G. , . .---,- LORIOUS VICTORIES;! on i'viday, and assuined,cemmand of the , ~, I =iv. . - -,..-:5..., _____, 1 - Gen. Grant, in his offiCial roPort, esti ..., -ss. , :ss' -.A.. .:s= - .4 . .. 77 ' - - . ! mates l t 1500 wound e t - 'Tire ' .---- -sso-5. ,- .- s.ss, .- . ~.,.....ss - I ours oss. m _ wow et . ' •'-,;" i losl of the enemy. in killed and left on the Ifiehl is' greater than ours. An estimate -, ___ - .0551 - 5 -' is .; of their wounded can ct not. be made, ,an, "x'33 -VIA" - - -.• , ik-7! . , ! many mist have been sent to Corinth and t ' t other places. . Capture of Fort Pulaski. r The loss of artillery was, great—many Fort,Pulaski WAS built by our Govern- , piei.es being disabled by - the enemy's shot mentom the most approVed modern sys- i smile losing all their horses and many of -tem, to control the montlrof the -Savannah ' their men.. Not less' than two_ lintrdred i river. and to defend the, city from a sea- bosses were Ligod. •-- I , f ; .. wantattack ;it was regarded as allsnfliei- The Rebel army Itaslts head quarters : ent for that purpose - hr the Rebels ; but at lie fcsit of -Pea - Ridge; extending two it has fiillen. The prchinitutriesi -to its m ir e s frOin Corinth. •'I he of the bombardment wore saoacious, scientific 1. - iited-States troops is eight miles from and Pertect. anti reflect great credit on Titi,sburg, leaving only a space of two General Sherman, who dot iced them. miles between the- opposing . arinies. First, Tvbee Island was taken by our - 4 battle may be brought on any mo- forces, anti simply hell until it could play meot. We have the strongest assurance its part in the complex scheme for milk:- that our army is ready for the encounter. l big the fort. - Then the Savannah river • was commsoam above the fort, by an :tp- 'lmportant from Pitsburg Landing. p'roach- through the arm of the sea called Pirrsncifo tssfrilso, April 14)--A force Wihningioii Hirer. This was the _south- of s 4000 troops, in bye transporta,+ left the 1 e s ti movement. GOing north of the river Landingon ,iiaturdav night, aceompained -I after this, and crossing - the Bank River by the gunhbats • Tyler and Lexington, from Turtle 'Nand, thefortv eighth New proceeded up the Tennessee river to al York Begimeht built a road to the Saran- j point near Eastport, Mississippi, where nab, directly across Jones Island, and i they lauded and proceeded inland to Boat General Viele there establilied the yid. Creek Bridge. - ' • can Battery directly upon the river bank, iHere they destroyed the two bridge's .which,- with a smaller battery opposite, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, one , on an island in the Stavanah river, cons - measuring;one hundred and twenty one pletely cut °tithe fort . from the city of and the other two hundred and turf • feet Savannah. Thus having isolated the fort, .in length. . • our eommanders , planted their bat levies , - A Rebdeavalry force 'of 1,50 mon • was on Tylice Island, dire(ftlY opposite to fomullhefe, who after having four killed, Coekspur, and the bombart - iment began. ! retreated. The expedition returned ,on .So tar oar sti'ategv was in aceordauce SUnday night without having loot a man. with principles long known ; but all that ; This expedition Was one of 'the ; most ',follows partakes ot`t lie new and- marvel- i snecessful of its kind during the War, - eom ens- The barbette gulls ofthe fort - (those • pletelt•enttino off the communication of exposed on its tops) were, soon rendered the main Whet army at Corinth with Al- . useless - by the ~torn of fire from our abama and the rest of the Confederacy, batteries. and one after another, were dis- except New Orleans. , - 1 mountedb i y stir shot.- _ -A ling of trucesarrived at the outposts Bat the stran'gest part is boat oar conical, v,, tetchy,- with the son of Governor shot, tired frons - ritisd Parrot gnus, pa sisi i :johmon, of Kentucky asking. for his -filth . I entirely thromdt the walls of the Fort.at - ! ... 1,.....- -----=-° - • slid roodered the evury shot, and rendered t.._ o• ; mates almost - , us much exposed as the ; A Battle .at Pigeon Rancho. unprotected roof of the Fort. One thou- Dever City, April 7, tia .Tuleshnrg, sand shulls exploded within the work, Ap r il o,.._l n f or mat u n received frpM New rendet=in[r it entirely untenable. Such , Mexico states that on the 2Gth ult., Col -are the reason ! - riveu by the Rebel corn- (mei Hough, with 1300 men reached the grander for this surrender. Why lie Apache Pass., could not 'dmna:-e our batteries much his advance, consistion of three corn by his shot he does not say, but with all ; patties of yaValry,t had an engagement, allow lees tOr the dlerence nt'sy,fiership sonic disance beyond this place, with 250 and artillery practice, it seems :evident ; Rebel cavalfv, and took tittvseven prison that forts built On the old anti, up. to this ers. • The Union loss was tour killed'and time, only thin, cannot 1601st:01d , the eleven wounded., provements in artillery. It was neier tri 7 At Pigeon Randle, fifteen miles -from' tended that the walls of a forb•shonld he S anta Pc. on the 28th, Col. Hough Met a raltiletrthcoagit and through with artill- fore.l of'l 100 Texans strongly posted - at ery tire. _ tilt- mouth of a Cantab. The fight began We need not continent upo - n the (streets abort floon,(2i)]. Rettig]) engatring them of this capture. It rt•-cenges Fort Sumter. froutwith seven eempaniesoul t ile Maj o r . optms the way to auntalt.-- Cherington, with for companies, attacked I t iiestr it s Übe confiaelit : e Cl the, troops tile))) in the rear. now denottline: that cite. It sounds the The latter force succeeded in driving knell of Fort Macon. it gives ailothex ; the Reba guard away from the supply indirect No w to York-town : , anti it adds train, which was captured and burned. to theloiVZ hst of ,proofs already before We also captUred-one Calllloll and spiked the world, that the ti t :eat mtpublie is , it. The tiffhticontinned desperately till equatto the tack to crushing the rebellion t our o'clo c k,' 4) hen it ceased by mutual •and of restorio.2;Th.s own erigival propOrH eonstlit., Conlone! Hough withdrew his forces to riFFICIAL, TZFPCiI:T. a creek for miles distant. The loss on ,Washimrton, April s.—The following, the •Union side was three officers and was rt ; eeivcd at tlm War Department to twenty iiricates killed, and from forty to day, limn tioneral Hamer. coirimanding lifts womido. The Rebels Loss is not ::•,rees in wrath Carolina known.. • Bora . R.)r.li., S. (' ~ ,Npril IC. - via i . --- -."_ ._ , SANi , s." IlooK. \..t., April it" , .. c i The Attack on Port. Pillow. We opCned oar Latteries on Fort Pula , : A.despatchl ftom Cairo to the War De. s'.:i on the utorMm.: 4 Che loth. After part ment anhounceS that Cottunodore thirt . ) hours e..mi•mons firlog.a practueabie ' Foote occupied with his - mortars upon breach was inado, - a 1, ,,, i.; ern atoms fi.t. Fort Pillow lon Monday, the 14th. and stormin.:, and il ii as a! , ,i:l:. to col:1111('Llt. , C., soon cleared the river Wall vessels,. The when ti,! Rebel ilag was struck. . r e bel works. are represented to be - strong W e canyired . slim I ; gun , , 7UOO slil and extensive. , Deserters who . have come . slncils. 40..;0 -1.-It'd- of pon 2 der, titree ; on board the gun-boats state that the b:Mdr,d and sitly pris‘mecs, will, thoir For is commanded. by Liott: Thomas smill arms :t..4":4, , ..1.1try10ent5, and a good Ileger. lat 4 of the • United. States Navy, simply (4" . pio‘lsion , . and that' . Gen. Pillow' and , Connn'Odore b n iy oa.-,,, .' our men was killed, and: TlOlinshave 'gone down the river. Thus one wo•knoled. Tire loss. o'; the rebel was it seems that the proprieter of the "ram'' time wounded. _ . ;is nut after. all a-prisoner. Pillq.w's move , meat -down the river is silmiticant. It in- The American Flag Waving Over Ten - ~ dtcates that the Fort is, going to Buren- Towns in Alabama. , ' t ., tier. , atir al vi... ,, this nwri:i3p , FIIoW th4t the : ' , • -k rumor comes by way of Chicago that UM, 1-1• f woe,: li:Ivo tinsel!possessiona the ' " be. Commodore oote s,tiotilla has captured M1.114 1 ,hi, ail tilli - le , t on Railroad, Fort Wxigh ,ow the Mississippi River. tweon Stevoesrm an i 1.),..f0nr. a distance' rumor IS , probably true, as we already csi ein . htv tined mil file Stevenson Is the e , : ' bateelligence . that. the' Commodore eastern termilms . o R f this ailroml;and the i l Ft has attacked.Foi t Pillow wbiCh Is , below point where it joins the Nashville and' Fort Wril-ht. Chattanooga line. Deeatur is on the south • e• .• • • bank of the Tennessee river. Th 3 Rad- 1 .1 ~ rim Generalza -.l eOlellan's Army; • - . road crosses the stream at this place by a i - --• We have intelligence from YOrllown b r ia tze . o ne thousa n d live Inm , lre 4 and s ix the I:th, at whieli time everything lest low-, and wit ii a draw, one hundred .t o progressing. The gun-boats! on the a nd forty wet wide, -- const 'meted Cspeciallv Wa ' V ! rk" River had approached within twt, - to meetthe demamls of steaml oats whicit ' -. p h. be: Iron li n ,. x , v dtr., T enn ,.,..,,, N ., and mtieS of the city, and, caused the • unmask , Brown's FerrV. flat foot of navigation, : in,ot a rebel battery before concealed in twelve miles fr.:ri tl,is place. • : the Woods . . On Weitnesday.morriing the ne didl a , nt t ,, l i- i , an d v ill age :: : nn the rebels, ,one thousand strong., attempted railromi licebetween Wn•lillral"I Steven=" to strengthen.onC of the works located son, are as fellows. The uni,„,i Mate: it'o , ! ta three, miles from Yorktown, but _ th.o , waves oVer ;hem :1!! • : • : they were forced to desist noder a- heavy „ , ; - ' - '""The MilWaukie News says that but tire front one of our batteries. •An ex- tiro of the cities of Wisconsin 4avc•Dem- Decatur, Mooresville, Madison, IIm l ts• change' of . shots with heavy guns • Was .ocratic inajoritiff• last year ; this year eve vine, Brown-boro, Coie's Spring, Paint 1z,,,,1 , w v ,„1.,i:;,.. L„,•ki nsv in e ,imi e f.,„„ lt . , ti.(ip had, during Whieb - thrc.e of the ene 7 .r'y one-even Janesville, Racine lieno '4tevensott. , ,my s guns were dismouted. Fire was : sha, atc.,-L-gave Democratic majorities. continued from our batteries pi] night, . ---.--- -- It :t-rpu: - .3 - : 111: k t our foree,:. after pos=vs , .- Mints% ills, ).-vized the , lt , ek. anti r:tii west ward • as far as • :::1•I east warl at, far a, Stereo-: . effeetually preventing the rebels front re. 1, rif The corrupt politicians at Albany pawn).- damages. Our losSin these encoun. i have tised up their programme fur a great ter; was slight. There -has also been "[.'pion" party. From a brief announce ikirtnishinp• on the:l:lames River end of rinent, the .platfrom seems to embrace, not hi. lines. details of Which have not. yet holy the old republican-Chieago plattorni , The Great Battle - of Pittsburg Landing,. I , ..aci.ed us. Our sharpshooters are said but an addition of abolitionism. Sn'that l'iNetxx.yri,April 15.-I'he Conlmeret- , to Le spreadiiig terror among :the rebel J 7 nion' party tiaures up,. thus: 'A"Little :11 leis ifflorin Ilion front a reitable-man arlitkrists,, i INith"er plus a Big Nie. ,,, er! , ,....r... wlio left Ow b.ot.e 'groun . ..l , on Thur,4l:ly • Fnto.vr, April I B:—The'monoteny of,: • ' •.-. - snit_. Ile e,t'intate-; our 1,-,is in killed the siel , e operations on the -.Yorktown L . at 1..:.t Ito 1i . ,1 t. wunuleil 3500 to 4000. ' -Peninsula was varied on Thursday night i, : i ; ,..1 mi,...ia , , ;;;;ou. • , liv a sortie of the enemy on our left, near Thy It -hel lo , : tito..: , Lille I than we did the James river. ,Vdespritekfroin Gen. b i t hi , t , ~, i t i-iny iv.ru:l:l , ,l. Al,9u t .10tio McClellan tti thc,War Department, states', it:in-:null , I I 1 ~':, \ 4 prii,..,ipzr,, won, taken.: that about half-an-honr after.midnight, the and -,,,a'Kett I -.:•I 0 wonnded. Up- to the rebels . attacked Gen. - Vim F. sinith's po- 1 . time he left 2 . 2. ;i i 1:-Iivis ha 1 b , ..a bitried. 4tion, and a:ten:1110d to carry his guns, ; Oar tro , : p: 1.,.,,,..; ~11 M ml.t.y all the gait that they were repulsed handsomely, Latteri , s 10-t .1:: sAnda-y. and eapturtd with tht.10.4,-ofs'everal tuen taken prison- t ,, e( .l,e' e pit•o e ,. from tin. 11.,10,...... ers. Their, loss iu killed and 'wouib.. , d: is So eoni;•1-nt u•,"(..- tia. 111.1)ols in tbc:x a 4 ,0 thought so havelbeen lteav - . y A sub abilifli`, to liel.l ,tir canij, , ..v'l s iich,tlv-y t , k , l: t.equent. 'dispatch frOm Gen. 'McClellan . . on Sunday, tbat w r :th a singlL, excalitiuti. states that Gen. Smith's position, which. theV . iii.l n.)t. dc-ti y 0.1.21'i1. - had b6en rewitly assumed, was subse. Oii Tuesday. Beattregar4 gem :1 cr ag -.1 , •, (petals- intrenated, so' that the enemy I ra.r , '-' , r..*l'l' , A iag Perlais"" to burs lii• turn: prevented front working yesterday, . t1..:e1, and log.:'say . and Ills irons were ketit silent. The same - Owing to tht , heavyreitif"revuloals result lit also been attained at the liatter. you re......ixt.4 on Sunday night mid Mon loo at 11. Yarn's Mills.= The 'Correspondent - day, mid th-_ , Cati-rte of •in men, deemed :of the lialiimore American states that the it prtid••a'..l'.r , !iire : 1.1 ii'jt. ' Ilmi-'w the ' sortie. of the enemy .4vainst .hen. Smith! •- -_-- , _ -.110-1111„s :battle." /I'ho iernii,,4o,l w:;.., not grant- was an attempt . to turii.our left flank, and I : —Beauregard scents to have as many ..al. - ' that the attnek was 'made with a heavy :, lives astt cat, The telegraph a line the at.. The bearer of th f_ , ,il:iV of trnee admitted fare, The War department also has in. ! tack on port -Sumter has killed him eight . that Ileaur,,gard ree:voti a ;,li g ht wound : fortitation that our gunboats and barges onl times.. The next will probably thli4k him, the left. arm . . 'a .; Yolk. river shelled Yorktown Yesterday, f - •' —The Denaerats have carried Albany, - General Grant's Viricig Report. _- 1 but without effect, mid that there was . eon. iN,T. by a large Majority, electing their t4T-. Lops, April 1 s.—S:ever:lts:en( iemen siderable firing from the Yorktown batter. i .3tayoi by 2,1100., Lockport and Water. comic:kw:l with the army lit Pittsburg ar- ' ies. ...Deserters who hire :aortic' into ottr 1 vi et have-also added . 0 - the unpreeedent, I rived here yesterday..' Among them is. lines • report-the arrival of Jeff:Davis. in ! ed sasossee- gained- in- the New York 1 , Captain Lagow, of General Grant's staff, the rebel camp, with the -intention orta• iTown electiotls. • who is the be arer of General _ Grant's of- , king comtnand in the great battle. They) ' —,Gen. Cameron wilt arrested- ou rd.: licial report of the battle at. Pittsburg.— i represent the enemy:-to be in great force, l;ilay list ' in Philadelphia,. at _the Bait of ‘, Tie ; left tha articr.dn Friday night. i and to be intrenebing: througbout- the l Pierce -Butler, for ' false imprisonment - iiii.i.rt! little:di arrived at Pittsburg 1 Peni ns ul a , , . ! )v - hen the -Cispei:al as Secretary of 'Try. r , Wontrost pfinotnt. A..J. I}EARITS9N, • • Editor. aer~a f;o7oee/ . .2 9, 6 . •-t 1 ?1 • 1,4 M ."' Official information has , been re, : court. ceived•by the Rebel Government to the i Elhanan .W. Smith Was admitted to practice law in the courts of this county, effect that an attack on Fort 'Jackson and ton motion of J. 111 M'Collum, Esq., Philip, below-New Orleans, commenced 1 r. F. Badger vs. John 'Fowler, et. al. on Monday, the 14th instant: We shall !Ejectment. 'Verdict for plaintiff. , . doubtless, then, soon hear of-the entry of 1 G. A. Strupler vs. Buffum it Glidden. 1 Ejectment: Yerdiet for plaintiff. A long our forces into New Orleans. t Louis Conrad vs:" . W. G. Shrimpton.— gentleman ponnected with rail- ; j Verdict tin plaintiff, sl2 s s - ,84.: roads in tho4outh, was in ' Cincinnati on," Jonas Phillips vs.. Grover,' Phillips tit , Tuesday, having recently left New Or- ', Co. - . Verdict tbr.defendant. - : leant. He reports the condition of affairs I - - ! ' 4 " 1 " ---------- . Black Tooth in Swine.—Perhaps many there as exceedinglydiscouraging to the ! of the'fitrmerS it: this section of 'eountry . Rebel cause. The people are suffering furl are aware, whilst there may be many that the necessaries of life. In business there - i s are not awareThatthere is a disease pre was nothing doing. ,Citizens are, distrast vailing ainong.swine which in many, instan t fill Of each other. Disloyalty to the Confect- 1 . c , cs proves fat al,' called the "black tooth." I igs three or four weeks old have died eracy was increasing, and there was an j with it as well asolder.bogs. The first unmistakable desire for the reisstablish- ! symptoms are, the hog or pig will become ' ment of •National -authority gaining somewhat stupid nutljefuse to cat; then I ground. . . the limbs will become rather stiff and -------O-AIP.-.lrr-- -- --s-- . clemAy. and after a few. days thvy will , Mr :Ali authorized despatch from : keep their,bed and soon die. - When hogs Washit ~ on says :—"We are able to as- I show "itch signs-of diseasei. w theyey should F ,be l.t I examined at Once and it 'their teeth should sere by the highest authority that presi- be- found to' be black ' they should be dent Lincoln was never in better spirits , knocked out. If they are not attended to than at present, nor more sanguine. of a i the'y will the, and it' attended to - in seas -.speedy and successful determination of l on they will recover. A word to the nle. the struaEXPEIIII::NCE. Mr. Lincoln is thoroughly ! :,-,wise is sufficient. convinced that the strategic plans of lien-. 1 Susquehanna County Agricultural .So 'McClellan will triumph in the future, as i clety.—The Society met in' pursuance of Tuesday evening, they have in the past ; 'and while he is in ! adjournment,. ~,AprilBth, the field, leading our gallant army to v i e . 3l. I t - Catlin President, in the chair. '- Minutes of the last'meeting were read' tory, ho will have the hearty siipport. and. . , ! and adopted: confidence of the President. I It. having been announced that: . Caleb' ( Canna had oiYen 8500, as - , - it legacyfor Of' A. rumor has been current in i the use of the Tiociety, it Was . Washington for a week past, Om a defal- ! Resdred, Thit. this society remember Cationliad been discovered in - 0ne.,,0f the I with grateful regard the interest taken by i ttepartments at the Capitol, amounting tol the late Caleb Carmalt, deceased, in the ''everal Millions of - dollars'. Secretary welfiire of the society and . .his its for . ! the advancement thereof since its •organi- Chase followed Cameron to Philadelphia to consult in reference .to it. - zation. Simon liesnl red, Thattlielegacv of €4500, made was about to leave forßusiihoyhere Gov- by him inJ,iis last will and testament for . ernment thieves arc..hung. . the benefit of the society is the highest . *O.- 116 ...11••.-- - --•• evidence that his interest in the agrienitu- LarThe steamship "Star of the South' ral interests of Susquehanna county are deep -and abiding and did not abate { or di ar rived at New York on Friday last, from nunish up to his last moments. : . Port Royal, bringing 46. Union Refugees Reotived, That the society herehly ten from Jacksonville, Florida. Among them tier their warmest sympathies to the lam- I are Phillip Fraser, Esq., formerly= of this ,'‘ ii,) „ t 1 of the oeceased, and also acknoWledge village: His wife and six children aecom- . the less that thecommunity and o spectab papy him. , It will be remembered that i v the society have sustained in asd death, he participated'in a Union meeting Which . nomire,,/, That, the tor . egoing reselmions was-reported in onr columns, a few weeks ' be minited upon therecordsOf tho socie since. For this brave and commendable ~, tv and published in the papers of the coml :let he is obliged to flee from his home to t v, and that a copy .1 hereof be trai - i4initted to escape the clutches of nnlifing rebels. 1 b the secretary to Mt-s. ca T iwt. - The time will come - when lie can return . .fle . m/ved, That the Exectuive cOminit in safety and peace-t 9 Jacksonville. ' • tee ieiort to the next meeting the alm una .... , lip .....-.. -..----- - • of the indebtedness of 'the society and, Lecture of Prot - Amasa 111 - Coy. - , what measures (if any) are necessary to Prof. 'M'CoY will deliver a Lecture at be taken to liquidate iln«le'n. ! the Conn-house, in Montrose, on Wed nes- B.'S: Donley and W. J. Terrell, Esq's, day the 23'1 lust, at 7 o'clock, I'. M. The addressed the meeting at some •k.n.gth T d L "Th L laid in a , Very happy manner. .. Lecture is upon e London mes'an d .\ subscription paper was !drawn; Ili, by . the American- Rebellion:7 as interest s. r. carmalt, Esq.,- die design of , who , and eloquence' are everywhere highly spo- i s C,-, ti g. idate, the indebtedness. and the ken of. The- lecture is free, and it is ex- effect to make life members of this Society • of all stub as hall subscribe thereto and peeted that the Court-house will he full. _ 1 . 4 the- r pay to the Troiisni or before t .l 4, of I I ...... • Janvy next the stun of ten (blurs and . ...,, EW Mush, Mr. Horace Waters the oyi.r, !well known music publisher and piano A quantity of .. s. eeas , from the U. 'S. Pat- . ent office was distributed. at the close of I dealer, of 481 broad-way, 'New-York, has the mect i, i recently issued a p The popular piece of nmsic, - g. . . subscription paper above- alluded entitled; "Why Have My Loved Ones I-to can be found in the hands of A. Bald- Gone ?". - . ' win, Esq., in Montrose, where al} liberal gentlemen are invited to call and sub-1 ZarTife reports o.f victories crowd fast scr ib e . C. L. BitowN . , Sec'''. I upon each other, and a Union repulse is i . - -----lio - 4113. - ..IM--- - not to be thought of, any more. ' Rebell-I' Teacher& Examinations.—The exam ion must soon vanish—particularly as t h e linations of teachers for this county Will South is still divided. . Ibe held ai follows. Two or three town ' ships have been put together in a few in stances in order that • the. examinations may all be held before it is dine ler the summer schools to *commence. All wish ino• to be examined must be on hand to commence with the class at the appointed time. Each teacher must bring a reader, -14 le sheet fools-cap paper, pen and ink..,-- It is expected that teachers will be exam ined only in the' townships where 91(.1 in tend to teach. `one will be granted :r private examination unless an attendance I at the public examination was impossible, 1 and not then except in. strict conformity: with the 1.1,w; and old certificates 011 not ,be renewed._Teachers holding leertifi- I F cat es marke as low as 3 in orthography, {reading and- Writing-, need not apply, tin ! less they know they have,improved, for if ! they have not, certificates Will be reflised -tliein.. 'Teachers 171trxi improve as„ ..iwe ll as scholars. Directors, and #/totheq inter ! ester], are earnestly- invited to attend.— Ivy witnessing the examination oil teach ers yon will be much better prepared to select ; and employ those that will teach , time best-schools. . i• The directors will also please hai i le their annual district reports-ready (and correct ly filled up) at the time of examinations. " 24—Herrick, I)undaff and Clifford, City school house, 9 a. in. j 'aF"Onr exchanges come to us full of reports of the defeat' of the .abolitionists, at the sprin t -e,, election. The attempt to put,every man who is not an abolitionist, down . as• "tool or traitor,".bas overdone the business. Like Jeff Davis, they. "un dertook too mut.h." The Bloody Battle at Apache Pass. :Washingtiin, April 10.—Secretar,i• Stan ton received early-this morninf , the follow inn despatch; dated Kansas City, April • = The Fort Union mail brings the er'tn— firm:aim of the- battle of Apache Our loss is 150 killed, wounded and . nth's ing.. The enemy acknowledged their loss to from 300 to 400 killed and wound- , ed ; 03 rebels were taken prisoners, 33 of Whom are officers. Our forces captured and burned 04 wagons laden with provis ions "and ammunition' ' and-killed 200 mules. 110.1e..cans atlacked 'our battery four. • thnes the last titifte coming :within forty feet of l our guns; but' were repulsed With a hezwy los, Col, Slonglt-iii encamped at Bemis Springs. 40 'farm from Fort Union. The Texans fell ba.4 , to Santa Pc. Court Proceedings.' Wm. A: Smith was tried and Convicted of fornication with Amanda Crusiir. j Flu. I - ed $75 and costs._ Uedry Chandler plead guilty 'oOkeeping a. tippling ;houie, and was linedjsl 0 and ! Cosh. James Tinley plead guilty of : asSaultand battery: - upon S. EAlialloway, and was fined Ql and costs. Oliver C. Conklin Was found fil ty" 1.4 malicious mischief; but to -pi half the costs, and Cyrus LamlN• t4o'prose;. eutor, the other half. 1 Thomas Jeff. Barnes was indicted for I attempt- to kill 'Henry Edsall. .Found ;.guilty of shooting with intent to de !great j bodily harm. - j ew trial granted; j- Albert and Ambrose Eggleston:were in '--.(lieted for asSittlil and battery with - intent to kill: Isaac - Whitei prosecutor. The derentlunts gave bail to appear` at. next, " 2:s—Lent2x, Glenwood School'house, P a. in. • 1 " . 26—Montrose - it Britigewatoislont . - rose school honse,,9 a. m. I . 1 • "' 2sl"---Dimock, Center school hOnse, 9 h. m. . • " 2.9—Sprinz,villeyillage.selmcdhomie .. 0 n, m. - " 30—Auburn, Center mehool i hQtiise, .10a. m. , : May 1,-Rush, Snydet school hottse, 16 • g—Jgssup, Polies' 841.00 l lifuse, a. 1n.., . , . , " -- b—Liberty,Bropkdale twhoothouse, house, 10 a. 111, " 6-4i . lver f i alio, Bra4ney ;school honse, 0 a, ni. ; • lc 7 -- ettocning, (nark ihouse, 9 lg. tn, kk—Apotseon; Friendsvilte an 4 diptown, Friendsvilie sahnol It Rae, ' 9a. in. • - . . 9—Forest Lake, Clanrch . neat•J. E. ..' Towne's, 9, a. m. A. N. BULLARD, Connfk . Supt. I . April 2, 1882 .- -- . * .The Tom, Tax-Ilbidenee of Drib- Sitiverf AbolisheiV , irt the District of ---- : erg andOorniption. , • ,:. ,- ~—'oolitrebia.- - • - 144gitnertuiiiApril 8, 1862. ,W.IBIIpiGION April 1 G.---Tlll.- d'ollo %%in , g ....:. 'Message was received', by - th e lion,(•• of - The'ientinitteCtp iniestigate the me - anti - Representatives, to-dirt fi•otti. the, Presi... resorted to" to Pretouref the passage • of the I • i act toribe cettuntitiatiOn' of the tonnage • ticati" - -• ' • I • . °6 tax upiiii the',Peiiitpvlitinia Rsilrdad,made J'''' ll " l4 ' citizens ofth'`', Sena ( /' aiiil limns., of, Reprran tali yes :—Ttte. act entitled '°:ln their report to thirtegislature this - after noon. The committee m their inveetie.a. act fort he release or4ertaiii. persons he!,l ' ions have "confined themselves to the to service or labor in the, District or (2,,. means employed to • eiecitre the passage of" httaittai". has this day Leen al'Provell 'and i • - the act, and have , classed the teatimpny [signed- = - taliewentje t , Ojeda ,heads; •as ,f o ll o i l i : ,I have never doubtful the Come-hut ion. Tamperingrwith the press ; -the distribir-• atanthority or Congress to abolish sla,. ' tion of eig ht hundred thousand dollars 1 cry in the District, And I have et er de due the Stale by the, .Pennsylvania , Rail- I sired - to see. the National Capital • fre,,l • road Compaurnmong Other railroad corn -!• trout the in stitution in seine saiiiiiiietery . 'panics; -an the distribution .of cash t I -.1 way. • 11 eliee , %ler(' has never 1)('" in in Thomas A. Scott,- Vice, President of t he :plod soy questien iil subject ex 4vu the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, ." 1 cept • the one of -expediency, arising in Mr. Pellet testified to having paid the.; View °fall the elreanOPees• If tiers b e editor of the Allentown. Democrat two i marten, 'with . and about this iiet %ale!, ,thousand dcillant to sustain Senator Shin- i might haye taken a e6tirse or shape mole - del and to publish the Tonnage Tax bill.laatisractOry. to. my ihdgitient, I do not This money; Mr. Fuller states, was his own , attempt to specify thil,m. . • . but. the 'Continittee declare that this. is 1 I sin 1,14.3010 d that . , the two prini:ij,lo "improbable." The editor el the-Browns- of compensation and ieilonization are i,oil i vile - Clippti visited the room of Mr. ! reeognizeil and and nractiolly applied i n Scott, at °Overly's Hotel, and Mi. Scott , the act. -In tine matter 4 conipensation handed to him threo-Or four hundred 4' dolt ; it is P':"Yiae'l that elaims . • n'a2; he the bill. Thu =Committee Committee Pre",l,- lupprhis to s % to& within ninety da y from the pa.••••ii,, believe the t - meaty •to the amount of :. of the net, but not 1111•rearter ; and' tleei 4 thousands of dollars wan . thus expended. lis no saying for iiiiiio"..4,,f eienics covert, /11- . It was in2evidenceihat the section of sane - )r absent persOns. I presume that the commutation bill requiring the Pen- . mylvania Raproad Compat.y to assist oth- that this is mere-oversight, and I r e e c om et ,,l it be supplied 14 an amendatory or 'er railroad criipanies in. the State,. was . supplemental act., 1 • inserted for ;the purpose of inducing the I --- membeis s frcip•theceunties through which these roads passed to vote for the passage of the bill.' iMr.' Burns; a member of the ', Legislature from Allegheny. county, was I induced to:favor the commutation bill by l• thp - promise "of Mr, Scott that the Pitts burg and Steubenville - Railroad should be completed, rind Mr. Scott entered into a written'agrdement to•take four hundred thousand - dollars worth of the bonds of , the Northwestern Railroad Company at • ! par, when theih value was only estimated •! at twenty fiieaents on the dollar. The t 1 :Senators and Representatives residing on the line of ',the . Northwestern Railroad coniequentlY voted for, the:bill. B y such means as•these, eight hundred thousand dollars; whi4ll should have•gone into_ the State Treailirv, was 'divided;among • tain railroads. - .' The Conimittee next considered .the' direct application of money as means - of , i bribery. tie individual pointed out -as being the thief agent in the dilitrileitien of the, flindsf,.%vas -31 r. Thomas A. Scott. In March lait the •Conimittee•addressed a ~ _....., note- to .31r. 'Stanton. Seoreiary - of War, - HONESDALE DISTRICT., de4irinq to know at what time Mr. Scott J. 417: PEARCE, roc. ~ i'' 'could_slSii llarr • isburg, .without interfer- Honesdale, Z. Paddock ; Cherry Ride, o g the Government.---: W. Silsbee; Bethany,N.S.Dewitt; '3lO- inr , with hisi - duties t tint i gar. Stanton eplied on the Baia. March ; Pleasant, A. Brigham ; Beach Pond, D-lthat 'Mr. Seoh was then at Cairo, and Williams ; Damascus, S, Berner ;Hawlty, . - would be relieved - on the loth: A sub-. J. F. Willmrl; Lackawaxen, L. 0. Floy ; ! peens was th t tut left at the house of Mr. Oregon, F., Tllttim: ; Ararat, to "be snip- ,1 S co tt, outdid did . not come before the plied ; Tallmansville, I. N..Pardee ;-• San' ! CO:fir:duce, and while' they were tempor lord, W. Smith ; Susquehanna,-Jaeob Mii- 1 arilv absent :it Pittsburg he passed throng! ler ; Lanesboro, F. Spencer. 1 ! ll:u 7 risbur e , ,, Without saupttkg...' -On the 25 1 ; i thof March,"the. Committee ag ain tolegr- To Builder/I.—The' undersigned, coin mittoe, will receive proposalti till Mnylld, for building a SCIIOOL HOUSE; near Mitten lins4er's in 'Bridgewater, Spetii fictitious can bo seen by calling !Upon .T. T. Lingdon. , , 'roux Ft DzaNs, ,* April lstb: "CILLULEi3,-SPIZOCT) . . ."4POst Odin Clitange:The name oft Post Office "Meshoppen," Wyoming - C4., Pa., has been changed to "Sterlingville;" and person: sendingcommunications will do well to take due.notiee thereof. Tho'so Who Write Co' friends from that vicinity , should mention the change, so that' emirs niay be avoided. OtiltitriltiOll Of Sorghum. If Farmers of the viciniti will take sufficient interest iii•the cultivation of Sorghum, I will -Or pitdi seed, gratis, and, directions for quiti vation ; and see that a mill and apparatus is provided for manufacturing, which ci n be done at 20 cents per gallon. The yid is front 2001:4) . 300. gallons per acre, ;of good molasses (or its equivalent in - sttgr) worth 1 56 to 63 Cents per gallon. All who would like to try it, will. please give tile their names and the amount they will pill= tivate. - • Atrumtl),,Loww.l Montrose, April Dth, 1'862. Wyoming Conference of the IL E. • Church. • This bodtileld its anneal session in Wilkes. Barre, commencing; on - tho Dih instant and Continuing str,days. The followinc; is the list of-appointments for `the ensuing year: WYOMING DISTRICT. B. NULsort, P. E Wilkes-Barre; J. A. Wood ; Woodvil e, S. W. Weiss; Plainsville, W. Kcathey, Wyiiining and Kingston, L. Cole; Nortili, moreland, J. S. Lewis ; Plymouth, C. L. Rice; Carverton, J. W: Munger; man, .L G. Eckman ; Pittston, O. M. Mc- Dowell ; Ilyde Pa rk,-W •J. Judd Lanka wanna,T.D. Swartz.; A bington, A.Brookk Newton, G. W. Leach; Newport, A. Vnn Cleft; T. C. Smith, Principal of Ply ming Seminary , .; S. S. Kennedy, Agen of Pennsylvania Bible Society. LACKAWANN - A DISTRICT. )• • GEORGE. PrA - li, P. P.. - Scranton, J. V. Newell; Providence, 11. Brownseomhe ;Tilakely, I. T. Walk& ; Carbondale, O. M. Peek; Dundaff, ' Shelp ; Waythart,. IL Wheeler; 8°40) -Canaan, J. T. Crowell ; Salem, Joseph Madison ; Sterling, Woodruff; MoseoW, D. Personens ; Stoddardsville, S. ' Wright ; Dunmore, Luther Peek. 13ING4A3ITON .I)ISTItICT - • . . Binghamton,' Henry st:, W. Wyatlt.; Binghamton, Conn at., D. C: Okinstea,4l.; Broome, to be supplied ; Castle Creek., E. 'Taylor ; Lisle and 'Whitney's hind, S. E. Walworth ; Page Brook, to., be Ap plied ; Harpersville, A. Wanonas NV, Round ; Great Bend and IcilW Milfad, G. A. Severson ; Ilawleyton and Brackney; Levi Pitts; Vestal, E. SibleV ; Union,S. S. Barter ; Maine, P. S. IVtir den; O'sborne Hollow, G. Comfort; Ehlk wood,-P. HolbroOk ; NV. IL Pearne,Agent of American Bible SocietY ; PY , Bartl4t, Tract Agent. • . • - OWEGO :DISTRICT P. A. MIEPXRP, P. E. 0 weeo,• Gl'. Porter ;S e al Stevens ; Newark, C. \T. Arnold ;"Car °line Centre, 1.. S. Rose ; Berk Shire, W. W. Welch ; Noc.th Danby, W. C. Kinney ; S. Danby, M. Swallow; Candof, E. Roberta ; Spencer, C. \V. Totbl ;Tioga,,lS. Whiff:am ;12'an EttenVille, T. Burger ; Shepard's Creek, S.M. GrinieS; Waveilly and Atbeinc-ii. R. Clarke; ICiebols ,. N. R.6unOs ; 11:irton, Chubbucli. •.1 W ALV§ING DIS - 1 itICT. •• G. U. BLAKESLEE, P. E. • I 31, t rose, :It. Van Valkenburg ; Broca:, lyn; J. K. 'Pe& ; Gibson, W. B. Thomas,' C. Westfall ; Le Ilaysville, E. W. , Brea; enridge ; Auburn, \V. II tinviet:;. Sprbig xille, A. F. Harding, S. Elwell ;..Tunkhun neck, A. li. SChoonmaker ; Skinner's Ed ,4y, D. Worrell; Mehoopany, J. W; ; ...La Bar; WYalusing,[l. P. Towner; Little Meadows ] A. C. Sper ry ; Rome, S.D.. Warren ;- Orwell, G: R. Harr ; Litchfield; P. G: Bridgeinan ; ham, J. L. Legg. • Next Conference to be held at Susque hanna Depot; - N. Time to be fixed hee after. , • The Apportioninent Bill. The bill apportioning the State into Congressional Districts, as'passed and approved by the Governor, makes the following arrangerneneof counties . I. 2d, 3d, 4th, sth Gth and I.lth wards in the city of Philadelphia.; ' ' 11. Ist, 7th,. Bth, oth and 10th Wardslin the city of I 11. 12th, 13th, lath, loth and 10th wards in the city of Philadelphia. I . IV. 14th, 15th, 201 h, 21st and wards in the city of .Philadelphia. V. 22d, 23d and 25th wards in the city of Philadelphia, and the county of Bnclzs. VL -31ontwimery - and Lehigh 'comities. • VII Chester and Delaware counties.! VIII. I3erks'county. IX. Lunc:olter county X. Sebuyl(oll and Lebanon. . XI. Northampton, Carbon, Mon*, Pike,-and Wayne counties. . - XII. Luzerne and SusqUehanna cotin ties. XIII. Bradford, W- : s', Colunibin.land MOntour y 0 counties. " XIV. Nortlumiberland, Mitun, Snyder, Juniata and Dauphin -counties. XV: Cumberland, York, and Petty counties. . . ' ••• . : ' XVI: Adams, Franklin, -Fultnii, Bed ford, and Somerset counties. XVII: CaMbria, Blair,Hnutingdon,aiid Mifflin counties. , - . . , XVIII: Centre, Clinton, LyAnini, ii- -- oga, and Putter counties. - XIX. Erie, Warren, counties._ "--- ForeAt, Elk, Cameron, Jeffeison, and Clearfitild counties. - XX. Crawford, Irenango, Mercer, a d. Clarion counties. XXI'. Mauna, Westmorela'nd,and Fay ette counties: - XXII. Alteglienk eotmty'south tie Ohio end. Allegheny, and Revil Island, XXIII., Allegheny county north of the Ohio:and Allegheny rivers, and Butler and Armstrong counties. XXIV. Lawrence, Beaver, Washing ton and Green eeneties, . :gilled to Sceretary . Stanton to Ascertain where Mr. Scott could be found., -The reply was tintt:Seott Quid be relived from duty lit -rortress Monroe in four days, The Sergeant at Armstwas accord ! ingly'desfiati;hed to Washington to sub ...pcena Mr. S'elott, but was nual,le to Bud the( Committee believe that he , . purposel% kept out of the way. , ' Mr; heniiedy Mat'shall, a . member oil the. House from Allegheny county last i year, testified that at the close of the sess- , rm lie vi ! ,•ite4 the room of Mr. Scott, at .Coverlys Hotel, and was handed a pack- I agecontainnig five hundred' dollars. Mr. I Seat remarked 'to Mr. Marshall .that the I I package had ibcen left'for him and that he I did not knoW what it contained. There were other packages lying. about the room! at the. time. 1- Str..Marshall further' testi- Itied that he liad - alivays been in favor oil the repeal of pie Tonnage Tax, and had voted for.the Commutation !Ail - Without any expeetatiOn; of s reward.: - Mr. Marsh all also testified that he he,hail visited the roost of Speaker Davis and s3iv•fiVe or seven thouSandtiolfars7ying upon the bed. I I Mr. Davis .said that he had 'received the i inoneY frem !Sea t i imit:subsegaently deni -1 ed - that fct. Davis accompanied - .31r. Marshall up . the' 'Allegheny river,and gave biin a portion of the money to Carry, re marking-that he- was afraid to carry so mach himself. The Committee bas en . denvored, tit irocure the attendance of Mr , , :DavlS but li lis• not sncceded up to the present time. . : ` 'I , Thomas. OSterhout was _a member of t the Legislature Porn. Wyoming county last year, and parties testified. to having I heard him say that he. ad .made -a good thing out Of - the-tonnage tax bill, and - that he had paid . all his debt ainounting to one or tWo,thoutimid dollars. 6sterhout was Stilip.iehaed, but, having been warned by a man.. itamedlck'eorgr - D. Bardwell,.= was thus' enabled to elude the Sergennt-zt- Arms. This; Bard well is'also believed to luria been ipstr mnental in iudneing an important witness, named Geirliart; to leave Harrishurg,in thnnight time. - Julio Eiltrar Thomson President of, the Pennsylvania Railroati i • CoMpany; was summoned tO appear hefore theeminittec but replied that bad . health would not permit him to attend. A sub-coMmittee wiet appointW and.jsroreeded - to Philadel phia,no obtain the testimony of Mr. Thom son ; but he ;refused' to. receive,them, . and a certificate.. froM .f. Pancoast, M. D., stating that;.lMe. Thonison - could ;not-be seen, was sliiiwit to the Committee.. , lit-sitinniirtg. sip their report: the . com-'' nuttee express a positive conviction; from the evidencelbefore - them, - that unlawful means Were'tised to prockim the passage , of the Commutation hillbv Mr.. Seat, who has sine.), sueceSsfifily eluded the summons ,- of the commit*. „-. : ,:., .. . ', ' . pr The above report Was, esente4 in the house of Representativ.es. this afterution. Mr. Willmnoi then made,a speech. lie declared that Xi.. Thomson bad been seen upon .CheSmit Street,. looking as . well as ever, two dr after, the date of the berti ficate of the thYsician, which was shown to the Cermilitten. • . , . , . _ -- 7-^- • WARpersoils , Who .sell' Derrick .Allen's Gold Medal Saleratus are author ized to.givojtheir Cu sf oMers.the -privelcge of nne - lialf.sthe paper rand if not perftanly saoifactaryi to -return the bal ance and ' got' the - amount, paid . ink- the ; w4 l -e•'• It ili the beet in the world : , It it great dealbetter than soda to me with' cream tartar. ; Try it. Most;of the-qr. / 4)- cent and .Drng,g,istskeep it.- . , -;•- • . „. - - —l. 13: Dentnim,: the demeeratie candi date fOr.MaYor of Leavenworth;" (hitherto .a hot-bed-of, abolitionism) has been !ilea: ed by two hhadred majority:. -- , - .. . - . ..--,-The DeMocratit on *elk!' inst. elms -ted-"their ticket , in the' abolition city of Chicago,' bttua average - fitajority of cinei thousand.- ''bey also' elected ',even out of - ten Aldermen. Sullivan • - GOOD NEWS. .1 NIT) (i-REAT -COMMOTION' zs•-141:: - DRY GOODS, . .1:124N._31=0 30. JOHN BULL TheatTens WA P. ! U NUE :Sillll SIIAN DS Flllll —so oov.:, rut 1 - M3l Or 611itnibtrg, TOPCittIMIM, & it Cpri.ti`: rasr.: I)0 I\l ES, ' 1:1 (I,l,llik'S h our zOard. tinflityr ?;:trelatt;:r laid in A I. r,l Ar, THE ...1 . 1:011ES j•F • 3 t tiltlt ' l i l t 156 ::;n if. 0. • Lloairose,.Stig(f - a r.,t4rAt.k, Pa., Eltnira • .Susquehanna Depot, OUR FALL AND Ccrinura.e:te., we n : Itterminect not en !riontclone..-!lbor prier- ,r rpo litz.i o n . n i d ti :r t r w %tl . l . . .Tor:ov.e. • r CLOTtlitli.Cl Xn this branch on/Mock 114 entiiplete, end u ill he lower. and more tasteiblly finished than any tr. establishment. or any tour-hem concern • M. , cid,. or Turk Clty. is able to offer or Produce. Wotan 11, -care It, - public that we constantly -employ the heel, cutters workmen to make up our rtobk. i 01! Garments made to order Ver"On the she rtest,r. o t EA Good Flt warranted co. nu sale. - •FURNISHIRG'GOODS:. • A Gm t Stott cootant/y kept, sad siild lower than . tih , 4 101rek, 3t • b Soiitnbaum .k 1 ../` rnttrn.Attu Moiltrait„ .7/.1 /ILL NATRONAICOAt Noitir4rlo§lvE and ccani Wbv bar antirsplurivOili when , * few cen;s• =ore ; er zalaxi.tottitatigalt yon with a pollee! ()Mt . Made v tiii PENN'./1 FL4L7 ItiANGT cTuntsr; coM.PANT. WahvanStreet,TIIILADEIAIIIA. March 6, tact • NEW MAIXOED NORMAL SCHOOL M.L.FLAW4Y Principal. SPILLNG TERM Or 4bIA prospertoni lint t utian J M n somovencc ran, Wiitneentar, rarreviry coatinotlll "reeks. ]btesof Tuition. partieniarv. ati4re.4 SI. L.. itskicy... Principal. T. BOYLE, See. t LL RA,LA.TT, Prex. LOST. Olt - JSTOIEN ROM the ktbscriber In kn nit, sometime In Frbrna,.. F Inst. one NOTE dared February. It+6l.pa ruble to N. Whitney or bearer. for $l5: Alsonne Ntrng.dated .1111 y , 17, 144. payablu tqa. Smiley w hearer. for 1,47,0. I h!t~ o pad the above named noses dnd any ono finding orbits.' log such notes will plense rinacitinbcr I will unt tiiy themagalth zuliViat .1 .ALONZO'W.II.TEIt. ..ellarkerzrzer4 4 dikawipp.sir" To England, Ireland an4 , Scotlan d.; A URAiLilit-BEINF , SOS nUABTS. In sunlr , or one OL: pottnd and -nnio„p4pible / fn OH the j, iucipa! towns of .E 1 gale. by... IA - Pcxne. I. MILL . Wit have the plominre ofameou n eing that we are. no., prepared to offer, atAtir old stand, Nos. 103. 1011 and 1.07. North Sevoud-at, • alkiire Arch, ehlhadelphits, a well selOctedatocii of 1I I L N - Y and:STRAW GOODS In .f , everrtarloth Ofilfejiatellt Inifiuriations, and newol. and moat rawlaionildb styloki. , • Opr Stra'w Departinerd nip Compare every - of llonno Mite, eud-Trim et Inge to he bound In that line. of tin. he test and moat aaproved shapes and aisle*, hid lei tie ;! n early can or - order; I remain. . ' , aPw Tour., Ittoipectielly. I U. WARD. _ ......._- • . . • ~ . L. ILLIUILICL, In i -0, 1,, lIALIATEAD. • ' L.-11ATI,DING 4:. CO., DE.ttErati In Dry Goode, 143rocellci, 113idw3ro. R44,iy Alminlelothillg. &Kan ‘. Shoes, IfinAl. Ono., 4,,,u,. 4.c. Nicholson Depot. Mky 7thl-r. -. , • - SEED POTATOES. 4.0L1NG: 4 • - Bohleri OfiedllngTtnatoirw'ciw rroin-the ballelolBBS,endpave.bran !tested for eaceral years And Are now aeltnovikftedti all vrho have tiled tbem to be the bat In the trodden general cultivation ; being lark° healthy, veryproductive and equal to the beet In quviltv yor sale in Noutrose 1 by 14.1f."1, DE' ,L he • • GOODS.