci,ve. roots extend, . ). should 1„).
. - •' - stirred, so ac not in injure them; • -
It is' power Whosc, influence is ,good ,---; ; the, hack Windo* of the Senate Chamber I l• " " - MiSter President —l3p:lth - firing arl f d sis - -
1 ------.111.4111b.e...---....--.
rr-IrOn .-Roveray.l6hniain, Of Baltimore„
.and onlY . - .goa.d.wleAC object is to subi whol fled,with terror:from...the wrai t h •. of 1 - Now' itisb happened that; - Ezekiel Lnp.•• , .l.tern—l think' can show that.l ain't quite i i :
Obargesl.aiYa I i United States Senator-• elect, - in a recent
i , . , . . ... . .
:serve the hest ititerests.of, man. " ,Unlike_ i the.spe4a,tprs idthe lobby,:that listened steno - -was la .member; of Ithe Church_of such a - rascal as them a'...e—
the. power ex:evened by the mail clad war- iw . ith i n di g iati.9n-w the Aeveliqpnitentief 1 . which TobieS waS,,d&vori . • and' a am:. rn aniuSaJadmit . .all that's bee said I letter states that. the bill mi.;:sed by C on ,
Lrint, it 'does notleaveconflegVatien,,iniseky i tile. "bliek-, : eenspirnoy, hatched at -Harris: I. very - i . 'Ort.;b3r - Member - Win Ibe/too-,,i , 56 about the iycit.:F l '.o all J. need that's.
1/ is :,gress. fan the Abolition-:Ct. slivery -in thm
rand death in its, - path; Its_ victories aTg,.. ti t ar, igihol,ttieapvereielity and liberties I.woith • fthatithe idea had'benh Whisriift.'ediw l 4 o- I;hat inon4 .2.iirn' f gap .". - ~.-• ....;;;-, , Mulct of Columbia, is. inietinstitutiiiili
.., ~
l l ktipapi § B,- -qrpa t :erilit g t physiep t .ijaenyer, Itifi,bepeoPle.' In has eight he lost Mihail :About in: (terrain circles of 'making hie t '''" -- mie4iref.tiaenlifiiddea'hillte'ad, at oken - —41.-... - • ,
!.ftlealk*llliinin'eTrfiit - inatter.-Esz, . ' and twig, and bli the aid cif the friendly ` deacon. 'llhese things were. known to :of assent. '- .. f : i . - i tWAn'abolOionilit is' . a disunionist.
. • T - - r • . . _
. - •
. . ... . _
-31,ONTROSt:',44. 4",l7,SPfh - Y, i-_ - it 4 427K . 0 - J 86 1 2, :
~ ~ .. , . . . .... .
mantle(cit eight; he dodged hitiima_gitiary 1111r...1'6'61a5, 4nd so ,wroth Was, he that he I, :"WA": resumed - Brother Lapstone, in.
parsuers 'and rea hed a place of - :eafetY:- i waibentrtipOnif)venge.- - =tte deelaied that, a very calm' - and, easy:manner, Confideridir •
Thus ended the ttenipt of thedisiiiirruish- ! - lieivoulti
"m the cobbler tothe 'stools :he was not e used to public speakiner "I'll.
ed Viertnonter.l :Set - asidethe legally ex, I - of repentance,"atia to that-end. he set libi lien jest 'smelly where that ere; inoney.cum
pressed will 0. f.„ , t. e - pe o ple,- After- elapse. ; wits at, .work to glib : Cover:llow.. he could ;,-,froiii.- .; 'Jest per.o_l - s'eara ago-tWo years a-
years mellow . .ng the enormities of the past j best accomplish his, : purPose• ,- -He learned'', ge „lasi Thursday -4 - - said.. to. wife, •
1K - Stevens too -up his resideacein the !that Soleinon ShuteheldLaPStonti'S. note 1 "I:letstii,""eaya - I, " I'm doing - , wrong. -Pn'
city - or-Lanctistei i , where h e pess' e ti e ed law I fdr .I.Welvedellafs„aud at,..keetivenient Op- '-payittg'..isiviy,;rdy. money for stronfr drink
and prepared the . miracle of '-his pOlitical I portiiiiity heaPproiclied Shiite; and offer- I r when,my faiiiiirtieed it. :I'm nuaking , a
.resUrreetion. lid wearelectedtd Congress I.ed to buy-the note.,.. It chanced - that- - the ;„trutoof Mysell,eand , niv wife. tmdbabea . •
:froth: that'distriO,s no longer las; an anti-.' farmer-Wits - very - ninch in.,want.ormoney I stiffer.; And;'• saya.i,.. "there's*
-mason, bat "as ai well krlown- abolitionist.l'at the time; and Witlicitit stopping con-jDeaeon Tobialie's gointr the same way, -'
His recent history we leave to the - records 1 Sider What the - cons - e'a' lienees might: be Ire.,:aud"l'm goM"-,-te takesa warnin r afore it's
of congress; with the: simple remark that let the note go. - Ile had thought of .sit- :teii late; - Says.l, -" the &Mem' will get' ,
the men, who, during along life; has dis- 1i tv the note .‘.land; : getting : an- ; _executien• into. trouble ofhedon't_quit it.'. l ..
. -
playedan indoinitable• Courage in his fre- I against Ezekiel,'fer he did not believe. :- ;At this , : point Deacon Tol,hiS arose to - -
qudnt conflicts With'" the tiger,";ia pecu- I that the cobbler. could raise thenaciney ;to
,-call the brother to order ; : and brother Imp- - •
liarly. -fitted to fill the place -of the war !'pay it. .But ere. be had entered upon 'the • stone was cautioned not to be personal.
Chairman of .the COmniittee of WayS and execution of tlifs'plati, abetter opportanj I "As I was se:sill'," pm•stied the cobbler, .
•eana; a - lath:4 Lancaster county is - un- I itr ter revenge'presented itself. ;,- . ; " I-told my, wife I, - was - guiri' to -turn. over •
der lasting obligations to the White mown- I. Ofeourse, before suing the ;note, it be-. alloy- - leaf, -4tid this was the- plan: "I -
tains of Vernioit for. the blitekeitt ef Re- . I mine necessarythat payment should lie I, Mean
. ;to_Stop drilikin' entirely, and save '
publican' Repro entatives. .
- '.: - i demanded ;so the deacon called upon the ; the money for my etinilv that P d been in,
- ' - `Cobbler for that pin-fMse. Lapstone :Was:',. the habit of + spendite tin rum.. •I'll put the
:THE DEACOI AND THE COBBLER.' astonished- when lie found that - T-obiaS I diiiney into a box, and it shan't-be opened
- I - I held that note ; • but he did- not wish to ; for two years; and when : it is opened it --
. 3 ~ , ........... - I. I have many Words with the deacon, for. he - shall be all yourn and the children's. You . •
Thesethings appened before the Maine.i'saur et once What it'all meant.' ~ ; „ -i-liall have it to buy i good' :'grin clothes
LaW was writs n ; but yet the time is not I "I agreed to pay that - teates"in shoes," il. with" She kind o' trembled, roi- slie,didift,
so :distant bat tat the actors arc still lb:- Ihe said, "and I will do so." .- ". ' - Llelieve-rd do it ; but I told her I would,
log, and hence haVectiosen :to give my I "I don't want any. shoes," replied To- lust as
as "lived. Says-I, "Betsey, ' •
characters the benefit of assunied names !bia,s- •-"I want the - money."' ; - . , [lll fix it so: EVery ' tiotel see' DeacoloTea
Ezekiel Laps 'One was the Cobblio., .and I . "Bet I can't pay the money. I lever, bias go rater a drani, I'll put three cents.
he; had the Mime - of being an honest hard I agreed to do So."—
..e, • • ; iota a 'box-1 will, sartin. And, Broth-
I working man: - He owned a little; cot in I 'Certainly you. agreed to pay the money ! wring ittid., , Sisiers, I. did. I knowed jeet • .
the Village; an he owned a few- gent of ; Mr. Lapstone.'
1 - . , .
}when the deacon took his drains , and.
land which enabled him' to keep '"a cow, I . "No, sir." ••--r ; - ;• • -- j when - Ise paid his money over for the : drarn
. .
and . toTaiee vegetables'for the use of his 1 "But here it is, 'in black and white='. Lput-mine in the box-tor my babies. ;But - •
family. Ezelci'el's; hainmer Was to be !Tor value received I promis s to pay Solo-' ` mind ye, I -spentirioremioney so than I'd'
heard- early anti; late,.for the 'children 01 mon Shute, or order, twelvb dollars' on 1 eveiespent for Tine. -Lord bless ye ; when,
that neighborMiod wore away' the soles - demand." Them is- nothine.' said - about; I was in the habit o' dritiliin' I didn't have
of their. shoesi rapidly_ upon the sharp.; shoes.". • 7. n '
I se meet' money - , :then I ctouldn't a'begnit.
gravel, re was need -of constant "You know what! men, that such WD:k ICO keep up with the deacon ; but- ye - see;
tappinm. - . ,
t i
the express agreement I made r. "
with M 'whenl .• I: kept sober, and worked all the
;Aneyef • aoliwithstandleg all his hard ;Shute." .. - L ; ..- - •";_ . ... , ,ime I wee; able to put by these littler ._ -
'work, Ezekiel Lapstone _wasvery poor.-
'His wife was obliged te forecro many Of ; I have come into possession - of the note,- tile." -0 • ''''
• • •
I the little comferts 'of Social', life, and' hi* I and I must have the Money.' ' , - " Wsiii; as. Le.ynS -a sayie; I stuck to my
; children were not dressed so Well' as the 1 "But I haven't got elle-money," . 'promise, en'..thurstlay the second year -.
children ougb to be dressed. , Some ; "You can raise it."
people said, "No wonder;" and they said ; "No -I can't deit:". -; ,e .. ; Was up, and weopk - fried the box.- An' how .:
• -• much ;do .ye ?pose we had • I'll tell ye,; -
:so in view of ti e cobbler's liirge family ;I; "Then let me . have part, of it."
•; . we had over seventy-five dollars!" • ' •
1. for lie had strong, healthy children ; I “Lhaima't'gritMeents , sir,--not a eerie " lime_•ssible.," uttered Deaeonatibias; -
and as the eldest was only thirteen,- they !The last penny I owned I paid fur 'meat " that figure is entirely beyond reason."
eceuld do little towards helping their nth- this morning." "Let's jest took at it a. moment," said
ler to earn alitiihood: And'; some 'Other I 'Perhaps you call pay it in this wi)ek r the cobbler, in - a .linsieess-lilse. way. "I •
I people said ".N:o wonder ;" and they said I "NO. - -- - • - • wouldn:t a' li'lieve.d it at- first, but ii s all -
Ise with anotl4.r view: -- Cleseby Ezekiel 's 1 "In two Weeks then ?":, ;' - .. , jest so. Now see. For thelast year,Den-
I shop was thef store 'of Adam Nichols, I -"is , 0, - sir. , I shan't ha 4; any money in con Tobias' drinker!, filer times_ a day- at ,
I where, as wailthe.cuStOm in those days, i that time-not mor'n enough to ;keep my neighbor Nietiols' store, and I put into
I a little bar w•a§ kept, in one - corner;. at I family in food." -•- .. '.' ~ .. -- MY bobthree cents for each dram. That, -
which. were di'pensed glasses of HMI and I , "Very well," said Deacon. Tobias; , leaving out Sundays; winild make over%
I ,.. f ri n and branch •. These latter people .said "we'll see what is the • next ' thing to he thirty-seven dollars. The second - year he.-
I 7 `.NO Wonder,'VbecaUse they saw, Ezekiel ;m
done." And as he spoke he-taed _ and I drunk: a great• deal- more-so - much I
I 4
very ftequentiy at neighbor Nichols bar. hell, the shop. Several people were -pres.~! douldn't keep np - with hail, 5' ,. .) I only piii -
And,lthinki these latter' people were , cut to bear the conversation ;- add though I:by the old sttuL Ye see my shop is right -
1 right; and Vetter stilt, ;Ezekiel' himself' their sympathies viere - all with the cobblere[sicle of neighbor Nichols' store, an ,I a, I
, - .
; came as length to -think the same. h . ! yet; they feared that he Would _have to I set on My bench - , I kimi look-right
! seemed kind cat curious not to sec the cob:' suffer; • . , • , I oVer into bis.bier ; • sl) I cati'z. "lie!.) .;'ree.iii'
I bier's merry face at the' little bar in the -I "This was. on Monday:- Qn time follow. !'sgolit on there.", - . . '
s -
corner of the tore ; and - fora while his ; rug Thursday, Ezekiel Lapstone bought ti i ' 'Andnor',o, Brutherit4 . : and Si.terii, I've
: -.'
1 hearty- and -.... humorous jests Wcre - sadly I very nice, dress for .his !wife, and new; told '.ew the bele . story ; as. it is; and - ':•. 1
missed by the drinkers.; but like all social - clothes for each of his children. He ho' . i..! I want to a:;kyii---I want to' ask the.pree ,
1 1
changes; the etiple soon - became-used to ; the goods as the large new store, and peid ; ident:-.1
".,,,it ;to ask ere) y vile of a•e
lit; and finally eased to comment upon it:: for them• mm cash, "nearly: fifty dollars .-Y Whose money -was in that ere" .box ?-
1 One.sprinzEz,ekielinstone's cow died: I When Deacon Tobias heard ;of this lie wa%. I AN - Iluse :money:hail I been xest Mg fur -.
llt was a sad ihisS but the cobbler bore up ! "on his taps" in a Moment.; Here wds.aa' years ? Win-se baeks liad, to go bare- ,
; and-set about fin Cling another coW ; for a . Opportunity to come down o n the coblderi.!_willise faces lrad to Curti with shunt:-
cop , he must I aVe, or his family woUld be I with a vengeance.
; s -
. I where. beds wereeeldand cheerless in the
without milk nd hutter. At length, .he I "How that man did lie td - me," he said, ; long wint;;r nights-and who went hung , .. -
I found one that suited him, and he was as- I in relating the eireurnstanceto his bleeds, I ry for want cm toe money I in
'sired - that be,kould have it upon the most I "-He dwore lie did not havea cent; of nioe I -drink ? And flt,w nil -this, au a aster
t favorable teries; A- farmer living near I hey - in the world; and he declared A li a s j the promise I'd inadeL-with the celd whi
'the village, mimed - Solomon '.S,hute; had a 1 he should not:have any for two weeks; ; ter; clOse upon us, and my wife and child- -
;cow to spare, and lie offered to trade: - ' and yet just see what he--has been doinglldren erin' for clothes-whose money
- 'I havent gut the money," .he'
said Ezekiel; I A . man that will cheat must 16uked hit.ii-as in that hOx ? Was is. Mine ? Hari I'
•:"lint I will pay you in boots and shoes .w .i ter?" . . ;-; I a.right, under the eye of Colt to touch n •
I. ;; Now Solotnon Shute had set era] child- I --
;, ~ Deaeoti Tobias resolved to presentthe; penny .of that motley to pay. the. deacon's :
: ren-, aiid as tie had to- purchase quite a i matter to the church. Ile knew the cob_ ;ritite'l Dec:;b; it 115 you Will-pass .any
; •
i inumber Of slides in the course of a year lie ; bier. had many friends had been urg- ;-Judgment you pleaSe-I ean,look.• up to
considered this offer . good enough ; antil ing-liiin forward as a candidate fordeneen, I Heaven &.; feel in illy scull I've doneright."
t, ,
~be.told the cobbler he would trade-in •thitt, ; and lie thought be would now cresh.tllnel - Need. we; tell what dui decision-of the
I; way. , •I - ... - , - . ...', aspirant, and nonplus_iiis.frieeds. He felt ,
council - was-lo the case ? . • •
" . .Bilt, "' .aiti - be, 'Ls we don't know what I that be had agood amuse. An action for I No. • We . need only tell - this: Before
• may happen it i best to make ourbargain i falsehood and dishonesty would certainly ; the cold winter had • come, Seth Tobias
; a safe one foil all pities.. I will give' you I hold. against the cobbler. -
_.! had moved away from town, and 'Ezekiel
the cow and 2,l9iii shall give, me a note for . ; And so Deacon Seth TObias made the I T- , ill'stonc" NY:is,l-icacon - iO his Plaee. ' •
the amount Payable, on demand. - When- I complaint, and Ezekiel Lapstone was siim- ! •
' ever I get a pair of shoes I. wilt indorse 1 moned before, the church-to
. answei% iti- .11 MANE eixi.-.'Wree Tim - Hoe.-A correspnn
rthe price of them on the back of the note t The meeting was . held on Sat urday eve- ; de" of. the ; Anici•ican. "'Agriculturist •
•as so Much !Timmy received, ,mid thus we I ning„in the large vestry, mid the olace i say A till. if cui,.,ivatars have.eilluired this
'shall both - beisafe; amid - when the note is I was so crowded that many: were obliged'l' a q viee of that j?nriial,,-.their barn yard•i.,
all -paid all will•be right." - `to stand. It vas plain to be seen that I stables, poultry houses, wood sheds; and '
The cc co-uld see init ha*
. object- I most sympathy was with the poor cobbler, ; e"e" 'tither spot.. Iron Which manure
ionable in tiii ; so he took the cow, :and ; but then it he had been !nutty ofthe thiee-s : •
conld be gathered, are now es , elein
1:" , .ierrTillg con1; ; I muke them, and the
giive, his nottf, , piiyable. to SQ,lcanon Shute; I charged against him, he must fall:
or order, on demand, for twelVe dollars ;•I The meeting was tiolly Called to order, i prevents dep,iSitS Kaye been removed to
and lie calculated that in two
; Years, at I and after some ordinary business had ht..
, cin. ; the fields to be inanafaetured into corn, .
least, Soloinm'S family would take up I transacted', Brother Lapstone was calledi potatoes, and other nroduce. -But. many
boats and 81;s - enouh to cancel it. ,lup to answer the charge preferred against I °L s. aro lat:hing yet. In baking up - •
And now nies_another-4-Deacon Seth - him•by Deacon Tobias. The charge was ; a.ten acre field fbr corn, for instanee„ one
; could scarcely thielt of leavieg two acres
Tobias. - The Deacon waa a shoe" -Maker ; I read s -and it sounded very' bard and se
but he had
,allarger shop than.had Ezekiel I vere.: It was drawnup with legal p:rciis• ' unemploy,ed heemise he nail only manure
and lie - did bizsiness on a (wander scale. I i
.011,and the ebargewas set forth with stint- I ; give a thorough dressing, to
gander ~ ~ , , i , eiglit acres; so the fertilizing* material is
He employer many Workmen,. and sent I him= Parascolog.Y- ;•' -- -
off Many -box'es ofshoes to the city market. : What had Brother Lapstone to.say? tspreact,thineer, mid tuners
per cent.
The Deacen I didn't work- Much with. his "Brut : tiering and sisters," said the cob- I less th-nni ilite:ie -should be. I knew - the
own hands. He htid. out the Work for his- - ; bier rising in his place, "I, can't make out ' manure merchants advise' to make. up
meti,:and did the buying • and selline- , ,1 the whole, drift of that eredoeument iblit I. this Wantly- purchasing thew eel:mous,- ,
but I dont knc,v that it will pay; as, ledit
People supposed_ thatPericon.Tobia4 was 11 ken tell you what I reckon it means., t 1
very wealthyl, an henee they put up with i means that Deacon Tobias Caing-to in l e to I d o es then'. : '-•`•.'w I propose 'a Plan. which
I have found to • work "Well, which is to
the proud. airs which his wile and ebildren ; get me to pay a note, and that I toldliiiii
. . mantme with a hoe. -Frequently. stirring
assumed.- I . ithadn't riot.any Money, nor - alioulfin't I'
e. •
; , , , the soil, and !seeping, -the slut:tee loose
But there !Ives one individual' who sheik t , have. any for two weeks." , ,-;
' r" I •• ;is !eta • - It ;
~in iie a.... more - freely.
his -head when the Teople -talked of the "That is not all, Brother Lapstoae," i "''' P` '° ;
Deacon's U•t4ilth; and that indvidual -was I mildly suggested the president. . '
.. l pe e ; Air- contains
.. quite an amount of - teirbon
Ezekiel Lapttone: . ' : charge furthermore sets' forth that . iiily 'in the Fenn Of gnii,smul also a little. :IMMO
-1 don't know," the cobbler Said.' Pm I three -days thereafter. yon paid fifty Idol-F-1 nia, both of which arc extracted from the
, , Soil b the, y , roots. Then again if the siir
afraid the D'eacon's in a bad - Way. :It' lie - ) tars in cash for dry goods and fineryr fbr ; '
don't Stick th - his business alittle snugger, I your wife and daughters. , 1 face is kept open,the Water from L e k iv
and leave off going quite monmeh to neigh- I' ' " Sartiii," responded Ezekiel, "1 linlatir- I - will rise - to siipply the ?ace of t hat evap.
bor Nieholsbar, he'll be going' down bill ' stand all that. But in the-fifst - placie, i orated and will bring with it inatteirs ..vtiieli, -
afore topg."l -,-; ,- . • Oar's sometbin' about .that ere note Mint •it had dissolved which can also be . . t aken
And sure enongli, lb a littleewhile Dea- exactly the, thing. ' r gin, that- note to up by the route..
In . addition to . this, ev
con Tobias failed-made a ‘'er'v bad fail- `Brother Shut ; and' was to pay it in 'wtt,i-k.•• cry weed which has be,en sreehug weir
inahr workmenlost much motley The; president reminded i3rother I, ap - ; st - anent from the soil, can be -niade in
Which he died thein. But when lie came.: stone that they had' nothing to do 'With ! F i r e it buck wiii! - •inier" t • 1 ""; imeing it
to settle up,rthei law- Pronqinwed- his tram s the question;. the only qUestieri urolerly . 1 into the earth, Whi•re it will (ic e3 y ari d
furnish plalit food. ,So if Manure be .
sactions- to ibe 'legitimate; so be.came before them - was how (mine the' aetz isedl
forthsfrom-the Crash with 'honer,' and the brother to makeialse state.mentain order' scarce, we e4"spartl•y• make it up. by 'extra
. .- -;I -, [cultivation. Corn in this•senson i* usual
poor,men 4v-ha-lost-their pay; --Were assur- Ito avoid plying the note? • . .
ed tlint . thei had better keep quiet. ; ' ' / - I
I "Then, ' said the cobbler, ",I - shall bow ly plowed mid hoed twiee , or three times
times, ifshe owner is not too busy ;. I
- : One .I,lliiik troubled- , --Deaeon- •Tobias't thnt ere money,iviSn't mine-116CA PVnny'l
,- ...'-. ;,--•
~-. .• would g through it five oeeven sbi- times
more than all' the rest:' •He I:ktiew that t t an'te” -
- :---i " - • '''''' • do•r - ' -Brother IA t 4 hailthefloor'
_; _ ps . ont
.... • • I -. I with a horse hoe, or caltivator,•und I be.'
- --
wLL ..^y~ a i,. •Fa'- ' ~~y.C' i~r as: 4?.
{,No. 20.
SI(P/U:litN4-o.f-kriL KIND
posts AT viz corn= 3F or TllB .
3=o 33713%&4:34.71-E..11.
.14/LATLY AND pito*rivt, - ... ,
, •Ttt.trtotleo 'of the 3!ontfdso DeinOcrat
piyrapatljbeensupplied.c ith new and dieters variety
of ty, etc.. and we aterwit prepared to print pamphlets
!etraMars.atc.; etc:, to !
.. , sot styl.., on abort notice. ,
~....11 e ;s' I tIti. ; : . .13 r ograziniieAi, an .
iothits: sitiitti 4 obrweln tuck done 'twee:rang to order'.
and eAtais
;nada, etc.; printed wttN neatneea an d 4iiim;ol.. •
and Const Ales'
cede, aml all other Blanks; on head; or printed
r Job. kork and Man k. 0.; to be paid fez or dcliveii